
Lash slowly opened his eyes to only see darkness in front of him. Was he in the black room? No. He closed his eyes again, trying to focus. What was the last thing he remembered? He led the armies towards Ares. Towards the ritual site. Lash tried to sit up, to only realize his arms and legs were...restrained?


Lash tried to open his eyes. This time he saw that the darkness in front of him was just a pure black floor. Flickering torches on the left and right barely reflected off the surface. As if the black stone it self absorbed light. He tried shifting again only to cough and sputter. Every time he shifted a choke collar around his neck tightened.


What is that noise? Lash slowly forced himself off the ground, his arms were tied back in an awkward position. They were bound to his legs, and the whole restraint was tied to his neck. If he tried to get loose, he'd choke himself. But soon he sat up, sitting on his knee's as he looked around. His eyes began to focus.


Lash focused on what was in front of him. There was several steps that led to a pair of boots. The boots led to black metal greaves with skeleton stylized pieces carved into them. Then the plate mail legs were attached to an imposing figure. Wearing pure black armor with skeleton and ghost like designs. But its head was demonic, with black molten skin. Cracks across the face looked like magma veins, and horns formed to a shape of a crown. This figure sat on a throne made of bones, and skulls. There this figures right arm rest was his clawed hand, a talon tapping on it.


To the left of the monstrosity of metal and death, sat a tanned skinned beauty. She was wrapped in a evening toga dress. Cut just short of her knees, but a slit did ride up to her left hip showing a lot of leg. She had golden sandals on, several pieces of golden and silver rings, bracelets, and a golden tiara in her hair. Her hair was naturally curly, the type of curls woman pay hundreds of dollars for. Her eyes were a deep shade of yellow and gold. She had a very small smile on her lips as she watched Lash.

Lash looked at her, then back at the monstrosity of death and metal. Then looked around the room. Death was the style of the grand throne room they were in. Blood fountains poured from the sides. Guards wearing similar death stylized armor, wielding pikes, but every eye was on Lash. Then something moved behind the throne, what he thought was a wall was actually a giant sized three headed dog? Wolf...Cerberus! All three heads were staring at Lash. Oh crap! He knew where he was.


“Done looking around?” Hades, the giant metal god of Death asked, clearly grinding his teeth.

Lash leaned forward and placed his forehead to the floor and said in the best clear and respectful voice he could muster.

“This insignificant one, greets the King and Queen of the Under World. Hades God of the Under World and Domain Keeper of Death. Persephone Goddess of the Under World, and Domain of The Harvest. May this insignificant one be of service?” Lash carefully spoke.

Crash! Hades destroyed the right arm rest that he had been tapping with his hand. Every guard in the room flinched, Cerberus trembled its ears lying flat. Flames began to rise from the Gods armor before a feminine hand came to rest on his left shoulder. The flames died away, and Hades bit back what he was about to say.

“Erik Lash, and your Partner Saurian. We say hello to you.” The gentle but strong voice of Persephone called out across the grand hall. “You see, normally I would be in my garden in Olympus right now visiting with my mother and father. But, when we received a message that my Husband Hades was planning on acquiring the Domain of War from his nephew. Zeus asked me to visit The Under World ahead of my normal schedule to talk Hades out of causing a War.” Persephone said.

Lash kept his head glued to the floor, his entire body was trembling. He tried to reach inside himself but Saurian was asleep as far as he could tell. The HUGE pressure building off of Hades was slamming into him again and again. Nullification was not activating! Oh shit! Oh shit! Why the fuck was he in the Under World!?

“Imagine not only my surprise but the surprise of my husband when Diana of Themyscira, and the 'Superman' came straight to the ritual sight with out the help of any God. But, with the help of a were-breed? Then imagine all of Olympus surprise when that insignificant were-breed stopped the ritual? Letting Diana, Superman fight and capture Ares. Succeeding in stopping the war? It's worth to say that every old god took an interest in this little lizard. But to our 'Surprise' This little lizard already has the mark of a god on him! Just not a god of Earth...” Persephone's voice was clearly amused.

Lash's eyes opened wide and realized it, His Cosmic Patron left his mark on him. That is what they are talking about. It makes sense that the old gods of Earth would be able to see the mark. The presence of energy from a higher being. But wait? How does that help him? He's still in the under world.

“So, as much as my husband would like to torture you for next few centuries making you beg for eternal sleep. He's ultimately left your judgment to me. Why you may ask? Because you fall under a familiar Domain....Nature. Erik Lash, you are a 'Guardian of the Green' A servant to Mother Gaia. So, we have come to a compromise. Please raise your head.” Persephone said softly, and Lash's whole body rose whether he wanted to or not. He was kneeling again, trying so hard to focus on Persephone and not the unbelievably pissed off God of Death.

“Three trials or three favors. You will do for me and my Husband. Don't worry we will not ask you do something against your Moral code. As flexible as it may be. We will ask these of you at any time of our choosing in your life. But when we ask, you will do them.” Persephone said the last part with force of will in her voice. Rebuking no argument.

“You are permitted to ask for help, seek advice, even have others aid in the trials or favors. But YOU will be there, and YOU will do them. Before you wonder. Yes, we have your 'Patrons' Permission. He said it would be....Fun!” Persephone said with a smile. Lash's eyes went wide, fuck!

“Now, run a long 'Guardian of the Green' They are looking for you. Oh, and this will hurt!” Persephone smiled at Lash, as Hades stood up and waved his hand. An explosion of fire, energy, and the back swing of an angry God slammed into him and sent him flying!


Lash woke to find himself in the shade of a tree, a tiny little thing that had a few leaves. Was barely holding its own on a hilltop in the middle of the country side. But its roots were a pillow for Lash, its leaves gently stroking his face as if to say good morning. But it wasn't a good morning, even as a red sun rose over the mountain that was the battle field. Lash tried to sit up only to scream in pain, and horror when he realized not only was his entire right arm from the shoulder down gone! But so was his right leg! The rest of his body was covered in burns and shrapnel from stone, wood, and dirt. But, he was alive. Then...the Prompts began!

“Hello User! Look, you accomplished a lot. So we have a lot to go through. So just sit tight and bare with me. Please take time to read each one! I put a lot of work into them.” Dawn said both a bit of pride and evidently worry.

“Go...ahead Dawn....I'm not going any where.” Lash said

Congratulations User! Your Cosmic Patron is impressed with your ingenuity. Loves to see you get into trouble, but loves it even more when you get out of it! You've completed several missions and the rewards will be given!

First quest review: Befriend two or more Super-Natural societies? You have made a friend of The Lion Pride Blood-Eye, you have made a friend of The Amazons of Themyscira.

Reward: Skill, Basic Weapon Master has evolved into Intermediate Weapon Master.

Reward: Skill, Basic Martial Arts has evolved into Intermediate Martial Arts.

Second quest review: Help with damage control and public relations of the Super-Natural Societies as they come under Public eye. By playing the role of 'Wraith' to the public you have deflected several suspicious behaviors across the globe. By posing with Superman and by having him claim you are an alien. It has made many of the common public believe that the fighting and catastrophe's were the work of Alien invaders. So the Super-Natural World is safe for now, but now you have moved the anger towards Aliens! Good work!

Reward: One Dream Point.

Third quest review: Help or Defeat the Cult of Ares, and The God of War himself. You played an important role in the defeat of the Cultist, and you have made an eternal enemy out of the Old God of War! Congratulations!

Reward: Skill, Basic Crafting as now evolved into Intermediate Crafting.

Fourth quest review: Help or Defeat the Amazons, and Wonder Woman. You played an important role in the defense and aid of the Amazons. Earning life long friends, as well as a standing invitation to Themyscira.

Reward: Skill, Basic Charming Presence: You give off a natural presence of charm, suave, and intrigue. Captivating woman, and men alike. Careful, it may get you into trouble!

Congratulations User! You've obtained an Achievement:'Come here I'll bite your legs off!' You have lost two or more limbs in a single battle, and lived! You will gain 10% increase to Damage Resistance, as well as 10% increase to regrow limbs, working in conjunction with Basic Regeneration.

Congratulations User! You've obtained an Achievement: 'Look out below!' You have fallen from a great height, and lived! You will gain a 10% decrease in damage from falls in the future. You will gain a 10% chance to safely land during a fall in the future.

Congratulations User! You've obtained an Achievement: 'Are you feeling lucky, Punk?' You have faced off against an enemy that was clearly out of your league! But not only did you live through the experience you dealt a serious blow, and stopped their evil plan! You have a 10% increase to your overall Good Luck! With a 10% increase of finding just the right thing, tool, or escape in dire situations!

“Ok that's all....I'm happy you didn't die! Please continue to enjoy your time in The Dream Engine, User.” Dawn's voice spoke to Lash.

“Thanks Dawn.” Lash said as he continued to watch the sun rise.

Lash tried to use his magic only to realize he couldn't. The magical focus or tribal mark on his body was ruined from the burns, fall, or just everything in between. His skin would have to heal first before he could cast any magic. That is the price he chose to pay when he chose this method of casting. So there he laid. Soon a War horn was called, Lash recognized the sound. The Amazons were calling for victory. Persephone said Ares was caught, but looks like his Army didn't commit suicide this time. They kept on fighting. I was midnight when he had gotten to the mountain with the army before. It was now dawn? So maybe six or so hours had passed. Lash could only see the mountains top the rest of the landscape was shrouded by forest and the hole that he made on impact.

Lash knew he was in trouble, he may not be in the threat of dying. But he was defenseless on a field of battle with Cultist driven mad. He could hardly feel anything on his body as long as he didn't move, which was a bad sign. The sound of twigs snapped nearby, as the bush and branch was gently pushed aside. The sound of combat boots crunched across dirt and twig before coming to a rest next to him. Lash couldn't move his head, but he tried to move his eyes. The figure came around so he could see him....A small smile grew on Lash's face.

“Hay Booraku.... How's life?” Lash said. To the troll warrior. No glamour this time just the ten foot tall troll. Wearing a mixture of Ancient armor and modern gear. He was covered in blood, and gore. One of his massive tusks had broke off. But his face was smiling.

“Life is just fine, sir. A little griak told me I'd find you.” Booraku said as he sat down next to Lash. There on his shoulder was a Griak, wearing a simple little set of armor.

“Hi Warden! We were afraid we wouldn't find you! But we did! Yep! Yep!” The Griak said.

“You can understand them?” Lash said softly.

“Yes, just the Griaks though. I don't know why. Been able to since I was a kid. Drove my parents crazy! We'd get into all sorts of fun together.” Booraku said, as he took out a cigar and lite it up with a zippo. Then took out a phone, radio something and turned a switch on.

Booraku just sat there on a hill next to Lash. He was bleeding in several places but his troll vitality kept him alive. His armor was missing in several places. The metal plates clinked and clacked with every breath he took. Inhaling his cigar and exhaling. The Griak on his shoulder kicked its legs back and forth as if the whole situation didn't concern it.

“Anyone back home you want me to say goodbye to, for you Sir?” Booraku said to Lash. Turning his face to look at Lash. Lash squinted his eyes at him.

“I don't know what you mean? Am I going some where?” Lash said in a soft voice.

Booraku coughed and turned away, rubbing his face. Something must have gotten in his eyes. He inhaled another breath of his cigar. Just sat there with Lash as the sun continued to climb. Booraku's radio phone beeped at him. The troll picked it up and spoke softly into it. Lash couldn't hear him. The troll put the radio down, as a soft beep began to chime from it ever minute. Maybe and SOS.

“Do you have any water, Booraku?” Lash asked softly.

The troll nodded and took out a canteen. Gently lifted Lash so he could drink. The cool refreshing water was a gift from the heavens on Lash's parched throat. Soon he was satisfied and turned his head away. Booraku capped the canteen and put it away.

“Hay.....Did we win?” Lash asked....

“Yes Sir. We won. Ares was captured, his army routed. Its a....Good...day....” Booraku said, as tears began to fall down his face.

“Booraku, did you lose some one in the fight?” Lash said, full of concern in his voice. This just made Booraku cry harder as he tried to control his breathing while looking at Lash.

“Yes Sir....I think we all have...” Booraku said in barely a whisper.

“I'm sorry Booraku... You should really call me by name you know. Erik Lash, or Saurian when I'm shifted.” Lash raised his left hand knuckles up and bumped into Booraku's knee. “We are friend's after all.”

“Erik Lash and Saurian, I Booraku Dovregubben declare that we are friends.” Booraku said, and just like any other time an current of energy connected the two.

Congratulations User! You've obtained another friend and pack member to your little family. Booraku Dovrengubben.

The skill, Pack Bond: Range has increased to five miles! And the overall stat increase as been raised to 25%. Please note that at least one member of the pack in addition to you must be present for you both or more to share the stat increase.

The Skill, Telepathy: Range has increased to five miles, allows you to speak the mother tongue of who ever you speak to in their minds, or vocal. 'Universal translator!' Now any that are linked by the Telepathy skill will now have a general idea and location of the team.

When the connection was made Booraku's entire body shivered. His wounds started healing faster, he was feeling better and even energetic. -Good Morning, Hunter Booraku. Saurian Hunter is please to have you join our family. Saurian spoke softly, as if he was just waking up. This made Booraku jump to his feet and stare down at Lash in astonishment.

“Wait!? Are y...Are...ARE YOU NOT DYING!?” Booraku screamed at Lash. Making him wince as the ten foot troll yelled. Then Lash tried to turn his head but just settled his eyes on him instead. Then chuckled that evolved into a belly laugh that made him cough up some blood.

“Ahhhaaa...A Owe..owe...No...Booraku I'm not dying. I'm just slowly healing. Ahahahaahaha!” Lash said between laughs.

Lash's skill/spell Natural Energy Absorption was passively active. Even with his tribal mark destroyed it worked. It was working at half capacity! But it was still working. As long as no one disturbed him he could probably stay on the hill and heal all by himself. It would make him fucking miserable! But he could do it. Lash continued to laugh for a bit, coughing up blood as he did so. Booraku came out of his shock and picked up his radio practically screaming into it.

“I say again! I have found Warden Lash alive! He is critically injured and in need of medical care as soon as possible! I repeat!....” Booraku said that a few more times before he got a response back. He took out his compass and gave a bearing given his position from base camp. Then he went over to Lash and started unpacking a first aid kit and then froze he didn't know what to do. Lash looked like a piece of human BBQ that was missing an arm and a leg.

“Ahahaha! Just...Sit with me until help comes alright my friend.” Lash comforted the big lug. Booraku looked like he wanted to argue but he really didn't know where to begin. So he just sat there by Lash side, the Griak was looking down not sure what was going on. It knew Lash would be fine.

A sonic boom rang out across the entire area. As a 'faster then a speeding bullet' blue blur sped to their location. Then from the sky came the chiseled jaw line of Superman! His super suit was in tatters but his body had at least healed. Maybe he could ask the Wardens to repair the cloth. Kryptonian cloth must be hella expensive to import with the entire planet scrapped. His feet landed next to Lash as he stared in horror. Clearly not expecting Lash to be so destroyed.

“Hey Boy Scout! How's life?” Lash said softly, raising his one good hand up to wave. Superman's face nearly broke with the nick name. As he fell to his knees in front of him.

“Why is every one being so dramatic? I'll be fine! I just need time to heal.” Lash said, a smirk on his face. Superman looked at him in confusion then looked at Booraku, the big troll shrugged his shoulders.

“I've been sitting on his hill top for nearly three hours or more. Not only have I not died, I've even healed more. See? My left hand is not as crispy as it use to be!” Lash raised his arm up, higher then he could a little while ago.

“Now I normally would say to carry me, but I think it might be better if we get a stretcher. Don't want to stress any more injuries.” Lash said to them both. Then another pair of feet flew down, it was Diana. Who looked at him in Horror!

“No! I'm sorry!” Diana yelled, tears welling up in here eyes. Lash was both amused and confused. He had known Superman and Diana for what? Four days? Superman makes sense he always takes things a little to personally. But Diana?

“Your Highness! Persephone the Goddess of the Harvest is who put me here! She said I'll be fine! I just need time to heal!” Lash called out...That snapped Diana from her state of remorse.

“Superman can you go get a stretcher or something? I would have you carry me as I said before, but I don't want to tweak something given I cant feel anything past my waist right now.” Lash said to them. Superman jumped a chance to do something and flew off.

So over the course of the next three hours, Lash had to re explain to everyone he saw that he was fine, well mostly. He was still a piece of BBQ but as more time passed even Booraku could tell he was getting better. They got an air transport to fly in and fly him to the nearest Super-Natural Controlled hospital. Diana stayed behind to coordinate with all the armies. But Superman shadowed the chopper all the way to the hospital. Once Lash was in a bed being checked on my Doctors, Nurses, and Spell Healers did he leave to go back and help. Booraku never left though. Lash even asked if Superman could carry him. He said he was using his friend the troll as a sort of sympathetic connection that was helping him heal. Booraku confirmed this.

Three days flew by! Lash was asleep for most of it. Dawn would fast forward the sleep cycle every time he did. So Erik wouldn't be constantly stuck playing the game of 'get better soon'. Finally Erik had enough and just went to the Black Room for bit. Letting the world spin for a while. Then Erik got a prompt. Lash was being transported back to Warden HQ in Gotham. Lash's body had healed, he could even cast magic again. But he was still missing his two limbs. The Spell Healers can re attach limbs. But they couldn't find his. So Erik bid goodbye to Dawn and went back down again.

When Erik returned. Lash was sitting in a bed inside a plane. Oberon was telling him stories about his life. They were full of humor, and stupidity as he did all sorts of crap. Lash's entire skin had healed, he was still bald, hairless except for his eye brows and eye lashes. The tribal mark on his head and shoulders were back. But he was tired, Oberon noticed this. Clapped him on his shoulder and left his room. The lights grew dim as Lash looked out the window. Then he receive a prompt from Dawn.

“User! The Dream Engine Store is now open for your purchasing pleasure!” Dawn said with an enthusiastic volume.

“Already? Wow, time flies.” Lash said, thinking back. Now that he thought about it. Several hours had gone by in the outside world. Erik did log out for a bit while Lash was healing in the hospital. But he didn't seem to notice the change in time. Odd.

“Please open the store, and show me the catalog.” Lash said, sitting up a bit so he could get the book.

“Of course, User! Please take your time!” Dawns voice said cheerfully.

Soon a book bound in starlight appeared in his lap. The pages made of pure white paper, and interactive black ink. He had three Dream Points to spend. Before he looked anywhere, he bought Technomancy just like he said he would.

Congratulations User! You've learned a new Domain: Technomancy, or Tech-Magic: Unlike so many others you have a firm belief that magic, divinity, spirits, energy it self does not stop at the digital world! Its just a new frontier of both science and magic waiting to be explored!

Congratulations User! You've obtained the Achievement: 'Tenth style! Key Board Warrior!' By learning Tech-Magic you now have a 10% increase in understanding of technology given but not limited to. Tools, gadgets, language, and life! You've become your own smart house!

Congratulations User! You've obtained the Title: 'Universal Programmer'

Active Effect: You can...Talk to machines in their own language. Careful they are hard to understand.

Passive Effect: All Tech-Magic based spells take 10% less energy to use. All sentient machine or tech oriented life forms like you 10% more.

Would the User like to switch titles to 'Universal Programmer' Y/N.


Lash felt an invigorating energy roll through his body. As he could now feel the plane around him. Just as he would if he was in a forest. This plane seemed alive, all the gears, mechanisms, fuel, electricity. Felt like a living thing. In many ways it was. He listened but couldn't 'hear' the plan talk. Maybe it would take some practice. Lash went back to the shop and scrolled through, till he saw something that he bought an automatic interest in! He bought it, this would help him in the future no doubt!

Congratulations User! You've obtained the skill, True Damage: Some things in this universe are indestructible! Some are invulnerable! Some are Immortal! Gods! Monsters! Machines of War so large they blot out the sun! But thanks to this skill you can cause damage to all of them! This skill grows with time! True Damage you currently cause is 0.1% of your overall damage!

Lash grimaced at the overall damage he would cause. But better to buy it now. Maybe when Darkseid shows up he can trim the new gods toe nails! He went back to the shop, he had one more point to spend. He flipped through the pages slowly reading descriptions of skills, abilities, traits, spells....eh?

“Dawn, What is this? Domain Fusion?” Lash asked filled with curiosity.

“Yes User! Nature and Technomancy can create a fusion Domain. Be aware that spells created from both are few and far between. But you'll find a lot of utility from the fusion. So, you could one day grow a tree that absorbs sunlight, stores it, and generates power for an electric grid. Or, create a mechanical machine capable of self growth and repair.” Dawn said, her voice teasing Lash's ears with temptation.

“Ah fuck it! Lets buy it!” Lash was excited! He spent his last point! The store book closed and entered its twenty four hour cool down.

Congratulations User! You've created a Sub-Domain of Nature and Technomancy, Synthesis: Many people have wanted to discover a way to have both Nature and Civilization to co-exist. They use natural energy to save the environment. They use Eco-friendly buildings. Drive electric cars. But what if instead of co-existing? They came together to make something new? Will this new thing be an abomination? Or a miracle?

Congratulations User! You've obtained the Achievement: 'Going Green!' You have a 10% better understanding of how to make self sufficient devices, vehicles, buildings, cities, countries....Worlds?

Congratulations User! You've obtained the Title: 'Natural Mechanic'

Active Effects: You can talk to both aspects of Nature and Machines. Careful, you are something they haven't seen before...

Passive Effects: All Synchronization based spells and connected domains take 20% less energy to use. All Nature based, and Tech based sentient or otherwise things like you 20% more.

Would the User like to switch titles for 'Natural Mechanic'? Y/N


Another surge of energy rushed into Lash now. The lights in the room seem to respond to him, almost as if saying hello at least that is how he felt. The vibration in the plane went from jerky to soft and smooth. He felt like he was being carried by a friend, and it was doing its best not to disturb him as he rested. This is going to be interesting.... Lash soon closed his eyes and fell asleep. He'd be in Gotham soon enough, he was curious how a city like that would be different for him now...

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