Lash had returned home after visiting Mr Fox. He was mentally exhausted though his body was fine. He entered through the underground passage of Gotham's sewers, when he walked into his home the security system told him people were waiting for him. He thought it was Isabella and Elizabeth. Well he was half right, when he walked into the main room he saw them both along with Althea the Amazon envoy, and her two guards Cora, and Elena. Althea and her people were dressed in a combination of civilian attire and Amazon casual. Imagine boots and sandals, with cloths or leather skirts wide enough to run in. Leather and cloth corset, that tied around their necks. It was both exotic, and appealing. Of course all Amazon women were good looking.

Lizzy walked up and hugged Lash, she was wearing cotton pj's and a cute little number with fluffy bunny slippers. Lizzy felt different, and it was not the Pack Bond effects. Though the skill buff had deactivated. The limiter in her body was removed. She felt different, he hadn't noticed it before. Maybe he didn't want to. He looked over at Althea who looked back.

“We need to talk.” Althea said. Lizzy let go of Lash. She squeezed his hand and pulled him to come sit at the table. Lash did as instructed he sat at one end with Lizzy and Isabella. Althea, Cora, and Elena sat at the other end of the dinning room table.

“It seems this is the second time I've made a mistake with your family, though each time was unintentional. I've come to explain why Queen Hippolyta, and Princess Diana gave the medallion of recognition and adopted Elizabeth Shaw into the Amazon family.” Althea spoke softly and passed several pieces of information to Lash.

Lash read through the report and his fears were realized. He understood why Lizzy was different. Why the Amazon's did what they did. Elizabeth Shaw had been changed from a mundane into a creature of magic. Because of Lash and Saurian. Lash clenched his hands into firsts, and ground his teeth. His eyes turned reptilian and energy pressure filled the room that almost suffocated everyone present.

“Its our fault. We did this to her....” Lash and Saurian's voice said at the same time.

Lizzy snagged his hand and squeezed, a look of pleading was in her eyes. Lash/Saurian pulled back their 'pressure' and everyone could breath again. Isabella, Althea, Cora, and Elena all looked at Lash with surprise. The level of magical energy he just poured out was impressive! It had been little over a month since Althea had last seen Lash but his growth was on par with a monster! She audibly swallowed, Cora and Elena instinctively scooted their chairs away from him. It wasn't to long ago that they could have squished Lash like a bug. Now, they weren't sure who would win even if all three of them attacked at the same time.

“Those who use magic have the ability to twist, turn, warp, and bend reality. Some magic users manipulate, others call. But what is well known is once you begin to store magical energy in your body you become in essence a magical container or in your case a magical creature. You can be 100% human and still be a magical creature.” Althea said, this information was mostly for Lizzy. But Althea also said it to help move the situation forwards.

“When your container grows to full you begin to leak ambient energy into your surrounding area. This is common! That is why those that practice magic generally use their power consistently to prevent this from happening. Also, those that practice with this energy be it from casting magic, or being a were-breed can learn to 'flex' or seal the container while they converse with mundanes. This is important because their energy can...Change those around them with over exposure.” Althea said, looking at Lash who was breathing intensely. His skin was peeling away to reveal scales. Lash wasn't angry at her, he was angry at himself.

“But....” Althea began but Lash finished.

“You are my family, Lizzy. When I'm alone with you I relax and this is what caused it. My ambient energy washed over you. However, this alone would not necessarily cause the change. Its a hundred thousand against one chance that some one changes due to super-natural ambient energy absorption. Unless....” Lash said, as Lizzy turned to look at him.

“Unless a catalyst is introduced. Like visiting a magical island...” Isabella spoke at that point. She reached for Lash, after a moment of hesitation she held his clenched hand.

“So, is that why I was sick when I first showed up on Themyscira? I thought I got a tropical bug or something?” Lizzy said, she was still in the process of absorbing the information.

“Your body went through a fever to adapt to the new changes. Lash was already important then, but we would have never broken the pact of information between Mundanes and Wardens with out a damn good reason. This was a good reason. When our healers saw the change we moved you to a controlled environment and started to train you.” Althea spoke again.

“Raising your bodies physical limit through the magic of the Amazon's we were able to stabilize your internal energy.” Althea said softly, but did not finish her thought.

“The change should have killed you. It kills most people that go through it abruptly. That's why those that go through such a change are in a controlled enviroment. The same thing happened to Blood-Kindred when we first start to convert. I nearly died when they first started to change me.” Isabella said. She looked at Lizzy with troubled eyes.

“Thank you for saving my sister. I don't hold any animosity towards you Althea or the Amazons. I'll make a public statement, this was my fault.” Lash said, as he looked at Althea. She nodded but he could tell a small weight had been lifted off her shoulders.

Lash didn't waste any time, he accessed his phone through Connectivity and made the statement in his Warden File, and sent the necessary information to Skaleg, and Warden HQ. The Warden's already knew this information, they had discovered it when they showed up to brief Lizzy. But, Lash's statement saying it was his fault was a good move. It would hurt Lash's reputation, but it would put the Amazon's in the clear. Which would help any political hurt feelings all around. But, this would be ammunition the communities could use against Lash in the future. A 'Skeleton in the closet' scenario. If the Warden can't control himself around his loved ones, how can you expect him to control himself when he is in the field?

“So what happens now?” Lizzy said, her voice quiet and unsure. This was so unlike Lizzy. She was normally loud, upfront, and confident. But this was so far out of her awareness.

“You are no longer a mundane Elizabeth Shaw. Now, we start the long process of training you on keeping the secret between the super-naturals and the mundanes. Though the world still believes Wraith is an alien they wont always. We hope one day that super-natural's will no longer have to hide. But that day will be a long time to come.” Althea said. Her voice gentle when speaking to Lizzy. They were Amazon sisters now.

“You should go back to Themyscira, the Amazon's have a warrior graduate program you can go through. Normally Blood-Kindred wouldn't be allowed on the island, but if Isabella were to strike up the nerve to give you the engagement ring she's been carrying around then legally she could come with you.” Lash said in flat tone, but a smile crept up his face.

Isabella looked aghast at Lash, her eyes wide and a blush crawling up her face. Elizabeth looked surprised at Lash then at Isabella. Althea, Cora, and Elena couldn't process the sudden subject change. They looked like a deer caught in the head lights. Wide eyed and confused about the bright light heading towards them.

“LASH! How do you know about that!” Isabella screamed at him.

“What do you mean, how does he know about that!? Are you really carrying a ring right now!?” Lizzy shouted at Isabella. Lizzy's face was turning red as a tomato, it matched her hair!

“Althea, I apologize for this loop hole in the legal system. But I know that Elizabeth and Isabella are in love. I hope Queen Hippolyta will allow this.” Lash kept a poker face, even as Lizzy and Isabella were punching him in his arms at this point. At the mention of the Queen's name Althea seem to wake up. She processed the information and smiled.

“Excuse me for a brief moment, I was told to contact the Queen as soon as we finished the conversation. I can ask.” Althea had a smile on her face as she watched her adopted sister beat on Lash.

Althea excused her self from the table. Lash stood up, and continued to play punching bag for Isabella, and Lizzy. The situation was still tense, and blame fell squarely on Lash's and Saurian's shoulders. They were the problem! The Pack Bond released the limiters placed in people. But it didn't give them powers! A mundane would still be a mundane! They would just be optimized, their body would work more efficiently, the body would have more potential to grow! Lash was worried what effect that would have on an alien like Superman, or a meta-human like Flash.

“Sister, please let me show you. You have to swing with your hips. That is where the power is!” Cora came over to help Lizzy 'punish' Lash. She even demonstrated by putting a bit of strength into the punch. Though she frowned at the impact.


Princess Diana was sitting in the throne room with her Queen Mother, Hippolyta. Althea was reporting the situation with Warden Lash and his partner Saurian. Diana had been worried about what Lash would say. She had only known Lash for a short while, but he was a good man. Good men were in very short supply on mother Gaia. From the conversation that Althea reported it seemed Lash truly held no animosity towards the Amazons even took full blame for the event. True to his word, as soon as he said he would make a public statement his Warden File had been updated, and the Information site reported what had happened. This would drastically hurt the Warden Lash's reputation. But place the Amazons not only in the clear, but in a better light for noticing the change and saving the very new super-natural that Warden Lash nearly killed.

In the grand scheme of things the incident was small, and would not pose any really problems. But, Warden Lash was pure and clean like fallen snow. He had no blemishes, no marks, so naturally even the smallest of mistakes would lead people to notice. Politics! Diana hated politics! When Althea reported that Warden Lash encouraged that Elizabeth Shaw should return and perform the Warrior graduation event for young Amazons it delighted Diana! She liked Lizzy, and could see a lot of Lash in her. A lot of her was in Lash. They were family after all. But at the mention of Isabella, the Blood-Kindred along with the loop hole in engagement she frowned. Diana then looked up at her mother only to be surprised. Her mother was smiling.

“We agree, this Isabella will be a...test for Blood-Kindred. Though the Kindred must understand that Sister Elizabeth is here to train. Not to be on vacation. Also tell Warden Lash that we appreciate his candor and his commitment to being a good Warden. A good Warden, and a good man is a rare thing in today's world. Inform him that he is welcome to visit his sister as well.” Queen Hippolyta said to Althea.

The throne room was quiet enough to hear a butterfly fluttering its wings. Diana blinked at her mother in astonishment. Was this really her mother? Wait, something must have happened! What was it? What's happened lately that would make mother act this way?

“Also inform him that the New Nation of Themyscira recognized by the United Nations looks forward to Agent Wraith's visit to spread new information and technology across the world.” Queen Hippolyta said with a broad smile.

Diana's eyes went wide! That's right! Wraith is suppose to visit the influential countries of the world! But Themyscira was originally not part of that list. But now it would be! This would be a show for the rest of the world not to doubt their island nation! Mother! Always thinking ahead!


A 'play' fight was currently in the process in Lash home when Althea came back into the room. Isabella, Elizabeth, Cora, and Elena all threw kicks, and punches at Lash. Lash for the most part just tanked the hits. Lizzy and Bella were throwing as much weight into their attacks as they could and the only result was hurting themselves. Cora, and Elena could use far more skill than this but didn't. They had to admit Lash made a good punching bag. Althea looked at them in mild amusement, put her communication talisman away then with out waiting for an invitation joined in the fight. Thankfully Lash's whole building had been reinforced with magic. A dozen air to ground missiles could fire on this building and it could still stand.

“Her Majesty will agree as long as she makes a single alteration. As long as Agent Wraith agrees to visit The Island Nation of Themyscira to educate and share alien technology with them.” Althea called as she swung her fists, and kicks into Lash. Lash could only block one out of five attacks. But all three of the Amazon's noticed he was getting better as the fight continued.

“Themyscira was not originally part of the technology tour because Wraith has nothing to show them. But, by going there publicly will create a situation in the UN. A new nation recently recognized now has access to Alien tech when other older nations don....Oh. That is why.” Lash, said as he put the pieces together. Politics.

“Ummm, can you explain for those who are new to the scene?” Lizzy said, she kicked out with her leg just the way Elena showed her. Lash easily side stepped and Lizzy lost her balance falling into Bella. They both panicked, falling over into a mess.

“Wraith is suppose to travel across the world to selected Nations of power and influence and give them 'Alien' tech to help further their advancement. Themyscira was originally not part of the tour because they are too new. There are many older, all be it smaller nations that should be next in line. But if Wraith makes an appearance at Themyscira that would mean that the UN, and the 'Alien' takes the island nation seriously.” Cora said to Lizzy, as she helped her and Bella off the ground. Then became wide eyed as Elena was thrown at her when she failed to take down Lash.

Althea was alone now, she threw a left hook and it was blocked by Lash's forearm. She moved in close to knee him between the legs. Lash quickly closed his legs, and caught her knee. He twisted his body which abruptly catapulted her off to the side. She stumbled, surprised by how her center of gravity was flipped so easily. Cora and Elena then moved to Lash's exposed back, but he twisted like a snake out of their attack.

Lash got experience prompts from, Minor Damage Resistance, Skill Trainer, Awaken Trait, Minor Natural Energy Absorption, Danger Sense...Which evolved into Basic Danger Sense. OK, they skipped a level. He'd have to ask Dawn about that, maybe it was a bug. Then he got a prompt for gaining experience with Intermediate Martial Arts, Minor Energy Manipulation, and Minor Super Human Stamina. When he twisted and flipped Althea off her balance he got a single point of experience in Gravity Stride? Wait, could he flip his opponents gravity? Cool. It was after that, the the Amazon's started to attack Lash for real. Lizzy and Bella just stood off to the side holding their sides, and wincing as they watched the fight.

“But, he's not actually giving Alien technology away. Isn't he just using...Magic? Wow, I really just said that didn't I? My brother knows magic....” Lizzy said to her self. Bella gave her a comforting squeeze.

“No, he's not. But he's primarily using his Domains of Technomancy, and Transmutation. There are many things science can learn from magic. Even if they never learn how to channel or cast spells. The mere fact that the universe can be shaped in such a way opens up new possibilities and idea's to the mundanes. The mundanes are still trying to figure out how to explore the universe and go to another planet. When the super-natural sorcerers and mages have crafted portals to separate dimensions centuries ago.” Bella said to her....Fiancee. Lizzy wasn't wearing the ring because they had been punching Lash.

“Wait! We can go to other dimensions!?” Lizzy called out.

The entire upper floor of the building vibrated with the clash of a fight between Lash and the Amazons. More then once the Gargoyle's looked inside confused. Lash assured them they were just training. The stone sentinels went back to their posts. The Griaks watched with amusement. Elena swung her fists as fast and as hard as she could, she concentrated on his limbs. Cora danced around the group and would strike with her leg when ever Lash was open to an attack. Althea would move into the grapple and attempt to pull Lash down after Elena struck his joints and limbs. Lash slithered, and moved his body like a contortionist. During the whole fight he had never once struck back! He would throw them off of him but he was purely on evasion and defense.

Four hours went by when finally Althea collapsed onto the floor of Lash's home. She was soaked in her own sweat, her cloths stuck to her body creating a very enjoyable sight. Elena, and Cora were much the same. They panted, and gasped for breath. Sweat pooled around them. Lizzy, and Bella had moved a coach around so they could watch the fight. Lash felt that if they had a stat screen they would have seen experience gain for learned skills. Lash despite the work out breathed normally He didn't even sweat! Which he had to admit was odd. -Sweating leaves a smell, smell can lead to being tracked. We don't sweat! Saurian said softly. Ah, that made perfect sense!

“Beloved Sister, would you please show your new Sisters to my bathroom so they can get cleaned up? Bring their cloths to me, I can clean them with a spell.” Lash suggested. Lizzy and Bella both became wide eyed and looked at the sexy Amazon's with the eyes of lewd predators watching prey.

Lash laughed at the sight. Lizzy and Bella loved each other, but apparently didn't mind sharing as long as they were together. He was not sure what kind of sexuality was on Themyscira, but he was sure they would have fun on the island together. The ladies all excused themselves into Lash's bedroom, with in seconds giggling and squeals of glee were heard. Lash rolled his eyes. He began to use Repair on his damaged home. After a few minutes Bella came back into the room wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around her. Her hair was wet, she came over and put every ones cloths on a table. Before she left, she raced over to Lash pressed her self against him. Far more then she needed to, but Lash didn't stop her. She kissed his cheek, winked at him and fled back to his bedroom. She 'accidentally' dropped her towel midway so he could see her entire seductive back side.

Despite the seeing Bella's caramel skin, hourglass figure, and perfect ass. Lash didn't get a hard on. Nor was he tempted to visit the ladies in the room even if their was a 1% chance they'd invite him. Some part of his brain, maybe the reptile in him said this was all normal. He used Immaculate, and Repair on the cloths of his women. He then put all the cloths at the tail edge of the door to his bedroom.

Lash then did something he had not done in a while. He went to his Art Studio, he walked in but didn't close the door. He activated the shudders though. Not that long ago Bruce Wayne asked if he would like to put one of his art pieces into a museum that Selina would be the art curator for. Bruce offered to buy the piece from him, Bruce could afford it. Then he remembered two exceptionally beautiful women that he had recently met. He smiled as his skill Artist activated. He began to use Fabrication to create marble, obsidian, rose quartz, silver, gold, rubies, emeralds, amber and sapphires. He used his skills Material Shaping, Advanced Crafting, and Minor Energy Manipulation. Then to top it all off he used Essence Imbuement.

What stood before him was two beautifully stone carved women, both wearing simple shawls to cover their near naked forms. As waves crashed behind them into the rocky beach. Monica's likeness had pale marble skin, with golden trimmed hair, emerald green eyes. Her gold hair fell across her face in a half mask, and she had a flirtatious smile, her lips had a near lip gloss of rose quartz. She played her right hand across her naked shoulders. Her left hand on her waist that was cocked to one side. The shawl wrapped around her breasts, and hips. But barely hide anything, in fact Lash had drawn the detail of her naked form then placed the shawl over her. The shawl was made from a fine blue quartz material that created a starlight imagery.

Shevalla's likeness was marble with silver etched fish scales that were so tiny that you had to really look to see them. She had amber stone hair that was swepped over the other side of her face. The opposite side of Monica so the two of them could 'watch' one another. Shevalla had emerald green eyes just like Monica. Shevalla stuck her chest out, her legs apart as she took a stance of defiance. Her lips had the same rose quartz lip gloss on them. Her right hand made a come hither motion. While her left traced between her breasts. the shawl was the same as Monica's a blue starlight quartz that was wrapped around her breasts and hips.

Both women had a perfect golden ratio hour glass figure. The long line of their legs, abdomen excited the eyes! The muscle tone was carefully crafted, and etched into their skin. Because of Essence Imbuement the statues had a life of their own. Their eyes seem to follow Lash as he moved around, shaping them with even more detail. Then he got his creation prompt.

A expertly crafted stone, metal, and jewel statue, six feet tall and six feet wide.

Name: A Siren's Lure.

Rating: C+

Effects: It has the power to entrance, beguile, and seduce all that look at it. Male or Female. Those with weak mental resistance could be caught staring for hours on end.

Effects: The statue it self will paint a fantasy for anyone who wishes to be trapped by it. -'Wet dream waiting to happen!'

Comments: You've created a statue that is capable of capturing, seducing, and making love to any one that stares at it to long! Careful, such things may lead to a more...Creative art outlet.

The fight with Amazon's didn't break Lash. But now? He was sweating, gasping for breath, and sitting in a chair trying to focus his eyes. He had no idea how long this took, but it was worth it. The soft patter of clapping was heard behind him, he turned to see Lizzy standing in his art room next to an open door. Along with the rest of the women. They all clapped lightly, but were entranced by the statue. Eventually they all stopped clapping, and just stared at it. Lash watched them with mild amusement because he could smell their arousal. Then after about twenty or so minutes all five women had a small orgasm that made them all shudder in pleasure. Then what ever spell they were under broke. Each of the women blushed harder then Lash thought possible and they fled the room. Presumably to clean up. Lash looked back at the statue, it was beautiful, but he was not entrapped by anything. The statue's, or rather the faces of the Siren's did seem to be smiling at him. But that was it. Lash took a moment to carve the name of the statue at the bottom. 'A Siren's Lure.'

Lash checked his phone only to be surprised! It was dawn, which meant during Winter it was about seven or eight in the morning. He shrugged, took several pictures of the statue and sent them to Selina. 'Statue for the museum that Bruce and you are opening.' After less then a minute he got a reply. 'OMG! WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!' Then about a minute later. 'I felt like I was on a beach with two beautiful women who were willing to do anything I wanted with them. Christ! Lash what spell is on that!?' Selina texted back. Well that was strange, Lash didn't expect it to work through a phone. Ah! Since he has Technomancy it seemed like the effect went through electronics. Interesting.

'There isn't any spell per say on it. It's just imbued with my magical essence. A lot of spell casters do that for their art work. I'm happy you liked the effect.' Lash replied through his phone. Then Selina replied, 'Lash, you want to put this in the Wayne art Museum? We may have to sell moist towels, or private viewing boxes for it.' Then she sent a heart eye emoji. Lash finished up speaking to Selina. He arranged for a pick up via Griak's. Selina would be there to pick it up at the Museum, to which Lash had missed the grand opening of. He winced and apologized to Selina. She told him it was during the Starling City incident, she understood why he didn't make it. But made him promise to come visit with her when he was free. She knew that 'Wraith' was suppose to tour the world this week. Lash then sent a message to Monica and Shevalla. He told them he made a statue that was inspired after them. It would be in the Wayne Art Museum in two days. Oddly, Monica replied with in a few seconds.

'Can we see a picture?' Lash thought about it, then set the same photo's he took for Selina and send them. After about five minutes he got a call...

“Hello?” Lash said

“Lash....If you wanted alone time with us you could have just asked.” Monica said, Lash could tell he was on speaker. In the background he heard the unmistakable sound of Shevalla moaning.

“I wasn't sure the effect go through the phone, let alone be effective against the people it was modeled after.” Lash said, he was honestly surprised. Then he remembered one of the effects. 'Any one who wishes to be trapped by it' Ohhhhhhh. So it wasn't about having mental resistance! It was if you wanted to be or not.

“So, this is going to be donated to the Wayne Art Museum? There are zero spells on it? Just your magical imbuement?” Monica said softly.

“Yes, I made it with in the confines of Warden Law. When I saw the two of you last night, I was inspired to create the statue.” Lash replied. Then he heard Shevalla climax in the background. Monica sighed softly. Shevalla's breathless voice soon came over the phone.

“Lash.... I heard that you were specifically waiting for Jessabell to be free of Queen Mab. She will be your first super-natural, is that right?” Shevalla said.

“Wait!Why do you know about that! Does every one know that?!” Lash asked shocked.

“Lash you are highly prized by a lot of women, and men for that matter. However, the reason why you don't have a long line of women waiting at your front door is out of respect for the Winter Queen. When she found out about your plan to wait for Jessabell she made a decree that no one is touch you until her host Jessabell does. So, I'll make this as clear as possible. Monica and I will allow you to show this beautiful statue of us in public 'if'...Only 'if'. You have sex with us. Both of us, at the same time! Understood?” Shevalla said.

“Wh...a........t.....Why do I feel like there is more going on than I know? Why is having sex with me so important?” Lash asked. Monica laughed, and Shevalla giggled.

“Do you agree?” Shevalla asked. Lash didn't really have a reason to say no. Jessabell and him were not in a monogamist relationship. He understood that. In fact he could guarantee that she wouldn't care.

“Sure, but only if you two want too. I feel like there is more going on than I understand.” Lash said, unsure of himself.

“Ahaha! Yes, Lash we have every desire to share a bed with you! You have our complete consent! Now, please excuse us! Thanks to that statue we need to have our morning sex, again!” Shevalla hung up the phone.

Lash looked at his phone in confusion. He looked back up at the statue to admire his work. He got up and went out of his art studio. He went to the balcony, along the way he heard the seductive and suggestive moans of the five women in his apartment having a good time in his bedroom. He opened the balcony door, told the Griak's about the delivery. They flew into house to start their work. With in a few minutes they came back out with a 'tiny' version of the statue. Lash had no idea how it worked, but the Griak's could decrease the size of things, and this also removed the weight. He'd have to learn about it later. He closed the balcony door, sat down on his living room coach that had been turned around so Lizzy and Bella could watch the fight. He was lost in thought as he heard several women scream in climax.

Althea was the first to come out. She wore one of Lash's buttoned up shirts, and apparently nothing else. She looked at Lash and smiled at him, she walked over with a seductive sway to her hips. She tucked her knees under her and nestled against Lash. Her head on his shoulders. She smelled sweet, with the right combination of sweat and the sensual scent of sex. Her finger's danced up and down Lash's chest. Lash was watching the sun rise outside his balcony window, the Griak's flutter back and forth during their deliveries.

“Most men would have tried to join, or been so turned on they would have sought to watch or relieve themselves. But not you. I've heard were-breeds have an over active sex drive. So many things set them off. But you are oddly in control. Why is that?” Althea asked softly, her face was next to his neck. Her breath hot against his skin.

“I'm not sure. Some part of me want's to say its because I know that none of you look at me that way. Or, because I have enough self control not to try anything. But, I think its simple. I could say it's because I'm waiting for some one specific before I become like any other man you've ever met. Maybe after I've been with her I'll be the way you've described.” Lash said to her softly.

“First off, Lash. How do you know that none of us look at you like that? I agree your self control is admirable. Its nice that you are saving yourself for the Winter Queen host. I also believe that even after you and her share a bed you wont become like every other man in the world.” Althea said softly, she tilted her head up and kissed Lash's jaw line softly. Her eyes closed briefly before she went back to her position before.

After Althea's little confession which made Lash confused, one by one the other women came out of his bedroom. All wearing his cloths! He had to admit it was really hot seeing five smoking hot women step out his bedroom wearing his shirts and nothing else. The five women were obviously closer then they were before. They were also relaxed around Lash, as they decided to have breakfast before leaving for Themyscira. Lash was really confused, he tried using Deductive Reasoning on the situation to tie everything together. His passive skill effects Intermediate Charming Presence, and the sub-skill of Leadership couldn't force people to have feelings for him. So that would mean that Althea, and the Amazon's already found him attractive to begin with, and the skills just increased that? This made Lash conflicted. Because this raised a moral dilemma, if they had sex was it because they gave consent or because the skill affected their thought process? Some small part of his brain told him that this was all part of The Dream Engine, just enjoy it. But, he had never played games like that before. He needed to talk to Dawn about this. Lash and Jessabell knew each other before he had either of those skills. So he could trust that...He hoped.

Althea, Cora, Elena, Isabella, and Lizzy all kissed his cheek goodbye and smiled with blushing faces. Yes, even Bella and Lizzy. Maybe it was from the fact that they had a five-some in his bed while he was in the next room. Or something else? He wasn't sure, he promised he'd see Lizzy and Bella on the island when he finished his tour. Themyscira would be last. The Warden / UN council already knew about the 'new' addition to his tour.

“Lash.... I love you, you know that right?” Lizzy said, she was standing at the door to his home. The other women had walked ahead.

“Of course, Lizzy. We are friends, family, and pack. We are everything we need from each other when we need it.” Lash's response was automatic as if it made perfect sense to him.

Lizzy looked up at him, nodded a few times. She hugged him, and pressed her body against him as tight as she could. She was going to miss him. Lash hugged her back, his arms wrapped around her small but strong frame. -Be well Huntress-Lizzy. We will see you soon. Saurian replied, this made Lizzy's body go a little stiff. She was still not use to the idea that something was sharing Lash's body. But she couldn't bring herself to dislike Saurian. She felt she could trust him.

“When we see each other again you'll have to show me what you look like Saurian.” Lizzy said, then winked at Lash...Or rather the reptile who looked through his eyes.

-Yes! Yes! We will explore each others bodies in great detail Huntress-Lizzy! Lash's eyes went wide, and Lizzy took a step back. A blush crawling up her face. Lash knew that is not what Saurian meant. But still, how his partner said things sometimes. Lizzy sprinted down the hallway to join her companions as fast as her legs could take her. Lash went back into his home to clean up his sex filled room. Alone at last as he started to clean up and he spoke out loud.

“Dawn, My brightest star. May I ask you a few questions?” Lash said softly.

“Of course, User! Ah, I still love that nick name.” Dawn said sweetly in his ear.

“Not to long ago there was a version update, skills, spells, etc were fused together. Or, should I say they work together instead of fused?” Lash asked, changing the sheets on his bed.

“Yes, User. Skills, abilities, spells, traits, even titles use to work on their own. The Developers then realized they made a mistake. They should work together like a machine with many different parts. So, now one can effect the other. You of course do not need one over the other to be successful. But having more makes the 'machine' in this analogy work more efficiently.” Dawn said.

“Why did my Danger Sense skip a level? Is it a bug?” Lash swapped his pillows and blankets. Throwing the dirty ones into his hamper.

“The bug was more specifically on the experience gain. The skill should have evolved before then but the system had not properly counted the correct amount of points. This was due to the skill it self being reworked. The Developers changed the amount of experience needed to make it evolve.” Dawn's voice sounded....odd like it was behind him.

Lash turned around and saw Dawn! She lay across his brand new bed. She wore a midnight silk robe the was partially open letting Lash see portions of her naked skin. Her skin was healthy pale color, long curly blond hair was swept past her shoulders and cascaded across his pillows. Her ruby red eyes looked at Lash from the bed. Her hands danced up and down her silk robe, as she fluttered the label open and closed so it enticed Lash to look closer. She had a great figure, long shapely legs, and breasts that could barely be held in check by her robe. Just a simple tug on the sash would reveal them. Dawn, winked at him from the bed.

“Dawn.... I'm always happy to see you. But?” Lash said, unlike before with Althea and the five some in his bedroom, he was now clearly aroused. Dawn was...special? The administrator of his world? He wasn't sure on how to explain their relationship.

“I thought this would be a proper demonstration to a question I know you have. You have an admirable quality, User. The women that you are with must give you 100% consent. I've seen it with every women I've sent your way. If they are influenced in any form, function, or fashion. Be it circumstance, magical, mundane or other. You do not take them up on the offer. A majority of the time you are not even aroused.” Dawn sat up, then tucked her knees under her.

She then spread her legs out, undid her sash and let the silk robe drop. She knelt on the bed as the nipples of her breasts grew erect from arousal. She arched her back to show off her figure under Lash's gaze. She tossed the robe off to the side, and crawled across the bed in a seductive motion towards the edge. She grabbed Lash's belt and pulled him forward. He didn't fight her. Dawn ran her fingers along his chest, feeling his muscles. She pulled the string of his cotton pj pants off, then reached down and gripped his cock in her petite hands. Lash shivered at her touch, he reached out with his hands and began to comb through her curly long blond hair. Dawn leaned in and licked the head of his cock with her small pink tongue. Then for a brief moment took his head, and his shaft into her mouth. She deep throat his cock and even gagged. Her throat closed around the tip of his cock, Lash nearly came just from that. Then she wrapped her tongue around his cock and pulled back. Then with a POP! She took her mouth away, a smile of satisfaction on her face. Dawn then began to stroke Lash with both her hands, one on the shaft, the other stroking his head.

“To answer your question. The passive skills of Charming Presence, and Leadership will never force someone against their will to have sex with you. The Developers made sure about that. Despite the many different powers, abilities, skills that revolve around sex. They wanted to be 100% certain that such things wouldn't happen. So, you are safe in the knowledge that every women I send your way wants to have sex with you.” Dawn then kissed his cocks head, then disappeared into starlight! Leaving Lash rock hard and wanting more...

Lash looked at the spot where Dawn was, and didn't move for several minutes. He then peeled his cloths off and went to take a nice long cold shower. Lash soon left for Warden HQ not long after. Dressed in his Warden combat gear. He really needed to make time to finish his tailor made gear from Nast'rok. Lash then began his journey across the rest of the United States, then the world!

Wraith then went to Big Belly Burger's corporate office. He surprised all the executives when he showed up. Especially when he offered them all several cheese burgers. It was not until after they ate the burgers did he tell them they just ate a full multivitamin, and nutritional burger. The same great taste that BBB is known for, but that burger was healthier than eating a salad. He gave them several more samples, and left BBB's corporate office.

Wraith showed up at Janus Cosmetics and showed them a bottle of lotion that could repair skin tissue. Old age, sun burns, chemical burn, burns from a fire. After the first application several people with severe burns noticed a dramatic improvement. Lash gave them two bottles, to try and reverse engineer the chemical solution. Everything in the bottle could be found on earth, he put emphasis on that. He just used what was on Earth and used it in a different way they had not thought about. Not everything Lash was giving to the companies came from him. They were suggestions, and tools made by the Warden's, with the super-natural council's permission.

Wraith showed up at Palmer Technologies and showed them a vial and contained with in that vial were microscopic machines no bigger then grains of sand. He then gave them the remote controller software program and they watched in fascination as the tiny machines performed micro surgery on a simulated heart patient with a tear in the valves. Lash gave them two more vials, each one with its specific software program. Then said goodbye!

Lash was going to save his visit to Queen, and Merlyn industries until after Themyscira. He sent a simple text message to Oliver and Merlyn saying as much. Technically they both got their technology ahead of everyone else. They looked forward to his visit in the future. Lash then went to visit Ace Chemical's which was a stone throw away from Gotham. When Wraith showed up at the front door the executives were waiting for him. The 'UN' sent word of his arrival, because after Ace Chemical's he was flying, yes flying to the United Kingdom.

Lash asked to be brought to their biggest chemical waste depot, and to bring their chemical engineering team to meet him. All of them showed up in a timely manner, Lash double checked the area, and even pointed out several security flaws. Including several spy tech drones that tried to record the tech demo. Once everything was clear, Lash took out a single vial and poured it into the giant vat of chemical waste. A pink solution bubbled and frothed as it ate the entire chemical waste product until there was literally nothing left in the vat. This small vial just did what would take millions of dollars to do, and did it safely. The executives looked at him in astonishment. He handed three move vials over to the engineering team. Told them the same thing he told every one else. Try to reverse engineer it, everything used in it comes from earth. He'd see them again in a few months to give them something else. The Ace Chemical executives looked like they wanted to kiss the ground he walked on.


Bruce Wayne sat at his desk at the top floor of Wayne Tower. Mr Fox's office was next door. However, Mr Fox was sitting in Bruce's office showing him the simple preliminary plans for reverse engineering the holo-computer-watch. They would work on the name later. Then his personal phone went off, Fox stopped when he saw that Mr Wayne who was normally a cold mask of indifference suddenly smiled. Bruce answered the call after asking Mr Fox for a moment.

“Selina! Hello, I'm sorry did we have lunch planned today?” Bruce asked.

“No we didn't, I was calling you to let you know that Erik Lash deposited his first statue for the art museum. Its..... A nice piece! Once you see it I think you'll understand why I believe we should put in a private section of the museum.” Selina said, humor clear in her voice. Bruce raised an eye brow at that.

“Where is Lash? Maybe we could have dinner together and talk about the art piece?” Bruce replied.

“Lash is currently away on business doing what Lash does best. Helping who he can with what he can.” Selina said, she sighed across the line. Bruce knew that Selina missed her friend.

“Alright, how about we meet at the museum later tonight after work. We can talk about where to place it then have dinner afterwards?” Bruce said, hoping to take Selina's mind off the matter.

“Sure! Your treat?” Selina laughed.

“Of course! See you later alright?” Bruce replied, then soon hung up. A small smile on his face that reached his eyes. Mr Fox was happy to see that look. Mr Wayne didn't make that face often.

“Do we know where Lash is, Mr Fox?” Bruce asked.

“Yes, Agent Wraith is currently on tour across the world giving out technological items. Just like he did for us, Mr Wayne. He was seen at Gotham international boarding a private Lex-Corp plane. It appears that the plane was just a nice gift. Since both Lex and Lena Luthor are still in Metropolis. However, Lex called a press conference personally thanking Wraith for his help and looks forward to a bright future with the future citizen of planet earth.” Fox said to Bruce. Bruce nodded and understood the underlying implication.

“Mr Fox call a press conference, not only will we thank Wraith for his help. We'll even tell the world what he gave us.” Bruce said. Mr Fox smiled at him. Things were starting to get interesting.


Lash sat in a really nice private plane. Larger then what he would see on movies but not as big as a passenger plane. A happy medium between the two. The pilots were very nice, and the attendants were more than happy to help with anything he needed. Especially the female attendants, Lash wasn't sure if they were specially trained for extra curricular activities. But 'Wraith' politely declined any extra work on their part. He cast Sooth, and Nature's Supplement on the whole crew before they took off. Maybe the women felt obligated to return the...pleasurable sensation he gave them. Once more Lash was reminded that he felt like a drug dealer peddling Nature magic to the mundanes.

Lash was taking a plane for appearances, he could have taken a Warden HQ portal nexus across the ocean. But Skaleg said it was important for the mundanes to see him boarding a plane and leaving it. If he could go from one point of the world to another in under an hour it would raise to many questions. Lash was in his Transformation form again, his wraith shroud was active. He was committed to playing the part of the strange alien that was not human. He had to admit it was getting old really fast. Lash was in the process of practicing his Technomancy. He listened to the plane, and made little corrections in the design. Which he had in front of him as a projection. The attendants were on stand by, they didn't want to interrupt him.

“All of you can eat on your own, I only need to eat when I expend vast quantities of energy.” Lash told them. A few of them jumped at his animal voice. They complied, not asking questions. Lash knew that Lex and Lena ordered them to watch him carefully, the fact that he just admitted to not eating unless he used a lot of energy would pay for this whole trip.

Lash finished with the planes design, he then used Connectivity and sent an email to Lex Luthor's private email. Something Lash should not technically have, but he did. The design was a before and after photo. All the mistakes, and all of the improvements. With in five minutes Lash got a reply from Lex who didn't admonish him for hacking his email. He just asked questions about the design of the plane. They spoke for nearly an hour before they cut the communication. Less then a minute after the conversation was over an attendant walked in. She looked visibly nervous, but her training helped focus her mind.

“I understand that your superiors put you in a tight spot. So instead of trying to seduce me for information, how about I just talk to your superiors for you” Lash spoke to the attendant. She jumped in surprise at being found out.

Turns out it was Lena who placed the expertly trained women on the plane. Hoping to learn something about Wraith, his taste, his desire, and some kind of secrets. Lash contacted Lena's email next and simply said.

'If you want to know more about me, Miss Luthor you could just ask.' The reply was immediate.

'You can tell a lot about a man by their sexual appetite. Did none of the women interest you? Or do you not have a thing for human women?' Lash contemplated his response then responded.

'I have a rule, don't touch some one with out 100% consent. The women here are trained professionals, but they are here because it's their job. I like human women just fine, but unless its 100% consensual I won't touch them.' Lash replied. With in a minute another phone call came to the plane. The attending ladies stopped trying to gain 'Wraith's interest. Then Lena replied.

'Its a kind of rule I can respect. But all that means is I have to find someone that actually wants to sleep with you. So, when are you planning on coming to see us again? So I know when to wear something nice.' Lena said in reply.

'Lena, anything you wear, or nothing at all would be amazing to see. I'm not sure when I'll be back. Especially since I've been informed by the UN that there are several bounties, and hit man contracts on me currently. I may not live to see you or your brother again.' Lash replied.

'Oh my, such a way with words. Well I'll wish you luck then!' Lena said in the instant message.

Lash then spent the rest of the trip in practice with his Fabrication spell, and his Material Shaping skill. He ended up making jewelry for all the women and men aboard the plane. Made from pure gold, silver, and even platinum. No magic was cast into the items, it was just practice and a bit of fun. By the time the plane landed in the United Kingdom the entire staff, and pilots included had been blinged out! Gold earrings, silver rings, and gold, silver, and platinum braided necklaces. By the end he got the impression that several of the women would be more then happy to sleep with him now no matter what he looked like under his nazgul disguise.

Lash stepped off the plane onto the tarmac, he looked around at the sun that was just starting to rise. The moist summer air was heavenly on his exposed senses. It was summer to early fall on this side of the world. Which meant it would be spring soon in Gotham. Lash looked forward to seeing Gotham in the spring. The entire crew came out to say goodbye to him, and hoped they would see him again. He cast Sooth, and Nature's Supplement on all of them. Mostly because he liked to watch them all twitch and moan. Did his nature spells become perverted because of him? Or did they really just feel good? Every time he cast them on himself it felt nice, but nothing like they experienced. Eh he'd figure it out later.

A piercing eagle shout sounded across the airport grounds as a missile fired from a deserted part of the complex tore across the grounds it headed straight towards Lash and the airplane. The crew screamed in shock, Lash slammed his hands into the ground and called up a Wall made from the nearby ground. Using the passive magical energy of Nature and Transmutation. The missile collided with the wall and exploded almost hundred yards beyond the plane.

Lash shot straight towards the location to discover the attacker, and to avoid drawing the crew into his situation. He dropped to all fours, he called on Cat's Grace, and Adaptation he soon went from zero to seventy five miles per hour in less than three seconds. He zipped across the airport, only to see another missile launch from the same area, it headed straight towards him. He leaped into the air then dove straight down and used Earth Swim to slip under ground swimming through the ground like it was water. The explosion behind him rocked the area, scattering rock and shrapnel every where but the crew on the plane was safe.


The range finder on his team looked up at the explosion. The point of impact was the exact location that alien freak was. Did they get him? After that sudden wall of earth they assumed this would be a harder fight.

“Did we get him?” One of the range finders team mates asked. The rest of the team was in the process of packing up the equipment. If they succeeded or not, didn't matter. The police would be here in a moment.

“Pack it up, we can find out later! If we did, great! If not we'll try again.” The team leader said. Everyone agreed and moved to the get away vehicle. Only for one of them to scream in surprise! They were sinking into the ground! The entire area was like one big swamp! Even their vehicle was sinking into the ground.

An electrical current then went through every single one of the gunmen. They all went rigid, and stiff as a board! They all flopped into the Mud Marsh that was hard concrete just a few seconds ago. The range finder felt the ground around him grow solid once more, his eyes looked up and he saw an angel of Death rise up out of the ground. Then a deep terrifying voice that no human should have, spoke.

“Found you.”


Lash stood over the half a dozen men wearing combat gear, and decked out with weapons, and high explosives. He tapped into the communication network nearby. He checked in with the pilots on the plane. The crew was safe and was under guard by airport security. Interpol was racing to his position, he keyed into their radio and messaged the officer in command who was shocked to hear him alive and well. They assumed he died when the missile impacted his last known location. Lash informed them about the six armed hostiles. He spoke about the different kind of gear they had. After he got their faces and finger prints he ran it through his UN data base and Warden information network. By the time the Interpol division got to his location he had pulled the gunmen out of the ground, tied them up, and hand all their information in a email sent to the Interpol commander, the UN, and the Wardens. Then he began to walk towards the officers only to...BANG! A high caliber rifle shot went straight into his skull. He flipped backwards and was bolted into the ground from the centripetal motion. Every one took cover behind their vehicles and shouted out 'Sniper!'


Lawton looked through his scope at his target. The freak took a high caliber Barret M82 sniper rifle straight to the head. His head should have exploded like a melon, his brains across the pavement. But that didn't happen! The bullet hit! Dead Shot never missed, especially at this range! But he couldn't see him anymore. The shot caused his target to fall behind a car. Was the alien dead? Alive? This thing wasn't like that flying super freak that was bullet proof....Wait, was this thing bullet proof. His phone went off, what the hell. He always turned his phone during operations...Unless it was his daughter, that would always turn his phone on. He clipped it into his radio.


“Owe....... That really fucking hurt!” A monster like voice said across the line. Dead Shot's eyes went wide.

“How the fuck did you get this number!? How the fuck are you alive?!” Dead Shot yelled into his radio. He began to search the area. He was almost two miles away in van across the airport. He had a tiny window available to him for the shot. He could barely see the scene but it was enough for him.

“Floyd Lawton, aka Dead Shot! Ex-wife is Michelle Torres, and his beloved daughter and jewel to the expert assassin is Zoe Lawton. Who currently attends Metropolis middle school. How am I doing so far?” The monster like voice said.

“Don't you fucking say her name! I'll fucking kill you!” Dead Shot looked around at all the possible entries and exits to the airport. He couldn't find him! Could this fucker fly like the other one? He looked up and around, he checked his computer and saw all the different security camera's. Nothing!

“How much is the hit, Dead Shot? How much is my life worth?” The monster's voice said into the radio.

“A sweet hundred million! I could retire on that kind of money! Why don't you step out where I can see you and we'll split it 50/50!” Dead Shot shouted.

“No thank you.” A monster like voice said, right behind him!


Lash had pulled the high caliber round out of his skull, it had only gotten so far through his thick skull. That fucking hurt! He cast Earth Swim and swam towards the location. He tied into the different radio's, communications, and signals till he found one. The normal world soon began to merge together with cyberspace. Like two water colored pictures overlapping. He connected with a satellite phone, looked through the information. Dead Shot? Floyd Lawton, the expert assassin that never missed a shot. But had a soft spot for kids, especially his daughter. In the comics he dreamed of earning enough money so he could retire and watch his daughter grow up. But he became so good, and infamous at his job that he could never be with her. So he sent money to a blind trust, hoping one day he could be with his daughter.

Lash called his phone and started to talk to him. Ever since he learned the Transmutation Domain a lot of his skills had gotten easier. He had forgotten to get this updated list from Dawn. But he didn't really need to now. Certain Domains dip their fingers into other Domains for their spells, so a majority of the power comes from them, and a portion from the other. But if you know the other Domain. Then it just makes that spell more powerful and easier to use.

Lash dove deeper into the ground then like a crocodile coming to the surface he was dead quiet as he came up and out of the ground right behind Dead Shot. He gave his reply to the assassin and watched as Lawton did not immediately react. Even though his entire body was tense, then Lawton whipped around with pistol and shot with point blank precision straight into Lash's armored and scaled chest. The bullets kinetic energy were absorbed by his body as well as Minor Energy Absorption.

“Lawton, I took your high caliber round to the head, do you think a pistol is going to do anything to me?” Lash said, his wraith shroud flowing around him. Wisps of cloth reached out to grab a hold of Lawton though they wouldn't actually touch him.

Lawton jumped away and pointed both his hands at Lash, on each of his forearms were sub-machine guns mounted. They sprayed all hundred and eighty rounds at Lash who just stood there. That also had no effect. Lawton then picked up the anti-material rifle that he originally shot Lash with. Lash raised his hand up and snapped his claws to magnetically seal the guns firing mechanism. Lawton pulled the trigger but nothing happened. He dropped his rifle, took out a combat knife and moved in close. He swung his blade straight for Lash's eyes. One of the few places that most creatures are soft in. Lash caught his arm, and turned the knife into goop by Material Shaping. Lash's hand clamped down on Lawton's arm and would not let go. Lawton pulled, yanked, even climbed Lash by wrapping his legs around his neck to do one of those acrobatic weight against your enemy you see in the movies all the time. Lash just stood there, acting like a jungle gym as he waited for Lawton to tire himself out.

“Fuck! Nothing in the fucking briefing said anything about you having these abilities!” Lawton howled in furry at him.

Now that Lawton was not moving, Lash got a good look at him. He wore a form fitting red combat suit with a white face mask, and a red optical eye plant. His suit had dozens of clips of ammunition, guns, knives, the tools of his trade. Lawton took out another knife and tried to stab Lash in his armpit, joints, something! Nothing.... Lash continued to hold his arm like some adult trying to tire a child out.

“Are you done, I would like to talk to you.” Lash said to him. His voice no longer a harsh animalistic voice. But it was Lash after all, even after all this the scar on his neck was still there. His voice box was still damaged.

“Fuck me! What do you want?” Lawton tried to reach for some C-4 that was in his carrying case. But Lash just tugged him slightly, and now he was completely out of reach.

“You can't spend any time with your daughter because you are to infamous. Your face is known, your finger prints are in Interpol, as is your DNA. But, what if there was a way to change all that?” Lash said to him. Lawton stopped trying to kill him at that point.

“I've tried plastic surgery...This wasn't my first face. But plastic surgery can't change finger prints or DNA....” Lawton said, confusion clear in his voice. Why was this monster talking like this?

“Yes, for modern earth science such a thing is impossible. But, what if I could give you a brand new body? New face, finger prints, even new DNA?” Lash said to him.

“I would ask what the catch is?” Lawton was terrified now. This was to strange...

“Do you know who ordered the hit on me?” Lash asked.

“Some guy named Black Mask.” Lawton said, then shook himself in realization. He just gave up his client! Why did he do that!?

“Thank you, as for the rest of the price I want your skill set. No, not the skill set to kill. In the future I will come to you to ask for help to train people in the art that you practice. But, I promise I will never ask you to do anything against your moral code... Even if that moral code changes when you spend time with your daughter.” Lash said to Lawton.

“You want me to train people to be assassins?” Lawton said.

“No, you are a master in all modern day weapons and equipment. I want you to train people to learn those skills. Often the best way to avoid dying to a gun is knowing how it works.” Lash said to him, his lips curled up in a smile. Though Lawton couldn't see him smile thanks to this wraith shroud. He could feel it.

“When are we doing this then?” Lawton said.

“Do you accept? If you do, we can do it now.” Lash said, letting him go. Lawton stumbled back in surprise.

“If you can do all the things you just said, then I give you my word. On the life my daughter.” Lawton said. FUCK! Why did he just say that? What is wrong with him!? Lash could 'read' that Lawton was surprised by his own words.

“Come here, I need tactile contact with your skin. Have you given any though to what you want to look like?” Lash said. Lawton took his mask off and stepped closer, he was good looking black man, a kindred soul with his bald head, and he had dimples, he smiles a lot. Lash reached out with his claws and gently touched Lawton's face.


Two hours later Lawton stood nearby with a police officer looking at his benefactor speak to Interpol. Lawton looked down at his new hands, then looked up to see Interpol carry his old 'body' away. There he was, in a body bag being carried away. The officer in charge was ecstatic! They knew who Dead Shot was! Floyd Lawton had been killed in an assassination attempt on the UNWS Agent Wraith! But, Wraith suggested that the Interpol officer take credit for the event. Wraith would go on record saying that if it was not for Interpol's efforts he never would have caught up to Dead Shot. The Officer could not be more happier! He'd get a promotion and a commendation for this! Why would Wraith do this? Because he wanted them to look past his 'friend', Wraith pointed at him... Lawton. Or now it was Mr Wolf West as Wraith called him. Interpol assumed West was someone from UNWS so they didn't look to deeply into him.

The Officer finished up and excused himself he needed to talk to his commander. Wraith motioned for West to come over. Wraith pulled out a clean pass port, credit cards, and a ticket back to the US, first class! 'Provided' by Interpol so said Wraith. West smiled at his benefactor.

“Say hello to your daughter for me.” Wraith's gruff voice said to West, West laughed and shook his hand.

“Will do! See you around, sir!” West said. He then got a ride back to the airport from an officer. West looked back at Wraith, this nazgul monster from the stars just killed Floyd Lawton, but gave Wolf West a new life with his family.


Transmutation and Grave Domain Spell, Reincarnation: Transfer a living soul from one body to a constructed body of your creation. The User can let the system create a random form, or the User can spend more magic to craft a specific form.

Specific changes: Male, early thirties, late twenties, black.

Effects: Retain all memory, muscle memory, instincts, and skills.

Effects: Human limiter removed, optimal setting is 10% above average human.

Effects: Meta-Gene, Activated. Prediction algorithm

Comments: You've made a master assassin into a even better killing machine, who is now fiercely loyal to you. Good job!

Congratulations User! You've turned Floyd Lawton aka Dead Shot one of Gotham's Villains into an ally! Your Cosmic Patron is very impressed by your choice! They did not see that coming!

Reward: Criminal Underworld Lore: This skill allows you to know the ins and outs of the criminal underworld that is found in every city, country, continent, and planet. Starts off simple and small, but grows with time and the effort of collecting information.


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