Lash and Althea were both quiet in the car, the driver could feel the awkward tension and didn't say anything as they drove to Warden HQ in Gotham. Lash had finished his food, and was staring out the window half asleep. He could feel the Natural Energy Absorption at work. It was slow but noticeable. He may not need to sleep any more, but Cosmic Patron above knew that he wanted to. He wanted to be back in his home having Lizzy nag at him about being careful, then talk about new commissions or show off his new pieces with her. Or see if he could gang up on her with Isabella's help to tease Lizzy. But, there was a good chance that Lizzy would never forgive him for keeping such a secret to himself.

“If life was 'normal' You and I would be talking about what just happened in my home. I understand that the Amazon's may live in a magical world. But not everyone in the world knows about the Super-Natural life, or Magic. Or at the very least believes in it, let alone understands that its all real. BUT, the world is at war. People are dying because of Ares and his bullshit. So, my petty mundane stuff? It can get in line. What we are doing is important. So no, I am not angry at you Althea. But, if Lizzy chooses to keep speaking to me in the future I may have to ask if she can vacation for a week or so in Themyscira.” Lash said, a small smile at the end of his speech meant to put Althea at ease. Who saw it and nodded.

“I think we can arrange that for you. Maybe her highness Diana would be willing to talk to your sister about whats happened. I know that 'Wonder Woman' As a lot of good PR. A role model for woman every where in this modern day world.” Althea said. Even the driver agreed.

“That be great! So, where are we going?” Lash said, as he adjusted his posture in the car.

“Greece, Specifically a volcano in Greece. Ares army showed up, attacked the nearby towns and cities. Cleared everyone out from the mountain then disappeared. We don't know why.” Althea said. Lash thought about.

“Can you access Hades from a volcano?” Lash asked softly.

“Yes... I believe you can. Hades is much like the Christians hell. Its connected to Earth but is also a separate plane of existence....Why?” Althea was staring intently at Lash.

“Hades and Ares always had a good relationship in the old stories. Hades would 'feed' from the lives lost in War. Are there any truths to that?” Lash asked. Althea's eyes began to grow wide.

“Yes.... Ares often spoke of Hades while he was imprisoned said he was his favorite uncle.” Althea was leaning forward in the car now. Practically begging for Lash to finish his thought.

“Does Hades and Zeus not get along? I mean they have a family truce but Hades was never under the law of Zeus right?” Lash asked.

“That's right...” Althea was starting to grow pale her mind working.

“Well, where would be the greatest army in all of Ancient Greece be? But in the Under World. If the Cult of Ares has pushed everyone from a volcano. Its possible they are trying to open a gate to the under world to call all the Dead Warriors who have sworn to serve Ares in life or death?” Lash didn't know it but as he was talking a pale golden light was surrounding him. To Althea this was significant. Because the Oracle on Themyscira would have the same light when she received a divine decree.

“DRIVE FASTER!” Althea yelled at the Driver who floored it! Then she had to catch Lash who fell unconscious.

Lash was dreaming again, or re living a memory. He saw a giant black mechanized giant. Battling with several other giant robots. He was wearing a light exo skeleton suit and was evacuating civilians out of the combat area. Then dove out of the way as a plasma sword from one of the giants flew by. His exo suit took most of the damage but he must still have second or even third degree burns.

Congratulations User! You've obtained the skill, Danger Sense: When in battle or even when you are not! Its very hard to surprise you, your 'sixth' sense kicks into gear and you move, block, or even strike as if you knew it was going to happen. This skill works with Foresight. 'Danger Will Robinson! Danger!'

Lash's eyes snapped open as he reached out and snagged small hand by the wrist. Who yelped in surprise! He turned to see Althea who was looking at him wide eyed. He then let her go and slowly sat up on a...Bed? He looked out a port hole and saw that they were flying. He looked back at her with confusion clear on his face.

“I told them your prophecy. Her Highness Hippolyta our queen prayed to Hera for guidance. Hera has confirmed that Ares is at the volcano. But, we can't find him or the army. Even when we used spells to blow the fog of war away, all it only reveals small forces. There is an enchantment on the mountain.” Althea said, she was hesitating by the end.

“You need a tracker to guide the forces through the fog. That's why we are in a plane. We took a portal to the nearest spot and now we are flying to our destination?” Lash sat down and sighed.

“I know we should have asked you. But time is of the essence, and Skaleg said you would have volunteered regardless.” Althea said, standing up from the bed clearly acting awkward. Lash even saw a bit of blush come up her ears.

“Althea is this the first time you've been alone in a room with a man before?” Lash said with a small smile.

“That has nothing to do with what we are talking about! I.... If your done being a... The others are waiting, don't take to long!” Althea's face was bright red by the time she left the room.

Lash laughed for a bit, then stood up and stretched. They must be on a private plane or first class airliner. Maybe both? He walked from his room. Cargo plane! With living spaces for people. He went towards he thought was briefing room. Turbulence hit the plane making it rock. Lash came to an open room. Diana Princess of Themyscira was there standing over a map, With Superman. Odd Lash thought he would have just flown over. Ah! The Briefing. Elena, and Cora were there with Althea. The latter refusing to look at Lash.

“Hello hunter! Welcome back to the land of the living!” Diana said with a smile. Superman smiled at him, and gestured for him to join them. Lash did then looked at the map.

“I don't mean to be rude, but cant Superman just...Level the mountain?” Lash asked an obvious question. But got a typical response.

“Hostages, Ares Children have made it abundantly clear that if we destroy the mountain, thousands of civilians that they have collected will be killed. They are using them as shields. Once the Children of Ares figured out that we knew what they were doing. They sent a television broadcast showing them their hostages. Modern weaponry wont damage the mountain enough, a nuke would cause to much collateral damage and fall out. Ares would also feed off the energy of the missile. So we have to use a strike force.” Diana said. Superman frowned at the situation.

“The Fae Courts, along with all near by Societies are sending all there forces to meet with us at the mountain. Ground, Air, and Water since its near the ocean, by the hammer even some of those Atlanteans are coming! Nice to meet you Warden Lash. Heard a lot about you! I'm Commander Oberon.” A 6' 6” wide as a door muscular man said. Clearly hailing from Germanic with his thick accent. Wearing full tactical gear with a mix of Viking armor. Lash shook his hand. Then, -God Kin Saurian said.

“You are a God Kin?' Lash took a deep breath. “Norse pantheon?” He asked. Oberon smiled wide!

“Ah! So you can smell us out! That is reassuring!” Oberon clapped him on the back. “Skaleg said you had a hunters spirit! Glad to see that old warrior was right!” Oberon was a jovial sort. Laughs loudly, plays and drinks hard. But works just as hard as well. His big meaty hands pointed at several spots around the mountain.

“These are the possible locations we believe can take us into the heart of the mountain to the gates of The Greek Underworld. Thankfully Hades has sent word to Hera that he will not be helping either side. He wont stop us! But he wont help us either.” Oberon said.

“Hades is hoping we'll kill Ares. That way the God of War will serve him forever in death.” Lash said. That brought the room to a lull in silence. “Hades will then control the Domains of Death as well as War.” Lash concluded, then stumbled for a moment. Oberon caught him. Lash was light headed again. Fuck he just used Foresight again with out meaning to.

They helped Lash to a seat and Cora handed him some water which he took gratefully. Diana excused her self. She went to go pray to Hera to update her on what she just learned. Oberon called an aid and started sending messages as fast as he could. Superman sat next to Lash looking at him concerned.

“That takes a lot out of you doesn't it? Looks like you don't really control it either?” Superman said.

“No I don't. Just kinda happens. Sometimes weeks or months will go by with nothing. Then they can happen with in days or even hours of each other. Both a blessing and a curse I'm afraid.” Lash finished his water. Lash assumed that's how the skill worked, he didn't want people hanging out at all times of the day hoping to pump information out of him. Lash looked up at Oberon and had to ask.

“Oberon, this is a complete subject shift. But isn't your name the name of one of the ancient Fae kings?” Lash said. This earned him a big wide smile from the huge man.

“That is Warden! That it is! Really pisses the Fae court officials off too! Especially since I'm part of the Under Fae! Use to hate my name growing up, but now I love it! I understood why my mother and father named me it.” Oberon laughed his booming laugh that was infectious. Making Lash and Superman laugh with him.

The plane rocked back and forth again, as a radio called over. Saying we were approaching our landing zone and to please prepare. No one in the room moved, this entire plane could crash and explode and they wouldn't care. Except Lash who buckled his seat belt. Making Superman look at him.

“Hay, I'm not invulnerable like you!” Lash said with a smile. Superman laughed and clapped him on his back.

“If we crashed, I'd save you.” Superman said.

“So, just to clear up some confusion on my part! My job is to find a way in for our forces? Right? I nearly died last time and that was against reserve forces. This is the meat of Ares army. So?...”

“That's Right! We have an Elite Guard of different society members that will follow you in, and escort you out. We are not expecting you to stay and fight. Though we would request you stay at the medical tent to help the wounded?” Althea spoke up this time. Finally looking him in the eye.

“Sure! I can do that!” Lash replied with a confirmation as the plane shook severely and they had landed.

Once the plane landed it was at the dead of night, but it was summer here the stars were out and the moon was clear. Diana informed everyone that Hera had spoken to Zeus who was angry at the idea that his brother would gain a Domain, and possibly tip the balance of power, neither Hera or Zeus questioned Lash prophecy which was odd to Lash. A new Legion of Olympians would be sent to help in the battle. On the bottom line that Ares be captured alive. Whether he still had all of his limbs was not important as long as he was alive! Althea, with Cora, and Elena were the part of the mixed Elite Guard. That came to protect Lash. Several more of different races and talents showed up. Greeted him! Lash shifted to Saurian, and cast his Wraith glamour. Soon the guard were running through the country side. Superman and Wonder Woman following close behind. Once they found a way in they would both sprint to Ares as fast as possible.

The Greek country side was beautiful and Saurian lamented about not being able to enjoy it. Althea assured him that Themyscira was just as beautiful and that if he pulled this off. He was invited to come to meet the queen! Which made Saurian both excited and scared! Soon military vehicles of all shapes and sizes, followed by contingents of soldiers showed up. Armies of Modern day gear, and armies with shields, spears, and swords. The sky opened up as white light fell from the heavens. Soon a legion of Pegasi with people clad in silver armor both men and woman flew down. Soon Saurian and his team were front and center. With Diana and Superman.

“No pressure...” Saurian said softly. Making Superman and Diana laugh.

“Ignore them! Just concentrate on what you have in front of you.” Diana said.

“A volcano with an army of Champions and children of Ares concealed in a fog of war that could all kill me with a single punch?” Saurian asked.

A six legged horse galloped to their location. Clad in full plate mail, with stag horns on the helmet piece. Wielding a pike Oberon raced up and raised his weapon to the skies. As another heavenly gate opened and Warrior women with wings came down from the sky. Valkyries.

“Alright my fine reptilian friend! Lets get this party started! Ahahahaah!” Oberon shouted with a laugh.

Saurian roll his eyes. Then came ahead of the group. Closing his eyes to help him focus, he breathed it all in. The army, the forest, the mountain, the smell of people. He took it all in, and smelled Greece. But he also felt something. A drum? A heart beat? Saurian did something he hadn't done in a long while. He switched his title from Shaper, to Druid. He opened his reptilian eyes and there he saw it. A path through the country side into the mountain, between a thick fog that settled across the mountain.


Saurian used Rallying Call! Then sprinted forward with all possible speed! A battle horn was called as the army began to move forward. Drums of war sound in the air as the army came to life. Then as if sensing the change, torch lights begin to flicker to life on the mountain. A horn rang out, and another. The Armies of Ares knew something was wrong and were charging to meet them...

“Saurian! Just keep moving forward! We'll keep them off of you!” Superman called out!

So, Saurian ran forward trusting in his allies. He ran, and ran! Over fallen logs, over a river. Up and over the hills. Straight into a waiting battle line. Shields and spears at the ready. But he didn't stop. His muscles were tight as adrenaline pumped through his veins. He let out another ROAR! At the battle lines, then right before he hit them. Laser beams shot from Superman's eyes, carving a path through them. Saurian leaped over the devastated lines and kept moving forward. More then once Cultist human or other creatures were in front of him. Danger Sense was fully active. Saurian dodged, weaved in and out of combat. But still arrows, bullets, spears were flying at him. Several of them cut flesh and bone. Many of them pierced his body leaving him mewling in pain. But he kept running forward! More then once he saw Diana or Superman rush forward ahead of him carving a bloody path. Superman was not holding back now, each time he swung his fist dozens of people and creatures alike were blown away. Alive or dead it did not matter at the moment.

Saurian sprinted across a deep chasm in the ground, the smell of sulfur was thick in the air. As was the sound of deep dark ominousness chanting. Chanting that made Saurian's scales itch, the voice was in his ears. Making him want to rip and tear the flesh from any he saw. Mental Resistance, and Damage Resistance began to send prompts to him. The deeper he ran the harder it was to keep his head clear. The entire mountain shook, as wailing ghosts and rotten skeletons began to rise. Necro Fire in their chest, and eye sockets. The first batch of dead soldiers had been released! They were running out of time! Saurian jumped across chasm, jagged rocks, and a river of lava. Then slid to a stop! His claws digging in to the ground forcing him to stop as soon as possible. Because...

There on top of altar of bones, made from so many different races, animals, and things. Stood a colossal figure wearing crimson red ancient armor. With skulls carved into his shoulders, wailing souls depicted in his armor. His arms were raised as he chanted over and over. Dozens of God Kin surrounded each tier of the altar, three levels in total. Each one with a dozen or more God Kin. But they looked ill, deathly. Their life force was being used to feed the ritual. The mountain shook again! As the gates of The Under World was behind the Altar. The gates slowly creaked up as Zombies and Skeletons with rotten armor began to spill out.

“So....” An overwhelming powerful voice made entire chamber rumble.

“You are the hunter that found me? I've heard of you, a Warden of Gotham City. I'll make sure to burn that place to the ground when I'm done here.” Ares said, he never turned around. As if it was unnecessary

Then a pair of feet landed next to Saurian. Superman looked a little worn out. Several blade and slash marks from creatures were clear on him. Magic did have a way of penetrating his defenses. Then another pair of feet landed. Diana was covered in blood and viscera. She was breathing heavy, but a smile of victory was clear on her face.

“Its over Ares! You have no place to run!” Diana called out!

“Ahahahahaha! Over! Little Princess? Its just beginning” Ares sinister voice said. As the mountain shook again. The armies of the under world that had sworn loyalty in life or death began to swarm from the gates of the under world. Several extra dimensional gates opened up along the mountain as they flooded out.

“No....I think she is right. God of War. It is over.” Saurian said, as he began to slowly step forward. Ares finally turned around, his face covered by a skeleton mask shrouded in darkness. But two flaming eyes peered down at him.

“And what can you do? Little hunter?” Ares spoke condescendingly.

Saurian stepped lightly forward, each step he took towards the Altar of bones sent a rebound of energy into him. But he persevered. Each step was like thousand steps across a scorching desert. Fire, and heat seared his scales and flesh. He heard Superman call him back. But something was odd. Neither Superman nor Diana could step forward as if something was stopping them. Hurricane winds blasted into them both pushing them back from the Altar. But, Saurian continued...Step...After step. Ares was completely facing him, his focus bore into Saurian with laser focus.

“What are you....doing?” Ares spoke with uncertainty.

“ long ago. I learned something. Something I haven't used since my ceremony to become a Warden. I was surprised to see that it worked here too!” Saurian said as he took another step forward.

Most of the scales on his body had been seared off at this point, his flesh was starting to burn. Damage Resistance, Basic Regeneration, Adaptation and even Natural Energy Absorption. Were sending prompt after prompt. His life was draining rapidly but he held it. Soon one by one Ares Children were dying. Their divine spark being consumed to feed the ritual, but also to ward Saurian off.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?” Ares screamed, but couldn't move from his spot unless he wanted the ritual to fail.

“Just...Something! I call... NULLIFICAITON!” The skill he had learned so long ago activated as the crashing waves of energy disappeared when Saurian touched the outer most skull.


The sudden absence of energy collided with the sudden pressure release of energy creating a devastating backlash...For Ares! The bone altar exploded! All of the gates to the underworld slammed shut! And Saurian blacked out...

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