Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 31:Shopping With The Cat!

As excited as Selina was to leave, Lash took a few moments. He grabbed the package with the statue he made for her. He called Shield and Sword for a secure driver to attend them for the day. Soon Selina and Lash were down stairs moving towards a very nice luxury Mercedes four door. Lash had a smirk on his face, as he admired the inside the car. He placed the statue inside the trunk, and then looked at Selina who blinked innocently. Lash rolled his eyes at her and turned to the driver.

“Hello, my friend here wants to go shopping. I'm paying, do you know any good places to shop?” Lash asked the driver, who looked back at Lash then at Selina. He smiled and said he did. They drove off towards the high end part of Gotham.

Selina kept sliding up and down against the leather seats, in love with the feeling of it. After a while she slipped under Lash's arm and snuggled into him. Her hair sweeping past her shoulder to reveal her neck. As much as Lash wanted to play his fingers across her body he kept his hands still. He was watching the streets pass by, trying to memorize the way here for future reference. Selina was playing with his hand and forearm, pressing here and there. Stretching his fingers out looking at his nails.

“If your expecting my claws to come out, they don't do that.” Lash whispered into her ear. She smiled slightly continuing to play with his hand.

“So, are they hidden under neath? Or is it something else?” Selina said softly, the driver peeked at the rear view mirror. Despite Selina's quiet voice the driver heard every word. He was part Sylvan after all.

“Something else.” Lash said with a smile and gently tickled Selina's side making her gasp softly in surprise. It had been a long time since she was tickled it seems. The driver soon brought them to a very extravagant woman's boutique shop, 'Edwardo's Fashion, and Design'. Opening the car door for them both, he pointed at the boutique under a hushed voice to Lash.

“Its a very well established place for women's fashion. They serve mundanes and super-naturals alike. Here is my contact card, they have a car port and a place for drivers. Call me when you wish to leave.” The driver said to Lash. Lash took the card, and shook the drivers hand. Casting his three nature spells into him. The man's eyes opened wide, then shuddered in place for a bit. Before a huge grin was on his face. Lash really did feel like a drug dealer.

Lash offered his arm to Selina as they walked through the front doors. They saw an assortment of people from high rise, to really high rise people. Wearing thousand dollars cloths, many eyes turned to them in interest and a few people sneered until Lash took a Gotham City Bank Black card out. Which the limit is anywhere between five hundred thousand dollars or one million. After that the front desk attendee's had a huge smile plastered on their faces.

“Hello, my name is Erik Lash. This is Selina Kyle its her birthday. I'm here to take her shopping!” Lash said to the front attendee. Selina perked up at the mention of Birthday's she turned around and gently kissed Lash on the cheek before she practically skipped away with someone.

Thus began a montage of politely following behind Selina to watch as she played around. The store had everything a woman could desire, from hundreds of dollars in casual wear. To nearly fifty grand in cocktail dresses, and designer underwear. They even had a beauty salon and spa. Selina made big cat eyes at Lash who encouraged her to go. It been under an hour and he had already spent ten grand on her and knew that he'd spend more. But, he didn't care. He could afford it, Lash knew that Selina had never had someone shop like this for her. Paying for the full royal treatment for Selina he excused himself to go the 'waiting' room for the gentlemen. Taking a seat at table he ordered a glass of hot chai, and took out his phone to look up some information.

“Mr. Lash?” Lash looked up to see a older man wearing casual business attire.

Black shoes, gray slacks, white buttoned up shirt and coat. He had gray and brown peppered hair. But that's not what caught Lash's attention, it was the man's eyes they had a ting of red in them. He was about 5' 9” with a bit of Latino skin tone, and the charisma of one. -Blood Kindred, Master of a house. Saurian softly growled. Lash stood up and gave a customary bow following the etiquette of the Wardens to the Kindred. Who was surprised by the action before holding out his hand to Lash. Lash then shook his hand as both shared a firm handshake.

“Hello, may I know your name sir?” Lash asked softly. The man laughed and pointed at the signs around the shop. 'Edwardo's' Lash's eyes opened a bit. “Apologies Mr. Edwardo. If I am being honest this is actually the first time I've visited your establishment.” Lash said, bowing his head.

“Not at all! If you are not to busy I would like to have a conversation with you. Please.” Edwardo gestured towards the table Lash was previously sitting at. The Kindred waited until Lash sat before taking his own seat. As if Lash was the master of the house instead of him.

“So, the woman you brought with you is Ms. Kyle the Chosen of Bast?” Edwardo said with a smile, a smile that soon froze as a pressure was coming off of Lash. Edwardo raised his hands. “No! Please don't miss understand, I only meant it as a question.” Edwardo's face paled. The 'pressure' coming off of Lash dissipated.

“Maybe you would be more comfortable if you knew more about me. My full name is Samuel Edwardo, Elder of House Kuldr.” Samuel said to Lash. This made Lash lean back in his chair. A question on his face.

“Yes, I am Isabella's creator. I'm sure you have done research on the Kuldr house. We are one of the more...legitimate houses.” Samuel said.

Lash took a moment to digest that. House Kuldr was a recently created Kindred house who obtained Barony. The houses used a feudal noble system to dictate rank. Though not all Blood-Kindred used the same names, the overall ranks remained. Kuldr despite being Kindred they had legitimate clean businesses, that helped the community and believed in blending in with the mundanes. The House Elder had only been in power for less then two centuries but had earned his way to the rank to strength of will and integrity. Something not often seen with the Kindred. Though the House Kuldr was not as politically connected in Mundane or Super-Natural communities. Because they were legitimate and clean it gave them a strong foundation.

“I see. Yes that is the Chosen of Bast. Though she was my friend before I knew that. I hope you will understand that. I did inform the Warden information bureau about our relationship.” Lash's voice no longer held the edge that it did before. Samuel noticed that and a smile returned to his face.

“I also wanted to say thank you for being fare to Isabella. You had more then enough chances to reveal her, or even demand she leave your sister Elizabeth. But you didn't. Thank you.” Samuel said, true conviction in his voice.

“Of course, I try not to discriminate against others. As long as Isabella make's Elizabeth happy I'll try to be a good friend to her. But I will choose Elizabeth if I am made to make a choice.” Lash, rebuking no argument.

“I would expect nothing else for family! There is one other thing I wanted to confirm with you before I excuse myself. We've...The Kindred specifically have heard a funny rumor and I thought I would come and ask you directly. Have you obtained the.....” Samuel said, licking his dry lips.

“The Domain of the Grave? Yes, I was Ordained by Skippy the God-kin of Azrael. It's been confirmed and recorded in The Warden Archive.” Lash said, with a complete disconnected voice as if it wasn't a big deal. But Lash and Samuel both knew it was a big deal.

Samuel's face drained of color and emotion, he swallowed audibly. Several faces turned towards them inside the shop. Though they both had not been talking loudly, anyone with superior hearing would have heard them. Kindred and super-natural creatures had their eyes wide in both horror and fascination. Lash tapped into 'The Grave' and his aura changed to exhibit that. In that brief moment, Lash could not only tell how many Kindred were in a thirty meter radius, he could tell how old they were, and a bit of their emotions. Samuel was terrified, but...Also excited at the prospect. Lash retracted the energy returning to 'Normal' Lash.

“Mr. Edwardo. I don't intend to use this to push any one around. I intend to do my job, and maintain my oath of neutrality. As long as no one comes looking for trouble with me, I wont go looking for trouble with them. With in the confines of Warden Law. So, you can tell your house, and the other Kindred that. I know there are Good Wardens, and there are Bad Wardens. I hope to be some where in-between. Which I'm told makes me a 'Good' Warden. But I believe you know what I mean?” Lash said, in a very cool voice. He had more of his chai which had grown cold at this point. Eh, it was still good.

“I do, and I shall. Thank you Mr. Lash for taking time to answer my questions. I hope you and your friend enjoy your time in my houses business. You are welcome here.” Samuel took a moment to smooth out his cloths after he stood. Lash stood with him, they both bowed and Samuel excused himself.

Lash returned to his chair, and his chai was refilled by an attendee who is confused about the exchange between the big boss and a customer. Lash said thank you and returned to his phone. Sending a message to Skaleg. 'Blood-Kindred, know I have the Domain of the Grave.' After a few minutes he got a reply from the old viking. 'Alright. We'll make a public announcement, you may get some well wishers and even a few gifts of people trying to suck up to you. Play it smart.' Lash spent the next hour practicing his Technomancy on his phone. Looking up multiple sources of information at the same time. It was giving him a migraine, but he kept at it.

Lash was soon informed that Selina was done in her spa care. Paying for his drink and saying thank you, he made his way to her. Selina walked out of the spa wearing a lose fitted bath robe. Showing just enough skin to reveal she had nothing on under neath. Which earned more then a few eye glances. She also had her hair cut into a short 'pixie' style. Suited her. Her skin was washed, scrubbed, and incredibly healthy looking. She hugged Lash with a huge smile on her face.

“Time for cloths?” She asked, wiggling against him. He nodded and followed after her as she moved towards the clothing section. Attendants following in her wake.

Lash took a seat on a comfortable coach as a private room which was provided for a clothing montage. Selina came out more then once like a model on the cat walk. Strutting, sashaying her hips and showing off the long line of her legs, back, and nearly topless wear that many cloths were sold for. More then once she would only try out different shoes, different tops, or even keep them all the same but try out different underwear that would be slightly revealed. But despite all that Lash always noticed the difference, to the point that the woman attendants were impressed. Lash said he is actually a professional artist, he gets paid because he notices the details. Even showed some of the ladies the Shaw Art Industry website where his portfolio was. Once they saw the photo they put his face and that face together. Before they realized he was Erik Lash, the hero who found the bomb at Shield and Sword plaza.

They talked for a bit as different woman took turns helping Selina get dressed. But every time Selina came out of the dressing room Lash would look directly at her. Paying attention to her, despite the more then once flirty and coquettish glances the attendants gave him. Which earned a dazzling smile from Selina every time. Then the lights turned dim and all the ladies left the room, making Lash confused. Selina then slipped from the curtains wearing a see through red negligee. With a red thong, and red lace bra. She stepped down from the walk, went to her hand's and knee's. She prowled towards Lash, moving her hands over his knee's to spread his legs apart. Her hands smoothed over his inner thighs until she felt his erection grow in excitement. Selina's eyes fluttered as she looked up at Lash. Lash leaned forward gently picking her up effortlessly. Placing her in his lap, as she brought her knee's to either side of his hips. Lash heard that all the doors had been closed, they had privacy here.

“Selina...” Lash started but she held her fingers to his lips.

“Are you really going to buy all this for me?” Selina whispered, wrapping her arms around his neck.

“Yes. We may have only been friends for a short while, but imagine all the birthday's I've missed!” Lash reached up and held Selina's face in his hands, her skin was hot to the touch. He then said in a soft voice. “Did you buy anything to show off to B-man when you get him alone?” The question seem to make something in Selina's mind snap into place.

She was startled, but soon tried to re establish her dominance over Lash...Only to discover that he was never dominated. Selina humped! Visibly pouted, got off of Lash lap and stalked her way back to the dressing room, the view was spectacular maybe more so because it was natural and not acting. After a few minutes the lights turned back on to normal. Selina walked out of the curtains in one of the business casual attires she chose. Lash was standing now, with a smug smile on his face. Which only earned him a glare from Selina. He laughed loudly then offered his arm to her. She begrudgingly took the offer.

“One of these days you and I will share a bed.” Selina said.

“One of these days we will, but it will be because you want to, not because you feel an obligation to.” Lash said, Selina stopped and tried to pull her arm from his, but Lash caught her before she could leave. She glared at him, then continued walking. She hated him right now, because he was right.

Lash paid for everything that Selina had found. Coming to a total of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, plus a one thousand dollar tip to all the attendants who were smiling at his generosity. Selina's eyes nearly fell out of her skull when she heard the price. Lash called the driver, by the time they came out side it was nearly dark. The driver smiled at Selina's new clothing, which made Selina wink at him and stalk towards the car. On the drive over to her house, Selina looked like a true professional business woman. Before long she had Lash's arm over her shoulder and she was nestled into his embrace again. Clearly still upset with him, but demanded attention all the same. Lash scratched the feline that was Selina, letting his hands wonder around. She purred softly enjoying the sensation.

Coming into the neighborhood that Selina lived in, many men and woman gave out whistles and cat calls to the driver. The car was clearly driving to either pick some one up or drop some one off. The 'Red-Light' district was use to this scene. Then when it stopped in front of mid to high tier brothel house, the doors opened and Selina Kyle stepped out. Getting a few gasps, and whistles coming her way!

“Oh! Oh! Selina is moving up in the world!”

“Girl! Who's the man paying for you!? Or is it a woman?”

“Better hold on to him girl!”

Several people called out, Selina rolled her eyes at them. The trunk popped open revealing the many, many boxes and bags. The driver stepped out, many people saw the semi-automatic in its holster. Then the passenger side door opened and Lash stepped out. Earning several cat calls, and whistles. Before several thug and muscle bound guards came sprinting over in all due haste. Selina hissed an angry yowl and went to step in front of Lash only to stop in surprise.

“Mr. Lash! Welcome! May we be of assistance?” The lead muscle said in a very polite voice, as he was standing at attention. This made all the nearby 'workers' freeze in surprise. Lash looked surprised as well.

“Dominick? Well hello! Good to see you!” Lash walked over and shook Dominick's hand. Dominick looked like he gained about two inches in height, and about five inches in muscle mass. -Time spent with us did him good. Saurian said.

“Miss Kyle may we help you with the bags? We'll be careful, wont we boys?” Dominick gave off an aura of pressure that he did not have when Lash first met him. The other were-breeds and few mundanes all nodded quickly. Selina said 'sure' softly, as she looked at Dominick and then at Lash really confused.

Selina went up and unlocked the door to her loft. Showed where they could put the bags then came down to talk with Lash. Lash spoke for a few minutes with Dominick while Selina was upstairs. Apparently the 'Change' happened after the Narrows. He had moved up in the hierarchy in the pack, he told Lash not to worry he didn't on plan to move up to Rocksie position. He meant what he said before. But! He had gotten his total shift time down to an even thirty minutes! Setting a new record for a were-rat. Lash and Saurian had the shortest were-breed shift time. But people were starting to believe they were not even a were-breed. So different rules. Then they changed subjects when Selina came down. Dominick had always been polite to all the 'Workers' in the district. So that wasn't new. Soon he said goodbye bringing all guards with him. He told Selina that if she ever needed anything or if some one made trouble to contact him. Mechanically she said thank you, and that she would. Then practically dragged Lash up to her loft so she could talk to him. The driver said he would wait down here.

Selina slammed her front door shut, staring daggers at Lash. Lash was looking around her loft. Acting as if he was completely innocent of the whole affair. Selina's loft was comfortable, large, and friendly. But he could see that she actually had two bedrooms. One to entertain guests, and another that was her own. Maybe the first one will be a guest bedroom in the future.

“So it was you who spoke to them? It was you who got me this place to live? The deal with the landlord?” Selina was gritting her teeth.

“No. I didn't do any of that. They did that on their own. They heard that you and I were friends so I assume they chose to be more amiable to you. In hopes of staying on my good side.” Lash said, walking back towards Selina.

“What are you? Some kind of crime boss!?” Selina shouted at him. She was so angry right now! She felt betrayed.

“No. I'm just an important figure in a none public community. Who is able to speak to Superman one of the strongest people in the world, and Wonder Woman the Princess of Amazonian Warriors, that both call me friend. How many people can say that honestly?” Lash held out his hands as a sign of no threat that Selina didn't believe in a second.

“You! You can't just!” Selina yelled but couldn't speak.

“Selina, use your intuition something that I know has been incredible for you lately. Am I lying to you? No, I did not tell them to give you this loft. No, I did not tell them to treat you differently. They did that on their own. Yes, I am your friend. True friendship is something I take very seriously. I did not give you that money, and buy all these things just to throw it all away! You are my family Selina!” Lash said, one by one taking a step forward. Selina was shaking in rage, but also uncertainty. Lash reached out to hug her only for her to scream in anger she reached out and slashed his chest. Her nails extended by instinct and ripped through his shirt, and lightly cut his skin.

Lash wasn't the least bit hurt or surprised. But Selina was, she stared in shock as the nails on her hands extended by half and inch. She looked up at Lash, her eyes slowly transforming into cat eyes. Several of her teeth took on a fang like appearance. She was going through a Partial Transformation. But she wasn't a were-breed so the change was minimal. -Selina, we have not lied to you. You are our Pack, our Family, our Hunter. Please understand that the world is not as simple as you once believed. Saurian's voice spoke across the pack bond. Making Selina jump as she looked around the room trying to find the owner.

“Who!? W...What the fuck is going on!?” Selina screamed.

“Am I lying?” Lash said to her, making her whirl around on him. Her face pale with fright, before she focused on his words.

“...No...No, you are not lying. But you have to explain what the fuck is going on!” Selina said, shouting at Lash. Lash took a deep breath, where to begin? He gestured towards a coach for her to sit then he began.

He went over who he was, most of it. How when he was mugged he woke up different. He had a new partner. Saurian. Who spoke across the pack bond on occasion. Then he explained that he had become a were-breed. She made a few jokes about were-wolves only for Lash to nod seriously to her, even offered to call a few. She refused and told him to keep going. After a few more hours, he called Skaleg and told him that Selina had Partially Transformed she needed a Warden information brief, and practical specialist. Thirty minutes later Skaleg showed up with Rocksie! Who Selina was surprised to see. Every one down here knew who Rocksie was.

Rocksie was wearing black high heels, skin tight leather pants, with a tank top, leather coat, shaved head, and dozens of earrings and piercings. She was a goth rocker chic and it worked really well for her. She slugged Lash's shoulder and asked when she would get a turn to get shifting help. Lash told her if she helps him keep his friend he'd do it tonight! Rocksie explained to Selina the truth to her. Lash had not arranged anything, yes they did it because they were friends and they wanted to be on his good side. That is when they explained what Warden's were. The super-natural community, and that she was a God-kin of Bast. Even if she was not friends with Lash they would have been nice to her.

“Wait! Did you...Did we...” Selina said to Lash, she was about to go through information overload!

“No! We chose you as our friend before we knew what you were. It was only after our bonding that we discovered your heritage. As a Warden we were bound by law to make a record of you.” Lash and Saurian spoke, the two voices disturbing the several people in the room. Except Selina who found the truth comforting.

“So, basically you are a cop? For the super-natural world?” Selina said, both confused and amused.

“More or less.” Lash said to her.

“Oh trust me its more!” Rocksie said to her. “The guy has been a Warden less then a year. He is already top dog in a lot of circles, and an important figure in the political area. So much so that the Courts are giving Skaleg another bonus and are curious if he is interested in staying onboard purely as a talent hunter.” Rocksie said, a grin on her face as she looked at Skaleg who very clearly said 'NO'

So, they continued talking for several more hours. Selina signed a geese scroll preventing her from talking about a few things. But, she also was officiated into the super-natural community. Lash/Saurian helped her transform back to 'normal'. When she finished she was incredibly tired. Everyone left, but Lash told Rocksie to wait for him down stairs, he was going to keep his promise to help her. She was more then happy to! Lash took Selina to her real bedroom and set her down. Helping her out of her outfit, Selina stripped completely naked and smiled wide when she found Lash was looking anywhere but at her. Small victories!

“Do you love me?” Selina asked softly, wrapped in a blanket. Her face burrowed into her pillow.

“Yes, Selina Kyle. I love you.” Said Lash, as he turned around and tucked her in. He sat down on the beds edge looking at her.

“This has to be the weirdest relationship I've ever been in! Thank you for today!” Selina snuggled into her blankets.

Lash smiled and kissed her cheek, bidding her goodnight. Before he left her bed, she snagged his hand. Then reached into her nightstand drawer, and placed a single key in his palm. Then buried her self into her bed to hide her blushing face. It was a house key. He closed her door and left her loft, locking up. He wanted a safe place to keep the key...

Congratulations User! Your Cosmic Patron is impressed with your relationship skills, and how you brought yourself out from the jaws of defeat! They have decided to evolve your skill, Minor Storage: To include essentially anything you would have in a wallet, along with keys. Now they can't be stolen!

Lash was happy for the evolution, but thought it was a bit ironic that it evolved because he had befriended a thief. Lash stored his wallet, and keys. The phone didn't seem to count. He went downstairs, to see that his driver was waiting. Rocksie was talking to several people. Rocksie waved at Lash and pointed at a building nearby. Lash told the driver he could go home, the man smiled at him and said goodbye. Lash waited for Rocksie, looked like she was talking to several guards and a few pimps. Selina was being taken off of rotation completely. She would work only if she wanted to work. No, it wasn't just because of Lash. It was because Selina woke up as a God-kin. She had a direct link to a goddess. Best be polite to a Goddess's chosen. She finished up and came to Lash, then they both walked down the street together.

“So, is there like a ceremony? Or do we need to be hunting? Or?” Rocksie said to Lash, he had offered his arm to her. She took it, a smile on her face as she spoke to Lash. Lash 'read' her for a bit, he knew Rocksie was bi-sexual but preferred woman. But it was clear she enjoyed looking at him. Making Lash remember his skill, Basic Charming Presence. Dawn was right, it would get him in trouble.

“We can go hunting afterwards if you like? I've made it a point to start patrolling the Narrows. But its not required. I would suggest we find a place that has good insulation, so people do not hear your screams.” Lash said in a matter of fact tone. Making Rocksie raise an eye brow at him. “Not those kind of screams. It will be a painful experience.”

Rocksie shrugged, then began to guide Lash towards a building. It was a classy home hotel. All the essentials of a home but for brief stays! They went up to a... Dominatrix tailored condo, making Lash confused. Rocksie stalked into the room like she owned the place. Which of course she kinda did! Inside the room was another woman. She was 5'4”, with pale skin, her auburn hair was done up in a bun. She had a tight leather corset on, revealing all of her neck, shoulders, and a lot of cleavage. A long skirt, that had slits all the way up to her hips. She was bare foot, with pink nail polish. She was cleaning and oiling a whip.

“Hay babe! Welcome back...ooo! Do we have a guest?” The woman spoke to Rocksie. She stood up, and grinned at Lash.

“Yes Sarah we do have a guest, I'm sure you've heard of him! This is Warden Lash. I helped him today with something. So he is repaying the favor by helping me with shifting quicker.” Rocksie said, before she devoured Sarah's lips. Making the woman blush in surprise. Before wrapping her arms around Rocksie. They pressed together for a few minutes, making out and moaning loudly. Lash watched them, not with the eyes of man. But the eyes of a hunter watching a show.

“If you want, I can help you both with the process. You don't need to put on a show for me.” Lash said, crossing his arms. A smile tugging on his lips. Rocksie broke the kissing fest and turned around with a smile. Sarah had her lipstick smeared, and was bright red from the marathon.

“Were you not enjoying the show Warden?” Sarah said breathlessly.

“It was educational. I helped Dominick shift with his cloths on. Do wish to learn that trick as well? Or just the shifting speed?” Lash said, as his eyes danced around Rocksie, and Sarah. Sarah couldn't help but shiver, the energy coming off of Lash changed dramatically.

“Is having cloths on easier, or harder?” Said Rocksie, she tried her best to stand under the gaze of Lash/Saurian. But her partner clearly was not liking being stared at like that. As if they were both naked before a giant creature from the old days.

“Doesn't matter.” Lash said, his eyes returning to human again. The 'pressure' in the room lifted making both woman and their were-half's sigh in relief.

“Gone is the Warden from the ceremony who would blush, and try to hide his embarrassment. I miss that Warden. But like I said, it wouldn't last long.” Said Rocksie, she didn't understand that raw emotions was a side effect of Calm Emotions.

Lash took a moment to center himself, then used his skill Transformation staying as Lash, but inviting Saurian into himself. With in seconds the hybrid form stood before Rocksie, and Sarah. Both of them impressed by the sudden shift. They both jumped in surprise as Lash was suddenly behind them, holding a hand to both the nape of their neck. Rocksie was gritting her teeth trying to not attack him, her were-half was practically jumping out of her skin. Sarah and her were-half was completely submissive in front of Saurian. Sarah had never submitted to anyone but Rocksie. This was a terrifying but thrilling experience! Then Lash activated his skills, Awaken Trait, and Skill Trainer. Rocksie and Sarah both let out blood curdling screams! They both dropped to their hands and knees, their bodies bucking as their skin peeled and tore apart. Like a sun dried piece of fruit being pulled apart to see the soft tissue beneath. Only this tissue was covered in fur.

Lash took several steps back, knowing Rocksie and Sarah's were-half's would be violent for the first bit. Dominick was different. He was primarily submissive when he met Saurian. Sure enough Rocksie finished first, in under five minutes half the time Dominick did the first time. Sarah was taking a bit longer. Rocksie the Alpha Were-Rat was about seven foot tall beauty. She kept her hour glass figure, with strong athletic muscles. Her hands, feet, and tail were a dark burgundy skin color, and her fur was a rich brown honey color. But her eyes were gun silver. She let lose a roar! Lash cast a sound obstruction glamour to keep the noise down. She sprinted towards Lash, who took the tackle head on!

Lash's transformed claws burst from his shoes to dig into the ground. But Rocksie still slammed into him so hard that he cracked the steel reinforced concrete wall behind him. Then Saurian roared across a telepathic link he established with Rocksie and used Calm Emotions on her! -Calm down! Before we rip you in half! Saurian said. Rocksie was a strong Alpha. But Lash soon learned in his full Transformed self. He could take her. Odd. He was a human hybrid form, and she was in full Were-Form. But he felt that she was weaker then him. Saurian's voice and the skill make an abrupt switch in Rocksie. Her breathing slowed, and her eyes regained focus.

“Lash?” Her beast like throat couldn't completely imitate human speech so it came out wrong. But he understood her. She soon let him go, and looked at her self. Then turned to look back at Sarah.

Sarah was gorgeous! Sarah was a fox! Literally! Her fur was silver, her tail had a white tip, her figure was amazing. Lithe, flexible, keeping her hourglass figure. You may believe she was a wolf or a jackal from afar. But up close you could tell the difference, she looked beautiful as she ran her hands up and down her fur. But something was...wrong? Because Rocksie looked confused.

“Sarah? Babe?” Rocksie said as she moved closer to her. Sarah heard the voice of her Alpha and turned, keeper her eyes and head lower then her. The voice of her Alpha seem to wake her up, then she looked at her self. Also confused.

“I take it that she does not normally look like that?” Lash asked, transforming back to his human skin. He took a moment to cast Repair on his shoes, the clawed floor, and cracked wall. As he worked he listened to them.

“No, I'm a Were-Rat. Why am I like this now?” Sarah asked, running her hands over her silver fur. Rocksie came over and rat her claws through Sarah's fur as well. Clearly fascinated.

“Oh? When I came into the room I smelled fox. My partner Saurian said it was the scent of a kitsune. You are a God-Kin.” Lash said in a detached voice, as it was the most normal thing in the world.

“WHAT?!” Both Rocksie and Sarah screeched! Sarah, was now holding her tail. Her big, fluffy tail!

Lash took out his phone, logged on to the Warden's database and looked for Kitsune. Oh! That's why! Kitsune are incredibly rare! They have not had a recorded kitsune in nearly three hundred years! Sarah was not a full blood Kitsune, she was just a chosen. But hiding a God-Kin Kitsune in a Rat pack was a good plan. Being a chosen would still be incredibly beneficial and also incredibly dangerous.

“More then likely you were a Were-Rat because of a spell cast by the Kitsune that chose you. Because of how rare you are, they chose the largest Were-Breed pack in all of Gotham to keep you safe.” Lash concluded. He put his phone away, Rocksie looked at him then the phone.

“This is your business, Alpha of the Skree pack. I won't report it unless you want me to.” Lash said to her. Making the Alpha sigh in relief.

Sarah was pacing through the dominatrix home now. Holding her tail, a common sign of nervous tension among were-breeds Lash noticed. Rocksie stood there, the gears in her head grinding back and forth. Trying to plan this out accordingly.

“Why did I change now?” Sarah asked, turning to look at Rocksie then at Lash.

“What we did is awaken a racial trait with in you. Were-Breeds use to take less time to change. During the course of evolution, or for all we know a wide spectrum spell was cast that changed everyone over the course of time. You are a kitsune chosen. So when we awakened a racial trait. Your natural form woke up.” Lash/Saurian said. Their duel voices kept cool and confident.

“I'm afraid that once its awake it would take the original caster to put the trait back to sleep. Even then it may not work.” Said Lash.

“Well if I shift when you are not here will I be a rat? Or a fox?” Sarah said, still scared.

“You'll be a fox, you'll be my fox! Nothing has changed in the Skree Pack! You are still my first! You are still my beloved! Anyone who messes with my Pack will die!” Rocksie's voice was full of conviction. Walking forward she swallowed Sarah in a hug. Sarah's fur puffed out, practically swallowing Rocksie.

Lash stayed still, as he watched the two. Looking on with interest as Rocksie consoled Sarah. Soon, they asked Lash to help them shift back. He did so, it was incredibly painful in reverse as well. But when they came out their cloths were all on, be it a bit tattered. Lash could see the Fox image over shadowing Sarah. He hadn't said anything before because he thought they knew. Lash was starting to think that some one or something put a limiter on Were-Breeds. His skill Awaken Trait, was unlocking the potential of who ever he used it on. He was curious if it only worked on Were-Breeds or if it worked on other things. Lash spent another hour with Rocksie and Sarah before he asked if he could use their roof. This made them confused, so they showed him up. The roof was decorated, and lavish like a night club. Lash face palmed having not thought of that. But it was the middle of the week so the 'club' was closed.

Lash cast a wide obstruction glamour. Then shifted into Saurian, as well as put on the disguise of the Wraith. They did both at the same time, so Rocksie and Sarah watched with fascination as he completed the shift in less then a minute. Then saw the dark gray 'shroud' surround him. Taking on the appearance of a wraith like creature. Saurian bowed his waist to them both, before they returned the gesture. Taking down the obstruction glamour Saurian jumped off the roof of the club and made his way to The Narrows for another nightly patrol...

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