Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 28: Let’s Fern Gully This Bitch!

Lash's plane landed softly and with out incident. He gave it a comforting pat and said thank you to it before he was given a wheelchair and carted off to one of the Warden HQ's in Greece. Then using the Portal Nexus he was back in Gotham's HQ. It was good to be home. Lash looked intently at the portal device something was itching at the back of his mind but he couldn't place it. Oberon had bid him goodbye at the Greece HQ. If he was ever on the other side of the Atlantic he would see him again. There at the Nexus was a familiar face.

“Li'Ana, nice to see you. Is everything....oooh!” Lash said before he was swallowed in a hug by the Sylvan beauty.

Li'Ana was wearing a mixture of ceremonial robes and business suit. Imagine a long business skirt that went to her calf's, but had slits up both legs to her mid thigh. A white buttoned up shirt, with a suit jacket on. The sleeves of her jacket opened up from elbow to her wrist allowing it to billow about. She had on hood and a cowl, that did little to hide her stunning figure. She was wearing three inch heels with straps. Those little numbers that expose the ladies toes so you can see what nail color they have. Her chest was back to being a E cup. Way to large and it made Lash worry for her. He saw that she had her transmutation ring on. Li'Ana seemed upset as she held Lash in her embrace.

“Did something happen?” Lash asked, worrying over her as he wrapped his one arm around her frame. -Pack Mate Li'Ana you need not worry about Parnter Lash, his arm and leg will regrow with time... Saurian said, seemingly understanding the situation before Lash did. This made Li'Ana step back in surprise when she looked at Lash.

“YOU CAN REGROW LIMBS?!” Li'Ana shouted at the top of her lungs. Making the Spell-Mage who cast the portal step back in surprise, as well as the Spell-Healer.

“Yes...? I thought all Were-Breeds could regrow limbs?” Lash was confused.

“Warden Lash, its true that Were-Breeds can regrow limbs, but that is because they commonly use the magic of the pack to do so. Simply put you need ten or more pack members including the Alpha to even think of regrowing a limb. Then even with that it takes months or even years to accomplish. How...Long do you need?” The Spell-Healer asked, taking out a note book.

“Maybe.... fifteen days. Sooner if I can request something....Hay!” Lash said to the Healer before Li'Ana slapped him. Which only made Li'Ana's hand hurt.

“You scared me! I thought...You...” Li'Ana took a breath and tried to focus her self. Normally Li'Ana would be a Ice beauty queen in front of other people. But Lash always seem to bring her emotions out. -Breath deep, Seek Peace, Pack Li'Ana. We are not that easy to put down. Saurian's words in her mind seem to help ground her.

“I'll send word and tell the Summer Court that you wont be retiring. Thank you for your time Warden Lash.” Li'Ana said as she raised her chin with confidence and walked away. Ensuring she sashayed her hips with every step. Returning to the seductive Summer Court Envoy again.

“Complicated life you have Warden Lash, I'm happy to hear you wont be retiring.” The Spell-Mage said to him. Lash reached out to thank him, and shook his hand with his left. Giving him Sooth, and Nature's Supplement which made the mage sigh in relief. Lash felt like he was a drug dealer giving people a fix. Thankfully there was no withdrawal symptoms to his Nature spells.

The Spell-Healer soon finished his notes and helped push Lash through the complex. They were heading towards the hospital wing. Which was always their destination. But now the healer wanted to run some tests on his limbs. Lash already informed him that if the hospital had measured his limbs from the first day to now they would find that several inches had already grown. Soon they came to the medical wing. Sure enough after a few tests they established that his limbs were regrowing all be it slowly. Then a few familiar faces came into his room. Simon, Skaleg, Mahalia, and Timothy.

“No, I'm not retiring! I don't know who the fuck started that shitty rumor but I've still got many more hunts left in me.” Lash said as he greeted his Warden Buddies. The comment made everyone in the room pause. They looked at each other and Lash could feel them wince. From their body language he could tell that they thought he was in denial.

“I can regrow my limbs. You can check with the healer! In fifteen days or less if a request can be full filled I'll have my limbs back!” Lash yelled at them. That made Skaleg look at him like he had grown a second head.

“Its true, Warden's. We've confirmed it. Though I'm not sure where he is getting the fifteen days from. But with in a month he'll have his limbs back.” The Healer said to them. Making them all go bug eyed.

“Holy shit!” Skaleg yelled then bear hugged Lash almost pulling him of his hospital bed.

“Aha! Well there goes all the administration idea's we had for you!” Simon smiled and threw some pamphlets away.

“Fucking yes! Who else is suppose to help us kick some of those blood rats around!” Mahalia laughed and cheered!

“Is that limb thing because of the Nature domain or is that because your a were-breed?” Timothy had a smile on his face. He had a note pad ready to write.

“I believe its a both. I have something called Natural Energy Absorption that lets me absorb or 'eat' the ambient energy in the area. Kinda...Like a plant? Only I don't have to stick my roots in the ground. Then the progressive healing comes from being a were-breed. Oh! Question, do the Wardens or any Friendly Super-Natural communities own a landfill?” Lash said to Timothy, then posed the last question to everyone.

“Yaaaa.... I think we have a few. Why?” Skaleg said. Timothy and the Spell-Healer both had their notes out now.

“I have a few Nature Spells that may help me heal, but I need fuel. However, I think I can get that from...Well trash. So I need a landfill, preferably one that we can easily disguise as I do my thing.” Lash said, watching everyone. “Oh! And I need a new phone. Mine was destroyed in Greece.”

“OK! Ya, we can do that. Maybe even today! Let me send a few messages out. We actually had all the paper work ready for you to retire, or step into desk duty. But now that we know you'll be fine we'll get on that instead. Sit tight!” Skaleg said. Then the debrief and stories of the battle started.

Lash spoke to Mahalia and Simon about the battle. He missed most of it, but the scene of running face first into an army that followed the God of War. With a Princess and a Superman from another world was definitely a tale to be told. Lash also asked Simon and Mahalia both that he needed to start training in Close Quarters Combat or CQC. During the battles he had, it was clear he was woefully unprepared. He had the strength as Saurian, but he wanted skill. They both agreed to help. If not them there were many super-natural communities with stronger then average people that taught CQC. Timothy and the Healer asked a few questions about why he needed a land fill to which he replied with a smile and said if you want to know just come watch. He wasn't even sure if it was going to work.

Skaleg said Sam was coming with a new phone. They had copied his old phone so he could keep his original number, contacts, all the basic stuff. Lash hated telling everyone 'new phone, hay this is me on a new number, etc' He was glad for it. Then Skaleg asked a question that made him pause.

“Sorry, what now?” Lash asked confused.

“I said, do you plan to attend the Winter Court Solstice? Its the height of winter on this side of the world. So the Winter Court throws a ball. A majority of the super-natural communities are invited. Even the Summer Court. But of course very few Summer Court people show up. But The Warden's are of course invited. You got about a month before the party, so even if your trash thing doesn't work on your limbs you will still be back by then.” Skaleg said. Lash sat back and thought.

“Ya...I should be there. Do I bring presents or is that a Mundane thing?” Lash asked.

“I'm sure no one will mind if you bring presents, but no you don't need to.” Mahalia said with a wink at Lash.

“So I have a month to make a few things? Good! That should be enough time, as long as the...oh! Now that Ares is captured how is the world tension situation?” Lash said. The mood in the room became somber.

“To put in simple terms, Ares was like fuel being poured on an open flame. He just kept pouring it on. But now that he is captured the fire's of war are still there. It wasn't an open flame, there was plenty of fuel to go around. He was just the lighter fluid, and the match the world needed.” Timothy said.

“That's why its good that you are still in the fight! We could use your help in Gotham! Maybe you can help us figure out who this Batman guy is. All our contacts at the government have no idea who he is. With the amount of gear he has there must be a huge organization behind him.” Mahalia said, making a point to sit on his bed where his right leg would be. Making a crude joke that still made Lash laugh at her.

“Well, why don't we see if we can get a hold of any of his gear. Have Sam or his master see if they can probe, scan, or what ever Technomancers do?” Lash asked.

“Tried that! Everything made is custom. Wasn't made in a factory. So no serial numbers, no bar codes, no water marks of any kind. However, the metal, alloy, and designs suggest military contracts. That is why we believe he must be part of an organization.” Simon said. Everyone was brain storming at this point. Lash, out of curiosity tried to say he was Bruce Wayne. But the words wouldn't come out.

“Well you people will figure it out, in four more months and I'll be retired! Hell I'm practically on desk duty as it is!” Skaleg said to them all with a grin on his face. Already imagining his sleep in days, and long fishing trips.

“Oberon says hello by the way.” Lash said, which made Skaleg fall out of his chair in surprise. Making everyone stand up in shock...Well not Lash.

“Oh shit! That old Monster!” Skaleg shivered. “I haven't heard from him in years!” Skaleg took out his flask for a drink earning himself laughter from everyone.

The group continued to chit chat for a while. Even making a joke about how they need to ensure Lash gets plenty of water and sun shine in the future. Maybe even a good pruning. Making Lash laugh at them for the bad joke. Skaleg said as soon as Sam showed up everyone would go to the nearest controlled land fill to watch the show. After about twenty or so minutes Sam walked in with a new phone only to go completely still when he looked at Lash, Lash was surprised when he looked at Sam. Lash's new phone seem to come to life and say hello! Making everyone but the previous two look at it in confusion.

“L...Lash.... D...Do you have a new Domain?” Sam said. As the new phone was practically wiggling in his grip.

“Oh ya! Did I forget to mention that? The Endless granted me the Domain Technomancy for my good work in Greece.” Lash said, dropping a bomb in the room. A pin drop silence was created. Before Sam tossed Lash's new phone onto his bed. He then shuffled over to a chair and sat down muttering 'its not fair....its not fair' over and over again.

“Well its not that big a deal! If you want to complain about anything that you should complain about my third Domain, Synthesis. It combines both Nature and Technomancy into a fusion Domain.” Lash said, a sadistic grin on his face.

“GAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHAHAHAAHAHAHA!” Sam screamed, then began to cackle manically. Everyone in the room but Lash was worried for him. Saurian could tell Sam was just goofing off.


“Always two...A master and an apprentice....” Timothy said.

“Hmmmm, Do or do not, there is no try!” Mahalia said in her best Muppet voice.

Everyone started laughing after that. Skaleg slapped the back of Lash head, and prodded him to tell them the scoop. It wasn't the first time The Endless rewarded a Warden for doing a good job. They had hoped that Lash would get something. Didn't expect not only another rare Domain, but also a Fusion? Soon transport was arranged and Lash was carted off by wheelchair to the car then off to a landfill. It was cold in Gotham, barely any snow on the ground though. A cold and icy winter. Lash checked his phone, the little thing didn't really have a 'voice' but it was clearly excited to be traveling with Lash. Sam said his phone does the same thing. Lash checked his phones messages. A few people from the community watch. Telling him good luck with the rescue operations he 'volunteered' for. Mr. Shaw, Lizzy's Dad contacted him. Was asking if he was OK? Heard about the dangerous thing he volunteered for. Not to worry about his commission piece. The client was more then happy to wait. Something about the art being crafted by a hero just made it worth more. No messages from Lizzy. Isabella did call. Saying Lizzy was.... She was OK. Just give her time.

“Skaleg, what news about Lizzy and my accident?” Lash said in the car. Skaleg was sitting up front. Simon was driving. Sam was in the passenger seat. Timothy, Mahalia and the Healer were in a car behind them. Skaleg took a deep breath before he started.

“We didn't tell her the whole thing. Thankfully her girlfriend, Isabella was there to help fill in the blanks. By the way Lizzy still thinks Isabella is mundane, good catch on that by the way. We told her that since your mugging and near death experience you came back 'different' which is technically true. A government sanctioned agency recruited you for extra curricular activities. The Neighborhood Community Watch is real. You do go out and do things for the community, and you do volunteer to help in other cities. Its just that not everything you do is entirely in the public's eyes. We did a simple memory charm on her. Don't Worry! Just a little alteration. She never saw you shift into to the Wraith. Just that you took out an official badge which shocked her. After that, we told her that she was bound by law not to tell any one. Because it would endanger not only you, but her specifically. We then had her sign a NDA which was a spell geese keeping her from talking about it with anyone but you, and Isabella since she was there. Isabella also signed a 'NDA' but of course she didn't have a geese because she is protected by Warden Law.” Skaleg said as he took a drink from his flask.

“I guess that's better then a full memory alteration. I'm told that can have serious side effects.” Lash said with a worried expression.

“They do, I've cast some extensive alterations before. We have to be super careful! Fill in a lot of details. Even then the people end up having dreams about the incidents. It leads to a lot of issues in the long run. But simple alterations of something shorter then ten seconds is pretty common. Worst case she'll have a reoccurring dream about a Nazgul.” Simon said to Lash.

“Thank you.” Lash said softly.

“It happens Lash. Normally the council would have been angry at you for revealing yourself. But given the situation and how Althea just walked in like that? Althea should have been properly briefed about your family before showing up to get you. But with everything that was going on it slipped through the cracks. Althea herself should have thought better about it. She told us that you already spoke to her? That she'll personally apologize once the world stabilizes a bit more.” Skaleg said to Lash, who grunted in reply.

Soon the smell of trash, compost, and just awful stench seeped into the car windows. Simon, Sam, and Skaleg breathed a sigh of relief when Lash did a simple Nature gesture and the smell was pushed back outside the car. As his overall power in Nature grew, little things didn't need spells. It just came instinctively. They came to a landfill. That had what looked like a silver skinned man with four fingered hands owned. Lash had never seen this type of Fae. But the man was pretty friendly. The Land fill had been emptied per the Wardens request. Lash asked if the man had compost here, which he did. Good that will make this easy to explain. Soon they were pushing Lash to the center of the landfill area. Everyone had a breathing mask on except Lash who didn't seem to care.

“So let me all get this here straight misters? Ye be goin to decompose the trash here. Then be absorbing the energy that comes from it. But after it be done I be keepin whats left over, yes?” The silver skinned fae asked.

“Yes, if everything goes to plan. However, to be on the safe side I'll need everyone out of the land fill before I begin. Since the spell doesn't specify living or dead matter.” Lash said, which made the silver skinned man shiver.

“Right'o sir! I'll just have me doggo do a sweep then we'll be outtahere!” The silver mans dog? Was a horse sized black dog. Made from smoke and shadow. Lash thought it was a hell hound. But no it was apparently a grave hound? A church and a graveyard was built here originally, the land fill came after. The Grave Hound was already here. So the man just adopted him. The Hound liked Lash and rubbed his head against him for a bit before running off to do what he was asked.

“You need anything from us?” Skaleg said, pushing Lash to the middle of the landfill. Lash shook his head in a no. Soon the Warden's, the Silver skinned man, and the grave hound were out of the trash. Lash gave his effects and new phone to Sam, said he wasn't sure if this would effect them or not. The phone was sad to go.

Lash took a deep breath, closed his eyes and raised his left hand up. Even though he did not have a right he still visualized it. The cold winter air seem to freeze in place, as the world around him sat still waiting for what happened next. He cast Decomposition in a wide area of effect. Soon the ground around him, the empty cups of coffee, the wrappers, the old mattress. Began to decay, rot, and return to the earth at a rapid pace. Then he cast something new...

Domain Nature Spell, Germination: Just as the name implies, a process in which something from a seed, egg, and newborn thing. As long as its organic takes root and grows. But with your magic you skip the need for proper soil, climate, water, or even the sun!

Domain Nature Spell, Growth: This spell works from the tiniest of cells, to tissue, to physical size. As long as its alive? This will help it grow! Let's Fern Gully this bitch!

Soon even Lash's wheelchair fell into decay, and his cloths. Thankfully he gave his personal effects to Sam. As the area of effect grew from a few feet, to a few yards the decay continued. Then tiny mushrooms began to take root, sprout, grow old then die. Only to start the process over again, and again. But as each mushroom that grew the next one was larger. The area around Lash grew and grew. Other types of plants grew, tree's, weeds, flowers, it didn't matter it was winter. Lash's was getting prompts that his Natural Energy Absorption was ranking up. Decomposition, Essence Imbuement, Sooth, Nature's Supplement, Restoration, Daylight, Entanglement, Germination, and Growth. All began to rank up with the constant use of the spells. Just as fast as Lash's magic would run empty he would absorb more energy, then....

Congratulations User! Your skill, Basic Regeneration has evolved into Intermediate Regeneration: Same thing as before. Just you know...Faster!

After a few hours, Lash was sitting under a mushroom cap. The thing was over twenty feet tall, with a cap at least forty feet wide. Would make a good home. An enchanted mushroom and forest kingdom was found in the land fill now. So much so that tiny nature spirits were seen fluttering around, dancing in the grass. Many of them fluttered about Lash as he was sleeping lightly. His right arm, and leg? Well the bones regrew. They were essentially skin and bones. It would take a few more days for all the sinew, muscle, blood veins, etc to regrow. Then he would have to do exercises to rebuild them. Shouldn't take to long with Saurian helping. Lash heard a dog barking....A large dog. The sound of something heavy was bounding towards him. He leaned his head up to see a huge shadow sprinting towards him. The Grave hound slid to a stop a few feet from Lash, its massive tail wagging so quickly that its but was shaking.

“Hay there....What do you think?” Lash asked the dog.

“WOW! WOW! What did you do!? This is amazing! What this! Who whats this! Oh hay! Little things! Wooooohooo!” The dog said to Lash as it jumped around and began to chase some nature spirits. Playing.

“Laaaash!” Skaleg was calling for him. Soon a group of people came from the brush of tiny mushrooms and tree's. The Silver man walked into view with a huge smile on his face.

“Oie! Do you know what these mushrooms are!? They are Ghost Rings! They make great medicine! Even the mundanes can make medicine out of them! I'm rich! I'm fucking rich!” The man was happy as could be.

“Wait? I thought Ghost Rings were like two inches tall and only grew over graves. These things are the size of buildings!” The Spell-Healer that came with them was screaming at the Silver Skinned man.

This started a intellectual debate between the man and the healer about the mushroom properties. Timothy had his phone out as he was making calls as fast as he could go. Simon and Sam were helping Lash into a new set of cloths. Mahalia wanted to 'help'. But she was beaten back before she could touch Lash with her idle hands. Soon Lash had some scrubs on, he still needed a wheelchair. So Mahalia and Timothy went back for one.

“How are the new limbs?” Skaleg asked.

“The bones are done, it will be a few more days before I'll be able to walk around. But its better then two weeks.” Lash said, just trying to flex his hand caused him a bit of pain. As if his body was screaming at him not to move!

“Yaaa....iitttttsssss....wwwweeeeeiiirrdd....” Skaleg's voice slowed down till he wasn't speaking...Or moving. Lash looked up confused. Realizing that everyone around him seem to freeze. Even the Grave Hound that was chasing spirits was frozen in the air.

Lash was....Confused? -Something is coming! I smell a God-kin! Saurian said. Lash's eyes grew wide he shifted over to his left side and tried to crawl towards Skaleg. Trying to get to his gun, his axe, anything before...BAM! A reaper's scythe blade tip implanted right in front of Lash. Missing his nose by about an inch. Making him jerk back in surprise! There on the scythe's handle was a skeleton hand. The hand led to a pure black shroud, the personification of death. The 'reaper' ripped the scythe out of the ground and stared at Lash. The darkness in its hood seem to pull Lash's soul out of him the longer he looked. There tied to the reapers hip was a lantern with a blue flame in it.

“Aaaarreeeeeee youuuuuuu thhhheeee c....Cough! Cough! Bloody hell! Blehg!” The Reaper said before he coughed and spit out a glob of black goop onto the ground. The glob screamed in pain at being in the daylight before turning into steam and evaporating.

“Sorry about that! Are you the one that made this forest?” The Reaper said to Lash, its voice youthful but neither male or female. Making Lash just stare at him in confusion. “What? Is there something on my face?” The reaper pulled his hood down! And it was just a skull, as if the enchantment was on the hood it self.

“No...Sorry I was just surprised. You did impale a scythe in front of me. Yes, I did. I'm Erik Lash, Warden of Gotham. My partner is Saurian a hunter. May I ask your name?” Lash said hesitantly.

“Oh! Your a Warden! Ya sure my name is Skippy! The Angel of Death Azrael is my Patron! Nice to meet you! Here lets take a seat!” 'Skippy' said in a delighted voice.

Lash blinked and was suddenly sitting in a nice comfy chair with a cushion. A table was between him and Skippy who was also sitting. The table was solid black stone with a chess board carved into it. Skippy's scythe was standing all on its own next to him. The 'spirit lantern' was hanging from the the scythe's handle. Next to Skippy was the Grave Hound who was sitting back on his back legs, tail wagging as his head was being patted by Skippy.

“Don't mind the chess board! My Patron has a flare for the dramatic. Everyone tries to ask for a second chance so we have to play them in chess for it! No one ever wins!” Skippy said, as he stopped petting the hound. Who the latter curled up at the feet of Skippy happy as a clam!

“Your not dead either! I just have some questions for you...Well one actually, since this one just told me what you were doing!” Skippy gestured towards the dog.

“OK.....Am I in trouble? The hound didn't say anything about me using the area as my experiment.” Lash said, confusion in his voice.

“What? Oh no! I would rather have a Grave Forest here then a landfill. So, what you did is create a Grave Forest, as I just said. A forest where 'trees' are not the primary focus. But things of rot and decay. There were over a hundred bodies, or skeletons at this point that were still rotting under the land fill. Though the souls have long left, the lingering energy persisted. That energy was filled with negative energy due to having its rest place turned into a trash heap. Now? Not so much, I'd even go so far as to say they have turned into positive wraiths, or beings of joy and happiness!” Skippy said, as he produced a tea set from his robes offering Lash some, and he did.

“So, I see that you are not only a spell caster. But also capable of Fusion Domains. So as a Warden I would like to offer you another Domain? You can keep the others! This will just help you in your day to day. But with more privileges com...” Skippy was going to continue when Lash interupted him.

“OK!” Lash said with a smile. Making Skippy stop. His hood was still down and the skeleton head was all Lash saw. Oddly even when Skippy drank his tea, the liquid disappeared past his mouth.

“Oh I'm sorry! I should have waited for you to finish.” Lash apologized and bowed his head.

“With more privileges, comes responsibility. From time to time I or another Reaper will contact you. Or the Warden's with a mission that deals in our area of influence. Bu...Ah! Here we are!” Skippy continued to talk before a FLASH! of blue fire burst above them. A file came from it landing on the table. It was Lash's Warden File. The one even he hadn't seen.

“Ah!....ohhhhh! Your an Oracle?! Goodness me that will be helpful! I see...I see! Well then! Ah! Is known to Volunteer for assignments as long as it doesn't go against his moral code. Leans a little towards the reckless side of things. But his Partner Saurian keeps him balanced....Were-Breed? They think you are a Were-breed? Ahhaha! Yes...yes....Yep! You are a good choice!” Skippy said, closing the file. Lash wanted to reach out and take a peak but the file burst into another FLASH of blue fire and was gone.

“So! We would like to offer you the Domain; Grave? Is your answer still yes?” Skippy said with a delightful voice.

“Yes, I will be more then happy to help, and to obtain the Domain Grave.” Lash said, with a smile.

“Wonderful! I would have you stand up but you are still healing! So we'll do it this way!” Skippy waved his hand and the tea set, table and Skippy's chair faded away as if they were never there. He reached out and placed both his bony hands on Lash's shoulder bowed his skull, as did Lash.

“Warden! Erik Lash, and your Partner Saurian. Do you confirm that you have made this deal with Azrael the Angel of Death, and his God-Kin Skippy. To obtain the Domain of the Grave. To continue your work as a Warden? So says you?” Skippy said in an official voice.

“We do!” Lash and Saurian's voice said at the same time. Making the voice sound like two in one. A pressure came from Skippy, from the ground as skeletons burst forth soon standing upright. They clapped, and cheered. The Grave Hound Howled in joy.

“So be it!” Skippy ordained!

Congratulations User! You've obtained the Domain, Grave: The line between life and death can be as wide as a canyon or as thin as a thread. But now you see the sub-text between both. This power is a blessing and a curse. For you are bound to hunt down and destroy the corrupted form of the undead. Yes corrupted, some undead have a purpose.

Congratulations User! You've obtained the Achievement: 'I see dead people!' Your skill, Magical Perception. Will now also include energy, spirits, and creatures that deal with life and death.

Congratulations User! You've obtained the Title: 'Grave Walker'

Active Effects: Three times a day you may speak to a corpse to ask it questions. The body must be 50% or more intact. Rules are 'flexible' on intact.

Passive Effects: Domain Grave Spells take 10% less energy to use, Energies, spirits, and creatures sentient or otherwise of life and death like you 10% more.

Would User like to switch titles to 'Grave Walker' Y/N


Congratulations User! You've obtained the Skill/Spell, Lingering: You linger on far longer then most would believe possible. You age 10% slower, everything you do takes 10% less energy, and you have a 10% chance of not dying when you really should have died. Skill grows with time!

“We'll be seeing you! Grave Walker!” Skippy said.

Lash blinked and he was sitting back in his place before this had all happened. As if teasing him to question reality. But the Grave Hound who was nearby who was wagging his tail looking at Lash who scared the crap out of Skaleg because the thing just popped out of no where! Plus the terrifying fact that the skeletons that clawed there way out of the ground were still there. Clapping for Lash in congratulations. They even whistled and cheered. How they did that with out lungs he didn't know. Skaleg raised his axe to attack them before the hound stood in front of them in defense.

“Wait! They are a friendlies! They are going to tend to the Grave Forest!” Lash called out to everyone near by.

“Did you just call this a 'Grave Forest' Warden Lash!?” The Spell-Healer asked.

“Yes. Skippy the Reaper just declared me a Grave Walker” Lash said.

“Oh for the love of Fucking Valhalla! You either have the best of luck or the shittiest of luck Lash! A Grave Walker! Fuck!” Skaleg shouted and took another swig from his flask.

So, Lash spent the next hour talking to everyone about what just happened in the span of maybe a second? The Grave Hound then walked around the Grave Forest with the gardener's. A Spell-Mage team and another Druid showed up at the forest. The Druid wanted to meet Lash and asked him how he did this. Turns out Timothy has been apprenticing, trying to learn the Nature Domain. This was Timothy's master. Nature Domain is rare but they are around. Soon Lash had another wheelchair. Sam returned his effects. The Cellphone was like a new born puppy! Just happy to be near its human.

Everyone ended up staying at the forest till sun set. A Shield and Sword team came out, had the Silver skinned...or Fran'kin was his name. Technically he owned the land rights. Shield and Sword bought it from him for about forty million. For which he was more then happy to sign for. On the condition that the Grave hound and the 'gardener's' didn't have to leave. They said that was fine. Soon a glamour wide illusion was placed around the forest keeping it out of public eye. Lash nearly lost his marbles when the Lawyers handed him a check of ten million. Fran'kin said if it wasn't for him this wouldn't have happened. So Lash happily....Lash meant, begrudgingly accepted! So he offered to take his Warden buddies out to a place to eat, his treat! Soon they all arrived at super-natural community restaurant. Lash cast a glamour on his leg and arm making it appear they were in a cast. He went the full illusion that tricked all senses. Even to him he had casts on which made things easier to explain.

They ate! Drank! Told stories, Soon other Warden's showed up apparently receiving a text from Skaleg that it was Lash's treat. He didn't say no! By nine o'clock in the evening nearly all the Warden's in Gotham were in the restaurant. Drinking up a storm, and eating their fill. Shield and Sword were quick with the deposit. Lash counted the zero's in his account several times, a stupid grin on his face. Turns out Ghost Ring mushrooms when properly treated make a life saving elixir that can fix nearly any injury. The fact that there is now a ten square mile forest of the stuff made Lash feel like they should have held out for more...Lash means Fran'kin should have held out for more. But ten million is still nice! Soon the settlement of the bill came. Many people thought he was joking when he offered to pay. Only to look gobsmacked when he not only paid for everyone. But even gave a one thousand dollar tip for all the trouble. The owner had the widest grin on his face.

A fleet of cars came to take the Warden's home since most of them were completely drunk out of their minds! Sam had done something to Lash's wheelchair it was a Technomancy spell called Alteration Lash didn't understand it yet. But Sam installed an electric motor, hydraulics to the wheels, but no joystick for it. He said Lash could practice manipulating the chair with his magic. The chair could go up to ten mph. Sam, Mahalia (who was completely sauced), and Lash went to his building. Sam was going to run him through some things that came with being a Technomancer and living in a modern home.

“Wooooo! Nice place Lash! But I feel like I've been here before!” Mahalia said as she danced around his house.

“You have been here before! Remember when I was trying to teach everyone spells and Simon vomited because the backlash happened. You laughed so hard you fell out of your chair.” Lash said as he drove himself into his home.

The Alarm! The clock! The lights! Hell the coffee maker said hello to him! They welcomed him home! The alarm shut off automatically, informed Lash that no one had visited, everything was secure! Lash didn't even touch it or go near it! It was like listening to birds sing in the forest, only you knew what they were saying. Lash was sure he would get use to it with time. Just like he did when he gained Beast Speak.

“Oh that's right! Aha!” Mahalia flopped across one of his massive leather coaches in his living room. She stretched out and just seem to be in a daze. Sam just shook his head at her.

“Well Mahalia was suppose to brief you on something but since she's a gone! I'll have to tell you! Looks like you have a handle on your Technomancy. The Endless must have given you a crash course. Or maybe your just a natural! No biggie I'm not the jealous type! Just expect me to come to you with notes and questions when you zip past me!” Sam said as he sat down at the kitchen table. Lash rolled up to the table looking at Sam.

“So, this is kinda a big deal. For Mahalia and Simon. Well for a lot of the Warden's. Lash being a Grave Walker is a lot of responsibility but I am sure you are up for it! But why does it concern everyone? Is because....Blood-Kindred fall under the Domain of the Grave.” Sam said with a serious face. This made Lash lean back in his wheelchair. A question mark above his head.

“I don't know the specifics of their Origin. But Kindred border the line of life and death being...Well Vampires. It takes one hundred years for the a complete conversion to take place. Then at the hundred year mark they become full blooded. Your sisters girlfriend? Isabella has only been in the conversion for about nine years. But the conversation slows their aging, improves their overall abilities, etc. Then the conversion begins to change them into the predators we all know and loath. As a Grave Walker. You are both a Guardian of creatures that walk the line of life and death. But also executioner if they go to far off the deep end. This means, you are tasked not only as a Warden. But The Grave tasks you in keeping an eye on them. While the Warden's are a civil law system. The Grave is divine mandate. That the Blood-Kindred also recognize.” Sam said, finishing his monologue, trying his best to force Lash to understand this position.

“Oh.....Well...Fuck!” Lash said. He didn't regret taking the Domain. But the added bonus of being the watch dog of the Kindred was not 'privilege' he was looking forward to.

Lash asked a few more questions, felt a huge migraine coming. Then saw Sam and Mahalia out. Soon he was alone in his home. He drove towards his bedroom, pausing at it. Remembering his last conversation with Lizzy. He missed her. He asked the alarm to lock up, he was going to sleep. It went into lock and sleep mode and wished him goodnight. Lash pulled himself from his wheelchair and into his bed. He may only have two working limbs but he was still stronger then average human.

“Dawn, may I ask some questions?” Lash said to the darkness.

“Of Course User!” Dawn replied politely.

“Got a few things on the back burner, lets go down the list. When I was in the 'hearing' or debrief at Warden HQ about my adventures in the Narrows. Why didn't the Rune of truth compel me to talk about my skills?” Lash said, he had a good idea but wanted to confirm it.

“The skills you have obtained are first from the system. The people with in the generated world are not aware of the 'system' So, anything you have obtained from it belongs to you and you alone. If you choose to say something. Then the rune would have made you say it in detail. Secondly, you also obtain things from your Cosmic Patron, who in this generated world is far above the tools of Earth. Third, any thing you 'obtain' through the work of The Dream Engine. Example your new Grave Domain. If you are asked under the rune, you will speak of it. Since it 'came' from the world.” Dawn's voice took on her teacher like persona as she spoke.

“OK....Why is everyone calling me an 'Oracle' That's not what the skill is called.” Lash continued.

“Ah! That is partially my fault I thought you wouldn't mind. As you were working with the Amazons, and you have chosen the Magical Origin. I thought it prudent to keep you 'in character' Every time you use Foresight your body takes on a divine glow. When Oracles in this world receive a prophecy, decree, or foretelling. That same glow takes place. It is purely aesthetic! But! Since you do have a Cosmic Patron watching you. It did make sense to implement....Shall I turn it off?” Dawn asked softly at the end. Making Lash laugh.

“No, keep it on! Thank you for explaining and for your quick thinking. It does make sense! So, Foresight I don't have any direct control over it I take it? Its all instinct?” Lash asked.

“Correct! Over time the growth of the skill will improve the length, and the amount of information. As well as reduce the energy consumption. But you will never have full control over it. This is the same thing as 'Oracles'. So you need not worry about people staring at you at all hours of the day expecting. An decree/prophecy only comes at the whim of the patron or matron of the Oracle. But, be aware that though your Cosmic Patron is part of the Generated world. The System is in control of Foresight.” Dawn said softly.

“Are there any new versions updates I should know?” Lash yawned as was getting sleepy.

“There have been several, however none of them concern you! Except for one! Majority of them are for Users starting a new world, or avatar creation. The one that does concern you is time! The Dream Engine Cube Developers found a way to increase the overall time spent inside. Five minutes on the outside is now two hours in The Dream. Making an hour in the outside, one full day inside The Dream Engine. Additional notes, if your body has gone to long with out water, food, or movement. The VI rep. Me, will give you a warning. If the User continues with out stopping the VI rep is allowed to forcibly pause the Generated world. Eject the User and refuse to allow play for at least two hours! So its a good idea to listen to the Warning!” Dawn said in a stern voice.

“Oh!...Well Since its been a while! Lets log out then!” Lash said.

“Excellent User! I hope to see you soon!” Dawn said...

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