Saurian, with the help of Dominick, and Booraku who showed up with the Shield and Sword team moved to the last Brothels in the Narrows and freed the women there. They even found several demonized human woman. Which confused the Saurian to no end! Aren't they suppose to be protected by Warden law! Why the fuck are they in sex trafficking? Using the money confiscated, Saurian used as legal fee's for the women to find families...Families that actually gave a shit. If not, then Shield and Sword would use the money to help settle them. He found nearly a half million dollars through all the raids. Booraku said it would be more then enough. Lash's cell phone was blowing up with calls and text messages. It was nearly five in the morning now. Saurian, Dominick, and Booraku came back to the warehouse were the Kindred were being watched and interrogated. Nat, or Natasha was the niece of a Grand Elder of a Gotham Noble House. Talon, was the chief guard, and commander of the tact team that showed up. Saurian retrieved several hard copy, and digital copies from the ware house. All them put away in a well designed safe, aww how thoughtful of the Kindred. He along with Booraku, and Sam! Who showed up all made copies of the info. All three of them sent the info to Warden HQ, and saved them to thumb drives to be delivered by hand. Cause apparently the Kindred tact team hacked the Warden HQ system. That's how Talon showed up before they did. Sam was reasonably angry.

Then....After an entire night of carnage and guerrilla warfare the Gotham PD showed up. Saurian helped Dominick shift back. With his help the shift took about ten minutes, and he still had all his cloths on. Much to the astonishment of the Shield, and Warden teams. But Dominick said that if Saurian isn't here to help him he doesn't think he could do it on his own....For now. Saurian assured him. Making the Were-rat smile, back to fantasizing. They all placed a glamour on themselves. FBI! At this point all the Kindred had their limbs re attached or in the process of regrowing. Fucking regeneration must be advanced for that speed. But the Wardens had them all magically cuffed.

“What the fuck is going on around here!” A tall Latino man came running over with the other officers. There in bold letters was the name Ramirez! Desk Sergeant! He clearly looked both angry and afraid. Cause the woman who pays him is currently on her knees in hand cuffs.

Saurian walked over in his tall, muscular, intimidating FBI tact team gear straight to the man. Then with a sudden jerk, Ramirez fell backwards, his nose was broken. He screamed in pain, as the GPD officers raised their weapons at Saurian (FBI) version. That prompted the Shield and Sword, The Wardens to all raise there clearly superior weapons at them. Then Saurian took out his phone and played the recording and video of the officers talking about how Ramirez was on the take. The Desk Sergeant pissed himself. As the surrounding officers lowered their guns and stared gawking at him. Saurian put his phone away and pointed at the woman.

“That's who was paying him.” Saurian didn't know what his voice sounded like with the glamour on. Apparently it was not pleasant sounding because all the officers jumped in fright. Oh wait! It was actually just his voice, he didn't make the glamour that detailed. GREAT!

Ramirez actually tried to get up and run, but was tackled by one of the on duty officers. He screamed and wailed but the officer hand cuffed him and read him his rights. Saurian looked through the GPD, most of them were good honest people beaten down by crap. One of them was a little dirty, his aura screamed he liked hurting people. But most of the people he hurt were criminals. Most. This one actually refused to meet Saurian's eyes. Sam placed a Warden mark on Ramirez as the police took him away. Several of the officers stayed, but no one talked. The officers were clearly pissed that one of their own was dirty.

Another hour passed like this, then more GPD showed up. Soon news choppers arrived filming the scene. It painted up real pretty. A partially on fire warehouse. Over two dozen people wearing tact gear on their knees in hand cuffs. 'FBI' units on the scene with GPD. Saurian was gritting his teeth, he was not happy. Everyone nearby, even the GPD officers took a step back from him. He was radiating anger! Booraku was carefully inching his way over. As was Sam, and Dominick. Well Dominick was hiding behind Sam.

“Saurian...Buddy. You need to tone it down, ok? Even the mundanes are feeling your anger. I'm not sure why your angry. This is a good thing. You did good work tonight! Way above and beyond!” Sam said to him. Holding his hands up to show he was of no threat.

“Sam” He spoke through gritted teeth. “Why did this happen? No Warden's are assigned to The Narrows, its dangerous. I understand that. So why did the Warden's come here alone? Why not a team? There are hundreds of super-natural society members who live in the narrows. We rescued several demonized human woman from the brothels. They had been there for over a year! Gotham PD! Doesn't Come down to The Narrows because they are FUCKING COWARDS! The City council turns a blind eye to the suffering of people who are trying to live a life they have no control over! I did more in twelve hours then the city has done in five years!” Saurian shouted several parts of his monologue. Especially the fucking cowards part at the GPD.

Sam swallowed several times trying to pick his words carefully. Booraku was looking down, his hands clenching into fists. Dominick was shaking in fear. Many of the Shield and Sword, and Warden teams were trying to look any where but here. They were extremely intent on guarding the prisoners. None of the GPD looked his way. This was a big brother screaming at the little sibling moment. They all felt like they had done something wrong. The GPD didn't hear all of his speech but they got the bits about them. Sam tried to say something to comfort Saurian but couldn't come up with any thing. Then he just closed his mouth and stepped back. Saurian's anger continued to boil over. The temperature in his immediate area began to rise. Before he finally cast Calm Emotions on him self...

The sun was starting rise. Which at winter means it was nearly time for people to go to work. The Narrow's had never really gone to sleep, but they were mostly awake now. There was a small crowd who gathered the GPD thankful for the chance to get out Saurian's line of sight moved to keep them back. Then several armored transport vehicles showed up. To the Mundanes they read FBI. But to them it was The Wardens. They came running out, and got the Kindred all in full enchanted cuffs and restraints and got them into the transports. Before Natasha was loaded Saurian got a long smell of her. Telling her he can track her across counties now. She was petrified of him!

“Saurian! HQ wants you to come in and give a report!” Sam called to him motioning towards the chopper.

“Booraku, Dominick thanks for the help tonight!” Saurian bowed to them both.

“Any time sir! Always feel like I'm fighting the good fight with you!” Booraku said with a smile.

“Of course! Thanks for...'teaching' me a new way to shift. I'll have to practice it with out you!” Dominick still looked terrified of Saurian.

Saurian then shifted back to Lash, it took even less time now. What should have taken five minutes was down to less then a minute. Then Lash was in front of them. Dominick stood there gawking at him. Lash moved to the Warden helicopter, still wearing his FBI glamour. He boarded, put on head phones, strapped himself in. Sam was on his right. They soon took off and Lash watched the Narrows shrink from his sight. With the roar of the chopper, and ear phones on Lash leaned his head against the window and said under his breath.

“Dawn may I see my Rank Status please...” He said softly.

“Of course User! You've had a long night!” Dawns voice was very positive and full of energy making him smile slightly.

Name: Erik Lash, Commonly referred to as 'Lash', 'Saurian', or 'Wraith'

Title: Shaper

Origin: Magical

Rank: D-

Skills: Open tab for full information.

Domain: Nature, spells: Open tab for full information.

Holy crap! You are now shaping the mold of what it is to be you in the world around you! You are quickly taking the path of an Anti-Hero. A warrior of Justice who is not afraid to deal out punishment! Though you seem a little to brutal, but if they all knew what you know? Then they would agree they got off easy!

“Thank you Dawn, As soon as I finish with the debrief I think I'll log out for a bit. I need a breather.” Lash said.

“Of course User, I would say you could log out now. But the debrief is very story centered so you will have to do it sooner or later.” Dawn said sweetly in his ear.

“Sam, is Wayne manner any where near Warden HQ?” Lash change in gears surprised Sam who was on his phone. He jumped for a moment then had to look the info up.

“Yes! I mean near is relative with the huge mansions out here. But they are close. I heard you tried to recruit him! Got some balls man!” Sam had a smile on again.

“Sorry for losing my temper Sam. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that.” Lash said to him. Sam's mood visibly brightened at that, accepting the apology. Lash went back to staring at the window.

The Warden HQ was in the Gotham County, it was a huge mansion much like Wayne manner. Maybe before he logged out he would go see Alfred. Or he could just pause the world and log out then come back and see him. He'd figure it out later. Soon the industrial complex that was Gotham gave way to the sub-burbs and rolling hills of grass and forests. All covered in a blanket of snow, a patch work of black and brown for the houses and tree's. Dancing lights moved through the forest below. Will-o-wisps. A modern day castle like structure soon came into view. With ramparts, siege and arrow towers, and four different set of walls. With a variety of structures built between them. Lash knew that they had an underground complex just as large if not larger. The chopper soon landed, Sam and Lash stepped from the chopper and were greeted by Mahalia who had a shit eating grin on her face.

“Well hello handsome! I do have to say the smell of Kindred getting whats coming to them smells great on you! Lash!” Mahalia gave him a big hug, well a big hug for her small frame. Then pulled him along like a kid pulling on a parent. Sam was chuckling in their wake as he continued to look through his phone.

“Nice to see you too, Mahalia. So how much trouble am I in for?” Lash said as he finally removed his hand from hers. She mockingly pouted at him, then grinned.

“If it was up to me I'd pin a medal on you! But, they do have several complaints, justifiably so namely why you were in the Narrows running around in a Wraith, Nazgul glamour. Which was really cool by the way. There are several online video's of you circulating on the web. You'll have to tell me where you got the glamour item from? It's custom work!” Mahalia talked quickly really excited about what was going to happen. Sam and Mahalia would be sitting in on the debrief. Fellow peers of the Warden in question were suppose to be present.

“Its custom work on the account I can cast glamour on my own. Just like the Fae.” Lash nearly collided with Mahalia when she stopped.

“WHAT?!” Mahalia and Sam both screamed. Lash stopped to massaged the bridge of his nose. He wasn't suppose to say that out loud. He must be tired?

“Shit.... Given that I am sure this whole conversation is being recorded on the security system. YES! I was granted the ability to cast full glamour, just like any pure-blood Fae. But, I am still learning how to use it. I'm sure it will take many years to get it all worked out.” Lash then pulled Mahalia and Sam forward, out of their daze.

“Wait the! Fuck! ..w....What?!” Sam was uttering gibbering at that point. Why? The phrase Pure-Blood Fae is what got him. Pure-Blood Fae are incredibly rare. Most of them have died, gone into hiding, or are asleep in some stasis tomb waiting for the day a magic tide swallows Earth. Bringing back the good ole days of sorcery. At the rate Ares is going that may happen sooner instead of later.

“The Endless! Holy crap! Your not just a special were-breed! You must be a reborn Fae lord or something! No, your blood tests are all 100% human! What the fuck are you, Lash!? Mahalia came to her senses and starting shooting off questions.

'I'm actually a reincarnated being who's lived through hundreds of lives at the amusement of a being who's power is beyond measure. My partner is a super-natural creature, created from the machinations of that same being to help me in this life time. For one sole reason. To entertain him!' Of course Lash couldn't say that out loud. As much as he tried! Finally they arrived at the council hall. Mahalia and Sam were shooting off questions but Lash was ignoring them. He smoothed out his clothing that he was sure smelled of sweat. Cosmic Patron above he wanted to take a shower! Soon the doors opened, Mahalia and Sam shut their mouths and moved into the room with him.

They sat at a wood table for three. A half circle examiner podium was in front of them. There sat One of the retired but still an administrator of The Warden's and older women with a no none sense attitude that he had only met once. She had a bright smile on her face. Then sat a Seelie Summer Court official a man with golden bronze skin, long golden hair tied back. His eyes were blood shot from lack of sleep? He looked neither happy or upset about the situation. A under Fae hobgoblin sat in the next chair. Dark green skin, wearing a tailored suit who was typing out on his computer. Then a Unseelie court bombshell of a women. Wearing her hair tied back, with multi colored eyes, wearing a formal business suit, a brilliant smile as Jessabell waved at Lash. Clearly pleased to see him. The sight of her woke him right up. She was happy to see his reaction. A court examiner recorder was present. They were typing on several different machines. They had multiple arms, eyes, and one mouth. Green skin, looked like a plant creature. Lash felt nature coming from it, it also waved at him, happy to see him A pop of near invisible energy connected to Jessabell. -Good morning Huntress-Jessabell! We had a wonderful hunt last night! Saurian greeted her. Jessabell sent a sensation of warmth and love across the link.

“We'll now bring the hearing into order! Warden Lash this is primarily a debrief of your events yesterday. From the time you left your home, to now. Please try to be as detailed as possible. We'll only stop you to explain specifics that we ourselves are not clear on.” The retired Warden stood. She tried her best to keep her voice neutral. But the smile never left her face. The Summer, and Under Fae officials rolled their eyes. Jessabell, wiggled in her seat.

Lash took a deep breath then began to tell his story. He didn't get very far before the Summer Court Official asked about Selina Kyle. Lash pointed out that they specifically said after he left his home. They still asked him to explain his new skill?

“Yes, my Partner who is referred to as Saurian. I can bring him out if you want to talk to him specifically. Can not only track the scent of magical casters, but can also smell the divine spark of Godkins, Godlings, and Seedlings of divine power. Please be aware its not across distance so do not think I can track Ares down, I've already tried. Its just the smell of them if they are near. Like a dog can smell cancer on some one.” Lash said, making a mental note to talk to Skaleg to see if he got checked out.

The council made a note of that. Then moved on. He had reported Selina to Warden Skaleg. The examiners confirmed that she was properly registered. Then he talked about leaving his home and moving through Gotham in the morning. His exploits with the muggers, purse snatchers and the lost cat. Explaining why he didn't arrest most of these people. They were under the influence of Ares. Most people in the world are right now. Maybe he should have arrested them. But he didn't. Then he talked about how he repaired a city corner park. Using the proper glamour and abilities. Then he was stopped again.

“So, we heard recently that you are capable of using Glamour, like a 'Pure-Blood Fae' Your words. Why did you use this phrase?” The under Fae hobgoblin asked.

“Because that's what The Endless said it was.” Lash said this in an automatic response that even surprised him. Did they? Oh wait! Dawn is playing the role of Endless. So, yes they did.

“We were told you learned The Nature Domain from the ceremony, why didn't you register this when we asked before?” The hobgoblin asked.

“Because its recent. I talk to The Endless almost every day!” This time Lash said that, it was technically true. Everyone in the room gaped at him, their eyes nearly falling out. Now why didn't they call him a liar? Because under his feet was a truth compulsion spell rune. He had to speak the truth here. If he had any magical item that could bend this, an alarm would have gone off the moment he stepped into the room. Aside from his phone he didn't have any magical items on him.

A short recess was called, but no one left the room. A spell mage came sprinting into the room and checked the truth compulsion spell rune. Once it was checked three times in a row by three different people. They checked Lash for any magical items aside from his phone, nothing. The mages then all left the room clearly confused. Once the hearing was in session again. Lash told them he talks to The Endless nearly every day, again.

“We are going to put that away for another time I think. Lets continue please.” The retired Warden said. The council agreed.

So Lash retold the story about him repairing the park. Receiving the call about the Sherogoth. He went to a nearby pizzeria received the talisman charm, and the estimated location of her. Then he ordered his food, had dinner then went to the park. The Sherogoth was amiable and willing to wait a few weeks. Then he said the Sherogoth granted her blessing on him. Which made the council look at him confused. He told them what the blessing did. Sam and Mahalia had huge grins on their faces as did the Retired Warden.

Soon he moved onto the building that was on fire. Lash offered to shift so they could talk to Saurian but they said it was fine. Lash did not tell them about his Telepathy he just said he went from floor to floor looking, which was odd because he should have been under compulsion. Told them about how the denizens told him about the faulty fire detectors. Lash was pleased to hear that Shield and Sword firm had strung the man who owned the building up. The people who lost their homes and property were being properly taken care of. Then he moved on to the Narrows. And was stopped again.

“So why did you feel it necessary to not only go into the Narrows, but to involve yourself in the gang war. It didn't concern you.” The retired Warden asked, clearly wanting to hear the explanation.

“The Narrows are a part of Gotham. I was told by The Wardens as well as the Fae Courts that thanks to my Beast Talking skill. ALL of Gotham was my place of work. The Narrows haven't had a Warden assigned to them in years. For good reason I'm told since they kept getting killed. Which begs me to ask why don't you assign a team instead of a single person. But we can talk about that later. Super-natural Societies exist in the Narrows. Yes they are in the low hundreds, but they are there. Many in the 'civilized' societies look down on the Narrows. I think my record shows that I don't discriminate even if others do. Why did I involve myself in the gang war? Because it was the right thing to do! People were dying, and thanks to Sherogoth's blessing I could now see the evil taint on those that needed punishing. So I punished them. My glamour was on, all the populace saw was a Wraith. Thanks to the 'Batman' in the city, a wraith is not that odd.” Lash took a moment to drink some offered water on the table.

The retired Warden woman had a smile on her face and had no further questions on that exact matter. The other examiners made notes. Soon they moved on to Lash tracking the gangs, he didn't bring up Soul Bite or Dream Eater, again surprised he was not under compulsion. He used his scent tracking method of operation, he is a were-breed after all. Talked about rescuing the first group of women. Calling Shield and Sword. Lash was happy to hear that several of the woman had been returned to their families including Freddy. They had thought she was dead, but happy that a FBI sting operation in The Narrows found her. He then talked about hunting down the gang members. Their hide outs, as well as punishing all those that deserved it. No one questioned what he did. Whether it was because of his blessing of Sherogoth, or because they were all mundanes Lash wasn't sure. They briefly touched on how he struck in the open, and used the skill of an unknown method to kill the last gang leader. Issuing a rallying call in the Narrows that resulted in the people chanting 'Wraith' for nearly an hour in fanaticism.

Then he spoke about Dominick and how the were-rat of the Skree pack talked about bribes, about how society members are bulling the weaker and less fortunate simply because they don't have powers. How they were using Venom to get an advantage. Lash accidentally shifted his hands into claws and tore down the table. Peeling it like an apple! Sam tried to calm him down. Lash's rage was thick in the air. Made everyone take shallow breaths until Jessabell came down and hugged Lash. He calmed down after that. Jessabell went back to her chair. Lash informed the council about how Saurian 'helped' to teach Dominick how to shift faster as well as take in his cloths. That had them ask several more questions. It was believed that with out Saurian present Dominick would not be able to do it again, for now. Saurian assured Lash, and Lash told the council that with practice Dominick could do it on his own.

Then Lash went over how they found the incriminating evidence from the cops. He did say he could make a basic telepathic link with Dominick, playing it off as a thing Saurian did to help establish communication. It was technically the truth. But Lash was confused, this was not the first time he technically lied. Was the truth compulsion rune not working right? Or were things created by The Dream Engine not applicable. He'd have to talk to Dawn about it. The council was surprised because Alpha's can link with their pack especially when hunting. But Dominick didn't swap packs. Jessabell made an educated guess that Saurian may be different in that regard. Its not like they haven't been surprised by him already.

Then the raid on the drug house. Destroying the drugs, finding the Kindred Natasha. That's when both Lash and Sam handed over their thumb drives with the information. Once more confirming to Sam that they have been hacked because the information they had sent ahead of them didn't contain Natasha's name, or Talons. Or the Great Elder of his house. This made the council reasonably angry. Lash brought up a few things about wanting to rip the police commissioner of GPD apart. As well as actually getting emergency response into the Narrows. He quickly told them about the other brothels how he was using the money from the gangs and drug ring to pay for their legal fee's. They had no objections. They were surprised to hear that several demonized women were in the last brothel, that should not be happening! After another thirty minutes or so they dismissed the hearing and congratulated Lash on a job well done. They would give him a follow up report, with a few slaps on his wrist for 'endangering' himself. Then the council including Jessabell sprinted from the hall to investigate how the Kindred hacked their firewalls. Lash waved at Jessabell then before he got any further into the mess that had happened. He logged out, skipping the black room completely...

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