Lash waved his hand and removed the ritual mark on the ground. Theatrics did the trick as Sara now sat crossed legged in front of him at full attention. Everyone looked at the both of them with confusion, except for Oliver who had a distant look on his face. Felicity walked over and tugged on Diggle's sleeve because she didn't know what an Oracle was. Diggle tried to explain it in simple terms before Felicity looked at Lash like he had grown a second head.

“So you talk to God?” Felicity said out loud. That made everyone look at her then at Lash.

“I talk to a Deity. If you referee to the Christian God? Then no I don't have their number. In simple scientific terms. The Cosmic being I speak to is an extra dimensional being of great power and knowledge. He uses me as a mouth piece from time to time. He decides when, where, and how much to give. So don't think I can just tell you what ever you want to know.” Lash said to Felicity as his tail coiled around Sarah along the floor.

“But you talk to a God?” Felicity asked....As if that was the most important part.

“Yes, Miss Smoak I talk to a God.” Lash replied, his Wraith shroud began to grow and writhe across the floor like a pile of snakes. Lash turned to look back at Sarah who looked back at him. Though she stared straight forward he knew she was trying her best to read him. Lash cast Insight on Sarah.

Name: Sarah Lance, Ta-er al-Sahfer (Yellow Bird/Canary)

Title: Assassin, Survivor.

Origin: Mundane. Sub-Origin: Magical.

Rank: D-

Skills: See tool tip.

Domains: None.

Disposition: Friendly.

Comments: Sarah looks at Wraith and see's hope for the future. She already had a good impression on the 'Alien' when she saw the news of him helping Starling City, and after speaking with Oliver she feels he is trust worthy.

“Tell me, Ta-er al-Sahfer. Why are you here?” Lash asked, Sarah's body language was perfectly placid but Lash could tell she had flinched inwardly at her League name.

“Because.... I can't live that life anymore.” Sarah said as she broke eye contact with him and looked away.

“You understand that leaving the League with out permission is impossible. They will kill you and your family. Unless you can obtain something that Ra's al Ghul needs, or wants. So tell me... Miss Lance. Do you have anything that he would want?” Lash said, Sarah made a conflicted expression then shook her head in a clear sign of no.

“Oliver, is Sarah important to you?” Lash turned to look at him. Oliver walked over and took a knee next to Sarah. He squeezed her shoulder and looked at her. She looked back with a clear conflicted expression.

“Yes... She is.” Oliver replied, then looked at Lash. Sara opened and closed her mouth several times but couldn't come with a reason to refute him.

“Well, looks like I'll be putting my vacation on hold for a bit. Thea you may have to post a sign outside that business called me away.” Lash said with a sigh.

“I'll take care of it.” Thea said with a smile as she came to wrap her arm around her brother.

So Lash's vacation was quickly cut short, before he went any further he reached out and created a Temporary Pack Bond with Oliver, Roy, Diggle, Felicity, Thea, and Sara. Lash then cast Minor Virtual Intelligence and had his two Tech-Spirits start working on a problem. First he made contact with the Warden HQ in Starling. He needed a way to contact the League of Shadows. Second he went with Felicity and updated Team Arrows computer system. With Minor Alteration, Minor Fabrication, Minor Compression Transformation. With the help of Felicity they made a new program and system for the bunker along with an updated security system. The security system also included Club Verdant above. Lash turned the entire club into a Smart complex.

“So press this code into the keypad and the entire bunker turns into an empty space for those rare moments when you need to hide what is down here. There are several panic rooms in case some one or something gets down here. An updated machine shop, tools, armor, and weapons. Secondary redundant systems, and automated system functions for those rare times Felicity is not here. Side entrance, and one very hard to get in and out of passage into the sewers. This is the original source code the VI. Here you go... Along with a secure and encrypted communication hub. That should be everything?” Lash asked as he looked around the new Arrow Cave.

The entire overhaul had taken a grand total of two hours...Two hours! His work with the bridges significantly increased his expertise, and building speed. His Science, Crafting, Artist, and Computers skills helped a lot. He had gone through dozens of check lists and little wish lists that Felicity asked for. After the first hour Felicity didn't know what else to ask for. So Lash activated Skill Trainer and force fed Martial Arts into Felicity's brain. She was currently asleep in the newly built barracks with in the Cave. Then he force fed Computers skill into every one else. So he gave the source code of the VI to Diggle who put it to the side and massaged his head.

“So...What did you do to us?” Diggle said with a groan.

“I have a way to imprint information into people. Imagine as if a book is now been placed into your mind sea, third eye, or just memory banks. Once you fully comprehend the first page, the second page will reveal itself. Then so on and so forth. I gave Felicity Martial Arts because it is ridicules that she can't defend herself. Then I fed the rest of you Computer skills, so you can actually work all of this new tech I've given you.” Lash said to all of them, then he cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, Immaculate, and Nature's Kiss. He decided to be a troll and let the orgasmic sensation roll through them all.

“Wh....What.....Fuck.....What about this feeling I have....” Sara asked between her panting.

“That's called the Temporary Pack Bond, while I am in with in range you will have a 10% increase to your overall stats. Strength, speed, intelligence, etc. However, there is a side effect. It optimizes a human form to allow for more development. This will allow you to obtain peak human condition easier.” Lash replied with a laugh as he watched everyone writhe and moan on the ground.

“Is....This part of the whole process of the imprinting!?” Thea yelled.

“Sure...We'll go with that.” Lash said as he continued to laugh, he had pulled his Wraith disguise off but kept his Were-Lizard Transformation active. Good thing too because Thea threw an arrow at him which stuck in between his scales.

“Nice shot!” Lash complimented her and pulled it out with little effort.

Team arrow proceeded to throw anything they could at Lash for the next hour or so. Until it was eight thirty. Everyone continued to have a massive head ache but was well enough to move. Thea ground her teeth as she glared at Lash when she called her mother, Moira Queen. Wraith was in town, and Thea convinced him to come to the Queen resident for either brunch, lunch, or dinner. Dealers choice! Moira was ecstatic and said lunch would be the preferred time. Wraith asked if he could bring a guest, Moira was more then happy to accept. After Thea hung up the phone, Oliver received a call from his mother telling him he had to come to the lunch to see Mr Wraith. Roy was also invited being Thea's boyfriend. Tommy Merlyn called a few minutes later to tell Oliver he and Laurel had been invited to his house for lunch with Wraith? Felicity and Diggle went home to sleep. Wraith followed Sara to her hide out so they could transport her things to the Arrow Cave. She would be staying in the Barracks.

“That's a neat trick...” Sara said to Lash.

Lash walked next to Sara wearing black combat boots, blue jeans, blue t-shirt, and leather jacket. He had pale white skin, bright blue eyes, long blond hair that went to his shoulders but was tied back into a tail. He was built like a brick house. He grinned at Sara with his pearly white teeth.

“Thank you, so where are we going?” Lash said to her. Sara and Lash were in lock step with each other. Something Lash specifically did, it was a common trait that those with military training do. He was trying to play a part. His Acting skill kept prompting with experience.

“In the center of the Glades there is a clock tower. It was rebuilt to its original design due to its historical value. Because of that the upper floor is largely unused, I've been staying there. Good sight lines, you can see the whole area from there.” Sara said in response, she glanced at Lash as they walked down the street together.

“It is also exactly where a League member would go to. Which I assume is why you chose it. The League would never assume you would pick such an obvious spot for your hide out?” Lash said back with a smile. Sara turned back to the street so Lash wouldn't see her smile, but of course he still did.

“Not that I am complaining...But why are you helping me?” Sara said after a few more minutes of walking.

“May I assume you've heard of the Justice League?” Lash asked. Sara narrowed her eyes a bit then nodded her head, yes she had.

“You are aware that The Green Arrow is a part of that League?” Lash asked, Sara's eyes widen at the mention.

“That's why Olly went to Gotham... Are you part of this...Justice League?” Sara asked.

“Not officially. I work for the UNWS, though I am one of the founding members of the Justice League. I am helping you, Miss Lance. Because I am trying to recruit you.” Lash said bluntly. His upfront declaration was jarring to Sara but she kept walking next to him.

“....Is that the only reason?” Sara asked after a minute of thinking.

“Of course not. You are important to Oliver. On a personal note I think you will make a good friend.” Lash replied honestly.

Thanks to the Temporary Pack Bond Sara could tell that Lash wasn't lying. Sara's lips tugged upwards at the clear admission of his motives. It had been many years since Sara had some one be so honest with her. On their walk Lash stopped by a food truck and bought them both some street taco's. Lash left a hundred dollar bill in the tip jar which made the chef super happy! Lash also bought food for several people near by. Sara tried to fade into the shadows but Lash snagged her hand and pulled her to his side. Sara looked at him in confusion then snuggled up close like a girlfriend would after she had seen him wink at her. They both had a part to play.

Sara ended up with her arm wrapped around Lash's. He bought food for people at every ice cream truck, food truck, and little candy shop along the way. He always tipped hundred plus dollars, and talked with everyone he met. They both worked as a visiting couple to Starling City. They asked questions about the Wraith Effigies, and visited buildings that the Wraith had fixed with his Alien technology. By the time they reached the clock tower Lash only had two hours before he had to be at the Queen resident. Before he walked into the clock tower Lash made sure to run his hands along a side walk tree they had passed a few dozen in their walk.

“How long had they been following us?” Sara asked, then climbed the staircase of the clock tower.

“Since we left Verdant, we should assume the Shadows know about the Arrow cave, bunker, club house?” Lash said as he went down the names for the cave. Sara laughed at his antics as she let go of his arm and returned to her stoic assassin persona.

“Awwwww...The pretty girl stopped walking with me. What ever will this poor lizard do now?” Lash said with mock depression. Sara rolled her eyes at him but kept a smile on her face.

As they came to the top floor of the clock tower Lash found a bed roll, box of food, water, and a weapons case. Simple and organized Sara definitely was use to moving quickly and with little luggage as possible. Sarah walked over to the weapon case and broke everything down with quick precision. Lash walked to the middle of the room and sent out a Technomancy pulse. Three different bugs for listening, tracking, and video of the Shadows popped and fritz out. Sara didn't jump to her credit she just stopped to look at him then went back to her packing.

“Looks like they knew you were hiding here. Which means they have orders to leave you alone until someone with a specific set of skills, or a rule maker comes to collect you.” Lash said to her. Sara nodded in agreement. Picked up her case and came over to him.

“No matter how this plays out. Thank you for helping me.” Sara had planted her feet, pushed her shoulders back and looked up at him when she said it. Lash smiled then offered his arm to her once again. She smiled at him after she accepted the offered arm.

Lash and Sara walked down to the street but before they walked out into the public eye he cast a obstruction glamour. He walked right up to the tree and placed his palm on the trunk of it. Sara looked at him in confusion, and then felt his arm around her waist. Sara was pulled flush against him. Then her eyes went wide as the tree pulled its trunk open and they were both sucked into it. Tree Stride.

A tree near club Verdant that was a little out of the way opened its trunk up. An obstruction glamour was cast quickly around it and Lash stepped out of the tree with his arm wrapped around Sara's waist. Sara's looked pale, and was clearly disoriented as she looked around with a confused expression. The tree trunk closed up, Lash fed some Nature Domain magic into it as thanks. Then 'helped' Sara back towards the Arrow's side entrance. Sara's legs felt like jelly underneath her.

“So you can do that to any tree?” Sara asked after she had a glass of water and her head stopped spinning.

“Any tree I am familiar with, yes. It's one of the reasons I came to Starling City. I am creating a fast travel network so if team Arrow needs extra help I am just a Tree Stride away.” Lash replied as he peeled his civilian attire off and went back to being a were-lizard with Transformation. He called his Wraith disguise up with his Illusion Domain. Lash reached out with Connectivity and called for a public transport through the Warden's.

“What would you like to wear for the lunch?” Lash said as he turned to look at Sara. The question brought clear confusion to her face.

“What lunch..... Wait!? I'm your plus one!? No! No! Laurel will be there! I can't! I...” Sara started until Lash cast Calm Emotions on her.

“Sara. The League of Shadows already knows you are here, they know about your family. Keeping them in the dark will not protect them. So, yes you are my plus one. We'll go to the lunch together, you'll see your sister and eventually see your father. Now...What do you want to wear?” Lash said and began to create clothing for her.

Sara ended up with flat footed boots, with white skin tight khaki pants, a yellow silk blouse, black leather jacket with several knives tucked into the seams. She wore several silver and gold earrings that covered both earlobes, just a touch of skin complexion and massacre. She practically vibrated with nervous tension in the car on the drive over to Queen manor. The driver of the Warden vehicle eyed her with worry a few times. Lash reached over and gently squeezed her hand. She jumped with surprise as her head was clearly someplace else.

“I really don't think this is a good idea.... I... I mean Laurel thinks I'm dead! We are just going to show up...For lunch!?” Sara squeezed Lash's hand tightly.

Lash shrugged his shoulders and began to rub his thumb and fingers over her hand back and forth. He was careful of his claws so he wouldn't cut her. Sara eventually stopped vibrating the whole car with her jack hammering legs. She looked out the window but didn't take her hand away from Lash. The driver pulled through the gates that led the estate. The car pulled up and the driver jumped out to open Lash's door.


The servant do the Queen's was in the best suit they could provide. They stood at perfect attention as the car door opened and the billowing shroud of smoke and shadow flowed out of the car like a living animal. With in the darkness was two glowing yellow green reptilian eyes. Clawed hands reached out and pulled the alien monster from the car. Scaled and clawed feet stepped onto the ground as a massive tail seem to...grow from the shroud. How did his tail fit in the car, then the creature known as Wraith turned around and offered a hand towards someone in the car. A beautiful woman with yellow eyes stepped out, clearly nervous to be next to Wraith. The servant could understand...that.... Wait.... That woman looked familiar.

As the tattered cloth of smoke and shadow writhed across the floor the servant came back to attention. He bowed from his waist, and opened the door leading into the main foyer. The servant had to pause a few times as the woman seemed incredibly nervous to continue on. Agent Wraith spoke softly to her and coaxed her on like a parent would a frightened child. Despite Wraith's massive size he moved through the manor with agility not fitting of his massive size. Even his massive tail moved about with careful precision. The servant brought them outside to the grounds towards the awaiting Queens, and guests. Then when they arrived Wraith stepped forward and in his renowned animalistic voice that every servant had been told about but still jumped when he spoke.

“Miss Lance! I would like to introduce you to your long lost sister. Miss Lance...” Wraith said to everyone. That is when the servant recognized the woman. Sara Lance! The woman that went to with Oliver Queen on the boat and reportedly died!?


There was a pin drop silence out in the gardens as Lash stood between them. His tail had wrapped around Sara to prevent her from running away, and she had tried...More then once! Walter, and Moira stood stone still as they looked at Sara. Oliver and Thea looked at Sara, and back at Laurel, then back at Sara. Tommy looked just as shocked as Walter, and Moira. Laurel had tears welling up in her eyes as she took step after shaky step towards her sister.

“S...Sara?” Laurel said with a crack in her voice as tears rolled down her cheeks. As soon as Laurel said her name, Sara stepped out from Lash's tail walked over to her sister and they hugged one another.

Congratulations User! You've accomplished a hidden objective! Your Cosmic Patron is pleased!

Lash read the prompt and expected further explanation....But nothing else popped up. Odd. Lash took a moment to look around the grounds of the Queen's estate, they must have at least a few miles in every direction, gardens, hedge maze, green house, a small forest, on top of the three story manor. Some one coughed lightly to draw Lash's attention as he had spaced out a bit. He looked back and saw Oliver standing there with a forced smile and a look of 'What the fuck?' written on his face.

“Right! Explanation! All of you should remember tech summit tour I took last year. While traveling I came across Sara Lance. The specifics of me finding her should be discussed at a later time preferably with alcohol. I had planned to introduce her sooner but my assignment with the UNWS pushed it back. I hope you can forgive me Laurel. Why didn't Sara come on her own? Well that has to do with how I found her. I am perfectly happy explaining everything in further detail. But should we call Captain Lance?” Lash asked the crowd...

Little less then an hour later a cop car zipped up the driveway towards the Queen manor. Quentin Lance practically dove out of the car and bull rushed into the manor. There in the foyer was Sara and Laurel. Quentin froze at the sight of his two daughters standing side by side. He dropped to his knees and started crying. Sara and Laurel rushed over, pulled him up and hugged him. It was a very emotional moment shared by the entire group. Lash walked past the group and turned off Lance's car and repaired the minor damage it had caused to the front awning. He walked back in and began to admire the art found in the mansion. Lash had wondered off a bit but was followed by Walter and Moira.

Walter Steele had a tailored three piece black and blue suit on. He was tall, athletically built charming black British man, with a soul patch. Moira walked with her arm wrapped around his, she wore an expensive tailored made dress skirt, three inch high heels, and silk top with a half jacket on. She had a warm smile on her face as she watched Lash admire their home. All three of them heard Quentin start to talk to Sara about where she had been. Sara started to fill them in on the 'explanation' Lash had provided her.

“Mr Steele, Misses Queen. I know this is radical subject change but I need to ask... What do the both of you know about The League of Shadows?” Lash asked them, his voice not as gruff as it normally was. Both Walter and Moira went rigid at the name, then both looked at one another in surprise.

“I know they are dangerous band of thieves, spies, and assassins.” Walter said after a minute of thinking.

“In their own twisted sort of way they also have a code of ethics. They are killing machines, but machines with a purpose. They never do anything with out purpose.” Moria added to the conversation.

“During my tech summit I was shot down by the country Bialya. However, it was the League of Shadows that helped give them our flight route as well as hold the UN from acting for two days.” Lash said to them. He had come across the information on the dark web and the Warden information agency.

“So it's true then.... I had looked into it. I'm sorry.” Walter said, and explain to Moira when she looked at him.

“Sara is part of the League of Shadows, isn't she?” Moira asked, Lash nodded. Moira had picked up on a few things when ever Sara moved, looked, and talked.

“Yes, and no. Sara was adopted and trained by the Shadows. But she doesn't want to be a killer, she never did. I came to Starling for several reasons. The primary reason if you can believe it was to take a mini vacation. Another was to check on Green Arrow and Arsenal to thank them for helping in Gotham. The last one was to drop Sara off at her home. But there is a chance that the Shadows wont let her go. So I thought it best to inform the both of you. I hope our little skirmish wont spill into your home, but I felt obligated to tell you that it might.” Lash said as he turned to look at them.

“I think we can handle ourselves.” Moira said with a smile as she hugged her husbands hand who nodded in agreement.

“Good! I'll let you decide if you wish to tell your family or not.” Lash said to them, as Walter and Moira believed Oliver along with Thea were...'Normal'. Lash had actually been surprised when Thea didn't react to Team Arrow coming up out of the cave. It appeared she had known for a while.

The three of them returned to the foyer, Quentin rubbed the tears out of his eyes. Walked over to Lash to shook his hand and thanked him profusely for bringing his daughter back to him. The cover story was simple, all be it a bit brutal. Sara had been found while he was traveling he had recognized her after he had done a thorough background check on Quentin and Laurel. Where did he find her? Sara and Lash both went foggy on that aspect simply because it was not something to easily talk about, but had happened was heavily implied. Slavery, sex, drugs, murder, etc. Quentin's eyes turned fiery at the idea that someone had hurt his little girl. After that he had her come back to the states under protective custody but couldn't bring her home due to his assignments. However, she may or may not still have people after her. So she still needed to be careful.

“So I am sorry to say but when I leave, Sara will be coming with me back to a safe house. But, we are hoping to deal the the over hanging issue in the next few days. If all goes well she may return officially and start her life over again. But, if it doesn't we'll have to keep hiding her. The people coming after he may choose to use you both as leverage. Please be aware that we have not told you everything. Why? Not our secrets to tell.” Lash said this specifically to Laurel and Quentin who both nodded.

“Agent Wraith you work for the government I expect you not to tell me everything.” Quentin said with a dry tone. Then he smiled slightly, the joke was so out of the blue that everyone froze. But Lash understood and laughed at him. That broke the tension and everyone else laughed as well.

“I don't suppose you'll be asking the Starling vigilante's for help?” Tommy asked carefully.

The Green Arrow, Arsenal, and the new Spartan (John Diggle) had been on the fence with SCPD. Team Arrow didn't kill least not any more. They helped fight crime, handled the criminals the standard police couldn't. Thanks to Wraith's interference and good public relations especially during the Glade destruction vigilante justice had started to crop up across the US. Central City had Flash, Metropolis had Superman, Gotham had Batman, Robin, Batgirl, and Wraith.

“I've already spoken to them, specifically that another criminal element may be coming to the city. No offense Captain, but I try to talk to everyone when I'm walking around in someone's backyard. Ah! I also need to head to your precinct Captain and build you a meta-human prison cell.” Lash blurted out.

“A what now?” Quentin asked.

Lunch soon turned into a early dinner at the Queen manor. Walter had organized double security at the manor, along with Verdant. Thea had refused to close the club but thanked her step-father for the extra security. Thea, and Roy left early as they had to go open the club. They left with several guards following behind them. Then before Lash and Sara left he made a beautiful eastern mystic dragon statue. The dragon wrapped around a tree and lay across its branches lazily. Lash carved the lines in the trunk, the delicate leaves, scales, and even the irises in the dragons eyes. He channeled Essence Imbuement while he carved it.

“That is beautiful! Thank you Wraith! I remember your ability to create material but a solid piece of crystal is still an amazing sight.” Moira said with a large smile on her face.

“That's not crystal, that's diamond. Alright lets go!” Lash said as he clapped his hands and walked towards the car with Sara. Moira and Walter stared at the Diamond statue that was probably worth more then the entire house. Walter opened and closed his mouth a few times.

“Di...Diamond?” Moira said as she pulled her eyes from the statue but Lash was already gone.

Sara was in a much better mood on the drive back to the Arrow cave. She had a little smile on her face and tapped her fingers on the passage side door. She hummed a little tune and glanced at Lash every few minutes. Lash had created a Phantasm computer screen in front of him. Purely aesthetic as he could connect with out it. But he didn't want Sara to think he was ignoring her. The Warden's had given him a contact for the League of Shadows. The Shadows agreed to send an envoy to Verdant to discuss Ta-er al-Sahfer punishment.... Or payment for her release. Two women would be arriving.

“Sara do you recognize these two people?” Lash pushed the screen over to her and her good mood evaporated.

“That is Nyssa second daughter to Ra's, and Alsiyada. Alsiyada is one of the League's best hunters. Nyssa is.... We are...were. We are lovers.” Sara said after a bit of conflict.

“So not only did you attempt to leave the League, but you also left her?” Lash asked.

He had already known this information. But didn't want to use Cosmic Awareness to break the fourth wall. Sara turned to look out the window again. She white knuckled her hands, and clenched her jaw. She jumped as Lash reached over to squeez her hand and soothed her worries. He was good at that Sara had noticed. After a bit she nodded her head, yes.

“....Great.” Lash said as he pulled the screen back. He continued to stroke Sara's hand as she had not pulled it away.


Nyssa cleaned her throwing knives one by one then set them into her black laced garter belt on her thigh. Once she was done with them she slipped her feet into her high heels and stood up in front of the mirror. Nyssa was 5'9” with blue eyes, and black hair. She wore a stunning red dress on that went to her ankles, and had two slits up both sides of her legs. The dress was sleeveless with a red collar around her neck, it had a diamond shaped opening that went from her neck between her breasts to just above her navel. Her light colored caramel skin was highlighted by the red dress. Her shoulder length black hair was swept to one side to reveal her long neck and a single diamond ruby earring. She posed in the mirror to reveal her voluptuous figure and thought briefly about Sara, she always said Nyssa looked good in red.

“Should I be worried that you have dressed up for the Alien? Or is it not for him?” Alsiyada said behind her.

“It's for Ta-er Al-Sahfer, perhaps once she see's it she'll return with out complaint.” Nyssa said, but didn't believe her own words. Nyssa turned to look at her companion.

Alsiyada was a Philippians woman that stood at 5'6” with green eyes, and black hair. She wore skin tight black leather pants, and black boots. Then she had a half leather top that showed off her lower back, and abdomen. The leather top had an open chest to reveal her bouncing breasts, had no sleeves, but had a choke collar one. A golden chain came down from her collar that rested between her breasts. Her black hair was cut short to just above her shoulders, her front portions had been braided and tied back to keep the rest of her hair out of her face. She pulled on a waist length leather jacket with an assortment of knives, and a concealed side arm. She sprayed a bit of perfume on and smiled at Nyssa.

“You ready to meet the giant lizard that not even two armies could kill?” Alsiyada asked.

“Yes, hopefully this night will go as planned.” Nyssa replied.

Both seductive and extremely dangerous women left the League of Shadows safe house and had their chosen driver take them to Verdant. The drive over was simple enough until they reached about a mile from the club. There a long line of cars had parked along the entire street, and crowds a plenty had choked the whole way through. Music blared even across the way as a variety of lights shot into the night air. The club was a mile away, but they both felt like they had stopped at the front door. Traffic was dead locked so Nyssa and Alsiyada stepped out of the car. They told the driver to park nearby and wait for orders. They complied with out question and pulled away.

The women walked towards the club as the music vibrated the entire city block. Hundreds of people danced and drank to their hearts content. Nyssa was confused as to why this was happening, Verdant wasn't this big. Was there a city fair happening. As they walked towards the club a crowd of people moved aside for some one...No something! A reptilian lizard man walked through the crowd. It was 6'6” with hard leather that covered it from neck, to its wrists, ankles, and part of its massive tail. It had a bony skull crest adorned with gold and silver jewelry. The creature turned towards Nyssa and Alsiyada, it let out a crow call into the air.

“I thought the alien Wraith was bigger, and covered in smoke and shadow?” Alsiyada asked.

“That's not him...” Nyssa replied. As three more Saurus Warriors walked from the crowd towards them, and two more behind them. Nyssa ground her teeth, then the head warrior spoke.

“...Daughter of the Demon...... Huntress of the Shadows. Our master....... welcomes you, please follow us...... we'll take you to him.” The Saurus Warrior said in its animal voice, it had to try and squeeze the words out properly as it's vocal cords didn't seem to work that way.

Nyssa swallowed her saliva and nodded at them. Alsiyada clenched her hands into fists and walked next to her. Soon the two women were escorted through the crowds by six different warriors. The crowds seem to naturally move around them, though they were not invisible plenty of people took pictures of two women being escorted to the club by the lizardfolk. They soon came to Verdant, it had a huge stage built at the front of it as massive speakers that had been spread out for over a mile pumped music out. The DJ, the bartenders, the staff, the security were all human-lizard hybrids. Some of them looked almost human with only a few lizard features like eyes, or claws.

Nyssa and Alsiyada eyes were wide in shock! The female lizard DJ swapped the music and massive bass drum beat vibrated through out the whole area. The lights turned into a mutli colored battle as transparent ships flew into the air and had a miniature space battle. The ships flew over the crowds and people cheered! The women were broken out of their gawking as the lizard warriors prodded them on. Near the stage was a large staging area for tables, booths, and private boxes. Everyone near the stage had arm bands on their wrists, before they could go any further the warriors handed them the VIP bands. They walked passed the rope, only one warrior remained with them as the rest walked off to help with security.

There at the top of the stage like a king over looking their kingdom sat a ten by twenty foot Saurian Wraith. His smoke and shadow shroud swallowed the entire upper stage and part of the next floor. There were dance floors between each sitting area. Nyssa ground her teeth in anger... Its a fucking a power play! Next to Saurian sat Sara who looked directly at them both.

Sara had a black skin tight outfit on that showed off her athletic figure and left very little to the imagination. The dress went her mid thigh so it showed a lot of leg. She had spike heels on with fishnet stockings, her right arm was sleeveless while her left was covered in scaled soft leather. Her dress top wrapped around her neck and her lower back as her upper back was exposed so the dress is all that kept her breasts supported. Her long blond hair was brushed back out of her face, both of her earlobes were covered in gold and silver earrings. She sat comfortable across what looked...No that was Saurian's tail. She turned sideways as she admired Nyssa walk up towards them.

Nyssa and Alsiyada passed the last dance area under the direction of the Saurus Warrior. Once they walked across the threshold it was like they had walked pass a field or shield. The music became muffled, the vibration in the ground silenced, and the air stopped being full of party atmosphere. The warrior stepped off to the side and waited at full attention. Alsiyada was three steps behind, and three steps to Nyssa's left. In reach but far enough away to not interfere...If there was anything to interfere with.

“I am Nyssa Raatko, daughter to Ra's Al Ghul. This is my second, Alsiyada. We have come to speak to you Wraith to return Ta-er Al-Sahfer.” Nyssa said with as much determination and etiquette as she could muster given the situation.

“....No.... You are here to release Ta-er Al-Sahfer. And this is why you will release her.” Saurian's deep bass voice rumbled from his chest. The sound felt like a monster was grinding its teeth next to ones ear. The Saurus Warrior walked over and present a simple box. Nyssa opened the box and her eyes went wide.

The League of Shadows fell under an odd line in the super-natural world. Ra's Al Ghul was a pseudo-mundane. Pseudo-mundane's were aware of the mystical and super-natural world around them but was not part of the super-natural communities and councils. Ra's was an Occultist, he had access to magic thanks artifacts, the League of Shadows would preform rituals combined with materials to perform odd spells, and abilities. To the mundanes their power was with out limit. To the Super-Natural community they looked like baby mages practicing rudimentary spells. So the Council kept an eye on them, like a parent does while a child who is learning how to finger paint. It is because of this that Ra's did not know that Wraith was a Warden for the Council.

“Where did you get this?” Nyssa said as she looked at the box. Alsiyada to her credit did not look over her shoulder.

“The League of Shadows helped Bialya attack me while I traveled on my tech summit. I didn't look for reprisal, even when I could have easily asked Superman to destroy Nanda Parbat along with the pit that resides there. You will take this token to Ra's Al Ghul, Sara Lance will be allowed to leave the League with full honors. There is no discussion or negotiation. This will happen, understood?” Saurian used Commanding Presence, Nyssa despite her clear reluctance closed the small box and handed it to Alsiyada who put it in her inner pocket.

“Ta-er Al-Sahfer in the name of Ra's Al Ghul. I release you. You are Sara Lance once more.” Nyssa said in a clear but bitter voice.

Sara who had not moved from Saurian's tail stood up and walked over to Nyssa. She gave her a sad smile, pulled her into her arms and kissed her. Nyssa started to cry, but she wrapped her arms around her beloved and kissed her back. Sara pulled Nyssa off the stage towards a private area that Saurian had made ahead of time. Sara had questioned the reason behind it at first but was glad to have it now. She wanted to say goodbye. Alsiyada looked at their departing figures then looked up at Saurian. He looked back at her then gestured towards a table at the foot of his 'throne' Alsiyada took the hint. She sat down, crossed her legs and looked at the giant.

“A token of reprisal. That is what is contained with in the box. The Demon's head broke a rule, the token shows that he will not be punished for it. That is why Sara has been released.” Saurian said down to her. Alsiyada's eyes went wide as her hands went to her coat pocket.

Alsiyada looked at her pocket then back at Saurian. Why did an Alien have a token of reprisal that could stop Ra's Al Ghul? What rule did he break? She felt like she had stepped into the shadow of something far greater then herself. That was saying something given who she worked for. The Saurus Warrior came over with several different types of drinks. Alsiyada sipped on one and found it to her liking. Saurian didn't make any more to continue the conversation, and Alsiyada didn't know what to talk about. They stayed that way for two hours, Alsiyada had turned her chair sideways so she could watch the scifi ship battle that took place above the club. A capitol ship exploded and sent cosmic debris across the crowds who all cheered at the spectacle.

Nyssa and Sara soon returned with their clothing put back into place...Mostly. Nyssa looked back at Saurian who looked down at her. She gave him the briefest of nods then turned on her heel and walked down the steps, Alsiyada bowed slightly then joined her. The Saurus Warrior escorted them back to their vehicle. The three of them soon faded into the crowd. Saurian watched Sara as she walked over and curled up onto his lap. She rested her head on his chest and tucked herself between his chest and arm. Sara began to cry, she buried her face into Saurian's chest. He carefully wrapped his massive arm around her.

Four o'clock in the morning arrived and the music slowly died down. The massive crowd cheered and chanted Wraith's name until he stood on the DJ's stage and said good morning to everyone! People laughed, most cheered, and said good morning in return. Little by little the crowd dispersed, Saurian had created a sound barrier around the area so the blaring music didn't keep the local Glades awake. They gathered up all the trash and used Decomposition, then the hundred or so drug addicts that he used Sooth on to pull the crap out of their system. Then he collapsed the entire set up in about ten minutes, and returned it to ambient magic.

Saurian sat in Verdant with Oliver, Roy, Thea, Diggle, Felicity, and the newly released Sara. Sara was currently telling the team how the whole event went. Saurian lay across a fabricated coach, Sara sat at the edge of the coach against his tail. Everyone had coffee in hand as they talked about the party along with whether or not the League would really leave just like that? Saurian said he could always ask Superman to destroy their HQ if they tried anything more. The boy scout would jump at the chance to destroy an 'evil' assassin guild. Diggle, Roy, Felicity, and Thea went home. Leaving Saurian, Oliver, and Sara. They moved down to the Arrow 'club house' that Saurian had called it. Oliver frowned while Sara cracked up laughing.

“Not that I am complaining. But I expected a fight.” Oliver said as he sat in one of the Arrow club house chairs.

Saurian had deconstructed the coach and reconstructed it in the club house. He lay across it as he looked at Oliver, he had pulled his Wraith disguise off so Oliver and Sara could see the massive armored creature. Oliver knew he was in trouble when seeing such a monster in his base of operations didn't bother him. Sara sat in a chair next to Oliver and was just as surprised that she wasn't surprised anymore.

“The token released Sara. It didn't get rid of Slade Wilson. So a fight will still come, just remember the Justice League is here to help if something big happens. Just like you all did with Gotham. Oh! Sara, you are no longer dead!” Saurian produced a Phantasm computer screen it showed Sara Lance legal file had been recovered, social security, birth certificate, etc. Shield and Sword to the rescue!

“Thanks Wraith, makes finding an apartment easier.” Sara said with a smile.

The three of them talked for awhile but Saurian soon left the club house. But not before he produced five hundred thousand dollars for Sara to start her life up again. A giant fucking dinosaur? No problem! A giant rave party made in less then an hour, no worries! Recreation of the entire Arrow club house...Little odd but ok? But a half a million dollars dropped in a organized pile in front of Oliver and Sara...Nope! They both threw their hands into the air and said they were done with reality. Sara went to her room in the barracks, Oliver went home.

Saurian created a sign and staked it into the ground with a Decomposition delayed spell on it. The said read, 'Agent Wraith thanks Starling City for his Mini-Vacation. But he is off to Coast City, CA. For work!' Saurian got a Warden transportation vehicle and went to Captain Lance's precinct. It was Sunday so Lance wasn't there. Saurian walked in and spoke to the desk Sergeant who nearly had a heart attack when they saw Wraith. Saurian created a meta-human holding cell, along with several meta-human restraints for transportation. He left a huge manual on how each worked with the desk sergeant, along with an ARGUS contact number and left before the Chief of Police showed up. He jumped through a tree to Starling's Warden HQ. Then went to Coast City, California. Why? John Stewart the Green Lantern worked from there.


John Stewart came back from his run he had done eight miles easily and felt like he could go for another ten. He had his power ring on but didn't have it active as he was trying to test his 'new' limits ever since he had connected to everyone through that pack thing J'onn had explained to him. He came up to his home that he shared with his wife Katma Tui, and his sister Lynn.

John walked in towards the kitchen and pulled out a carton of orange juice he gulped it down as he listened to the noise of his home. He heard a discussion upstairs, or maybe a fight. Lynn was fighting with her fiancee again, Jefferson Pierce. Jefferson was a principle at local high school in a bad neighborhood. But he did good work for the community and tried his best to help his kids. But he would often over step and get in trouble with the local gangs. Lynn would beg him not to get involved, but he would refuse and back and forth they would go. John wanted to get involved but the Guardians forbid him from getting tangled in simple problems of his home. Using a Green Lantern for such simple things as gangs would be like using a Nuke on a purse snatcher.

“I assume you are holding that carton because you are going to put it in a glass?” A feminine voice spoke behind him as he felt to arms around him. John turned around with a smile at his beautiful wife.

Katma Tui was a Green Lantern just like him, but unlike him she was not human. She was a Korugaran, she had black hair, blue eyes, and pink skin. Though she used the rings power to change the pigment of her skin so she wouldn't stick out. She wore blue jeans, a t-shirt, and went bare foot around the house. She rolled her eyes at John who tried to charm his way out of getting a glass.

“Of course! Of course!” John said as he poured the half empty carton into a glass. He finished of the rest and sat down at the table with Katma. The argument upstairs settled down at least for now.

“Oh! The information probe came back from Oa. The Archive has no clear mention on who Wraith's people are. There are hundreds of reptile like races in the galaxy. Next time you see him just ask him if you can scan him with your ring.” Katma said to him.

“Really? Ya...Sorry Wraith I need to scan you with my ring cause the Guardians have no idea what you are do you mind?” John did a play act on the situation.

“Only terrains would take offense to that John. I bet he wont he flinch at...” Katma said before she heard... Knock! Knock! At the door. But before she could stand up she heard a shout from the upstairs.

“That's for me! Sorry! Sorry! I'm coming!” Jefferson shouted as he raced down the stairs. He waved at Katma and John. Then opened the door and jumped back with a shout!

“WHAT THE FUCK!?” Jefferson shouted at the top of his lungs. John and Katma were on their feet and in the hallway to find a Wraith creature standing in the door way with its head tilted to one side.

“John! Did I catch you at a bad time?” Wraith's animalistic voice spoke from the shroud.


Saurian crouched low to the ground and used his massive tail as a sort of chair. His shroud covered nearly half the living room as John, Katma his wife, Lynn John's sister, and Jefferson Lynn's boyfriend looked at him. Katma opened and closed her mouth several times like she wanted to ask him something but decided not to. She repeatedly rubbed her green power ring that surprised Saurian when he first saw it. He had assumed Hal, and John where the only current Green Lanterns. John smiled at Katma who glared at him. Inside joke?

“So...You just came by to check in?” John asked him.

“Yes! Do you know anything about meta-humans?” Saurian asked, his animal voice made Jefferson jump every time.

“Yes, they are standard evolution era on most worlds. Normally they happen naturally, but sometimes through science or others they can happen artificially. The Flash is a meta-human.” John replied. Saurian nodded, then turned to look at Jefferson. Jefferson shrunk his neck in and shook his head back and forth in a clear 'no'. Lynn looked at him with concern.

“I've come to inform you that dark matter has entered Earth's atmosphere. Its in the water, the ground, the air itself. About 98% of Earth will be largely unaffected by it, but its the last 2% we need to watch out for. Earth is sorely ill equipped to handle the sudden change. Jefferson is a great example!” Saurian said bluntly. John, Katma nodded in understanding up until he mentioned Jefferson, he's an example?

“Jefferson, what is he talking about?” Lynn asked, Jefferson went visible pale as he looked at his fiancee Lynn then back at Saurian.

“Jefferson is a meta-human, he has Electrokinesis. I'm confused as to how you didn't know that? The lights in the room have been fritzing out since he walked into the room.” Saurian said nonchalantly. Lynn had her mouth open wide as she looked at Jefferson.

“Aha! So it wasn't bad wiring! I told you it only happened when Jefferson was in the house!” Katma took the opportunity to poke John in the chest with a matter o fact justification. John rolled his eyes at her.

“You....Your Black Lighting aren't you?” Lynn stood up and pointed a finger at Jefferson. Saurian snapped his claws in understanding, that is why Jefferson looked familiar to him.

“I'm sorry...I...I couldn't run the risk of putting you in danger...” Jefferson mumbled his words, which only earned him a fierce glare from Lynn.

“Danger? So you lied to me to protect me!? My brother is a Green Lantern! He fights criminals on a daily basis...In the open! And you tell me you did it to protect me!?” Lynn shouted at him. Lynn had a good point.

Miss Tui, you look like you have a question you want to ask me?” Saurian turned to look at Katma as if the argument next to him had nothing to do with him. Katma looked back and forth between the fight and Saurian. She squared her shoulders and asked.

“Wraith can we scan you with our power rings, we want see what race you are in the Galactic spectrum?” Katma asked, despite the clear argument that Lynn and Jefferson were about to have they both went quiet at the mention of Wraith's race.

“Sure!” Saurian said in delight. He was reasonably sure what the ring would say.

“See! I told you he wouldn't mind! Ring please identify!” Katma said with a grin at John who rolled his eyes at her in defeat. A neon green construct was created and scanned Saurian from head to toe....

“Identifying..... Identifying...... Identifying..... Can not identify.... Classification unknown.” The ring's automated voice responded... Katma's, and John's face went blank.

“John, Katma, this may be the first time its happened so let me be the first to tell you. The Guardians of Oa don't know everything.” Saurian said with smug satisfaction. Katma opened and closed her mouth several times she didn't know how to respond.

John scanned Saurian as well just to double check, the results were the same. Katma and John asked if they could do a full scan and send the information back to Oa. Saurian agreed on the condition that the Guardians would share what they find with him. After an hour of thorough scanning they sent the information off to Oa. Jefferson and Lynn had taken their discussion back upstairs where shouting continued back and forth. Saurian gave the house a full once over with his magic. Improved insulation, wiring, A/C, windows, etc, etc. Soon the shouting died down not because they had finished but because they couldn't hear them anymore.

“Wow....That is really nice! What this?” John asked when Saurian handed him a paper...

“Its a receipt confirmation for Jefferson's school. It is in desperate need of funding so I transferred one million dollars to it. Under the condition that Jefferson be the one to direct where it's suppose to go. Now, does this city have a major crimes unit precinct? I'm suppose to build a meta-human holding cell.” Saurian asked. John smiled at Saurian for donating money to the high school, a million dollars would help a lot!

Katma offered to give the receipt to Jefferson while John flew over to the station with Saurian. They landed at the station the police had a minor freak out at the sight of Green Lantern who they had seen a few times helping in dire situations, but Agent Wraith of UNWS was another problem all together. Saurian informed the Captain of the MCU about meta-humans, as he built them a holding cell, and hand-cuffs. He gave them a huge manual and a ARGUS contact number.

“Before I leave I wanted to run an idea past you. Do you think the Justice League should have a orbital satellite for a Head Quarters? Or should it be built on the moon?” Saurian asked John who stopped to think.

“I think an orbital satellite would be a good choice. Avoid favoritism with any specific nation, plus it would allow us to move it into specific position if need be for quick response. But I can see the advantages of having it on the moon as well. I'll run the idea past the others, I assume you already have a few designs for it?” John asked with a smile as he shook Saurian's massive hand.

“I do. See you later John, hopefully not to soon!” Saurian said as he jumped into a tree and returned to the local Warden HQ. Next stop was....Las Vegas Nevada to see Zatanna!


In a grand study room sat someone with no face. Yes, the face was simply blank as the person continued to breath through their nose that wasn't there, they also drank from a glass on the desk though they had no mouth. The person wrote in a larger than life book, with a golden pen. As the person wrote in the book, the book gave words back. The person read the response, then wrote a reply. Then they reached into the desk and drawer pulled out a richly ornate wooden box. They opened the box and contained with in was a black obsidian carved with orichalcum twenty sided dice. They picked it up, rolled it around in their hands and tossed it across the desk. Bounce...Bounce....Roll.... The D20 came to....17. The number 17 glowed brilliantly as the fabric of reality seem to bend around it.

“The games begin....” Said the person with a genderless voice.

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