Lash took a moment to slow his breathing and center himself among the mass hysteria that was now the Winter Carnival. People pushed against one another, shoving, kicking, and knocking down as they ran to no specific place. The well placed bombs along the perimeter created a wall of flame that was not going out for the moment. Ensnaring the civilians with in the convention palace. Then Lash reached into his skill tree and activated Calm Emotions in an area of effect of about ten meters around him. Then he began walk towards the nearest exit to pick up the bodies of the dead, and help the wounded.

Like a general moving past the disorderly mob of soldiers, as soon as people came with in his range they would promptly slow down and look around confused. Why were they running? Why did they lose their heads? Panic would not help this situation. Even as Lash walked out of the effected range the skill effects did not immediately stop. The emotions regained would be gradual, but the skill was effective. Coming to the exit he made his way towards the ranging fire and started pulling dead bodies from the blast area back towards the convention center. As soon as he touched them he knew they were gone. But a few had been knocked unconscious. Using a simple glamour to hide the spell craft he cast his three favorite nature spells on those that were still alive. The change was gradual but visible to the naked eye...If anyone was paying attention? Just encase Lash altered his current appearance once more using glamour so no one could identify him if they tried.

Once Lash had finished gathering the dead, and partially restoring the wounded he moved to the next exit. Repeating what he had just done previously, restoring a sense of calm to anyone that came with in ten meters of him. This acted like a ripple effect across the area he was in. Soon cooler heads prevailed across the outside skating ring, several people even began to help him drag the dead and wounded from the fires administering first aid. It was at this point that several people attempting to help him noticed that he would place his hands on the wounded any they would begin to heal as if by magic. They looked at him wide eyes, he raised a finger to his lips motioning them to be quiet. They did as he asked not saying a word.

“Who are you?” One of his helpers asked in a hushed voice. Lash turned to them, only to see the rest of the group waiting to see his answer. Thanks to his glamour he had a different skin tone, eye color, and no tribal marks. He looked around, then for a brief moment his form flashed into the disguise of The Wraith. Then he went back to being 'human'

“Wraith!” One of the people hissed a whisper. Before they all smiled at him. He gently nodded and then began to move towards the convention building.

It wasn't much better inside the building, the power was out so the lights were off. Emergency lighting was on, but all that did is make ghosts and spirits out of the rattled civilians. Building security was attempting to calm every one down, with the aid of the military. Lash continued to keep his skill Calm Emotions active. Thanks to this glamour he no longer had GCW logo on his coat. At least visibly, he was doing his best to blend in as he moved past the crowds. Then he saw about a dozen well armed soldier run down a hall way, yelling.

“We have to find a sign in the food court!?” A soldier yelled as he pushed past people. Ah! The Riddlers game, he must have said a riddle and the answer was a sign in the food court.

Lash was curious if he could deactivate a bomb with his Technomancy but he couldn't find one. The ones he saw outside were used to deter people from leaving when they exploded into fiery napalm. BANG! BANG! The sounds of gunfire was heard through the walls of the convention palace making people scream. He walked at a hurried pace towards the gun fire. Running would only cause troubles right now. Hundreds of people scattered down the hall towards him, with his skill active he was like a stone pier during a storm. The waves of people crashed into him and were immediately settled, though a few did run into him directly which only made them bounce off. He helped a few people up but kept his forward momentum.

Turning a corner he soon found a quasi deserted section of the convention palace. A large open ground area that connected several hall ways together. Several police were firing their weapons at 'civilians' who were all shooting back. However with a glimpse Lash saw a US marshal badge on the belt of one. The Police had made a simple barricade out of turned over tables and chairs, the same as the 'Marshals'. Lash knelt down at the corner of the intersection, reaching into his Nature Domain he created a thick billowing fog the soon filled up the room. Several of the police thought it was gas, so they covered their mouths and noses.

Lash then activated his skill Transformation, Lash stayed in the driver seat but invited Saurian to merge with him. Flexible but hard scales covered his body from head to toe, as he took on a reptilian features for protection. Then he turned on his Wraith disguise, all of this took no less then ten seconds to complete. The police and 'marshals' continued to fire blindly through the fog, Lash then stuck low to the ground and slipped past the enemy barricade.

Like a walking, talking stun gun. Lash reached out with a hand and lightly tapped one of the gunmen. An electric current ran through the man's body, dropping him like a sack of potato's. Lash stepped forward a few feet and did the same to another, and another. Soon all the gunmen were down, the police seem to notice the change because they stopped firing. Lash slipped back to his original position in the hall way. He recalled his Transformation, turned off his Wraith disguise and returned to the inconspicuous civilian attire. The fog soon lifted, as he watched the after math.

“What the hell was that?” Officer one said. Slowly moving towards the enemies barricade.

“It wasn't gas. Didn't feel like smoke. Ah...Oh shit! They are all knocked out!” Officer two said, coming around the corner looking down at the unconscious bodies of the gun men.

“Hurry get their weapons and cuff them!” Officer one said. His people moved forward as instructed.

“Oh! Oh! Look at you go! Another one of my group has fallen! You've all earned an extra ten minutes to the timer! Well done!” The Riddlers voice called over the intercom.

Lash looked up in confusion, there was no power. So how was Riddle watching the show, and still talking through the convention palace. Wait, was there power but the breakers were just shut off for this area? Ah! An objective to work towards. Lash took out his phone as he moved towards a more populated area of the palace. He had several messages from Skaleg telling him to avoid turning into Wraith for now. Lash sent a reply saying he understood. Using Connectivity with the help of his phone he looked up the floor plans of the palace, where was the utility and power center? Found it!

On the way Lash noticed that his radio was down, all it gave was constant stream of static. He looked at it, and even ran his domain through it. It was working fine, that must mean they had a jamming device in place. Made sense, especially with the bombs. Stray radio waves could sometime set off the bombs. His phone worked thanks to the mystical upgrade Sam and Nast'rok gave it. Which is why Skaleg's worked as well. Knowing that Lash made a call, masking his voice like always.


“Wayne Manor. How may I help you?” Pennyworth's voice spoke.

“Pennyworth, Gotham City Convention Palace that is hosting the Winter Carnival is under attack. A man named the Riddler is holding it hostage with bombs. If anyone tries to leave he'll detonate the bombs and claims the bombs can destroy three city blocks. However, he claims that if they play his game he'll let them go. Which I don't buy. Is your master available?” Lash spoke in the animalistic tone that Saurian would have.

“Oh my word! Master Bruce, is currently not at home but I can easily inform him. What is your position, Sir?” Pennyworth went from surprised to cool and composed. Just like a good soldier would be.

“I am currently on site, but I am dressed as a civilian. Riddler has apparently shut off power to the lights, but has kept power to the security camera's and intercom system so he can play his game. I'm moving to the utility room now to attempt to restore it. The Riddle says we only have.... Three hours to complete his game, but with every objective we complete he adds ten minutes.” Lash took a moment to listen to Riddler prattle on and on.

“Very well, Sir! I will inform him as soon as possible! Take care!” Pennyworth hung up on Lash for a change. Making Lash smile.

Lash put his phone away and began to jog towards his destination, slipping past the crowds. Most people were huddling on the side of the walk ways to stay out of the way. A few people were hiding in rooms, trying to comfort each other. Thankfully no one had resorted the more depraved actions that tend to happen such situations. At least none that he could see.

“Just let them go! No one has to get hurt!” That was Carl? Lash slowed down, turned to look down a hallway towards a larger room. It was the opposite direction of the utility room. Shit. He moved towards Carl.

Jogging up to the door, Lash carefully peeked around the corner for about half a second then planted him flat against the wall. Inside Carl was holding a Beretta towards several 'Marshals' The room was a forty by thirty by ten foot room. Twenty or more civilians were on the ground shaking in horror. Eight gun men wearing civilian clothing were holding an assortment of guns at the hostages as well as holding a little boy, and a young woman. Luke and Abby, Carl's son and wife. The 'marshals' knew they had Carl in a hard place. They wanted him to give up.

Lash reached into his Nature Domain, then used his Telepathic skill. He linked to Carl, Abby, and Luke. -Close your eyes! As soon as the light happens, drop like dead weight! Lash didn't wait for a reply. The room was dark except for the emergency lighting. Lash cast the spell, Daylight in the center of the room. Pushing more power into it then necessary. Aside from some gardening, and the time he went to the land fill he hadn't really used this spell. But it was still a useful tool in his belt to have.

“GAAAH! WHAT THE FUCK!” One of the gunmen shouted at the top of his lungs. Lash sprinted into the room, activating his Transformation and Wraith disguise in half step. Carl, Abby, and Luke became rag dolls and dropped to the floor.

Lash let loose an inhuman roar at the attackers. Intimidating Shout, the gunmen all froze for a brief moment. Then Lash was on top of them, Thanks to the lessons with Simon, and Mahalia he had a better idea on how to disable with out killing people. He delivered a left hook to one man's shoulder, with his strength the bones and joints in the shoulder snapped under the pressure. The man screamed and dropped his gun. Lash swept his right foot out and snapped the knee of another man. The leg folded in half! The Daylight spell winked out returning the room to darkness. Screams rang out from the hostages as much as the gunmen as they began to shoot wildly.

Lash struck with a knife hand straight towards another gunman's neck with a little more force then he intended. The man's neck caved in and blood gushed from his mouth. Shit, Lash still needed practice. He struck another mans chest with a palm strike. The man flew across the room, colliding with a wall. He wanted to practice but this was starting to get dangerous. He played it safe and began to electrify his attacks. He gently tapped the rest of the gunmen, they all went rigid and fell.

Lash reached out with his Nature Domain to sense life and injury. Aside from the gunmen no one else sustained an injury. He looked around and all eyes were on him staring with wide eyes. Carl was holding his wife and son in his arms. His eyes were hard and focused as he looked at Wraith. Lash/Wraith looked back. Then something struck Lash that he hadn't considered before, what did his voice sound like through a telepathic link?


Carl knelt on the ground with his wife and son in his arms. Holding them close as he looked up at the tall figure that he had seen in the news so many times before. A seven foot ghost like monster, with pure darkness as it's skin, a midnight black tail danced idly behind it. Two deep yellow reptilian eyes stared back at them. But something made Carl question the reports he had heard from his superiors about this monster. This united nations world security agent. The voice he heard before, the voice in his head.... Didn't he sound a lot like his friend, Lash?

Carl slowly stood up and pulled his son, and wife behind him in a protective action. The yellow eyes deep in the darkness that was the Wraiths hood tracked their movements. He picked up his side arm then set the safety and put it away in his holster.

“Thank you, is World Security on their way?” Carl asked in his best professional voice.

“Unknown, radio and cell phone signals are being jammed. Keep your family safe, and continue to do your duty. Sergeant Bradley.” Wraith's voice was deep, primal, and hard to understand. It made Carl wince as he heard the voice, he was not the only one.

Before Carl could say anything more he noticed fog was flowing from the Wraith, soon the whole room was full of the stuff. The people on the ground screamed in panic but it was soon over. The fog disappeared and the Wraith was gone. Carl felt a small hand in his own squeezing, he looked down and saw Luke looking at him with a wide smile.

“I know what I want to be for Halloween next year!” Luke said. Carl and his wife both laughed. Then Abby picked up Luke and cried. Hugging Carl, they had almost died and an Alien saved their lives.


Lash sprinted down the hallway away from Carl, he had turned off his Wraith disguise and his Transformation again. Trying to keep a low profile. He ran towards the utility room taking a service door he went down the stairs three at a time. He came around a corner only to hear a constant stream of machine gun fire.


Lash turned a corner and saw dozens of bodies of military personnel laying across the floor, many of them were groaning in pain, some of them had bled out. Down the hall way several people were sitting at the corner of a left turn. The hall filled with the smell of blood, sweat, and viscera. Utility cables ran across the ceiling along with a few emergency lights. Then the repeated firing of heavy machine guns rang out once more. Sporadically firing at the men at the end of the hallway. Lash moved past the wounded soldiers and came to stop a few feet from a Corporal he recognized from before. The man was bleeding from several holes in his stomach, and legs. He was pale, and was nearly gone from this world. Eyes focused slightly when Lash knelt by him.

“Si...sir. Y...You shoul..dnt be here.” He said weakly.

Lash reached out and touched the man's chest. A natural green color glowed from Lash's chest, it flowed like a bubling spring through his arm into the Corporal. Sooth, Nature's Supplement, Restoration, and Nature's Kiss passed into the man. The bullet wounds closed, a few even spit the bullets inside the man back out before closing. His face regained color, but he was not fully healed. Just out of the woods. The Corporal blinked several times, not understanding what was going on. Lash decided he was done playing incognito. He recast his Wraith form, he stood up and called Saurian out to play.

Has bones broke, and flesh torn asunder. Lash's cloths were sucked into Spatial Item Shifting, and soon stood a near seven foot tall chimera lizard folk persona that was Saurian. Unlike Lash, Saurian no longer had a golden ratio, triangle persona that most humans had. He was a solid rectangle of a monster. As wide, and tall as a door. A long muscular tail grew from the base of his spine and was moving back and forth behind him. Long nimble clawed fingers and toes, bone blades on his elbows and knee's. Incredibly tough major scales on all his vital area's, with flexible scales in area's they needed to be. His mouth elongated by about ten inches, and skull crew a crest much like a triceratops would have but with no horns. Providing both a shield as well as a weapon. Frills grew down his back, up along his arms and legs, and down his tail. From head to tail he was easily as long as fifteen feet. Saurian had grown a lot lately, his massive form took up a lot of space in the hallway.

The Wraith disguise was still on him, so all the soldiers in the hall could see was a wraith monster figure with darkness for skin. Saurian extended his hand out down the hallway and the green energy flew out of him, and touched every soldier. Every wounded soldier breathed new life. But all the fallen soldiers had been dead to long. He could do nothing for them but usher them on their way.

“Stay here..” Saurian said to the Corporal, who could only nod his head.

Saurian went up to a nearby wall, after he checked a prompt for his spells and skills he smiled wide. He cast Material Shaping, and Mud Marsh on the wall, he took a deep breath then walked into the wall...Or maybe dove into the wall would be better to say because he began to swim through the ground towards his objective. The wall soon become solid once more...

Congratulations User! Your skill, Sensory Awareness has gained an additional effect. Tremor Sense; Sensory has a maximum range of ten meters above ground, but underground you have six meters.

Congratulations User: You've obtained a Nature Domain Spell/Skill, Earth Swim: You can now shift through trace elements of earth as if it was like water. As this skill grows your speed will increase, as the power consumption decreases. The denser the material the more magic is required. Please note, this is not Density Shifting. There are many materials this will not work on! Material Shaping, will aid you in knowing if you can move through a surface or not. Don't get stuck!

Swimming through hard concrete was definitely not a pleasant experience. Especially since he had to hold his breath. Moving past the electrical wires, pipes, etc he got to the end of the hall. Like a crocodile coming up to breath he slipped just the barest part of his nostrils out of the wall to take a breath. Then slipped back in, earth swimming was quickly draining his magic he had to get out of the wall as soon as possible. Finding a secluded section he stepped out. The wall sucking on him like a marsh made of mud and clay. But once he was out, he was dry as a bone. Definitely weird! Poking his eye around the corner he saw three men reloading what looked like four heavy duty M249 Automatic machine guns. The operators took turns to sporadically shoot down the hallway.

Saurian confidently walked out from behind the part of the wall towards the men as if he owned the place. Soon coming right behind one of them he reached out and ran an electrical current through his body. The man nearly bit his tongue off as he went rigid. Saurian reached out and touched each one before the next one even noticed what was going on. Then he cast Recycle on their weapons. The spell was not high enough for long range casting or he would have done that. The weapons fell to pieces in front of the last four operators who gasped in surprise. Turning around they screamed in horror as a seven foot tall Wraith loomed over them. Saurian made quick work of them, a shock a piece!

“Clear!” Saurian's voice called down the hallway. An optical camera poked around the corner, soon followed by a head. Then soldiers raced down to meet Saurian.

Saurian went to the Utility door, gently placing his claws against it he sent a Technomancy pulse through the door. Was it Trapped? Wired to explode?.....Yes, yes it was. He raised a hand to stop the soldiers from closer. They all stopped, waiting.

“Door is wired with an explosive device, move these men back and I'll try get in. But encase it doesn't work, take cover.” Saurian's said, rebuking no argument from the soldiers. With out a word they grabbed the incapacitated and went back down the room.

Once out of sight, Saurian 'swam' through the wall again. He ground his molars as a sever spike of pain pushed into his head. Fuck, this took a lot of energy to do! Slipping out of the wall on the inside just as the magic stopped being fueled. Saurian leaned over, holding onto his knee's gasping for air. He had done a lot in the few months he'd been a Warden. Using his skills, his spells, his physical labor. But none of them took the tole of swimming through hard concrete. This was something he'd have to practice over and over to reduce the energy level.

The room was large, and full of electrical panels, and centralized air conduits. Saurian looked at the door and winced. There must have been at least six different traps attached to the door. Mines, C-4, electrical stun gun attached to the nob as soon as it turned. How the fuck did the operator even leave the room? Using Sensory Awareness and his Nature Domain he confirmed there was no one in here with him. But he did find a ventilation panel with its cover removed. So they crawled out?

Saurian moved through the room slowly checking under, over, and up. Looking for traps both mundane and mystical. He was just being careful! Then he got a prompt!

Congratulations User! You've obtained the skill, Dungeon Delver: Alert to hidden traps, secret doors, and things of importance when exploring a dungeon, lair, or secret space. This works with, Danger Sense, and Sensory Awareness. (Subject to possible change)

Note: Some Magical Domains effect this skill.

Saurian grumbled over the new skill, it was nice to have but it only filled him with more caution as he went over the entire room again with his new skill, he felt like he rolled a D20 and got a natural one. Not finding a camera, motion sensor, etc. He moved back to the door and slowly began to disarm the traps attached to it. After about ten minutes he slowly opened the door and called down the hallway once again.

“Clear! Move up!” Saurian's reptilian voice rang out, a soldier poked his head around the corner carefully. Breathed a sigh of relief as they came down the hallway again.

“Someone check and hold that ventilation shaft. That's how they got out, it could be a way for them to get back in.” Saurian pointed at the possible entrance a soldier moved over to secure it. Soon the wounded Corporal limped into the room at the assistance of another soldier.

“Sir, is the World Security in the palace?” Saurian stopped and looked at the man, he looked at the rest of them. The male to female ratio was about 5:1. They looked tired, red eyed, stressed. But ready to work if called to.

“Radio and Cell phones are being jammed. I am sure Gotham knows that the convention palace is in being held hostage. But I'm currently the only UNWS on site. Sorry.” Saurian said, his tone softer then he normally would have spoken. The soldiers seem to notice the change in pitch, a few smiled grateful.

“It's fine sir, speaking personally you saved my life and many lives of our brothers and sisters. You are more then enough right now.” The Corporal said, many of the soldiers agreed.

“Well this is all very touching, but lets get back to it. Carefully check every fuse box, and centralized air box. Any traps, any wires you don't recognize? Then stop and call for assistance. If your not sure which is which then just hold the doors and keep an eye out.” Saurian said, his voice returning to business brisk, and cold. The soldiers snapped back to attention and went to work.

Saurian placed his hand on the centralized computer for the room. A blue glow came from his hand, that more then a few of the soldiers noticed. Soon the main computer screen popped on, the password filled out and started searching through information. Then Saurian gritted his teeth and snarled, yanking his hand back as if it was burned by something! Then a man's head with a green riddle hat appeared on the screen, cackling.

“Naha! Naha! You didn't say the magic word! But since you did find a way into the Utility room I'll count that as an bonus objective. I'll add another ten minutes to the timer!” The Riddlers avatar then shut the computer back down. Saurian had encountered the virus's firewall. He vaguely remembered that since he was doing the hacking the firewall would burn him, instead of a computer. Great.

He looked down at this hand, the damage was not physical per say. But more magical, so his hand was slightly burnt. It soon healed, and the pain from the firewall left his body and mind. He'd have to practice with Sam trying to hack into things to get use to it.

“Sir, are you alright?” A woman soldier walked over, she had a red cross patch on her shoulders. She looked at Saurian then at his hand not seeing any injury.

“Yes, my computer interface is in my hand. The virus fried the circuits. I'll be fine, thank you.” Saurian said softly. The woman's went wide then looked back at his hand that was dripping in darkness.

“That's a neat trick. I don't suppose you could teach me how to heal like you do?” She said with a smile.

“Actually I can, humans are capable of learning the abilities I have. Just takes the right materials and teaching method.” Saurian said nonchalantly, as if it was completely normal what he said.

As a matter of fact it was. Humans had been casting Nature magic for over a thousand years. It was just not public knowledge. But she along with a few soldiers nearby who were listening thought it was some alien tech or ability. Something they could learn!? Stars were in the medics eyes! Then she was brought out of her fantasy when Saurian pulled a fuse box cover off its hinges. Checking over the wires, he found that they were all in working order. With the help of the soldiers all the contents of the room were working just fine. They just couldn't activate them with out the main computer. Right?

Saurian grinned and went to the nearest fuse box. A blue glow over took his entire body. Electricity danced, and arced across his Wraith disguise. Every soldier backed up, as static energy was dancing across their skin. This was the same thing that would happen when lighting was about to strike. Saurian then put his claws against the fuse box, willing the magic into it.


WwwwwwiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrPOP! Lighting danced from Saurian, to the fuse boxes. Then with a POP! The entire system turned back on! The lights, the heat, the had lines, hell the ATM's turned on. Saruian had a smile on his face as he took his hands back. He had bypassed the computer and went straight to the source. This would be a bitch to turn off in the future, but they would handle that later.


“Nooooo! Why are the lights on! How did they get power back!? How! How!? I must have missed something!? No! My plan was perfect! Perfect! They must have cheated! Cheaters! Cheaters!” The Riddler screamed in fury! As he watched through his several monitors as the power through out the Convention Palace turned back on. He went to his radio and called in to his men on the other line.

“Change up the time table! They got the power back on, you only have twenty minutes left to empty out the vault! Got it?!” The Riddler yelled into his radio. His men soon replied.

Edward Nygma was not even in the convention palace. He was in a control room in a building half way across Gotham. He walked towards a television that was muted, watching how the police and the military had encircled the convention palace daring to not go in because of the bomb threats in the palace. He glared as he saw a Bat-like jet plane dropped off the Batman, and a younger, smaller kid wearing a red and green costume. They raced into the building. Edward was confused. He went back to his monitors and saw in one room his hired thugs were being beaten by a young woman in a bat costume, with a yellow bat symbol outline. A whole fucking bat family?! But they had all just got here! Who turned on the power?! Who!?


The soldiers in the utility room cheered. The static across their radios burst for a moment then chatter started coming through the radio. Surging the breakers must have fried the radio and cell phone interference Saurian was surprised that the bombs didn't go off...Wait. Were there even bombs in the palace? Saurian asked Erik for information. -I wouldn't put it past The Riddle to do a fake out. He could have planted the bombs, but it's also possible this entire thing is a diversion He did that a lot in the comics. Make a game, create a riddle, only to steal something on the other side of the city. Erik replied. So it's possible that there are bombs? But more then likely he's using this whole thing as a diversion?

Over the past several weeks the lines separating Erik, Lash, and Saurian had started to blur. They use to talk a lot to each other. Swap stories, information, etc. But lately it's almost as if they were one complete person that just identified themselves by different names, like how you go by one name at work, one name with your family, another nickname with your friends. Only in certain circumstances did lines between them show up. Like now.

“I don't know how you all got the power back on! I was going to give you an extra ten minutes for achieving an objective. But now! I think I'll just deduct time instead! Cheaters! All of you are Cheaters! You have thirty minutes to complete my game or you'll all die! Muhahahahaha!” The Riddlers childish voice rang out across the intercom system. The soldiers cheering stopped abruptly.

“We have to get to the main security office in the Palace! There is a 80% chance there are no bombs! He's distracting us!”Saurian shouted and made a beeline for the door and ran full tilt down the hallway. He vaguely heard the Corporal shout at his men. He would stay with a few people and the wounded the rest of them to chase after Wraith.

Congratulations User! Your skill, Pack Bond has grown an additional effect!

Temporary Pack: You can now select a few trusted individuals to become part of your pack, temporarily. You all gain a 5% increase in overall stats. As well as the pack telepathy, location, and language perk. Please Note, that they must have at the very least a 'friendly' disposition towards you.

Saurian ground to a halt at the end of the hallway as the soldiers ran towards them as fast as possible. He looked at them, and a connection was made between him and the six soldiers chasing him. They all felt the established link. As not only a telepathic link was made, but they all suddenly got stronger. Saurian grinned, and ran ahead of them. But not so fast that he outpaced them. The soldiers moved quicker, turned faster, and one of them laughed. They didn't fully understand what this was, but it was fucking amazing! They raced up the stairs, past the crowds who moved to the side to get out their way. Then the Riddlers panic voice came over the intercom calling out Wraith's position to every one of his thugs.

“MAIN HALL WAY! MAIN HALL WAY! HE'S COMING FOR THE SECURITY ROOM STOP HIM!” The Riddlers voice was in full blown panic now.

Saruian jumped three sets of stairs in a few seconds his 'pack' jumping up stairs five at a time. They were getting better as they got use to the stat increase. 5% may not seem like a lot, but when you are already in great shape, an additional 5% is more then enough. They all shouted for everyone to get out the way! Soon automatic fire rang down the central hall. His 'pack' dove to the sides well ahead of time, their connection to Saurian told them what was coming. They returned fire with the precision of trained soldiers enhanced by magic! Bullets zipped past Saurian, missing by inches but he didn't stop running forward. The firing line of the gunmen were thirty meters away and closing.

A wall of fog burst from Saurian and swallowed the firing line making them all scream in fright. Saurian's 'pack' could still see through the fog and moved forward to get a better position. Saruian was done being nice. He saw many tainted people in this group, he pounced into the group with the ferocity of a hungry wolf among sheep!

Saurian reached out with his claws and ripped a mans right hand off. The man screamed in horror as his wrist tore to pieces. Saurian let lose a Rallying Call! His pack roared in return and began to shoot into the mess. Saurian ducked down as bullets flew over him, as it was perfectly timed. Dozens of gunmen dropped after being riddled with holes. Saurian struck with his arm, using his bone blade to literally chopp a man's leg off. Earning a delightful scream from him. Bathing Saurian in blood! He grinned as he pummeled another man until his chest cavity caved in. Whipping his tail side ways he base ball swung it into a another man's skull, with enough force that it flew off. A gout of blood shot out, spraying everyone. Screams continued to ring out until only a few were left. Saurian then jumped over the barricade on his way to the security room. -Finish them off! I'm going on ahead! The soldiers didn't understand how to speak across the link, but they did yell out with a roger!

He saw several gunmen close and lock the door to the security room, Saurian jumped straight at the wall beside the door and 'swam' through it! Popping out right next to the horrified men. Diving his left arm straight forward he easily pierced a man's chest then threw him at another. He leaped forward pouncing on top of that one. Who screamed in pain, as Saurian used his claws on his feet to rake through flesh and bone. The man soon bled out. Then there was only one man left, who dropped his gun and knelt down screaming he surrenders. He didn't carry a mark of Sherogoth so Saurian shocked him with electricity. Clearing the whole room, he unlocked the main door. And sent word across the link that the main room was secure. He moved to the main computer network and linked up, searching through the security feeds.

Video feeds, security codes, etc flashed through Saurian's mind. More then once he hit a Firewall. His entire body and mind was seared with burns. But he didn't lose connection he just moved away from the Firewall. He felt his 'pack' approach behind him. The secured the room, tied the last living man alive. Then held security on the door and hallway. One of them was talking into a radio to the Corporal. Soon Saurian found a cyberspace back door in the network. Looking around in the Firewalls. He found his answer, he activated the intercom system.

“Attention! Attention! This the United Nations World Security. There are no immediate bombs with in the convention palace. All bombs are located in the trash bins, and trash cans outside the entrances with a proximity sensor. The man known as The Riddler is not inside the convention palace. His current location is in the building on Serento road at 2436. In apartment 15. His men are currently robbing Gotham City Central Bank.” Saurian's voice spoke inside the palace and out. The video feeds on the outside showed that all the cops and military looked towards the trash bins, and cans.

“NOOOOOOOOOOO! CHEATER! CHEATER! CHEATER! CHEATER! CHEATER!” The Riddler lost all sense of reason, activating the bombs. The trash cans all exploded sending shrapnel, and debris but the loss of life was zero. Injuries sure. But no one died.

Saurian soon muted the Riddler as he continued to yell Cheater over and over. The remaining gunmen in the convention palace all sprinted for their exits. Saurian spoke across the intercom system, telling the security, police, and military about the different routes the gunmen were taking to escape. Including but not limited to sewer access, rope and pulley systems across buildings, etc. Soon he saw the Bat-Wing fly over the palace and pick up Batman and...Robin? Oh wow! They flew off towards The Riddler. Then Saurian spotted...Who appeared to be Bat-Girl? Bat-Woman? He'd have to ask. She was trying to stop the gunmen from leaving but was pinned down. He read the camera and took off towards her location.

-Come or stay its your choice! Saurian called across the link. The soldiers sprinted after him, one of them calling over the radio that they were moving and they needed some one to cover the security room. A reply soon came. Then the soldier sprinted after them. Saurian got a prompt from the system that Pack Bond had gone up in rank. So now he and his 'pack' got a 6% bonus. Saurian jumped down from a railing to a three story drop. His people didn't even hesitate and jumped as well, they didn't even register what they just did till they were in the air. Then they all hit the ground and rolled to off set the kinetic force. Once out of the roll they kept running. No broken bones, no torn muscles. One them even yelled in excitement.

“HOLY FUCK! What did we just do!?” Saurian laughed, his good humor spread across the link. The other soldiers soon laughed as well then went back to running.

The soldiers were sprinting at 12 mph down the hall. They made sharp turns with almost no deceleration they soon came upon Saurian's query. A few dozen gunmen were trying to get through a hole that was blown open. But the hole was only large enough for one person at a time. Bat-woman? Was stuck behind a bar throwing bottles of hard liquor at them trying to get them to stop. -Move to cover, and establish firing line. I'm going in! Using Intimidating Shout, Saurian roared at the gunmen. His roar shook the entire room, making them all stop and gape in surprise. Though Bat-woman was not stunned but she did stop to stare at him. Saurian barreled into the group like a bowling ball. Sending the men ever which way and that. Soon automatic fire from this 'pack's rifles rang.

After a few minutes the battle was over. Most of the gunmen were dead, a few shocked into unconsciousness. Saurian checked the hole and saw that those who got away were long gone. He wanted to chase them, but he had work here to do. Searching the link none of the 'pack' was injured so he moved to the bat-persona.

She was wearing had made leather, and cloth outfit. Her bat cowl was a patchwork, with one of her ears being floppy like a dogs. A space was cut out in the back to let her auburn hair out. However, her hair was kept in a hairnet so not to get lose or caught. Good thinking. Her cape covered her body and went to her calf's so she could hide but not trip over it. She had black leather biker boots, biker gloves, leather pants, and leather coat. Patched with a few other things including the bat symbol, though it was colored with dark yellow. The outfit hugged her curves nicely, but it was lose enough that it could get caught if she was not careful. Saurian was now standing in front of her, towering over her 5' 6” frame. She began to shiver under his gaze.

“What's your name?” Saurian's reptilian voice made her jump. She began to wring her hands out, not sure how to answer. “Code name is fine.” Her expression perked up.

“Bat-Girl!” Barbara Gordon said proudly. Saurian knew it was her from the scent she had when Lash first met her. Saurian's head nodded several times then held out his hand to her.

“Thank you for trying to help, Bat-Girl. May I give you a reward?” Saurian said gently. She hesitated for a moment then shook his hand that easily dwarfed her own.

Using a bit of his glamour Saurian made a technological appearance of his Domain of Technomancy. Dozens of tiny blue streams of energy furled out from his body. They began to touch her body, or rather her power suit. Tiny 'windows' with jumbled words and glyph's that meant nothing to him showed up around her as if saying 'Hay look at me I'm doing something'. Casting his magic Renew, Alteration, Essence Imbuement and Compression Transformation Bat-Girls uniform changed visibly to the naked eye. The suit soon fit her like a tailored masterpiece. Showing off every curve, and muscled form of her athletic body. The patchwork disappeared and became seamless. Her cowl became rigid, so no floppy ears as cute as they were. No ragged cut outs, and no loose fabric. Using his magic he reinforced parts of the power suit to be harder so they could take more damage, and made the area's of movement flexible. Then he did something radical! He used Skill Trainer and imparted Danger Sense. If she had a system she would get a prompt telling her she would now have Minor Danger Sense, because it was imparted it would take a long time to improve. But it would save her life. Soon the dozens of tiny blue arms retracted, the information windows closed. Saurian stepped back to admire his work.

Batgirl's eyes were wide in astonishment, she was not the only one. Saurian's pack were surprised as well. A few muttered, can we get gifts too? -Don't worry you will. Saurian said to them. She did a twirl around as her cape now flowed around as if was a living thing. Thanks to the essence of nature it was now attached to her. It wouldn't repair or grow. But it had a sense of life that wasn't there before. She knocked her knuckles on several hard spots that had been made. She squeaked when Saurian tossed a knife at her gently and gestured. She gently applied force, then pushed harder and harder. The knife didn't even leave a scratch. She practically danced around for a bit then jumped over to hug Saurian. Wrapping her arms around him, only to jump back in surprise at what she just did.

“Th..Thank you sir wraith, wraith sir. Mr...Wraith. Agent Wraith...w....sir.....” Batgirl's voice got quiet at the end.

“You are welcome, but you should leave! I am a certified agent, you are not. Take the passage out and continue to keep Gotham safe.” Saurian bowed from his waist to the young woman, she smiled brilliantly at him. Did a poorly performed curtsy and ran down the blown up hole. Saurian turned to look at the 'pack'.

“There are no camera's in this room that are in service, I made sure of it. So I ask all of you. We came into this room to stop the gunmen from leaving. But didn't see anyone else, right?” Saurian said the last part with emphasis.

“Yes, sir! Those gunmen are down for the count. We should report the hole though.” One of the soldiers said out loud. The others all smiled and agreed.

“Good, now for the gift you asked for?” Saurian said, the soldier who spoke up before looked anywhere but at Saurian. “I am sure you all felt the effects of what we did? Once I leave the area, the immediate effect will begin to drain out of you. However, the physical limiter that is placed in all humans has now been raised for you, but not removed. Do not be surprised that in the future if you continue to train you'll find things that were hard before have become easier now. Though not to the degree that you have when traveling with me.” Saurian said, a bit of good humor in his voice.

He then pulled the bond away from the soldiers. They all felt the transition, he cast Sooth, and Nature's Supplement on them again, not kiss because he did that in the hall way back then. Once per day! They felt the energy dance through their body, men and women both groaned in absolute pleasure as they felt amazing.

“A piece of advice? Don't tell anyone that you've been 'Enhanced' it will bring nothing but trouble. I know more then a few governments that would be happy to open you up and dissect you. Even with a 0.00001% chance they could learn how you are what you are now.” Saurian's voice took a hard edge when he said that. Not towards them specifically, and they all shivered at the thought.

“If they ask you how you did the things you did on the camera's they have. Just tell them I used my healing skills and tools on you. I repaired your bodies as fast as they broke. Which technically is not a lie. But before we move on, all of you tell me your full names and ranks. I'll put it in my report. Maybe we'll work together again.” Saurian asked. The soldiers listed off name and rank. Including the medic and Corporal they left behind.

Saurian and the soldiers soon went back to the main hallway to meet up with, you guessed it. The Lieutenant Colonel who was being screamed at by the One star General. Saurian listen to the bull shit the general was spouting and finally had enough and stepped up between them. Telling the general to go fuck himself. The Colonel did everything in his power to keep the place safe. While the One star general sat inside an office that he barricade himself in! Refusing to open the door, even to look for his wife and two children. Who had no fucking clue where he was. Saurian even got a tablet from one of his 'pack' mates and showed everyone the General crying and shitting himself inside of an office. Saurian made a copy of it and put the USB in to the Colonel's hand. Then patted him on his shoulder.

“Though you need to learn to play nice with others, Colonel Marshal. I think you did good work. I'll recommend you for this shit show's job when we get done.” Saurian hooked his thumb at the now purple in the face general who had his wife screaming at him. The Colonel had a huge smile on his face.

Saurian named the unit, and personal that helped him. Including Carl Bradley. The Colonel said he'd make sure they were commended. Word soon came back, the Riddler had been caught along with his goons at the bank. Thanks to the Batman, and his.... Kid? Saurian soon excused himself, he told the Colonel he had actually come here tonight to relax with some friends. He needed to check up on them, and get out of his uniform. Several people wanted to follow him to see who he was meeting. But he gave them the slip with his glamour and soon shifted back to Lash, with his Gotham Community Watch uniform on. Lash spent the next few hours giving first aid, and helping the emergency personal.

Lash soon met up with Skaleg who joke strangled him for not keeping a low profile. Lash calmed him down, telling Skaleg that he only had to do this for another three or so months. Soon he would be retired. Sleeping in, with long fishing trips. That calmed him down. They met up with Carl who was hugging his wife, and son. Lash walked up and started asking Luke questions about what kind of armor he wanted for the holidays. Luke became super animated and started talking to him. The distraction was welcomed by his parents. Lash took his measurements and planned to make an armor set that he could grow into with time. Apparently Luke wanted a wraith ghost like style for the armor. Sure! Lash then asked Abby if she was allergic to any kind of metal. She said no with a confused expression. He said was going to make something for her, earring, necklace, not a ring! Carl had that. This of course earned him a punch in the arm from Carl who was fuming! But...The distraction was appreciated. Carl massaged his knuckles, ouch. Lash was hard as a rock.

Everyone in the community watch was alive and accounted for, with only a few injuries. The security, police, and military not so much. However, the officials had unconfirmed reports of a man wearing a mask who moved from the injured civilians, to others, healing them. The exact specifics of this man were not known. But a few people could guess who he was. It was nearly dawn when Lash got home, he locked his home, peeled off his cloths took a quick shower and went to bed!


“CHEATER! CHEATER! CHEATER! CHEATER! CHEATER! CHEATER!” Edward Nygma screamed over and over! He just couldn't except that he had lost. He had planned everything! But he still lost, not only did he lose he was caught! The Batman and The Wraith were working together! They would pay! They would pay! He would make them pay!


“Batman, do you know who he is?” A young man's voice said, he was standing in a dark cave in front of a massive computer. Dozens of computer screens were lite up with text, pictures, and security feeds of Saurian racing through the the palace taking out gunmen and helping injured civilians. Robin, in his red, green, and yellow outfit was exhausted from tonight, he was sore, bruised, and just wanted to sleep. But he kept his eyes on his mentor Bruce Wayne. As he watched the screens.

“He's an ally, as to who he is. We'll find that out later. Go to bed Robin. Remember you are taking Zatanna into town in a few hours.” Batman said in a cold voice as he watched the monitors.

“Oh no!” Richard Grayson /Robin ran to get changed so he could to sleep, Zatanna and him were similar in age and he had a crush on her. He had totally forgotten about his date this morning. He raced to a black obsidian statue of a Bat-Knight. He touched it softly and said a word. A green glow covered him. He instantly felt better! This thing is amazing! Then he raced off to go get changed.


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