Juliana began to unbutton her top, but Lash reached up to stop her. She raised a manicured eyebrow in question. Lash smiled and pulled her towards the bed, she smiled back at him. She kicked off her heels, knelt on the bed and watched him with interest. Lash pulled his tie and suit jacket off, he sat down on the bed and untied his shoes. Juliana pressed herself flush against his back, she wrapped her arms around his chest and purred into his ear.

“I know this is not the best pillow talk, but I think knowing will be beneficial. I know dragons are an endangered species. Anyone with even a smallest trace amount of Dragon in their blood or spirit is legal bound to have a child. The individual you have a child with is not really up to you. But if you have at least one child you are free of that 'Duty'?” Lash said, as he reached up and held Juliana's hands. She groaned and pulled away from him. She lay across the bed as her legs pressed together she pulled a pillow off the bed to hug it against her chest.

“You are right, this is not the best pillow talk. Yes, I have a schedule across the year where I have to have sex at least once with every capable male. Whether I like them or not! I do like you Lash, if that was in question. But the moment I become pregnant I am free of that disgusting 'Duty' to my species.” Juliana said with a bitter tone, all trace of arousal gone from the moment.

“I like you too, Juliana. I think you know me well enough to know that I don't like to have sex with someone unless they give full consent. So, I'll ask you. Do you wish to share a bed with me because you want to? Or because you are obligated to?” Lash turned to look at her, he unbuttoned his shirt and revealed his muscled chest and abs in front of her. Juliana's eyes gazed at his exposed skin and a hunger rose in her eyes.

“Even if I was not bound by Duty. Yes, Lash I would want to have sex with you. Now, will you please come over here and fuck me?” Juliana said, as she bit her lip with impatience.

“Sure.” Lash said with a smile.

Juliana tossed the pillow aside and crawled on her hands and knees across the bed. She devoured Lash's lips as he began to unbutton her top. Juliana ran her fingers over his incredibly strong body, her nails left bitter scratch marks that even drew a bit of blood. Out of the two of them, Juliana could easily kill Lash. Lash reached up and unzipped her skirt. Juliana fell back against the bed as he pulled the fabric free. Juliana had a bright red lace bra, and panties on that looked great against her chocolate brown skin. Her long brown hair fell across the bed like a sheet of silk. Juliana blushed lightly and turned away.

“Its been a long time since I've had a man I like look at me like this.” Juliana said softly.

“If I can help it, the only people who will ever see you like this again will only be people you like.” Lash said, as he undid his belt and pulled his pants down, along with his briefs. All of Lash stood at attention. Juliana looked at him completely and licked her lips.

Lash ran his hands along her legs towards her panties and pulled them off. Juliana pulled her bra off and tossed it aside. There was a brief moment of panic when Juliana reached over to the nightstand and pressed a button to lock the door, and Shuttered the windows. Seeing Juliana flustered like that just made her look cute in front of Lash. But he did understand the desire for privacy. Lash and Juliana both had full night vision so lights on or off would make little difference. Lash moved across the bed like a serpent, it was something a human body shouldn't be capable of doing but he still did it. Juliana wrapped her legs around his waist and pressed a hand against his chest.

“I don't need any foreplay! Just fuck me until we both are satisfied!” Juliana said, her body flush with arousal.

With Juliana's help Lash's cock slid into her body, inch by agonizing inch. He went incredibly slow until Juliana groaned in displeasure and pushed against him to drive it home. They both shuddered in pleasure. Lash reached down and pulled Juliana off the bed, he knelt across the sheets while he bounced Juliana up and down his cock. The abrupt change in angle, and momentum made Juliana scream in surprise, then she started to moan. Louder and faster with every thrust.

Juliana had locked her legs around Lash at the ankles and refused to let go. So he thrust into her again and again. She eventually pulled him down across the bed with a bang! As the bed had a hard time taking the weight. Juliana smiled at Lash, he smiled back. A brief moment of humor before he thrust again into her. Juliana rolled her eyes back into her head and moaned. Her nipples grew erect and practically stabbed Lash in the chest with every push. Lash and Juliana soon found their rhythm, as they both raced towards the climax. Juliana clenched her vaginal walls around Lash's cock and came to a climax! She screamed his name as she arched her back, then screamed in surprise when Lash kept going. For nearly an hour Lash pumped into Juliana until she begged him to cum did he allow himself to release.

Do you wish to impregnate, Juliana?



Congratulations! Juliana has chosen to accept your seed.

Juliana's eyes went wide with shock as she stared down at where Lash and her were connected. She ran her hands over her abdomen, she said a few words in a language that Lash didn't understand though he did get a prompt from Language Smith, her hands began to glow. They went from yellow, flickered red, then turned green. They held the color for several moments until Juliana canceled the spell. She wrapped her arms around Lash and devoured his mouth with her own. She thrust her tongue into his mouth over and over. She pushed him down, and rode him for another thirty minutes. They both came twice before she stopped.

Lash was out of breath, his body was covered in sweat, and he was sore! He felt like his bones especially his hips had gone through a jack hammering. In many ways his bones had, after the prompt Juliana was so enthusiastic that he didn't have time to breath. Juliana was across his chest, her breathing just as ragged as his own. Her leg wrapped around his waist, his erection rested against her thigh. She made no move to push or clean her leg. As a smile of pure bliss was on her face.

“Where did you get this, Lash?” Juliana said, as she fiddled with the necklace.

“The castle of the Fallen One in Tartarus. I got it for you, but I'll understand if you have to share it.” Lash said, as he smoothed his hands up and down her back, and arms.

“I will have to share it, but thank you. Thank you so, so much.” Juliana said, she leaned up and kissed him again.

“Out of curiosity am I allowed to keep seeing you?” Lash said, he honestly didn't know the protocol for this. Juliana grinned at him.

“Yes! In fact its encouraged to have sex with the parent. So don't be surprised if I show up sometimes because I need a...'refill'” Juliana's smile grew wide as she wrapped her fingers around his erect cock.

“You have incredible stamina! Want to go again!” Juliana said, as she already crawled down and began to lick the head of his cock clean.

“Sure...” Lash said, Juliana laughed at his nonchalant reply but still pulled his cock into her mouth. Lash groaned in ecstasy, and Juliana smiled in satisfaction.

It was five in the afternoon by the time Lash left Shield and Sword, he walked bow legged and winced with every step. But he had a huge smile on his face, any one he met along the way gave him a knowing look. But what took the cake was a elderly looking granny with a crimson tail he walked past.

“Ohhhh! Someone got some from a dragon! I'm surprise you are walking! Good on you, boy!” The granny said out loud, for all to hear. It was such a surreal moment that every one stopped in mid horror then began to laugh!

Lash's faces turned crimson, he got into cab and made his way home. The cab driver was a very nice Hindu man, Lash practiced Hindi with the man and they talked about his home. Lash gave him a one hundred dollar tip to the which man was incredibly flustered. Lash thanked the man for the language lessons and said goodbye. He walked into his building and there standing at the security desk was a seven foot tall Booraku! He wore a tailored made bodyguard style suit. Lash looked past Booraku's glamour and found a twelve foot tall troll with hulking muscles, huge tusks, tribal tattoos, and an aura of power.

“Mr. Lash! Good to see you. I wish I could say this is a social visit but Lord Torloth is waiting upstairs on your balcony. He needs to speak to you.” Booraku said with a grimace. Lash winced at the sound of Torloth's name. Its not that he didn't like the old dragon. But talking to the dad of the daughter he has just impregnated seemed a little odd.

Lash and Booraku took the elevator up to the top floor in which Lash lived. During the ride up, Lash pulled out another orichalcum necklace for Booraku. It had the same effect as Wonder Woman's necklace, but looked like a tiny troll skull, with fangs along the necklace. Decorative! When the elevator doors opened there were several guards stationed in the hall way that saw a pale stricken seven foot tall man who shook like a leaf as he stared at a little black box in his hands. Lash clapped him on the back and left the elevator. Booraku jumped in surprise and stashed the box in his suit jacket. Every three to five steps Booraku would feel the inside of his pocket to ensure the necklace was still there.

Lash walked into his home and pulled Booraku in with him. There on the balcony stood Torloth, and his clearly embarrassed and blushing daughter Juliana who hid behind Torloth. Torloth's current human form was a 6' 2” pale skinned man, with long black hair swept back into a lose tail. A jagged scar across his face, with dragon elemental eyes. The man smiled like a shark when Lash opened the balcony window for him.

Juliana wore tennis shoes, blue jeans, and winter sweater that hugged her curves. Her hair was done up in a loose tail like her father. She whispered 'I'm sorry' to Lash as she walked past him into his home. She currently did not wear the fertility necklace he gave her. Lash activated his security shutters and gestured for them all to take a seat at his dinning room table. Booraku stood in the background, checking and rechecking his pocket. Juliana meekly took a seat next to Lash, Lash looked at her then at Torloth who had a huge smile on his face.

“So.... Mr. Torloth...” Lash started but was stopped by Torloth has he raised his hand.

“Please! Just call me Torloth! You've granted me a grandchild! Such formality between us is unnecessary! Did you know out of all my children, Juliana is the first to get pregnant! She is also the youngest!” Torloth said with genuine happiness! Juliana shrunk her neck in, clearly she wanted to be someplace else right now. Booraku gasped softly to the side.

“Yes, Booraku! Since you are part of Lash's pack I'll excuse your presence. But you are not allowed to tell any one, understood?” Torloth's face was one of joy but his voice dripped with a hidden threat.

“Understood, Sir!” Booraku said, and stood at attention. Torloth took a moment to take out a file and a contract. He passed it over to Lash and Juliana. Lash leaned over and read through the information but paused half way through. He looked up with a clear question on his face.

“There are far more female dragons then males. Traditionally, a female has to get pregnant and produce a single child to be taken out of the breeding program. While males are required to breed until they produce three children. But! You found a fertility charm in the Fallen Ones castle with in Tartarus. You could have given this item to any one! Any faction! They would have given you huge sum of money, influence, and fame. But, you gave it as a gift to Juliana! By dragon law that treasure now belongs to her! This contract will confirm you have impregnated Juliana, but you will be taken out of the breeding program! You will no longer be bound by law to breed. If you choose to continue breeding of your own free will! That is a different matter. I brought Juliana here because she is your lawyer and should over look any contract.” Torloth said, his genuine and larger then life smile never left his face.

Juliana then spent the next thirty minutes with Lash as they spoke over the contract. Torloth chimed in with extra information. But it was essentially what Torloth had just said. Lash was no longer legally bound into a breeding program. He had impregnated a dragon female, but also gave a 20% fertility charm? This was a huge step in the right direction for the dragons. Now, if he wanted to have sex with more dragons they would be more then happy to accommodate him! Lash was conflicted, should he tell Torloth and Juliana that he had actually made the charm himself and could technically make more? In the end he decided against it. At least for now!

“Question, how long does a pregnancy last with a dragon?” Lash asked, he didn't really find any reliable information on it.

“Ah! It takes three to five years for the egg to properly gestate with in the mother. Once the egg is laid, it takes another fifteen to twenty years to hatch. So, approximately twenty years or more. You are of course welcome to continue spending time with my daughter if you both choose to!” Torloth said, Juliana squeezed Lash's hand under the table almost to the point that his bones snapped.

“Father please! This...Can...Can we not talk about this right now!?” Juliana said with a sinister undertone. Torloth just shrugged, as if embarrassing his daughter was what a father should do.

“Question, will I receive any potential back lash political or otherwise from Juliana's prospective breeding partners. Now that she no longer has to see them?” Lash asked, Juliana's hand stopped squeezing his hand and went to a gentle soothing. Torloth's entire body language went from a happy grandfather to a predator thinking about eating something.

“Publicly it would be a great way to commit suicide if someone attacked Juliana while she was with child. It would also be ill advised to attack you Lash. Who is not only the parent, but the one who brought the fertility charm to us. Though I can not 100% guarantee no reprisal, but my family will make a public statement telling the super-natural communities that killing you over preforming you duty would be a great way to start a war.” Torloth said the words as if he was ready for battle at that very moment.

“Another question, but this is more like a subject change. Can you find out who put a two hundred million dollar bounty on Agent Wraith's head?” Lash asked. Booraku, Juliana, and Torloth all looked at Lash in surprise and confusion.

“What bounty?” They all said in unison.

So Lash created a Technomancy image and brought them to the dozen or so different web sites with the bounty listed. That kind of money even super-natural assassins would jump at the chance. As long as they could get away with it! As his lawyer, Juliana was angry! She had no idea this was up in the dark web. She was even more infuriated when Lash said this bounty had been up since before he went into Tartarus. She had no idea! This was confusing, because Lash told the Warden Information Bureau about it. Did they not look into it? Or did they just assume a mundane killer couldn't kill Wraith? Juliana assured him that it was not the case, after the incident in Hong Kong Agent Wraith went onto a no kill list. Wraith was not the only plan to subtly introduce the super-natural communities to the mundanes. But his project got the most traction!

The Shield and Sword crew all left soon after, Juliana kissed Lash softly before she left. He smiled at her and ran his hand along her abdomen. She smiled brightly at the gesture and left with her father. Booraku left as well after he put on the necklace at Lash's insistence. Soon Lash was alone in his home. After an hour his phone blew up with messages, as Torloth had made a super-natural public statement that Warden Lash had successfully impregnated his youngest daughter, Juliana. Oh come on! On the public network!? Along with the discovery of a fertility charm, that he gifted selflessly to Juliana. Everyone who had his private contact number sent either a message of congratulations, or a 'What the fuck!?' message. His public Warden contact number filled with hundreds of emails that soon grew to over a thousand.

Fertility charms did exist in the super-natural world. However, nearly every charm had side effect, criteria to be full filled, and spell components. In example, can only be done on the full moon, during the summer solstice! You must consume thirty two hearts of wild animals then dance for thirteen hours straight! There were several charms that guaranteed pregnancy but after the birth the side effect would make both parties sterile. So, the discovery of a fertility charm that gave a 20% increase in pregnancy that could be worn by male or female with no side effects, that worked on any super-natural race? Yeah....Lash spent the next few hours doing public relations.

It was nearly midnight when Lash finished on the computer. He answered phone calls, did video calls, answered emails. Technically he should have given the charm to The Wardens. But Juliana agreed to rent the necklace out. Since Lash was full filling his breeding partner duties The Wardens didn't really have the right to punish him. However a single question came up again and again. What else did Lash pilfer from the Castle of the Fallen One? Someone, some where leaked to the public that Lash turned twenty pounds of Orichalcum into Shield and Sword. Did Lash have more? Does he have treasure in his hands?

Lash came into his kitchen with a grumble as he looked through his cupboards and fridge. He wanted some comfort food to sooth his worn out mind. He looked up and saw that there was now double the number of Gargoyles around his home. More Gargoyles had also been stationed on the nearby buildings. Juliana sent him a message, he had her number saved under priority. They found out who leaked the Ori news but it was to late at this point. The sum total of the orichalcum he sold to Shield and Sword came to about one point five billion dollars? They were in the process of filling his account now. Jessabell was right, he could buy about 10% of the low income side of Gotham. Plus with his 1% liquid asset achievement boon he had, that money would soon scale up quickly! Lash stopped for a moment...Did that achievement work on orichalcum? Did it make more of it?

“Dawn? My brightest star! Question for you. Does my liquid asset money boon work on orichalcum?” Lash asked, terrified to hear the answer.

“Hello, User! No it does not! Though Orichalcum is considered a form of currency. Your boon only replicates cold hard cash! Though it comes in a variety of denominations and different monetary value depending on the country you want to spend it in!” Dawn spoke with a delighted tone.

“Ohhhh....ok! Thank you. Why don't you come out and look around, I could use the company.” Lash said as he tapped his necklace. His Familiar soon came to life, coiled around his neck and licked his nose before it flew around his home. Lash activated the security shutters with every intention of going to sleep in a bit.

Dawn playing the role of a baby mystic dragon flew around his home like a curious kitten. Peeked under pillows, rugs, and sheets. Opened every drawer, looked around every shelf, and played with any tiny shiny objects she could find! Lash made a small pile of gold and silver coins with the dragons likeness on each side. The baby dragon played and coiled up on top of her little dragon hoard. Lash crawled into bed, and his Familiar gathered up its new hoard and put it into a pocket space. She then coiled up around Lash's neck. He spent the next few minutes petting Dawn.

“Lets go see Selina tomorrow.” Lash said, as he slowly closed his eyes. Dawn stayed in her 'active' form but stayed asleep coiled around his neck.

A three foot tall scaled gremlin creature with long pointed wolf ears, yellow gleaming eyes the size of tennis balls peered up at Lash. Lash reached out with his gauntlet hand and patted the creature affectionately. The minions danced around and pillaged the village for their 'Overlord'. They repeatedly came to him and offered gold, weapons, armor.

“For you!” They called!

“For the Over-Lord!” The chorus sang. Yes....For me!

Observant Learner activated.... Conjuration Domain....38%

Lash opened his eyes and looked around his room, he reached up and felt the necklace version of his Familiar. He looked at his nightstand clock and saw it was 4:30 am as usual. Lash stood up and decided to take a shower this time. While in the shower he noticed several other partial tattoo's that looked like they had the basic outline but had not been filled in. That is right! He had begun to learn Trickery, Life, and now Conjuration. Though he hadn't learned them, he could feel the control over his other Domains grow. After the shower he put on some comfy cotton PJ's then grabbed his phone.

'Hay beautiful! I know its early so get back to me when you can. I'd like to see you today, or some time this week if possible. Send me a message or a call when you get this. Love you! -Lash.' He had sent a text message to Selina.

Lash walked into his art room and began his morning practice of carving, crafting, and creation with his enchanted items. He had learned the Disenchant sub-skill of Enchantment. It allowed him to break a magical item down for about 20% of their base components. But with every item broken it would go up. So make an item, destroy it. Of course he did this with Orichalcum, if Torloth saw this he would weep in despair! One of the times Lash truly embodied Erik the gamer. Extremely powerful and expensive material? Lets use it as a crafting material to earn experience! After about three hours of practice and several levels in Crafting, and Enchanting Lash phone rang, it was Selina!

“Hello beloved! How are you?” Lash asked as he answered the phone.

“Goddess Bast preserve me! You came back alive! Where the fuck are you right now!?” Selina practically yelled into her phone.

“I am currently home, finished my debrief with the Wardens, and visited Shield and Sword yesterday. I wanted to see you to...” Lash was cut off.

“Do not leave your home! I'll be there in a few minutes. Tell your security to let me in!” Selina hung up right after.

Lash looked at his phone then shrugged. He called down to the front desk and told them about Selina Kyle and her basic description though it had been a year since he had seen her. If there was any confusion just to call him. He cleaned up his art studio, and cast Immaculate on himself. A resounding knock was heard from his front door. He sent a pulse of Technomancy towards the door and it opened up. Selina walked in, closed the door behind her and prowled into the house she turned and dove into Lash's arms!

Selina hadn't changed much, she was a 5' 6” beauty with a healthy tan. Short pixie cut black hair. She wore a winter spring leather jacket, skin tight running shirt, pants, and running shoes with ankle socks. Looked like she was prepared for a run. It was a black on black, with a bit of pink for the reflection highlights. She buried her face into his chest and rubbed her cheeks back and forth like a cat would mark its territory. Lash grinned like a troll as he cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss on Selina. A near orgasmic moan escaped her mouth and her knees grew weak. Lash picked her up into a princess carry in a single fluid motion. He carried her to his bed and set her down so she could roll across his sheets. After about fifteen minutes she threw a pillow at Lash, and with her eyes bore a hole into his skull.

“That was so fucking mean!” Selina yelled at him, and threw another pillow at him.

“Yes, but you can't tell me you didn't enjoy it?” Lash smiled as he caught the pillow and set it off to the side. Selina tossed her coat to the side, patted the bed and looked at Lash with an expectant gaze.

Lash crawled into the bed and put his back against the head board. Selina crawled to his side and nestled between his arm and his chest. She wrapped her body around him possessively and just lay there for several minutes. Content to have Lash in her arms again. Lash's hands as if by their own will began to massage and tease Selina's neck and back, which earned him a purr of pleasure. Selina began to paw an push her hands against him gently like a cat often would.

“I've missed you! I am not like this with anyone else.” Selina said.

“Not every your future husband?” Lash asked, he had heard about the marriage. Selina tensed at the word husband.

“Your not mad are you?” Selina asked softly, this greatly surprised Lash.

“Mad? I practically threw you at each other why would I be mad?” Lash was genuinely confused. Selina at this point had crawled on top of Lash. Her eyes looked up at him, her legs, and arms had wrapped around his frame. Lash continued to massage her back, and neck which continued to earn him a purr.

“Cause...You know. We...We are together you and I?” Selina said, as she bit her lips.

-Huntress-Selina is mistaken in her assumption. We are a pack! Family, friend, lover, everything we need when we need it. But no pressure exists for neither. If you and the Hunter-Bruce wish to be single lovers then do so knowing you are still part of a family. Saurian said across a Telepathic link.

Selina's eyes went wide, it had been a while since she heard Saurian's reptilian voice but it struck home to her question and as if a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders. Her tense body relaxed and became like wet clay in Lash's more then capable hands. After a few minutes Selina sat up, peeled her runners coat off. She wore no bra so her breasts bounced free for a moment. She winked at Lash then crawled back down across his chest. Lash returned his hands to her back and continued to massage her naked skin. Despite the clear erotic moment Lash didn't get an erection. Some part of his brain said this was normal so he treated it as normal. Though that didn't last! Selina soon peeled off her pants, and shoes. Then tugged on Lash's cloths in a clear... 'Off' motion.

Lash, lay naked across the bed with a seductive Selina Kyle sprawled across his chest. Now he was aroused, his rock hard erection rested between Selina's thighs. But he didn't make any move with it, and she chose to ignore it. For privacy sake Lash did activate his security shutters. His windows did have a illusion charm on them to keep unwanted eyes out. But the shutters were double reinforced. Lash spent the next hour playing his hands up and down Selina's naked form. He player her like a piano, she would gasp, moan, and nearly roll to a climax before she would settle back into his arms.

“I spoke to Rocksie about what a Pack is. She told me it was hard to explain into words. But from what I understood, its a place where you are connected. You don't feel judgment for your needs, or wants. If you want to lay naked with a pack-mate but not have sex then you can....Just like this.” Selina said softly.

Lash reached out and connected Selina with the Pack Bond she let out a gasp as the connection was established. Her stats were raised by 30% and the magic began to optimize her body. Selina wrapped her legs around Lash and began to hump him lightly. He made no move to assist in this action she would stop after a bit. Selina ran her tongue along one of his nipples, and ran her fingers along his skin. But sure enough she stopped after the 'energy' relaxed in her. She laughed and buried her face into his chest, embarrassed.

“Still keeping an eye out for me?” Selina said into his chest.

“Best I can, when I can. Selina. We are pack-mates. Its what we should do for each other. So, when are you getting married?” Lash said, the changed in subject made Selina freeze for a brief moment. Then she laughed out loud for a minute.

“I was shooting for Autumn, not sure it will be this year or next. I hope you can show up!” Selina said with a smile, her ears still bright red.

“I never planned on going to Tartarus. But if something like that happens I promise to try my best to inform you. Oh! That is right I have a present for you!” Lash said, the word present made Selina perk up in more ways then one. He handed her a golden Ori necklace with a Goddess Bast symbol as the center piece, with a snake style chain.

Orichalcum snake style necklace, Goddess Bast Design.

Rating: B+

Effect: Very Durable.

Effect: 1% of Durability is restored daily.

Effect: 10% resistance to negative spell effects.

Effect: 10% increase to positive spell effects.

Effect: Transmutation Domain Spell, Cat's Grace. Three charges a day, one recharge a day.

Effect: Grave Domain Spell, Death Ward. One Charge, six month recharge rate.

Effect: Grave Domain Spell, Kiss of the Grave. One Charge, six month recharge rate.

Comments: Oh look another fucking expensive item that a city would go to war over!

As soon as Selina saw the necklace she squealed in absolute glee, she pulled the sheets aside and knelt in front of Lash a feast for his eyes. He shook his head to focus, and his wondering gaze made Selina smile in satisfaction that she can make her pack-master loose focus. He clipped the necklace on her neck it then shined for a brief moment. The divine spark in Selina roared to life, the light of the Goddess Bast burned in Selina's eyes. Then a voice that was both Selina and a divine being spoke.

“Monster of the Void, Agent of the Cosmic Calamity. Thank you for gifting such an item to my Kin. You have watched over her, and granted her many boons and have never asked for any reward other then her happiness. Please accept my blessing as a gift from one family member to another.” Selina/Bast said, she leaned in and kissed Lash. He didn't refuse the kiss as he received a prompt.

Congratulations User! You've received the Blessing of the Egyptian Goddess Bast! This is your second Egyptian Blessing.

Child of the Sun: Absorb energy from all types of stars.

Child of the Moon: Absorb a single life threatening hit, recharge rate of one day.

Selina/Bast purred into the kiss. They pushed Lash down, crawled back on top of him and settled down to take another nap. Lash had a smile on his face, as a spectral image of a panther was super imposed over Selina. He massaged them both for nearly an hour before the avatar form of Bast left Selina. She continued to sleep in his arms as the possession tended to take a bit of energy. Just like that they spent half the day asleep in bed with each other. Lash wasn't bored as he continued to 'attend' the giant cat in his lap.

Eventually Selina woke up, stretched out in a very seductive manner as she thrust her ass into the air then shook her whole body. She looked back at him, then licked his nose before she climbed out of bed and got dressed. Lash came up behind her when she got her pants on. His erection was hot as it pressed against her lower back. He reached around and massaged her breasts, she gasped in surprise as her nipples grew erect. He leaned down and claimed her mouth as his own. Selina reached up with her hands and gripped his head and shoulder. She moaned into the kiss, clearly she wanted more! But then Lash broke the kiss and stepped away with a grin. Selina blinked, as her mind clouded with lust. Then she realized what he just did! She growled, and pegged him with a glare.

“Yo...You......If you are not careful I may just come to find you from time to time when I need a fix. Bruce be damned!” Selina pointed a finger at him.

“You love Bruce to much to do that to him.” Lash said softly. Selina gritted her teeth, and pulled her shirt, and shoes on with a huff.

“Yes! But I still plan to come over for some kitty lap time! Understood!” Selina jammed a finger into Lash's chest.

“Understood.” Lash said with a smile, after a few more minutes of 'teasing' Selina was at his front door.

He did a quick cast of Immaculate so she was clean, and free of the smell of sex. That any one with a keen nose would smell. It would not be good for rumors to start about Bruce Wayne's fiancee leaving another mans home with the scent of sex on them. The super-natural community wouldn't care. But you don't need to be a super to have a good sense of smell.

It was noon by the time Selina left. Lash wasn't tired, to be truthful he wanted to go out for a while. He pulled on his Warden/Daemonic armor cast a simple Phantasm over himself to look like he wore casual winter spring cloths. He went to a nearby park, found a tree cast a glamour obstruction and cast Tree Stride and went to Metropolis. The trip sucked 90% of his energy reserves, but every time he did it he got better at it. Where he came out was a tree that he had a connection with way back when he first came to Metropolis during the Ares invasion. It was on statue island!

Lash took the ferry from the island back to the main land. He spent sometime on the boat talking to a few spirits, and astral beings that danced around. He was sure the mundanes thought he was crazy. But he had changed his skin tone, eye color, and no tattoos so he would be hard to recognize. He caught a cab and went to the Daily Planet. He walked through the doors, and the security desk like he was invisible. He went to the investigation reporters section and found Lois Lane talking to Clark Kent. Kent noticed an odd man that walked straight towards them, something seemed off about him. Lois turned and saw the same man who stopped a few feet from them.

“Can we help you?” Lois asked. Then jumped back with a scream! Because the pretend face fell away to reveal a scaled monster, as the nazgul disguise was pulled from smoke and shadow. There stood in the middle of the Daily Planet was Agent Wraith.

“Hello Miss Lane! May we have the interview today? Or should we reschedule?” Lash asked, his voice gruff and animalistic.


Perry White's heart jack hammered just like it had the first time Agent Wraith showed up in their office! No Superman this time! But Wraith offered to call him if that would validate that it was truly him. Lois replied quickly to tell him it was fine, if people didn't believe he was Wraith by his disguise alone that they were idiots! It was true, they had seen a lot of Wraith look alikes in the news. People pretending to be a vigilante, or committing crimes to ruin his reputation. The problem was the outfit was incredibly hard to move in! None of them looked genuine! They couldn't copy the animated feeling his 'shroud' gave off. The thing moved around like it was a living thing!

Just like before Wraith extended his clawed hands out and tiny machines covered the whole studio crew in a green glow. Every one including Perry was a puddle on the ground for a few minutes, as more then a few audible moans of ecstasy were heard through the studio. Oddly though Clark didn't seem affected. No! He clearly was affected he just gritted his teeth and tried not to succumb to dribbling mass of humiliation on the floor. It seemed like some kind of joke to Wraith because he laughed in depravity when he watched everyone drip onto the ground. Then another flash of green and blue energy danced around the room and Perry felt like he had just stepped out of a shower and put on a pair of clean cloths. Auto Clean function! Can that be next on the Tech Summit list?

Same deal as before, he would answer any question Lois or the studio cleared. But he would be allowed to not answer certain questions. NDA, privacy agreement, but he did say he could give us some details on where he has been for a year after he visited Themyscira. That was another piece of information! So far only Superman had a public invitation to the island paradise. Wraith is a man, so why was he invited? Surely a woman could have brought over what ever tech he could share?

“We are live in five!....Four!......Three.....two.....” Every one grew quiet as the online stream started.

“Hello everyone, I'm Lois Lane with the Daily Planet and with us today is Agent Wraith! Back from his mission.” Lois said with practiced ease of a professional journalist.


“So, Agent Wraith where have you been for the past year?” Lois asked.

Lash in his disguised form sat on a specialty chair that the studio had ordered for him months ago on the assumption that he would return one day. Lash while in his Transformation state with the Wraith Disguise on bathed any of his exposed portions in an inky blackness. Thanks to his Illusion Domain that ink like paint actually dripped on the ground now. Though it didn't leave a stain. His shroud was far more animated, and the tips would flake off like ash and regrow in moments. It was...Creepy as James Olsen said.

“I'm been in a dimensional realm known as Tartarus. If there are any ancient greek historians watching the feed. Yes, that Tartarus. One of the sub-layers of the underworld.” Lash replied in a nonchalant voice. There was a massive spike of questions on the live stream feed as Lois looked at him trying to see if he was joking.

“Are you being serious?” Lois asked, that was so far out of left field. Lois expected a secret mission, or maybe he went to another planet. But a different dimension? Was that possible?

“Yes. Here let me show you, and the feed a formula for the foundation of dimensional barriers.” Lash then conjured a planned image that The Wardens gave him. It was extravagantly long and took up a lot of space on the stream.

“This is of course is not the complete formula, just like the Tech Summit I did across the globe. It is the basics, but it allows the educated minds of Earth a glimpse at the possibilities. Please be aware that looking through the veil can be dangerous! But I feel that humans often learn best if there is a hint of danger involved.” Lash said, a sinister undertone was in his words.

It was as if the whole mundane world took a breath. They had a revelation in that moment. Dimensional travel? Tartarus? Did that mean that Heaven and Hell are real? But just in a different dimension? What about the other places from myth and history? Asgard? The Elysium fields? Then.... Who was Wraith? If Wraith could travel between the different dimensions? Was he a monster? An angel? A demon!?

“I'll take a question from the stream that has been asked several hundred times. Is heaven and hell real? Of course! But the question that you have to ask yourself is. Which one, from what religion do you mean? Because there are more then one.” Lash said. The stream exploded after that comment

“Another question many are asking. Prove it?” Lash pointed up at the formula.

The chat stream continued to explode with mass hatred! They called Wraith the devil sent to deceive the masses, etc, etc. The monitors attempted to keep the channel clean until Lash cast Virtual Intelligence to help with the chat room. His energy reserve got chewed up pretty quickly and he got several experience prompts. After ten minutes the chat room became peaceful as thousands had been temporarily banned from the chat room.

“Why did you go to, Tartarus?” Lois asked after she checked her notes.

“To retrieve something for a civilization friendly to Earth.” Lash replied to Lois.

“Friendly to Earth? How many other Alien races are in the universe?” Lois countered.

“Hundreds of thousands of sentient races. With recorded language, history, and planets. It you want an accurate number ask the Green Lanterns here on Earth. The two super heroes in the green armor. They are part of the Green Lantern Corp. A intergalactic peace keeping force, they serve the Guardians of Oa.” Lash answered. His reply was a little more detailed then Lois had anticipated. Lash even created Illusion images of Hal Jordan, and John Stewart.

“I assure you that both of them are 100% human. They were selected by the Guardians of Oa to be part of the peace keeping task force. Think police but on a galactic scale. Earth is currently going through a growing phase and the Guardians of Oa want to ensure a peaceful transition. To a few people asking the question, 'What gives them the right?' Well what gives the United Nations the right to police the world?” Lash commented.

Wraith had just slapped the face of the UN with that comment. That was a juicy piece of news that so many would take out of context and put Wraith up on the pyre to burn him. Wraith didn't seem bothered by it as Lois noticed. Lois couldn't shake the feeling that Wraith had planned all of this, like the backlash was something he wanted? Lois glanced at Clark, he had face palmed and looked like he wanted to throw something at Wraith.

“Another question from the chat that I find mildly amusing. Am I the devil? I assume you mean the christian devil? Yes, there is more then one devil. The Christian Devil currently resides in the city of angels, and is the club owner of a night club named Lux. By the way, stop blaming him for your pretty mistakes and sins. He is not responsible.” Lash replied, humor clear in his voice. But the entire studio room went pale with fright because standing behind Lash was a man in a pure white tuxedo and had a pair of giant fucking wings!

Lash turned around and looked at...Holy Fucking God! It was Lucifer Morning Star! He had rich blond hair, piercing blue eyes, healthy pink skin, and a dazzling smile. Lucifer didn't say a word, he held out his hand to Lash. Lash took the offered hand and shook it twice. Lucifer turned towards the camera, clapped Lash on the back.

“I like him.” Lucifer said, his voice was like smooth silk. Then with an ethereal flap of his wings Lucifer was gone from the studio. Lash calmed his skipping heart, turned around and took his seat in one fluid motion.

What had just happened was fully recorded on screen. The Divine presence of a true arch angel was transferred even across the globe. This arch angel shook the hand of Agent Wraith. Then clapped him on the back and said that he liked him. Then disappeared just as fast as he arrived. Clark Kent was scared stiff because he had not seen how the angelic man appeared or disappeared. But he clearly felt that if fought that man, Clark would lose.

Lash didn't receive a prompt, a gift, or anything from the system. He assumed either it was so far out of expectation that the system momentarily bugged out. Or maybe the simple gesture that Lucifer gave him was enough of a blessing. No one in the chat spoke, no one in the studio moved, Clark was scared stiff. Lash coughed politely to help clear the air. Like a sledge hammer that shattered a mirror the chat exploded with comments, questions, and fanatics filled with the belief that Wraith was some kind of divine messenger.

Lois and Lash tried for the next hour or so to get the interview back on subject. The chat was having none of it! So, Lois just kept asking question. What were his plans? Take a short vacation. Then he would keep his promise and visit the Veterans Hospitals across the globe, not just the US. The globe! However, he could not tell them the exact schedule in fear that the Human First terrorist organization may target the hospital. Any future plans for another Tech Summit? Yes, though it will be in another year.

“Tell me Agent Wraith, do you know anything about this team...This League of Heroes?” Lois Lane said one of the burning questions on her mind.

“The Justice League. It is a collection of the extraordinary that wish to assist the world and do the things that the average person can't do.” Lash replied far quicker that Lois anticipated, as if he expected her to ask.

“I see.... Are you a part of this League?” Lois asked.

“No I am not. I am part of the United Nations World Security. Though if the League needs help I will be more then happy to lend a hand. But it would be a derelict of duty to join the League at this time. Perhaps in nine years when I am an official citizen of the planet Earth I'll join it then. If they will of course have me.” Lash said

“Can you tell us the names of the League members?” Lois asked, she was at full attention now. Lois didn't know how to handle the...Angel thing. So she pushed it to the side to be questioned later. This right now was something she could handle. She held onto this shred of reality tightly!

“I can only tell you their code names because even I simply don't know them. Just as they don't know my actual name. Active members are Batman, Green Arrow, The Flash, Superman, The Green Lanterns, Shazam, Martian Man Hunter, Hawkman, Hawkwoman, Aquaman, and Aquawoman. There is also the reserve units. Arsenal, Kid Flash, Robin, Batgirl.” Lash replied. Lois wrote down the names quickly some of those names she knew, others she had no idea!

“What is the difference between Active and Reserve?” Lois asked. Lois was military brat she had a feeling but wanted to check.

“Active members have a primary base but travel the world if the need arises. Reserve members are stationed primarily in a area, but will come into active duty if need be.” Lash said to Lois. Clark who was off to the side nodded his head a few times. This was part of the plan. Get their name out there.

“You seem to know a lot about the League. You say you are not a member, but could we assume you are on speaking terms with them?” Lois asked.

“The United Nations World Security is on speaking terms with them. I was just given permission to answer the question. To help create public awareness.” Lash replied, he looked up at the clock nearly three hours had passed. He pointed at the clock with his claw and pulled down his illusion image of the dimensional formula.

“Ah! That appears to be all the time for the interview. Thank you Agent Wraith for sparing the time to speak to us. Thank you all for tuning in to the Daily Planet. I am Lois Lane, see you next time!” Lois called to the camera.

“And we are out!” The studio director shouted.

“Before you leave, may I ask...How are these made?” Lois asked, as she pulled out her necklace and bracelet. Clark who had seen the jewelry assumed she got it from a store. Never did he realize Lash had made them! Clark looked conflicted until Lash sent a telepathic message. -Relax boy scout! I don't have any plans for your woman. The items help clear her mind, and help remove toxins in her body. I have something for you as well if we get a chance. Lash said. The message caught Clark off guard but he looked better then before.

Lash brought his clawed hands together and cast Fabrication, Alternation, Essence Imbuement, then used the skill Intermediate Enchanting. He created a simple gold chain necklace and handed it to Lois. She blushed slightly, then cleared her throat. She lifted her hair up and turned her back to Wraith who took the hint and clasped the necklace on. Lois shivered slightly with both excitement a little nervous tension when Lash's claws briefly touched her skin. Lash left a simple telepathic imprint on how the necklace worked. Lois tapped the center piece of the necklace three times and a Immaculate spell activated to clean her.

“Well that is really convenient!” Lois said with a smile. The studio was trying their best not to listen to the conversation but they were of course listening to the conversation! So, Lois was practically dating Superman, and she recieved gifts from Wraith?

“So, when are you and Superman going to get married?” Lash asked, everyone in the room did a spit take! Lois face turned bright red, as did Clark's. But no one noticed his face.

“That....We..We are not even dating! I...I don't know how it works in your society Mr. Wraith! But here a dinner, then a movie, and maybe a walk in the park is a great way to start dating. The man of steel has done none of that! So, we cant possibly be dating!” Lois was incredibly flustered and completely out of character.

“So if I set you up on a date with Superman say in....twenty minutes. Then you two will be dating?” Lash asked, his voice dripped with good humor and malicious intent. Lois actually took a step back in surprise, as did Clark.

“I....I still have work to do!” Lois said, and Perry White the editor and chief of the Daily Planet swooped in!

“Lois! Why don't you take the rest of the day off! Go out! Have some fun!” Perry shouted. Lois pegged him with a death glare.

“Mr. Kent! Here is a note. Can you take it to this address and yell at the top of your lungs that you need to buy a pizza with lots of pine apples! Superman should zip buy snag the note and head up to meet us. Chop! Chop!” Lash handed a blank piece of paper to Clark. Who was so flustered he didn't say a word and just left.

Lash then offered his arm to Lois who despite the fact that she was clearly angry. Kinda wanted to see where this went. She reached out and took his arm. She felt the studded leather, and plate armor under the nazgul disguise. She was surprised! They left the studio and walked towards the elevator. Oddly no one stopped to gawk, or ask a question. It was almost as if no one could see them. Lois grabbed her purse and her jacket and came back to Wraith who waited for her. They soon left the Daily Planet and walked towards a small corner street park.

It was early spring in Metropolis so it was cold at night. But Lois noticed that if she stuck close to Wraith she didn't feel the bite of the cold. It wasn't that he was hot, it was just that it wasn't cold around him. Lash stopped by a big oak tree, he pressed his hand against and waited for a bit. Then with a gust of wind Superman appeared. He landed next to them both, stood at attention with a charming smile.

“Miss Lane! Agent Wraith I came as fast as I could. What appears to be the trouble?” Clark said in his best imitation of confidence as he didn't actually know whats going on. But he totally did know whats going on.

“Superman! I... Hello, how are you?” Lois asked, as she tried to calm her beating heart. This always happened around him!

“I am well, thank you for asking Miss...Gaaah!” Clark tried to talk but with a sudden pull that came from the air. Clark, Lois, and Lash went through a massive hole that magically appeared on the great oak tree.

“Aaaaaaaaaaa!” Clark, and Lois found each other in the dark and held each other. Clark tried to fly but the force just pulled him along. He couldn't stop!

An Amazonian guard eyes were as wide as saucers when a tree next to Brother Lash's Villa opened up its trunk and spit out. Brother Lash! Superman, and a woman she didn't know. Brother Lash wore his Wraith disguise so this must be Warden related. Lash walked over to her and said hello.

“That is Lois Lane, she is the future wife of Superman.” Lash gestured to Lois who was in the arms of Clark. She heard his words and became bright red and pushed out of Clark's arms, he didn't fight it because he stared at Lash with a gaping mouth.

Right as Lash said the words that Lois is the future wife of Superman. His entire body glowed with a divine light. The Amazon guard, Clark, and Lois all looked at him. Lois didn't know what it meant but the same divine energy came off of the...Angel? Now that energy came off of Wraith? Lash nearly fell to his knees but the Amazon caught him. She knew how much an decree took to translate from the Gods above. Lash's energy tanked after 98% of it was taken after Cosmic Awareness was used.

“Lois! Welcome to Themyscira! This is my Villa here. Superman has an open invitation on the island but I need to go secure your visit with the Queen. The kitchen is fully stocked! I know the Boy Scout knows how to cook! So have a date in a tropical paradise on me! I'll take you back to Metropolis in the morning! Bye!” Lash left with the Amazong guard to visit the palace.


Clark didn't understand what had happened! They were in Metropolis inside a park, then they were sucked into a tree like Alice in Wonderland. Now they were in Themyscira! That was clearly Lash's villa that the queen gifted him. But...He had seen the divine light! Lash had another Oracle from his God! Lois was suppose to be his wife!? Clark looked at Lois, who was muttering under her breath. Her phone was in a dead zone. Clark never knew how Lash got his to work here.

“Miss Lane....Would you like to have dinner with me?” Clark asked. Lois looked up, surprise written on her face.

“Wait! He was serious?” Lois asked

“Are we really in Themyscira right now? What is this about me being your wife? He can't actually mean that? Can he? What was the golden light! How did we travel across the the East Coast and across the ocean in a span of ten seconds? Not even you can fly that fast!” Lois machine gun fired question after question.

It took a bit of convincing but Clark got Lois in the Villa. He did know how to cook. The kitchen was fully stocked, he made a wonderful meal and Lois tried her best to not be a reporter and just enjoyed the moment. The conversation was hard to talk about. He had plenty of stories about his life on the farm but that would give away information. Lois tried to not dig but she couldn't help it. So they found common ground. They talked about Wraith! Lois couldn't believe her ears when Clark told her that Wraith worked for a God! She fired off dozens of questions but Clark could only answer a few of them because he honestly didn't know the answers. The night grew late, and there were plenty of rooms in the villa. Lois took a bed room and...Kissed Clark on the cheek good night. Clark went to bed that night in daze.


Lois Lane woke up in a massive bed as the sun light shinned on her, she wore silk pj's she found in the room. That was of course after she took a bath in the luxury bathtub filled with heavenly soaps, bath salts, and candles. She really wanted to be mad at Wraith, but she had to admit as dates go that was a nice one. But Lois couldn't help but feel that Superman reminded her of...Clark? No, that's insane! Clark is from Kansas, Smallville! He won a spelling B in eighth grade! He couldn't be an alien! But Lois remembered how Wraith said he was born and raised in Gotham. No one had any idea who he was until he came out as an alien.

-Why don't you just ask him? Wraith's voice echoed in her mind.

Lois jumped in the bed and pulled the sheets up. She didn't scream! She just looked around, the sun filled the room with light. There was not a sign of Wraith anywhere in the room. She slowly pulled the covers back, tip toed across the bedroom. She looked in the bathroom, the closet, under the bed! She even looked up thinking he would of course perch up there like a damn monster! Nothing!

-Wake up you two! Breakfast is ready! Wraith's voice sounded again with in her mind! Telepathy! Lois's mind went to full over load! Can Wraith read her thoughts?! Oh no! No! No! That is a pure invasion of privacy! How was she going to explain all the little fantasies she had about him? Aha!? Don't think about it! Don't think about it!

-No Lois I can't read your inner most thoughts. Just whats on the surface. Think several white pages with black ink that gets covered in water. You can read the first page, see the second page, but after that it gets harder and harder to read. But I am curious! What fantasies have you had about me? Is Superman in it too? Are we two bad aliens in need of punishment by Miss Lane? Wraith asked.

“Nope! Nope! Not going to answer! Nope! Base ball! Basket ball! The national anthem!” Lois yelled. She pulled on a really nice bath robe. Pulled her hair out and went to the kitchen. Superman stood there waiting for her, still in his uniform. Curiosity clear on his face. Lois entire face turned crimson. Then she smelled the heavenly scent of coffee and bacon!

In the huge kitchen was a mass of every breakfast food known to Lois. Bacon, eggs, pancakes, hash browns, and more! But most importantly it had coffee! God above! We thank you and the agent you sent us in the kitchen? Lois's thoughts derailed for a brief moment. In the kitchen was not the seven foot tall Nazgul but a seven foot tall Lizardman in full armor. Lois had to admit he didn't look half bad. No! No! Lois cleared her mind! He can read tho...Shit he is grinning!

“So, would you like to tell Superman about your dre...” Before Wraith could finish Lois had sprinted across the room and closed his mouth with her hands.

“Suushhhshhshshsh...Just Shut up....not a word!” Lois said through gritted teeth. Superman looked over, he was even more confused. Wraith nodded and gestured for them to sit down.

“So, Lois your temporary visit was approved by the Queen. Provided the next time I bring an uninvited guest I travel through a designated tree. Also, that you leave today. So no sight seeing I'm sorry. So lets finish breakfast and we'll leave.” Wraith said.


They finished breakfast, Lash cleaned up with Immaculate he cast it on his home. Then he cast it again on Clark, and Lois. Lois clearly wanted to look around but didn't say anything. Lash didn't get in to much trouble. He just had to use a designated tree in the future. Also because of his unofficial title has Brother to the Amazons if asked he would provide instant teleportation between different hubs of travel that he had marked. He told the Queen the criteria of the spell. They both easily agreed, it would be beneficial for the Wardens if the Amazons could respond rapidly to an incident.

Lois did at least get to see some of the Capitol of Themyscira as they walked to the designated Oak tree that had been grown overnight. Lois did take note that all the Amazons called Wraith brother. That was definitely a piece of news. But she was sorely disappointed when Wraith told her she was not allowed to publish any thing she had witnessed. She wanted to agree but cross her fingers behind her back. But Clark always placed a sense of integrity onto people so Lois agreed. An Amazon mage confirmed that Lois would keep the secrets to herself.

Lash pressed his Nature Domain into the tree, and channeled the spell Tree Stride the trunk of the tree snapped open! Lash, Clark, and Lois got sucked in! Before they knew it they were back at the tree in Metropolis under a obstruction glamour so not to arise any suspicion. Lash offered to see Lois home but she turned away from him and walked off into the brisk spring morning air as the sun was rising.

“Did you always know? About me and Lois?” Clark asked.

“Yes....” Lash replied. Clark chuckled and clapped him on the back.

“Kinda takes the fun out of it, don't you think?” Clark replied.

“Would you have preferred I kept Kara from you?” Lash asked, curious about the answer. Clark paused and looked at Lash. He clearly was conflicted.

“No....” Clark whispered.

“Boy Scout, just because you know how the book ends doesn't mean it wont still be a good read! Plus...My God isn't always right. I'd say a seventy over thirty chance that you will marry her. You are the former.” Lash told him. Clark seem to brighten up at that. He nodded his head then flew off into the sky.

Lash easily followed Lois home, he made sure she got there safely. Aside from a guy who got a little to handsy which resulted in Lois breaking his nose. She was fine! Half way home she stopped turned around and called out to nothing as it expecting a reply.

“Are you there?” Lois said.

Superman was gone, so he wasn't sure who she meant. He looked through her surface thoughts. Telepathy had several upgrades lately. Ah! Lash stepped from the shadows like he pulled a curtain aside. But gone was the nazgul and lizard look. He was default human with illusion cosmetics. So not Lash, but human. Though he still wore the armor. Lois took a step back in surprise but soon nodded her head.

“Why don't you just look like that all the time?” Lois asked. Lash walked to side and offered her his arm. She raised an eye brow at him, with a bit of reluctance she eventually accepted. They began to walk towards the building she lived in.

“Did you know that there are over a hundred different alien races in the galaxy that look nearly identical to humans?” Lash asked, his voice still very gruff. Lois jumped a little at the sound of it.

“No, I didn't.” Lois said back. Despite herself she stepped closer towards Lash. It was cold! He wasn't.

“Did you know that there are over a thousand different alien races that look drastically different from humans?” Lash asked. This made Lois think about the question.

“No, I didn't. So you took the appearance of a lizardman to shock the world. So that way when we see similar Aliens we wont be so....” Lois looked for a word.

“Revolted...Yes.” Lash said. Lois wanted to refute him...But it was true.

“Are more coming?” Lois asked as they reached her buildings door. Lash reached up and touched her face softly with his gloved hands. He created a simple illusion mirror image of the magical world he saw so she could see it.

“They are already here, Lois.” Lash said as he took his hand away. Lois gasped in surprise. There were creatures flying around, spectral hounds chasing pixies. A few super-natural citizens out for their morning jog that looked human on the outside but when you saw past their glamour became something more.

“Humans have never been alone in the Universe, Lois. Not only that! But Humans have never been alone on Earth! Humanity is not the only race that has called Earth their home. They have been here just as long as humans. Maybe even longer. Have a good morning.” Lash said softly, as the mirror image faded from Lois sight.

“Wait!....Thank you...for....the date.” Lois said the last part softly.

“You are very welcome my friend. Until next time!” Lash said as he faded from sight like a ghost.

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