Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 49: Cliche Melodrama!

Lash with respect and humility began to tell The Queen of Themyscira how he infiltrated the island. The idea that someone or something could swim to the depths of the ocean, dig through the ground and come up under the net never occurred to anyone. Because the pressure from the depths would crush modern technology like a tin can. But, mundane technology was not the only intruders they could have on the island. The Atlanteans can easily swim to that depth. Diana was confused, she had thought Lash had gotten past the net because he was a God-Kin. Turns out that was not so, the net still activates regardless of who passes through it. Those with the spark of Divinity be it a God, Goddess, Demigod, or God-Kin just had different rules that applied to them when they visited the island.

“Queen Mother, what agreement did you come to with General Philipus? You made it seem like Lash knew something about the history of our people?” Diana asked with clear confusion on her face. Hipploylta gestured towards Lash, testing his awareness of what he had done.

“By breaking the law of Themyscira of infiltration several things can happen. I'll name a few so everyone can understand. First: I would be either put to death or imprisoned for life. Second: I could be given a trial to prove the why and how of my infiltration if it was for a specific cause such as life or death. Third: In order to earn my 'innocence' I would have to complete a trial, a task chosen by the council and the Queen herself.” Lash said nonchalantly, as his Other Worldly Lore activated.

Lizzy and Isabella both looked horrified at the idea that Lash could be executed because he sneaked into Themyscira. Lizzy walked across the room and squeezed Lash's hand. He looked at her with a smile and squeezed back. Diana held her chin in her hand as she thought about the consequences. She knew all of those. Lash wouldn't be executed because not only was he a Oracle, a God-Kin, but also a foreign Agent of the UN. He would technically have diplomatic immunity. Even if his actions would have gone completely against the rules of engagement. A trial seems far more feasible, if anything he would be banned from returning to Themyscira and the UN would have to pay compensation. Diana looked at her mother, Queen Hippolyta had a smile on her face as she watched her daughter go down the list of possibilities.

“Warden Lash, you have the Grave Domain do you not?” Hippolyta asked softly, she drew the attention of everyone in the room.

“I do, your highness.” Lash said, he squeezed the hands of Lizzy and Isabella who came over to offer support.

“Then I have a task for you that will earn your forgiveness in the eyes of the Amazons. Do you accept this task.” Hippolyta said, she with held what the actual task was until he agreed.

Attention User! Your Cosmic Patron has a message for you from the Goddess Persephone. Accept the task and one out of your three favors will be complete.

Rewards: Depends on how well you do, and if you live.

Lash stepped forward and took a knee then bowed his head. Lash was in his default human form so his skin was a healthy pink color with a shiny bald head with several tribal tattoos that represent his Domains. The tribal marks have grown down his back, shoulders, and across his chest. The Warden tactical combat gear had been repaired and remade several times since he hand started this journey. So much so that he and improved its overall rating and capabilities. But he felt that what came next would rend not only his combat gear but his flesh and bone.

“I accept the task given, simply tell me what it is and I'll do so. Even until my dying breath.” Lash said to the Queen. The Queen stood up and slammed her staff three times to announce the order.

“Warden Lash, and his Partner Saurian will travel to the depths of Themyscira, to the gates of Tartarus. There with in the realm of Hades will you retrieve a lost relic of the Amazons. In ages past this relic was the Divine tool that collected the souls of our Sisters when they fell in battle. Your task is to sneak into Tartarus and retrieve this item from the Fallen Lord of Hell who holds it. Bring this item back to us, and all charges against you will be dropped.” Queen Hippolyta declared, the golden statue of Hera shinned brilliantly and a Oath Rune was inscribed on to Lash's chest.

Isabella screamed and fell to her knees, she turned paled as a sheet. Lizzy looked wide eyed, she didn't fully understand but she knew that Tartarus was bad! Diana looked at her mother like she was insane! The doors under Themyscira have been sealed for over three centuries! This was a death sentence! Hades himself had not been able to reconquer Tartarus since it was lost to the Fallen Lord of Hell!

“Queen Mother please there has to be another way! Another task? Exile! Something!?” Diana called to her mother. Hippolyta slammed her staff and a divine radiance came from her and the statue of Hera. This silenced all argument from the room.

“It's done, Princess Diana. I knew there would be a punishment waiting for me when I sneaked in. I could have gone to the port, I could have done it the right way. But I listened to my Patron, accepted a task. My Patron must have known about the situation, and they knew that Queen Hippolyta would never send someone into the pits of Tartarus unless they had proven themselves. For example, being able to sneak into Themyscira, stayed hidden for an entire week?” Lash said softly, then looked up at the Queen with a smile. The Queen smiled back and nodded her head in agreement.

“L...Lash....” Isabella called his name, so he turned to look at her.

“Y..You are going into hell. Tartarus is where the damned go for judgement. Its a prison, a dungeon of torture where the damned go to receive their punishment. The Fallen One broke the prison and now the prisoners roam free. That is where your going!?” Isabella screamed, she grabbed his vest and shook him. Lizzy came to Isabella and tried to comfort her but she looked just as lost.

“Your highness, the relic can you describe it? Or is there a records of its description? Weight? Volume?” Lash reached out and held both Lizzy and Isabella close to him in comfort. Lizzy shook like a leaf, and Isabella continued to punch his chest in a attempt to 'wake him up' from this decision.

Queen Hippolyta raised her left hand and a Phantasm image showed a glowing blue orb. About the size of a tennis ball. The orb floated over a pedestal but the orb was the relic. The relic contained the souls of every Amazon that had fallen in battle when the relic was in use. It would purify the souls of their sisters and usher them either into paradise? Or in reincarnation to be reborn again in the service of Themyscira until they had gained a sense of enlightenment. Many didn't know this, but Amazons were a dying breed. If he can retrieve this relic they wouldn't be anymore. Other Worldly Lore activated when he saw the relic.

Lash stood up, with his companions in his arms. He bowed his head to the Queen, asked Diana if there was a place he could talk to his companions. Asked if she could come as well so they don't try and stop him when he leaves. At that point Lash had Lizzy in one arm, and Isabella in his other. Both screamed at him that he couldn't do this! There had to be another way! Diana lead them to a simple chamber. Lash put them both down and tried to talk to them.

“I don't fucking care what she said! You are not fucking going to hell!” Lizzy screamed at Lash. He thought to use Calm Emotions but he held off on that idea for now.

“You could run!?” Isabella said, Lash looked at her with a bemused expression. Motioned to Diana, to the door, to the area.

“Look around you, Isabella. We are in the heart of the capital. Besides it doesn't matter I already have an Rune of Oath.” Lash unzipped his vest and pulled it back to reveal his tribal marks and just above his heart was a divine mark of the Old Gods.

“If I don't full fill my oath? Guess where I go, Tartarus. No, you can not come! Neither of you can!” Lash pointed at the Rune. Then stopped Lizzy as she almost spoke something that was insane.

“Why the fuck not!” Lizzy screamed at him she went straight to Diana. Diana held her ground but a look of sympathy was on her face.

“Sister Elizabeth, Warden Lash is correct. This trial is for him alone, you...you would also only been in his way.” Diana said as gently as possible.

“In his way! I've been training very hard thank you! I can handle myself!” Lizzy screamed at Diana.

Diana raised a well manicured eye brow stepped into Lizzy's personal space, grabbed her hand and forced her into arm lock. She used barely any of her strength. Lizzy was locked in place on her knees with her arm behind her. Lizzy struggled and wiggled to try and get out of the arm lock. Lash watched and could see four different methods to escape that were simple and easy to do. Lizzy was stuck, and didn't know what to do. She slammed her free hand on the ground over and over until her knuckles bled, then began to cry. Diana let her go after that and stepped away. Isabella came to her lover's side and held her.

“When do you leave?” Isabella asked, her eyes distant.

“As soon as possible.” Lash said, he walked over to them and hugged them both. They clung to him and cried.

This was so different from what he had planned when he would come to Themyscira. He would visit with Lizzy and Isabella. Help them train here and there. Make a show of helping the Amazons in front of the public at the public sea port. He'd speak to Diana about the Justice League, then head home to see Jessabell. Oh shit! Jessabell is going to kill him when she finds out. Lash stayed still as they both cried and begged him not to go. Then after an hour he used his Nature Domain and put them both to sleep. Lash carefully set them down on the ground, Diana called in two guards so they could be carried to a bed.

Diana then escorted him to the depths of the City. The journey was odd....Lash wasn't down cast, gloomy, or depressed. He continued to talk to Diana about the Justice League. He had written down all the 'registered' heroes they had so far. Then with Diana's permission he inputted her information in to the network. He took a moment to message everyone on the phone tree that he would be out of contact for a while. He would be visiting Tartarus a layer in Hell.

'Is that a country somewhere?' Barry messaged.

'Wraith, are you really going to hell?' Oliver asked, he had seen a lot on his trip away from home. Though he had never been, he did know that hell was real.

'Wraith? Where are you right now? We can help, isn't that what this League is for?' Clark replied.

'Not this time, Boy Scout. I got Wonder Woman into the chat room we share. She can explain the situation better than I can. Just all of you promise that if I don't make it back. Take care of my family, and make sure the Justice League happens.' Lash replied.

'Wraith! I'm serious! Where are you!?' Clark typed quickly.

Lash closed his IM and put his phone away into his pocket space. He stood before a massive stone door the size of an airplane hanger door. The door was carved with hellish motifs, souls that screamed in anguish. They had walked under the Themyscira to get here, a dark cave system with torches on the wall to give light. The cave ceiling was expertly carved and rose into the air by at least one hundred feet. A legion of Amazon warriors stood by the door in uniform, as several larger than average Amazons with giant hammers hit against the dead bolt of solid orichalcum. Clang! Clang! Clang!

Lash and Diana walked between the formations towards the door. General Philipus stood there in full armor, she gazed at the door with the eyes of a Guardian. Ares was not the only secret that the Amazons had been tasked to protect. Philipus was a 6' 3' caramel black skinned woman who stood in her full Amazonian armor with pride. A half cape extended down her back a symbol of her rank. A legion helmet hung at her waist. Despite her strong appearance she still retained the same super model physique of any Amazon. Great skin, long glossy hair that was braided and tied to her armor so it wouldn't get in the way. A great hour glass figure that was only highlighted by her armor. Her deep rich brown eyes turned to look at Diana and Lash. She bowed to Diana, and nodded stiffly at Lash. Lash had made a bad impression on her with all the tricks he had played.

“Tell me, before you leave. The...Rave party you created in the jungle. What is with the phrase. Hello, Goodbye, and thanks for all the fish? They say it every few hours.” Philipus asked with a stern gaze.

“Its from a book, the exact title escapes me. But just jump online and ask 'What book has the answer, 42 in it' It should lead you to the novels.” Lash said with a smile as he bowed from his waist to the High General of Themyscira.

“As for the dance rave. I got every rave music mix from the 90's to now. So you shouldn't hear any repeats for awhile. Princess Diana, may I ask a favor of you?” Lash turned to look at Wonder Woman.

“Of course, Lash.” Diana stood at attention. She payed respects to a warrior she believed she would never see again.

“If I don't return take care of Elizabeth, and if you can Isabella as well. Also please look into the Justice League. Its nothing but a seed in the ground right now. But with the right care and attention it will grow strong and true.” Lash said, Diana nodded at him with a smile. Even now he thought of other people.

“The door will only remain open for a short while. Once you are in we will have to close it. You must return to the door with the relic in hand. If you touch the door with it, we will open the door as fast as we can. Even if an army is behind you it wont matter. We will do our part if you do yours.” High General Philipus said.

Lash nodded, then stepped forward towards the door. He started to do simple stretches and cast Nature's Passage, Chameleon, and Cat's Grace on himself. Then he clapped his hands together and called Saurian out to play. His skin peeled, his muscles tore, and his bones broke. Under ten seconds and the ten foot tall, and thirty foot long Saurian stood. His natural scaled armor had grown in, he hand bone blades at the edge of his forearms, and shins. His tail was spiked and serrated with bone blades, horns had begun to grow along the edges of his skull crest, eye ridges, and jaw line. The tribal marks had grown across his skull crest, down his shoulders, chest, and back.

SLAM! One of the dead bolts had landed on the ground. Saurian walked forward pressed his clawed hands to the extremely rare substance. He called on his Transmuter title and learned the chemical and magical property of the metal. Then walked over to a piece of stone on the ground. Diana looked at him in confusion then her eyes nearly popped out of her skull when he changed the ten pound stone into a ten pound orichalcum. Saurian then turned it into thread and created a new Warden combat suit for himself, and threaded it into Lash's suit. One of the rarest metals on Earth, and Saurian used it to be a tailor.

Warden tactical combat gear, imbued with Orichalcum.

Rating: C+

Effects: 10% resistant to all forms of magic.

Effects: 1% durability repair every five hours.

Effects: 10% power increase to all spells, 10% decrease in power consumption.

Effects: Valuable! 10% more likely to attract the attention of greedy people.

Comments: Are you out of your fucking mind!? You sewed Orichalcum into your cloths?! Sure it will protect you, or drive every one insane to peel it off your body.

“I'll make you some when I get back, ok?” Saurian's reptilian voice spoke to Diana. She smiled at him.

“I'll hold you to that!” Diana yelled as the last dead bolt crashed into the ground. A volcanic hellish heat came from the door as it cracked open!

Door opened by a mere sliver compared to its size, but it was large enough for Saurian to fit through. The Amazon Legion stood at the ready, Saurian took a steady breath then sprinted through the door into Tatartus. Where even the God Hades does not tread. Saurian got a prompt that his quest had begun.

Cosmic Patron's quest, and one of three trials decided by Persephone and Hades.

Mission Rating: A+

Objective: Sneak into Tartarus and retrieve the sacred and holy relic of the Amazons.

Terms of success: Retrieve the sacred relic, return to the gate, return to Themyscira.

Terms of failure: You die. Because they wont let you back out with out the relic.

Rewards: Two Dream Points, Store Coupon.

Rewards: ???

Rewards: ???

Comments: Would you like to accept a collect call from 'Doom Slayer?'

Saurian stepped into 'Hell' the air was poison, the sky was a hellish red with clouds that rained acidic blood onto the ground. Screams of agony rode on the wind, hordes of zombified creatures wondered aimlessly across the vast oceans of fire, lava, and rock. Creatures, monstrosities, and the damned hunted, killed, fed, and did it again as the bodies always recovered. Death was not the end here, only the first step in your punishment. The door's slowly closed behind Saurian, he turned to look at Diana who held his gaze. She nodded, and he returned the gesture. The doors slammed shut, he looked at the massive gate, which stood alone in the middle of no where. This was his road home, time to get to work!


“HE DID WHAT?!” Jessabell screamed at Skaleg. The old viking was in Jessabell's home, he wanted to come in person and tell her what happened to Lash.

Skaleg wore a nice old fashion suit, something you would wear to a party, or maybe a funeral. His eyes were down cast, and red. He had cried when he heard the news, the suicidal news that Lash agreed to. This wasn't just a death sentence, if he failed he would stay in Tartarus forever. This was a damnation. Jessabell was bare foot, she had a pair of ripped up blue jeans, a tight blue shirt that was obviously smaller then her actual size. It exposed her navel, and emphasized her perky breasts that seem to want to break free from the restraining fabric. She had shaved one side of her head again, and her long hair brushed over to expose it. Lash seem to like the look from before so she thought. Jessabell had thought it was Lash who came to see her.

“Call him back! Stop him! Tell the Amazons they can't do it!?” Jessabell screamed at him.

“He's already there, Jessabell. He can't come back with out the relic.” Skaleg said, with a pained expression.

“The relic that has been lost for over three hundred years in a place that not even the god of the underworld wishes to go!?” Jessabell screamed!

“No! No! No! I....We......Nooo!” Jessabell screamed in fury. She collapsed and felt like her heart had shattered. Her friend, her family, her pack....They were gone....


Claws raked through the zombie demon creature, it fell with a scream filled with horror! The essence of the soul was pulled out of the body and flew into Saurian. Who breathed in with an intoxicating expression. Saurian had figured something out not even a few hours into Tartarus. There were dozens of demonically twisted forms behind him, mangled, ripped apart, and torn asunder. All of them dead, none of them would regenerate and continue the long torment. He didn't know why, but his Domain Rebirth absorbed the souls. The percentage was (25%) and grew with every soul. Praise the great mage Exeus!

Saurian trotted along and found another demon zombie creature. The thing looked like a human being with no skin, its spine protruded from its back into spikes, its teeth had elongated. Its hands and feet ended in claws. It looked at Saurian with empty blood shot eyes. It didn't see him, it simply reacted to movement. It screamed at the top of hits lungs, calling for more! It could smell that this thing, this creature did not belong. Saurian pounced on the creature and ripped into its chest cavity. He used Soul Bite and absorbed it into his body. Rebirth went to (25.1%), with every soul he consumed he felt revitalized and ready for more. But he knew that he had to maintain control so he cast Calm Emotions on himself. Why? Because every minute he was in 'Hell' his Damage Resistance pinged at him. He got experience because his mind, and soul were under attack. The longer he was down here the greater his resistance would grow. But resistance didn't stop the damage until it said immune.

Saurian finished off the pack of skinless demons and instead of hunting and killing like his instincts told him to do. He cast Calm Emotions again, and hid himself away. Every time he cast the skill it would make his emotions raw afterwords. Side effect, it made him more vulnerable to the effects of 'Hell'. He dug into the ground and made a small little home as he tried to calm himself down. Carrion crows and vultures with red skin, scales, and grotesque skin flew over to the trail of bodies and began to devour them. Saurian listened closely and realized Beast Speak worked on them.

“Craaaw! Why are these things hollow! Craaa! No taste! Flesh is here, no soul!” A blood red crow screamed. Though it didn't like the taste it still devoured the body.

“Smell something! Something new! Not from here! Hmmmmm oooooooo! Divinity! A God has fallen! Ooo! Oooo!” A vulture creature, diseased flesh and wings fell with wing beat. It ate up the bodies just the same as the crow.

“Tell Lord!? Maybe grant us scraps?” The crow screamed at the vulture.

“Yes! Even if not! Lord rewardGGAAAAAAH!” As the vulture began, roots from the desiccated tree's reached out with their razor sharp ends and impaled the birds.

Saurian came out of his hole, pounced on the first vulture and ripped its head off with pure strength! He slashed the crows head off with his bone blade on his forearm. The souls of the birds flew into his body, it refilled his energy, but his mind continued to cloud over. The tree's devoured the bodies, why are there trees in 'Hell'? They are blood rattlers, or blood trees. They feed off bodies, and naturally the souls of those they capture. Despite its dead appearance 'Hell' has its own ecosystem. As fucked up as it is, it still works. It based purely off of hunting, killing, and or torture. Because everything here regenerates. So if a creature of damnation is caught by one of the trees it just devours them over, and over, and over.

Saurian poured the Nature Domain in to the trees. They paused in momentary shock before the reached out towards him. Not with animosity but with yearning. He spent the next few minutes next to the trees as he fed them a steady stream of Nature magic. Even in hell the Nature Domain works. Faces began to grow on the bark of the trees, they moaned, and called for help. These were the souls that the tree's had devoured and had refused to let go. The trees continued to grow in size, soon they towered over Saurian almost fifty feet in height. Appendages grew, their roots became like spider legs, mouths appeared and they evolved into demonic grave walker trees. Each one contained the souls of at least one hundred damned. More then once the trees reached out to try and devour Saurian. But he made it clear with his Nature, and Grave Domain that would be ill advised. He had turned one of their massive tree trunk arms into ash. Once he fed them enough, he said goodbye and left them to their own devices. They groaned and wailed in a odd symphony that Saurian understood thanks to this titles.

“Beeeee hhhhheerrrrrreeeee....Yoooooouuuuuu....Reeetttuuuuuurrrrnnnnn.” The tree's slowly called to him. He waved his hand at them absently and moved deeper into Tartarus. Towards the great castle that had been built into the volcano.

The giant mountain of rock, ash, and lava was not an actual volcano. It served as a passage way between the different layers, or sub-dimensions of the underworld. Other Worldly Lore gave him a prompt. He must have read it somewhere? Hades was in a separate dimension that was connected to Earth through gateways. He encountered one such gate during the war with Ares. Each section of Hades or simply the Underworld since Hades was the name of the God. Had a main exit and entry, but still several ways in and out existed. Such as Themyscira's secret entrance.

Saurian trotted across a sulfur flats with nothing but cracked ground as far as the eye could see. The mountain castle was in the distance but the actual distance was impossible to measure. The sulfur flats had as one can imagine the stink of sulfur. The fumes were poison, Saurian doubted there was even air in hell. The very idea of breathing seem to hurt. His Damage Resistance kept prompting with experience. Adaptation continued to change his mind, body, and soul. To adapt to the new environment, Lash and Saurian have both come to acknowledge that what ever Saurian is. He was designed to hunt anything in any condition given enough time.

The ground began to rumble, crack and groan in protest. Saurian stopped, crouched low and looked around. He checked the crimson red sky, nothing. He looked into the distance, nothing. He pressed into the ground with his Nature Domain. Danger Sense activated and he rolled to his side as a massive mouth snapped close where he had been standing. A hell wurm the size of a semi truck slipped back into the ground. Saurian sprinted towards the wurm and latched onto its body. It screeched in panic and began to burrow deeper. He cast Earth Swim and rode it into the ground. Saurian clamped down and cast Decomposition on the wurm.


The hell wurm screamed in immeasurable pain! As it's body rapidly decayed and turned into fertilizer. Hundreds of souls that had been locked into the wurm screeched and wailed in panic as they flew into Saurian's body. The wurm soon died with in the hellish earth and became part of the sulfur flats. Saurian swam to the surface and popped out, a huge smile on his face as he looked at his Rebirth Domain. (55.6%) He felt amazing! His scales had started to take on a black crimson red look. A dark red aura began to glow from his scales, and his reptile eyes grew a deep maroon color. Lash and Saurian had been worried for nothing! This place is not so bad! A great hunting spot, great place to gain experience! The challenge Rating for the quest was A+ but if he stayed here long enough to hunt he could easily handle the castle!

Congratulations! User! The Justice League has been formed! Though you are absent, you are considered one of the founding members! Additionally the 'Covert Operations' Young Justice, and the 'Public' Titans team has been formed. You laid the foundations for the future of this world! Congratulations!

Achievement Awarded: 'A League of your own!' You have obtained the skill Discerning Eye: This skill allows you to look at any person and obtain their basic status rank.

Attention: Discerning Eye, Discerning Favorability, and Deductive Reasoning will merge into the skill Insight.

Congratulations User! You've obtained the skill Insight: This allows you to gleam information from people that would not be normally possible. You can see their rank status, as well as their favorability towards you, along with their basic feelings. But this skill grows with time.

Comments: Three in one. Easier to manage! More possibilities of growth!

Saurian paused for a moment to read through the prompts. Oh! Well that's convenient, wait! They already formed the Justice League? Wow, that was quick...He'd only been gone...for....wait. Saurian looked around, looked at the sky. There was no sun or moon here. Just a twilight red sky that occasionally rained acidic blood. Every time he consumed a soul he would regain all of his energy, he wouldn't get tired, thirsty, or hungry. Saurian's eyes began to twitch and Lash told him to call Dawn.

“Dawn...Our brightest star...How long have we been in Tartarus?” Saurian asked, afraid to hear the answer.

“I'm afraid I cant tell you that, User. Its a story event.” Dawn's voice was soft and sweet on their ears. But it held a hidden message.

“Oh no.....” Saurian and Lash both said together. Saurian looked at the castle in the distance. The relic was there, or at least that was the last recorded location. Saurian began to sprint towards the castle!


Lois Lane sat at her computer as she tried to type out the article of the disappearance of Agent Wraith. It had been six months since he left for Themyscira, but all the United Nations would say was that he was on a mission that required his absolute attention. Conspiracies, crack pot plans, and attempts to gain any information from Themyscira or the UN had failed with out even the tiniest bit of information. What ever Agent Wraith was doing, it was top secret and not even Superman would tell Lois where he was. Lois played with jeweled necklace that Wraith had made for her. She almost always had it on, not only was it gorgeous but it also helped her keep her mind focused. If she didn't value it so much she would take it to Star labs and have it tested. She could have a splitting hang over then once she put the necklace on the hang over would disappear. The earrings she wore on special occasions or when she needed a pick me up. They were better then three cups of espresso.

“Any news, Miss Lane?” Lois looked up at the tall, geeky, but handsome face of Clark Kent.

Clark had taken an invested interest on the case. Helped Lois track down leads, and offered to do a lot of grunt work. Lois had thought he was trying to sneak in on the scoop. But soon learned he was just worried about Wraith. It took some digging of her own, but turned out that thanks to Wraith and his advance Tech he gave out for free. Clark's father who had terminal cancer was given a clean bill of health a few months ago. That wouldn't of happened with out Wraith's help. So not only was Clark enthusiastic about helping with the investigation, many people in the Planet offered to help.

“Sorry, Smallville. Nothing on the United Nations, or the island paradise with super models. Maybe he just took a vacation?” Lois said with a smile. Clark gave her a sad smile and nodded. Then he went back to his desk.

“Wraith where are you?” Lois said, as she played with the necklace he had made for her.


A wall exploded outwards as an object was thrown threw it at high speed. The object landed across the ground with a bounce, then another, then another before the object somersaulted backwards dug its claws into the ground to forced itself to stop. Lash ripped his claws out of the ground and sprinted towards the demonic monstrosity that threw him through the wall. Lash had used Transformation to become the human lizard type. Saurian was asleep, they would swap out when Lash used up all of his energy.

Lash jumped across the falling wall with Minor Gravity Stride wall running the whole way! He jumped off the wall and flew towards the monstrosity, the creature had to many arms, mouths, and not enough eyes. It had a combination of skin, scales, and insect carapace. When Lash was inches from impact he used Minor Gravity Stride and flipped his gravity to increase by 30%. He turned his body around and did a whip lash kick into the creature that was easily thirty feet high. His foot cut through flesh, broke bone, and flung the creature into the ground. Then Lash slammed into the ground with his increased weight and like a war hammer slammed into the creature and shattered its sternum. The creatures soul was quickly absorbed into him. Lash was revitalized, but his mind felt twisted and corrupted. It wasn't long ago he obtained a new skill he really didn't want but still had.

Congratulations User! You've obtained the skill Demonization: Your extended time in hell is slowly twisting and corrupting your mind, body, and soul. You are 5% more aggressive, blood thirsty, and grow in power the longer your in combat. But you also loose control.

Lash had lost track of how long he'd been down here! Erik had logged out at least once at the behest of Dawn. He came back and said something about the time tool had been moved up, and now one hour in the real was six days in the dream. That seemed like a lot, or was it? Lash didn't really give a shit any more. He just wanted to find the fucking relic and go the fuck home!

Congratulations User! You've gained a limited Achievement: 'I have no time!' Now while you or your VI avatar are resting you regain energy 50% faster. You are testing the limits a person can remain in The Dream, to see the physical limits on the body while in The Dream. Be careful!

Lash rolled his eyes as Dawn announced the the Achievement again. He was happy for the break! While Saurian and him swapped places the resting effect would help which ever side was swapped out. Lash spent a moment to pick up a piece of rock and transmute it into Orichalcum and repair and reinforce his combat gear. After he was done he looked up at the stereotypical Devil king castle built into the imposing volcano. He was in the ruined town that surrounded the castle now. He had no fucking idea how much time had passed in the outside world. Dawn wouldn't tell him, the time line app didn't work down here! He fucking hated this place!

Lash recast Minor Chameleon, Minor Nature's Passage, and Minor Cat's Grace then ran through the town. The spells had evolved and leveled so many times he could practically sprint through an area and not be seen unless you were really looking. He jumped from building to building, wall to wall. He used Minor Gravity Stride never once did he touch the ground, he knew surprises waited for anyone that touched the ground. The castle town was massive! He had thought some sort of illusion kept him from getting to the Castle. But oh no! The Castle was just that big!

The soft whistle of arrows pierced into the rooftop he stood on. Several them bounced off his scales. Lash looked over and saw soldiers with demonic black plate armor on. Wicked blade edged long bows, and dark arrows tipped with venom from a spider that roamed the forest he had come through to get here. Fuck! The forest was better then the town! Nothing attacked him there! The tree's loved him, the spiders helped him! At least he wouldn't have to worry about the trip back! Lash raised his hand up and pointed at the demon soldiers. Static electricity arced across his scales and he cast Minor Call Lighting but this time the lighting came from his body instead. It shot across the town faster then they could blink. The soldiers turned into crispy versions of themselves and dropped. Their souls raced over to Lash and were absorbed. Lash blended back into the surroundings thanks to his spells and he moved on.

Over the next several hours Lash traveled through the town. He killed soldiers, monstrosities, avoided the ground because he knew it was trapped. It was like the child's game 'the floor is lava' only literally! That is what the floor was! It was an illusion that he saw through thanks to his Domain. Every street in this town was a river of lava. Not only that! The entire town looked populated, the people were friendly, and beckoned you to join them! But they were all Phantasms meant to draw you in. He was able to look past the illusions and pressed on. But sometimes the illusion would reset and he would have to pass a perception check? Roll a dice? At least his Illusion Domain went up with experience every time he saw through it.

Lash took a moment to relax under a stone awning, the shadows came closer like an old friend and held him in their warm embrace. Lash was beat to hell, burn marks across his scaled hide. He had used Fabrication and Repair on his armor over and over again. But thanks to the fucking corruption his armor kept getting twisted and would come out demonic like the soldiers he killed. Lash took off his Transformation and rested. His skin had a crimson color to it now, like he was sun burnt. All of his tribal marks had a maroon tint to them. Oh, Rebirth gained a spell.

Rebirth Domain Spell Soul Absorption: You absorb, consume, and recycle souls that have fallen out of the natural order of life, death, and rebirth. You regain a percentage portion of energy and life depending on the power of the fallen soul. You also gain 1% of the ambient soul knowledge the fallen one had.

Lash had no idea what ambient soul knowledge was. He had looked through his memories, his skills, etc, etc. Nothing was new, he didn't gain experience in any of things. He didn't have a ??? Somewhere in his tab. Maybe its a hidden mechanic that only shows up once it reaches level one. Lash pressed himself flush against the wall and recalled his Transformation has a fiery glow from a searchlight washed over the town. The light was massive and continued to look around the town. He had first been spotted by it when he got into town. He wrongly assumed his Chameleon spell would keep him hidden. Ya that didn't work! He got a red hot poker pain that stabbed into his mind! He screamed out and fell behind a wall. Which blocked the light and stopped the attack. Then five different monstrosities and over a hundred demon soldiers swarmed to his location.

Lash felt Saurian stir in his sleep, another few hours and they would switch out. The light passed by so Lash used Gravity Stride and ran up along the stone awning, along the wall, then to the roof and continued to run towards the castle. Something he couldn't shake off, every time he saw the search light that came by he would get a brief glimpse at the thing or person that looked for him. The thing had four fiery red eyes. Two by two, Lash felt like it was important but couldn't place the reason why.

As Lash got closer and closer to the Castle he would encounter more and more demonic soldiers and far less monstrosities. He stopped sprinting through the town and began to hide, move around blind spots, and tried his best not to be spotted. He got a skill he would have thought he could have gotten earlier.

Congratulations User! You've obtained the skill Stealth: You can move quietly, and remain unseen as long as you stick to the shadows, and remember to use cover. This skill works together with the spells Chameleon, and Nature's Passage. You are 1% likely to not attract attention while you are use Stealth, grows with time.

Great.... Lash tip toed towards the Castle that was just as big as he expected. It looked like the typical creatures that would call this place home would be at least sixty feet tall. The doors were massive and easy to slip past. The entire castle was grandiose on the inside, tapestries woven with spell thread. Spell enchanted gold chandeliers, pieces of art that would delight the eyes. A magnificent red carpet the stretched across the center of the grand entrance hall. Despite its massive size, all the soldiers were average human height. Sure the few monstrosities he had seen seemed a little more at home in the castle but it was the comparison between a child and an adult.

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa!” A woman's scream shattered the ambient silence the hall naturally created.

Lash looked towards where the sound came from, none of the soldiers made any move or seem to take any notice. Lash moved towards the screams, the woman seem to be in a lot of pain. Thanks to Gravity Stride Lash was able to navigate the huge castle easily. Oddly enough the stair case was human sized. OK, this place was built with a peculiarity in mind. Though it is Hell after all. The woman screamed again, but Lash was closer now. He turned a corner and listened carefully.

“My dear sweet, Dia Nyx why do you insist on being stubborn? Your friends abandoned you to your fate. You are in Tartarus now. A place for of the Damned. But our lord will grant you power, luxury, and the promise to reap your vengeance on your would be companions. Why resist?” A seductively charming male voice spoke. Lash looked into the room, and rolled his eyes. Great...

The man was a stereotypical incubus that you would see from any fan-service fan fiction novel. Long black bat wings, demonic tail with a heart tip, he wore baggy silk pants. He was bare foot, had no shirt on, perfect red skin. Claws on his hands and feet, well defined upper body. A face that screamed sex appeal. Any normal woman would tackle the man and demand sex. Of course the Glamours Perception that surrounded him helped a lot.

“Go fuck yourself, Trilok! I'd rather die then turn to your shitty mas....AAAAAAAaaaaaa!” The woman screamed, as the incubus Trilok stabbed her with what looked like a cattle prod. Dark purple twisted electricity danced around her body.

The woman named Dia Nyx looked odd, she was currently floating in the air about five feet off the ground. Suspended above the air by magical shackles being powered by a crystal control deck. She wore a one piece skin tight black satin swim suit? She had pale skin, raven black hair, purple eyes, black nail polish...Wait a fucking minute is that Raven?! Before Lash jumped to far down that rabbit hole he used his skill, Insight.

Name: Dia Nyx/ Virtual Intelligence Avatar

Title: God-Kin to the Greek Goddess Nyx of the Night

Origin: Magical

Rank: E-

Skills: ???

Domains: ???

Disposition: Neutral, doesn't know you exist.

Comments: Dia has been in this hell hole for Gods and Goddesses knows how long. She was betrayed by her friends? Or she sacrificed herself to save her friends? She is lost, hurt, alone, and wants Trilok to die!

“Dawn....Why can I see that she is a Virtual Intelligence Avatar?” Lash said quietly as he turned around to hide behind the wall once more.

“That is a hidden benefit of Insight, User. It is not a bug, but is placed there as a hidden tool if one acquires Discerning Eye, Discerning Favorability, and Deductive Reasoning. The VI Avatars act differently then The Dreams generated populace. It comes with the innate knowledge of the fourth wall. Even if they themselves can not say a word about it. The skills listed before pick up on this. So The Developers placed this hidden gem into the skill tool. You are the seventy fifth User to obtain the merged skill.” Dawn said happily.

“Ok...Thank you my Brightest Star.” Lash went back to watch the drama.

“Of course, User!” Dawn said happily in his ear.

Trilok continued to cattle prod Dia over and over. He enjoyed as she writhed and groaned in pain. She called out her friends names, screamed for help from her Goddess over and over. Nothing happened! Nothing ever would happen! She was stuck here! Nothing....Why was their a clawed hand that poked out of Trilok's chest? The hand pulled back, another hand reached around and begun to pull Trilok apart from the middle! Trilok screamed in agony as he was ripped in half! Triloks soul screamed in confusion as he felt a pull, that was not towards his master but another. What....what is happening!?

Lash consumed the soul of Trilok, as Dia looked at him in shock! He moved quickly towards the control panel on the side of the room and twisted the magical crystal control shard. Dia let out a small yep and fell hard across the ground. Lash moved towards her quickly, she tried to get up and move away from him but she was to weak. Lash cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement and Nature's Kiss on her. The Nature Domain that only had a little bit of demonic taint merged into her body and Dia let out a breath of relief.

“You are a Druid.... Wait, why the fuck is a Druid in Tartarus?” Dia looked up at Lash in confusion. Lash cast Fabrication, Essence Imbuement, and Alteration and crafted a full body form fitting suit that would cover Dia from neck down. Dia looked at in confusion.

“I've sewn Orichalcum into it. I don't know why you choose to wear a bathing suit while you are in hell. Put it on so you can resist the demonic corruption!” Lash said to her, before he turned around and kept watch at the door.

Dia squeaked in surprise when she heard Orichalcum was used in the creation of the suit. She quickly applied a bit of magic to it and her eyes went wide. There truly was Orichalcum thread in the suit. Dia looked up and saw that Lash had politely turned around, sure it was to watch the door but Dia liked that he did that. She reached behind herself and unzipped her suit. She peeled it off and tossed it to the side in disgust. She had to admit that when her friends gave it to her she thought it revealed to much.

Dia slipped the black Orichalcum threaded full body suit. It slipped on like a dream, and wrapped around her body almost as if it was alive. The collar wrapped around her neck like a turtle neck, it came with a half glove on her hands so her fingers and thumbs could touch things. It had a foot catch on her feet so her toes and heel were exposed. She zipped it up from the front, the suit fit perfectly like it was made for her. It left very little to the imagination but she felt amazing in it. Wow, this was nice! Dia caught her self feeling the fabric and jumped in surprise because Lash was in front of her.

Lash placed a pair of boots, greaves, thigh guards, a breast plate, pauldrons, and gauntlets on the ground. All of them had a few threads of the legendary material. Orichalcum counted has money for some strange reason, so it fit inside of Lash's storage. The storage that leveled up several times in his journey, he was sure it didn't do that before. Dia seemed confused for a bit and didn't know how to put it on.

“May I help you? We are pressed for time.” Lash said, as he bowed from his waist and waited for a reply. Dia's face turned crimson, she had never met such a polite man before. Let alone in hell!

“S...Sure.... I'm Dia by the way...Dia Nyx.” She said softly. Lash stepped forward and helped put Dia into armor. Every time he reached to touch her he would say something so she wouldn't be surprised. Lash still looked like a lizard man, but Dia didn't seem to care.

“Warden Erik Lash, and with my Partner Hunter Saurian.” Lash said softly half way through the suiting up. Dia turned around abruptly with a wide smile.

“A Warden!? Oh thank my matron above! Did she send you to get me?” Dia asked, her smile wilted when Lash shook his head.

“No, I am here under a different mission. However I obtained a decree from my Patron. So if I can help you I will. But please do not take offense but my mission comes first.” Lash said as he finished placing the breast plate onto Dia. She looked like a War Mage now, Lash wanted to make her full armor but he ran out of his precious mineral. It would be another six hours before he could cast the Title skill again. No, he didn't think to use it as his timer. By the time he realized he had been here for a while already.

Dia's eyes went bright again. Lash had a decree!? Wait why is an Oracle here in hell...Alone?! Dia took a moment to admire herself. The suit was form fitting, but the armor helped to cover her vitals, and though it hid her well developed assets, the armor like the suit was tailored to her. So it emphasized her curves, and strong form. When did Druids get the ability to craft armor?

“Whats your mission?” Dia asked.

“In the Castle is a Holy Relic of the Amazons that allows their sisters to choose to reincarnate into Themyscira or continue to paradise. It's been lost for over three hundred years. The item is in the castle with in the treasure room. I've been tasked to retrieve the relic and return to Themyscira.” Lash responded as he doubled checked Dia's armor. Dia blushed a little as the Lizard Warden checked a few straps that were loose on her breast plate.

“If I help you get the relic will you help me leave Tartarus?” Dia said after he had finished.

“Sure.” Lash held out his hand to her. She smiled and shook it. An electrical current of energy passed between them. Dia shivered and suddenly felt stronger, she looked up at Lash and realized she could hear his thoughts.

“Temporary Pack Bond, increases your stats by 10%, allows for twenty five miles of Telepathy, and you know my general location. As do I for you. You ready?” Lash asked.

“One question....What are you?” Dia said, This Warden must be an elite commando or something to be here alone.

“Complicated...Come on.” Lash said, and cast Chameleon, Nature's Passage, and Cat's Grace on them both. But he also cast Animal Eye on Dia because he wasn't sure what her dark vision was like. Dia stumbled for a bit then quickly adjusted. She mumbled under her breath but Lash heard her, made him smile.

“Holy fuck, I thought I was over powered!” Dia mumbled.

Lash had to slow down a lot for Dia. She was not use to stealth. After a few questions he found out that Dia was part of a small magical group of teenagers that had decided to use their abilities for truth, and justice. She turned crimson when Lash just stared at her like she was a naive child. Despite her voluptuous figure, bouncing breasts that made her breast plate rattle when she ran. Which Lash had to cast Alteration to fix so it wouldn't make noise. Her ass that swayed hypnotically with every step, she was only eighteen years old. When Dia began to trust him more, Insight pinged more information. Dia had succubus blood in her. She was ¼ succubus. Which explained her stellar body at such a young age. Lash realized the User followed the demonic princess mary sue idea. She copied Raven, Lash wouldn't be surprised if Raven and Dia were half sisters who share the same father Trigon.

“Great, new skill!” Dia whispered to herself. Lash chose to ignore her, 'odd' quirks as she kept talking to her self. At least say it internally, how is this girl a E- ranked super?

Thanks to Telepathy they easily coordinated their movements through the castle. But there were several times Lash princess carried, or gave Dia a piggy back as he used Gravity Stride up walls, and across ceilings. Lash then got a prompt from Insight that Dia had started to develop feelings for him. Fuck! Really?! He really wished he could turn off Charming Presence. Lash was happy that woman in The Dream seem to be able to look past the scales. If this was in The Real a scaled creature would be called a freak that no one would touch with a ten foot pole. But come on! They had known each other for less then four hours!

-Dia, wait a moment I need to shift to my partner. Lash said across the link.

-I don't think we can stay still for two hours, it could draw attention. Dia said, then jumped in surprise and nearly screamed until Saurian clamped his massive around around her face.

-My shift takes less then ten seconds, I'm going to take my hand away now. Do not scream. Saurian said across the link. His primal animalistic voice made Dia nearly faint in freight.

Dia was shocked silly for the tenth time since she met Lash. A were-breed who can change inside of ten seconds?! Then Dia yelped internally as Saurian wrapped his massive arms around her and they merged into the wall behind them. Saurian clamped his hand over her mouth, and created oxygen for her to breath with Transmutation. Then what looked like Elite Demon Guards quickly ran by the corridor, they headed straight towards the direction of Dia's interrogation room. It could be a coincidence, the pair had moved past a lot of rooms along the way. But Saurian assumed they went to check on her. Saurian pulled Dia out of the wall with him. She took a breath of fresh air, she had apparently been holding her breath.

Saurian leaned down, plucked Dia off the ground and started to sprint towards a magical energy scent that he had picked up ever since he entered the castle. It smelled like Amazons, nothing in this whole fucking dimensions smelled like Amazons. So he had to assume it was the relic that held the souls of the fallen. Dia held onto Saurian's massive arms for dear life, Saurian was like a sports car. Zero to eighty in under three seconds. He ran up walls, and across ceilings but even across the quick and dirty travel he was always careful with her, and held her with respect.

-Maybe when we get back you and I can...Dia said across the link.

You and I can what? Saurian replied.

Dia turned crimson again and realized she had said what she thought across the link. She was not use to Telepathy. She wanted to bury herself into a hole at that moment. Saurian dropped from the ceiling which was almost a sixty foot drop for Dia. But soon they floated to the ground with Falling Glide then the moved around a corner. A massive door stood open, behind was troves of treasure, weapons, armor, and jewelry. There in front of the massive open door stood a monstrosity that had black demonic armor nailed into its body. Its blood dripped from the rivets with its every move. It was in perpetual agony and was alert to its entire surroundings. Saurian put Dia down, and turned to her. Saurian's Warden combat armor was one part Kevlar, one part studded leather, and another demonic plate. He didn't know why his Warden gear came out like that, it must be Demonization at work. He wore a half mask/helmet on his face for protection, though his skull crest was the most durable part of his body.

-Stay here for a moment and move in when it dies. Saurian said as he slipped into the stone floor like it was water. Dia jumped back in surprise as she thought she would sink as well. She looked at Saurian in embarrassment and swore the giant reptile had a smile on his face. Dia huffed, and stuck her head around the corner. She saw the massive creature and swallowed the saliva in her mouth. That thing is going to make a lot of noise!

Saurian swam through the stone floor, he had to hurry as the floor was magical and it drained his energy for every second he was in the floor. He appeared behind the thirty foot creature, he cast Enlarge on himself and reached the height of eighteen feet. Not much, but better than nothing! He jumped onto the creature, wrapped his body around it and proceeded to drag it to the ground. He cast a illusion spell he had learned.

Illusion Domain Spell Silence: You create a field of silence that prevents all sound from entering or exiting the area of influence. Glamour works on mundane things, Illusion works on everything! -'Hello Darkness my old friend.'

The monstrosity screamed, wailed, and flailed as it tried to get Saurian off. Saurian used Gravity Stride to increase his weight by 30%. He had a death grip on the creature and did his best to choke the thing out. He had figured out that though the thing had several mouths it only had one pair of lungs and it came from the main mouth. After several tense minutes as the thing tripped and fell into a Mud Marsh then with out a sound Saurian snapped the things neck and it dropped dead. The ground became solid again and Saurian pulled himself out from under the body. He returned to his default size of ten feet by twenty. Dia levitated across the ground towards him, really? Levitation. Its was like hundred feet?

Saurian stood up before she arrived, he cast Recycle on the metal armor of the monstrosity to break it down. Then he cast Decomposition on the body and the broken down armor. Easier that way, the entire body turned to ash and 20% of the ambient magic returned to Saurian while the rest joined the Nature of Tartarus. Saurian pulled down the Silence then cast a giant Phantasm of the creature, he used Essence Imbuement, and False Life to give it a realistic look. Dia nearly jumped out of her skin again when the thing looked at her!

-You can raise the dead!? Oh...No, wait that's an illusion? Who the fuck are you!? Dia screamed across the link.

Saurian winced and glared at her. She mumbled an apology and followed after Saurian as he ran into the treasure room. The treasure room was even bigger on the inside than from looking in. Dia squealed in delight and raced over to a shelf full of staffs. A black gnarled staff glowed with purple energy as Dia ran to it. She reached out and hugged it close to her. The staff glowed brightly. Ah, magical tool. Dia can still cast magic with out it, but she used the magical focus as her cast system. Insight pinged new information. With the staff Dia went from E- to D- ranked super. Wow a whole grade just because...No that makes sense. If Lash and Saurian didn't have their primary magic ability they would drop a level too.

Saurian spent the next few minutes sniffing the air, and along the ground. He tracked the scent of the relic with a happy Dia that followed behind. He came across some magical enhanced demon tree seeds. He snagged a few, if he could find a plot soil they could be useful. Then he found a locked chest, the smell of the Amazons came from the chest. But he couldn't move the chest neither could he open it. He contemplated for a bit then turned to Dia who looked anywhere but at Saurian.

-Can you open the chest please? Saurian asked, his primal reptilian voice made Dia jump a bit.

-Oh sure! Dia walked over then tapped her staff against the chest. Said a few words and Saurian got a prompt from Observant Learner attempting to learn Trickery Domain....1%. The chest popped open with out any fuss.....


An alarm went off as soon as the chest popped open. Inside was the holy Relic that Lash and Saurian had been tasked to retrieve. Saurian picked up, and this Grave Domain cheered with Joy! All the souls contained with in woke up for a brief moment. They all cheered, a God-Kin had come to save them! Saurian pushed the joyful feelings aside. Snagged Dia and sprinted for the door, they raced past the Phantasm.

“Kill any one else that you see!” Saurian called out, the illusion Monstrosity saluted and took a battle stance.

Saurian raced down a hallway has he sent a Nature Domain pulse out. He had to find soil! Preferably soil that could support a tree! Soon a roar called out behind them and the ground shook for a brief moment. The illusion magical energy cut off quickly, Saurians False Life soldiers didn't have very high stats. Dia smiled wide and waved her staff with a few words. Observant Learner attempting to learn Trickery Domain....2%. Dozens of clones of them appeared and began to run in different directions.

Saurian felt a tug of what appeared to be a garden two levels above them. He sprinted towards a stair case he saw, he activated Gravity Stride raced up the stairs. Several Elite Guard spotted him and began to shout in a demonic tongue, thanks to Language Smith Saurian understood about 50% of what they said. Simply put. Stop them! Kill them! Lord wants sister alive! Dia did do the Demon Princess cliché for her back ground! Fuck! Dia became extremely quiet, she looked up at Saurian but he seemed to be focused on finding a way out.

Saurian raced up the stairs and ran out into a huge demon garden landscape. The castle was designed with sixty foot people in mind so obviously the garden would be huge. Saurian went straight to a patch of soil, he placed Dia down and began to plant the seeds. He cast Nature's Supplement, Daylight, Essence Imbeument, Nature's Kiss, and Growth. The seeds sprouted and grew faster and faster. Dia looked at Saurian with confusion, then shivered in fright because a voice called out behind them.

“Sister....Where are you running off to? With our intruder no less?” Dia turned around and pointed her staff at the man who walked out from another door. Saurian glanced at him and had to stop himself from saying something ...no wait he didn't care.

“Oh you fucking kidding me? How much of a cliché can this whole situation be!” Saurian called out. Dia looked back at him in confusion. Her brother paused mid step.

Dia's Brother was a red skinned man with black tribal marks across his whole body. He wore a half black and red leather pants, with no shirt. His arms were longer then they should be for a human course he wasn't human. He had long silver to white hair combed back past his shoulders. His crown like horns around his forehead gave the impression he had a natural nobility. But his four flaming red eyes were a dead give away. This was one of Trigon's children. The Fallen One is a child of Trigun! Fuuuuuuck!

“Lash...I'm sorry I didn't tell you...But if you knew the truth you wou...” Dia was cut off by Saurian.

“No Dia, I wouldn't give a shit. I don't care that your the daughter of Trigon! It really doesn't bother me! That red piece of shit can go fuck himself!” Saurian said, he wasn't sure he would be able to say the name, Foresight didn't activate so where did he know Trigon from?

“YOU DARE INSULT OUR FATHER!” The little shit with daddy issues roared and devastating pressure rushed towards Dia and Saurian. Dia screamed in surprise and went to defend Saurian so he ….Saurian pulled Dia aside and met the pressure head on. A small smile on his face.


The pressure destroyed everything it touched but as soon as it touched Saurian it disappeared! The little shit with daddy issues stumbled and fell to his knees. He looked up in shock, Dia looked at Saurian like he had grown another head.

“Listen you little shit with daddy issues because Trigon couldn't give a shit about you! I'm taking Dia, and we are leaving. I do not care about your cliché drama, Dia! I received a mission, I am going to complete that mission. That mission now includes getting you out of Tartarus! We can save your melo dramatic emotional roller coaster for when we leave! We will NOT discuss it in enemy territory like some damn soap opera, is that fucking understood!” Saurian shouted at both the little shit and Dia.

Dia looked pale with fright but nodded all the same. The little shit ground his teeth and sent another wave of pressure towards Saurian. Really? After the first time Saurian would have changed tactics. Nullification activated once more. The little shit coughed up blood from the back lash. At last a massive tree sprouted from the soil. Saurian picked Dia up, looked back at the little shit.

“Yo! Little Shit who's name I don't care to remember. Tell your daddy Trigon to go fuck himself!” Saurian reached out and pressed his hand onto the tree. He poured all of his Nature Domain Energy into the tree and cast the spell.

Nature Domain Spell Tree Stride: Open a portal between two different tree's of appropriate size that you have touched on the same plane of existence. If both tree's are healthy then the magic creates a gate way that allows the caster and any one clarified as an ally to pass through the gateway. Move quickly!

The demonic tree reached out with its branches and pulled its trunk apart, a tunnel was created between this tree and a old friend Saurian had made a long time ago. Saurian jumped through the hole and sprinted to the end. He heard a powerful scream of rage, as the door behind them closed abruptly. Saurian continued to run and jumped through the other side, Dia in his arms. He came to a rolling stop and looked up. The two giant demonic trees stared back at them, one with a massive hole that was starting close.

“Thanks for the help!” Saurian fed the trees a tiny bit of Nature Domain and sprinted towards the door of Themyscira that was in view.

“Saurian...I..... we.” Dia started to say.

“I said we are not going to fucking talk about your emotional drama cliché story while we are in enemy territory! Dia! I don't know how it is with your little friends but in real life the monsters don't stand around and let the heroes hash out their problems while they stand off to the side waiting for the go ahead!” Saurian yelled at her. Dia shut up after that and didn't make a single sound, out loud or across the link.

Saurian reached the giant stone door, took out the relic and pressed it against it. The relic grew bright and its energies flowed into the door. A giant mechanism in the door began to shift and turn. A avalanche of fury and unspeakable power raced from the volcano that now erupted! An explosion that rivaled a nuclear bomb went off in the distance. A scream, a voice that was both heard and felt called across Tartarus.

“DIIIIIIIAAAAAAAAAAAA!” Dia screamed in pain as blood pour from her eyes, ears, and nose.

Dia soon feinted in Saurian's arms, she looked like she went through a beating but she would live. Saurian was brought to his knees! He lost 80% of his total life from the scream. But thanks to all his buffs he was still alive. He struggled to stand as the door slowly opened, the sound of the Amazon legions behind the door sounded as they stood ready to attack what ever came out. Before the door had even fully opened Saurian shimmied his way through the crack as he tried to get out of Tartarus as best possible speed. The Relic in his hands glowed brighter and brighter. Almost home! Almost home! Saurian flew through the crack in the door and landed before the Amazon legions he raised the Relic into the air and the light created a spectral army of Amazon warriors that shielded Saurian from the Amazon legions. The soldiers froze in utter shock!

“STOP FUCKING GAWKING AT ME AND CLOSE THE FUCKING DOOR!” Saurian shouted as he used Commanding Presence. The Amazons jumped into action, got behind the mechanism and pushed the door closed.

SLAM! The sound of the giant stone doors as they closed washed over Saurian. The Orichalum dead bolts were shoved back into place. The spectral armies of the Amazons cheered! They were home! They were free! Saurian gently set Dia down and looked up at the Amazon Legions, then he saw a familiar face.

“So, High General. Do you know the answer to the universe, to life, and to everything?” Saurian said with a smile.

“42....Welcome back Warden Lash, and Hunter Saurian. You've been missed” Philipus said...

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