Lash centered himself and took a deep breath before turning around. He faced a tall, lean, and lithe man. Wearing a combinations of durable cloth and leather armor pieces. Like you would see in old samurai novels and early western adaptations. Japanese foot sandals, with long cloth and leather pants. A long billowing coat, with the sleeves wide open so you can place your arms together. The man had deep tanned skin, or was just naturally deep caramel. Long silver hair that swept past his shoulders but were tied and secured so it wouldn't fly loose if he moved to quickly. His eyes were a deep shade of purple, and he had a strong jaw. At his hip was what looked like a spear handle, but Lash then realized it was sheathed and would extend out if he clicked it. Like a hidden baton! Lash bowed from his waist as he did before, but kept his eyes on the man. He said his formal greeting in Sidhe, the man raised his well manicured eye brow at that.

“Warden Lash and Partner Saurian. May I ask your name?” Lash said as clear, and politely as possible.

“Lu'Atha. Elder Brother to Jessabell. Warden Lash, I challenge you to a test of skill.” Lu'Atha raised his collapsed weapon it extended and turned into a long spear, with a curved edge like you would find with a naginata spear. Lash's eyes were wide, as several people near by were now staring at the excitement.

“I accept...” Lash said, gritting his teeth.


“So magic is real?” Richard said to Zatanna. Bruce smiled at his ward as they walked towards the Gotham hall in the Ice castle. Zatanna rolled her eyes at Richard.

“Yes Grayson, magic is real. That's the fifth time you've asked. Right now we are in a parallel dimension. Most Mundanes don't get to see any of this. But your connection with Bruce let you come along to the party. You'll get to meet Warden Lash the man who made the statue that you love using.” Zatanna said with an amused smile.

Bruce Wayne and his company of Richard Grayson, Giovanni Zatanna, and her two friends. Monica, and Shevalla. Walked into the Gotham's section of the grand hall. Being led by two attendants that were assigned to them. Bruce wore a traditional tux that was given to him by the super-natural communities. It held several defensive measures as well as a magical mark stating he was protected by Warden Law, and that he was a pseudo-Mundane. Richard was wearing much the same as Bruce, a clean crisp black tux, with bow tie, white buttoned up shift. The magical designs in their suits would glimmer in and out of sight. Very stylish, as Celtic knots and runes glowed softly.

Zatanna wore a black short skirt long sleeved laced party dress that was shoulder less and hugged her curves seductively, her raven black hair was loose so it could fall over her neck and shoulders. She wanted to show more skin, but her father wouldn't allow it. Monica was a pale skinned beauty with blond hair that was loose across her shoulders, green eyes, and wore a black with white trim willa cocktail dress, with shoulder strap lace that looked like flower petals, and a deep slit down the front of her chest to reveal her cleavage. Shevalla, wore a double strapped sequin cocktail dress in silver. The silver looked like tiny fish scales, the dress was sleeveless, backless except for the double strap, and shoulder less. She showed a lot of skin that the nearby men and women were more than happy to appreciate. Her long curly brown hair was down just like Monica's and Zatanna's letting her flip it to the side so you could spy her delicate neck. All three woman wore matching black high heeled shoes. More then once Bruce had to stop himself from staring. These two friends of Zatanna's were inhumanely beautiful. Which made sense because they were not. What they exactly were, Bruce was not sure but felt it was rude to ask.

“Woooooo!” “Yeah!” “Get him Warden!” Several cheers, and callers rang out as their group came into the room. The grand hall was impressive to say the least something you would not often find in the mundane world Bruce was so use to. He thought he had seen a lot in his fiver years of traveling the world. There was a massive crowd cheering and clapping at the center of the hall.


Bruce saw something, or some one get flung across the middle of the room and collide with a blue energy barrier. The figure fell out of sight, the crowd blocking Bruce's sight. He automatically adjusted his foot and spacing so he would be able to move. The two attendants didn't move or say anything as if this was normal.

“Whats going on? I thought this was a party?” Richard said, as he tried to look around at the commotion.

“It is a party, however since this is a party at a Sidhe home they often have traditions and customs that may seem confusing to mundanes. What you see is a challenge of skill between two combatants. They happen often at these events. Because of the spells in place death will not happen, so many people will fight in an open challenge free of the threat of killing the other.” Shevalla spoke in a sing song voice. Her voice was amazing to listen to, and it drew the attention of everyone around them.

“Wooooo! Get him Lash!” A female voice yelled out, a voice Bruce recognized! He turned sharply to see Selina Kyle standing at the side lines cheering for one of the combatants. Why is Selina here!?

Selina was wearing a silver and black long skirt dress with crisscrossing lace up and down her back that invited your eyes to follow it, the cut went all the way down to her back that extended to the very top of her firm ass. Two pieces of cloth covered from her sides as the crossed pattern extended down the front part of her body. Letting you see a lot of skin, the dress then covered from the waist down. Two slits went up her legs to her mid thigh letting you peak at her muscled legs. Her short pixie cut hair matched the dress perfectly. She continued to clap, and cheer for one of the combatants.

One of their attendants caught Bruce's group attention with a magical window that allowed them to watch the duel. A lizard-man in ruined studded leather armor fought against a dark skinned sylvan. The sylvan was clearly wining the match, his skill with his spear was impressive. But the lizard kept getting back up, no matter how many times the Sylvan stabbed, broke, or threw him. BANG! The lizard warrior was flung into the barrier again, fell to the floor then slowly stood up. The spear men waited for him to be ready then attacked again. The sylvan had a clear smile on his face, he was enjoying himself.



A resounding gong sound rang out in the grand hall. Lash would fall down, then pick himself back up. Bones broken would soon snap back into place either by spell or regeneration. He kept getting prompts from the system that his Damage Resistance, Intermediate Regeneration, Transformation, Intermediate Weapon Master, Natural Energy Absorption, Danger Sense, and Intermediate Martial Arts kept going up. Technically he could have yielded by now, Lu'Atha said it more then once to him. But when Lash found out he wouldn't die fighting here he used it as way to level up his skills.

Lash tried to call Saurian out more then once, but Saurian said no. This was a good opportunity for him to try his skills. As much as Lash hated to admit it, that was true. Plus Saurian's armor needed to be set for the hunt. So Lash used Transformation instead. Lu'Atha thought he was being looked down on until Lash explained why. The man laughed in understanding. Lu'Atha looked down on Lash at the start of the fight, but after beating Lash to a pulp over and over again Lash could see that the sylvan was having fun.

Lash sprinted straight towards Lu'Atha again, then did a feint to the left attempting to swipe his claws straight through the sylvan's body. During this entire match he had never landed a successful hit on him. But he kept trying! Lu'Atha easily side stepped and whipped his spear straight into Lash. The spear was flexible and could whip around like you see in those martial arts movies with wooden spears. The thing twisted and moved like a snake! More then once Lash thought it was spell enchanted, but the attendant watching the fight assured him that no one was using magical items. Means Lu'Atha was just that good. BANG! Lash was sent flying again, like an cockroach that just wont die!

Lash somersaulted backwards and dug his claws into the floor to slow and anchor himself. This surprised a lot of people in the room more then once. The floor was magically created to be resistant to damage. Lash was worried but the damage was magically repaired with in a few seconds. When he slid to a stop he sprinted back towards Lu'Atha, casting Fog and Daylight right in front of Lu'Atha's eyes. The sylvan closed his eyes momentarily and jumped back, buying himself time. Lash cast Chameleon, and Nature's Passage on himself blending into the Fog. Lu'Atha took a stance with his spear, guarding high but kept his eyes closed. Lash couldn't cast Mud Marsh, or Earth Swim through the floor. It was to different and magically reinforced.

Lash couldn't hear anyone outside of the arena, though he could see them. Everyone was enjoying the show! He saw Selina cheering for him and smiled, he hadn't seen Jessabell yet. He was hoping she was watching. Or maybe not, since her brother was beating him to a pulp! Lash was with in a few feet of Lu'Atha then reached out to swipe at him! Just once! Once! BANG! Lash was sent flying again into the barrier, bones broke, his arm dislocated. FUCK! Lu'Atha had swung his spear just as Lash appeared as if he was predicting his movement.

Congratulations User! Intermediate Regeneration has evolved into Advanced Regeneration: Years? Months? Weeks? Nope! Now you heal with in days, hours, minutes, and seconds! This skill works in conjunction with, Damage Resistance, Adaptation, Natural Energy Absorption. You are becoming a walking, talking, meat shield!

Congratulations User! Damage Resistance has evolved into Minor Damage Resistance. You were always resistant to damage, but now your resistance grows 5% faster. Good for you! Please note, True Damage can not be resisted please look into skill True Body.

Congratulations User! Natural Energy Absorption has evolved into Minor Natural Energy Absorption. You can now absorb a small portion of kinetic damage, energy damage, spell damage. Converting it into your own energy, and health. Current absorption is 0.1% Grows with time. Can not convert True Damage

Congratulations User! Your racial trait, Adaptation has evolved into Minor Adaptation. Not only can you alter certain aspects of your body on the fly, you can now alter your chemistry. Allowing for smoother transitions and, wide variety of change.

Congratulations User! Transformation has evolved into Minor Transformation. Oh! You thought you were finished with this skill? Nope! Now more aspects of Saurian can be taken into the transformation.

Lash read through the information in less then a few seconds. Lately he could speed read the prompts, or maybe it was just directly downloaded into his mind. He'd have to ask Dawn about it later. It just felt a little weird to suddenly have detailed facts in his mind that were not there before. Lash stood up and felt his bones snapped then mended, he pin wheeled his right arm around to pop it back into place with a sickening crack! He stamped his feet into the ground as the Fog dissipated from the arena. Scales across his body grew thicker, wider, his tail grew in length. Bone blades extended from his elbows and knee's. His armor was in tatters to begin with, but now it was splitting at the seems. Sorry Nast'rok! He let loose a ROOOOAR! Using Rallying Call, his energy reserves spiked by about 10% for a moment then he raced towards Lu'Atha. Lu'Atha's eyes had became hard, he could tell something was different!

Lash dropped to all fours, he couldn't do this before since he was not made for it. But now he could! He jumped from side to side as he raced forward. Zigzagging, then pounced towards Lu'Atha who twisted his now dull spear edge to catch him. BAAaaang? Lash dug his feet in, his claws tearing the floor up. But he didn't fly this time he held onto Lu'Atha's spear handle, a grin on his face. Then using his now reinforced partial skull crest he head butted Lu'Atha with all his strength! BANG! The beautiful male sylvan's nose was instantly crushed! Lu'Atha was seeing stars, and for the first time let go of his spear. Lash reached out, snagged the spear and jumped away! Why? Because Lu'Atha had done the same courtesy for him before. Now he would. He stood there across the arena with Lu'Atha's spear until the sylvan cleared his head and looked up. Lash tossed the spear back to him.

“Let's call this a draw? Shall we?” Lu'Atha said. A smile on his face. He recognized Lash now. Lash took a proper stance, and saluted Lu'Atha as a Warden should. The Sylvan warrior returned the salute.

“If you ever need another punching bag, give me a call. I learned a lot in this fight.” Lash said, his voice very animalistic. Lu'Atha smiled wide and nodded. He waved his hand and an announcement went out.

“Lu'Atha and Warden Lash have declared the fight a draw! No ill will, or poorly conceived plans for revenge will be allowed between both families. So says the Winter Court in this challenge of skill! Do both participants agree?” The referee asked.

Lash and Lu'Atha both agreed, and the magical barrier came down. Then they could all hear the cheering! They were both swarmed by well wishers, and congratulations! Lu'Atha was a well known spear men in the Winter Court. Though he could have easily ended the fight at any time. Allowing Lash to keep getting back up was considered a courtesy. Plus, people really enjoyed watching him work. The fact that Lash kept getting back up, again and again when he was clearly brutalized just showed his determination and force of will. They also saw as the fight continued, Lash was getting better! Then at that last moment before the draw that Lash threw the spear back giving up his clear advantage was a sign of honor! Showing the same courtesy he was given.

Lash returned to 'normal' his ceremonial suit of armor was destroyed. He had to catch his pants from falling, and tried to tie them off with a quick Repair. But so much of his energy was spent, so he could only get the belt to work. His upper body didn't have armor any more, his lower half was little more then a pair of shorts. He was bare foot, his naked and sweating form was very appealing to look at from afar but smelled horrible he was sure. He cast a quick Immaculate to clean up. Even if he had the energy he could not repair and reform his armor with out material. Nast'rok said that advanced casters of their domains could substitute materials with magic. But Lash didn't have that experience yet.

Lash was surrounded by faces he didn't know, but they all had smiles on their faces some of them genuine some of them were not. Bleh Fae Courts! Full of back room deals, and daggers. He tried his best to be polite and continue to give everyone he met with formal greetings. As odd as his current dress code was he was not embarrassed in the least. Then he turned to his left and had a wide smile, looking past a few people. Selina was hurrying over she slipped past a few people who looked at her with contempt but she didn't care. Soon she was right next to Lash she wrapped her arms around him and gave him a tight hug. The looks of contempt stopped after that, when Lash returned the hug with a smile.

“Hello my little cat! How is my friend doing this evening, did you enjoy the fight?” Lash said softly but he was sure everyone nearby heard him. Selina laughed, letting him go after she kissed him on the cheek.

“That was fucking amazing! I don't know how your standing. I must have you seen break every bone in your body! I hope your armor wasn't expensive! Though, I have to admit you do look really nice to look at right now!” Selina winked at him, he laughed looking down at himself.

“Maybe they have a change of cloths for me?” Lash said, looking back at her.

“Why change? Go for the barbarian look! It suits you!” Selina said as she continued to eat Lash up with her eyes. Lash did the same for a moment admiring her lace crisscrossing dress she wore. Was that silk thread? She laughed and did a little twirl to show off her figure. He approved, as did Saurian. It was a nice dress for a nice party.

“Warden Lash? Would you please come this way we have several pieces of cloths for you to choose from.” A Sidhe attendant stepped up at that moment and offered to lead him away. Selina looked like she wanted to follow but he shooed her away with a laugh. She playfully pouted at him then walked away sashaying her hips back and forth ensuring he was watching her leave.

Lash was lead to a small alcove room, much like the one that Zetulan and him had spoken to in. The attendant showed him a variety of dress tux, and formal wear. To more warrior ceremonial cloth and leather. Lash chose the warrior type, but said he'd put the cloths on himself. The attendant bowed and left the alcove closing the curtains. He dropped his tattered leather shorts and put on a set of pants. The fabric was amazing on his skin, then put the boots on and started to look at the top. It was overly complicated with straps, lace, and armored plates. Then a pair of arms wrapped his body, making him jump! He hadn't seen or sensed anyone. But Saurian was laughing at him.

“Hay handsome, that fight was amazing!” Soluna's voice said into his ear. Her breasts pressed against his back, as her finger danced along his hard muscled chest and abbs. “Ooo! I was hoping to catch you with your pants down. Shame.”

“Soluna! Hello, its been a while!” Lash slowly turned around.

Soluna the bronze skinned goddess was wearing a tight shirt top with out sleeves. But it was short enough to let you see some under boob and invited you to peek. She wore a short mid thigh skirt, with slits up both ends, and golden sandals with straps crisscrossing along her calf's. She had a collection of gold, and silver bracelets on, her hair had golden beads braided in so they would click together when ever she moved her head. Her yellow snake eyes watched Lash, as he watched her. He looked at a specific bracelet. It was the one he made for her, he smiled at her. She reached out and placed a finger to his lips, leaned in pressing half her naked breast into his chest. Her lips pressed against his ear.

“Thank you for the gift, but we are keeping it private. Having a trump healing card is always nice. Oh! Is that a dagger in your pants or are you...Hmmm!” Soluna said before she felt something hard press against her abdomen. Then opened her eyes wide when Lash kissed her.

Lash didn't understand why he did it, but he did do it. Soluna was pressed up against the wall of the alcove surprise clear in her eyes, but she wasn't fighting it! She soon wrapped her legs around his waist, locking him tight against her. He reached under her shirt and began to massage her breasts. She didn't wear a bra. Her breasts were firm, perky, and a delight to touch. She gasped in surprise as Lash's hands began to act with practiced ease alternating between massage, twist, and tease. Lash erection pushed against the cloth of his pants, and pressed into her clitoris. Soluna yelped in surprise and moaned loudly her eyes rolling into the back of her head. Then he abruptly stopped moving, taking in slow even breaths. His eyes had grown reptilian as he looked at Soluna. Her eyes slowly focused as she looked at him.

“Hello Saurian? Was that Lash, or you?” Soluna said, reached out to caress Lash's lips. A deep base growl was more felt then heard making Soluna shiver with excitement. But Lash soon helped her to sit down on the large coach in the alcove, he stepped away to adjust himself. So he wouldn't have a towel rack in the party.

“I'm sorry, as much as I would like to continue I don't want to do this here. Also....” Lash didn't finish. He was still trying to control his breathing.

“You want Jessabell first? Don't worry, I'd choose her first too. But thank you for the taste, it was amazing! Come on I'll help you put this on!” Lash turn to watch Soluna, he used his skill Deductive Reasoning on her. She meant what she said, she wasn't offended that he wanted Jessabell first. He also noticed she really did enjoy the taste. That's always a mans fear that they can't please the women in their lives. Or at least it was for Lash.

With Soluna's help he put on the ceremonial armor. A gambeson cloth vest, and sleeves. With soft leather pants, and studded leather boots. He had several hard leather scale plates along his arms, and down his spine. Like a mix between European, and Japan armor. On the front was the Gotham Warden insignia. During the fitting, Soluna more then once teased Lash with her nails, or her lips in certain parts of his body. Never making a comment like 'oops' or 'sorry' She did it on purpose. So, when he was done he reached out with both his hands and caught her breasts once more. Ridding her shirt up, she gasped in surprise then collapsed onto the coach, moaning loudly.

Lash had cast Sooth, and Nature's Supplement on her. But he had learned that he could...Highlight certain nerves, specifically pleasure nerves when he did this. He wasn't sure if that was the spell or his own wish. Soluna's back arched off the coach, as she wrapped her legs around Lash again locking him in place, she bucked and humped him for a good minute before she calmed down. The smell of sex was in the alcove now, Soluna had cum across the front of Lash's leather pants. Her eyes fluttered open, as she focused on him. She was breathing hard, she reached out to white knuckle Lash's wrists because his hands were still massaging her breasts.

“That was so fucking mean!” Soluna growled at him. Lash smiled down at her, he used Immaculate on himself, Soluna, and the room. Soon they were both clean and fresh. Lash tried to help Soluna adjust and stand but she slapped his hands away. Glaring at him.

“You make it sound like you didn't enjoy it?” Lash said, a mock frown on his face. A hand to his heart as he had been wounded.

“I enjoyed it and you fucking know it! You said you were waiting for Jessabell! Oh! So you can make me cum! But it doesn't count if you don't!? Fuck!...Just...fuck!” Soluna adjusted her cloths, pushed past Lash ensuring to shoulder clip him which only made her bounce off of him. Which made her even angrier.

“Love you too, Soluna.” Lash said softly. Soluna froze at the curtains before she left. Her entire body went rigid. Like a rotating mechanical arm that needed oil her head jerked to look at him. Lash had a wide smile on his face as he watched her. -We are friends, family, we are pack. Of course we love you. Saurian spoke, answering her question.

Soluna blushed hard, then flung the curtain aside and stormed off. Clearly angry, and a little delighted. The sidhe attendant stuck his head in, a question on his face. Lash waved him in and asked if he looked right. The attendant fixed a few things then nodded. Lash left the alcove and strode into the grand hall once more. Soluna was like a speed boat in the crowd, she was in and out making ripples of confused people. Everyone looking towards Lash since that is where she originated from. He looked down bashfully and went to go find some one he knew.


Stupid! Stupid! Stupid Lash! Stupid Saurian! Stupid me! Soluna stalked straight towards the conversion hall where Jessabell was. She stomped her feet, with every step she took. Everyone made a clear path for her both because of her status and her clear sign of anger. She went straight up to a door that was heavily guarded by Winter Court Knights who stopped her. Not allowing her entry until she calmed down.

Soluna took deep slow breaths, pacing back and forth outside of the door trying to find her center. But she remembered the feeling of Lash's touch on her breasts and that made her head spin, she groaned in frustration and walked away from the door trying to get some fresh air. Pushing past a few people she came to balcony and stared up at the alien sky that the Winter Fae Wilds had. Three separate moons stared back down at her. The cold winter air brushed across her skin calming her mind. Jessabell was right, Lash is trouble. Will be trouble. But, its the kind of trouble that Soluna hasn't had in a long time. Her mother and father warned her about him. He was not from Earth, nor was the Patron God that marked him. He was an unknown. But, that was exciting wasn't it! Her heart rate slowed down, and her breathing was even. She went back to the conversion hall to see Jessabell. That woman was sure to laugh at her when she found out what happened.


“So, you are a magician?” Richard Grayson said to Lash. Lash smiled at him, and shook his head lightly.

“My official title is Natural Mechanic. My first Domain was Nature. So, Druid would be my first title after Warden. I'm what many refer to as were-breed. However, my partner is not from around here. So I am considered an outlier.” Lash said, explaining to the Boy Wonder aka Robin.

Robin had stars in his eyes and smiled wide as he spoke to Lash. Zatanna had her arm hooked around Richard's as she listened and asked questions about being a 'Natural Mechanic' She didn't realize that Nature and Technomancy had a medium called Synthesis. Monica and Shevalla were standing near by listening and watching Lash with interest. Monica and Shevalla were both sirens. But from different parts of the world. Monica was from Ireland, while Shevalla was from the North Western Seas. They had met Zatanna when she was touring the world with her father.

“So you could in theory create a tree that absorbs sunlight and could power a battery? Or even a generator?” Shevalla asked, her voice mesmerizing to the ear. Richard and Zatanna always smiled when she spoke. But, Lash was not affected in the least. Which only caught more of her attention.

“I already have, at my home there is a Griak messenger tree house. I changed the tree into the very thing you described. Letting it collect sunlight it stores, and powers the house. So now the Griaks have a working tiny home. I even bought two tablets for them so they could watch shows. The Griak house in my home is very popular now. I'm in the process of making another two houses so more can stay.” Lash said, a smile on his face.

“And the tree still grows?” Monica asked, her voice was captivating in different way seem to excite and inspire others.

“Yes, still grows, repairs minor wear and tear. It just doesn't look 'natural' looks like someone spray painted metal gray onto the tree, with tubes glowing with energy as it collects electricity. The leaves are green in color but clear like glass. The filaments collect the energy and send it to the main trunk.” Lash said, describing the 'Sun collection tree' as best he could. Monica and Shevalla were clearly interested in such a thing.

Lash took a quick glance around and smiled as he saw that Bruce was talking to Selina. They were both smiling and a bit of playful flirting going on. He 'read' them both, and was happy to see that they were both genuine and happy to talk to each other. But, Selina still didn't know Bruce was Batman. But, Bruce didn't know Selina was a God-Kin to Bast. So it was even! Then a soft cough was heard behind Lash. Both Monica and Shevalla went wide eyed at who it was. Lash turned around curious.

“Congratulations on your successful draw, Warden Lash. I've seen Lu'Atha challenge others before. Getting him to admit a draw is a rare occasion. I am Tokar, an envoy of the City of Atlantis. This is my aid and guard, Netia. May we have a moment of your time?” The man named Tokar said.

He was a tall, lean man with a skin tight wet suit pants and shirt. Both sea colored green, with fish scales for design. He had long black hair kept back in a lose tail, kept there by braids. He wore a simple white over coat. But he was clearly carved out of stone with zero body fat. He wore golden sandals on his feet. But his entire outfit told you he was more comfortable in water. He had the Atlantean A on his belt buckle, and noticeable gills on his neck.

Netia, was dressed much in the same as her counter part. But her skin tight uniform had armor plates on her forearms, and legs. With a collapsible trident on her back, she had pale blue skin, with a bit of fish scale in her skin as well, especially around the gills on her neck. Her teeth looked a little shark like, she smiled politely at Lash. She was a predator, a shark-human. Saurian reached out with a bit of his own energy and touched Netia. Who shivered despite herself, her smile vanished but she wasn't angry just curious. Saurian recalled his energy and settled. Lash turned back at his companion, Richard and Zatanna were interested. But Monica and Shevalla snagged them both. Bowed deeply to Tokar and excused themselves. Ah! They are both water sirens they must understand who they are.

“Warden Lash, and Partner Saurian greet the keepers, and guardians of the oceans, and seas.” Lash bowed from his waist, holding his hands in an odd position over his chest. Well odd to others, it was the standard respectful salute between a surface dweller to ocean dwellers like Atlanteans. Tokar was impressed!

“I don't think I've ever seen a surface dweller use that action. We were taught in school because of tradition. But I am happy to see that it hasn't died out on the surface. Ah! That's right! Thank you Netia. She reminded me that Warden Lash is well versed in customs.” Tokar said, with a smile of gratitude towards Netia. Who had informed him of Lash's polite manners. Netia continued to watch Lash with interest, trying to read more into his body language.

“So, how may this Warden be of assistance?” Lash asked, keeping a relaxed posture.

“I heard you are a master tracker, you and your partner. I was curious what are the specifics of what you can and cant do. His majesty Orm, the king of Atlantis may have a task for you.” Tokar said with a smile. Lash smiled on the inside, they wanted him to find Arthur.

“If its a spell caster, I need to find a point of when they used their magic. So delayed spell, attack magic, defensive magic, even an enchanted item used by another but created by the caster could work. Though that one would be harder. If it's a God-kin. God-ling, or Seed-ling, I need either cloths, blood, or a place they've been for some time. Much like a blood hound. It does work over and through water. Since I'm not actually chasing a normal scent but their energy. But if you need me to track some one who is neither of those? Then a parent or siblings would work, specifically a blood sample, clothing, or if I meet them at least once. Everyone has a different scent, but families carry similarities. But please understand it would be exceedingly difficult for that method. I would also have to travel across the whole of the planet for it.” Lash said a complete and total explanation of his tracking effect. Tokar, and Netia both were surprised that he had said so much, and given so much detail. Lash might have laid it down a bit to thick.

“I see.... If we could bring you a vial of blood from a sibling. Would that be sufficient in your tracking?” Tokar said. A glint of intelligence and desire in his eyes.

“Yes it would allow me to lock the scent at least partially. I'd still have to have a general idea of where to start. The world's a big place if you count both water and land.” Lash said, no doubt in his body language. It was true so no need to lie. Both Tokar, and Netia seem to be overjoyed at that.

“Wonderful! I'll have to inform the King of this! It may be some time, but we may ask for your assistance in a matter!” Tokar said, a smile on his face.

“Of course! As long as the task does not go against Warden Law. I try to make my oath of neutrality seriously.” Lash said, emphasizing the end. Tokar's smile wilted just a little but he soon covered it up.

“We would never do anything that would endanger your oath, Warden. Its refreshing to see a Warden who takes the oath seriously. Thank you for your time, we'll contact you again if everything goes according to plan! Good night!” Tokar bowed his head slightly, as did Netia. Lash preformed a half bow, half kneel. His body language preforming the ceremonial surface dweller goodbye.

Lash soon stood, and watched them go. Netia did take a moment to half turn to look at Lash one last time. He winked at her and smiled. She grinned and turned around to walk after her charge. Last counted down in his head from ten to one. Then turned his head to see a gorgeous red head walk towards him. She was about 5' 9” with sexy and voluptuous body with healthy tanned skin. A long mermaid trail green sea foam dress, that was practically painted on, letting you see every inch of her body. She walked in five inch heels with the confidence and practice ease that so few woman have. Her dress top was held by a strap wrapped around her neck, it was sleeveless, and backless. It went so far down that you could see the top of her but, her long legs were exposed between the slits of her dress on her right leg that ran up to her hip. Her breasts bounced with every step she took, and she had a little smile on her face when she realized Lash was watching her.

“Warden Lash, I was curious if I may have a moment of your time. Privately?” The woman said to him. Lash didn't say a word only nodded his head, he offered her his arm and led her to an alcove. She took the offered arm lightly keeping a polite distance from him. But her fingers did dance up and down his arm teasingly. Once inside the alcove he drew the curtains and turned to look at her.

“Y'mera Xebella Challa, daughter of King Nereus. How may I help you?” Lash said, bowing from his waist but skipping the surface dweller etiquette. This completely threw Mera off guard. Mera, the future wife of Arthur Curry.

“Oh! You know me? Well that's a surprise!” Mera quickly recovered, stepping close to Lash. She ran her fingers along Lash's jaw line attempting to throw him off balance only to realize it didn't phase him. Her eyes became cold as she stepped back to look at him.

“Are you an ally of my father? Or did Tokar already buy you?” Mera said, gritting her teeth.

“No, and no. Tell me, Princess Xebella what do you know about me?” Lash said, a smile on his face as he watched her.

“You are Warden Erik Lash, a were-breed. Your partners name is Saurian. You are a beast talker, as well as a magical tracker that can find magic casters, and god-kin. You played an important role in the fight against Ares when he attacked the surface world. You are also a Druid, Technomancer, and a newly appointed Grave Walker. You take your oath of neutrality seriously, and do not discriminate against race, creed, blood line, or culture. Even with the amount of times you've been attacked by the Blood-Kindred you still hold no ill will towards them. Anything else?” Mera said looking at him with interest now.

“You missed a lot actually. But one of the things that are important is one of the things you want to know. I am also an Oracle.” Lash said to her a smile on his face. Her eyes went wide when he said that...

Attention User! Your Cosmic Patron has issued you a grand quest!

Help or Defeat the heir apparent, Prince Orm of Atlantis.

Help or Defeat the true heir, Prince Arthur Curry.

One must sit on the throne to succeed in your quest. Reward will be based on who you help, and how you help.

“So, why don't you ask me what you came to ask me. Princess.” Lash said, he knew that his body was glowing softly with golden light. He was hoping it would and it did. Foresight had activated.

“Who is the first prince, and where is he? Please! Prince Orm is a tyrant and if he sits on the throne he will wage war on the surface!” Mera stepped close once more, but was pleading to him now.

“Arthur Curry, resides in the city known as Amnesty Bay. Lives in a light house on the coast with his Father. Approximately five hundred miles north east of Gotham City.” Lash said, and felt Foresight deactivate. He stumbled and Mera caught him. Her body was warm, and soft in all the right places. But, firm and strong in the others. A brilliant smile was on her face, she leaned up and kissed Lash gently on his lips.

“Thank you!” Mera whispered to him and hugged him.

“Say hello to your future husband for me.” Lash said to her, she went a little stiff when he said that. Lash laughed gently, standing up then to look at her. She was blushing now, and soon realized she was. She turned around trying to rub her cheeks free of it. She turned around soon after with a brilliant smile on her face.

“Princess, if Orm has given you anything. Specifically if he said it was once his mothers. Like a ring, or a bracelet. Double check it. He may be using it to track you.” Lash said. Mera stopped then looked down at her left hand, sure enough there was a bracelet with a pearl on it. She took it off, then handed it to Lash. He understood, sending a Technomancy pulse through it. YEP!

“Yes, there is a tracker in here. Don't destroy it. Give it to a whale or something. Lead them on a merry chase!” Lash said to her, she smiled wide at the idea. This time she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. The action surprised him. Especially when her tongue slid into his mouth, she moaned softly soon letting go.

“You taste great! You sure Arthur will be my husband?” Mera said, as she pressed her body against Lash.

“He should be, but my Cosmic Patron may not get it right. He's been wrong before.” Lash said, he placed his arms around her, and his fingers danced up and down her back. She wiggled in his embraced, as her eyes fluttered enjoying the sensation.

“Hmmm, maybe I'll come back for a visit before we get married. Thank you for this Lash. I'll make sure to repay you one way or another.” Mera kissed him one more time. Then left, Lash straightened his cloths and raised the curtains returning to the party.

Lash wasn't sure if Mera had always been so playful, or if it was something else. Then he read a prompt message that he missed. Oh. Basic Charming Presence had gained experience. Maybe that was why? As much as Lash wanted to enjoy the Comic book worlds ladies. Something didn't feel right about it. That's why he steered Selina towards Bruce. Why he didn't make an active move towards Mera. Maybe in the future they would share something. But he felt he needed to have sex with Jessabell first before any one else. As Lash was walking through the crowds he saw Netia again, she looked at him then at the direction Mera walked off in. -She asked about what we spoke about, I said the same thing about my tracking skills that I told you. Lash sent a telepathic message to her. She jumped slightly, her eyes wide. She opened her mouth to respond, then thought better of it since they were across the room from each other. She narrowed her eyes, trying to focus. Lash smiled at her attempt to respond. -However, unlike you she didn't offer a vial of blood. I'll assume I'm getting caught in the middle of something? Netia frowned, but soon nodded her head in a yes. Lash shrugged, then broke the connection. A soft pop sounded for both of them, letting Netia know the connection was broken. She watched him move back towards the people he knew.


“Netia? Did you see something?” Tokar spoke to her. Netia turned around and shook her head.

“Nothing of note. But that Warden Lash is interesting, I believe he is more capable then he is letting on. I get the feeling that if we do get the sample of blood he'll be able to find the missing half-breed.” Netia said the last part with a bit if bitterness. Tokra noticed her.

“I assure you, Netia when king Orm is the official king across all of the oceans he will create equality for all of the underwater people. He is not the racial pure-blood tyrant that so many people say he is.” Tokra stepped forward, far to close for a proper envoy should have for his guard. Netia looked surprised, especially when Tokra took her face in his hands and kissed her softly.

“Tokra what are you doing!? People will see us!” Netia hissed softly, but her blue skin blushed hard at his attention.

“Can't a man kiss his fiance?” Tokra said, making Netia blush even harder.


The party continued for several more hours. Lash had been speaking to Bruce and Selina about Wayne enterprises new involvement with the super-natural world. Bruce didn't realize how many of his employee's were not human, but he took it in stride. Bruce had offered Selina a job as an art curator for one of his museums and was wondering if Lash would like to put some of his work in it. Bruce offered to pay for them of course. Then a horn range out across the entire castle halls. Making everyone stop to pay attention, then a voice called to everyone's ears via a spell.

“Attention everyone. Tonight's main event, The Great Hunt will be starting soon. Everyone who volunteered to be a hunted please stand clear you'll be teleported to the starting line, all hunters stand clear you will be teleported to the rally point. Everyone else, you may watch from the grand halls or watch from the main grounds. Good Luck and may the odds be in your favor.” The voice was gender less but spoke clearly. A spell circle appeared under Lash.

“Oh! Time for me to get ready! I'll see you both later alright!” Lash said, as the spell ring began to glide up and down. His body slowly fading from sight. Selina's eyes went wide.

“Wait, which are you! I'll come watch!” Selina said, her arm wrapped around Bruce's.

“We volunteered to be part of the Hunted. The rewards are higher, and its more of a challenge. Cheer for Saurian when you see him!” Lash said, winking at Selina. Who smiled back at him.

Then Lash was gone from the main hall, he found himself at the foot of a huge forest, a collection of sleeping winter tree's in front of him. Hundreds of spell rings came aglow around him, as more and more people were teleported in. Everyone wore close, form fitting armor and suits. Function over fashion. Though everyone did look exceptional wearing them. Lash focused and called on his partner. Saurian soon stepped out, absorbing Lash's cloths and the 7' 6” foot tall monster of a lizard creature appeared. Saurian winced and quickly adjusted the armor he was wearing it was a bit to tight. Looks like he had grown again. Compared to all the other hunted he was huge, and clearly noticeable. Saurian shrugged, and slapped his chest plate with Daylight, soon all the belts, buckles, and metal pieces in his leather outfit glowed with Daylight. Making him noticeable for over five hundred feet.

“I'll draw them in! You all run as fast as you can!” Saurian called out, his reptilian voice rough but everyone understood. Hundreds of people cheered, and called out in thanks!

“Attention! Volunteer hunted, you will have a five minute head start. Then the hunters will be released to chase, wound, and capture you. Direct killing, maiming, or dismemberment is not allowed and will be watched carefully by Arcane Eye. Thank you for volunteering and good luck!” Saurian ROARED! Rallying Call was used as everyone heard the roar they felt full of energy. They stood ready, waiting for the horn..... Buuuuurrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaa! Boom! Saurian sprinted forward, like big shining beacon in the darkness.

It begins...

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