Lash spent the next two days before the Winter Ball making gifts for people, as well as working at Nast'rok's workshop. He made a studded leather outfit for Luke, that adjusted to five sizes above it's current size. Added some wraith undead styles to the suit. Ragged cloth attached, stylized dead souls wailing in the pieces. For Abby he made silver, gold, and platinum braided necklace piece. He made a magnesium alloy machete using his Material Shaping he compressed and shaped the metal till it was incredibly dense. Though it was heavier then normal it would not break easily.

Stylized studded leather armor made for a child, grading E+. Effects, mild protection from small arms fire, as well as arrows, and cold weapons. Due to the magical influence this leather could stop a small arms bullet at point blank range. Comments: Good job! Unlike the other people at the LARP event, Luke could actually fight in this!

Silver, gold, platinum braid corded necklace, grading E-. Effects, it looks really nice, professional, and helps focus and clear the mind of the user who wears it. The material is strong enough to choke or bind someone, even the clasp will not break easily. Comments: Are you sure this is a normal holiday gift, and not something else? 'nudge, nudge'

Magnesium alloy machete, grading D-. Effects, this is a well made weapon, though heavier then it should be it wont break, and will keep its edge far longer then other tools would. With enough strength this could cut through stone, let alone wood. Comments: Zombie apocalypse anyone? We go the tools!

Abby really enjoyed the necklace, and put it on right away. Tension that she seem to carry between her brows eased up when she put it on. She began to play with it, running her fingers along the braids over and over. Lash showed the machete to Carl, and even swung the blade through a piece of fire wood like it was a hot knife through butter. Carl lost his mind and started doing the same thing to a collection of fire wood they had at the house. Didn't have the same success as Lash. But the edge was noticeable. Luke ran to the neighbors house and showed the kids the stylized armor for the LARP thing he was going to join. The armor fit him so well, and since it was stylized it looked like functional fantasy armor.

Lash made inscribed rings for all of his super-natural friends. Skaleg, Timothy, Mahalia, Simon, Sam, Achak. Booraku.

Inscribed ring cast in a strong durable metal alloy, grading D+. Effect, this ring is rather common except for the enchantment placed on it. The Grave Domain Spell, Lingering has been placed on this ring. Aging is 5% slower, the wearer uses 5% less energy, and a 5% chance of not dying when they should. Comments: Making your own zombie legion are you?

Congratulations User! You've obtained the magical skill, Minor Enchanting: Now you can place magic of different Domains into items, tools, machines, etc. This skill will work with Essence Imbuement when working with Nature Domain. Will currently only work with low tier magic, and half the effectiveness.

Lash was surprised when he discovered that, Lingering was considered low tier magic. He sent the rings ahead of schedule to them, telling them of the effects. Mahalia, and Timothy lost their minds when they read what they did. He sent, Li'Ana a pair of silver earrings that were enchanted. The design was simple. It was meant to be unassuming, nice, simple, and effective. The spell inscribed was Nature's Kiss though it only healed 15%. It was a life saver. He tried casting Kiss of the Grave but the metal turned to dust. Seems like that spell either needed better quality material or couldn't be enchanted.

Enchanted silver earnings in the shape of the summer crescent moon, grading D. Effects the wielder can cast Nature's Kiss at 15% effectiveness on themselves, or some one else once per day! Comments: A good way to keep those you care about alive. A nice gift.

Lash made a bracelet each for Soluna and Jessabell with the same spell on each one. Lash had learned that healing items capable of recast, even once every twenty four hours was apparently rare in the magical world. They were around, but incredibly expensive and hard to make. Which made Lash confused. He was not the only Druid in the world. He had spoken to Timothy's master. They had Nature's Kiss. So why not make healing items? He'd have to ask. He sent a necklace to Althea with the spell Sooth on it. He figured an Amazonian warrior would more use out of that spell then most. He tried asking Selina what she would like but she laughed at him. Telling him to shut up and keep being cute. The five hundred grand was more then enough for her. For now. He didn't hear back from Li'Ana, Soluna, and Jessabell, other then a confirmation from the Griaks that the delivery had been made. Did they not like the healing item?

He sent a silver piece necklace to Rocksie and Tonya. Which to were-breeds was like sending poison, but these were enchanted with Sooth. That had a constant effect in place. It was incredibly minor. What did it do?

Enchanted silver necklaces, one with the eye of a rat, the other with a lion, grading D+. Effects the wearer will find that they are now immune to silver. A specific cast of Sooth was placed on this item. Targeting only one toxic effect. Comments: Congratulations you've made bullet resistant were-breeds!

Rocksie screamed out a string of obscenities and practically sprinted to Lash's home asking if he could make more. He kinda lied and said he couldn't make more, for now. He hadn't thought they would be such a big deal. Rocksie left, but demanded that he tell her when he could make more. She wanted to buy them. Offering hundred of thousands of dollars for each one. Shit! Tonya, did not race over but called instead. Assuming that they were hard to make, and also wanted on the list to buy more. She was incredibly grateful and said she would wear it to the Winter Ball. The super-natural world considers Lash a were-breed. However, he is immune to silver. So he took stock and realized that being immune to silver would be a huge leg up for were-breeds. One of those moments when you are so thick headed you don't understand simple things. Ya, it was one of those moments.

Lash then made two golden chained necklaces with red ruby as the center piece. One for Lizzy, and one for Isabella. The necklaces could come together to form a heart. He cast Nature's Supplement on both. The effect was only half as effective but it was still a nice buff to have once a day.

Enchanted Golden necklaces with ruby hearts. Grading D. Effects half of the effect of a normal Nature's Supplement. So, half a cup of nature's goodness, yum! Comments: So you made a jewelry piece of a broken heart that can heal itself? OK, little morbid but, OK.

Isabella said thank you! But told Lash that Lizzy had gone for her vacation in Themyscira and hadn't come back yet. Althea had invited her. Isabella would be attending the Winter Ball with her house and hoped to see Lash there. Lash said he looked forward to it. Lash created a golden statue of the sun, enchanted it with Daylight and had it mailed by Griak to Superman. Telling him what it did and how to activate it.

A golden statue of the sun. Grading E+. Effects, cast's a one hour spell of magical Daylight that is far more effective then an hour of normal sunlight. Enriching soil, plant, and body. Twenty four hour cool down. Comments: You gave the great big boy scout a power drink! Good for you!


Clark stood in his apartment in Metropolis, wearing some soft cotton pants, and a white t-shirt. His masculine form filled the cloths out perfectly. Especially along the shoulders and chest, stretching it in all the right ways. He was reading a card from Erik Lash telling him about the statue he had made for him. Clark was surprised and a little worried that Lash knew where he lived. But, he did see the reptile track a God-Kin across the city, over water, onto statue island. He really shouldn't be surprised.

Clark carefully pulled out the golden sun statue. Clark smiled at the simple craftsmanship. But that was not all, he read the word on the card then said it out loud. BRILLIANT DAY LIGHT! His entire home lite up like he was standing next to the sun in space. But he felt so warm, the yellow solar cosmic rays that filled his whole body with energy! Reading the card again he saw that this effect lasted an hour, and could be re used in twenty four hours. Being Kryptonian he could absorb nutrients through the yellow sun. This was like a weeks worth of energy in an hour! A big smile grew on his face, as he closed his eyes and basked in the Day light from the statue.

After an hour, sure enough the statue became dull and lifeless. The golden statue looked dirty and worn out. Clark was actually concerned for a bit, but the instructions said this was normal. He pushed his hands into the air, and his joints popped, his muscles stretched, and he let out a satisfied groan. He hadn't felt this good in a long time. He found a suitable place for the statue in his home, a smile of satisfaction on his face. He walked by a mirror in the house only to pause and look at it. He had a TAN! He had never tanned before in his life! His body always healed, but now he had a light brown hue to his face. Oho! This statue was amazing!


Lash finally made a cherry blossom tree out of solid marble, with pink quartz for the petals. Sitting on an obsidian platform. Placing several enchantments into the statue and sending it to Diana, Wonder Woman.

A marble, quartz, and obsidian statue. Grading D+. Effects. Sooth, Nature's Supplement, Restoration, Essence Imbuement, and Nature's Kiss. Have been placed individually into each blossom. Twenty four hour cool down for each blossom. So that when in need you may touch a specific blossom for a specific spell. Additional effects, a wielder may touch the blossom then direct the spell onto a specific target. Specifically for Restoration effects on body and limb. Comments: This is a healing tree! As long as they are not dead you can fix them!


Diana looked at the statue with interest. She was visiting home today. Wearing a casual custom white toga, short around the thighs for full movement. Leather sandals, and a hair pin to keep her hair out of her eyes. She walked around the statue admiring the work. She could see each individual mark in the tree bark, the lines in the petals even though they were made of stone. The obsidian looked like tilled earth. The entire piece looked like it was a living statue. Reading through the card or instructions as the list was long. Her eyes became wide when she saw the Restoration effect. Since Lash had been able to heal Althea even when Themyscira's healers could not. This tree would help with that, if done right they could re attach limbs, fix old injuries, and restore energy to those who are training.

“My daughter what is this from the land of men?” Queen Hippolyta came down from a set stairs followed by several body guards. Diana turned around, hiding the instructions behind her. A soft smile on her face. Her mother noticed the change.

“Queen Mother, its a gift from the tracker that helped us with the fight against Ares. They have a custom in the land of men. During the Winter Solstice they give gifts to friends, and family. This tree is full of magical enchantments that can help our warriors heal. Sister Althea can attest to this, her injury was healed by the tracker. The man has placed that spell on the tree for our use in the future.” Diana handed the instructions to her mother.

Hippolyta's face was a mask of indifference, but chose to indulge her daughter as she read the effects of the statue. Her perfectly manicured eye brow raised slightly. If the effects on the statue were to be true it would indeed be a useful tool. She turned to look at her daughter, who was waiting patiently for a reply.

“Is this tracker attempting to curry favor with us? Or you specifically daughter?” Hippolyta said to Diana. Diana smiled wide at her and held up another note. She handed this to her mother as well.

To Queen Hippolyta,

My name is Erik Lash, my partner is Saurian.

I am a Warden of the super-natural world

and have sworn an oath of neutrality.

However, I am also an Oracle.

The Princess Diana can confirm this with you.

A century ago you sustained an injury.

This injury is known only to your daughter, your trusted friend

Philipus, and the Goddess Queen Hera.

Activate the blossom of Restoration.

Queen Hera says you can trust me.

Sincerely -Warden Lash, -Partner Saurian.

Hippolyta's eyes were wide as she finished the letter. She walked with firm confident strides towards the statue. She reached out and touched the specific blossom, a radiant green glow enveloped the Queen of the Amazons. An old injury that had been hurting for over a century faded away like it was a bad dream. A small smile tugged on Hippolyta's lips. She turned to the guards.

“Bring this directly to our house of healers. It will be used to its full extent! Let it be known that if Warden Lash, and his partner Saurian were to ever visit Themyscira they will be welcome with open arms. Fitting a guest of the Queen.” Hippolyta smiled at Diana and continued to walk through her domain.

“As you wish, Queen Mother.” Diana bowed her head, a smile clear on her face. “Thank you, Lash. I'll have to make sure to pay you back.” Diana whispered to her self.


SNEEZE! Lash sniffled, rubbing his nose. He didn't sneeze often, was some one talking about him? He was currently in Nast'rok's workshop...Reattaching a severed arm of a student who got over zealous in their activity. The boy had passed out long ago, but that was for the better given what he was doing. The arm was cut off and crushed in a compressor. Lash was carefully restoring and healing the arm in pieces. Unfortunately this had to be done while it was attached to the boy because the nerves helped the spell. So, happily the boy was knocked out.

“Nast'rok, I'm happy help. This is also improving my technique with my Nature Domain. But shouldn't you put safety measures in place to prevent this from happening?” Lash said softly, as he reconnected a finger.

“Bah! Safety! This shop is one of the safest places in all of Gotham! No one is getting in here!” Nast'rok said. Completely ignoring the point. Lash was pretty sure Nast'rok knew what he had meant but was ignoring him.

“Right.... I know the Tech-armor is not done yet. But did you finish the ceremonial armor for the Winter Ball? Both sets?” Lash said, finishing the fingers on the hand. Thumb too! Then to work on the wrist and forearm.

“Oi! That's right! Donna! Go get package marked with C-41-W. It's heavy so bring some help. Its Warden Lash's cloths for the Winter Ball so be careful!” Nast'rok called out to one of his apprentices. She took off with a few others to get the package in question.

Most of the people in the workshop had been helped by Lash more then once since he started coming here. Lash even made one of his healing tree's for the shop. The only issue it had was limited spells per day. So those were taken up normally with in the first three hours of work. Nast'rok offered to get some rare and magically inclined materials for him. So he could make another with more spell castings. Lash agreed, but the materials would take a few weeks to get here.

“Oh! Nast'rok! I know I'm not the only Druid in the world. Why are healing items so rare?” Lash said to the dwarf. Attaching the wrist and forearm together.

“Fucking daft bastard!? I forget you don't know your own ilk! Most druids don't make healing items for people because of a few reasons. One, the Nature Domain is fickle mistress. The spells may work on people when cast by the Druid. But sometimes the Essence Imbuement doesn't stick because nature doesn't like being bound to a single thing. Two, Druids are a snobbish bunch that generally dislike most people. Mundane and Super-Natural alike. We destroy the Green! So why in the hells would they make things that help keep us alive! Third, its all about price and demand! If the druids made healing items, and sold those really nice potions all the time. Then they would not be as valued!” Nast'rok counted off his fingers as he spoke. Lash stopped working and looked up with a confused expression.

“So, the reason why healing items are so rare is because Druids charge an arm and a leg...To heal an arm and a leg?” Lash said, then went back to work.

“That's right! Timothy's master...Whats that's girls name...or was it a guy, can't remember! They are one of the good ones. They help out when asked to. But placing Nature Domain spells into items is hard work. I have to say I'm surprised you can do it! But then again you are a Endless Chosen. That may explain it. So, price and demand, and because most Druids want us all to die! That is why healing items are so fucking rare!” Nast'rok said, taking out a flask and taking a swig. Why do all dwarfs drink?

“Are there no other Domains that can heal?” Lash connected the elbow with the forearm. Then began to work on the bicep. Almost done!

“Oh sure! Plenty of Domains heal! But they are mostly self healing! The self heals don't work with items. I mean the caster can make the item, but the item only works for them! A few other Domains can assist heal, do partial healing. Nature Domain though is the big one. Nature also synergies well with other Domains. A few Domains of the Death variety can partially heal and restore life to things. Generally by sucking the life out of things around them. Drain Life stuff like that. So, when it comes to tools aside from healing? Plenty of variety! Offense, Defense, Support, Utility! But direct healing? Healing that can be used on other people? In items? Kinda rare.” Nast'rok smiled as Lash finished his work. The boys arm was back on.

“Finished!” Lash doubled checked the connection to the arm. It was functional and healthy. He leaned back in his chair and took an offered glass of water. The boy was taken away by stretcher with the show over, every one went back to work.

The young woman Donna, along with a few others came over with two big boxes. Each one about half the size of Lash. They had to bring it over by pallet lift. He stood up and thanked Nast'rok. Getting a driver to deliver the packages he made his way home. It was almost dark and the party was tonight. He wanted to be home, rested and ready for the party. It was going to be fun, and a bit of a killer as well. The Hunt was suppose to be a thrill for everyone. The entrance to the party was at Warden HQ. The actual party was taking place at a Winter Fae Court Castle in the...Fae wilds? Sylvan realm? Dimensional pocket space. Lash tried to ask, but they started spewing out Spatial Domain talk and it nearly knocked him flat on his ass. Literally caused him a huge migraine, as if his brain would not allow him to listen.

Lash came home, the packages were sent up via the cargo elevator that was attached to his Art Studio. Locking his home down and activating the shutters. He stripped out of his cloths took a long hot shower, washed his body from head to toe. Brushed his...scalp? His teeth, and did his best to look pretty! Then he opened the ceremonial armor set for a human shape. It was a studded leather piece with several pieces of splint, and plate mail in sections. Especially the chest area. There was even an convenient little hole in the back of the pants for his half reptile tail if he chose to transform at the party. Studded hard leather boots, greaves, pants, belt, leather shirt, chest guard, pauldrons, arm guards, gloves. Even a face mask, that covered his head, and face revealing on his eyes. But not a single enchantment of defense of otherwise. The rules of the Hunt didn't allow enchanted items. It was just you and your abilities. You could cast magic on yourself sure! But no magical items!

Lash then Shifted to Saurian. Saurian pulled off his ruined and constantly repaired armor. He was looking forward to replacing this. Then slipped the studded leather assemble on. It was much like Lash's armor, just designed for a were-breed lizard folk creature. Capable of running on all fours or two, a massive tail, and a skull crest mask. But this one did not cover his jaw so he could bite down if he needed to. Erik was surprised to learn there was no auto size spell or enchantment in this world. Like all those fantasy books. One size fits all because of, well magic? When Lash asked Nast'rok about it. He laughed and said. 'Ya! We call that a belt!' The closes thing they had was an auto assemble rune. The gear puts it self on for you. That is it. They did have several Domains, and spells that invokes gear for a person. Those are auto sized. But that's because the items were directly cast by the casters magic. Of course they would be auto sized!

Saurian finished putting on the ceremonial gear, stretched a bit here and there making sure it fit. Since Saurian would be the one running in the hunt part. Then he Shifted back to Lash. Lash jumped onto his computer wearing the full set of gear, not willing to take it off, but he did hook the helmet/mask onto his belt. He then doubled checked the Warden information page. Brushing up on customs and courtesies from the different super-natural's that would be attending. Crap, even Atlantis sent people! How to properly say hello, goodbye. How to bow, kneel, or even speak. Hand gestures, etc. He received several prompts from Other Worldly Lore that it had gained a level. Unlike other skills this one didn't have a basic, minor, etc. It just was, and it gained levels the more he learned. But the skill would auto tell him information when ever he encountered a situation.

“Dawn, take me to the Black Room. But pause the world.” Erik was yanked form his avatar form and soon was back in the Black Room.

Dawn was standing in a midnight starlight dress, no back or shoulders letting Erik admire her neck, shoulders, and abundant cleavage that was barely contained in the dress. The dress was a slim fit, revealing the vivacious curves of her hips, and thighs. A long slit up her right leg went to her mid thigh, she wore four inch black heels. With white gloves that went past her elbows, she wore a harlequin mask that revealed her cherry red lips, her eyes were literally orbs of starlight. Her pure black hair was placed up and was adorned with diamonds. Her skin was...light blue. Like she had been stuck in the winter cold for to long.

“Well...hi there!” Erik said softly. Struck dumb by her outfit.

“Hello User, how do I look?” Dawn did a simple twirl, letting him see her twist like a snake dancer from the Arabian desert.

“Fucking amazing! Its a pity I'm the only who gets to see you. People would go to war over you!” Erik said, clearly impressed. Dawn covered her mouth politely and laughed. Her voice was like mana from the heavens.

“So, what can I help you with?” Dawn said softly.

“May I see the Time line app? Something I noticed on the Warden information page reminded me.” Erik said, Dawn pulled the app up for him.

Scrolling through the app he read up on everything he missed since he last checked. So over a week or more. The Green Arrow, or The Hood was still doing a killing of Starling's criminal and filthy rich. Trying his own take on justice. The Flash had actually met Superman, agreed to help each other if the need arose. Shazam was still coming into his abilities in Philadelphia? Why did that sound strange? Maybe the comics were using a different version? Hal Jordan or Green Lantern had reached Oa and was being trained by the Green Lantern Corp. Scrolling through Erik found what he was looking for. Atlantis, prince Orm had not been crowned. Though a majority of the Atlantean people followed him. He was a pure-blood enthusiast. Believed in racial superiority. So the half-bloods, and animal-like under water super-natural's were still looking for the half-blood first born prince. Hoping that he would rule. The problem was, no one knew where Arthur Curry was! Erik did though, he even saw the city he was living in. Amnesty Bay, he was living in the light house with his Dad.

“That is exactly what I was looking for, thank you Dawn!” Erik said, as he preformed a bow fitting of royalty. Dawn gave a cultured curtsy.

“You are very welcome, User. I'll be seeing you soon!” Dawn said, a smile on her blueish lips. Erik laughed assuming so, and jumped back down to Gotham.

Lash stood up after shutting down his computer. Taking out his phone from a nice little pocket in the armor he called for a driver to take him to the Warden HQ. He went downstairs and met the driver at the front entrance. A few people glanced at him, but he didn't pay them any mind. Just like always the Warden luxury car pulled out of traffic like it was a fish in the water. Pulling open the car door and slipping in. The driver nodded and drove towards the HQ. He was early, but he wanted to visit the cultural library to see if he could learn anything about Atlantis with out breaking the fourth wall.

No attacks, no car accidents, no explosions in the sky. It seemed like Gotham was asleep even with the heavy traffic. Maybe Dawn was had halted the dynamic events because of the story mission. Or maybe Batman was incredibly busy and Lash just failed to notice. Wait, was Bruce coming to the Winter Ball with Zatanna? He pulled out his phone and checked the guest list for pseudo-mundanes. Yes! Yes, he was coming! So, was a young man named Richard Grayson. Along with Zatanna Giovanni, and her two magical friends. He scrolled through the list and even found Selina on the guest list! That's right! Rocksie had half adopted the God-Kin of Bast. He saw that Li'Ana had been invited but didn't confirm if she was attending. Most of the Summer court wouldn't attend.

Little over an hour and Lash was at the Warden HQ. Since Ares had been captured the violence in the area had diminished...Kinda? Well the driver was able to drive directly to the cultural library instead of having Lash get out. Lash said thank you, and cast his nature spells on the driver who was very thankful. Lash stepped out of the car and made his way to the front desk. A magical construct was there, it was a knight in armor. Magical inscription carved all over its body.

“How may I help you, Natural Mechanic?” The construct said. Lash took a step back! Nothing had ever called him that before.

“Hello...I'm looking for customs and courtesies when dealing with Atlanteans. Pure-Bloods, half-bloods, primals, super-natural citizen and denizen's of the deep ocean and seas. And how did you know I was a Natural Mechanic?” Lash's curiosity was killing him.

“You carry the scent of Nature, Technology, and whats in between. My original creator was like you. Capable of synthesis. Sadly he is no longer alive. But he would have been very happy to meet you. Tell me, do you know the spell, Renew?” The construct asked, Lash could almost feel it yearning for him to say yes.

“I do...Do you need repairs?” Lash asked, the knight practically shivered in delight.

“Yes! No one has been able to repair me since my master passed away. I've been slowly degrading ever since. Hundreds of years have passed!” The construct seem to be begging.

Lash activated his Synthesis Domain, and cast Renew on the magical construct. Energy of both nature and technomancy enveloped the armor. Old scratches, dings, were filled in or removed. The armor took on a natural polished gleam. The inscriptions once more glowed brilliantly. The knight construct stood taller, and its chest was puffed out. A gallant knight once more. No longer subject to wearing old beat up armor.

“Please Natural Mechanic come this way, I'll get the books you need!” The knight bowed from his waist and guided Lash to the books. The knight pulled them down and set them in order on the table. Bowed and returned to his post.

Lash was happy he could help, he even got a prompt saying his Renew went up. Cool! He sat down and began to skim through the books. He only had about two hours before he needed to go to the teleportation circle thing to the Fae Wilds. About an hour after he sat down he heard a young woman scream at the front.

“HOLY SHIT! SOME ONE REPAIRED YOU!?” Lash looked up towards the front desk. The knight repeatedly shushed the individual reminding them they were in a library, a library that was in use. The woman quiet down and hid behind the desk. Peeking around the corner to spy on Lash, who was looking at her with a raised brow. She squeaked and hid herself. O....K?

Lash didn't have time for this and went back to his books. He would glance at the pages running his eyes over every word but not really reading anything. But it was working because his skill Other Worldly Lore kept prompting with experience. Just as he was about to finish with the books his alarm went off. Time to go! He finished the last chapter, closed the book and stood. He quickly made his way to the front desk about to speak.

“Thank you for your visit, Natural Mechanic. Worry not about the books, we'll put them back. I do hope you return if you ever need anything. My name is Sir Rupert! Thank you for your favor today.” The knight bowed from his waist again, almost 90 degree's. Lash smiled and bowed in return.

“You are very welcome, Sir Rupert. I'll remember what you said and will return in the future. Good night!” Lash said, then walked away at a hurried pace.

A long que of cars had shown up, and people dressed extravagantly were stepping out of the cars moving towards a stone arch way inscribed with runes. The inside of the gate painted a completely separate picture then what you saw around them. Right now they were in the dead center of Warden HQ. A huge modern day Castle surrounded by high walls. Inside the gate was a long paved road. With ice walls, on either side and a huge castle made of ice in the distance. The castle had hundreds of lights aglow as if beckoning them to come closer, the guests made their way there on foot. Lash stepped into the long line of people and walked through the gate. A Domain of spell magic he didn't recognize tingled his skin and then he was out of it. Looking up he saw a starry sky he didn't recognize which gave him a prompt...

Congratulations User! You've stepped through a gateway and entered a parallel dimension! Granting you the Achievement: 'Same Planet, Different Dimension. Sliders!' Different dimensions have different systems. You now learn that system 10% faster.

Lash felt like all of his Domains of magic were either high as a kite, or rock bottom in the ocean. His skills wanted to activate, but refused to turn on. He stumbled around for a bit and dropped to his knee's. His head was pounding, his breath was short, and the horizon was spinning. What the fuck!? This was not in the brief when he read about going to the Fae Wilds!

“......J...Just ….K....p...B....reathing....I.....wil pass.” A voice was calling to him from afar. Lash tried to look up but the whole world was still spinning. He looked back down, his hands were digging into the snow hoping that he would not fall into the sky.

He tried desperately to slow his breathing down and center himself. He screamed, or maybe softly asked a question about why this was happening. A gentle hand came to rest on his neck, he felt a cool sensation flow through his body. Soon his breathing was under control and he could look up. It was a well dressed Satyr. He was about 5' 2” With a well tailored all be it bright pink tuxedo, most Satyrs were pant less but this one was not. Though he did not have shoes. He had a red rose tucked into the tux. A pair of four inch horns, wild red hair, and a clean shaven face. He looked young, but thanks to Other Worldly Lore Lash knew that Satyrs with horns above three inches were old.

“I have to say you did pretty well! Most people pass out when they come here at first! Though I'm confused why you didn't have a dimensional charm on with you. Oh! Are you participating in the Hunt? Ah, yes they wont allow magical items for you. That must be why no one told you. Best get over it now instead of later.” The Satyr extended his hand to help Lash up. The little man was surprisingly strong. Lash soon stood, but was unsteady on his feet.

“T...Bleh..Thank you for the help. I am Warden Lash, with my Partner Saurian.” Lash bowed from his waist, but almost fell over. The Satyr caught him.

“I do appreciate good manners. But, perhaps you should just stay up right for now. My name is Puck! Pleasure to meet you, Chosen of The Endless.” Puck said with a grin. Lash's Other Worldly Lore sent off several alarm bells at the mention of the name 'Puck'

“As in....” Lash left the question hang.

“Yes, that Puck. Sometimes referred to as the God Pan, the trickster, Robin Goodfellow, the hobgoblin. The Green Man, the devil to the Christians. Yes, that Puck.” Puck said with a smile on his face.

Despite his splitting head ache, and churning stomach. Lash dropped to a full kneeling position and said a phrase in ancient Sidhe that he was surprised he could even speak with his human tongue. Language Smith beeped at him, telling him he gained experience. Puck took a step back, his eyes wide with surprise before a broad smile spread across his entire face.

“By the Queens of the Court! I have not heard that formal greeting in centuries! You even said it correctly! I do appreciate good manners! But that is going above and beyond, Chosen of The Endless! Aha! I can see why she want's to meet you! Come, come! Stand up. Traditionally new arrivals are meant to walk. But we'll make an exception for you!” Puck took out a wooden flute and blew into it. A beautiful music piece rang out across the cold night air.

Soon the ice wall that was near them opened up and a carriage pulled by two nightmare black horses with gleaming red eyes pulled a royal carriage forward. A sylvan Winter Knight dressed in full armor was guiding the carriage. The knight jumped off the driver seat, and opened the door for Puck. The Satyr led the confused Lash into the carriage, the door closed and the carriage pulled back through the ice wall and was on its way to the palace.

Though the section of the Fae Wilds they were in was currently in bitter winter. It wasn't necessarily cold. Lash wasn't sure if it was a spell, charm, item. Or maybe who ever was in charge just made it so you could experience winter with out worrying over little things like hypothermia? The ice wall that was solid white and opaque on the path towards the Castle, was crystal clear on this side of it. Lash watched hundreds of people walk towards the castle, several new paved roads joined into a massive road. Soon the carriage joined a long progression of royal, noble, and important guest carriages. Puck had taken out a communication talisman and was talking into it, speaking in a language Lash didn't understand. Basically a magical cell phone, that doesn't require a satellite or for you to be on the same fucking dimension to work. Lash caught snippets of the conversation. But it was enough for his skill, Language Smith to keep beeping at him. Experience gain! Experience gain!

“[email protected]#%@# He did that. $%!#%* No. I'm @$$^[email protected]# Smart, very smart.” Puck continued to talk into the talisman. But he kept glancing at Lash, and realized Lash was trying to decipher the language. Puck said a specific word over and over again, then Lash's eyes went wide, his face blushed in embarrassment. Which made Puck howl with laughter!

Soon Puck switched to another language, then another. Lash kept getting prompts from his skill. But it was not enough for him to learn the language. He'd recognize it if someone said it in the future. But he'd have to listen to more of it to understand. The carriage came to a stop, the door opened and Puck stepped out followed by Lash. The giant ice crystal palace stood before them like a sleeping dragon. Imposing, grand, and filled with both pleasures and dangers.

“Well this is where you an I part ways. Chosen of The Endless. Enjoy the party! I look forward to watching you participate in the hunt!” Puck tilted his head towards Lash. Who in turned bowed at a 90 degree angle and said the traditional Sidhe farewell. Puck laughed! As the chauffeur and a few servants near by all looked at Lash in surprise as he had said the farewell in perfect Sidhe.

“Keep that up, Chosen! You'll give a great impression to the Ancient Sylvan and Sidhe who are here. Even a simple hello and goodbye goes a long way with them. Just like it did with me!” Puck said as he walked away slipping into the crowd.

Lash was alone again, well alone figuratively. Hundreds of people were streaming in. The Winter Ball was hosting the entire east coast of North America. So, there could be literally thousands of people here. Lash went to a near by attendant and took Puck's advice. Greeted them in a simple Sidhe hello and asked for directions in English. Puck was right, the servant smiled wide at him and was very friendly more then just being polite. The servant was genuine. He directed him up the stairs, to where the other Warden's would usually gather. Lash said goodbye in Sidhe once more. The servant smiled at him.

There was something he noticed as he climbed the stairs. Everyone here was gorgeous! The servants, the maids, the chauffeur's, the guards, warriors, knights. Every attendant with in the castle was exceptionally beautiful. Did they do that on purpose pull out the most handsome and beautiful people they could find. Or were the Sidhe just naturally amazing? His Other Worldly Lore activated. Oh shit that's right! Yes, the Fae and Sidhe specifically were amazing to look at. But also because they all had glamorous perception on. What was that? Well if one person liked a certain type of cheek bone, jaw line, with a soft nose? They would see it. If another person preferred a square jaw, pointed nose, and soft cheeks. They would see that. The perception was not all changing. It would only alter the small details. So the overall body, figure, and face of the Sylvan/ Sidhe would be the same but the glamour would help draw people in. So yes they all looked great! But the tiny details was Lash's own perception.

Lash had to stop as he climbed the stairs, he gripped the stone railing and groaned. His skill Sensory Awareness turned on. He could see every one with in ten meters again. Which was great! But horrible as vertigo set in. He took slow, deliberate breaths trying to find his center of gravity again. One by one his skills would become active again, then his Domains. This dimensional wacky system trip was playing havoc on him. What would happen if he experienced a flash point? Wait, could he even do a flash point? Maybe that would be like a dungeon? Shit he'd have to ask Dawn about it later.

Lash continued to climb the stairs, he asked a few more servants keeping to his customs and courtesies as he did before. Meeting many friendly and genuine replies. Then a very beautiful female Sidhe wearing a form fitting servant tux offered to escort him. She was 5' 6” with long blond hair, tied into a tail, her long pointed ears were exceptional as they had gold rimmed accessories wrapped around her ear lobe. She had a modest bust, even to enjoy but not enough to keep her from her work. She walked in front of Lash her hips swayed side to side ever so slightly. More then once she caught Lash watching her. Her lips tugged slightly into a smile. It was at that moment Saurian woke up. When he woke up Lash could see past the glamorous perception. The woman in front of him was exceptional, but he she had a scar that ran across her face. From upper right of her forehead to lower left chin. Lash reached out and gently snagged her wrist. The sudden change in courtesy made the servant surprised. Lash had been so polite this entire time.

“May I speak to you privately I have a question, I don't want to even imagine how many different people here can hear me talk.” Lash said, dropping his hand. The woman seem to understand and guided him to a small alcove that were literally everywhere in the palace. She drew a rope and curtains fell over the entrance to mark it as occupied.

The small room was about fifteen foot squared. With a lounging coach large enough for two people to fit. Throw pillows, and a satin sheet covering it. Erik had read a lot of fantasy novels where these rooms were used for many....things.

“I understand if the question I am about to ask is incredibly rude. I do not mean any offense but I have to ask....Why haven't you healed the scar on your face?” Lash asked an incredibly insensitive question. If he had done that to a human on the street she would have slapped him. But it made no sense to Lash. Sidhe take great care in their appearance, they have the magic to heal wounds and scars so why? The woman jumped, her back flush against the wall of the room.

“H..How do you know I have a scar?! Wait, how can you see my face!?” The woman then stopped. The gears in her mind began to turn, Lash could see it. Then she became visibly pale. She dropped to her knee's pressing her forehead to the floor so quickly it made a resounding smack. “I apologize for offending you, Lord! The wound was from my time in battle. I was granted permission to work in the castle as a form of recovery. Though I am not physically impaired, the scar will not heal. I am sorry for showing something so unsightly in front of you!” The woman was screaming at the end. The sudden 180 switch made Lash really confused! -Only Elder Fae, or Pure-Bloods can see past this kind of Glamour. She thinks you're a Lord who has disguised himself as human. The perfect formal hello and goodbye was is a hint that she miss interrupted. Saurian said softly, he still sounded sleepy.

Lash knelt down, and drew the woman to her feet. She refused to make eye contact with him. Her body was visibly trembling. Lash ran his finger across the scar, and invoked his Domain of Nature. Which....Activated oddly enough!

Congratulations User! You've obtained the Nature Domain Spell, Curse Break:We all come from nature, and we will one day return to nature. A curse is a twisted inversion or trap found with in nature. But nature is neither good or evil. So a curse can be used for either or neither. You can now break a curse and return the proper flow of energy.

So, that's why it refused to heal. The jagged scar burned bright white for a moment. The woman screamed in pain, then in a flash the light disappeared and the scar slowly healed visible to the naked eye. The woman's eyes were filled to the brim with tears but she refused to cry. Lash ran his fingers along her face, then the woman noticed something. She couldn't feel the jagged sensation of the scar anymore. She breathed in quickly, and looked at Lash with wide eyes. He smiled at her, inside the little alcove was a mirror. He was sure it had many uses. He gestured towards the woman Sidhe who looked. She ran her fingers along the place scar was.

“It's gone...Its gone!? Ho...How did you remove it?” The woman turned around, tears falling down her cheeks. But this time she was happy.

“Nature Domain Spell, Curse Break. I have no idea what did it to you. But the reason why it didn't heal is because it was cursed. I'm not a Fae Lord, I am Warden Lash, Partner to Saurian-Hunter. But I am a Endless Chosen. That may be why I can see past your Glamour. This answers my questions, you didn't heal the scar because you couldn't break the curse. Sorry for the run around, I feel better knowing I could help you.” Lash bowed politely to the woman. Then snapped his eyes wide because the woman was kissing him, trying her best to devour his lips, she had her legs wrapped around his waist, and locked in place at the ankles. She was rubbing her entire body against him.

“Hmmm!hmmmm!” Lash flailed his arms around in shock then slowly pried her off of him. At least far enough so he could speak. “I am very flattered that a beautiful woman like yourself finds me attractive. But, I still have an appointment to keep. Could we take a rain check?” Lash barely said. Before she was kissing him again.

It took several minutes of trying, Lash was in full studded leather armor. So though he liked the thought of a beautiful woman Sidhe rubbing her self all over him. He couldn't actually feel anything. He even explained that to her. She offered to strip it off him in under a minute. Or at least his pants! Her name was Zetulan. She demanded that she be able to repay this favor. So he got her number, and she his. Lash understood the curse must have been hell on her. But wasn't this to much? So before they stepped out into the hallway again he asked.

“Ah, I suppose you wouldn't know. Fae creatures, especially Sylvan and Sidhe are very vain. Even the slightest imperfections are met with ridicule, and belittlement that makes mundane torture seem like paradise. It can bring shame to us, our families, our house. Though I received the scar in battle and was pardoned for it. The scar was still a mark of shame for me and my family. Now! No more! If you were even ¼ Fae I would offer to have your children! But my house would never allow it. So I'll just have to settle for satisfying you sexually in what ever way possible!” The woman ran her small pink tongue over her lips as she undressed him with her eyes.

“Ah! Let's not get carried away! Thank you for explaining the situation. Shall we?” Lash's face was blushing red, and he was clearly a good way. Zetulan noticed the change and smiled wide at him. Enjoying watching him squirm. But she acquiesced and drew the rope and the curtains revealed the densely pack hallway once more.

Zetulan walked in front again, but this time her hips swayed back and forth in exaggerated manner. But more importantly, she stopped using the glamorous perception. What everyone saw, was what she looked like. Lash personally believed she looked stunning! Apparently he was not the only one. Lash was soon brought to Gotham Cities main hall. All the different Cities on the East Coast would have their own hall. But everyone was free to move to the different ones if they chose to. The hall was massive, with heavy weight stone pillars from floor to ceiling. Just like the hall in the Warden ceremony, a ceiling filled with a natural universe shown above. The pillars were natural murals to the birth, rise, fall, and shadow cast of the super-natural entities. The resemblance was so uncanny that Lash was wondering if this really was the Warden Ceremonial hall? Even the private balconies on the walls were there. Including the giant golden door in the back. Wait! This was the Warden Hall!? Holy shit they moved the hall from the Castle? Or Spatial Domain is crazy!

“Remember, you promised you would let me repay you.” Zetulan stepped exaggeratedly closer to Lash. Whispering her words into his ear, then began to suck on his ear lobe.

“Ahhh, aaah! Yes. Yes I did. There are many ways to repay me, not all of them involve sex. Though I won't say no to that! We have each others numbers, though I am often busy I'll make sure to contact you and we'll arrange a time and place to meet.” Lash gently pried Zetulan from his ears. She pouted at him, then soon grinned when he said they would arrange a time to meet. She did a proper curtsy to him. He replied in a formal goodbye in Sidhe which made her smile brilliantly. She then left, gently nudging him with her hip as she walked past.

“So, you are the man that my Sister Jessabell has taken an interest in.” A strong, male voice said behind Lash. Oh fuck....

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