Lash was lost in thought as the Blood-Kindred driver drove him home. Had he done the right thing here? Technically he had just made the Kindred in Gotham stronger. He presented a opportunity for them to be better. To be legit at least in the Venom trade. The super-natural community as a whole would benefit from having a supply of Venom. Hopefully, they can come up with a better version of Venom for the mundanes. Imagine Gordon's MCU shielding civilians and being able to go toe to toe with meta-humans. Its a good idea on paper, but the opportunity for corruption was high. Erik vaguely remembered that Gotham was the testing ground for Venom. Bane used the city as a melting pot for the drug. But with the resources the Kindred have, maybe they can skip the melting pot part. Lash then noticed something weird, the world was slowing down, cars were moving at a snails pace. Then stopped all together.

“Dawn, whats going on?” Lash asked softly.

“Apologies User, a new version update has gone through. It involves several aspects for your generated world so the Admin suggested we transfer you to the Black Room.” Dawn said, her cold office persona still present.

“Ok, soft progress Lash home but pause the world when he gets there. We plan to visit King Croc tonight. Keep up the end of our deal, maybe I can open the shop while I'm in the Black Room as well.” Lash said. Erik felt a tug and was pulled out of Lash. It felt odd, like an out of body experience. Which of course in a lot of ways, it was!

When Erik arrived in the Black Room, Dawn was speaking to the giant ball of fire that was the Admins avatar. Dawn turned around to smile at Erik, she was still wearing her black and white yin and yang robe. But her hood was down, revealing her starlight form. She came over to Erik, gently grabbed his arm and tugged him over to the Admin. Dawn's arms were entwined around Erik's arm, a smile on her face.

“Hello User #00012! A new time tool has been created! It allows you to adjust the slider from five minutes in the real to one hour in the dream. Which is the lowest setting, then we have the current limit of one hour in the Real translates to two days in the Dream! The Developers are curious if you would be willing to continue testing the extension of time?” The Admin shouted at the top of its lungs as usual. Or maybe it was trying to be larger then life?

“Sure...I guess. I mean your here to watch my health. I don't doubt Dawn's abilities but she has the entire Dream to look after. So having you here would allow you to fully watch for any health concerns.” Erik said, even jumped a little when Dawn pinched him for doubting her skills. Then forgave him after he explained.

“Excellent! Then you will now be granted an addition to your Achievement: 'I have no time!' Now your character avatar will regain lost energy at a 20% increase! During periods of rest! Please note; The increase in time makes every hour in the Real, three days in the Dream!” The Admin shouted at him. Dawn glared at the Admin who didn't seem to notice. But Erik did, he nudged her and gestured for her to continue. She stuck her chest out with a smile.

Congratulations User! Your limited Achievement: 'I have no time!' Has been updated, allowing you character avatar to regain energy 20% faster as long as they are resting!

Dawn smiled proudly and looked at the Admin as if to say, 'That's how its done!' Erik laughed at the clear provocation. Then leaned forward and kissed Dawn on the cheek. Which made her jump back in surprise, her starlight skin burned with red sun energy imitating a blush! She pointed a finger in accusation at Erik, then pointed at the Admin avatar then back at Erik.

“Sorry, you are just to damn cute.” Erik said, Dawn crossed her arms under chest and humphed! As if that was a given!

“May I see the store book please?” Erik said, this time the table did not slam into the Black Room this time it simply appeared. Erik took a seat and saw that he had three DP to spend. Surprised by the amount he looked up to ask a question but Dawn seemed to have read his mind, answered.

“Remember User! DP is earned through accomplishments in the Dream. This is to prevent Users from leaving the Dream Engine waiting for twenty four hours in the Real. Then returning to spend DP when the world they Dream has not moved or progressed. You want DP, then you must accomplish things in the world. You received your quest reward, and an additional point due you to your stellar achievements in the Winter Solstice Ball.” Dawn was standing next to Erik, back to her formal and business persona.

Right! Erik smiled at Dawn then returned to the store book. The Admin avatar floated back to above the Black Room. A miniature sun floating in the space above them, Erik was curious if the Earth below could see the Admin or not. Probably not, that would cause a huge stir in the community. Things of interest with in the book? One was Observant Learner, this ability allowed him to learn skills, and spells of others just by watching them. Each time he saw a successful action he would learn it by 1%. But it only worked on applicable things. He couldn't learn to fly from Superman since that was a racial trait...Or could he? Another useful skill would be Operator, It allowed him to learn to use tools, machines, and vehicles at a 25% increase, and alien tech at 10%. Combine that with his Technomancy and he could one day learn to fly a space ship with very little practical experience. Ah! There was another skill he wanted and he bought as soon as he saw it!

Congratulations User! You've purchased the skill, True Body: This allows you to block abilities that cause True Damage, example of such an attack would be Darkseid's omega beam. Now, this skill does not automatically block all damage but it grows with time. Current True Damage blocked is 0.1%. Please Note; True Body only blocks True Damage. You can still be hurt by other things even if True Body is 100%.

Erik watched with mild amusement as Dawn blew confetti in the air and cheered. He even heard tiny clapping coming from above and saw to his astonishment that the Admin Avatar had created a pair of tiny flaming hands and was clapping for him! A majority of Erik's skills were growth skills. In fact as far as he knew everything he used grew with time. Very few abilities were strong from the start. Out of curiosity he checked the progress of his True Damage: The starting overall damage effected by the skill was 0.1%. But the current overall damage account was, 0.5%. Wow!? Erik knew that it would not be very high, but come on!

“Dawn, can you tell me a little more about True Body? I don't regret my purchase, I know Darkseid is a huge threat that I need to prepare for. But if True Damage can hurt anything, why doesn't True Body defend against everything?” Erik had a split thought for a moment, so he thought he would ask.

“Of course User! Please understand I can not tell you everything due to information block, and spoilers. True Body will actually block every kind of damage, simply because every kind of damage can cause True Damage. Generally only a small portion of damage types create this effect, specifically the lethal variety. But remember that some people, beings, creatures, devices have a high Damage Resistance. So think of it this way, True Damage is a lot like critical hits that you find in other games. True Body blocks a portion of that critical hit, and can one day make you immune to critical hits. But you can still be killed with normal damage.” Dawn said to him, taking on the persona of a sweet and personal tutor for Erik. She even put on a pair of glasses.

“Thank you, Dawn! That clears up a few things.” Erik said, smiling at her antics then returned to the shop book.

Erik moved through the book, many more interesting skills, abilities, and even spells! Were put into the book. The spells specifically were things that you could only purchase via the store, it could not be found naturally in the world. Save for extreme story driven circumstances. The book had several little blips about this and that to help explain certain things. Then he found a interesting racial trait that was unique to Saurian. Gravity Stride, allowed Saurian to change his dynamic of gravity when moving across a surface. So he could move to a wall, flip his gravity to make the wall into the floor. Same for a ceiling! Over time the trait would grow to allow him to extend the 'field' to incorporate items, vehicles, and even people. But unlike magic, this was a racial trait. Something that could not be turned off with an anti magic field or a counter spell. Lash/Saurian had not encountered a situation where magic was turned off. But Erik had to admit it was a scary thought, they relied heavily on magic to sustain them. Racial traits were also rare! They generally had more secrets in them then the book gave. Adaptation was a great example that trait just kept helping him ways he didn't even think about. Erik double checked the whole book and didn't find any other traits so he bought it!

Congratulations User! You've purchased the Racial Trait, Gravity Stride: The wall, the ceiling, become your floor! You can now walk, or run up any surface. Since this is a racial trait it does not consume any form of energy. Please take note, this trait does not allow you to fly by flipping the gravity over and over. You must be near a surface to flip the gravity! (Can be used in both forms)

Additional Effect, you can alter your overall gravity weight in the world. This is not Density Shifting! You can decrease or increase your overall weight currently by 10%, grows with time. (Can be used in both forms)

Erik watched with amusement as Dawn, and the Admin Avatar danced around the room. Clearing putting on a show, but Erik enjoyed it. Which is why he believes they were doing it. The Dream Engine VI's were very accommodating that way. Checking again to see if he get another racial trait. Nothing was found, he even found a nice little search engine for the book typing in racial trait all he saw was his current two. So using the search engine he typed in basic skills! Basic was an umbrella term it seemed, it didn't give the skills specifically for Erik's avatar but skills that all Users found useful. They had some interesting suggestions, but Erik didn't purchase them. Every skill he saw he could technically just go get while in The Dream. He thought about using the last DP and use it to upgrade his super rank. He was still stagnating at D+. The climb between D+ and C- was huge!

But, he decided to type into the search bar. Spell Domains. List from top to bottom, rare to common. True Magic, was the same Domain that Zatara, and Zatanna used. Synchronicity, which was Constantine's Domain, it was a probability engine and luck mechanic. Things just seem to happen around Constantine, mostly bad things. There was a reason for that, his Domain worked with luck, and the manipulation of fate. So because he abused fate, fate fought back by fucking with his life. Order of Creation, which is what Dr. Fate used, or at least one of their Domains. Dr Fate had a lot of Domains! Then something shocked Erik! HOLY FUCK! True Magic, Synchronicity, and Order of Creation all took four Dream Points to purchase! Per Domain obviously. He also had to full fill story objectives to learn them. He had a (35%) for True Magic.

Erik typed into the search engine for recommended Spell Domains, specifically for his character. The search brought up a few, it also included several spells for his current Domains. But one specific Domain caught his eye. Transmutation: The Spell Art of transforming one material into another, the manipulation of energy and converting said energy in things. Wait, didn't Lash/Saurian have several energy oriented skills already? This Spell Domain was at the top of the recommendations. He did a quick scan through the rest of the pages. He had plenty of options to choose from, almost to many. But reading a few examples about this specific Domain he decided to purchase it.

Congratulations User! You've purchased the Spell Domain, Transmutation: The Spell Art of modifying, and creating energy and matter. Energy is never in a solid state, its passive state is ever flowing, ever changing! With this Domain you have become a smith, and reality is your forge!

Side Note: Any racial trait, skill, ability, or spell that uses the act of transformation, shifting, or altering. You now have a 10% power increase, and a 10% decrease in energy consumption.

Congratulations User! You've obtained the Achievement: 'Philosopher stone anyone?' You now have a 10% increase in understanding when handling, and creating materials including but not limited to mundane, magical, alien, or otherwise.

Congratulations User! You've obtained the Title: 'Transmuter'

Active Effect: Once a day you can convert ten pounds of material into something of lesser, equal, or greater value. You must have at one point seen and handled the material you are changing to. Please Note: 'Value' is based on the perspective of the system.

Passive Effect: All Transmutation spells take 10% less energy to use. All Chimera, hybrid, and mixed creations sentient or otherwise like you 10% more.

Switch current title for Transmuter? Y/N... No. Title Consolidation is active.

Erik smiled at Dawn and the Admin Avatar, then stared in wonder as the Admin created a super nova explosion that looked better then any firework he had ever seen. Dawn hugged Erik and then pointed at the book specifically in the 'Fusion' Domain area. Before there was nothing, but now there was a new fusion that Erik could purchase next time he had DP and access to the store. The fusion Domain was called, Rebirth: Combination of Nature, Grave, and Transmutation this Domain allows you to control the shifting forms of life and death.

'Everything is born, Everything lives, Everything dies, This cycle shall never be broken, So are his words spoken. -Exeus.

Erik didn't know who Exeus was, but they sounded like a great mage! He tagged the fusion Domain under his favorites. So next time he had DP and access to the store it would be the first thing he bought! He closed the book and it faded from sight. Erik stood up, hugged Dawn and to the surprise of the Admin VI Erik hugged it too. Then he jumped out of the Black Room and dove back into Lash.

Lash had just gotten home and was in the process of getting something to eat. He noticed lately he didn't really need to. So he had something that was full of energy but easy to digest. He shivered as Erik returned, he and Saurian greeted him. Then his phone vibrated, he had a text message from Elizabeth? 'Hay! Back from Themyscira! Why do the Amazons know you? They put me up in a really nice guest house for being the adopted sister of Erik Lash. Anyways, I really want to talk to you! Face to face not over the phone. I know your...Busy with things so just let me know, ok?'

Lash smiled wide at the text message. He responded with a quick hello and said he could meet her tomorrow potentially, as long as nothing urgent happened. He got a response right away! She still had a key to his home and would be coming over in the morning. So, Lash made a mental note that he had to be here or send a message otherwise. There was a skip to his step as he finished his quick meal and cleaned his dishes, Saurian was pleased as well. Then he got a phone call, he looked the caller then answered.

“Mentor Skaleg, everything alright?” Lash said, walking to his computer to check on some information about King Croc's town.

“I fucking hate that title! Yes! I wanted to let you know that some one in the mundane world has placed a hit out on Agent Wraith! Along with Batman, his partner.... Robin, and that woman....ummm. 'Batgirl!' Ah thank you!” Skaleg was trying to think of the last one, Marie his daughter called out across the room in Skaleg's home.

“So, this isn't a super-natural hit, right? I know I've pissed off a lot of people but I would think that the super-natural communities had their own ways of calling assassins, mundanes seem a little simple. Wow, I really just said that didn't I? Wasn't to long ago the thought of having a mark on me would have been terrifying.” Lash said over the phone, calling up the Warden information page. Sure enough! He had a mundane hit on him.

“Yes, just mundane. Which is why I am calling you. They are not targeting Erik Lash. They are targeting your persona Wraith. The bounty is.... wow! Hundred million dollars! But no one in the super-natural communities would target Queen Mab's Winter Knight. There are better ways to commit suicide! We are still looking into who put the money up. Just be aware if and when you go on one of your patrols you may attract extra attention. So, keep that in mind if you are interacting with people.” Skaleg said. He sent Lash an encrypted email with all the info, including the dark website address of where the bounty was placed.

“That should be all the information we have, if you want to share it with your...Cough! Other friends be my guest.” Skaleg said with sarcastic and amused tone. Skaleg understood that Lash knew who Batman, Robin, and Batgirl's identity but didn't press for it. He only had two and half months left to retire. He was mostly on desk duty right now.

“Thank you! Question, have you ever heard of the Domain Transmutation? Or the Domain Rebirth?” Lash asked, curious if he could learn more about his new Domain, and future one.

“Transmutation? Ya, that is a really famous one! Its an easy one to learn, but fucking impossible to master! As for Rebirth? Never heard of that one. I'll ask around. Why?” Skaleg said, Lash could practically see Skaleg sit up straighter in anticipation.

“Oh I recently picked up Transmutation, had a conversation with my Endless contact about learning the Domain Rebirth but they said it would take a lot of effort and time to learn that one.” Lash said.

“It still blows my mind that you have open contact with The Endless. If they say the second Domain takes a lot of effort and time. Then best assume its rare. If your learning Transmutation then Nast'rok will probably kiss you. Technomancy and Transmutation have a great working relationship. Oh! How did your meeting with Lady Kali go?” Skaleg asked.

Lash spent the next thirty or so minutes telling Skaleg, most of what happened. He left the mistake in identity part out. Skaleg along with a lot of Warden's do not have the best relationship with the Blood-Kindred. He was both upset and proud of Lash for sticking to his Warden Oath. He stayed neutral, helped the Kindred and in turn helped a lot of different communities. He also understood his remorse and hesitation that he may have just made things worse. The dissolution of House Apathakis within Gotham would dramatically cut down on drug crimes, at least with the super-natural communities. Then Skaleg and Lash both got an urgent mission request, asking for volunteers? On their phones from Warden HQ.

Starling City, had just experienced a mundane made earthquake! The entire low economy area known as, The Glades had just collapsed! Hundreds were dead, thousands were injured or missing. This message went out to all available Warden's and Community members. Lash told Skaleg to stay home and work on trying to find out made the bounty on him. Lash would volunteer to go as Agent Wraith. Especially since two minutes after the alert went out he got a 'request' for Agent Wraith to go to Starling City. Shit, he was going to miss his appointment with Lizzy. Skaleg wished him luck and hung up. Lash contacted Warden HQ, they were sending him transport to HQ so he could use the portal nexus to go to the Warden HQ in that area.

Lash sent a message to Lizzy to turn on her TV or phone and look up 'Earthquake in Starling City'. After a few minutes she sent a single message back. 'Love you! Don't die! See you when you get back!' Lash replied with, 'I love you, Lizzy'. Lash locked up his home and went down stairs to wait for his car. The security guard at the front desk looked up at him, then smiled at him.

“Good luck, Warden.” The guard said to him.

“Thank you.” Lash said, he didn't recognize the guard but he was getting use to the idea that people knew him far more then he knew them. His transport soon arrived, he ran to the car and jumped in. Then he began to make a few phone calls.

“Wayne Residence how may I help you?” Alfred answered the phone. Lash disguised his voice.

“Pennyworth, tell your master and his young ward there is a one hundred million dollar bounty on them. We are still looking into who set up the bounty. The information can be found here.” Lash told Alfred the site on the dark web.

“Ah! Thank you, Sir! I'll inform then straight away. Is there a way for them to contact you?” Alfred had gotten use to the random calls.

“Unfortunately no, Starling City has just experienced an artificial earthquake in their low economy area known as The Glades. I've been asked to help with the rescue operations. I'll be gone for a while!” Lash in his animalistic voice responded. Thanks to magic cast on the car the driver had made it half way to Warden HQ at this point. Fast driving.

“My God! Very well, Sir! Best of luck. Good night!” Alfred then hung up. Lash dialed another number next. This one was going to be strange. Ring...Ring....

“Hello? Barbara Gordon speaking....” Barbara and or Batgirl said across the line. Lash responded once again in his disguised voice.

“Batgirl.” Two words from Lash made the woman scream in surprise. Lash heard her hurry from the room, he could hear her father and mother calling after her. The former with concern, and the latter with amusement.

“I..Its just a boy I know from school! No, dad you can't speak to him! Because you'll use your cop powers to threaten him! Mom, help me! Just...No!” Barbara ran around her parent's house trying to get away from her dad on more then one occasion Jim Gordon had actually got a hold of the phone. Only to lose it moments later! Lash heard the phone hit the ground as well as body being slammed into the floor.

“Ouch! When did you learn to do that!? Alright! The fact that you can take your old man down in less then ten seconds is enough assurance for me.” Jim Gordon said loudly enough for Lash to hear. Barbara found a quiet place, calmed her breathing then tried to sound professional as possible.

“Agent Wraith. Should I be surprised or flattered that you know who I am?” Barbara said in a cool voice. But Lash could detect a flutter of nervous tension.

“I am fully aware of who you are, Barbara Gordon. Do not fret I never put it into any report or told any one. I've secured the phone line so it can't be traced, or tapped. This conversation is secure. I've called to tell you there is a one hundred million dollar bounty on myself, Batman, Robin, and Batgirl. That is one hundred million per kill. My people are currently looking to identify who is the contract holder. This is the site where the information is being stored.” Lash spoke, and gave the information fully believing Batgirl had access to the Dark Web. Barbara's breathing accelerated, Lash could hear that she had sat down and was trying to keep calm.

“I am currently on my way to Starling City, to help in a rescue operation and will be away from Gotham for several days or even weeks. You are under no obligation to go patrolling, but I'll let you decide your own level of involvement. Do you have any questions for me?” Lash said, as the car had exited Gotham City. They were about fifteen or so minutes from Warden HQ.

“Just one....What did you do to me? Or give me? Ever since we met I've been different. It's like I have a sixth sense for danger now.” Barbara said softly, almost scared to hear the answer. Lash made up a lie on the spot. His Skill, Acting gained experience.

“My people have a rare ability to impart traits, and skills to others. As long as the individual in question is capable of learning. You were capable of learning a skill we call, Danger Sense. I'm sure you can imagine what it does. Other then severally draining your stamina and metal energy when used it has no other negative side effects. Also those side effects fade with time. Just like a new muscle the more its used the stronger it becomes.” Lash said softly across the phone, his voice had less edge to it.

“Oh... Thank you! It's saved my life more than once. I..I owe you.” Barbara said, barely a whisper.

“Just stay alive! We can talk about payment another time. Alright I need to go, I'm heading to Starling.” Lash finished up, Barbara sounded like she wanted to keep talking but let him go in the end. Lash stepped from the car, thanked the driver with some Nature spell pick me ups. Then went to the Portal Nexus for travel.


Barbara ended the call and stared at her phone for several minutes. She was in her parents house home for the holidays. She actually lived in the dorms of Gotham State University, but had been visiting her parents. The Alien super hero Wraith knew her number, knew her identity! She didn't know why but she felt she could trust him. Danger Sense, when she said the word out loud something seem to click in place. What ever this skill, or ability was? It was amazing! She'd had dodged attacks from behind, knives thrown, and even bullets. Well the gun shots came from inexperienced thugs who didn't know how to shoot. But still! This ability had effected her reflexes, and her balance it did so many things. She felt powerful with it. She owed Wraith!

“Honey? Are you done talking?” Barbara's mother stood in the doorway to her room. She had been smiling but soon got serious when she saw Barbara staring at her phone, reading her daughters mood.

“Ya mom! He... He has family in Starling City. He's flying home to help with the relief work since that earthquake attack happened. I guess he wanted to tell me before he went.” Barbara said. Her mother brightened up. Understanding that the boy who called, was telling her daughter where he was going. It was sad to hear, but also nice that the boy from school thought to call her.

“Oh! Well, why don't you get his homework for the classes you share so he can get all caught up when he comes back?” Eileen, Barbara's mother suggested. Barbara smiled at her mother and agreed.


The sound of the troop helicopter's rotating blades vibrated through out the whole chopper that he rode in. Lash was still wearing his Warden Tactical gear, but had put on his Wraith disguise. Activating Transformation, Lash was a human/reptile hybrid currently. He was reading through a briefing on the layout of Starling City, as well as the super-natural communities present with in the city, especially the glades. The vigilante known as 'The Hood' or 'The Arrow' had been seen in the past year killing, maiming, and injuring the elite criminals of the city. In this generated world Moria, Olivers Mother never came out and told any one about the earthquake machine. Its possible she may not have even known about it. Lash was even surprised the earthquake theme had happened. But, he assumed since 'Wraith' specialized in search and rescue Dawn may have arranged the comic origin for him. The helicopter began to descend from its altitude. Lash along with a few dozen different Warden's who volunteered across the country got their gear ready. Everyone had glamour on, to either look like search and rescue red cross, police, military, etc. He was the only one that stuck out like a sore thumb. But no one questioned why Wraith a United Nations World Security would be attending.

The door's opened up and repel ropes were cast out. They were been tossed straight into the middle of the devastation. Lash skipped the rope and just stepped out into the air. They were nearly five hundred feet up but he didn't care. He decided to cast his very first spell from his new Domain.

Transmutation Domain Spell, Falling Glide: Reduce your overall weight, and allow you to glide on the currents of air. It currently can only be cast on you, but with time can be cast on others, as well as items, machines, and vehicles. The greater the mass the more magic it takes to cast. 'I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar!'

Lash spread his arms out and looked like a grim reaper falling from the heavens! Once out of the helicopter he shifted into Saurian. Spatial Item Shift exchanging there cloths, and armor. Saurian landed gently on a ruined street below the helicopter. Nearly eight feet tall now, and that was with him hunched over. He took a moment to get his bearings as he waited for the rest of the team to repel down.

Soon the helicopter left, every one started moving to their assigned points of control. Saurian was left to his own devices, he knew the field hospital locations, as well as the super-natural communities pick up points. He cast Sooth, and Nature's Supplement on all the different teams before they left. One last pick me up before a long work week. Then he started towards a particular direction, looking for a club owned by Oliver Queen in the Glades. Something called Verdiant, Vordant? Eh, he'd know it when he saw it. Saurian cast Chameleon, and Nature's Passage on himself as he moved through the ruined part of the city. Why? Because though he was known in the Narrows, and when he was in Metropolis Superman was around to vouch for him. He was sure Starling City had seen the news footage of him. But seeing him in person was another thing, he had to take this slow.

Saurian moved through the Glades and stopped to cast a few Nature spells on the sly. But for the most part no one saw him or understood why they felt better. He soon found the night club, turns out it was on the tail edge of the Glades. It was primarily intact, though there was a crowd of people around the club. Rather there was a large number of people trying to break in and steal from the club. Saurian turned Chameleon off and walked up towards the crowd very casually then some one noticed him. Which made them scream, that created a domino effect as everyone screamed in horror at the seven and half foot tall nazgul that stood behind them. They call scattered in a hurry, Lash using Connectivity he unlocked the security gate move through and then locked it behind him. He went to the front door and opened it up, the club was empty on the inside but still had power. Sending a Technomancy pulse through the building he soon found the hidden door, opened it up and silently walked down the stairs. Listening to a woman and a man speak.

“Felicity I understand that you want to go look for Oliver, but it would be like looking for a needle in haystack! You stay here and keep looking through the camera's I'll go out and look for him, and stay on the radio.” John Diggle said.

Diggle was a 6'2” African man with a line backer build. Strong build from years spent in the gym, mixed martial arts, and his time in the military. Diggle was wearing black boots, black jeans, black t-shirt, and a leather jacket. He was speaking to Felicity Smoak, a 5' 6” blond hair, blue eyes, with a killer body in a sexy IT woman kind of way. Her hair was done up in a tail, she had a pink blouse on, with a pink mini skirt, and pink heels. Not very practical, but she was the computer wiz of the group.

This was a perfect example of 4th wall information breaking. Lash/Saurian technically had never met Oliver Queen, or knew the situation in Starling City. But Erik the gamer did. The Dream Engine prevented the character avatar from describing or telling the name, or persona of someone with out the proof! They had to at the very least obtain basic info to craft a theory. But Erik had read on the forum's as well as interacted with the generated world several times. You could physically go to a place! Which is what he did now. Saurian over heard the conversation, used Connectivity to search the computers. He quickly put two and two together. Oliver Queen, was The Arrow.

“Damn it! I feel so useless! You and Oliver risk your lives every night and I'm stuck here doing my IT girl thing. Eh? The crowd in front of the club is gone. John wait, lets rewind the camera and....What the hell is that?!” Felicity screamed, as she watched the video recording of Wraith showing up, walking into the club.

“That's the Alien Wraith, supposedly he works for the United Nations. Wait is he in the club right now?” Diggle asked.

“Yes I am.” Saurian said, he had moved silently behind them. Diggle flipped around and pulled his side arm to take aim. Felicity screamed at the top of her lungs and hid behind Diggle.

“Felicity Smoak, John Diggle. Very nice to meet you. Oliver Queen is currently at the Merlyn industries building.” Saurian pointed at the computers in the room, the screens flickered and changed to show the video feed of several security camera's. Oliver or rather the Green Arrow was digging through the rubble to rescue his friend Tommy Merlyn. Oliver was dressed up in his Green Arrow uniform. Felicity looked at the monitors while Diggle kept his eyes on Wraith.

“Oh my god! He's alive! Oh no, Tommy is hurt. Wait, I've read about you, you can heal people as long as they are alive right? Can you help Tommy, it would crush Oliver if he died.” Felicity went from surprised, to happy, to pleading with Wraith. Diggle settled down long enough to look at the screens.

“Yes, but it would be better if both or one of you came along to explain who I am. I am sure the Green Arrow may try to shoot me if I show up out of no where.” Saurian spoke, his animalistic voice making Felicity flinch with every word he said. Felicity squeezed Diggles arm and gave him an imploring look. Diggle holstered his side arm and agreed.

After a few minutes Felicity agreed to stay in the hide out. Diggle got into an SUV and drove over to Merlyn industries. Saurian had...Shrunk down? He weighed the same, but his overall size was reduced. In a sense it was reverse Transformation only this time he invited Lash over instead of the other way around. So he was a giant were-lizard creature with some human features. However, he still wore his Wraith disguise so all Diggle saw was the the nazgul thing got smaller so he could fit inside the car.

“So, do you really work for World Security?” Diggle said, after a few minutes. He couldn't figure out why but every light they came to turned green before they got there. They were making great time, Wraith even gave him advice on when to turn to avoid accidents. Traffic was crazy with the earthquake.

“Its a partnership. I do work for them, they let me live on earth as a citizen.” Saurian said, still playing up the Alien persona.

“Ever met a woman named Amanda Waller?” Diggle asked.

“I've met her once, she seemed interested in my unique skill set. Though I believe she is the type that believes the results justify the means.” Saurian said softly. Diggle Scoffed.

“That's putting it mildly, but if you are half of the things that the news says you are. Stay away from her. She'll chew you up and spit you out when she is done with you.” Diggle said.

“Oh, what have they said about me?” Saurian asked, slightly interested.

“Well a few things, take it with a grain of salt. A lot of people are angry about you and Superman using Earth like its your backyard. A lot of racist bullshit, blaming you for things that are completely out of your hands. They think Superman is some vanguard for an alien invasion. Trying to wear us down with good intentions and work. A lot of people want to know how long you've been on Earth.” Diggle said, as he made a turn. They were only a few minutes away from Oliver.

“I was born here, lived on Earth all my life. The only difference between you and me is that I'm not human.” Saurian said softly, the edge in his voice softened. Diggle glanced at him, clearly surprised. “That's why the United Nations made an exception for me. Superman was born on his home world but was raised here on Earth. You can believe the Daily Planets article written by Lois Lane.”

“So, because I was born on Earth I was allowed citizenship.” Saurian said, this was actually the cover story the Warden's had provided in case he was ever asked such a question, or it came up in conversation. The right people in the mundane and super-natural communities made this 'record' official. Wraith had Alien parents, but was a citizen of Earth. Which oddly enough made a big difference to a lot of mundanes when they found that out.

“Can I quote you on that?” Diggle said, his voice a bit softer now. Saurian nodded in agreement, Felicity had been listening in over the radio but hadn't said anything.

“Yes you can, you as well Miss Smoak. It's an open secret that you wont get in trouble for saying. I'm thinking of letting Lois Lane interview me just like Superman. I think she did a good job on it. Ah, we are here!” Saurian said.

Thanks to Diggle's driving and the green traffic lights that even Felicity had no idea how were being changed. They made it from the club to Merlyn industries in under fifteen minutes. Saurian and Diggled jumped out of the car, the latter returned to his normal size. Saurian reached out and cast...

Transmutation and Nature Domain Spell, Cat's Grace: You imbue the essence of a super predatory cat into yourself or a target for approximately an hour, grows with level increase. Increasing the ability stats of the individual with the power of a Panther, Tiger, or Lion. Dealers choice. 'Lions, Tigers, and Panthers oh my!'

A dark green glow surrounded Diggle who stumbled for a brief moment then instinctively understood the changes in his body and soon caught up with Saurian, they both jumped through the third story window. Saurian led the way shattering the glass.

“HOLY SHIT!” Diggle screamed in surprise. Doing a tuck and roll across the third floor office space then he chased after Saurian. Felicity screamed in surprise in Diggle's ear piece, she had seen them jump on a security camera.

“It will only last for an hour, you'll feel the change so don't worry about forgetting.” Saurian told Diggle as he raced down towards the main stair way and climbed up along with John.

Saurian wasn't sure when or how but when he learned Transmutation several new spells in his Domains of Nature, Technomancy, Graven, and Synthesis became available. He jumped ahead of Diggle by a small amount and spoke softly to Dawn.

“Dawn, my brightest star! Did a new version come out, or is the duo spells part of Transmutation?” Saurian said. He heard a delightful giggle followed by a sweet voice.

“Oh my User! Such a nice nick name. Yes a new version came out, it allows for the fusion of skills, abilities, traits, and spells. Also, yes Transmutation is a great medium between many spell Domains and abilities. Would you like a list of everything changed or do you wish to do that later?” Dawn said softly, Saurian would almost feel her speaking right next to his ear.

“Later, thank you my brightest star!” Saurian whispered.

“Of course, User!” Dawn laughed softly and let Erik get back to his generated world.

Saurian out of curiosity reached out and made a 'Temporary Pack Bond' with Diggle, the connection was established which meant that Diggle had a friendly disposition with him. Oh! Erik forgot to buy the reputation/favorable system. Next time! Saurian stumbled a bit on a step and almost went through a wall. Because he got a prompt...

Temporary Pack Bond: Stat increase is now 10%, this is the current limit of this skill. It will only increase through the store or a story driven event.

So that meant that Diggle now had a 10% stat increase while he was linked to Saurian. He would also obtain a permanent increase to his over all human physiology. So that meant that Diggle could obtain peak human condition. As long as he took care of himself. Lash/Saurian had truly become a super generator. He'd have to be careful with this, it could easily come back to bite him later. The stat increase was great for in the moment, or while traveling with the pack. But thanks to Awaken Trait the stat increase also unlocked a individuals potential. Want to go above and behind the normal human means? Find and befriend Warden Lash, and his Partner Hunter Saurian!

Saurian and Diggle got the right floor and burst through the door. They saw Oliver sobbing over his head friend Tommy Merlyn. Tommy had his legs crushed, and several metal rebar through his rib cage. Oliver didn't even register Wraith and Diggle running towards him, he was so lost to his sorrow. Diggle came to his side and shook him. Oliver responded gradually, and stared up at him in despair.

“I tried...I tried to save him. I tried to save everyone! I couldn....Tommy's father Malcolm was behind the earthquake. I....” Oliver cried as Diggle hugged him.

Aha! So, in this comic origin Oliver never figured out that his Mother was involved, or maybe she wasn't? Saurian wasn't sure, Dawn had thrown curve balls before not always following the exact origin. So that meant the earthquake machine had successfully gone off for its full rotation. The Glades were truly fucked! Saurian looked Tommy Merlyn over, his Grave sight showed that his spirit was still with in the body. Good!

“What are you doing!?” Oliver screamed as he got up and tried to tackle Saurian who was pulling the rebar out of Tommy. Diggle stopped him.

“Oliver! This is Wraith, you remember him on the news! Maybe he can help Tommy!” Diggle shouted at his friend.

“He's dead! You can't bring back the dead!” Oliver tried to fight Diggle but was to devastated by grief to put up any real resistance.

“Did you know that the human brain can go approximately fifteen minutes with out oxygen before it begins to suffer brain damage? Well that is with earth standard medicine. I have something a bit better.” Saurian said, as he continued to pull the rebar's out.

He used Material Shaping to make the rebar pliable like clay this made it easier to pull them out. He moved the rubble with the help of Diggle who was still stronger then normal. Then Oliver began to help, hearing Saurian's word, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. They gently pulled Tommy away from the debris, Saurian cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, Restoration, and Nature's Kiss on the 'dead' body. All of the life threatening wounds were healed. Then Saurian reached into the Grave Domain and cast, Kiss of the Grave. A dull gray light surrounded Saurian, then it flowed into Tommy..... Gaaaaaaah! Tommy sucked in a breath of air and began to cough. Oliver burst into tears and hugged his friend. Diggle was wide eyed, and Saurian could hear Felicity scream in shock then start to cheer on the radio.

“Oliver, the major damage has been healed. But you should still get him to a hospital. What I did to him can cause side effects so he may be a little...Off. He was dead after all!” Saurian said.

Oliver nodded over and over again. Tommy looked around confused and had not really registered what was going on. All he saw was his best friend crying with joy, Oliver's body guard Diggle with a huge smile on his face. Then the personification of Death speaking to his best friend like they had just made a deal? Wait, why was he covered in blood? Why did he have holes in his cloths. WAIT!? Didn't he die!?

“Wait! Was I dead!? How am I alive!?” Tommy started shouting! Oliver started to laugh, Saurian turned to Diggle. But actually he tied into the radio channel with Connectivity.

“Felicity, Diggle, I'm going to leave now. Tell Oliver that his Green Arrow identity is safe. I was actually here to see if he was interested in recruitment but we can talk about that later. The Glades is still in ruins and I have a lot of work left to do. Both of you, don't spread the death resurrection thing around. It has a very specific criteria, and has be done preferably within twenty minutes of death. Alright?” Saurian said. Diggle and Felicity understood.

Saurian de linked from Diggle who felt something snap, he understood what was subconsciously. The Cat's Grace soon faded after about twenty more minutes. Saurian had finished his main objective. He didn't have a quest for the Green Arrow. But that didn't matter. Saurian then moved back into the Glades to start the long process of helping and rebuilding the Glades.


“This is Channel eight with tonight's news, I'm your host Allie Mercedes! Less then three days ago a devastating attack struck Starling City, specifically the impoverished portion of the city. Often referred to as, The Glades! It has come to our attention that what we had believed to be a normal earthquake was actually a man made disaster by something called the Earthquake Machine that specifically targeted the Glades. Though the rest of the city was spared, the Glades suffered the worst of it.”

“After the attack happened a desperate plea was made by Starling City Mayor for the national guard. With in a few hours the military was in the city working with emergency response, and also working with the military surprisingly was an Alien visitor from the stars. Simply known as, The Wraith. Or Agent Wraith as he is called by the United Nations World Security. Agent Wraith helped coordinate the search and rescue operations in the Glades with extreme precision. Thanks to his unique Alien abilities and technology he was able to lead the effort, and participate at the same time. The Health and Safety board of directors have claimed that over five thousand lives have been saved by Wraith alone. Using his unique gifts the construction and removal of debris. Something that should have taken weeks, months, or even years are being done in a matter of days, hours, and even minutes. We go now live with our camera team on the scene. Reporter, Eric Ricardo. Ricardo?”


Mr. Ricardo was trying to get to a clear position as he heard his radio go off. He turned around to look at the camera to report the scene. A field hospital behind him was filled with survivors that were being helped, as emergency response teams and the military moved back and forth to help clear the way. Ricardo despite being a part of the press had to maintain a distance so he was not in the way.

“Yes, hello? Mercedes? Ah! As you can see behind us this is the largest field hospital working in the Glades. Over thirteen thousand people have been through this hospital alone. We have personally seen the Wraith on Camera several times. Using his alien technology to rebuild transportation, refuel helicopters, re attach limbs, and heal people who were on their death beds. Though it has been confirmed that he can not bring the dead back to life. We have a direct quote from him, 'Even I have limits' That was all we could get from him in the brief moment we asked. After which he went back into the Glades to work. On a personal note I have to say I am both in awe and inspired by his work ethic. The Wraith has been working none stop for nearly four days, with out rest, and very little food.” Ricardo listened to the radio.

“Ricardo, we heard unconfirmed reports that the vigilante 'The Arrow' has been seen several times in the Glades working along side the Wraith. Any news on that?” Mercedes said.

“Yes, Mercedes we have personally seen The Arrow work along side the Wraith. When asked about the involvement several soldiers said simply, 'We'll accept any help we can get.' Though there was a few times at the beginning when police attempted to arrest The Arrow. The Wraith stepped between them and told them concentrate on saving lives, instead of chasing away someone trying to help.” Ricardo replied to the camera.

“Thank you very much, Ricardo! We will now move to our channel eight news helicopter to watch scenes of the operation in progress!” Mercedes said over the broad cast.

Ricardo's camera man cut the feed and said they were all clear. Ricardo took his ear piece out, and went to the news van. It was almost ten at night the sun had set several hours ago. He watched the news helicopter fly over the area with its spotlight trying to catch a scene Ricardo had seen many times. Of hundreds of tiny blue machines coming from The Wraith as it rebuilt buildings, and dug through the ground like it was made out of wet mud. He even saw The Wraith touch several soldiers, they were surrounded by a dark green glow and for a short few hours they were like super soldiers! Jumping thirty feet in the air, lifting huge chunks of debris and they ran as fast as a car! Of course after the 'effect' wore off the soldiers were exhausted, in desperate need of food and sleep. Ricardo heard something, more like a rumor. He didn't report it because he knew it would be a secret. Apparently The Wraith was capable of not only teaching people his peoples technology, but even willing to! A new age was just right around the corner! An age that Ricardo would live to see!


Ring....Ring....Ring... Lash lifted a stone pillar that weighed several hundred pounds with the help of several Cat's Grace soldiers. Several people had been found under a collapsed building. Lash wanted to rebuild it but his energy reserves were tapped, and he said as much to the soldiers. No one said a word in admonishment. Lash had saved well over two thousand lives. The news like to exaggerate!

“Hello, Queen residence how may I help you?” A servant spoke on the line.

“Hello, I am Agent Wraith with the United Nations World Security. May I please speak to Moria Queen. Its about her children.” Lash said across the line. His voice was gruff, but thanks to Connectivity it was crystal clear.

“Wait one moment!” The servant said, then Lash heard her racing towards a direction. A short conversation took place then a older man's voice spoke with a British accent. What the?

“Hello Mr. Wraith! You are on speaker phone I am Walter Steele, and husband to Moria Queen. She is here with us.” Walter said!? Erik vaguely remembered that Walter was part of the TV series of Arrow. When they said all of the DC universe in the Beta Test they meant it!

“Have you heard news of my children!?” Moria called out, frantic for an answer.

“Yes, Oliver Queen and Thea Queen are both safe, and in good health. Oliver had a few scraps and cuts but was treated and is now working in the Glades with the rescue operation. I saw him but a few hours ago. I'm sending you an email to your personal email Misses Queen. Thea Queen was visiting her boyfriend Roy Harber in his home. Which was in the Glades, but I can confirm they are both alive and well and at a field hospital. Their info is also in the email.” Lash finished speaking, he was digging through the ground with his claws and using Material Shaping it didn't use much energy.

A couple of minutes went by, Lash and the soldiers pulled several people from under the destroyed building. Lash took a seat and was in the process of eating a protein bar and guzzling a water canteen. Just like normal he had switched out with Saurian. Saurian was like a well oiled machine that ran hard and fast! But needed down time as well. They had actually switched out several times during the past four days or so. Essentially doing twelve hour shifts, letting the other half rest. It worked pretty well oddly enough. Thanks to his volunteering for the tool time test. He regained energy 20% faster as long as he was 'resting'.

“Sir.....Sir! Mr Wraith are you there?” Walter was calling him.

“Oh! Sorry Mr Steele. Its been a long couple of days. What were you saying?” Lash asked.

“We got your email! Thank you for including the patient numbers so we could find Thea. Could you please tell Oliver to come home? Or, at least call home?” Walter said. Sounded like Lash was not on speaker phone any more.

“I will do that. Goodbye Mr Steele.” Lash said, Walter bid him goodbye and hung up.

Lash finished another four protein bars, and three canteen's of water before standing up. He sent a message to Diggle telling him to tell Oliver to stop being a bad son and contact his mother, or so help him Lash would tell Moria the truth about Oliver's after dark activities! Diggle laughed, knowing Lash was joking but said he would deliver the message. A crack of thunder struck the sky, or maybe it was a sonic boom, and before any one knew it the boy scout showed up! Flying down towards Lash, Superman landed in front with a smile.

“Sorry it took me so long!” Superman said.

“It's fine, did you finish with the hurricane in the Philippines?” Lash asked, Superman nodded.

“I did, I was tempted to call for your help then I heard about this.” Superman frowned looking at the devastation. His inner boy scout was tugging on his heart strings.

“If this hadn't of happened I would have been more than happy to come help. Speaking of help I need to introduce you to some one! Come with me!” Lash told the soldiers to carry on and moved with Superman to another part of the Glades.

Lash used Connectivity along the way to help organize the search and rescue. His Minor Administration skill had evolved into Intermediate Administration since yesterday. Commanding Presence, had also evolved into Intermediate Commanding Presence. Combat Medicine, and Medical Care had all become basic! He also gained a new addition to...

Commanding Presence has gained an additional effect!

Leadership: A good leader is also a good follower. You understand both perspectives and it allows you to mediate conflicts, encourage a safe environment, and inspire loyalty in others. Please note that Commanding Presence can be turned off and on. However, Leadership is a passive skill addition.

In a lot of ways it was a really useful ability! However, a unforeseen side effect happened. Charming Presence and Leadership were both passive. He had seen hundreds of men and women with stars and hearts in their eyes when looking at him. He still had his Wraith disguise on, and the few parts they did see were scaled and covered in pure darkness. He was an alien monster. They didn't seem to care though! Lash cast a glamour around him and Superman. The boy scout could feel the glamour take effect. Oh, turns out Superman can see through glamour as long as he focuses! But he can't see through Lash's. He doesn't know why! They came to the club Verdant, 'walked' past everyone and entered the underground bunker.

“Oliver you have to call them! Your mother must be worried sick! If you don't Wraith will tell her what you've been doing!” Diggle said.

“Really? He'd do that?” Felicity asked, Diggle made a face at her. She made an O face then screamed in surprise before she stood up and pointed. Diggle, Oliver, and Tommy all turned around to see Wraith and Superman in their bunker. Superman waved.

“Hello!” Superman smiled, his charming boy next door smile. Making Felicity's knees weak. Lash gestured towards Superman, then towards them.

“Everyone this is Superman. Superman, that is Felicity Smoak, John Diggle, Tommy Merlyn, and last but not least this is Oliver Queen, also known as The Arrow.” Lash introduced everyone. Oliver's eyes went wide when Wraith said that.

“Relax! Superman knows a thing or two about keeping identities secret. Just like you all know that Barry Allen is The Flash.” Lash said.

“Who's Barry Allen?” Tommy asked, clearly confused. The rest of the room all looked at Lash in surprise. Lash was a little confused as well, because Foresight did NOT activate. So how did he know that? Guess work? Superman looked at Lash with a smile.

“You know I still don't know what you look like.” Superman asked. The whole room turned to Lash. He turned off his Wraith disguise. But Transformation was still active so he looked like a human/lizard hybrid. So they didn't see the default setting of Lash, that would be later. But Superman looked satisfied.

“Cool!” Tommy said out loud, he had a smile on his face.

“I like snakes!” Felicity said, then turned red when she realized she said it out loud. Diggle and Oliver laughed.

“Oh and Oliver. CALL YOUR MOTHER!” Lash said, everyone laughed! So after a few minutes Oliver called his mother, Moria had found Thea and Roy and she was taking them both back home. Oliver said he was speaking directly with The Wraith and would come home after he was done.

So they began to talk shop! An alien Superman, An 'Alien' Reptile, and Oliver Queen aka The Arrow. With Team Arrow that now included Tommy Merlyn. They called Flash who ran down from Central City to meet them. Only to be surprised when he saw Superman, and Wraith sitting in the room. Lash wanted to present an idea to all them. To create a team, a league, or maybe a Justice League.

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