Erik did what he always did. He took a shower, tossed his used cloths, cleaned up the Cube. He then made an actual meal this time, and drank plenty of water. Erik noticed something odd, his clothes were looser then they should have been. He thought it was a bigger pair of pants and shirt, but they were his favorite pair he wore them enough to know their feeling. Had Erik lost weight? Unfortunately he didn't own a weight scale in his home, he never saw the use in it. He knew he was over weight, why depress himself on a daily basis with it.

Erik went to his computer, logged into The Dream Engine forums and filled out some reports and paper work. The developers informed him that he along five hundred other testers were still playing there first character avatar. Cool. So they were the first five hundred! Erik along with about twenty others were the only ones filling out paper work. So the Developers reward them by granting them a store coupon, to be activated as soon as he read the email. Also Cool! Erik then jumped to the forums and read through a posts. He found an interesting one.

Remember! We are playing a game!

A few hundred users were complaining about the different stories. How they didn't line up, how one game is so vastly different from another that you can't compare or measure peoples success. Gamer's love to compare what they have against others. The Dream Engine didn't allow that. Every world no matter where you started effectively became a whole new world. Butter Fly effect was real. Ten users even tried it out, they chose the same origin, the same back ground, etc. Everything the same with in a month Dream time they had vastly different experiences! Of course what the Gamer's didn't account for was player choice. One went left while others went right. One learned a skill the others didn't have. The ripples were small at first but soon separated them. A developer soon joined the thread and reminded everyone that they will have a Multiplayer and MMO version of the game next year. Erik thought about that, what would the already chaotic world be like with hundreds or thousands of Users running around? Oooo! Maybe it would be like multi dimensional Earths? Maybe in Multiplayer you could invite players to your world? That would be fun!

Time difference!

This was a Developer post. They were trying to change the effect of time between the Dream and the Real. Right now one hour in the Real is one day in the Dream. They were putting an adjustment tool into the Black Room so Users could slow down or speed up the difference. They were looking for volunteers to increase the overall time difference from one hour in the Real to two days in the Dream. If you wanted to volunteer just hit yes here on the thread or tell your VI rep to opt you in. Erik thought about that. One hour in the Real, two days in the Dream. It would allow for more game time, but a negative would be that he would have to wait even longer for the game store. But he would have more DP to spend. Whatever, Erik opted into the test. He logged off the forums, he turned off his lights in his home and jumped into the Cube. It was currently 2:30 am on Sunday.

Congratulations User! You've joined the time adjustment tool beta! Obtaining a limited Achievement: 'I have no time!' This allows your Character Avatar to regain energy 10% faster as long as they are resting. In example; Sleeping, sitting, eating, or doing anything that does not require over the limit of resting energy!

Erik had never been in the Black Room with Dawn when she had done one of those. She blew confetti into the air around him and began to dance and twirl in circles. She was wearing a backless skin tight prom dress, with a slit up her left leg to the middle of her thigh, the color of the dress was starlight black. Literally it look like it was made from the cosmos that surrounded the Black Room. Dawn then wrapped here slim, but firm arms around Erik and kissed his cheek. Making him blush furiously, wait? He blushed. He looked down and saw that he was wearing the same cloths he had logged into, he was himself!

“Dawn, why do I look like this?” Erik asked her, she kept hugging him with a dazing smile on her face.

“You've reached a point in your subconscious that you can now visualize yourself. This actually happens all the time in normal dreams. Some dreams people look different, other times they don't. You've gained enough self awareness that you can now have your body in the Black Room.” Dawn's voice was animated and full of youthful energy.

Kissing Erik's cheek again she danced around the room, her long legs kicking up into the air. Her dress was riding up her legs suggestively. Erik watched her for a few minutes until she slowly stopped. She looked towards Erik, her hair was now fiery red with curls, green eyes, and pale skin. She put her hand on her hip and struck a pose for him.

“I've been notified that you've been a good boy doing your reports! So, a store coupon has been given to you. You have two Dream Points to spend, would like to do this now or later?” Dawn said, a smile spreading across her face. Erik could not see but more like felt his ears burning as a beautiful woman stared at him like that. Yes, Dawn was a Virtual Intelligence didn't stop him from feeling this way.

“Ca...can I see the store book p...please?” Erik said in a soft voice, looking down bashfully.

SLAM! A table appeared in the room, with a chair and a large store book spread across it. Erik was startled, he looked up at Dawn and saw that she now had pure black hair, done up in a bun. She had thin black rimmed glasses over her face that highlighted her blue eyes. She had healthy tanned skin, dressed in a business suit jacket, white blouse, and pencil skirt that only went to her mid thigh! She wore four inch black heels. She put her feet together and took on the appearance of a sexy secretary. OH! That is right! Erik promised to do a clothing montage with Dawn. Dawn raised an eye brow at him. Recognizing that he remembered from his facial expression.

“Right! Thank you! Excuse me...” Erik said as he took a seat and began to flip through the store book.

Erik tried to focus on the store book because Dawn soon walked over to the table taking a chair opposite of him, crossing her legs. The long line of her legs invited his eyes to look further. But he shook his head and looked back at the book. He soon heard the sound of buttons coming undone, Dawn had taken off her suit jacket, her white blouse was sleeveless, and had open cleavage front. Her fingers played from her throat down to her waist line, slipping her fingers between her sizable breasts as her breasts pressed against the fabric of her blouse. Letting him know she wasn't wearing a bra.

“User, shouldn't you be looking at the store book instead of me?” Dawn said with a smirk. Damn it! She knew what he was looking at!

Aha! He found something he wanted! Titled Consolidation! It was only available for User's who obtained five or more titles in their game play. He quickly pressed the buy option and spent one dream point. Then as usual Dawn spoke, this time in front of him and not a disembodied voice around him.

Congratulations User! You've obtained Title Consolidation: The Active Effects of your different titles will now be passive. So no matter what title you have you will have access to both Active and Passive. Please take note, User; That titles still play a part in the story some creatures, things, or beings can see your title. So choose wisely, would you like to change your current Title?

No. Current Title 'Natural Mechanic'

Erik smiled then looked up at Dawn, which he regretted as soon as he did. She was now wearing a traditional Asian cheongsam long dress. The dress was skin tight and revealed her hour glass golden ratio figure. The color was pure black with a silver four finger cloud dragon wrapped around. She was an Asian beauty with pale skin, black eyes, red lips, and pure black hair half up, and half down as it fell across her back like a pitch black water fall. A holding fan was open and fanning her self, her soft blush from her make up was perfect. She crossed her legs, and on her right thigh revealed a garter belt with a knife strapped to it. Making her both seductive and dangerous. Fuck!

Erik swallowed his building saliva, and realized his pants were pitching a tent! Lash had way more self control, Erik did not! He soon began to flip through the book, he had to get out of here before he did something to Dawn! One more dream point way to many options and a clear distraction! Ah! He bought something that had been bothering him for a while. His telepathy allowed him to speak to anyone inside their minds. Didn't matter what language they spoke, he could also auto translate as long as it was happening across the link between team or pack mates. But he couldn't audible speak or read and write any of the languages.

Congratulations User! You've obtained, Language Smith: You can now learn any language from the DC universe 25% faster! Many languages have been lost or forgotten, or have been locked behind universal powers that no one will understand. But as a Smith you can hammer it into your mind through time an effort be it the written word or tongue!

Swoosh! Swoosh!

Erik didn't want to look up, but he had to! The Store book disappeared back on its eternal timer of twenty four hours. Dawn was now wearing black sports wear tennis shoes, her tone and strong tanned legs her naked all the way to her thighs. There was wearing a lose black boxing shorts, then she had a exposed abdomen where Erik could see a chiseled four pack. Then she had on a sports bra boxing top, with cross section straps in the back. She had half gloves on, so she could still use her fingers but her knuckles were padded. She was punching the air, shadow boxing. Her beach blond hair was tied up in a tail, keeping it out of her eyes. Her amber colored eyes focused on Erik, and a smile spread across her lips. She continued to punch the air, her body glistened sweat. FUUUCK! Erik loved these type of woman, he hated the 'fragile glass' look so many people thought woman should be. He much preferred the strong, athletic, martial art warrior types! He had to get out of here! With out checking the time line, or what Lash had been up to lately he dove from the Black Room, listening to Dawn laugh at him!


On the way down, Dawn took pity on him and showed him a tab of what Lash had been doing. The fall down from the Black Room slowed down a bit. It had been another week, the Winter Solstice Ball would be happening in three days, Lash was currently in a machine shop with Sam and his Magic teacher creating a combat suit for both Lash and Saurian. Lash at night had been patrolling the Narrows reconstruction. Soon Erik finished reading the tab, closing it he continued falling towards Gotham.

“So basically we'll be introducing circuits into the body suit to help you get a full body read out of the system. So injuries, damage portions of the armor, health sensors for when toxins and poison are introduced can be viewed not only by you, but anyone linked to the suit. You can turn the link to the outside off if you want. We'll also be putting in a computer hacking program and long distance communication network into the suit. It all has the latest in Wayne Tech batteries, plus with Technomancy you can recharge them as long as you have magic.” Sam's Teacher did a full brief on the new combat suit they were making for Saurian.

Sam's Teacher was who you might imagine. He was a 4'5” dwarf, with a long brown beard braided down to the middle of his chest bushy brown hair that fell down his back that was wild as untamed forest. He may have been short but he was wide as a door with thick strong muscles, huge fingers that were surprisingly dexterous. He was wearing fire resistant boots, pants, and a shirt, with forging overall's. He had blast furnace eye wear on his forehead as he spoke to Lash and Sam. Lash and Saurian said hello to Erik when he flew in. Nast'rok was the dwarf's name, he ran a machine and metal shop in Gotham. He was one of the few professional Technomancers in all of the North America. He had hundreds of apprentices, students, and workers. He got commissions in from across the continent. But always took time to teach new people. Why? Because the faster people learned the less work he would have to do!

“The combat suit we'll be making for you specifically Lash, will be about the same. But because of the difference in sizes we'll have to find a way to alter that. That's why I'm having you practice this spell over and over till you learn it. This will not only help you, but me as well! Aside from you, I only have about sixteen others that have learned the spell.” Nast'rok said to him. A huge grin on his face as he inspected Lash's work then disassembled the project back down to its base parts and told him to do it over. Lash gritted his teeth and did it again, for the eleventh time!

Nast'rok had just used an advanced version of Recycle. So instead of turning the equipment into its original metals. It just broke them down into their original parts. Nast'rok wanted Lash to learn a specific spell called Compression Transformation, what was that? Well imagine a machine having dozens or hundreds of different pieces all moving and working towards not just one goal, but several. The Compression would allow him to fit more machine parts into a smaller space. While the transformation was like a three dimensional puzzle coming out of the machine. It was both spell and skill, but Erik was surprised because he saw something new! There was a percentage counter next to the skill being learned. (67%)

“Dawn, was their a version update?” Lash said softly, the machine shop was bustling so he would be surprised if anyone heard him.

“Yes, User! You can now see a percentage for new skills, abilities, traits, spells, etc that are in the process of being learned. However, it does not tell you how you are learning the skill, you'll have to figure that out yourself. Some are easier then others! Several of them will be marked with a [Blank](%) When you are learning something that you don't know the name of yet.” Dawn's voice went to the voice of the Teacher persona.

“Oh, can I see the list of all my stuff then?” Lash asked softly. Though he regretted it soon after. The information tab for in the progress of being learned was over three hundred tool tips. Lash soon closed the tab a migraine was forming. He'd have to look at it later when he had more time.

“Thank you, Dawn. Sorry for forgetting about the clothing montage.” Lash said.

“Its alright, User! I got my revenge! Have a wonderful time in your generated world, User!” Dawn said, satisfaction in her voice.

Lash continued to work on the project, having Nast'rok come by to disassemble it over and over again. The sound of metal grinding through the warehouse was grating on his ears. Dozens of people walking back and forth and the occasional scream of someone hurting themselves. Of course this meant Lash was given a quick break, because they would come running to him for healing. The warehouse was a huge building with standard windows at top of the walls letting in a bit of light. Dozens of forges were set across the work floor their chimneys constructed into the roof. Lash was wearing a set of gray overall, and fire resistant boots, pants, and shirt. Just like Nast'rok, Sam, and well everyone else in the place. Males, Females of all races ran around till the sun set.

“AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!” A blood curdling scream rang out across the floor. So loud many people stopped to look. A team of people sprinted towards Lash's location, carrying a man between them. A woman right behind them was carrying the mans arm, she looked like she was about to fall over with how pale her face was.

Lash rolled his eyes he stood up and made his way over. Looking over the screaming man as blood spurted from his wound with every pump from his heart. He took the severed arm from the woman who finally decided to feint into the waiting arms of several people. Lash lined it up, he stuck the arm to the shoulder and cast, Restoration which was commonly used on other things. Lash had figured out that bone or calcium rather, counted as a material he could reconnect or repair. Then he cast, Recovery to connect the flesh back to its previous place. The spell knew where to connect the tissue even if Lash didn't. Then he cast, Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss on both the man and the woman carrying the arm for good measure. Lash then cast, Immaculation on himself and everyone near by. He looked at a grinning Nast'rok.

“Is your normal healer on a day off? What did you do before I was here!?” Lash yelled at the dwarf, as the immediate area of people scattered back to work.

“We normally had to take people to the hospital! You being here has improved efficiency by at least 30% don't worry, I've had already had the Warden HQ put a bonus into your account for your extra work today! Now get back to work! You haven't learned that spell yet!” Nast'rok's grinning face vanished and he went back to being a task master.

Attention User! The skill, Web Surfer has been changed by developers to, Basic Computers: Now you are a strong, mean, typing machine! Surfing the web, cleaning and maintaining laptops, and towers is how you spend your lunch hour! Programming and coding are your bread and butter. This skill grows with use!

“Dawn? Why did my skill change?” Lash said softly, as he made his way back to his work station.

“A new version update just went through. Several abilities, skills, etc were considered redundant, to vague, or several of them meant the same thing. So the developers are changing them. You'll get a prompt if something changes! Shall I place it in your back log messages for later, or do you want to look at them as they pop?” Dawn said to Lash.

“Give them to me as they pop up, unless I'm in a critical moment like a fight. That would just be annoying. Thank you.” Said Lash.

“You are welcome, User!” Dawn finished.

Attention User! The skills, Material Compression, Material Tempering, Material Merging, have all now been merged into Material Shaping: It's everything they can do but BETTER! Why have more when you can have one BIG one!

Please Note User, in the future many skills will just gain additional effects instead of the User gaining new skill names.

Attention User! The skill, Mental Resistance has now merged with Damage Resistance. They were always a part of one another. You just earned one, and bought the other. Now they are all part of the same family!

Attention User! The spells Bio Adhesive, Magnetism, and Electrical Shock are no longer spells. They are simply aspects you can call on freely as part of your Domains. However, a new tool tip has been created when free 'spell' has been found. Letting the User know if its possible with in their Domains.

Attention User! The spell Germination has merged into Growth.

The spell Recovery has merged into Restoration.

Lash waited for a bit, no other prompts came up. So either it was over or they were still going through the thousands of different bits of information they had to change. He came back to his work station and continued take apart and put together a complex machine. It looked like a one foot square metal box that when activated would fold out and become a mini go kart. It was actually kinda cool looking, and handy. Could handle up to forty five mph. Over the next few hours, Lash didn't wait for Nast'rok to disassemble the box anymore. Lash could do it himself. Then at last!

Congratulations User! You've learned the Domain Technomancy Spell/Skill, Compression Transformation: Using your magic, and technical know how you can now fit more things inside of other things than many would think impossible. Allowing you to create all sorts of tools, contraptions, and gizmo's! Go! Go! Gadget Umbrella!

Intermediate Crafting has evolved into Advanced Crafting: Now you can make even more complicated and detailed things! Material Shaping, and Technomancy effect Crafting.

You've obtained a new skill, Artist: Its about time you got this, being an artist lets you make aesthetically pleasing pieces of art, items, tools, fashion, etc, etc! Now you can make something look cool! But also be practical and functional!

Lash cheered, and did a victory lap around his work station earning a few stares from people. Before he took the go kart cube apart and put it back together again. This time faster, and even found a few places to be more efficient. The spell/skill sent him a prompt for 1% increase in power and 1% decrease in consumption. Then he finished the cube, activated it. It turned into a single seat go kart. He got into it, powered it with his magic and drove slowly through the warehouse looking for Nast'rok. Zooooom!

“Beep! Beep!” Lash called as he drove past people, a few people chuckled as they got out of the way. Nast'rok was working with a few of the newer apprentices and students. He was being overly nice to them, so he wouldn't scare them off. The Tech-Master looked up and watched Lash approach.

“You get it?” Nast'rok asked, Lash nodded. “Great! You can leave for today, come back tomorrow and we'll start making your combat suit!” Nast'rok said, taking out a radio. Soon a announcement came over the speakers in the workshop.

“Attention! Attention, Warden Lash our resident healer is leaving for the day. So please stop being accident prone!” This earned laughter from a lot of people, but a few people frowned too. It was both a joke and a statement.

Lash collapsed the go kart cube and gave it back to Nast'rok. He soon went to the locker room for a change of cloths. Slipping it to black boots, black kevlar cargo pants, long sleeve kevlar shirt, finger less gloves, a thick leather coat with the letters GCW (Gotham Community Watch), and winter hat with breathing mask. Why? Because it was currently ten below outside. Even Lash was having a hard time with it. He stepped out into the frigid air, his breath steaming out of his mouth. Tonight was an easy night! He was working with the actual neighborhood community watch. He took a cab towards the community center that he hadn't been to in over two weeks. Nearly an hour passed before he got there, rush hour in Gotham was a fucking nightmare!

Walking through the now brand new doors of the community center he made his way passed the front desk and entered the class room. Several people were there already, young, old, woman, and men. All of them mundanes wanting to help out, and do their part. Several people smiled at him when he walked in. Including. Carl! The Military reservist M.P. Stationed at Gotham's Army base.

“Lash! Our resident hero and aid worker! Been a while my friend!” Carl walked over extending his hand out. Lash and Carl shook hands and gave each other bro hugs! Carl was in full uniform, he was wearing Army Urban ABU's with winter gear on. His rank was Sergeant.

“Not that I'm complaining Carl, but what are you doing here? Specifically in uniform as well? I thought you just taught the classes?” Lash said, he had a smile on his face. He was actually happy to see him.

“Tonight's event! We'll be guarding a winter carnival in the palace. But there is a one star general attending with his family. So me and mine are here to ensure safety. When the brass heard I was part of the Watch they wanted me here coordinating between the groups of Watch, police, and Military.” Carl grimaced.

“Great! Luke and Abby coming too? Or staying at home?” Lash asked, looking around the room for them.

“They are meeting us there. A whole bunch of military families are going as a community outing. Speaking of which, several other watchmen from different area's around Gotham will be helping at the palace. Oh looks like the last of us showed up, lets start.” Carl pointed at the few people walking in.

Lash took a seat, keeping his eyes on Carl, giving respect to him that he deserved. Even when several people were staring at Lash both men and women. Carl cleared his throat and started the briefing. Down in one of Gotham's convention palaces was a winter wonder land being hosted. It was going for the next three days. But tonight till close they were on duty. Operations was being held by paid security, police, and even the military. However, everyone in this room were all registered and licensed Watchmen. They were essentially security guards that were not getting paid! However, the city council had promised that if the community watch would help they would donate money to the community centers. Which was a form of payment.

Several people asked questions about teams, operations, etc. Several people wanted to be in Lash's team. But Carl said that Lash would be working alone primarily, but could partially command any teams due to his rank and experience. Soon, they finished up and walked out of the class room towards a donated bus for transportation. They didn't have to take the bus, but it was offered. Lash went on the bus fully intending to leave on his own after the event was done. Lash took a seat at the front next to Carl. Avoiding the flirty eyes of the men and women on the bus. Fuck, People! The driver soon took off and they were on their way.

“You are getting pretty popular, Lash! Should I be concerned that you'll take my wife from me?” Carl said, good humor in his voice.

“Yes...Out for lunch! So we can talk about gifts for the holidays. I'm thinking of making a hunting knife for you.” Lash said, keeping a straight face.

“Ohhhh! She'd like that! Didn't know you worked with metal? Can it be a machete instead? I love camping, need a good blade for it.” Carl said, giving an example of length with his hands.

“What would Luke like? Abby too.” Lash turned to look at Carl.

“Luke? If you can make him a set of leather armor! He's been watching some fantasy LARP shows on the web lately. He plans to go when spring hits, but the one he wants to join requires he have a costume.” Carl said, Lash just smiled at that. He can make leather armor for Luke, easy.

“Abby? I saw on the art site you work with gold and sliver. A necklace or earring would be great. No rings! That's what I'm doing!” Carl said, mockingly shaking his fist at Lash.

Lash and Carl continued to talk as the bus drove to the palace center. A few people sitting close asked questions about Lash's art work. He even took several pieces of paper, using a minor glamour to obstruct and then created am origami paper cloud dragon that had no right existing in paper. He passed that around to everyone in the bus so they could look at it. By the time they got to the palace he had made different animals for everyone in the bus. The driver who was also part of the watch promised to lock the doors. So everyone could keep the paper animals on their seats for the return trip. Lash told Carl he plan to leave after the event, so he won't be taking the bus.

“Ah but the kids will be so disappointed! They looked like they wanted balloon animals next!” Carl said mockingly.

“Oh? Then should I take back that seat turtle I made for you?” Lash said, with a grin.

“Do and die! Fiend!” Carl growled at him. They both laughed!

They soon linked up with the different community watch branches. Skaleg was there, with a 'oh fucking kill me please' face. As he watched all the different security, police, military, and community watch people measure their dicks about jurisdiction. Carl soon joined his old friend, as did Lash who put a comforting arm around the old viking and on the sly cast his favorite nature spells on him. With in a minute Skaleg looked better, sending a thank you towards Lash.

“Listen you fuck twats! The only reason they called the community watch was for public relations! Just have your teams walk around and enjoy the carnival! People see you, and they feel better. You mall cops just stay up and out of the way, you corrupt cops shouldn't even fucking be here! For all we know you'll start gunning down the civilians for laughing to much! Me and mine will be more then enough to deal with this shit show!” A Lieutenant Colonel was shouting at the different leaders.

Wow, Lash looked at the Colonel with wide eyes. He turned to look at Skaleg, and Carl. Skaleg was grinding his teeth, and Carl was looking down trying to not scream. The Police officer in charge was purple in the face. The head security just looked stunned, like he couldn't compute what the man had just said. The Colonel was wearing a full military dress uniform, with a winter coat. He was dressed to impress.

“Sergeant Bradley! You'll be on baby sitting duty with the Community Watch. I understand you are part of their group to begin with and you have my sympathy. But take their radio's away they have no reason to have them!” The Colonel spoke to Carl. Carl was gritting his teeth but responded with military respect and courtesy of a superior rank.

“Yes Sir!” Carl then went to the different Watchmen. But, none of them gave up their radio's. They just glared at Carl, and The Colonel. Carl soon stopped and looked back at the Colonel.

“Fine you fucking shit bags! Keep them, but if I hear a single radio chatter from any of you on the air waves! I'll arrest you for obstruction! You get me!” The Colonel then moved to the Police officer in charge who had actually put his hand on his gun. Shit.

“Oh look at that! The man in charge of the Police is already about to shoot some one. I guess the Wraith missed a dirty cop! What's that? Sorry couldn't hear you over the hypocritical bull shit of men and women in blue are Gotham's finest! Here! Maybe this will shut your fucking mouth and follow orders!” The Colonel took out a signed document from the 'Acting Mayor' giving all security leadership to the Colonel. Every leader read the document and swallowed their words.

“Good! I was hoping we'd all get along with out the paper! But you assholes all wanted to be heads of the operation but now your not! Get to your fucking assignments before I call the military guard for this waste of space! We are here for one night! Then you can all go back to you pointless fucking lives!” The Colonel had a smug look on his face till he spotted someone, and made his way there.

The Colonel walked up to a beautiful older woman holding a littler girl in her arms. The girl held her arms to hug her, daddy? The Colonel's shit eating face turned to one of joy and compassion as he hugged his little girl, then spoke to his wife. He couldn't hold his daughter because of his dress uniform. Military standards. Soon the Colonel, and his family walked out of sight.

Carl was face palming, wanting nothing better to do but to hide in a hole. Skaleg walked forward and took command, kinda. The Community Watch was on casual 'patrol'. The security went up into their nests up and out of sight. The Police grouped together and went to several control points. But Lash noticed that a lot of civilian's actually avoided them. The Narrows shooting did not put the Gotham PD in a good light. Military personal in civilian clothing, and in uniform walked around the carnival grounds. Lash went to Skaleg and cast a simple noise obstruction around them. Skaleg noticed raising an eye brow at him.

“Should I be here as Lash, or the Wraith?” He asked. Skaleg held his chin for a bit in thought.

“Stay as Lash, unless something happens above Community Watch Lash's capabilities. Then change to Wraith. This is a big shit show just for a general to visit with his family. But we didn't hear anything on the vine about it. As far as we know its just a family coming for some fun.” Skaleg patted Lash and walked off to join Carl.

Thanks to the Community Watch ID, Lash passed through the entry line with no issue. Walking around the Convention Palace it was huge! Well designed monstrosity, and full of people. Side tables, tents, and games were set up. Like a carnival inside of a building. But just outside the building was a huge ice skate ring. A few miles of insulated walls were put up with space heaters on the outside to make it not so cold. Hot chocolate was being given out for free. Lash spent some time collecting and throwing away trash he came across.

Lash blinked a few times as his Magical Perception kicked on. Then he saw the other world over this world. Hundreds if not thousands of magical creatures, balls of energies, and creatures danced around invisible to the naked eye. Lash bought candy and food for a lot of the super-natural denizens fluttering around. As always no one seem to notice that an entire ball of cotton candy seem to disappear in few seconds from Lash's hands. He laughed as he watched several spirit and ghost hounds chase people across the ice ring. Jumping through them, trying to catch them. A game the humans would be terrified if they saw. Lash's eyes shifted for a moment to a group of men, Sherogoth's Blessing activated. They all had light red aura's. No so bad to warrant punishment, but enough to make Lash want to break a few bones.

Lash started following them, using a simple glamour so he could flow through the crowds with out being disturbed. When he passed by them he released his Technomancy energy through them, they all had concealed weapons, and combat knives on. The group shivered as the pulse ran through them. They looked around and spotted Lash staring at them. They had a stand off for a bit, not sure what to do. They saw his GCW jacket. Then Lash spoke.

“Do you have a concealed carrying permit for those?” Lash said in a clear voice loud enough for them to hear, but not so loud to draw attention. But a few people still looked their way, staring to feel the tension.

“I don't know what you mean?” The middle man spoke, raising his hands up in a mock surrender. Lash pointed at the man, then the next naming the guns they carried. He activated his radio as he spoke, directly speaking to Carl. Who was confused at first but then soon asked where Lash was.

“G-19 Glock, Desert Eagle, Magnum, Vector, PX4 Subcompact, Beretta. I'd say you were here to Ice Fish, but the skating ring doesn't have fish. But your Fox G2B Predator combat knives that every single one of you is carrying couldn't possibly be to cut the meat off 'Sally's pork and steak' Skewers. Could it?” Lash said to them. As he spoke to them one by one. A look of disbelief washed over the group. At this point several people had noticed what was going on and started to spread out.

“No, I think you are right! That seems like an over qualifying amount of fire power just to enjoy some skewers. Why bring so much to such a simple event?” A male voice spoke, an army corporal walked up with a crew of people. “Especially since you have to have special written permission to carry fire arms and knives onto the convention grounds. Which I know for a fact you don't have!”

The group of men then went back to back, looking at the approaching ring of soldiers. Then they all raised their arms up in surrender. Once they raised their arms everyone nearby could see the concealed weapons that Lash had spoken of. Several people gasped, a few screamed as a wide berth was created around the scene. The lead man slowly went for his pocket which made the soldiers reach for their guns.

“Just hold on, I'm getting some identification. This will clear the whole thing up!” The man pulled out a badge from his pocket. US marshal, with his ID attached. He handed it over to the military Corporal who narrowed his eyes at him. Soon all the men drew out their badges as well.

“Marshal Davis? Is it? We weren't informed we would be having support from the Marshal's today.” The Corporal said, before he was interrupted by Lash.

“May I see the badge?” Lash asked, the Corporal shrugged and threw it over to him. Lash ran his hands over the badge, then looked at the ID number. Using Connectivity he quickly looked up their info.

“OK, First: This Badge is fake. US Marshal badges are made a dense iron and nickel alloy. One for the stream line color, two because the iron has a high melting point. History on that later. Second: US Marshal Davis with this specific serial number is currently in Texas stuck in a hospital bed from being shot on the job. So this NOT Marshal Davis.” Lash said, grinning at The fake Marshal.

The fake Marshal lost all composure after that. He went for his side arm, but Lash jumped towards him reaching him in the blink of an eye, he put his hands on the man and an electrifying shock ran through his body! He didn't scream, didn't flail, the man just dropped! Lash, spun around and touched the back of the neck of another man, who went rigid and dropped as well. Several stun guns went off, the other assailants fell as well.

Twenty minutes later the impersonating US Marshal's had been hand cuffed by the military police. Carl was there explaining who Lash was. When a few officers, not the Colonel heard Lash's name and stories behind him. They seem to re think the unbelievable luck he had in finding the weapons. The Winter festival continued! Lash was then told to keep his radio on, and to notify anyone near if he saw something strange, just like this. Convention security got their ass handed to them by the Lieutenant Colonel or so Lash heard from Carl. Carl went back to his patrol, as did Lash.

Lash found a few more unsavory types in the crowds but none of them were trouble. They were just bad people. A man had fallen in the ice skate ring, and either twisted or snapped his ankle. Lash jumped over the barrier and walked over the ice with out slipping once! Ice was technically a part of Nature, so the ice was more then happy to help him. The man was bawling like a child. Of course when Lash saw what he had done he understood, the ankle was broken. That's a horrible injury to have. Lash knelt down and smiled at the man. He used a simple obstruction glamour and used Restoration on the ankle. The bones, and muscles reconnected. But the ankle itself was still swollen and looked horrible. Lash offered to carry the man to the edge where EMT's and Paramedics were waiting.

Lash was seen walking across the ice skate ring, giving a full grown man a piggy back. Never slipped, making it look easy as pie. Soon reaching the edge he handed the man off to the medics and briefed them on the mans injury using his skill, Medical Care. Lash would have to go get an actual medical license in the future to make things easier. Or just ask the Wardens for one? Then Lash was back at it. He helped a few kids find their parents. Getting lost in this crowd was easy. Then the intercom over the entire carnival sounded with a screech making people complain in protest.

“Hello one and all! Tis I Gotham's number one genius and master with wit, voice, verb, and puzzle! But you may all call me, The Riddler! Riddle me this! What has lights, a timer, and will explode killing everyone if they don't play my game? A bomb!” A distorted mans voice spoke, as several boxes, popped open revealing gas cans, wired with explosives.

“If ONE person leaves this Palace Convention, the bombs will go off! Killing you all, destroying the convention palace, and destroying three city blocks of Gotham! But do not worry! If you play my game and win! You will all be let go! Wont this be fun!” The mans voice said.

Soon the entire winter carnival screamed in panic! Hundreds of people moved to leave the convention center grounds, clearly not hearing the threat. When BOOM! Explosions at every major entry and exit point exploded. Killing dozens of people, and creating a raging inferno to make escape impossible.

“Tsk! Tsk! Gotham! Didn't I say if ONE person leaves the bombs will go off? Well consider this a warning! Now! Who's ready to play my game! We'll start with....” Lash didn't hear the rest of the voice as so many people screamed and ran around like chickens with their heads cut off. This was suppose to be an easy night!

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