Congratulations User! The skill Minor Sex has evolved into Basic Sex: You have a wider variety of techniques, skills, and abilities when it comes to pleasing your sexual partners.

Lash rubbed his face for a bit before he reinforced the bed rooms to prevent sound from escaping. Turns out once you choose to learn the skill you get from Observant Learner its just in your skill tree. So it levels all on its own now. Lash was confused on how he learned the Sex skill in the first place since he didn't actually see anything. But observation was rather vague! Plus with his Sensory Awareness he could at least sense the action? Lash pushed that thought out of his mind as he returned to practice his new found spell craft.

Illusion Domain Spell, Phantasm: To create and or copy an object, place, or thing. The larger the illusion the more magical energy is required. Be aware this spell can work in concert with other spells and abilities.

Lash created a small six inch tall Lizardman Soldier. Looked like a soft version of Saurian, or Lash while he used Transformation. The soldier saluted Lash with a fist over its heart then it began to explore the table in the living room of the RV. It climbed up over some tools, and pieces of rock that Lash had worked with. Thanks to Essence Imbeument, along with a new spell he learned as soon as he began to practice his Illusion.

Illusion Domain Spell, False Life: You can shape and create an illusion of life. This illusion is simple and follows simple orders. But over time the complexity of those orders grows with the spell. The Illusion does have stats though they are limited by the amount of power you place in them.

Congratulations User! You've obtained the skill Parallel Minds: Lash and Saurian have always been in one mind, one body, and one soul. But they can also solve problems and think separately. This was done by instinct, but thanks to your growth in spell craft you can now make a stable connection, and maybe even grow another mind.

Current Minds: Erik Lash/ Hunter Saurian/ Tiny Saurus Soldier.

Lash created a few more Saurus Soldiers and found that it gave him a head ache, his energy levels took a nose dive and the instructions the soldiers were capable of following became limited. But he continued to get experience with False Life, Phantasm, and Parallel Minds. Lash tried to think of spells and abilities that Rebirth could be used for. But every time he opened the Domain and tried to extract the information he got nothing in return. There was a nice little percentage next to it. Rebirth (0.3%) Progress was progress!

Lash and Saurian took a deep breath and could smell the Divine spark in them. They didn't recognize the scent. Normally when ever they found a Seed-Ling, God-Ling, or God-Kin they would know exactly who the Divinities belong to. But not this time. They had become a God-Kin. But who was their God? Or Goddess? Dawn said it was a story driven event. If they could find Dr Fate they could ask him. But he didn't even show up on the time line app. In fact, Lash had never seen any information on the Lords of Order, and the Chaos Lords with in the Warden database? Technically the fourth wall prevented Erik from speaking about things they had not encountered. Next time Erik logged out he'd have to look up all the DC comics magical heroes and villains.

The cabin door of the two love birds opened and a feminine foot stepped out, followed by Peyton who wore her silk pj's that Lash had made for her. She slipped into the bathroom, after a few minutes came out. Instead of moving back to her room she came over to look at the table in the middle of the RV. The Saurus soldiers ran drills and practiced Lash's Intermediate Martial Arts. Turns out that since they came from him they had the same abilities. He even got an experience prompts from them. Lash patted the seat next to him, but Peyton came over to his seat nudged him so he got up moved to the side. So they both were on the same seat. It was tight, but Peyton snuggled into his embrace. They both watched the Saurus soldiers break off into pairs and continue their fight. On a whim Lash focused on Peyton and activated his new skill, Discerning Favorability.

Peyton Sofia Borisyuk


Comments: Peyton is conflicted on how she feels about you. You are like an older brother, a dear friend, and she feels sexually attracted to you. Conflicted.

Lash reached out and began to comb and brush through Peyton's hair. His hands danced through her hair, and along her neck with practiced ease. Peyton snuggled closer, her eyes soon began to droop. Before she shook her self awake, she reached out and took Lash's hand into her own. She turned to look at him. Lash was in his default human form. So a 6' 5” tall human that was wide as a door. Peyton ran her fingers along his bald head, along his tribal tattoo's.

“If I become a Warden I'll be able to keep seeing you and Mikhail, right?” Peyton said softly.

“Yes.” Lash said simply. Peyton leaned forward and kissed Lash's lips for just a moment. She pulled back and licked her lips. Her eyes fluttered closed as she savored his taste. Lash tasted good as so many women have said so.

“Yes I'll become a Warden. So how do we do this? A ritual under the full moon?” Peyton asked, she looked at Lash ready for anything.

“Wonderful! But first we have to get back to civilization and get you registered. Yes, there is a ritual. But first let me give you an acceptance gift.” Lash pulled Peyton up and over so she was straddling his lap. She blushed lightly as she ran her hands over his combat gear. Her mind started to fantasize until Lash softly chopped at her head.

“Mind out of the gutter.” Lash said to her with a smile. She pouted softly, then adjusted her postured and stuck her chest out. Lash admired her for a bit, a smile of satisfaction spread across her face.

“Polyamorous right? Oh! That's right you are saving yourself until you see one of your lovers? I understand... I can wait.” Peyton said. Lash put his hands on her shoulders and closed his eyes. He activated Skill Trainer and gave Peyton, Regeneration.

A wealth of information, and energy flowed from Lash's body and entered into Peyton. Her entire body glowed for a brief moment and she arched her back. Her body went rigid as the skill settled. Peyton now had the lowest version of Regeneration and it would take twice as long for it to grow since he 'gave' it to her. But once it reached Minor Regeneration it would gain experience like normal. Lash cast Nature's Supplement on her so her body could consume and make the necessary changes. He created a mild sleep pheromone from his Nature Domain's passive and she fell asleep. Lash carried her back to her cabin. Mikhail stirred and looked up at him.

“She said yes, so lets get back home so she can become a Warden.” Lash placed her in the bed with Mikhail who smiled wide and pulled his lover into his embrace.

“Lash! You are everything they said you were and more. Thank you!” Mikhail said, Lash looked back and activated Discerning Favorability.



Comments: Mikhail considers you a friend and thanks the stars every day for bringing Peyton into his life.

“We are a team, Mikhail. Were-Breeds take care of their teams. Good night.” Lash bowed from his waist and closed the cabin door.

When the sun rose Lash was behind the wheel of the RV again and drove across the ocean of sand. They had passed a few camel caravans who all looked at them like they had lost their minds. Though they were friendly when Lash asked for directions in their native tongue, offered them food and water of the service. Then they found it, blessed above and below they came across a road! A concrete and tar paved road! The RV slipped onto it and they sailed smoothly for the next two days.

Peyton eventually figured out that Lash had given her something. Mikhail was surprised when he found out that Lash could bestow abilities. It was in his Warden file, ever since he helped Rocksie and her First Sarah awaken a racial trait. Mikhail assumed it was just for were-breeds, not humans too. It was rare to have such an ability but not unheard of. People had been advancing, experimenting, and granting skills, abilities, and increased stats through magic for over a thousand years. Just another piece of information to be put in his file. How did Peyton know she could heal faster? Well she was not as....Sore after a night of aerobic exercises with Mikhail. Lash teased her to no end.

Another day passed, Lash continued to play and practice with his new Domains. Rebirth had reached (0.5%) but that was it. He had made fifty versus fifty Saurus warriors to fight each other on the lounge table while he cooked dinner for everyone. When ever one died they would disappear into particles. But with every one that fell in battle the others noticed a great improvement in abilities. Then as they ate dinner Lash gave thirty Saurus warriors to himself, thirty Sylvans to Mikhail, and thirty humans to Peyton. They followed their orders and they had a grand battle on the table. Lash created landscapes with his Nature and Illusion Domains.

“This is so unfair! My people have armor, shields, and weapons. But they are still losing!” Peyton growled in irritation but continued to give orders to her troops as they fought Mikhail's Sylvan's in the forest.

“Yes, my people have leather armor with bows and arrows. But you decided to attack us inside of the forest. That was just a mistake.” Mikhail said, as he ate some pop corn and admired his people's work.

“Why is no one attacking me?” Lash asked. They both glared at him. The Saurus warriors were in the swamp lands building a fort. They had a natural affinity for the swamp and could even hide in the marsh. Guerrilla warfare was amazing with the lizard folk.

Every twenty minutes Lash would create five more soldiers for each side, and any soldiers that still lived would get a promotion. Lash found out if he limited their overall skill abilities and access to his own skill tree they could work for less energy. Soon they all had about seventy five plus soldiers vying for control in a small valley. They had moved the game to just outside the RV under the porch cover. The Saurus warriors were in a pinch because Mikhail and Peyton had made a temporary truce and ganged up on them.

“So when we get back do you plan to continue your tour?” Peyton said out of the blue. Then winced when her vanguard fell into a pit trap.

“Yes, I plan to continue. My adopted sister is currently in Themyscira with her fiancee. The Queen of the Amazons is expecting Agent Wraith to arrive with new technologies.” Lash said with a smile, then grimaced as arrows fell from the sky on his left flank. Mikhail's troops had arrived.

“After what happened I am sure they'll let you take the Warden Portal Nexus across the globe.” Mikhail smiled as he came to reinforce Peyton's troops. The Saurus warriors gave way, but the Sylvans and Humans refused to enter the swamp.

“We'll see, public relations with the mundane world is tricky. If I start teleporting across the globe after the incident then they'll ask why I didn't do that to begin with. Also, why haven't I shared teleportation with anyone, etc, etc.” Lash replied. The twenty minute timer went off, new soldiers!

“I assume you'll brief me and the what, how, and when of Warden travel sometime?” Peyton asked. One of the soldiers was a craftsman so she began to construct her own base. Then, Lash's phone vibrated. Oh! He was in range!


Barbara hissed in pain as Alfred wrapped her ribs with gauze and padding. Barbara had taken a shotgun blast point blank when she knocked Richard out of the way. It saved his life. Richard stood off to the side with a grimace and a down cast look. If Wraith hadn't made Batgirls suit she would be dead. The design absorbed most of the impact, but the uniform was now torn to shreds and needed to be replaced. Barbara really liked that suit, not only did Wraith make it for her. It fit her like a glove, she felt like it was a part of her. Maybe Wraith could repair it if he got back. When...When he got back.

“Alfred, how is she?” Bruce's cold and indifferent voice came from behind them. Alfred finished the wrap, and gave Barbara a shirt to wear. She currently wore nothing but a bra, on her upper half.

“She'll be fine sir. Three cracked ribs is all she suffered after she took a shotgun round to her body at close range. She should be dead.” Alfred said, and presented some pain killers to Barbara who took them gratefully.

“I'm sorry, I should have seen it. I...He just came out of no where.” Richard said, clearly conflicted.

“Its fine, Dick. We are both alive and I finally get to see the Bat cave its a win win situation for me.” Barbara tried to smile but winced in pain in the end.

“Come over here, both of you.” Bruce said to them and turned back to the giant sized computer in the Bat cave. Bruce wore his uniform but had his cowl down. A small smile tugged at his lips when he pressed the phone line button.

“Your on speaker.” Bruce said, Barbara, Richard, and Alfred looked confused.

“Hello Miss Gordon, Mr Grayson, Mr Pennyworth. I am happy to see that you've all met.” The primal animalistic voice of Wraith came across the computer. His Nazgul shrouded faced appeared on the camera. Barbara's eyes lite up, then she smiled wider then she had in several weeks.

“Wraith! You're alive!.... I mean...Of course you are! I...I never had a doubt!” Barbara's faced turned crimson. She had tried her best to remain indifferent with Batman and Robin around.

“Its good to hear from you again, Mr Wraith. Do you know when you will be returning to Gotham. We are missing you around here.” Alfred spoke politely, but he had a smile on his face.

“Won't be for a while, I still plan to finish my tour. So that leaves India, China, South Korea, Japan, and Themyscira, then I'll be home. Did the information about the incident get sent to the right people?” Wraith asked.

“Yes it did! Its all over the news. The United Nations is demanding Bialya explain their actions to the world or be condemned! Lex-Corp has cut off all trade and relations to Bialya. Lex and Lena Luthor went to the public and said they consider the attack on their plane, as well as Agent Wraith an attack on them.” Richard cut in with excitement in his voice.

“They both said in so many words that they consider you a friend and ally to Lex-Corp. Its a power play, and an attempt to gain favor with their public opinion.” Bruce said his eyes focused as he thought about the ramifications.

“I see...Well would Wayne Industries like to find my location and offer to fly me and my team the rest of the way on the tour?” Wraith said, a bit of humor in his voice. Bruce's eyes had a bit of a glimmer in them when he heard that.

Wraith finished the conversation with the Bat Family, after he gave his longitude and latitude coordinates. Turned out they were not that far from a feasible air strip. Wraith finished the call and hung up. Barbara wanted to go and see Wraith but was convinced otherwise. The next day Bruce Wayne called a press conference and declared that a Wayne Tech Satellite had picked up Wraith's location and that a plane was being sent as they spoke to retrieve him. Wraith had already declared that he wished to continue his Tech Summit tour and will proceed to his next location with all due haste.


Lash sat on the porch of the RV, he wore his Wraith Shroud disguise once more. He had used Transformation to turn back into his were-Lizard hybrid shape. Peyton who was next to him wore a braided rope style bikini that hugged her figure and delighted the eyes. She had sun tan lotion on her skin and lay under the cover of the porch. The rise and fall of her chest made her breasts jiggle slightly. Mikhail was next to her and he wore the standard swim trunks but his upper body was exposed that showed off his abs and pecks. He was also covered in sun tan lotion. Both them had sun glasses on and were half asleep. The team had been at the air strip for two days, and today was the day the Wayne Industries plane was meant to arrive.

Lash's phone beeped at him, he checked and saw it was a message from the plane it had their location and arrival. He sent a message back then continued to sit on the porch as he looked over a landscape that did not fit the middle of the desert. Palm tree's scattered this way and that, a huge oasis of water partially covered by a stone awning. A Nature Domain water tree under that awning. It collected moisture in the air and created water, then deposited the water. Hundreds of desert plants were across the field. The air strip was clean of debris but this place now looked like a desert oasis straight out of a book. Lash got bored when they stopped at the air strip and decided to decorate it. Peyton reached out and grabbed Lash's scaled hand, she squeezed gently.

She didn't say a word, she didn't need to. She was thankful for this. When she had first been assigned to be the bodyguard and spy to the Alien Wraith. She would never had expected to have made a life long friend, meet a wonderful lover, and joined a secret society. She had really enjoyed the road trip across the sands with them both. The sound of an airplane that flew over head made Lash look up. Sure enough it was Wayne Industries here to pick them up.

Mikhail stood up then rubbed his face to wake up. He gently tugged Peyton who groaned in protest but slowly got up as well. They needed to shower and clean the lotion off. Mikhail clapped Lash on the shoulder before he went in, Peyton leaned over to kiss Lash on the cheek before she followed. The plane landed a few minutes later. The plane was a lot like the Lex-Corp plane. A jumbo jet plane with all the comforts of home but still with the carrying capacity. Several trained security professionals came out with automatic rifles to secure the area.

Lash slowly stood up and walked out from his RV's porch and made his way over to the commander of the group. A few of the soldiers pointed their weapons at him for a brief moment then went back to secure the area. Man the size of a small bear walked over, he had a grim look on his face. He was decked out in militant soldier gear.

“Agent Wraith! I'm Samuel Paul, team leader. Is it just you?” Samuel scanned Lash up and down.

“No, My fellow UNWS Agent Mikhail and Inspector Peyton of Interpol are cleaning up in the RV. They'll be out shortly. Do you know our ETA to New Delhi?” Lash asked.

“Yes sir, the UN wants you to head straight to Hong Kong. They have a Tech summit being made there. Delegates from India, Japan, and South Korea will all arrive. Travel to Themyscira is to be handled after the Tech Summit.” Samuel said. He turned to look past Wraith. Peyton and Mikhail had come out of the RV and wore a desert combat gear. Mostly for appearances.

“Thank you, Commander Paul. Please excuse me a moment I need to get rid of our vehicle since we cant take it with us.” Lash bowed from his waist to Samuel who seemed a little surprised by the etiquette.

Lash walked towards Peyton and Mikhail who both stopped and looked back at their home away from home. The security team all gathered around them and watched in confusion as Lash raised his hands up, hundreds of 'robot's came out of Lash's Wraith disguise and cast Decomposition on the RV it broke down in under a minute and what remained was a giant tree with a metallic finish. The security team, and Samuel all had slacked jaws. After a minute they regained their focus and boarded the plane. Soon they were in the air and off to Hong Kong.

Peyton and Mikhail each had their own room, but would eventually just share one. Lash was given the largest one but his companions laughed because they knew it would never get used. Lash made a point to talk to every soldier, crew, and pilot on board the plane. Why? Because he used his Discerning Favorability to find out if any of them were hostile or not. Useful skill! They were all neutral and had a professional perspective on Agent Wraith and his team, he also discovered that if he didn't know their names to begin with no name showed up on the skill. Great! He cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss on everyone. Well he had the pilots take turns. He didn't want to crash the plane. But he stayed in the cockpit for about an hour just to watch the pilots.

Observant Learner active. Learning Operator.....1%.......3%

Congratulations User! You've obtained the skill Operator: You learn how to operate tools, machines, and vehicles of all types 25% faster. Things of Alien Origin only 10% faster.

Side Note: This skill was granted due to several skills, and the Technomancy Domain. This is not a normal skill.

Wow.... That was unexpected. Lash thanked the pilots for their time and soon came back to the living area of the plane. Lash spent a few minutes visiting with Samuel and got a feel for the man. He had worked for Wayne Industries for nearly a decade. Did all sorts of security missions over seas. Several of his men, and a few women who were part of the security detail came over and started to ask Lash questions. Unlike the crew on the Luthors plane none of these people had been paid to dig for information.

“So you can regrow limbs? I read an article on the Starling City incident. They said you re attached limbs. But you can regrow them as well?” Samuel asked, he was excited to hear an answer he had a lot of old military buddies that would be back in the action with a regrown limb.

“Yes. Once the tour is done I plan to go around to several VA hospitals and help recover veterans and soldiers. But, its my hope that the people of Earth will develop the technology themselves. Next ten or so years are going to be....Different to say the least. But its important to take it slow.” Lash replied. His primal animal voice harsh on every ones ears.

“But why wait? Why not show us everything you have?” John said one of Samuel's people asked. John had a man next door vibe and he was from Louisiana. Dirty blond hair, blue eyes, and southern accent.

“John, would you hand a semi automatic fully loaded with the safety off to a five year old kid?” Samuel asked. John shook his head...Then realized why he was asked that.

“Oh come on! Humans are not like t....I mean people in Americ... I mean...w...hmmm.” John seem to stop and think about his own question.

“Its also safer this way for him. No offense, sir. I don't know your end game. But you don't ever show all your cards or push all your money onto the table when you are playing poker.” Milly said, another soldier.

She was a petite woman from Texas but built like a rock. Her head was shaved, and had more then a few scars on her. Or she did, until after Nature's Kiss then a lot of scars faded. Her skin smoothed out, and her favorability towards Lash went up a few points. In fact a lot of the soldiers favorability went up after he had healed them. Old injuries healed, scars faded, so they all had a change in disposition.

“You'd be right. Several governments in the United Nations wanted to strap me down and dissect me and force me to give up any and all Tech I had. A few even tried! But better....Educated minds won the day and so, here we are.” Lash spread his clawed hands out to emphasize his point.

“I'm happy for that, sir. I have family in Starling. My niece said you dug through the wreckage to get her teddy bear back.” Rick said. Lash turned around to look at him for a moment. Rick was a tall, line backer sort of man. Rich black skin that would make many a lady excited in more ways than one.

“Little Bebee?” Lash said out loud. A huge grin grew on Ricks face, he let out a monstrous laugh and nodded.

“Oh my baby niece will be so happy to know you remember her!” Rick laughed again and clapped Wraith on the back.

Lash Fabricated a teddy bear and Rick and him took a picture together to prove he remembered Little Bebee. They talked for a few more hours then Lash went upstairs to start dinner. The staff in the plane said they would do it but he shooed them all out of the kitchen and started up. Eventually everyone one the plane except for the pilots who took turns sat down at had a wonderful and very delicious meal together. Peyton and Mikhail spoke about their journey across the barren sands. The soldiers couldn't believe their ears, they had assumed it was this grueling event and the RV was something they had found along the way. After a few glasses of wine, bourbon, and whiskey more then a few women, and men came onto Mikhail and Peyton who both politely declined all the advances and soon excused themselves. Mikhail on a scale from 1-10 had been a 9 ½ to begin with, some could argue for an 11 depending on their tastes. But everyone could agree he was a super model. Peyton's over all sex appeal and beauty had jumped by two or so points. After the optimization, and her new skill Regeneration she was easily a 9 ½ with Mikhail.

Every one ate, drank and went to sleep. The staff insisted to clean up since Lash cooked the meal. Lash went to the living lounge area of the plane sat down and began to surf the web. Milly walked into the lounge after a few hours and was surprised to see Lash on the coach. Lash currently had Connectivity on and was also sculpting a miniature battle field on the table. Tiny illusion soldiers fought, died, and fought again. Milly came and sat down next to Lash, she watched the in fascination.

“Can't sleep?” Lash asked her, she jumped only a little from the sound of his coarse voice.

“I actually don't like to fly. But I suck it up for the job. Whats this?” Milly pointed at the tiny battle field.

“Practicing my Parallel Minds think of it like advanced multi tasking. Want to play?” Lash asked. He cleared the battle field and presented Milly with different soldiers, and cultures. Milly grinned.

About sixteen hours later the entire lounge area had been turned into a illusion battle field. Lash played the part of Game Master he created ambient wild life, minerals, and forests. The soldiers, the crew, Peyton, and Mikhail all commanded hundreds of soldiers. Parallel Minds had evolved into Basic Parallel Minds. Essence Imbeument, Phantasm, and False Life all went up fast. Everyone who played could walk through illusion battle field and instruct their troops. Notes were passed between people via their phones. People shouted insults, and brought their soldiers upon the enemy of their lands! Until the pilot came over the intercom and told every one to please take their seats they would be landing in about fifteen minutes. Everyone shouted in horror as the illusion battle field slowly disappeared.

“Fuuuuck! No, I was so close!” One of the soldiers shouted.

“We had just discovered a mineral deposit.” One of the crew said, crestfallen.

“Agent Wraith I know you are giving out technology that can change the world. But can you please give this game to Wayne Tech! That would be amazing!” John said.

“I'll think about it.” Lash said with a smile.

Everyone went to their seats. Lash sat next to his two companions who wrote down ideas for their next match. Lash was happy to see them engrossed in idea's he didn't want to burst the bubble that more then likely they would go their separate ways after this. No, Lash would come to Peyton's Warden ceremony. He was sure Mikhail would be there. The plane began to lower its altitude. Just one more summit then he would travel to Themyscira to see Lizzy and Isabella. Then he could go home... It had been three weeks, that meant Jessabell should be free of Queen Mab. He wasn't sure how that conversation would go. 'Oh hay your free....Want to have sex?' Lash shook his head, he felt like he needed to make a romantic gesture. But not to over the top. Maybe he could invite her to a weekend get away? Hmmmmm, that could work.


Jessabell stretched out and lay across her bed. Content to lay in the morning sun that rose over her Gotham home. The bay windows let the sunlight in and she loved it! She snuggled back under her sheets and watched the sun beams draw across the room. She hadn't been in control of her body in over two months. It was one of the most peculiar and enlightening experiences she ever had. She was different now, older from the personal experience of talking with Queen Mab. Who seemed far more down to earth then Jessabell thought she would be. She had always been larger then life in all the stories. But, of course leaders tend to be that way.

“Jess! You up!” Soluna's voice called through her bedroom door.

“No! I'm still asleep and dreaming of not moving!” Jessabell called, a smile on her face.

“Oh! Alright....Well I thought you should know that Lash got to Hong Kong for the Tech Summit. After that he's going to Themyscira then he'll be home. Whats the plan for you two?” Soluna called.

“I don't know! I thought I'd just go to his place and ask if he wanted to have sex. That sound good?” Jessabell replied.

“Riiiiight! I'm sure the overly complicated and romantic Lash would just go for that!” Soluna called. Jessabell laughed and snuggled into her blankets. She didn't want the world to see her smile.

“Maybe we can go to a weekend get away or something. Two and half days of uninterrupted sex, with room service? That sounds great!” Jessabell said back to her.

“That sounds like something Lash would do. I'll email him idea's, pleasant dreams your highness!” Soluna called, sarcasm dripped from her words.

Jessabell rolled her eyes and began to think about Lash. That silly boy didn't have to wait for her, she would have been just fine if he had slept with some one else.... Yep! She would have been just fine! She smiled into her pillow and tried to hide her blush. This wouldn't change who she was, she would continue to sleep with who ever she wanted to. But.... She did like how he waited for her, how he practically beat the many different women away so he could be with her first. Did Queen's Mab decree only last till after she was free or until they had sex? Jessabell jumped from her bed and ran off to find out for sure! Yep! She would have been just fine if he had chosen another....


The plane landed and was surrounded by security as if a foreign dignitary had arrived. Lash refused to leave the plane until he had checked the area himself. The security at the airport were confused until they got a notification from the higher ups to just wait. Sure enough Lash found eight different assassins, tech drones, and hit men scattered near the Airport, and on the route towards the Tech Summit. He fed the information towards the right people and waited until they were clear. Lash thanked the soldiers and the staff of the plane with another dose of Nature magic which of course turned them all into goo for a while. Then he bid them good bye and left the plane with Peyton, and Mikhail.

Lash entered a armored SUV with his companions and they were off. Three cars in front, three cars behind. Police rode ahead to clear the roads to allow them passage. Mikhail and Peyton didn't bother Lash as he was connected to the area via his magic. The driver to their vehicle was a professional and kept his mouth even when Lash reached around his seat grabbed the steering wheel and jammed it towards a wall.

“EVERYONE BRACE!” Lash used Commanding Presence.

The driver didn't understand why but he braced. When the SUV drove off course all the cars noticed the change. Then a APC crashed through a nearby wall and drove straight through the convoy! Right where Lash's vehicle had just been! The APC had a M134 Mini gun attached to its top and began to fire into the convoy. Tear gas came down from the buildings near by, as M249 light machine gun fire unloaded into the area. Lash pressed his palm into the car and created new armor for it. They had essentially become a bunker. They couldn't move! But they would live.

Lash placed his hands on Peyton, and Mikhail then cast Fabrication along with Alteration. He created full body combat gear. Weapons, armor, radio and even short swords down their back. Peyton still had the knife Lash gifted to her strapped to her calf. Lash then cast the same spells onto the driver, who looked like he wanted question reality. Lash then began to reforge their private bunker into a war machine.

On the outside, the convoy had been decimated the soldiers tried their best but couldn't hold the line. They were dead or dying. The APC backed up then rammed into the fortified version of the SUV. BAM! A metallic gong sounded in the street. But the 'bunker' didn't have a scratch on it. Then something odd happened. Two twin mini guns sprouted from the car's roof and pointed straight at the APC. The driver of the APC didn't understand what he saw, neither did he understand how he died as electromagnetically charged bullets tore through the APC and turned it into scrap.

Hundreds of tiny blue 'robots' came out from the bunker and turned the scrap heap of an APC into an extended piece. Then Saurian jumped from the bunker and let loose a roar that shattered all the glass in the immediate area, Intimidating Shout! A fog of war billowed from Saurian's form as he raced through the battle field to pick up the wounded, dying, and dead and brought them back to the repurposed bunker. Heavy machine gun fire, short range anti tank missiles flew through the air....But the missiles didn't explode they just hit the ground and rolled to a stop. All the while the two mini guns on the miniature bunker unloaded into the attackers.

Once all the friendlies had been cleared the real fight began. A inhuman howl rang out and dozens of lizard dog like creatures ran from the fog, they ran up the walls of the buildings and pounced on the gunmen inside. The gunmen screamed in panic and started to fire at the lizard dogs. Which brought them down quick enough. They all exploded into particles. But more of them continued to pour from the fog. Soon it was nothing but a slaughter house on the street.

Saurian cast his Nature spells on all the bodies alive or not. Then cast Kiss of the Grave on the dead soldiers. Their souls still lingered, and they soon took a breath of fresh air. Mikhail was by Saurian's side as he helped the wounded he had given up his gunner seat to the driver who was more then happy to help. A inhuman howl rang out, Saurian reached out and selected a Phantasm hound the spell had leveled enough for him to look through them now. All clear. The hounds returned to the fog but kept watch. The fog of war continued to surround the area because even though all the attackers were dead no reinforcements had shown up. No calls on the radio. Peyton came over to check on the situation.

“Is it over?” She asked, her hands shook with all the adrenaline she had experienced.

“No. We have incoming. Watch them, I'm going to make a better fortifications.” Saurian said to Peyton and Mikhail. Some of the escort guards started to stand up and check their weapons. Saurian had told them in Mandarin that more were on the way.

Saurian stepped out into the road way that was filled with the smell of blood, gun powder, and carnage. He reached out with his Basic Energy Manipulation and began to cast his magic. Every piece of metal, concrete, and tree flew towards Saurian. His magical energy took a nose dive, his illusions faded from sight one by one, the fog disappeared and what remained was a personal bastion fortress with gun turrets at each corner. Saurian walked back into the magically created fortress and began to brief the everyone inside.

“All of you have a choice, you can leave now and maybe they wont kill you. But if you choose to stay I guarantee they will kill you if they find you. But if you stay, we'll fight and we'll win. Choose now.” Saurian said to all the guards. He didn't even think to ask Mikhail and Peyton if they would stay.

None of the guards left, Saurian nodded and pulled them over one by one and created new armor and weapons for them. They scrapped the original SUV bunker and just had the Bastion fort now. The turrets were all easy to use and intuitive. Thanks to a new spell he had learned....

Technomancy Domain Spell Virtual Intelligence: This creates an intutive and interactive intelligence made from the magical energy of your Technomancy. This spell works with the spells Essence Imbeument, Connectivity, and False Life. The VI is attached to your magical energy and will drain it the more its used, for now.

Saurian had every one link up via tech command post that was in the center of the Bastion. He had Peyton sit there after he force fed Mandarin into her, and Mikhail. After five minutes of intense screaming they began to work with guards who looked at them like they had turned into flying pigs. They were nearly ready when an eagle cry rang above them and a heavy artillery shell hit the bastion. BOOM! The Bastion barely flinched.

“Who's firing at us with that kind of fire power inside of Hong Kong?!” Peyton asked, clearly confused. The guards all looked conflicted but went back to their jobs. Saurian had used Discerning Favorability on them all. They were all neutral or friendly.

“Its the army.... We should assume its another Humans First terrorist cell.” Mikhail said.

Peyton's face lost all color at the mention of the army. They had poked the hornets nest. They were fighting the The Peoples Republic Army?! Peyton nearly fell to her knee's but Saurian caught her before she did. She began to shake like a leaf but calmed down when Mikhail came over to hug. Saurian was massive compared to them and could easily hug them both. He cast Cat's Grace on them along with every soldier in the Bastion. He made a Temporary Pack Bond with every soldier that was friendly towards him. He had never let the bond between Peyton and Mikhail down. Peyton stood up with the help of Mikhail. They looked at each other and nodded.

“I'll be out side everyone. I won't be far, just do me a favor and try to not shoot me.” Saurian said to everyone.

Then he slipped into the ground with Earth Swim the spell had leveled enough times that he could move through concrete like it was dirt. Saurian activated Connectivity and began to broadcast the entire scene onto the internet through a quick live stream feed that quickly got a following from a few dozen to a few thousand, and it continued to grow. 'Let the hunt begin!' Said the captions just in time to see a tank roll around the corner and take aim. Saurian burst from the ground like a great white shark and tore through the tank like it was tissue paper.

“Yes...Let the hunt begin!” Saurian roared!


The Daily Planet was noisy and full of commotion as they worked on different stories, specifically the Tech Summit in Hong Kong and the different companies and countries that had been visited by Agent Wraith already. It had been just over a month since Wraith had given the tech to American companies but they already started to see little improvements to products, their stocks went way up! Particularly Big Belly Burger had come out with a synthetic multi vitamin burger that was incredibly healthy and still tasted the same. Lex-Corp had begun the process of creating a pill that helped slow aging. Not a cosmetic skin pill. Actual aging! Every one knew it came from UNWS Agent Wraith.

“Everyone Listen up! We just got word over the grape vine that the Wraith convoy has come under attack on their way to the Tech Summit in Hong Kong! Anyone with contacts in Hong Kong you better start..... HOLY SHIT!” Perry was in the middle of talking when he got a notice on his phone.

Wraith had sent a stream invitation to the battle ground. Soon every single phone, computer, and television showed the stream of the battle field in the Daily Planet. Every one watched in shock as military forces attacked a metal bastion fort. Weapons fire was constantly exchanged between the groups and in between was a giant dinosaur that ran to the enemy then back to the bastion. He would disappear for about a minute then ran back out into the fight. Every one was shell shocked. Except for one person, Clark Kent's desk was empty, and the man was no where to be found.


Saurian pounced onto armored Humvee and tore through it like a hot knife through butter. The soldiers inside screamed and tried to run but Saurian let loose a toxic smog that melted flesh and bone. Soon the entire unit was a puddle of hot wax. BAM! Saurian was struck by a tank who fired a uranium round that went straight through his body. It left a hole the size of a basketball in his side. Saurian screamed in pain but charged towards the tank as fast as he could go. The Bastion fort fired none stop as the army approached. A majority of the infantry and light vehicles got tore up before they even made it towards Saurian. But the heavy duty machines pushed forward.

Saurian bashed into the tank dug his claws into the tungsten armor and lifted it up and over. The tank was now upside down. Saurian turned the tank around and hid behind it for a bit so he could heal. A majority of his magical energy was tied up in the Bastion. She he was out here with just his skills, a few passive abilities of his magic, and his body.

Congratulations User! Minor Super Human Stamina has evolved into Basic Super Human Stamina!

Congratulations User! Basic Energy Manipulation has evolved into Intermediate Energy Manipulation!

Congratulations User! Basic Danger Sense has evolved into Intermediate Danger Sense!

Congratulations User! Team Work has evolved into Minor Team Work!

Congratulations User! Basic Natural Energy Absorption has evolved into Intermediate Natural Energy Absorption!

Congratulations User! Basic Damage Resistance has evolved into Intermediate Damage Resistance!

Fantastic! Always nice to get a slew of messages mid battle. Though they barely registered to Saurian. Normally they would just sit off to the side until he would look at them. But all of these would help him live longer. Dawn must have done so to help notify him. He sprinted from behind the tank and ran back towards the Bastion. Weapons fire peppered his back and attempted to turn him into a pin cushion. The Bastion's door slid open and Saurian slipped in, the metal door closed tight behind him. Saurian lay across ground bleeding from his many different wounds. Every time his blood left him it turned into a strange ash and evaporated soon after. No clean up!

Peyton looked at him with worry but couldn't leave her station. They had made contact with Wayne Tech and the soldiers on the plane were attempting to meet up with them. Interpol and the United Nations World Security forces were also on their way but they hit road block after road block. Mikhail was on the line with the Warden's and they also faced opposition, from their own side! Some of the super-natural communities didn't want what Wraith was doing. Fear was the companion of change. Saurian took a moment to rest and then he Fabricated more ammunition for the Bastion. Several guards ran over and started load the guns. Every guard was 'friendly' with Saurian now. So they all had the 10% buff from the Temp. Pack Bond. The gaping hole in Saurian's body just closed, and scales attempted to cover the new tissue. Saurian turned around, nodded at the guard and sprinted back out!

Saurian raced from the Bastion and sprinted towards another tank. The tank fired a uranium round but it bounced off of Saurian's Skull crest. Out of his entire body shooting Saurian in the skull crest was the most idiotic! It had the most reinforcement. Saurian roared in victory and bashed into the tank and it flew across the street into a wall. He took a moment to bend the tanks barrel, tore the treads and moved on. Saurian jumped and moved around the wreckage of the battle field. Dozens of tanks and APC's littered the area. All the bodies that had been killed had Decomposition used on them for the simple reason that it restored of bit of his energy when ever he did it!

BOOM! BOOM! Another two tank shots fired at Saurian. He dodged one in time, but the other slammed into his body. He was flung back into the concrete and carved a path of destruction. But the uranium shell didn't tear through his body, progress! It broke his bones, and liquefied some of his organs from the percussion! But it didn't go through his hide! Saurian picked up a street sign pole used Material Shaping and turned it into an improvised javelin and threw it! His Intermediate Weapon Master got a point of experience as the javelin pierced a tank and nailed it to the ground. That worked so well he did it again! Soon the entire intersection had tanks and APCs nailed to the ground, a metal javelin pierced through their shell. Then a sonic boom shook the whole area and a streak of red, and blue shot into a tank. Superman had arrived!


Clark looked around at the devastation with a cold glare and a heart filled sorrow. He turned look at his friend who was torn apart, and put back together he did not even want to know how many times. But as soon as Clark showed up he saw the giant reptile sit down and smile wide as if to say 'Tag! Your up!' Clark nodded once, he turned around his eyes blazed red then he started to dismantle the enemy. He was not as brutal as Wraith. He tore the vehicles apart, broke their weapons, and knocked them out. But Clark understood why his friend had killed so many, he didn't blame Wraith. Wraith was justified in his actions. It was in this moment that Clark understood the reason why they should make the Justice League. So none of them had to feel alone again.


Saurian casually moved back towards the Bastion, slipped through the door and closed it behind him. He curled up around the control center. His long body easily able to encircle Mikhail and Peyton. The turret teams stopped shooting when they saw Superman arrive and start to dismantle the army. Everyone took a moment then one of the guards cheered! Then the rest joined in! Peyton jumped up and down, kissed Mkhail then ran over to hug Saurian. He was ten feet tall and nearly thirty feet long right now. His entire body was littered with wounds, lacerations, and patches of skin where scales still attempted to grow. Though he healed quickly...If he had the energy to feed the skills. Right now he just wanted to sleep. But it was not yet time!

Saurian dismantled the Bastion fort, made an armored convoy. Got everyone into the cars and swapped back to Lash. Lash transformed and wore the Wraith disguise. Then under the escort of Superman himself they went to the Tech Summit. They were about six hours late but Lash really didn't care! When he arrived at the Summit he told the coordinators that the delegates had one hour to be here then he would start. They tried to convince him to see reason but he told them that he didn't fucking care. Then he made a broadcast across the city and told everyone that if the fucking cowards who were not even under attack did not get their asses to the summit he would leave. They would have no one to blame but themselves!

Sixty minutes on the dot Lash started to create machines, and put formula's up. Less then thirteen percent of the summit was in attendance but Lash prioritized them. Gave them extra info he didn't give others. A few delegates had never left the summit, they got the impression that a nuke would have to be dropped on Lash to stop him. Lash made sure get their company names and said he would be in touch. They were very pleased to be a good judge of character. Lash took time to tell the guards that stuck it out with him about their new optimization. He got their names and entered them into the Warden database's watch list. Superman stayed for the whole summit, even asked a few questions. Some of them things Lash did was even beyond him. After two hours the summit finished. Lash and company went back to the Airport, back to the Wayne Industries plane.

“Thanks for the help, Superman. I don't suppose we could ask you to stick around for a few hours as we fly out?” Lash asked.

“I'd be happy too! Are you going straight back to Gotham?” Clark asked, he was worried for his friend.

“The plane is. I'm jumping out of it once we pass over Themysicra. Oh! Before I forget this is Mikhail, and Peyton. They have been through thick and thin with me. I like to think that we are, friends?” Lash asked.

“Of course we are friends! You idiot! What is wrong with you!?” Peyton screamed at him.

“Yes, It would be an honor to be your friend.” Mikhail replied

Two currents of energy connected with Peyton and Mikhail. The energy pressure that erupted off of them even surprised Superman. Mikhail stood up after a few minutes, and with Lash's insistence Mikhail carried Peyton onto the plane to their bedroom. It would be a crazy night for the both of them.

Congratulations User! Basic Pack Bond has evolved into Intermediate Pack Bond!

Effects: Range has increased to 25 miles. Stat increase remains at 30%, your pack now works more efficiently together when connected.

Congratulations User! Basic Telepathy has evolved into Intermediate Telepathy!

Effects: Range has increased to 25 miles. Auto translation of native tongue, more specific location of those connected, works through energy, and mass obstruction. Semi tool tip given to those that connect so they can speak across the link easier.

“What happened to them?” Clark asked.

“Just side effects of spending to much time with me. Spend enough time with me and you'll go through it to!” Lash said and clapped Clark on the shoulder. Clark looked confused but figured Lash would explain later. Clark could tell he was tired.

The plane was full of fuel, and supplies. It was double checked for any traps or transponders that could lead to trouble by both Superman and Lash. They had found six different bugs on it. They were cleared for the main runway. They took off and Superman only had to stop three different surface to air missiles. Not that bad! Superman flew with the plane for several hours, he stayed connected thanks to the Telepathic link Lash had with him. Lash could make a link with people now with out Temp. Pack Bond He could always speak to them before. But they had to be in the pack to talk back. Not any more. But just because wanted to see the reaction he did make a Temp. Pack Bond with Superman.

-Did you just do something? I feel different. Clark said.

-It's called optimization, currently you are under an ability that raises all of your stats by 10%. But while the effect is in place it also raises your optimal level. The longer you are around me the stronger the effects. Till you reach a threshold. That is what happened with Peyton and Mikhail. I choose who I do this with, its a ritual of friendship. I hope you don't mind. Lash replied.

-I would be honored! Clark replied. Lash didn't make him part of his Pack yet. That would come later. Several more hours passed and the plane had left the danger zone. Superman left soon after, Lash went to his bedroom that he had never used before. He took off his gear, and laid in the bed with just a pair of briefs. He didn't sleep, but resting seemed like a good idea. He shifted and turned as he tried to get comfortable. His tail made it hard to sleep on his back so he was just on his side.

Lash hadn't dreamed in awhile, he used to see his reincarnated memories while he was awake but those stopped after a few weeks. But every night he slept he would have a dream of one of his past lives. He had been through so many different lives, different worlds, different games he didn't recall who we originally was any more. He couldn't remember his own world, his city, or his home. Did he have family? Did it matter? He had families in different lives. Hell he'd even been a god in a few of them. He had molded continents with his bare hands, and kept a divine beast by his side. Those two companions were odd though. One was an old man sitting on a cloud, another was a red demon with tiny wings. Each gave advice based on their morality.

Lash drifted in and out of a form of sleep as he recalled his different experiences over the countless years his soul had been placed into a vessel for the amusement of his Cosmic Patron. Would this be his last time? Or would another 'game' be waiting for him after this was over. A knock on his door brought him from his memories his tail maneuvered and pulled it open. Peyton stood there in her silk pj's, she looked...Different. A light was in her eyes, her body was filled with energy, and she was poised to attack or to laze about. Like a lioness! She stepped into the cabin then closed and locked the door. She crawled into bed with Lash pulled his arm up and nestled down against him. Her back was flush against his chest. She pulled his massive arm over like a blanket. She used his other arm like a pillow and lay there in his embrace.

“I'm yours now aren't I?” Peyton asked softly.

“We are a pack now. We are everything we need when we need it.” Lash spoke to her, he kept his Transformation active but his Wraith shroud was gone. He had to look the part in front of the Wayne Tech people.

“Me and Mikhail are going to get married. He just asked me.” Peyton said, she tugged on Lash's scaled forearm.

“He's a good man, I think you and him will get a long well. Not only just for sex! But for a relationship.” Lash said with a bit of humor. Peyton turned around and shot him a glare. She ran her fingers along his scaled chest. She felt every individual scale and muscle that was underneath them.

“What if I want that...What did you call it relationship?” Peyton said as she traced his scales.

“Polyamorous, talk to Mikhail about it. A majority of super-natural's practice it. Just be aware that you may end up sharing him with other people. Its not a one way street.” Lash said, since one of his arms was used as pillow. He took his free hand and carefully played his claws up and down Peyton's back.

Peyton arched her back under Lash's touch, she groaned in delight. Peyton undid her buttons on her shirt and brought Lash's massive scaled hand to one of her breasts. His hand acted with a mind of its own and began to massage, pinch and tease her nipples till they grew erect. Lash slipped his tail between Peyton's legs and she soon began to hump his tail. With a small amount of Nature Domain passive effects Lash intoxicated and brought Peyton to orgasm in a few seconds. She bit back a scream, she pressed her naked chest into his hand. Her panties grew wet, and she collapsed against him. Peyton soon reached for Lash's waist band only to be stopped.

“I can't, at least not yet. I am a romantic and said I would wait for her.” Lash held Peyton's hand with his. Peyton groaned in frustration but nodded. She leaned up and kissed his snout then sat up to button her shirt but froze as Lash reached around began to massage both her breasts with his massive hands.

Peyton arched her back and moaned in pleasure. Lash cast Sooth, and Nature's Supplement onto Peyton who jerked and went rigid again! She had a small orgasm and tried not to scream in pleasure. She gripped his hands and tried to move them to her waist but they refused to move. Lash's reptilian snout came to her ear.

“Go play with Mikhail, I've done all the foreplay for him.” Lash said, a sadistic grin on his face.

“You are so fucking mean!” Peyton said, she tried again and again to get Lash to move his hands lower but he didn't.

After a few minutes of Lash's hand expertly teasing Peyton she couldn't take it anymore and wiggled out of his hands, she grabbed her shirt and left to find her fiance. She slammed the door shut when she left and stormed off. Lash laughed to himself, breathed in the scent of Peyton's arousal one last time before he cast Immaculate. In little over a day he would be at Themyscira full of beautiful Amazonian women. Women he couldn't touch unless he wanted to be skinned alive! Maybe he would skip the weekend get away with Jessabell and just have sex with her at...Ah! His phone beeped at him. It was from Soluna!.... Weekend get away ideas?

Oh....Well alright then.

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