Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 45: Its Vision is Based on Movement


Clark Kent was typing away at his desk doing a follow up on the recent activities of a college football player, Victor Stone. The kid had skills, and it was showing. Ten touch downs in a single game, half of which he ran himself. Clark's mind ran a mile a minute, he had to force himself to slow down. He paid attention to everything around him though, super hearing cant really be turned that off. He stopped typing when he heard Perry White talk to Lois Lane about covering the debacle of the assassination attempt on the alien Wraith. Clark stood up and looked at Lois as she walked back to her desk...

“Is he ok?” Clark asked Lois out of the blue. Lois looked at Clark in surprise.

“How did you... Wraith? Yes, he's fine. He took a high caliber sniper round to the head. He said, and this is a quote. 'Owe, that really fucking hurt' Then he chased after the sniper. Unfortunately during the tussle the sniper was killed. But Wraith gave all the credit to Interpol for nailing Dead Shot a notorious assassin. Perry wants me to contact Wraith for the actual story.” Lois said as she walked to her desk and started to open up her computer.

“I didn't know you had Wraith in your phone?” Clark said, mildly amused.

“I don't! But I meet Superman once a week so Perry wants me to ask him.” Lois growled, she began to survey the internet for information. Then looked back at Clark.

“Don't you have work to do, Smallville?” Lois snapped at him. Clark just smiled back at her and went back to his work.

'Nice to know I'm not the only one that's bullet proof.' Clark said to himself.


Selina Kyle was pacing in her office in the Wayne Art Museum, back and forth, back and forth. Her assistant was in the next room and was worried about her. But Selina didn't pay any attention to her. She was waiting for a phone call from a rich billionaire that she may or may not be falling in love with. Some one that she never would have met if it wasn't for the very person she was worried after. Her phone rang, she sprinted to it and picked up the line.

“Is he alive?!” Selina asked, far to loudly.

“Yes, he's fine. He routed both assassination attempts himself. Saved the crew on the plane he as well. Gave the credit to Interpol. He is on his tour now. That is all the information I currently have. The Warden's wont say anything other than he is fine.” Bruce said across the phone.

Selina let out an audible sigh and fell into her office chair. A huge weight fell off her shoulders, all the lady like demeanor she prided in her self just washed away. She really wanted to get a massage from Lash again. Or just that amazing spell he does. Bruce was still on the line waiting for Selina to speak. She took a breath and asked a question.

“Bruce, can I see you tonight? I...I don't mean over dinner. I mean...Can I see you tonight?” Selina said softly over the phone.

“Alright....” Bruce said, his voice was warm in Selina's ear.


Congratulations User! Selina Kyle one of Gotham's Villains has turned away from villainy and fallen in love with Bruce Wayne first, instead of Batman. Another sub-mission has been complete. Your reward is being generated now....

Minor Storage has evolved into Basic Storage: Any monetary item that fits inside of a wallet, or a small purse can be stored. Previous functions still apply.

Lash tilted his head as he road an elevator up tech company found in England. He got the prompt completely out of the blue! He then remembered that the world will turn even with out him being there. The Dream Engine wasn't like other single player games where your side quests stay frozen till you pay attention to them. The User's actions also makes waves that you don't truly understand. He only knew what happened because he had a quest system. He smiled when he learned that Selina had fallen in love with Bruce. Now, he just had to ensure that Talia Al Ghul wouldn't interfere. It's a shame though, he did like Damien in the Comics.

“Agent Wraith, is everything alright?” The Interpol agent that was assigned for his 'Protection' asked.

Inspector, Peyton Sofia Borisyuk was a charming but hard women. She was 5' 9” With a Russian father and an a Italian mother. Hard and focused brown eyes, curly black hair from her mother's side. She had a rectangular body from her father, not to say she didn't have curves but she was a.... A Shield Maiden! That was a good description. She wore a professional designer pants suit uniform to look good but still allowed her to run if she needed to. She wore her standard issue side arm on a clip to her hip, and a combat knife was attached to her calf. The way she carried her self meant she was a trained warrior in mixed martial arts. Peyton had been sent to protect him, but in truth her superiors wanted her to report anything about him habits, ticks, quirks, fetish, appetites, politics.

“Perfectly fine, Inspector Peyton. Though you could save us both a lot of trouble if you just asked me what your superiors want to know about me. Instead of watching me like a hawk.” Lash replied in his Saurian impression voice.

Peyton gritted her teeth and turned away counting the numbers on the ride up. Lash had pointed out her 'job' with in ten seconds after they met. He didn't turn her down, but because he knew what her job was it clouded her information gathering. When the target knows, then they can give false information. Lash watched her carefully and took pity on her. -Relax, I wont bite. He said to her across a link.

“What?! Who!?” Peyton jumped around in fright. She looked back at Lash still in his Wraith Shroud form. She gritted her teeth in anger and looked back at the elevator door.

“I assume that was you?” Peyton asked.

“Yes...Something to put your report in. Despite my clear dislike for being spied on. Inspector Peyton your a good officer. Clean, and by the book. I'll need some one like you along the way, I tend to be a bit of a loose cannon at times.” Lash replied, Petyon looked back at him over her shoulder. A slight change in her eyes told him she appreciated the effort. Then the doors opened up!

Inspector Peyton walked out first and looked around the room. Lash soon followed after her, he confirmed what was in the room from a different perspective. Several executives were present who smiled politely at the two. Two out of the five executives had Sherogoth marks on them. Lash let an audible growl out in the room. Everyone froze, Peyton had only traveled with Lash for a few hours but this was the first time she was truly afraid of him.

“Agent Wraith?” Peyton asked, her voice soft and a bit scared. She shivered in fright. It was at this moment that she realized that Wraith was not human and should not he treated like every other person she had been assigned. Wraith pointed at two of the executives.

“That one likes to beat and rape children of both genders under the age of fourteen. Including his own daughter. That one assaulted and raped his twin daughters, and forced them to keep the children when they got pregnant. To this day neither of them know it was him.” Wraith snarled his words out, his pressure filled the room. The two executives dropped to their knees and began to scream in horror and gibbered out their sins in front of everyone!

After the two executives screamed what they had down out loud. Lash hacked their personal computers and brought up all their illicit acts. He even created a Technomancy screen in front of the CEO of the tech company providing the information to their sins. After that incident Lash demanded to see every single executive in this company. If they didn't pass his 'test' he wouldn't give this company the alien tech he planned for them. The Chairman of the company nearly had a nervous break down at the idea that this Alien could read people like that. Six hours later Lash and Peyton left the tech company as the United Kingdom police and investigators swarmed the building. Turns out the company had a lot of illicit activities.

“How did you do that?” Peyton asked him as they walked towards their car.

“Have you ever heard of the term Sin Eater?” Lash asked, Peyton nodded yes.

“I'm what you would call a Sin Hunter. Tracking, hunting, and dealing with those that have dealt in the trade of sin.” Lash replied as he opened the car door for Peyton. She blinked at him before she realized what he just did. She got into the car, he came around to his size and squeezed in.

“But who decides what's a sin, and whats not?” Peyton asked.

“You have shot and killed fourteen people, Inspector. That's left a stain on you. But despite the kills you've made. None of them were a sin, because you did it to protect the lives of others.” Lash replied. Peyton reacted like he had slapped her!

“H...How....I neve...told...how?” Peyton stumbled over her words. Lash assumed not all of those kills were in her file.

“Just because human science can't explain something doesn't mean its impossible.” Lash replied. Peyton stared at him for another five minutes before she put the car into gear and drove off towards their hotel.

The hotel was a rich and fabulous five star location. The entire floor in which Agent Wraith's room was in was reserved for his protection. Inspector Peyton was in a room just across from his own. Lash ordered room service for the entire security detail and included Peyton. He paid direct to the Hotel who were more than happy to accept his money. Lash also informed the security about the three different spy tech drones that was in the process of recording their floor. A long with the building a half a mile away with a sniper nest in it. Technomancy was just a cheat in the mundane world.

Lash checked into the Warden network for the UK, there is a Warden security detail assigned to his hotel and had him under watch since he entered the country. They had actually allowed the mundane assassins through their security net. They believed in Warden Lash's abilities, and wanted to show that he was not a push over. Normally when a foreign Warden would be in a new territory they would have to come to the HQ and say hello. But that was waved with his current mission. Lash sent emails and text messages to his friends, family, and co-workers. It was night in London but he did not want to sleep here. He got an interesting email from Barry, the Flash. Ah, the first Meta-human had been found in Central City. Since the collider accident the meta-gene had been gestating.

'Flash! Yes, its called a Meta-Gene. Its a unique mutation found mostly in young people that activate due to stress generally emotional with an increase in chemical levels. Commonly found in teenagers. However exceptions due apply. You are a great example.' Lash sent the email to Flash along with a simple formula that would give them a basic idea. His skills Minor Chemistry, and Minor Genetics had each got experience points along with Transmutation, and Nature oddly enough.

Danger Sense went off suddenly along with Foresight, Lash sprinted through his hotel room, bashed through a wall and went straight into Peyton's room. She screamed as Wraith barreled through the wall! She was wore a bathrobe and was drying her hair. Lash pulled her into his arms and dove behind the bed to create a wall from concrete and steel with Alteration. A fiery explosion engulfed his room, along with a majority of the hotel floor they were on. Peyton held onto Lash with a death grip as the extreme heat from the fire nearly scorched her skin. She tried to hold her breath in fear that her lungs would burn. Finally she couldn't hold and took a breath! The air was fine, cool even?

“Breath normally, give me a moment while I put the fire out.” Lash said, his animal voice was strong and reassured her.

Lash stood up and gently pulled Peyton up with him. The entire floor was on fire and several rooms were in shambles. The explosion blew inwards so the attack came from outside. Lash reached out with both his hands and used Minor Energy Manipulation and sucked the energy out from the flames. Then with his Nature Domain's passive effects he prevented the fire from burning. The fire soon stopped and all that remained was a burnt husk of the once nice hotel they were in. Lash looked back at Peyton. Her bath robe had come undone he caught a glimpse seductive and strong muscled form. Then he reached out to retie her bath robe. Peyton only realized what he had done after he had done it. She stepped back and blushed furiously because her robe had come undone, and that he had retied it for her. She reached out to slap him and regretted it. His face was like crocodile scales and it hurt to hit!

“Good to know your not hurt!” Lash laughed at her attempt to slap him. He used Fabrication, and Alteration to recreate her uniform which was now nothing but ash. He handed it over to her and turned his back so she could get changed. Peyton was confused for a moment before she understood. Wraith wouldn't leave her behind, but wouldn't take her while she wore a bathrobe.

Lash used Connectivity and accessed the security communication between the UN, and Interpol. It was a mess as he suspected, most of the floor was destroyed. However something interesting had happened all of the security personal had been called down a floor before the attack happened. Orders from on high told them a security breach had occurred. This brought them all out of the blast radius except for Peyton who didn't get the message. So, that meant the attacker wanted as little collateral damage as possible. Lash felt a tap on his tail, his that had instinctively moved to encircle Peyton. Lash turned around to look at her, she wore her uniform in a rush so it was not tucked in, and not all of the buttons were done correctly. She had her hair pulled back and wrapped but it had come undone. Lash handed her a hair scrunchy which she took gratefully. He took her by the hand and then went to her balcony.

“Where are we going?” Peyton asked, clearly confused. They were on the thirtieth floor.

“Down.” Lash said, he picked her up in a princess carry which made Peyton attempt to punch him. Which made her angry at herself for forgetting last time. But she soon screamed in shock and held onto his neck for dear life because he had jumped off the balcony.

Lash cast Falling Glide on them both. But Peyton didn't understand what was going on only that they fell from the building and would soon die on impact. She squeezed her eyes shut, and tried to curl her body into a ball to absorb the impact that she knew would kill her. Lash gently landed on the ground with out a sound.

“You can let go of me now, we are on the ground.” Lash said softly, Peyton opened her eyes and looked around. They were on the street. Peyton let go of his neck and stepped away from him she looked around as if the whole world was beautiful then whipped around and glared at him.

“You could have told me you could do that!” Peyton yelled at him.

“Yes, Inspector I am sure you would have believed me when I said I can change not only my density but yours as well resulting in us being able to glide safely to the ground. Because that happens every day.” Lash said with mild amusement. Which made Peyton attempt to reach for her side arm only to realize it was upstairs in the wreckage.

But Lash being the nice guy that he was used Fabrication, and Alteration to create her gun along with ammo. He handed that to her as well, she didn't use it on him though he knew she wanted to. She loaded her new gun and tucked it into her belt. She looked around then back at him. Lash motioned for her to follow him. He took his phone out and called the local Warden HQ to get an update.

A car with the logo UNWS soon stopped at the alleyway they had walked down. The Warden glamour worked on Peyton cause she was surprised to see the car. Lash opened the car door for her, which made her eye twitch in irritation as she got in. Lash followed after in the passenger side. A half Sylvan male was in the driver seat. Peyton did a double take on him, he was way to attractive for his own good. He smiled and winked at her, which made Peyton blush. He then cleared his throat and spoke in a British accent.

“Hello sir! Welcome to Merry old England! I swear its not normally like this. But you just bring the worst out of people. I've heard your like a bad luck magnet! I thought it was a rumor, but I see that its true. Names Mikhail. I've heard a lot about you sir!” Warden Mikhail said to Lash. Peyton could not stop starring at Mikhail. Mikhail was a 6'2” pale skinned, athletic figure, with ocean blue eyes, long fingers, and black curly hair. He wore his cloths very well, at least Peyton's predatory eyes told Lash as much.

“Peyton if you want to have sex with Mikhail wait till after we are in a safe house.” Lash said, humor clear in his animal voice. Peyton shrunk her neck in and blushed furiously.

“Go fuck yourself, Wraith!” She said, as she crossed her arms under her breasts. Which only emphasized them, Mikhail did check her out and she noticed which only made her preen in confidence.

“Was the hit made by the same contract as before?” Lash asked.

“There is a contract out on you?” Peyton asked, shocked.

“That it was, sir! Only its been upped to two hundred million dollars now!” Mikhail said as he took a turn a little to quickly which made Peyton fall into him. He grinned at her, Peyton may or may not have placed her hands into his lap for a brief moment. Before she sat up straight and put on her seat belt.

“Not tempted are you, Mikhail?” Lash asked.

“Not at all sir! I have no desire to get on the Queen's bad side.” Mikhail said.

Lash leaned back in the passenger side of the car as he stopped talking after that. But Mikhail saw as Lash as he moved his claws back and forth like he was typing on an invisible keyboard. Mikhail adjusted his chair and began to slow down a bit after he pulled another corner. Lash watched as Peyton seem to realize that every light they came to was green. But he also watched as she couldn't keep her eyes off of Mikhail. He smiled at her. Sylvan's had great sex appeal he could attest to that.

Lash used his Technomancy Connectivity to link up with cyberspace and surfed the web. His skill Intermediate Computers gained experience just as much as the spell did. Mikhail and Peyton started to talk softly to each other. Both them realized Lash was doing something behind the scenes. Peyton was still not use to the idea that Wraith was an Alien so talking to some one 'normal' like Mikhail was a relief. Lash found the dark web bounty board. Two hundred million dollars for his confirmed death? Nice. Batman, Robin, and Batgirl were still on the bounty board for the cool one hundred million. Looked like all three had yet to be killed, good.

Lash spent the next hour to look up information on Black Mask, thanks to his new skill Criminal Underworld Lore he got experience points the longer he was on the Dark Web, and was able to find all sorts of new information. Erik the gamer knew who Black Mask was in the comics. Lash and Saurian used that information as a spring board to look in to certain locations. After he found everything he could he set an encrypted email to Bruce/Batman, also with a small note to find Batgirl she needs a good mentor. Along with one more piece of information he did not get a chance to talk to Bruce about.

Lash closed his connection just in time to see the house that was given to them. Mikhail pulled through a simple gate and stopped the car in the drive way. He jumped out of the car and typed the code into the front door. Peyton stepped out and Lash followed her. The house was two stories tall, with a third floor basement. It was partially built into a hill and shared this design with several other homes. They were in a rural area of England but still high priced pseudo-gated community. Lash stepped behind and nudged Peyton towards Mikhail. She looked at him with surprise, then glared at him.

“Peyton, you nearly died tonight. Relax and have some fun with the man you clearly want to have sex with.” Lash said, his voice sounded nearly human that time. Peyton looked at him in surprise before she looked over at Mikhail who was setting up the security system. He looked at her and winked his reptilian eye.

“Thank you for that by the way. You didn't have to save me.” Peyton said back to Lash.

“Yes I did, the moment Interpol assigned you to me was the moment we were a team. I take care of my team mates. Now go have fun!” Lash used his default voice that time. Still gruff, and and brutal on the ears. But Peyton smiled a little and rolled her eyes as she walked over to Mikhail.

-Teach Inspector Peyton what its like to have a sylvan lover. I'll finish locking up. Lash said across a link. Mikhail jumped in surprise then smiled wide at Lash before he snagged Peyton's wrist and 'discretely' sneaked away. Lash activated the mundane and magical security system then went up stairs to a star gazing roost. He took a seat and began to look through the dark web once more. He got experience in Criminal Underworld Lore for every minute he was in there. But he assumed that wouldn't last long.


Bruce opened his eyes to a small alarm on his phone. He slowly and carefully got out of the bed because he didn't want to disturb Selina who was asleep in the bed with him. He grabbed a pair of briefs and put on a robe. The phone alarm was attached to his cave's computer. He left his room silent as a shadow, never imagining he would have used his training like this. Richard was out on patrol and told Bruce not to worry and have a good night with Selina. That kid! Bruce smiled at the memory, it wasn't to long ago that Bruce was a cold mask of indifference and had an even colder heart. Now? He wasn't sure what he had now. But he knew that spending time with Selina made him happy.

Bruce entered the cave and access the computer. There was an unidentified email, which shouldn't be possible. So that meant it was Lash. He opened the file and sure enough it was him. It had the information about the bounty for them all. Wraith's bounty had been raised to two hundred million. The bounty for him, Richard, and Batgirl were still the same. Bruce almost felt insulted. There was an attachment, Batgirl's file.....Jim Gordon's Daughter!? Along with her patrol route, Lash asked him to be a mentor for her.

Bruce thought about it for a while and decided to agree to it. Batgirl had already been a rumor in Gotham. Bruce knew about her but hadn't approached her. Seems Lash knew who she was, and had helped her. There was another tab on the email. Justice League? It showed the files on Green Arrow, The Flash, Superman, and Wonder Woman. Along with the idea of Young Justice covert operations team, and another Titans public team. A mentor and student program, then journeyman with a supervisor, then full fledged members if and when they chose to join up. Bruce had to admit it was....Interesting.


Congratulations User! The skill Criminal Underworld Lore has evolved into Minor Criminal Underworld Lore.

The sun rose in England and Lash felt like he'd been hit in the head with a sledge hammer. The Dark Web was messed up! He'd sent tips, information, and evidence to police, governments, and even news reporters across the globe. In a single night crime across the world went down by 1%. Thanks to Language Smith Lash now understood, spoke, could read and write in every spoken language on Earth. Connectivity had leveled so many times it nearly took no energy to use. His Firewall defense now tied into his Minor Damage Resistance. Even if he encountered an attack barrier he could move through it as long as he didn't mind the burn.

Lash went down stairs and started to cook breakfast for Mikhail and Peyton, he used Connectivity to look up a cook book and used Fabrication and an altered version of Nature's Supplement to create food. That's right, Lash can magically create nutritional food now. Lash heard the shower turn on in their room. Which reminded him to cast Immaculate on himself. The sounds that came from the shower let Lash know that Peyton and Mikhail had 'finished' in the shower. After a few minutes....

“Hmmmm! Something smells good! By the Queen what a feast!” Mikhail came down to see the entire dinning room table covered with eggs, toast, fish, muffins, steak, scones, jams, butters, pancakes, etc, etc.

Peyton came down next as she followed the smell. Her jaw dropped at the sight of all the food, Lash still wore his shroud as he gestured for them both to sit. Mikhail didn't need to be told twice and sat down and began to shovel food onto his plate. Lash pulled a seat out for Peyton and motioned for her to sit. She stuck her shoulders back and took the offered seat with a sweet smile. That only grew when Lash provided fresh coffee for her. Just....the way she liked it? Peyton shot a glance at Lash with a clear question in her eyes. But he ignored her and moved on.

“So, I have news. One of the head inspectors in Interpol by the name of Savid had been leaking my location. He would get an information fee of ten million as long as I died. The information and evidence has all been shipped to the right people. Savid was found dead this morning, he 'hanged' himself. But the morgue says the evidence is not inconclusive. Parliament wishes to hold a tech meet of all the different companies in the UK. Where I can show off the advance tech for all the different companies to see. The United Nations accepted this proposal. However, its today in four hours. Mikhail you have been temporarily reassigned to act as United Nations World Security liaison on this side of the pond. Peyton, you are to continue to travel with us both to be a liaison between Interpol and myself. We have a big day ahead of us. Since you've both had your morning sex, now have your morning meal and we'll head out.” Lash said as he took a seat across from Peyton. He sipped his coffee, Mikhail nodded his head like it was business as usual. Peyton choked on her food for a moment after he said the last part. She turned crimson and glared at Lash.

After they finished the meal Lash cast Decomposition on the food and returned it to ambient magical energy. He cast Immaculate on Mikhail, and Peyton who were both confused but happy for the results. Yes the spell does brush your teeth. Mikhail assured Lash that a group of cleaning pixies would handle the house. They jumped back into the car and drove towards the impromptu Tech Summit. Mikhail and Peyton were obviously closer after last nights work out. Peyton was not seething with hatred towards Lash so that was progress.

“So is sex like an open thing to your people?” Peyton said half way to the summit. She had turned in her seat to look at Lash.

“Do you know what polyamorous is?” Lash asked. Peyton's eyes went a little wide.

“Isn't that when you have an open relationship with informed consent from your partners? You are not swingers, you just agree to have a relationship with more then one person. Sometimes everyone in the group has sex with everyone. Sometimes not. That right?” Peyton asked.

“That is about the gist of it, thought exceptions always exist. I can have as many lovers as I like as long as I properly inform my partners of who I am with. They in turn can do the same. STD's is not something we have to worry about. Also we have a low fertility rate, so sex is not only not taboo with us, its encouraged. I understand that humans have intimacy issues. If you find my nonchalant way of speaking about such things offensive, please tell me.” Lash said to her. Mikhail had a grin on his face that Peyton saw. She narrowed her eyes at him then looked back at Lash.

“No its fine.... So the women can have just as many lovers as men can, right?” Peyton asked.

“Yes. Its not a male harem or polygamy if that's what you are thinking. The women can have just as many lovers as the men. As long as they inform their partners, and their partners give consent. Often its a majority vote, not everyone is going to like everyone.” Lash said with amusement as Peyton nodded her head, clearly fascinated with the idea.

Peyton looked forward again and kept to her self. She opened and closed her mouth several times clearly she wanted to ask a question. Lash and Mikhail watched her, she realized they were and turned to look out the window. Mikhail laughed which made Peyton glare at him he shrugged and saved her from her self.

“I think what our Inspector is to afraid to ask is, do you have human lovers?” Mikhail said, Peyton looked like she wanted to punch him. But clearly was payed attention to the answer.

“I have currently not slept with any humans because I am waiting for some one specific. We have an open relationship. But she is in the middle of... Something. I decided to wait for her, like a romantic gesture. All of my possible lovers have been polite enough to respect the promise until it happens.” Lash replied, Mikhail nodded with a smile fully away of the circumstance. Cause everyone knew apparently!

“That's sweet of you....” Peyton said, a smile on her face.

“Then after you two have sex you'll go back to being open to all as long as you get permission from your lovers?” Peyton said as she looked back at Lash.

“Yes, It's already been arranged that I am to provide several children to several women. In a lot of ways you would call me a breeding stallion.” Lash said. Mikhail cracked up laughing for a good few minutes. Why? Because it was in Lash's fucking file! That thing had way to much information about his sex life.

“Wait? So instead of having an arranged marriage, you are legally required to give them children?” Peyton asked, shocked at the turn of events.

“ Its a privilege, and an honor to be of service.... But yes, you could say that.” Lash said begrudgingly his shoulders drooped in a depressed motion. Peyton felt both sympathetic and sadistic about his miss fortune.

Their car soon had several UNWS aka Warden cars link up with them. The Warden HQ in England was tired of the mundane assassins making trouble in their area. Mikhail gave Peyton replacement gear last night before? After? During their night's anaerobic exercises. The car came to an abrupt halt and all three of them jumped out of the car. They took a back entrance that was covered by Warden security. Peyton was really impressed with their skills and abilities. She didn't know UNWS could be this good. She was just use to working with the blue helmets that showed up at peace summits.

What Peyton didn't see was a dozen or so invisible creatures, and beings that patrolled the immediate area. Protection spells had been placed, and response teams had hunted around the area. They had already taken out over a dozen mundane hit men. The security door opened up and UNWS escorted them to the Tech Summit main auditorium. A guest speaker was ahead of them, and had brought the auditorium to attention. Tech companies, pharmaceutical, and food had been invited specifically.

“Now, please welcome Agent Wraith of the United Nations World Security.” The speaker announced as soon as Wraith got to the stage. Little over a hundred people clapped, the auditorium was vastly empty.

Lash walked out onto the stage, he stood on the platform as the chairs around him rose up above him like a class in college. He stared out across the collective crowds and laughed out loud. This caught everyone off guard. Wraith turned around and began to construct his project in front of everyone. He used Fabrication, and Alteration. He'd been using those a lot lately. Lash built the machine eight different times. It looked like a computer tower with tiny arms inside of it. A 3-D printer.

“I laughed at all of you because I noticed a majority of you are not high on the totem pole in your businesses. Its not because the higher ups couldn't be here in time. Its because they've heard a rumor that I can find any incriminating evidence on their past mistakes and sins. Which is true! All of those that are high in the chain of command that are present are relatively clean! So they didn't have anything to fear!” Lash finished on his last printer. He turned around and pointed at the chairman of a food company.

“Mr. Evans please come up here. This machine is going directly to your company. Also out of every one here you have the least amount of sin on you.” Lash said, his primal animalistic voice provoked no argument from any one. As he had used Intermediate Commanding Presence on the crowd.

Evans came up to the stage, he was an older fellow with a head full of brown hair. Clean cut suit, with a grand father feel. He unlike the rest of the room had a smile on his face. Evans was a pseudo-mundane and understood who and what Lash was. He was happy to support the idea that super-naturals could one day be in the open. Lash asked for an extension cord and plugged his printer in. Then the printer in front of every ones eyes printed an apple. Just an apple! Lash cut the apple apart with his claws, ate the apple in front of everyone. Offered a slice to Evans, as well as the stage techs that were helping. It tasted like an apple.

The whole room was quiet... Did a 3-D printer just make food? That in itself was not a big deal? All you had to do was put the food into the dispenser. But Lash then opened up the machine and showed everyone there was no dispenser. The people didn't understand, so Lash called a pharmaceutical company. Their printer made a bottle of Ibuprofen... Then Lash called the Tech company and their printer made a complete copper ingot. The engineer watched the process and screamed in horror! The printers control arms didn't touch it! All they did was convert energy into a material! This was an energy converter into material machine! Every single company that showed up got one machine. Lash told them that this was made using earth materials. He wished them the best of luck in reverse engineering the tech. He thanked Evans for being the first then left the stage.

The car ride towards the Airport was quiet. Peyton clearly wanted to ask questions but kept it to herself. It didn't help that Mikhail had a smug smile on his face as if this was all just normal for him. Of course it was! But Peyton didn't know that. Peyton's phone vibrated, she had gotten a replacement while at the summit. It had an email from an unknown. She opened it and it had a complete report on Lash. Little ticks, tricks, things she had clearly seen but didn't write down. At the bottom of the email was the sender -Wraith. Before she could ask.

“You are suppose to report on me but we've been so busy lately. You also lost your laptop in the hotel that exploded. That's all the information you would have noticed. Copy it and send it to your superiors. To answer a question that you may have Peyton. You are my team mate, so is Mikhail. I'll take care of you if you take care of me.” Lash said, his voice not animilistic anymore. He stopped doing that around Peyton.

Peyton opened and closed her mouth a few more times, bit the bullet and sent the information to her superiors. Mikhail drove straight onto the tarmac towards a Lex-Corp private plane that Lash recognized. All three of them got out of the car, the crew all greeted Lash and his companions. Lash bowed to them and said hello. He cast Sooth and Nature's Supplement on them which made them all spasm out in pleasure. Peyton looked like Lash had grown a second head. Then Lash cast both spells on Mikhail and Peyton.

Peyton still wouldn't look at Lash even after they had reached Paris. She could not believe she moaned that loudly in public. She sat away from Lash and Mikhail both. Mikhail spoke to the plane's attendants. Both women and men enjoyed his attention. Peyton kept trying to steal glances at Wraith. Lash just smiled to himself every time he caught Peyton as she looked his way. Thanks to his Shroud his face was always wrapped in darkness. He finished his current project and waited for the systems appraisal.

A solid single edged combat knife, and leather sheath.

Rating: D+

Effects: Compressed Edge, will remain sharp long after it should.

Effects: 1% of the total value of the items durability repairs itself every day.

Effects: Gripping the knife clears the users mind and keeps them alert.

Comments: A nice gift for a Soldier.

“Here, to replace the knife you lost.” Lash said, as he handed over the knife to Peyton. She looked surprised but took the knife. A smile tugged on her lips, as the effect applied to her when she held the knife.

“Can I ask you a favor?” Peyton said.

“You can ask, I may not agree.” Lash said, as he continued to create items. He had nothing but time on the plane.

“Paris is my home, I mean my family lives there. I heard you can heal people. Can we visit my mother in the hospital?” Peyton asked.

“Sure” Lash said. His response was so easy going that Peyton was not sure she heard him. Because they were in public Lash's voice returned to the animal and primal voice that Wraith was known to have. But Peyton had gotten use to it.

“Thank you...For the knife!” Peyton then took a moment to tie the knife to her calf like the one before. It fit her perfectly, like it was had crafted. Of course it was!

The plane landed and the crew informed him that they would be here when he was done in Paris. Lena Luthor had made the arrangements with the UN. Lash got their contact info in case anything changed out of the ordinary. Given his assassination attempts in England they understood. Different country, different city! It was evening now so they would visit the companies tomorrow. They were led to a very nice and secure hotel. Agent Wraith, Agent Mikhail, and Inspector Peyton all got separate rooms. Mikhail did eventually find his way into Peyton's room. Lash spent the night on the Dark Web so he could gain experience.


“Ok....So when the collider exploded it created dark matter. This Dark Matter entered the atmosphere and created a rain cloud. That rain then fell across all of Central City. But, now your telling me that Dark Matter may now be in the ecosystem of Earth. So when ever it rains there is a chance we'll get a ….What did your friend call it. A meta-gene effect?” Caitlin Snow said to Cisco, Barry, and Dr Wells.

“That's right!” Barry said to Caitlin, Team Flash was currently at Star Labs in discussion about the issue with the meta-human phenomenon.

“Any chance your friend could and join us here to explain in detail?” Cisco asked, he looked at Barry with hopeful eyes.

“Uhhhh...He's...Ummmmmm busy.” Barry hadn't told them he had spoken to Wraith.

“Family? Work? Fighting crime? Cause you only had his number after you went to ST.....Oh my god!? Are you talking to that Alien Wraith guy?!” Cisco connected the dots real quick.

“Wha....d....no...no! W...why would you say that?” Barry had the worst poker face. Caitlin, Cisco, and Dr Wells looked amazed. Then Barry's phone sent him an emergency text. He picked it up and read through it. His eyes went wide and he called his adopted father Joe West!

“Joe!? What do you mean they are letting him out!? Is this real? What....Ya! I'll be there as fast as I can!” Barry turned his phone off, his team looked at him.

“They are letting my Dad out of prison! He....He was acquitted! New evidence arrived by special delivery! I...I got to go!” Barry..Flashed out of star labs. It wasn't until Barry had reached the prison, with his adopted father Joe that he checked his phone again. There was a single line. Happy Birthday -Wraith


The Tech summit idea worked pretty well in England so companies in France did the same thing and arranged for a meet up. Lash pushed the appointed time back by a single hour, then Mikhail, Peyton, and Lash went to a hospice. But they spent about twenty minutes at the door to convince the security that Wraith was not the grim reaper here to kill everyone they were then allowed inside. They made a beeline for Peyton's mother's room.

“Mom...” Peyton said, she spoke in French but Lash and Mikhail both spoke it so it didn't matter. Peyton came to the side of an older Italian woman who had a nice relax look on her face. She smiled at Peyton.

“Oh look at you dear. You look so familiar! Have we met?” Peyton's mother said softly. She had the aura of a mother that few ever understood. Mikhail frowned because he understood that Peyton's mother had lost her memories of her family.

“Yes, Mom its me Peyton.” Peyton had tears in her eyes.

“Peyton, oh no dear. Peyton is only has high as my knee.... Oh! Who are your friends da....oh my.” Peyton's mother who's name was Amara looked at Lash in his Wraith form like she had seen him before.

“Is it time for me to go? I would have liked to see my daughter one more time before I left.” Amara said. Peyton started to cry as she looked at Lash.

What Peyton, Amara, or even Mikhail could not see was a grim reaper was in the room with them. The reaper looked like a full blown wraith, dark cowl with skeleton hands sticking out but no legs. Just a cloaked that billowed in its wake. It looked at Lash in confusion then back at Amara. It shrugged and said it was his choice, it could wait for a little while. Before it moved off down the way in the hospice. Lash moved over to Peyton and called for Mikhail the man understood and comforted Peyton and pulled her out of the way. Lash raised his arms and the windows and door closed.

“What happens now stays with us, Understood?” Lash said, he used Commanding Presence. Peyton, Mikhail, and Amara both nodded. The effect of the skill almost like a geese spell.

Lash reached out and cradled Amara's face in his clawed hands. She didn't shiver or back away in fear. She simply looked up in acceptance awaiting the end that was not about to come. Lash cast his spells, Sooth, Nature's Supplement, Nature's Kiss, Panacea, and Return Youth onto Amara. Dark Green energy infused into elderly woman's body. Wrinkles faded, her hair had a little more brown in it. The dull haze was lifted from her eyes, her breathing was relaxed as she seem to focus. She reached out and tenderly touched Lash's scaled and transformed face.

“I see that your not death, but an angel to come heal me. Thank you.” Amara said with conviction in her voice.

“Mother?” Peyton said, she walked from Mikhail's side and came to her Mothers. Amara looked at her and smiled.

“Peyton! Look at you, where have you been?” Amara asked.

Peyton and Amara cried for a few minutes, and just held each other. Mother and Daughter together again. Her Father had already passed away in the line of duty. Apparently being in Interpol was a family thing. Amara had also been an agent, retired now. They stayed for another twenty minutes but soon had to excuse themselves. Amara understood, the job! But Peyton promised to come visit soon, but no mother could be a mother with out embarrassing her child. So she wanted Peyton to bring Mikhail as well! Maybe a grandchild before she goes? Mikhail smiled at Amara and Peyton turned bright red and fled the room. Lash was the last in the room.

“Thank you for saving me...” Amara whispered. Lash bowed and left soon after.

“I like your mother! She's a good judge of character.” Mikhail said in the car on their way to the summit. Peyton just stared intently out the window she refused to make eye contact with anyone.

The Summit was much the same in England as it was in Paris. It was just full of more people! Lash spent a few minutes on the stage as he inspected everyone in the room. The entire crowd started with confident smiles and full of vigor but with in fifteen minutes, more than half of the auditorium was stewing in a mess of their own piss. They had not believed the Sin Hunter rumors. After several hours and dozens of panicked officials that ran and screamed from the summit.

Lash then gave his tech summit. He showed them a process in which they could take common scrap materials and turn them into something useful, not that special. Until he took a collection of trash and made a piece of Kevlar that could stop a bullet....From trash. That got their attention. Then he took several different plants, vegetables, fruits, mixed with a few commonly found chemicals and made a fuel source that was 60% more effective then common gasoline. Then he showed a metal material that was cross bred with organic fungus. This allowed the metal to do minor self repair as long as an electric current ran through it. The exact how it was done, why was it possible was not something he shared. He gave the finished product, or did the action in front of them but did it with out pause to show each step. It was up to them to figure it out.

The Lex-Corp jet took them over to Berlin, it would be morning by the time they landed. Mikhail and Peyton shared a room together while Lash stayed in the main lounge area of the plane. The plane was large enough that the staff all had their own quarters though they were not the size of the passenger quarters. Lash told them they could use his room since he wasn't, they declined. He jumped back on to the Dark Web and began to hunt in cyberspace once again.


Lois rubbed the sleep from her eyes, she took another sip of her coffee and got back to it. She was at home on her computer. She typed up the story of how Agent Wraith, the Alien from their own planet that has come to share his technology with Earth is under constant attack! She researched all the pro's and con's to his Tech Summit. As well as the huge popularity with Wayne Tech's new Holo-Watch that was a product of Wraith's knowledge. Even she had to admit it was a nice watch. Then she got an email message, she raised a brow and clicked it open. It was a list of every technology piece Agent Wraith had provided for all the different Tech companies since he visited Europe.

“Who in the world?” Lois scrolled down to the bottom to read the sender. Then her eyes turned into crescents because she smiled so wide. She sent a quick IM across the line.

'Hows your trip across Europe so far, Wraith?' Lois typed

'A test in patience Miss Lane. I heard you wanted the scoop on Dead Shot? Unfortunately I couldn't give that to you. But I can give you this, I hope its satisfactory.' Wraith replied.

'Oh its more then enough, but I have to ask. Why are you sending this to me?' Lois still had a smile on her face. But her expression froze with what she read next.

'Because your boyfriend, is my friend.' Wraith instant messaged. Lois typed that Superman and her were not dating! But she erased that response. Tapped her fingers on her keyboard as she tried to think up a message.

'How about this instead? I respect you, Lois Lane. Why don't we be friends?' Wraith then sent a private email account. Lois narrowed her eyes, why was she upset that Wraith thinks she is dating Superman? Because she wasn't? Or because she wished she was?

'Deal... Let's be friends.' She replied.

'Oh, just to cover our new found friendship. That email is confidential. Don't spread it around, please.' Wraith sent.

'Of course!' Lois smiled, Wraith knew her well.

'Knock! Knock!' Wraith sent. Lois frowned...

Knock! Knock! Some one tapped on her front door. The sound was so sudden it made Lois jump in her seat. She looked back at instant messenger and saw that Wraith had logged out. It was nearly one in the morning! Lois got up and walked towards her door, she saw a package had slipped through the mail slot. She checked her peep hole who ever delivered the package had left. She reached down, the package was lite. She took it back to her desk and opened it. A black velvet box was inside. Lois looked at it confused, then carefully opened it. Her eyes lit up at the sight of the a Superman crest with a gold trim, ruby, sapphire, and diamonds placed into the shape. The chain was braided gold, silver, and platinum! It came with earrings as well! A little note was in the box.

To my new friend,

Lois Lane


Lois stared wide eyed at the card. She looked up at the instant messenger it had been less than five minutes! That meant he had sent it ahead of time under the assumption they would have this conversation? Or, did he just assume they were friends to begin with? Or....Did he send it over from where he was? There was a rumor that he may be able to travel long distances... Lois slumped her shoulders, why did she feel like she was being set up by a friend to date their friend? Lois ran her fingers over the beautiful piece she pulled it out of the box and put it on. She felt her mind grow clear, and she felt refreshed! She then put the earrings on and felt all the different aches and pains in her body melt away.

“Wraith is definitely going to be trouble.” Lois said with a smile.


There was a shower on the plane, Lash didn't know that. Peyton came out wearing a bathrobe a towel wrapped around her hair. The bathrobe was tight around her figure but Lash could still see the seductive curves of her muscled form. Maybe Lash had a type? The crew was all sitting around a table as they enjoyed Wraith's cooking. Peyton snagged chocolate strawberry and walked over to Lash. She sat across the coach from him, the plane landed last night but they didn't leave. It was safer to just stay on the tarmac then it was to go to a hotel.

“Sleep well? When you did sleep.” Lash asked, currently he was shaping a hand sized statue with nothing but his mind. Peyton smiled at him as she watched him work the statue.

“I did... I'm worried I'm growing addicted to him.” Peyton said, then took a look of surprise. Why did she just say that? To Wraith no less. She'd done that a lot lately with Wraith. He just compelled her to speak truthfully.

“I never said thank you.” Peyton said, she swallowed her saliva sat up straight and looked at him.

“Thank you for saving my mother.” Peyton said to Lash. Lash looked at her with his yellow and green reptilian eyes.

“Your welcome, go finish breakfast. We need to leave in an hour.” Lash went back to practicing his carving.

Peyton stood up than after a bit of hesitation she walked over and kissed Lash on his cheek. She stepped away and smiled at him before she joined the crew at the table. Mikhail soon came out of the shower and smiled at the feast, he greeting Lash and joined the crew at the table, he sat next to Payton. They shared the meal, shared stories with the crew for a bit. Lash came up in hushed conversation a few times. But he ignored them and continued to carve his statue. Peyton and Mikhail excused themselves and got dressed, they soon came out of their shared room in uniformed dress suits. Their different branch badges on the front. Lash stood up and they left the plane to head to the Tech Summit in Berlin. Several security cars were ready for their arrival. Every attendant was mundane, odd.

Mikhail took the front seat passenger. Peyton sat in the back passenger with Wraith their driver greeted them in a thick German accent in English. Lash replied in a customary German etiquette hello. The driver was surprised. Along the way Lash asked about the country, and the city. He had never been here before and was sad he couldn't stay to visit. He said as much as well. The driver had a smile on his face and was more then happy to spin tails about his country. To the very nice and polite alien who spoke perfect German. Peyton and Mikhail were on their phones as they answered texts and emails.

They soon arrived at the Tech summit which was under heavy guard and thousands of people were holding signs up. Some there to say hello, others there to tell Wraith to go back home. Which was off planet. Lash rolled his eyes at the stupidity of it all. Even if he wasn't human he was born on Earth, this was his home. The car came to a stop, Lash stepped from the car and BANG! Another high caliber round slammed into his head again. This time it did not drop him into the ground. He reeled his head back! Damage Resistance, and Natural Energy Absorption both got massive experience gain.

Thousands of people scattered when the bullet was fired, the security guards all started to look for the shooter. Lash pushed Peyton back into the car and shut the door. He told Mikhail to keep her safe, he nodded and Peyton screamed at him that it was her job to keep him safe. Another high caliber round was shot straight into Lash's back. He crashed into the car door with the force then sprinted towards the shooters location. He jumped over civilians, cars, and fences with all due haste.

Lash jumped into an intersection and his Danger Sense sent an alarm. Crap, he fell into a trap! Dozens of gunmen shot from their concealed positions all of them used heavy weapons, and high explosives. The intersection became hell on earth for a few seconds. Lash was sent through a concrete wall, the weapons fire followed his position.

Congratulations User! Minor Damage Resistance has evolved into Basic Damage Resistance!

Minor Natural Energy Absorption has evolved into Basic Natural Energy Absorption!

A shock wave of energy cascaded from the point of impact as Intimidating Shout brought all the gunmen into a stand still. Soon a ten foot tall, and fifteen foot long monstrosity burst through the wall. Saurian was pissed and didn't give a fuck any more about being in disguise! The wraith shroud melted away and everyone with a camera saw a were-carnosaur hybrid jump through a nearby building. Saurian claws ripped through the gunmen like they were made of paper. Saurian then jumped through a wall and barreled through towards another machine gun nest, he inhaled and let lose a smog breath of poison and toxins as he used his Nature Domain Passive to create the gas. The gun men screamed in horror as they puked up their own insides!

Saurian jumped out of the building and raced towards the sniper nest location. He used Gravity Stride and ran along the buildings like it was the ground. The sniper team had abandoned their post and were in trying to get away as fast as possible. They got to the base of the building got into a car and tore off down the street. Saurian slammed into the ground only a few feet from the car, concrete sprayed in all directions. The driver screamed in horror as a scene from a movie took place with a giant reptile that had no place in Berlin chased after a car. The only difference was the reptile was gaining on them!

Saurian cast Cat's Grace on himself as he chased after the car and jumped over the car and landed in front of them. The attackers screamed as a living nightmare slammed its tail into the car and crushed them all into paste. Saurian dug his claws into the car and let loose a roar! Rallying Call shook the whole area. Saurian then moved all do haste back to his convoy, back to his team. Soldiers pointed their weapons at him as he approached. They all assumed he was here to kill them all, but even when he got into range none of them could fire. All the weapons had been magnetically sealed by Saurian. Saurian came back to the original car, Mikhail stepped from the car with a huge grin on his face. He pulled Peyton out of the car, she was shook like a leaf at the sight of this giant dinosaur headed her way.

“Agent Wraith! Did you get them all?” Mikhail said with a laugh. Peyton looked at Mikhail in horror then back at the dinosaur.

“I believe I did, though the soldiers seem to think I am the threat. Its like they've never seen a carnosaur walking around.” Saurian's primal ancient reptile voice spoke like a deep base drum.

“Well they are use to you wearing the shroud effect. Maybe you should shift back?” Mikhail suggested.

Saurian called on Minor Adaptation, Basic Transformation, and a new Transmutation spell he had recently learned.

Transmutation Domain Spell, Enlarge/Reduce: You may make yourself smaller or larger! As you can imagine the larger you are the stronger you are. But the smaller you are the more nimble you become. -'I wonder, does that work on parts of your body?'

Saurian reduced his over all mass to about eight feet tall, called on his glamour once more and took the guise of Wraith once more. As odd as it sounds, the Wraith disguise actually put people at ease. Though his overall body shape was still larger then Lash, the shroud covered up his body so all they could see was his clawed hands, feet, and massive tail. Saurian moved towards Peyton who stood her ground, but continued to shake like a leaf in the wind. Saurian reached out and used Calm Emotions on her. Peyton slowed her breath and looked at him with focus. She understood he did something to calm her down.

“So is that what you really look like?” Peyton asked.

“Yes and no, as you can see I have the ability to reduce my mass. Just like I did at the Hotel we jumped out of. I can alter my existing form to be more....User Friendly.” Saurian laughed at his own joke. The chuckle of a giant lizardman made everyone near by take several steps back.

“I don't suppose you got an ID on the attackers?” Peyton asked.

“Yes, German special forces.” Saurian replied and sent an email through Connectivity to Mikhail and Peyton's phone. Facial, finger prints, and military ID numbers.

Over the next several hours, and with the aid of a Shield and Sword lawyer who showed up with in record time! It was discovered that a 'humans first' radical terrorist group had been created and was behind the attack on Saurian. The idea that an Alien from another world wanted to be a citizen of Earth was ridiculous to them! Saurian and Mikhail both face palmed at the idea of it. Because what they had just done was commit suicide. The super-natural communities across the globe reacted with extreme aggression. Saurian took time to repair and rebuild any damage he had caused to the city. Went to the summit and did his technology advancement then went right back to the airport and got on the plane and headed to Moscow.

Saurian swapped back to Lash. Lash sat in the airplane with out his shroud. He was just a lizardman now in the airplane. Peyton wouldn't stop looking at him, as did several of the staff on the plane. Lash then turned his head to look at Peyton who flinched but held his gaze. Mikhail had sliced up an apple and offered Lash a piece which he took.

“Why are you so casual around him? It's almost like you've seen hi...m li....Have you seen him like this?!” Peyton asked Mikhail who grimaced at the scream.

“Peyton, if you have questions to ask me. Just ask them. Looking at me like I'm a zoo animal is insulting.” Lash said to her. His tail idly tapped the floor in mild annoyance. Peyton swallowed a few times before she spoke.

“I...I don't know where to start.” Peyton said. Lash turned to one of the female attendants who didn't flinch at his attention.

“Does Lena Luthor have any questions?” Lash asked. The Attendant smiled at him. The staff had figured out a while ago that he could access all the electronics in the plane. She walked over pressed a button on the side and a view screen came down. Lena Luthor appeared on it, she smiled at him. She wore an expensive business suit and had her hair down across her shoulders.

“You don't look half bad. I have to say your larger form is terrifying! I guess we'll have to find a new code name for you?” Lena said to him.

“Wraith is fine for now, but if I get to choose? Saurian is preferred over some of the other names I've read online.” Lash replied. Lena nodded, and agreed.

“Wraith it is, but I think Saurian is an apt description. Unless you are willing to tell us your actual name?” Lena said with a smile.

“We are not that good of friends, yet.” Lash said to her. Lena's smile grew wider.

“Yet... Do you plan to continue your tour? Plenty of people would understand if you didn't.” Lena asked.

“Yes, I plan to continue. I try not to let little things like assassination attempts get me down. My team is safe. All I got were paper cuts, and I got to blow off some steam. Besides, the Tech summits will help guide Earth into a new age. Better or worse there is an opportunity for growth. Oh, thank you for lending the plane. I am enjoying it.” Lash said to Lena.

“Well you've effectively paid for it since you gave Lex the updated design. We are already building them. The engineers said and this is a quote 'This is impossible! But it works.'” Lena's eyes sparkled in delight.

“I'm glad you and your brother are happy.” Lash said with a sigh as he accepted another apple slice from Mikhail.

“You should come visit us next time your in Metropolis, I promise we'll let you sit down this time. Have a good flight...Saurian.” Lena winked at him and ended the call. The staff attendant bowed and left the room.

“So, whats the plan?” Mikhail asked, as he finished off his apple. Peyton still couldn't get use to the fact that Mikhail didn't seem to care about what happened.

“Call the people in charge of the Moscow Tech Summit. To double the security, and ask if any of them are racist supremacist?” Lash said to him, then because he felt like being a troll he threw Sooth, and Nature's Supplement on to Peyton. She collapsed into a heap of pleasurable moans and gasps for air.

“Nnnnnn......Fuck......you!” Peyton said through gritted teeth. Mikhail laughed and picked up his new lover and left for their room.

Lash smiled to himself as leaned back into the coach in the lounge and started to search through the dark web again. He eventually cast Alteration on the bedrooms so he wouldn't have to hear Mikhail and Peyton hump each other all night. The attendants checked on him once an hour out of pure courtesy. But he surprised them when he asked for some hot chai if they had any. They did, Lash soon enjoyed his hot chai and had a smile on his face as he looked through the web. About half way through the plane ride a door slid open and Peyton walked our wearing a robe. She came up to Lash, he looked at her with his green and yellow reptilian eyes.

“Can't sleep?” Lash asked, genuine concern in his voice. Peyton was clenching her hands into fists. She humphed at him, then sat on the coach with him and nestled at his side. Lash didn't move to accommodate her, and she didn't seem to mind.

“I was worried about you today.” Peyton said softly, she had buried her face into his chest. Lash still wore his Warden Combat gear so it was not the most comfortable thing to put your face against.

“Thank you for your concern, but what kind of team leader would I be if I put you in danger.” Lash said, as he reached over and began to comb through her hair. Peyton leaned into his hand and sighed.

“Team....Wraith, we are team. We are suppose to support each other. I don't need you to protect me. Next time there is a fight we will fight together.” Peyton looked up at him at that point. He stared at her, and she at him. Lash reached out and made a Temporary Pack Bond with her, and Mikhail. Peyton shivered as she felt the connection.

“Ok, next time there is a fight we'll fight together.” Lash said to her. Peyton smiled and kissed his snout. Then went back to her shared bedroom with Mikhail.

“Good night Agent Wraith.” She said softly...

“Good night Inspector Peyton.” Lash said, then went back to surfing the Dark Web.

Congratulations User! The skill Magic Tracking has evolved into Minor Magic Tracking: Increased distance, easier time finding a 'scent', and diverse fields of tracking.

Congratulations User! You've obtained the skill, Team Work: This skill lets you work with others with proper communication, and skill. A mundane version of Pack Bond but both skills can work together to create better unit cohesion.

“I miss home...” Lash said into the dark.


“Ahahahaahahahaahahaa......hahahahaahahaha.....HAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHA!” The mad cackle of a pale faced man with red lipstick, green hair, and a purple suit laughed and laughed! He stood next to his car as he looked over the great city of Gotham! He had come here in search of a challenge! In search for for a Bat! And a Ghost!

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