Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 46: Recreational Vehicle!

Lash felt the world come to a gradual halt around him, he looked around the private plane with mild confusion. It was an odd piece of reality, but also a surreal moment. The attendants on the plane slowly stopped moving around. The gentle rise and fall of Peyton and Mikhail's steady breathing came to a sluggish stop. Lash looked up to the ceiling, or more towards the vast ocean of stars above him.

“My brightest star, Dawn? Did something happen?” Lash said softly.

“You've been playing for several hours User, this is an excellent soft progression point. I understand you've been using the tour to increase your experience. We can pause the world if you like. But I must ask you to take a break.” Dawn's tender and sweet voice spoke to Lash.

“No, go ahead and do soft progression. You'll pause the world the moment a story event arrives. Log me all the way out. Please, and thank you.” Lash said, then felt his spirit being pulled from this body.

Lash's Transformation skill left him looking like a Lizardman garbed in full Warden combat gear. But he was starting to sprout some little horns, and spikes along his jaw line, brow, and down his back. He didn't get a good look at Saurian, but he was massive now. They would have to reduce his size in order to patrol when they got back to Gotham.


Erik opened his eyes in his bedroom. He stood up and groaned as his body screamed at him in protest! He felt like he had run a marathon and his body was begging him to stop and rest. He took time to clean his room up, take a shower, eat some food and drink plenty of water. He took three of those multivitamins he bought a bottle of. More is better, right? By the time he got back to his computer to fill out a Beta Test report it was 4:30 pm. He'd be able to access his store page again soon. He was going to get the Rebirth Domain, then Illusion. After that he'd check his rank status. He hoped with the new Domains he'd be Rank C-. By the time he finished his report it was 5:00 pm, he jumped onto the forums to poke around for information.


Some one had come across a flash point in the game. Stepped into an alternate time line, and discovered that a Flash Point is like a dungeon or instance content for the User. You step into a world and you must obtain an object, accomplish a goal, or rescue, defeat, or kill someone to reset the Point. It was incredibly to see how the world was shaped differently in the alternate time line. They even met a VI copy of themselves! Obviously it was the VI avatar and not the player. The post had a little video of the event. Erik smiled at the idea of meeting another Lash in an alternate Time Line.


This post drew interest from several people they had found, gathered, and created the first Justice League. It seems you get an achievement for it! 'Discerning Eye' It allowed you to see the basic rank status of the person you looked at. Erik's eyes got bright at that effect. A few people left comments that they had created the Injustice League. The achievement effect was the same. Erik read a few more comments, left a few messages. Then he left the forum he stood up stretched a few times then got back into bed and entered The Dream Engine Cube.

6:00 pm

Erik found himself in the familiar Black Room of cosmic creation. An asteroid flew by, it left behind a trail of cosmic dust. Erik found Dawn a few feet from his position she wore her yin yang black and white outfit. The Admin sun avatar floated above them both. Erik bowed to Dawn, and the Admin avatar. Dawn gestured with her starlight hand and the time line app appeared. They had a routine and it need not be said. Erik looked over the app and face palmed.

“Fuck! I forgot to visit Constantine in England!” Erik chastised himself. Looked like the time line app had expanded from America to a lot of the world. Every place Lash had visited. Before the timeline app only covered area's he had access to.

Constantine had just finished his shit storm of a back story at New Castle. He was currently in a mental health hospital as he tried to come to grips with what he had done. The Dream Engine had its fourth wall established so Lash couldn't tell the Warden's to look out for Constantine. Erik continued to read the time line app. Arthur Curry had turned down Mera and Vulko to come back to Atlantis to rule. He wanted nothing to do with the city or its people that killed his mother. J'onn J'onzz had made it to Earth and attempted to look around for the one they called Superman. The Dark Matter from the collider in Central City had merged with the atmosphere. So every time it rained, there was a chance one person could develop either nuisance meta-gene powers, like simple mind reading. To another chance of some one developing the ability to shoot lasers from their eyes. Random number generator be kind!

Erik finished with the time line app and then pulled up Lash's time line. He had visited Moscow and no one tried to kill him there. He gave them a few gizmo's and devices that would get their creative juices flowing. They had just visited Ankara in Turkey and showed them how to pull garbage and waste out of the water and turn it back into fuel. The process costed pennies, but they could sell it for much more. Now they flew over the middle east on the way to New Delhi in India. That is where Dawn paused the the soft lock. Story driven event is about to happen.

“Reminder user, you have two hours in the real which translates into six days in the dream before the store is available. You've earned three DP this time.” Dawn said to him.

“Three? Really?” Erik was surprised, though he got two DP when he finished the conspiracy to kill him he still spent another point as well.

“Remember Dream Points are earned through time served in the Dream, as well as what you have done, and what you have accomplished. Agent Wraith has caused a massive technological ripple across the entire globe. So you've done a lot.” Dawn said to Erik. Erik smacked his own head at his mistake. He smiled walked up and hugged Dawn, she returned the embrace. Erik waved at the Admin avatar. Then he jumped out of the room to continue his adventures he heard Dawn say.

“Good Luck....This is going to be bad.” Dawn said with a grimace. Erik didn't have time to wonder what she meant because as soon as he merged with Lash and Saurian his Danger Sense, and Foresight went off.

“Every one brace for impact! We are being shot at!” Lash shouted at the top of his lungs and used Inter. Commanding Presence.

Even if they didn't understand why, everyone who heard the shout reacted. Peyton and Mikhail strapped themselves in, the attendants all scrambled for the emergency harnesses. Everyone was tied in just in time when the plane let loose a proximity alarm and they suddenly veered down with all due haste! For a brief moment everyone in the plane was weightless! The crew screamed in panic as an explosion occurred just right off their right wing. Shrapnel collided with the engine and it burst into flames. Lash put his hand against the planes wall and pushed his Repair, and Fabrication spells straight into the engine. After a few moments the engine rebuilt it self and started to work again.

Lash used Gravity Stride to stay connected to the plane's floor. He looked at Peyton and Mikhail. Both were strapped in, and tried desperately to hold on. They held each others hands in a false sense of security, Mikhail's hand easily dwarfed Peyton's petite hand. Lash walked forward only for the plane to flip side ways everyone shouted in shock as another explosion rang out just underneath the plane. Shrapnel tore through the underbelly of the plane, their pressure locked cabin exploded outwards for a brief moment until Lash sealed the bulkhead. Lash tied into the radio with Connectivity and found out they had been jammed! (Grape Jelly!) He made his way to the pilots cabin and opened the door. The two pilots were doing the best they could as missile after missile was shot towards them from the surface.

“This is Lex-Corp private plane VU-1345, we are under attack! I repeat we are under attack!” The auxiliary pilot screamed into his mic.

“Don't bother! We've been jammed!” Lash said then he cast Cat's Grace on the pilot, co-pilot, and the auxiliary pilot.

“As long as we don't take a direct hit I can keep the plane repaired mid flight! Just get us out of their range and we'll be fine!” Lash used Rallying Call on them. So all their energy reserves went up by 10%.

“We have a direct line to Lex-Corp communication Satellite! We may not be able to get through but maybe you can!” The auxiliary pilot said, and gave him the access code for it.

The plane took a hard left and shot out dozens of flares and flak. Lash had to give it to Lex for he made such a nice plane that was capable of such maneuvers. A ground to air missile zipped past the plane and exploded behind them. The rear tail was hit by shrapnel and Lash made his way to the back of the plane. He told the staff to just hold on, he is capable of mid flight repairs. The pilots are doing the best they can! Lash made it to the tail end of the plane and thanks to Minor Energy Manipulation he could extend his spell range. He repaired the tail end of the plane just in time for the plane to abruptly shoot up at an angle! It was like he rode the world's best roller coaster! Only he had no idea if they would live through it or not!Lash reached out with Connectivity easily slipped past the jammer frequency and made a bee line to the Lex-Corp satellite. Then sent a signal straight towards Lex-Corp!


Lena Luthor sat at her desk as she read through a financial report. She took a moment to massage her neck and adjust her posture. She would kill for Wraith to be here and use those little machines on her again. She had to admit ever since he had done it she felt amazing, she knew for a fact that she was younger. She was twenty eight when Wraith had visited them. So if the tests were to be believed that meant she was physically eighteen again. So her metabolism was up, her body recovered faster, and her skin felt amazing. But that didn't stop her from dreaming about a massage. Lena wondered what it would be like to have those big, strong scaled hands gently kneed into her back. Lena opened her eyes wide! What was she....

“LENA!” A very course and animal like voice shouted at her from her computer! She jumped to her feet in shock. Lena took a moment to get her breath under control. She tucked her hair behind her ears, fixed her cloths. Then went to the computer to open it up. She had an amused expression on her face, oh he had to pay for spying on her! Then her smile fell.

“Lena we are under attack! Our position is over a country known has Bialya!” Wraith's voice transmitted over the direct satellite up link. Lena understood that Wraith didn't speak directly to her, that this was just a message. A message that was ten minutes old!?

“I say again....Shit! Everyone brace!” The message went dead. Lena pulled her phone and called her brother.

“Lex! We have a situation!” Lena shouted.


Peyton groaned in pain and tried to move. Sharp stabbing pains went through her whole body. The pain was so bad she blacked out..... The sharp whistles and impacts of bullets flew near Peyton, she opened her eyes and tried to remember not to move. An eagle cry whistle was heard nearby and an explosion rocked the area she was near. Dust, debris, and blood flew over her. Some ones body!? Who just died! Oh god no! Mikhail? She had to find Mikhail! -I'm here.... You ok? Mikhail's voice came through her head. Peyton opened her eyes wide and tried to move her neck. PAIN! Went through her whole back she screamed out and contorted. Each flinch made the pain worse till she blacked out....again.


Peyton opened her eyes again, she saw Mikhail! He held her close to his chest. They were inside the plane? Or what was left of it? That's right they had been shot down....Wraith!? Where's Wraith.

“He's saying hello to the people that shot us down! Don't worry the Carnosaur you saw at Berlin came out to play.” Mikhail smiled down at her. His ocean blue eyes sparkled with the same confidence that Peyton first found so charming. Peyton believed she was falling in love with this man.

“I like you to. But we can talk about our feelings after we get through this. OK?” Mikhail said with a smile.

Wait!? What!? Did she say that out loud!?


Saurian raced across the sands towards the Bialya Tank as it shot a round at him. He nimbly slipped left and let the round zip past him! He roared and used Intimidating Shout the shock wave of invisible pressure went out in a 360 degree angle. Every tank, APC, and soldier was stunned for a moment. Saurian shoulder charged into the tank and crushed the front end like an empty tin can. Dug his claws into the tungsten metal and ripped the gun turret off. Then tossed it at a Humvee, the soldiers broke from the vehicle and tried to get out of the way as the top half of the tank collided with the car. A eagle scream whistled and Saurian took a direct hit with a tank shot!

“Gaaaaah! FUCK YOU!” Saurian screamed, as the shot took a good 25% of his life away.

Saurian took a moment to remember what happened before. A missile was shot at the plane while it was still in the air. Before the missile came within range it exploded into several dozen little missiles and shot the entire plane apart. The pilots and half of the crew died in the first attack. The plane crashed, and it crashed hard! Every human on board had their bones shattered, and their organs liquefied by the percussion! But, Peyton had the 10% increase from the Temporary Pack Bond. She had 1% of her total health left, Mikhail was fucked up but being half Sylvan saved his life. With in ten minutes of the crash. Tanks, helicopters, APC's, and soldiers showed up. Lash swapped out with Saurian who was pissed! He'd been on a rampage ever since!

Saurian raced across the battle field and ripped the soldiers apart with swipes of his claws! He let out a passive Technomancy pulse of energy and created his own EMP blast. The helicopters fell from the sky, the tanks stopped working, the radios died. Saurian spend the next ten minutes systematically hunting, tearing, and ripping the soldiers apart with his claws. He used his long lost friends Soul Bite, and Dream Eater. He was angry, he was hurt, and he was hungry!

Saurian looked around at the carnage then saw that more were soon to arrive. He growled in dissatisfaction but returned to the wreckage. Saurian recorded the faces, names, and lives of every crew member that he had come to know since he started his tour. He would see if they had family and help them in return. He wanted to use his Grave Domain, but all their souls had left. Or more to say he saw a Reaper that guided them to their new home. -I'm sorry.... Saurian said to them, but they didn't seem to hear him. The Reaper collected their souls into his lantern, waved good bye to Saurian and faded from sight. Saurian concentrated on the last of his team and picked up their location easily through the bond. He raced towards them!

Mikhail had several broken bones and was bleeding internally. But the way he smiled at Saurian's approach you would think he just had a nasty fall. Blood had mixed into his black curly hair, and his left hand was smashed into paste but he still said hello. Peyton lay in Mikhail's lap, her body was contorted and twisted into positions that would kill most people. Technically she should be dead! Half of her face had been carved off, he could see her skull. Saurian reached out and cast, Sooth, Nature's Supplement, Nature's Kiss, Restoration and Immaculate on them. The last one just to clean them up.

Nature's Kiss had leveled enough to be able to heal 40% of a persons total HP, and could be cast twice in one day. Twelve hour intervals. After the spells settled over them, Mikhail had most of his bones snap back into place. He bit back a scream, unfortunately it still didn't dull the pain. But the one that screamed the most was Peyton as her body jerked and contorted as the spell healed the worst injuries first. Her broken spine! After a minute of her screams she passed out again. Saurian dug into the ground as he used Material Shaping, Advanced Crafting, Earth Swim, Mud Marsh, Alteration, Renew, and Fabrication. He dug out a sizable tunnel and made a little cave home then came back out. He lifted Mikhail and Peyton into their new dug out home. He created some food, water, and a place to sleep. He took a brief moment to connect his snout to both Mikhail and Peyton.

“Good luck.” Mikhail said as he began to make a tent for him and Peyton.

“The Link is six miles. I'll do my best to stay near by but if the connection breaks that just means I'm out of range.” Saurian asked.

Saurian nodded at him and left the tunnel, he created a simple cover made out of sand and rock. This was when he truly wished he had the Illusion Domain. He found out Pure-Blooded Fae could enchant items, objects, and places with their glamour. He couldn't do that. Looked like that was his penalty for his heavy duty Glamour. Saurian looked towards the rushing dust cloud and narrowed his eyes, it was time for a new hunt!


Thea Queen crunched numbers at her desk, it would be a few hours before Club Verdant would open. She had to plan ahead with new liquor, schedule work hours, and sign pay checks. She rolled her shoulders and tried to focus. It wouldn't take very long, lately she could burn through her work easily. Almost to the point that she had to much time on her hands. She heard a commotion down on the club floor where her people were setting up for the night. Thea looked out and saw everyone stood around to watch the television.

Thea rolled her eyes and stood up, she tucked her hair behind her ears and walked out of her office. She had a nice pair of heels on with a pencil skirt, and black skin tight blouse. She came down the stairs to shout at her people to get back to work only to see her boyfriend Roy look at the TV while he gritted his jaw. Roy was always a hard worker, he would normally get people motivated so she wouldn't have to. She walked over and came to Roy's side then looked at the TV. Her eyes went wide and she reached out to squeeze Roy's hand. He didn't even look at her but reached out to hold her close.

The television showed news that Agent Wraith's plane had been shot down some where over the middle east. Who did it, and why was not known. They also had no knowledge if he was alive or not. They had no idea if Wraith was like Superman, invulnerable to damage or not. The plane had been shot down nearly thirty two hours ago but Starling City had just been notified, so they interrupted their regular broad cast to inform the city.

“He'll be alright.... He's a tough monster! He'll be alright!” Roy said, his voice filled with conviction. A few people looked at him and nodded in agreement.

“He'll be alright.” Thea said softly.


“Delta team move forward! Maintain line of sight, and radio checks. Nice and slow....” Delta team leader said. The Bialya special forces moved with practice precision and skill. They had been trained for years by the best their country could offer. Their Queen, praise the ground she walked upon gave them only the best.

“Contact! Enemy co...GAaaaaag!” A Delta team member screamed, the team leader looked towards his left and only saw a glimpse of an open jaw before he died.


Saurian ripped the head off the team leader with his jaw and spit it out. He dove straight into the ground with Earth Swim then moved towards the next team. In less then two minutes the location of Delta squad was consumed in flame and shrapnel as hellfire missiles and tank fire came down from the sky. Every time he killed a unit they would shoot that location straight to hell. Saurian swam through the earth and came upon another group of soldiers. Saurian could smell something on them. Pheromones? Odd thing to....Wait a minute! Bialya? Wasn't this the territory of Queen Bee in the DC comics? Fuck! No wonder they were shot down! This country is a fucked up mess! Queen Bee had a very basic Meta-Gene it allowed her to produce mind control pheromones that could drug most men, and some women based on their attraction to woman. Once they were drugged they were essentially slaves to her will. Like a Queen in a bee hive.

Saurian had a moment of conflict with his moral compass. That would mean that these people are slaves and are not in control of their actions? Did he have the right to kill them? Despite their enslavement every single one he had seen and killed had a Sherogoth's mark on them. So same rules as before. No mark, stun them. A mark, they can die. Saurian came to the next group and turned the whole area into a Mud Marsh. The soldiers sunk into the ground and started to shoot widely into the ground. They had learned this trick. So he stayed away and cast Burning so the marsh burned them alive. He moved on just in time for the fire works on his last known location.

Saurian stayed with in six miles of Mikhail and Peyton. The Bialya's seem to have learned this trick and kept their main force just out of range. But despite their clear disadvantage they kept sending troops into a death trap. Slaves to her will indeed. The soldiers didn't even hesitate!

Congratulations User! The skills Minor Pack Bond and Minor Telepathy have evolved!

Basic Pack Bond: Range has increased to 10 miles. Overall stat increase will remain at 30% until you find a story driven event. Or, buy it at the store. This effect applies to Temporary Pack Bond.

Basic Telepathy: Range has increased to 10 miles. Overall effects remain the same until you find a story driven event. Or, buy it at the store.

Perfect. Saurian then swam towards the artillery with all due haste. Saurian swam through the earth for almost an hour. He cast Chameleon, and Nature's Passage then slipped from the ground like he stepped from a pool of water. He moved into the Bialya's camp site. Hundreds of soldiers were in formation and awaited to be called into battle. Tanks, APC's, and high velocity cannon's were pointed into the theater of war. Saurian tapped into the communication hub and listened in.

“I understand that we didn't have all the information on our friend from the stars. But you all have the best Bialya has to offer. Are you suggesting that this is my fault?” A cultured, and well educated woman's voice spoke over the communication hub.

“No! I would never your highness! We are close to trapping the creature, we only ask your indulgence? We are not sure if we can bring it back alive.” The commander in charge of the operation said.

“I wanted it alive. But I suppose if you exhaust all possible means then you can bring it back dead. But if you bring it back dead than bring back as much as possible.” The woman spoke to the commander.

“Of course! Long live the Queen!” The commander saluted a camera feed.

The feed showed a Bialyian woman, with caramel chocolate skin, almond eyes, black hair down to her shoulders. She had a golden crown on with a symbol of the nations flag. Golden ivory horns for earrings, she wore a silk corset and that was all Saurian saw in the video.

“Yes...Praise the Queen of Bialya for shooting down a plane owned by Lex-Corp that was carrying a United Nations World Security agent on a mission of peace and technological advancement. Praise the Queen that also broke the sovereign borders of Quarac, Iran, and Saudi Arabia. You really are a stupid bitch.” Saurian's voice interrupted the sycophant's boot licking. The Commander along with his staff, and their beloved queen's eyes went wide.

“Don't worry your highness! I'll take care of your men, they'll be dead by the time you send reinforcements.” Saurian said, and turned every electronic device off in the immediate area.

The lights cut out and a fog of war shrouded the whole encampment. Saurian moved into the command tent, he had cast Reduce on himself to be about eight feet all, and twelve feet long with his tail. He ripped the commander of the camp in half! He lifted him up and pulled his legs and arms apart! The man screamed in agony and deserved more, his Sherogoth's mark screamed at Saurian to kill this man. He wasn't a slave, he did everything because he wanted to! Saurian whipped his tail around and turned several more people into meat paste. Then the soldiers opened fire into the tent with out care if they hit their own people. Saurian reached his claws out and called on Minor Energy Manipulation then cast Burning! Every soldier with in thirty meters of him caught fire and screamed in pain as their flesh began to melt.

Saurian cast Connectivity and downloaded all the information onto Lash's phone which he found out could fit inside his Storage. Why? He wasn't sure and didn't think to ask Dawn about it. Maybe cause it had access to money and his accounts? Loop hole? He ran from the tent and cast Enlarge he returned to his Carnosaur size of fifteen feet high, and twenty five feet long. Saurian cast a Technomancy pulse and Recycled every tank, APC, helicopter, and artillery cannon back to their base components. His magical energy took a nose dive but it was worth it.

Machine gun fire, large caliber rounds, anything that could be held by a soldier was fired at him. RPG's, and rockets exploded on impact but the Carnosaur barreled through the action with a roar. He raked his claws through the soldiers one by one. Each one died with the same fanatical look in their eyes. 'For their Queen' each one seem to say!

Congratulations User! The skill Minor Energy Manipulation has evolved into Basic Energy Manipulation.

Effects: Extended range, improved power, reduced energy consumption. The ability to compress and manipulate energy. Extends the reach of your magic.

Oh well isn't that nice! After another twenty minutes a field of corpses and wreckage was all that was left. The moon was high in the sky, and the temperature had dropped significantly enough to let Saurian seen his breath as he breathed. Saurian cast Judgment on the whole lot and had the indescribable sensation of something put him on like a glove and judged the whole lot. It sent a majority to a bad place, but a few to a in between place. None of them went to a good place. Then the something slipped Saurian off and left. Not even a second had passed but Saurian felt exhausted from the experience. Saurian cast Decomposition on all the bodies and made some use out of them. As plants of death and decay grew in their place. Despite the inhospitable environment the magical plants grew perfectly fine.

Saurian looked at the the scrap heaps nearby and smiled wide in thought. He clapped his hands together with a resounding smack! Renew, Immaculate, Fabrication, Alteration, Essence Imbuement, Chameleon, Nature's Passage, Daylight Repair, and Compression Transformation. His magic extended like hundreds of tiny arms and hands and built an armored all terrain recreational vehicle!

A full armored, utility, and comforted armored personal carrier.

Rating: D+

Effects: Solar collection and energy array.

Effects: 5% of the items total durability is restored every 12 hours.

Effects: Temperature controlled, electrical, water, and waste capable.

Effects: Partial camouflage, and obstruction in tracking.

Effects: Full communication hub.

Effects: Capable of deployment to allow for comfort and protection. Full camouflage when deployed.

Comments: So you've created a mobile base camp that would make any RV owner scream in envy!

Saurian swapped out with Lash and he turned into his Transformation state as a Warden Combat gear Lizardman. He stepped into the driver's seat and drove towards Mikhail and Peyton. -All immediate attackers are gone, I'm coming to you. We are leaving for the nearest safe location. Lash said across the link. -Do we have transportation? Mikhail asked. -Yes, I made some. How is Peyton? Lash asked. -She is still asleep, I hope what you have is better than a cave we are freezing. Mikhail said in response. Lash smacked his own head, he had totally forgotten about a space heater in the cave. He must not have dug it deep enough for natural warmth and Mikhail couldn't make a fire in fear giving away their position.

Lash soon drove up to where he had made the hole. He went down through the tunnel after he cleared it. He helped Mikhail carry Peyton to the armored RV. Mikhail just stared for a moment before laughed. Once Mikhail and Peyton were settled in their new home away from home. Lash used Decomposition on the plane, and anything around the plane. He cast Unburden of any lingering spirits and energy. Jumped into the armored RV and set off towards the safest location. Away from Bialya!


Peyton stirred awake, she felt a nice soft pillow under her face a blanket over her body. Her aches and pains were gone. She shuddered at the memory of her bones that snapped back into place at the crash site. Wait! The Crash!? Her eyes snapped open and Peyton looked around a small cabin. She looked down to see she wore some loose silk pj's. Her body was clean, and she had no visible injuries. She looked around the small cabin which was just a bed and a door. A soft ambient glow off to the side gave her enough light to see. She brushed her mangled mess of curly hair out of her eyes and went to the door. She peaked out around the corner to see a strange sight.

Mikhail sat on a coach, he wore black boots, combat black pants, with a really nice black T-shirt on. Damn that man is so sexy its not even funny! Focus Peyton! Mikhail was listening to Wraith as he ate popcorn from the bowl. The entire room shifted and bounced. Further down the room she saw Wraith in a seat at the front he had his hands on a steering wheel and drove the vehicle they were in. Peyton came out of her room and walked towards Mikhail bare foot. The devilishly handsome man Mikhail looked over at her and smiled. Peyton felt her heart flutter in excitement. Fuck this man was just to hot!

“Good Morning Inspector Peyton! Welcome to the open road of....Some where!” Wraith said from the driver seat.

“What?” Peyton looked at Wraith in confusion. What happened to the plane crash! The crew? The people that shot them down! Where did this RV come from! WHERE WAS HER DAMN COFFEE!


The Queen of Bialya slammed her fist into her desk and screamed in rage! The soldiers near by took the safeties off their weapons as they glared at the people that stood in front of their queen. One of the people was a man that had glasses and looked like a book worm type as he wore simple traveling gear, he kept fidgeting and made jittery movements. The other was a woman who wore a skin tight monastic martial arts uniform, she had a scimitar attached to her hip. She had short black hair that frame her face but did not reach her shoulders. Her skin was a healthy tan color and she wore black lip stick. Her eyes narrowed at Queen Bee's action.

“You told me he was not a threat! You gave me a pile of rubbish for his abilities! Then dare to claim that you held up your end of the bargain! I don't believe you understand the situation! Lady Shiva!” Queen Bee yelled at them.

“We gave you a full list of his known abilities, we gave you his flight plan, and kept the UN off your scent for a full forty eight hours. It was your men that failed in their task. So yes, we held up our end of the bargain. However my master, The Demon's Head has decided to rescind our agreement so we are leaving momentarily.” Lady Shiva said, politely bowed and turned to leave. All the soldiers in the room pulled their weapons and pointed them at Shiva and the man in glasses.

“Hold!.... Lady Shiva tell your master that I expect compensation for whats happened. Because the UN will be breathing down my neck for shooting down a plane that carried one of their agents. But we also shot down Lex Luthor's plane!” Queen Bee motioned for he guards to holster their weapons. They followed her command. Shiva looked back at Queen Bee, then nodded. Lady Shiva left and the man in glasses followed, still jittery as he was before.


“So, that about wraps it up. Understand?” Lash looked at Peyton who sat in shotgun. She was still in her pj's but she had her coffee. Little victories! Her long curly hair had been swept back, her big bright eyes stared at Lash like he had grown a second head.

“No I don't fucking understand! The nation of Bialya shot us down! You have video evidence of the attack as well form of confession of her through a recording! But you haven't transmitted it yet! We are in the middle of no where! Why?!” Peyton looked like she wanted to throttle Lash. Mikhail came up from behind and hugged her. Peyton calmed down after that.

“My ability to connect works like any cell phone. Unfortunately its not a satellite phone connection. The RV does have extended range but we still have to be with in a certain range of a tower. The connection in the plane was blasted during the fight. I guess we could have spent the next two weeks looking for it. But we didn't. The radio and connection I built into the RV has a limited range as I said. Yes, I was able to record a conversation between Queen Bee and a subordinate about taking me alive or at least dead but mostly intact. We are in the middle of no where because we have no idea where we are.” Lash said to her, a smile on his face.

The RV they were in went up and down another sand dune. Despite its large size it went over the sand dunes like they were on a road. Nature Domain for the win! Peyton glared at Lash and drank more of her coffee. She snuggled into Mikhail's embrace who had the same smile he had wore since she had woke up. He was just happy to be alive! Lash had healed them both fully a while ago. It had been three days since the incident. Another three days and Lash would have access to the store. He may have to skip on getting his preferred Domains in favor of something more convenient for the situation.

“So you just chose a direction that was not towards Bialya and that's the direction we are heading now?” Peyton asked after a few minutes.

“That is correct, Inspector Peyton.” Lash continued to smile as he drove over another sand dune. Peyton just rolled her eyes.

Peyton and Mikhail went back to the living room area of the RV and sat down together on the coach. There was a TV but they had nothing to watch. So Mikhail just started to talk to Peyton who took the welcomed distraction. Lash just drove over the never ending sea of sand and rock. He did actually know where he was headed. He spoke to the Nature spirits near by and they pointed him to a small town with a radio transmitter. People say that a desert is dead, but its not. He saw hundreds of creatures magical, spiritual, etc move across the sands. Lash tried his Cell phone every few minutes as he attempted to get a signal.

The sun set and Lash deployed the RV. It expanded to allow the cabins more space, the living room came out. A tent cover extended to allow them to sit out like a miniature porch. Lash pulled out some kitchen ware and started to cook dinner for everyone.

Congratulations User! Your skill Basic Cooking has evolved into Intermediate Cooking.

Effects: You can now do more with less, but if you have more that is even better. A sense of comfort, and invigoration comes from eating your food. You can also choose to blend a bit of magic, energy, or both into the meal. This will help people recharge, heal, and empower them.

Lash did just that, the meal then became magical! Peyton and Mikhail couldn't get enough of the food and asked for thirds. Lash laughed and fed them to their hearts content. While the RV was deployed the spell camouflage was active so it blended in nicely with the area and even hid their heat signatures. Peyton and Mikhail both went to bed, Lash had sound proofed the cabin's to prevent extra curricular activities from being leaked out. He had made sure to say this out loud to both of them at dinner. Mikhail laughed, and Peyton blushed. Lash looked up at the perfect night sky, he could see every star possible out here. If they were not on the run for their lives this would be a nice trip. Then...His phone vibrated!


Selina had auto dialed Lash's cell phone number over and over that it had become automatic. She had come to Bruce's mansion to stay for the past few days. She didn't want to be alone right now. Bruce welcome her with open arms, the kid Grayson was a sweet boy that checked in on her as much as Alfred did. Selina liked it here, it was a good home. It being a mansion was also nice. But she wished her friend would pick up his damn phone! She knew it was wishful thinking on her part. Even if he was al...No! No! He is alive! He is just lost in the middle of a desert! So....

“Selina! What a pleasant surprise! How are you?” Lash's voice said over her phone. His voice made Selina scream so loudly that Alfred appeared at her room in ten seconds flat. But she completely ignored him because she danced around the room in joy as she spoke to Lash.

“Where the fuck are you!?” She screamed at her phone.

“I don't really know. We were shot down by Bialya special forces. Though I know we were not in Bialya's land. They broke sovereign borders to shoot our plane down. Regretfully the entire crew aboard the plane died in the crash. But Agent Mikhail, and Inspector Peyton barely survived, and as long as they are alive I can heal them. We are currently traveling south by south east bearing 157.5 degree's. I have no idea what our longitude and latitude is. I'll get back to you on that! We are traveling in an all terrain vehicle that I made from scrap. I am also fine.... How are you?” Lash tried to think of any possible questions.

“I...I'm a lot better now! Thank you!” Selina said with a smile. Alfred was still in the room and had begun to call Bruce with the good news.

“Selina, I am not 100% sure I'll be able to call any one if we hang up. So I'm sending an Email with information to the UN while we are talking. If we suddenly cut off just know that I love you and I'll be home soon, ok?” Lash said to her. Selina didn't know why but she believed him.

“Ok.... Please don't do anything to....Ah fuck who am I kidding. Just please come back alive....Lash....Lash?! Fuck the line went dead!” Selina yelled in frustration. She tried to call back but the monotone operator's voice of 'I'm sorry this number is currently unavailable.' was all she got. She wanted to smash her phone to pieces but pulled her anger back. He was alive that is what mattered.

“Miss Kyle if we may see your phone we may be able to back trace his location.” Alfred stepped forward and Selina's eyes brightened!


Skaleg the old viking sat his desk and looked at his computer blankly. Skaleg was a middle aged leather neck who still trained at the gym every day to keep his marine core fitness. His arms were bigger then some peoples thighs. But right now he looked drained of all life. A cup of coffee next to his computer was cold and there was a half eaten muffin that his daughter had brought to him but he didn't finish. He had been awake for days and was exhausted. He waited for an update from the different Warden's across the globe that attempted to look for Warden Lash. Fuck! They should have just let him use the Portal Nexus! But oh no! They had to keep up appearances! They knew he was alive, there was a Warden life gem in their HQ that still glowed with his life force. But that gem didn't tell them his location. Beep.....Skaleg got an email, he went to open it and froze when he saw the sender... 'Warden Lash' Skaleg fumbled with his mouse and typed in his key code.

'Mentor! I'm sure you know I'm alive. Warden Mikhail is alive as well, along with Inspector Peyton. Regretfully the entire crew on the Lex-Corp plane died in the crash. We were shot down by Bialya special forces who broke sovereign borders to shoot us down. Here is the information on the attack along with a partial confession by their ruler, Queen Bee. Our last known location before the plane crashed is in the information packet as well. We have sense left the wreckage and are traveling in a armored personal carrier that I built out of scraps. Our current bearing is South by south east 157.5. Our current longitude and latitude is unknown. I have no idea if this email will even reach you. But I am hoping it will! See you soon! -Warden Lash.'

Skaleg yelled in victory! He drank his cold coffee and ate his muffin then got to work. He contacted his Warden HQ, the Fae Courts, and Shield and Sword. All of them responded with in a few minutes with questions, logistics, and responses. Messages were sent to the United Nations, with demands for them to call Bialya up right fucking now! Marie came in after a few minutes, heard the news then cheered and went to go make something for her father. The day wasn't over yet and Skaleg still had work to do.


Lash drummed his claws across the steering wheel of his RV, they up and over another sand dune. Peyton was in a much better mood when she found out Lash was able to send out messages of their location along with what happened. She would throw a question or two at Lash on occasion, as she currently wrote by hand with a paper and pencil that Lash had made. He answered what he could, altered the truth from a few things.

“So you are not invulnerable to damage, just resistant to it?” Peyton asked. Her brown eyes had a spark in them that wasn't there before he had met her. The optimization had nearly completed, she was 10% above the average human now.

“More or less, didn't start out that way. Took time to build up that resistance. I have no idea what my limits are, not willing to stand in front of different weapons to see what kills me and what doesn't.” Lash replied, he adjusted his posture and slipped his long muscular tail through the space in the chair he had designed.

“Are you physically capable of reproducing with human women?” Mikhail asked behind them both. Lash rolled his eyes, Mikhail knew the answer but was just teasing Peyton. Peyton blushed just a little but looked at Lash, her pencil at the ready to record the information.

“Yes, I am capable of reproducing with human women. As far as I know I am capable of reproducing with most women of several different species.” Lash said and sighed loudly after wards.

“Wait, are there more aliens in the universe besides you and Superman's people? Wait, do you know who Superman's people are. What is your races name?” Peyton scooted a little closer, Mikhail even came over as well. He offered a sliced apple to Lash. Lash took it from the half sylvan. Mikhail had cut his black curly hair recently so it was a little uneven. But his five o'clock shadow on his face just added to his rugged appearance. Peyton stared at him from time to time.

“First; Yes there are hundreds of thousands of different civilizations, cultures, and species capable of speech, language, written word, and even space flight. Second; Lois Lane did a piece on Superman and reported that his people were from Krypton, remember? Third; I don't know the name of my race. Fourth; This is a bonus answer, earth is not the only place humans exist.” Lash said with a grin. Peyton jumped in her seat about to ask another question. Mikhail also looked surprised, he didn't know that.

“Naha! Its my turn, remember!” Lash smiled and Peyton glared at him and sat down.

Lash and Peyton played the game of you ask a question he asked a question. Peyton had asked several question in a row so now it was Lash's turn. He kept it simple, what was her birthday? Siblings? Ever been married? Did she want to get married? Which made her punch in his arm only for her to regret that decision. She reluctantly said yes to the last one and may have glanced at Mikhail who just smiled at her. Then he asked her if she was willing to join a secret society of magical and super-natural creatures and beings that had lived along side humanity since Earths creation? That started another long and complicated series of questions. That lasted till they camped for the evening.

“So you are not an alien!?” Peyton pointed at Lash who was now in his default human form.

“Oh no, that part is true. I was born on Earth, I am not Human, nor am I a native of Earth.” Lash said as he continued to cook tonight's dinner. It had been a while since he could relax like this.

Congratulations User! Your skill Basic Transformation has evolved into Intermediate Transformation.

Effects: Increase in utility, power, and alteration. Decrease in power and energy consumption. More aspects of Saurian can be shared while in default form. Saurian may now assume more aspects of Lash while in default Hunter form.

Congratulations User! Your racial trait Minor Adaptation has evolved into Basic Adaptation.

Effects: Allows for wider range of changes, making them more stream line, quicker in the change. Increase in power, and decrease in energy consumption.

“So you are an alien? But, you are a super-natural creature from another world?” Peyton said, clearly confused.

“Yep. Earth is not the only place in the universe with super-natural creatures. Or magic for that matter.” Lash replied, he served dinner to Peyton and Mikhail. He sat down on a camping chair to watch them scarf down the meal. Even as curious as Peyton was, Lash's food was to good to pass up.

“Wa....Wait? Magic? Magic is real?” Peyton looked at him like he was a kid that still believed in Santa Clause. Lash cast Immaculate on himself, Peyton, and Mikhail. This time he didn't use glamour to create tiny robots. This time it was pure clean magical energy. It swept over all three of them cleaned them from head to toe then faded from sight.

“Yes, Peyton magic is real. What you saw before was me using something called Glamour. I disguised the spell effect to look like tiny robots to trick the mundanes of the world into thinking I used technology.” Gestured to the spell effect.

“Just like me.” Mikhail said to Peyton, she turned around to look at him. Mikhail didn't look that different with his glamour off. His ears were pointed, he had a more elegant look. With some different cloths and make up he would make a good looking woman. Peyton seem to think he just looked better this way because Lash could smell that she was clearly aroused.

“Oie! Finish the conversation then you can go and explore every inch of Mikhail with your tongue, in your cabin.” Lash said with a smile. Peyton glared at him, took her seat next to her very sexy boyfriend.

“So are you an alien?” Peyton looked at Mikhail who shook his head.

“No, I am half Sylvan part of the Fae Courts. I am a Warden, the same organization that Warden Lash works for.” Mikhail said. Peyton whipped around and stared at Lash.

“Your name is Lash?” Lash rolled his eyes at her and laughed.

“Yes, Payton. My full name is Erik Lash, my Partner is Saurian. I am a Warden of Gotham City. Along with the honor and responsibility of being a Shaper, Druid, Universal Programmer, Natural Mechanic, Grave Walker, Winter Knight, Transmuter, and a United Nations World Security Agent code named Wraith.” Lash listed off his different titles.

“Why are you telling me this now?” Peyton looked at them both, both excited and a little scared.

“Back on the plane the night we talked about being a team? I established what is referred to as a Temporary Pack Bond with you and Mikhail. This is something specific to what my people are. It has a positive side effect. It optimizes the wielder along with their pack. You and Mikhail have been optimized. You are now 10% above your standard average. This is the only reason you lived through the plane crash Peyton. I'm sure you tried to come up with a logical reason, or assumed I used my fancy Alien Tech on you. In truth I kinda did. You are still human Peyton, you are just 110% now instead.” Lash spoke in a measured tone as he watched Peyton's reaction. Even now the Temporary Pack Bond was active. The link between them didn't convey emotions per say, but Lash could read anyone he was connected to easily.

“Now, because you've changed me. I'm different? I can't go back to my normal life, like a vampire?!” Peyton grew pale, and was filled with confusion.

“Please don't compare the gift Lash has given you to those Blood Rats Peyton.” Mikhail said, a little miffed that she said that.

“Vampires are real!?” Peyton jumped subjects again.

“Yes, they are referred to as Blood-Kindred. But essentially they are vampires. As for going back to your normal life? Oh no! You most certainly can. If you decide to not join the Warden's we have several ways to ensuring your silence. The Warden's can use a memory charm to erase this entire conversation. Though I wouldn't suggest that option. You can sign a spell geese that prevents you from ever mentioning what you've learned it in any shape and form. You can choose to be a pseudo-mundane which is a mundane that knows about the super-natural world and chooses to stay off to the side. But I personally think you'll do well in the Warden's. Warden Mikhail agrees with me. When we both agreed that's when we decided to ask you.” Lash took a moment to drink a bit of chai....hmmmmm Chai.

The three of them spoke for another hour or so before Peyton practically dragged her half Sylvan boyfriend to bed. Despite her clear confusion on the whole ordeal Lash could feel her burning curiosity for the super-natural. She was a good agent for Interpol, he believed she would be a better Warden if given the chance. Lash was assured that Mikhail could tell her more intimate details about it after, or during sex. Lash began to clean up the outside and was about to finish up when he got a prompt...

Store access is now available. Would you like to activate your store book? Current Dream Points. Four

Four Dream Points! What the fuck! That was way more then he thought he'd get! Well Lash went straight to his book marked abilities and saw his fusion Rebirth Domain. He clicked on it and purchased it. Then he heard Dawn's delightful voice!

Congratulations User! You've obtained the Fusion of Nature, Grave, and Transmutation. This forms the Domain of Rebirth!

Rebirth: You know the power of Nature and the life it brings. You know the power of Grave and walk the borders between life and death. You understand Transmutation, how energy is in a constant flux that can be shaped and molded into creation. Rebirth is a fusion of all three. Spells from this Domain are few and far between. But knowing this Domain will only help the other three.

Congratulations User! You've obtained the Achievement: 'Live! Die! Repeat!' You understand that everything is never ending and will never stop, ever. You recover all forms of energy 10% faster. Your Magical Perception now includes the Gods and Goddess of the different worlds, dimensions, and reality.

Congratulations User! You've obtained the Title, God-Kin: But who's God-Kin are you?

Active Effect: You gain a 10% overall increase.

Passive Effect: You have obtained a Spark of Divine Energy!

Title Consolidation recognized. All titles will be active, and recognized by The Dream Engine generated world.

“Daaaaaaaawn?” Lash said into the dark.

“Yes, User!” Dawn said brightly as if nothing had happened.

“Am I God-Kin of my Cosmic Patron?” Lash asked.

“I'm afraid I can't tell you. Its a story driven event.” Dawn said sweetly.

“Thank you....” Lash replied.

“Of Course, User!” Dawn said, a hint of humor in her voice.

Congratulations User! You've obtained the Illusion Domain.

Illusion: This is the bread and butter that the Fae Courts have used since the Queens sacrificed themselves to hide from the mundanes. It is a widely used, and practiced Domain with a wide variety of spells, abilities, and items capable of enchantment. This is the spell art of telling the world a lie, and getting it to believe you.

Congratulations User! You've obtained the Achievement: 'Is this your card?' You now have a 20% increased chance of seeing through, and warding off illusions, charms, and glamours. Pure-Blooded Fae Glamour may now be cast on objects, places, and people. Same rules as Enchanting.

Congratulations User! You've obtained the Title, Stage Magician.

Active Effects: Once a day trick all six senses into an illusion on a grand scale!

Passive Effects: Illusion spells take 10% less energy to use. It's 10% harder to trick you!

Title Consolidation recognized: All titles will be active, and recognized by The Dream Engine generated world.

Congratulations User! You've obtained the store skill, Discerning Favorability: You can now look at people and use this skill at the cost of energy to discern their basic intentions. I.E. Hostile, neutral, friendly. As well as know their basic relationship with you. As the skill is used the effects and what information is shown grows.

Congratulations User! You've obtained the store skill, Observant Learner: You learn skills, spells, abilities, and traits from others. As long as they are applicable to you. 1% per observation for every time used. At 100% you can choose to learn or save for later.

“Rank Status!” Lash said to the darkness of the RV.

Name: Erik Lash, Saurian, Wraith,

Titles: Open tab for information

Origin: Magical. Sub-Origin: Alien.

Rank: C-

Skills: Open tab for information

Domains: Nature, Technomancy,Synthesis, Grave, Transmutation, Rebirth.

Description: You've done it! You made the C- grade! This is when you are have made it into the big leagues! Yes, you are on the bench and rarely get to play unless your team is wining! But it doesn't matter because you are there! Your actions have started to have a real change on the world around you. You are a hero who doesn't mind getting their claws bloody. But you know where the line is and you rarely cross it if at all!

Lash smiled wide at his description. C- grade was huge step in the right direction! He knew it would only take longer to get to B. But as long as he was alive he would push his limits! The God-Kin title surprised him more then anything else. He was sure the extra 10% increase to his stats may have helped him just barely over the edge. He looked around the RV in a new light, then rolled his eyes because he could now hear Peyton moaning as she called Mikhail's name. Great! Lash stood up and went to cast Fabrication, and Alteration to re sound proof the wall. Then he got a prompt...

Skill, Sex in progress to be learned....1%......2%......3%

Eh....Lash could wait a bit...

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