Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 29:Law of The Narrows

Erik did his routine when he woke from The Dream Engine Cube. Cleaned himself up, cleaned The Cube. Got a simple meal and water into his body. He jumped onto his computer filled out some Beta Testing reports, browsed the forums for information and stumbled across a few things. Even though Erik was technically asleep when he was playing he still felt exhausted. His whole body was screaming at him. But he only had 8 ½ days before he had to go into work. He wanted to get as much time with The Dream Engine. Its not like the Cube would be taken from him at the end of the week. But even with all the stress in the game, he was having a blast! Soon Erik found an interesting post.


So, Erik knew that The Dream Engine didn't just use the super hero comic genre in their test of the DC comic. It was everything that DC comics had done. That is why the Super-Natural world in Erik's world was so vastly different from what he remembered with people like Dr. Fate, Zatanna, hell even Constantine! So, what did that have to do with the post? The User who put the post up asked a simple question. What is every one's personalities with the heroes and villains? Because depending on what edition, genre, or issue of comics your world and people are based on. Everyone has a huge difference! One User said that his Mr. Cobblepot or The Penguin was not a bad guy! He was a mid tier to high tier rich guy who spent his days running a successful business. With a few back alley deals on the side. But was NOT a super villain. Another User said that his Superman was actually raised over in Russia! His overall personality was different then what he was use to.


Erik read this post with interest. So, some one did the work. They discovered a few things. A 10% increase was a pretty normal reward for the System in play. Except when things rank up from continued use. When something ranks up, it only increases its power level by 1% and decreases its power consumption by 1%. But many people's achievements grant a 10% bonus. What does 10% do? A lot actually. The example the User used was. If some one is on the fence on how they want to treat you? Friend, or foe. 10% is enough to tip the scale to lean them in either direction. That 10% is just enough to tip the balance of power between two countries. So, don't knock the magic power of 10! A few people left comments about how they have ranked up their skills and abilities. Then...


Erik was shocked by this post. So the User here said that Batman had a red blood theme to his costume and gave all the petty criminals a pass. He would still beat the crap out of them, but that was that. When it came to the super villains he gave them a three strike rule to change how they lived. When the joker escaped Arkham for the third time and killed dozens of people The Users Batman broke Jokers spine. Making the Joker into a quadriplegic. The Users Batman actually took Ra's Al Ghul's offer and took over the League of Assassins. He is not a mass murdered by any means. But he does have a three strike rule. Wonder Woman, would actually execute people who as she put 'Deserve to die for what they have done' and the odd part was the world as a whole accepted it. A few people posted comments about their heroes are just like the ones in the comics 'No kill rule'. Some Users posted the opposite. Erik was wondering what his Batman would be like...

Erik soon logged off the forum, stretched out a bit and jumped back into the Cube. Soon he found himself in the black room once again. To an interesting sight. Dawn lay across an expansive coach eating what looked like a sun? She was laying side ways showing off her curves, that her robe did very little to hide. Her amused grin she gave Erik told him that she had done this on purpose.

“Welcome back, User.” Said Dawn in a soft pillow talk voice. She took another bite out of the sun when Erik assumed was playing the role of an apple.

“Well hello, Dawn. You are looking rather tempting if I may say so?” Lash said as he stood there admiring the view.

Dawn set the apple sun on the ground and twisted her body as her legs were side ways but her upper back was laying flat across the coach. Showing off her ample chest, and twisting curves. She traced her fingers along her body. She playfully winked at Erik then sent the progress report of the world to him. Erik admired the view for a bit longer before he read up on the changes to the time line.

Superman was back to being the boy scout that he was. Visiting different cities, states, countries. Natural disaster? He'd be there to help with the rescue operation. Two nations fighting a war? He'd be there trying to stem the tide of collateral damage. However, when ever he was not playing the hero he was working as the reporter Clark Kent doing his job. More then once he tried to do a public relation spin for Wonder Woman and the Nation of Themyscira. He also did a piece on 'Wraith' talking about his good work.

Queen Hippolyta of Themyscira has become a recognized ruler by the United Nations. The island is now a 'legal' nation. They have an ambassador at the seat of the UN. The Queen has opened the doors of the island to all of Woman-kind! No men allowed! Except for certain invited individuals! For example, Superman. Wonder Woman / Princess Diana is doing the same thing as Superman traveling across the world helping, righting wrongs, etc.

The Cult of Ares is still around, causing havoc and mayhem. In many ways they are weaker then who they use to be. But in some ways they are more dangerous now, like a cornered animal. They are no longer as united as they were under Ares. So there are terrorist cells, arms dealers, etc. Across the world. Including but not limited to Super-Natural Communities that are tired of hiding in the shadows. Several covens, circles, secret societies of magical nature who are starting to step out into the light of the public view! Tension's rise between those that do know the truth, and those that don't.

The Flash! The hero of Central City. A reporter named Iris West Allen was 'granted' an interview with the new speedster or meta-human. The Flash is here to help! Fighting crime doing the jobs that others can't do. After all he is the fastest man alive! The Hood! Or The Arrow has been confirmed in Starling City! Dropping bodies of the cities worst crime families, gangs, etc. But only wounds the petty criminals. In the city of Philadelphia reports of a flying man with a lighting symbol on his chest have been reported. Shazam! The Atlanteans as a whole were now preparing to unite the oceans under one rule. Arthur Curry still had not been found. Hal Jordan had received the Green Lantern Ring and was currently in route to Oa.

Erik read through the Time Line Tab and was happy to see the world continued to spin. He then read the prompts for Lash. When Erik first started playing the VI model of his Avatar would do simple average things for their level. So at the start, Lash made art pieces, went on Community Watch patrols. Simple stuff. Now, the VI models concept of what was simple had changed. He still did the art, and the patrols. But now he was doing simple Warden Work in the streets of Gotham. It had been little less then a week. During this process Lash's arm and leg had fully recovered. He'd been working with Simon and Mahalia going to a Super-Natural Society only gym to learn to control his strength, and gain some skill. Of course practicing in a safe environment was different from practical application. But we all start some where.

Erik finished the prompt walked over to Dawn and sat on the coach. She didn't move just stayed laying down as she watched him. Her eyes half closed but clearly awake, Erik wasn't even sure she needed to sleep. He leaned down and...Booped her nose! She raised her hands slapping his away. Laughing at his antics! Erik then moved the end of the Black Room and fell towards to the Earth. Time to Play!


Lash was walking through Gotham University grounds, a few fairy folk have been playing tricks on the students who were still in their college homes who did not go home for the holidays. Ever since Lash got that pizza party for the Griaks that helped with the bomb. All the tiny fairy folk are more then happy to do as he asks. The issue is he couldn't find them! Lash and Saurian greeted Erik when he came back. Lash was wearing black boots, blue jeans, a buttoned up gray shirt with a thigh length leather coat, with no hat. His tribal marks definitely stood out, but he was trying to stand out so he could gather up some of the fairies. Gotham was cold in Winter, but a flash pressure of warmth had settled over the city. So it was a little warmer. Just means a storm was coming.

“Are you...Erik Lash?” A quiet feminine voice asked behind him.

Lash turned and saw a 5' 6” girl who looked like she was about seventeen ish with auburn hair, wearing a running sports get up. Bright yellow and green running shoes. Black skin tight running pants with a pink high light. Skin tight running coat, again with pink high lights. She had a cap on with ear buds in, she had thin gloves on as she removed her earplugs to talk to him. Her face was red from the cold. Her blue eyes focused on Lash, a bit of excitement in her face. Lash spread his arms out and smiled.

“What gave me away?” Lash's deep gravely voice made the girl jump, but she soon laughed.

“I heard that your voice was different. Something about an old....oh!” The girl said, when Lash traced his scar. Despite his accelerated healing the scar never faded. Maybe because he didn't want it to. The scar was important to Lash.

“I mean! Sorry. Um...” The girl was embarrassed for pointing out his gravely voice. Desperate for a subject change. “Are you taking a class here? No! Are you teaching a class!? I know a lot of people would love to take an Art class from you!” The girl spoke quickly, trying to put as much distance between her and that awkward moment.

“No, and no. I am doing a community watch patrol. A lot of the police and security guards are swamped. So I'm doing my part. You seem to have me at a disadvantage, your name is?” Lash asked, as he bowed from his waist keeping eye contact. The girl actually became bashful looking away.

“Barbara....Barbara Gordon!” The girl said softly, not sure what to do she stuck out her hand to shake his. Which he took giving her a firm grip. Erik's inner eye twitched.

“Very nice to meet you Miss Gordon! Are you a fan of my Art?” Lash said as he let go of her hand.

“Yes! I mean I didn't realize you were an Artist at first, but now yes I think your work is amazing! My Dad's a cop! He paraded your news article in front of me for weeks. Told me about how ordinary citizen can still be a hero with out wearing a costume....I mean! Ummm.” Barbara got quiet when she said the last part.

“You admire the 'Batman' I take it, Miss Gordon?” Lash said, a smile tugging on his lips.

“Oh ya! Not just Batman! But that Wraith guy who helped the FBI, as well as the Wraith in Metropolis. I actually think they are two different people, especially since Superman says that Wraith was an alien, unless the FBI is also working with an Alien. I know few people in chat rooms agree. They act too differently. But I also think Batman may be government sanctioned here to do the job that Gotham can't do. Or wont! My Dads a great cop! But even he can see the corruption in the precinct. That's right my Dad! He is Lieutenant Gordon! He thinks the Batman and Wraith should be behind bars for what they've done. But the Batman is nearly impossible to catch or even see! Neither Wraiths have been seen since the incidents. And....Wow I just...sorry!” Barbara said to Lash. As soon as she had an opening she went a mile a minute. But realized what she was doing at the end. Her face was blushing crimson now and it wasn't because of the cold.

“I ah....So...so? I..oh!” Barbara was back to being bashful until her phone chimed in her coat. She quickly reached for it only to drop it! The screen cracked from the impact, and the cellphone broke apart. It was easy to snap back together but the screen would have to be replaced.

“Oh no!” Barbara was now embarrassed, and sad that her phone was broken. She had also missed a call. She gathered up the phone with a frown on her face.

“May I see it? I have good hands for details.” Lash said to Barbara. Who blinked at him then slowly handed the broken phone over. Lash could tell her mind was going through fantasy land when he said, 'good hands for details'.

Lash new the phone's lay out probably better then Barbara. His Technomancy Domain giving him insight into the machine. Lash quickly snapped everything together then looked at the cracked screen. He looked up at Barbara with a smile that seem to make her weak in the knees. Then he cast a simple glamour to block her view of his magic, then cast...

Domain Technomancy Spell, Repair: Just has the name implies you can repair technological devices, tools, and machines. The bigger the repair job, the more magic it takes! This does not mean you can build something from magic, just repair it. Fill in a hole, fix a faulty wire, repair a broken section.

Congratulations User! You've discovered a Domain Synthesis Spell, Renew: Restoration fixes the broken pieces of nature, Repair fixes the broken pieces of technology. Renew combines both spells to do things that neither can do alone! This spell needs to be experimented with, but we think you can find a use for it!

Lash was caught off guard when he got a synthesis spell. But was pleased none the less. Soon Barbara's cracked phone was fixed. He handed it back to her with a smile. She looked confused, the phone looked brand new. Even the scratches it had from before were gone. She looked up at Lash with confusion, a question was clear on her face.

“Never seen a magic trick before? Here, I'll show you another one!” Lash walked over to edge of the side walk and picked up a palm sized stone.

Showing Barbara the stone, she nodded her head. Then Lash closed his hand around the stone. Still using a simple sight obstruction glamour. He used his old friend Material Shaping to quickly mold the the stone into a miniature Batman. However, this Batman had bat wings for his cloak. Then he produced the tiny statue of Batman and handed it to Barbara who's eyes went wide and a child like smile spread across her face. Most people like magic tricks!

“Here, for you! Your Father is right, normal citizens can be heroes. But, I'm sure the Batman was a normal citizen once upon a time. All it takes is an idea, strength of will, and determination to do more in this world. You have a good heart, don't waste it. Have a nice day Miss Gordon!” Lash said goodbye to the girl as her phone rang again. It was from her Father. She didn't answer it till it almost went to voice mail.

Lash went on his way, slightly over hearing Barbara tell her Father how she met Erik Lash. Then he was out of hear shot for anymore. He continued to wonder through the University grounds until he came to the Green house area for the botanist and such studies. Lash spotted a small little fairy slip in through one of the windows. Ah! A trail!

Lash slipped through the front doors, they were unlocked. But the University as a whole was mostly deserted. It was the holidays! Breathing in the moist humid air of the Green house. All the plant life seem to come to attention when Lash walked in. Almost out of instinct Lash spread his natural magical energy across the plant life feeding them just a little. Then he began to wonder around, admiring the different plants. All of which he knew the names to, he wasn't sure when he had learned that. Soon he followed a trail to find the culprits of the pranks. The little fairies were dancing, playing, and idly watching a young woman sitting in the gardens.

The young woman was maybe 5' 5”. With striking red hair done up in a tail. She wore a Seattle University hoodie. Long blue jeans that hugged her legs nicely, and simple tennis shoes. Her skin was pale white, her lips juicy red, and to top it off she had green eyes. The young woman's figure was amazing! Her hoodie did nothing to hide her chest, or waist line. The Fairies were very interested in her. -I smell The Green on her. But she seems mundane? Saurian said, maybe she is sensitive to it? Lash replied to his Partner. The young woman didn't seem to see the fairies. She was working on something then her bright green eyes shot up to stare at Lash. For a brief moment neither of them spoke. There was a subtle connection between them. Lash was a 'Guardian of the Green' He felt this aspect of him was stirring while looking at her. Then...Foresight activated briefly.

“Miss Isley, Nice to finally meet you. I'm Erik Lash. I've read several of your papers on the new-genesis program about genetically altering plant life to be more resistant to deforestation. It was a good read!” Lash spit something out of fucking no where! Having no clue where that even came from!

Pamela Lillian Isely, or as the world would one day come to call her. Poison Ivy, was first startled that Lash knew her name. Then a small timid smile bloomed on her face, an adorable blush crawled up her neck, face, then her ears as she hid behind her notebook. The Fairies nearby cooed in fascination as they watched her. Several of the fairies fluttered over to sit on Lash. But none spoke, not wanting to interrupt.

“H...Hello.... I'm sorry. I don't know who you are?” Pamela spoke softly, Lash almost couldn't hear her. Oh this was dangerous he found some one new to tease. He would have to be careful!

“Ah! Where are my manners! I am Erik Lash. And a Green enthusiast.” Lash bowed from his waist as he did before. This was becoming a customary greeting. For the super-natural communities this was basic edict. He had got so much practice it was almost natural for him. Lash could see that Pamela was smiling behind her notebook.

“You read my paper?” Pamela softly asked, slowly lowering her note book. Lash had no idea what the paper was about. But bits of information were still in his head from Foresight.

“Yes! Your idea for genetically altering the Rain Forest to grow twice as fast was a great idea! The Rain Forest plays an integral part in the over all ecosystem of the world! Also with Tree's that grow twice as fast the companies that use wood products wouldn't have to keep ripping places apart it would be a renewable resource. But unfortunately the world is filled with idiots that don't understand that destroying the rain forest will mean a slow death for us all. They have this insane idea that it doesn't concern them.” Lash said in a very animated voice.

After that initial push. Pamela slowly began to open up. Once it came to her study of plants Pamela was a completely different person. She was confident, outspoken, and many times sat next to Lash to show him her chemical analysis on her laptop. Lash even pointed out a few mistakes in her formula. Which made her happy to see how he saw it! Lash ended up getting her contact info and vice versa. He said he may have a few people that would be interested in funding her projects. He didn't forget his original goal and successfully bribed the fairies with three large all natural pizza's for consumption. Also to keep an eye on Pamela while she was here. She was visiting from Seattle University due to a conference here in Gotham. Lash bid her goodbye, she was sad to see him go. But it was getting late.

When Lash left the Green house he took out his phone and contacted The Warden's telling them the fairies were fine. But also to start a trace on Pamela Lillian Isely. She had a natural connection to The Green. She may be a natural born Druid. After a few minutes The Wardens sent the message to Seattle Warden HQ. They said they would keep an eye on her. Maybe...Just Maybe Pamela would not grow up to be the mass murderer Poison Ivy in this world?

The sun had set. Gotham woke up in a different way. Lash found a secluded alley, cast a obstruction glamour and then shifted into Saurian. Saurian as a whole hadn't change much he was a bit taller, more muscle mass. His scales were stronger, a bit of maturity was starting to show along his skull crest. Lash's tribal marks were present on Saurian. Across his skull crest, and along his shoulders. But one couldn't see a lot of it. Saurian was wearing a full kevlar, and studded leather kit. With technological attachments, such as phone interface, basic computer, all housed in a armored section of his gear. Saurian brought down the obstruction glamour and cast his 'Wraith' Persona. The long billowing tattered gray and black cloth covered him from nose to tail. The Shroud was only a visual obstruction. If anyone touched him they would feel his scales and suit. But the visual would trick camera's, infrared, anything seen through the eye, mechanical or otherwise. Recently his glamours had even begun to trick some fae. They couldn't see past it.

Saurian took a moment to breath in the toxic polluted air of Gotham's night life. The air was disgusting! But he loved it! He jumped up a wall, and used his skill Parkour to climb to the rooftop. Then he made his way to The Narrows. It had been nearly a month since he was last there. He wanted to go hunting again, even if they were small game. Storm clouds were rolling in from the south. Soon it would start to snow. Saurian leaped from rooftop to rooftop. Being careful of how much he weighed. He didn't want to fall through a ceiling!

Soon, Saurian came to one of the bridge crossings to The Narrows. He cast Nature's Passage, and Chameleon on himself. The spells had ranked up several times, they now lasted hours, with a few other bonuses. Saurian didn't cross the bridge but slipped into the water that surrounded the island. Gotham was a lot like New York. Each island was a city unto it self. The Narrows was just poorly planned tightly confined mistake of a space. But, many people lived in this mistake. The Commissioner of Gotham City Police was reprimanded for his dereliction of duty. But that was essentially a slap on his wrist. No one gave a shit about the Narrows. One single patrol car was sent here a day...Only during the day. As soon as the Sun set. The Narrows was on their own.

The ice cold water felt nice to Saurian, using Adaption and Damage Resistance. He was quickly gaining a strong resistance to cold effects. He swam around the whole island, swimming past the island stronghold of Arkham Asylum. Saurian saw a lot of Phobo, and Ira eaters. The little creatures that feed on emotions. Circling the Asylum like sharks who smell blood in the water. Many of them were as big as Sharks! With his new Grave Domain, Saurian could see dozens of lingering spirits at the Asylum. He may have to plan a trip to the place. Public or otherwise to help them. Soon coming to a dilapidated old wooden pier that hadn't seen any commercial commerce in decades. A few old wooden and iron ships were sunken near by. No one had come to clean them.

Saurian dove under the water, gills soon grew on the side of his neck. He swam towards the old wrecks moving past the ruined bulkheads. He checked for anything of use, valuables, maps, etc. Then he...

Domain Technomancy Spell, Recycle: Tear down a tool, gadget, machine, etc to their base parts. Screws come out, beams disconnect, a weeks worth of work in salvage in less then a few seconds. More magic for larger jobs!

The ships fell apart into pieces, literally! Then what pieces he could use Decomposition on he did. The rest he left at the bottom of the waters floor. Saurian swam up to the broken old pier. The wooden supports were barely holding together. Using his Synthesis Domain he cast Renew, using magic and the readily available raw resources nearby. He stabilized the piers supports, then the pier it self. Swimming up out of the water, Saurian climbed up onto a practically new wooden pier. With new wood, concrete, and steel beams in place to keep it up. All it needed was a fresh new paint job and it would look great. Saurian moved across the pier to the tiny light house that was housed there. He rebuilt it just the same. Soon the three story tall light house was in perfect working order. The light bulb even turned on and began to rotate, lighting the way for lost sailors.

Saurian admired his work. The little pier was not even half the length of a football field. But it would allow some fishing boats, or small sail boats to anchor. Turns out the light house had power, just no one ever came to fix it. He'd have to keep an eye on this place. Saurian climbed a wall and prowled the rooftops of The Narrows once again. Casting Restoration on pieces of rooftops and railing so he wouldn't slip. The Narrows was awake and loud as ever. Even at night, even with a storm coming people were doing their jobs, going to work, or heading home from work. People shoved one another, pick pockets ran about. Any one who lived in The Narrows understood the situation. A single GCPD (Gotham City Police Department) Zeppelin was above the narrows flashing its spotlight here or there. Only proving to be an irritation not a deterrent.

“Cut! Cut! Cut! Oh no! Your dead! Another Zombie to join the grave! Hehehehe....” A low calling voice spoke from a few alleys away. Saurian, paused then moved on all fours carefully moving towards the voice.

“Pl...lease no! Just let me go! I won't tell any one!” Said a scared feminine voice.

“Whats that! The zombie speaks? Oh now they understand that life is worth living! Oh no! To late! To late! Zsasz will send the little zombie off! Hehehe! I have a place right for you here.” Saurian came to look down at a tiny space between two buildings. Barely wide enough by 6 feet.

There between the walls was a dead woman with her throat cut. Another on the ground crying, begging to be let go. Then a tall shirtless man, with dozens of tiny cut marks on his body. Like a Tally. Sherogoth's blessing was screaming at Saurian to kill this man! Saurian was already prowling down the wall towards this piece of shit. The man reached out his hand and gripped the woman picking her up, he went to press his knife to her throat only to freeze in place. Cold sweat pouring down his back. Because he could feel claws wrapped around his neck. The woman's eyes were not focused on Zsasz anymore. But the seven foot tall Wraith standing behind him.

“W...W...Wraith?” The woman seem to gasp. Calm Emotions had then been cast on her. Her eyes seem to gain focus. Then a small triumphant smile grew on her lips.

“Wraith? As in.... no no! I'm not hurting any one! She is a zombie! S...geeeeh!” Zsasz tried to speak only to have his entire neck crushed like a tin can.

Before he chocked on his own blood, Saurian Cast Sherogoth's Punishment on him. Zsasz flailed and writhed in Saurian's grip. The woman now standing out of arms reach. He squealed in suffering as he lived through every gruesome death he had visited upon others. Then died, Saurian was then struck dumb as he saw Victor Zsasz soul exit the body. Then watched with grim satisfaction, as a fiery portal opened up in the ground, clawed hands reached out and pulled him towards his 'reward' for the life he had lived. Zsasz's spirit screamed and pleaded! Screamed he was sorry! That he was only doing the work he knew was right! But all his pleas fell on deaf ears as he was pulled in. The fiery portal closed.

“Who is she?” Saurian pointed at the other body in the alley. The woman still under the effects of his skill looked over with a disconnected expression.

“My friend, we were heading out to get something to eat before we turned in for the night. Then we got pulled in here.” She said, though she was calm Saurian could see involuntary tears brimming in her eyes.

Saurian moved to the body and took a knee. Her soul hadn't left the corpse yet. Aside from the cut throat she was whole. Saurian cast Nature's Kiss on the body. The wound healed like it never was, but she was still dead. Then he cast....

Domain Grave Spell, Kiss of the Grave: If the body is in tact and mostly put together you can call on the power of the Grave to restore a persons life force and soul to a recently deceased body. The spell does little healing, so ensure the body is healed before, or they will just die soon after. This is not the creation of undead. Death will have its due sooner or later.

Then with a shuddering breath...Gaaaaaaaeeehhh! The dead woman gasped for air as she came to. Life returning to her eyes as she began to shiver. Saurian cast Sooth, and Nature's Supplement. On her helping to balance her out. He made a mistake, he should have cast all three Nature spells first then cast the Grave spell. Live and learn!

“Bobby!”The woman who was standing raced over to hug her friend. Calm Emotions no longer in effect. She cradled her now recently resuscitated friend. Her friend, 'Bobby' was looking around completely confused.

Saurian went to Zsasz's body and cast Decomposition on it, focus target. Zsasz's body, cloths, anything on him turn to ash in the blink of an eye. Even his bones turn to dust. He cast his nature spells on the other woman before he left. Then climbed the walls of the buildings and slipped out of sight of the two. Though the woman thought he was gone, but with his camouflage in place he kept watch over them until they stood and went to go home. Saurian followed them all the way home, then went to prowl the streets once more.

After a few hours Saurian was perched on a broken down Church steeple. Watching everyone come and go. He could feel that the church was no longer consecrated, so it was just an empty box. Full of used needles, trash, blood, and a body. Well the body was gone now, mushrooms were growing it its place. Very few cars drove in the Narrows. The streets were mix matched, no set pattern or grid used. So most people used the streets like side walks. But from time to time a car would drive through the crowd of people honking, sometimes gently hitting people. One car in particular was honking as the driver was swearing up a storm. More then once the driver got out of the car to flash his gun at people to get them to move. Then an older man, maybe homeless or the cloths he wore was the best he could afford stepped out in front of the car. The car sped forward and hit the old man. The man went flying a good twenty or so feet before hitting ground. Clearly bones had been broken. But no one stopped to help him, the driver even screamed at him for denting his car.


The car's hood, engine, and two front tires imploded! There stood on the car was Saurian wearing his Wraith Shroud. Two glowing yellow eyes peering out from the darkness of his hood staring at the driver who was now sprawled out across the street. Pale as a sheet, pissing his pants. Everyone in the street stopped moving. All eyes on the Wraith. Who stepped off the car and moved to the old man. The old man was groaning in pain. Saurian cast his Nature spell's on him. Soon his broken bones snapped back into place, he was fit and healthy! Healthier then he had been in years. Saurian helped the man up, dust him off and nodded. The driver of the car had left! Saurian pointed at the car.

“Law of The Narrows. Feel free to salvage what you like, no fighting!” Saurian then climbed up a wall and faded from sight.

Saurian soon returned hidden from sight to watch how the car was stripped for everything it was worth. One of the few times the people of the Narrows came together. That car was down to its bones in under an hour! Even the bones were being pried apart for scrap metal. Several people were talking, a few had phones out during the initial scene of The Wraith showing up. Some were scared, some were busy with the car. But most, most of the people were happy. The Wraith of the Narrows was back! Several people were talking to the old man about how he felt. The man was happy as he could be. He hadn't felt this good in....ever! Even a few old injuries he had were gone. Saurian stayed for a while longer then moved off to look for more trouble.

Saurian learned a while ago that even if the target he cast Nature's Kiss on had 'full' health? The spell would still find things to fix. Injuries that didn't heal right, correct muscle tissue damage. Sooth began to clean out arteries, increase blood flow. Nature's Supplement began to refill cartilage, it even restored enamel on peoples teeth! Essentially all three of the spells took someone and made them the optimal healthy version of a person their age. It was wonderful! In some way's Saurian was afraid it could become addicting. There was no drug withdrawals with the spells. It was all natural, but he could see people becoming addicted to the feeling it gave.

“Please stop! Hay! That's mine! Let go! Stop it!” A woman screamed from a few streets over. Saurian moved over to find an interesting sight.

Three woman wearing nice winter clothing, were trying to fend off the scavengers of The Narrows. The car they had driven into The Narrows was being picked clean, several people were trying to take their nice leather purses. Saurian tilted his head in confusion, these people clearly did not live in The Narrows. Nor did they have business here. If they did they would have brought guns or protection. Preferably both.

“Hey sweetie isn't this what you wanted? You wanted to rough it in The Narrows! Come rub shoulders with all the dirty low lives of Gotham's under belly! Well here we are! A GreAAAAAA!” The man stopped talking and screamed for a moment. Everyone looked at him, only to freeze.

The man had been flailing his arms and legs about only to stop. Why? Because a Wraiths clawed hand had gripped his head and lifted him off the street. The man was now a good fifteen feet off the ground, Saurian's finger and thumb pads were pressed into his skull so he couldn't pierce his skin. But his claws were already leaving small cuts on the man's skin. The man reached for a knife, some one screamed don't! Then the knife stabbed into Saurian's arm. Doing absolutely nothing, he didn't even flinch. The man tried several more times, nothing happened.

“Why are you here?” Saurians deep, gravely voice ushered across the street. He was peering at the ladies. The man kept trying to stab at Saurian trying to get something, find an weakness. Saurian kept the mans head in his palms and held him aloft.

“W..we....we.....” One woman fell to her knee's clearly having a panic attack. Her friend came to support her, also not looking much better. Then the third woman stepped forward. Smoothing out her cloths, and hair before she spoke.

“Mr....W..Wraith? Sir? We...We got lost...” The woman started.

“Your lying.” Saurian tossed the man in his grip aside, who crashed into the ground in a heap. No broken bones but the man was groaning as a lot of his skin was rubbed off. He slowly got up and crawled away.

Saurian slipped down and stalked towards the woman. People got out his way, shivering as the black cloth of the illusion seem to pass right through them. He came to stand in front of the woman. He towered over her. The total darkness of his face except for two yellow eyes peering out.

“W..e...I.....W....” The woman was terrified now. She kept swallowing her saliva but refused to step back. Saurian turned to look at a man who held one of the woman's purses. The man did not dare to move.

“Why are they here?” Saurian asked.

“They came down to The Narrows because of all the TV coverage! They wanted to see what all the fuss is about not believing that such a horrible place exists! They've lived in Gotham all their lives but have never been down here. They have lived with silver spoons in mouths, and been in a bird cage all their lives! They thought that if they shouted their daddies names we would back off!” The man spit out word after word. Saurian could tell the man was not lying. But was a little curious how the man knew all that.

Saurian turned to look at the woman....Who refused to meet his eyes now. He looked at the other two woman who were so terrified they looked like they would pass out soon. Saurian walked over to the side of the street. Motioning for the man to follow. He reluctantly did, Saurian found the woman's ID's. Then gave everything else back to the men that took the purses. This made him confused.

“You three, come here and sit. Watch what 'The Narrows' is really about!” Saurian used Commanding Presence. The three woman stood almost like puppets on strings and came to sit next to Saurian. Saurian then pointed at the car. “Come show them The Law of The Narrows, Strip that thing for all its worth! No fighting allowed!” Saurian called out in a clear voice. There was a momentary pause. Then some one cheered and ran straight for the car, ripping its stereo out.

Soon just like the car before, this really nice black four door Mercedes luxury car was stripped for parts. The woman who came to rough it in The Narrows watched in horror as the car was taken apart. All three just held each other in fear, flinching every time one of Saurians wraith black cloth pieces passed through them. No one bothered Saurian, almost as if there was an invisible barrier around him. Plenty of people took pictures, or filmed him standing there. Soon the car was nothing but a husk of what it once was.

“Stand up! We are leaving!” Saurian used Commanding Presence once more, and then cast a wide area of effect Glamour.

Soon he and the three woman disappeared from view, they walked through the crowded streets with ease. Soon coming to a connected bridge, there at the end was a police car were two officers looking around confused. Saurian using Technomancy activated his built in phone and called for a pick up. For one police commissioner's daughter, the glamour bubbled closed down. The two officers screamed in surprise as did several other people. There stood the Wraith of The Narrows, and three terrified woman. Saurian pointed at the cops, then pointed at the woman. Then walked back towards The Narrows, fading from sight as if he was a ghost.

Saurian spent a few more hours in The Narrows helping a few people, teaching a few people a lesson. But it was growing early and he decided to head home. Slipping across a bridge he made his way through the city. Then caught the scent of some one he wasn't expecting. Tracking the scent down he soon came to the well off part of Gotham. Classy, patrolled by police every hour, beautiful pieces of art displayed in windows. There climbing from a window was a shadow, with what looked like...cat ears? Saurian smiled.

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