Jessabell had leather sandals, with straps that wrapped around her calves. She had knee high leather skirt with slits up both sides so she could run in them. She wore a simple sheer fabric around her chest that wrapped up and around her neck to offer support. She grown to the height of 5' 8”, her black hair was cut short just above her shoulders, and on the left side from ear to mid way up was shaved. Her skin was a rich dark caramel color. Her left ear had earrings from top to bottom, but only a single earring on her right lobe. Each one was silver. Her eye color shifted between gold, red, blue, and purple. She came right up to Lash and completely ignored Arthur, and everyone else at the bonfire. Her glare was intense as she practically hissed out her words.

“Privacy, now!” Jessabell growled at Lash. Arthur had his hands up in surrender and had left Lash to his fate. Lash swallowed his saliva and gestured Jessabell to follow.

Lash heard Mera tell Arthur and Diana who that was. But he didn't get the rest as Jessabell bore hole into the back of his head with her eyes. He just moved forward to the guest villa he was offered, they walked in silence for nearly thirty minutes. Lash waved at the few Amazon guards they encountered but none of them stopped him and Jessabell. They soon arrived at the villa, he opened the door Jessabell closed it behind her. He went to the living room and turned around to look at her.

“We are alone.” Lash sai.....SLAP! Jessabell slapped him across the face.

“Gaaah! Owe! Why is your face made out of granite!” Jessabell then stepped towards him and punched him square in his solar plexus which only made her bite back another scream. Lash's Intermediate Damage Resistance has pretty high when it came to blunt damage.

“Jessabell, I came back from Tartarus. If you were capable of hurting me, I would have died there.” Lash said nonchalantly. Which was the wrong move, because Jessabell took a combat baton from her bag. She then proceeded to beat Lash.

So, that was how Lash and Jessabell spent the first two hours of their reunion. Jessabell took item after item from her bag, then she took knives, daggers, and even a sword from her pocket space which to this day Lash never figured out how they do it. During the whole ordeal Lash got a single prompt from Damage Resistance it gained a single point of experience. Jessabell was on her knees gasping for air, and not in a good way. She continued to glare at Lash, more now for the fact that all of her weapons she carried had cracked or broke against Lash's skin. Lash didn't get a scratch, welt, or a bruise the whole time.

“We are happy to see you, Jessabell.” Lash and Saurians voice both spoke at the same time. Jessabell flinched lightly, she continued to glare at Lash. Then tried to fight him off when he picked her up and hugged her. She pushed, pulled, and screamed at him! He just held her, gently in his arms.

“WHY DID YOU FUCKING LEAVE!?” She screamed at him.


“You make it sound like you didn't trust me to come back?” Lash said softly, this time he let go of her when shoved against him with all her strength.

“Of course I believed you would come back! Damnit! ...Lash.... Families are suppose to help each other! You could have called! I would have come with you! Soluna would have come with you! Fuck even Li'Ana! Booraku! Peyton, Mikhail! Selina! Lizzy! We all would have gone with you! Why didn't you fucking call for us!?” Jessabell screamed at him.

“That isn't how the trial worked, Jessabell. You know that. If I had been able to call for assistance I would have done it. If not me, then Saurian! He thinks far more rational then I do. I would have called for all of you! But it didn't work that way. This was a trial not only set by the Amazons, but by the Old Gods.” Lash told her.

“Don't you fucking think I know that! I checked! I looked through every fucking loop hole in the entire Divine contract! You had to go alone! I don't have any one to blame!? Fuck! You were gone for a year! Life gem in Warden HQ kept glowing! Themyscira sends word every month that you are alive! You missed the Summer Court Solstice Ball! I was really looking forward to seeing you trash everyone! I...I don't have any place to put my anger, Lash!” Jessabell screamed at him, then began to pace the semi destroyed living room. Lash just watched her pace back and forth.

“I wanted to hate you, but you were stuck in a situation out of your control. You didn't know the consequences of your actions. Why? Because your fucking god told you to!” Jessabell screamed that last part up at the ceiling presumably towards Lash's Cosmic Patron.

“You were told to sneak into Themyscira, which would lead to a punishment. Which Queen Hippolyta received a message from Goddess Hera about the plan. It was a fucked up plan that hinged on the entire idea that you could successfully sneak into the island. Get caught! Then get sent into Tartarus! All because you have to repay three fucking favors for the God Hades, and the Goddess Persephone.” Jessabell said, this caught Lash off guard. He didn't think many people knew about the three favors.

“All because you were there to stop Ares from preforming the ritual to release his warriors and soldiers from the underworld. Wonder Woman and Superman fought and captured Ares! He didn't die! So Hades didn't get his Domain of War! I understand they could have killed you, or enslaved you! But Persephone let you go under the condition of the three favors! Just..Fuck! I don't have any one to hate! I can blame you for being a tool to a fucking God! But that seems a little fucking pointless!” Jessabell was still angry.

Jessabell took a seat in one of the few remaining chairs in the room. She started to cry, but obviously still wanted to be angry. But she was right, she didn't have any one to be angry at. She could blame people all day long. But Jessabell was a woman of action, she didn't sit off the side and just bitch about things. She would step up and do something. But everyone who was to blame was in an untouchable position. Plus, it worked out! Lash had returned, with the relic!

“You know! We had thought you would find another way out of Tartarus... That was a loop hole in the contract. You couldn't return to Themyscira's door with out the relic. But there is more then one way into the underworld. But you didn't. You never even thought about it, according to the Amazons. You spent a few months getting a feel for the area, then you went straight to your objective. For once Lash, couldn't you be a fucking selfish asshole and not be a Hero?” Jessabell asked, tears streamed down her cheeks.

“That's not the way I'm wired, Jessabell. I don't go looking for trouble, trouble just finds me. But I always finish it. To the best of my abilities.” Lash said, as he knelt before Jessabell who laughed at him.

“I really fucking missed you, you know that?” Jessabell said to him. Lash smiled at her.

“Missed you too.” Lash said.

“Wheres your bedroom?” Jessabell said, Lash smiled wide at her. He pulled her to her feet, and led her to his bedroom.

Jessabell walked around the large room, the Amazons had been more then welcome it was just as large as his living room with a massive double king size bed, an epic bathtub and shower in the bathroom. A balcony with a really nice view of the tropical landscape of the island. Jessabell went straight to the bed and crawled across it on all fours, her ass stuck up in the air as if in invitation. She pressed her face into the pillows, then turned her face half way to look at Lash.

“I don't care if you waited for me or not, Jessabell. I never expected you to. But, I meant what I said. You will be my first super-natural lover. I hope you will...Be gentle with me.” Lash said as he came around to the edge of the bed. Jessabell laughed, turned around so her back was against the pillows. She ran her tongue along her lips as Lash began to take off his combat suit.

Lash turned around to sit at the beds edge, he took his boots off. Then began to unbuckle his chest guard. Jessabell came up from behind him, wrapped her arms around his chest and pressed her lips to his ear. She didn't say anything, she didn't need to. She just breathed him in for a moment then let him go. Jessabell went back to lay across the bed to watch Lash undress. Despite its complicated look, the Warden/Daemon armor was easy to remove. Designed for one person to put it on, and take it off.

Lash stood up at the edge of the bed with out his armor, cloths, or briefs on. He was 6' 5” now, with out an ounce of fat on him. His tribal tattoos extended down from his bald head, down his shoulders, along his back, and chest. He was in peak human condition, muscles chiseled out of stone, and his rock hard erection stood at attention and pointed straight at Jessabell. Jessabell's eyes ate Lash up from head to toe. Lash came to her feet, untied her sandals and gently pulled them off one by one. Then he smoothed his palms up her feet, along her calves, thighs to her skirt. Jessabell started to breath faster, her skin was growing warm to the touch. Lash knelt next to Jessabell as he enjoyed the touch of her skin.

Lash slipped behind Jessabell to her back, he untied her skirt and pulled it free from her. She of course didn't wear any panties. She was hairless, clean, and dripping wet. Lash looked up at Jessabell, and she shivered at the sight of his eyes as they turned from human to reptilian. With both hands he reached and grabbed her ass. Lifted her up off the bed, and buried his face between her legs. A long serpent forked tongue licked along the top and the bottom of her vagina and Jessabell entire body shook. With Lash kneeling on the bed, he brought Jessabell's lower body up and he began to devour Jessabells upper and lower labia. His tongue was exceptional long, agile, and flexible. Jessabell tore her top off and began to play with her nipples as she moaned in delight.

Lash of course was more then willing to cheat, and cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss. This brought a gasping moan, and shudder from Jessabell as the natural magic settled into her body. Lash struck his tongue in and out of Jessabell's Vaginal's entrance over and over with his forked tongue. He his face was deep into her crotch his nose pressed into her clitoris, over and over. She moaned, gasped and called his name. She wrapped her legs around his head to lock him in place. She tore at the bed sheets as her entire body arched and she came all over his face. Lash knew woman are overly sensitive after they have an orgasm so he waited.....for about fifteen seconds. Then began to lick, and devour her again. She screamed in surprised and told him to stop. But he continued, to lick the walls of her labia, he pushed a single finger into her anus and pushed it gently in and out. She bucked and locked her legs around him again. She screamed, and moaned, a combination of stop and please continue.

Jessabell came a second time....Each time Lash would wait a little longer. Then start again. Once the third time came Jessabell pushed him away as much as she could and she crawled up the bed to get away from him. Jessabell breathed hard and fast, which made her breasts jiggle delightfully. She glared at Lash with intense irritation and yearning.

“That was fucking mean, Lash!” Jessabell growled at him. Lash smiled wide at her and began to clean his face off.

Lash sat down at the edge of the bed. Jessabell took a moment to control her breathing then came forward to begin to clean Lash's penis clean. Lash like his entire body was hairless, except for his eyebrows and eye lashes. Jessabell first kissed his head, then along his shaft, all the while her left hand stroked his balls. Lash leaned forward and reached around to her breasts. He massaged the tissue, pinched, plucked, and teased her nipples. He shuddered in delight as Jessabell took the head of his cock into her mouth and swirled her tongue over and over again.

“I don't know why you taste so good! Your skin, your saliva, your cock! I love it!” Jessabell said.

Jessabell stuck her ass straight into the air and pushed Lash's cock into her mouth. She deep throat him, again and again. She gagged many times so her throat would lock around his glans head. Then pulled back so she could suck and tease on his head as she pumped his cock with her hand. She would pump faster, and faster. Then stop to deep throat him again. Then do it over and over. She would ride him to the edge, then curb it just a little. After the third time Lash had enough he pulled her so he could see her face to face. She blinked at him and looked innocent as if to say 'something wrong?' Lash crossed his legs and pulled Jessabell into his lap, his cock flush against her stomach. They both shivered with delight.

Jessabell closed her eyes and kissed Lash, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in. Her nipples stood erect and pressed into his chest, Lash returned the kiss and their tongues pressed in and out of each others mouths. Jessabell tasted amazing, she groaned when she tasted Lash. They thrust into each others mouth over and over. Jessabell wrapped her legs around Lash's waist, she reached down gripped his shaft and helped him....slide into her. They both shuddered and convulsed when his glans head entered her body.

“Lash.....Holy fuck! Lash!” Jessabell called out! She slowly pushed down, inch by inch.

“Worth the wait?” Lash asked, Jessabell laughed and pushed down hard the last few inches.

Lash's entire body went rigid, as did Jessabell's. Then after about a minute he began to push in and out of Jessabell. She scratched his back, and tried to stop him. But she started to moan, as waves of pleasure rode through her body. Jessabell pulled him forward, and they fell across the bed. She wrapped her legs around his hips and locked him into place. He continued to drive into her again and again. His hands danced up and down her back, her chest, he kissed her a lot! Then Jessabell came! Her orgasm rocked through her body, she screamed. But Lash didn't stop, he continued to pump into Jessabell, over and over.

After nearly an hour had passed, Lash had lost count how many times Jessabell had an orgasm. She looked exhausted as she begged him to cum! To finish her off! Then at last he thrust one more time into her and his whole body went rigid! Jessabell cam with him, as her vagina filled with his seamen. Then in a moment of pure bliss a prompt appeared.

Blessing of Sobek activated, Lord of Fertility: Do you wish to impregnate Jessabell? Yes/No...


Confirmed: Jessabell will be auto set to 'NO' in the future unless instructed otherwise.

Lash started to laugh, as he slowly pulled his way out of Jessabell. She looked a little dead, but a smile was plastered across her face. She watched as Lash lay across the bed with her, he laughed and had a stupid grin on his face.

“Wh...Whats so funny?” Jessabell asked.

“My Patron wanted to know if I wanted to impregnate you or not. I told him no....” Lash blurted out. He turned to look at Jessabell who was frozen on the bed, her eyes wide open.

“Lash.....Are you able to impregnate on command?” Jessabell said softly.

“Yes, I got a blessing from The God Sobek when I built a church for his followers. One of the blessings is, 'Lord of Fertility' I can choose if I want to impregnate someone or not.” Lash said.

“You are the fucking weirdest man I've ever slept with! I've slept with a lot of men in my life! But you take the top of that list.” Jessabell said, she looked both relieved an angry at the same time.

“Jessabell...Did you want to have a child with me?” Lash asked.... Jessabell turned to him. She opened and closed her mouth a few times.

“...No..... At least not right now...I.... Wow this is not what I thought we would be talking about after we had sex.” Jessabell pushed her self up, grabbed a few pillows to lay back against. She made no move to cover herself or clean up the mess between her legs. Lash wasn't sure why, but it turned him on. Jessabell chop his head lightly to focus him.

“Who knows you can impregnate on command?” Jessabell asked, with a smile on her face.

“The God Sobek, My Patron, and now you.” Lash said, he stood up and cast Immaculate on himself, Jessabell, and the bedroom. Easy clean up. Then he came back to the bed naked so he could talk to Jessabell.

“Would your Patron tell other people?” Jessabell said, as she began to run her hands over her thighs, and breasts. Lash cast Sooth, and Nature's Supplement on them both. Jessabell closed her eyes and moaned. Lash enjoyed the feeling as well but it was definitely muted compared to hers.

“No, User! Your Cosmic Patron will not use that particular bargaining chip. Its much to fun just to watch this all unfold.” Dawn answered from the ether even though he didn't ask out loud.

“No he wouldn't. He says its much to fun just watch this all unfold.” Lash said, he crawled across the bed and began to massage Jessabell's feet and calves. Her eyes fluttered with a moan, as she twitched and pushed against him.

“You are very distracting you know that? I know you are suppose to update your Warden Profile. But don't ever put that in there. I know that Torloth's family has dibs on you, and I truly believe you should give them children especially if you can do it on command. You can sleep with them all once, give them a child. Then never see them again until the child is born. I am not telling you to not be a part of your children's life. Just... Dragon politics are more complicated that Fae politics.” Jessabell leaned back into her pillow back rest. For a few minutes she just enjoyed Lash's hands on her feet.

“I don't ever have to worry about impregnating someone accidentally. But I have to say, it takes a bit of mystery out of it all.” Lash said softly, he switched to Jessabell's calves and upper thighs. Thanks to Lash's Nature magic all the chemical and toxic build up that would be in most peoples bodies was removed. But that didn't stop the massage from feeling nice.

“If you and I ever were to have a child, you can't be a Warden. Having a child with a Fae of Winter would put you over the fence. You would no longer be neutral.” Jessabell said softly.

“So, when I stop being a Warden in nine years? Hmmmm Does time served in Tartarus count?” Lash asked.

“Yes it counts.” Jessabell smiled at him.

Most super-natural creatures have a low fertility rate. Not all, but most. Its a trade off for all the strength, speed, long life, healing factor. Almost like it was natures way of keeping them in check. The stronger you are, generally the harder it is to have children. Then what would happen if they found out that a super-natural creature could impregnate on command? One; Lash would truly become a breeding stallion that would be effectively locked up and only used for sex. Not the fun kind! He would be chained up, drugged, and used as a tool. Two: They would use both technology and magic to try and replicate his ability. Jessabell was right, he could never put this in his Warden Profile, he couldn't tell any one either. He shouldn't of told Jessabell but it slipped out. But, he was happy he did.

Lash stepped off the bed and magically created a massage table. Jessabell laughed came over and layed down, face first. Lash massaged her thighs, ass, lower back, upper back, shoulders, arms, forearms, and hands. Then moved to her neck. Then she flipped over and....Well they had sex again, the massage table broke mid way through. So they finished on the bed.

Blankets and pillows tossed across the bed and room. The sheets lay across them both. Jessabell's naked body pressed against Lash's front. He was propped up against several pillows, and she used him as a pillow. The morning sun just started to poke across the forest outside. Jessabell's dark caramel skin was a contrast from Lash's pale and slightly red skin. Despite the long night Lash was still rock hard and ready for action. But Jessabell was down for the count, looked like his Super Human Stamina and energy recovery buffs helped in a lot of ways. Lash read through a few prompts that had been archived due to the activities. Lash gently stroked his dragon necklace.

“Thank you, Dawn.” He mumbled.

“You are welcome, Master.” Dawn's voice said softly. Jessabell stirred but didn't wake up.

So what gained experience last night? Basic Sex, Intermediate Parallel Minds, Observant Learner has he watched Jessabell pleasure him he learned a few things. Basic Super Human Stamina, Minor Team Work, Advanced Charming Presence, Meditation, Awaken Trait, and Skill Trainer. Wow, he should have sex more often! Lash reached into his Intermediate Storage and pulled out a Orichalcum necklace. The center piece was a totem head of a panther, with golden and silver claws as the side pieces. He tied it around Jessabell, his Intermediate Enchanting allowed for a lot of leeway. As long as he had the right materials.

Orichalcum Pantheress Talisman.

Rating: B+

Effect: Very Durable

Effect: 1% of the items total durability is repaired everyday.

Effect: 10% decrease in negative spell effects.

Effect: 10% increase in positive spell effects.

Effect: Transmutation Domain Spell, Cat's Grace. Three charges a day, one recharge a day.

Effect: Grave Domain Spell, Death Ward. One charge, takes six months to recharge.

Effect: Grave Domain Spell, Kiss of the Grave. One charge, takes six months to recharge.

Comments: How many of these fucking necklaces did you make?! You could buy a small country with this thing!

“Hmmmmmm....Whats this?” Jessabell said softly, as she touched the necklace. She felt the magic activate the moment it was put on.

“I'm afraid if I tell you what the enchantment is you may try to kill me.” Lash said with a smile.

“Oh....Is it expensive? Ladies always like expensive things.” Jessabell said. Lash took a moment to send the information through Telepathy.

“Lash....Where did you...W....Who made this?” Jessabell's mind continued to process the information.

“I did, I found a lot of Orichalum ingot's in the Fallen Ones castle. So I took it and made useful things out of it. They are not corrupted, I checked.” Lash said, as his Acting....oh!

Congratulations User! Acting has evolved into Minor Acting.

Why did Acting evolve? What the skill gained experience when ever he lied, acted a part, tried to convince people. It was an umbrella skill that covered a lot of skills. That is why it took so long to level. Lash didn't take anything from the treasure room but the Relic, and the Hell tree seeds. Which he used to escape. The Orichalcum was from his Transmuter title.

“Yo...You...You have acc...Ok.... You made this? You put these enchantments on yourself? Lash do you have any idea how much this is worth?” Jessabell asked. She sat up on the bed now, her naked form amazing to look at. His rock hard ere...GAH! Jessabell squeezed the tip of his cock with a firm grip.

“Focus Lash! I'll be more then happy to have sex with you again after we talk!” Jessabell said in a stern voice.

“I understand Orichalcum is an expensive material. It's also one of the few things that can retain enchantments from the Grave Domain. I tried the Grave Domain with a lot of different materials but this is the only one I've found that holds the spell. Everything else turns to ash. How much is it worth? Its worth enough to save your life, and someone else you deem fit enough to save. That is how much its worth to me.” Lash said to her. Jessabell let go of his cock and rubbed her face with her hands.

“Sometimes you are the most naive and incredibly sweet person I've ever met! Lash how many of these do you have?” Jessabell said, as she pushed Lash back down across the bed.

She pulled the blankets off, straddled his hips and guided his cock inside of her. They both groaned in pleasure, Lash tried to sit up but she pushed him down. She dictated the speed, which was slow and agonizing. Then she stopped and looked at him, he tried to thrust into her but she stopped him. She made a face of 'keep talking' He groaned in dismay.

“Have you heard of the Justice League?” Lash said, and only after he started to speak did Jessabell begin to thrust again.

“Isn't that the team that Princess Diana and Superman made?” Jessabell said, despite her incredibly slow pace she was clearly enjoyed the morning exercise. Lash was not allowed to help. So he just kept his hands on her hips, but his thumbs went back and forth across her skin. Which clearly distracted her because she grabbed his hands and glared at him.

“It was my idea....” Lash said, Jessabell stopped to look at him. This time he thrust deep into her and gave her a face, 'keep talking'. She clenched her vaginal walls around his cock and practically sucked him in deeper. Fuck! They both glared at each other but continued after a few minutes.

“I've made a piece for every founding member of the Justice League, and every member of our pack. Plus one more for Isabella, My sister Elizabeth's wife. They all have similar abilities as the one I gave you.” Lash said, as he gradually began to thrust deeper into Jessabell.

She didn't stop him because she tried to keep her head clear. Lash and Jessabell continued to torture one another for another hour before they both came. Lash did not get a prompt to impregnate her. Jessabell lay down across the bed next to him her breathing slowed and her mind cleared up. Lash could see the gears in her head were grinding into action. Then her eyes glued to a shiny golden orichalcum ingot that Lash produced from no where. He handed it to her, she held it in her hands. She chewed on her lip for a bit then gave it back.

“Lash, you could buy 10% of Gotham City with that bar right there. How much did you get from the castle?” Jessabell said, she sat up and covered herself with the sheets because she learned that they would get sidetracked otherwise.

“About one thousand eight hundred and twenty pounds of it....” Lash said softly.

He hadn't used his Trasmuter title everyday. But each day he did, he took ten pound material found in hell. Converted it to Orichalcum. He did it so much that his title actually gained a single level. He didn't know they could do that. So it takes less energy to Transmute now. Jessabell opened and closed her mouth again and again.

“H....Who...”Jessabell tried to say.

“I told the Amazons I retrieved a few pounds of the stuff in Tartarus. I was planning on giving them maybe twenty pounds of it and say I didn't have any more to give them. Then I planned to give twenty pounds to Shield and Sword and have them convert it into monetary assets for future endeavors. Then I was just going to slowly use the rest of the course of my life. Make little things, like my Warden Gear about 2% of it is Ori.” Lash said to her. Lash stood up and cast Immaculate on them both.

As much as Lash would like to spend more time in bed, his phone had gone off while they had their morning exercise. Lizzy was at the port city and wanted to see him. He wanted to see her too. Jessabell came to him after he put his pants on, and kissed him. He returned the kiss with a smile before she broke it. She looked at him, then at her self a smile on her face.

“Make me something! Not with Ori! Just...Something.” Jessabell said.

Lash cast Fabrication, and Alteration. He made her mid calf leather boots with panther metal claws at the end that would dig in if she leaned forward to much. Black leather pants with an additional half skirt so her right leg was concealed and her left leg was open. Though she still had pants on. She had a dagger on her left hip, and a knife on her right calf. He then made a leather and panther fur vest, with buttons at the front. Then a crimson red half jacket that went over that. Then her hands had sensual leather half gloves. The entire thing only had about 2% Ori in it....Jessabell smiled at the outfit and nodded with approval...Then she frowned and glared at Lash.

“Its only 2% Ori thread! I have so much of it. I have to put it to use some how!” Lash said defensively. As he tried his best look away and get dressed.

The Warden/Daemonic studded leather and half plate gear hugged Lash just right. He had poured a lot of Essence Imbuement into. That was the closes thing he found to an auto fit spell or enchantment. It seemed partially alive and did its best to accommodate who wore it. Jessabell made the same remark about her cloths. Enchanting at the low levels did not take a lot of effort for Lash anymore. Progress! Essence Imbuement was a normal thing he would put into his gear.

Lash and Jessabell walked side by side as they left his Villa. The morning sun was out, and the birds flew about. A majority of the Amazons woke up with the sun at first light to train, work, and to go to school. Lash and Jessabell caught a wagon that headed towards the port town. Several other passengers greeted Lash with enthusiasm, they were polite to Jessabell. But all the women clearly had their eyes on Lash. This just made her laugh, though a few did comment on her cloths. When they found out they were hand made by Lash they started to talk to her.

Some of the young women aboard were pseudo-Amazons. That meant they had been adopted by the Amazons and were brought to Themysicra. An example of this would be like Lizzy. They had gone to school, or were in school. Once you pass the young warrior training you go through a baptism. This makes you the lowest rank pseudo-Amazon. Then you would go through another training course, then another. Eventually they could become nearly full fledged Amazons. There was no segregation between the full-blooded Amazons and the adopted. They didn't care. But as the Nurse Maid said, the new born child Lashala was the first Pure-Blood Amazon in Themyscira in over three hundred years.

By the time they had reached the port city every woman on the wagon including the driver had a piece of jewlery made by Lash. None of them were made with Ori he assured Jessabell. Who kissed him on the cheek for being so sweet to the ladies. Despite their pleasing appearance every one of the pieces was strong enough to stop a sword strike. A point that he even illustrated. So, they looked pretty and offered some basic protection. The Amazons loved it! Practical and pleasing to the eye! One of the best ways to a Amazons heart!

“There are people from the United Nations in the Port City, right?” Lash said as he got off the wagon and helped Jessabell along with a few other Amazons off the wagon as well. None of them needed the help, but they didn't refuse.

“Don't worry, Warden Lash. Anyone who knows about Wraith and you will not reveal your identity.” Said the wagon driver with a smile as she drove the wagon towards the stables.

Lash conjured a simple glamour over himself. Different skin tone, eye color, no tattoos. Jessabell smiled at him, she could see through it. So would Lizzy and Isabella. But any mundanes or tech they would carry would see some one else. Of course him being a man on Themyscira alone would make him stick out like a sore thumb. It did too! As he and Jessabell walked towards a foreign national hotel in the port. The Amazons all waved and greeted him, but none of them said his name. Even when women from other countries asked. The Amazons refused to say anything. Lash sent word ahead to Lizzy and Isabella not to call out his name when he arrived.

'I'm a deputy Warden, Lash! I know!' Lizzy replied.

'Got it!' Messaged Isabella.

“Yes, I have met your sister. I met all the different pack members when you left for Tartarus. Yes, I have slept with her and Isabella.” Jessabell blurted out. Lash stumbled and nearly tripped. Jessabell laughed and helped him to his feet.

“It was one time, we all in a vulnerable place. We found that pack members give off a familiar feeling. No, it didn't make things weird. So don't make it weird, ok?” Jessabell pinned him with a stare.

“We wont.” Lash and Saurian both replied. Jessabell shivered every time they did that.

“By the way, I got to have Lash in bed. When will I have Saurian?” Jessabell asked, she had a bit of a bounce in her step.

“Tonight if you like, though I am not as gentle as Lash.” Saurian replied, though he used Lash's body.

“This is why I love sex with were-breeds, its two for one! When I want something rough and hard. Ask the partner!” She smiled at them and continued to walk along.

The Amazon's took their security seriously! Lash knew that better than most. On every patrolwoman was a Technomancy necklace that scanned anyone the patrolwoman came across. Anyone didn't match? Arrest them. Hidden security cameras were set up everywhere, someone does something illegal? Arrest them. Men try to sneak off the boats that come into the port? Arrest and or execute them! Little fuzzy on that part.

The hotel Lizzy and Isabella stayed at was a really nice Greek mansion look alike. Every room was like a small home, fully furnished with all of modern day tech and amenities. While the ambient magic in the air, and the food made mundanes healthier by default. Amazon guides brought woman of all nationality in and out of the hotel. Every Amazon said hello to Lash and he returned the greeting. When they entered the lobby Lash saw Lizzy and Isabella.

Elizabeth's curly and fiery red hair was cut short but it was just above her shoulders. She had an outstanding figure as she wore a small tank top that was short around her mid section so you could see her muscled abdomen, and lower back. She had a pair of short shorts that perfectly hugged her firm ass. She had leather sandals on with the straps wrapped around her calves that seemed like normal footwear in the port city.

Isabella had long deep brown hair, that was done up in a dutch style multi braid. Looked really nice! A collection of beads were tied in, that sparkled as the light caught them. She wore a tube top that barely contained her, and wore short shorts just like Lizzy. She also had leather sandals on. Her skin was a rich chocolate color. Her eyes were a little more red then before. She was Kindred after all.

“LASH!” Lizzy bolted from her position and tackled him...She completely forgot not to say his name. He rolled his eyes but didn't admonish her for it. She wrapped her legs and arms around him and buried her face into his neck.

“Hello my dear sweet love. Come, lets move this some place more private?” Lash said to her softly. She jumped off of him and dragged him towards their room.

“You too, Jess!” Lizzy said, as she snagged Isabella. Jessabell tagged along and followed the train to their room.

After a few turns, and up some stairs they came to a nice little condo in the mansion. One of the upper luxury rooms in the hotel. There was a Warden symbol on the door. Ah! Privileges that come with responsibility. Once inside the room, Lash hugged Isabella who returned the hug much the same as Lizzy did. She wrapped her legs around him and buried her face into his neck. She breathed him in and quivered in delight. She whispered to him.

“Why do you smell so good?” She said, she had locked her legs around him and refused to let go for a few minutes. Oddly enough Lizzy didn't make any move to pull her off. Then at last she dropped down, her face a deep shade of red.

Lizzy and Jessabell stood off to the side as they watched them. Lizzy held Jessabell's hand and she rubbed her thumb over her skin again and again. Lizzy bit her lip as she watched Isabella climb down from Lash. Then pulled her wife over and kissed her lightly. Then Lizzy came over and hugged Lash again, she didn't wrap her whole body around him this time. Just nestled into his arms, he obliged her. Though he was sure his armor didn't make it comfortable she didn't complain.

“We actually got here last night. But Jessabell wanted to properly punish you first before we got to see you. Now, before we get any further. Do you need to talk about Tartarus?” Lizzy asked, then stepped back. Lash flinched slightly, everyone noticed it.

“If you mean to decompress? No, not right now. But if you want to know about it academically I can do that. However, all of you are cleared to leave the Port City, right? Why don't we leave so we don't have to worry about eaves droppers?” Lash asked, they all agreed.

Along the way Lash asked about simple things. The Shaw family was told that Lash volunteered for the red cross and had been across the globe the past year. But was due back in Gotham in the next few weeks. They wanted to host a dinner and talk to him. Lash was more then happy to attend. His home was still in his name, nothing had been touched. Dottie the Brownie spirit and her team still cleaned it every day. Dottie was fully aware that he was in Tartarus and simply said.

“Well we have to ensure his home is waiting for him when he returns.” Dottie said adamant that he would return. Lash would have to make her something nice.

Despite his absence, the fact that the public believes he joined the red cross. The Wardens had all the paper work for it. He still had a client list as long as his arm? Why. Because his Siren statue in the Wayne Art Museum. That statue put him on the map when it came to the Art world. Not just East Coast. The world! The mundane, and even some super-natural clients wanted him to make a piece for them when he got back. They were more then happy to wait.

Lizzy and Isabella did get married. They had to get married before she started her deputy Warden training. As long as she had a preexisting relationship with a super-natural. Wardens are suppose to be neutral. Getting married to a member of a faction is not suppose to happen. But if you were together before? Well, they'll work with you on it. Lash produced his wedding presents for them both. Both were Orichalcum necklaces, and both had the same life saving enchantments. Lizzy didn't understand what Orichalcum was, but Isabell did. She screamed at him in shock. Thankfully at that point they were out of the Port City. Once Lizzy understood what Ori was she tried to give it back. Which ended up with her attempting to chase Lash. He easily out ran her.

“Do you think I'll get a Domain of magic at my ceremony?” Lizzy said, as she panted. She was surprised again and again at Lash's skill, resources, and stamina. She could not catch him!

“Its possible. Normally you get something that either increases an already available skill or ability you have. Or they unlock the potential for something. Just like Lash did when he got the Nature Domain.” Jessabell said.

“Wait, Lizzy how did the interview go with your Fae Court Envoys?” Lash asked, honestly curious about the outcome. Lizzy turned bright red and tried to hide behind Jessabell. As Isabella laughed her head off.

“I believe her correct words were. How the fuck did I fuck them both on the same day?” Isabella laughed as Lizzy pretended to throttle her wife.

“I wasn't aware that sex with your envoy on the first meeting was an option?” Lash said.

“Yes, Lash. Not everyone has the self-control you do!” Lizzy shouted at him, and turned away to pout.

“Yes, technically sex is just another way to gleam information. If you had tried Lash, I would have fucked you too. But then you would have gotten a different report, and I would not have offered to you my home phone number. Being resistant to charm, and not falling for the honey trap was a good move.” Jessabell said, as she walked over and kissed his cheek.

“So...Man? Woman?” Lash asked Lizzy.

“Summer was a man, Winter was a Woman. They both visited on the same day, they both got me to admit several things. Holy crap the things they got me to say!” Lizzy was glum, and her shoulders drooped depressingly.

“Lizzy come here.” Lash said as he stopped walking. She came over and pouted a little. It was cute. He placed his hands on her shoulders, activated Skill Trainer then imprinted Super Human Stamina into her.

Lizzy's entire body went stiff as a board. Lash then cast Nature's Supplement on her so her body would have the necessary fuel to make the change. When Isabella saw the spell she hopped over and looked at Lash expecting some magic. He laughed and cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss. She moaned in bliss. She leaned against him and rubbed her cheeks along his armor like a cat. Jessabell came over and helped Lizzy stand, she looked at her with a bit of concern then a light bulb went off in her eyes.

“That's right! Its on your Warden Profile. You can inscribe abilities onto people. What did you give her?” Jessabell asked.

“Stamina. She will have more energy, she'll regain energy faster, and activities will consume less energy. For those long days at work, and long nights in the bedroom.” Lash said. Isabella laughed with joy.

“Great! I always out last her! Maybe things will be different now!” Isabella cheered and pulled her wife into her arms. Lizzy groaned and tried to run away but was incredibly tired.

“Not that I'm complaining, but why Stamina?” Jessabell said, as the group continued on their walk.

“I don't plan to hide Lizzy. If there is Warden business and she can help? I expect her to be there with me. Not running out of energy? Keeps you alive.” Lash said. Jessabell nodded as a warrior she understood. More often than not it was your lack of energy that killed you.

Lash pulled them off the road and created a table, chairs, and proceeded to cook for them all. Lizzy was half asleep but perked up at the sight of food. They were smack dab in the middle of two towns. But some how Amazons still showed up. Lash didn't care and fed everyone who showed up. By two in the afternoon there must have been over a hundred people. Simple food, but all of it made and enriched with magic. All it did was energize, fill them with satisfaction, and make them smile. Lash and his group caught a wagon going back to the capitol. After he broke everything down.

Lizzy was asleep and leaned against Lash, she wrapped her arms around him. Like she was afraid he would disappear again. Isabella, and Jessabell were half asleep on the other side of the wagon. Lash was wide awake as he watched all three of them. He looked at the magical spirits that danced around the landscape. He spoke to a few, fed a few. A few spectral shadow beasts climbed onto the wagon. They freaked out when Lash said hello. Like when a cat is surprised and they jump? He calmed them down and fed them some Grave Domain magic. They soon crawled on top of him and fell asleep.

“Do you know what those are?” Jessabell said quietly so not to wake Isabella or Lizzy up.

“Shadow stalker, or soul hunter. They consume ambient soul energy. Which only happens when new life, specifically souls are born in an area. Can be dangerous when over fed. But normally are there to help with clean up. So other, more dangerous things don't show up.” Lash said, Other Worldly Lore sent him the information.

“Lash, do you truly understand what you did? I'm not admonishing you, I think its amazing. The Amazons were slowly dying out. As long as they stay on Themyscira they are immortal to age. But they die in battle, or leave the island to eventually grow old and die? Eventually they would have become extinct. But you changed that. You saved an entire race, Lash.” Jessabell said, a smile was on her face.

“The first new born daughter of Themyscira was at the palace the other day. The Queen named her Lashala in my honor.” Lash said to her. Jessabell smiled wide at him.

They didn't talk for the rest of the ride. Part of Lash wished he could sleep, but he wasn't tired. Eventually the shadow stalkers jumped off and went on their way. The wagon was checked by the city patrolwoman and let in. Lash gently woke his companions and they jumped off the wagon, Lash thanked the driver with his favorite Nature spells which earned him both a happy moan and a blushing face as the driver ran off. They all went back to Lash's villa. Lizzy and Isabella were given a guest room and Lizzy collapsed onto the bed. Essentially her stamina bar had been reset. Started out at zero, was still being filled. The entire villa shook, as a sonic boom was heard over head. Jessabell looked around, confused. Then a knock came from the front door.

“Come on in Boy Scout, the door is unlocked.” Lash called. The door opened and in came Superman. Form fitting blue cloth, no tights! Long flowing red cape, the house symbol of El on his chest. A square jaw, piercing blue eyes, thick black wavy locks.

“Oh my! The girls were right he is hot!” Jessabell said out loud. She didn't blush, or become bashful she just said the honest truth. Clark looked surprised though he looked at Lash.

“This is Jessabell, she” Lash said, Jessabell smiled at him.

“I am a member of his Pack, He is our Pack Master. Pack's consider each other family. But don't let that stop you from undressing me with your eyes. Superman!” Jessabell said to Clark. Superman blushed, it was cute! Lash had to admit it! Jessabell laughed with joy!

“Oh! Oh! Can we keep him Lash! I like him!” Jessabell said as she walked over and ran her fingers over Clark's S.

“Ummm...Miss Jessabell...I umm..Oh my! Is it hot in here?” Superman was clearly flustered, Jessabell was a sexual creature that is very comfortable with her body. But she only teased him for a bit before she came to sit down in a new coach that been replaced after they had left. Lash came over and sat on the same coach with her, she adjusted so she could lean up against him.

“So! I...Ummmm. Lois said you emailed her! You plan to do another interview about your absence. That's good...Ummm whats your cover...” Superman began to speak only to stop and gawk at Lash. Jessabell was the same because he had a divine light that glowed around him.

“In three weeks, thirteen hours, thirty two minutes, and sixteen seconds over North America. The pod that carries Kara Zor-El will arrive. Be careful son of Krypton, for she is the harbinger of change.” Lash's voice was different, it was older and far more distant. Foresight had activated and consumed about 80% of his energy. Now Lash wanted a nap!

“That was a little more detailed than I am use to...” Lash said begrudgingly. He rubbed his head, Jessabell began to massage his neck which he was thankful for. FLOP! Superman sat down in an arm chair next to him. A huge smile on his face!

“Th...Tis....Just Wow! Three weeks!? I....That will be amazing!” Superman said, a giddy grin on his face.

“Superman, I know you were sent here as a newborn. But you were educated at your fortress correct?” Lash asked. Superman looked at him with a confused expression.

“Fortress?” Clark asked. Lash looked at him with a dead pan expression.

“Ya....The Fortress of Solitude....Up in the North pole? That radiates Krypton energy? That Fortress?” Lash said.... Neither Foresight or Cosmic Awareness activated. Maybe that one was a freebie?

Superman jumped to his feet left through the door and jumped into the air. A few seconds later a sonic boom was heard. Best do it now instead of later? Lash groaned, but Jessabell pulled him down so his head was in her lap. She spent the next half hour stroking his face and just watched him rest. He activated Meditation and he regain his energy incredibly fast! Meditation kept getting experience prompts. Then another sonic boom took place outside, then another knock on the door.

“Come in!” Lash called out. Superman came back in with an even bigger grin on his face!

“I can't believe I didn't know that was there! I must have flown around the world over a hundred times but I never thought to check the north pole! There was a robotic assistant who knew my name! I saw holographic projections of my parents! There is an entire library of Kryptonian technology, history, culture! I....Don't know how to read it though. But the robot said it could teach me! Ah! That's right, Kara was older than me! She'll speak Krypton!” Superman walked back and forth.

Clark went on a tangent for a while, talked about things but didn't wait for a reply. After a while he excused himself and said he would come back tomorrow morning to talk about the League. All of the founding members really wanted to meet Wraith. Lash only intended to stay on Themyscira for a few more days. He would still be on vacation, he just wanted to see Gotham in the spring. They had a simple dinner with Lizzy who was still half asleep, Isabella who laughed and pulled Lizzy into the bedroom. Lash and Jessabell went upstairs to the master bedroom. Jessabell looked at him with interest as he began to make the bedroom sound proof.

“What are you up to?” Jessabell didn't understand as Lash just walked up the walls, doors, windows. A flash of magic, but nothing was different on the surface. Then he closed their bedroom door, and the balcony door. Went to the middle of the room by the bed. Took a deep breath then began to shift. Jessabell's eyes went wide.

The twelve foot tall, and twenty four foot long Carnosaur stood in the now small bedroom. Jessabell took a few steps back, not sure how to handle the sudden change. Jessabell had seen the videos of him in Berlin, and Hong Kong but seeing in a video, and in person was different. She knew he could get larger as well. Saurian cast Reduce and used Transformation. Soon he was eight feet tall, and sixteen feet long. He very easily pulled off his armor, and Jessabell was quick to pull hers off as well. Lash had made sure to reinforce the bed before he shifted.

“Get on the bed, I'll try to be gentle.” Saurian's voice rebuked no argument from Jessabell. She shivered both in delight and in fear. What was this going to be like. Jessabell had been with were-breeds before. But Saurian was so much more then she was use to.

“Gaaaaahhhhhaaaa!” Jessabell let out a tiny scream, and a moan of pleasure. Saurian linked her up with Pack Bond. She gained a 30% increase to her stats. This was much more than last time. Then Saurian did something that neither Lash or Jessabell had thought of.

The Pack Bond allowed the pack to share, thoughts, feelings, emotions...Urges. Saurian climbed into bed, turned Jessabell around so her ass was towards him. He stuck his far larger then Lash's cock between her legs and pushed back and forth along her clitoris. Every sensation, every feeling Jessabell felt was mirrored onto Saurian. Every touch, lick, kiss, gasp, and moan was mirrored onto Jessabell. What she felt he felt, what he felt she felt.

“Gaaaaahhaaaaaaaa!” Jessabell had an orgasm and it spilled across Saurians cock. That was all the foreplay Jessabell would get tonight.

Saurian spread her legs apart, Jessabell helped him into her and inch by painful inch came from behind. Jessabell moaned, and screamed in pleasure. Her increase in stats helped her heal and grow accustom to his length in seconds. But Saurian was not even half way and Jessabell could not take anymore! What to do? Saurian cast Enlarge on Jessabell and she grew by another two feet. Now she could accommodate him!

Saurian pulled Jessabell off the bed, her back flush against his chest as she rode him reverse cowgirl. He was careful of his claws as he massaged her breasts. Jessabell cried, and moaned in pleasure as she went up and down his massive cock! Like a jack hammer, over and over! Saurian pushed her back down into he bed, he pulled one of her legs up while he straddled the other. He pushed in and out of her at the sharp angle! Jessabell screamed in orgasm, her cum splattered across his cock. But Saurian did not relent. He pulled her up once more so she could face him, he stood from the bed and held her aloft with his massive arms, and his cock as the anchor!

Jessabell panted and moaned, her eyes rolled into the back of her head. She lost her senses! She forgot where she was she came so hard! She wrapped her legs around Saurian as best as she could. This was so much different from Lash! His scales were soft in places, and rough in others. There was a point where Saurian dropped his hands and Jessabell hung on his cock alone as he stood in the bedroom. He pushed her up against a wall, and rammed his cock into her again and again. He took her whole breast into his mouth and sucked on it, while his tongue lashed across her nipple. Jessabell was terrified! But she wanted more! It was at this moment that Jessabell understood, if Saurian was not careful he could kill her! But this just made her even more excited! She came again! And again! The floor beneath them was wet with their bodies fluids.

Saurian pulled her from the wall, and brought her to the bed. He pulled out of her and she had an orgasmic spasm just from the movement. She wanted more, but soon understood. Saurian knelt on the bed and demanded that Jessabell clean his cock. She came to his thick, snake skin cock and licked it up and down. She moaned in delight, and when he was clean he flipped her around face first and plunged into her again from behind! She screamed in ecstasy, as his cock rode into her again and again. Only after three hours had passed did Saurian cum...once. Jessabell came as well as she felt the warm fluid of his seamen fill her vagina. He pulled out of her, and came to her side on the bed. His body and tail coiled around her almost protectively. Jessabell was covered in sweat, pre ejaculation, and after cum. Then screamed in surprise as Saurian began to clean her skin with his rough almost sand paper tongue. It hurt but it also felt amazing! Saurian did not spare any place, he cleaned every nook, cranny, hole, and crevice on Jessabell's body. She came twice just from the experience. So that meant he had to start again. By the time he was finished her entire body was red and raw from over exfoliation.

Jessabell was spent! She was half asleep when she felt the human hands of Lash pull her over to him. She snuggled into his arms, and a sense of comfort came over her. Lash pulled the bed sheets over them and settled down in the bed. There was only a few more hours till morning. But Jessabell felt like she could sleep for a day. Her entire body was sore, especially between her legs!

“I think....I can only be with Saurian once a month at most. That was just to intense for me.” Jessabell whispered faintly.

“He warned you, he wouldn't be gentle.” Lash replied, as he stroked her back softly.

“Out of all the were-breeds I've slept with. Your partnership takes the top. No contest. But I have to wonder. Are you capable of being rough? Or did you just be gentle with me because it was our first time?” Jessabell asked sleepily.

“Because it was our first time, trust me Jessabell. I will enjoy hearing you scream just like Saurian did.” Lash said with a grin.

“I” Jessabell murmured and fell asleep.

Lash lay in bed with an exhausted Jessabell, he was...Wide awake! He disconnected Pack Bond. But still cast Sooth, and Nature's Supplement on himself and Jessabell. Jessabell stirred in her sleep but didn't wake up. Then he cast Immaculate to clean them both, and the entire bedroom. Spotless! He pulled out his phone from his storage. He activated Connectivity and began to look up all the companies he helped before he went under.

Several of the smaller companies were absorbed into larger companies. But a few kept at it and grew into mid size companies themselves. His Tech summit had a huge impact, a majority of the tools he made for the different countries were taken apart to reverse engineer but once they took it apart they couldn't get it to work again. But still the application, and engineering made them think outside the box. The pharmaceutical companies had learned how to regrow tissue, a company in South Korea learned how to grow and attach lost limbs. Japan collected all the trash from the nearby landfills, seas and oceans and converted them into a bio organic fuel, and construction material. Starling City, the home of Green Arrow was now producing more energy then it consumed. Queen Industries along with Merlyn Industries rebuilt skyscrapers, offices, homes. Merlyn made affordable, cheap, durable, and flexible building materials made from trash! While every window, roof top, and wall. Had solar panels, wind turbines, and electrical absorption system. Starling City almost had no pollution!

Big Belly Burger made ready to eat meal bars that had all the protein, vitamins, minerals, and water in a single meal! They also tasted pretty good! Each meal bar went for a single dollar. Wayne Tech produced the first holographic computer, phone, and television. Yes, they were incredibly expensive but new versions came out every few months. They got cheaper with every version. Ace Chemicals created a bacteria that can eat chemical and nuclear waste. Janus Cosmetics created a skin cream that not only reduces scar tissue but helps it heal. Palmer tech made a nanite surgical tool that repair damage organs by simply programming them and injecting them. Lex-Corp had created a pill that you take once a week. If taken properly can add up to eight years to your life.

Lash wrote an email to the Warden HQ, marked it casual reply. So get to it when they get to it. What was the plan for his return? His cover story for being gone, etc, etc. Not even twenty seconds after he sent it he got a huge information packet about options, news, information, and his urgent request for a debrief as soon as he was ready and healthy to leave Themyscira. A little note was attached telling him that a year in hell is more then enough time for him to take a vacation. Take his time coming back. Lash understood but he couldn't stay in Themyscira forever. He needed to get a debrief in so he was all caught up. But another day or two on an island paradise wont be so bad....

“What should we do today...”

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