Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 50: You’ve got mail!

Saurian shifted back to Lash though it had only been a few hours...or days since they swapped out last time. Saurian was exhausted and wanted to sleep. After a few seconds of pain and magical transformation Lash stood before Philipus with a smile. He lifted the holy relic up and proceeded to hand it off...But Philipus stopped him. Lash looked at her with confusion.

“The task was given to you by the Queen, for the trial to be complete you must hand it off to her. Who is that?” Philipus asked, as she pointed to Dia.

“She is Dia Nyx, she is a God-Kin of the Greek Goddess Nyx. I found her imprisoned with in the castle of the Fallen One. As for her family heritage I am not certain of it. As for the specifics of why she was in the Castle, and who is responsible. I'll leave it to her. I helped her get out of Tartarus, she helped me get the Relic.” Lash said as he stashed the relic away in his Warden and slightly demonic armor.

Though Lash had stored the relic away the spectral guardians of the Amazon stayed present. They formed a phalanx with Lash at the center. The Amazon legions stepped aside out of respect for their fallen sisters and for Lash. Not a single Amazon warrior in the underground cave looked at Lash with hostility. They had only respect and kindness in their eyes, a hero had returned from the depths of Hell. Not many get to say that. Philipus gave a nod, gestured for a few guards to escort Dia to the healers and to keep her under watch. Then the High General led Lash to meet the Queen.

The spectral army followed in Lash's wake, two by two lines marched in sync with his every step. It would have caused a racket if they were capable of making sound. Lash and High General Philipus passed many Amazons along their route to the Queen. Some saluted, others cheered, but clearly his return was a surprise but clearly welcomed. They continued to a much larger viewing hall then last time. Giant doors opened as they approached, a throne room with dozens of decorated Amazons stood on either side of the main walk way. There sitting on her throne was Queen Hippolyta who looked the same as she always did, except for a smile that was on her face. Lash came to a stop at thirteen steps away from the first step of the throne. He took a knee and bowed his head, and paid the Old God customary greeting. A golden light peered through the statue of Hera at the back of the throne. Lash took out the relic as the spectral army behind him took a knee.

“Queen Hippolyta, I have completed the trial to prove my innocence I present the item in question as proof, as well as the souls of the Themyscira sisters behind me. Please absolve me of my sins.” Lash said politely as possible. His voice ravaged by exposure to hell.

Queen Hippolyta slammed her staff into the ground three times. A divine glow came not just from the statue of Hera. But giant spectral images of Athena, Aphrodite, Artemis, Demeter, Hestia. The Goddesses that empower and protect Themyscira. Each one of the Goddesses had a smile on their faces and a look of recognition. They looked at each other, then looked towards Hera together. They all nodded.

“By the Divine oversight of our Mothers, by the power invested in us as the leader of Themyscira. We, Queen Hippolyta here by declare Warden Erik Lash, and his partner Hunter Saurian innocent, and free of all charges! We announce that they are both now and forever friends of the Amazons. So say all that are present!” Hippolyta shouted, every single Amazon in the throne room that also included the spectral legion shouted.

“WE DO!” The shouts declared. The Queen slammed her staff three times and the divine lights of the Goddesses flooded the room. The holy relic of the Amazons floated from Lash's hand and was taken away by Hera herself. Lash smiled at the Queen, she gave a brilliant smile in return. That wilted slightly when Lash fell over and passed out....



Jessabell dropped the coffee mug that was in her hands, she dropped to her knees and held her hands to her chest. Soluna was the same, she knelt to the ground and as tears streamed down her face. A feeling that neither of them had felt in a long time woke up. They both looked at each other and cried tears of joy! Their friend, their family, their pack-master was on Earth again. Jessabell turned towards the direction of Themyscira and said...

“Lash is back.... Ohhhhhh... I'm going to kill him!” Jessabell said.

“Please, let me help you!” Soluna said as well.


Wonder Woman sat in a dark room at a round table. She was alone in the room but several holographic projections showed several members of the newly founded Justice League. The holographics came from Wayne-Tech, and or Batman. Around the room was Batman, Green Arrow, The Flash, Superman, both Green Lanterns, Shazam, Martian Man Hunter, Hawkman and Hawkwoman. They had been discussing the training regiments for the public and covert operations team of the younger generation. When Diana's phone buzzed..... All the projections in the room turned to her.

“Apologies everyone its from home, please give me a moment.” Diana said, she stood up and bowed from her waist.

“Of course, Diana take your time.” Superman said politely, the rest of the room turned to continue the discussion but stopped a few seconds after when Diana screamed in surprise.

“Diana! What happened?!” Superman asked, genuine concern in his voice.

“He's back! He came back from Tartarus! Wraith is back!” Diana cheered, and jumped into the air with joy.

The holographic room went so quiet that a door mouse could be heard. Then Superman signed off, then Batman, then The Flash...One by one each one signed off. Every current League member had known or heard of Agent Wraith. This team was made because of his idea. He had gone to 'Hell' and returned. Time to go meet the Ghost Lizard.


Congratulations User! You've completed One out of the three favors, tasked by Hades and Persephone! You journeyed into Tartarus and retrieved the Holy Relic of the Amazons that allows warrior women across the world to be reincarnated into Amazons if they so choose. It also allows the Amazons to return once more, or to move on to paradise. This will allow the Amazon people to continue to thrive!

Additional effects: Hades has chosen to now invade and retake Tartarus because hundreds of thousands of Amazon souls are no longer being held hostage.

You've completed the quest your Cosmic Patron gave you.

Challenge Rating: A+

Evaluation: B-

Reward: Two Dream Points and a store coupon.

Reward: Daemonic Heritage.

Reward: Familiar.

Comments: You could have done more, gained more from this trip. But, you also could have died! So you get an average grade.

Congratulations User! You've obtained the racial trait Daemonic Heritage.

Effects: Skill Demonization has been removed.

Effects: Daemonic Heritage makes you a Pure-Blood Daemon. You have taken the first step onto the path of Nobility with in the realms of hell. You are 10% more resistant to the effects of any Hell Dimension. Creatures from a Hell of lower rank are compelled to obey you, unless they serve one greater then yourself.

Current Rank: Knight

Congratulations User! You've obtained the racial trait Familiar.

Effects: Familiar grants you a companion made from pure magic. This creature is both a part of you, and is a separate entity. The creature has its own stats, skills, traits, abilities, and Spell Domains. Grows with time. -'Enjoy!'

Lash read through his prompts and watched with curiosity as mystical imperial sky dragon flew through the air above him. It was about three feet long, with a long serpent body, two arms and two legs. Each foot hand four claws. Its face was cute like a new born, with big eyes and a tiny pearl at the center of its forehead. No wings, it was based off of eastern dragons. The scale color was a mute forest green like Saurians. But its eyes were the color of lilacs. It flew around the room, it rubbed against the walls, the chairs, it smelled and tasted everything it found. But it never went to far from Lash. A knock came from outside, the Familiar flew back to Lash, wrapped around his neck and turned into a necklace of a serpent dragon biting its own tail.

“Come in.” Lash said, as he slowly sat up.

A young Amazon walked with a brilliant smile. She looked no older then eighteen but still had a strong form, golden tan skin, rich brown hair that was braided down her back. She wore a toga top, and leather pants. She bowed from her waist which surprised Lash. Amazons don't bow from their waist towards a man. Lash looked around the room, it was a simple one bed with a small window that let the midday sun in. Lash looked down at himself. He wore a simple cotton shirt with an open v-neck and cotton shorts.

“Warden Lash, you've been asleep for six hours. I am Pelia, your spell-healer. Your presence has been requested the moment you woke up. But if you are still tired please go back to sleep.” Pelia said once more with a brilliant smile. Lash looked at her for a moment.

“The young woman that came back with me from Tartarus. Any updates on her?” Lash asked softly. Pelia smiled wider at him and nodded, her expression seem to say. 'As I thought.'

“She is awake and on the mend. The Oracles were able to contact her Matron Goddesses Nyx. The Goddess Nyx and Dia are both thankful for your intervention. But Dia is currently in quarantine until we can remove the corruption of Tartarus from her. Which....You have no trace of.” Pelia walked over and took Lash's wrist in hand. He felt a pulse of magic run through his body. Lash didn't mind her to much, she was a healer. Healers don't practice personal space with their patients.

Observant Learner attempting to learn Life Domain.....1%

“When we removed your armor it was twisted with demonic magic. Its an effect of being in a hell dimension. Despite your over exposure to Tartarus you showed surprising resilience to its effects. But you still showed signs of corruption. But....You are not showing that anymore?” Pelia let go of Lash's wrist, stepped back and looked at him. She wouldn't ask, but she would listen.

“Reward from my Patron, job well done. Cleaned out the corruption, replaced it with something else.” Lash said, it was both the truth but also vague. She smiled at him and understood the message.

“Well that is wonderful! We were all worried for you.” Pelia said with genuine emotion. Lash was confused again, then he decided to activate his skill. Insight.

Name: Pelia

Title: Spell-Healer.

Origin: Magic.

Rank: C+

Skills: ???

Domains: Life, ???.

Disposition: Friendly

Comments: Pelia is astonished that Lash made it out of Tatartus alive, let alone with no ill effects. She is a talented healer, warrior, and despite her youthful age is older then Lash by a few centuries. Pelia find's Lash....Intriguing.

“Before I go, may we talk shop? I have the Nature Domain, you have the Life Domain. I'd like to compare notes.” Lash said to Pelia. She looked delighted, she excused herself for a brief moment came back with a chair and sat down to speak to Lash.

Lash and Pelia talked shop for about two hours. Observant Learner obtained a (42%) with the Life Domain. Thanks to a nice tool tip with Insight he was able to see that Pelia gained a (32%) understanding in the Nature Domain. On the way out of the House of Healers he saw is old cherry blossom tree he made for Diana so many...Weeks? Months? Bleh he never did find out how much time had past. Lash took a moment to update the tree, same spells just the leveled up versions. Only took an additional hour. He said goodbye to Pelia, who invited him to come back and talk more about their different Domains.

The Domain of Nature, and the Domain of Life were a lot alike. Though Nature seem to have more utility, and tools to help with healing. Life focused primarily on healing others, and keeping them alive. But under certain criteria, for example your life had to be in danger for the Life Domain to help. If you were wounded with broken bones, but your life was not in danger? Not so much. That is why every Spell-Healer with the Life Domain also practiced alchemy, and medicine. As always Nature is hard to learn, so life is the next best healing art. But, Lash still didn't understand the Domain completely he was only at (42%) he was sure he missed a lot.

Lash walked through the Capitol of Themyscira. He didn't have an escort, he was not looked at with disgust. The Amazons waved at him, greeted him with smiles, and more then a few gave flirtatious looks. He was happy they didn't throw stones at him. But he was worried for his chastity, he still intended on Jessabell being his first. He walked towards the castle and then Foresight activated but not Danger Sense. Which once he saw what was going to happen he understood why.

Princess Diana flew down from the sky and tackled Lash to the ground. The perfectly carved marble tiles cracked under the combined weight and attack of the tackle. But neither Diana or Lash were hurt. Though the wind had been knocked out of him! Diana squeezed the life out of Lash with a hug, she wore soft leather armor and her body felt amazing pressed again Lash. Somehow Lash got his arms free of Wonder Woman and hugged her back.

“Hello Princess Diana...Good to see you to.” Lash said between gasps for air.

“You came back! You came back with the relic! You conquered Tartarus! You did what even I was afraid to do!” Diana called out with excitement.

“D...Diana....I can't breath....” Lash said as his vision started to grow dark. Diana released him, and jumped to her feet. She reached down to help him up. He was yanked off the ground in a single motion.

Diana looked just as amazing as before. Raven black hair tied back into a braid, a soft leather corset that wrapped around her figure and showed off her curves. She wore a mid thigh leather skirt, and leather sandals. She stood with the confidence of both a warrior and a royalty. Hands on her hips, shoulders back, her chin up, and a wide smile on her face. She then looked at Lash with confusion when he pulled out a golden eagle choker necklace from his pocket space. The eagle had its wings spread out, a golden sun radiant above its head surrounded by the wings.

“Whats this for?” Diana asked, clearly confused by the...gift.

“Its pure Orichalcum, I said I would make you something.” Lash said to her.

Diana's eyes went wide as she held the necklace in her hands. Diana looked at the eagle then back at Lash. Then went back to the eagle, then for the first time Lash had ever known Diana she blushed. The blush crawled up her neck, into her face, until her ears burned red. It was one of the most seductive and cute things Lash had seen in a long time.

“I...I...I can't accept this...Lash. Its to valuable.....” Diana said, she held the necklace close to her chest. Though she said those words, she clearly didn't want to give it up.

“Wait till I tell you know what the enchantment is on it.” Lash sent a telepathic message to Diana. Who then screamed out in surprise, she held a hand to her mouth in shock! Her reaction caused several Amazons, and a few guards to walk over. Curious about the fuss.

Orichalcum necklace of the rising sun.

Rating: A-

Effect: Very durable.

Effect: 1% of the objects total durability repairs itself every day.

Effect: 10% resistance to offensive magic.

Effect: 10% increase to positive magic.

Effect: Grave Domain Spell, Kiss of the Grave: Single cast, with a six month cool down.

Effect: Grave Domain Spell, Death Ward: Single cast, with a six month cool down.

Comments: You've made a pure Orichalcum necklace. The necklace it self is worth a fucking fortune! But, you've also made a life saving talisman that nations would kill for!

Grave Domain Spell, Death Ward: While the spell is cast on a creature, being, or spirit. If the creature dies, as long as the body is mostly intact they will be revived with 1% of their total health and energy.

Diana shook like a leaf as she stared at the necklace, she looked at Lash and didn't know what to say. Lash took the ends of the necklace and offered to put it on her. She just stood their frozen, so he carefully brushed her hair aside. Tied the clasp around her neck, and the enchantment activated. Diana could feel the power wash over her. She bit her lip then hugged Lash again. This was a more intimate and tender hug that surprised Lash. Out of pure curiosity he used Insight.

Name: Princess Diana of Themyscira, Wonder Woman.

Title: God Killer.

Origin: Magical

Rank: A-

Skills: ???

Domains: ???

Disposition: Friendly

Comments: Diana is very great full towards Lash and Saurian. She considers them a friend, a great Warrior, and an amazing Hunter. She looks forward to fighting the good fight next to her friend who has returned from Hell. She has never in her whole life received such a precious gift from a man....She may start to develop romantic feelings for Lash and Saurian. Maybe. We'll say 50/50.

Lash like a puppet on strings hugged Diana back. What the fuck!? That was not the point of the necklace! He just wanted to ensure she stayed alive, and could help her people in a time of need! Fuck he made a whole bunch of things for the different League members while he was in Tartarus. Wait! That could be a good idea! If she knew he made things for everyone maybe it would down play the value of the gift!? Diana soon let go of Lash, coughed into her hand as she tried to clear the air. Her face still blushed red.

“Shall we go see Queen Hippolyta? She wanted to speak to you, I just came to make sure you didn't get lost!” Diana started to walk off with a full stride in her legs. Diana was being awkward? Wow!

Diana gave a horrible excuse to the local guards why she was being so flustered. But every single Amazon saw the new eagle necklace, and looked at Lash. A smile on their faces, Diana waved her hands around in clear denial about such things. Lash stepped up and said he had found a resource of Orichalcum in the Castle in Tartartus, if any Amazon wanted items made with the material they should find Lash. He would be more then happy to make, or give a few pieces. After a few minutes of dead silence the entire section of the town cheered. Lash even emphasized his point when he took out a ten pound ingot of the material. He had hoped that doing so would lower Diana's 50/50 of romantic feelings but it didn't!? It actually went up by a single point! 51/49. Romance was the former. Fuck!

Why didn't Lash just tell her no? Cause....He....Fuck he didn't know why! Cause part of him wanted it to happen...Maybe? The guards escorted them back to the palace. Well more like they escorted the ten pound ingot of Orichalcum and they traveled in the same direction. Diana talked the whole way, she described the city. How it was made, where they got the stone. How they adapted to the modern age, but kept their cultural identity. But the whole time Diana refused to look Lash in the eye. It was so out of character and cute that Lash made a game out of it. Until they reached the palace then formality dictated that Lash and Diana be respectful.

Along the way Lash and Diana both heard the unmistakable cry of a new born. Diana stood frozen as she looked at another Amazon. An Amazon wore ankle length pure white toga, a leather belt around her waist, the toga wrapped around her chest so it wouldn't fall. She had a white bundle in her arms as she rocked it back and forth. She stopped and looked at them both, then smiled when she spotted Lash.

“Warden Lash, meet the first true blooded Amazon to our shores in over three hundred years. The Queen named her Lashala in your honor.” The woman said softly, she brought the baby girl over to Lash. Lash looked down at the tiny bundle, her pure green eyes looked up and she smiled at him.

“When ever a Warrior woman dies across earth they are given a choice to be reborn in Themyscira, or when a Amazon dies they can choose to come back. When that time comes a baby is placed on the beaches of our island a gift from the Gods.” The nurse maid said, she smiled at Lash then excused herself.

Lash stood there frozen in place. His eyes were wide in astonishment and joy. He had fucking hated Tartarus! He questioned his sanity when he took the quest to sneak into Themyscira. He knew it wouldn't end well but he still did it. He accepted the quest to go into Tartarus because it was an adventure! At first the hellish dimension wasn't that bad! It was the fact that weeks, months, maybe even years passed while he was down there. But now....Now he felt it was all worth it. Diana squeezed his hand, he looked at her. She smiled at him and nodded.

“You did that. No one else. You. Come on, My mother is waiting.” Diana tugged on him and he followed her. Though Diana quickly went back to being cute when she realized she was holding Lash's hand. She dropped it, coughed and walked ahead as she tried to keep her ears from burning.

It was at that moment that Lash realized that aside from Steve Trevor Diana had no real interaction with the opposite sex. Yes she had been on the mainland for a while, but to Diana she treated it like a job. There were some comic origins where Diana and Clark have a relationship because they are both power houses and they find a connection in each other. But that may not happen this time, maybe it still will....Hmmmm. Did Lash want Clark with Lois? Or Diana? That's a coin toss right there. But back to the main topic. Diana is a strong, intelligent, confident woman. Exactly Lash's type. He loved women like that. Not some one he had to protect, or treat like they were a piece of glass that could break at any moment. Maybe Lash wouldn't mind if he had a relationship with Diana.

This time when Lash met with the Queen it truly was informal. She didn't have a crown on, she didn't have her staff. She wore light weight cloth that wrapped around her seductive body. Her rich blond hair fell past her shoulders, her legs were crossed so Lash could see her long legs in the sunlight. Lash saw all of this as Diana led him onto a terrace. An assortment of food was across the table Hippolyta sat at. She turned to look at Lash and gave him a genuine smile. This was Hippolyta, mother to Diana, and Amazon Warrior. But etiquette demanded he respond with formality until he was told otherwise. He stopped thirteen feet from her, took a kn..

“Enough of that Lash! I know you are hard wired with etiquette so I'll make it easier for you. Be at ease. That is an order.” Hippolyta said to him. Lash stood up slowly, bowed from his waist which made Hippolyta laugh. Then he joined Diana at the table.

“So, I assume you have questions about your absence since you left. Lets hear them, and we'll answer to the best of our knowledge.” Hippolyta said. She leaned back in her seat, the sun above her seem to make her glow.

“How long have I been gone?” Lash asked, as he watched both Diana and Hippolyta.

“Little less then a year. Your one year anniversary was next week.” Hippolyta said.

“Elizabeth, and Isabella?” Lash asked, he subconsciously clenched his hands. Diana and her mother both noticed the action but didn't say anything about it.

“Elizabeth passed our young warrior program with flying colors. She returned to Gotham and is currently a deputy Warden. Her ceremony is scheduled in three months. On a similar note, your friend Peyton's Warden ceremony is in two months. Isabella and Elizabeth got married a few months ago.” Hippolyta said with a smile. A weight lifted off of Lash's shoulders, Diana smiled at him.

“Who thinks I'm dead and who thinks I'm alive?” Lash said, he took out his Warden Phone from his pocket space. He had it turned off. He was sure he would get a swarm of messages for the past year.

“Well the Life Gem in the Gotham Warden HQ works through dimensional walls. The light never went out, so you are still officially a Warden. You were simply declared Missing in Action. Though the God Hades does not control Tartarus he is still able to look into the realm. He told the Goddess Persephone that you were still fighting in Tartarus. Persephone told Queen Hera, who told us. Though we were never given any details on where you were, or the progress of your trial. So, we were able to tell your loved ones that you still lived and fought on.” Hippolyta said then looked at Diana as she wished to speak.

“I was contacted about your return while I was in a meeting with the Justice League, So the founding members know of your return. Oh! That is right we formed the Justice League!” Diana said with a smile.

“I know, I received a decree from my Patron when it was first established. I think he was trying to encourage me. What is the public or mundane opinion about my absence?” Lash asked, he smiled at Diana in thanks to the formation of the League she smiled back.

“The United Nations explained that Agent Wraith visited Themyscira as planned. Then went directly on another assignment right afterwards. The exact details of the mission were never said out loud to any mundane or pseudo-mundane. Exceptions include a few direct relations you have. However, the theory that the public has created. Is that Wraith's alien native planet figured out that he gave advanced technology away. That Wraith is being punished by his home world and may not return.” Hippolyta said, she took sip from her glass then focused her eyes on Lash.

“I'm sure I'll have a long, incredibly detailed, and boring debrief about it. Question, is anything I saw in Tartarus for Amazons only? Or is it open discussion?” Lash asked after he thought about it.

“It is open for discussion with the Wardens, obviously you can not tell the mundanes with our breaking Warden Law. You can tell...Some of the Justice League. Not all of them understand the super-natural. They assume its all Alien technology and Meta-Gene.” Hippolyta said as she rolled her eyes.

“Barry...” Lash said.

“Yep!” Diana said with a laugh.

“Atlantis?” Lash said, his change in subject caught both Diana and Hippolyta off guard.

“What about it?” Hippolyta asked, she sat up straight as if this was something she should pay attention to.

“Who's in power? Prince Orm, or Prince Arthur Curry?” Lash asked. He didn't really care right now if it was still a secret. Diana's eyes opened wide at Arthurs name.

“Wait, Arthur is a Prince of Atlantis!?” Diana said with astonishment. Hippolyta had a huge smile on her face. The Queen of Themyscira came out for a brief moment.

“King Orm is technically in power. But he still does not have stable control over his kingdom. What was once just rumor and hearsay is now confirmed fact. Orm intends to wage war on the surface world if he is declared ocean master. Though he has magnanimously offered the Amazons protection from the coming war we have refused. So when the war comes he will have to fight us as well.” Queen Hippolyta said, as the gears in her mind began to grind.

“Yes, Diana. Arthur Curry is the first born son of Queen Atlanna. She fell in love and married Arthurs father in secret. But returned to Atlantis due complications. Then as you know she gave birth to Orm. So Arthur and Orm are half brothers. I had thought that Princess Y'Mera would have convinced him by now to take the throne.” Lash said, a bit disappointed.

“Wait! Hold on, Mera knows Arthur is the Prince? She is practically attached to his hip when ever he does any League business. But that makes complete sense now! I thought she just had feelings for him. Wait! Why was Mera so upset when she found out you went to Tartarus?” Diana said, a bit of.... Feminine curiosity in her voice, posture, and facial expression. Hippolyta looked at her daughter with her full attention. This was new!

“During the Winter Ball, I met with a envoy that Prince Orm sent. They wanted to know if I could track something. Specifically a family member. I told them the details of our tracking abilities. They were hopeful. Little less then a minute after they excused themselves Princess Y'mera found me at the party. We spoke privately in an alcove so not to be heard. However, unlike the envoy I gave the decree my Patron told me to give to Princess Y'mera. About Arthur's name, location, and the fact that they would be husband and wife in the future.” Lash said nonchalantly to Diana and Hippolyta.

“So that means that Arthur is suppose to be king? At least your Patron God thinks so. Its a shame that Queen Atlanna could not be here to help her son take the throne.” Hippolyta said with remorse.

“She's not dead...” Lash said as he took a bite out of a muffin. Wait a fucking minute how did he know that?! Foresight did not activate. So how did he have that information?

Lash blinked and suddenly he had been lifted from his chair. Hippolyta had picked up with a single hand, her hand clutched the fabric of his shirt. Wow good quality, it didn't rip! Lash was momentarily confused because Danger Sense didn't activate. Hippolyta had a smile on her face as she asked a question.

“Where is Queen Atlanna now, Lash?” Hippolyta asked.

“The Queen resides in the ancient lost sea, also known as the center of the earth. With in the kingdom of the Trench is a whirling vortex of water and magic that allows entry into the center of the earth but does not allow exit. There the lost trident of King Atlan resides, however only the one true king may take the trident. Because it is guarded by the Karathen, and also the spell of kings from Atlan. Arthur Curry is the One True King” Lash said, as Foresight did activate. His body glowed with divine light, and he lost 90% of his total energy. Fuck!

A smile bloomed on Hippolyta's face then she hugged Lash so suddenly he had no idea what was going on! He flailed his arms around in confusion because Hippolyta had forced his head between her breasts? What the fuck! Lash reached out and grabbed Diana's offered hand and pulled himself to freedom. His face was red, and his eyes wide. He looked around expecting another attack from some where. Hippolyta laughed at his reaction.

“I'm sorry! Queen Atlanna was a good friend of mine. It filled me with rage when I found out they sacrificed her to the Trench. I wanted to slay king Orvx for it. But he did the smart thing and stayed underwater. Diana, invite Prince Arthur and Princess Y'mera to Themyscira immediately. We would speak them! I'm sorry Lash we'll have to conclude our discussion I have a lot of work to do. Good day!” Hippolyta excused her self with out waiting for Diana's or Lash's reply.

“Lash, if what your Patron said is true. We could avoid a war of epic proportions. But, I get the feeling that Arthur may not want the throne.” Diana said to Lash. They both took their seats again on the Terrace. But Diana had taken out her communicator and began to message them.

“Once Arthur hears that his mother is still alive, I think his attitude will change. Diana, why were you surprised Princess Y'mera had shown concern for my well being?” Lash said, with a smile on his face.

“Oh! Well, I was just surprised you knew her. But your explanation was more than satisfactory. I've known Y'mera for many years. She is a friend, I know how she can get.” Diana said, the entire time she refused to look at Lash in the eye. Insight pinged with an update. Diana's feelings for Lash were an even 50/50. Hmmmm....

Lash finished his muffin then turned his phone on. Six thousand unread messages, eight thousand missed calls, fifteen thousand emails. Lash groaned loudly, Diana looked at him in confusion so he showed her why. She burst with laughter, an open jovial laugh that made her chest bounce gently. She looked at him with pity and went back to her messenger. Lash activated Connectivity, and Parallel Minds. Then got to work.


Elizabeth Shaw walked through 'The New Narrows' Wayne Industries did a good job. The entire island was specifically for low-income families, and people. But it was clean, Eco-friendly, and had plenty of public health and safety. She had lived in Gotham most of her life, she knew what the Narrows use to be like. Lash had wanted to make this a better place, so she would help. She stopped when she thought of him, she looked up at the sky and sighed.

“I miss you...” Lizzy said softly. Her phone vibrated she took it out and froze in place. She scrolled through the message, then went to the Warden Information page.

'Warden Erik Lash, and his Partner Hunter Saurian have returned from Tartarus. With Amazon Relic in hand. They are resting at Themyscira. Any one involved with Warden Lash please visit Warden HQ. We are attempting to see who can visit him at Themyscira.'

“FUCK YES! HE'S BACK!” Lizzy screamed, people jumped in surprise and looked at her. But she didn't care. She put her pseudo-Amazon body to the test and sprinted home. She called her wife Isabella to tell her to pack their bags!


Selina Kyle had her mouth open wide, she stared in astonishment at Bruce who had come to see her. Bruce had a small smile on his face as he watched Selina come to terms with what he just said about their friend Lash. Bruce had come to see Selina at the Wayne Art museum that even to this day still had a line of people that wanted to come see the statue Lash had given them. On Selina's left hand was a gold ring with a diamond, and Bruce had a silver ring on his left hand. They were engaged to be married but had waited because Selina wanted Lash to be there. Bruce hadn't fought her on it, he could wait. Selina stood up, came into Bruce's arms then said.

“So, do you want to get married in the spring, summer, or fall?” Selina said softly. Bruce laughed out loud and hugged his fiancee even tighter.


“YESSSSSSSS! NOT EVEN FUCKING HELL CAN KEEP HIM DOWN!” A exceptionally large troll warrior shouted at the top his lungs. The Shield and Sword response teams that were in the underground bunker jumped in surprise.

“Booraku! What the fuck!” A soldier asked.

“Warden Lash! He's back! He went into Tartarus attacked the castle of the Fallen One! Retrieved the Holy Relic of the Amazons and made it back! He's fucking back! He came, he saw, he conquered! And lived to tell the tale! YESSSSSSSS!” Booraku cheered! He cast his glamour and sprinted from the room! He had to tell Juliana if she didn't know already!


Li'Ana sat at her desk, shock written all over her face. She was at home, and chose not to wear the transmutation ring so she could rest her neck and back. Every time she took the ring off she would think of Lash the one and only man in her life that would much prefer she be healthy than be big. It made her laugh when ever she thought about it. Then it would make her sad, she missed him. But she knew he was alive and fighting. But today she got an urgent letter from the Warden HQ. Lash had come back from Tartarus. She quickly reached inside of 'her self' and felt the connection. YES! The Pack Bond was out of range, but it had a hum of energy. The Pack master was on the same plane of existence. Li'Ana had figured this out when Lash visited the Winter Ball in the Fae wilds. If he was not on the same plane of existence the Pack Bond would be dull and lifeless. Li'Ana smiled to her self and massaged her neck.

“Welcome home....” Li'Ana smiled as she thought about him. She wasn't sad anymore.


“By the Fae Queens of Winter and Summer! YES! He fucking did it!” Mikhail's voice screamed from the office in the house. Peyton snapped her eyes open, she looked at the clock...it was two in the morning. What the fuck is he shouting about? Mikhail ran straight into the room, dove onto the bed and shook Peyton awake.

“Gah! What!? Stop it! I'm going to fucking shoot you! I don't care how cute you are!” Peyton yelled at him.

“He's back! Peyton, Lash is back! He survived Tartarus! He got the relic! He'll be back in time for your Warden Ceremony!” Mikhail smiled at her. Peyton looked at him, sat up and pushed him off. She ran straight towards the office they shared. She logged onto the Warden information page. Sure enough there was a world wide broadcast. Then both Mikhail and Peyton's phones vibrated. It was a number they had not seen in a year.

'Hello! I'm back, I made it in time for Peyton's ceremony! Wow, what great timing!' -Wraith.


Skaleg the old viking sat on a wooden pier at a forest lake. His cabin was behind him, and an older but still very attractive woman was bringing him his phone. Skaleg hand a fishing pole in hand, he wore boots, jeans, flannel shirt, coat, and base ball cap. He sipped from his beer, and turned around to smile at his wife. She was part sylvan and they had agreed to get married the moment he stopped being a Warden. Rules of neutrality. She had a smile on her face, she was 5'8” with a seductive hourglass figure, long brow hair that went past her shoulders. She wore flats, blue jeans, one of his flannel shirts that he loved to see her wear. She handed him his phone.

“You'll want to take this one.” Mutalia said to him. Skaleg accepted the phone from her, and eyed her as she snatched his beer and had a swallow. She smiled wide at him, something fishy was going on.

“Hello?” Skaleg said into the phone.

“Mentor Skaleg hello! How is your retirement going?” Lash said across the phone. Skaleg's eyes went wide, he stood up and shouted into the phone.



Lois rolled her shoulders for a bit and tried to massage the crick in her neck. She took a moment to drink her cold coffee and grimaced. Today was just not going well, she couldn't get the creative juices flowing. She wanted a story, something that would break the world! She had heard whispers about a team, a league of heroes united across the globe that took up arms to fight the battles normal people couldn't. She wanted to talk to Superman about it, but he was tight lipped as always. The Flash in Central City seemed to only accept interviews from Iris West. Wonder Woman had diplomatic immunity and could not be contacted for comment. Beep!.... Email message.

'My friend Miss Lane! Hello, how are you? Are you still enjoying the jewelry I sent you. I hope you are. I just got back to Earth, yes I was off world. How about we discuss the specifics of it in an interview? We can schedule one later, I am visiting family. But you have my information. Feel free to tell Mr White that I plan to talk to you first before any one else about the how, why, and when. Your friend. -Agent Wraith.

Lois read over the email three times. She checked the sender and confirmed it was Wraith's email. She had tried to track, hack, and carve that email to its source for nearly a year! But nothing worked! This had to be a hoax, right? Someone hacked her computer...

“Miss Lane?” Lois jumped in surprise and turned around. It was the postal worker in the building he held a package.

“That for me?” Lois asked, he nodded and handed it off to her.

She looked back at her email then at the package. It couldn't be? She opened it up and inside was a box, she opened that up and gasped in shock. Inside was a beautiful golden bracelet with Celtic knots all across it, she quickly put it on and felt a surge of energy push through her whole body. The crick in her neck melted away, and all the built up crap in her body just left. Inside the box was a small card.

'Yes it really is me, my friend. -Wraith'

“Perry! I've got exciting news!” Lois called out across the office.


Lash continued to work until the sun set, Diana pulled him up and out of the Palace. They went to a local bonfire and cook out. They were welcomed with open arms, Lash continued to use Connectivity, and Parallel Mind. So he could work, and relax as well. But despite all the paper work he had to do. He decided unless Darkseid was going to invade he was just going to relax for a while. Lash even asked Dawn if there was a way to stop the generated events. She said no, unfortunately. The only way was to log out. But Lash wanted to be here for this, so he would do his best to rest for as long as he could. Then he got a message from Jessabell.

'Do not leave, Themyscira. Understood?' Jessabell messaged.

'Are we doing our weekend getaway here?' Lash messaged back.

'Weekend? Try a week, I am going to ride you till you die!' Jessabell messaged with a smiley face emoji.

Lash grinned, he accepted a meat skewer and a drink. He ate and drank for a while but simply enjoyed his time in the tropics. He sat alone, but not apart from the group. No one bothered him, he put off an aura that he enjoyed himself but wanted to be alone. The Amazon warriors all understood. He had returned from Hell. The fact that he was stable was an accomplishment in it self! Diana came over once the bonfire began to die. It was late, but Lash didn't seem to notice as he stared up at the night sky. She sat down next to him, but didn't say a word.

“Tartarus doesn't have a day and night cycle. Its just a crimson red sky, and it rains acidic blood every few days. Despite its hellish landscape it actually has an ecosystem, my Nature Domain actually worked in Tartarus. I didn't know how much time had passed, Diana. I had honestly thought a few days at most. But when my Patron sent a word that the League had been formed, that is when I knew that time had moved differently.” Lash said, he continued to stare at the sky. Diana, and a few Amazons watched and listened to him.

“I hunted, I killed, and did many horrible things to survive in that place. I shouldn't be here... I should have died. But I didn't, I came back different Diana. So I need you to make me a promise, not just you but the Amazons. If I turn into a monster, promise me you'll put me down.” Lash said, tears rolled down his cheeks but he didn't turn towards Diana.

“We promise to help you fight the battle to keep your soul, Lash. But if you lose your soul, then we promise to end it. To save you in death.” Diana said, and many Amazons said as well.

“I think I'll stay here for a while. Its a nice night.” Lash said, he made no move to clean his face of tears. Diana nodded and excused her self, as did the other Amazons. Lash was alone, figuratively. There were several warrior that were near to assist him if he needed help. But they were plenty far enough away.

“Dawn, please activate my store coupon....” Lash said to the darkness.

“Of course, User!” Dawn's voice replied....from his neck? Lash looked down as his Familiar unwound from his neck, became animated and fluttered around him playfully.

“Ohhhhhh.... I was hesitant about the Familiar at first. But if you are going to control it. I'm down for that.” Lash said, as the mystic dragon flew over and rubbed its head against his cheek like a cat.

The cosmic store book appeared with a flash of light that lite up the entire area briefly. The guards all looked over in astonishment and saw that Lash had a book made of starlight in his hands. He leafed through it as a baby....DRAGON! Flew around him?! The guards watched in fascination as Lash spoke to the baby dragon several times, he laughed, and looked through the book. What is going on?

Lash typed into the search engine to pull up recommended store items, specifically for him. Several items for purchase came up. He could buy another rank in his Daemonic Heritage to increase his rank to Baron. If he is a Baron he can make five Daemon Knights. Cool. He looked for Density Shift and he found it! But it was grayed out, he needed to complete a story event, buy another item which was not listed, or be an alien. Its an alien thing. He checked his available Dream Points and was shocked to see six points! Six DP?! He wasn't sure he could spend it all! Course he didn't have to, he could save it for later. He could buy a super rank. He was still C- last he checked. He could spend...two DP to get to B-.

Lash dismissed his recommended search. Then just started to search through the book. Dawn his Familiar soon got tired of flying around. She landed on his shoulders and looked at the book with him. He gently patted the mystical dragon, and she purred at him. Lash found an interesting skill, Interplanetary Law. Let him learn the Laws of different planets, and cultures. May be useful later on once Earth starts to receive more and more attention from the cosmos. Ah! He found a skill he wanted! He was actually surprised he didn't get it already.

Congratulations, Master! You've purchased the skill Meditation: The skill of either silencing or focusing one's mind. In its most basic forms, meditation can be used to relax and give control to those who suffer from stress, anger or other physical and psychological problems.

Effects:1% increase to your Self-Control, Mental, and Spiritual resistance.

Lash felt a little better, he wasn't has stressed as before. His thoughts were easier to organize, and he seemed more self aware. He was happy with this choice. Five Dream Points left. Lash had an amused grin on his face as his Familiar looked at him. Yes, he heard Dawn call him Master. He wouldn't say anything. But after a moment he leaned down and licked the top of the dragons head. She wiggled and writhed around his neck. She huffed in irritation and rubbed the saliva off of her head onto his body. Lash soon found a new utility skill that would help him be decent at a few things.

Congratulations, Master! You've purchased the skill Science: This skill is an umbrella concept. Anything that falls under the category of Science is effected by it. This means you know a little bit about everything Science covers. It takes far more experience to level and evolve.

Effect: Chemistry, Genetics will be removed. However all experience gained from these skills will be added to Science. -'Bill Nye the Science Guy!'

Dawn the baby mystic dragon crawled down from Lash's shoulders and flipped a few pages. Then pointed at a specific skill, FUCK! The thing cost four Dream Points to buy. Whats it called, Cosmic Awareness? Whats it do....... That is not fucking possible! Lash didn't hesitate and used the rest of his Dream Points.

Congratulations, Master! You've purchased the skill Cosmic Awareness: The power to perceive and understand the workings of the universe on a cosmic level. You can look past the multi layers of the universe and say, 'I see you!'

Effect: The Fourth wall engine no longer effects you, or your VI avatar model.

Effect: It will take 99% of your energy level to look past the fourth wall, energy consumption decreases as it levels and evolves.

Effect: Cool down period is one day in The Dream, shorter cool down as it levels and evolves.

Effect: 20% increase to your Conversion Rate.

The starlight book snapped shut, and faded from sight. Lash didn't care, he held Dawn tenderly in his arms and said the words, his entire energy reserved dropped to 1% but he said it! He said the words! He fell over from the table he sat on, the the Amazon guards came to his aid. But he smiled as they helped him, he smiled as they brought him to a guest villa that had been prepared for him. He lay in his bed, Dawn his Familiar nuzzled against his neck. What did he say?

“Darkseid the master of Apokolips will one day invade Earth.” Lash had used his skill once and only once. But it didn't matter anymore! Lash could say it as many times as he wanted to now! Because it was in the world, it had been said! He could not believe that was a fucking skill he could buy for four dream points!

“Dawn, what is Conversion rate?” Lash said into the dark.

“I'm afraid I can't tell you, Master. Its an easter egg by the Developers. But once you are at 100% I can tell you then!” Dawn the dragon said against his neck.

“Good night my Brightest Star.” Lash said to the dragon.

“Good night, Master!” Dawn's voice spoke to him. She sounded the same as she always did. He never actually saw the dragons mouth open and close. So magic it is then. Lash literally wore The Endless around his neck. How epic was that?

Then for the first time in a long time, Lash relived one of his memories as he slept. It had been a long time since that happened. He was a farmer? Or a gardener, he planted sun flowers, bean sprouts that shot green peas at...Zombies? Zombies were attacking his farm! He had to take care of his plants so the plants could fight the zombies! It made perfect sense! Why does that Zombie have a pole? Oh crap it vaulted over the barrier! Nooooo! The sunflowers! You monster!

“Noooo!” Lash was up out of his bed and had nailed a woman to a wall. His claws wrapped around her throat. He screamed at the top of his lungs but soon stopped and stepped away.

“Diana! I...I'm sorry! I..” Lash was stunned! Diana smiled at him and massaged her neck.

“Lash it's fine, you didn't hurt me. I completely understand.” Diana said, she had been surprised by how quick he moved but he hadn't hurt her. Lash dropped to his knees then rocked back and forth. His skill Meditation activated and he soon calmed down. Diana knelt by his side, she had a hand on his shoulder.

“Arthur and Y'mera are here. Mother want's you to be there to explain to Arthur about the trident and Queen Atlanna.” Diana said. Lash nodded and stood up with her help. They started to move towards the palace.

Lash had found and put his Warden combat suit back on, the combination of Kevlar, leather, and Demonic Plate armor looked beautiful and intimidating. He made sure his Gotham City Warden symbol was drawn correctly on his half breast plate. He told Diana he just felt naked with out it sometimes. She laughed. Diana had leather boots on, with knee length leather skirt. She wore a studded leather chest guard, with leather gauntlets. Her hair was pulled back into a braid, which the end was tied to her chest guard so it wouldn't fly around. Her skin was a healthy pink, not pale nor tanned. Her hips swayed naturally with every step she took. Diana glanced at Lash from the corner of he eye and saw that he watched her. She lifted her chin proudly, and continued to walk with out a word. But a smile of satisfaction was on her face.

Diana brought Lash to a viewing hall he was familiar with. The first one he came to when he was tasked to retrieve the relic. They walked in after being announced, Queen Hippolyta sat on her throne. She spoke with a soft, but clear voice to Princess Y'mera. Mera, wore a tight green diving cat suit? Mid high heels, fins on her calf muscles, with an Atlantis A on her belt. The suit had a wide V-neck for her cleavage which was ample. Her cherry red hair was still a little wet as it was swept back behind her shoulders. Her blue eyes turned to look at Lash, she smiled wide when she saw him.

Besides Mera was a 6'3” brick of a man! He had wild hair, and beard that went to his chest. He had tattoos up and down his arms, and chest. The tattoos looked like fish scales from a distance. He had snake skin boots on, with biker leather pants, and a leather vest on. Great! Arthur is the bad ass guy from the movie! The man turned around, his golden amber eyes took Lash in.

“Wait? I thought we were meeting Wraith? Who's this guy?” Arthur said with a dismissive tone.

Before anyone could correct him, Lash used Transformation his skin peeled back, his tail grew from behind him, his face elongated into a short snout, a small skull crest grew. He cast Phantasm, to create the Wraith Shroud. Glamour worked on mundanes and some Fae. But most Fae and Pure-Blood Fae can look past Glamour. Illusion, that is something you have to be trained for. Even then the Domain Level increases its ability to 'lie' to the world. So now his Wraith disguise worked even on the super-natural world. Agent Wraith stood about ten feet from Arthur, a inhuman screech came from the shroud as Lash bowed from his waist.

“Prince Arthur, it is a pleasure to meet you at last.” Lash said. Arthur had a look of disbelief. Then he walked forward with a smile held out his hand. Lash took the offered hand and they both gave a firm handshake.

“So the Justice League was your idea. Respect. Now, whats this shit about Atlan's trident?” Arthur asked.

“Hold on! I haven't said hello yet!” Mera walked over and pushed Arthur out of the way with her hip. He stumbled back with a laugh and got out of the way.

“Take this off, you don't need to hold the disguise now anyways.” Mera asked, Lash complied and took his Wraith disguise off, and changed to his default human shape.

Mera smiled, wrapped her hands around Lash's neck and pulled him down into a kiss. She wrapped her left leg around his hip and put her entire body flush against him. Her breasts pushed into Lash's chest, her hips ground into his. Her tongue entered his mouth and she moaned in delight. Lash tasted good apparently. Lash wrapped his arms around Mera to help her keep balance. They kissed for about ten seconds before she broke the kiss. She licked his lips, then her own. She stepped away, then swept her hair aside.

“Right! I've said hello! Now we can talk!” Mera said with a smile. Arthur...Didn't seem bothered by it. He just laughed, kissed Mera on the forehead. He then clapped Lash on the shoulder and looked back at Queen Hippolyta. Diana rolled her eyes at Mera and gave her friend a hug. Mera noticed the 'golden' eagle necklace. Diana gestured towards Lash and mouthed they would talk later. Mera nodded in confirmation, yes they would.

“Warden Lash, you have the floor.” Queen Hippolyta gestured towards him.

“Trident first? Or Queen Atlanna?” Lash replied. Arthur suddenly became really focused, as was Mera.

“Wow...Hold on, what this about my mother?” Arthur asked Lash.

“Your mother isn't dead. She resides at the lost sea where Atlan's trident resides.” Lash replied.

After he said that, Lash spent the next few hours with in the throne room. He went through details, history, and lore. The specifics of King Atlan and his trident. How Queen Atlanna survived the trench and was currently trapped. He activated Cosmic Awareness then golden divine light swallowed him. He would have to thank Dawn later. He told Arthur, and Mera about the location of the lost Atlan scroll of kings. If they can get the scroll he will help them find the desert kingdom. Why did they need the scroll? Because the Trench was huge! They needed a specific location, so they needed the scroll which led the to the Sahara, which gave them the bottle, which would lead them to the general area. He told them to wait another day before they left because he could give them more information. Rules with being an Oracle. Arthur and Mera agreed, but she could send word to Vulko who wanted Arthur on the throne. When Vulko heard about King Atlans trident and that Queen Atlanna still lived he gave his word he would do his best to find the scroll by the time they arrived.

“Whatcha thinking about?” Arthur came over to Lash, and handed him a cup of honey mead.

“I just got back from Tartarus...Hell. Literally. I was planning on taking a vacation for a bit, at least a week before I throw myself back into the blender. But here I am, effecting change on a world scale.” Lash said, as he accepted the cup and leaned against his chair.

They had finished talking logistics and adjourned for the day. They went to another bonfire that night just like before. Mera and Diana spoke on the other side, along with several other amazons. They laughed, giggled, and Mera more then once pointed at Arthur. She made a lewd gesture about....length? All the women laughed, a few blushed as they looked at Arthur who grinned back at them. Arthur turned back to Lash.

“You'll get your vacation man. I heard about hell. Didn't think it was real till Mera told me about it. That is some real Dante's Inferno shit right there. Vulko said the site would take time to excavate, he has to be careful around my shit stain half brother Orm. So, relax! See your family! Have sex with the dozen or so beautiful women that I heard are waiting. Then when we find the scroll come help me find my Mother, and take the throne...Deal?” Arthur held out his hand. Lash took it with out a second thought.

“Deal.” Lash said.

“Lash!” A very familiar voice called out to him. He stood up and saw a sight for sore eyes. Jessabell. Well, looks like it was time.

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