Congratulations User! The Skill Basic Parallel Minds has evolved into Intermediate Parallel Minds!

Lash spent the majority of his time in the planes lounge in practice with his Illusion 'RTS-Game' He got the crew addicted to. Peyton made a point of avoiding eye contact with Lash when ever she could. Mikhail just laughed as it was expected, Peyton was still use to normal human standards. Mikhail hugged Lash that following morning and thanked him for the wonderful night. Lash had sent the information about Peyton to the Warden information center along with her new 10% optimization and Regeneration skill. It took a few hours but she got approved for a mentor. Once she went back to France she would be reassigned to a special branch of the UNWS aka The Wardens.

Congratulations User! Technomancy Domain Spell Connectivity has evolved into Minor Connectivity.

Effects: Power consumption has decreased, the spell moves quicker and leaves less of a trace. You can also bypass security, and slip through defenses easier. The overall range of the spell has increased. -'Hack the Planet!'

“Dawn.... My Brightest Star. I thought spells didn't evolve?” Lash said under his breath. As a three different armies of illusions fought against each other in the back ground.

“That is incorrect, User. Spells just take far more experience to level. Though you've had the Nature Domain longer then Technomancy, you use Connectivity far more often. You must remember that spells can effectively bend reality. Something so powerful should take a long time to evolve. Though your spells do level, they will also evolve.” Dawn said softly into Lash's ear. He understood then nodded his head.

“Thank you for the quick reply, my brightest star.” Lash said with a slight smile.

“Of course, User! Please enjoy your time in The Dream.” Dawn replied.

The entire crew knew when Lash was meant to leave the plane so a few hours before that they gathered up all their 'armies' and had a battle royal. It was a miniature hell on earth with in the jet plane as different races, cultures, and armies raced across the illusion battle field. In the end! It was Samuel who won because he turned in all of his collected points that he saved up and got a six man team of Green Beret's from the 1940's. All the crew had hundreds of soldiers, logistical teams, and workers. In the end it was a six man team with limited supplies and the will to survive. Thanks to Observant Learner Lash was able to a new skill.

Congratulations User! You've obtained the skill Military Special Operations: Military activities conducted by specially designated, organized, trained, and equipped forces, manned with selected personnel, using unconventional tactics, techniques, and modes of employment. -'Activate the A-Team!'

Lash momentarily shivered at the idea of a Special Operations team of today with access to magic? As Samuel's reward Lash made dinner of things he specifically wanted to eat. Samuel had been all over the world so he wanted a lot of different dishes. But thanks to Minor Connectivity Lash was able to look up all the recipes and follow them to the letter. Soon the lounge was filled with the delightful and eclectic smells of the world. Lash even made several times types of wine, bourbon, whiskey, sake, mead. He was just a food dispenser at this point. As long as he understood the chemistry behind what it was he could cast Fabrication. Then he could cook it, or just make it then and there.

Congratulations User! Intermediate Cooking has evolved into Advanced Cooking.

Effects: You are now on par with five star chefs. Your cooking skills satisfy others on a near orgasmic level. People are content, happy, and wish for more. You can now put larger portions of magic, energy or both into your meals. Careful you could change people just because they ate your food! -'Glad you enjoyed it!'

Everyone on the plane was in a food coma, even the pilots put the plane on auto pilot. Lash quietly began to clean up with a smile on his face. He was still in his Transformation state but he dropped the Wraith disguise around the crew. So he was just a 6' 5” lizardman, long muscular tail that helped pick up dishes. He his whole body proportions were as wide as a door, since he was about five hundred pounds. But despite his massive frame he was light on his feet, and moved quietly. He still had his Warden combat gear on. So he was a battle ready, massive lizard warrior tip toeing around the plane.

Lash finished the clean up and sat down on a coach. He spent about an hour accessing the information on all the delegates from the companies that stayed at the summit. Looked through their files, checked accounting, found people that we being under utilized, compiled evidence of people embezzling and or using their position to cause issues. Then he sent each company a detailed file on the information. Technically what he did was illegal. But he was sure they wouldn't complain. Then he gave each company a specific piece of tech, formula, or business model that would help them. Left with a simple note of, -'I'll be watching.'

A soft alarm went over the plane, it was nearly time for Lash departure. As a last troll moment he cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss on the whole crew, and his companions. As they writhed and moaned in pleasure like worms on the ground. He had a malevolent smile on his face. Peyton and Mikhail were use to the scene at this point and could only sigh at Lash's antics. Lash pulled them aside for a moment to speak to them.

Peyton was beautiful before but was stunning now. She was now 5'10' even with beautiful skin, long curly black hair, with a seductive but strong figure. She still looked like she could wrestle a winter wolf to ground, but her ass and chest were far more perkier then before. Mikhail was 6'3” he had a healthy tan from their time in the desert, well defined muscles, and his ocean blue eyes almost seem to reflect starlight. His black curly hair was pulled back into a simple tail that didn't go past his shoulders. He had a triangle figure broad shoulders narrow waist. They both wore Khaki pants and loose T-shirts with tennis shoes. You know how couples dress alike? Lash cast a quick obstruction glamour around them so they would not be over heard.

“Peyton, your recommendation to the Warden's has been accepted. When you get back home you'll be reassigned to a special task force in the United Nations World Security that you now know is The Wardens. You'll be assigned a mentor, no it's not Mikhail. However, they are aware of your relationship and your engagement.” Lash filled Peyton in on the information.

Mikhail had lost his official Warden Phone and didn't trust the communications on the plane, no offense to Wayne Tech but they don't have Technomancers on their payroll. Lash didn't know the Tech-Spell Rune that would allow for safe communication yet. Peyton nodded a few times as she processed the information. She reached out to take Mikhail's hand into her own and squeezed. Mikhail looked over and smiled, his pearly white teeth gleaming.

“Mikhail, your HQ is very happy with your work and I've been told you'll get a promotion after a long boring debrief that will make you want to pull your hair out. I am more then willing to come in person or over a video feed to vouch for you. I have also said as much in the report. But I am telling you as well. So if they try to throw red tape at you just know that I'm available.” Lash said with a smile, which must have looked like a predator monster about to eat something. But Mikhail wasn't even phased by it.

“Peyton, the mentor ship is commonly a year long. Though it can be shorter. Mine was under two months. Most Warden tours are ten years, after that you can choose to retire or do another tour. Obliviously the longer your in the more benefits you get. But you still get better benefits for ten years in the Wardens then you would have done thirty in Interpol. Keep me appraised of your progress and feel free to ask me questions that you may have. Or just to chat. I'll make this clear to both of you. I want to be at your Warden Ceremony. Understood?” Lash asked, they both nodded. A proximity alarm went off. Time to get to the door!

Lash dismissed the obstruction glamour, recast his Wraith shroud disguise and moved to the back bay door. The plane began to lower its altitude. How did Lash plan to get to Themyscira when travel is strictly regulated and absolutely no man was allowed on the island unless given direct permission? He would jump out of the plane and swim to it...Simple! Petyon reached up and hugged Lash and kissed his snout. Mikhail hugged him and wished him the best of luck. They both stood out of the way and even tied a harness around them so they wouldn't get sucked out. Samuel was there with a few of the soldiers. They were all locked in, Samuel pressed the code in on the keypad for the door then saluted Lash as the door opened up and the compartment decompressed. Lash laughed with joy and jumped out of the plane well above the normal sky diving altitude and flew straight for the water like an arrow.


“He did what?” Lex Luthor said, surprise clear on his face. Mercedes stood in front of him with a report in hand.

“We have no reports of him being able to fly, right?” Lena who sat next to her brother said with a bit of worry in her voice.

Lex and Lena both sat in Lex's massive office as they listened to Mercedes report on Agent Wraith's tour. They both wore two hundred grand designer suits that were tailored for their body shapes. Mercedes being the personal secretary of Lex Luthor wore much the same. However, they both looked young, vibrant, and full of energy. Lex had gained a few pounds in muscle mass and his shoulders were broader then before. Lena had far more bounce in her step, and bounce in her chest. Mercedes was taunt like bow string and ready to be released a moments notice.

“As you know Themyscira has a strict policy on men visiting their nation. More to say they don't allow men on island. Ever sense the island has come into view dozens of attempts of been reported and even more have not. In many ways the island nation seems a little backwards in their technology. But many reports show that they do have tech that is just as good as ours or even better. Its just out of sight. Normally, you would have to get a designated boat at one of three different harbors then sail to the island under strict watch of the Amazons. It appeared Agent Wraith wanted to skip that part, so he jumped out of the Wayne Industries plane and opted to swim to the island.” Mercedes said, as she finished the report.

“Do we know if he survived the impact with the water?” Lena asked still a little speechless.

“Yes, he sent a transmission to the UN stating that he saw the island then began to move in. But that was the last communication they got from him. The Amazon's know he is visiting the island but I...” Mercedes cut herself off.

“No, Mercy please give your opinion.” Lex said, as he leaned back into his chair. He believed he knew why Wraith did it.

“I believe he is using it as a challenge. Can he get onto the island and to the city with out being noticed?” Mercedes finished. Lena leaned back as well and a amused smile grew on her face. She looked at her brother and saw that he had the same expression.

“What about the people he traveled with? They survived all of that, yes with his help. But they must be exceptional people. Do we have any information on them?” Lex asked, as he switched gears.

Mercedes pulled out two copies of two separate files and handed them both Lex and Lena. Then began to brief them on Peyton and Mikhail. They spoke for another hour about the strengths and weaknesses of each. But more importantly they discovered a simple truth. Anyone that spent significant time around Agent Wraith ended up being changed in small ways. Be it his technology, or maybe it was an ability of his alien physiology. But people grew stronger the more time they spent around him. Interesting.


Saurian swam through the ocean towards Themyscira, the island nation was actually near the Bermuda Triangle. That may explain why so many ships went missing in the area. Since all of them were commonly crewed with men. The ships that made it out of the triangle always had at least a few women on it. Saurian had used Basic Adaptation to grow fins long his back, tail, arms and legs. He grew gills on his neck along with working lungs. He had used Fabrication to give him some basic combat gear since he shredded his Warden gear for Carnosaur version back in Berlin. He cast Chameleon, and Nature's Passage on himself. Then for the first time his Blessing of Sobek activated, Lord of Water. Water its self treats you as a friend.

Before, Saurian felt like he was a foreigner in another land. Surrounded by faces he didn't recognized, languages, customs. But now he felt like he was visiting a home away from home. He was a Druid and nature it self greeted him with a warm smile. But being in the water now felt like he was with his family. A pod of whales swam next to him, Saurian cast his nature spells on them and they danced around him in joy. Just another moment that made Saurian so confused, why are Druids not worshiped in this world. The ability to heal is amazing! But they keep it to themselves, there must be something he is missing.

The whales moved with Saurian till he reached the island, he used Beast Speak and discovered that the Amazons had been hunting and killing the whale hunters in the area. He cast Return Youth on the whales before they moved on. Saurian took a moment to ground himself then began to swim straight down to the ocean floor. He fully intended to try and sneak into Themyscira and find Lizzy with out them knowing he was there. Why? All because of a quest he had obtained about twelve hours before he jumped out of the plane.

Attention User! Your Cosmic Patron has issued you an optional quest! Try your best to enter Themyscira with out being noticed. Track, and find your Pack-Sister Lizzy, and her fiancee Isabella.

Challenge Rating: B+

Rewards: Based on how far you get in before you are captured.

Rewards: Based on how close you get to finding your objectives.

Rewards: Based on how much damage you take.

The challenge rating was new, Lash assumed it was another version update. Saurian didn't really care, he just wanted to try. He swam deeper and deeper towards the ocean floor his body adapting to the change. He got a few prompts from Damage Resistance has the pressure continued to build. The sunlight from the surface grew silent and listless. Not three hundred feet in front of him a magical shimmer reflected in the water. A magical crafted spell-net that wouldn't catch, or hold a trespasser. But it would tell the Amazon security forces of an intruder, what direction, and the net would leave a mark on them. That was one of the main reasons why no one could sneak on the island. The other was the Amazon's took the security of their nation very seriously. Plus every women and girl that grew up from the age of five was trained in the art of combat. The sons of Themyscira didn't live on the island.

It was pitch black at the ocean floor, but to Saurian it was a beautiful sight. His eyes adjusted to see in the dark thanks to Night Eye. He saw brilliant hues of color from the different plant life and animals. A few deep sea fish swam over to check him out. He fed them each with Nature magic and said hello. They nuzzled against him like a pack of wolves or a pride of lions. Then he cast Earth Swim, and Material Shaping then went into the rock of the ocean floor. He took his time and went straight down until he found it. The Spell-Net only went so deep underground. He triple checked the area then slipped under the net and slowly moved back up to the rock surface. After an hour had passed of swimming through the rock he found the surface again. He was past the net, he got a prompt from his quest that it had begun.

On the swim back up to the waters surface the sun had set and the Caribbean crescent moon was high in the sky. The water clear and warm on the skin...Or, scales in this perspective. A pod of Dolphins swam over to Saurian and said hello. He greeted them as well and fed them Nature magic like he did with all the animals he met. The Dolphins were delighted and swam around him for several minutes. After he wondered why his Chameleon spell didn't seem to keep the animals from noticing him. But then he realized that none of the animals showed even the tiniest hostility towards him. Loop hole in the spell?

Saurian came to the ocean's surface and floated there with just his head and skull crest above the water. He took a breath of fresh air then slowly pushed his tail towards the beach. He recast Chameleon, and Nature's Passage, then he cast Reduce and shrunk down to about six feet high and twelve feet long from noes to tail. He had to be careful though because he still weighed nearly five hundred pounds. The island was beautiful! Tropical trees, plant life, flowers, white sandy beaches, crystal clear ocean water. The water would rise and fall with the tide, the waves crashed with subtle music....No wait that was real music.

Saurian turned towards a light that was on the beach, he moved across the beach on all fours with careful steps towards the tree line and slipped into the bushes and trees. Saurian moved along until he saw a massive bonfire with flames that touched the sky, massive logs had been thrown into the pit. Amazonian women played a collection of drums, string instruments, and a few of them sang. While the rest of say eighty or so women who wore little next to nothing danced around the fire. He watched them with interest for a bit and saw several women walk off together into the forest some times in pairs other times more. With the breathless sounds of moans that came from the tree's Saurian could assume their activities. He was right, Lizzy and Isabella would be comfortable here.

Saurian watched the bonfire for a bit more then returned to his mission. Themyscira was about the size of Southern Australia. How did such a big island in the North Atlantic Ocean stay hidden? Magic of the Old Gods can do a lot of things that modern science couldn't explain, but it something to do with a pocket space. So that meant that Saurian had thousands of miles to comb through, he could reach out with his Pack Bond but if Lizzy said a single word about him it would give away the mission. So he would have to track her the old fashioned way.


“So.....That would mean that he is on the island right now? Warden Lash is attempting to sneak onto our island, just to see if he can?” Diana said out loud to the council chamber of Themyscira.

“What makes him think that he can do this? It would be an insult to us if a man tried to sneak into the island! The Queen already gave a man permission to enter he should do so with full respect and courtesy!” One of the Elder Amazonian warriors called. The sound of soft knocking silenced the chamber. Queen Hippolyta received every ones attention.

“Sister Althea, how familiar would you say that Warden Lash is with our history?” The Queen said with the voice of Authority. Althea who stood at the base of the table had to think about it for a moment.

“I would say that Warden Lash is an excellent student of history. He has always gone out of his way to learn customs, courtesies, and the culture of those he interacts with. He is a quick learner, and seems to have an excellent memory.” Althea answered, as she tried to understand the Queens line of thinking.

Queen Hippolyta nodded her head then looked over at Philipus her general. A small smile began to grow on Philipus face. The room was quiet as a conversation with out words was exchanged between the Queen and her general. Diana shared a look with Althea as if to ask if she knew what was going on. Then Queen Hippolyta turned to Diana, Diana snapped to attention to look at her mother.

“Princess Diana, General Philipus, Envoy Althea you will pool your resources and hunt this.... 'Infiltrator' down. But let this be clear, I want him alive and to be brought to me. Understood?” The Queen proclaimed.

“As you command!” The room announced, and adjourned. But Diana left the council confused, what did her mother know that she didn't...Did Warden Lash know something she didn't?


Buuuurrraaaaaaa! A horn blasted behind Saurian as he sprinted across the open field of grass at best possible speed. A cheer rang out as hundreds of horses galloped after him, each one held a warrior Amazon as they chased their quarry to ground. Arrows peppered the ground around him, and several pierced into his scaled hide. But none of them caused any real damage. Saurian had been on the island for about three days. He was careful, never stayed in one place longer then an hour. Then while he scouted by a town he caught Lizzy's scent . It was faint, several weeks old. She wasn't at the town anymore but he had a direction. Then after that night everything went to shit! Torches were set ablaze in the town, and hundreds of hunters and warriors came out to look around. They knew he was here.

Thankfully the quest never said anything about being spotted, just on being captured. Saurian ran faster then the Amazon horses and they knew it. So they split up and tried to cut him off. He took a hard left and ran straight for a river. The grassy field was huge, filled with rolling hills scattered rocks, but a simple river no more then a few feet across and maybe a foot deep ran across the whole field like it was a dividing line between counties. Arrows whistled behind him and planted themselves into the dirt. Saurian jumped into the air and dove straight into the river! He cast Earth Swim and swam under the ground. But as the water settled three copies of Saurian sprinted off in different directions. Essence Imbuement, Phantasm, and False Life. The Saurian copies raced off all of them left behind trails, and all of them look strung out and ragged. The Amazon teams looked confused but soon regained their focus and split up. The Illusion Domain was not in Warden Lash's file.

For over an hour the clones ran around as they never went in a straight line. They zig zagged this way and that. Some of them suddenly changed directions and dashed straight towards their pursuers. Until at last a hunter got a good hit off and the clone burst into particles. The hunter looked confused, looked at her weapon then back at the spot her arrow was. After a moment they discovered that it was a phantasm! They all were! They had been tricked! Buuuuuurrrrraaaa! The Horn sounded off again, but this time it was nearly twenty miles from their location! They had spotted him! Then they spotted him again....And again, then again. By day three the Amazon's eyes were twitching in irritation. They white knuckled their weapons. They were going to kill this man, damn the queens orders!

Saurian sprinted from tree to tree. Bush to bush. He had learned long ago that the spell Chameleon did absolutely nothing against Amazons. Nature's Passage still kept him from leaving tracks, or smell. But he got the impression they were angry with him, especially when Lash suggested they make a full dance party banquet in their honor. With fabricated food, drink, table wear, and a proximity release spell of phantasm servants that appeared as soon as the hunters showed up. All that food wasted, scattered to the ground.

He was sure they would love the techno dance rave that he had created in the middle of the jungle. With a DJ who wore a panda costume on the stage. Synth wave, techno, cyberpunk, daft punk, and sand storm. With rainbow lasers and hundreds of young, athletic boys and girls having a good time! Yes! He was sure they would love that!


Philipus stood in the middle of the jungle near the recent sightings of Lash and his partner Saurian. There in jungle was a party, a feast of the eyes of lights, sounds, and young children dancing the night away. Young boys and girls crafted with great detail and care. Each one unique, special in their own way, each one acted differently. Some were shy, others bold. Some wore full cloths, others in nothing but strips of cloth. The music blared, and the base could be felt in Philipus's bones. The white and black bear on the stage changed the music and danced as well. The Elite Warrior Guard of Themyscira were both fascinated and confused. Was this real? They had seen many Illusions cast by the Warden in the lasts few days. Some of them tricks of the eyes, some of them left behind trails. They had come across a feast that could be eaten and interacted with. They could smell the sweat that came from the people in the crowd, several warriors took drinks from the offered children and it tasted sweet.

“Stars above how did he make this in under an hour!?” Philipus screamed! Her soldiers winced at the dismay of their general.

“General, what should we do about...Them?” One of her soldiers pointed at the party.

“Have the trackers determined if he is hiding among them?” She asked, her body trembling with rage and anticipation.

“They have, he has moved on towards the east.” The soldier replied.

“Leave it then! This must take magical energy to maintain, if he wants to wast hi....” Philipus was about to say until the DJ on the stage called out.

“Lets give a great big shout out to our Amazon Hosts! What do we all say!?” The black and white bear said to the crowd. Every single man and woman turned around in perfect sync and said.

“Hello! Goodbye! And Thanks for all the fish! Woooooooo!” The crowd cheered.

“Fish?” Philipus said more to herself then to any one else.


Saurian sat outside of what he could only assume was one of the largest cities on the island. It wasn't the capitol he made sure of that. But with hundreds of young women that ran around in training gear, some with bags that held scrolls, and books. It had towers that reached the night sky, giant copper bowls filled with oil and fire that lit up the night sky. The moon was nearly full in the night sky, with stars a plenty like an ocean of sparkling jewels. The walls made from pure marble, inscribed with protection spells. Amazon's stood guard at the gates, on the ramparts, and patrolled the streets. They took the job seriously. Especially since they had been told about a infiltrator lizard that had sneaked onto the island. Lizzy was in his city, he was sure of it. He had smelled Isabella on the wind, this is where they stay while Lizzy is not out during lessons.

Saurian took a deep breath then swam into the earth, he moved slowly as he watched the patrol routes and the owl like gazes of the guards on the wall. Every town, and city he had come across had carefully placed tiles down for roads, paths, and side walks. The cities were kept clean and they took pride in their home. He met the stone tile road and pushed through it, his passage barely left a ripple. Earth Swim has leveled several times, now that he knew his spells could evolve he was curious what Earth Swim would change into? Made he would get Density Shift? No, that would be an alien racial trait or skill. Not a spell, or would it? Maybe he could buy it? He'd have to check.

Saurian slipped into the city, stuck his nostrils out to take a breath and to smell for Lizzy or Isabella. Many of the women in the city were eating dinner, talking about their day. Getting dressed to go out and visit a few dance circles. Saurian followed the scent of Lizzy until he froze, he reached out with his connection and could feel her. He didn't link the Pack Bond but he didn't need to, to feel for his own pack. He swam towards that direction only to pause a few minutes later. Lizzy stayed in a gated community in a nice string of villas, she was the fifth house down. That specific house had about thirty guards who were alert and ready for action. Saurian could smell Isabella, were the guards there to watch and protect the Blood-Kindred? Or did they figure out that Lizzy was his objective? Saurian came to a stand still, the earth around him solidified as if he had always been there. He had to think, to figure this out. Idea! He cast Connectivity and called Lizzy's phone. Despite the Ancient Greek look the Amazon's went for, unlike in DC comics the Amazons in this world did not disappear completely. They allowed envoys to visit the different super-natural communities, and help Wardens keep the peace. So, all the technology of modern day was still in their culture it just up and hidden away, plus they had magic.....Ring.....Ring....Ring...

“Lash!? Oh my God! How are you?!” Lizzy squealed in delight and her voice made every guard in the area snap to attention. They sprinted towards Lizzy's location, and that was enough room for Saurian to slip through the property line.

“Hello Lizzy! How is life in the tropical paradise of Themyscira?” Saurian's voice was gruff and hard to understand but Lizzy had known Lash before and after his mugging so she could pick up on little things.

“Wait, why do you sound so different? And where are you?” Lizzy asked with worry. Saurian transmitted his voice through the spell. So he adjusted his voice and replied.

“There is that better? I'm actually on the island now! Wanted to call you to let you know.” Saurian's voice changed to fit more Lash but it was still gruff.

“You are!...What? One minute Lash.” Lizzy said, as the guards knocked on her room. Saurian was in the property of the Villa now. He assumed he had to touch Lizzy and Isabella for the quest to finish. Lizzy's voice came back on the line, but her voice dripped with accusation.

“Lash....Where are you on the island, right now?” Lizzy said, an icy tone in her voice. Lizzy had put him on speaker phone.

“I am currently looking at a beautiful city with towering observatories, and a coliseum that I can only assume is the training arena. Elizabeth. I can see the front entrance, they sure have a lot of guards running around. Is Isabella there?” Saurian described the front gate. Half the guards ran from the villa to report the information.

“I'm here!” Isabella's sweet voice came over the phone. The rest of the guards left the villa to patrol the area.

“So....Lash. Where are you really?” Lizzy said, her voice filled with disbelief.

Lizzy and Isabella were in the main sitting area of the Villa. It was pretty but also minimalist with simple decorations on the sides. Coaches, pillows, and tables spread about. Several rooms and hallways were connected to the main room. Lizzy sat on a grand coach with Isabella next to her. Lizzy wore a simple cloth that wrapped around her chest, and a cloth skirt. Her skin was a healthy tan that showed she spent time in the sun. Her fiery red hair was pulled back in a loose tail, it fell behind her over the coach. She looked strong, and muscular. Her hourglass figure was only brought out more by two strips of cloth that covered her. Isabella's caramel skin, and dark hair was braided down her back. She had gold clips decorated through it. She wore a once piece toga that wrapped around her chest, and was only a mid thigh skirt. With simple leather straps holding it in place.

Saurian swapped to Lash in the earth, Lizzy had never met Saurian. They didn't want her to scream. Lash stepped out of the marble floor with out a sound and came to stand behind Lizzy and Isabella. Lizzy waited patiently for his reply as the phone was on the table in front of her. Isabella who's senses were sharper turned her head and let out a squeal of surprise. That made Lizzy turn around quickly and she screamed in surprise also! She jumped over the coach and tackled Lash in a hug! Lash made sure to pull Isabella into the hug as well. With that the quest ended.

Congratulations User! You've completed the optional quest of your Cosmic Patron. He is very impressed with your objectivity, that you did not get distracted, and loved your creative traps you made.

Objective: You never got captured! You found your objective, and barely took any damage.

Comments: Out Freaking Standing! An island with beautiful women and you never stopped to admire the scenery or lack of cloths. You went straight to your family and missed out on several sexual experiences.

Rewards: Intermediate Charming Presence has evolved into Advanced Charming Presence. Not only are you charming, suave, and simply attract sexual attention. The skill has placed a glamorous perception on you. So little things that the viewer finds attractive will now be on you. -'I'm so sorry user, if you had known ahead of time you never would have done the quest.'

Rewards: Basic Sex has evolved into Intermediate Sex: You are a modern day Casanova trained in the arts of seduction, sex appeal, foreplay, and sex it self! You know a variety of positions, fetishes, kinks, and tools to be used.

Rewards: Blessing of Aphrodite: Men and Women will find you 10% more attractive. You are 10% more talented in the art of sex appeal, seduction, and sex.

Lash's entire body went rigid, and his face became pale with fear. No....Please no.... He felt the changes in his body, in his energy, and presence. Lizzy and Isabella both snuggled into his embrace. His arms wrapped around the two special people in his life, but then he realized his hands had begun to automatically massage and press into their backs and necks. Lizzy let out a soft moan then squeaked in surprise before she stepped out of Lash's arms. She was bright red, Isabella didn't jump away she leaned into his chest and wiggled her body clearly wanting more. Lizzy pulled her fiancee from Lash's arms and tried to clear the air as she clapped.

“So! Ahahaha! Ummmmm! Why are the Amazons hunting you? I mean, anyone who see's you would want you. I mean haha!hahahah! Do...Do you want to sit down?” Lizzy was hysterical now, and Isabella looked at Lash with confusion. Lash had face palmed and looked like he wanted to hit something.

“Dawn, can you pause the world for a moment?” He mumbled into his hand. The world slowed to a crawl then stopped. Lash couldn't move his feet, or most of his body for that matter. This was to prevent Users from abusing the Pause system in The Dream.

“Can I shut this off!? Can I delete the skill!? I can I buy a skill deletion tool in the store?!” Lash yelled into the night.

“I'm sorry, User. No you can't turn it off, nor can you delete the skill. This is one of the cons of having the Cosmic Patron. You must imagine the Cosmic Patron like a Game Master, or a reader in an online novel club. They will throw things at the world to mess up the User, the Protagonist or Antagonist because to them its fun. It brings a sense of entertainment. But the pro of the Cosmic Patron is they grow attached to the User. They want to see the User succeed. I know you are worried about Consent, but please be at ease. Consent works both ways. No one in The Dream will ever force themselves onto you.” Dawn said in an apologetic voice.

“So....With all the buffs, bonuses, and skills. If some one finds me even 1% attractive. They will suddenly find me 50% attractive? The effect scales! So the moment they find me 2% attractive it's 100%?!” Lash questioned the sanity of that buff.

“Oh no! User, your math is far from correct. There are many subtle differences from attraction, to friendship, to mutual respect. Attraction is not something that just happens with explosive interest, it will take time to develop. Your buffs just make it grow faster. If a complete stranger finds you even a little bit attractive they will not suddenly want to pin you to the floor and have sex with you. So please be at ease.” Dawn said in a consoling tone.

“Dawn....Why do I feel like there is more to it?” Lash said, with a clear tone of disbelief.

“Aha! Why would you say that, User!” Dawn said as she chuckled nervously.

“So the buffs act like miracle grow? The affection rate just develops faster? Tell me, when does that growth stop?” Lash said, as he began to grit his teeth.

“Well you can't sit around and talk to me all night, User! Didn't you say that you only have a week off of work! You should get back to it! Ahahahaha!” Dawn laughed hysterically then began to slowly return the world to its original flow of time.

“Lash are you ok?” Isabella said softly, she looked truly concerned for him. Lizzy swallowed her saliva and turned to look at Lash. She was surprised by the hurt and grief stricken look on his face.

“Yes I am ok, this just got more complicated than anticipated. Isabella could you please step out side and tell the guards that I am in the room. We need to get this over with as fast as possible.” Lash as walked to the middle of the room. He pushed a few things aside and prepared for what would come next.

Isabella looked at Lizzy who shrugged her shoulders. Lizzy walked around to face Lash's front as Isabella walked out side to talk to the guards. Lizzy stood in the room with a worried expression on her face. Something happened, between the time she hugged Lash with Isabella and after. It was a few seconds! What could have changed in that time? The front door was slammed open, splinters flew and the guards raced in, one of them attempted to tackle Lash. He easily grabbed her and flung her off, then the others joined in. He continued to only do simple defensive gestures, never did he actually attack anyone. Lizzy was shocked and was about to ask what was going on, but Isabella pulled her aside and explained why they attacked him. Oh shit! Lash what have you done!


Diana walked through the palace at a hurried pace. She checked her armor, and tied the lasso of Truth to her side, along with her sword of Athena in her scabbard. She morning sun brought its warmth onto her face. Several of the Elite guard saluted her as she came down the stairs. She jumped onto her Pegasus then they flew off towards the city of learning. An hour ago the report came in that Warden Lash had been found there. He had made it all the way to his sister Lizzy, and her fiancee Isabella. He had sneaked onto the island, lead the armies of Themyscira on a chase across their home, got away, and found his sister. But what should have been a victory turned into brutal punishment. The warriors and hunters of Themyscira had never failed to capture an infiltrator. So when Lash went to give himself up they attacked him!

Queen Hippolyta her mother tasked her to retrieve Warden Lash and his Partner Saurian. To bring them back to the palace so they may speak in person. Diana flew through the air along with the other elite guard as quickly as possible to the city. Where a brawl had broken out. No, it was more to say it was a beat down between one man and an army of Amazons. But the terrifying thing was, Lash had fallen in battle yet. He still fought! How was that possible?! The simple Warden that was so fragile in the battle against Ares? The battle was only a few months ago, how could Lash become so much stronger? Something else troubled Diana, something her mother said before she had left.

“When you see him, don't be surprised.” Hippolyta said. Surprised? She'd met Lash before, he was an average looking man with the heart of a Hunter, and the integrity to do the right thing. She had hoped they could be friends. Like her friend Steve Trevor!


Lash bounced and weaved through the ocean of swords, spears, and arrows. The warriors were like a tide but thankfully they did not shoot blindly. They would take turns, attack from his sides, or from behind. But they would never just swing with out restraint. Clang! Another sword struck his back and his scales absorbed the kinetic energy and brought the overall damage down. Lash wrapped the amazon in energy and flung her away in the waiting hands of her sisters.

The villa was long gone, all that was left was a ruined husk of the gated community Lizzy had been living in. Lash wore his tattered Warden combat gear and little else. He had cast Transformation for the natural armor and stat increase. But felt that if he swapped out to Saurian they may truly try and kill him. At first he felt their anger for him playing tricks on them, for getting past all their defenses, and reaching Lizzy. Because if he could do it? Whats to stop others from doing it.

Another warrior stepped from the ocean of weapons and tried to wade through the Mud Marsh that Lash had created. The Amazons had to fight in a swamp that didn't effect Lash. She did an open wide slash with a spin that she regretted as Lash wrapped his tail around her leg and flung her back into the crowd. Another spear wielder whipped her weapon to his left, then to his right. He ducked under the spear and flew forward like a cannon. She flew back into the crowd, then another challenger came. Then another! He'd been fighting for nearly eight hours!

Congratulations User! Intermediate Weapon Master has evolved into Advanced Weapon Master!

Effects: You understand how to use, but also how to defend against all forms of weapons that have been used in the history of Earth. You'll learn Alien weaponry at a 25% increase. You will notice a dramatic increase in damage, defense, and reduced energy consumption when you use weapons of all types.

Congratulations User! Intermediate Martial Arts has evolved into Advanced Martial Arts!

Effects: You understand where the root of Martial Arts came from, and have learned dozens of different forms, techniques, skills, and abilities. But in the end, the root did not change. You learn Alien Martial Arts 25% faster. You will notice a dramatic increase in damage, defense, and reduced energy consumption when you use all forms of Martial Arts.

Lash got faster, and faster. He moved like a blur across the battle field. He struck spears and swords in half with his attacks. Waved his arms in a half crescent and collected the arrows straight from the sky. He tossed them aside, as he flowed like water around the warriors who came to challenge him. He struck each one once in precise locations and they dropped to the ground. Electricity made them go rigid, as the strikes hit nerve connections. Lash wasn't being brutal, he was like a scalpel in a surgeons hand. He'd been on the defensive this entire time. No more, he could control his power enough to disable with out hurting or killing.

The warriors thrust their spears and he collected them with his hand like picking up after errant children. He twisted his body and raised his leg up to strike each warrior. As they flew back in surprise Lash slapped the Mud Marsh with his hand as rising geyser of liquid marble rose into the air it turned back into stone and rained hail onto everyone. For a brief moment they all raised shield above them, then they looked back and saw a dozen or so Lash's move into the crowd and begin to systematically disable Amazon after Amazon.

Warriors and Hunters was left on the ground, tiny sparks of electricity danced across their body. They convulsed, and twitched but none of them would suffer any permanent damage. The doppelganger versions of the Lizard Hybrid worked together with one mind. One would distract while one struck. Slipped past their defenses and hit the exposed parts of their armor. None of the Amazons Lash fought were in full armor. They wore the typical southern tropical clothes. The guards wore light to medium leather gear but still showed plenty of skin. Plenty of fan service gear. But it made sense, they were in their home. They didn't need full armor like Lash saw them wear during the Ares invasions.

Lash struck with his palm straight into a warriors solar plexus, the electricity danced through her body and she dropped like a rag doll. A warrior would strike with a sword and Lash would grab it with his hand, the electricity would dance down the blade. The warriors learned quickly not to attack with any kind of metal. So spears came out front, no shields because they had conductors. Well it should have worked if it was normal electricity. If any weapon struck him or any of his clones they would get electrified. If he struck any of them, electrified! If....

“ENOUGH!” A shout sounded above them all. With a whistle and a crash! Wonder Woman slammed into the ground from the skies above. She held her hands up to stop the conflict then looked at Lash, her eyes went wide in disbelief. As one by one Lash's clones faded from sight.

Wonder Woman was stunning to behold as usual. She wore a leather corset, along with a half metal breast plate. She had pauldrons, gauntlets, and greaves on. Half plates covered her biceps and thighs so she could have freedom of movement. She had a leather skirt with split mail sewn in. She wore half mask half helmet of the Ancient Greeks. Each piece of armor was magically enchanted, her hourglass figure screamed sex appeal that any man or woman would find attractive. Diana took her Lasso of Truth out and wrapped it around Lash, the golden light shined brilliantly.

“Stand down, Warden Lash! The Lasso compe...! By the gods that's impossible!” Diana screamed in panic, as did many of the Amazons.

Lash looked amused, and surprised. As soon as the Lasso wrapped around his body his long lost friend Nullification activated. The magical energy that compelled him to obey stopped functioning. The Lasso didn't break! It just wouldn't work on Lash. Interesting! Lash loosened the knot on the rope which also should have been impossible but he did it. Then he walked over to Diana, he slowly returned to his default form and Repaired his clothing so he wouldn't be naked in front of her.

“Sorry, Princess Diana that doesn't work on me.” Lash handed the lasso back to her. Diana looked at Lash then back at the lasso then back at Lash.

“But.... It works on all mortals! You've have to be a God, or a demigod, or...” Diana said in disbelief.

“Or a God-Kin, more importantly a full matured God-Kin. Not like that whelp you fought on statue island. But a full fledged God-Kin would be resistant to the Lasso of Truth.” Lash said out loud. His skill Other Worldly Lore activated and sent him information.

Diana's eyes opened wide. As did nearly every Amazon warrior that heard the conversation. That would explain it! That's how he resisted the Lasso! That's how he was able to sneak into Themyscira! He was a God-Kin! Or so the Amazon's all believed. Because never in their wildest dreams could they believe a normal mortal with out any assistance could break into Themyscira that is watched over by the Old Gods themselves!

“If we are done fighting? Could I say goodbye to Elizabeth and Isabella before I go to meet the Queen?” Lash asked, he took a knee and bowed his head. Diana quickly went to help him to his feet.

“Of course! In fact they should come with us!” Diana now understood why her mother told her not to be surprised when she saw Lash. Not only was Lash a Oracle, he was a God-Kin. The spell-net that surrounded the island didn't work on the Divine! Her mother realized this when no one else did!

Amazonian spell casters rushed into the battle field and retrieved the fallen but not injured warriors. They quickly cleaned up the mess and the gated community was rebuilt in under an hour. Lash, along with Lizzy and Isabella were given horses to ride. Lash worried for his horse and explained to Diana how much he weighed. The horse was bred for war by the Amazons it would be fine. So he carefully got onto the horse, it seemed a little surprised by how he weighed but didn't complain. Lash fed the horse some magic and it seem to relax. Lash didn't have to command the horse, he just spoke to it and it moved on its own. This surprised many of the Amazons.

Congratulations User! You've obtained the skill Animal Riding: You've gained the basics of what is to ride an animal, something that is out of your control. But with practice, and communication you can compromise and work together.

Though Diana and her Elite guard could have flown to the capitol on their pegasie, they chose to stay on the ground with them. Lizzy opened and closed her mouth several times. She clearly had questions, but didn't know how to ask. She had watched her adopted brother, and friend fight off a small army of Amazons all by himself. She knew he was different but that was to much of a stretch for her to handle. Isabella was the same, she had heard stories about Lash. But that was far out of her expectations. But what was even more astonishing was when did Lash become a God-Kin? Was he always a God-Kin? No, the Warden's would have checked that when they held the ceremony. So this happened recently?

“It's recent, it happened while on my tour. When we got shot down and survived the attack.” Lash said out of no where.

“Wait!? You got shot down?!” Lizzy yelled in surprise, She turned around on her horse to look at Lash. Isabella wanted to rush over and check on Lash. But it seemed silly now that she stopped to think about it.

“Yes, while we traveled over Iran and Saudi Arabia we were shot down by the Bialya special forces. Everyone onboard was killed, except for my two companions Mikhail and Peyton. During the trip across the desert I had a moment of clarity. In that moment I was chosen to be a God-Kin. However, who my God or Goddess is I have no idea. Its not my patron that I receive Oracles from, but another.” Lash said loudly so everyone including the Amazon's could hear him.

“Oracle? As in you receive messages from God?” Lizzy looked at Lash like he grown a second head. Lizzy didn't really follow a faith, she went to seminary in high school because her parents wanted her to. But that was it.

“Sister Elizabeth, you've been to the schools. How we pray and follow the Old Gods? The Old Gods are very real. Lash receives Oracles from one of them, it is one of the reasons why he is so active. Why he is in the thick of things while others are not. He is a Champion of his God. Now he has been chosen by another to carry on the spark of Divinity.” Diana called out to her. Lizzy wanted to refuse the idea. The super-natural was all still to new to her. She looked down and chewed on her bottom lip in thought.

They continued to ride in silence after that. Lizzy made several glances back at Lash but didn't say anything in the end. Isabella came over and rode her horse next to Lizzy. Diana brought her pegasus towards Lash and spoke softly to him. Diana's raven black hair fell across her shoulders and bit of natural scent filled Lash's nose. Wow she smelled good.

“It hasn't been long since we last saw one another my friend. I hardly recognized you when I saw you fighting against my sisters.” Diana said softly.

“Sorry about that, Princess. I tried to surrender peacefully but they attacked me. I chose to defend myself instead of becoming a pin cushion.” Lash apologized once more, he bowed his head.

“Not at all! If we are being honest they should not have attacked you. Once a warrior...Or a hunter surrenders they should have been taken into custody. However, with the tricks you played on the armies for nearly a week. Tensions were high, we haven't had such extensive exercises in....Many years.” Diana said, a bit of amusement and guile on her face.

“You must have played hide and go seek very well when you were young.” Lash said to her. Diana looked at him and a smile tugged on her lips.

“I did! There was a time when mother got the entire island to look for me. I stayed hidden for three days before they caught me!” Diana said proudly.

“Ah! Before I forget. There is something I wanted to talk to you about...” Lash said, as he pulled out his phone.

Lash then began to talk to Wonder Woman about the Justice League. The different levels of membership, and organizations. How it was important to be functional apart but still united enough to work together. He listed off the people he had spoken to, but has yet to get a clear yes or no. But told her about the phone line. The idea that warriors and heroes of Earth could connect and seek help if needed intrigued her. She had to admit she felt like a boat with out a rudder. Where ever the wind took her she went. The Wardens were willing to help her with missions. But the Wardens were largely a peace keeping organization. They didn't go looking for trouble. Well except Lash who seem to be a trouble magnet.

They arrived at Themyscira's capital as the sun was about to set under the watchful gaze of the Elite Guard that kept a glaring eye on Lash. Word had been sent ahead that Warden Lash and his Partner Saurian were God-Kin. This helped the wounded pride and ego of the Amazons but didn't alleviate the fact that he had eluded them, tricked them, and made them look foolish. One man had done that! Then on top of it all he had surrendered himself, and their sisters having heard the humiliation had attacked him. But he had won! Yes, Princess Diana stopped the fight before it got out of hand. But it was clear that Lash had not been trying to hurt any one. They all felt that if it was a real battle they would have kill him easily....Maybe.

They came before the palace and dismounted, attendants came and took the horses and pegasie away. Lash cast Immaculate on himself, Lizzy, and Isabella. He offered the same treatment to the Amazons. Diana took the offer as did a few others, most declined. Lash adjusted his Warden combat gear, fixed some of the wrinkles until Lizzy rolled her eyes and came over to help.

“When this is all over I hope you will take the time to explain. I'm not mad, just...Worried.” Lizzy said softly. Lash took her hands in his and smiled.

“Lizzy, I will always love you. If you ask I will explain, but you have to remember. I'm a man, I'm a simple creature that doesn't understand the complexities of a woman's mind.” Lash said with a smile. Lizzy glared at him. Isabella laughed lightly behind her. Diana had a amused grin on her face, many of the guards all nodded with that sentiment. Men were simple creatures, how could they hope to keep up with women?

Diana led the group towards the throne room, two giant doors stood before them. Lizzy and Isabella had met the Queen when they arrived. Lizzy had met her before when she came here on a vacation. The city that was open to the public was on the tail end of the island away from the Capitol. The architecture of the palace was Ancient Greek with magic inscribed into the walls. A few modern day conveniences, like hidden security cameras were in a few places that Lash could sense thanks to Technomancy. Diana stood before the door, squared her shoulders and called to her mother.

“Queen Mother, I have brought Warden Lash and his Partner Hunter Saurian. We have in attendance his adopted sister Elizabeth, and her fiancee Isabella. May we enter!” Diana shouted through the door.

“Enter.” A strong feminine voice spoke through the door. The guards pushed the doors open and the group entered into the throne room.

It wasn't a massive throne like you would see on television. Lash understood this was more of a viewing room. There would be another throne room in the palace would be larger and more accommodating when court was held with the officials from across the island nation. Most palaces have several different throne rooms that cater to the exact occasion. Like the current situation, this was an informal visit. Queen Hippolyta wore a regal toga outfit that covered her from neck, to her ankles. Her shoulders revealed but only barely. But Lash could tell that she wore armor under it. Despite her relaxed appearance she was ready to fight at any moment. She held a staff with the shinning sun at the top. Her golden hair was held back by a jeweled head band. Her perfect hour glass figure could not be hidden under her toga or her armor. She was incredibly seductive with her body taunt and ready to strike at any moment. Yep, Lash had a type!

Lash stopped thirteen steps from the first step of the throne. He took a knee and bowed his head. The rest of his group looked back at him in surprise. Lash then performed a near perfect etiquette of formal respect and greeting. From body position, to hand movements, to an Ancient Amazonian greeting that was incredibly hard to pronounce. Because the greeting was actually a sub-dialect of the Old Gods. When he finished speaking, a golden light filled the room. It came directly from the statue of The Queen Goddess Hera that stood behind Hippolyta.

“Rise Warden Lash, and Hunter Saurian. Welcome to Themyscira. It seems we have a few things to discuss. But first, I would very much like to know how you entered our home with out us knowing.” Hippolyta spoke softly, as a divine light shinned in her eyes.

“As you wish, your Highness.” Lash replied....

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