
Spell rings activated across the entrance to the forest, well over five hundred in number. All of hunters were mounted on an assortment of creatures, monsters, and horses. The riders wore a eclectic array of different cultural armors and weapons. One particular group in the center of the hunting party was surrounded by knights. In the center sat on a armored bicorn, with a female rider from head to toe wearing pure black plate male. A set of stag horns adorned her head, the armor was tailored to her lithe and seductive figure. A pair of multi colored eyes that continued to change from color to color looked out across the forest.

Next to this warrior queen sat another female knight wearing an assortment of ancient Greece armor with snake motifs and stylized pieces. She rode a six legged basilisk, the creature's midnight green scales glistened under the three moons of the Winter Fae Wilds. The knight watched the queen, and then looked towards the forest where the queen had looked herself. There at the very edge of the forest stood a seven foot tall lizard creature. Its armor brilliant as the day, it howled in greeting then sprinted into the forest.

“What the fuck is that idiot doing?” Soluna said, barely above a whisper.

“We don't know...” The Warrior Queen said

“My Queen! It seems the creature is baiting us! Please allow me and my team to capture him in your honor!” Said a silver knight riding a white stag. This man had been boot licking the Queen all night.

“Do as you wish.” The Queen spoke with several voices layered over them. As if she were several people speaking at once.

“By your leave!” The Silver Knight bowed from his mount, called his fellows and sprinted into the forest.

The Queen raised her hand to stop the rest of the hunting party. Her lips tugged upwards briefly, she had a feeling something wasn't right. The rest of hunt stayed put, watching, and waiting. The Silver Knight on his majestic white stag rode straight towards the fading light of the giant Lizard. A dozen hunters soon followed on stags, horses, and wolves. They broke through the first layer and DAYLIGHT! Blinded everyone by the edge of the forest. The hunters screamed in panic as they the broke the ground and entered a Mud Marsh! The mounts ground to a halt as the marsh was far deeper then they anticipated, then the real trouble came. Giant roots, and tree branches came from the sleeping forest! The Silver Knight screamed in panic as he was taken through the marsh and tied to a tree by its roots. He was not the only one. Soon the entire capture team was hung up to dry, covered in mud. The mounts soon pulled them selves out, or were released? Then they heard a voice.

“Who's dumb idea was it to chase a DRUID! Through a forest! What IDIOT never thought to question why a hunted decided to stay at the edge of the forest when they had a five minute head start! I'll think you'll find this Great Hunt a little different from the ones you've had!” A loud, primal animalistic voice called from the forest.

The hunters that remained all looked to the queen, who had a smile on her face. The captured hunters were covered in mud and incapacitated. Soon spell circles appeared and swallowed the lost mounts and trapped hunters. They were out of the game.

“Send our trackers, and trap experts first. We need to get an idea of what the druid has done. Do it quickly!” The Queen called out, her multi voice spoke softly but all heard her command.

“You were right....He is trouble.” Soluna said. The Queen smiled at her.


Saurian ran through the winter forest at a decent gait, not slow, but not fast conserving his energy. He was on all fours now to even the weight for his body, every tree he ran past he cast a new multi spell he learned recently.

Proximity Release: You cast a spell into an object, place, or person. For a delayed cast of up to twenty four hours. If someone or something passes by the proximity the spell activates. This currently activates if anything passes its area. But future levels will allow for Identified friends and foes. -Traps any one!?

While the rest of the hunted ran into the forest at the five minute horn, Saurian stayed behind and made traps across the entire forest edge. Or as far as he could reasonably run in a short amount of time. Sure enough as soon as the hunters arrived, he showed himself and a stupid wannabe hunter trying to curry favor ran straight at him not questioning why a hunted stayed behind. -First trap was successful, twelve are out of the game. Saurian said across a telepathic link. He had created a 'temporary pack' with several leaders of the hunted. -Well done Lord Chosen! Let's see what else they lose! An older gentle male voice spoke across the link. This man was an elder Sylvan warrior that volunteered to help his grand children through the hunt. Lala'Bu was his name, very friendly and jovial. But had the eyes of a soldier that's been around the field of battle more then once.

“AAAAAAAAA!” Another Daylight spell activated and for a brief moment the forest behind the hunted lite up like the sun rise.

Several people laughed across the telepathic link, as Saurian continued to run. He soon stopped running forward and began to set up more traps in the forest. Feeding the winter forest a bit of Nature Domain. The tree's more then happy to play for a bit before they went back to sleep. Then just to screw with the trackers on him. Saurian dove straight into the ground and used Earth Swim, then swam backwards towards the hunters. Time to play!

Saurian felt like one of those things Erik said, what was it...Street shark? Earth Swim still chewed up a sizable chunk of magic to preform but every time he used it he got better with it. He cast Chameleon, and Nature's Passage. Then like a shark or a crocodile moved past a group of hunters who were slowly moving forward. Their mounts were behind them by a few feet slowly following behind. The hunters were checking tree's, the ground, the snow. All of it with their spears and bows. Tap...Tap...FWOOOOSH! Saurian jumped from the ground with a ROAR! Using Intimidating Shout! The entire group of hunters were stunned for about five seconds. More then enough time.

Saurian shoulder slammed into a hunter who went flying into a tree. The tree wrapped its branches around them like a welcoming friend who didn't understand the concept of personal space! Then the ground around them bubbled and frothed as they began to sink. Saurian moved through the mud marsh as if it was air. He went before the mounts and with a great big exhale let out a green smog from his mouth. The smog raced towards them, and the animals despite themselves fell asleep. Sleep Pheromones a passive spell ability of Nature Domain. Saurian then made the ground solid once more and sprinted off into the forest again. As the shouts of the fallen, and the trapped cursed his name and his family!

“You are suppose to run and hide! Not fight back!” One of the hunters said!

“If I have broken the rules then why haven't the referee's stopped me?” Saurian called back, and disappeared into the Fog he cast.

Lash/Saurian had actually read through the rule book in great detail. They even spoke to a few veterans. No where in the rule book did it say that the hunted couldn't fight back. In fact it was encouraged. It was a symbolic gesture to remind the hunters that if they are not careful they could just as easily become the hunted. But, an expert hunter and hunted did explain that he should never take them all out. That would bring dishonor to the Hunt. So only take out 2/3 of the group. So, that is what Saurian set out to do. He was going to take apart the hunters, and save as many hunted as possible.


An Arrow pierced into the tree near Saurian's head, missing him by about an inch. If Danger Sense had not activated he would have been shot in the head. Not cool. He tore the arrow out of the tree then healed it. Then stuck the arrow into the ground after placing a spell on it. Then he ran off with a laugh. Saurian raced through the forest casting Growth creating tiny little mushrooms and plants. All imbued with pheromones. He jumped over a fallen tree, and dove straight into the ground like it was water. Nature's Passage worked on a lot of things. But if he wasn't careful they could track him magically.

“AAAaaaaaaaaa...!” Seems the hunter found a surprising shock! When they retrieved their arrow.

“Attention, we have one thousand out of one thousand hunted still in play, we have four hundred and thirty seven hunters out of five hundred still in play. May the odds be in your favor.” Said the gender less spell voice in every ones ears.

Saurian swam through the earth and soon popped out of the ground to continue running in the pre designated point for him. All of the group leaders on the link cheered. -Its been a long time since I last heard them say the hunters were below the hunted. Said Lala'Bu. Saurian ran through the forest for another mile before he stopped and planted his hand against a tree, he focused and cast a spell that he had not used in a long time. Root of Information, at some point the utility of this spell had changed. Either because he himself didn't use it, or the developers changed it he wasn't sure. It still did its original purpose, but now he could also link up with different plant life in the area and use them like a camera, including sound.

“Aaaaaaa!” A hunter screamed in panic when a tree root burst from the ground! Snagged his leg and dragged him into the dense fog that was now in the forest.

A group of six people were huddled in the forest back to back. Their mounts left behind as the beasts had suddenly fallen asleep and couldn't be woken. Some of the group were Sylvan, one of them a Were-Wolf. His face was in a snarl of contempt he wanted to move on but couldn't leave his group behind. They had been following a trail, but suddenly a spell was activated when they walked into a clearing and they lost the scent. Not only that, but the spell cleaned them from head to toe! The wolf jumped off the ground quickly when he felt his feet had begun to sink. His hunting crew was no so lucky.

“This isn't suppose to happen! Damn you Warden! This is..GAAAH! Get off of me!” The wolf yelped in surprise when the tree he jumped to began to try and strangle him.

Saurian soon came back to himself, side effect of the spell is he was left vulnerable while he channeled it. Thankfully no one had attacked him while he sat still. A sinister smile was on his face as he ran towards his destination in the forest. Bright lights erupted behind him from different locations, he could cast his spells while he channeled Root of Information. The Hunted didn't understand, this whole forest was a trap.

Saurian jumped towards a tree and climbed up silent as a ghost. His claws leaving no mark as the tree's helped him climb. He enriched every tree he climbed on for good measure, a good hunter could use it to track him. But he thought it was a even trade to climb on the tree's. He soon came to the top of the canopy and looked out over the huge Winter Fae Wilds. The castle wasn't even sight! They had truly been sent out into the preserve. Several more flash bombs went off in the forest. -Team leaders check in. Saurian called out. -Everyone in my team is still hear. Lala'Bu responded. The other leaders responded as well. We hadn't lost any one yet. -We have three hunting teams on our tail. They are getting closer one of them seems to know where you left traps and they are avoiding them. Need help! A female voice spoke across the link. Using the location aspect of the bond Saurian jumped from the tree he was on and leaped from branch to branch. The tree's created a passage for him as he moved. He even ran over a few hunting teams that had no idea he was there.

-Keep moving I'm on my way! Saurian called across the link and moved with all due haste in that direction. Thunk! Thunk! Two arrows struck the tree's he was jumping through, they knew he was up here but he was gone before they could do much. Buuuurrrraaaaaaaaa! A horn rang out from behind him, they were chasing him. Saurian soon came to his destination and swan dived off the tree. The ground swallowed him with open arms, like welcoming a friend home. The riders tracking him soon stopped, and looked around confused. The tree roots soon came alive and attempted to capture the hunters. Who raced off in any direction they could find. They soon learned staying in one place for to long would get you captured.

Saurian swam through the earth like a crocodile does in their swamp. He found the escaping hunted... Or rather found them standing still waiting, finding that odd he didn't surface and looked around. He soon found the reason. The team leader of this band was a were-hyena. In the pursuing hunter party was a were-hyena. They shared a pack bond. This was a trap. Saurian swam to a near a bramble bush surfaced just his head and spoke softly.

“Winter Court referee, Miss Tina Westrol has betrayed the pact of the hunted and is using a pack bond between a hunter to trap others.” Saurain spoke softly, but didn't have to wait long.

“Checking, stand by.” The Gender less voice spoke softly in his ear.

“Tina Westrol of the Were-Hyena pack Blood-Tongues. You and your pack have been found in violation of the oath of the Hunters and Hunted in an attempt to rig the game. You and your pack are disqualified from the hunt and will be reprimanded for attempting to cheat this ancient ritual! Goodbye!” The Gender less voice yelled across the entire forest. Soon every one involved in the scandal was teleported out of the game.

“Attention the number of hunted has been changed from one thousand to nine hundred and fifty two. Nine hundred and fifty two out of nine hundred and fifty two hunted still remain. The hunters number five hundred has been changed to four hundred and eighty five. Three hundred and sixty five still remain out of four hundred and eight five. May the odds be in your favor!” The Gender less voice spoke once more in every ones ear.

Saurian slipped from the wet earth and ran in right direction he broke the link with team leader Tina. He snarled and made a note not to have future dealings with the Blood-Tongues pack. -They set a trap for you didn't they? Lala'Bu asked. -Yes Saurian said. The team leaders were not happy about that. This was an ancient ritual that has been done since at a time before humans thought the earth was flat! The Blood-Tongues just spelled the end of their pack by trying to rig the game.

Families, houses, pack's could all play the game on either side! But they were suppose to play the game. Trying to rig it was an execution waiting to happen. Saurian put it to the back of his mind as he raced across the snow and mud. Daylight bombs kept going off despite the change in mood. Saurian and the team leaders were half way through the preserve now. Saurian kept using Root of Information to spy and set more traps as he ran. Soon the hunted had a huge lead ahead of the hunters. They still hadn't lost any hunted.


“Attention! The first hunted has succeeded in passing the finish line. Rewarded to Lala'Bu of house My'Lokina!” The Winter Court gender less voice spoke across the forest.




THUNK! THUNK! THUNK! Arrows zipped by Saurian's body like machine gun fire. Fire bolts, Ice bolts, shot through the forest chasing Saurian! Saurian had a huge smile on his face. They were on the final stretch and he was the last one racing towards the finish line. Eruptions of earth split the landscape as mages tried to capture him. Only him! They had to get him! He raced across the destroyed forest plain as monstrous beasts raced after him with their riders urging them on!

“Come on Saurian! You can make it!” Lala'Bu yelled, waving his arms at him! The entire group of hunted yelled and cheered at him.

“Come on!”

“You can do it!”


“GAAAH!” A spear pierced Saurian and nailed him to the ground! He was a few hundred feet from the finish line. The hunted screamed in horror! They couldn't go back and rejoin the game once they crossed. Saurian turned his head around and saw an armored female warrior with a winter halo of power surrounding her. The Warrior Queen Mab. Fuck She had thrown the spear to impale him, the shouts and cheers from the hunted rang out. Saurian gripped the spear and used Material Shaping on it. The spear drained what little energy he had left but the thing snapped in half. He tore it from his body and limped his way towards the finish line. Almost there...

Arrows! Spears! Spells impaled, pierced, and nailed him into the ground again and again. But he picked himself up with a yell of triumph as he used Rallying Call his energy reserves incresed to 10%! He dove into the earth, then flicked his tail and his legs and shot out like bullet flying through the air he passed the finish line and crashed into the ground. The hunted cheered, as the hunters groaned.

“Attention! All hunted have passed the finish line. Last place goes to Warden Erik Lash, and his Partner Saurian. Congratulations, all hunted have passed the finish line. Three hundred and twelve out of four hundred and eighty five hunters have failed to capture a single hunted. All participants will be teleported back to the Winter Court Castle please stand by.” Said the Winter Court referee.

Saurian winced as Lala'Bu helped him pull the arrows and spears out of his body. But all the hunted had huge smiles on their faces. Saurian soon stood up raising his arms in victory and let loose a Rallying Call. YEEEEAAH! The hunted yelled in response and raised their arms! They had done something that none of them knew was possible! Soon the spell rings appeared beneath them and they began to fade from sight. Saurian turned to look at the Warrior Queen Mab she raised a spear and saluted him. He bowed towards her then was startled when Soluna took her helmet off. She was standing next to the Queen as if they were friends. Wait, Jessabell was the Queen?!

The Warrior Queen Mab during the hunt was a ceremonial position as well as a ritual. Thousands of years ago Queen Mab of the Winter Court along with Queen Titania of the Summer Court preformed a ritual that sacrificed them. This ritual had many effects, one of those effects was the creation of 'Glamour' Which the Super-Natural world has used ever since to hide. The ritual also scattered the fragments of both the Queens souls. During their Winter and Summer Solstice those fragments are scattered across the different parts of the world for the celebration. They temporarily fuse with a willing participant for one single month. This is a great honor and privileg and allows the participant to become a puppet so the Queens can govern and help shape the Fae courts for the coming year. So that's where Jessabell has been, she's been governing the East coast of North America as Queen Mab. So not only did Lash/Saurian slight his possible lover but also slighted the Queen of the Winter Fae....Great!

Saurian reappeared in the the Gotham City grand hall and the entire room erupted in cheers! It was so loud it hurt his ears, the walls vibrated with the chorus. He heard were-packs howl, he saw Torloth in his balcony with Juliana in their dragon forms roar! Flames erupting from their maws! Trumpets played a valiant song! Then spell crafted video projectors showed up in the hall. Allowing the hunted and hunters to watch the play by play of the event. The hunted and hunters were lead to a side room so they could properly change and rest for a bit. Saurian soon called Lash to take the driver seat. The giant hunting lizard metaphorically ran to hide under the bed holding his tail in fear of Jessabell's wrath, Lash didn't know if he should laugh or cry. Come on! Big scaredy cat Lizard! Don't leave me alone! We're going to die!

Lash was alone in a well furnished room fit for royalty. Silk sheets, silk curtains, pillows with spell enchantments for comfort. A bowl of hot water was prepared for him if he wanted to freshen up. Which he did, he soaked a small towel and cleaned up. He could of used Immaculate but it seemed like a waste not to use this really nice water. The door to his room opened and in walked his friendly Wardens! Skaleg, Timothy, Mahalia, Simon, Sam, and...Isabella? That last one threw Lash for a loop. Isabella looked nervous.

“I'm sorry, if you want to be alo...” Isabella said softly.

“No, no its fine. Isabella. Your my sisters girl, so that makes you my friend. Thanks for coming!” Lash said with a smile. His words made Mahalia and Simon look at him funny but he ignored them. Isabella smiled and walked over, she rung the towel free of water and began to help clean his neck. Which he was confused about but didn't stop her.

“You know I don't discriminate you two. Do you think I'm going to start with my sisters girlfriend?” Lash said, glaring at Mahalia and Simon. They both shook their heads.

The Wardens were all wearing formal tux robes just like Lash had wore at his ceremony to become a Warden. Though Mahalia looked really seductive in hers. Since she filled it out well, she caught Lash staring at her and struck a pose winking at him. Sam, who Lash had found out was dating Mahalia snagged her by the back of her tux collar and just like a small kitten Mahalia became meek and looked at Sam with great big innocent eyes.

“Anyways! We came to congratulate you! That was some hard core shit their Lash! Volunteering as a hunted was already out side of people's expectations. They thought for sure you would have joined Jessabell as a Hunter. But, not only did you not! You lead the hunted into a race to cross the finish line and attacked the hunters in return!” Skaleg said with a great big smile on his face, the old viking held his war cane / axe in hand. The spectral Viking that stood behind him bowed towards Lash.

“Oh, I know you'll ask so here is the deal with the Blood-tongues. The Alpha and the First had no knowledge that the young ones planned. The entire pack that was attending the party were placed under a super powerful truth compulsion seal. This was the first Winter Court Ball they had ever attended and thought they could rig the game, the young ones. So, everyone who was not involved was forgiven. But everyone who was involved could either chose execution, or slave labor. You don't fuck with the Hunting games.” Said Timothy, Lash winced when he heard the verdict. He knew it was coming but some part of thought it would be easier to hear. Timothy patted him on the back.

“Alright, things you may have to worry about in the future. You made a lot of the participating hunters look like fools. Especially the first group you trapped at the very start. Don't get me wrong, I thought it was funny as hell when you made fun of them for chasing a druid in to a forest. Nero Talla of the House of Ly was the Silver Knight you humiliated. Though no one is suppose to hold a grudge after the hunt is over. Be on the look out, he can't touch you legally once the party is over. But he may challenge you to a duel of skill before you leave.” Mahalia said to Lash, she was nestled up against Sam who was petting her head softly. He was watching her carefully, Sam was not the jealous type but knew that Mahalia would get into trouble if he didn't keep an eye on her. Simon coughed, then motioned towards Isabella. She looked flustered and put the towel away then sat down next to Lash.

“You may find a few unsavory types that may attack you after the party is over. Specifically Blood-Kindred, as well as a few other communities. You are not suppose to but many people bet on the The Great Hunt. My Sire Edwardo wanted me to tell you that they we of house Kuldr have no hand in the attempts nor hold any animosity. We...Ummmm. We actually bet on you to succeed as well as bet on how many you could get across the finish line. I told my sire what kind of person you are, as well as your partner. We....m.....” Isabella got quiet at the end. Lash leaned in trying to listen.

“They made seven hundred and fifty two million dollars off of you.” Simon said, a smirk on his face. Skaleg who was drinking from his never ending flask coughed and choked. His eyes wide in astonishment! Lash's jaw was open so wide that he thought he might have popped his jaw out of place.

“WHAT THE FUCK!?” Mahalia screamed at the top of her lungs!

“So, when they won! Edwardo sent Isabella to me to try and figure this out. They had always planned to share the winnings with you. But technically what they did was illegal, so its against Warden Law to accept the money. They were planning on sharing 20% of what they earned with you so, that is?” Simon tried to count off on his fingers.

“One hundred fifty million and four hundred thousand dollars” Isabella said softly, still looking down at her hands. Trying to look anywhere but at Lash.

“Right! Thank you, so what do you want to do Lash? No one here will say a thing about you accepting the money. But, we also know you. So if there is a way to accept the money, but not keep it?” Simon said to Lash. Lash would really like to keep that money. But they were right, if he did this he would be breaking Warden Law. He had several achievements and abilities in use simply because he had integrity.

“Convert it into education scholar ships. Young, and old alike. We'll call it 'The Hunt for Education Drive' Or something.” Lash said, as he hung his head in depression. Then he got a prompt!

Congratulations User! You've obtained the Achievement, 'Damn, I've got 99 problems but money isn't one of them!' Once a day, every day 1% of your total liquid assets worth will spawn in your Minor Storage. This effect does stack with spawned money.

“OK, ya we can do that! This will be one of the few things I'll willingly work with Blood-Kindred on. We'll get it done!” Simon said, he tried to smile but just couldn't. Mahalia was trying to pounce on Lash to change his mind but Sam held her in place.

“There are a lot of people that will put that money to good use, Lash. Its the right thing to do.” Sam said softly, he now held Mahalia in his arms both giving her a reassuring hug as well as holding her back from attacking Lash.

The 'hurt' that Lash felt was not so bad after the Achievement prompt was read. That means tomorrow he'd make about ninety thousand. So in a few months he'll be fine! Now that he thought about it, that achievement was really overpowered! He'd have to ask Dawn about it, maybe it was a bug. He'd learned already that reporting bugs would grant him rewards. Everyone in the room could just feel the soul of Lash dying. So they politely excused themselves, Isabella kept apologizing and was led away by Simon. They had work to do.

“Dawn, doesn't the achievement seem a little broken?” Lash said softly.

“Not at all User! Of course for some one in your position it would seem a little broken. But every single person that gets that Achievement passes up on a huge monetary reward because its either against the law or against a code of morals they are holding themselves to. A majority of those people have very little to no money. So once they have the achievement if they don't have Minor Storage they are granted it. Then they are granted the money spawn. Though we understand why you think it is 'broken' We assure you, its correct.” Dawn's voice was full of laughter when she spoke.

“Thanks Dawn.” Lash said, a smile on his face.

Lash finished getting cleaned up, left the room and an attendant walked him back to the Gotham party hall. Dozens of people smiled and waved at him along the way, and dozens more looked like they wanted to kill him. Its nice being popular! Lash entered the hall and hundreds of eyes turned his way, he felt like a bucket of chum in a shark tank. The sharks sped there way towards him with all due haste. Oh crap!

“Warden Lash! I...”

“Lash! My friend!”

“How did you do it!....”

Dozens of voices called across the mass sea of boot lickers, well wishers, and just people who wanted to touch him like he was some kind of golden god! If they touched him maybe some of his luck would rub off on them. Saurian was screaming at him to get out of the room! To many hostile gazes were on them mixed among the others! This felt like a trap! Then like a miracle from the heavens a spell circle encircled Lash, and started to teleport him from the hall. Just in time as Lash screamed in pain! A dagger stabbed into his backside, a FLASH of light burst from his location throwing everyone around him aside like an explosion. Then he was gone from the room!


The burst of light exploded in the room and dozens of people were thrown into the air on top of others. Zatanna said a quick protection spell 'dleihs' and a magical constructed shield was created above her. People fell on top and were pushed past. Zatanna was wide eyed and confused! She wanted to meet with Lash and tell him that he did amazing job but the tide of people stormed him, she felt a dangerous pulse in the hall. Something was wrong!

“YOU DARE ATTACK A CHAMPION OF THE GREAT HUNT WITH IN THESE SACRED HALLS!” The Winter Court referee screamed out. When dozens of people screamed in pain, as hell fire red spell circles wrapped around them and lifted them off the ground. One them had a bloody dagger in hand.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” The would be assassins screamed in anguish as the hell fire circles burst into flame to punish them as they teleported to the dungeons.

“All of you think very carefully about your next moves with in this castle! We would hate to add more to our interrogation chamber!” Said the Winter Court referee.

Zatanna looked around and found Monica and Shevalla. They were wide eyed and terrified. They couldn't remember the last time some one attacked a champion of the hunt while inside of the castle still. Zatanna bit her lip, and looked at where Lash had been. She hoped he was ok.


Lash buckled to his knee's and let loose a scream of pain. He kept getting warnings from his system telling him he was loosing health, fast! He cast his Nature Domain Spells in attempt to stop the wound, finally after casting Curse Break did the his health stop falling.

“They fucking used a cursed dagger on me!?” Lash screamed in rage, his eyes turned reptilian as he roared out in frustration!

The doors to the room burst open as Winter Court Knights flooded the room, several white robed healers hurried over. Lash stood up and took up a battle position snarling at them. Using Transformation he went from wounded prey to killing machine in less then three seconds. The healers held their arms up in surrender as a lead knight called out.

“Warden Lash calm down, we are here to help you! Let the healers see to your wound!” The lead knight called out.

“One of them had a cursed dagger! I know the spell, Curse Break and removed it. I'm already healing! Please don't take this the wrong way but I really don't trust anyone right now!” Lash snarled at them, his tail snapped like a whip and broke several stone tiles under his feet to emphasize his point.

When Lash screamed at them, the lead knight winced at the fact that The Warden didn't trust the Winter Court, it was a mark of shame on them right now. But it made perfect sense why he didn't. The healers were surprised to hear that he knew the spell. The knights in the room were ready to fight if attacked by Lash but wouldn't make the first move until a voice called out from outside the room. The voice had power that could not be ignored.

“All of you get out! We will speak to him alone! NOW!” A multi voiced female called into the room. The Lead knight called everyone away and excused themselves.

A blue skinned woman wearing a harlequin mask stepped into the room. Wearing a midnight starlight dress, with no back or shoulders letting Lash admire the long line of her upper half. Her abundant cleavage bounced with every step looking like she would fall out of her top if she moved to fast. The dress was slim fit from chest down to her hips, letting you see her vivacious curves of her hips and thighs. A long slit in the dress went up her right thigh, she wore four inch black heels. She wore white gloves on both her arms that went past her elbows. The mask did not hide her lips which were cherry red, her eyes were orbs of pure starlight. Her hair was done up in a artful style allowing several braided diamond beads to glisten in the back drop of her pure black hair. Wait a fucking minute! This was what Dawn was wearing before he went to the party! Lash lowered his guard as he looked at the woman that was clearly Dawn as the doors closed behind her.

“Dawn? What are you doing here?” Lash asked confusion evident in his voice. The woman tilted her head to one side. The woman stopped to look down at her self then back at him. Some sort of recognition sparked in her eyes.

“Ah! One of the Endless playing tricks again. That tends to happen with their chosen.” The woman spoke, with dozens of different female voices. But one of the voices that Lash heard was Dawn, the VI rep. That specific one was speaking with delight. Fuck!

“Hello Warden Lash, and Saurian Hunter. We am the current incarnation of Queen Mab of the Winter Court. The body you see before you is one you know as Jessabell Ti'Long Von Ruk-Guard. But we assure you we are currently in command of her body. As you should know its temporary.” Queen Mab stood with confidence that came with ruling over billions of people. An unprovoked power flooded the room and it collided straight into Lash.... Until his long lost friend Nullification erased it. Queen Mab stumbled slightly, catching her self she then narrowed her starlight eyes at him.

“Sorry! Sorry! Didn't do it on purpose!” Lash took a knee and bowed his head. He said the formal greeting in Sidhe when greeting the Queen. Language Smith, and Other Worldly Lore sent prompts at him for gaining experience, as did Basic Charming Presence! Fuck the one skill he didn't want to gain experience in.

A throne made with the stylized emphasis on raven's appeared in the room...No that was wrong, they were no longer in the same room. They were in a grand throne room! Massive pillars rose into the cosmic universal sky that every Fae hall seem to share. The Throne was pure black with a giant raven perched above it looking over the court. Then its eyes blinked, the giant raven was alive and staring at Lash like he was a delicious worm waiting to be eaten. Queen Mab walked with practiced ease up the thirteen stairs and sat down in her throne. Sitting sideways, so Lash could see the long line of her body, showing off her exposed leg, part of her back, shoulders, and the rise and fall of her breasts. She waved her hand at him.

“You may stand, we can't have a conversation with a Endless Chosen while he kneels. We wouldn't hear the end of it from our sisters.” Queen Mab said softly.

Lash stood up, and made his way towards the throne but stopping exactly thirteen steps from the first step. Etiquette. Queen Mab's cherry red lips smiled as she watched him approach. The unprovoked power from Queen Mab was still cascading off of her like a tsunami but Lash's Nullification kept activating. So much so that he actually got a prompt telling him it had leveled! Lash kept his eyes on the base of the throne but did not directly look at the Queen. To do so with out invitation would be inviting a challenge to the Queen that he knew he could not win.

“Jessabell is right, you are trouble. Some one who knows the rules and etiquette of the court. Is also some one who knows the loop holes.” Queen Mab spoke with a smile stretching across her face.

“We have to say, we enjoyed the hunt! Its been well over five hundred years since something like that has happened. The last to succeed was Puck, but after questioning him we found out that he did not give you the idea. We asked the other hunted and discovered that this plan was thought out completely by you. The other team 'leaders' said you used some kind of pack magic that didn't require them to join you.” Queen Mab traced her finger over her neck, and collar bone.

“Your magic even gave them an increase in their overall abilities and allowed them long distance communication. Such a thing is marvelous! We would be surprised if we didn't already look through Jessabell's memories.” Queen Mab smiled with a hint of mockery. Lash's eyes went wide when he learned she had done that.

“Make the connection! I want to experience this for myself!” Queen Mab said, making a beckoning gesture with her fingers. Lash took a deep breath and attempted to activate Pack Bond with Jessabell.

An invisible line was snapped into place between Lash and Jessabell/Mab. Then just like that a wealth of information, emotion, and overall power was shared between them! Queen Mab closed her eyes and moaned loudly! Her body arched off the throne, drawing the attention of the Giant Raven on the throne as it squawked in surprise. Lash/Saurian received a 25% boost to their overall stats. As did the already super powerful Queen Mab! The tsunami of energy that crashed through the throne room slipped past Lash like he was an immovable stone. Nullification didn't activate because he was linked to the incarnation of Queen Mab. He was a part of her. Soon the whole room filled with the energy! The Giant Raven above the throne squawked in surprise! Then soon began to coo in delight! That is when Lash realized it. The fragment of Queen Mab was the Raven! She was the puppeteer to Jessabell.

Hundred of voices spoke across the telepathic link. Lash and Saurian both tried to look through the voices. They spiritually swam past the smiling face of Dawn, who was pointing them to their query. They swam and swam through the current of information of thousands of years until they found one lone soul like a small boat in a raging ocean. They wrapped around her protectively, Jessabell was startled but soon smiled at them. The small boat had found a port to anchor out the storm. The waves crashed, and lighting split the sky but Jessabell just waited it out in the embrace of her Pack-Mate. After what felt like days the storm faded, and the raging waters quelled. Soon the voices stopped chattering. Jessabell stood up in the ocean of information kissed Lash/Saurian softly then dove back into the water.

Like a Dream, Lash snapped his eyes open to see he was back in the throne room. Queen Mab was laying out across the Raven throne like a giant predator cat who just had a good meal. Her eye lids were fluttering open and closed, her body shivered in delight. An orgasmic moan escaped her lips as her whole body arched in climax! Then she flopped across the throne forgetting etiquette and the image of a Queen. The Raven above the throne seem to grow bigger, the feathers more refined and well groomed. The spark of power contained with in its eyes was undeniable.

Congratulations User! You've obtained a Spell that exists in two Domains! Nature and Grave.

The Spell: Soul Heal: Allows you to heal the wounds of the soul, unlike the mind or the body a soul is a difficult thing to fix. It was one of the most resilient and most fragile things in the universe. Capable of unlimited growth, but can be shattered like glass just as easily. This spell allows you to mend broken fragments, and help other pieces grow anew.

This Spell exists in other Domains. With every new Domain capable of casting it, this spell grows with more power. This spell grows with use. But it will be used rarely.

Queen Mab soon focused her eyes looking at Lash. Her eyes looked satisfied, as if he had just made a meal for a starving pantheress and that predator wanted to pounce on him and lick him all over to say thank you. Lash held his ground, as the waves of energy in room had all but burst the doors down with in the throne room. Queen Mab stood up with one fluid motion, and stalked towards Lash. He didn't move, but he was now looking directly at her. Normally this would be an act of challenge but Lash was sure Mab didn't think about that right now. She wrapped her arms around his neck, her fingers pulled his head down for kiss. Her strength was undeniably stronger then him, but he didn't fight her. He reached out wrapping his arms around her figure. An electric spark of energy connected them together when Queen Mab and Lash kissed. She was very aggressive! She raised her left leg and hooked it around him pulling him to her. Her breasts pressed against his chest, and her tongue invaded his mouth like she owned it. Lash groaned in delight as his hands pulled her tight against him.

Congratulations User! You've obtained the blessing of Queen Mab! All Winter Court Fae will like you 10% more, they will be 10% less likely to betray you. You have a 10% resistance to natural cold, and unnatural cold. The resistance will merge into Damage Resistance.

Congratulations User! You've Obtained the Title, Winter Knight: Queen Mab has named you her Knight. This is a very exclusive title and is hard to obtain!

Active Effects: You may call on the Great Hunt of the Winter Court once a year. This ancient ghostly army of talented hunters, riders, warriors, and hounds that will chase your enemies to the ends of the multi verse till they are dead or the hunt is finished.

Passive Effects: Winter and its bite no longer effect you. Any magical domain that has cold or winter effects now consume 10% less power. The creatures, beings, and spirits of Winter like you 10% more now.

Because of Title Consolidation both effects will be passive.

Queen Mab broke the kiss first and gently pushed Lash away. She decides when, how much, and why. But she licked her lips and shivered in satisfaction, her eye lids fluttered. She looked Lash up and down and more then once looked at his cock that was currently rock hard and sticking up ready for action. She pointed at his erection like it amused her.

“Adjust yourself or put it away, as much as Jessabell want's ride you till you die. We still are Queen of the Court. We can't have sex with 'just' any one. Even if you are our Knight.” Queen Mab cleared her throat. She stalked back to her throne sitting upon it once more as the Queen of the Winter Fae. Lash adjusted himself and assumed the correct etiquette once more, standing thirteen steps away, and staring at the throne but not her.

“Hear us those who have gathered in the Castle of Ice during this night of Winter Solstice! We the acting Queen Mab of the Winter Courts of the Eastern lands of North America. We name Erik Lash Saurian Hunter our Winter Knight! So say's we all!” Queen Mab's voice rang out across the entire Castle. She smiled at Lash, snapped her fingers and Lash was back in the original room he had been teleported to in the first place.

Lash looked around and saw the knight team that first visited him were kneeling in respect and reverence. The healers were the same, every one had their heads bowed. An awkward tension filled the room, Lash watched them struggle to breath and stay upright. Oh shit! Queen Mab and him were still connected he overflowed with her power. He reached up to disconnect the link. But Mab wouldn't let him! So, he took a deep breath and tried to reign in the new found pressure he had temporarily obtained. It took several tries but he succeeded. The knights and healers let out a gasp and began to breath normally.

“Sorry everyone, I didn't realize I was releasing the energy. It was not intentional.” Lash bowed from his waist at a ninety degree angle.

“Of course Sir Knight. We understand that such things take practice. Pay it no mind. We are here to escort you back to the party hall. You can be assured that those that dealt a hand in your attack are being punished as we speak. We will stay with you to ensure no other attacks take place while you are in the sacred halls of the Winter Court.” The lead knight spoke, as he stood. The other knights and healers stood after.

Lash gestured for them, they soon encircled him in protective phalanx and escorted him back to the hall. The walk was....interesting? To say the least they were on the other side of the castle grounds so it took almost thirty minutes of travel. Ten minutes into the walk Zetulan the flirty female attendant showed up. She had been assigned to be his personal servant for the rest of the party. She looked like she wanted to tear his pants off and fuck him then and there. But surprisingly she didn't touch him and kept a safe distance... Oh! He was a Winter Knight now, she had to be polite. At least while in public, he had to be careful in private.

Lash made a telepathic link with her, she jumped a little in surprise. He informed her that their fun sexy times will have to wait. He wanted to have sex with Jessabell first after she had separated from Queen Mab. Zetulan was able to respond across the link which surprised Lash. She was more then happy to wait! Also understood why he wanted Jessabell. She didn't mind getting in line that was sure to be a long one especially after tonight. But she made him promise that they would have sex. He agreed, after verifying that she didn't need to feel pressured. She had no obligation to repay him that way. She smiled and said that his words just made her want to fuck him even more now.

They returned to the party section of the Castle, crowds of people got out of the way. Many of them bowed respectfully, no longer did they look at Lash like he was a piece of meat they could cook. Then they reached the Gotham Party hall. When they walked in every one looked at Lash, and his escort. This time he was met with a very tame chorus of applause. The circle of knights and healers spread out evenly in the room, Zetulan stayed by his side. She was armed now, had a nice rapier sheathed at her waist. She kept a respectful distance of three steps behind him. With in reach, but out of sight. She almost pulled the sword out when a woman raced towards Lash but he raised a hand to stop her. Selina practically tackled him!

“Are you ok?! They wouldn't tell us anything! I saw that some one stabbed you!”Selina said to him, her eyes were red. Her hands ran over his cloths and found the stab wound, the cloth was covered in blood. Shit! Lash forgot to clean it, Selina touched his exposed skin and sighed with relief when she didn't feel a wound.

“Yes I'm fine Selina. They have some of the best healers here. The Winter Court Knights, and healing corp rushed to my aid and were able to heal me. They did an outstanding job!” Lash lied blatantly, but sold it like a champ! His skill Acting sent a prompt for gaining experience.

“Thank you for helping him!” Selina called out, the lead Knight hadn't move far from Lash. He took a moment to nod his head. But his posture said another story as he was thankful that Lash did not tell the truth.

“Wheres Mr. Wayne? Why are you..Gah!” Lash asked, when Selina pinched his side. It didn't hurt but he thought it best to play the part. Selina glared at him, then pulled him by the hand over to a small area. Bruce was standing there waiting with Richard, Zatanna, Monica, and Shevalla. Selina was sticking close to Lash, until he gently nudged her towards Bruce. She glared at him again, but took the hint and moved over to Bruce side. The Dark Knight was a mask of indifference, but Lash could read him. Bruce appreciated Lash's obvious attempt even if he would never say anything.

“Mr. Lash are you alright? We all saw the dagger, it was cursed are you sure the Winter Healing Corp got it?” Monica asked her face holding an expression of worry.

“Yes! One of them had the spell Curse Break. Otherwise what ever was on the dagger would have killed me. Thank you for your concern!” Lash said, his skill Acting kept sending him prompts. But when Monica smiled and blushed slightly he got another prompt, Basic Charming Presence gained experience. Oh fucking hell!

“I have to admit Mr. Lash you are you are incredibly popular and not entirely in a good way! Its a good thing we all saw you first! We can say that we are friends with the famous Warden Lash...I mean. Not that I would presume! To....to...”Zatanna spoke confidently tell the end of the sentence. Lash laughed at her.

“All of you can say we are friends, Miss Giovanni. But we'll have to work towards being true friends at another time. Such things are not something I take lightly. But if you are up to the task then so shall I?” Lash said.

“Of course!” Spoke all three woman, as well as Richard Grayson. Who blushed hard when the three woman looked at him.

“What? Can't a guy be a good friend of another guy?” Richard said, stepping back to hide behind Bruce. Who was having none of that, Bruce pushed Grayson back into the spot light a small smile tugging on his lips. Selina laughed softly at the antics of the kid.

“Yes, Mr. Grayson they can.” Lash said. Everyone laughed after that. Richard looked down at the ground clearly embarrassed. Zatanna looped her arm through Grayson's and kissed his cheek. Which only made him blushed harder, his ears as red as his face.

“Excuse me Sir, Lash. The Dragon Torloth would like a moment of your time.” Zetulan spoke softly to him, but loud enough for the group to hear. Lash said goodbye to them making a point to look at Selina, then at Bruce, then back to Selina with a suggestive eye brow wiggle. Which earned him a fierce glare from her! Bruce's lips twitched slightly at the clear instigation.

The lead Winter Knight led the way to Torloth's private box to prevent anyone from intercepting Lash. He knocked and Lash was let onto the balcony. Torloth and his daughter Juliana were still in their dragon shapes. Torloth clearly larger then her. The size of a semi truck with the wagon attached, he lay across a sizable coach as several servant girls and boys fed him food. The scar that Torloth's human form had was on his dragonic face. A jagged scar clearly made by a sword and not a claw, the horns on his head were old and cracked, but a spectral flaming crown floated above them. His scales were pitch black with a red sheen to them. His wings stretched occasionally, blocking out all light on the balcony then settled. Several of the servants were brushing his scales.

Juliana had midnight green scales, and was about half the size of a school bus. She looked like a giant predatory cat. Lithe, shapely, and ready to pounce at a moments notice. She was gently pushing against a pillow cushion with her front paws, her claws extending in and out. Her neck was short and stocky compared to Torloth's who's neck was long and serpent like. Her tail was not as long as her fathers, but it had a spiked club end. Torloths, and Juliana's dragon eyes did not have irises. They had molten orbs of magic. As if they saw everything and nothing.

Juliana growled or purred when Lash walked into the balcony as she sized Lash up. The scales on her body, and tail rattled. But she wasn't warning him off, but inviting him to come closer. He bowed to her, and her father. Keeping a distance between them both. Zetulan stayed three steps behind him. The lead knight who Lash still didn't know the name of stood behind him by five steps. They were taking his protection seriously. Torloth made no move to dismiss them.

“I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Warden Lash, you are a bad luck magnet! Things just happen around you! But, every time things do. You always come out on top and get rewarded for it! I heard about the illegal funds the Kindred secured for you betting on the game. I also heard you turned it down, and wanted it turned into a scholarship program. But, what you didn't know is that when Queen Mab heard about the money that you offered to use for Scholarships. She didn't demand house Kuldr to be strung up! She pardoned them, under the understanding that 50% of the winnings would be used for the program. House Kuldr agreed, and Shield and Sword was tasked with setting the scholarship up.” Torloth's deep and powerful voice spoke. Like two mountains rubbing against each other.

“Queen Mab has also decided that in the future as long as its legal and no one tries to extort or threaten the players in the game. That betting will now be legalized and placed under the supervision of the courts. Both Summer, Winter, and Under. House Kuldr of the Blood-Kindred will be the bookies. Since they have an outstanding reputation for being clean, and respectable. This also means the Fae Courts will be watching them like Hawks if they become corrupt. But House Elder Edwardo was more then up for the task.” Juliana spoke, her voice was a deep base of stone against stone as her dragon throat tried to imitate the language of humans. But even so, Lash could hear a bit of femininity when she spoke. Maybe it was just him.

“Though a few were upset with the change, it was understandable since the assassination attempt on your life was over money. Because they didn't want you to attempt the same thing you did tonight at the Summer Solstice. Which by the way you've already been included into the hunted position. Apparently Queen Titania demanded to see what all the fuss is about. So be prepared for that during the Summer Ball. We are sure that everyone will be bring their A game as it were.” Torloth said, a smile on his dragonic face.

“On a personal note that you may be happy to hear! Father has agreed to keep his sisters, myself, and the rest of his daughters away from you until you have become strong enough to be considered a breeding partner, instead of a servant. So rejoice! We wont be breaking your hips until later!” Juliana said, delight clear in her voice. Lash whipped his head around at her, then up at Torloth as if to say. 'Did she really just say that out loud'?

“Yes! I agreed with your sentiment when Juliana said you wanted to wait until you were stronger. Stronger means a higher chance of success! You have also gained a lot of strength in these last few months almost startling how much! If this keeps up they wont have to wait long! You've also never once said 'no' to the idea. Of course we would have ignored you! But, the fact that you haven't said 'no' has not gone unnoticed.” Torloth said, humor clear in his voice.

“I assumed you would just ignore any protest. I also read in the Law of the Wardens that dragons are an endangered species. If any one or thing can be found to increase their fertility, Wardens are oath bound to help. This includes participation.” Lash could not fucking believe that was written in the law book!

“All evidence clearly portrayed tonight would suggest that you follow the Oath of the Warden seriously! So, that is another reason why my sisters and daughters will wait. But, don't keep them waiting long I may not be able to hold them off forever!” Torloth laughed, flames sparked and lit up the balcony. Juliana purred at Lash as he excused himself. The conversation was over with as they went down the stairs under the lead of the leader knight, Zetulan spoke softly.

“See, there is a line! I'm happy I've made reservations!” Zetulan said, Lash could feel her eyes on him. Undressing him with every step he took.

Congratulations User! Your Cosmic Patron has decided to reward you for your good work!

Basic Charming Presence has evolved into Intermediate Charming Presence! -I'm so sorry.


Your Cosmic Patron is highly entertained, keep up the good work!

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