Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 55: Gotham’s Siege!


The Bat-Wing jet flew over Gotham at incredibly speed, as Batman and Robin sat in the cockpit obtaining information. Mass riots, looting, and petty crimes climbed in number by the minute. The GCPD and the MCU (Major Crimes Unit) deployed with everything they had. A call rang out from a working satellite phone from the Mayors office to call in the national guard but it would take them hours to get here let alone just getting across the river. Batman brought the Bat-Wing over a telecommunication tower Wayne Tech owned he brought the jet into hover mode. Batman and Robin repelled out of the jet and began to repair the tower. They needed three towers up to establish working communication through out the city this was the last one.

“Get the dishes into alignment I'll get the base.” Batman said to Robin. Robin began to climb the tower with out a word.

Batman wore the newest suit with flex-plate armor, kevlar thread, and combat riot aggression. Electrical circuits ran the breath of the suit to allow a full monitor update of his bodies constitution as well as increased reflexes and durability. Robin wore the same, Batman pulled the omni tools from his belt and began to repair and update the tower. Robin had already pushed two out of the five dishes into alignment.

“Batman! Do you think Wraith is alright?” Robin called down, worry clear in his voice.

“He'll be fine. Keep working.” Batman said. He wasn't worried about Wraith. He felt a little sorry for anyone who got in his way though.


Above the Narrows was an interesting scene. Ever since Wayne Industries had rebuilt The Narrow it looked....Healthy. Clean streets, clean buildings, transit in and out of the island. Green eco-friendly buildings. Each building had a self security measure to help prevent theft and break ins. A majority of The Narrows populace hid in their homes and activate their security shutters. Each one having a manual deployment for those odd times when power was down. But a small percentage of the town was in the streets armed with leather coats, bats, and any thing that could provide protection and offense. Why? Because they currently fought against the Arkham inmates side by side with six and half foot tall Saurus Warriors. Each Warrior was like a mini Saurian and they led over a hundred civilians. In the distance stood a giant Carnosaur that roared and thrashed against a twelve foot tall giant of a man that had tubes filled with green liquid pumping into his system. Bane and Saurian fought against each other in the streets of The Narrows.

A roar rang out across the entire island as every enemy shuddered and was stunned for a moment. While every ally had their energy levels raised. Saurian used Intimidating Shout, and Rallying Call together. The Carnosaur version of Saurian stomped towards Bane then jumped the last twenty feet and attempted to pounce on top of the giant tweaked out venom monstrosity that Bane had become.

“You! ….Took!....My....HBlaaah!” Bane tried to shout as Saurian pounced on top of him. Bane had overdosed on his Venom in an effort to kill Saurian. He was strong, fast, huge, and incredibly durable! But his IQ dropped significantly!

“Bull Shit! You sold drugs that hurt and killed people! You got exactly what you deserved!” Saurian shouted at him as he raked his claws from his hands and feet across Banes skin that was almost as strong as steel. BAM! Bane punched Saurian square in the jaw and flung him off.

“Kill!....You!” Bane shouted as he jumped to his feet. He combined his hands into fists and brought them down like a missile impact onto the ground where Saurian had just been sitting. CRACK! Saurian's massive tail came from the side and bashed Bane into building. The giant man bounced off the wall as the whole structure wobbled and grew still. Sturdy stuff!

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaah!” Bane screamed in pain as Saurian cast Sooth this was not the first time he had done it.

A huge quantity of Venom was pulled from Bane and turned into ambient magical energy that a small portion was absorbed by Saurian. The giant man deflated for a brief moment until the Venom generator that was surgical implanted into his body began to pump once more. Saurian had tried multiple times to stop the machine but something mystical was around it, preventing his Technomancy from working.

“Bane if you don't stop this shit I am going to rip that apparatus from your body! You won't live through it!” Saurian shouted as Bane began to take his original giant form.

As horrible as Bane was his Sherogoth sin taint was not as bad as Saurian thought it would be. Saurian vaguely remembered that Bane donated money to orphanages in the comics that must be what is creating the balanced effect. Bane massive frame began to fill out, he wore an expanding battle harness of leather, buckles, and a face mask. He looked like he belonged in a BDSM convention! But his spine looked grotesque with tubes that pumped venom, metal pieces that jutted out, and Bane's own blood that sprayed like a water fountain with every beat of his heart.

“Don't....Care!......Took....Everything!” Bane shouted and ran towards Saurian. Saurian jumped to the side just as nimble in his Carnosaur form as he was when he was smaller. The ground just shook with every step, and a mini earthquake happened when he jumped. He reached out and used a new spell/skill he had learned but didn't want to use on him.

Technomancy Domain Spell/Skill Machine Control: Reach out with both your energy and magical energy to manipulate, bend, and warp the very fabric of machines. Create monstrosities of metal as if they were a living thing, or destroy them with the same ability. Will use both Magical and Skill energy, grows with time. (Mechanokinesis)

The mechanical apparatus like a living thing tried to force its way out of Bane's back! Bane screamed in tremendous pain so horrible he dropped like a rock and convulsed on the ground. Saurian's energy levels took a nose dive. Who ever placed mystical protection on the machine didn't think to account for Machine Control the Venom machine pulled itself out of Bane and crawled over to Saurian like a slug.

“My home..... It was your fault....She told me it was....your.....fault.....” Bane said, as his heart slowly stopped beating. Tears in his eyes as his body deflated like a wet sponge being rung out.

Saurian watched as the soul of Bane floated up from his body. He soul took the image of a frail young man who was not even thirty years old. He looked lost, and confused as he stared at his corpse. He looked at Saurian with tears in his eyes. His lips mouthed, 'Where did I go wrong?' He stayed near his corpse and rocked back and forth across the ground. He sobbed in anguish, Saurian gritted his teeth and cast Judgment on Bane then and there. Something massive, powerful, and incredibly old slipped into Saurian like he was a glove. The Grim Reaper judged, ruled, and past sentence for Bane and dozens of others in that brief moment. When Saurian blinked his eyes Bane's soul was gone.

Congratulations User! You've defeated Bane! One of Gotham Cities super-villains!

Reward: Superhuman Strength: You now have the strength of leap over small tool sheds in a single bound! You can lift a golf cart with one hand! You have the strength of five average men! Grows with time, does stack with other effects.

Steam rose from Saurians body as he let our a roar of victory but also one of pain! The alteration to his body was quick but painful. He cast the spell Reduce and decreased his size to ten feet tall, and twenty feet long. If he was to large he could accidentally kill someone just by stepping close to them. He dropped to all fours and ran through the Narrows he gave anyone with a minor taint on their soul an electrical shock and restrained with them metal threaded rope with Fabrication. The others? Not so much.

“Ahahaha! You caught me! I guess it..Wait..What! No! No! Nooooo!” An insane convict screamed who Saurian caught in the process of eating a child's leg while the child was still alive. Saurian cast Decomposition on him. The man screamed in horror as his body slowly turned to ash.

“Hold on, we'll get you a new leg and back with your family in no time.” Saurian said softly as he created pheromones to make the child fall asleep in his arms. He regrew the little girls leg then began to back track to find the child's family.

Saurian came to a broken into apartment building that was overrun with convicts and Arkham patients. Saurian manifested several Saurus Warriors they sprinted into the building and began to clear each floor one by one. Saurian squeezed into the building and went to each room. Civilians slaughtered and pulled apart like dolls decorated the home. Saurian put the child down under the watchful eye of Dawn his Familiar who cast Invisibility on them both. The souls of the girls family were still in the room. Time to work!


A duo of electrical flashes red and yellow lighting zipped across the river between Gotham and the main land. The Flash, and Kid Flash dropped Green Arrow and Arsenal off of. Green Arrow took slow steady breaths and tried to not puke, while Arsenal had no such luck and doubled over and threw up his dinner. Flash looked around the city that was on fire, it had only been a few hours and Gotham look like hell on earth as people rioted, looted, and killed.

“Everyone activate your comms! Batman should have the towers set up by now!” Green Arrow called. Always a cool head during a crisis.

“Green Arrow online and ready to help!”

“The Flash ready to help!”

“Kid Flash ready to help!”

“Arsenal ready to help!”

“Welcome to the Gotham everyone! I wish it was under better circumstances! Flash, Kid, we need you getting the National Guard across the river as fast as possible, they are waiting at the third bridge. Every soldier you get across take a civilian across the water in return!” Robin called over the radio as the Bat-Wing Jet flew over head.

“Arrow, Arsenal! We need you to head over to forty fifth and help the MCU with the riots and Black Gate convicts there. They already know to look for you!” Robin called over the radio.

“We read you! Heading out!” Green Arrow called, he took a moment to nod at Flash, and Kid. They nodded back and zipped off. Arsenal pulled his bow out and looked at Arrow. They nodded and headed towards their mission assignments.


A Saurus Warrior cleared the last room and burst into Illusion Domain particles. Saurian had finished putting the family back together and brought them back with Kiss of the Grave. All of them! Though the family was incredibly confused as to what happened all they knew was Wraith had rescued them and returned their lost daughter to them. Saurian cast Renew on the apartment building before he left. Then he moved back into the street. Block by block, inch by bloody inch.

Unlike the movies when the hero moves through the streets, and the criminals come at them one by one. That didn't happen with Saurian, most of the time they just ran from him. A towering lizard wraith that electrified dozens of people, and ripped others limb from limb? Saurian trotted through the Narrows on all fours, electricity danced off of him when ever he came near a convict. He restored and healed any ally he came across. The manifested Saurus Warriors sent in reports that his Virtual Intelligence tech-spirit categorized and gave in bullet points to him.

Saurian took a moment and looked up at the sky, storm clouds rolled in and it began to rain over Gotham. Lighting cracked across the sky, followed by crashing thunder. The rain fell across his scaled face, water droplets collected and poured down across his armor. He felt his Intermediate Natural Energy Absorption begin to absorb the essence of the rain.

“Thank you....” Saurian said softly. Saurian opened his yellow and green reptilian eyes as he went back into the fight. An ear piecing screech came down from the skies and Saurian jumped to the side as Danger Sense activated. Boom! An explosion of shrapnel and debris rocked the area.

“Wow! You are pretty nimble for a big guy!” A man in a mechanical main in a suit said. He had black metal with yellow orange glowing lights on his hands, feet, and what looked like a...Oh its Firefly a C ranker Villain.

“Fuck off Firefly! I don't have the time to deal with a C ranker like you!” Saurian called out.

“C...C rank!? I am Firefly! You talking iguana!” Firefly shouted in rage, he took aim at Saurian then LIGHTING struck Firefly from the sky not once, but three times! Firefly fell to the earth in charred pieces.

“I told him!” Saurian said, then he turned around and head towards another section of The Narrows.

Congratulations User! You've defeated another Gotham City Sup...Well he was a villain!

Reward: Experience has been added to your skill Science.

“Mommy! Daddy! Where are you?!” A child's voice called out ahead of Saurian.

He turned his head and looked at a eight or ten year old little girl in her pj's. She held a stuffed teddy bear in her arms. She looked cold and wet in the falling rain. Saurian raced towards her when he was with in twenty feet of her he activated Insight. Saurian then jumped into the air and activated Gravity Stride's ability to increase his overall weight and body slammed into the little girl who turned into wet clay...Literally! The wet clay pulled apart, flowed across the ground and combined back into a ten foot monstrosity made out of clay.

Name: Clay Face

Title: Man with out a face.

Origin: Mundane. Sub-Origin: Meta-Gene.

Rank: C

Skills: See tool tip.

Domains: N/A

Disposition: Hostile

Comments: He is made from living organic clay. He has nothing against Wraith personally, he is just a job!

“How did you know it was me?” Clay Face's bubbly and inhuman voice sounded. As his body became rock hard, spiked clubs came from his hands.

Saurian hugged the ground and sprinted towards him! Clay Face smiled and brought his spiked club down but was confused when he saw a smile on Saurian's face. BAM! As the spiked club slammed into Saurian, he caught it! Then Clay Face felt the horrible sensation of his body slowly turning into stone and out of his control!

“You want to know how? I have a talent for manipulating elements of earth. Clay is another one of those elements. I don't know why you took a job to kill me, Mr. Karlo but you made a mistake when you did!” Saurian's voice growled out each word.

“No! No! Stop it! Stop it!” Clay Face screamed in horror as his body slowly grew rock solid.

Saurian cast Material Shaping, and the spell Burning. Soon he had a giant stone blob of nothing in particular. Then he cast Decomposition on it. The clay turned into ash and just like that Clay Face aka Basil Karlo was no more. Saurian didn't feel bad about him, or Firefly. Sherogoth's blessing screamed at him to kill them both. They had done horrible things in their lives.

Congratulations User! You've defeated another Super-Villain of Gotham!

Reward: Size Alteration: The ability to shift from large to small! Allowing you to grow as tall as a building or a small as an ant. Your overall body weight is also effected making you just as heavy as your current mass. Will use Skill energy instead of Magical energy. Grows with time.

That will be useful Saurian thought. If his magic was ever taken from him he could still adjust his size and he could now reduce his weight so he wouldn't break things just because he stood on it, thought he would still have to adjust his armor. Size Alteration activated in conjunction with Basic Adaptation Saurian felt lighter, more flexible, and faster. He pulled his spell Reduce off his body but not his armor this would save him magical energy. This was a very good skill! Maybe in the future when the skill evolves he could live out his dream of Godzilla?

Machine gun fire brought Saurian back to 'reality' and he sprinted towards the sound. He came to an open square in the Narrows. It was suppose to be a festival grounds for future events. Dozens of civilians huddled behind barricades as men with tactical gear and above average weapons fired from a fortified position. Saurus Warriors raced towards the position and burst into particles every time they were hit with more then a few bullets. Their overall life and durability were about as much as an average human. A lot better than they were before!

Saurian who now stood at eight feet tall and sixteen feet long sprinted across the square towards barricade doubled his weight capacity and slammed through the barricade like it was made out of tissue paper! The gunmen and a few gunwomen flew into the air and what goes up has to come down. They slammed into the ground as bones snapped from the force. Saurian snagged one and pulled their mask off. The mask was in the shape of a skull.

“Are you fucking kidding me!? Black Mask is a millionaire! Why are you people here!” Saurian shouted at the gunmen in his claws. He used Commanding Presence the man clearly tried to resist but didn't have the mental resistance level.

“We....Go where we are ordered to! The Boss....Plans to kill the Bat why the city is in chaos!” The man ground his teeth so hard they cracked. Saurian sent an electrical shock through him, and the rest. As much as he wanted to kill them, they didn't have a high enough taint. Guns for hire.

Illusion Domain Spell Manifestation: Create an illusion that is both alive and not. Both real and also a fake. This allows you to make something from a combination of spells that you have used repeatedly in order to create your Saurus Warriors. Now instead of casting several spells at once you cast one. Though the magical energy consumption is the same, it saves time! The spell will also level and evolve allowing for more creations and better power consumption.

Six Saurus Warriors appeared in front of Saurian. Standing at six feet, and twelve feet long. They wore basic studded leather armor along with their natural scaled hide. Small skull crests promoted their overall age, and experience which was zero! They stood at attention and slammed their fists over their hearts in salute.

“Secure Arkham!” Saurian told him.

They turned on their heels, dropped to all fours, and sprinted towards that direction. Saurian took a moment to recast Manifestation on all active Warriors in the Narrows. They functioned far better with the single spell. Seemed he could only cast Manifestation on his Warriors for now. Well it was an over powered spell.

“Wraith!” A man behind him called. Saurian turned and saw a GCPD officer walk up in his navy blue uniform. He was drenched because of the rain. He looked miserable.

“Officer Rogers! Thank you for being out here to help. I appreciate it.” Saurian said, after he read his name tag.

“It's my job sir! Do you know if any help is on the way?” Office Roger asked. Saurian took a moment and cast Connectivity. Saurian grinned after a few seconds and nodded his head.

“Yes help as arrived in Gotham, though it should be another hour before they reach The Narrows.” Saurian replied. The officer visibly relaxed at the news.


Arcane energy flashed through the room and with an audible pop! The spell circles dropped back into the portal nexus in the Warden HQ. Wonder Woman along with two dozen Amazons, and Dia Nyx stood in the middle of the circle along with a mage. Once the all clear was given they stepped off the portal only to see it activate the moment they stepped off. More travelers inbound.

Wonder Woman stood in full hoplite heavy armor, as did her sisters. Studded leather on their legs, and arms. With a breast plate for their chest, and helmet with horse hair standing on end. Magical runes carved into the edges of each piece of armor made them all enchanted to resistant damage, reduce weight, and provide strength. Dia had the block cloth skin tight suit and armor on that Warden Lash had made for her. A Warden logistic member pulled them from the room and gave them a brief on the situation in Gotham.

The Portal activated once again and with a flare and a pop! Stood 6' 5” man with jet black hair cut short, pale skin, with rippling muscles contained in a red skin tight suit with a golden lighting bolt on his chest, and white half cape on his back. Shazam stepped off the portal with almost kid like excitement.

“Just keep breathing nice and slow, Billy. You can do this!” He muttered to himself as another Warden logistics attendant pulled him away.

The portal nexus activated again and spit out Zatanna. She wore black high heels, fish net stockings, tuxedo white top with black vest, a half tuxedo coat, a top hat that a stage magician would often wear. The outfit looked incredibly seductive as it hugged her hourglass figure. Her raven black hair was pulled back and pinned into place so it wouldn't fly everywhere. After she got a basic brief from the logistical personal she cast 'Noitaivivel' and flew straight towards Gotham.

Gotham City was on fire, the storm clouds that over hung across the city did little to hide that fact. Dozens of Warden/ UNWS vehicles drove straight towards the city from the Warden HQ. Any one capable of flight flew straight there, everyone else got in a transport. Military jet fighters flew over head for reconnaissance missions but then made emergency maneuvers as SAM (Surface-to-air) missiles locked on their positions. Two out of the five jets were shot down, luckily the pilots ejected before they blew up. Who ever took sieged Gotham went all out!


A stone wall at Arkham asylum fell to pieces as giant reptilian warriors burst through with military precision and lethality! Six Saurus Warriors brought several inmates to the floor, broke bone and tore muscle. Brutal efficiency used to incapacity them. The manifested warriors had the overall super rank of F+. Though they didn't have access to any of their creators magic they did have many of their creators skills. They spoke in guttural and broken English, and communicated long distance through Telepathy. They obtained security access with the help of Aaron Cash. Who was more then happy to help the big talking lizards!

Saurian spent a little more time in the Narrows as he round up the last on the inmates, and killed a few that needed killing. He repaired what he could so the Narrows would have basic amenities before he left and went to Arkham. Arkham asylum had been rebuilt thanks to Wayne Industries a combination of stone and metal. It stood like a monument to all of humanities sins. He checked in with his warriors as they gave an all clear in their respective area's.

“Been a while Mr. Wraith!” Aaron Cash called from a rise two levels up. Aaron despite the situation looked well. Built like a line backer, he wore a riot tactical suit that was unfortunately common in Arkham. He still had both of his hands, hazah!

“That it has, Mr. Cash.” Saurian called as he walked straight up the wall with Gravity Stride and came to meet him.

“That is a neat trick! How are the Narrows?” Cash asked, as he watched Saurian walk up the wall and come to stand next to him.

Saurian looked down at Cash as he was taller than him. Saurian still wore the Wraith disguise, appearance was important. The shroud covered him from head, to half to his tail. Part of his snout, hands, feet, and tail painted with pure black ink. His yellow and green reptilian eyes looked Cash over then he cast his Nature Domain spells on him to help him recover. This time Cash did not fall over into a puddle of pleasure. It appeared that effect only happened in a relaxed environment. Something Lash and Saurian both believed was a product of their Cosmic Patron.

“The Narrows are more or less secured, however more then half of the inmates escaped over the bridges into the rest of Gotham. As soon as we finish securing Arkham we'll be leaving to help the rest of the city. Thank you for helping our people.” Saurian replied to Cash.

“Ah! Of course! Thought I think they would have just tore the doors down if I hadn't given them the keys. Do you know how this happened? Five minutes before the power cut out every door and security measure in all of Arkham went green and opened up! Its thanks to Wayne Industries that we also have manual locks in place. I thought it was a hassle at first but I understand now why they have double locks in place!” Cash said. He looked a lot healthier and energized after the Nature Spells. But the trauma of the escape definitely left its mark. Cash had seen a lot of his friends get torn apart.

“The exact how and why is still unclear. Though Edward Nygma does have the brains to pull this off. He doesn't have the resources to do it.” Saurian said.

“Cash, with the computers down do you have a hard copy of all the most...Dangerous convicts of Arkham?” Saurian asked. Cash nodded and brought him inside to the main security office.

Along the way Saurian repaired certain section of Arkham and restored power to the monolith of sin! Then he retrieved a list: Penguin, Riddler, Scarecrow, Two Face Mr. Freeze, Mad Hatter, Rag Doll, and the Joker....Fuck. With the help of his manifested warriors they double checked the cells in Arkham the only person who didn't leave was Mr. Freeze aka Victor Fries. He stayed in his cell and continued to work on his wife. Saurian went down to see him, curious to know what his story was.

It was below freezing in this part of Arkham. Cash stayed outside the cell/lab. Bruce Wayne gave special dispensation to Victor Fries to continue his research to find a cure for his wife's rare blood disease. As long as Victor promised to share all his work with Wayne Tech. Victor didn't care, he just wanted to save his wife! Saurian walked into the lab quiet as a mouse, his Winter Knight blessing protecting him from the cold.

Victor's wife sat in a cryo tube suspended in animation. She was an other worldly beauty pale and beautiful as an ice sculptor. She wore a long billowing blue dress that covered her from neck to ankle, but was sleeveless. The monitors attached to the machine continued to work. Seemed Victor took extra precautions and shielded his wife's cryo tube in the event an EMP may occur. Thoughtful!

“Her name is Nora. She would love to meet you. An alien from the stars!” A cold voice spoke behind him. Saurian looked back and saw that Victor was just out of reach of his tail. Smart.

Victor was 6' 2” with pale snow skin, ice blue eyes, bald, and wore a lab technician uniform. He looked Saurian up and down with a critical eye of a scientist that wanted to dissect something. Saurian didn't take it personally, the fact that he could stand in the cold with no ill effect made Victor excited! Saurian looked back at Nora and smiled.

“Take her out...I'll fix her for you.” Saurian said... Snap! The pencil in Victor's hand snapped in half as he hand clenched into a fist.

“What did you say?” Victor said.

“Do you have a blood sample of hers? I'll show you.” Saurian said as he turned around. He used Size Alteration and became more optimal to working in a lab. More into a man-lizard hybrid. Why was Saurian wasting time on Victor as Gotham burned? Because Mr Freeze was part of the Quest his Cosmic Patron gave him. One less villain is another check mark.

Victor hurried over and took out the blood samples and showed them to Saurian. He cast Panacea on the samples. Sure enough the disease disappeared completely. As Victor checked the samples Saurian looked him over, he reached out with his Transmutation Domain. He was disappointed to see that Victor's condition was not a disease. But he could still help him with it, if Victor agreed. Crash! The microscope shattered into pieces as it had been frozen solid. Victor sprinted towards his wife's cryo tube and prepared to pull her out of it.

“Wait.... We need to fix you first!” Saurian called out. Victor looked over at him, clearly confused.


Aaron Cash was confused and a little worried. It had been nearly an hour since Wraith went into see Victor. The ice man wasn't a bad guy! He had robbed several banks but never killed anyone. He just wanted to save his wife. Cash didn't hear any sounds of fighting, he wanted to go in but it was so damn cold in there. Plus one of the giant reptiles stood by his side and told him Wraith was fine. In his guttural voice that hurt his hears. Ouch! Cash never considered that it must be hell on Wraith to speak in English. These guys looked like baby versions of him but with out the nazgul disguise thing he had going. Then Cash noticed the ice around the cell door had started to melt. What the! That wasn't suppose to happen! The door creaked open, Wraith stepped out just as large as he was before. Behind him was a pale as ice man that wasn't Victor?! Who the hell is that! In his arms was a beautiful woman that looked around in curiosity.

“Mr. Cash! Hello!” Victor...or someone who looked similar to Victor called to him.

“Who are you!? What the fuck is going on!? Why is Miss Fries out of her cryo tube! Won't she die!” Cash's mind was trying to process the information.

“Remember what we talked about.” Saurian said to the man.

“I give you my word, thank you!” Victor that was not Victor said to Wraith.

“Mr. Cash, can you please ensure the safety of these two? I've spent to much time here already. No offense.” Wraith said to Cash.

“uuhhhh....Sure?” Cash said. Wraith nodded and took off down the hall. The reptile counter part nodded at Cash and left with Wraith.

“So....Are you..Victor?” Cash asked the man. The man smiled, and looked down at his wife who looked up at him with a grin.

“No....I'm not.” The man said.



Specific changes: Male, early thirties, white.

Effects: Retain all memory, muscle memory, instincts, and skills.

Effects: Human limited is removed, optimal setting is 10% above average human.

Effects: Meta-Gene activated, cryokinesis.

Comments: Mr. Freeze lives again as an ally! Good for you!

Congratulations User! You've turned Victor Fries into an ally, and saved his wife! You've completed another Gotham City villain quest objective set by your Cosmic Patron!

Reward: Minor Medicine has evolved into Basic Medicine

Reward: Science has evolved into Minor Science.

Saurian recalled his warriors from Arkham as they had finished clearing the Asylum almost an hour ago. With a pop of Illusion Domain particles the magical energy used to sustain them slowly started to refill. Saurian reached the courtyard and dropped to all fours and raced out across the bridge into the Narrows. He went to the three different bridges that connected between Narrows and the rest of Gotham. He made sure they were secure. Checked with the GCPD officers stationed there. Almost five hundred Arkham inmates were strung up with wire, rope, or were merged into the ground. They would stay there until peace was restored in the city.

Saurian went across the last bridge he checked and raced into the inner heart of Gotham. The storm was in full throttle at this point. A heavy down pour of rain fell across the city. Lighting repeatedly struck the lighting rods across the city. Bonfires roared as building were consumed in flame. Thousands of people were in the streets, looting, fighting, killing. Saurian slid to a stop, his claws carved across the wet pavement. He channeled his energy and cast Manifestation and created fifty Saurus Warriors.

“Secure the area!” Saurian called out, thanks to Virtual Intelligence, and Connectivity who helped with information processing. The warriors jumped into action. Saurian doubled checked to see if Dawn his Familiar necklace was there. She purred in his ears but stayed put around his neck.

Saurian tore off his Wraith disguise activated Size Alteration, and cast Enlarge. Soon he was twenty feet tall, and forty feet long. He let loose a roar that shook the unbroken glass windows in the area. Hundreds of people stood frozen in place at the sight of this towering Carnosaur.

“You have a choice! Surrender! Or suffer! Now choose!” Saurian called out! The lighting cracked across the sky above him as if to emphasize his point. This towering monster with his glowing eyes stared down at the rioters.

“HOLY SHIT RUN!” Some one said and the crowd scattered like roaches with the light turned on.

“WRONG ANSWER!” Saurian roared! He cast Mud Marsh and hundreds of people fell into a marsh that was a road moment ago. Despite the wide area effect of the spell, Mud Marsh didn't take a lot of energy to use.

The Saurus Warriors waded through the marsh as if it wasn't there. They begun to use Material Shaping to restrain violators. They could read sin just like their creator. Many of the rioters were just people who took advantage of the situation. But some of them were not, the warriors broke the tainted, and killed those with disgusting marks of sin around them. Saurian jumped across the area and slammed into the ground. He let loose a roar and used Intimidating Shout. Then processed as many as he could find.

The screech of tires moving at high speed raced towards the assault on the rioters. Armored SUV's zipped as fast as possible towards Saurian's position. People in combat suits poked their heads out and began to fire small arms, RPG's, and mini guns from the top of the cars at the giant carnosaur. Saurian snarled in rage as he saw the combatants had black skull masks. The manifested warriors pulled their prisoners up and out of the way as Saurian raced down the street. He lowered his head into ramming position as his skull crest and armor took the brunt of the damage!

“Playing chicken with me is a bad idea!” Saurian roared at them!

The SUV's barreled their way towards him. Three different mini guns shot armor piercing rounds into his skull crest. While rockets, and grenade launchers fired. Explosions shook the area, rioters were swallowed in the carnage as they tried to get out of the way. Then the SUV's hit the Mud Marsh. The front ends dove into the ground and the back end flipped over hard and fast. Several passengers who had been firing from the windows flew into the air.

Saurian raced across the marsh that had no effect on him. He shoulder charged a car and flipped it straight into another. The metal twisted together and the fuel tanks ignited, the explosion swallowed both cars and their passengers. Saurian roared in victory, and his warriors roared in return. They pushed forward as they dismantled the attackers, restrained the rioters, and removed any threats they found. The marsh soon returned to solid ground.

Saurian turned a street corner and saw a military pilot that hung from his parachute attached to a lamp post about twenty feet off the ground. People were throwing stones at him as he begged them to stop. Saurian snarled loudly and raced towards them. As the ground shook with every step the rioters eventually looked towards him and screamed in panic. They attempted to run away but soon found themselves wading through a swamp. Then dozens of reptilian warriors sprung up out of the swamp and captured them. Saurian came face to face with the pilot as he was tall enough to look at him. The pilot screamed for mercy!

“Soldier! I am Agent Wraith with the United Nations World Security! Please stop screaming!” Saurian said, his voice monstrous! He cast Calm Emotions on the pilot.

“Ah! Agent Wraith! Hello! Flight Officer, Lance. United States Air Force! Can you get me down?” Lance asked, Saurian easily cut him down and helped him to the ground floor. He then cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, Nature's Kiss, Fabrication and Alteration. He remade his flight suit to be a little more urban combat friendly.

“Did you get shot down?” Saurian asked.

“Yes, there was a SAM site set up in Gotham. My flight team didn't expect it. Can you please help me find my wingman?” Lance asked.

“Yes, but after that you'll guide me to the SAM site. We need to remove it!” Saurian easily agreed. He took a moment to pull scrap metal and car parts towards him and created a junkyard motorcycle so flight officer Lance could keep up with him.

Saurian reduced his size to ten by twenty, his tail was pretty long! He called his manifested warriors to his side. They ran as a pack with the pilot on the motorcycle towards the estimated point of rescue. Every few blocks a pair of warriors would break off and attend to the rioters still around. Saurian created a Temporary Pack Bond with pilot he didn't care about the after effects right now. They raced past burning cars, and buildings. The ground was littered with hundreds of bodies mangled by either being stepped on repeatedly, shot full of holes, or torn apart by the random inmates from Arkham. They turned a corner and came across the remains of the parachute but no pilot.

Lance pulled to a stop and got off the scrap motorcycle to look around, before he could even say anything Saurian had his nose pressed to the ground and began to use Magical Tracking or in this case just Tracking. Lance got back onto his bike and waited for only a few minutes until Saurian began to run ahead at an even fifteen miles per hour.

They came to a ruined and partially on fire building. The female pilot had been crucified and left to die. Saurian and his team raced over, his warriors secured the area while Saurian helped Lance pull his wingwoman down. Lance was frantic to pull her into his arms as he repeatedly called her name. Hanna.

“Hanna!...Hanna open your eyes! Please!” Lance called repeatedly.

“Pilot Lance give me a moment I can heal her.” Saurian said, as he cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss on Hanna.

She looked visibly better as the tiny 'robot's repaired her wounds. Even now Saurian made sure to keep up appearances even though he looked like a dinosaur in tech armor at the moment. Hannah took several gasping breaths, coughed and looked around. She looked around and saw Lance, when she did she smiled so wide it was clear they had more than just a professional relationship. Then she saw Saurian, she was about to scream but he cast Calm Emotions on her.

“Alright! Time to find the SAM site!” Saurian called them back into focus.

Lance insisted that Hanna share his bike with him. Which she refused when she found out that Saurian could make another one. Saurian said it would be safer to have two in case one is destroyed. With in a few minutes two repurposed motorcycles directed Saurian and his pack of manifested clones across the city towards the estimated SAM site. One by one Saurian recalled and absorbed his warriors. He needed the energy for what came next, he connected Hanna to their Temporary Pack Bond which now came with imprinted instructions due to either the skill leveling, or maybe a new tool tip? Saurian would have to ask Dawn later.

A couple of city blocks from the estimated site Saurian pulled them aside. He created keys for the motorcycles and gave them each one in case they needed to leave. Saurian had no intention of hiding them away and told them as such. Both of them were clearly happy to be involved! He cast Nature's Passage, Chameleon, and Invisibility on all three of them.

“This is so weird!” Lance said softly, as he followed behind Saurian. He and Hanna had a momentary freak out when they watched each other fade from sight. They could still see themselves though there was a soft film that covered them.

-It doesn't block sound, keep it down. Saurian called across the link.

Saurian had created a combat suit for Hanna before they drove over. Now both pilots had tactical gear on with sub-machine guns at the ready. They slipped around a ruined building and saw their objective. It looked like a forward operating base with the guards in military gear but the black skull masks gave them away. Several armored vehicles sat stationary with M61 Vulcan cannons on top ready to shred anything that came by. In the middle stood a mobile missile battery. Next to the missile battery was an odd sight. A lighting rod? Saurian narrowed his eyes at the sight.

Saurian doubted that Black Mask knew about his magic. But some one told him to deploy a lighting rod to prevent Wraith from calling lighting. His Nature Domain was magical but it still followed several laws of physics. Even if he conducted the lighting himself it would still naturally veer towards the rod. Saurian reached out with his Technomancy Domain and....Yep! The machines were warded. He would need to get closer to use Machine Control it wasn't leveled high enough yet.

Saurian turned around and grabbed Lance, and Hanna's weapons from them. They gave them up with out a complaint and watched in wonder as tiny 'robots' adjusted and turned them into electromagnetic rifles. Saurian imprinted the basic info about the weapons to them. Skill Trainer, Crafting, and Artist oddly got experience.

Electromagnetic Rifle, made from base components and a magical battery!

Rating: C+

Effect: Armor piercing.

Effect: Durable.

Effect: Pulse battery, and lead slab ammunition.

Effect: Steady aim, less recoil.

Effect: One clip, one thousand rounds.

Comments: This is a science fiction gun made with magic!

Saurian then handed them one spare clip each. Lance and Hanna looked wide eyed at the rifle. They held it carefully afraid they would break it even though a tank could roll over it and it would still work. Saurian made them both simple side arms, and three clips each. Both were standard issue.

-I've left a mark on both these weapons. When this is all over I will take them back. If you are ordered to give them over by a superior officer do so. But tell who ever takes them what I just said. Saurian said across the link. They both swallowed and nodded.

Saurian slipped into the ground with Earth Swim and disappeared from sight. He told them to start firing as soon he got one of the APC's down. They were extra careful as Saurian found several land mines and been drilled and bolted into the ground. He slipped under one of the APC's pressed his palm to the metal and activated Machine Control any one with Magical Perception would see blue circuit lines pass over the APC. The driver, and gunner lost control and couldn't call for help as the vulcan cannon swiveled and unloaded into another APC. Then from the side automatic electromagnetic fire rained down.

“HOLY SHIT!” Hanna cried out in surprise! Lance was right there with her. Invisibility turned snapped off but Chameleon was still active as magnetically propelled bullets tore through the APC's armor like tissue paper.

The Black Masks soldiers raced out and turned into swiss cheese as Saurian's vulcan cannon tore them apart. From start to finish the whole shooting gallery lasted less then three minutes. Lance and Hanna looked out across the battle field, both a little pale. The APC's were full of holes, their crew dead. Saurian had tore guidance system out of the missile battery the SAM site was taken care of. Saurian came back over to the two.

“Do you understand why I can't let you keep those weapons?” Saurian asked.

“Yes sir!” Lance said, he looked a little green as the blood and viscera started to drain from the ACP's. Hanna didn't wait and threw up then and there. Being a recon pilot they both no strangers to carnage. But being in the thick of it and flying over head was different.

Saurian took a moment to physically interface with the machines there. He found the warding runes and removed them. He then used Connectivity and found the locations of every SAM site in Gotham. Then he did something he hadn't done yet but should have done from the start. He connected to the Justice League communication line.


“Superman! How is the North West evacuation going?” Robin asked from the Bat-Wing as it continued on an auto pilot route around Gotham. Batman had left several hours ago to track down Edward Nygma. The Bat-Wing had stealth and anti missile lock on software that kept Robin hidden. So he could play over watch and coordinator for the League.

“I'm almost done! Just another three hundred civilians to go!” Superman's voice called over the communication line.

“Lantern, any luck locating the other missile sites?” Robin asked.

“No such luck, it's like they are camouflaged with some sort of stealth tech. I would have to physically be on the ground to see them.” John Steward the Green Lantern replied.

“Aquaman, Aquawoman how many more under water mines are left?” Robin went down the check list.

“Still about two hundred or so. Fuck there is a lot down here!” Arthur called over the radio.

“Yes, this seems a little excessive.” Mera agreed.

“Wonder Woman how is the fight in the East district?” Robin tried to ask. Bullets and explosions rang out across the comm link so he tried to filter out the noise.

“We are still in battle Robin! The Black Mask soldiers fight with reckless abandonment! As if they fear no death. The drug Venom courses through their veins as well. It is proving...Difficult!” Wonder Woman called across the line.

“Green Arrow here! Arsenal and I have finished in our mission, waiting new assignment!” Arrow called.

“Hello everyone! It seems you are all working in harmony together.” A gruff animalistic voice called over the communication line.

“Wraith!? Where are you!” Several people shouted.

“Business first. Robin I am sending the remaining SAM site locations scattered through out Gotham. They do have a stealth field that blocks you from seeing them from the air. Each one is guarded by several APC's with M61 Vulcan Cannons, and dozens of Black Mask soldiers. The Narrows and Arkham are secured. Or were last time I was there which was a little over an hour ago. I am located on the South East side of Gotham. I have two fighter pilots here with me that were shot down. They are both alive and well. I'm heading to the nearest SAM site unless you have another assignment for me. Agent Robin?” Wraith said across the line, a new IFF tag appeared on Robin's map.

“Everyone! I am sending you the coordinates to the SAM sites. If you are not in the middle of an assignment go there now! Once the skies are clear we can call in air transport for the civilians and soldiers. Shazam! Zatanna! You are the closest to Wraith head to the SAM site location and destroy it! Report back as soon as you can!” Robin handled the situation with ease and a cool head!

“I read you, heading over!” Shazam replied.

“Loud and clear, heading over!” Zatanna said into her ear piece.

“I don't know if this has been said already, and it will not be the last time it is said. But, thank you all for coming to help with Gotham.” Wraith said across the line.

Several voices called out across the line and confirmed Wraith's words. Pleasantries were exchanged. The line was suppose to be kept clear of banter but no one complained for a few minutes. It was three in the morning and the storm clouds were still thick in the sky above, a bit of playful banter was a welcome reprieve. When the sun rose in a few hours it would still be night in Gotham thanks to the weather.

“Alright everyone! Back to work! We have a city to save!” Robin called across the communications line. Everyone sent a confirmation and they went to work.


Saurian along with his two companions raced towards the next SAM site. Shazam, and Zatanna were bogged down as they helped civilians in danger. Saurian wouldn't admonish them for it. It was what the Justice League was suppose to do. Just like last time Saurian had Lance and Hanna stow the motorcycles to the side a few city blocks before the SAM site. Saurian found a shooting position for Lance, and Hanna.

-If your uncomfortable with killing you can just preform covering fire. Don't push yourselves. Saurian said across the link.

-No! We are soldiers and this our job. We'll deal with it! Hanna said. Lance agreed.

Saurian swam through the ground once more and discovered that this camp was a little different. The landmines weren't warded. So he reached out with his Technomancy and fused the trigger mechanism so they wouldn't fire. Road construction is expensive inside the city! The APC's were the same formation as before. The soldiers walked in the same patrol route. It was almost comical how it was the same here. So much so that Saurian spent another twenty minutes double checking everything, it felt like a trap. Turned out it was trap! There were several Vulcan turrets in the buildings nearby. He sent a notice to his two companions. They shifted position so they wouldn't come under fire.

Saurian swam through the ground to each APC and focused his Technomanacy energy into the ward rune until it shorted out. An audible POP! Rang out the area for each one, the guards went onto high alert. Then just like a bad joke, Shazam and Zatanna turned the corner flying free and clear in the middle of city streets with no cover. The cannons on the ACP's and turrets in the buildings all swiveled and started to shoot.

“Zatanna get down!” Shazam yelled out, he used the speed of Mercury from his name sake. Then became a shield for Zatanna who was taken by surprise as hundreds of rounds unloaded onto their position.

“Dleihs!” Zatanna called out as a magical shield sprung to life.

But the cannons chewed through it as it was fueled by her focus and magical energy. With in moments it was shattered! Zatanna let out a scream as the black lash from the spell ripped through her. Shazam dove to the ground with Zatanna in his arms. His back became a bloody mess as the bullets tore through his flesh. Then one by one each of the ACP's began to fire on the turrets in the windows, then on each other. Shazam's body healed slowly, it held up really well for having over five hundred rounds shot into it. Zatanna was half dead in his arms, he looked at her with worry.

“So explain this to me...Why did you two decide to fly straight towards the SAM site that was heavily guarded with no cover, and no plan?” Saurian said to them as he rose up from the ground.

Shazam saw Wraith for the first time, his jaw dropped at how bad ass the giant lizard looked in his rad leather and metal armor. He would totally geek out if he wasn't in tremendous pain. Saurian raised his hands up and cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss. Shazam healed completely as his super suit began to repair itself with magic. Zatanna regained color in her skin and sat up on her own with Shazam's help.

“So, I'll ask again. Why did you two race towards the SAM site straight down the middle of the street as if you expected an easy fight?” Saurian said, as he stared down at them both. Shazam felt like he was talking to Batman! Like Wraith was larger than life it self.

“We....Didn't...” Zatanna stuttered and stopped. She realized she had screwed up.

“Ah! Neither of you know what a M61 Vulcan cannon is...Do you?” Saurian asked. Shazam and Zatanna both shook their head in a clear no.

“Then it is my fault for not properly giving the correct information.” Saurian's voice was far softer when he said that. An invisible pressure that neither Shazam or Zatanna could understand seem to evaporate with his words.

“Come on! I'll give you a run down and introduce you to Lance and Hanna.” Saurian said as he offered them both a hand up.

Saurian used Manifestation and created pairs of Warriors to clear the nearby buildings for any other soldiers. He brought Shazam, and Zatanna to meet Hanna, and Lance. Both sides didn't really know what to make of each other. Shazam and Zatanna expected a special operations team to be with Saurian. Not two pilots, though their gear was nice. Hanna and Lance looked confused at the sight of a stage magician woman, and giant man in a red suit with golden lighting that seem to dance around his body?

Saurian took a moment to leave a telepathic imprint on the two 'heroes' what a M61 Vulcan cannon was and what it could do! Saurian's Skill Trainer skill got experience from the imprint. Zatanna visibly paled at the information and Shazam belittled himself for being such a...'noob'? It was that moment that Saurian remembered that Shazam was actually a ten year old with Solomons wisdom! Foresight didn't activate and Saurian didn't want to waste his energy on Cosmic Awareness so he let it slide for now.

“Let me check in with Robin. Then we'll move to the next site together, and with a plan. Agreed?” Saurian said to them. They nodded in understanding. He cast Connectivity as Zatanna prepared several spells, and Shazam started to talk to the pilots about what its like to fly with out a plane.

One by one the SAM sites fell to the Justice League. Saurian and his team took out two more before there none left to destroy. Saurian had to physically pull Shazam to the ground more then once for wanting to fly off with zero plan, and zero awareness! Turned out Shazam for the most part had stayed in Philadelphia and just stopped petty crimes. This was his first real war zone. He was use to the bad guys only having small arms. Which did nothing to him. Zatanna was far more level headed and listened to every word Saurian said. Skill Trainer kept getting experience prompts as Saurian taught not only the two heroes but the pilots on different skills.

Zatanna, and Shazam both obtained the skill Team Work they learned organically and in the moment. Since Saurian didn't force feed the skill into them it would level naturally. He had pulled them both into his Temporary Pack Bond along with Lance and Hanna. Both them had been confused at first but Saurian said they could talk about it later. They had both felt their power levels increase if only a little.

“Agent Wraith! Hello!” A soldier ran up to them out of no where. He was a tall, strong, and sturdy black man. But he had no weapon in hand. Saurian took a look at him and smiled wide. Which look really sinister on a reptilian predators face.

-Manhunter, nice to meet you in person. Saurian said through Telepathy.

The soldier froze in place as he stared wide eyed at Saurian. Then a smiled bloomed on his face, his disguise was pulled down and he became the seven foot tall Martian Manhunter. Green skin, red eyes, bald head. Baldies unite! Navy blue cape, black combat outfit with red X across his chest. No tights! Saurian batted Lance and Hanna's weapon down and pegged them with a stare

“You follow a shape shifting reptile around for the past few hours and you freak out about him?” Saurian said in accusation. The pilots looked down, clearly embarrassed. Manhunter laughed, his voice was deep and oddly soothing.

-Worry not Wraith. I am use to it. I have to say it is nice to meet another telepath. Communication will be so much easier. Manhunter said across the link.

Saurian pulled Manhunter into the Temporary Pack Bond, Manhunter actually understood what it was right from the start! He was astonished, this was something practiced on his home world with the Warrior Priests of Ma'aleca'andra. They could combine the minds of their brothers and sisters to strengthen them for a fight. That was kinda what he had done. So, Saurian didn't correct him. Manhunter told the rest of the 'team' the benefits of the melding.

The team continued to work through out Gotham City. They put out fires, saved civilians, repaired broken buildings. Well Saurian did that last part, the others just watched. They slowly made there way towards the East district. Most of the fighting against Black Mask's soldiers happened there. Their team kept collecting over flow. But they started to see people with wide joker grins that laughed with out end. Pale skin, blood shot eyes, blood that covered their mouths and hands. Civilians that had been infected with Joker venom. But something felt off about them. Saurian reached into his Grave Domain and snarled in fury! This was magic, some one had combined Joker venom and necromancy.

“What the fuck are these things?” Lance asked as he shot another zombie in the head with his rifle.

“Zombies....” Zatanna said in barely a whisper. She shuddered in disgust.

“Zombies!? Like the walking dead variety? Or the disease kind?” Hanna asked pale with fright.

“Joker Venom was used to kill them. So we'll place them under disease.” Saurian said out loud. But he sent a Telepathic message to Zatanna and Shazam to remember Warden law between Mundanes and Super-Naturals. Shazam was new to the world but understood the message, Zatanna sent an acknowledgment.

“Wraith. I've read the reports of your species technology. Can you do anything for them?” Manhunter asked. Saurian wasn't sure if Mars had magic or not. Some comic origins said it was practiced, others not. But J'onn was never a practitioner though he did understand it if he came from a magical world.

“I can prevent the spread of the disease. But they are dead no matter what I do.” Saurian called out.

Saurian reached out and cast Unburden from the Grave Domain. Hundreds of joker zombies dropped like puppets who's strings had been cut. Then he cast a wide area effect spell of Panacea the disease was pulled from the area. The green smog that hung in the air faded from sight like morning fog. Saurian took a moment to create hazmat gear for the group, or rather just Lance and Hanna. Shazam and Zatanna created a spell barrier around themselves. Manhunter said he would be immune to it...Maybe?

They traveled for another thirty minutes the sounds of battle became louder, and louder. The ground shook with every explosion! They team began to jog forward, while Lance and Hanna drove they didn't fly into danger as Saurian repeatedly had to stop Shazam from rushing forward! More then once giant venom zombie creatures dropped from rooftops, and sprung from wreckage to attack.

Saurian adjusted his size to be his towering Carnosaur form and ripped the giant ghouls to shreds. Lance and Hanna played little more then covering fire, as the bullets went straight through the creatures but didn't drop them even if shot in the head. It was discovered that Unburden only worked on the low level zombies. While the larger ones had to be smashed before he cast his magic. Shazam zipped out like a loaded gun and smashed them all with his lighting. Zatanna stuck in the back and played support with her magic. Manhunter shape shifted into a giant monster like Saurian and ripped the creatures apart.

“Yeaaaaaaaah!” A valiant roar called from above as woman with eagle wings flew down and slammed her two handed mace into a giant joker ghoul.

“We have come to aid you in battle!” As a man with eagle wings flew down and struck down another ghoul.

Hawkman and Hawkwoman both wore a mix of form fitting flight suits adorned with plate armor. They both had hawk style helmet/masks that revealed only their mouths. The Thannagar crest on their chest plates as well as the belt buckles. Giant tech organic eagle wings flapped as they were attached to them. Hawkman was 6' 2” while Hawkwoman was an even 6'. Both of them had athletic figures and strong bodies. Saurian's hands itched! He wanted to touch the metal of their maces as soon as possible so he could copy it and start to make it. In his opinion Nth metal was more valuable then Orichalcum! The battle soon came to an end, Saurian and Manhunter reduced their size and shapes to talk to their team.

“Hawkman, Hawkwoman. Thank you for the help! May I ask a small favor of you?” Saurian asked.

“You may ask!” Hawkman said with a smile. He spoke loudly with his hands on his hips. Hawkwoman rolled her eyes and pushed him off his balance. Hawkman faltered for a moment but only winked at his wife.

“May I touch your mace, I don't need to hold it. I just need to touch it to complete an experiment.” Saurian asked. The entire team looked at him in confusion.

“Of...Course....I guess.” Hawkman held up his mace. Saurian could tell he was disturbed by the request. Saurian touched the mace head, and shivered in delight as his Shaper Title and Material Shaping skill activated. He pulled his clawed hand back with a smile on his face.

“That is rather a unique metal. I take it is not from Earth?” Saurian asked as he began to look around on the ground. He picked up a piece of concrete and broke it down.

“No....Its made from a metal from our home world. It's called Nth metal.” Hawkwoman replied. Both Lance and Hanna looked up in surprise. More Aliens!?

“Tell me are there any laws against trafficking the metal off your world?” Saurian asked, as he held up a ten pound piece of concrete..

“We can't sell it to you if your wondering. But if you found any Nth metal on Earth it is of course yours to keep!” Hawkman said. He looked at Saurian with confusion.

“Wonderful! Then you wont mind if I make some!” Saurian used his Transmuter title effect for the day. Converted the ten pound piece of concrete in to a pure Nth metal ingot.

Despite the battle that raged not even a mile away. At that exact time and spot not a sound was heard as everyone stared at the Nth metal ingot that was in Saurian's clawed hands. Saurian grinned wide in satisfaction! Nth metal was fucking amazing in the comics! Though he was sure it would require a lot of experimentation and combination of other elements to get the full effect. But he could now combine Nth metal and Orichalcum together if he wanted too!

“W...w...Wraith....Can you replicate any metal you touch?” Hawkwoman asked softly.

“I have to understand what its made out of. But its not limited to metal.” Saurian said nonchalantly as he tried to put the ingot into his storage space....Success!

It would have been a perfect time for a tumble weed to roll by at that point. Everyone stared at Saurian like he was a golden goose sent from the heavens. Saurian clapped his hands to pull everyone out of their frozen state! He connected Hawkman and Hawkwoman into the Temporary Pack Bond then raced off towards the battle field. Saurian had slipped past a building before the group seem to realize time had continued. They broke into a dead run and went after him, Lance and Hanna followed on their motorcycles as they both questioned reality not for the first time since following Agent Wraith.


John Stewart the Green Lantern flew over the ruined east district of Gotham. It was a complete war zone as large caliber machine guns fired at him, along with tank shells, and missiles. Something was different about these weapons! Maybe it was the fact that his Green Lantern Ring that can usually block blaster fire from a star ship kept shaking? Maybe it was because Superman more then once was blasted to the ground and yelled in pain? Maybe it was because the Amazons kept shouting at them both to stop flying straight into fire? John wasn't sure! He was a stubborn man but he wasn't stupid. He took cover behind a ruined building and helped Superman to his feet.

The man of steel's blue suit was in tatters! Scorch marks on his skin that slowly healed. John had seen the Kryptonian take repeated tank, and missile fire from armies! The man of steel would just stand there and take it. What was so different about this situation! Wonder Woman raced to their sides, she didn't fly as she would be a sitting duck in the air. Mortar fire rained down from above. John created a green barrier to cover them. The barrier cracked but didn't break.

“What kind of weapons are they using!” John asked to anyone that could answer.

“They are spell enchanted rounds. Every single one of them!” Wonder Woman said with gritted teeth. Spell enchanted rounds!? John may have been a man of science but magic was not unheard of on Oa. It was a required Green Lantern class on the planet.

“Why do Black Mask soldiers have spell enchanted ammunition? I thought they was classified as a mundanes on Earth?” Superman asked, clearly just as surprised as John.

“I don't know! We can't contact anyone outside, there is interference along the communication relay. Otherwise.....” Wonder Woman was cut off when a roar shook the whole area.

They all suddenly felt invigorated and ready to fight. Every allied combatant looked over and saw a giant carnosaur sprint across the field and shoulder charge into an APC. The monster flipped the vehicle over and sent it into a tank, the explosion was incredible and surprising to both sides. Hundreds of Saurus Warriors sprinted behind the carnosaur from the city streets and rushed the firing line. All weapons fire abruptly changed towards this new threat. Then a voice sounded off in their heads.

-I'll run interference! Move in! Wraith called in their heads.

No shouts rang out! No battle charge, or war horn! That would ruin the surprise. The Justice League along with every soldier mundane or magical raced across the field towards the firing line. Then at the last hundred feet Wonder Woman sounded the charge with a triumphant yell of courage. The Black Masks soldiers reacted almost like slow witted robots, as if they were not really aware of the situation they had fallen into!


Saurian picked up a tank and used it as a shield. Not only was the ammunition enchanted so was the vehicle armor! The sight of a carnosaur using a tank like a shield was an entertaining sight to a few individuals. Saurian created hundreds simple Phantasms of his warriors to run distraction. Yes they exploded into light after a single bullet. But a distraction was all they were!

“What happened to fighting smart and thinking with our heads!” Shazam shouted as he flew over and hide behind the tank.

“Do you see me covered in wounds, Agent Shazam?” Saurian asked with a grin on his face. Shazam wanted to refute him but realized he was right. Saurian slammed the tank into the ground then pulled scrap metal and ruined stone towards their position he made a forward bunker in a few seconds!

“Noitcetorp morf selitcejorp” Zatanna called as she flew over. Suddenly several missiles and mortars in mid flight towards the newly constructed bunker veered off as if they had been blown away by a fierce wind. They exploded several hundred feet from the bunker.

“Thank you Agent Zatanna!” Saurian called out. He knelt down and bowed his head as he concentrated to produce hundreds of living Phantasms. Saurus Warriors popped into existence around him and sprinted towards the battle line.

Lance and Hanna jumped, and sprinted across the field far quicker then normal humans should be able to. The glow of Cat's Grace on them, Manhunter followed behind them just in case but was surprised at the technological boon that Wraith had given them. Hawkman and Hawkwoman stuck close to the ground as they flew. They had seen several anti-air gun placements, they didn't want to get shot down. Then a flash of lighting zipped by and there stood Green Arrow, Arsenal, The Flash, and Kid Flash at the improvised bunker.

“Hello! Wow nice place you have here! Should we be concerned that Wraith is replicating and sending little version of himself to die?” Flash asked, curious about the situation.

“He is creating holographic images of himself Flash. I have just never seen it done so fast before!” Manhunter said to him.

“Wait! I thought holographic images couldn't physically interact with the world around them? I just saw one of them tackle a soldier to the ground!” Arsenal asked.

That made everyone peek around the corner, sure enough the 'holographic' images were capable of interacting with the environment around them. Shazam and Zatanna smiled at each other knowing fell well what it truly was. Hawkman, and Hawkwoman began to suspect as Thanagar was no stranger to magic. Then Green Lantern flew over and greeted them.

“We need to move forward but we'll need to leave people to guard Wraith while he runs interference. Two of you stay behind and rest of you move up!” Green Arrow, Arsenal, volunteered to stay behind they were almost out of arrows. Lance and Hanna said they would stay as well. The rest of the group moved up at different times in attack waves.

“Who are you two by the way?” Arsenal asked, as he counted his arrows.

Arsenal wore a combination of red leather and combat gear. A little more modern day archer, as he had explosives, knives, even a hand crossbow. While Green Arrow went full on biker gang robin hood. With leather Kevlar with only arrows and darts for offensive measures. To each their own.

“Flight officer Lance, that is Flight officer Hanna. Wraith picked us up hours ago. Our planes were shot down by the SAM sites. He created some gear for us and we've been moving together ever since.” Lance replied as he checked the perimeter.

“Arrow, Arsenal here are more arrows.” Saurian's reptilian voice made everyone jump in surprise!

The Phantasms didn't make any noise when they moved. So Saurian was like a silent assembly line, the fact that he spoke so suddenly scared them. Green Arrow came over and found dozens of expertly crafted arrows for him and Arsenal. They sorted the equipment out and became fully stocked. Saurian reached out and connected every Justice League member with in twenty five miles that he knew of. The only people he didn't connect to was Batman, Robin, and Batgirl.

“Wraith!” A young woman's voice called out. Dia Nyx came over to the bunker with a few Amazons. She didn't stand on ceremony and walked over and hugged the giant carnosaurs...Leg?

“Wow, you got big! Been taking your vitamins have you?” Dia asked with a laugh.

“Good to see you as well, Agent Nyx” Saurian said with his eyes closed as he continue to create more Phantasms. The Amazons all greeted their brother which made a few people raise their brows at the title. Did Amazons have brothers?

Saurian reached out and cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, Nature's kiss, and Renew on everyone. So they were rested, armor, and weapons reforged and ready for battle. Saurian then stood up with a stretch. He told them it was time to move forward and make another bunker. For a moment the wave of Illusions stopped and Saurian with all that remained in the bunker sprinted forward.

More then half of the battle line of Black Mask soldiers had collapsed. Great chasms, and impact craters covered the ground as they raced up and over the landscape. Through ruined buildings, and broken roads they ran. The scattered remains of civilians had been charred black and near unidentifiable. With a final explosion the last soldier was slain and a triumphant cheer rang out across the battle field. Everyone stopped to take a breather except Saurian. He smelled something magical ahead he raced ahead and nearly disappeared from the sight of everyone. But Zatanna with Shazam trailed behind as they followed their 'team leader'.

Saurian used Size Alteration and cast Reduce for his armor. He was ten by twenty again as he stood before a colorful sign written in circus colors. 'JOKERS CARNIVAL' in bright letters hung above the gate. A reality warping bubble covered the entire carnival that prevented anyone from looking into it. A yellow brick paved road stretched out from the gate and ended just a few dozen feet from Saurian. There at front of the gate was hundreds maybe thousands of Joker zombies, ghouls, and clowns. All with a joker grin on their dead faces.

Congratulations User! Edward Nygma, The Riddler has been defeated by your allies! Though you were not present you indirectly played a part in his defeat! Another Gotham Villain has been removed from the quest your Cosmic Patron has given you.

Reward: Superhuman Intellect; This is a passive effect that helps any skill, ability, trait, and spell that requires processing power and memory. Total overall stat increase is 1% but grows with time!

“What is that?” Zatanna said as she landed next to Saurian. She took a step back and partially hid behind him. Shazam didn't hide but he wanted to when he landed near by.

“Its a reality warp. Something you learn from the Trickery Domain.” Saurian said. He knew that because Observant Learner kept sending prompts that he was learning Trickery.

The rest of the League showed up after about an hour. But Batman, Robin, and Batgirl were still missing. However, Saurian knew where they were. The interference over the battle field lifted, but the reality warp above the carnival persisted. Superman attempted to fly through the bubble but it rebounded him like an elastic rubber band and shot him straight into the ground. Miss Martian showed up next to her Uncle J'onn she was a little shorter then J'onn and martian green. Arthur and Mera showed up last.

“Batman, Robin, and Batgirl are inside. I can smell them.” Saurian said out loud.

“Then I guess this isn't over!” Green Lantern said.

“I'll need to come along. I'm the only here who knows the Trickery Domain.” Dia Nyx said out loud. A few people looked at her in confusion.

“Agreed. Though you will stay by my side. Understood!” Wonder Woman said. Nyx nodded in understanding.

Saurian cast a wide area effect of his Nature Domain spells on the whole group, along with the Amazons, soldiers, and a few Wardens he saw. A majority of the group saw the Wardens as UNWS. Saurian spent a few minutes visiting with them. He recast his Wraith shroud. Why? He wasn't sure why, but it felt important. Wonder Woman pulled out her sword and pointed at the carnival gates. As if on cue the zombie horde started to shamble towards them.

Congratulations User! You've obtained a new Domain!

Trickery: This Domain is a combination of Magic, and Divine. Often the Domain practiced by tricksters, pranksters, and chaotic Gods and Goddesses. It holds a host of useful spells, abilities, and reality warping abilities. Since you do not follow the path of a Trickery Deity this Domain will take longer to level and evolve. Spells will be few and far between. But you will have a natural understanding of spells, and resistance from Domains that are linked to this one.

Congratulations User! You've obtained the Achievement: 'Hi! I'm Jester!' It is incredibly hard to fool you! By any means, you can see the truth of things 10% easier and faster. You are 10% more resistant to curses, psychic, and soul related attacks.

User! Unfortunately you have not chosen a Trickery Deity so you will not obtain a title. Sorry!

“Time to enter Joker's Carnival....”

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