Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 43: What did you do!?

Saurian stayed in Sobek's shrine for a while. He empowered the Consecrate with each passing moment. Eventually several of the were-crocodiles came down and began to pray next to the statue. After an hour Saurian stopped, he could 'smell' the barest hint of Sobek's divine energy in the statue. That would be enough. He bowed again to the statue or more specifically to Sobek, a gentle wind passed by his face in acknowledgment. Saurian stepped from the hidden room and saw a were-crocodile walking towards him with haste. But then Saurian got a prompt...

Congratulations User! You've obtained the Achievement: -'Do you believe in god? -Which one?' All creatures, beings, and spirits of 'Divine' nature like you 10% more. Magical Perception will now include creatures, beings, and spirits sentient or otherwise of the 'Divine'. Be they from earth, heaven, or hell.

Saurian stopped for a moment to look around, expecting to see a heavenly host, or a legion demons flying around. Nothing! The were-crocodile soon came up to him and said some one was here to see him. He had a red cape and was flying, Superman? Saurian followed after the were-crocodile and came out of the mansion. Superman was floating over the town looking around, he had a huge smile on his face. He then spotted Wraith and flew over landing. He extended his hand and Wraith squeezed it.

“Not that I don't enjoy seeing you, Superman. But what brings you to my neck of the woods...Or sewers I guess.” Saurian asked as he gestured at the town.

“I've seen places in Mumbai that look worse! Can we talk....In private?” Superman asked, his face showed distress at the end. Wraith pulled him off to the side of the mansion and created an obstruction glamour. He used his Pure-Blood Fae glamour so it was super effective!

“There are not many things in this world that can look past this. But all the same be mind full. Did something happen in Metropolis?” Saurian asked, his Deductive Reasoning was reading distress in Superman up and down.

“C...Can you cure cancer?” Superman said softly. He looked at Wraith's reptilian eyes watching his every move.

“Modern Earth medicine can cure cancer, Superman. Unless its to far advanced? Technically my stance on this would be 'no'. But if a friend of mine asked, I could be convinced to help. But don't expect me to run around the world curing everyone.” Saurian said.

The Nature Domain didn't cure disease. Why? Because disease was technically a part of Nature. Healing wounds, regrowing flesh and limbs was all something Nature could do. The Grave Domain handled aspects of life, death, and a tiny bit of Divine that was mixed in. Disease was a part of Life and Death. One could argue that it could be used to cure disease. But a Spell Domain is limited by its User's perception. But his new Transmutation Domain?

“My, Father...I mean my human adopted Father has cancer. He.... We didn't catch in time. He tried to keep it from my mother and me. But, for all of my abilities I feel so powerless! Then, you suggested the League and how we could rely on each other. To do things we can't do alone! And I...” Superman was conflicted. Here was a powerful alien, practically a god on Earth that could literally pull down the moon from orbit. Now, he was completely helpless! Powerless! Superman didn't like it.

“Sure, just let me tell the King of the town I'm leaving. We can go today.” Saurian said, and the big blue Boy Scout smiled so wide Saurian thought his face would break.

Saurian had no memory of Jonathon Kent getting cancer in the comics. Most of the time he had been dead by the time Clark went to Metropolis mostly due to an accident. He did have a vague memory of him being sick in one. The rare few origins where both parents lived well into the senior years. But, of course The Dream Engine could flip, twist, and write what ever fit the story. Saurian spoke to Croc and told him he was leaving with Superman. Off to fight the good fight. Croc clapped him on the back and said he would always have a home here. Literally, he even pointed at a house that Saurian had made that Croc was keeping reserved for him. Saurian then turned to Superman, and with a sinister filled voice that made Superman take a step back.

“Can I try something? I want to see if it will work.” Saurian asked, Superman shivered when Saurian was looking at him.

“Su...sure?” Superman asked, feeling like he was going to regret this.

Kansas state, at the City of Smallville which is a farming community was rather pleasant during Winter. Or maybe it was cause Saurian didn't feel the bite of Winter thanks to being Queen Mab's knight. Fields as far as the eye could see, an ocean of plant life! Saurian had to admit this place was nice. He saw a collection of Nature spirits all look up at him as he was flying with Superman. Or, Superman was flying and Saurian was....Attached to him?

“I...Have to say I'm really uncomfortable with this.” Superman said, embarrassed with the situation.

“I'm the one standing on your chest, Superman. All you have to do is fly!” Saurian said with amusement.

Gotham City was a bit of distance from Smallville. Saurian could have taken a Warden HQ portal and met Superman there. But he wanted to see if some thing he had thought up could work. So he used Gravity Stride stepped onto Superman's chest, and used him as a 'Floor'. Since Superman could defy gravity and take the extra five hundred plus weight that was Saurian. So, Superman was currently flying through the air as the elegant and majestic super-powered individual he was. As a were-reptile creature stood on his chest....Upside down.

Of course this would have been very awkward to see on camera. So Saurian cast Chameleon, Nature's Passage, and used a bit of Glamour to hide them both. Or, at the very least all any one would see is Superman flying around. Except for a few magical and super-natural inclined people who could see past the spells and glamour. But those would be few and far between. He said that, but on the way out of Gotham Saurian receive a text message with a picture from Skaleg. Depicting this very scene, apparently another Warden in the city saw it and had to take a picture! So every Warden, and a majority of the super-natural communities in Gotham had seen this photo by this point. Sorry Superman!

Superman started to lower his altitude, Saurian detached from his chest and cast Falling Glide and fluttered to the ground. Superman caught up with him and smiled as he circled around Saurian. When they were about five hundred feet or less from the ground. Saurian swapped to Lash, turned off his Wraith disguise and pulled Transformation off. When he landed he was default Lash wearing Warden Tactical gear. Superman looked surprised, as he stood next to him.

“You are introducing me to your family, Boy Scout. I thought it polite to be a little more...Human looking?” Lash said with a smile. Superman laughed and said.

“Call me Clark Kent, Johnathan and Martha Kent are my parents. We live over there, I'm going to go ahead. Tell them we are here and get changed. Take your time.” Clark started to fly.

“Erik Lash... Call me Lash, every one does.” Lash said to him. Clark stopped, and smiled lightly at him. Then flew off towards the farm in a blur.

Lash had still cast his obstruction glamour so even though he had changed only super-natural inclined people would see him. If you knew anything about the Warden's then Lash's identity was not really a secret. He waited for a bit, changed his cloths slightly at least visually. If he walked around Smallville in full combat gear it would raise suspicions. It was about seven or eight in the morning now. People were headed to work, or began to work on their farms. Lash started to move towards the Kent's farm. Lash watched the sun rise, the sun beams broke through the scattered tree's. A dog at the Kent farm began to bark as Lash approached. Lash took a knee and said hello to the dog.

“Hi! Hi! Who are you!? You smell nice! Hay! Hay! Wanna play! I have a ball!” The dog said to Lash.

“My name is Lash, I am here to see your humans. Go ahead get your ball. I'd love to play for a bit.” Lash replied with a smile, petting the dog. The dog barked and ran off to find his ball.

The dog ran off with the familiar energetic happiness that most dogs have. Lash took his time walking up the drive way. The dog soon returned and Lash threw the ball several times as he walked up the drive way. The energy on the farm was very relaxing, full of positive feelings. This was a good place for Superman to grow up in. The House was a two story wood, and brick house. With a canopy porch that could fit a family on it. The barn was old and rickety but Lash knew hidden in the cellar was a Kryptonian space ship. A silo stood off to the side, next to fields of corn. Tiny nature spirits fluttered around the farm hard at work, or play. Depending on the type. A few came over to say hello, surprised to see a Druid here.

Clark came out onto the porch wearing an old pair of boots, worn out jeans, a t-shirt with a flannel over shirt on. He had a boy next door vibe, as he waved at Lash. Lash waved back and made his way to the porch after he threw the ball for the dog one last time. Martha Kent came out, hugged her son from the side and watched as Lash approached. Her eyes were red from crying, but a glimmer of hope resided there. Martha had tanned skin from working in the sun, her brown hair had a little more silver than most would have. She was about 5' 3” completely dwarfed by Clarks 6' 3”. She had a good figure, strong, and flexible, remnant's of her youth.

“So your one of my sons friends from...work? Thanks for coming by!” Martha said, shaking Lash's hand.

“Yes, Misses Kent. Is my patient home?” Lash asked gently. Martha nodded and went into the house holding the door open.

Clark took up the rear, as Lash walked into the house. The house itself said hello to him. Lash had noticed this lately, older houses had a spirit or consciousness that his Technomancy could tap into. Lash would be sure to give this old thing a face lift before he went home. They went upstairs to the master bedroom and Lash saw Jonathan Kent sitting up in his bed. A worn out quilt over his legs, he was a strong old farmer type. Leathery tanned skin, salt and pepper hair, strong determined eyes. He tried to smile at Lash as he walked in.

“I told them not to call you. Its nice to know my boy isn't alone in the universe. Always told him there was nice aliens out there. Can't have the bad with out the good.” Jonathan said to Lash.

“Aliens are just like people. Some are good, some are bad, some just are. I try to be the 'Just Are' Category, but I can lend a hand from time to time. Mr Kent do you know your medical file number?” Lash said, going straight to business.

Lash used Connectivity which at this point had ranked up several times. Though unlike his skills, Spells didn't get a basic, or minor category they were just their names. Though they did gain extra effects as they grew. Connectivity at some point gained a minor fire wall protection. Which was nice! He found Mr Kent's file in the local hospital information grid. He used Technomancy's passive magic field to create a projection for the family. They went through Mr. Kent's file together, the cancer had entered stage four. Fuck. Lash was surprised the man was at home, he should be in the hospital! Quietly on the side Lash started to go through the financial reports for the Kent's. This was not being shown in front of everyone. Oh! The Kent's were strapped for cash.

-Clark, did you know that your parents are broke? Lash said through a telepathic link. Clark for his credit didn't let this revelation show on his face. His brows started to furrow, to anyone looking it would seem like he was concentrating on the medical file in front of him. -What do you mean they are broke? As in they have no money? Clark asked.

“Mr Kent did you not get checked out because you didn't know? Or, because you didn't have any money?” Lash suddenly said. Completely out of the blue. Martha looked confused at the sudden change in subject. Then her eyes went wide and she stared at Johnathan's guilty face.

“We are nearly bankrupt. I... I didn't want to add to it.” Johnathan looked down he didn't dare look at his wife or his son's face.

“Dad! I could of helped if you needed it!” Clark stood up and shouted, he was shocked! Clark had been so focused on his Super Hero business that he completely forgot some simple things.

“This is so like you, John. Always trying to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. Clark gets that from you. But ask yourself this, what would we want more. The farm, or you?” Martha said, as she reached out to squeeze Johnathan's hand. Johnathan began to cry, which Lash was sure was hard for him. Crying in front of the woman you love alone would be difficult but in front of your son, and his friend. Then the phone started to ring, and ring, and ring. Then it stopped, then began to ring again.

“Oh for....” Martha rolled her eyes, stood up and answered the phone.

Clark went to his father's side and hugged him. Johnathan said he was sorry over and over again. Clark looked up at Lash and noticed he was smiling. Clark and Johnathan both coughed and tried to clear the air. Only for Clark to whip his head around towards his mother who was in the other room. Especially when she screamed...

“WHAT?!” Clark raced to his mother's side. Johnathan looked confused, then looked back at Lash who still had a smile on his face. A bigger then life grin that both comforted and terrified Johnathan.

“What did you do?” Johnathan asked.

“Mr. Kent I am fully capable of treating your cancer! Isn't that wonderful!” Lash said, only to hear Clark yell from the other room.

“LAAAAAASH! What did you do!?” Clark came back into the room in hysterics, he began to throttle Lash. Shaking him back and forth like Lash was a life line he didn't know he had. But Lash just kept his grin on his face.

What Johnathan Kent soon found out that it was the Bank that had called so many times. Because the bank had to confirm an accounting error on their part. They were so confused, and deeply sorry on how they got some thing so wrong. Some how several hundreds....of thousands of dollars had slipped through their accounting. So the Kent's not only didn't owe any money, they actually had One point Five million dollars in their account. Of course the Kent's knew that wasn't true. Johnathan and Martha had never had that much money in their whole lives! But....There was account information, transactions, billing, everything! The Bank promised they would do a thorough investigation into this error. Both to determine how it happened, and in case it was fraud. But, Clark knew they wouldn't find anything. Especially when Lash got a prompt.

Congratulations User! Your skill, Basic Computers has evolved into Intermediate Computers: This skill works with your Technomancy Domain. Now you are a faster, stronger! Keyboard warrior! -'Hide your chat rooms!'

“Remember when I said that the JL should get paid for their efforts? I'm not suggesting you should be a hero for hire. But it would be nice if you didn't have to worry about your family. You risk your life every day. You shouldn't have to worry about things like bills.” Lash said, still being throttled by Clark.

“We can't accept this! I...Mean its Clark who faces those threats! We....” Johnathan was trying to argue.... Martha was clearly conflicted, Clark soon stopped strangling Lash to look at his family.

“You are right, Clark is the one in the line of fire. But do you think that Clark could do any of those things he does when he is worried about his family back home. He wears a disguise not to protect himself. But to protect those he loves. The both of you being safe, healthy, and happy will be a huge weight off his shoulders.” Lash said to them, still grinning. But he decided to hammer in the last nail.

“Clark, do you remember when we first met. I told you about some one that will one day visit you. A member of your lost family?” Lash said, Clark looked up and nodded.

“Well, wouldn't you like it if Kara could grow up in the same comforting environment you did?” Lash said. Clark grinned at him. Victory! Johnathan and Martha were confused now.

So, Lash spent the next hour telling Johnathan and Martha Kent about the information about Kara. Clark then convinced his parents that he would love if Kara had a home just like he did. That home required his mother and father to be there, and the farm. Lash then explained to them that the money was not stolen. It had actually come from his account he just washed the digital money through a laundry system. That was the deal breaker. The Kent's had a sinking idea that the money was stolen. When Lash assured them it came from him, as a way to help pay the future JL system they accepted the money. Then Lash just for fun turned a clay brick into gold brick in front of them using his title effect for the day. Their expressions were priceless! Last but not least, Lash did what he originally came her to do...

Transmutation Domain Spell, Panacea: You remove, transform, or change all poisons, diseases, and natural harmful effects in the subject's body. Convert mass into something useful. -'Wax on! Wax off!'

Please Note: This will not work on magically created or induced effects. Use Curse Break for that.

Transmutation Domain Spell, Restore Youth: You convert matter, energy, and renew the life force in a subject. Old cells become revitalized, and renewed. You repair damaged tissues, cells, even the building blocks of life, DNA. At your current level you can only recover 10 years of life.

Please Note: This effect does not stack. Somethings can only be renewed so many times before it stops working.

That last one he cast on both Johnathan and Martha. They looked... ten years younger. They felt it too! The change was not so drastic that people wouldn't recognize them. They would just think they spent time at a luxury spa. Clark blinked, surprised by the change. Clark being the powered individual he was did a quick scan of his parents and was shocked by the changes.

“Did you know that with today's modern medicine the life expectancy of adults has gone up by thirty plus years compared to hundred years ago?” Lash said with a smile.

“Now, this is simple. The cancer in your body is gone. There have been plenty of medically recorded cases where cancer has regressed, or were completely removed with little to no evidence as to why. I'll let you all stop and think as to why that would happen. Now! If you excuse me, I'm going to work on your house next!” Lash stood up and left the bedroom.

It took Martha, Johnathan, and Clark a moment to realize that it was over. Johnathan was cured! Just like that, no intensive surgery. No weeks, months, or even years of treatment, pills, with good and bad days. Lash just waved his hands around, the tattoo's on his body glowed. Tiny blue and green robots the size of sand grains fluttered in and out Johnathan and he was cured. Tears fell from their eyes and they hugged one another. Then Clark leaned back in confusion, his parents looked at him.

“Wait, did he say. Work on the house next?” Clark asked. Then they all heard the house groan almost as if in delight.

“LAAAAASH!” Clark ran out of his parents bed room. Martha watched her son leave, and started to laugh. She laughed so hard she was holding her side in pain. Her husband was the same... What a weird day!

After a few hours of talking with the Kent's about their home. Lash settled on only fixing the bare necessities. Well at least the stuff on the surface that you would normally see. Clark was groaning as if he shouldn't be surprised anymore. The house, the barn, all the farm equipment, and even their car still looked as beat to hell as you would assume. But on the inside they were running better then they ever had. Lash enriched the farm lands, making them fertile and healthy. The crops for the next two or three seasons would be outstanding!

Someone came by from the bank to talk to the Kent's, it of course had only been a few hours. But so far they had found no clear evidence of fraud. It simply seemed like some one upstairs let something slip. Lash knew that buried under all the bullshit if the bank really did their job correctly would find a single account transfer from Erik Lash. With a simple email attachment telling them it was not a mistake. Needless to say, the Bank walked around on tip toes with the Kent family. Not only had they screwed up, but the Kent family was now one of their largest accounts in this branch office.

Lash stayed for lunch then politely asked Clark for a ride back home. This time Superman could carry him instead of playing the part in 'The Spider meets the fly'. Clark was clearly happier, he had a huge smile on his face as he flew through the sky. Lash knew that a huge weight had been removed, Clark could now focus on his business again.

“Boy Scout! Take me to Metropolis, I have some business there!” Lash shouted as the wind rushed past them. Lash was back to having Transformation on, and the Wraith disguise.

“Alright! Anything I can help with?” Clark altered his course slightly. Gotham and Metropolis were with in a few miles of each other.

“I guess, I need to talk to Lois Lane!” Lash was suddenly in a free fall! He looked up in confusion. Superman soon realized his mistake and picked Wraith back up.

“Aha! W...Wha...Ummm” Clark was stammering.

“Relax Boy Scout! I know your sweet on her! I was just curious if she would do an interview with me. I really like the one she did on you.” Lash said. Clark breathed a sigh of relief, then smiled.


Lois Lane sat at her computer desk typing an article for the Daily Planet. She was covering a piece on the recent high light of vigilante's, heroes, and the effects they caused. Both good and bad. More then once she took a jab at Superman for his reckless behavior, and property damage. But also focused on many of his good points.

“....Lois......Lois!......LOIS!” Perry White called to her. Lois had been ignoring him, but when he shouted she stood up.

“What Perry! I'm working!” Lois glared at him. He smiled at her and pointed at the window of their thirty first floor.

“Your three o'clock is here.” Perry said.

Lois turned around, and there floating in the air was Superman with his charming smile that made Lois's knees go a little weak. Superman would see her at least once a week, She was an investigated reporter. She did get in all kinds of trouble. It's not as if she did it for a chance to meet the man of steel! Nope, not at all. Lois walked to the window and pointed up, gesturing to the roof. Superman nodded and flew up. Lois got her coat and her note pad. Everyone in the office was watching her, many of the women smiled at her. She ignored them, it wasn't like that! Every time Superman visited the Planet specifically it was because something was happening! He would just always tell her first...Ya! That's all!

Lois checked herself in the mirror, and applied some lip gloss. She looked the very much professional journalist she was. Wearing designer suit pants, heels, dress shirt, and jacket. She put on her winter coat which completed the ensemble. She took the elevator to the top floor, then walked up the last flight of stairs. At the top of the stairs she took a moment and opened up the door, she was preparing for a blast of wind that always comes when you stood on top the Daily Planet. But there was no wind. It was eerily calm.

Lois stepped out and her eyes went wide! There next to Superman was Wraith! The United Nations World Security Alien. Superman and Wraith had worked together many times. But recently in Starling City Wraith had played an instrumental part in search and rescue. Starling City even wanted to give him a key to the city.

“Hello Miss Lane, I'm a fan of your work. I was curious if you would be interested in having a personal interview with me?” Wraith asked her. Lois was jumping for joy in her head. But her cool professionalism took over.

“Sure! Do you want it up here or down in the recording studio?” Lois asked.

“Studio please.” Wraith replied. His voice was gruff, and had a primal feeling to it.

“Alright, Superman will you be joining us?” Lois asked.

“Sure!” Superman said.


Perry White's heart jack hammered in his chest. The recording studio was a buzz of movement as they got everything set up in record time! Perry knew that getting an interview with Wraith had been on a wish list of many different news stations, papers, and television shows. But he came here! HERE! He came with Superman as well! Why? Why did he choose this place? Because he liked Lois Lane's piece on Superman! Perry could kiss Lane! The Daily Planets articles will sell like hot cakes! He was so going to rub this in all his competitors face! He watched as Lois went through several test questions. Wraith agreed to a no hold bars interview however he reserved the right to not answer certain questions. Simply because he was not allowed to answer certain questions. Rules. Perry understood that, so did Lane.

“Jimmy! Stop gawking and get to work! Does any one know where Kent is!?” Perry shouted.

“Chief! Kent is still visiting his parents..His father is...well.” Ron Troupe said.

“Shit! That's right! Troupe, are we going to get any flak from DC for interviewing this guy?” Perry asked.

“Well if we came to him I'd say yes. But since he came here of his own free will. No. But I'm double checking my sources” Troupe said back. He was part of the Political columnist, had contacts in Washington.

“Good! Good! Come to me as soon as you get anything.” Perry said then he looked over at Wraith. Wrapped in black and gray cloth. The stuff practically danced around him as if he was being followed by small electrical fans. But it was eerie how the cloth just swept past and went through things.

They were trying to find a chair for Wraith, but on the account of his tail and the fact that he weighed nearly five hundred pounds. It was hard to accommodate him. Then Wraith used his 'Tech' and dozens of blue robots came out from his shroud and built a chair out of nothing....NOTHING! Perry nearly lost his shit! Then he really did lose his mind. Before the interview began Wraith raised his arms and dark green tendrils extended from him. Touching everyone in the room, Perry felt light on his feet, his racing heart slowed. His body felt invigorated! He hadn't felt this good in years! Shit! Shit! Perry had lost his mind!


Lash took a seat he specifically built to accommodate his transformed body. He could have regressed but he wanted people to continue to believe he was a creature that wasn't human. It was important. The chair would fade after a few hours as well. Lash doubled down on his glamour creating a five senses illusion. Maybe he'd buy the Domain of Illusion after Rebirth. He even reached into the camera's on the stage to ensure he was 100% Wraith. Clark was sitting on a chair next to him with a smile on his face. He and Lois didn't have this much fan fare when they spoke. It was just late at night at Lois's condo in the city. Lois, had several questions written down, had a laptop open in front of her. In less then ten minutes the Daily Planet had sent a online message that they were interviewing Agent Wraith of the UNWS, and Superman was sitting in with his friend. Their online blog and chat room blew up!

Now, Lash was not doing this with out proper exercise and restraint. He had spoken to Juliana about it. He got permission from the Warden's, and the super-natural communities. He just wouldn't answer certain questions. Before they began Lash cast Sooth, and Nature's Supplement on the whole room. Lash and Clark could hear everyone's hearts that jack hammered with nervous tension. Lois was fine. She was excited but had spent time with Superman her standard was a bit higher. But Lash made sure to include her in the spell. After everyone groaned and moaned in pleasure, Superman leaned over and whispered.

“I don't suppose you could teach me that?” Clark said jokingly.

“Maybe, not sure if it will work with Kryptonian physiology but we can try.” Lash said, completely serious.

He honestly wasn't sure if Aliens could learn earth magic. Lash/Saurian only pretended to be Aliens. Though they were designed by a Cosmic being, they had been made here on Earth. Loop Holes? Clark leaned back, surprised. He had been completely joking but now was curious. Lois pushed her shoulders back and tried to forget what sound's she had just made. She quickly wrote another question down.

“We are live in ten! Nine.....eight....seven......six.....five.....four.....three......two....” The studio manager said.

“Hello Metropolis, I am Lois Lane reporter for the Daily Planet. We understand this is an unorthodox occasion and we ask for your indulgence. Yes, Daily Planet is not a television news broad cast station, but due to heavy requests we are conducting this live. We have with us today. The Man of Steel, Superman! But, today's focus is not on Metropolis resident hero but another. We present United Nations World Security, Agent Wraith. Gentlemen.” Lois introduced situation to the listeners. Lash stood up and bowed to the camera's then sat back down. Clark looked amused and waved.

“So, Agent Wraith. Today you have volunteered to a full depth interview. This means that we can not only ask you any question we like, we can also take questions from our live stream viewers. However, you do have the right to not answer a question. Either for personal reasons, or because you are not allowed to. Under a government NDA. Is this true?” Lois asked.

“Yes, its true. I will do my best to answer your questions. But understand that some secrets are not mine to share.” Lash replied. His gruff, primal, animalistic voice made several people in the studio jump in surprise. Clark, and oddly Lois had grown use to it.

Lois glanced at the computer screen next to her. Lash had cast Connectivity and could see the screen as well. There was over a hundred thousand people in the stream chat, and the number was climbing! Perry called in more moderator's to help keep the peace as well as pick out pertinent questions. Lois looked through her questions and started with the easier ones.

“Alright, lets start off with a few simple ones. Is Wraith your real name?” Lois asked.

“No, Wraith is a code name that was selected due to my unique style of clothing. No, I am not allowed to tell you my civilian name. Yes, I do have one. Why can't I? Protection, not only for myself but for the people I care about.” Lash responded and answered a few follow up questions that appeared on the chat window. Lois looked at him then at the screen. She realized that Wraith was reading the information even if he couldn't see it. Another question to ask.

“How tall are you?” Lois asked.

“Depends, but my standard height is approximately 6' 4”. If any one has seen news footage of the Glades search and rescue operation there are several video's of me enlarging or reducing my body mass to lift heavy objects or move into hard to reach places. Not all of us can lift entire planes into the sky to keep them from crashing.” Lash said, a bit of humor in his voice as he gestured towards Clark. Superman smiled at him and shrugged.

“Are you really an alien from another world?” Lois asked, this was an important question.

“Yes and no. I'll explain. First let me give you an analogy. In several countries if individuals can make it across a border to live in a new home they are considered illegal aliens unless they apply for citizenship. However, if those individuals have a child with in the country. Even if those parents are not citizens that child is considered part of the country because they were born there. How does this have any relevancy to me? I am not human, but I was born on Earth.” Lash said. There was a collective gasp through the studio. Even Clark was surprised.

Clark had been born on another planet, he had said this in his interview with Lois. He had been sent to earth as a child. He grew up here! But, he was still born on another planet. So by the written law he was considered an alien. But if you follow the law, that would mean that Lash was technically an Earth citizen. But of course humans were well known for skipping on certain aspects of their own laws when it was convenient for them.

“Where you born in America? Or another Country?” Lois asked.

“I was born in America. Gotham City specifically.” Lash replied.

“So that would make you an American citizen then?” Lois said with a smile. Then frowned at what Wraith said next.

“No, it wouldn't. Why you may ask? Because of one simple reason, I am not human. The Laws created in America are specifically set for human's and only humans. Why is this specific detail important? Because humanity will make it important. Humanity has a long, long history of discrimination against anything that looks even a little different from them. America has a sorted past of discrimination, intolerance, lack of acceptance. For simple things like ethnicity and religion. I am sure that you or any one watching can fully understand the issue's people will have with an alien that doesn't even look human” Lash replied, Lois, and Clark both looked like they had swallowed something sour. The chat room in the stream was blowing up with fallout, people rising to Wraith's defense, and the standard hate mongers!

“Lets talk about your work with the United Nations. If you are not a recognized citizen of any country how can you work for World Security?” Lois asked, as she tried to move on.

“Temporary Worker Visa. I have a unique skill set, and abilities that others do not. I am allowed temporary citizenship so I could do my work. Why would I agree to this? Because I was guaranteed citizenship if I complete a tour of duty. I believe America practices this concept with their soldiers. Do they not?” Lash replied. This brought a smile to Lois face.

“So, essentially you are a foreigner attempting to gain citizenship. But instead of a specific country. You are attempting to join a planet's United Government?” Lois said, sitting up straight. Clark was also interested in this answer.

“In simple terms, yes.” Lash replied.

“How long is your tour?” Lois asked.

“Ten years, I started my tour only a few months ago when I first started to appear. The incident in The Narrows in Gotham. I helped the FBI raid a sex trafficking and drug ring. What I was doing before that was essentially hiding. Any illegal immigrants in the world understand what it's like to hide in the very nation you hope to live in. What reason do I have to hide?” Lash stood up, reached under his shroud and pulled his sleeve. Then he pulled his shroud back, so the camera's could see his clawed, and heavy duty scaled flesh. The dark forest green scales glowed under the studio's light.

“This is not a suit, this is my skin. I said before, humanity has a long history of discrimination.” Lash covered his arm back up, and pulled his shroud over. He took a seat and waited for the next question.

“So, that would mean in ten years you will be the first official non-human who is a citizen of the planet earth, and all its nations?” Lois said, stars were in her eyes now. She was going to make an article about this later.

“One can only hope.” Lash said. Clark smiled, he was on the stage as well but he was playing the support character right now.

“Lets take a few questions from our chat, some of you have been selected. Some of you have been banned permanently from the Daily Planet chat log in. Let see, Strawberryshortcake as asked. 'Why do you only seem to work in America, if you work for the United Nations shouldn't you go everywhere the UN is allowed to travel?” Lois said, it was a good question.

“I have worked in other countries, you just don't see news footage or video's of me in those countries. Remember, a lot happens in the world. Very little of what happens is reported. Where is one of the places I have been that was not reported? Greece.” Lash said, a bit of humor in his voice. Clark choked and coughed a few times. Which drew the whole rooms attention sense Superman had never done that before. Clark was blushing now. Lash was sure more then a few hearts melted at the sight.

“You and Superman seem to have a good relationship. Have you two been friends long?” Lois asked.

“A few months, but brothers and sisters in battle tend to grow into fast friends. Any soldier in the world can tell you that.” Lash replied.

“We have another question here. Manatarm#3453 'You re attached my leg in the Glades, thank you so much! Do you plan to visit hospital's across the globe to do the same?” Lois was interested in this question.

“If the hospitals in the world would be willing to let me visit I would be more then happy to help. However, I don't want people to believe I am on speed dial. I do have work to do. To answer another question I know many will ask. No, I don't cure diseases. Cancer, Virus's, STD's etc. Why can't I? Why can't you? Maybe in the future we could figure out why together. But for now, this is what I am capable of.” Lash said.

Lois began to ask more questions that went into his work, the specifics of his abilities and alien technology. He answered what he could, and was vague in certain places. He never revealed that he was actually using earth magic. That would just blow up this already tense moment. He even spoke about helping the United Nations with advanced technology, specifically how he was able to enhance the soldiers helping in the glades. That got a lot of people excited!


Sitting at the top floor of a high rise skyscraper was man sitting in a seventy eight thousand dollar Zoot business suit. He sat at a huge Parnian two hundred thousand desk, holding a omas phoenix platinum pen that was worth sixty grand. He idly tapped this expensive pen on the desk like it was nothing to him as he watched his computer. His shiny bald head reflected the sun light coming in from his majestic window. This was Alexander Joseph Luthor, or just Lex Luthor. His Sister Lena Kieran Luthor was sitting on the desk wearing an equally expensive eighty thousand dollar business attire. She acted like it was nothing special. They watched the online stream of Wraith being interviewed. Superman didn't say a word the entire time, and only a few questions involved him. Wraith answered everything. The interview finished after about an hour, what they had watched was an edited video.

“What do you think, Lex?” Lena asked turning to look at her brother. Her deep brown, and slightly red hair fell across her shoulders. Lex leaned back in his chair, his eyes looking into the distance. But Lena was sure he was thinking a mile a minute.

“Interesting. An Alien working for the government in an attempt to gain citizenship here on Earth? I think the big blue boy scout should follow his example. What do your contacts say about him?” Lex turned to look at Lena.

“Pretty much everything he said in the interview. A few things are left out obviously. But he was pretty transparent at least with the written record. I don't buy that he had just started working for the government. I think that only happened after Superman showed up.” Lena replied, getting off of Lex's desk. She took a moment to stretch with a groan.

“Agreed, but who ever his handler is they did an excellent job at keeping him hidden. As for his abilities, as well as his technology. With out a doubt he will not tell us everything. Always good to keep your cards close to your chest, he would be a complete fool to share everything he has. That may be the only reason why the UN agreed to the idea. Accepting an Alien to become a citizen of a planet, they get a powerful agent as well as possible alien tech. That sounds amazing even to me.” Lex said, he stood up to look out the window that showed Metropolis in the setting of the sun's light. Lena came up to him, wrapped her arms around his and leaned her head against his shoulder.

“Hmm, that was written in the report that they didn't talk about. Wraith picks his own assignments. They can ask him for help. But if they ask him to do something he doesn't want to. He doesn't have to. He is a free agent!” Lena said, Lex's eyes turned hard at that comment. He was about to reply when the phone on his desk beeped. His secretary would only bother him when Lena was visiting if it was important. Lena let go of his arm as he pressed the call button.

“I'm sorry to bother you Mr. Luthor. But....There is a guest here I believe you will want to talk to.” Mercedes, Luthor's secretary said. Luthor narrowed his eyes, Mercedes was a well trained secretary that had combat training. She never hesitated when she spoke.

“Who is it?” Lex asked, Lena looked over curious as well.

“A.... Agent Wraith from the United Nations World Security.” Mercedes said.

There was a pin drop silence in the massive office. Lena had her mouth open wide as she stared at the phone as she expected it to sprout legs and run from the room! Lex stood up straight, put his arms behind his back and had a small smile on his face. He looked at his sister, and grinned at her. A rare moment to see past Lex's mask. He nudged Lena who snapped out of her shock. He then turned back to the phone.

“Send him in Mercedes.” Lex said.


Lash who wore his Wraith disguise looked at Mercedes. A strong woman who stood at about 5' 9” with bronze skin, blond hair, and blue eyes. He watcher her with interest, his reptilian eyes danced up and down her body. Mercedes was a born warrior, but under the gaze of the Wraith she fidgeted to no end. Lash had shown up at Lex-Corp after the interview. He told Clark that he had some business to take care of. But thanked him for helping him with the interview. Clark was happy to help and flew back to Smallville he was technically on vacation there because Daily Planet excused him on the account of his father's illness.

“Send him in, Mercedes.” Lex's voice spoke over the intercom. Mercedes tried to not sigh in relief but the tension in her shoulders still eased up.

“Please, Agent Wraith right this way.” Mercedes stepped towards the door. She tried to not hurry her steps. Lash could tell he made her nervous, his shroud billowed around him as he walked after her.

Lash entered an exceptionally large office, with huge windows on the entire western side of the office. There at the desk was the man himself. Lex Luthor, Super Villain of DC comics, and sometimes Super Hero. Depending on your dimension. Next to him was...Lena Luthor?! Well maybe in this comic origin Lex wont be such a dick! Lex was sitting at the desk with his fingers laced in front of him. Lena stood by Lex's side watching Lash move towards them. More then once Lash saw her eyes move towards a computer on the desk. The computer was showing an infrared image of the office....The Wraith's body heat didn't show up on the camera, no... He didn't show up at all! The camera only showed that Mercedes opened the door to show some one in. She walked in, and performed every action as if showing someone into the office. But there was not a single blip on the camera! Lex kept his eyes straight on Wraith but he saw the same thing Lena did. Lash stepped forward and bowed at a ninety degree angle towards Lex, and Lena.

“Alexander Joseph Luthor, Lena Kieran Luthor. Thank you for agreeing to meet me on such short notice. I am Agent Wraith of the United Nations World Security.” Lash's voice as always was gruff, primal, and animalistic. It made Mercedes and Lena jump in surprise. But Lex kept his cool as he watched him.

“Tell me, Agent Wraith why has World Security come to see us today?” Lex said, he stayed seated.

“I said in my interview that I would be sharing technology. Lex-Corp is one of the leading tech-conglomerate in the world. I've come to share something with you.” Lash replied, Lex raised a single well groomed eye brow at that. Lena's lips tugged up a bit. Mercedes's eyes went a little wide but she was also in a more controlled state.

“What do you plan to share?” Lex said, intrigued.

“If you will allow me, I can give you a short demonstration. Can you call some one that is both trusted but also a little older with in your building? Say around fifties?” Lash asked. Lex thought about it for awhile then turned to Mercedes.

“Call Doctor Mikels here, Mercedes. On the double.” Lex said, Mercedes left in a quick but professional manner.

Lash continued to stand in front of Lex, and Lena. Neither offered him a seat, and he didn't ask. There was a visible tension in the room that could be cut with a knife. Lena continued to watch the camera, Lash knew that the security team in charge of the camera were trying to adjust, configure, or look for any hacking attempts. They even had little subtitles across the screen that said they couldn't find the reason. Just for a bit of fun! The camera feed on the front door opened up and dozens of clowns rushed into the room! Throwing balloons, and confetti! Lena's eyes went wide as she looked at the camera then up at the front door. Nothing. The lips on Lex's face tugged upwards a bit. With in thirty seconds the actual door burst inwards as security personal rushed in! Only to pause and look around confused.

“Ahahahahaha! False alarm gentlemen, I believe Agent Wraith was testing our security. Please return to your stations.” Lex waved his men off, who left just as confused as they arrived.

“Please Agent Wraith, you'll have to tell me how you did that one day.” Lex said, he looked back at the camera feed. The clowns were setting up a bouncy castle and were putting on a show for some kids that wondered in.

“One day, If I may speak bluntly sir?” Lash asked. Lex gestured for him to continue.

“I sincerely hope we can work together in the future for the betterment of this world.” Lash said, he was serious about it. He had always like the comic origins where Lex helped the justice league. Maybe he was just a sucker for redemption arcs. Lena looked surprised, and smiled at Lash. Lex's lips tugged upwards just a bit.

After a few more minutes a well dressed but older man came in with Mercedes. Mercedes looked confused as she looked around the room for evidence of 'clowns' that the security guards told her about. The clowns in the security feed continued to put on a show. Lions, tigers, and bears were walking in a circle with small children riding on them. Then they all stopped turned to the camera bowed, and faded from sight like ghosts. Lex glanced at the camera then back at Wraith.

“Doctor Mikels, this is Agent Wraith from the United Nations World Security. He is here to give a demonstration of alien Technology he said he would be helping us with.” Lena said to the Doctor who was gawking at Wraith. The man was practically vibrating with excitement!

“Yes of course! Mr, and Miss Luthor! I would be happy to help!” Dr. Mikels said. Lash turned to him.

“Dr Mikels, what are you trained in?” Lash asked, his voice made the Doctor jump in surprise.

“I...Cough I am trained in Bio Chemistry, and Genetics!” Mikels replied.

“Good, this will actually be easier to explain. How old are you, Doctor Mikels?” Lash stepped closer to him. Mikels held his ground.

“I am fifty eight this year.” Mikels said, he was an older man with wrinkles a plenty salt and pepper hair, a bit of balding on his head. He wore half crescent glasses. Overall he looked healthy looking but his age was showing.

Lash raised his claws out in a predatory fashion. Mercedes took an automatic step between Lash and the Luthor's. Then dark green and blue particles came from Lash. He used his glamour to make the particles look like tiny machines. Soon the glow swallowed Mikels, Lash cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, Nature's Kiss, Restoration, Panacea, and Return Youth. With in less then a minute the particles returned to Lash. Mikels looked visibly younger. His hair was less gray, a lot of his wrinkles were gone. He breathed easier, and stood up straighter. Mikels was looking at his hands, at this skin. He felt his face, and took his glasses off. He didn't need them any more! Lex, Lena, and Mercedes looked at him wide eyed!

“I have 'fixed' you, and granted you ten extra years of youth. Unfortunately, I can not grant you more then ten years. That is beyond my current capabilities. But maybe we can work together in the future to change that.

Mikels then spent the next hour and grilled Lash with questions, who answered them some what vaguely. But the best subject matter would be a physical representation. What Lash had just done was scientifically impossible. But Mikels was the living proof that it could happen. At last Mikels was excused to his lab to start his work. Wraith spent another thirty or so minutes with the Luthor's. He cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, Nature's Kiss, Restoration, Panacea, and Return Youth on Lex, Lena, and Mercedes. Lash answered questions, but never gave a direct answer, even with Mikel's. Lex and Lena realized that he never would. But the idea that it was possible! That was why he came here today. Lash was acting the part of a teacher. Guiding, helping, but never outright telling them the answer. Lash soon excused himself, said he had to visit Wayne Enterprises next.


Off to the side of the giant office, Lena lay across the extremely expensive coach. Her high heels were off and her legs were kicked up. Lex sat across from her, he looked at his hands as he clenched them into fists over and over again.

“How do you feel, Lex?” Lena said, she bit her lips remembering the feeling of those dark green little 'robots' that covered her. She chose to forget the noises that she made, but wanted to tease her brother for the things he said at the moment.

“Great! Better then I've felt in years. In fact I don't think I've ever felt this good.” Lex stopped looking at his hands so he could speak to his sister. Lex's mind was working hundred miles a minute. After Wraith left they had a full medical scan done on them by a team of scientists.

Muscles, bones, organs, brain function were all heightened! The effect would last several hours maybe even days! Bone cartilage had been refilled, tiny stress fractures in their bones fixed, muscles and tendons renewed and repaired. Like a God came from heaven an just remade them! This was a miracle of modern medicine. The Wraith just snapped his claws and could do this to any one? The Wraith said he had planned to give specific technologies to specific companies. So Lex-Corp got this, he also said he would be back again to show them new things. Queen Industries got renewable energy designs. Like solar panels, wind turbines, but were 50% more effective. Merlyn industries get a chemical formula that can turn trash into liquid concrete and quick time construction that was as strong as steel, and was easy to produce. Wayne tech was getting a telecommunication project, Wraith had simply pointed at their security camera feed and laughed. Lex-Corp was getting medicine.

The computer terminal in Lex's office beeped. He reached for the controller on the table between him and Lena. Then a flat screen TV came down from the ceiling. It was the early report of Dr Mikels. His blood work and analysis. His DNA had been revitalized, it wasn't a hoax! He was ten years younger! He had no idea how it worked, but the very idea that it could opened up a lot of doors!

“Eh.... I guess we should call Agent Wraith our Golden Goose, right Lex?” Lena said, reading the information.

“Yes, we should.” Luthor said, things were changing.


Lash spent a few hours in transit, by the time he came back to Gotham it was eight o'clock in the evening. He went straight to Wayne Enterprises, he still wore his Wraith Shroud. He had actually decided to run into town from the Warden HQ. He needed some exercise. He camouflaged himself along the way so he wouldn't scare any one. He had to admit Gravity Stride was useful, he would run along buildings, under bridges, jump between spaces flipping his gravity. He would do flips, and twists to orient himself. He wouldn't lie, he had for the first few....hundred times he actually fell flat on his face. With his gravity switched out he crashed into buildings. He spent time to repair the damage and moved on.

Lash landed near Wayne Enterprises, he wanted to meet Bruce but he got the suspicion that he had already left. But he did know that another man was here. Lucius Fox. When he was right in front of the building he pulled his nature spells off, but kept his Wraith shroud. Several people shouted in surprise as he walked in. Wayne Industries was like a giant black obsidian tower. The W was bright red, and the building was designed to be black in color. Even the office windows had a tint to them. You needed a multi security pass to get through the front door normally. But the doors opened up automatically for Lash. They were happy to see him, he gave them a bit of Technomancy energy which they fed on like excitable puppies. He walked past the front desk, the security guards got up to stop him but the VIP elevator opened up and a call came down.

“Let him come up, I know what he is here for.” Mr. Fox said on the line. The guards stopped then just watched as the Alien Wraith went to the VIP elevator.

The door's closed and the VIP elevator zipped to the top floors quickly. The elevator groaned slightly at Lash's weight. The elevator stopped on a floor the was close to the top. Lash knew this was not Mr Fox's floor so... The door opened and he saw two familiar faces. Monica, and Shevalla. Both of them looked at him in surprise! Then walked into the elevator and took it to the top floor.

“So....You two work for Bruce now?” Lash asked.

“Yes, we are in charge of the HR department. Or, rather the super-natural resource department.” Monica said.

“We also work with deals between different super-natural businesses. Since we have a natural immunity to certain charms given our innate nature. Zatanna suggested it, Bruce accepted.” Shevalla said.

“We saw your interview. You know if you succeed and get full citizenship then its possible for all super-natural's to go that route. Maybe one day we won't have to hide.” Monica said softly, a smile on her face.

“That was the plan.” Lash said. Monica and Shevalla both looked at him. Then looked back at the door.

The elevator opened up, and all three of them walked towards Mr. Fox's office. The secretary greeted both the women but was terrified of Lash. The door opened up, and Mr Fox stepped out. Lash looked forward to working with Fox. He was a well liked character in the DC universe. A cultured, educated black man with salt and peppered hair, a lithe academic build. With a grandfather aura. He wore a business suit with a bow tie. He gestured for the ladies and Lash to enter.

Fox took his seat behind his modest but expensive desk. Fox was always a minimalist in the comics. Seemed he was one here too. Monica and Shevalla both took a seat together, they sat intimately close to one another. They treated each other like friends, family, or lovers depending on the minute, hour, or day. Lash was sure they had turned more then a few mundane heads men and women alike. Lash continued to wear his disguise as he looked at Fox, then he turned to the women. Shevalla looked back, then recognition dawned on her.

“Mr Fox is a pseudo-mundane. He knows that you are a Warden in Gotham.” Shevalla said. Lash deactivated his glamour, and returned to his default state. He then bowed to Fox giving the etiquette of a Warden. Mr Fox smiled at him.

“Heard a lot about you Mr Lash. Don't worry the office is shielded. I'm told by both magic and technology. So, word on the grape vine is that Agent Wraith is going around to several major companies in the US and giving out technology. What will Wayne industries get?” Fox rubbed his hands together.

Lucius Fox was a brilliant administrator for business. He could run Wayne Enterprises better then even Bruce would. But, his heart would always be in research and development. He loved making new things. Lash opened his hands and called on the Domains of Technomancy, and Transmutation. He cast Fabrication, Compression Transformation, and Alteration channeling his magic he nearly depleted his entire energy reserve. Sweat was pouring from him, and his face grew pale. Then the machine he built was complete, well two machines. He took a long slow breath. Fox looked at him with concern. Monica and Shevalla had both stood up together and helped Lash keep his balance. They both gave him a comforting squeeze before they took their seats again.

The machines were a pair of wrist watches. A lot like smart watches. He handed one to Mr Fox, and asked one of the women to give the other to Mr Fox Secretary. She did, curious what this was. Fox put the watch on. After he activated the watch a hologram projector appeared above the watch. It had a interface along with a single phone number. This alone was impressive. Lash turned his Wraith shroud on for safety. He told Fox to call the number. After a few rings, Fox's secretary's upper half appeared over the watch. If anyone was in the other room, they would see the top half of Fox on the secretary's watch. Lash had magically created a holographic telephone and computer. He used magic to create it, but even after the magic was gone it still worked. Every piece of material in the computer could be found here on earth. They had just no idea you could use the materials in this way.

“How I did it, I can't tell you. But feel free to reverse engineer it. A smart man like you Mr Fox and you'll have it figured out before next winter.” Lash said, Fox had a short conversation with his secretary, he had a wide smile on his face. He soon ended the call and looked at Lash.

“Hot damn, I think this will be fun!” Fox grinned.

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