Lash walked the perimeter of Lois's building more for himself than her. He found a nearby tree that could accommodate a portal if need be. Then he went for a small walk to find a park. The Tree Stride took a lot of his energy he needed to find a place to recharge. He had learned a new spell simply called...

Illusion Domain Spell Invisibility: Pull on the curtain of reality around you like a warm blanket, pop! Your gone from sight! Out of sight, out of mind. Any 'action' will cause the spell to flicker off! Can be cast on people, objects, and buildings. Spell will grow in power and develop the more if it is used!

Technically the spell Chameleon was better for personal effects. But the fact that Lash could cast Invisibility on items, and buildings made it something he wanted to practice. Chameleon only worked on living things and their equipment. For now. Lash found a park that was not far from Lois's home he settled down at the roots of a tree that accommodate his body like a friend adjusting for another. He soon came to a stop and activated Meditation his energy reserves jumped quickly because of his skill along with his buffs, and boons.

Lash relied on the plant network to keep him safe. As Meditation tend to block out his awareness. Though he was invisible, it didn't block all kinds of detection just sight. After an hour of sitting he received several experience prompts for Meditation he opened his eyes and found a different scene than what he left. The tree he had sat against had created a simple chair for him to sit in, the branches came down and surrounded him like a vine wall, the grass contained with in the wall and bloomed into wild flowers. Dozens of nature spirits played in the flowers but were quiet so they wouldn't disturb Lash. He also had a recently learned spell in his Nature Domain.

Nature Domain Spell/Skill Plant Control: This allows a unique connection to 'The Green' You are connected to it as much as it is connected to you. Call, conjure, create, and manipulate the plant world itself. Uses both magical energy and skill energy. Grows with time! (Chlorokinesis)

Wait, wasn't Plant Control Poison Ivy's area of expertise? Did all Nature Domain practitioners get the spell/skill? Lash activated Connectivity and looked up the known Druid spells on the Warden information page. Yes! They do all get the ability. Lash never received an email or message about Pamela, even after his return. He sent a message to the Warden HQ in Seattle, he requested a report on Pamela Lillian Isley. Shit, it still happened. Pamela became Poison Ivy after her ex-lover and employer professor killed her with the Egyptian herbs they had found. She transformed into Ivy then killed him and ran off. The Wardens were still looking for her, the Druid circles were also looking for her. She was a natural agent of 'The Green', Lash had marked her with a notification last time he had seen her. The Circles had agreed to her potential. But no one knew where she currently was. Gotham. That is where she ended up in the Comics.

Lash stood up then activated Transformation, and his Wraith Shroud. He fed his Nature Domain into the tree as a thank you. The chair and branch wall pulled back and on the other side of the wall was a line of police officers, swat, and civilians behind them. An audible gasp rang out as they saw Agent Wraith step from the branch wall. Why were the police here? He tapped into their communication...Ah? Someone planted a bomb in the park? Lash tapped into his Nature Domain and found the bomb not far from their location. The plants nearby pulled the bomb out of the ground and presented it to Lash. He easily took it apart and deactivated it.

“There are no more explosive devices contained with in the park, I apologies for the scare everyone. Took me a little longer to assist then I anticipated.” Wraith's primal animalistic voice made a lot of the crowd jump. Then people started to cheer.

Lash spent the next hour speaking to the bomb squad and the MCPD (Metropolis City Police Department). They had received the bomb threat and when they showed up they saw the tree had encircled an area they assumed it was the bomb. But the wall attacked anyone that got close. Lash asked if any one was injured, no there wasn't. It was more self defense then actual aggression. Lash then helped them track down the bomb maker! That took less time then finding the bomb. He cast Virtual Intelligence then they both searched the evidence and zipped through the city. Eight point five seconds later the location was given to the MCPD Lash was invited to attend the arrest. They showed up in an old apartment home that had seen better days. Lash walked right up to the correct door, sent a Technomancy pulse through the door. Wasn't trapped, he notified the officer in charge who was surprised by his etiquette. The swat team breached into the home and found incredibly surprised bomb maker eating his lunch.

“You going to be in Metropolis from now on or was this a one time thing?” The officer in charge asked. Peter was his name. A stout fellow with a no none sense attitude.

“I was in town and saw that I could help with the situation. I am sorry if I stepped on any toes it was not my intent.” Lash spoke in his Saurian impression voice. The snarling voice still made Peter jump every time. Lash bowed from his waist, in genuine apology.

“No! No...its fine. In fact you did everything by the book! Aside from walking straight up to the door. But I assume that was because nothing he had would hurt you?” Peter replied, he looked embarrassed to have a seven foot tall lizard wraith bowing to him in apology.

“Uhh...On a personal note. Did you mean what you said about visiting a Veterans hospital?” Peter asked. Lash tilted his head at him, which was incredibly odd from Peter's perspective! It looked like Agent Wraith had rotated his head at a one hundred an eighty degree angle.

“Yes...Do you have one in mind?” Lash asked.

Turned out that Metropolis had a wounded emergency response hospital along with the veterans hospital. So wounded cops, firemen, ambulance, etc along with the military. When Lash first appeared after he stepped from Officer in charge Peters police car. A wounded veteran walked straight towards him. He had no left arm, with out fear he walked over to Wraith with tears streaming down his face. Lash had finally learned he could create pheromones to help with the pain! Then he cast a new spell...

Nature Domain Spell Regrowth: Be it plant, or animal regrowing a limb can be a life saver! Now with this spell you use magic as a supplement to rebuild, regrow, and replace what is missing.

Ten minutes later a new all be it very thin arm had grown on the veterans body. He could barely move it, but he could feel it. Lash told him it would take time to rebuild the muscle tissue, it was brand new! So be careful with it! The veteran hugged Lash and cried tears of joy and turned to his friends who were near by. That started another long, long, long time at the hospital. It was the morning of the third day before Lash left.

Congratulations User! Nature's Kiss has evolved into Minor Nature's Kiss.

Effects: 40% of the targets total life is restored, 12 hour space between casting on the same target.

Congratulations User! Basic Combat Medicine and Basic Medical Care have merged into a single skill. Medicine! Experience earned from both will be applied to the new merged skill. Medicine has evolved into Minor Medicine.

Effects: Medicine is an umbrella skill that encompasses several skills, allowing the User to have a wider range of abilities. But as usual it takes longer to level.

During his stay at the hospital it had come under attack twice by the Human First terrorist organization. Or they tried to attack, hundreds of newly reborn Veterans of the military, and city emergency response units tore them apart with in minutes. Lash thanked them for the help and they just laughed at him as if it was only natural! He asked for a ride to a city park which they were confused about but did it anyways. He had a giant armored convoy take him all the way there. Lash thanked them for the ride and walked into the park. He soon faded from their sight like a ghost vanishing during the sun rise.

“Dawn, my brightest star. Are the Humans First organization a generated antagonist in The Dream?” Lash asked as he walked back to the first tree that protected him under the guise of his Invisibility.

“Hello, User! Yes they are. Just like Shield and Sword, and The Wardens. The Developers believed that a terrorist organization, or a shadow government would be far more believable when the world begins to...Change. They are not only spawned in Magical Origins but in all Origins. You can of course turn them off with World Points if you ever decided to start a new Dream.” Dawn said sweetly in his ear.

“Thank you, Dawn!” Lash said to her.

The reality of the world came to a crawl then stopped. Then started up again as if nothing had happened. -Welcome back, Erik. Lash and Saurian greeted their partner. Lash walked through the park lost in thought as the morning sun covered the Metropolis city park. He was happy to help at the hospital but wasn't he suppose to be on vacation? Maybe to him this was a vacation? Compared to his life in Tartarus this was paradise. Lash stopped walking when he smelled some one familiar in the air. He turned and walked towards them, curious why they would be in the park. It was a weekday so they should be in the office. There she was...Mercedes. Lex Luthors personal assistant.

Mercedes looked good in her black dress suit pants, white buttoned up shirt, with black suit jacket. The suit was of course tailored to fit her body type which looked strong and athletic. Mercedes was 5' 9” but in her heels she was an even 6'. Very tall for a woman, Lash didn't mind. Her blond hair was tied back and kept above her shoulders. Her blue eyes scanned the park with a critical eye as she listened to her radio. They had come to the park to find him.

“Miss Mercedes, you are looking well.” Lash's disguised voice spoke from the ether. Mercedes jumped and whirled around but didn't see anyone.

“Mr. Wraith?” Mercedes asked, she had taken a defensive stance. Legs spread, feet anchored, lowered her center of gravity. The Wraith appeared about fifteen feet from her.

“Apologies Miss Mercedes I had forgotten my cloak was active. It is always a pleasure to see, but may I assume the Luthors would like to see me?” Lash primal and animalistic voice still drove Mercedes on edge.

“Yes! They hoped to catch you before you returned to Gotham. However, it is only a request they will understand if you are busy.” Mercedes relaxed her posture and recalled the security that combed the park for him.

“I don't mind, but please call ahead and inform them that I haven't slept in two days. So if I am a little...Off. That is why. Shall we?” Lash gestured towards the awaiting cars that had recently pulled up. Mercedes nodded her head and walked forward. Lash fell in step with her.

Lash walked side by side with Mercedes, he noticed that she kept a distance that was just enough for her to perform a whip kick if she needed. Warrior to the end! Her movement was strong, fluid, and practiced. Despite her heels she walked with grace and poise that so few human woman have. The security spread across the park slowly arrived at the cars and surveyed the area. Lash used Insight on the guards....Neutral all of them. But then he decided to use it on Mercedes.

Name: Mercedes

Title: Warrior Bodyguard.

Origin: Mundane.

Rank: F-

Skills: See tab for information.

Domains: N/A

Disposition: Friendly

Comments: Mercedes is afraid of Wraith! But she respects a fellow warrior even if that warrior is not human. She is grateful for Wraith healing effect, hopes that if she is ever hurt one day Wraith will be there to help her.

Mercedes sped up just a bit so she could open the luxury car door for Lash. He stepped into the car and she shut the door behind him. She got into the passenger side of the front seat. Another guard was waiting in the driver seat. They soon started their journey to Lex-Corp industries. Mercedes called ahead and told Lex and Lena that Wraith agreed to come. Also that he hadn't slept in two days and may be acting a little funny.

“Is there a type of refreshment you prefer, Mr Wraith?” Mercedes asked.

“Hot Chai, I've always enjoyed the taste.” Lash replied. Mercedes spoke back into the phone.

On the drive over Lash connected to the world wide web and inquired about Lex-Corp since his departure. Lena was what you would hope all extremely wealthy people should be. She ran several charities, scholarships. Organized several hundred free healthcare clinics, helped the poor, disfranchised, brought the Lex-Corp name great press, and public relations. Lex was far more...Pragmatic. The company owned several government contracts from several nations recognized by the UN, and a few that weren't. Anything from toys, to tanks! Lex-Corp either had a finger in it, or owned a sub-subsidiary company that did. Whether it was Lena's influence or not, Lex never sold under the table. But once it was off Lex-Corp shelves it was out of his hands. That was something he made clear. Lash cast Virtual Intelligence and had the Tech-Spirit look up any information on the code word. Cadmus, or Project Cadmus.

The security convoy soon arrived at Lex-Corp and Lash was brought to the underground and well secured parking lot for VIP's. His car door was opened and he stepped out, still in his lizard/Wraith disguise he looked around the parking area. Mercedes came to his side and waited for him though she had gestured towards the doors.

“Electric shock darts, multi Vulcan cannons with armor piercing rounds? Don't trust me that much, or is treatment for everyone who comes this way?” Lash asked, Mercedes gritted her teeth but still replied.

“Everyone who comes this way gets the same treatment, Mr Wraith. Please come this way.” Mercedes asked. Lash pointed a claw at the wall.

“That one has a bad loader, four hundred rounds in and it would jam. That should be fixed before something bad happens.” Lash said politely and left towards the elevator. Mercedes made a note of that specific wall and followed after him.

The elevator was spacious, and had a great view of the city once they cleared the underground area. Lash's shroud swallowed the floor as it writhed and wiggled around. Mercedes tried to not flinch every time it passed through her. It didn't feel like anything, but it still made her nervous. Lash tail kept away from her but it did tap the ground idly. The doors opened to the top level of the tower, Lash and Mercedes walked towards the giant double doors that he had seen before. Mercedes tried to step forward to open it, but Lash reached out with his shroud and opened the door for her. This made Mercedes realize that it could touch things. Inside the giant office was Lex and Lena Luthor.

Lena looked youthful and full of energy. She was technically twenty nine but had the body of a nineteen year old. She was lean, strong, and had a hour glass figure that bounced with every movement. She wore a black silk pencil skirt that went to her knees, with four inch red heels. She had a red silk blouse on, a black suit half jacket. Her hair had been curled and went past her shoulders. She had crimson lipstick she smiled at the sight of Lash as he walked in after Mercedes.

Lex was thirty one this year but had the body of a twenty one year old. He was strong, and well muscled. His bald head shined in the morning sun that came through the huge bay windows. Baldies unite! He wore a three piece business suit. Black on black with a white buttoned up shirt, and a red tie. Formal, professional, and he looked great in it.

They both stood just off from the main desk next to a coach, several chairs, and a table with a full coffee and tea set. Lash could smell the hot chai awaiting consumption. There was also a special seat that would specifically fit some one with a tail. Lash stood before them, then bowed from his waist at a ninety degree angle.

“Lex Luthor, Lena Luthor. Thank you for the privilege of your invitation. Though I did plan to visit you at a later time with gifts. I hope you will accept my apologies since I don't have them ready at this time.” Lash said to them. Lena raised a manicured eyebrow and smiled at him. Lex's face was indifferent but his lips did twitch just a little.

“Gifts? We'll have to look forward to it.” Lena said as she gestured for Lash to take a seat. Lash bowed again and took his specified seat. Lena sat next, and Lex was last. Mercedes prepared the drinks for everyone, and poured Lash's chai. Lash gulped the entire glass down in a single motion and asked for another.

“Sorry, I'm tired.” Lash said to them.

“People tend to be more honest when they are tired. Tell me, what do you think of me and my brother?” Lena asked, humor clear in her voice as she did not expect a real answer.

“Lena you are beautiful woman that is a model of what all super rich should aspire to be. You help the poor and disfranchised. Provide to charities, scholarships, and bring hope to those that have none. You treat your mind, and body like a temple. With proper exercise, diet, and belief. This makes you incredibly attractive.” Lash said to her then turned to Lex. Lena was frozen stiff at the nonchalant reply.

“Lex, you are a pragmatic man that is more than likely the most intelligence man on the face of this earth. Because of your intelligence you always think in long term, even past the event of your death you continue to make plans. This creates an unreachable goal that drives you to be the best man in business, science, and makes you a futurist. You fully believe in physical fitness, and mental fitness is the best way to understand what makes humans into 'humans'. Anyone who doesn't is fooling themselves. However, your moral compass is flexible. This is both good and bad for some one of your mindset.” Lash finished.

Mercedes stood off to the side, but her eyes were wide in shock. That was incredibly odd. Wraith was right he was off. Lena had a bemused expression her face and was a little bit shy at the compliments. But her attention was on Lex who had a smile on his face. Lex took the entire monologue in stride and accepted the truth with a smile.

“Thank you for the compliment, Wraith. I'm curious can I pick your brain for a bit. Our company retrieved a rare mineral that was discovered in an asteroid a few months ago I wanted to get your opinion on it.” Lex put a box onto the table between them. The box was about the size of a basketball. Lex opened it up and a green glow emanated from the dark green crystal with in the lead lined box.

“Have you ever seen this before?” Lex asked. Lash reached out and picked it up. He activated his Shaper, Transmuter titles, along with Material Shaping. He analyzed the material and sighed softly. Kryptonite. Lex watched with keen interest no doubt he noticed the sigh.

“It's called Kryptonite, so named because it is a mineral from Superman's home world. It comes in a variety of colors, each one with a different effect.” Lash replied. This response made Lex's eyes go wide with excitement. He licked his lips, and rubbed his palms on his pants. Damn it Lex! Lash really hopped he wouldn't turn into this version. Lash put the stone back into the case and closed it. Just as he did, his Virtual Intelligence came back with information on Cadmus.

“What does the green color do?” Lena asked, pure curiosity written on her face.

“It has a variety of effects. One particular one it is radioactive. Short term exposure is not an issue but I would always carry it in protection unless you want radiation poisoning. It can also be used as a power source. Not that stone specifically its to low quality but a clean source could power a machine like a tank or a suit of mechanized armor. It would also weaken anyone with Kryptonian DNA. But, you already knew that. Didn't you Lex?” Lash asked. Lena looked at Lash in surprise then turned to her brother. She didn't know that. Lex leaned back in his chair and had a genuine smile on his face.

“Yes...I did. I wasn't sure if you knew it, or if you did know it would you have said anything. This was one of the few times I am happy I was wrong. You share my worries about Superman?” Lex said to Lash. Lena felt like she was out of the loop but sat quietly to the side and listened.

“Any one with power is dangerous, Lex. You of all people should know that better than most. I consider Superman a friend, Lex. But there is a human saying that I've found relevant to the situation. Keep your friends close....” Lash left it hang in the air.

“And your enemies closer...” Lex smiled, a glint of recognition in his eyes as he looked at Lash. It was this moment that Lex truly saw Agent Wraith as both an ally and an enemy worthy of his respect.

“Kryptonite is rare, and you rely on it to fall from the sky. I would encourage you to look into, 'Red Sun Radiation'. But out of respect for my friend I will not speak anymore on the subject on how to hurt him. I hope you can understand?” Lash said. Lex was more than satisfied! He nodded his head and put the box away.

“Wraith you have my respect! You are a realist, a realist I look forward to seeing become a citizen of our planet.” Lex said to him, a smile clear on his face. The expression clearly surprised Mercedes and Lena. Lex only ever acted this way around them, or his friends. Lex didn't have many friends.

Lash had thought to lie about the stone, but Project Cadmus was already in the works. Lex knew what the stone did but it was a test for Wraith. If he had danced around the subject or lied Lex would know not to trust Wraith. He disliked that it could be used in the future to hurt Clark, or Kara! But he also knew that Zodd would be coming. It wasn't until later that they figured out the Red Sun trick. Now they would have it. A double edged sword as it were.

“Excuse me? Mind letting the girls in on what is going on? Or is this a all boys club?” Lena said, clearly annoyed at being left out.

“Have you heard of Project Cadmus, Lena?” Lash said. Lex's expression not only fell but his face went pale. How did Wraith know that name?

“No, Cadmus does sound familiar but not the Project.” Lena said, she noticed how Lex's face fell. She smiled with satisfaction. Wraith had clearly thrown a left hook.

“Cadmus was the founder and first king of Thebes. He was a monster slayer, and was often sought out to accomplish tasks of great renown before Hercules was born. Project Cadmus is a genetic research shadow government operation meant to design and create cloning. Specifically the integration of Alien DNA into Human DNA. Thus allowing humans to wield the same power as aliens. There is also project match...” Lash said to Lena before he was cut off by Lex.

“STOP!” Lex shouted, he stood up in pure shock and anger! How the fuck did Wraith know that!?

“Project Cadmus hasn't been successful in cloning Kryptonian DNA, and your mother doesn't know why.” Lash said the last part quickly. Lex's eyes went wide, as Lena stood up and stared at Lex with accusation.

“You and Mother are trying to clone Superman!? Why!?” Lena shouted at Lex. Lex looked a little helpless when his sister shouted at him. Lex had a clear soft spot for her.

“Don't you want to know why you haven't been successful?” Lash asked, his voice dripped with malicious intent. Lex turned his eyes towards Lash, he looked like he wanted to pounce on him and tear the answer out of him by force. Lena stepped into Lex's line of sight and pegged with a glare so fierce it made Lex flinch.

“Perhaps we should just call your mother?” Lash offered. He created a video feed through Technomancy and called Lillian Luthor. The phone rang a few times, no one in the room moved. Then an older, educated woman's voice answered.

“Hello? Oh! Lex! Lena! That is so nice of you both to call!” Lillian was an older woman in her mid forties or fifties. Her rich brown hair was tied back into half bun, she wore soft blue cotton blouse and a lab coat. Both Lex and Lena became like obedient kittens in their mothers eyes. Lash felt the change so different he chuckled.

“Oh? Do you have visitors?” Lillian couldn't see Lash from the perspective of the 'camera' Something he had done on purpose. He adjusted the camera to include him. Lillian's facial expression only changed slightly before she recovered with practice ease.

“Agent Wraith of the United Nations World Security! Why hello! Did something happen?” Lillian asked. The camera only showed her upper half but Lash could clearly see that her arms started to move as she searched on her computer for information.

“Yes, I was just telling your son about how Project Cadmus should look into Red Sun Radiation as an alternate method of attack.” Lash said, his reptilian eyes watched Lillian carefully.

“Oh! Really? Why is that?” Lillian went into auto scientist mode.

“Krypton was orbited by a red sun. Earth has a yellow sun, it is where Superman gets a majority of his power. If red sun radiation is introduced it would blast his bodies natural radiation absorption. It could be used to hurt, or even temporarily deactivate his powers. That is also why project match has failed. Because you use yellow sun radiation.” Lash said nonchalantly.

Lex looked flabbergasted! Which was an odd look for him. Lena looked truly conflicted, she wanted to ask her mother about Cadmus but stayed quiet. Mercedes was like a wall flower and stayed in the background with out a peep. Lillian however was animated and took the entire thing in stride. She was clearly making notes.

“Let me make something clear. I am not telling you this because I want you to hurt, or kill Superman. He is my friend. I am telling you this because Superman is not the last Kryptonian, maybe the others will be just as friendly as he is? Maybe they wont be. But I would much rather have the world I plan to join as a citizen be intact instead of ruined world. Understood?” Lash said. Lillian had stopped writing to look at him, she smiled at him and nodded.

“Understood, Agent Wraith! Thank you for the information! Project Cadmus will remember your contribution. Lex, Lena thank you for the call! Excuse me I have a lot more work to do! Agent Wraith I hope we have a chance to work together in the future! Goodbye!” Lillian Luthor hung up. It was only after she hung up that both Lex and Lena seemed to start breathing normally.

“Lex, who ever is in charge of security in Project Cadmus needs to be shot. A lot of its information is on the dark web for sale. It gives names of scientist, addresses, along with research projects. Lena, I don't like what they are doing in Cadmus, but I understand why they believe they need it. Perhaps you should join the Project for the simple reason that you will help keep them on the straight and narrow. It was nice speaking with both of you but I am tired, I am going home now.” Lash stood up, bowed to them both and turned to leave.

“Wait!” Lena called out to him. Lash had reached the VIP elevator by the time she called. Lena walked over at a brisk pace.

“May I join you? I need to clear my head.” Lena said to him.

“Are you sure, it seemed like you and your brother had a lot to talk about?” Lash inquired.

“We....We can talk later.” Lena said softly, she looked away clearly conflicted. Lash offered his arm to her, the gesture clearly surprised her. She laughed lightly and took the offered arm. They rode the elevator down together.

Lena felt up and down the hard leather and plate armor of Lash's gear. She stuck close to his arm, not in a seductive manner but a... 'I'm curious who you are' sort of way. When the elevator opened a car was waiting for them. Lash opened the door for her, she said thank you under her breath and got in. Lash joined her.

“Closest City Park.” Lash said to the driver, the man looked at Lena for confirmation she nodded. The car ride was quiet, neither of them spoke. Lena did idly play with the shroud that filled the back seat. Lash activated Insight.

Name: Lena Luthor

Title: Billionaire, Princess of Metropolis

Origin: Mundane

Rank: G+

Skills: See tab for information.

Domains: N/A

Disposition: Friendly

Comments: Lena finds Wraith intriguing! He is a mystery she wants to unravel, she does have some attraction to him. Because she feels a connection with this alien monster that is more human then most humans.

When they approached the city park it was almost dark. It was early spring so the sun sets early. Lash created a winter fur coat with a hood for Lena, it even had cosmetic wolf ears on the top. Winter black wolf liner, with durable kevlar outside. Could stop small arms fire. Lash told her as much when he handed to her. Lena laughed at the ears and put it on. She sunk into the giant coat and felt warm and oddly safe. Lash opened the door and offered his clawed hand to Lena who took it gratefully.

“Wait there.” Lena told the driver. The driver clearly wanted to object but held his tongue.

Lash took Lena's hand in his own. She could feel the claws and leather of his gloves. She didn't know why but she felt a little shy when he held her hand. It had to be her young body hormones! Ya! That was certainly it. Lash led her to a giant tree that was clearly in view of the driver. Lena was confused as Lash pressed his clawed hands against the tree. Then Lash pulled Lena flush against his chest, she yelped in surprise. Then screamed in horror as a giant mouth opened in the tree and ate them both! The driver stood at attention he was horrified at the sight of seeing Lena Luthor get eaten by a tree, and with the knowledge that Lex Luthor would kill him for not protecting his sister. His phone beeped at him.

'We went to Gotham. Tell Lex I'll be home late. -Lena'

It was Miss Luthor's phone number. Gotham?! They had been gone less then twenty seconds! The driver pulled out his phone, tried to contact Miss Luthor...Nothing! Called Mercedes and began to tell her what happened. It was an hour later when a full team of scientist came to examine the tree that ate and teleported Lena Luthor over five hundred miles in a few seconds?

Lash watched Lena circle the tree several times, she touched here and there. She measured it, she took out her phone that had several after marked attachments. Or maybe they were standard for Lex-Corp? She scanned the tree...It was a tree! Just a normal ordinary ash tree. She looked at Lash who now looked like a human, in a black business suit. Short black hair, bronze skin, black eyes. She looked back at the tree, back at Lash.

“I guess I understand how Alice in Wonderland felt.” Lena said softly.

“Come on, I'll cook you dinner.” Lash offered Lena his arm. She hesitated but took his offered arm. She felt the smooth touch of rich imported cloth. She looked up at Lash who wore his cosmetic glamour.

“So this is how you stayed hidden all this time. Is this your normal human form?” Lena asked as they began to walk towards the city street.

“No, this is a cosmetic disguise. I want to trust you Lena! But after the conversation I just had with your brother. I find myself caught between a family dispute. Lex was both happy with my input but also incredibly angry for me saying it in front of you.” Lash said honestly. His voice was still gruff but was clearly human.

“Sorry about that... I. I try not to keep secrets from Lex. I've told him as much, he tries to not keep things from me. But... He says he only keeps things from me that will hurt me. Still playing the part of a big brother.” Lena said, she ducked her head down in depression. Her wolf ears on her hood flopped into view which made Lash smile. Lena's phone vibrated...It was Lex calling her. She sent it to voice mail.

When they reached the city street, Lash contacted a civilian transport through Connectivity they traveled to a Fae Court safe house. Not his home. Maybe one day he'd let Lena see his home but not tonight. On the drive Lash's hand idly massaged and caressed Lena's hands. He didn't even realize he was doing it. Lena clearly enjoyed the hand massage as she bit her lip to suppress a groan of satisfaction. A blush crawled up her neck, and face. When they reached their destination Lena sighed in relief, because any more 'torture' and she would had moaned in the car. Lash paid the driver well and took Lena to the top of the building.

Lash and Lena walked into a Loft. A large open room with a upstairs level bedroom in view but could be obscured with curtains for privacy. It had a single full bathroom and shower. While the kitchen, and living room were connected. In the middle was a skylight that let in sun light or moon light onto a Bonsai tree that stood in the middle of the room in a small sand garden. The floors were a fine red wood, and red brick on the walls covered by fine crafted silk curtains. Yes it was a safe house, but it was a safe house owned by the Fae Courts. Of course it would be nice!

“Wow....Is this where you live?” Lena looked around, clearly impressed.

“No, this is a safe house. One of many with in Gotham. I had to check if it was available while we drove over. Sorry if it seemed like I ignored you.” Lash commented. Lena looked at him with a look of shock. Ignored her? That was him ignoring her? Lena blushed and pulled the over sized hood over her face to hide it. What was wrong with her!? She really wanted her body to not be nineteen right now! Obviously her hormones were all over the place. That must be it!

The heat in the loft turned on, Lash pulled out pots and pans. What he didn't find in the pantry he created. He began to cook dinner for Lena. She eventually pulled the wolf fur coat off and walked over to sit at the kitchen counter to watch Lash work. Lena watched him move with practiced ease of a culinary chef. Lash poured a fine white wine for her, which she accepted with a smile.

“Been a long time since I've ate like this.” Lena said. She enjoyed herself as she watched Lash move.

“I'm sure you have five star chefs who cook for you. However, I want to cook for you. For the simple reason that I think you don't often get a chance to relax. Because you let your guard down the moment we walked into the loft, Lena.” Lash said.

Lena was startled at the realization that Lash was right. She...Just felt safe around him, felt comfortable. How odd was that! The first single man she felt safe around in years and it was an Alien! Now she understood why Lois Lane had a thing for Superman. Wait!? Lena didn't have a thing for Wraith! Nope! She....She just liked him! Not like...Like! Just....Lena shook her head to try and clear it.

“Wow...The youthful restoration really screwed with your bodies chemicals, eh?” Lash said as he looked at her. He stirred dinner occasionally.

“Right! I knew it was that...I.... Its funny how you only remember the good parts of being young but none of the bad.” Lena said, she ran her fingers through her hair and ruffled it about. She lightly pouted and took another drink from the glass of wine. It was a good wine!

Lash made salmon with white sauce, string beans, and rosemary potatoes. Then for desert he created a tiramisu slice that he and Lena shared. He helped Lena finish off the bottle of wine but it was clear she had the majority of it as her face was flushed, she was a little off balance. She also pulled off her suit jacket, and high heels. She sat on the nice leather coach and pulled the wolf furred coat to snuggled into. Lash almost sat down in the nearby armchair until Lena looked at him sadly. He smirked and sat on the coach with her. She tried to be coy, but due to her alcohol intake she failed to by sly. She snuggled onto his chest with his arm wrapped around her.

“Do you have a girlfriend?” Lena asked. Wow! Lash looked at her, clearly surprised by the question. He was not the only one because Lena looked just as shocked.

“I have a polyamorous relationship with several people. So, do I have a girlfriend? Yes. Several. They also have several boyfriends.” Lash explained. Lena seemed surprised Lash answered her, she tried to understand the answer he had given her.

“Oh! Wow...That is...Wow....” Lena said, her face completely flushed.

“Lena, why do you ask?” Lash said, a grin began to pull on his lips. Lena let out a soft hiccup! She shrunk into her wolf coat and shook her head back and forth.

“No reason! I.... Christ, what am I doing?” Lena said more to her self then Lash. Then she stopped, she seem to think of something. She then leaned away from Lash with suspicion in her eyes.

“Are you....Doing something to me?” Lena asked.

“You mean did I put something in your food that we both ate? Or put something in the bottle we both drank from? Or maybe my alien physiology is secreting pheromones that ignite the pleasure centers in your body and mind. Something like that?” Lash asked, a grin on his face. Lena pegged him with a glare... Snuggled into her wolf coat and pouted on the other side of the coach.

It began to rain outside. Which eventually turned into snow. Weather in Gotham was temperamental because the snow then turned back into rain. Eventually Lena came across the coach and snuggled into Lash claiming she was cold! Even though her body radiated heat. She let out a soft moan as Lash had begun to massag her back. He hand had slipped under the wolf coat and kneaded her muscles. Lash lips turned into an evil grin as he cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss. Lena turned into a puddle of bliss, and moaned several times. Lena's head rest on Lash's lap face up. She held onto his arm as he danced his hand and down the skin of her stomach. Her blouse had been pulled up. Clearly it could have gone further but neither Lash or Lena went any further. Almost as if an invisible wall kept them in check.

“I don't know if you do that to help people or you just derive sadistic amusement from how people react to it.” Lena said softly after the initial effects wore off.

“Are you telling me you don't like the initial and after effects?” Lash inquired, a predatory grin on his very human face. Lena shivered slightly, but she was also a bit excited.

“Of course I enjoy it! I enjoy what you hand is doing as well! But... Just. We can't go any further...ok?” Lena said softly at the end.

“Of course. But that doesn't mean I can't still tease you!” Lash said. Lena scowled at him but didn't pull away as Lash's hand continued to dance along her skin.

“Thank you....This was nice.” Lena said in the darkness of the loft. It had been several hours since they last spoke. She had turned on her side and let Lash's hand massage her entire back.

“You are very welcome, Lena. Though you should send a text to Lex. You have twenty three missed calls from him.” Lash said. Lena shriveled up in despair. She was not looking forward to that conversation.

“I don't suppose you can make this tree send me home?” Lena asked, she referred to the bonsai tree in the loft. There was one much like it in Lex's office.

“I can actually, its why I chose this location instead of another.” Lash replied. Lena sat up in surprise.

“Will I get to see your real home one day?” Lena asked softly.

“Yes, along with my face.” Lash replied in a straightforward manner. Lena gave him a genuine smile. She leaned in and kissed his cheek.

“Thank you....” Lena said.

She stood up and fixed her cloths back into working order. She may have adjusted her self in full view of Lash as if she put on a show. Lash stood up behind her which startled her when he 'assisted' her at clipping her bra back on that came off while he gave her a massage. He also helped tuck her blouse back into her skirt which made her shiver and bite her lip as she tried to suppress a shiver of delight. Lash cast Immaculate on her, so she was clean and fresh as a fiddle. She blinked at the change then smiled at him.

“Wow that is convenient!” Lena said. Lash picked up her coat and held it up for her to put her arms into the sleeves.

“I made it for you, unless you don't like it?” Lash asked. Lena quickly put it on and held it close with a possessive intent.

“Nope! I love it! Thank you!” Lena replied. Lash soon cast Tree Stride and sent Lena back to Lex's home office. Once Lena was gone Lash checked several prompts he had ignored. Advanced Charming Presence had gained experience. Fuck!


Lena opened her eyes and looked around amazed at the convenience of it all. The bonsai tree had grown and turned into a circle where inside that circle an energy vortex spit her out. Once she was out the tree returned to its normal appearance. She was back in Lex's main office. Her brother was gone, from her phone messages it seemed like he flew over to Gotham to look for her. She walked right up his desk and called him on his phone. He picked up with in the second ring.

“What is it!? Did you find her yet!?” Lex yelled into the phone, not understanding who called.

“Yes, Lex I found myself back in your office. Why are you yelling at me?” Lena replied.

“Lena?! Where? Your in my office? Why did your phone GPS say you were in Gotham? Wait! Did he send you through my tree in the office!?” Lex shouted. Lena held the phone away from her ear.

“Yes, Lex. He sent me through the tree in your office. Now come back Metropolis. You and I are going to have a long talk about Cadmus! I'm going to follow Wraiths advice. I want to be involved so I can help keep the project on the straight and narrow. Understand? Good!” Lena slammed the phone down before Lex could respond.

Lena sat in the massive leather chair that Lex loved so much. It really was comfy she would always try and sneak into it while they worked together. Much to her amusement and annoyance of her brother. Lena lounged in the chair and relived the past few hours. Her body felt amazing! The muscles in her back were in heaven. She remembered the touch of Wraith's hands on her body. Her face turned red and Lena hid in wolf coat he had made for her.

“Agent Wraith you certainly are trouble. Why do I always fall for the bad boys?” Lena said softly, with a smile on her face.


Lash activated the keypad in the safe house. It sent a message to the Fae Courts. The safe house had been used and needed a clean and restock. He turned the lights off and left, he switched his cosmetic glamour and decided to walk home. It took him a few hours but the walk was nice. Thanks to his Winter Knight Blessing he didn't get cold anymore. He spoke to a few super-natural citizens along the way. Helped them with a few simple problems. There was a time when those problems would have been hard for him. Now he could snap his fingers or claws depending on the situation and the problems would be solved.

He had enjoyed his night with Lena. It was a nice simple night with a beautiful woman. Temptation and flirtation! Good food, good company. But he was sad about Lex, he had hoped he would be a good version. Maybe if Lena did supervise project Cadmus it would not be so bad? The question was, should he tell Superman about Cadmus? Did Superman even know what Kryptonite was? He needed to see Bruce. He stopped moving forward and let the flow of foot traffic pass him by. Bruce.... Hmmm. Lash called for a cab and went to Wayne Tech.

Lash stepped from the cap and pulled his Lizardman and Wraith disguise back on in one fluid motion. The cab driver who dropped him off nearly had a heart attack! Wraith!? He had given a ride to Wraith? Wait!? What did he look like? He looked human right? Right?! Shit why couldn't he remember! Lash sent the cab fair through a digital credit card. Gave the driver two hundred dollars way above the thirty five dollars he had been charged for. Lash under the disguise of Wraith walked into Wayne Tech industries.

The security at the front desk knew who Wraith was. He was responsible for the new holographic tech that the entire building now used. Lash passed through the metal detectors that didn't even register he had walked through them. The security camera's in the entire lobby didn't even record his presence. Lash walked right up to speak to them.

“Mr. Wayne has left for the evening. But Mr. Fox is still here. May I please speak to him?” Lash said in his Wraith animalistic voice. The guards didn't move for a moment before their supervisor walked over. Clapped his hands to get their attention and they jumped to work.

“Right away Agent Wraith! Also, thank you! My sister was at the Metropolis Veterans hospital. She has a brand new leg thanks to you!” The supervisor said with a smile. Lash looked at him, and searched through the information file through Connectivity.

“Corporal Beatriz, mother of two. I was happy to see her walk out of the hospital. Though it was on crutches.” Lash replied. The supervisor grinned wide at that.

“Yes, Sir! She loved to go on hikes with the family. Now she can again!” The supervisor was ecstatic that Wraith remembered his sister.

Mr. Fox called down soon after and said to send Agent Wraith upstairs at his convenience. The security supervisor escorted him to the VIP elevator but didn't step in with him. Lash rode the elevator to the top floor. He didn't see Monica or Shevalla this time. Pity. The doors opened and there stood Mr Fox with his secretary. Fox smiled at him, he opened the door to his office and walked in.

“May I get you anything Agent Wraith?” Fox's Secretary asked. She had a bright smile on her face. She was far more friendly then last time.

“No thank you, Miss. Hopefully this wont take long. I still haven't slept since the Veterans hospital in Metropolis.” Lash said to her. Her eyes went wide at that.

“Well lets get your business over quick so you can go home then, Agent Wraith. Thank you Melissa!” Fox said.

Melissa the secretary gave a genuine smile and closed the door behind Lash. Fox pressed a switch and magnetically locked the door. Metallic shutters came down over the windows, Lash felt a pulse of magic reinforce the area. Security updates. Lash pulled his disguise and Transformation off. He flopped into the leather coach that was in the office and just lay there for a while.

“Long couple of days, Mr Wraith?” Fox said, a smile on his grandfatherly face.

“Yes... Tell me Fox. Ever heard of a shadow government called Project Cadmus?” Lash said to him as he massaged his temples.

“Cant say that I have, wasn't Cadmus a greek legend? Or...Would that be fact? Hmmm.” Fox seem to rethink the term legend. He knew more about the super-natural world then before. Lash laughed and sent everything he had found on Cadmus from the Dark Web to Fox's secure computer. Which was a lot! Technomancy gave him an unfair advantage but still. Their security practically begged to be invaded.

Fox sat down and put on his glasses. Lash cast Restoration and then Fox didn't need his glasses anymore. He laughed and put them away and went to work. Fox read the information, every five minutes or so his expression would get worse. He would sit up straighter and lean in as he read the information. He said the words 'Oh my word' a dozen or so times. When he got the part about Kryptonite Lash used his Transmuter title effect for the day. First he made a basic material with Fabrication then converted ten pounds of it into Green Kryptonite since that was the only Kryptonite he had ever touched. It was a pure green glowing ingot of radioactive material. He placed it on the desk next to Lucius Fox who looked at it with wide eyes. Lash then created a led box with Fabrication, and Alteration. He put the ingot into the box and closed the lid.

“That...Potentially has the power to kill Superman? But just in its current state would temporarily strip him of most of his powers? Make him ill? That is terrifying! But.... In a sick and twisted kind of way I understand why they are doing this.” Fox said, his shoulders fell. He was sick to his stomach now that he had admitted that out loud.

“I know, Fox. Superman is not the last Kryptonian in the galaxy. We can hope they will all be like the big blue boy scout. But more then likely, Superman is the exception. As you have read they have a stone like this. So now Wayne Tech has a stone like this. Red Sun Radiation can also harm Kryptonian DNA. I am not telling you this because I want to hurt or kill Superman. But its better to know and not need it, then need it and not have it.” Lash said softly. Fox nodded his head in agreement. It was a hard truth that many would have a hard time swallowing.

Lash and Fox sat in silence for a bit as they both digested the words said between them. Then the lights flickered in and out. That was odd. Wayne Tower was a tech miracle. Power flickering was something it did not do. Lash stood up suddenly and looked towards the east. He couldn't see through the wall but he sensed something. His Technomancy screamed at him in warning. Then an electromagnetic pulse went through Wayne Tower and beyond. Lash dropped to his knees and screamed in pain! What the fuck! His Technomancy went into a frizzy before it calmed down after a few seconds.

Mr Wraith? Wraith? Lash!” Fox called to him...Lash shook his head clear and looked up to see Fox hovering over him.

“I'm alright...The pulse played haywire with my head for a bit. Seems an EMP is bad for my health. Good to know.” Lash stood up with the help of Fox.

He used Transformation and pulled on his Wraith shroud. He unlocked the door after he deactivated the magnetic lock. Melissa seemed a little agitated but calmed down at the sight of Fox and Lash. Eh, a ghostly wraith encouraging comfort seemed a little odd. They went to the windows and saw that all of Gotham was dark. Well that wasn't good. Then one by one all of the major buildings windows lit up. But not completely! They all made the same sign. A giant Question Mark, The Riddler? Then a shuddering screech went through the entire city and a shrill voice filled their ears.

“Riddle me this! What is blind! Deaf! Dumb! And in the palm of my hand?...Give up? Gotham City of course!” The Riddlers voice was in a sonic wave that went across the whole city. Like nails on a chalk board but everyone could still understand it.

Lash checked at Fox and Melissa they were both ok, though a migraine was not out of the question. Then from Wayne Tower they saw explosions erupt one by one through out the city. Lash was sure there were more they couldn't see. But most of all, the bridges in and out of Gotham exploded. A city full of people trapped on several islands. Great! Then the ear shrilling voice came back.

“Now! Gotham! You have become my new board game! Time for all my fellow convicts, and Arkham friends to come out and play! The city is ours for the taking! Oh but a game is not any fun with out competition! So let the GCPD come out and play! Let the Bat family come out and play! Let the Cheating freak Wraith! Come! Out! To! Play!” Riddle screamed the last few words which drove Fox and Melissa to their knees. The sonic sound ended after that.

“Do you have roof access on this floor?” Lash asked, Fox nodded and brought Lash out of his office. They passed several concerned people but they all calmed down at the sight of Agent Wraith. The duo climbed a set of stairs and came to the roof top with a helicopter pad.

“Sorry I wont be able to help with repairs.” Lash said to Fox.

“Don't you worry Mr Wraith. We'll be just fine. If I see our mutual friend where I should I tell him you went?” Fox said, he hinted at Batman.

“The Narrows, its right next to Arkham.” Lash said, and jumped off the roof of the building.

He cast Falling Glide and zipped across the cityscape. Fox soon went back inside and started to organize any one he found. It didn't take long for Wayne Tower's emergency generators to turn on. They were shielded of course! Like a light house in a dark storm people started to gather towards the tower looking for answers. Not long after Fox contacted Bruce and told him what he knew and where Lash was headed. Fifteen minutes later the Bat-Wing Jet flew over Gotham. Batman and Robin inside as they headed towards GCPD major crimes unit. Batgirl slipped out of her house in full uniform, a communicator in her ear as she listened to Batman relay orders.

The super-natural community responded like a well oiled machine. They locked up their homes, secured their families and friends. Shield and Sword towers in Gotham soon brought their power back on. Wardens, super-natural community soldiers, warriors, and hunters all suited up and took to the streets to check in on their people. Riots soon started, looting, pillaging, arson, rape and murder! In a few hours Gotham City had turned into pure chaos! A signal went out across a hidden phone tree, any one that could respond was on the way!

The Flash, and Kid Flash ran as fast as he could from Central City, after they picked up Green Arrow, and Arsenal. Diana, and Dia Nyx used the emergency portal at Themyscira to get to the Warden HQ in rural Gotham, as did Zatanna from the Vegas Warden HQ. Shazam flew over from Philadelphia. J'onn J'onzz flew from the city of Middleton, with his niece Me'ghan. John Stewart flew over, though Hal Jordan was at Oa at the time. Hawkman and Hawkwoman flew over from St. Roch, Louisiana. Aquaman, and Aquawoman swam as fast as they could from Amnesty Bay. Superman broke the sound barrier and was in Gotham with in the hour. The first real mission of The Justice League had arrived.


A noxious green gas began to flow up from Gotham's sewer system. Anyone who breathed it in began to laugh hysterically! They would laugh, an laugh, and laugh till they couldn't breath! A huge grin plastered on their faces! Their hearts would give out! Then a few minutes later those that died from the green laughing gas got back up. They continued to laugh as they dragged themselves through the city streets spreading slaughter where ever they went. Cause remember you can't have slaughter with out laughter! Them the rules!

A man with clown white pale skin combed his long green hair back. He applied a bit of cherry red lipstick, smiled at himself in the mirror. His radiant acid green eyes gleamed with an inner light that was not normal. The man wore a purple and black suit, with a pink toxic flower in the label. He held his arm out for a beautiful blond woman who wore a skin tight red and black harlequin costume. She smiled at the man with pure love and adoration. The man smiled back and kissed the woman on the cheek tenderly.

“Time for the big show, Mr. J?” Harley asked.

“Yes it is Harley, yes it is! What a show it will be!” Joker said.

He snapped his fingers and the very air in front of them warped and twisted. A pack of Hyenas jumped from the warp. They each had a different chaotic color, each one laughed maniacally and followed in Joker's wake. With Harley wrapped around his arm Joker walked from his hide out, he snapped his fingers and mail boxes warped into Jack in the Box clowns that sprung to life and chased people. Joker pulled out a set of playing cards muttered a few words under his breath and the cards grew in size and became card soldiers that obeyed his will. A divine light glowed in Jokers yellow green eyes.

“Show time!” Joker and another more sinister voice called out.

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