Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 42: Croc’s New Town!

“Wait, I know we already covered this part but I'm still confused. Why can't you be a part of the League? Its your idea.” Felicity said to Lash/Wraith. Lash was still wearing his Transformation disguise.

“Rules. As part of the UNWS I have to follow a certain set of rules. In many ways I'm neutral, however the Justice League will be its own organization. A response team to troubles before they start and after. Everyone in this room has their own city, but wouldn't it be great if you could call someone up on a phone or video call on a computer to ask for help?” Lash said to everyone in the room.

They were under Verdant right now. Oliver Queen, John Diggle, Felicity Smoak, Tommy Merlyn, Barry Allen, Superman, and Wraith. They had been talking for over an hour interested in the idea of 'The Justice League'. Right now all it was would be a website that allows for information sharing and calls for help if need be. Lash wanted Wonder Woman, and Batman to be invited. But due circumstances Lash was here with them instead.

“I am not suggesting that the JL be above the law or work outside of the law. But any one that has ever worked in the government knows that not all operations are entirely public. I will be a part of it, just not publicly.” Lash said to everyone in the room once more.

“What about that other idea you had, for the younger generations. The Youth, young justice league?” Tommy asked, he had been taking this whole situation very well.

“I know it sounds silly but Heroes tend to attract both good and bad attention. More then likely you'll find talented people. Much like Roy Harper. When they first start they will be under your wing, but as they grow older they may want to stretch and move on their own. But they still need experience, and understand the benefits of working with a team. So the steps would be, Mentor and student. Then Student becomes a journeyman with other exceptional people. Then they graduate to full blown Justice League...If they chose to. Its also important that the Justice League and Young Justice be considered two different organizations.” Lash replied, he was essentially parroting what Erik was whispering in his ear.

Erik had a hard time deciding on creating Teen Titans, or Young Justice. But in the end he decided on the idea of Young Justice was far more beneficial in the long run. Having a covert operations team, and recon. Along with a place for the side kicks to grow into their own was an important step. Who knows maybe they'll make the titans anyways. One will just be a public organization while one was secret.

“Did you specifically ask me because Queen Industries will be able to afford all this?” Oliver asked, he had a smile on his face. But he was also serious.

“No, money is not the reason why I contacted you. I wanted The Arrow, and your team to join up. Your family industries was simply convenient, and before you ask I saved Tommy because it was the right thing to do. Not because of his money, and to assure you that I mean it give me a moment to demonstrate.” Lash stood up, walked over to a broken piece of concrete that fell during the quake.

Lash came back to the table showed everyone the piece of concrete. Then using a bit of glamour, tiny blue 'machines' came out of his armor. He used his Transmuter title active effect and converted the piece of concrete into a solid gold ingot. The ingot was at least ten pounds, the rest of the concrete broke apart since it was not consumed in the change. The titles effect still took a lot of energy to cast. Lash didn't even want to think about what it would take with out his title. He placed the gold bar on the table in front of everyone.

“Money is not an issue!” Lash said, he then took a seat and gestured for Superman to take a look. The Boy Scout used his X-ray vision to verify that it was truly gold.

“Before you ask. I can only do that once a day. Rules. I have no desire to completely destabilize the worlds economy. I simply made the gold bar to prove my point. Oh, that is another thing! I believe we should be able to pay those that are part of the JL, and Young JL. You are a billionaire, but Roy Harper is not. I'm not suggesting we pay people millions of dollars but it would be nice if our people didn't have to worry about paying the rent.” Lash said to the table.

“So basically you want to create a private organization of super-heroes, vigilante's that work together to help combat this new age of threats. To work both with the government and if need be, against them?” Superman asked. Lash could tell the Boy Scout was conflicted.

“This is an idea. Will this happen tomorrow? No! I came here to put the bug in your ear. At the very least we can create a information channel between everyone here so in the future we don't have to physically show up to ask for help. You had Mr. Allen's phone number on speed dial Miss Smoak. What if everyone here had that capability. I understand this is a low blow to you Oliver. But many lives could have been saved if you had the resource to reach out and ask for help instead of doing it alone? No offense Miss Smoak, or Mr Diggle.” Lash said. Oliver grimaced and looked down at his hands. Felicity and Diggle nodded at Lash in understanding.

Lash took out his phone showing it to everyone. Then Felicity, Diggle, Barry, Oliver, Tommy's phones all had a new contact in their phone book. Lash looked at Superman who shrugged. Superman had Lash's contact info through Shield and Sword Law Firm. Superman understood that Lash was part of something bigger then the United Nations World Security. But he was still an ally, and friend to him. So Superman let Lash keep his secrets.

“Call me, or don't call me. I wish we could talk more but my radio is blowing up with communications from the rescue operations. So if everyone is alright, we'll adjourn for now?” Lash asked, when everyone agreed he stood up and recast his glamour taking on the disguise of Wraith.

“That is really cool!” Felicity said softly, she watched as the nazgul look grew from Lash like a blooming flower.

Flash, Superman, and Wraith all left the building together under the effect of an obstruction glamour. Flash volunteered to stick around for a bit to help with the rescue, Superman had come to help to begin with. Wraith soon reconnected with the rescue operations, simply telling them he went and found Flash for some help. They didn't question it and welcomed the fastest man alive with open arms. Time to get back to work.


“What do you think, Olly?” Tommy asked, watching Oliver pull his Green Arrow suit off. He was leaning against the door frame watching Oliver.

“I don't know. I want to trust him, but this just came out of no where. At least we don't have to worry about the money part of the operation idea.” Oliver said sarcastically. For the first time he met some one who didn't want him for his money. The gold ingot was still sitting in the bunker. Felicity was holding it, stars in her eyes.

“If we are being honest I'd be more then willing to fund his whole operation. I owe him my life, Olly. I mean I owe you too buddy. But....You know what I mean!” Tommy said, ever since he had...'died' he'd been off balance, and a bit raw. Wraith said that would pass with time.

“I know Tommy.... Did you speak with Laurel?” Oliver changed the subject almost done switching into civilian clothing.

“Yes, she's fine. Her dad to if you can believe it. No word on.... My Father. Apparently he left Merlyn industries in my name. But, no one knows that Malcolm was behind the attack. Should I say something or....?” Tommy left the question hang in the air.

“No, use the company for something good. Rebuild the Glades and make it better than it was. I'll talk to my family and we'll make it a joint operation. We'll use our families wealth to do right by the Glades. Its the least we can do. Hay...Do you... I mean aside from you being dead. Do you feel different?” Oliver asked.

“Different how?” Tommy said, suddenly having an itch in the back of his head he couldn't scratch.

“I don't know, since Wraith spoke to us at the start of the meeting I felt like I was plugged into something. But now its gone.” Oliver said, coming back into the main room with Tommy in tow.

“Oh! You two feel it too!” Felicity said to them both. Diggle was standing off to the side, he had a smile on his face.

“Diggle? You know something we don't?” Oliver asked. Diggle just shrugged, keeping his thoughts to himself.


Lash had made a Temporary Pack Bond with Oliver, Tommy, Diggle, and Felicity. Since they all had a friendly disposition with him. Though he left Flash, and Superman out of it. He wasn't sure what a 10% increase to a meta-human and Super powerful Alien would do. But now Team Arrow was optimized. They were not super-human, just peak human condition! When he left he broke the link. Lash soon returned to the forward operating base and checked in with a familiar group of soldiers. The ones he had met at the Winter Carnival convention palace. Including the Corporal turned Sergeant, the medic, and the entire team that helped him take down The Riddlers team.

Lash created a Temporary Pack Bond with them. Getting the whole unit this time, They unlike Team Arrow understood what he was doing to them. They smiled and gladly accepted. Lash, still wearing the disguise of Wraith checked in with an enthusiastic man named Detective Lance. Who had been first on the scene as well had first hand experience with the Earthquake Machine. He was also the reason why all of the Glades did not collapse in on it self. He had turned it off half way through its cycle. So he became an important person to Starling City.

The Wraith spent another two days in Starling City working in The Glades. Superman and Flash left this morning needing to return home. Wraith understood and said if they ever needed any help to contact him. Flash was given a Shield and Sword card, as it was a little more reliable then Lash's phone. Juliana assured Lash that they would handle Flash's future, 'issues'. Lash was once again reminded that even though he lives in the super-natural world. The super-natural is largely still considered a myth, and is not seen by the public. Was this a product of The Dream Engine? Or was the world really just that gullible?

The sun rose once more, it was now the sixth day Lash had been in Starling City. He missed his home, his house, his bed! He wanted to see Lizzy, he wanted to see the toxic chemical factory that was Gotham! He was moving through the Glades doing one last sweep for survivors. Thousands of people were helping now. Glade residents, Starling City residents. Soldiers, Police, Fire Department, etc, etc. Lash had just swapped out with Saurian. The giant monster seemed to operate better at night so Lash took the day. Queen, and Merlyn industries had come with full force to help fund the reconstruction of the Glades. Oddly enough, from the other side of the country. Wayne Industries had shown up as well to help! Despite his easily distinguishable appearance Lash/Wraith was not obstructed. Many people waved, cheered, and said hello. But no one got in his way, after so many days they had learned that if he was walking around he was using his Alien tech to look around. Though they still said thank you. Because any one with in hundred feet of him would get a pulse of dark green energy cast into them. Sooth, and Nature's Supplement was cast, he used Minor Energy Manipulation to increase his spell range. So he was a walking, talking, energy drink!

“Mr Wraith, hello?” An older woman called for him. He turned around and saw Walter Steele, Moira Queen, Thea Queen, Oliver, and Tommy walking towards him. They had a small unit of bodyguards. But everyone knew them, these were the rich folks funding the reconstruction operations. So they all got out of the way politely.

Walter Steele looked well dressed in his three piece suit, six foot even athletic build. He walked with pride, and confidence but a compassionate aura seem pour off of him. Made people relax around him. Moira Queen was an older woman that still had the sex appeal of woman her age. Her hour glass figure did not fade. She must have been drop dead gorgeous when she was younger. She wore a woman dress suit, matching her husband's look. Thea Queen was a seventeen to eighteen girl, or maybe young woman was better description. She wore a pair of blue jeans, a pair of flats, with blue blouse, and leather jacket. Her hair was cut short so it was just above her shoulders and her bangs were cut just above her eyes. Oliver and Tommy both wore casual business attire, each moving with practiced ease. Something that Tommy clearly was confused about. Tommy was still raw from the effects of being dead, as well as the new optimization.

“Misses Queen, nice to meet you in person. May I help you?” Wraith responded, his voice animalistic and hard to understand. He gave a traditional bow that would have looked odd from other people. But he had been seen doing this to a lot of authority figures in recent days so no one questioned it any more.

“I just wanted to personally say thank you for all your hard work. I heard you plan to go home today. So, I wanted to come out and meet you at least once. To tell you that if you are ever in Starling City again or ever in need of help to please do not hesitate to ask!” Moira said confidently no sense of doubt in her voice. She meant what she said.

“I didn't do this for a reward. But, with your families permission I believe I will one day take you up on that offer. I hope you will not think less of me for it.” Wraith said, bowing again. Moira actually smiled wider at that. She could actually repay him! He heard someone cough, he looked towards Thea. She was looking down at the ground trying to get the courage to speak.

“Miss Queen, where is your companion? Mr Harper. I thought you two were connected at the hip?” Wraith said, sarcasm dripping from his voice. It was such an abrupt change in his normal personality that it made it far more funny then it should have been. Walter and Moira both laughed, watching Thea glare at Wraith.

“I told you before to call me Thea! Roy is back in his neighborhood helping everyone. Because 'someone' who will remained unnamed had completely rebuilt the apartment complex he lived in. C..Can I...I mean can we have your number? You know for emergencies?” Thea started out with confidence and mock rage, but then soon grew quiet at the end.

“My personal contact information is apparently a rare commodity to be traded. In fact I count at least eight different news camera's, and business currently recording our entire conversation. So, how about I just send you an email at another time. We'll start simple?” Wraith replied, humor in his voice. As he pointed at the different locations of camera's and listening devices. Walter took it upon himself to arrange the security to distract or even confiscate the people's attempts to listen in on a private conversation.

“Mr. Merlyn, may I assume your fiancee is back in her office fighting the good fight?” Wraith asked. Laurel and Tommy had decided to get engaged, with all that had happened they decided to not take any chances.

“That's right! It was strange, the same day Roy's apartment complex was rebuilt so was Laurel's law firm. Weird!” Tommy said, a smile on his face.

“Mr Queen good to see you. Thank you again for volunteering to help during the first few days. Every helping hand saved a lot of lives. Oh, this goes to all of you specifically. I'm a big fan of Eco-Friendly and going green building concepts.” Wraith said to Oliver, then to everyone. They all nodded in understanding. Wraith was telling them to be Eco-friendly with the reconstruction.

“Well if there is nothing else? Unless you wish to join me for a walk? I'm doing one last patrol.” Wraith asked the group.

So the super rich of Starling City joined the Alien Wraith as he walked around the Glades. It did wonders for the public relations for both companies. Walter and Moira both understood why he invited them. But that was fine! Walter and Wraith actually spoke at length about renewable energy machines. Walter was even shocked to receive an email with concept drawings and designs! Wraith then spoke to Tommy about reusing old trash to make quick and easy building material. Tommy also got an email. The group walked till noon. Wraith had finished his patrol and was about to leave. A UNWS transport vehicle showed up. At that point Roy had shown up to say thank you and goodbye. Laurel, who didn't know the full story about Tommy being dead just understood that Wraith had saved his life. So she came to say thank you along with Detective...or rather Lieutenant Lance!

“Thank you for all your help. If your ever in town again, I hope its under better circumstances.” Lieutenant Lance said, shaking Wraith's hand. If Lance was grossed out about the scales he didn't say anything.

“I'm sure this will not be the last time we see each other Lieutenant Lance. Take care.” Wraith said, and got into the Warden vehicle. Time to go home!


“This is channel eight with tonight's news. I'm your host Allie Mercedes. Well, Starling City the worst has passed. There will be a memorial gathering for all those lives that were lost this weekend at the city park. Unfortunately, the hero of the week Agent Wraith of the United Nations World Security will not be present for the memorial. Whether he has another mission, or if he is simply returning home, the cities hero has left. Starling City will remember how this alien from the stars came to help us in our time of need. Yes, Superman did show up, along with The Flash. But we later learned that it was Agent Wraith that called for their help. As well as accepting the help of our local vigilante, The Arrow.

“We have confirmed reports that the industries Queen, Merlyn, and even Wayne have come together to share the financial burden of repairing and reconstructing the Glades. They are going to concentrate on being Eco-Friendly and using 'Green' oriented building concepts. Why you may ask? Because Agent Wraith believes that they are a worth while pursuit. I personally believe we don't need a better reason than that.”

“Now a topic that many have heard, seen, and requested. Does the American government have a Super-Soldier program? Many people saw soldiers performing feats of strength, speed, and agility well beyond what is the capability of human. We can confirm that these soldiers are 100% human. They were simply temporarily enhanced by Agent Wraith's advanced technology. The effects are temporary, resulting in exhaustion, an increased metabolism, and the need for sleep. But, we have a confirmed quote from Agent Wraith. 'With the right materials, time, and training. Humans are more then capable of reaching beyond their limits. I will be more then happy to help you all obtain such lofty ambitions.' So, is it safe to assume that in the future we will see those Super-Soldiers? Let's hope so!”


“So, he wants to make a league of exceptional and powerful people? Along with a smaller organization for the younger generation as a sort of school? We still fight the good fight, but focus on other aspects? We also get paid! Where do I sign up?” Roy Harper said to Oliver.

Roy was different, ever since he went on that last walk with Wraith he felt stronger, faster, and healthier. Oliver said that its because Wraith left a mark on him to help him become stronger. He had apparently did it to all of them. He had even done it to Thea! He was not intending on inviting Thea to join the group. But having her healthier would not be a bad thing. Roy took a stance with his red bow and shot arrow after arrow in quick succession at the target. Hitting the bulls eye each time. He had decreased his time by thirty seconds, and improved his accuracy by about 20%. But he was still improving! Fuck no wonder Wraith didn't want to advertise that he could do this. Countries would go to war over this ability!

“It's just an idea right now. We have his number in case we need help, and vice versa. There are still several 'founding' members he wants to talk to. Its a good idea on paper, but in practice? We'll see.” Oliver said, admiring Roy's improvements. Then Oliver pulled his bow and shot every single arrow he had in his quiver in under ten seconds. He looked like a moving blur!

“Fuck that's outstanding!” Oliver said out loud.


Lash took the portal nexus back to the Warden HQ in Gotham. He took off his wraith disguise and deactivated his Transformation. He breathed a sigh of relief, the skill had actually evolved into Basic Transformation. It did the exact same thing, just more powerful, less energy consumption, and it allowed for more alteration. Lash had learned that the skills were still being changed, and adjusted. He was playing a Beta after all. But it went something like this.

Name of skill, which was actually the lowest level.







But that was subject to change as well. Hazah for Beta Testing! Lash had no room to complain. This was an amazing experience that so many people would kill for! Lash auto filled out a report with his Connectivity and gave it to the Warden's for the information and record accounts. He got a transport heading into the city and was on his way home! His phone vibrated, it was from Isabella? 'Hay! I heard that you were coming home tonight. So me and Lizzy are at your place waiting for you. She wanted to make you dinner. I told her we should ask first but she wouldn't listen.' Lash laughed, and messaged back. 'That's great! Thank you for the message, I'm in transport now. Unless something happens I'll be back in little over two hours.' Isabella responded with a smiley face emoji.

Gotham was covered in snow, slush, and mud. The polluted air filled Lash's lungs and it made them burn. The cities lights slowly turned on to ward off the impending darkness that came from the winter night. Steam rose from thousands of chimneys, and it was at this moment that Lash realized he had never seen Gotham during the summer. He was looking forward to it, though he was not looking forward to the Summer Solstice Court Ball and the fiasco that the Great Hunt was going to be! More then half of the Hunted had opted to quit the hunt already and it wasn't even spring yet! They had so many elite Hunters wanting a chance to chase and capture Saurian that they were dueling each other for the right! The Summer Hunt was going to be a shit show!

Lash caught himself thinking about Jessabell. He missed her, but he knew that Queen Mab was still taking her for a ride. It would be another three weeks before Jessabell would be free to see Lash. He was counting the days! He was sure he was not in love with her. But they had a connection, something that he didn't share with Li'Ana, Soluna, or even Selina. Maybe it's cause Jessabell was first? Or it was something else. Would it be awkward when they saw each other again? Or would Jessabell slide past it like she always seem to?

The car came to a stop outside of Lash's building. Lash 'paid' for the drive with his Nature Domain Spells as usual. The driver was more than happy to help! Lash was still wearing the same tactical gear he wore when he left nearly over a week ago. But thanks to Immaculate, and Repair he looked perfectly fine! But he desperately wanted a shower and take this stuff off. Saurian was much the same as well. Like a zombie he dragged himself through the front desk area. Took an elevator up to the top floor. Went to his door, opened it up. As soon as he closed the door he heard steps that raced towards his location. Then a beach tanned, fiery red head came around the corner and went to tackle him. He braced himself for the impact and was surprised how much weight was behind the attack.

Lizzy squealed with delight, nestled herself into Lash's arms. Lash/Saurian bubbled with happiness to have their sister in their arms once again. Lash surprised Lizzy by picking her up and spinning her around. Everything was worth it for this moment! Isabella stood off to the side with a smile on her face, then was startled when Lash pulled her into the hug together with him and Lizzy. Isabella was stiff for a bit before she relaxed. Lizzy kissed her cheek, and demonstrated how to properly snuggle with in the arms of her 'brother'. Isabella laughed and copied Lizzy.

Lash ran a current of Nature Domain through Lizzy. Something was different! Lizzy was originally 5' 8”, but now she was 5' 10”. She had also obtained a bit of muscle mass and bone density. Saurian could smell a bit of Amazon magic on her. This wasn't terrible surprising, Themyscira was a magical island nation. Simply being on the island could revitalize a human, but if you ate the food, and drank the water it could heal old wounds and slow aging. But this amount of change was different. Lash was tempted to create a Temporary Pack Bond with Lizzy. Just for the simple reason that it would keep her safe. But the moment he did, she would forever have a foot in the door of the super-natural. He wasn't sure if he wanted that for her?

“Go wash up and get changed! We have dinner almost done! We have a lot to talk about!” Lizzy took on the persona of the big sister and gently pushed Lash towards his bedroom. He smiled at her and did as he was told.

Lash took his gear off along with Saurian's. Just like they did so long ago with Spatial Item Shift. Coming to the shower he turned on the hot water and just stood under the faucet. Steam soon covered the entire bathroom. Lash looked himself over with mild amusement. He had a golden ratio physique now. Little to no body fat, muscles carved out of stone, and tribal tattoo's on his bald head, shoulders, arms, and back. Oh that is right! His tribal marks had grown, they blended the different styles to represent his different Domains. Lash looked like a...Comic Book Character! One of those unrealistic masculine males you see wearing a skin tight suit. That everyone idolized but understood was logically impossible!

Lash finished up, then wrapped a towel around his waist. He took some time to make himself look pretty until his bathroom door opened up. He turned around to see Isabella watching him from the door. Isabella was wearing tennis shoes, skin tight blue jeans, with a gray sweater top. Her hair was down, and partially covered her face. Lash could see a blush growing across her face. She turned away, as she realized that she was fantasizing about her girlfriends brother wearing only a towel. Despite the clear erotic moment, Lash was not turned on at all. He was just concerned for her.

“Isabella did you need something?” Lash asked, as he walked past her through the door to his bedroom.

“I...I was wondering if I should tell Lizzy about what I am?” Isabella said softly. Lash only paused for a moment before ditching the towel. Earning a squeak of surprise from Isabella who only stared at his naked form for about two seconds before she turned away.

“That's not entirely up to you, and I don't just mean me. Though I am happy you asked. Don't you have to speak to your house master, as well as gain Warden permission?” Lash said, he picked out some boxers, cotton sweat pants, ankle socks. He was going for casual wear for walking around his home.

“Right, you are totally right! But...” Isabella said, she took a peek over her shoulder. She saw him almost dressed and turned around to look at him. Her ears were still burning red.

“There is no, but. Isabella. Because if you tell her with out permission, they will have to use a memory charm on her. More then likely they will have to forcibly remove your entire existence from her mind. Which will cause long term problems. I am not telling you to 'not' tell her. But get permission first!” Lash pulled out a loose blue cotton t-shirt. Despite his growing physical features, Miss Dottie the brownie spirit in charge of cleaning his house always provided cloths for him!

“Hay! Isabella, I asked you to get him for dinner. I hope Lash is keeping his hands to himself!” Lizzy called from the main room. Lash rolled his eyes and gestured for Isabella to go first.

Isabella soon came out of his bedroom, her face still red. Lizzy looked at her with mild amusement then smiled wide at Lash. Lash looked at Lizzy fully now. She was 5' 10” her stunning red hair was beautiful and revitalized from spending so much time on Themyscira. She was bare foot, and had loose gray pants on. The type of pants you'd were for exercise or stretching. Or lazing about a house that you considered home. She had a white T-shirt on that was maybe a little to small for her? It showed off her muscle toned arms, shoulders, and abs. Her skin was bronze from spending so much time in the sun. Her blue eyes seem to take on a bit of sea green. It was a nice combination.

“You making a move on my girl, Lash?” Lizzy said with a smile.

“I wouldn't dare.” Lash said coming to stand in front of her. Lash was 6' 5” at this point, looking down at Lizzy. He had gained several inches proportioned across his whole body (Mind out of the gutter people!) His skin was a healthy pale pink, that showed off his tribal marks nicely. Lash's eyes had started to turn green and yellow. Similar to Saurian's eye color, but he didn't mind.

“Hmmm, to bad! Maybe we could have a threesome!” Lizzy said nonchalantly. This made both Isabella and Lash stare at her in surprise. Lizzy then cracked up laughing! “You should see your faces! Please Lash! You are cute but not that cute!” Lizzy poked Lash's chest to emphasize her point then pulled him towards the dinner table.

Isabella rolled her eyes understanding that Lizzy said that to throw them both off balance. Lizzy did that often, saying or doing something just to make ripples. It made her unpredictable it was one of the things Isabella loved about Lizzy. But Lash thought differently, he was 'reading' Lizzy. Lizzy, wasn't entirely sure herself if she had been joking. What had brought on this change between Lizzy and Lash? Lash then pushed thought aside. Tonight he just wanted to visit with Lizzy.

Elizabeth and Isabella had gone all out and created a feast. But it that made sense, since Lash had been in Starling when holiday dinners were being held. When Lash was using excess amount of energy he ate like crazy. But when he was resting he didn't need to eat that much. But he found out, that regardless of his appetite he could eat as much as he wanted. His body metabolized everything and put it to use! So when the dinner was over they had no left overs, Lash ate it all.

Lash got up to clean the dishes, insisting! Lizzy and Isabella didn't argue. But Isabella did make a pot of tea. Lash used the spell Immaculate on all the dishes. But still put them away in the dish washer for appearance sake for Lizzy. Lizzy was sitting in the living room trying to not rub her bloating stomach in satisfaction. Then she asked a question that she had been holding in.

“So, why do the Amazon's of Themyscira know who you are Lash? I mean it was Althea who invited me to come to the island for a vacation. Your secret government agency people made it clear Althea goofed, so she was trying to apologize. But, why does the whole island of powerful super models know you...By name?” Lizzy said, looking at Lash do the dishes. Isabella was sitting next to Lizzy keeping quiet as she watched the conversation. Lash could tell that Isabella wanted to explain, but she kept silent.

“Princess Diana aka Wonder Woman. Heiress to the throne and daughter to Queen Hippolyta. During the 'invasion' I may have met her, and left an impression?” Lash said vaguely. He was actually trying to remember the report and file the Warden's gave him for a cover story if any one had asked about his involvement in his 'Always volunteering' to help in situations.

“OK? So, this impression was enough to get me to go from simple accommodations to royal suit treatment on the island? Lash, seriously they put me in a mansion! I had private tutors, and trainers! They gave me the best nutritional diet in the world! I grew two inches while on the island! I'm stronger now than I ever been in my life! The President of the United states Wife! Did not get the treatment as I did!” Lizzy was sitting up now, glaring at Lash for obviously keeping things from her.

Lash raised his hand up asking her to wait. He finished cleaning up the kitchen and the dinning room table. He came to the living room and took the offered glass of tea from Isabella. He sat down in a leather chair he looked at Lizzy from across the room. Mulling over what to say. The Amazon's had been a member of the super-natural communities for over a thousand years. They understood the necessity of disguise, as well as keeping mundane families naive to the super-natural ventures of their odd family members. But since they've stepped into the light they've seem to ignore certain things.

“Babe...You always told me that Lash was the modest type. Maybe he is down playing his relationship with Wonder Woman?” Isabella tried to help untangle the mess. Of course what she said was the wrong thing.

“So, are you and Wonder Woman dating or something?” Lizzy asked, both intrigued and oddly hostile towards the idea. Lash went wide eyed at the idea.

“No! She is so above me its not even funny! I am honestly surprised she even remembered my name! Let alone made the connection that I consider you family.” Lash said quickly. But he felt something was off because Lizzy had a sinister grin on her face. -We've fallen into a trap! Saurian called.

“Oh? So, when Princess Diana and Queen Hippolyta came to the guest house they gave me to talk to me about my brother, that was an accident? They wanted to know what kind of man you were, as well as what it was like growing up with the not so Alien hero, WRAITH!?” Lizzy pointed her finger at Lash.

All blood drained from Lash's face, Isabella's face had an expression of horror. Lash opened and closed his mouth like a fish. He was trying to reboot his cognitive brain function. System error! System error! Rebooting..... None functional, re routing main subroutines..... Success!

“A...Are you sure they were talking about me?” Lash said in a very quiet and unconvincing voice. Oh come on! What the shit was that!?

Lizzy just glared at him, a combination of boiling rage and triumphant victory because she knew Lash was trapped! She pulled a medallion out of her purse and tossed it towards Lash. He caught it and went bug eyed at the sight of it. Other Worldly Lore activated.... Oh! It also evolved into Minor Other Worldly Lore. Celebrate later! It was a medallion of recognition from Themyscira. They had partially adopted Elizabeth Shaw. Which means she was a pseudo-mundane with in the super-natural world!

“I know why you didn't tell me! You weren't allowed too. I also know why Isabella didn't tell me she was a vampire! She wasn't allowed to tell me!” Lizzy said, as she turned to look at Isabella who's face went pale. Lizzy pulled Isabella into a hug and kissed her.

“You and I are going to talk about that mystery at length but at a different time!” Lizzy said softly to Isabella. But retained her iron grip on the poor vampire who was shaking in fear.

“So, I have one question. Are you Erik Lash? The Erik Lash I knew in high school and befriended in college? Or, are you some one wearing his skin?” Lizzy was staring daggers at Lash.

FUCK!? He didn't know how to answer, technically he was! But he also wasn't! Then he realized something in that brief moment. Lizzy was terrified to hear the wrong answer. She didn't want to lose him! Lash/Saurian had always considered Lizzy to be part of their family, their pack. But they never made the bond with her because they were afraid it would endanger her. But now is not the time to worry about that. If they answer incorrectly they will lose her!

They both reached out and attempted to make a connection using Pack Bond. The connection was established the moment it reached for Lizzy. Then Lash got a prompt!

Congratulations User! You've completed a hidden quest! Elizabeth Shaw is one of your oldest and truest friends in the whole world. She is your sister, your friend, your family, your pack mate. But you've never fully recognized her, this was not out of fear that she would be hurt! But in fear that she would reject you. She has accepted the Pack Bond.

Pack Bond has evolved into Minor Pack Bond: The range has increased to 6 miles, and now grants a 30% boost to overall stats.

Telepathy has evolved into Minor Telepathy: The range has increased to 6 miles, it adjusts for language, general location, and is not blocked by lack of line of sight.

Temporary Pack Bond: Still only allows a 10% increase to stats, but uses 6 miles as its range. It also uses language, location, and is not block by lack of line of sight.

-Hello Sister Lizzy. I am Saurian-Hunter. Partner to Erik Lash. Lash is your 'Lash' I am what changed him. When he...Died, I am what saved him. His throat was cut and he was bleeding out. I joined with him. He got a second chance at life, I found a new Partner. I assure I mean you nor him any harm. We are family now. This I swear. -Saurian said to Lizzy across the link. Lizzy shivered, and curled up as the stat boost rolled through her body. Oh crap! Lash forgot about this part with mundanes. Isabella sat up and hugged Lizzy full of concern.

“You swear that you are my Lash! I need to hear you say it!” Lizzy screamed, tears running down her face as her body rocked back and forth with the change. Lash walked over to Lizzy, pulled her and Isabella into a hug.

“Yes, I am your annoying brother, your absent minded friend, the same man that went with you to tell your parents that you were Bi, the same man that was adopted by your family. There is just more of me now. Saurian is here to stay, I have accepted him. We are one and the same. Please don't make me choose between you two.” Lash said. Lizzy buried her face into his chest and cried harder.

“If...You....Are fucking lying! I...I'll hate you forever!” Lizzy screamed, she clawed her fingers into his chest and sobbed in relief as well as pain.

They stayed that way for over and hour. Until Lizzy fell asleep, Lash carried her to his bedroom and told Isabella to stay with her. He gave a half-truth description to Isabella about what was going on. Being able to make a 'Pack' with a mundane was a little odd. But she accepted it. The 'transition' was her potential being unlocked.

“You are a good man, and a good friend Lash. I'm happy your so nice to me.” Isabella said to him. He hugged her, which took her by surprise. She nestled into his embrace loving the feeling of him holding her.

“If she can accept me, she can accept you. As much as I would like to stay I have work to do. I'll have my phone on me. So if Lizzy wants to talk to just tell her to contact me.” Lash said after he let go of her.

Lash was exhausted from his time in Starling, and emotionally worn out from what just happened. But, he had a promise he wanted to keep. He put on his tactical gear, as well as Saurian's then left his home through the underground parking lot. He had learned later that the Fae Courts installed a underground passage so he could move in and out of his home building with out being caught. On his way underground he sent an update for Elizabeth Shaw's personal file. Including the medallion given to her by the Amazons. Lash was happy how things turned out, but to be honest this entire event should not of happened. An email was sent to his phone with in thirty seconds after the update. Lizzy knew who and what he was, and the Amazons had told her. Lizzy was officially adopted as a pseudo-mundane. Her file needed to be updated, and she would be required to go through extensive testing. But, she would not have her memory changed. It was to late for that!

A solid brick wall moved aside and Saurian wearing the disguise of The Wraith stepped out of the shadows. The secret door slid back into place behind him. Thanks to the talented craftsman, and a minor illusion spell rune. The door was nearly impossible to find. Saurian then ran down the passage towards King Croc's territory. Despite the maze of tunnels of concrete and metal Saurian found his way pretty easily. Along the way he cleaned and repaired what ever he came across with in the confines of his abilities. Thanks to Transmutation he cast...

Transmutation Domain Spell, Fabrication: Converting magical energy into basic materials. The more complex the material the more magical energy required. Please note; you must have seen and handled a material at least once before you can create it.

So, he used Fabrication, Decomposition, Sooth, Nature's Supplement, Daylight, Essence Imbuement,Growth, Immaculate, Renew, Repair, Recycle, Restoration, and Alteration. His Domain experience kept going up since he was using all sorts of spells together. Though his energy levels fell quickly, they soon refilled when he took a break. Every tunnel he passed through looked clean, pristine, and a bit forest like. As plant life that didn't require sunlight to grow was abundant. Saurian even started to see little nature spirits dance through the sewer canals. Because of Night Eye the underground looked beautiful! He could see the different colors, shades, growth of plant life. Of course if you came to these tunnels in the dark it would look terrifying! He made sure to create plant life that wouldn't damage the surrounding systems. But still, this was an amazing sight!

Saurian soon came across a familiar passage way he took with O'Connor and the crew. He wondered how they were doing now? Saurian silently moved through the tunnels towards the shanty town. He started to hear the sounds of the hydro water wheels he made for them. He came the canal opening and saw the town. A small collection of electric lights lit up the underground room well enough. The town looked like it had expanded by another hundred or so people. Mundanes and super-naturals living together.

Saurian used Gravity Stride, and simply walked down the wall to the ground floor. He walked up slowly but trying to stick out so people could see him. Then some one pointed at him and screamed! Great.... Soon the whole encampment came to life. They tried running for the gate to be let in thinking this nazgul creature was here to attack them.

“Oie! Shut your fucking yaps! Don't you know who that is? Its Wraith from the surface he's the fucker that built the hydro wheels! Get out of the way!” A were-crocodile came barreling through the crowd to meet with Saurian. The man was just as tall as Lash was, he wore a pair of khaki pants and nothing else, which showed off his strong muscled form. His skin was unnaturally pale due to the lack of sun light. He was hairless, just like Lash. He held out his hand to Saurian, who took it in respect.

“Nice to see you, sir! We heard about your trip to Starling. Didn't expect you to come visit the very same day you came home! But we could use your help! Come on, I'm sure King Croc will want to speak with you!” The were-crocodile squeezed Saurian's hand.

Some bruisers from the town came out and settled the encampment back down. The 'strangers' didn't know who Wraith was, or what he was doing here. Just that the town respected him. They were all intimately aware of the totem pole around here. Wraith was not to be messed with. Inside the town was a bit different. Saurian could feel it, before it was a shanty town that was only made because it was safer together then alone. But now, it was a place with a seed of hope. Several people recognized Saurian in his Wraith disguise and waved at him. He waved back. They soon came to the 'mansion' of King Croc. But instead of waiting at the door the were-crocodile just led him in, and took him to another room he was not familiar with. The Were-crocodile knocked on a door and King Croc called them in.

“Aha! Welcome back. Those fucking Warden's said you wouldn't be back for a while. But big ole Daddy said you'd be visiting soon. Keepin promises is important he said! Lookie, and here you are! No pigs this time! So, how long we be havin you?” Croc's creole accent was as thick as ever. Saurian went to take a knee in respect but was stopped by Croc.

“Oie! None of that then! You kept your word! Not only was that asshat Billy revoked as a Warden. They even brought him back here for some bayou justice! Eha hahaha...” Crock laughed, his crocodile teeth glowing in the light of the room. Several other were-crocodile's in the room laughed as well. They pointed, and there on the wall was the head of Billy Strongam.

“Then the Warden's started treating us right! Me and mine, Daddy said it's good to be king! Damn right he was.” Croc gestured towards a crude map on the table he was standing over. Saurian slowly approached trying to be polite.

“You'll have me for a few hours, maybe more. I brought some....Supplies. As promised I'll give them to you directly. Let you decide who gets what.” Saurian tapped the table and used his Minor Storage to produce 500,000$ in cash. The money overflowed like a bursting mountain spring. Bills worth twenty, fifty, hundred scattered across the room.

It was so quiet in the room you could hear a pin drop, or in this case dollar bills as they slipped from the table onto the floor. Thanks to his money achievement. He'd been slowly accumulating a lot of money in his storage. This wasn't even half of it. Saurian looked at every one then back at Croc. He coughed gently to wake everyone from their stupor.

“WHAT THE FUCK!? WHAT IS THIS!?” Croc screamed, he pointed at the giant pile of money! His scream was loud enough for the whole mansion to come running thinking something had happened they burst into the room. Only to freeze at the sight of the pile of money.

“I promised I would bring money, The Warden's are many things but providing money is not one of those things. I can't always be here to help, the Warden's will help with what they can. But you can use this to take care of you and yours. Highness.” Saurian said, bowing from his waist.

“Hahahahaaha! Hhahahaahahahaah! HAHAHAHAAHA!” Croc laughed so hard the entire room shook. The were-breeds joined in as well. There was a glimmer of divine light in Croc's eyes.

“Now, may I borrow a few people. I have some ideas to help with the town. With your permission of course. Highness?” Saurian asked, Croc rolled his eyes at Wraith's dripping with sarcasm title. Croc than began to rub the money all over himself. Full filling some kind of fantasy.

With the help of some of the older and more wiser members of the were-pack. They throttled Croc back into awareness. A map was drawn out again with the help of Saurian's magic. Soon he was being escorted back to the water wheels. This time he was not in a hurry!

Advanced hydro electric water wheel.

Rating: C-

Effects: 1% of the total HP value of the machine is magically repaired every day.

Effects: Generates, stores, and maintains 50% more power then previous version.

Effects: 80% noise reduction.

Comments: Using Nature, Technomancy, Synthesis, and Transmutation you've created a self repairing machine. If its hit over and over, it will break! But minor wear and tear? This thing will never break down.

Saurian under the guise of Wraith, and the illusion of his Glamour made it look like hundreds of tiny robots rebuilt and crafted a new water wheel. Every one watching was slack jawed. Then Saurian with the help of the were-breeds began to systematically change, build, and repair the shanty town. Using Essence Imbuement he created a water collection, and filter machine. So now they had clean water access. Then he made a few Immaculate cleaning box's for cloths, tools, etc as long as it fit inside a three foot cube. He left a 'water mark' on each device he made so he could track it. On the chance some one tried to run with it. Thanks to Magic Tracking, he'd be able to chase those things across the nation. He told Croc as much, seemed polite. Croc had no intention of selling anything Saurian made, and told him that they would keep them safe as best as possible!

He got a phone message from Isabella. A group of Warden's came to his home to talk to Lizzy. Juliana was with them. Juliana then sent a message saying she would take care of his sister. Don't worry. A weight he didn't know he was carrying was lifted off his shoulders. Saurian then went back to his work.

An air purifying dark tree.

Rating: D+

Effects: Cleans the air of toxins, chemicals, poison, pollution, and recirculates air.

Effects: Will grow with out sunlight but at a 80% reduction in growth, can and will use artificial light to grow. Can be 'plugged' in as an alternate source of fuel.

Effects: Mild Calm Emotions in the immediate area of the tree. Area of effect grows with the tree.

Effects: The leaves create a soft ambient light.

Comments: You've made a mutated, artificial tree, that many Druid's would burn with fire if seen. But a few druid's will appreciate the effort. The people in the slum town certainly do!

Saurian used his magic and made these dark tree's grow to be about twenty feet high, and two feet around the trunk. The roots spread out across the concrete like ivy vines across a brick wall. He had several of them spread through out the town. The soft glow from the leaves was not enough to light up the town. But he found them to be charming. He'd been here for about six hour now. The town looked exactly like that. A town! Like they had built a new home in the shadow of a monolith made of stone and pipes. The air no longer smelled of filth, blood, and sweat. It had an earthy smell to it.

The new Warden assigned to the city district in Gotham showed up late into the night with her Warden mentor. They both lost their shit when they saw what Saurian had done! This was way above and beyond what they were planning on doing for the town. They were going to bring basic food, medicine, and tools for them. But that was it! Croc growled at them in anger when he found out their intention. As far as Croc was concerned the only Warden he wanted in his town was Lash and his partner Saurian. The Warden's were concerned about super-natural exposure but mundanes who lived in the town simply assumed Wraith was using his Alien tech, plus King Croc wasn't exactly hiding.

Radio, phone, and television collection dish, and transmitter.

Rating: D+

Effects: Capable of transmitting as well as receiving information, even under concrete and steel.

Effects: 1% of the total HP value of the machine is magically repaired every day.

Effects: Re directs information from it self to the nearby receivers. In example; radio's, TV's, computers.

Comments: Now the under ground town has access to radio, telephones, television, and internet. -4G's baby!

Behind Croc's mansion, Saurian built a communication tower. He made a compromise with the Warden's and Croc. The super-natural communities, and the Warden's could use this town as a communication hub. Technomancers could talk down here, but most people were deaf and dumb through the concrete and metal above them. This put Croc's town on the 'Map' as it were. This would force the Warden's to actually focus on the town. Croc begrudgingly agreed, but demanded that Warden Lash be the towns Warden! Warden HQ who learned of the situation through the new communication tower also agreed. The young and inexperienced Warden would still work the area given how busy Lash seem to be. But she would message him directly with weekly reports. Warden Lash and his Partner Saurian would also visit the town at least once a month pending emergencies.

Saurian spent a lot of time working on Croc's mansion not only making it look amazing, but also defensible. He had given the stat information on all the different things he had built to Croc and his were-pack. Even told Croc that he should get professional security done by the Warden's. They would do it now, since the deal had gone through. Croc agreed, but wanted Saurian to do the remodeling at least.

A three story mansion.

Rating: D+

Effects: 1% of the HP value of the building is magically repaired every day.

Effects: Clean water is magically collected, and stored in the house for consumption, and use.

Effects: Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss. Are imbued into an exceptional statue of the Ancient Egyptian God Sobek. Three charges contained with in the statue, one charge is recovered each day.

Comments: You have bedazzled King Croc's home with splendor, and the necessities of life! There are people in the surface that would love to live here! Good work!

Hidden with in a room with in the mansion was a shrine to Sobek. The statue was created through Fabrication made from magically created marble and obsidian. Sobek in the old depictions was half man, half crocodile. Saurian made the statue to have Sobek sitting on a throne over looking a river. He intentionally made the statue look similar to Croc. When he finished the statue, a gust of wind flowed into the room and he got a new spell from his Grave Domain...

Grave Domain Spell, Consecrate: You have made, or declared a sacred ground! The Grave is the line between life and death. But it is also the passage way between earth, heaven, or hell. Use this power wisely, it can be a great boon! Or a curse waiting to happen. -'Everything the light touches is our kingdom.'

-I don't know what you are. I have never seen you or your kin. But you have my thanks.

Congratulations User! You've obtained the Blessing of the Ancient Egyptian God Sobek! Sobek is the God of many aspects. Sobek is often referred to as the Lord of Water, Protection, the Military, Fertility of both children as well as plant life, he is also known for defending the justified in the underworld. Your Cosmic Patron has spoken with Sobek. Three aspects have been chosen.

The Lord of Water has ordained you. Now all creatures, beings, and spirits of water sentient or otherwise like you 10% more. Water it self treats you as a friend.

The Lord of Fertility has ordained you. All Nature oriented effects are 10% more powerful, take 10% less energy.

The Lord of Fertility has ordained you. You may choose if and when to have children. Blessed with the aspect of Fertility reproduction...... -I'm so sorry, User.


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