The morning sun rose over the island paradise and Lash slowly moved out of the bed with Jessabell. He tucked her back in as she moved into the space he had taken up and snuggled into it. She muttered something about honey dew tea, and fell back asleep. Lash smiled at her, and put on his Warden/Daemonic gear. He wasn't sure why he did, he just felt comfortable in it. He went to the kitchen and started to make breakfast for his house mates. As they were alone his necklace Familiar became animated and flew from his neck and began to inspect the room. Dawn the mystical dragon checked the doors, windows, and house plants. Which Lash fed some Nature magic to.

Lash fed some strawberries to Dawn, she landed on the table top and munched on them softly. She soon lost her mind when he added chocolate to the equation, her tail thumped back and forth across the table top as she would lick the chocolate off first then eat the strawberry. Lash took out, or created what he needed for coffee and honey dew tea before he spoke to his Familiar.

“Dawn, I haven't received a health notice in a while. Am I good on time?” Lash said softly, he began to cut some vegetables into pieces.

“Yes, Master! You are perfectly healthy and still have plenty of time before your next check out. The Administrator VI has left and stated that if you experience any more bleed effects fill out another form and they'll return. The Developers also say thank you for volunteering for the time extension Beta tool.” Dawn the cute baby dragon said, then returned to her strawberries.

“Of course with the time extension it will be even longer between store visits. But, once the store does open I'll have even more points to spend. Any new version updates?” Lash poured some butter and oil into a pan and threw the mixing for some omelets in. He made sure to cook some beef and hand it to the dragon.

“That is correct, Master. The more time spent in the world creates Dream Points, as does the effect on the world. The more change, the more points! A majority of the new version updates effects new Users. Or when they create a new generated world. Easy access tools, a linear progression through the tutorial. The different mission sub-types, and advancements. Things that directly effect you are. Your imported VI avatar in other Users worlds is far stronger than most. This of course included everyone who opted for the Beta time tool. And....” Dawn munched on the piece of cooked beef but stopped talking when they both heard some one upstairs move around towards the bathroom.

“And...” Lash asked, after he started to cook again.

“There is a loyalty system the Developers want to test out. Where Users can up vote or down vote different VI Avatars they encounter. However, it is currently in the test phase and many already see it being abused by friends who want to up vote a friend. More up votes you get the more World Points for new games, or Dream Points for existing games.” Dawn finished off her beef and flew over for more. Lash accommodated her.

“So, the system would allow people to thank the VI Avatar of another User for help. Or down vote a User for ruining a plan. Depends on what side of the moral compass they are on. On paper that sounds like a great idea. But the Developers are absolutely right, Users would abuse that tool to no end.” Lash agreed.

Lash finished with breakfast and created several Phantasms of tiny little lizards that scampered off to wake up his house mates. Each one would continue to say 'It is time for breakfast!' Over and over, even if they were squished, stepped on, or stabbed. A resounding, eeeeeeek! Went through the house before.

“Fucking! Shit! Balls! Fuck! Fuck! Yes we are coming! Lash! Call off your hounds!” Lizzy screamed from their room. The lizards troop that belonged to them scampered back into the kitchen with a mission well done and popped into particles.

Jessabell walked in about a minute later, she wore a silk robe that was loosely wrapped around her sexy body. Just enough to let you peak and get an eye full if you were willing to chance it. Her hair was wet from a shower, she came through the kitchen kissed Lash on his cheek and looked around with expectant eyes. Lash handed her a tall glass of honey dew tea. A smile bloomed that was pure bliss until she froze at the sight of a baby mystic dragon on the table top eating strawberries.

“Lash.... Who is that?” Jessabell pointed at Dawn. Lash was startled for a moment and realized that Dawn didn't hide like she normally did. But, it didn't really matter.

“That's Dawn, she is my Familiar. A gift from my Patron for a job well done. My Patron also cleansed me of any Tartarus corruption. That is why I am not in quarantine right now.” Lash gave another chocolate strawberry to Dawn. Who was ecstatic and began to lick the chocolate off.

Jessabell looked at him, then back at the tiny mystical dragon who blinked her larger than average lilac eyes at her. She was a baby after all. The dragon slowly opened her mouth and chewed on the strawberry keeping eye contact with Jessabell. Some sort of feminine communication took place that Lash was not aware of even though he watched them. Jessabell nodded her head once as did Dawn. The seductive sylvan turned around and kissed Lash on the lips lightly before she took her seat at the dinning room table.

“Anything I need to know?” Lash asked his Familiar.

“No, Master! Everything is great! May I have jam!?” Dawn said cutely.

Lash gave her some fresh warm biscuits, butter, and jam. The mystic dragon flew over to the dinning room table and carried the food, and tools to spread the food through the air with magic. Lash knew it was something he didn't have because Observant Learner activated and tried to learn telekinesis.....1%.

Lizzy walked into the kitchen with wet hair, she also wore a silk robe as well that was also loosely tied on. Her voluptuous figure barely concealed, she glared at Lash when she walked in. But soon brightened up at the full spread on the dinning room table. She grumbled walked over and kissed his cheek. Lash buried his face into her neck and licked her neck just below her earlobe. She squeaked in surprise and jumped back! Her face turned crimson red, she pointed a jagged figure of reprisal at him but he just grinned. She stomped over to the table only to squeal in glee at the sight of Dawn the baby dragon who was in the process of eating a biscuit covered in jam.

Isabella walked in the kitchen with a towel wrapped around her hair. She also wore a silk robe that was barely tied. The seductive sway of her hips and positive glow that came off of her let Lash know that Lizzy and Isabella had some anaerobic exercise in the morning. Isabella didn't grumble or groan she walked straight to Lash, wrapped her arms around him. She kissed his cheek and buried her face into his neck to breath him in. She pressed flush against him and may have wiggled just a little in the right places. She whispered into his ear.

“The armor is a good idea, keeps me and Lizzy from mauling you.” Isabella said softly. Lash leaned in and bit her earlobe softly. Isabella's entire body went rigid and she bit back a moan before she spoke again.

“That was mean.... Do it again sometime!” Isabella said, a seductive look in her eyes. She walked towards the dinning room table with a clear seductive sway of her hips.

Lash watched her move then went back to the kitchen to finish cooking. He hadn't used Insight on Jessabell, Lizzy, or Isabella. Why? Because he felt it took the fun and mystery out of it. He loved Lizzy, cared about Isabella, and had a lot of attraction towards Jessabell. If anything more grew from it then it will grow naturally. Lash brought the last of the food over and sat down with his house mates. Jessabell was directly to his left, Lizzy was to his right, and Isabella was right of Lizzy. Dawn the baby dragon was in the middle of the table. They had breakfast!

“So hell has an ecosystem?” Isabella asked, clear confusion on her face. They were about half way through breakfast when they started to talk.

“Tartarus does yes, its based on the simple idea that the soul is a renewable power source. The hellscape regenerates the dead so you are hunted, killed, eaten, repeat. My Nature Domain worked there, I was able to feed the plants and a few animals. They not only left me alone, even helped on occasion.” Lash said as munched on a scone....hmmmmm scones. Knock! Knock! Came from the front door.

“Come on in, Princess Diana! Superman!” Lash called out, he smelled Clark's after shave along with Diana's natural scent.

Diana walked in casually as if she was visiting an old friend and no walls existed between them. She came straight to the kitchen and smiled at the room. Superman was a little more skittish, he tip toed in. Not sure how to act, it was early morning he had clearly heard Lash was having breakfast. Then he saw three bewitching beauties in nothing but bathrobes that were not properly tied at all! But before Superman could excuse himself Lash snagged him and pulled him over to the table for some food. As if by magic! There was a space between Isabella and Lizzy who were more then happy to have the man of steel between them! Like a bear trap Superman sat down and had two barely clothed women pressed against him. They began to feed him food, and stroked his muscles. Clark had a hard time breathing normally, his face blushed red. Aha! Hands! Hands in his lap!

“So, who are the founding members of the Justice League?” Lash asked, as he prepared a plate for Diana who took it with a smile. They both ignored how Lizzy, and Isabella sandwiched Clark. While Jessabell had sneaked behind the Superman, she began to massage his clearly sore muscles. Jessabell pressed her breasts into Superman so he had proper head support.

“Me, Superman, Batman, Green Arrow, Flash, Hal Jordan, John Stewart, Shazam, Martian Man Hunter, Hawkman, Hawkwoman, Aquaman, and Aquawoman. Technically you are on that list, but just as you talked about you are not a public member.” Diana said, as she began to eat the meal that was prepared. She smiled wide at Lash's cooking. It always tasted amazing.

“So, that's why the Wardens didn't know that Lash was a part of the League. Its true, technically he can't join. It would ruin his stance of neutrality. But, he still can help when asked.” Jessabell said as she had finished teasing Superman who was beat red and wanted to escape the situation. Jessabell came over and retied her robe with a smirk. She came to sit next to Lash, then began to gently brush Dawn who was asleep on the table.

“Ahem! Ladies please! Ahem! We...Aeeuuhh! Gah! We had to explain to the League who you are. I mean to say they still call you Wraith. It's just Wraith works for another part of the government in conjunction with the UN. Which is true!” Superman tried to chime in, and jumped in surprise when Isabella found something long and hard in his lap and had to grab onto it.

Jessabell rolled her eyes and snagged the two naughty ladies from the table. All three of them kissed Lash on the cheek before they excused themselves upstairs to Lash's bedroom. He did have the biggest bathroom and bed. Lash took a moment to pull Dawn to him and had her revert to her necklace state around his neck. Neither Diana or Superman said anything about Dawn.

“So they don't know my name? It's not that I don't trust the League but...” Lash let the question hang in the air.

“No one is pressured to reveal their identity. Aside from myself, and J'onn oh! That's the martian. Everyone is referred to their code names, and we leave our personal lives out of the League. We've even told Arthur about the need to keep your actual identity secret. He agreed, as did Mera.” Diana said.

“So, aside from Superman and J'onn. Do we have any confirmed aliens working on the League? If we can show the world that not all aliens are bad it will help with their public image.” Lash asked, he cast Connectivity and projected the images above the table. The overall public image of Aliens across the world.

“Hal, and John are both human. They just obtained a Green lantern ring from the corp. An intergalactic peace keeping initiative. Everyone else is human, or if not human they were at least born on Earth.” Clark said, he leaned back in his chair when Lash stared at him.

“Is that what they said? Or did no one think to ask? Or would that fringe on the privacy account we have?” Lash asked.

“I believe it would skirt the line of privacy. As long as it doesn't effect the security of the Earth, and the mission of the League does it really matter?” Diana asked.

“No, of course your right. Sorry, sometimes politics gets the best of me. Wow...When did that happen!” Lash said, and then had a look of horrific realization on his face. Both Diana and Clark smiled at him in understanding.

“The Public and Covert operations team for the inexperienced. Do we have a roster?” Lash asked after he came to terms that he had grown into a political creature.

“Arsenal, Kid Flash, Robin, Batgirl, Zatanna, Miss Martian. Technically speaking Miss Martian is the oldest. But from martian maturity she is still a teenager. Aresnal, Kid Flash, Robin, Batgirl, are still with their mentors. Zatanna, and Miss Martian also known as Me'ghan or Meghan are on standby. Zatanna is currently on the Vegas strip as a stage magician as she looks for her father. Giovanni Zatara has been missing for nearly five months. No one has any idea where he is. Me'ghan is.... Complicated.” Diana spoke softly at the end.

“Add another possible candidate. The young woman who came out with me from Tartarus. Dia Nyx, along with her super friends that she had. They may be viable options. But we will have to figure out the truth behind why she was sent to Tatarus. Was it an accident, or done on purpose?” Lash said objectively.

“Agreed! She has a lot of potential but no place to put it.” Diana said loudly.

“We could also add Kara Zor-El to the roster after she becomes acclimated, Superman?” Lash turned to Clark who had been quiet for a while. Clark's eyes got wide at the idea that he could fight side by side with his cousin.

“I....Lets just have her come to Earth safely first.” Clark said.

“Hold on....Do you know when Kara is arriving? I still remember that day in Metropolis when you made a prophecy.” Diana asked.

After that Lash and Clark explained the exact time and position of Kara. Diana was happy for Clark, but worried about the phrase 'Harbinger of Change'. Diana suggested that they go meet with Dia together. A familiar face would be better then two strangers. Lash agreed, he went up his bedroom and found Jessabell, Lizzy, and Isabella together in bed....Asleep. He kissed each of them on the forehead and left a note.

The trio made their way to the primary spell-healers in the capitol where Dia was being quarantined. Diana explained to Superman that the underworld has a toxic environment on the living, and the soul. Clark remembered he felt sick after the battle with Ares at the gates of the Underworld and understood that time spent there would kill most people. Lash gave a brief explanation that his Cosmic Patron cleansed him of the corruption as a reward for a job well done. Otherwise he'd be in quarantine just like Dia. Lash took a bit to explain who Dia was with out giving away to much. Example he did not tell them she was Trigons daughter. Or that the Fallen One was her half brother.

The trio were led into an isolation ward of the building of Healers. A stink was in the air, a stink that could not be washed away. It was stagnant and hard to breath, and made people feel queasy and light headed. They would hear whispers, voices that would speak to their ear. They would turn and see nothing. The shadows would grow, and reach out to them like scavengers. As they got closer the could hear a woman moan, and scream in misery! Dia was in pain but no one could help her. This feeling was like an addict being detoxed.

Dia Nyx wore a simple hospital room. But this room had magically enchanted bars to keep things in. A spell circle was carved around the room as an extra measure. A bed was bolted to the ground, with a minimal privacy screen that hide a toilet, and a shower spout. Dia was over the toilet vomiting over and over. She cried, and wailed in pain. Diana and Clark both looked sick, and was filled with pity. Lash had a cool and calm face on as he he approached the door, opened it and walked in.

“Go away! I....I don't want any help! I....Unless you came to kill me!” Dia screamed at who ever came into the room with her.

Dia was pale, sickly, and strung out. She looked like she hadn't slept or eaten in days. She wore a simple gown that was stained with vomit, sweat, and blood. The seductive voluptuous ¼ succubus figure was gone. All that was left was a strung out addict who didn't deserve the fate she was given. She didn't go into Tatarus willingly, she didn't ask to be tortured. She didn't ask to absorb the toxic nature of hell. Lash snapped his figures, Immaculate cleaned the whole room along with Dia. She looked clean, but that was all that was better.

“I made a lot of effort to get you out of Tartarus, Dia Nyx. Why would I come to kill you now?” Lash said. Dia whipped around with blood shot eyes. She bolted from the toilet and ran into Lash with a thunk! He did have armor on, she didn't seem to care.

“You came! You came! Thank you! Thank you! I...I thought you left me behind!” Dia sobbed as she clung to Lash like her life depended on it.

With some effort and the use of Calm Emotions Lash got Dia into bed. He had a vomit bucket nearby but he took a seat with her. He began to tell her about the Justice League and how if she wanted she could be a part of the younger operations team. But, they did need to find out about how she went to Tartarus. She still didn't know if it was an accident or not, she gave her friends names and information. She and her friends fought a demon conjurer, a portal opened up and she felt a push from behind her. The claws of Tartarus reached out and swallowed her. She didn't know if the push came from her conjurer or one of her friends. Lash cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss on Dia. She looked dramatically better. The toxic build up in her system was removed. But the problem was the taint on her soul. The toxicity would slowly rebuild over time. She had to be wrung out. Curse Break didn't work, and Soul Heal didn't even activate. Special circumstances that one.

Lash channeled his Grave Domain and looked at Dia's soul. It was twisted, gnarled, and looked infected. But it was intact. Soul Heal would actually make this worse, the stain would feed on the magic. Lash was happy the spell didn't activate, even if he didn't know better the spell did. He could give her a new body with Reincarnation but the infected soul would come along for the ride. Lash couldn't do anything, he didn't like that feeling. So he held Dia's hand till she fell asleep, she went to sleep clutching his hand and a smile was on her face she closed her eyes.

“I don't like this feeling of not being able to help.” Lash said out loud.

“I know the feeling, we both do. We are great warriors, Lash. But you are a talented healer and a hunter. You have more use then we do.” Diana said, she came to his side and patted his shoulder. Clark came over and his other side and did the same.

Lash did the next best thing, he reached into his storage and pulled out some magical materials. Maybe 1% Orichalcum, and crafted a simple enchanted item with Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Essence Imbeument into a necklace. He put it around Dia, and left a note in her mind through Telepathy. At least she wouldn't have to throw up any more. He stood up and the trio left the house of healing. Lash informed the healers about the necklace, they understood the implications and said they would take care of it.

Congratulations User! Sooth has evolved into Minor Sooth.

Effects: Works on a wider range of physiology.

Congratulations User! Nature's Supplement has evolved into Minor Nature's Supplement.

Effects: Works on a wide range of physiology.

“Alright! I have a favor I need to ask of both of you.” Lash said as the exited the healing house.

“Name it!” Clark said, Diana agreed.

“Princess Diana, I need a structurally sound arena. Then I need the most tank like Amazons in Themyscira to meet me there. If you want to be included in that line up, it works just as well. Superman, you and the Amazons are going to beat the crap out of me. I know, sounds weird. I've spent the past year in Tartarus. I need to gain an awareness of my powers, skills, and control over my combat persona. So this way when I go back to Gotham I don't indiscriminately murder people simply because I sneezed in their direction.” Lash said to them both. Clark and Diana looked at him, and after a bit of thinking it made sense!

“Ok....To the Grand Arena!” Diana shouted!


“So, what are we doing?” Arthur asked Mera as she continued to pull him towards a huge coliseum made of stone and metal.

“Lash...Wraith is currently fighting the Amazon Elite Guard, along with Diana, and Superman! At the same time! It was supposedly practice because he wanted to get a feel for his abilities after a year in hell so he wouldn't accidentally kill people when he went back to Gotham. But it's....Kinda turned into a sporting event?” Mera said with a huge smile!

Arthur had gone full native and wore sandals, a leather kilt, with a simple cotton vest. His thick long hair was braided, as was his beard. He towered over Mera as she continued to pull him towards the arena. He smiled at her and went along. Mera wore sandals as well but wore a mid thigh leather skirt that showed a lot of leg, and a simple sheer fabric that wrapped around her bouncing chest. Her radiant red hair flowed freely down her back. Boom! Boom! The ground around the arena shook, as cheers roared from the coliseum.

Mera brought Arthur to the executive box were Queen Hippolyta watched with clear delight on her face. Jessabell, Lizzy, and Isabella sat in the private box as well as they laughed and watched the fight commence. Arthur looked in and instantly had a huge grin on his face. He looked at Mera with a grin and she rolled her eyes. After a minute Arthur ran into the area with simple leather armor on, and a trident in hand! Time to play!


BAM! Superman slammed his fist into the ground right where Lash hand been standing a moment ago. Lash jumped away, when he hit the ground he exploded into copies of himself that danced and ran around the arena. Dozens of Saurus Soldiers in armor fought against the Amazon Elite Guard. Lash reached out and cast Call Lighting which struck Superman square in the chest, the man of steel was shot back like a rocket and collided with the arena wall. Superman crawled out of the imprint with a smile on his face, clearly he was enjoying himself. The lighting was a surprise but it barely tickled!

The real Lash rolled to his left, immediately after Diana slammed her knee into the ground where he stood. She kicked up some dust and chased after him with a yell! Diana had figured out a trick! The enchanted Ori necklace she wore would always grow warm, and vibrate when it was near the real Lash. Lash abruptly turned around with a kick and struck Diana, she held her arm guards up and blocked the blow but electricity danced across her armor and she was blown back. She had a clear smile on her face! A battle among friends was always a good time!

“Laaaaash! This is not fair!” Superman called out from across the arena. He was surrounded by sexy, seductive, and barely clothed Phantasms of Lois Lane! Superman attempted to dance around them but they would bounce, grapple, and do their best to tie him down. He was reluctant to hurt them!

“Gaaaaah!” Arthur screamed and brought his Trident down on top Lash. Crack! Lash brought his Transformation tail around and bashed Arthur and his trident clear across the arena. Into the waiting arms of the Saurus warriors!

“Ok! Time to get serious!” Lash called out Saurian. The twelve foot tall, and twenty four foot long Carnosaur warrior stood with Warden/Daemonic studded leather and half-breast plate armor on. He let out a roar and used Intimidating Shout which did absolutely nothing to any one there! Right, they could resist it! Well it made him feel better!

Lash had fought in the arena for about two hours, Saurian was rested and ready for battle! He charged straight towards Diana, she flew towards him with a resounding slam! They came to a stand still in the middle of the arena. The stalemate surprised Diana for a brief moment before she started to push Saurian back though it took...Crack! A massive tail came from her side and flung her across the arena into the sands.

Dozens of Elite guard came from the battle from the Saurus warriors that continued to re spawn. They charged at Saurian and thrust their spears, and swords into him and his scales stopped the worst of the damage. This surprised them greatly! But even more when they sunk into the ground, no the entire sand pit grew into a murky bog! Lash and Saurian were delighted!

Congratulations User! Mud Marsh as evolved into Minor Mud Marsh.

Effects: Increase in power, range, and decrease in power consumption.

Effects: A natural slow movement is applied to enemies, and fast movement is applied to allies.

SLAM! Superman flew across the arena and brought his fist into Saurian straight into his face. Saurian yelled out in surprise and pain as he flopped into the marsh. Inter. Damage Resistance got a huge increase in experience, as did Inter. Natural Energy Absorption. Diana flew over and wrapped her lasso of truth around Saurian. She yanked and pulled then became embarrassed when she remembered the lasso doesn't work on him. Or maybe it was because Saurian did a barrel roll into the swamp and left Diana behind in the marsh. With a simple yank the lasso came undone from Saurian's neck. Arthur threw his trident straight at Saurian and it went straight into his chest plate....By about an inch. Saurian looked down at the trident then back at Arthur. Saurian made a gripping motion and pulled, Arthur flew forward and was close lined by Saurian's tail. Inter. Energy Manipulation got another spike of experience!

Another twenty Saurus warriors joined the fray as Essence Imbuement, Phantasm, False Life, Parallel Minds, and Virtual Intelligence got more experience. The Elite guard met the new warriors with vigor and smiles on their faces! Weapons clashed against the illusion scales of the warriors, the Saurus pounced, clawed, and lashed out. Danger Sense and Foresight activated together, Saurian stepped to the left avoided Superman as he rushed to punch him, Saurian reached out and raked his claws through Superman's clothing, through his skin, and partially through his muscles. Superman slid to a stop in the arena and cried out in pain! The whole arena went quiet in shock....Superman is bleeding?! That had never happened before!

Congratulations User! True Damage has evolved into Minor True Damage.

Effects: 5% of all damage is True Damage!

The ground grew solid once more, the Saurus warriors burst into Illusion Domain particles. Diana flew over to check on Superman who stood up and laughed, he had a smile on his face now instead of shock. He shouted out to everyone.

“Its alright everyone! I'm already healing, it was just a shock! I can't remember the last time something actually hurt me!” Superman called out, the huge crowd in the arena seemed a little more at ease.

“Lets call this battle to its end! Please give a warm thank you to our warriors that participated, and to our brother! Warden Lash, and his Partner Hunter Saurian!” Queen Hippolyta called out. The crowd stood up and cheered for the battle.

Saurian came towards Superman and inspected the wound, he was right it was barely a scratch at this point. But Saurian had clearly cut him with his claws. He reached out and cast Repair to mend the damaged suit. Saurian pulled out Arthurs trident from his breast plate and handed it to him. Arthur laughed and took it. Saurian wanted to keep fighting but it was a good place to stop. He called on Lash, and after a few moments. Lash stood with everyone again.

“Well, I would say that is a good measurement of my capabilities. Thanks everyone. Sorry Arthur if I'd known you wanted to participate I would have called for you.” Lash said.

“Hay! If there is a fight give me a call! If we are just having a good ole fashion brawl? I'm there too!” Arthur grinned.

“Agreed! This was a good match, Lash! It taught us all a valuable lesson in your abilities. Though you could not take any of us in a straight fight. You can play interference against our enemies, and support our people in battle.” Diana chimed in.

“Also we can use you as a trump card. There are not many things in this world that can cut me! Imagine what you can do to our enemies.” Superman said with a grin.

“Princess, the Queen would like to call all of you to an informal meeting on the terrace.” A guard spoke to them.

Diana led the troop of Lash, Superman, and Arthur to the terrace that Lash had tea with Queen Hippolyta from before. Mera, Jessabell, Lizzy and Isabella all sat at the table with the Queen, and General Philipus who was out of armor! Philipus wore a simple leather skirt that went past her knees, a leather vest that barely contained her breasts, and nothing else. Everyone took their seats after they watched Lash attempt to keep etiquette and the queen told him to sit. They drank, and ate for a bit and talked about the match. Then after little more then an hour the queen turned to Lash.

“Lash, the villa that you are staying in as been given to you. We have given you the unofficial title of 'Brother' to the Amazons. So, you will always have a home here with us. You are of course welcome to stay in Themyscira as long as you like. But I feel that the easy life is not suited for you, especially after today's display.” Queen Hippolyta said, Lash stood up and bowed from his waist. Even with the glare from the queen.

“Thank you for the privilege and honor you have shown me 'my Queen'.” Lash said, emphasis on my queen. Then took a seat, Queen Hippolyta, Philipus, and Diana all had smiles on their faces. They understood what he just did.

“Excuse me, why is it unofficial?” Arthur asked, he was confused.

“Lash is a Warden, he is not allowed to belong to a faction. Though the day he is no longer a Warden the Amazons will make it official. One of the few men in all of our history that we call brother.” Diana replied to him.

“Wait, I thought Lash was declared a Winter Knight by Queen Mab? Isn't that a faction?” Lizzy asked. Jessabell groaned and rubbed her face.

“She was not suppose to do that! But, he healed that portion of the Winter Queen's soul. It was a grand but accidental gift that Lash showed her. So she repaid in kind, it has caused a huge problem with the dynamic between Winter and Summer. That is why Lash is required to participate in the Summer Solstice Hunting ritual. As long as Lash can pass the finish line as a hunted the Summer Queen plans to name him a Summer Knight. I can promise you Lash, the Summer Solstice Hunt will be a hundred times worse. They've now had two years to prepare for it.” Jessabell said, she grumbled and hid her face.

The group continued to talk about factions, rules, and why Lash can't join them. An average Warden would be able to join a faction and the super-natural community wouldn't care. Lash was way to high profile! Technically the Justice League was a mundane faction, but Lash suggested they have a super-natural team in place that can help create a dialogue between the mundanes and super-natural world. Shield and Sword, along with the Wardens do a good job at keeping it quiet. But events like Ares escape are a good example! They can't always blame an alien invasion.

At last it was decided, Lash and company would leave Themyscira the next day. Simply because Lash wanted to go home and relax in his own city. See the people that were not allowed to visit Themyscira. He'd still be on vacation for a while. But he reconfirmed his promise with Arthur and Mera that he would help them track down the trident and Arthur's mother. They briefly spoke about Dia, Diana assured him that they would take care of her.

Later that night when Lash and Jessabell lay naked in bed together after another rousing battle of flesh against flesh. Jessabell idly ran her nails along Lash's chest, as he massaged her neck and back. His hands just did it automatically! Jessabell had her eyes closed and loved the feeling of Lash on her skin. But she had to ask a question.

“Its going to get even more dangerous isn't it?” Jessabell said softly. Lash didn't stop massaging her back as he replied.

“Yes...Kara Zor-El will bring a ship with her. This ship is a prison of massive size that contains some of the galaxies most potent criminals. Then a few months behind them. General Zodd will appear, he will bring destruction, and death to Earth. As he tries to conquer it for the last remnant of Krypton” Lash said to her. Cosmic Awareness activated and his energy levels were consumed by...oh! 98% Level up! His body glowed faintly with divine light. Lash took a moment to rub the dragon necklace on its head. He could hear Dawn purr at him through his ear.

“You'll be there on the front lines, wont you?” Jessabell asked, she hugged him her strong body gripped him tighter. Like he would fade from sight if she let go.

“Yes, but if there is a fight we will both ask for help instead of going alone.” Lash and Saurian replied together. A smile spread across her face.

“Good!” Jessabell kissed him, then snuggled into his arms and fell asleep.

Lash soon fell asleep as well, especially after the use of his skill he was exhausted! He was on a farm pulling weeds, watering his crops. His wife Abigail came over, her deep indigo hair caught the afternoon sun brilliantly! She held their son in her arms, she had a smile on her face as she walked over. She said something but he couldn't hear her. He gathered up his tool and came inside, they had dinner together talked about the festival of lights that was next week. They put their son to bed, and went to sleep themselves to tackle the next day...

Congratulations User! You've obtained the skill Farming: You know the basics of what is to tend, and take care of a farm! Weeding, tilling, planting, harvesting! Basic animal care, tools, machines, and harvest time!

Lash frowned at his new skill. Really? Out of all his lives, and all the different skills he could learn. He learned that one? Well maybe he could talk to Johnathan and Martha Kent about it. Lash woke up and made breakfast again for his house mates. They all came down after he sent his lizard hounds again. Once more three vixens who wore silk robes that were barely tied together sat at the breakfast table. They ate, talked about traveling home, and then started to pack for the ride home. Lash made traveling gear for all of them. Light, durable, resistant to damage, and magic! Jessabell tried to strangle him! His common traveling gear could buy a house! Lash made sure to clean up the villa that was...Well his! Before he left. They made a trip to the house of healing so he could say goodbye to Dia. She looked a lot better, she had already used the enchanted necklace effects for the day.

Lash had used his Connectivity and checked in with the Wardens, turned out Dia was from Alaska! Her friends had reported that she had died, more specifically a hell portal had opened up and swallowed her. They assumed she was dead! No living parents, none that she wanted to admit anyways. She lived in the super-natural foster care system since she was magically inclined. That is where she met her friends. All of them were part of the system, bounced from home to home. Reached eighteen and struck out on their own! Why not join the Wardens? You had to be twenty one to join. Plus the societies system left a bad taste in their mouth. Lash sent an command authority email to have the friends questioned about what happened under a truth compulsion rune. Then to update Themyscira with the news. The local Warden HQ confirmed the request and said they would get it done. He said goodbye to Dia and told her he would keep in touch. But she had mostly decided already she would join the League with one of the teams.

They got a ride back to the port city, Lash put a simple glamour on and walked into the port city with his women! As always a man among the Amazons definitely stuck out. Especially when all the Amazons greeted him with, 'Brother!' From which he would return with, 'Sister!' They bought first class tickets on a boat back to Miami! From there they would fly to Gotham, to home!

“Why doesn't Themyscira have a portal system?” Isabella asked.

“They do! But it is only used in emergencies. No matter how high up Lash is on Themyscira, unless its a life and death situation they wont let him use it. No planes...For now. Amazon warriors are stationed on every ship that leaves or arrives on Themyscira.” Lizzy replied surprisingly! Deputy Warden to the rescue!

The four of them spent the rest of the day, and evening aboard the boat as it sailed to the Miami port. Lash slept alone that night as Jessabell wanted to...Visit with Lizzy and Isabella. Isabella may have even hinted that he could join but he politely declined. She didn't push and went to enjoy herself. Lash walked the deck of the ship alone with his thoughts. Several tourists approached him and tried to pry information out of him. He turned them down politely but a few he had to out right tell them off. Thankfully a Amazon guard showed up and shooed them all away. He retreated to his room and connected to the web through Connectivity. He pulled all existing knowledge up on the founding members of the Justice League. The world at large believed the League was simply rumor and stories to tell the naughty criminals to keep their doors locked at night. No UN charter, no deals made behind the scenes. It was just a story. Lash wasn't sure when Darkseid was suppose to show up, but the quicker the League got set up the better.

Then he started to look for the Injustice League, other side of the same coin. Nothing under that name, but he did find a few vague references to the League of Shadows. Surprise! Surprise! The two hundred million dollar bounty for Wraith was still up on the Dark Web! Though the bounties on Batman, Robin, and Batgirl were gone. Small victories. Black Mask was the contract holder last he checked was currently in prison. So who held the contract over Wraith? Was the money paid upfront? Then he looked up Bialya... Well fuck! Bialya had gotten off on a technicality. Because alien tech hacking software is not admissible in a court of law?! So, because Wraith had obtained the information using his alien technology Bialya wiggled out of the blame. They claimed they had been set up by Agent Wraith and it was pure slander. They had split hairs! Anyone with a pair of eyes and ears knew they were spouting bull shit. But they had the right connections to get away with it. Lash put Bialya and Queen Bee on his shit list to be handled after his vacation.

The boat soon arrived at Miami, much to the amusement of the ladies. Lash created a glamour that disguised himself as a woman. He was tall, athletic, tanned amazon woman with short black hair, an hour glass figure in leather armor. Camera's and video recording devices were not allowed on Themyscira, and on the boat back to Miami. But the port at Miami? He didn't want Jessabell, Lizzy, and Isabella to be seen with a man coming out of Themyscira. So he also ensured that the ladies got a make over thanks to his Illusion Domain. Skin tone, eye color, hair color, few inches here and there. They looked like completely different people. But they didn't take a plane back to Gotham. They just went to Miami's Warden HQ at the request of Lizzy and took a portal over.

Gotham! The putrid chemical industrial waste factory that was a city was before Lash's eyes once more! Home! Lizzy and Isabella went home, and Jessabell gave Lash a deep kiss before she herself went home. Lash went to the information bureau office in the HQ, checked in and started the long process of his debrief. He was not returning to active duty yet, but he needed to get his cover story straight before he returned to the world as a 'civilian'. News of his return went through the grape vine. Dozens of different Wardens, logistical teams, and even Sir Rupert the Synthesis construct from the Warden library came to welcome him home. His debrief was about his entire trip of the Tech Summit, the attacks along the way, why he sneaked into Themyscira, his journey through Tartarus. When he found Dia Nyx, any information on the Fallen one. Because a lot of the information required him to break the fourth wall the Rune of Truth compulsion didn't yank it out of him.

“So the relic was recovered, you brought Dia Nyx back from Tartarus with you. She is currently in detox in Themyscira. You didn't need detox because your Patron cleansed you? Is that correct?” An Under Fae councilor asked.

“Yes, but the full effects of the cleansing seems a little more than just simply that. My Cosmic Patron has always enjoyed games. So something may happen down the line that I hadn't considered.” Lash replied. The councilors all nodded, Gods and Goddess always played the long game with everything they did. It could be decades before Lash knows the full truth of what happened.

“So, what are your plans now. Warden Lash?” The Summer Court councilor asked.

“I would like to return to soft duty if the courts agree. If something horrible happens I will of course respond. But I would like to spend some time seeing family, friends, and catch up on a few things that I didn't do before. Yes! I plan to attend the Summer Solstice ball as a Hunted. But that is in several months and I'll be back on duty by that point.” Lash made a point to say that, the Summer councilor smiled at him.

“I've also made contact with Lois Lane of the Daily Planet. I thought an interview with Wraith after his absence should happen sooner rather then later?” Lash inquired, the councilors all agreed and took out another file.

“We have several options that can explain where you have been for the past year. But before you read through them do you have any idea's?” The Winter Court councilor asked.

“Some of the best lies are based on truth. Wraith was off world, which was true. Wraith went to another planet called Tartarus. He went to this planet at the behest of another civilization. What he did there, and why is between him and the civilization. However he did receive rewards, rewards the he is willing to share with his future home of Earth.” Lash said to them. They all nodded with a smile and handed him another file.

They had essentially replaced planet with the word realm. Which was far more accurate. The file contained all the relevant information. But simply put, Wraith traveled to a different dimension. The reason why dimension was used was because if the mundanes asked he was suppose to bring out the basic science between traveling between realms as another Tech Summit idea. But which civilization Wraith helped was vague and was not 'recorded'. After another hour they brought the debrief to a close and he was allowed to return to his home.

He got transport back into the city, walked through his building front door and saw a security guard he didn't recognize who also didn't recognize him. He spent about ten minutes convincing the man he lived there until a neighbor screamed in surprise at the sight of Lash. But the guard still believed Lash didn't live there! He'd work there for ten months he had never seen him before! Lash took out his phone and called the Fae Courts who owned the building, after a few minutes the front desk security phone rang. The security guard had a two minute heated discussion and his face got paler, and paler as time went on.

“W...Welcome home, Mr Lash.” The man stuttered and dripped with sweat.

Lash laughed and went up to his room. He sent a message to the Courts telling them thank you, and not to punish the man. He was actually doing his job! He didn't recognize Lash, and Lash didn't have ID on him. Though being six foot plus, with tribal tattoos may be a dead give away. They sent word back that he would not be punished beyond re memorizing all of the owners of the homes he was guarding. Lash's face was at the top of the list of people to memorize for. They also sent a 'Welcome home' message.

Lash walked in through his front door, his keys were still in his storage pocket. His security alarm chimed with glee! It's owner was back! Welcome back! It chimed over and over. Lash took a moment to walk around his home, greeted and 'fed' all the in house appliances with Technomancy. Then stepped onto his balcony, he greeted each and every gargoyle. Then said hello the current Griaks in the house. The Sun gathering trees had grown a few inches and were healthy! Lash came inside his house, made a few pieces of jewelry for Dottie and her crew. Put them in a box with a message on top. He wasn't sure when he would see them. He took a nice long shower, pulled on some nice cotton pj's and threw himself into bed. Then went to sleep! Unless he was truly exhausted, his home was the only place Lash ever truly fell asleep in...


Dance lights reflected off the mirror surface inside of a underground night bar. Dozens of barely clothed men and women danced on the stage, and on the ground floor. Sweat poured from them as they continued to grind against one another, in a drug induced sex craze! Several people had stepped off stage and had sex then and there. Hundreds of people were scattered through out the club on the upper floors in private boxes, others in booths, along the bar. Security to get inside the club was tight, only the super rich, and super good looking allowed to attend the party.

A nineteen year old girl sat in a private VIP box as she watched the fun downstairs, she sucked on a cherry lollipop. As she ground her ass into a man that was behind her. She would push, pull, and twist her self and the man loved every minutes of it. She'd clench her inner vaginal walls and suck his cock in and out. Then right before he came she turned around pulled his head to the side and ripped into his neck with her fangs! The man screamed in surprise and tried to pry her off but soon bled out. The security guards that stood in the room made no move to help. Her phone beeped as she finished her meal.

'Warden Lash is back in town....Orders?' The text message on the phone read.

'Notify the Arkham crew, I want him dead as soon as possible. Mundanes only!'

The nineteen year old girl stood up from the now bloody corpse, stripped her cloths off and suddenly went from nineteen year old to twenty six in a few seconds. The security guards handed her new cloths, she pulled them on and left the VIP room. She wanted to go dancing!


Beeep! Beeep! A pale skinned hand of a man reached for their phone. He checked his messages then smiled. Then began to laugh, and laugh. His insane laughter woke up the nearby hyena's and they soon began to howl, a young woman with just as pale features woke up in bed next to the man.

“Puddin? What's so funny?” The woman asked.

“Looks like our grand finale is finally here! We've played with the Bat! But this time I want to see if we can kill a ghost! Muhahahahahaahaha! HAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAAHA!” Joke the Prince of crime laughed, as his lover Harley Quinn had a look of conflict on her face. Wraith had saved her back in Arkham. But she would follow her lover to the ends of the Earth.

Across all of Gotham different thugs, criminals, expert assassins, and insane convicts all got a text message. Agent Wraith was alive and well, and would soon be active once more. Time to cash in on the two hundred million prize! Then in a loft on the far edge of the city sat a woman who wore a martial arts gi, she cleaned a katana in her hands with expert care. Her phone went off with the assassination contract. She looked at it and laughed! Two hundred million for an alien capable ripping tanks apart? Any one who takes that contract must be insane! She dismissed the message with a 'No'. But, she did want to meet this alien lizard from the stars. She leaned back and whispered under her breath.

“Ros....When is my next store book open?” The woman asked to seemingly no one.

“Thank you, Ros!” The woman said back, as if she had heard someone talk.


Lash shot out his grappling hook and was propelled into the night sky to avoid capture by the police! When will GCPD learn that the Dark Knight is only here to help! Lash spread his thread based wings into a glide and flew through the night sky of Gotham. He is the night! He is terror incarnate! He is....The Batman!

Lash opened his eyes to find himself back in his bedroom. A quirky grin on his face. One of his past lives was Batman in another universe? Wow! Bruce would flip if he knew that. Lash turned to look and...Yep! 4:30 am just like always. Lash got up and cast Immaculate on himself. He stepped out his bedroom and walked towards his art studio room to practice. He used his Transmuter title effect and made another ten pounds of Ori... Lash held the golden gleaming piece of metal in his hand and realized it had become habit. Fuck! Jessabell was going to kill him. He decided to make an appointment with Juliana at Shield and Sword. His phone soon rang a few minutes later.

“Lash! I heard you were back! Wow, I feel flattered that you called me only a day after you got back to Gotham!” Juliana's voice spoke across the line.

“Hello! I actually have a gift I wanted to give you. But I also need to deposit some materials I picked up in Tartarus. I believe Shield and Sword handles magical materials?” Lash asked.

“Ooooo! A present just for me? I'd offer to come over to your home. But if you have materials to deposit it would be better if you come in. Shall I send a car for you around nine? We can have breakfast together?” Juliana purred into the phone about a present. Then returned to business about the materials.

“Sure! Oh, try to not kill me when I give you the gift. Technically I shouldn't even give you it. But I think its important.” Lash said into the phone.

“Oh? Well we'll have discuss it!” Juliana said. They soon decided on an exact time and hung up.

Lash finished up in his art studio after a few hours, he went to his closet and pulled out a tailored made suit that was just a little tight. He had grown since he was home last. He cast Fabrication, and Alteration. He looked very nice in a prince of darkness kind of way. Every piece of the suit was black except for his bright red tie. Saurian would continue to wear the Warden/Daemonic gear. While Lash would be in a kevlar sewn business suit. He made himself pretty then headed down towards the front.

At the front desk was the Cheshire super-natural guard who smiled wide at the sight of Lash. They greeted each other and Lash fed him his favorite Nature Spells. The evolved form of Sooth, and Nature's Supplement satisfied more needs for different physiology. Thomas the guard was like a cat who dank an entire bowl of milk and just lazed in his chair. His spells helped before, but this was another level. The Shield and Sword driver showed up, Lash expected Booraku but got a different driver.

The drive was normal, but Lash had to be a troll and fed the driver his Nature spells. They had stopped in the underground garage of Shield and Sword when he did. The driver was a puddle of goop as he moaned in pleasure, and couldn't stand on his feet. Lash knew the way to the main office and saw himself out with a laugh. He walked across the main lobby, his presence barely made a ripple in the high tier law firm. He walked passed dozens of business men and women as they waited for their appointment. Separate waiting areas were filled with smoking, none smoking, VIP with staff on hand with coffee, tea, and snacks. Lash went to the front desk and was quickly shown to the VIP elevator.

He was shown to a room and inside was Juliana and a few aids. Juliana looked stunning as she wore a navy blue pencil skirt, ocean blue silk buttoned up shirt, a ocean green half suit jacket, her long brown hair had been curled and swept behind her shoulders. Her caramel and seductive Brazilian skin glowed in the light of the room. Her tiger amber eyes looked at Lash up and down. She devoured Lash just as much as Lash ate her up.

Juliana walked forward, with a seductive sway to her hips as she reached out and shook Lash's hand who returned the gesture. He was introduced to the Law Firm aids who were all super-natural's and happy to hear of his return. Then he brought out twenty pounds of orichalcum ingots and placed them on the table. Juliana and the aids eyes were attached to the ingots. Lash coughed softly to bring them back to reality.

“Lash....Is that orichalcum?” Juliana asked softly, she knew what it was. She could feel the magic that poured from the metal.

“Yes, it is 99.9 percent pure as well. I found it in Tartarus. Its clean of corruption, I thought about keeping it. But I was...'encouraged' to bring it to Shield and Sword. I failed to understand the true value of it.” Lash said.....It was mostly true.

“Ok...We may have to push our breakfast back. This is going to take a little more time!” Juliana reached for her phone.

It did indeed take a little more time! Torloth even showed up after an hour with a huge smile on his face. He welcomed Lash home, looked at the ingots and practically drooled. Torloth also took sometime to size Lash up and was impressed with the strength Lash had gained. He was still weak as a kitten in front of Tortloth. But the kitten had grown claws! The exact amount of money the ingots were worth would take time to calculate. Just like gold there was not an exact measurement for it. But five hundred million would be considered a low estimate. Maybe 10% of Gotham that Jessabell said was the low economy area?

Lash sat in a nice coach with a cup of chai in his hand. He watched Juliana finish up with her preparations. Juliana had pulled him into a room that is used as a home away from home for clients in with the Shield and Sword building. It was a lot like a studio apartment all the amenities of home. Kitchen, living room, side room for a bath, toilet, shower, and a king size bed off in the corner. On the table were several dishes that had been covered and awaited consumption, prepared by the cooks in the office.

“At last! I love your visits Warden Lash but that one took longer then expected.” Juliana came over and sat in a chair next to him. She had removed her suit jacket, swept her hair up into a pony tail then looked at Lash with a smile.

“Time for your present.” Lash pulled out a box from his inner pocket and handed it to her.

“Oh! I had forgotten! So what is.....” Juliana stopped talking when she opened up the box. Inside was an enchanted necklace.

Orichalcum plated snake style necklace.

Rating: B+

Effect: Very Durable

Effect: 1% of Durability recovers every day.

Effect: 10% resistant to negative magic effects.

Effect: 10% increase to positive magic effects.

Effect: 20% increase to reproductive fertility.

Comments: You've made a magical fertility necklace! That works on any race as long as magic works on them. Run! Flee! Save yourself!

Juliana looked at the necklace and knew instinctively what the necklace could do. She took it out of the box, clipped it onto her neck. She stood up in a single fluid motion, pulled Lash out of his seat. She pulled him towards the bed, turned around with a smile.

“You and I are going to have sex now, understand?” Juliana said seductively but also rebuked no argument.

“Sure...” Lash said with a raised eye brow.

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