Lash and Soluna stayed on the coach for several more minutes as the morning sun rose over Gotham City. Lash brushed through her hair as she nuzzled against him. The Pack Bond was active so they felt a connection towards one another that Soluna hadn't felt in a long time. She was content just to be near Lash. She had a plan when she first came over. Yell at Lash for being an inconsiderate jack ass, have him make breakfast, then who knows...

Lash traced his fingers down Soluna's ear, then along her neck, then ended along her collar bone. She shivered at his touch and bit her lip but before they could make any more seductive actions... Beep...Beep... Soluna's phone went off. The gorgon groaned, reached into her coat that she had tossed next to the coach. She read through the message and flailed in frustration. Lash found it incredibly cute, even when she pegged him with a glare for thinking she was cute.

“I have to go, thanks to the fucking Kindred the new 'Oversight' the council created. Even the Under Fae are busy. So now...hmmm!” Soluna grumbled, then was taken by surprise as Lash leaned down and kissed her softly. She flailed around in mock surprise even though her eyes took a dreamy appearance. He broke the kiss after a few seconds with a smile.

“I understand... I have several more bridges I need to rebuild as well.” Lash said.

Soluna took a deep breath sat up and turned around to face Lash. She grabbed his collar and pulled him to her and snagged his lips with her own. She plunged her tongue into his mouth and tasted him for a moment. She groaned in pleasure as she loved the taste of Lash. She broke the kiss and ran her tongue across her lips. Her eyes fluttered for a moment, as Lash caressed her cheeks with his hands.

“Why do you taste so good?” Soluna said breathlessly.

“Its part of my charm...” Lash said to her, as he slid his hands under her shirt and traced his nails up and down her naked skin. Soluna shivered at his touch and bit her lip as she watched him move closer.

“Shit..... I don't have time for this and I refuse to have quickie for my first time with you!” Soluna pulled away and slapped his face for good measure...Which only made her wince as she grabbed her hand.

“Fuck!” Soluna winced and saw static energy dance between her finger tips. Soluna pegged Lash with a glare. He laughed at her and pulled her shirt down, stood up by the coach and grabbed her coat to help her put it on.

“Sorry... My passive defenses are a little on the high side ever since I fought against Superman.” Lash said to her. Soluna took the help with her coat and pulled it on. She smoothed out her collar and massaged her hand.

“You'll have to tell me about that sometime. I hear the big guy hits hard enough to cause earthquakes.” Soluna said as she stepped in close and put herself flush against Lash.

Lash wrapped his arms around her, then nuzzled her nose with his own. It was an odd but cute moment shared between to human hybrid creatures. Soluna wrapped her arms around then reached down and squeezed his ass. She squeezed, pulled, and spanked his ass very aggressively. Lash grinned at her and before she could react.... He cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss on her. Soluna's eyes went wide and nearly fell to her knees if Lash hadn't caught her. Her entire body went rigid, then her back arched. She had a micro orgasm then and there in his arms and raked her nails down his back. After a few minutes she regained her footing stepped out of his arms and gave him a left hook!

“Gaaaaaah! Fuck! What the hell is your face made out of! You...Fuck!” Soluna screamed at him as she held her hand. Nothing was broken but her hand looked like she had punched a concrete wall.

Lash chuckled at her and cast Immaculate to deal with the clean up. Soluna stomped over to the balcony door flung it open. Soluna gave Lash her middle finger and walked across the balcony and faded from sight before she reached the end of it. Lash still had no idea how the women in his life did that. Lash closed and locked his balcony door, he walked into his bedroom and looked at his Warden gear. He grabbed the entire set and walked back to his art shop. Once inside he used Spatial Item Shifting and pulled Saurian's gear off.

With Nth metal now in his possession Lash decided to remake his gear but he ran into a problem. He didn't have enough Nth metal to make a composite material for both sets of armor. So he took what remained of his Nth metal from this morning's practice and merged it into his existing armor. He would have to get a total make over at another time. His armor would remain hard leather, and plate armor with orichalcum and a tiny bit of Nth metal. He did however add Reduce/Enlarge enchantment onto both sets, along with physiology adaptation. That way his armor would shift with him, though only by a few sizes. But every little bit helped.

Lash spent the next hour drawing designs for his gear. He came up with a scifi tech knight armor. A lot like Sam's gear that he saw at his Warden ceremony. He found out that if he channeled enough Essence Imbuement into the armor pieces even metal can become flexible. Groovy! He'd have to add several enchantments, and technology into it. So he would need to practice Compression Transformation. Thanks to his dreams he could implant augment segments into the suit. Lash started to smile at his designs, he copied the whole piece onto his virtual network so he could work on it while he worked today.

He put on both sets of gear thanks to Spatial Item Shifting, and grabbed his personal effects. He activated his security to his home and left through the underground passage under his building. Gotham was busy today then it was yesterday. It was almost a ghost town before. Now it was like a bustling ant hill as people walked back and forth with construction materials, tools, and public transportation operating free of charge to get everyone where they needed to go. Lash had created a full glamour to hide his armor, tattoos, and animal features. So he looked an average person in work boots, khaki pants, flannel shirt, tool belt, and spring coat.

Lash walked towards the Gotham City bridges but did little things along the way. Helped fix a car for a man trying to get to work. Repaired and altered a solar panel electrical system for a few automatic traffic lights. Settled a dispute between several people during an altercation though he did make himself look like a cop for that one. Helped several people get the pay out from their insurance companies that tried to stiff them. Apparently domestic terrorism wasn't on technically on the plan, so Lash pulled the entire plan up checked the every page and slapped the agent in the face for trying to con the people. There was a government insurance act that covered it, and by refusing to pay their clients they were breaking the law.

Just for good measure Lash tossed the entire insurance company into review, along with hundreds of files they had stiffed people due to a loop hole they themselves didn't know they had. It's the little things in life that tend to tickle the most. It was the afternoon by the time Lash even got half way through the city. He stopped and helped several super-natural citizens in need with their homes. With a bit of an obstruction glamour he just rebuilt the entire place for them, including green energy amenities. The obstruction glamour would slowly fade over time so any mundanes that saw the building would just see a gradual change. Replaced window....Paint job.... Oh hay the lights on. All over the course of a few days.

The screeching of a car came around the corner street that Lash was currently walking down. Soon followed by several police cars, inside of the car was a driver and a passenger. The passenger stuck out of the window with a pistol and started to shoot at the cop car. Everyone on the street took cover while Lash stepped off the side walk and straight into the oncoming car. He he raised his right hand up into the air, then with his left folded his right hand fingers into the shape of a gun. He cocked his thumb back like a hammer and pointed his finger gun at the car. People shouted at him to get out of the way then were struck dumb when he 'shot' his gun at the car.

Zzzzzzzaaaaaaaat! A lighting arc danced from his finger tip and struck the car. The entire thing went dead as all power was completely drained from it. The car came to a slow stop about a few feet away from Lash. He looked at the driver and passenger who had been shocked silly by the bolt and were twitching with muscle spams.

The police cars came to a screeching halt, took out their guns and pointed at the car shouting at them to get out of the vehicle...Then they shouted at Lash as he walked over to the car door and ripped it off its hinges. There was a moment of silence as everyone watched this average looking man rip the car door off like it was made out of paper. Lash pulled the driver out of the car and used Fabrication to create standard hand cuffs. Then he dragged the passenger out of the car and did the same for him. During the entire time he made sure to read the Miranda rights to them. Rules.

“If you are done staring why don't you all come over here and take them?” Lash called out to them. The cops jumped into action and ran over after they put their guns away.

“Who are you?” A police officer asked him.

“Just a Wraith out for a walk.” Lash replied, he took a step back and turned on his heel. As he walked away his body faded from sight like a ghost. After the third step he was gone from sight the entire street looked around for him but couldn't find him.

“Thank you for the help, Wraith!” A man shouted from the sidewalk. That sent a current of energy through the whole street.

“Wait! What did he look like?! He was tall!...Or was he short?” Some one shouted.

“No! No! He was short, with a beard, and blue eyes!” Another shouted.

That continued on for several minutes as the cops dragged the perpetrators into their squad car. Thanks to a passive effect from his Illusion Domain unless they could see through the veil none of them would have an exact description. On top of the fact that he had used glamour to alter his appearance in the first place. He swapped out his cloths, skin tone, eye color, and average his height. Then appeared again among the crowd on his way to a bridge.

In the spirit of communication Lash sent a simple text message to Li'Ana's private phone. A brief message that he had planned to visit her but life got in the way. He was sorry, but he did have a gift for her. Something that needed to be given in person. She replied back after a few minutes, she understood why he hadn't and looked forward to the gift. Lash knew it was not as simple as that, he admitted to himself that he had been a bad pack-master.

He sent a few messages to Lizzy, and Isabella to see if they were safe. They both responded quickly and said that they were. But both of them were busy with the aftermath of the Gotham siege and the new Oversight. He sent messages to Monica, and Shevalla as well. Both were surprised by the message though also a bit delighted that he took time out of his clearly busy schedule to check in on them. He sent messages to Rocksie, and Tonya who both asked who he was and how he got their numbers. Fair.... After he was able to confirm his identity they were both happy that he had checked on them.

He messaged his friendly Wardens. Timothy, Mahalia, Simon, Sam, Achak, Nast'rok. All of which were very happy to hear from him. All of them were alive and well and dancing around with joy at the fact that the Blood-Kindred were being castrated, and that Lash played a big part in it. Lash promised to meet up with them sometime to exchange stories. He contacted Carl Bradley and they exchanged short messages. Carl was super busy after the attack as well. But Abby his wife, and Luke his son were both alive and safe.

He sent another message to Althea the Amazon envoy asking if she was alright along with Cora, and Elena. She replied quickly and confirmed she was fine as were her sisters. They all said hello to their new brother in arms. Then he sent a message to Zetulan the Winter Shield Knight he had met at the Winter Solstice ball. Then he received call!

“Hello Zetulan.” Lash said.

“I heard you were back....You had survived Tartarus. Then only a few days after your return did your city come under attack. I'm sorry but you seem to have the worst luck, Lash.” Zetulan said across the phone.

“It may be a little while longer before I get a chance to see you. That is if you still want to see me?” Lash asked.

“Of course I still want to see you! I intend to drive you mad with sexual satisfaction until you beg me to stop...Twice!” Zetulan said with a seductive voice across the phone.

“Good... Then the gift I got for you wont go to waste.” Lash replied with a smile.

“...... What kind of gift?” Zetulan's voice grew soft at the mention of it.

“Something I made myself. Nothing to extravagant. But I did think about you while I was in Tartarus. I felt I had let you down, so I thought making a gift would be acceptable?” Lash said, interested why Zetulan went quiet over the phone.

“No! I mean...Yes its fine! It's just been a long time since any one has given me anything... I look forward to it. Ah! I need to go, I am sure you are busy as well. Hope to see you soon!” Zetulan said and hung up before Lash could respond.

“Interesting...” Lash said to himself.

Lash reached a broken bridge at last just as the sun was starting to set over Gotham. This bridge didn't have hundreds of parked cars in the way. As Lash approached the edge of the bridge he activated Transformation and his Wraith disguise. Thanks to his new additions to his gear it grew and adjusted to his new bulk and anatomy. Especially his long prehensile tail that slammed against the ground behind him which started several soldiers that were standing guard. They jumped to attention at the sight of Agent Wraith.

“Hello everyone, I'm working on this bridge tonight. I hope that is acceptable?” Lash asked in his animalistic voice. The soldiers jumped in surprise at the sound of it.

“Yes sir! We'll call it in! Please let us know if you need any help!” The one charge shouted.

Lash cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss onto the soldiers. Given the situation they did not succumb to a puddle of orgasmic pleasure. Though they did really enjoy it! Lash used Manifestation and created several Saurus Warriors to start patrolling the bridge and the water beneath it. The soldiers jumped in surprise at the sight of the six and half foot tall lizard warriors that materialized out of thin air. He secured both sides of the bridge. Then he got to work just as he did before.

It was a little past midnight when he had a visitor on the bridge. He had just finished the skeleton of the bridge and was adding the internal parts. The stomp of combat boots followed the click clack of high heels. Lash climbed up from the main support pillar he was working on to the main bridge cross section. It was cold enough still that steam came from his every breath. His wraith shroud danced around his body which made the sight eerie for anyone looking.

A pair of yellow green reptilian eyes peered out from the torn and tattered cloth. Lash watched as Amanda Waller walked towards him in black dress pants business suit, a badge and gun on her hip. She wore a thick DOD coat over her suit. She carried a bag with her that had several things, specifically the bag had radio and digital wave shielding.

Behind her was a 6'2” man in an Army battle uniform with full combat gear. He had several special forces badges, identification, and he was a colonel. The man had faded blond hair cut short, with the sides of his head shaved. His blue eyes did their best to look past Lash's shroud but failed to gleam anything. His hand was on his side arm but other than that he stood at ease. His name tag on the uniform said Flag.

“Miss Waller...Colonel Flag. How may I help you?” Lash said in his animalistic voice. He stood at attention and bowed from his waist to both of them.

“I need your opinion on something, can you look at this please?” Waller reached into her bag and pulled out a tablet. She handed it over to Lash who reached for it. Flag tensed up at the sight of the clawed hand. Lash used Connectivity and by passed the password screen and burned through the whole tablet in a few seconds.

“What would you like to know?” Lash handed the tablet back to Waller who was a little surprised by how fast he had read it. She put it away before she spoke.

“How much is true, and how much did we get wrong?” Waller asked. Flag flinched at the mention of the files contents. Lash began to record the conversation, as well as send an emergency contact file towards the Warden's for super-natural being in danger.

“Enchantress is not a 'Witch' She is a extra dimensional being. However, she needs a host on this current plane of existence in order to direct her will. Like an anchor on a ship, with out it she drifts between the different dimensions with out the ability to direct any change. The host... June Moon?” Lash spoke to them, and noted when Flag clenched his jaw at the mention of Moon.

“She is located at a ARGUS(Advanced Research Group Uniting Super-Humans) black site. We can't seem to get Enchantress out of Dr. Moon.” Waller said the last part for Flag's benefit.

“The likely hood of them separating is small. Once a dimensional being latches onto a host they rarely let go with out killing the host. However, with the right training and partnership. Moon and Enchantress can merge into a single being.” Lash replied, Waller raised a brow at that. Flag had a look of surprise on his face but kept his mouth shut. Lash received a confirmation message from the Warden's.

“What about her powers? Do you know anything about it?” Waller said as she stepped closer to Lash.

“The ones you have written down are accurate but with what I know about them you are missing a lot of information as well. I can't give you a clear list because each extra dimensional being is different. Subject change! Indulge me there is a point to it. Waller what do you know about the particle accelerator explosion that happened in Central City?” Lash asked, as another message came through his Connectivity.


At an ARGUS black site in the middle of a natural forest. Dozens of well trained, and well equip soldiers walked the perimeter. Security was top of the line with camera's, motion sensors, thermal imaging, rabid response triggers, and drone camera's that flew on random paths. In the depths of this off the books site was six by six by six cell. A sickly pale woman was strapped to a gurney with chemicals being pumped into her body. She was in a chemically induced coma, but even with all the drugs being pumped into her body she was in a waking nightmare as she screamed and called for help. But on this night...This night some one heard her.

“Be still child.... Help is on the way...” Enchantress said in Moon's ear. An electrical pop rang through the room. The lights snapped off, and the monitors all turned off. This didn't just happen in the cell, it happened across the whole base.

On the surface every single guard was unconscious on the ground as dozens of shadows ran towards the base. The doors never opened but the shadows melted into the surface with out stop. Rapid gun fire sounded out for a few brief seconds. A few minutes passed then the massive doors the base opened up and the shadows carried a pale woman between them. Once the shadows and the woman were out of sight...Power was restored to the whole base. It would be at least an hour before the next check in.


“So when the accelerator exploded it produced dark matter. The dark matter saturated the environment around and inside of Central City. But you are telling me the cloud of dark matter not only didn't dissipate but entered our atmospheric weather patterns? So...This Meta-Gene will start to appear outside of Central City?” Waller said with wide eyes. She wasn't the only one as Flag had the same expression. Lash had created a Phantasm to illustrate what had happened.

“That is correct, please understand it won't just effect humans. Animals, plant life, weather... We may even see a dark matter lighting storm one day. Not everyone, or everything that comes in contact with dark matter changes. 98% of the world will be vastly unaffected, but its that 2% you have to look out for.” Lash compiled the information and sent it all to Waller to look over later. The science was sound because it came from Dr. Wells in STAR labs.

“The next couple of years will be very interesting... Thank you Agent Wraith. You have given us a lot to think about. Please excuse us, we have work to do!” Waller closed her bag, turned on her heel and walked away. Flag looked at Lash for a bit before he followed after Waller.

Lash received another message from the Wardens. Enchantress was in their custody and in transport to the Super-Natural Council. Waller and Flag were sure to be back when they got the alert that Enchantress was missing, after they had shown Lash her file. As much as he wanted a working relationship with Waller. His Warden duties took precedence. About two hours later a humvee raced towards the bridge at high speeds and ground to a halt at the barricades. Flag jumped out of the vehicle and sprinted up the bridge.

“WRAITH!? WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU TAKE HER!?” Flag ran straight across the bridge towards him. Lash stood in the middle of the bridge, it was a long run.

Flag got about half way across the bridge and took out his side arm he squeezed the trigger and nothing happened as Lash magnetically sealed the mechanism. Flag cursed up a storm and tossed his gun aside he ran the rest of the way and pulled out his combat knife. He raised his arm up for an over head swing and was flicked away by Lash's tail. Flag slammed against the newly created bridge and cracked his head. Three shadows emerged from the darkness soon after and took the shape of Fae Council tact team. Lash gave them a proper Warden greeting which they returned. They grabbed Flag and melded into the shadows once more.

Just like that, Enchantress with her host June Moon had been stolen from ARGUS. Colonel Rick Flag was taken by the Fae Council at the recommendation of Warden Lash. Flag would be useful in helping Moon come to grips with her new reality. Lash received confirmation that the Warden's smoothed it over 'officially' through the DOD. Though he was sure Waller would be pissed at him. So he sent her the complete and total file he had on 'Project Cadmus' along with a simple message.

'It was not personal. To be honest I had wanted a healthy working relationship with you. But we both take our responsibilities serious. See you later Miss Waller.' Lash sent the message to her through an email.

'Be seeing you, Agent Wraith.' Waller sent back...

A couple of minutes later a few soldiers showed up to take Flag's humvee away. No one asked questions, they just followed orders. Lash continued to build the bridge until morning arrived. Just like before the bridge was complete but this time Lash just went to the next bridge that needed to be rebuilt. One by one each bridge was built, Lash got faster and more proficient in building them. His Technomancy Domain spells Alteration, and Compression Transformation both evolved into Minor. Transmutation Domain Fabrication evolved into Minor as well. He made sure to create his ten pounds of Nth metal every day.

Six days went by and every major bridge in and out of Gotham City was rebuilt. Lash visited City Hall and spoke to Mayor Edwin who thanked him for his service. Water, power, and gas had all been turned back on. But hundreds of thousands of people continued to be homeless. Wayne Industries, Lex-Corp, Queen, Meryln, Palmer, Janus, Ace, and even Big Belly Burger sent money, resources, and man power to help rebuild Gotham. Along with several foreign companies that Lash may have helped in the past. The attack on Gotham was tragic, but because of the attack. The whole city would be getting a huge face lift.

Lash had been invited on more then one occasion to talk with the city council about planning the New Gotham. He maintained his belief in green energy, green buildings, and a environmentally safe city. With the nearly a billion dollars in resources it could be done. But with extreme expense funs came embezzlement, and fraud. His Administration skill got a lot of experience, while he and his Virtual Intelligence worked over time. With in three days he had made over two hundred arrests and convictions. So much so that his Virtual Intelligence evolved into Minor Virtual Intelligence which granted him another Tech-Spirit, granting both spirits increased power, and reduced energy consumption.

Then one day....Lash left Gotham City with out a word to the mundanes. They had grown so use to him being around City Hall they even gave him his own temporary office. On his desk was a simple note saying a mission assignment had come up. But in truth he felt he was being taken advantage of, thanks to his abilities he could do the work of twenty people easily! So when he left, City Hall came to a grinding halt. They asked UNWS where he was. They replied with 'On mission' and that was all they got.

Lash walked through a ruined hall that was covered in burn marks, graffiti, and alcohol. He walked past several displays that were once clean and pristine though now not so much. He read the information about the once shinning example of the future to come. The STAR labs in Central City, this...This was Flash's base of operation. There was zero security measures in place. A majority of the doors were unlocked, those that weren't had shattered windows so it made no difference. None of the camera's or motion sensors worked.

He bypassed the main laboratories and walked into the particle accelerator's inner cortex. Still no camera's.... It wasn't like he was hiding. He was currently seven foott tall lizard creature wrapped in a shroud. He stuck out! Nothing! He found the 'prison cells' that contained the Meta-Humans that Flash had caught. The cells were six by six by six alcoves with dark matter inhibitors placed around them. They had a single glass door entrance as the alcoves had been retrofitted for service. No pass code or security card lock on any of the consoles. He documented every Meta-Human he found. Then, and only then when Caitlin Snow came down to feed the prisoners was he discovered.

Caitlin was a woman at the height of 5' 4” with rich blond hair, blue eyes, and healthy skin. She had the figure of a scientist who only exercised because it helped her mind work more efficiently. So she had mature womanly curves with out any of the muscle tone of a gym fanatic. She had a pair of black heels on, a gray skirt on, with a buttoned up white blouse. Caitlin walked right past Lash who had stood off to the side in the accelerators alcove. She brought food over to a Meta-Human who pleaded to be let out of the cell, begged, and threatened her life if she didn't release them. She paid it no mind but only paused in place because the inmate was screaming at her to turn around. But she could see in the reflection of the glass a monster behind her.

“Hello Miss Snow, if at all possible could you call the Flash. I would like to speak to him.” Lashj said in his animalistic voice. Caitlin turned around with shaky steps to look at him directly. She was pale as a sheet and looked like she was about to feint... Then a glimmer of recognition went through her.

“Wait....Are you Wraith?” Caitlin said softly.

“Yes Miss Snow. Agent Wraith of the United Nations World Security. I've come to talk about your....Prison.” Lash replied. Color rapidly returned to Caitlin's face as she breathed a sigh of relief. Then winced at the mention of the prison.

“R...Right...I should call the Flash. Hold on!” Caitlin said, she took out her phone and sent a request out.


Amanda Waller sat in her office with in ARGUS that was located just outside of Starling City. She worked on her computer, answered emails, and made calls. All the while she ground her molars in irritation. Agent Wraith had sent a team to abduct Enchantress, Flag left soon after and never came back. Orders came down from on high to leave Agent Wraith alone. Flag was being re assigned, and the 'Witch' was erased from existence.

Waller understood the game, she understood the world she lived in. There was a brief moment she had hoped that Wraith wasn't part of that game. But she understood it, in fact she had planned on using him to the best of her abilities. Waller was very good at using people till they weren't useful anymore. Beep.... Waller received an email... It was from Wraith. She narrowed her eyes and opened the file. Then her eyes went wide! Sixteen meta-humans captured and waiting for ARGUS pick up. Then a single line was at the end of the email.

'I'll trade you one enchantress for sixteen meta-humans.'

Waller couldn't help herself but smile... Wraith played a different game. It was a game Waller also understood. He took from her, and gave back. So down the road when she took from him she would give back. It wasn't the best game, but it would do. She reached for her phone and made a call.

“Get a response and science team together. We are going to Central City ASAP.” Waller said into her phone then hung up. She stood up, straightened out her suit and walked towards her door.

“Be seeing you sooner rather then later, Agent Wraith.” Waller said softly.


Lash stood in the middle of Flash's operation center. Caitlin Snow, Cisco Ramon, Dr, Harrison Wells, and Barry Allen sat or stood in the center as well. No one said a word as Lash walked around the operations center looking at a few things. Cisco Ramon was about 5'7” with brown eyes, and black hair, and had the same scientist build that Caitlin did. He exercised just enough to keep his mind and body healthy. Cisco had a natural vibration that surrounded him with a positive attitude that was almost infectious. He had tennis shoes on, with blue jeans, and 'Do or Do not, there is no try' Shirt on.

Dr. Harrison Wells sat in his wheel chair as he watch Lash walk around the room. The scientist had a keen interest in the possible Alien who was born on Earth. Barry had spoken about him several times, and met him several times more. Barry had described the abilities that Lash had and found many of them hard to believe. Wells was about 5'10” with black hair and with dark blue eyes. Despite his disability he kept in shape and his upper body showed it. He had tennis shoes, black slacks, a black spring time sweater on with thin glass lenses.

Barry Allen aka the Flash was about 6' even with blue eyes, blond hair, and fair skin. He had a runners body for obvious reasons. He was slim, athletic, and strong for a speedster. He carried a nervous tension about him at the current moment. Like he wanted to run around the lab and clean it up so Lash wouldn't see the mess. He had rubber reinforced shoes on that looked like normal shoes. Cisco's work. Blue jeans, blue buttoned up shirt, and a casual suit jacket on.

Lash walked over to Dr. Wells and held out his hand to him. Well's smiled at him and shook his hand. Lash sent a Nature Domain pulse through him...Hmmm it wasn't Eobard Thawne. This was the actual Dr. Wells. Well's felt the sensation of energy pass through his body. He took his hand back and felt his skin. But before he could say anything Lash spoke.

“Would you like me to fix your spine?” Lash said in his animal voice. Dr. Wells eye brows went straight up.

“Wait...Are you being serious!?” Barry zipped over to Lash in the blink of an eye.

“Alien technology rules!” Cisco shouted out and held his arms up into the air.

“Yes. Once his spine is fixed we can discuss ARGUS coming to take the Meta-Humans off your hands. Also we can upgrade your horrible security system” Lash replied.

What Team Flash had assumed would be a huge operation turned into a few short minutes of Dr. Wells being put to sleep through pheromone creation, Renew, Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss. Then Well's spine snapped and grew back into place. The nerves reconnected and after fifteen minutes when Wells woke up he had full motor control and feeling in his whole body. He just needed some rehab and he would be just fine in a few months.

“I take it from that you haven't learned how to temporarily transfer your speed healing to any one else yet, Barry?” Lash asked as he helped Wells back into his wheel chair. Everyone perked up at the sound of that.

“Wait! I can give someone my speed healing?” Barry asked with wide eyes.

So Lash educated Team Flash on a few things. Foresight didn't activate, and he didn't want to use Cosmic Awareness. But he still understood a lot of the mechanics to the speed force. Along with the Meta-Gene. He had granted it two people already. On that note he sent a simple information request about Wolf West, and Victor Fries (Reborn). No rush on the order he just wanted an update when they got to it. With Flash's help, Lash Fabricated hundreds of durable solar glass panes that could be put in across STAR labs.

In The Dream. STAR labs wasn't only in Central City. So why hadn't the other labs sent tech support to rebuild this one? Lash asked, and Dr Wells said with regret that STAR labs had placed Central City in a no go area, bad PR. They were all technically getting paid, but support would not be coming for a long time. But that didn't explain the horrible security that this place had.

Simply put, it hadn't been a priority for the team. A majority of Central City treated the particle accelerator like it was cursed, and full of nuclear waste. Only the occasional drunk, or kid slipped into the labs. But all of them left before they got to deep due to a simple noise making machine Cisco had thrown together. Dinner time soon arrived and Lash created a five star meal for the team. Steak, mashed potatoes, gravy, string beans, stuffing, honey rolls, apple cider and white wine. Lash made triple for Barry as he ate far more then anyone else.

“So...You take the ambient energy that resides in the air. Convert it into matter. Then fabricate what ever you need?” Cisco said between mouthfuls.

“In simple terms yes. The more complicated the material the more energy is consumed. There are many complex materials I can't just pull from the air. An example would be asteroid particle iron that is used in shaping the accelerator. I can't just make that.” Lash replied to him.

“Well it make sense. Our world is made up of particles that are technically the same. You have essentially found a way to used molecular reconstruction for any common material on the periodic table. You can make base metals, chemicals, and food!” Caitlin joined, and emphasized with a glass of wine.

“Cellular reconstruction, which I assumed you used to fix my spine. It could also help with cellular degradation and renewal. Which is why Lex-Corp created the anti aging pill. That was from your insight! That is amazing!” Wells said with a smile.

“Leave the science talk for later or Barry will eat all the food.” Lash cut in, everyone laughed as Barry had consumed about half the table.

“Sorry! It's just really good!” Barry said with a look of apology. Lash looked towards the door and stood up aprubtly.

“Barry put your suit on, ARGUS is here.” Lash said. Team Flash jumped into action and began to clean up.

Lash converted the food back into energy and absorbed it. He walked through STAR labs towards the front entrance. Flash appeared next to him in a few moments. They walked outside of the building together. It was night now with the stars out, and a half moon in the sky bathed the dark parking lot in a sliver glow. Dozens of ARGUS armored vehicles had shown up with several prison transports. A unit of armed soldiers with the ARGUS logo on their arms walked towards them. In the center was Amanda Waller in her stereotypical black dress pants business suit. Lash and Flash stopped short of a few feet, Lash held out his clawed hand towards Waller. She stepped forward and shook the giant scaled and clawed hand.

“Miss Waller, let me introduce you to The Flash. He along with his team are responsible for capturing the meta-humans.” Lash said to her after they finished shaking hands. Waller glanced at Flash with a small smile.

“Thank you for your hard work, Flash. Care to show my team where to go while I speak to Wraith?” Waller asked. Flash agreed and led the recon team into the facility. While Wraith and Waller stepped off to the side.

“I would say that you and I are even now. Enchantress was a wild card that I couldn't properly control.” Waller said to him when they had walked far enough away.

“Good.... I meant what I said, Waller. I would prefer a healthy working relationship with you. Onto the matter at hand. Did your science techs adjust the prison transports with the dark matter inhibitors?” Lash turned to look at the transports, when Waller turned to look as well he pulled something from his pocket.

“Yes, along with the cuffs. We'll do our part Agent Wraith. Also as agreed ARGUS will keep Barry Allen, Cisco Ramon, Caitlin Snow, Harrison Wells identities secret while they help capture and turn in Meta-Humans for ARGUS. I assume that is sa....What is that?” Waller asked when she turned back to look at Lash. He held a little box in his hands towards her.

“A gift it will help you. Take it apart if you like, but I think you get more use out of it by wearing it.” Lash opened it up and inside was a Nth metal medallion. Though it looked silver to the common eye. Etched into the medallion were the Latin words. 'Si vis pacem, para bellum esse.' (If you want peace, you must prepare for war).

Nth metal medallion, simple construction.

Rating: C-

Effect: Very Durable

Effect: Clears the mind, and keeps it focused.

Effect: Grants 20% resistance to heat and cold.

Effect: Reduce energy consumption by 20%

Comment: A useful necklace for a woman that doesn't understand the word 'sleep.'

Waller looked at Lash with a critical eye as she rubbed her fingers over her palms. The medallion was etched with intricate designs and the Latin phrase was familiar. It was a special operations motto. But the medallion glowed with an eerie light that didn't come from the moon above. She reached for it after a moment more, pulled it out of the box and put it on. The enchantment activated immediately and Waller could feel the difference!

“Thank you...” Waller said the words, but it looked like it was painful for her to say it. Lash held up a tiny one inch thick and three inches long slip of Nth metal.

“This is what its made out of. I know you wouldn't be able to resist taking a sample. So take this one, and keep that one. Alright?” Lash said as handed to her. She took the metal and put it away in her inner jacket pocket. Waller was stiff as a board for a while, Lash tilted his head to one side as he looked at her.

“Not use to receiving gifts, Miss Waller?” Lash asked with a bit of humor in his voice. Waller starred daggers at him and walked off. Lash cast Insight on her.

Name: Amanda Waller.

Title: The Wall!

Origin: Mundane

Rank: D+

Skills: Open tool tip for information.

Domains: N/A

Disposition: Neutral...

Comments: Waller is terrified by what Wraith represents. A world where she is not in control. She has climbed up from nothing to the top of the world. Generals ask for her advice, Presidents call on her for help. Foreign countries fear her name. But Wraith... She can't control him, and part of her doesn't want to. She likes the medallion but will never admit it.

Lash walked back towards STAR labs to look over the prison transfer. Team Flash was both happy that ARGUS was there to take them but also a little hesitant. A shadow government agency here to take the newly empowered to a black site! Cisco was having a total freak out as he shot out theories and ideas. Lash just laughed and didn't correct him. He could show the exact site the prisoners were going to, the prison even had ARGUS written on it.

After a few hours, and more then a few escape attempts which ended up with Lash breaking a few bones. After he did it in clear sight of the other prisoners no one else tried to escape. It may have also been when Lash ripped some ones arm off and pointed at the rest of the prisoners with the arm that he got his point across. He eventually re attached it! After a few minutes of the prisoner screaming, and Cisco vomiting. Waller had actually laughed a little bit which made every soldier and technician look at her in clear shock. With in a second her face went back to cold indifference. She seethed in rage as she stared directly at Lash as if it was his fault!

“You have a nice smile...” Lash said to her. Waller's eyes twitched in rage, she white knuckled her hands and walked away. Her boiling rage was hot enough to raise the cold air up a few degrees. The whole ARGUS crew got out of her way, but a few soldiers nodded at Lash.

It was midnight by the time ARGUS packed up and left. Team Flash all went home, after they said goodbye to Lash. He said he would come back and visit again soon but had more work to do. He went to Central Cities Warden HQ and took another portal to Starling City. It was only ten o'clock in Starling City on a Friday night. He got a transport into the city and went to the Glades near club Verdant.

The Glades looked amazing! Clean, well built, and managed. People were seen walking at night with their families and pets. A few years ago that would have been impossible. Lash exited the vehicle with thanks for the driver in the form of Nature Domain spells. He left the driver in a puddle of orgasmic pleasure as he walked through the Glades. Something he found interesting was every few city blocks he would see Wraith effigies that hung from lamp posts. Lash hadn't worn his Wraith disguise when he stepped out of the car. He currently looked like a normal person in quasi expensive designer cloths. Black boots, gray slacks, tight black t-shirt, with a leather coat on. He had a pair of simple black rim glasses on. They work for Clark! He was still bald but he didn't show any of his tattoo's.

Lash found Verdant when it was nearly midnight. But the club was still alive and full of clubbers. He walked right past the line and pulled a black Verdant VIP card that he created on the spot. The bouncer looked it over and noticed two hundred dollars was attached to the card. He smiled and snagged the money and handed the card back. He gestured for Lash to walk with a smile.

“Welcome back, Sir!” The bouncer said to him. Lash tipped his none existent hat towards him and walked into the club.

Verdant had a massive dance floor with a secondary level for tables, with another floor for VIP boxes and another bar. They had a very attractive female DJ on the stage as she spun the records wearing shorts, and a t-shirt that was clearly to small for her. Multi colored lasers shot off as the music changed from song to song. Well over three hundred people were crowded on the dance floor wearing expensive cloths, and rubbed against one another. While the upper floors had people watchers, and a few smaller dance spots.

Lash spotted Thea Queen serving drinks on the second floor. Despite being the manager of the club she would often come down and help. Especially when people were on break, like a good manager should. Lash slipped through the crowd like a fish in water. Several women and a few men noticed him move through the crowd. He politely declined their invitation to dance. Along the way he saw a few reflective eyes in the crowd...Were-Breeds that checked him out with interest. Lash reached the second floor stairs and followed after Thea towards a secondary bar. He walked right up to it and knocked on the bar. Even as loud as the music was Lash spoke normally and Thea was a little surprised she could hear him.

“Good to see you Thea, you are looking good!” Lash said to her. There was a brief moment of hesitation as Thea attempted to remember who this man was. Then she switched on the polite manager charm and smiled at him.

Thea's hair was cut short so it was above her shoulders and was pinned back with several gold hair pins. She had a form fitting sparkled sleeveless dress that went to her knees. Open skirt with a small slit up to her mid thigh so she could move around in it. She wore three inch silver sparkle heels. Several silver and gold earrings traced her earlobes.

“Thanks! Its good to see you too! Having a good night?” Thea said to him as she continued to fill out an order. Lash noticed with his Sensory Awareness that a security guard had come to stand about twenty feet away to watch the conversation.

“Bravo, Thea! Maintaining the polite charm of a business owner when you clearly have no idea who I am. Very impressive!” Lash said to her with a smile. Thea was caught off guard for a bit, then a bemused expression crossed her face.

“So....Are you going to tell me who you are?” Thea said to him, she glanced back at the security guard and made 'standby' hand signal. Lash leaned over the bar towards Thea who backed up, then Lash shifted his left hand into a scaled and clawed hand. His eyes turned reptilian green and yellow. Thea's eyes went wide.

“Like I said...You are looking good Thea.” Lash spoke in his animal voice. Thea screamed in surprise and before the security guard could move forward she had raced around the bar and hugged him.

“OH MY GOD HELLO!” Thea screamed at the top of her lungs. This caught the security off guard as did several patrons who had been listening in on the conversation. Lash reverted his arm, and his eyes back to 'normal' and hugged her back. The had practically glued herself to him and kicked her legs up and down in excitement.

“Sorry it took me so long to come visit. Work has been complicated.” Lash said to her when she finally let go of him. Her smile was amazing, she practically glowed with excitement that he had come to visit. She also nodded in understanding

“I can only imagine! I saw the news about Gotham. You should seen the club that night everyone just came in to watch the news broadcast. We saw several shots of you fighting against the terrorists. When you got shot by the tank fire but got back up we all cheered.” Thea shouted a little loudly over the music. The patrons and the security guard then looked at Lash in confusion.

“Should I swap my shape out, I think they are confused.” Lash said with a smile. Thea smiled at him in return and shrugged. It was his choice.

Lash ran his hands over his face and head as his hands moved his skin peeled apart. Scales grew, his eyes became reptilian, claws grew from his finger tips. His mouth elongated and before his cloths melted into armor the shroud of smoke and shadow flowed out from his form like a blooming lotus. He grew to seven feet tall, as his tail grew and coiled around Thea. She squeaked in surprise but didn't make any move to get out of its embrace. She bit her lips and watched in amazement as the good looking guy turned into Wraith the savior of the Glades. The patrons, staff, and security guards looked dumb struck.

“Now you understand why she said I was in Gotham fighting.” Lash said to them in his animalistic voice. That was the straw that broke the camels back. A woman cheered his name and rushed over to give him a hug as well.

After a few minutes of hugs, questions, etc. Thea brought Lash to the center of the second floor and introduced him to the crowd. The entire club freaked out that Wraith was in the club. There was no denying him either, the ghost like shroud that danced and moved around like a living thing. His massive tail, and scaled form was a dead give away. The crowds had heard that he was friends with the Queens but this sealed the deal. Lash was moved to a third floor VIP box, he put down a wad of cash and gave everyone two free drinks on his tab. The club exploded with excitement, especially after he started to shower the entire club in Nature Domain spells that energized and fed the crowd. Lash had come to Verdant because he wanted to hang out and enjoy the scene.

Lash and Thea talked for over an hour about Starling City. The change in the Glades, the new green efficiency method of operation of Queen industries. Lash promised that he would come to Queen's estate to see Moira, and Walter. The club was seeing so much action that Thea actually called on SCPD and asked for extra security. When she said Wraith was in the club they didn't believe her until she sent a video feed to Captain Lance of Wraith waving at the camera. With in twenty minutes there were six cop cars on the scene controlling the crowd.

Three o'clock in the evening rolled around and the club was trying to close its doors. Lash stepped from the VIP area and told the crowd that he planned to be in Starling for the next few days. He had actually come here for a mini vacation. The crowds were happy to hear it and eventually left when four o'clock rolled around. Lash energized the club staff, security, and police with his favorite Nature Spells. He adjusted the power so it wouldn't turn them into orgasmic puddles on the floor. Lash cast Immaculate on the whole club which cut the closing in half. In the end he stood in the middle of the dance floor on the first floor watching the everyone slowly filter out. Then when the last civilian left the club, Thea locked up and sounded the all clear.

“Oh my god you came!” Felicity came out form under the club and ran over to him.

Felicity wore pink pumps, a red mini skirt, and red top. The dress and the top were not connected so a bit of skin would show when she moved. Her blond hair was tied up, and her black rimmed glasses highlighted her eyes. She slid to a stop a few feet from him, not sure if she was allowed to hug him. Lash closed the distance and gave her a good friendly hug which made her squeak in delight. She kicked her legs up and down just like Thea did.

Diggle came out next in his combat boots, black pants, black t-shirt that he filled out really well with his line backer muscle build. He had a huge smile on his face as he walked over he extended his hand out and Lash grabbed his forearm and gave a warrior hand shake that Diggle adapted to quickly. They clapped each other the back, then looked at each other. Diggle had grown, the 10% optimization had helped him a lot. He wasn't superhuman but he was close.

Roy walked over next he a pair of tennis shoes, blue jeans, black t-shirt with a red hoodie. He looked strong, healthy, and ready to tackle any problems they had. Lash didn't have time to talk to him during the Gotham Siege. Sitting around his neck was a golden chain, he had on the orichalcum necklace Lash made for him. Lash gave Roy the same warrior hand shake he gave Diggle and clapped Roy on the back as well.

Oliver came over in his standard expensive casual wear. With his stereotypical three day old unshaven face that didn't exist in reality. He had a wide smile on his face as he walked over and did the same warrior hand shake with Lash. But behind Oliver was a blond woman with yellow canary eyes. She stood at 5'10' and moved with the grace of an assassin. No noise, gradual movement that allowed her to quickly adjust and move if needed. She looked at Lash, but also checked the doors and windows. Though she did that out of habit.

“Sara Lance, welcome back from the dead.” Lash said to her. Sara froze mid step surprise written on her face. The whole room went still for a brief moment because Lash was covered in a brief golden light. Foresight activated.

“Before I explain the golden light, Oliver why don't you give me a run down about what's been happening with Team Arrow.” Lash said as he took a seat at the bar.

Oliver went over the basic details of the city. Thanks to the Glades reconstruction effort a lot of criminal syndicates attempted to steal high value construction supplies, medicine, and money. Team Arrow had been widely successful in removing them one by one. But they had recently learned that some one was supplying weapons and ammunition to the gangs in Starling. On top of that the League of Shadows were in Starling looking for Sara. She was a member that had left with out permission to check on her family. Now that she was here she didn't want to leave but may end up having to. Sebastian Blood was in town attempting to run for city Mayor as the well armed gangs made it a priority to kill anyone who took the city Mayor's position.

Lash asked a few questions, but mostly listened to the information. Then he stood up walked to the center of the dance floor. He spread out his hands and made a few gestures as his shroud drew a ritual symbol on the ground. He went to his knees and began to create a bit of a show that was completely unnecessary. The ritual circle glowed a variety of colors as Lash glowed with a divine light. He used Cosmic Awareness, 97% of this total energy was drained from him in a moment. Level up! The information he got was unexpected

“Slade Wilson is alive and is supplying the weapons and ammunition to the gangs in the city. He has accepted a mission from The League of Shadows as a way to prove his talent, skill, and ability to becoming the next possible Ras al Ghul. He along with several other candidates are spread out across the globe, attempting different missions and tasks bestowed by 'The Demons Head'.” Lash finished as the golden light faded from sight.

“Your an Oracle!?” Sara screamed in surprise. Everyone looked at Sara then back at Lash....

“What's an Oracle?” Felicity asked.

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