Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 32: Scarecrow’s Trade

Saurian jumped onto the L-train towards the Narrows, he had been avoiding taking the train because he was afraid his overall weight might slow or even derail the train. After speaking to a few people he found out that his fears were unfounded. He didn't have a personal glider like Batman so he had to time his departure and entry when the train slowed down. Soon he came to one of the bridges connecting the Narrows only to see an odd sight. Dozens of GCPD were station at the bridge wearing riot gear. Even a riot fire hose was set up to beat back the hundreds or so people trying to leave the Narrows. The island it self was covered in a thick fog which in the middle of a winter night was a little odd to see. Saurian used his domain Technomancy, connected to his phone and looked up information.

Apparently the Narrows was rioting. This in it self was not that surprising, riots happened often on the island. A few news channels were covering the event, but the fog was something that caught Saurian's attention. Casting his travel safety Nature spell's Saurian slipped across the bridge, jumping past a few barriers he used his skill Parkour to climb several roofs only to freeze as a massive head ache washed over him. Making his eyes water, his nostrils flare. He received several prompts, Adaptation, Damage Resistance, and Intermediate Regeneration were all experiencing effects. Saurian looked down at the streets and saw people screaming in...fear? They were attacking each other, a crazed look in their eyes. Then he looked to the skyline and saw hundreds of Phobophagus creatures (Fear Eaters) swimming in and out of the fog.


Erik said a name. Lash and Saurian winced, sharing the information they had with each other. Saurian raced across the narrows with all do haste trying to find the source of the fog. It was coming up from the water mains, sprinklers, fire hydrants, and most of all a billowing fog came straight down from Arkham Asylum. He saw over a hundred well armed guards on the walls of Arkham Asylum wearing full hazmat suits as he they were expecting all of this. Any 'rioting' civilians that came close to the gateway bridge were shot and killed. Arkham and the Narrows were connected via bridge. The only bridge that connected Arkham to Gotham as a whole. This wasn't a riot! This was a full blown chemical attack on the Narrows!

Congratulations User! Your Cosmic Patron has issued you a grand quest!

Help? Or Defeat? The Heroes, and Villains of Gotham City! Including but not limited too. The Batman! The Joker! The League of Assassins!... See tab for full list.

Rewards will be based off who, and what you do with them. Good Luck!

Fuck.....Saurian hanged his head and sighed. He took out his telecommunication device, activating Connectivity. He made a phone call to a house he was hoping to save for another time. Using Sam's handy dandy stop back trace magic rune. The phone rung a few times before it finally picked up. It was later in the evening but Saurian knew they would answer.

“Wayne Manor, Head Butler Pennyworth speaking. How may I help you?” Alfred's suave voice spoke across the line. Saurian's primal animalistic voice responded.

“Pennyworth, tell your master that The Narrows is overcast in a chemical compound that induces heightened state of fear when inhaled. The main source of the Chemical appears to be coming from Arkham Asylum, the Police have stated that the Narrows is rioting, but over a hundred guards at Arkham are wearing hazmat suits to avoid the chemical. The Narrows is tearing it self to pieces! Please tell your Master to head to Arkham! Thank you Pennyworth!” Saurian cut off the line before Alfred could respond.

Saurian doubled checked the spell rune to keep from being back traced. The thing was burning bright red, letting him know that something really wanted to trace him. Saurian fed some Technomancy magic into the rune to keep it properly fed and cooled off. Then Saurian contacted Warden HQ, telling them the overall information about the Narrows he had just told Alfred. Normally, the super-natural communities wouldn't care about mundane conflicts but a few hundred super-natural's lived in the Narrows. Making this Warden business. Saurian got the addressees from HQ and raced to their location to ascertain their safety!

Leaping over streets, rooftops, and street lights. Saurian shot off Calm Emotions in a wide dispersal to no effect. The chemical was in the air, settling over the people like a never ending tide of fear and despair. He caught glimpses of men, woman, children, and elderly taking to the street. Beating, thrashing, shooting, even a few were eating people. Using all the tools at their disposal! The death toll was climbing with each passing second. Soon he came to a building complex, it was just several trailers that had all been connected, and stacked on top of each other to create some form of a community. There a blockade had been built out of old cars, wooden fences, and rusty chain link fence. A dozen or so 'people' were beating back the infected Narrows populace. After Saurian looked at them for a bit, the people had wide variety of skin color, red, blue, green. But past that they were all human-like. Saurian jumped down from a rooftop and landed in front of the barricade...

Domain Technomancy Spell, Electrical Shock: Electricity is the life blood of most technology, at least for now! This shocking touch can help power things! Can help disable things! Be it machines or...people! Be careful to much voltage and you could stop a heart! Or start one!

Saurian's entire body had electrical sparks dancing off the scales, armor, as the Wraith Shroud danced energetically. He reached out and began to taser every fear infected civilian! Slapping each person gently as he could he sent them to their knees or sent them flying a few feet. Weaving between person to person, soon the near by 'attackers' had all been put down. Saurian deactivated his shock spell then went to the barricade he flipped out his badge to the fae folk who sighed in relief.

“Warden! Some of us are immune to what its in the air, but some of us are not. We had to restrain them in the back. What is this stuff!” A big red skinned man yelled at Saurian.

“Its a chemical compound often absorbed through the lungs, but skin contact can also cause an effect. It induces a heightened sense of fear! Making you hallucinate! I've contacted HQ. Are all the communities here with you? Or are they spread out?” Saurian called, he climbed over the barricade with ease speaking to the red skinned man.

“Most of them came here when shit hit the fan. We are missing a few people, can you go and find them for us?” The red skinned man said. Saurian agreed, got their address than ran off towards their direction.

Saurian raced across the streets putting down any infected people he came across as fast as possible re activating his shock spell. The Bat-Wing jet engine roared over the Narrows as Saurian ran down the street incapacitating the infected. The Bat-Wing circled Saurian twice before flying off towards Arkham. Saurian was like a farmer harvesting wheat with a sickle passing through the infected. He found one of the homes he was looking for, several infected were bashing the door down trying to get in. Saurian knocked them out then called inside. A blue skinned man poked their head out, with their help Saurian pulled the barricade down and escorted the family towards the safe area. He did this three more times, finding and escorting them back. Then he found a group of people wearing GCPD hazmat uniforms. They were gunning down and killing the infected.

Saurian gritted his teeth in pure hatred, he quickly put on an eye piece that partially wrapped around his head. He began to video tape the cops shooting the civilians with live ammunition. Shield and Sword would destroy GCPD. Then he climbed up a roof top and began to stalk towards them.

“Wooohooo! Like shooting fish in a barrel!” Cop one.

“This is great! This will teach these dirty bastards to mess with Commissioner Lobe!” Cop two yelled as he unloaded a shotgun into several people.

“Careful what you say over the radio you guys! We don't know who could be listening!” Cop three.

“Ah come on! We are on short range! Aside from the other teams who is around to listen?” Cop four.

“All teams report in! Any sign of that Wraith bastard?” Tactical command.

“No Sir!” Four different teams reported in.

“SsSSSSSSCCCRRSSSSSSSSS!” A huge static burst went across the entire network making all the teams scream in pain. Then the static stopped. But it was replaced by a voice.

“You are all going to die!” Saurian's voice said over the radio.

Saurian jumped onto an officer from a rooftop, the force of the impact made the officers skull cave in like an empty tin can. Then he raced towards another who turned around only to scream in horror! Saurian raced passed his side and eviscerated him! Two down, he bolted from his position and jumped over a concrete barricade as the last two officers began to unload their weapons on to his position. But the fear gas made it hard to see.

“This is Unit three! We have Contact! We have made Contact with Wraith! Unit three neeGGAAAAH!” Saurian jumped from cover and ripped his claws through one of the officers from collar bone to navel, a blood bloom showered over him. Then he whipped his tail smashing it into the other officer, who went flying straight into a wall. His chest had caved in! Saurian sprinted to the next location of corrupt cops.

Climbing up a wall Saurian he moved down several streets only pausing to watch several Warden marked helicopters fly in over the bridges. Of course to the mundanes all they saw were UN World Security forces. The helicopters flew over the narrows towards the super-natural community focused area's and propelled down from the chopper. Wearing full hazmat gear, they were not sure if it effected them or not. Soon Saurian heard gunfire being exchanged between GCPD and The Wardens.

“All Units pull back immediately! United Nations World Security has been called! All Units puGGGAAAAAAH!” Saurain jumped down from a rooftop and tore right through the command post flimsy barrier.

He roared at them using Intimidating Shout! The effect made many of them freeze, even a few passed out! He raced towards those with the Sherogoth's Blessing marking them, and tore them limb from limb. Used his shocking touch on the rest! Soon the stun effect ended and gun fire started raining hell upon him. The corrupt cops shot hundreds of bullets towards him as he raced around in a wide circle! Then when he got close to a cop on the outside edge he jumped at them, knocking them down and picking them up to use as a shield. The other cops didn't even blink and shot through their fellow officer.

Then one of the officers noticed his legs felt incredibly hot, he looked down and was terrified! His legs had sunk into the ground! The ground was red hot, and boiling! Saurian had combined Burning, and Mud Marsh. All of the officers started to scream as their hazmat suits started to melt! Their skin, flesh, and bone were soon brought to a boiling point! Saurian re solidified the ground around the morally gray officers. But he watched in satisfaction as those with Sherogoth's mark screamed and thrashed! They tried to get out of the boiling marsh only to trip and hasten their demise! The ground soon became solid again, and cooled off in the winter air. A fog horn blasted off across the nearby bridge as Cops and Swat ran for cover, several APC (Armored Personal Carriers) broke through the GCPD barricades! 'UN World Security' painted on the side.

Saurian ran off down a street, Electrical Shocking infected left and right as he ran. There were still three more corrupt cops in The Narrows. He promised they would die here. He meant it! Connecting to their radio band wave he soon found out that two units had linked up and were moving towards another bridge to get off of the Narrows. The other unit had found a UN security operations team and had apparently been shot and killed! Wonderful! Soon, Saurian skipped the street and ran across the roof tops straight towards the unit. They had almost reached another check point! His Parkour skill kept giving him prompts letting him go faster, and faster! Another prompt soon told him he had become immune to this 'version' of fear gas. Then he saw them! He didn't stalk them or race around for a better advantage he jumped off the rooftop and dove straight into the group. Each and every one of them bore the mark of Sherogoth!

“This is fucked up! How did this happen!? Why is world security here!” A corrupt cop said as he ran with his fellow 'officers' towards the bridge head.

“I fucking told all of you! The Wraith of the Narrows is working with the government! But no! You all told me that was ridicules! I told you all the bad shit we've done would come back to bite us in the ass!” Another officer said, a gun shot rang out! That officer fell to the ground, a bullet wound in his leg. One of his people had shot him.

“Then lets have you be first! With your fucking bleeding heart!” This man laughed, then collapsed like a meat accordion as Saurian slammed into him from above!

“I promised you would all die here!” Saurian roared! The corrupt cops screamed in panic and began to shoot towards him, forgetting about cross fire!

Several of the cops became pin cushions in a few seconds, a few dove to the ground and only received grazes. But the fear gas seeped into their suits and caused them to become infected. Saurian killed each one. First he tore their masks off so the fear gas would consume them. Then he used Sherogoth's Punishment so they could re live each horror they inflicted on others, those that did not die directly from the skill. He crushed their necks easily.

Saurian could not revel in a good hunt for long. He soon went back into the fear induced city and did his best to incapacitate the populace. Gradually making his way towards Arkham, he soon got a report that the super-natural communities safe area's were secure. All of them were accounted for. 'UN Security' forces had taken over the quarantine effort on the bridges connecting the Narrows. Tranquilizing the populace that raced across the bridges. Then Saurian found himself at the bridge connection Arkham to the Narrows. The guards were still operational and were still firing into the civilians. Where the fuck was Batman!? He tapped into the radio chatter for Arkham.

“All reserve units! Be aware the Bat man or creature has been spotted in Arkham! We've lost contact with the GCPD forces in the Narrows. Reports of The Wraith are in the area. All units are ordered to shoot to kill for either! Repeat....” The radio command said...

Saurian gritted his teeth, the Arkham guards were loaded and prepared. The guard posts that would normally be used to keep inmates in were manned with machine gun nests, and sniper teams. The bridge itself was a giant metal door, with guards on the ramparts. Saurian didn't care about small arms fire anymore. But those caliber could wound or kill him if he was stupid. It was at this moment that he regretted not having any medium to long range skills, spells, or attacks.

Saurian cast Nature's Passage, and Chameleon. Then moved through the Narrows away from the bridge. Slipping into the water he swam back towards them. Carefully and slowly climbing the surface of the rocks. He stopped realizing something, the surface of the guard towers were smooth metal. He would have to tear into the surface with his claws. That would make noise! Wait a minute? Why doesn't he have a climbing method? Could he use his Material Shaping skill? He also has the Domains Nature, and Technomancy? Why can't he make a natural glue? Or use magnets? Or....

Congratulations User! You've obtain the Domain Nature Spell, Bio Adhesive: Nature has been making glue for thousands of years. Often found in different types of plants as a way to trap and eat prey. Glue has also been used by animals as a defensive mechanism. Now you can create natural adhesive with magic! The stronger the adhesive the more magic it takes!

Congratulations User! You've obtained the Domain Technomancy Spell, Magnetism: Magnetic energy has been the cause of attraction from across the scientific world for...Well since creation! Magnetic energy can be used for power! For creation! For destruction! But also to connect to surfaces that you couldn't before!

Really? It was that easy to come up with a climbing spell? Saurian wondered if thinking about the world and different abilities found in the natural world would create more spells. But that was best left for another day! He slowly activated Magnetism and climbed up the metal surface like a giant gecko. Despite his Wraith Shroud, when Chameleon was active as long as he was slow no one would see him. Unless they saw past his glamour and spell. That was why despite his clear advantage he was moving from shadow to shadow.

The guard posts was well guarded and protected. The guards had no reason to shoot and kill the fear induced civilians. So that meant they were ordered to, or didn't care? Or both! Saurian scaled the defensive tower and soon found himself at the top. His eyes twitched in anger, the sniper teams were picking off infected treating it like a game. He moved up behind one, clamped his mouth shut and cut off his radio signal so no one could hear his muffles. The man thrashed for about as Saurian dragged him out of sight line then...CRACK! Snapped his neck. Saurian moved onto the next, and the next till all the snipers on this tower were dealt with. Someone would check soon, he had to move quickly. He made his way to the machine gun nest in his tower. The radio chatter he was over hearing thanks to Connectivity was letting him know that people were looking for the sniper teams in tower one. One of the guards manning the nest stood up and went over to find them. Only to freeze in surprise, he found four bodies on the ground and a wall that reached out and crushed his throat before he could scream!

Saurian finished off the last guard in the nest, he had destroyed their weapons, turning them into scrap metal. Then a delightful sight arrived! The fear fog coming from Arkham stopped flowing! Saurian slipped out of the tower, casting Magnetism he walked on all fours upside down across the guard rails between the towers. Right under the guards feet.

“This is Dr. Hugo Strange, all teams stand down. Initiate plan Red-Echo-Twelve.” A older mans voice called over the radio.

All the guards took out auto injection needles. Injected themselves, then tore off their hazmat suits. With in a few minutes they passed out one by one. Saurian's eyes were wide! He was incredibly angry as he climbed on top of the railings right side up. Looking over the passed out guards. He double checked his video recording feed. It been operation since he first activated it. He would have to hand this to the Warden's hopefully with some luck they could figure this out. Saurian jumped down to the bridge and made his way towards Arkham.

Every guard he found along the way had torn off their hazmat suit, disposed of the auto injector. He checked them all one by one. He soon found his way towards the front of Arkham Asylum. The front gate was wide open! Traces of the Fear toxin were still remaining in the air. Soon coming to the outside yard of the Asylum he found nearly a hundred bodies of the inmates of the Asylum. They had been beaten, bludgeoned, ripped apart, and shot! Either by them selves or the guards he wasn't sure. Taking a deep breath he put magic into his Domain of the Grave.

Hundreds of ghosts, spirits, and lingering energy appeared before his eyes. Most of them were new, clearly confused as to what happened! But some, some of them were old. These were the ones he saw last time he swam around Arkham. He reached into his Domain and cast the spells..

Domain Grave Spell, Unburden: This spell of the Grave takes the old lingering spirits, ghosts, and energy that were left behind. Essentially an echo of the original holder. This allows them to be no longer anchored to the world around them. Being allowed to rejoin the cosmic energy of the universe. Or something like that!

Domain Grave Spell, Judgment: For a brief moment you become the bailiff in the court of a Grim Reaper. The moment between life and death can be as short as a heart beat or as long as a life time. The Reaper will use your magic to help them fuel the process of the court. Please note, Sherogoth's Blessing, and Sherogoth's Punishment will aid this spell.

Saurians entire body became rigid! It felt like something old, huge, and incredibly powerful slipped him on like a glove. Filling out every fiber of his being with the aspect of the Grave! The hundreds of ghosts all stared in wide eyed horror, fascination, and relief as the Grim Reaper sent them on their way. Then as quick as it came, it left. Saurian collapsed to his knees taking in huge lung fulls of air! He looked around, fearful that he would be attacked. He hadn't considered the dangers of that spell. But it seemed like only a brief moment had passed. He would have to be careful next time.

Congratulations User! Your spell casting as called forth a young Sherogoth! From the disgusting and despicable actions of many of the human trash here. The benevolent monstrosity was born! The Sherogoth's Blessing has improved! Benevolent Monstrosities now like you 20% more! You can still 'read' the crimes and sins of those that have done evil around you. But now those that have done evil will fear you 10% more!

Like a balloon popping! A tiny little black ooze came into being in front of Saurian! Its tentacles flailed around, its eyes looked around, and its mouths cooed softly. Saurian looked at the tiny thing, he felt waves of emotions coming from it. Gratitude! Love! And Trust! The thing oozed its way over to him, slipped back and forth between his legs like a cat. Then it turned into a...bat? It screeched and flew away! Well that is a side benefit he hadn't considered! Standing up Saurian still wearing his Wraith shroud moved deeper into the Asylum.

Saurian moved towards a key card access only door. He reached out towards the machine and 'asked' to be let in. The door complied happily especially when he repaired it and gave it a bit of his magic. He came across several security camera's, fixing and feeding them he asked for directions. Soon he found the security hub for all of Arkham. Moving past the door he found another injected guard on the floor. Speaking to the computers he found out they had been set to show the wrong information on the screens. They had also been told to delete several portions of information. Technically that information was gone! But? For a Technomancer not so much. Saurian soon retrieved the lost info downloading it onto several USB drives. He fixed and fed the machines and asked if they had seen Batman running around? 'Showing' them his image.

A hidden camera feed soon popped up. It showed Dr. Strange unconscious on the floor, Batman was now dealing with a man wearing a scarecrow outfit. The room was filled with toxic gas, and the effect was clearly making Batman lose the fight. Saurian opened the air ventilation in the room and soon the gas was removed. The fans activating clearly surprised Scarecrow! Because he screamed in shock then Batman beat his face in. Soon Batman fell to his hands and knees, clearly trying to shake off the effects of the fear toxin. Thankfully this version of the gas was not lethal. Saurian drew up the map on the computers found where the room was and went to 'rescue' the bat.

Soon all of the lingering fear gas in the Asylum was properly vented. Saurian came across several survivors were still in the middle of fear induced episodes. Some of them inmates, some doctors, nurses, orderlies, a few guards that didn't seem to be a part of the 'plan'. A lot of bodies! Many ghosts that still needed to be judged. He'd have to do that after. Arkham was like a depressing castle dungeon of old times. Nothing but stone walls, metal doors, only a few basic necessities with lamps, and electrical ran cables. Fuck! No wonder people never got better hear. This place was horrible! He could feel the negative energy practically painted on the walls in red! Shit most of the walls were RED! He soon came to a false wall, using Magnetism he felt the different gears in place. Slide one into a proper position and the wall went side ways.

This section was obviously new! Or at least made to look it. Saurian saw a black scarab beetle crest above the doorway with writing in a circle around the scarab. Lingering spiritual energy resided in the stone piece. Not enough for a spell, just enough for you to get a feel for the creator. Saurian walked past lab equipment that must cost a fortune. He spoke to several of the machines to ask what they were and did. Genetics, bio-chemistry, gene splicing! He found several samples of the Fear toxin. He pocketed those in his combat suit. Then came to another room, walking in he saw his query.

Batman was staggering on his feet, he had cuffed Strange, and Scarecrow. But he was still reeling from the effects of the toxin. He turned around and saw a Wraith walking towards him. His eyes went wide with horror! He took a combat stance, then began to shake his head back and forth trying to clear his vision. Believing the ghost moving towards him was not real. Until it reached out and grabbed him! Batman tried to force the creatures hand away, but his grip was like a steel vice. Then a dull green glow emanated from the ghosts other hand. Soon...His vision cleared and he felt so much better! But the GHOST was still in front of him!

Saurian used Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss on Batman. Seemingly restoring him to full health. Sooth works on the fear toxin, why didn't he do it before? Well the gas was in the air. They would just get re infected! Saurian released Batman, the caped crusader jumped back and took a stance. Waiting for Saurian to attack, which of course didn't happen.

“Why would I attack you, when I just healed you?” Saurian's animalistic voice said to him.

Batman relaxed his stance, pulling his arms under his cloak. Now that Saurian was looking at him, he realized Batman was beat to all hell! His cloak was in tatters, part of his mask was ripped, not enough to reveal who he was but enough for others to get a peek at something. Open sections of his suit revealed his skin beneath. Of course after Saurian healed him, those wounds were gone.

“I'm happy you got my message. Thank you for stopping the fear gas.” Saurian said, his voice taking on a softer edge. But was still hard to understand. Before Batman could reply, Saurian held up a claw to his face, then pointed at a small camera in the corner of the room. “Don't say anything you don't want others to learn.”

“Yes, I got your message. Thank you. The Narrows?” Batman's voice was cold and brisk. Getting to the point.

“I don't know all of the specifics but Commissioner Lobe worked with Dr. Hugo Strange and that man.” He pointed at Scarecrow. Technically he hadn't met him yet. “To introduce the fear toxin into the Narrows. Telling the news channels that the Narrows was experiencing a riot. All the bridges into the Narrows were guarded by GCPD to prevent people from leaving. The Commissioner had sanctioned kill squads to enter the Narrows. Dr. Strange here ordered a majority of the Arkham guards to shoot and kill any of the fear induced civilian and inmates of Arkham. Strange then initiated a plan called Red-Echo-Twelve. All the guards wearing hazmat suits injected themselves with a sleeping agent and or a counter agent to the fear toxin. Pulled their suits off and promptly fell into a chemically induced sleep. I do have this thumb drive and a sample of the fear toxin for you.” Saurian placed the two items on a table between them and stepped away. Letting Batman take them.

“I didn't have a chance to look over all the files, 'Yes' to answer a question that you may have. I have a copy of the thumb drive as well as the fear toxin. No, it's not up to debate about me keeping it. Do you have any questions for me?” Saurian said to Batman.

“Who are you working for?” Batman said, grinding his teeth. Clearly angry at not only Saurian, but also at himself. Batman had no idea any of this was going on!

“Watch the news! My involvement will be announced. Believe it or not Batman, we are on the same side. We just do things differently. Though I do hope we'll by allies one day. Stars above! They know that my moral compass could use some adjusting! Maybe you can help with that.” Saurian said, then bowed from his waist. Batman's eyes narrowed as he watched Saurian leave. He didn't move to stop him.

As Saurian left he tried tapping into Batman's communication receiver but all he got was static. Maybe that was the portion of the mask that was damaged. So to just add more salt to the injury Saurian called Wayne Manor. The phone rang for several minutes, then it finally picked up. Alfred was on the other line.

“Hello! Sir is that you?!” Alfred sounded worried.

“No Pennyworth, but your Master is alive he is finishing up. I noticed his communication was damaged. So I wanted to let you know. He can gets so caught up in his work.” Saurian's ear grating voice said over the line.

“Oh....Thank you sir. I...” Alfred was conflicted.

“Good night, Pennyworth. Thank you for delivering the message. You saved a lot of lives tonight.” Saurian said softly before cutting off the communication.

Saurian checked in with the security camera's. Anyone in Arkham that was injured and needed medical attention? The system led him to several people. Using his magic he fixed most of them to 100%, of course that was after they screamed in terror and tried to run from him. But a few he just fixed to satisfactory condition. Of course from their faces they would think he had provided a miracle for them! Of course to a mundane, snapping a bone back into place with a wave of a hand would be a miracle. Then he came to a medical room, knocking on the door a scared woman's voice called.

“W... Who's there?” The woman said.

“Hello! I saw on the security feed that some of you are injured. I am here to help. There is a guard inside the room. Named Aaron Cash. Head of security, ask him to verify my operation code?” Saurian said, as he spit out a code that the security system gave him. It was for a emergency response team.

“Hot damn! That is a GCPD code! Is the trouble over!” Cash yelled past the door, he was beginning to take down the barricade. The electrical lock had been hacked to pieces, the door was pried open from the outside but looked like those inside had jammed it shut and blocked it.

“Not entirely! The gas is no longer being fed, and is slowly dissipating. The after math and rescue operations could take days or even weeks. But we all have to start some where.” Saurian's voice called through the barricade.

“Amen to that! I swear I'll buy you a round at a bar for coming to get us so soon! HOLY MOTHER OF GOD WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU?!” Aaron Cash's face appeared around the barricade only to see The Wraith of the Narrows staring back at him. The woman screamed!

“Wait! We are still under the effects of the GAS! That's why he looks like that!” The woman screamed at Cash.

The woman was wearing a knee high gray business skirt. White long sleeved buttoned up shirt, long white lab coat, with a Dr. Security badge on the front. Her blond hair was done up in a bun but it was falling apart now. Her face was smeared in blood, and sweat. But her blue eyes kept her focus, though she was clearly terrified at the thought of being infected.

Aaron Cash was a six foot black man built like a line backer! He had several tiny scars on his face, especially around his nose. He'd broken it more then once. He was dressed up in an Arkham tactical gear kit. Pointing a large caliber pistol at Saurian. Cash's brown eyes were blood shot! His black hair cut short, but blood, sweat, and mud were smeared into it. He was debating shooting Saurian in the face.

“Actually you are not under the effects of the gas any longer. What you are looking at is an optical illusion. My alias is often referred to as 'The Wraith of the Narrows'. I was also present in Metropolis with Superman helping with the relief efforts. The hospitals there called me, 'The Angel of Life and Death.' Very nice to meet you all, may I please come in?” Saurian explained to them in his unconcerned voice.

Cash, the Dr, a few other guards, and nurses looked at him wide eyed. One of the guards even vouched for him, kinda. He said he had seen him in the Narrows once beating up gangsters, the news said he worked with the FBI to do that sex trafficking sting operation. Eventually they let him, he could have ripped the door off its hinges but he was trying to avoid that. Saurian cast a wide dispersal of his healing spells. Removing the toxins, feeding, and healing. They all felt amazing!

“How did you do that?! Do you have some kind of device? I heard on the news they said your an alien with that superman guy!” Asked Cash.

“I can neither confirm nor deny my tools, skills, abilities or my state of terrestrial origin.” Saurian said, sarcasm dripping from his words. This just made Cash even more curious! “Now that you are all set I'll move on, I have a few more rooms I have to investigate. Unless Officer Cash would like to join me? Make it easier on the groups I help?”

“If you are not in a hurry, we can all go?” Saurian looked at the woman. Erik gasped across the mental link. The woman's ID Dr. Quinzel, Harleen. -Holy shit that's right! She hasn't met the Joker yet!

“I don't mind, shall we?” Saurian gestured towards everyone and made his way to the next room.

After another two hours Saurian with the help of Aaron Cash rallied all the survivors up and went to the front courtyard of Arkham Asylum. Just in time to see Batman get into his bat-wing jet and fly off. Shortly after Batman left, helicopters with GCPD dropped off swat teams as they swarmed into Arkham. Saurian said goodbye to Cash, and Dr. Quinzel then faded from sight in front of their eyes.

“Oh come on!?” Cash yelled out! Making the survivors jump in surprise. A look of curiosity was seen in Dr. Quinzel's eyes.

Soon the police came up to the survivors, Saurian was near by ready to attack the police if they struck. But then saw a tall lean man with a pair of glasses, a good looking mustache, with a vest on, a badge, that one of the swat teams called. 'Gordon'. Ah! The survivors would be safe. Under the cloak of his spells Saurian moved back inside of Arkham called on the Grave and used Unburden, and Judgment on the lingering new souls, ghosts, and energies. Getting the same thrilling and uncomfortable experience as before.

He soon slipped past the police towards the Narrows. It was on fire! Screams of help, desperation, and horror filled the night air. It would only be a few hours till morning. Using his phone he got a situation report from the Warden's. The super-natural communities had been saved. On one of the major bridges out of the Narrows a field hospital had been set up, the Warden in charge was at the bridge wanting to talk to Saurian. He said he was on his way. Not wasting time he ran towards the bridge, he was there in about twenty minutes. Not bad for being on foot.

Saurian walked out into the open, his spells Nature's Passage, and Chameleon turned off. So that the people saw The Wraith moving towards the bridge. A huge crowd was around the bridge, trying to get into the field hospital. 'UN security' and GCPD were trying to keep order. But the people of the Narrows got out of the way for him.

“Are you here to help us?” A man yelled at him, he was carrying his children in his arms.

“Yes, I'll set up in the hospital. We'll get the line moving as soon as we can!” Saurian called out. Many people wanted him to start now! But kept their mouths shut as he moved through the crowd.

Saurian arrived at the field hospital, more then once the cops wanted to arrest him! But the UN security made it clear that if they tried they would die! The cops had heard the reports of the Wraith attacking and killing their fellow officers. In their eyes he was a cop killer! Saurian's eyes passed over them, and many them felt fear deep inside their chest. Sherogoth's Blessing had marked many of them. Saurian would be more then happy to punish them....later. Saurian entered the command tent were a Warden he recognized but never learned the name of was having a screaming match against commissioner Lobe.

Lobe was a 5' 5” Over weight man in a nice suit, pale skin, with balding hair. He was backed by four swat officers in full tactical gear. He was screaming at the Warden in charge. Who had turned on a glamour and was appearing as a United Nations World Security officer. Lobe's face was red with rage, blood vessels clearly about to pop. Then Lobe spotted Saurian in his Wraith shroud and screamed!

“YOU FUCKER! YOU KILLED MY MEN! WE WILL FUCKING BURRY YOU!” Lobe screamed, the swat officers all raised their assault rifles.

Then over a dozen guns pointed at them inside of the tent. It was a tense moment, one that only ended when Lobe ordered his men to lower their weapons. Because the Warden in charge had pressed his desert eagle against Lobe's temple. Then soldiers came in and hand cuffed the swat officers and Lobe who was screaming until the Warden slugged him in the stomach.

The Warden was a 5' 9” Native American, with brown caramel skin, brown eyes, and short black hair. He filled out his tactical uniform very well, so he was built! His fingers were oddly longer then normal. At that point Saurian saw that his ears were slightly longer then human average, a small glamour placed there. Ah, he was part fae! Saurian walked up and handed the information to a tech officer. Who quickly compiled the information!

Then on a television screen it played Dr. Hugo Strange talking to Commissioner Lobe about the attack. Arranging the police to cut off access to the Narrows, kill squads being sent into the Narrows. If everything went to plan, all of the crazies in Arkham would be dead, and a majority of the Narrows would be as well. Then it showed Lobe, and Strange meeting with Scarecrow! They spoke about the fear toxin and how the police and Arkham guards could protect themselves. There was also a list on the thumb drive of all the police and Arkham guards that were complicit! Apparently Strange had made the list as a back up plan. Lobe's face became paler, and paler, until he eventually feinted. The four swat officers were also on the list. They were terrified! Saurian handed a sample of the fear toxin to the Warden. Told him he was going to go help at the hospital. The Warden still wanted to talk to him, but let him go since he knew where he'd be.

Saurian stepped into the field hospital and didn't leave for nearly forty eight hours. Just like Metropolis he eventually shifted back to Lash. Keeping his Wraith disguise on, he went from patient to patient. Eventually Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss ranked up so many times he could cast them in area of effects. He was of course drinking water by the gallons, and eating his body weight in protein energy bars. The Wayne foundation was there in the first morning, and helped keep the hospital stocked. Only critically injured and mid tier injuries reached Lash. On more then one occasion he had cast Kiss of the Grave on a few recently dead people. Though it didn't work on all of them. They had been dead to long, their spirits had moved on.

Superman had showed up by mid day on the first day. He flew over the Narrows and rescued people trapped in houses. Several Amazonian warriors showed up to help keep the peace on the bridge, as well as the Narrows during this transition. Althea showed up with something Lash came to call Amazonian coffee. Holy shit that refilled his exhausted energy reserves real quick! Soon Lash ran out of people to help in the high to mid tier area of injuries then made his way to the less so.

Several hours later Lash was sitting in a chair, wrapped in his shroud. Staring at nothing in particular. His brain was just not processing information right now. The sun was up in mid day on the third day he was here on this bridge. At some point he had been told that Bruce Wayne had decided to use his company to rebuild the Narrows. It would still be a low economy area of Gotham. But it would be rebuilt, and managed properly. He also said they would do the same to Arkham Asylum. Lash knew that Bruce would use the chance to build a forward operating base at Arkham, as well as tap into their security so he could monitor it there.

Congratulations User! You've completed a portion of your Cosmic Patron's grand quest. The Villain Dr. Hugo Strange plan has failed! He was sent to prison to await trial. Then mysteriously was found dead in his cell.

Reward: You've been granted two skills of Strange!

Congratulations User! You've obtained the skill, Minor Chemistry: Atoms? Molecules? Ions? What do all of these mean? With Chemistry you'll be understand the composition, structure, properties, behavior of these things. To understand the changes they undergo as you experiment and change the very world around you. 'Science baby!'

Congratulations User! You've obtained the skill, Minor Genetics: The advanced study of biology the study of genes, genetic variation, and hereditary organisms. What does that mean? Well you know the building blocks of life? You play with those now!

Great..... So, who ever he defeated or helped he would be granted skills from their tree? That could be beneficial as well as horrible. Lash blinked and focused his eyes, Superman was in front of him waving his hand trying to get his attention.

“Hey, Boy Scout thanks for coming to help.” Said Lash in an exhausted voice. Superman grimaced at the nick name.

“Your welcome. I hope I can count on you to help Metropolis out if they need it again?” Superman said.

“Of course! Did I ever give you my contact info?” Superman shook his head.

“Talk to... hmmmm.” Lash said, then a familiar voice spoke out

“Here sir!” Booraku showed up with a tall glass of jasmine tea handing it to Lash who accepted it gratefully. Booraku handed Superman a contact card for Shield and Sword. Spoke to him for a moment about how it worked. Superman nodded and pocketed the card. Where? Eh...details.

“Thanks Booraku.” Lash continued to sit in his chair, letting the suns rays wash over him. He enjoyed his tea.

Booraku and Superman spoke for a few minutes. Then Superman said goodbye and flew off, Booraku apologized but he came her to get Lash. With a sigh and a grunt of effort Lash stood and followed behind the troll. All of the civilians in the Narrows had been properly tended and moved to a temporary refugee installation. The personnel on the bridge were either part of the super-natural world. From Wayne Tech, several dozen GCPD officers who wore a complicated expression when they saw Lash in his Wraith disguise. By this point the truth was known. All the cops he had killed were dirty, and they had been gunning down innocent civilians. As a 'soldier' for the United Nations he was technically in the right. Didn't wash away the bitter taste in their mouth when ever they saw him.

Lash walked into the command tent. Inside was the Warden or 'agent' in charge. Who Lash had learned was named Achak, the name meant 'spirit' in his native tongue. Bruce Wayne wearing a ten thousand dollar suit. Who was handsome, charismatic, and focused as soon as the Wraith walked into the tent. Then the Mayor of Gotham City, an older man named Wilson Klass. He had streaks of gray on his thinning head of hair. Tan and healthy skin, white teeth, a gleam in his eyes as he made his way towards Lash holding out his hand. Erik knew that Klass was a corrupt politician that was on Carmine Falcon's pay roll. The mayor held his hand out to Lash. Waiting.

“Do you really expect me to shake your hand? Since you share blame for this incident, why don't you run off to Carmine's lap and beg for scraps you disgusting prick!” Lash growled, his 'pressure' filling the tent. A moment of Foresight had made the entire situation very tense. The Mayors face turned pale both from what Lash said, as well as the energy he was releasing. A fist slammed onto the table as Achak called out loudly!

“Wraith! Control yourself and take a seat! The Mayors extra curricular activities can be discussed at another time!” Achak said as way do placate the other people in the room, as well as make it obvious to Klass that they were well aware of his dealings. The few city officials in the room stared with wide eyes. Even the cool confident Bruce Wayne was not staring daggers at Klass.

Lash took a seat as far as possible from everyone, easy to do since no one wanted to sit next to him. Except for Bruce Wayne who made a point of standing up and changing chairs to sit closer to Lash. Making his position obvious to everyone in the room. Achak then went over the information they had obtained thanks to Wraith. It was declared 'The Wraith' was an agent for the United Nations World Security. His exact origins be it extra terrestrial or not were at this time classified. Lash noticed Bruce was clenching his fist and gritting his teeth. -I said we are on the same side, Bruce. We just do things differently. But as you can tell I need help adjusting my Moral Compass. Not all of us live by a code. Lash spoke to him through a telepathic link. The message made Bruce flinch slightly but his body language didn't give much away. He did glance at Lash and nodded ever so slightly.

The Mayor who was usually very animated and vocal was silent. Staring down at his phone as he sent message after message. The other city councilors all picked up the slack and asked questions about rebuilding, and what about the corrupt GCPD. At this time Achak called in Lieutenant Gordon, who greeted every one including Lash. But Lash could read that Gordon was not happy about the situation. Especially how Lash dealt with the cops. Gordon was then appointed to the head position of the Major Crimes Unit, or MCU. Then promoted to Captain. Which surprised Gordon, only to look at The Wraith with wide eyes. Lash was the one that recommended him. Stating that 'He was a good cop' One of the few. -Gordon is clean, a good ally to have. Lash spoke to Bruce through the telepathic link. Bruce nodded his head slightly.

Then another man came in after Gordon, Harvey Dent. The District Attorney. -Oho! Harvey before he became Two-face! Maybe we can keep that from happening! Erik said to Lash and Saurian. He shared what he knew about Two face's origins. But, Foresight didn't activate so they couldn't say anything. Harvey wanted to crucify former commissioner Lobe with in the court of law. He also a made a clear point to glare daggers at Mayor Klass who was still on his phone sending messages. Harvey smiled happily at Lash, he had heard what he said to the Mayor.

Then the Mayor stood up and screamed in horror after reading a message on his phone. Achak rolled his eyes and motioned for several guards to hand cuff the Mayor and drag him away reading him his Miranda rights. Everyone in the room was surprised except for Lash. He had been listening to the communication lines with Connectivity. His Deputy Mayor had also been arrested. The meeting was finished after a few more hours. Dozens of city officials had been arrested. Lash was massaging his head at this point, his hands were still covered in glamour so claws of darkness were shown to anyone looking. Achak requested for everyone to leave, he had to debrief Wraith. Everyone said goodbye, Bruce made a point to shake Lash's hand. As did Harvey Dent, and Captain Gordon. All the other people attending were to scared to get near him. Soon Achak and Lash were in the command room with a few other logistical personnel. Achak put a sound obstruction charm on the table, activating it. Then he leaned forward and holding his head in his hands.

“Fuuuuuuuuck!” Achak said, his voice rough, he was in desperate need for sleep. Lash cast his nature spells on not just him, but everyone in the tent. They all shuddered and gave a relieving sigh.

“I swear Warden Lash if you can put that into pill form, you could sell it for millions of dollars. The Fae Courts are not entirely sure what to do. HQ is both happy and upset by the turn of events. You are getting more spotlight then we would hope for. Your 'alien' persona is steering public eye away from super-natural's. But some of the more educated and connected are putting two and two together. Of course The Cultist of Ares are still running around so that doesn't help. But, you did your job! Kept the communities in the Narrows safe. They are alive because of you. We had no idea any of this shit was even happening. If you hadn't decided to patrol the Narrows on your own the whole place would have been destroyed.” Achak said, he was still tired but he was better.

“Can we use this chance to place our own personnel into the city officials?” Lash asked. Achak shook his head.

“Unfortunately no, its an old promise the super-natural communities made to the mundanes in power. We wont hold more then 20% of overall control in a city, county, state, or country. So, key positions only. But they never said anything about privately owned businesses. Technically we could get a super-natural into the Mayor office but they would have to run and be elected just like any one else. Which honestly terrifies me, I can just imagine a Blood-Kindred running for office and wining.” Achak said. Before pulling out his phone to reply to a few messages.

“I don't have much else to say except for my personal feelings, which are. Good job! My official report will be a little more critical and I'll have to say many un kind things about you. Don't take it personally. Thank you for your hard work. Go home! A full report and brief will be prepared for you in a few days. Oh! Recording your video actions is both a good idea, and a bad idea. Falling into the wrong hands. Bad. Getting it to the right people. Good. But you should be more mindful of what you show even to us. A few fae court officials might use it as ammunition against you. Live and learn right?” Achak said, then shook Lash's hand.

Lash left the tent still wearing his shroud. He walked through the field command base towards the edge of the bridge towards Gotham. People got out his way, he saw Booraku was by a car. The troll waved at him, but made a grimacing face then pointed towards a woman that was walking towards Lash. She was a stunning black woman, with close shaved black hair that worked very well for her. Piecing brown eyes, she was about 5' 1”, with beautiful hour glass figure. She wore dress business coat, white buttoned up shirt, black dress pants, and modest two inch heel shoes. She had military chain necklace on. Lash assumed her dog tags were under her shirt. He stopped and waited for her.

“Mr. Wraith? May I have a bit of your time? My name is Amanda Waller.” The woman said. -Ah fuck! Erik shouted.

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