Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 40: Blood In The Water

On the way home from Warden HQ Lash made a call to Shield and Sword. They technically didn't have to be there. But Lash wanted a team of lawyers to attend the meeting, why? Because despite his many accomplishments and achievements. He had still only been a Warden for less then five months. He didn't know every law, every code, and custom. So he requested the presence of a lawyer or team of lawyers to attend with him. By the time he got home and walked through his front door he got word back that Lady Kali accepted the request of Shield and Sword. However, she did not want any other Warden's attending and coloring the perception of those at the meeting. Right....

Lash spent some time working in his garden on the balcony, as well as an art piece he was working on. Lately he didn't receive any commissions, which was not entirely a bad thing. But he was curious why. He cleaned up in his bedroom, locked up his house, activated the shutters and crawled into bed. He was mentally, physically, and spiritually tired from the past thirty or so hours. He knew he was missing something, he had a whole list of things he wanted to ask Dawn but couldn't for the life of him remember what any of them were.

“Dawn, can you log me out for a bit. But pause the world before I leave for the meeting. I want to be there for that.” Lash said sleepily to the darkness.

“Of course User. Please be safe and come back soon.” Dawn said softly, like a parent or older sibling tucking a little one.


Erik opened his eyes in a semi dark room. He slowly got up and groaned in pain, and in mild disgust. He was covered in dried sweat again, the stink was horrible. But last time he laid down to play he put towels out. His bed sheets were clean and dry. So he took off his sweat stained cloths, and towels threw them in the hamper and took a shower. When he finished he wasn't sure when he would do laundry again so he just gently rinsed his cloths and towels then hung them up near his laundry for cleaning later. But at least the water helped with the smell.

Erik put on some early morning cloths on as it was now almost 5 am Sunday morning. He noticed that his pants were loose around his waist. Had he really lost weight? He locked up his apartment and went for a walk to the local street corner gas and shop station. More then once he caught himself looking around at every little thing and said he missed his Sensory Awareness skill. That was something he had read in the medical NDA he signed that if he felt at any moment that the 'Bleed' effect was happening he was to report it. He'd have to sign in and fill out a report when he got back.

Bleed is when you do something over and over again with in The Dream Engine Cube. That it actually begins to effect you here in the real. Now, this was actually the point for the military who first created the The Dream Engine, they wanted a way to mentally test and educate their forces quicker. Then the The Dream Engine was released for the Board of Education, but the bleed effect was tuned down by about half. Imagine being able to go to college and earn a degree while you slept! Then the public entertainment industry got a hold of The Dream Engine. Under the strict guide lines that the 'Bleed' effect would be slowed to a trickle or stopped all together. Otherwise, you could potentially make an army of brainwashed gamers who all think they are the chosen one of Time and Space!

Erik walked to the convenience store. He bought a few ready to cook and eat meals, out of mild concern for his health he bought a bottle of multivitamin. Then setting the items on the counter he reached for his wallet then looked up at the clerk who was looking at him weirdly.

“How much is it?” Erik asked. The clerk snapped out of his confusion and rung him up.

“Sorry, I must be tired. You looked different for a moment.” The clerk bagged his items after he said that to Erik. Erik had been coming to this store for years, he pretty much knew the people that worked there by their face.

“Different how?” Erik asked, honestly curious.

“I don't know, well you've lost weight! But...I don't know I thought for a moment there was someone standing directly behind you. I...Ya I need to get off the graveyard shift.” The clerk finished up and handed the items over.

“Alright, have a good morning. Sleep well when you do!” Erik kept a straight face all the way till he left the store.

That was kinda weird! But, it was not the first time Erik spoke to a exhausted graveyard shift worker who seemed a little out of it. Lack of sun, and social contact does weird things to people. He knew that better than most. Getting home he cooked up one of his ready to eat meals, took his multivitamin pill and a tall glass of water. He finished his meal, washed his dishes, then jumped onto his computer to fill out a report for the Beta Test, as well as the possible 'Bleed' effect. The report for the bleed was extensive! Took nearly an hour, they even locked his Cube until he finished the report. Which he thought was a bit harsh, but understood why. A lot of people will stop half way through paper work and come back to it. At least he did! After the report was done he sent it in, the Cube was unlocked. He received a notification that an admin VI would be monitoring his health. Then he jumped onto the forums only to be shocked!


There on the post was a picture of him! Well not him, him! But Wraith! Even having the pitch black body, tail, yellow reptilian eyes and the nazgul shroud. Oh, looks like the Developers imputed a Alpha-Test for the picture and video feature. It was a video of Wraith disassembling a group of magically inclined monsters fighting next to a group of Wardens, and logistics team. Then there was about a dozen or so comments of different people saying that they had met the guy in their world as well. They were not sure if he was part of DC or if he was a product of the generated world. The guy/creature was a Warden who worked primarily in Gotham. He was an Assassin/Support type hero, would run in kill or maim high level targets, then snag wounded people and heal them on the spot or pull them out of the combat zone.

Then Erik read a developer comment about VI copied avatars. The VI avatars of the other Users show up in situations fitting the generated world that the User creates. So, if you chose the Mundane origin, but chose to involve yourself in magic with in your world. You'll encounter VI copies of Users who chose the Magical Origin. But, for example if you are an Alien Origin that has little interaction with magic. Aside from story driven events, you'll never encounter VI copies that chose the magical origin. After the comment several people asked questions, and got confirmations. Several Meta-Gene and Mundane Origin Users had almost no contact with the magical world so they had never seen anything about Warden's, or this Wraith persona.

On a whim! Erik looked through the post and found there was indeed a 'Do you wish to notify said forum post User this is you?' The forum system had tagged him, but waited for his permission before telling anyone. Eh, sure why not! The post then got marked as important on the forum. Erik wrote a little bit about how this was him, and the system confirmed it. With in five minutes dozens of people posted a comment! Asking questions about what his back story was, and where did he get his abilities. He posted a data log from the system about his trashy Reincarnated Mary Sue back story. About how every single one of his 'lives' was just the gamer playing a game! That the Cosmic Patron was essentially him story wise but was being played by The Dream Engine VI. Whole bunch of people blew up at that! Both booing and cheering him on! His back story really was cringe worthy, but he had to admit it gave him a lot of benefits game wise. Even when he got a bull shit quest from his twisted Cosmic Patron. Erik logged off soon after, placed more towels down on his bed. Had several glasses of water, did some stretches then jumped back into his Dream Cube!

Coming to the Black Room, he was wearing the same thing he had on when he jumped into his bed. He looked around, confused because Dawn would normally jump out at him wearing something nice, and tempting for his eyes. Only now he spotted her, wearing her ceremonial white and black robe, and had her face covered by a hood.

“Dawn? Is everything alright?” Erik said softly. Then a bright red and orange light appeared above them both. Like a miniature sun, it floated down and moved between them.

“Hello to User #00012, I am the administration VI! I will be monitoring your health and well being for the next twenty four hours of Real time! Please continue to act, and perform as you normally would! Treat me as if I am not even here!” The Admin VI's booming voice shook the Black Room like the voice of God. Then it floated up, just above the Black Room and stared down at Erik with a piercing gaze.

“Sorry, Dawn I didn't know your supervisor was here.” Erik said to her, a look of apology on his face. Dawn shook her head back and forth, trying be as official as she could be. When Erik first started playing he enjoyed the cool professional beauty that Dawn was. But, he had to admit he preferred the bubbly and friendly version more.

“You know, when we first met you were this official, cold, and professional Avatar that I found to be really hot! But, now I have to say I prefer you being friendly, playful, and tempting. Promise me you'll go back to that when the Admin leaves?” Erik said, coming face to face with Dawn. Dawn's lips tugged upwards but she maintained her cool demeanor.

“Oh, so you didn't like my sexy secretary outfit?” Dawn said softly. Erik laughed and hugged her. She squeaked, but soon hugged back. Then gently pushed him away, coughing into her hand gently to clear the air.

“How may I assist you, User?” Dawn said, returning to her cold persona once more.

“Please show me the current time line application” Erik assumed the role of a professional User. Which failed miserably since he was wearing baggy t-shirt, and gym shorts. Wait! No, that is professional for a gamer!

The time line app appeared. It had been only a few hours down in the Dream just as Erik asked. But several things had happened since he last checked this app. Mera had passed her tracker to a pod of whales, and found Arthur Curry! Only to be surprised when she met Nuidis Vulko, the Atlantis Vizier by his side. Vulko had been training Arthur in the ways of Atlantis for several years at the request of Arthur's Queen Mother Atlanna before she was sacrificed to the Trench. Vulko, like Mera hoped that Arthur could be the bridge between the surface and the water dwellers. The exact conversation was not recorded in the Time Line App. Just the cliff notes.

Oh! The League of Assassins had contacted both Green Arrow, and Batman. Erik read on the forums at one point that the overall time between story events versus actual time would be accelerated. So that would explain why Batman who's barely been active in the past two years has been approached by Ra's Al Ghul. Most gamers didn't want to sit around for weeks, months, or years waiting for story events to pop up. So the maturity of your heroes and villains was, faster? Events would happen back to back.

Shazam had been contacted by The Wardens? Well that was different! But it made sense in Erik's generated world. Shazam was essentially a magical origin superman. Speaking of which! Superman, Wonder Woman, and The Flash were all at home enjoying the holidays! Well Clark was in Smallville, Diana was in Themyscira, and Barry was going on a date with his future wife, Iris! Yay! Hal Jordan was currently doing...Survival training with the Green Lantern Corp. J'onn J'onzz (Martian Manhunter) had left Mars!? He was heading to Earth to seek help in restoring his planet? Mars was apparently dying in Erik's generated world. J'onn was looking for help in recovering his planet or in worse case, looking to allow Earth to accept refugee's. Shit! J'onn was going to get a shit show from Anti-Alien people thanks to Erik! Speaking of Aliens! Katar Hall (Hawkman) and his partner and wife Shiera Hall (Hawkwoman) were in route from Thanagar. They were tracking a criminal who had chosen to hide on Earth, they were following the comic origin that they were space cops and or bounty hunters. Fuck! A lot was happening!

“Ok! Well thank you for that! Anything happen with Lash?” Erik asked Dawn.

“No User, other then another past life dream. He woke up, then he and Saurian both put on standard issue tactical Warden gear. The Kindred driver has picked up Lash and we paused the world as he was about to arrive at the Blood-Kindred Mansion that is in Gotham's County.” Dawn said softly.

“Thank you very much, Dawn! And thank you, Admin!” Erik said to the giant ball of fire.

“Of Course User! #00012!” The Admins voice shook the whole room again, nay the earth it self! Erik grimaced, hugged Dawn goodbye. Then jumped out of the room.


Lash was looking out the window of the car. Why did all the super rich manors live in the same area? Of course same area was relative they were separated by miles of well kept grounds, surrounded by walls. He felt that familiar feeling of passing through a glamour as the car he was riding in went past an invisible barrier to keep out Mundanes. Lash adjusted his collar, he was wearing a Kevlar magical thread standard issue Warden gear. Saurian's gear was of course tailored for him given his size and shape. The custom combat suit that Nast'rok was helping him make was not done yet. The dwarf insisted that Lash finish it on his own. Something about leaving your mark on your work. The car soon came to a stop and his door was opened for him. Stepping out he saw a strange sight.

Juliana was waiting for him, she was wearing a formal business dress pant suit. Gray with white pin stripes. A black vest coat, with white buttoned up shirt with a red tie. The suit was tailored and showed off her seductive hourglass figure. Her hair was done up in a lose tail, she gave Lash a smile as he approached.

“You came in your armor, I came in mine. Don't worry, its been enchanted. In fact I bet it provides more protection then what you have on.” Juliana said softly, a smile spreading across her face because Lash was looking her up and down.

“Like what you see?” Juliana said, teasingly.

“Yes.” Lash said bluntly. The response surprised Juliana for a moment before she winked at him. When someone you find attractive pays attention to you, most people enjoy it. Juliana was no exception.

Lash offered his arm to the female dragon, who took the offered arm with a laugh. Despite her small and seductive figure, Lash had no illusions that Juliana could easily snap him in half if she wanted to. The manor they were walking to was five stories tall, and had a India architecture feel. Think Hindu, and Buddhist. Each layer had a curving slope as it rose, making the next layer smaller. Letting you get a flower or lotus appearance, then with each floor a modern day style was carved into it. So if you were looking at the manor from afar you would think it was a temple or a crude stone flower about to bloom. Then once you were up close you could see the modern day appeal and technology. Lady Kali was originally from India, she must have designed. On the front door was a massive mosaic to Kali the Hindu Goddess of death. The multi armed armed Goddess that is known for carrying heads, wielding swords, standing over a battle field. Despite the mosaic Lash knew that Kali despite her Domains, and art was actually a neutral god. Was neither good nor evil, and that the heads she carried were actually the heads of demons invading earth. Kali the Goddess was a firm believe in the concept of time, and looking past the flesh of mortals. That in time we all escape from the shackles of life and learn the 'truth'.

“....Lash....Lash? Are you alright?” Juliana called to him, Lash was startled for a bit as he was looking at the door.

“I had expected with such a fine carving that I'd get a bit of divinity from it. Of even to feel the Grave Domain. But I feel absolutely nothing. Its a nice piece of art work, but that's all that is.” Lash pointed at the door.

The door opened up and the Butler that Lash met at Warden HQ welcomed them. The inside of the manor had a bit of Hindu flair but was for the most part a modern day manor. It was lavish, expensive, and full of pieces of art, expensive thread count furniture and of course floor to wall, to window security. Technological, and magical, Lash could feel and hear the buzzing noises of different devices looking at him. They were led to a large room where a full crescent moon table resided. The table could easily fit thirty or so people but there was only eighteen chairs ready.

“Now that you have arrived, Warden Lash, and Miss Shi'Word. We'll begin, please wait a moment while I gather everyone.” The Butler bowed his waist and left to gather the rest. This was actually the first time Lash had heard Juliana's house name. He understood where they got Shield and Sword from.

“Tsk! A power move, really? Every single one of them knew when you showed up. They should have been in here waiting for us.” Juliana growled softly, then squeaked in surprise. Because Lash had kissed her cheek. She narrowed her eyes at him, a smile tugging on her lips.

“You looked like you were about to attack some one, so I thought I'd distract you. Remember, your here to keep me in line. Not the other way around.” Lash said, a smile on his face. Juliana bit her lip softly as she looked Lash in the eye, then to his lips, then back to his eyes. She turned away, and adjusted herself trying to reign in her senses.

“If I didn't know any better I'd say you were casting magic when you did that. But I got absolutely nothing mystically. Its almost as if your mere presence can charm people.” Juliana said softly. Lash gritted his teeth inwardly, well ya that was kinda true.

Intermediate Charming Presence was dangerous. When people are attracted to something, they are bedazzled! They are charmed! They will ignore certain glaring, obvious things. All because they have been charmed. This had actually happened when Lash met Jessabell, and Li'Ana for the first time. He was able to look past it. But, that was both spell work, and glamour. For him this was a skill, a racial trait? Something he could not turn off! If this was a spell, he could actually go to prison for 'Charming' Torloth's daughter if he lived that long. But, thanks to his Cosmic Patron. It was just part of his passive skill set.

“No magic, no glamour. Not only would that be a sure fire way for not only you, but your father to skin me alive repeatedly. It would go against Warden Law to Charm people. I'll even go under Oath if you want me to.” Lash said to her. Juliana turned around, a hint of blush in her cheeks. She shook her head no.

“So its just your natural charm, and presence? I'm sure that gets you into trouble.” Juliana said, walking closer to smooth a wrinkle out of his gear.

“Yes, unfortunately it's not something I can turn off. I could be standing in a pool of garbage and people will still find something charming about it.” Lash smiled, watching Juliana run her fingers over his cloths.

An adjacent door opened up at that point. First to arrive was, Edwardo of House Kuldr. He was wearing a pure white suit, with black inner shirt and vest, including fedora hat and a rose in his lapel. He looked like he was going to a 1930's guys and dolls party. He smiled wide and walked straight towards Lash. Lash kept to his manners and preformed the ceremonial greeting between a Warden and Kindred house master. Edwardo blinked at the action, then looked at Juliana who conveyed some sort of message through her eyes. A look of realization dawned on his face, he gave the greeting back to both of them then moved to his seat. Edwardo was the House master in charge of clothing, fashion, and now the new betting pool of The Great Hunt during the Winter and Summer Solstice.

Second to arrive was Aisling of House Lishen, she was of oriental decent and about 5'5” wearing a full length cheongsam sleeveless dress, holding a decorative hand fan. The pattern black, with a design of cherry blossom tree on the dress. The blossoms were an extreme contrast between the black color. She had pale white skin, ruby red lips, near perfect red eyes. Since a majority of Kindred house masters have red eyes. Unlike Edwardo who was polite when he walked into the room, she gave off the 'presence' of a master and the invisible energy pressure washed over the room. Edwardo tried to hold back his laughter when Aisling tripped on her feet slightly. Lash's Nullification activated. Imagine you are pushing against something, be it a door, wall, or window and it suddenly gives way? That's what happened, Aisling was pushing out with her energy and suddenly her energy was gone! She caught her self, confusion evident on her face. She glared daggers at Edwardo who raised his hands in innocence's as he was sitting in his chair, not a speck of energy on him. Aisling turned to look at Lash, he gave the customary etiquette perfectly. Aisling didn't understand what had happened, apparently Lady Kali had kept the Warden ceremony 'Viktor' incident out of the record? Or the Kindred didn't believe the rumors. Aisling, was the Blood-Kindred in charge of immigration, refugee's, and commercial trade between the other cities via the docks. An important position to be sure!

Aisling returned the greeting, and gave another to Juliana. Before taking her seat. Then came the next House master. Tearle of House Dumuzid was an average man, and a bit stout at 5'2”. -Dwarven heritage. Saurian said softly across their link. He had a well groomed beard, and brown hair on his head. He had a wide smile on his face as he wondered in with out any 'pressure'. He was wearing a formal dress suit much like Edwardo was, only his was gray he had a fedora hat on with red plume feather in. Tearle was a lot like Edwardo as his house was clean and respectable. His house owned a domesticated super-natural live stock company. Tearle, exchanged etiquette with Lash, and Juliana before taking his seat next to Edwardo. A huge grin on his face.

Cassandra of House Shiamra, an Italian woman walked into the room. Bronze skin, thick brown hair that was naturally curly and swept past her shoulders. Wearing a white with gold trim elegant mermaid style dress. Hugged her hour glass figure, it was shoulder less but wrapped around her arms, her voluptuous figure was not hidden in the least, as her ass and breasts jiggled with every step she took. Very bouncy! Aisling laughed softly just like Edwardo did to her when Cassandra stumbled a bit, she nearly toppled over and almost fell out of her top. The 'pressure' she was giving off was removed suddenly! She gave Aisling an acid glare before returning to her elegant demeanor. She smiled with delight when she saw Juliana, she did greet Lash but actually hugged and gave tiny kisses on both of Juliana's cheeks who returned the gesture. Cassandra then moved to her seat. Cassandra's house was in charge of commercial air flights and cargo between cities. So Aisling was her direct competitor just different methods of transportation.

A 6' even rail thin pale as a sheet man walked in, he was....Well Goth comes to mind. Pure black trench coat, fishnet long sleeved shirt, black pants with belts, chains, and spikes. Steel toed boots, he had spiky hair, and actually flipped Lash off when he walked in. He didn't give off any pressure, apparently learning the trick from his fellows. This kid? Was named Seskel, and he was a Knight of the House Apathakis the one's directly related to the 'Venom' trade. The House master was currently serving in an isolation chamber or other wise called a coffin! Thanks to Lady Kali and The Warden's verdict. House Apathakis was in ruins and the only one available to attend the meeting was Seskel. Despite the lack of manners Lash still preformed proper etiquette, though Juliana did not. She was glaring at Seskel as if she hoping he'd burst into flames.

Next a soft tanned teenage girl skipped into the room! She was about 5'2” had bubble gum pink hair in pig tails. Sucking on a big cherry lollipop, wearing a plaid school girl skirt that came to her mid thigh, knee high leggings, cute black shoes, and a white buttoned up shirt. She looked like she went to private school, and was around the age of sixteen or eighteen. Her figure would suggest sixteen, budding youth is the best description. She spotted Lash and made an O face, taking out her cherry lollipop she licked it suggestively with her tongue many times over. Winked at him, as he gave her a formal greeting. This was Valenthia of House Sex'ilia. She had a unique skill for Blood-Kindred called 'body youth change'. It allowed her to change her bodies maturity of a fifteen year old girl, to a thirty year old woman, and every thing in between. She was in charge of the sex trade in Gotham, kinks, fetishes, brothels, escorts, prostitutes. Though she shared territory begrudgingly with Rocksie and the Skree pack.

Then a warrior born man walked in, of Latino decent he was 6' 3” wearing a three piece black tailored made suit, with black boots, a combat knife on his hip. A P90 sub-machine gun slung under his jacket, and a long sword across his back. Alaric of House Arminius, the warriors and soldiers of the Blood-Kindred with in Gotham. He was neutral? His house trained the different soldiers, guards, and servants of the different houses. Each house had their own armies of course, but the go between, servants, the people were all trained by Alaric's house. Including but not limited to the several operation teams that Lash and Saurian had taken apart. Alaric gave a warrior salute to Lash, who returned it. He then bowed to Juliana before taking his seat.

The next to step in wore spiked heels, wearing a pencil black skirt, royal blue silk blouse, and black suit jacket. She had thin glasses on, her brown hair was done up in a bun. She was about 5' 3” and her figure was amazing to look at. She walked in the heels with a seductive grace that you don't often see in spiked heels. She bowed formally to both Lash, and Juliana, letting both see the abundant cleavage as her blouse opened up when she leaned over of course doing it on purpose. Clementine of House Bla'Lock, was the House master of Kindred assassins, spies, thieves, and the information trade. She took a seat next to Alaric. Since their houses tend to work together, they also seem to have a 'working' relationship as Saurian could smell the pheromones and musk coming off of them as they were close.

A bookish type man came in holding a giant book, the man was about 5' 5” and the book was easily was two feet across, and a foot wide from cover to back. The man wore a combination of old world scholar robes, and British professor cloths. He had a pair of monocles on, with a chain tied around so if they fell off his nose they wouldn't get lost. He waved at Lash, and Juliana then went straight to his chair and began to read through his book. Saurian growled in protest which everyone in the room 'felt' because Dorian of House Bior of the scholar and researcher of magic had just scanned Lash. The Book abruptly snapped close on Dorian's hands who squeaked in surprise. Then shrunk his neck in like a turtle.

Then a young woman walked in wearing blue tennis shoes, blue jeans, a tight white t-shirt that was clearly to small for her. Her dirty blond hair covered her face, but she flipped it up to see clearly as she walked in. She had her phone out, she dismissively waved at Lash and Juliana and went to her chair. This was Carmilla of House Nestash the technological conglomerate and chairwoman of a fortune five hundred company. Turns out it was on par with Wayne industries, and Lex-Corp. Something specific to Erik's generated world. So a procedural generated business. She was for the most part true and clean. But her company was so wide, and had so many different area's of business few knew it all.

The click clack sounds of claws across the floor rung in the room, as a Man-Bat Creature walked into the room. He wore tattered cloth to cover his waist, and that was about it. He hand long skin like wings folded in on his arms, claws on his hands and feet, huge bat like ears, nose, and eyes red as blood. He opened his mouth and smiled at Lash. Then a puff of smoke enveloped him and there stood a 6' even man wearing a black tuxedo with a crimson red tie, pale skin, and long swept back black hair. Going for the modern day dracula look. This was Lucian of House Dumitru, he was in charge of the rearing, and caring of the monsters, creatures, and animals that the blood-kindred raise. Since Kindred can 'convert' animals as well. He was also referred to as a 'Primal' Blood-Kindred. He unlike the rest of his kin still practiced the totem aspects. So in example the shape shifting into a man-bat. Lash greeted him, as did Juliana. Lucian bowed back and took his seat next to Valenthia specifically.

Then came in a bronze skinned beauty, with red hair, cherry red lips. Wearing a red cat suit, covered her from neck to wrist, to toe. A long zipper from her neck down to her navel, the suit left very little to the imagination. She had a golden ratio hour glass figure that just drew attention! Everyone in the room looked at her like she was a...-Succubus breed Saurian said. Then Nullification activated and the 'effect' snapped off! The woman stumbled and looked up at Lash in surprise, then stepped back in horror because Juliana was growling. The presence of a dragon was filling the room up. Juliana was pissed! Because this Blood-Kindred had just tried to charm her.

This was Lilah of House Drennixi, she was originally a demoness that took the conversion to become a Blood-Kindred. Which was rare! Most blood-kindred were humans that were converted. But occasionally a super-natural race could be converted however it killed 999 out of 1000. Technically Tearle was super-natural breed before he was converted. But his blood heritage was diluted so he had a better chance of survival, and the conversion takes hundred years. If the conversation is successful they keep their original heritage abilities if any. But also obtain their new found kindred abilities.

“I have diplomatic immunity!” Lilah screamed at Juliana. Juliana's human disguise was starting to peel off. But at that scream, Juliana reigned in her anger and growled.

“Your Master will be hearing from my family about how you tried to beguile not only me, but also a registered Warden!” Juliana called out, her teeth grinding audibly.

Lilah was an envoy from the old country. Her Master was an incredibly powerful patron and had created dozens of different houses under his blood line, he had reached the 'retirement age' so he was purely an advisor position. What is the 'retirement age' The Fae Queens, Mab and Titania learned a long, long time ago that when super-natural creatures that practice the art immortality start to get funny after a certain age. Each creature, race, etc have different age restrictions. But essentially when they reach a certain point they stop looking at the world the same way. They think anything that lives less then a five hundred years is an ant that can be freely destroyed with zero consequences. A long time ago they could have gotten away with that, but today? Since communities and societies are trying to keep a delicate balance between hiding from the mundanes and keeping the peace. Such arcane thinking can not be allowed. So, when a specific immortal race reaches a certain age, they no longer have a leadership position. They can advise, but can no longer make the rules. This was also why the Old Gods like Egypt, Greece, Norse, stopped trying to openly rule the world. They lost touch with...Reality. The skill Other Worldly Lore activated giving Lash a cliff note.

Lilah took her seat, trying her best to hide from Juliana's sight. Lady Kali of House Aamod walked in at that point she wore a traditional woman's Hindu dress, a lehenga. Several colorful sheets of cloth with intricate designs wrapped around her body, a see through shawl wrapped around her neck and head, the dress kept her lower back, and abdomen exposed. A gold piercing through her navel. Bells, and chimes attached to her waist, ankles, and neck so she made music as she moved. Her black hair was kept braided in several places and swept up in the shawl. She looked completely different then when Lash last saw her at the Warden ceremony, but he had to admit he liked this version better. Lady Kali noticed Lash's eyes dancing around her and she smiled shyly at him, casting her eyes down. Lash knew she was acting but it was still nice to watch. Before Kali sat down, the three Fae Court officials walked in. Summer, Winter, and Under. Lash didn't recognize any of them. They greeted him and Juliana, before taking their seats. Lady Kali gestured for everyone to be seated. Finally they would begin.

“Thank you for attending Warden Lash, and your Partner Saurian. Thank you for attending Juliana of house Shi'Word. We are gathered here today to discuss the obvious conflict as well future dealings with Warden Lash between our houses.” Kali said softly, but clearly into the room. Her manners, and etiquette were perfect. Lash raised his hand, Kali smiled a little before gesturing for him to speak.

“I don't have any conflict with the Blood-Kindred Houses of Gotham or any city. I am a Warden following my code of conduct. Anyone who knows anything about me knows that I don't discriminate, I treat everyone by a case by case basis. There are many documented cases of Warden's being brash, rude, or out right offensive to Kindred. But me and my partner have never once treated any Kindred in such a way. So, the 'conflict' as it is called is simple to resolve. Stop breaking the law.” Lash said.

The Kindred in the room all had different reactions, Edwardo, and Tearle all smiled and nodded agreeing. Alaric, and Clementine acted like this entire matter didn't concern them. Dorian was reading his book, Lucian was watching Lilah with interest. Valenthia was licking her lollipop as she watched Lash, she kept undressing him with her eyes. Aisling, and Cassandra was watching Kali with interest. Lilah keep trying to avoid Juliana's sight. So in the end it was Seskel, who slammed his fist against the table and stood up. Before he shut his mouth and sat back down, having been glared at by Kali.

“I believe House Knight of Apathakis, Seskel wishes to speak.” Kali said, she gestured towards him.

“No conflict! You attack Lady Natasha! You take apart our operations team, and nearly kill my brother Talon! You get our House Masters locked up in a coffin! You disrupt and destroy our Venom product, ruin our underground passages, spoil our relationship with that croc man! Get one of your own denounced and imprisoned! And you claim you have no conflict with us! BULLSHIT!” Seskel screamed. Lash let him rant for a bit, looked at him with clear confusion. Looked at Lady Kali who was face palming at this point. Lash turned to Juliana, she had a predatory smile on her face. Lash gestured for her to take the stand.

“May I speak Lady Kali?” Juliana said politely. Kali gestured for her to continue.

“Alright listen up shit stain! You just openly admitted to running illegal drugs through Gotham. You claim that Warden Lash attacked Natasha? When she was peddling, and dealing drugs. Which is against Warden Law! Shit Stain! Then your brother Knight Talon showed up with an operations team and attacked Warden Lash, and Skree pack mate Dominick. In a clear attempt to steal her away before the Warden teams showed up to imprison her. Lash defended himself and were well with in his right to kill them all! But, he didn't! Your House Master! Was sent to isolation because he sent a Kindred Operations team to kill a Warden, as well as hacked into the Warden Cyper operations center! He should have been executed! Former Warden Billy Strongam has been arrested for racketeering, excepting bribes from your house, shit stain! Peddling drugs, and extorting super-natural communities. The Croc man as you have called him, is a God-Kin of Sobek! A GOD-KIN! Not only did former Warden Billy, as well as your house know he was a God-Kin. You kept it from the authorities! So, yes Warden Lash has no conflict with House Apathakis! It's clear that Apathakis has an issue with him!” Juliana was standing and shouting at Seskel by the end. The Goth kid had taken his seat half way through, and was now looking like he wanted to crawl into a hole.

Juliana took her seat once more, kept a cool appearance in front of everyone. But Lash knew she was proud of herself for putting Apathakis in their place. Seskel, with Kali's permission had taken his phone out and was checking information. After a few minutes of waiting, Seskel looked completely deflated. The kid had no real grasp on what was going on in his House he was a stand in for the Vice-House master who apparently had fled the country. Lash raised his hand up, waiting to be called on. Kali gestured for him to speak.

“Why are you even trafficking Venom illegally? I've looked at the laws set for Blood-Kindred's. Because the super-natural communities need of your assistance with the masquerade and truce between the mundanes, the laws are pretty lax. Why doesn't Apathakis go legit and just sell Venom to the communities legitimately?” Lash asked, honestly curious about the answer.

Venom kills mundanes through extended use. It has severe withdrawals, causing muscle and motor control failure. It also kills brain cells, specifically memory. Extended use causes mundanes to become barbarically stupid, and their bodies can not function with out a hit. However, super-natural's are wired differently, even the most basic sentient super-natural can take continued use of Venom. Seskel stood up, but waited for permission to speak. Kali granted it to him.

“I can answer that! I don't know much about...well anything. But the drug I know. Our main supplier is a human pseudo-mundane. Call's himself 'Bane'. He was a drug cartel pusher of major drugs for the mundanes but discovered a way to make Venom. Though he still deals in common drugs, his main source of export is Venom. Venom is made in a specific way that we can not discern, well more like we know how its made but we can't replicate it. A specific chemical that can not be artificially synthesized. We have tried to....'convince' him to give it to us. But he uses Venom just like any one else, except the stuff he uses doesn't appear to have side effects he also has a specific device that feeds into his central brain stem. He's as strong as our elite guard, and took them apart when we tried to push him for the recipe. We also don't know where gets the materials from, in our attempts to track him we encountered mystical interference so we couldn't scry, or use technological means due him being paid up with the right people.” Seskel said, bowed towards Kali and took a seat.

“So, with all the resources at your disposal? You don't know about the small island nation in the Caribbean Sea named Santa Prisca. Where a rare flower that only grows on the island is the primary chemical in Venom?” Lash said to Seskel. Seskel along with the whole room was staring at Lash surprised. Because his whole body was glowing with Dawns aesthetically pleasing divine light. Lash's skill Foresight just activated.

The light faded and Lash gripped his head and groaned in pain. Juliana reached out to stabilize him so he wouldn't fall out of his chair. Which he almost did. Lash's skill Foresight just prompted him with an increase. So a 1% increase in power, and a 1% decrease in power consumption. Seskel jumped to his feet and attempted to run out of the room. Only to be snagged by Kali and pulled back to his seat. It was rather funny to see a woman smaller then Seskel pick him up by the collar and put him back into his seat.

“All of you take a seat, and stop trying to send a message out! The moment he said anything the room went under lock down!” Kali called out to everyone. Sure enough Lash could feel interference on his Connectivity skill. Juliana gave Lash a reassuring squeeze on his shoulder then sat back in her seat keeping an eye on Kali.

“Warden Lash, please send my thanks to your Patron God for the message. We'll look into it with all of our resources. Together!” Kali said that last word, looking at everyone. They all begrudgingly nodded. Seskel looked desperate to leave with the news but also nodded.

“Unfortunately, we need to discuss an important subject matter. House Apathakis is currently in ruin. With the House Master in isolation for crimes against Warden Law, the Vice-House Master having fled the country and is currently being chased by Blood Hunters for betraying the Kindred pact. The repeated offenses, crimes, and actions. We will now officially announce the dissolution of House Apathakis with in the territories of Gotham.” Kali said, Seskel stood up and screamed in panic!

“In Gotham! Seskel! She didn't say from the world, just Gotham territories! Calm the fuck down!” Clementine shouted at him. Seskel collapsed into his chair and became a puddle of despair and remorse. Carmilla of House Nestash raised her hand to speak, Kali gestured for her to continue.

“I move for a vote on who will absorb the drug trade with in Gotham Territories, by following Warden Lash's suggestion I believe we should seize the production plant on the island that Warden Lash's Patron God declared. We should also not sell it illegally, but study and sell it officially both to mundanes and super-natural communities. After extensive testing.” Carmilla said, standing up and looking away from her phone. She had a smile on her face, and winked at Lash.

“We will discuss who will absorb that portion of power at a later time. But, I agree we should move on the island as soon as possible. Once we are adjourned from this meeting with Warden Lash and Juliana Shi'Word, we'll gather information and make plans.” Kali said, confirming the decision.

“Warden Lash, do you feel aggrieved in any way? Or feel that you are entitled to any form of compensation? Please note that you do not have to answer now, you may have time to think. With the dissolution of House Apathakis and the information provided about Santa Prisca I would say that every House master present would feel grateful for your actions?” Kali said to Lash. Then to everyone who agreed with the idea.

“How about unlimited booty calls from yours truly!” Valenthia said loudly, her body shifted slightly to fill out her school girl uniform. She looked like a twenty something cos-playing. Lash just looked at her with a raised brow. Then went back to look at Kali.

“How about a favor from each house, each favor is of course negotiable. Each favor will not go against the Houses morals, ethics, or codes. Additionally, given that I am also a Grave Domain holder. I ask that the Houses recognize that authority on top of my preexisting status as a Warden. Though you are 'bound' by the Grave to do so, respect is its own courtesy.” Lash said, he looked at everyone in the room who seem to think about it for a bit then nod. The Fae Court officials of Summer, Winter, and Under had not said a word since the meeting had started. They were actually writing down the whole meeting like a court stenographer.

“The booty calls are free! No need to ask for a favor!” Valenthia said to Lash. She went back to seductively licking her cherry lollipop.

“I can guarantee my house will not allow such a thing, but if you'll take a personal favor from me that would be fine.” Lilah said to Lash, eyeing him now much like Valenthia was doing. She crossed her arms under breasts and pushed them up to emphasize them.

“That is acceptable Lilah of House Drennixi.” Lash said politely, Lilah smiled wide at him, then shrunk back seeing Juliana eyeing her.

“A favor and recognition is acceptable and ideal! Does Juliana of Shi'Word have any follow up inquiries?” Kali said, a delighted smile on her face. Juliana had to think about the question for a bit.

“With the dissolution of House Apathakis, though I know you can not all guarantee this. I ask that you all do your best to ensure that Apathakis does not go after Warden Lash, or his family. Warden Law protects him and them. But having people on the 'inside' will help his future, especially when visiting places outside of Gotham. Also, at least 3% of the total sales made from future venom dealings will be transferred to Warden Lash. Since none of you would have known about it with out his aid.” Juliana said, Lash blinked in surprise then stared at her in horror! She caught him staring at her from the corner of her eye and grinned.

“Is everyone alright with that?” Kali asked, she didn't even blink at the figure. Every one nodded. Except Seskel who was drained of all life looking off towards the distance.

Kali clapped her hands and the interference in the room turned off, the doors opened to bring in refreshments and paper work for the future contracts. Juliana got to work right away, and Lash only needed to sign a few things. Lash snagged Kali's attention and gestured towards the door. Wanting to speak to her alone, she took the hint snagged his wrist and pulled him out of the room. Lash sent a message via telepathy to Juliana that he'd be back. Kali led Lash to parlor where the doors were shut automatically for privacy. Kali did a twirl the chimes and bells on her dress ringing softly. She smiled wide at Lash. Saurian could tell she was genuinely happy. But that soon came to an end.

“Why did you try have me killed, I know you blamed Viktor for it. But we both know that was a lie. I never came after you for it, I don't intend to pursue it legally or otherwise. If you want me to use my favor to find out I will. But I would like to know.” Lash said to her. She froze, looking at him with wide eyes. That was not a question she was expecting! Kali's playful and sweet energy swapped for formal and in control.

“Before you became a Warden you stopped a mugging in Gotham. Specifically your partner Saurian did. He was a little more then a scamp at the time. Neither of you knew you were being watched and recorded. When I saw the video it terrified me. My Sire rest his soul had a journal that his Sire kept. That I have kept. The journal is large and full of history, lore, and personal accounts of events. Something that Dorian would love to get his hands on I'm sure.” Kali said, taking off her shawl to let her hair down. She ran her fingers through her hair to relieve a bit of stress. Her body twisted and danced as if that was her natural state.

“In this journal, there was a passage of my Grand Sire. It had a detailed account of a creature, of reptilian origin that. Looked exactly like your partner when he was first spotted. I can assure you that the account was detailed in looks, actions, and behavior along with abilities. This creature, was an agent of Chaos. It did things at random, brought ruin to entire kingdoms, and destruction to continents! But even worse, when it was finally killed! It was erased from living memory. Aside from written records no one had any memory of it. Even the Gods were affected!” Kali said, a little louder then intentional. Lash's expression was clearly filled with confusion, he motioned for her to continue.

“The journal stated that the creature was a tool, a pawn. To a God, or Goddess. But more, the things master was beyond the scope of Earth! The creature did things at the beck and call to its master. All for one simple reason, because it was fun! You and your partner were weak then. I had always planned on using a new Warden as a means to get rid of Viktor. But, when I saw what you were I planned to kill you as well.” Kali said, watching Lash carefully.


Wasn't that exactly what he was!? He was a tool created by a Cosmic being as a form of entertainment! So, that means a thing like Saurian had been on this planet once before. Maybe the Cosmic Patron was the same one as it was back then? Wait, the Cosmic Patron has always given him a choice. Choice was what made it fun for his Patron. If he was directly controlling him it wouldn't be the same. That means the thing before, the thing that Kali's Grand Sire met was not being controlled, it was just doing as it pleased and the Cosmic being rewarded him like Lash's was. Or, was there more Cosmic Patrons or Matrons in the universe? In Reality it self?!

“But, I am happy my people failed. I am happy I was wrong. You are not the monster my Grand Sire wrote about. That thing wasn't evil nor good, it just did things because they were fun! Which is a twisted sense of Morality that even I have no desire to ever see walk this Earth. You are a good Warden Lash, your Partner is a Good Hunter. Together you have brought hope, as well help create a future we can all be a part of. No, I will not ask you to give the favor. I answer the question freely. But I do hope you can forgive....?” Kali was about to finish when Lash held out his hand to her with a smile. She took it after a bit of hesitation. Lash turned her hand over exposing her wrist and kissed her pulse. This brought an expression of shock to her face.

Kissing the pulse of a Blood-Kindred is often a tribute or hand shake between known friends, companions, or people you have trust in. Lash and Saurian were not adopting Kali into their pack. But not to long ago Kali had declared Lash and Saurian a friend of her house. He was returning the gesture now. Kali seem to recall the time and smiled wide at him. There was a brief moment when Lash saw through Kali's mask to the sweet, and beautiful woman she was and not the nine hundred year old House Master of the Gotham territories. It was for a brief moment, and he had to admit she was beautiful. Then the mask slipped back on, she preformed a graceful bow to which he returned.

Congratulations User! You've completed one of your first grand quests given to you by your Cosmic Patron! You've discovered the truth behind the conspiracy to why Lady Kali of House Aamod tried to have you killed. A mistake in identity! In your wisdom you have chosen to forgive her! Your Cosmic Patron is pleased with your wisdom, and insight in not only forgiving her, but helping the Kindred of Gotham. Because you see the bigger picture!

Reward: Two DP (Dream Points) and a Store Coupon!

“I take my job seriously, Lady Kali. But I hope that what you said to me at my ceremony holds true. That you consider me a friend of your House. I won't play favorites, but if I can I will help you and yours.” Lash said to her, he finished squeezing her hand and let go. “Oh by the way, I really like this look over the dress you wore at the ceremony, just saying.” Kali smiled wide at him, she bat her eyes at him and stepped close let him smell her perfume.

“I'll remember that for the future, Warden Lash. I will never expect you to play favorites, its one of the things I like about you. Despite all that we can clearly offer you, you don't give in. Honor, and Duty is something I know all to well.” Kali leaned in, and when Lash didn't move away she gave him a chaste kiss on his lips. She ran her tongue over her lips, she let out a soft moan as if she enjoyed his taste.

“So its true, you do taste good. I wonder why?” Kali said to him.

“Wait, people say I taste good?” Lash asked, surprised. Kali gave him a sweet smile and walked past him. Returning to the prideful and dominate Gotham House Master.

Lash followed after Lady Kali, and returned to the main room. He came back to Juliana's side, she looked him up and down with a critical eye as if expecting disorderly cloths, lipstick, or maybe a wet stain on his pants. Not finding anything, she smiled and nodded with satisfaction. They finished the last of the paper work, Lash signed the papers. They tidied up, and move to leave the mansion. Juliana bid him goodbye with a kiss on his cheek. Lash took his appointed car home. The night was still young and he planned to go to patrol tonight.


“You are 100% sure he is not the creature your Grand Sire spoke of?” Lilah said to Kali. She was sitting in a lounge chair, wearing a silk robe and nothing else.

“No one can be 100% sure in this world, I'd say an even 50/50. But in the end we just don't know. To many things add up in the positive. Chosen by The Endless, by Nature, by the Grave. Despite the clear evidence of hostility he still does not hold any ill will towards our Kindred. How many Wardens have you known in your life to be able to say that, especially after everything he's been through. He has more reason to hate me than any one! But he doesn't! Or he's an amazing liar!” Kali said, she was wearing a simple sun dress that was comfortable and lazy.

“You understand that if you are wrong the council will come after you first. You are taking a big risk with him cousin.” Lilah said back to her, she picked up a glass of bourbon and sipped it.

“I know, but my gut tells me he is not the monster my Grand Sire wrote about. Unlike you, my gut has never been wrong.” Kali said with a smile, making Lilah scoff at her.

“What about the Apathakis house?” Lilah changed subjects.

“We'll absorb them, and kill those that don't accept. The House master, and Vice-House Master are both dead already. Like blood in the water, and the sharks have come to feed.” Kali said, a terrifying smile on her face.

Lilah raised her glass in cheers, as did Kali. They drank and talked for a few more hours but always seem to come back to Lash in discussion. Something was different about him, they couldn't put their finger on it. Lilah had to admit that when she first saw him she wanted to sleep with him, this wasn't unusual given her succubus nature. But she didn't want to feed off of him, she wanted to be with him. She wanted to make a connection with him, Kali agreed and said the same thing. That man was trouble, him and his partner.


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