Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 24: Mary Sue? Nah! Mary Lizard!

Erik opened his eyes to the soft ambient light that he set before he last logged on. The first thing that he noticed aside from the light was the smell. It smelled of sweat, stink, and bleeeeh! He slowly sat up as his dried sweat encrusted shirt cracked in protest from movement. Erik looked at himself, there was a fine gray film that covered his skin. He slowly stood and opened all the windows in his apartment. He peeled off his sweat stained cloths and soaked bed sheets. He quickly took a shower and put on a clean set of cloths before stepping outside with his dirty cloths and sheets. It was 4:30 am, dragging himself down to the apartments laundromat he put his stuff into a washer and paid the time, and locked it so no one would steal them....Happened before. Going back to his home he fixed up a meal and drank a lot of water. His timer went off and he went back down to swap for a dryer, going back up he cleaned The Cube carefully, being meticulous and detailed. Once done he set a timer for his cloths and went for a walk around his apartment living areas. About ten minutes into the walk he regretted moving that much. His muscles were screaming at him for moving, the electric shock that The Cube administered made his whole body sore. Soon he 'crawled' back to the laundromat and waited for his cloths to finish. Timer went off and he shuffled up stairs with his sheets. He saw two people who had the same look as he did. They stopped in the hallways looking at each other.

“Dream Engine? I'm doing DC comics, you?” Erik said, the other two just started laughing.

“I got the entire Elder Scrolls collection, I'm in Morrowind right now, its fucking epic.” The first guy said.

“I got all of the James Bond series. Guns, woman, and explosions. Its a damn good time!” The second guy said.

All three of them laughed for a bit and swapped stories, they did the same thing Erik did and got the weekend and next week off. They only spoke for about thirty or so minutes but it was great. Erik got their names. They all lived in the same apartment area, so maybe he'd talk shop with them again. Soon he was back in his home, he put the bed sheets back on set down some bathroom towels where he planned to lay down on. But before he jumped back in he wanted to do another report. Logging on to The Dream Engine Beta test forum. He filled out another report, did a questionnaire. They wanted to use some of his footage in a video, he agreed. They were planning on implementing a screen and video capture once the game was fully released. Then he jumped on the forums reading through a few posts.


Another version had come out, but it was mostly people who started new games. Gotham was no longer the only spawn location. You could also, with enough points actually buy your way into a hero or villain family. Be the brother or sister of Batman. Be the son or daughter of Ra's Al Ghul. To name a few. However Erik did find a note that was interesting. The longer you stay logged in and controlling your Avatar. The more dynamic events will spawn, however the events spawned are always tied to your current level. A lot of games had that setting. But the moment you log out the event timer is reset. Unless you are about to encounter a story driven event. So, the longer you are in the more stuff happens.

Erik read another thread about the VI model copies of the other Beta Testers. So, when do you encounter the VI model copies in other worlds? Depends! Most people have encountered the other copies when the world is in full swing. The justice league and In-justice league is actively recruiting is when most see them. However, The Dream Engine developers reminded people that your VI copies could be killed, just so many of us had died before we even got our feet wet. So, Erik assumed he wouldn't meet any copies of the Beta Testers in his generated world till later. Erik read through a few more posts then logged out. He drank another bottle of water, stretched out, then logged back into The Cube. It was 6:00 am on Saturday....

“Welcome back User!” Dawn greeted him, she was now about 5' 9” Still wearing The Endless black and white robe. But she now had platinum hair tied back in a lose tail, with golden bronze skin, lilac eyes, a cute button nose and a dazzling smile. Erik was stunned as he just gawked at her. Dawn, bashfully looked breaking eye contact.

“Hot damn Dawn you look amazing! Love the new look! I mean the star light definitely had the other worldly beauty. But this is great too!” Erik walked around her, he was still made of darkness but he didn't really care. Dawn did a little twirl for him.

“Thank you very much User! Shall we get to it? Or you like to continue admiring me?” Dawn said with a smile. Erik was lost for a moment before he sighed.

“Yes, please show me whats been happening!” Erik said reluctantly.

Soon several tabs opened up, it had been two weeks for his VI model. On the Pre Justice League front. Central City has started to hear reports of a red energy or 'Flash' moving around the city. So, Barry was awake and moving. Oliver Queen was found and returned to Starling City, and already rumors are spreading about a vigilante in a Green Hood running around shooting arrows and killing people. Erik guessed that maybe this was a darker version of Oliver. Nothing wrong with that. The Flying Graysons of a circus act were in Gotham! Which resulted in Richard Grayson being adopted by Bruce Wayne, he's about sixteen ish now. So Robin will soon be patrolling. The Atlanteans were still looking for Arthur Curry, his mother the Queen had been banished to the Trench where it is believed she died.

“Dawn, why is there no info on villains in the postings....Oh! Is it because I'm not one?” Erik asked, then answered his own question. He looked up and saw Dawn had a knowing smile on her face.

“So it would be like granting the User to much information. Knowing when and were they would be would give me to much of advantage. And it would be vice versa if I was playing a villain. Right” Erik knew what path of the moral compass he was going to take before he even started playing. The questionnaire he did when he was making Lash the first time must have told Dawn that.

Wonder Woman was still traveling the world with Steve Trevor looking for Ares. Superman continued to be the worlds Boy Scout and helped everyone he could. The world its self was on a powder keg, Ares unbound influence was making small countries go to war over trivial things. Medium countries were at each others throats doing back alley deals and skirmished warfare denying any involvement. Large countries were doing their best to 'police' the medium and small countries but they were also at odds with their neighbors. Super Man was running around putting out fires as best he could. He had met Wonder Woman on more then one occasion.

On the home front! Lash had got a 'Medal' for his outstanding achievements. Lady Kali the ruling noble of the Blood-Kindred brought Natasha's Uncle before the Ruling Council. He was sentence to twenty five years in a coffin! Because of Nat's drugs and crimes? Oh no! Because he hacked and modified Warden databases and effected the security of not only Gotham but the nations cyber security. Sam along with his Technomancy master were in the process of upgrading the hardware and software. Tech and magic. Bruce had sent a simple thank you letter to Lash, Zatara had verified the statue's effects. Zatara had actually contacted Lash and requested having a statue made for him and his daughter. They would personally come to pick it up when it was finished. Lash was looking forward to it. Mr. Wayne had officially joined the Super-Natural community in Gotham. No one knew about him being Batman. But it was great having a one of the worlds wealthiest being an ally. He wasn't a Warden. But you don't need to be one to help.

“Alright, that seems like everything. At least everything that I can personally see.” Erik said before he hugged Dawn, who laughed and hugged him back.

“Remember User, at 6:00 pm in outside time the store will be open. You currently have two Dream Points earned, almost three!” Dawn smiled and kissed him on the cheek. Then pushed him out of the Back room! Causing him to fall back down to the Earth.

“Have fun, User!” Dawn called.

“I will!” Erik said in return.


As the Earth came into view it was evening on this part of the planet. The collected lights of the different cities spread across North and South America looked like Christmas lights. Soon all Erik could see was North America, then the East Coast. He narrowed his eyes trying to focus, he saw lights going in and out in one of the Cities...Brown Outs? Is that Metropolis? Then Erik saw Gotham, it looked a little worse for wear as fires raged in parts of the city. Gangs were fighting the Police, and he even saw Batman flying around in his Bat-wing plane. Busy night.

Lash was watching a Nation Wide broadcast when Erik came back. -Hello Erik, welcome back! Both Lash and Saurian said. The News showed an epic scene of a huge battle in Metropolis, creatures, men and woman wearing an assortment of Ancient armor and Tactical Gear of this year. Wielding swords, shields, and automatic rifles. A BIG man wearing Ancient Greek armor was fighting against Super Man. Ares... Why the fuck is Ares going toe to toe with Super Man? But as soon as the Battle started in little over two hours the battle stopped. The entire army along with Ares just seem to disappear. It left officials baffled. Wonder Woman showed up at the last thirty minutes and joined Super Man in beating the crap out of Ares. Now, Super Man and Wonder Woman were spread out across the city rescuing trapped civilians. Little less then 13% of all of Metropolis was ruined in the battle. 13% may not seem like much, but a city that large? 13% is enough. Lash's phone vibrated. A text came through.

'Lash, report to Warden HQ They have a mission for you! Car is on route, ETA ten minutes.'

Lash sent a reply, and got ready. Lash was in his home, he quickly got on a set of enchanted kevlar lined rough and tough gear on. Black boots, Gray cargo pants, Gray long sleeved shirt, thigh long leather coat with extra pockets. He wasn't sure what the mission was, if it didn't take long he would go patrolling in Gotham, visit the Narrows again as 'Wraith'. He activated his security shutters, set his alarm. Then left his home with all of his essentials. He still had two art pieces to finish one for Zatara and one for a client. He finished the one for Selina, but they kept missing each other. Scheduling. Soon Lash was at the ground floor waiting for the car to show up.

Thanks to Ares influence. Bad parts of Gotham were horrible! Good parts of Gotham were bad! So everyone went a down grade. Lash's building was in a good neighborhood, now it had people at every corner looking to score a wallet or purse. The police were stretched thin. The buildings security started openly packing guns. Even the door man had a glock. Soon from the mass tide of traffic a black CR-V showed up with Warden plates. Lash came walking out, it wasn't Booraku. The troll had been really busy lately. So much so that Lash gave him an Sooth, and Nature's Supplement statue. It had a twenty four hour cool down, but it brought Booraku to tears when Lash gave it to him. This driver was one of the logistical members of The Warden's a 5' 11” Women with short brown hair, clear green eyes, healthy white skin. Lash saw a partial glamour around her ears. Looks like she was part Sylvan maybe 1/3. She came quickly to check the side walks and opened the door for him. She was packing a Vector Sub-machine gun in the open. Glaring at a few people who were eyeing the car. They all quickly left the sight of her. Lash got in, the door closed and she hopped into the driver's seat. But before they took off he clapped his hand on her shoulder which made her jump. Then used his two favorite spells on her.

“Gggnnnnnnaaaaaaaa....oooyyyyaaaaaaa...” The woman said, as she seem to melt into her seat.

“Sorry, you looked like you could use a pick me up.” Lash said as he sat back, buckling up.

It only took about a minute before she was back in action and flying into the flow of traffic. Lash could feel a spell on the car. He had learned that this was the City Rune. You could slip through traffic like nothing, and nearly every light you hit would be green. Only reason it wasn't green was if another City Rune was going the other way. It was actually illegal to use unless you were granted special disposition. They were out of the city, and coming to the HQ in little over an hour. Something that should have taken five hours on good days. Needless to say they broke the speed limit more then once on the way over. Lash soon hopped out of the car but was snagged by the driver.

“T...Thank you Sir..F...Well you know!” The women was looking at her feet and was blushing.

“Hay! Its not like it was a drug deal, its just nature magic. We are all running a little thin, the natural high should last a few days. Enjoy it!” Lash said, and shook her hand. She nodded then got back into the car and drove off.

Lash gave his ID to the front gate, soon he was allowed in. A tiny little jeep cart showed up to take him to his desired building. Normally, the car would have taken him but security had been insane lately given that Kindred teams kept attacking to get the Noble out. Lash kept casting his favorite spells on everyone he met. The gate guards, the jeep cart driver, the building security desk guard. A few people he passed in the hall way. He hadn't gotten a prompt about his spells for days! He was trying to rank them up. Also everyone of them had stars in their eyes when he was done. Soon his guide knocked a door and announced him. He was let into a conference room. That had Skaleg, Timothy, and Simon. They all looked strung out, exhausted, and in need of sleep. Then there was three beautiful women in the room as well. Bronze skin, dark eyes, brown, to black hair. Great muscle tone, athletic figures. Golden ratio....Shit these were Amazons! Before he did anything else, Lash took a half knee and preformed a Warden greeting of respect and courtesy. Both Lash and Saurian wouldn't allow anything else.

“Please! Rise Warden Lash you don't need to show such respect.” A strong feminine voice spoke. Lash looked up and saw the Amazonian women in the center had spoken. She had several tiny scars on her face that didn't ruin her beauty but added a bit of rugged charm. Her hair was short to her shoulders, and her bags cut to be out of her eyes. Though she said it, he could clearly see she was pleased by his actions. As did the other two warriors.

“Forgive me, Warrior. But as I am a Hunter its in my nature to show respect to fellow Warriors. Honor demands, unless we were in a field of battle of course.” Lash spoke, but there was a change in his voice. Saurian was also speaking. Lash then stood, and could see that all three Amazons were smiling at him now.

“Come take a seat Warden Lash the Amazons have a request for you!” The lead warrior spoke. Lash took a seat.

“I am Althea, these are my personal guards Cora, and Elena.” Althea said.

Cora and Elena looked nearly exactly alike maybe twins? They both had black hair that was tied back and a bit long for an amazon normally would have, but it was braided and kept out of the way. Athletic figures, golden bronze skin. All three of them wore Ancient Greece stylized armor, not that corset fan-service crap you see in comic books. Full blown Hoplite armor with Runes engraved. Each one was tailored made for them. So it revealed their female forms but protected them completely. Erik knew that each Amazon was as strong as eight to ten men. They could shoot a bow and arrow up to a mile away, even penetrate tank armor. Lash had to admit he was a bit nervous being in a room with them. So much so that Cora seem to notice and spoke something in another language. Both Althea and Elena laughed.

“You need not be nervous Warden. The Warriors of Themyscira have had a long standing alliance with the Wardens of the world.” Althea said, as Simon, Timothy, and Skaleg all had grins on their faces looking at Lash. Lash cough and looked down at his hands on the table.

“So w...why did you want to see me?” Lash said, as he tried to forget his voice just cracked.

“Lash, they want you to try and track Ares. The most recent addition to your skills the ability to track Godkin's and the like. We know you can't track Ares himself, but several of his 'children' have been spotted in Metropolis.” Skaleg said to him. Timothy jumped in

“Its believed that Ares and his army didn't actually leave Metropolis, there are several places to hide in old cities that mundanes can't find. The battle ended little less then three hours ago. The Warden's across the glob and Spell mages are working on tracking. But they keep getting thrown off. We know its a long shot, more then likely you'll show up. Not be able to find anything and you come back home. But we are grasping at straws here.” Timothy's face looked pained.

“Even if you show up and not find something, that's just one more thing we tried. But even in the 1% chance you do find something. Even if it points us in the right direction! That will be more then we have!” Simon said.

“We understand its a long shot. Princess Diana is at her wits end tracking Ares. The Amazons are not as connected with the world as we would have liked. The Old Gods are... 'Praise their wisdom' Are staying out of it. They have already declared that if we can capture Ares, even if for a moment. Zues will cage him and imprison him in Olympus. The Princess wields a magical lasso of truth, if she can ensnare Ares for longer then a single minute Zues will take him away.” Althea said, essentially putting all the cards on the table.

“Why was Ares even at Metropolis? He must have known Super Man was going to beat the crap out of him.” Skaleg asked. Lash was staying quiet, he had already made his decision but wanted to listen.

“It's believed that Ares wanted to twist Super Mans mind and turn him into a Champion of War. However, the Alien's mind was stronger then Ares hoped and instead we earned an ally who is now invested in tracking down the War God.” Althea said, everyone at the table turned pale at the idea of Super man being a Champion of Ares.

“OK! I wont promise anything, but if you get me to a field of battle I can at least try. Well my Partner can! Saurian. I'll have to shift to do this. So, are we taking a plane..or?” Lash said, everyone smiled.

“Gods above and below! No! Every Warden HQ has a portal nexus. We'll just head down and you'll be in Metropolis in no time!” Timothy said, he had a huge smile on his face.

“Unfortunately we wont be going with you, Lash. We will be staying here holding down Gotham. I'm sure I don't have to tell you how bad it is.” Skaleg said.

“Even if we can't capture Ares, if we secure his children the influence of war will wane if only by a little bit!” Althea said as Cora, Elena, and her stood up. Making there way to the door.

“Something is better then nothing.” Lash said, every one agreed.

Then they were on their way. Lash said goodbye to his fellow Wardens. They all wished him good luck. Lash and the Amazons were lead to the Warden HQ's portal nexus. Lash expected a room full of Giant circles with glowing runes! But all he got was a big open room with a stone circle in the ground. They stood in the middle of the circle. A sylvan mage came over with his staff. Tapped three times, charged the gate. Then spell runes become alive with arcane fire. The stone circle broke into a dozen different pieces that danced in a circle around them. Then with a BANG! And a FLASH!

Congratulations User! You've entered Metropolis the territory of Super Man! This beautiful city has stood for generations. But like most cities it has an underbelly of crime and corruption. Even more if you include Super-Natural world. Be careful while visiting!

“Thank you Dawn.” Lash said softly. Cora looked at him having heard him speak. He shook his head, it was nothing.

The dancing lights, and the broken stone pieces all fell back down gradually. The stones refitting as if they were never broken to begin with. The Spell Mage nearly fell over, Lash caught him and cast his favorite spells again. A green glow emanated from Lash and entered the mage who groaned in pleasure. Then stood up with a smile.

“Thank you Warden Lash! I feel much better!” The Spell mage said.

Lash smiled at him, and was also happy. He got a prompt that his favorite spells ranked up. They left the portal nexus room and soon was greeted by another Amazon warrior, Lash once more paid proper respects which made the warrior step back in surprise. Althea laughed and told them that's just how he was. They were guided to the upper levels. Just like the Gotham HQ, the Metropolis HQ was on the outskirts of the city. Along the way Lash noticed something...Or maybe Saurian did. Althea had a limp. She tried very well to keep it hidden. But as a hunter they noticed it. When they stepped outside Lash stopped the group who looked at him in confusion.

“Warrior Althea please forgive me, I mean no disrespect but...Why are you limping?” Lash said, his face clearly showed he was just concerned for her. His question made all the amazons look at him with surprise and a little displeasure. Revealing a warriors weakness in public was taboo.

“No, its alright! We are placing him in danger. Its his right to ask. Several weeks ago I was in a fight with one of Ares Children. I was severely injured, I nearly lost my leg. Even with all of Themyscira helping the leg was re attached but a problem occurred when healing. Its only a mild problem, it wont be an issue when protecting you.” Althea said, Lash could see that she was clenching her hands into fists when she spoke. Amazons pride themselves on being the best warriors possible. He didn't believe it would inhibit her, but it still must be torture to not be at 100%.

Before Althea and the Warriors could blink, Lash was on one knee in front of Althea. They thought he was apologizing for being rude. Only to be surprised when Lash's entire body glowed forest green. He reached a hand out, Althea tried to move but was frozen. He placed his hands on her 'injured' leg. Casting...

Nature Domain Spell, Recovery: Sooth, Nature's Supplement, Restoration. All come together to create the spell Recovery. This allows you to recover a persons body to a point of healthy condition. Not a true healing spell or effect. But if their body worked before, then you help them recover to where they were. User, Please Take note: That you cast this ONE spell at the price of THREE spells with a overall increase! This take's a lot out of you...For now.

Althea screamed in pain as her leg let out a loud POP! Lash was slammed against a wall with a sword at his throat, and a sword at his crotch. Before he had time to blink..

“STOP!” Althea called out. Both Cora, and Elena held the blades and were about to kill Lash. The other Amazon warrior was checking on Althea.

“I'm sorry, I didn't mean any offense! I just suddenly had an inspiration. I knew I could help and I just reacted! I should have asked, but instinct kicked in!” Lash said not moving a muscle but wanting them to understand.

Elena, and Core were glaring at Lash. Before Althea stood up slowly with the help of the other Amazon. She then did a few stretches, moved her leg bag and forth. Even did a high kick that let Lash see how beautifully she moved. She even kicked off the ground, vaulted of a wall and did a back flip to land back to her original position.

“I...Y..You healed it! There is no damage! Even the best healers on the island couldn't fix me! Release him!” Althea called. Elena and Cora unpinned Lash who flopped to the ground. He been pinned three feet off the ground. Both the woman checked on Althea who had a smile on her face.

“How often can you cast such magic, Warden Lash?” Althea said.

“Maybe once a day?” Lash said standing up with a sigh. Elena and Cora were watching him but the 'hate' was gone. “Even now I'm light headed. Its not a true healing spell. It just helps some one recover what they had. So, your leg worked before. So I cast a Recovery, and you got back what you lost. I have no idea if it works with re attaching limbs. I just barely learned... or thought of it...Magic is complicated.” Lash held his head, a migraine was forming. Althea laughed, walked over with no limp and hugged him. Like a back breaking hug, that squeezed all air out of his lungs.

“I am happy that you could help! But in the future you should ask before touching an Amazonian Warrior. If that had not worked Elena and Cora would have cut off your head, both of them.” Althea let him go as he dropped to the ground again gasping for air. Which earned him laughs from all four woman. Cora helped him up with a smile and they were off again.

Amazon Warriors were quick with their emotions. Blood thirsty in one moment, then back to friendship and joyful laughs. They asked a few more questions about his Domain. He was mostly support and utility. Nothing wrong with that, his Partner had the offense covered and could cast just as well. Saurian was the power house of the two. But with more time Lash would grow as well. If Saurian was a D – Super. Then Lash was a E -.

They took a car into town. On the news you would see plenty of World Security or UN soldiers following Diana around. But these were actually Super-Natural Society members using Glamour. Metropolis was having a hard time, the 'UN' Soldiers were helping as best they could. Cars were over turned and on fire. People were running around screaming in panic. The police, fire department, hospital's had their hands full. Everyone was quiet in the car, no one smiled, no one laughed. They could all feel Ares influence settled over the city like a thick fog of pollution. Soon they saw a man wearing red and blue lifting a bus so it was right side up. Digging people out of the rubble, then a Warrior Woman flew down and did the same. Superman was 6' 4” With chiseled muscle definition in his skin tight suit. Strong jaw line, black hair and blue eyes. Wonder Woman wore a very similar outfit to Althea. A Hoplite look alike, but was tailored down to the centimeter of her gorgeous figure. 6' even with black hair to her shoulders that was held back by her magical half helmet or crown? Magical bracers, sword, lasso of truth, wearing form fitting leather pants and a battle skirt affixed with leather and splint mail. A True blood Amazon Warrior. None of that Fan Service corset, and bikini bottoms.

The car soon pulled over as they got out. Diana was having a discussion with Superman as their group walked up. None of the Amazon's had glamour on so they looked like they always did. Lash looked like he was wearing tactical gear of a UN soldier, mask included. The discussion was pretty intense between the two of them, because they didn't notice us till we were practically on top of them.

“We have to keep helping these people! I know Ares is dangerous but the people come first, Diana!” Super Man said. His voice was strong, and instilled a sense of safety. Or maybe Erik was just being a fan boy.

“I understand that! But my sisters are bringing a tracker! That may be able to help us track down Ares's children! Maybe even himself! I'm not asking you to leave right now! But if we find him will you come?” Diana said, her voice was strong but full of feminine charms. Lash leaned into Althea and asked a question.

“I really want to pay my respects but we 'are' technically in a battle field. Will she understand if I don't do full honors?” Lash asked softly. Althea turned and smiled at Lash (UN Soldier)

“Yes, I'm sure she'll understand.” Althea continued to smile and turned back waiting to be recognized.

Diana finally noticed them and turned. A smile bloomed on her face as she jumped forward and hugged her sisters. Especially Althea, she even noticed she wasn't injured and asked about it.

“Our Tracker, Warden Lash is also a healer. He was able to fix me, Princess.” Althea had a smile when she introduced Lash. Diana looked at the Soldier when he did a half bow.

“Princess Diana its a great honor to meet you.” Lash tried his best to keep his voice even.

“And I you! Warden Lash. Thank you for helping my sister recover. Some one talented in the arts of hunting as well as healing is rare indeed!” Diana smiled it made Lash a little weak in his knees but he tried to stay standing. The action seem to make all the Amazon's smile they caught what he did. But no one reprimanded him.

“Your a healer? Like a Doctor?” Super Man asked, he floated over and landed near Lash. It was at this moment that Lash realized that he was the same height as Super Man. Erik didn't know why but that felt wrong for some reason. Lash wanted to speak but he looked at Althea asking a question with out talking.

“Super Man has some knowledge of the Mystic Arts. He is aware of The Wardens. Super Man this is Warden Lash. He is normally stationed in Gotham but he volunteered to come here to help us track Ares.” Althea said in explanation. Lash held out his hand to shake. Super Man took it.

“I can't re connect flesh or bone. But I'm sure I can do wonders with an EMT crew. After I try and do this tracking thing I'd more then happy to stay and help with the recovery.” Lash said. Super Man's grip was firm but not so much to shatter Lash's bones. Super Man smiled at him when he offered to stay and help.

“Speaking of which. What do you need us to do?” Diana asked.

“I know the battle with Ares happened all over the city. But was there a place that one of his Children specifically fought in? Also, if no one could attack me and my partner when we start moving. No offense but if you sneeze in my general direction I think you'll accidentally kill me.” Lash said this will all seriousness but Diana and Super Man both laughed. Superman even clapped him on the back lightly.

“Not to worry! Where's your partner?” Superman asked, looking around. Lash looked at Althea who just had a smirk on her face. Lash sighed, stepped out of their circle and Shifted.

Lash's cloths, gear, anything directly on his body were sucked in using. Spatial Item Shifting. Soon Saurian was standing in front of the group, he now had a full set of kevlar clothing that covered most of his modest area's, along with a few enchanted pieces of splint mail. Sam had made it for him. Superman took a step back in surprise, as did Diana and the Amazons. Althea knew he was a were-breed but had never seen his shifted form.

“Respectful Greetings to Princess Diana, and Super Man. This one is Saurian a Hunter. Partner to Warden Lash.” Saurian took a knee and bowed his head. His tail coiled around his body.

“Are you an Alien?” Superman asked, excitement clear on his face.

“Erik Lash is born to Earth. Lash and Saurian are native but are not of this Earth.” It was a cryptic message. That confused everyone present. But Superman still smiled at him. Saurian stood then, and came closer to Superman, who kept still. Saurian sniffed him and encircled him a few times...

Congratulations User! You've obtained the skill, Foresight: This is a strange skill! It allows the wielder to see glimpses of the past, present, or even the future. It can be useful in battle allowing a sense of battle precognition. Or, it allows the Users VI avatar to momentarily take information from the outside and apply it to the generated world. Think like a fortune cookie, some times its sweet, sometimes its not.

“Saurian is sorry about your home. But worry not, many of your kind still live. Some are good, some are bad. Some are family. You'll see them again soon.” Saurian's said softly. -What the fuck! Erik said. Superman was frozen in place as he looked him. As did the Amazons.

“Your an Oracle!?” Diana screamed! Far louder then she meant to. But she didn't care. The Amazons all had a reverent look on their faces.

“Lash and Saurian are Chosen by The Endless. We are many things.” Saurian said, confused by every ones reaction.

“Who....Who will I see again?” Superman asked, eyes had tears in them. Saurian looked back, closed his eyes in thought.

“A young girl, blond hair, blue eyes...Named Kara...Family. You'll see another, this one is bad. A Tyrant, Dictator named Zod. He will bring ruin to your new home.” Saurian said. Then fell to his knee's as blood seeped out of his nostrils, eyes, and ear holes. Diana caught him before he could fall all the way. The skill use clearly took a lot out of him.

“As much as this is a cause for Celebration your highness, we are losing time! Saurian are you still good to try tracking them?” Althea became the voice of reason.

“Yes, Hunter Saurian would like to try. Take me to where the fight happened.” Saurian said softly as he slowly stood on shaking feet.

“I'll take you!” Superman said, tears falling down his cheeks but a wide smile on his face.

Soon they were flying. Saurian had raised up his arms and Superman was gripping them in his hands. They flew through the air, Diana flying behind them. The Amazon's raised a horn and blew it. The sound was mystical in nature none of the Mundanes heard the sound. But Super-Natural Societies, Wardens, and The Amazon army stationed began to rally. Soon another hunt would begin!

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