Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 30:A Cat, A Bat, A Lizard, Play Keep Away!

Saurian followed Selina, losing track of her many times but her scent was never lost. Tracking her across many rooftops, Selina robbed three different houses. Her back pack almost to full for its own good. Her cat costume was well designed, sleek, skin tight leaving very little to the imagination. More then once Saurian was curious if she was breathing properly with how much her breasts were compressed by the suit. But, he could also smell the divine spark inside her had grown. The spectral cat that was by her side kept looking behind her. Seeming to understand it was being followed. Saurian thought the cat saw him. But it was some one else the cat smelled. Just as Erik predicted they had an attraction for one another.

When Selina jumped over a street, extending her whip she nailed it to the edge then climbed up from hand hold to hand hold. Only to stop in surprise, the spectral cats fur standing on end. There standing on the other side of the rooftop was Batman, wearing his typical scowl. Saurian recast his concealing spells and slipped his way towards them, only catching the tail end of the conversation. But more then once Saurian saw that Selina was being the seductive, playful, but the aloof female he knew her to be....

“I don't know why you complain Batman! These things were collecting dust on their walls for months or even years. I bet they won't even notice they are gone..” Selina ran her claws along Batmans chin gently nicking him. Batman flinched but held the item in question. Making Saurian surprised.

“And the fact that this piece was made by Erik Lash has nothing to do with why you stole it?” Batman said, in his cold and brisk voice. Selina froze at the mention of Saurian's partners name.

“I like his work! Its very life like. If it makes you feel any better I wasn't planning on selling it. It's for my own collection.” Selina raised her chin in clear deviance to Batman's accusation.

“All the same Miss Kyle, I'll be taking it back.” Batman said coldly, taking the statue from Selina. Selina didn't seem surprised that Batman knew her identity. Then she shivered and looked towards one end of the rooftop with a curious eye. Nothing was there, but why did she feel like something was watching them. Batman also noticed the feeling, peering to the side.

Saurian stayed perfectly still, his glamour and spells in place. But he admired how sharp their senses were. He stepped onto the rooftop and they both realized he was there. But couldn't see him. Selina stepped into Batman's personal space with a smile, wrapping her arms around his neck and leaned in.

“Fine, you can have it! But only if you pay for it, with a kiss!” Selina said, leaning in and sealing Batmans lips with her own. Batman didn't resist nor did he give in either. His face a stone mask to her. But Saurian could tell Batman enjoyed it.

Selina broke the kiss and gave him a wink. Then she walked towards the end of the roof sashaying her hips. Making sure Batman watched her leave, she peeked around her shoulder looking at him, but also glancing at the spot she saw before. She felt something from that direction that she couldn't place. Batman caught her eye and with out warning threw a bat-a-rang towards that direction. Saurian easily dipped his body out of the way, even understanding it would make a return trip. But that simple shift was enough for Selina, and Batman to see something was hiding there.

“Looks like you have a play date, Bats! Best of luck!” Selina called as she took out her whip and jumped across the rooftops.

“Cat Woman!” Batman called out, trying to maintain her identity. He didn't lose focus when he called for her, keeping his sight line towards Saurian. But Cat Woman was already gone. Batman pressed a finger to his cowl, activating something with his vision.

Saurian watched with interest, he was curious what Batman was trying to do. Saurian was now slowly prowling across the rooftop in a circle, making a point to circle around towards where Selina left. To see what Batman would do, sure enough Batman put himself between Selina and thing moving in the shadows. Saruian's movements were slow and precise but Batman kept tracking him, trying to pin point his exact location. Saurian cast a Technomancy spell...

Domain Technomancy Spell/Skill Connectivity: You've become your own WiFi hot spot! Want to make a call with out a phone? You can! Want to hack into a data base with out a computer? You can! Though that may take a bit of practice. Be careful, firewalls can still hurt you, but instead of frying your computer, they'll fry you! You've become your own, walking, talking living computer!

“.....Alfred, the thermal imaging is not picking anything up.” Batmans commanding voice was over heard a communication.

“Sir, perhaps it shielded, throw some aluminum flak into the air. Maybe you'll see it then?” The suave charming voice of Alfred Penny's worth voice spoke across the communication.

Batman threw out a pellet straight towards Saurian's near perfect disguise. But as the pellet was thrown, Saurian sprinted towards Batman. Conjuring a wall of fog that over took the roof top! The surprise was evident on Batman's half covered face. Now a thick billowing fog was coming from the thing he was fighting against!

Batman swung his fist at the supposed target, but Saurian wasn't here to fight. He ducked under the attack and picked up a certain 'object' that was on the ground. Then slipped away from the rooftop being careful and slow. The fog not disturbed in the slightest, easily covering his escape. Soon Saurian was off the roof and moving towards a wayward cat. The fog dissipated with in seconds when Saurian was not near by. As he left he connected to the communication hub.

“Master Bruce! Master Bruce are you there!” Alfred was calling in dismay.

“I'm here Alfred, what ever it was, its gone. Wait! The statue is gone! Selina?!” Batman's voice went from cold to hot in less then ten seconds. Before he sprinted to the edge of the roof looking towards the direction she left in.

“Alfred, do we have any idea where she left to?” Batman's voice hurried.

“Checking sir!...No... She stayed out of sight of the CCTV, and your satellite hasn't been launched yet.

Saurian soon stepped out of range for his spell. Looks like he'll have to rank that up for increased broadcast range. He didn't say anything to them, wanting to keep that channel open for the future. He watched with interest as Batman didn't stay idle for long. He chased in the direction of Selina hoping to pick up her trail, after a few blocks Saurian knew Batman had lost her. That may be the direction she left in, but it was not the direction she was moving. Saurian followed the scent of his pack mate with a smile on his face. Tucking the piece of art that she coveted. Lash still had the goddess of Bast statue waiting in his home. Perhaps they should make it a priority to visit her.

The storm had officially hit Gotham City, it was coming down hard now. Selina had finally made it back to her loft in one of Gotham's 'Red-Light' districts. Ever since she had met Lash those few weeks ago her life had taken a turn for the better. The local business owner took her off of daily rotation. Now she only saw clients she wanted to see. She moved into a spacious loft, her land lord even knew about her nightly adventures and only asked for a five percent cut. She stood under an over hang as she dialed in a combination and key code for her door. She turned to look back the way she came, feeling regret in not getting Lash's statue from Batman. She still needed to go see Lash himself to get that state he made for her, even took a photo to show it was real. She had thought about stealing it from his home, but it didn't feel right stealing from a friend.

“I miss you....” Selina said to the dark. Then opened the door to her home before she froze in place.

Ever since that night spent with Lash her intuition had been amazing! Her senses, mobility, flexibility, athletic talent, and gymnastics had been on another level. She felt like a door that had been sealed tight in her was now wide open. With all that, she knew some one was watching her. She softly closed her door, the dial and key code re locked. She took a deep breath, centered herself. Put on her best performance of a seductress, then turned around with a smile.

“I'm impressed Batman! Trac....t...” Selina called out, only to trail off at the end.

Batman was not standing at the edge of the roof. But another creature of the night. A tall creature with billowing dark cloth wrapped around its form. Tattered cloth curled and danced around as if playing an invisible wind. Two gleaming yellow eyes were peering out from the darkness of the hood. The snow danced around the ghost like figure as if entertained just to be near it. The figure then silently moved forward towards Selina. Who was both terrified, and....Thrilled?

Saurian slowly walked towards Selina. He saw the spectral cat was at first hissing, then it tilted its head before it bounded over to Saurian! A small silver tether connected the cat to Selina. The cat came up to Saurian leaping into his arms. Saurian caught the cat and continued to walk towards Selina. Selina backed up against her door, her entire body rigid. But her rapid breathing wasn't entirely due to fear. Saurian knew that the spectral cat was effecting her emotions.

“Hello Cat Woman, I have something you left behind.” Saurian's voice was a deep gravely voice that came from vocal cords that were not at all human. But even as he spoke, he could see that Selina noticed something. He then put down the art piece she had left behind with Batman.

The spectral cat jumped from Saurian's arms and danced around the statue before merging with Selina again. Selina's chest rose and fell quickly, her back straight up against her door. Her entire body was shivering. Her face was partially covered by a mask, with glass goggles that kept her eyes hidden, and cute little cat ears. But Saurian could feel electronics were placed in them for some purpose.

“Why is The Wraith of The Narrows at my door? Didn't know I was so popular...” Selina softly asked. Saurian titled his head to one side, something he knew the glamour would convey.

“Trust your intuition, what does it tell you about me?” Saurian asked, stepping closer to her so they were mere five feet from one another.

Selina bit her lips softly, she very slowly stepped from her door. She reached out her left hand with hesitation. Drawing it back more then once before she reached through the shroud of the Glamour to touch the scaled face of Saurian. Surprise wide in her eyes when she could feel the scales through her gloves. She reached up, cradling Saurian's face with both of her hands now. He leaned in, and pressed his forehead against her own. In a quiet shaking voice Selina whispered...

“Lash...?” Selina barley said.

“Hello Selina....” Saurian, and Lash's voice replied. Making Selina jump! But she didn't let go.

“Do you want to come in?” Selina asked softly, but hesitation was in her voice.

“No thank you Selina, we still have some work to do. But if your invitation is open tomorrow morning, we can bring the statue we made for you as a gift?” Saurian and Lash's voice replied. They could feel that Selina was both sad that they declined but also happy. This was all so far out her expectations of how tonight was suppose to go.

“My place or yours?” Selina asked, she had moved out from the overhang now and was nestled into the embrace of Saurian. Tucking herself against the combat suit and scales of the giant lizard.

“What would make you more comfortable?” Saurian asked, wrapping his muscled arms around her in a protective manner. This Selina was different, gone was the seductive actress that Batman fell in love with. This one, this was a friend, happy to see him.

“I'd like to see your place again, I feel safe there.” Selina said softly, and a bit shy. Embarrassed to say it out loud. “Say around nine o'clock?”

“As you wish, my little cat.” Saurian said, as he gently squeezed Selina then slowly stepped away. Selina didn't want to let go, but understood she had to. Saurian's tail easily wrapped around the art piece and placed it in her hands. She was surprised by the tail, her eyes almost wanting to chase it for a moment. “See you in the morning then.”

Saurian entire being faded from Selina's sight. Making her gasp in surprise, before a smile grew across her face. She opened the door to her home and slipped in, locking the door behind her. Saurian decided to survey all of Selina's building. Checking her security, and the buildings near by. He counted at least a dozen or so Were-Breeds who lived nearby. Finishing his business he moved to the edge of the neighborhood and left to return home.

After another hour or so moving from rooftop to rooftop, Saurian made it back to his neighborhood. Finding a secluded hide away spot, he climbed down and recast the wide obstruction glamour. Shifting back to Lash, they had both learned that having the Wraith travel to their home was dangerous. So they decided that each time they would find a different spot with in a one to five mile radius of their home. Keep people guessing. Lash pulled out a hat and made his way home in his normal mundane look, taking a round about way to get there. Paranoia? Yes, definitely.

The front door opened automatically, even with out Lash's key card. The machine recognized him. The front desk security thought it was shorted for a moment then he saw Lash take his hat off. The guard welcomed him back, Lash made a possible visitation of Selina Kyle in the morning. He should call, but just in case. The guard made a note. Soon Lash was back in his home, as the lights slowly turned on, no intrusions said the alarm. Lash hung up his coat and went to his art studio room. He carefully packed up the Goddess of Bast statue into a box. The statue itself was a black stone color with real gold and silver motifs, about a foot and a half tall. Lash had finished his commission of the other client, as well as the enchanted statue for Zatara. The client took their piece but Zatara said Zatanna would be coming to Gotham to visit friends, she would be picking up the statue. So that means they would be meeting Zatanna soon. Yay?

Three o'clock in the morning and Lash finally got into bed. Setting an alarm for eight. But he felt that he'd wake up well before that. Lash took a moment to collect his thoughts as he lay in bed. The shutters were down, the system locked. Wearing nothing but a pair of boxers, he slipped under his covers. His eyes seeing nearly just as well in the dark as he did in the light.

“Dawn...I feel like I'm missing something?” Lash called out to the darkness.

“Many things happened today User. Some of them involving you, but you can't be every where at once. But if you mean appointments? Well I have to say you have a phone for that, I am not your secretary!” Dawn said, with a teasing voice.

“No, but I bet you would look good with a pair of glasses on, and a short skirt.” Lash replied, his eyes starting to fall.

“Oh? Is that a request in attire, User?” Dawn's voice was full of vigor.

“Maybe next time I'm in the Black Room we'll do a outfit montage? Good night, Dawn.” Lash said softly before falling asleep.

“Good night, User. I'll get my closet ready!” Dawn said softly....

Crack! Crack! Crack! Lash was beating a coconut with a rock, trying to break it open. With every swing, it would make a loud sound. Lash would look around watching for trouble. He would itch at the tiny stone in his forearm. Then return to the smashing. Then at last he got the coconut open, digging out the soft flesh inside and drinking its milk. Snap! A twig broke behind him, he turned swiftly and with out thinking threw his meal at the thing behind him! He broke open the head of the would be attacker! Sighing with relief he went to loot the body....

Lash opened his eyes inside his home, finding that he was not in bed but in the center of his bedroom. He had made a nest out of pillows, and blankets, then he saw that his whole body was covered in scales. He had claws on his hands and feet. But he hadn't shifted to Saurian he was still in the driver seat. Odd? Then the prompts came...

Congratulations User! Your skill, Partial Transformation has now evolved into: Transformation: Shifting is the swapping who and what you are for something else. Transforming, changes aspects of your current form. No longer do you do it in bits and pieces you can now transform your entire body in a half/half letting you be a killing machine in either shift.

Congratulations User! Your skill, Dark Vision has evolved into Night Eye: While Dark Vision allows you to see in a black and white color pallet in the dead of night. Night Eye allows you to see in total darkness as if you were seeing things in the middle of the day. Able to distinguish the world of light or dark as if it was the same thing. Usable in both shapes.

Lash stood up and went to his full length mirror. He stood naked in front of it, admiring the scales, layered across his body. He didn't have a tail, fin, or anything like that. He looked like a young killer croc. With a bit of concentration he shifted back to his full human form. But even with that, you could still see a faint outline of the scales on his skin. Like he slept on a snake skin coat, and it left an imprint. He'd have to check if his blood line still red 100% human or not. He checked the nightstand clock and saw to his horror that it was 4:30 am. He slept for less then two hours, but he felt energized.

“Good morning, Dawn. I don't suppose you can tell me if my blood is still human or not?” Lash said softly as he began to make his bed.

“Good morning, User. I'm afraid not User, that is something to find out in the world. However, it should delight you to know that many people have adopted your reincarnated idea for their origins. Having the ability to obtain skills simply by dreaming has made many people envious.” Dawn said in a delighted voice. Lash turned on the shower and jumped in, washing up.

“So, why is it that when I ask questions about certain things you give me a very specific answer, while other times you don't? System bug? Or something I don't understand?” Lash asked as he began to wash himself. Stopping for a moment to see that the tribal marks on his shoulders have grown a little.

“When you ask specifics for things that are story focused we've been tasked to be vague in an attempt to encourage the User's curiosity. When it comes to things not story focused we are allowed to be detailed. However, this is subject to change. Even giving you this answer is currently up for debate by the Developers. They seek to give just enough for Users to understand, but be vague enough to create a mystery. But every User is different, what is classified as vague for one, could be like a road map for another. Work in progress.” Dawn said her tone taking on a teachers persona.

“Ah, example like figuring out why my blood is 100% human despite all my very clear none human traits. Would be story driven, but there are several skills and spells that I've obtained that at one time could be explained but now can't. Subject to change.” Lash said, and understood.

“Exactly!” Dawn said delighted that he had figured it out.

“May I see my Rank Status please?” Lash asked as he got out of the shower.

Name: Erik Lash, Saurian Hunter. Commonly referred as 'Lash' or 'Saurian' or 'Wraith'

Title: Natural Mechanic

Origin: Magical

Rank: D +

Skills: See tab for more information.

Domains: Nature, Technomancy, Synthesis, Grave

Spells: See tab for more information

Description: The path between D+ to C- is a long and hard one. You are on the right track! But from here on out, promoting yourself will take time and effort. You've firmly established yourself as a hero. But if you are an Anti-Hero? Remains to be seen. The way you handle yourself is a balancing act to certain people. Thankfully the law is on your side! That's right, Warden's are a sanctioned agency. License to kill anyone?

“Holy shit! I didn't think about that! The Wardens are technically on the side of the law! No! No, that's a trap! I still need to be careful.” Lash face palmed himself for thinking such things.

“Thank you for the update, Dawn!” Lash said, with a towel wrapped around his waist he did his best air-hug. Then went to get dressed in some casual morning cloths.

“You are welcome user! Enjoy your generated day!” Dawn replied softly.

Lash put on a cotton set up of comfortable wear. Sent a text message to Selina. 'I'm awake, let me know when your heading over. Would you like me to send a car for you?' Oh ya! Lash has that authority now. He may be a Warden of little to no experience but is overall worth to the Warden's was high! Especially when calling for a car for a God-kin that was a potential ally. The Warden's would not bat an eye at the request. Lash made a simple protein smoothie, and headed towards the art room.

Ever since he got Technomancy he'd been trying to craft things with it. He was currently trying to craft a hand held music box, Made from polished stone, a mirror, and mechanical gears. He wanted to create a tiny stone tree replica. That grew from a sapling to an adult tree at the end of the song. His Material Shaping skills had ranked up so much that he didn't need to touch things most of the time. He placed his hands over the components and magic would extend like dozens of tiny little hands...

Congratulations User! You've learned the Domain Technomancy Spell, Alteration: You can fix something! You can break something! Now, you can change something! Altering something with magic lets you degrade, or upgrade anything with magic. But, once you stop channeling if the 'object' isn't made right, it will just break! Experimentation!

The spell took effect as the music box was crafted, and shaped. He didn't even have to take it apart to get to the insides. But he could still see inside of it as if it lay bare in front of him. Soon the tumbler was set, the gears were primed. The music began to play, as a stone tree grew from the box, going from sapling to full blossomed cherry tree. Each piece of the tree was delicate and hard to manage. But once the spell was finished and the music came to an end. The tree was in full bloom, then Lash press the reset button and the tree slowly retracted back into the music box. He pulled his magic from the box, and pressed play....Watching with a smile, as the music box played in its entirety, then reset. No problems!

Congratulations User! You've created Magical Music Box! Grade E+ Effects: Grants a calm mind and relaxed heart. Comment: This is great gift made with magic, but can be used with out! A gift for any one, especially for your one hundredth try? But who's counting! Please note: Creation grades are a product of a new version!

Lash jumped a little in surprise, reading the prompt. Holy crap! He vaguely remembers getting a few notes on some of his creations. But nothing like this. He smiled at his creation though. He carefully packed it up. He placed a letter on the box to Pamela Isely. 'Hello! Its not a plant, but I hope you will enjoy it all the same! Sincerely -Erik Lash' He packed it up. Cleaned up his art room and made his way to the balcony. The balcony was thick with snow! At least three feet, Lash stepped out with out worry. It could be ten degree's outside and it wouldn't phase him anymore. More then once he wanted to go outside in summer cloths and had to remind himself not to. He had made a simple overhang for the Griak's tree house to keep the snow off of it. He rang a small bell at the front door.

“Hmmmmyyyaaaawn! Hello Warden! How may we help you?” A Griak sleepily called, a few more poked their heads out.

“Hello little ones! I have a package, please take it to the Warden HQ for delivery to Seattle Warden HQ. The individual and address are on the box. Its fragile! You don't have to do this now, just when you get to it.” Lash then cast his nature spells on all the Griaks who became overly happy and fluttered about. A few of them stored the package for later delivery, promising to be careful. Then Lash said good bye and walked back into his home.

Closing and locking his door he felt his phone vibrate. It was Selina, 'How are you awake? Yes, a car would be amazing. Give them my contact info, and send it over around eight ish? See you then!' Lash sent a smiley face back at her. It was now 6:30 am. He contacted the driver security for his building, told them the information. They said they would take care of it. Lash had to admit to himself he was a little excited to see Selina. He sent another text to her, 'Do you want to eat in my home or go out to eat?' Lash went to his bedroom and got some casual business attire cloths on. Black shoes, gray slacks, a black buttoned up long sleeve. On his way to the kitchen when he got a reply. 'Yours, make sure there is coffee.' Selina replied. Lash did so. Soon he was pulling out things in preparation.

Time passed, and the front desk called him saying that his guest was on her way up. He unlocked the door, and went back to the kitchen. Pulling off some fresh cook salmon, healthy omelet selection, with french bread, an assortment of jams and honey. With the last of the black coffee for Selina and tea for himself. A knock sounded from the front door.

“Its open!” Lash called down the hallway. The door opened and Selina walked in softly, closing and locking the door behind him.

Selina had worn a pair of black running shoes, with black skin tight running pants, showing off her curves on her legs and hips. A black skin tight sport t-shirt, with running jacket, her cleavage was clear but modest. A head band kept her raven black hair up. She had a little bit of eye shadow, and pink lip gloss, she looked like she was going for a run. But thanks to Lash's Sensory Awareness he could see that Selina had checked herself in the mirror in the hallway. Satisfied with the look. It may have been simple, but she wanted to look good in it. Selina was the type of woman that as long as she put a little bit of effort into it. Nearly anything would look good.

“Hmmm, something smells good!”Selina walked into the kitchen and saw Lash putting the last plate down.

She was momentary stunned by the set up, but a smile soon spread across her lips as she walked over and hugged Lash. Lash swallowed her in a hug, picking her up earning a small squeak from her as he twirled her around. She buried her face into his neck, and breathed him in. He set her down and let her go.

“Hello, little cat. Come have some thing to eat.” Lash softly said, but his eyes had turned reptilian in front of her. Making her gasp in surprise.

“You'll have to teach me how to do that!” Selina said and made her way to the kitchen table. Lash pulled the chair out for her and helped her to be settled. He went over to table and grabbed the Goddess Bast statue, placing it on the table.

“The statue I owe you.” Lash gestured to the box. Then began to eat his meal. Selina didn't make a move to grab the box. For a few minutes they enjoyed the meal, Selina held special interest in the fish on the plate.

“So, are you and Batman dating? Or is just flirting?” Lash said half way through the meal. This made Selina cough and nearly choke. Drinking some coffee before she looked up wide eyed at Lash. Then she pointed finger at him.

“That was you!? That's how you got the statue from him! Oho! You have a lot of explaining to do!” Selina made a mad dash to change the subject.

Lash raised his right hand up, from the elbow to his hand scales grew effortlessly, hard crocodile scales along his bone line, bone blades from the edge of the forearm, black claws the extended from his fingers by almost two inches. He showed it to Selina who had eyes as wide as possible. The windows shuttered before Lash showed Selina, at his request to the alarm system. Technomancy was handy!

“What would you like to know?” Lash said with a smile, reptilian eyes staring at Selina.

Selina seem to be stumped, Lash could read her body language like a book. She spends so much time dancing around subjects, having to practically pull teeth from people to get any information. Then here comes along some one who is open about nearly everything. Almost naively so, but Lash trusted her to keep the secret. The Wardens may question the judgment. But since she was a Gods Chosen she technically was not mundane anymore. Selina decided to finish her meal. Asking for a refill on her coffee, making Lash laugh as he restored his arm to his human skin. He refilled her drink and then blissfully finished the meal with her.

After the meal, Lash and Selina were sitting on the coach. Well Lash was sitting, Selina was laying down her head in his lap face up. He was running his hands up and down her stomach, and sides. Casting his favorite nature spells. Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss. Selina bit her lip, her eyes fluttered closed as she audibly moaned! Her thighs rubbed together, as her hands wrapped around Lash's arm, using him as an anchor to ride the sensation out. Lash established the Pack Bond with her. Boosting her and his overall stats by 25%. Which brought another wave of euphoria through Selina's entire body. Her back arched, as her body locked up...Then after a few seconds she melted back into the coach. She released her iron grip on Lash's arm, so he returned to teasing her skin with his hand.

“You know, I have a lot of clients that would pay top dollar for that effect.” Selina whispered.

“So, tell me about Batman? You don't have to tell me his identity. Just your relationship, as your friend I wish to hear the gossip!” Lash smiled, looking down at her.

“I...don't know. The first time we met we actually got into a fight. But, there was just a spark between us. An attraction I've never felt before. I mean you are amazing! But...” Selina seem to hesitate.

“We are friends, family, pack mates. Everything we need from each other, if and when we need it. I'm not jealous Selina, I'm happy for you. Perhaps you have found some one that can make you happy, and entertained at the same time!” Lash said to her, as he softly tapped her nose. Making her wiggle it back and forth blinking several times. She reached up and brought his hand back to her naked skin, enjoying his touch. Practically purring at him.

“Yes, you are everything I need, when I want it. But he...He is something I feel...No! I can't think of that! A woman in my line of work can't have such fantasies!” Selina said, taking on a bitter tone to her voice.

“Tell me Selina, how much would it take for you to no longer have to be in that line of work? I'm not asking you to change your night life. You seem to enjoy that, so how much would it take to make it so you don't have to do your day job anymore?” Lash said, his voice becoming serious. This made Selina stop, than she sat up to look at him eye to eye.

“Five hundred thousand dollars!” Selina said jokingly. Then went wide eyed when Lash took his phone out.

“What's your router number?” Lash said. Making Selina grab his hand to stop him from opening his bank account.

“No! No! And another No! You can not possibly afford that! Just to spend it on me! I mean we are not even having sex!” Selina was adamant in her excuses. She bit her lip nervously, especially when Lash made no moves to put his phone away. Lash reached out with his free hand, and caressed her cheek then said.

“What. Is. Your. Routing. Number?” Lash said with a smile.

Selina looked from his eyes to the phone several times, then told him her routing number. Then her checking account. After a few minutes Selina's phone vibrated a notification from her bank. Her main account now had a $500,000.00 deposit. Her hands began to shake, and tears fell down from her eyes. That was it! She didn't have to work her day job any more! Hell! She could leave Gotham if she wanted to! She put her phone down finally, sat down in Lash's lap and wrapped her arms around him, rubbing her cheek against him. 'Mine' Was the word her mind kept repeating over and over. Lash wrapped his arms around her, and let her move as she pleased. More then once her little pink tongue licked his cheek, neck, ear. Despite the clear sensual sensations, Lash wasn't aroused. He just held her, as if this was completely natural.

“Hay....Want to go shopping?” Lash said, every woman likes shopping! “My treat!” This made Selina's eyes go wide. She jumped from his lap, and was by the door waiting to leave. Her entire body vibrating with excitement.

“That's a yes then.” Lash got his personal effects. Then Selina and him went shopping in Gotham!

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