Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 33: Lay in the Bed You’ve Made

Lash gestured towards Amanda Waller to follow him, soon he was leaning against the guard rail on the bridge looking at her. Lash was exhausted even with his Natural Energy Absorption constantly trying to refill his empty tank. He wanted to sleep desperately, the mid day sun offered no warmth. The ice cold water of Gotham's rivers passed under neath them. Lash knew it was freezing but Waller put on a mask of indifference. He could see that she was shivering but he made no move to change the situation. His shroud fluttered and danced around him as if it was alive. Made it seem more mysterious or intimidating. Or maybe he was just being an Edge Lord, which ever one!

“So, Ms. Waller. How may I help you?” Said Lash, exhaustion dripping from his words. Waller walked with in ten feet of him and pulled out a file from her bag. Handing it to him.

“I've heard a lot about you recently. Who you are, where your from, but most of all are you a friend or a foe.” Said Waller. Her face was an indifferent mask to Lash. That or he didn't care right now.

Lash opened the file, it was on him! The Wraith specifically, a few photo's of him moving through the Narrows, and Metropolis. It had a short list of associates, Wonder Woman, Superman, pictures of Althea, and Booraku. Also a smaller list of abilities and or tools he had. Specifically camouflage, healing, and the tools to tear through flesh, bone, and metal. Then an interesting note appeared that he had a flexible moral compass, but tend to lean towards the good. Lash finished reading and handed it back to Waller. Waiting for her to talk.

“How did we do?” Waller asked, seeming to be genuinely interested. Lash raised his left hand up and cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss onto Waller. She stepped back in surprise for a moment before her whole body shivered from head to toe. A blush crawled up her cheeks, then she stared daggers at Lash.

“You are missing a great deal of information, but I'll tell you a bit. My healing skills don't involve disease. Cancer, cold, flue, STD's, etc I can't 'cure' those.” Lash then told Waller what his three favorite Nature healing spells did, but made her believe it was an alien trait. Like Superman's laser eyes. Waller continued to glare at him for how he made her feel just a moment ago. But now understood why it made her feel that way.

“So in many ways your a combat medic, who's not afraid to get his claws bloody. You have that over Superman. In my book you are more useful then he is.” Waller said to Lash, her glare disappearing as she began to think. A hand came to her chin as she processed the information.

“Superman it what people want, Waller. People want to believe in the good, the optimistic, truth, justice, the dream of all human kind. I...Don't see the world that way. Maybe one day Superman will rub off on me. But that will be a while yet.” Lash said softly. Waller looked at him with interest, a smile tugging on her lips. Waller took several steps forward into Lash's personal space, the shroud of his wraith glamour danced around her like a living thing.

“You are a monster pretending to be human. But sometimes we need monsters to fight the other monsters in the world. I'll be in touch, stay alive!” Waller said, smiling at him. She turned on her heels and walked away. Was it Lash imagination or was Waller swaying her hips just a little at him?

Lash stopped leaning on the guard rail and made his way towards Booraku. The troll had a smirk on his face as he looked at Lash, then at Waller who had just made it to her car. Lash shrugged his shoulders and got into the prepared vehicle. Booraku soon started the engine and began to drive to....Shield and Sword. The Wraith had to make a statement. To convey the information he had recorded and sent to them. This was for the public's eye, The Wraith would be seen going into Shield and Sword. No one would notice Erik Lash leaving the Law Firm.

Lash took out his phone and read through his messages. Several well wishes, and congratulations on saving the Narrows. Mr. Shaw asked if Lash had volunteered to help at the Narrows rescue operation which he 'had'. Because another day went by on his phone and Mr. Shaw said he heard back from Mr. Skaleg about community watch. Oddly enough because of his rescue efforts several clients of Shaw Art Industries wanted to meet and have Lash make things for them. A single message from Lizzy. 'If you die, I'll kill you!' Followed by another message. 'Going on a vacation! Leave me alone!' These two messages meant the world to Lash. Then another surprising message, from Jessabell. 'Hey! Are you coming to the Winter Solstice ball?' Lash sent a message to her telling her yes he was attending. He answered a few emails, mostly busy work. Soon the car stopped in an underground parking garage. VIP area, maximum security both technological and mystical.

Lash stepped out of the car still wearing his disguise, he bowed to those that came to greet him. He noticed more then once a few people tried to keep themselves from sniffling in disgust. That's right! He stunk right now, after two and half days of working none stop in a field hospital any one would smell. So he took this moment to cast a new spell he had just learned from the Synthesis domain...

Domain Synthesis Spell, Immaculation: This cleans, disinfects, and deodorizes objects, things, and locations. Not everything in nature is dirty, and not everything in science is clean! This allows you to not only keep yourself clean, but those around you. Why does this spell exist? Trust us there are many things you can use this on!

A combination of Nature and Technomancy energy danced around Lash. Cleaning his body, and his gear. Soon he was fresh and sweet as the new day. The smell was gone, and he felt better. He had actually found this spell when he was working in the hospital the blood, sweat, and vomit stains on the walls and floor were over loading his senses he had to clean it up or he was going to get sick just from the aroma! The spell was a bit of a light show because several people looked at him wondering what he was doing.

“Sorry, didn't have time for a shower. But found a spell for it. Which I guess makes me incredibly lazy! But I use the tools I have.” Lash said to his attendee's. Booraku slapped him on the back.

“I wasn't going to say anything but, you smelled like a butcher shop in the summer time! Its a useful spell, a lot of our kind can smell stinks from a mile away this will help you in the long run!” Booraku said, he then left Lash and went off to do his work.

The Wraith walked into Shield and Sword main lobby following behind his attendee's making a show of his arrival. All the mundanes in the hall looked at him. Then a few people started to clap, then a few started to cheer. Soon the whole lobby be it mundanes or super-natural's were congratulating his good work. He stopped on his way through and looked at everyone, he did a half bow then made his way to the private elevator. The elevator shot up into top levels in a less then a minute. When he stepped out he saw a familiar face.

Juliana, Torloth's daughter. She was wearing knee high black pencil skirt that wrapped around her hips very well, a red silk long sleeve blouse with open cleavage which she had plenty of. Her caramel color skin made any one want to undress her with their eyes. Her brown hair was curled today, and partially pulled back so it fell down across her shoulders. She had a winning smile on her face as soon Lash stepped from the elevator.

“Mr. Wraith please come this way!” Juliana said in a louder then normal voice letting every know there were mundanes on the floor some where.

Lash followed behind Juliana, watching with amusement as she swayed her hips so much in front of him he worried that she may lose her balance. Thanks to his Sensory Awareness he knew that Juliana kept glancing back at him, smiling at the fact that he was watching her. None of his attendee's got off the elevator with him. They were primarily there to show Wraith where to go, since he had 'never' been there before. Coming to a pair of doors that led to all to familiar conference room, Juliana paused at the door and turned her body towards Lash half way. Showing off the twisting curves of her body in a revealing position.

“You've changed...” Juliana said, biting her lips as her eyes danced up and down Lash. Juliana was not a mundane and could see through Lash's glamour to see him. Lash spoke softly, knowing she could hear him.

“I understand that the dragon's may show interest in me as a breeding 'servant'. But I also know that they won't take me seriously until I'm stronger. So isn't it better that I've changed, it may not happen now but if I have to choose I would rather be a breeding 'partner'.” Lash said, as he came with in two feet of Juliana. She smiled at him and inhaled his 'scent' This wasn't what he smelled like but his energy, his power. Dragon's were attracted to that more then looks, but looks helped too.

“You are right, we had only thought of you as a potential breeding 'servant'. But, I personally would much prefer you to be a partner.” Juliana winked at him, then smoothed her hands over her cloths, making a bit of a show for him before she put on her professional face and opened the door.

The conference room was outstanding as always, huge bay windows on the back wall let you see Gotham from on high. The nearing setting winter sun made the glimmering reflections in the office windows around, as if one by one lighting candles in the dark. 'Captain' Gordon, DA Harvey Dent were both in the conference room, some low ranking city officials were present. Mostly because the other ones had been arrested. Gordon, and Harvey were both wearing business suits that fit them well, and were tailored. Juliana soon came to the head of the table and put on a suit jacket and buttoned them bottom which only emphasized her chest. She motioned for Wraith to sit. Wraith was alone on his side of the table.

Feeling dramatic, Lash extended a bit of his magic and had his shroud grab the chair and pull it out for him. This made the people in the room except for Juliana become surprised. They had thought it was a simple costume made to look intimidating. Taking a seat, the Wraith's yellow eyes stared out across the table looking at every one. Then he turned to Juliana, who smiled at him.

“So gentlemen! We are here to discuss the information that The Wraith sent to us. A majority of the information has been disseminated among the public records but this is aimed specifically at the actions of Agent Wraith. Was he justified in his actions on how he treated the 'police' officers. I remind everyone that this is not hearing. Though we are being recorded for the records. Nothing here can be used in a court of law unless both parties agree. Is that understood?” Juliana stressed the words 'Both Parties'

“Agreed.” Everyone said.

“Captain Gordon is now on record.” Juliana said, she gestured with her hand at him. Jim narrowed his eyes at Wraith took deep calming breath before he spoke.

“Did you have to kill them? We saw that you are capable of incapacitating the infected civilians with a taser like tool. You could have brought them down, restrained them, and moved on.” Gordon was gritting his teeth.

“Captain, if you saw criminals with fully automatic rifles and assault shotguns shooting down innocent civilians. Tell me, would you have used your taser on them? A tool that I remind you has a limited range. Where every second spent endangers the lives of more people, on top of endangering yourself by stepping with in range? Or, would you take your weapon and end the threat?” Lash said in a cold indifferent tone. He made sure to alter his glamours voice to sound like Saurian. Details are important. Gordon hands were white knuckling, because he couldn't reply. Lash was right, and he knew it.

“What you are upset about, Captain. Is it how I did it but because I am not a cop? Cops handle cops. In your eye's I'm a vigilante, much like the 'Bat-Creature' that you've been chasing recently. However, I have been deputized by the United Nations World Security. If a soldier in the field takes the life of an enemy to protect the lives of the innocent are they a murderer? Or a savior? Depends on who you ask.” Lash said coldly.

“We are not in a WAR!” Gordon stood up and yelled at Lash. Harvey pulled him down, trying to get him under control.

“Aren't we? You served as a Marine, its one of the reasons why I like you. How many times did you get sent to guard and stabilize a village? Town? Country? How many times did you have to assist the populace in defense, or offense? How many corrupt officials, officers, soldiers did you have to put down? How is this any different? Because its on your native soil? Because it's your city?” Said Lash, he hadn't moved since he sat down. Even with Gordon's out burst. Lash's back was straight, shoulders even, palms on the table. Of course they couldn't see that. All they saw was a Wraith, pitch black face, and claws of darkness tapping gently on the wood.

Gordon ground his teeth so hard that it made a few people wince, he left leg shook up and down like a jack hammer. Staring daggers at Lash for what he said, and the argument he had made. There were many holes in the theory, in the philosophy of what was right and wrong. But in the end, it was simple. Gordon didn't like the idea of people taking the law into their own hands. He's an official officer of the law. The Wraith wasn't! He's just a powerful Alien that the UN was using to do their dirty work.

“Let me ask you, Gordon. If I have the training, the practice, and the paper work to be an official officer of the 'law' would this matter be settled?” Lash said, humor beginning to creep into his voice. Gordon's eyes narrowed. Then Lash turned to Juliana who pulled something from a file holder and passed it to Gordon, who quickly read through it only to go purple in the face.

What Gordon just read was a signed document by the Secretary of Defense. The Wraith was an official officer of the UN recognized by the white house. Gordon's technicality fell through the floor at that point. Then it came to the cold hard truth, this wasn't about him being right or wrong. This was about Lash being an alien, not native to Earth. Lash wanted to believe that Gordon was not the raciest type. Harvey then read the letter as well a frown grew across his face. He soon handed it back to Juliana.

Lash had essentially done this to him self. Time and time again he took the form of an 'Alien' to the public. The Cult of Ares were 'aliens', the para-military attacks on cities, countries was an 'alien' army invading! Even now several countries were funding new research into aerospace development. Lash was now laying in the bed he made himself. But at the end of the day he swore and oath to the Warden's to guard Earth, and the Super-Natural Societies. If he had to he would retire the 'Wraith persona' It was after all just a glamour.

“Do you have anything else to ask, Captain Gordon?” Juliana asked, she kept a poker face. But Lash could tell she was smiling on the inside.

“No more questions. Thank you.” Gordon said, taking a figurative step back. Harvey was up next.

“Now on the record. Harvey Dent, District Attorney.” Juliana said.

“Agent Wraith, do you plan to stay in Gotham specifically? Or, are you planning on leaving?”Mr. Dent asked.

“The specifics of my assignments and deployments, along with time spent are not to be discussed if I understand my NDA correctly?” Lash said, turning to Juliana.

“That's correct.” Juliana said.

“Will you be taking an active role with the police? Or will you be prowling from roof top to roof top like a certain masked man we know?” Dent asked. Lash reached out and pressed the stop on the recording device. Everyone looked at him.

“Such an odd question to ask, Mr. Dent when on more then one occasion Batman has visited your offices late at night for help on catching criminals.” Lash said, staring directly at Dent. Who's eyes went wide. Gordon whipped his head around, who stared in surprise at Dent. As did all of the room except for Juliana who looked composed. Lash then reached out and pressed the record button again.

“Mr. Dent I plan to take what ever role that I will be the most useful in. Being a United Nations World Security Agent.” Lash said, more to the recorder then any one else. Dent had loosened his tie and was sweating nervously now. Gordon looked like he wanted to scream at him!

For nearly two years! Maybe longer, Gordon had been chasing the Batman. Many times he came to confide in Dent. Asking for help, and to keep his ear to the ground. Now, only to realize that Dent not only had met The Batman, but was helping him. Dent was trying to come up with another question to dodge the situation. Lash decided to throw him a bone.

“I can tell you, that the Batman is not a part of the United Nations World Security, or any government for that matter. He is a private operator. No, I am currently not aware of his identity.” Lash said this to both Gordon, and Dent. Gordon stared at Lash, taking that vital piece of information and putting it away. He turned away from Dent trying his best not to punch the man. Juliana was eyeing Lash now however. The Warden's hadn't confirmed that.

“Mr. Dent do you have any more questions?” Juliana asked.

“No further questions.” Dent said, staring down at his hands. The white knight of Gotham had been found with some dirty laundry in the face of his friend Gordon. Lash reached out and stopped the recorder again. Everyone in the room looked at him again, waiting for another piece of information.

“Gordon, don't be to angry with Dent. Neither of you know that Carmine Falcone has actually targeted both your families for removal. Batman on more then one occasion has saved the lives of your wife and daughter, Gordon. Also the wife of Dent. I plan to take a personal interest in Carmine. However, if you want Gordon, and Dent I'll bring the information to you directly instead of just punishing him? Deal?” Lash said. This was an important moment. A devil you know is better then the devil you don't. Both Gordon and Dent were surprised to hear that Batman had saved their families. But could they believe the Wraith? Would they trust him about Carmine.

In the end neither Gordon or Dent declined or agreed to the deal. They along with the officials left the the conference. Both parties agreeing to not use the recording in a court of law. Lash and Juliana stayed behind in the room, a phone call came in telling Juliana that all mundanes had left the floor. Lash removed his glamour, leaning forward he slumped across the table with a groan.

“When was the last time you slept?” Juliana asked, watching him from her seat. Her eyes dancing across him with interest.

“More then four days ago. I swear I was not looking for trouble, I was just doing my job.” Lash said into his folded arms.

“Don't go looking for trouble? Please. Every one knows that the Narrows is a no go zone for us. No Warden has been assigned to that place in over five years. Yes, you've been assigned all of Gotham but you spent most of your time in the Narrows for your patrols. You could have just prioritized the safety of the super-natural communities in the Narrows. But you didn't, you tried to save them all. Face it Lash. You are acting the part of a hero, a knight of honor! A samurai that actually follows Bushido! I have to say it makes you look incredibly hot!” Juliana put emphasis on that last word.

“Thank you for the compliments, I think. Is there any thing else we need to take care of in an official capacity. Mundane or Super-Natural? Or may I go collapse into my bed at home?” Lash said as he sat up straight to watch Juliana, who was playing with one of the buttons on her blouse.

“Nothing of note, anything of else can be done by email or by phone. Though if you are to tired to go home. We do have beds here in the office. Big ones!” Juliana smiled enticingly at Lash, as she undid the top button of her blouse. Revealing more of her caramel skin. Lash did watch for a bit then stood up.

“Goodbye Juliana, thank you for today.” Lash said as he sent his three nature healing spells towards her. Even part dragon, she still fluttered her eyes closed and tried to bite back a moan. Lash had made it to the door before she spoke.

“Oh that is so not fair! I'll get you back for that!” Juliana said, a mischievous glint to her eyes.

“I hope so!” Lash said, as he half turned to look at Juliana. He smiled at her then left the room.

Lash went to the public elevator and waited for several minutes before it arrived. He got in, and went down. The VIP would have been faster, but he was trying to keep a low profile. Logistics had come to the field hospital during his work hours and given Lash some community watch clothing. Make him seem the part of helping with the rescue operations. It was also known that since Lash had saved the Shield plaza from the bomb the Law Firm were now his lawyers free of charge. So him being here wouldn't be weird. Coming out into the plaza he came to the front street and took one of the many waiting public cars. One of those civilian cab drivers in their own vehicles. He gave his address and they were on their way. His phone had a new message from...Jessabell. 'Great! Can't wait to see you! My family has been asking about you, some of them will be at the party! Are you participating in the 'Hunt?' Lash was amused and a little worried. He was meeting Jessabell's family? Great...

What is the 'Hunt', you ask? Well during the Winter Solstice Ball. In a large enchanted forest which stretches for miles is a natural preserve. Dozens or even hundreds of volunteers sign up to be 'Hunted' they race across the preserve to a designated point. If they reach that point they gain the favor of the Winter Court! Not a writ or something like that. The actual mystical favor or magical blessing of the court. The 'Hunters' job is to chase down, stop, and collect the 'Hunted'. For every collected hunted, the hunters gain political favor from the the courts as well as 'something' from the hunted. Including but not limited to twenty four hours of service from the hunted. Providing the service does not break the law or go against the morals of the captured.

Lash replied, a small smile on his face. 'Yes, I am planning to volunteer to be a hunted.' Several minutes passed before Jessabell replied. 'Really? Oh well, I'll have to make sure to catch you!' Jessabell had sent an actual emoji of a horse rider shooting an arrow at a stag. There was another reason why he was going to participate. He was allowed to wear armor. A lot of the Fae would be wearing ceremonial gear that was decorative but functional. He had nothing like that! He also wanted to get the blessing of the winter court. One that was not from his Warden Ceremony. Though he didn't complain when Jessabell had given it to him.

Lash soon arrived home, and gave a nice tip to the driver. Walking into the front lobby the security guard welcomed him back. The guard said he had heard about how he volunteered down at the Narrows. The guard looked new, but Lash could see a flash of energy in his eyes. He must be a sensitive that hasn't learned of the mystical world yet. Lash collected a bit of mail that needed his signature. He soon arrived at his home and unlocked the door. His alarm system said hello. No one had come by, security was just fine. He patted the machine giving it a bit of energy as thanks. Two letters were in his hand. One was from a Ms. Isely, he tore it open and read.

Thank you so much for the gift! Lash!

I remember you saying you have a garden at home

These seeds are a type of rose I designed that can grow

across all seasons. I hope you enjoy them!

My Professor Marc Le Grandee said as soon

as I get my PhD we'll try to experiment with

a set of herbs he found in Egypt!

Which will be in a few weeks, several of the

formula's I'm using I only got because of you!

I'll contact you when we succeed!

Your friend Pamela Isely.

Looking through the letter he found a tiny bag with several seeds in them. Opening the bag he felt the seeds in his hands. They were jam packed with energy, science had altered them. But they seemed a little wrong. Lash went to his balcony, and shifted space in the little wall garden that was around the edge. All before this he had the garden simply as decoration, Dottie the brownie spirit had been tending to them. But lately Lash had been using his Nature Domain to help them grow and stay healthy during winter. He planted the genetically altered seeds, he used an obstruction glamour then cast Nature's Supplement, Daylight, Essence Imbuement, Germination, and Growth. Soon the seeds sprouted, took root, grew and came into full bloom! They came in shades of red, purple, blue, and green. The leaves were serrated to keep from being eaten. Thorns grew along the stems, but the plant was still...wrong. Then he found it using his new found skills Minor Genetics, and Minor Chemistry. Reaching deep into the plant's DNA code with his magic he saw it. The telomeres section of the gene was decaying faster then it should. This section of the DNA helped to control aging. The roses may grow all season but the would soon die of old age with in two or three years.

Lash went inside writing down the formula sequence and design. He went to his computer, copied down the formula and emailed Pamela what he found. He didn't know how to fix it, but he assumed she didn't know the telomeres was a problem. But he also said thank you, the roses are beautiful or they would be! Cause he had just got them! Why would he know what they look like at full bloom! Yaaaaa..... Lash then tore open the second letter. Oh!

Hello Warden Lash this is magician Giovanni Zatara!

My Daughter Zatanna has made it to Gotham

by the time you read this letter. She'll be staying

with friends. We'll have to arrange a pick up time for

the statue. She is also attending the Winter Court Ball

our fellow acquaintance says you are a trust worthy sort

please keep an eye on my daughter.


Once he finished the letter it burst into glitter! No alarms went off, and the gargoyles on the ledges didn't move. So it wasn't harm full, it must be a notice saying he had read it. Taking out his phone he sent a information prob on Giovanni Zatanna to Warden HQ. With in a minute he got an information packet. Reading, he made a few notes. The most recent photo of her was taken two days ago, She was a seventeen or nineteen years old. With raven black hair to her shoulders, great figure dressed up in designer sweater, dress pants, and shoes walking next to...Bruce Wayne. That is right! Bruce who is...maybe twenty three or twenty six wouldn't look that odd walking with her. Zatanna was also staying in the Wayne Manor, with two other woman. Both were registered super-natural's. He sent a mail request. He was suppose to send a magical imbued statue to Zatanna. Since Bruce Wayne was aware of the super-natural world could he send it by Griak or not? No, but they said to send it to HQ. Was the reply. Lash went back to the balcony and snagged a few Griaks.

The statue was as tall as Lash's waist, and he was about 6' 5” these days. It was white marble apple tree, with a black obsidian silver etched snake curled in the branches. Yes, it was done on purpose. His three favorite Nature spells cast into it. Could be activated by a command word, or by touching certain sections of the tree. The manual was placed with the package. It had a twenty four hour cool down per cast. Unfortunately because of the three spells they added a complication, it would only work once a day on a single person. Soon the Griak's wrapped it up in their magic and flew off towards to Warden HQ who would deliver it to Wayne Manor. Lash sent a message on his phone that it was on its way. HQ said they would handle it.

Lash decided to call it there for now, he locked up his home and activated the shutters. It was evening now, a little early for bed time. But he'd been awake for so long he didn't care. Double checking his phone, he did get a message from Selina wishing him the best. With a lipstick emoji! He took off his cloths, took a quick shower. Then curled up in his bed. Forgoing talking to Dawn he went to sleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.

Erik decided to log out, he'd been in for a while. He didn't want to get a warning from Dawn. So, the generated world continued to spin. Erik made a note with Dawn in passing that he wanted to be there for the Winter Court. Dawn assured him that it was a story driven event, she would pause the world when it became time. He hugged her goodbye and stepped out of The Dream Engine Cube. Having no fucking idea what time it was!

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