As the nexus portal powered down, Saurian stepped from it after he thanked the mage with a token of Nature magic that left the poor fellow in a puddle of pleasure. Saurian walked the sacred halls of the Warden head quarters. He passed by dozens of people who all greeted him, a few asked why he was visiting. Normally Warden's stick to their assigned cities and only leave due to business or pleasure. But Saurian had a free pass for travel because of his circumstances. He checked by the information agency in the HQ and learned all the local info, culture, and anyone to watch out for.

Several casino's were currently closed and being looked into thanks to the Blood-Kindred oversight. Three Kindred houses in Las Vegas alone had been dissolved due to illegal activities. But there was a problem, hundreds of Blood-Kindred went underground instead of obeying the new laws. Bounties had been placed for any information or even capture of several outstanding Kindred. Oversight would weed out rot with in the Kindred. Or just make the already powerful and connected even more powerful because of the power vacuums. Criminal activity mundane and super-natural had spiked by about 45% in Vegas alone.

Before Saurian left he went to the medical wing in the HQ and crafted them a Nature Domain enchanted tree. Sooth, Nature's Supplement, Restoration, Nature's Kiss, and Regrowth. Then he got a prompt from something he had been looking forward to for a while.

Congratulations User! Intermediate Enchanting has evolved into Advanced Enchanting.

Effects: Now all enchanted spell effects are capable of holding 50% of their capability.

“Dawn, My brightest star. I noticed I don't always get the same notification for every evolution. Is that because there is no drastic effects other then an increase and decrease in power?” Saurian asked as he finished carving the stone.

“That is correct, User! We've also noticed that you prefer simple and to the point messages. Unless you acquire something new the explanation prompts will be simple. I would also like to remind you that in a few hours in the Real it is time for your scheduled break. So you have approximately two to three weeks in the dream.” Dawn's sweet voice called into Saurian's ear.

“Thank you, Dawn.” Saurian said softly.

One hour in the Real was one week in the Dream. Despite the long exposure to the generated Dream world Saurian felt fine. He sat down and spoke to several of the spell-healers in the medical ward. He instructed them on how to use the imbued tree, recharge rate, etc. He also talked shop with a people about the Life Domain, while his Skill Trainer for teaching Nature to them went up a few points. Observant Learner informed him that the Life Domain reached (68%). He also learned that he couldn't force feed the Nature Domain into some one. He received several prompts about the target not being acceptable host for the magic. Turns out that you can get the learned domain to 99% but unless you are compatible it wont ever be fully obtained.

With the sound of flesh being torn, bones breaking, Saurian shifted back to Lash. Lash brushed down his Warden armor and created a multi layered glamour and Illusion Domain of him wearing designer boots, pants, tucked in gray t-shirt that he filled out very well with his 6' 4” muscled form. Changed his eye color to green, tanned skin tone, hid his tattoo's but kept himself bald. When he went up to the top layer of the Vega's HQ he discovered that a Casino and hotel was on the surface. The Hidden Eye was the name of the casino. Open to mundanes and super-natural's alike. Normally Warden HQ's are kept at a distance from towns and cities but the HQ had been here for over two hundred years. City grew around it, so instead of moving they just changed it to 'The Hidden Eye'.

The Casino and Hotel was much like a lot of places on the strip. It had about five thousand rooms of different varieties. Economic, business, and VIP sections. Large strips of land for the occupants of the hotel. A large stage for shows of dancing, comedy, and magic tricks. But the real kicker was that the hotel had a theme! The Super-Natural! Much like caesars palace with everyone in toga's and stage props. The Hidden Eye had Were-Leopards walking around, mermaids in the aquariums, etc! The only difference is that all the 'actors' were actual super-natural's. Along with a massive underground complex.

Lash cast Immaculate on himself just for good measure. It had been a while since he hand been to a shower. Stepped out from the casino and walked the famous Vegas strip. The surge of vitality and sickness rolled over him like a tide. He could feel both sides of world as he joined the masses. There was beauty on the surface but he could see all the rot and filth as well. Anyone who lived in Vegas could tell you that the Strip is a shitty environment. It was a melting pot of culture, ethnicity, and races. Not just humans, he saw all sorts of super-natural denizens walking the strip. But he also saw a few people walk around with out glamour! Red skin, horns, devil tail! Most people seem to think they were part of a show. Maybe they were!

The strip went on for miles down a long road with a variety of lights, attractions, side area's, and indulgence both legal and illegal. It was late afternoon when Lash walked the strip and it was still jam packed with people and would only fill up more and more as time went by. It was Sunday, and it was still filled to the brim. But because it was Sunday he saw several preachers on boxes shouting at the masses to repent! To find solace in God.

“And the Lord said unto me! Listen not to those that come from the stars! For they shall lead you astray! My brothers and sisters! Do not hear the please of the those that do not look like my children! For they are products of the Devil himself!” Said a very enthusiastic man with a bible in hand. Dressed up in all black and a white collar. Lash stopped to watch him for a bit. Several people put bills into his collection.

“I tell you my brothers and sisters! We must come together now, more then ever! Throw away your petty disagreements over the color of your skin! Over your religious beliefs! Come together now! Follow in the light of the Heaven! Join our congregation and put humanity first!” The preacher yelled out! Lash's eyes narrowed at that phrase.

“I have a question?” Lash said loud enough for all those to hear.

“Speak up my brother! What questions do you have for God!” The preacher smiled at him.

“Tell me Mr Wells. Why is a man that was excommunicated from the church wearing a poorly crafted catholic priest suit? In order to spread hate and fear, all to spend more money at the strip club down the street?” Lash asked with a smile as he created a 'holo-image' of the 'preachers' ID for everyone to read. Thanks to Wayne-Tech holographic watches were expensive but around. 'Preacher' Wells went pale. Lash produced a 'badge' on his belt and pointed at Wells.

“Leave....” Lash said to him. Wells jumped down from his box. Snagged his collection bowl and took off down the side walk. The 'congregation' all scattered at the sight of the badge. Lash threw a Warden identification mark on the 'priest' and sent his info to the Warden HQ. Possible Human's First recruiter. Low priority.

“Ooohhh look at the piggy! Throwing his weight around! You goin to bust everyone on the street for speaking their mind?” Said a man that didn't scatter. Lash looked over and saw a 5'9” over weight man with a nose that had been broken more then once.

“When a man claiming to be an ordained priest takes parishioners money in the name of God. That is not only illegal in the US, it also a Sin against God. Now, if he was an actual priest, and planned to use the money at his church. I may not have agreed with the bullshit he was spouting. But I would have let him shout and collect. To take the money from stupid people.” Lash said as he walked up to the man and stopped when he was ten feet away.

“So the man lied about being a priest! So he lied about what he was using the money for! He didn't lie about the alien scum coming from the stars. Anything that isn't human shouldn't be on Earth. Earth was made for humans!” the man shouted, and several people cheered.

“As an American citizen Mr Cowell. That is your right to think that. No matter how fucking stupid it sounds. That is your right. However, I find it hard to agree with a man that has been convicted of domestic abuse, and is not allowed to see his two kids because he was suspected of pedophilia.” Lash said to him. Cowell's face went purple with rage as his back up took a step back in revulsion.

“You piece of shit! I fucking kill you!” Cowell shouted and threw a punch at Lash. Lash ducked under his arm, tapped his back and sent a shock through him. Cowell dropped like a sack of potatoes.

Lash on the sly fabricated a pair of handcuffs and read Cowell his rights for his attempted assault on an officer. He used Connectivity to call in some officers to take Cowell into custody. He filled out the paper work in record time. Officers showed up and dragged Cowell who was unconscious out to the local precinct. Who was Lash? Just a passing by US Marshal, it raised a few questions but no one had the pay grade to force him to answer. He blended back into the crowd and disappeared.

Lash found three more people all spreading hate and fear for Aliens. However unlike the 'priest' they did it in the open. As much as Lash wanted to pull them down technically by law they hadn't broken anything. He placed a Warden mark on them, and sent their file to the Warden's for follow up. Low priority. He understood that this was all nickel and dimes for the grand scheme of things. But he hated the little shits spouting lies about his work. One of them did say Superman was a shit stain so Lash broke his nose. He was gone by the time the cops showed up.

“Zzzzzzzzztttttt! Gaaaah!” A woman dropped to the ground next to Lash.

She was 5'6” with fair skin, blue eyes, dirty blond hair, and looked a little thin in her punk goth cloths. She had tried to pick his pocket and received a shock to her system. The crowd around Lash and the woman spread out in surprise. Lash crouched down and looked at her as she was still conscious, but convulsing for a few more seconds.

“Sorry, I'm not the best person to try and pick a pocket from. As you can see its trapped. So why have you been following me?” Lash asked her with a smile on his face. Though he was sure it was not a friendly smile as the girl shivered.

“I...Its not personal man. I was just paid to snag your ID for some people.” The woman said to him as she sat up and tried to get away. Lash snagged her wrist to keep her from running. She tried to wiggle, squeeze, twist, and even kicked his leg to get him to let go. None of it worked.

“What do they look like?” Lash said to her as he continued to hold her like a child throwing a temper tantrum.

“What the fuck! I... don't know!” The woman screamed at him and tried to kick in the balls. She screamed when her foot connected, balls hard as iron could describe Lash. She dropped to the ground and screamed in pain, she had broke a toe in the attempt.

“Great! Now you'll just have to show me where you planned to meet them.” Lash said with a smile and cast a new spell he had learned from his Illusion Domain.

Illusion Domain Spell Compulsion: Is a form of minor mind control. This is a dangerous spell that can lead many down a dark path. Those with metal resistance are harder to compel. Simple commands are all you can cause currently but will grow with practice. -'These are not the droids you are looking for.'

“Take me to the meet up point.” Lash said, his voice low and soothing. The resistance in the woman's face faded.

“ok.....” She said with a glaze look in her eyes. Lash fixed her toe before they left. He slipped her a few hundred dollars for her trouble. The woman's eyes were still glazed but her lips did tug up a bit.

Along the way Lash spoke to his new 'friend' Shondell was her name. She was born and raised in Vegas. Her punk goth look was just a uniform she wore while she worked the strip. Despite her young look she was nearly thirty. She was mostly a runner that did little odd jobs for people here and there. Pick pocketing a few people, passing drugs, information, etc. She learned too late that you don't stay young forever. She was currently trying to get her associates degree at community college. She couldn't be this way for much longer. Before he released Shondell he fed the skill Science into her skull through Skill Trainer.

Congratulations User! Skill Trainer has evolved into Minor Skill Trainer: You are now better at teaching the masses the use of skills you already know. They obtain the skill easier and obtain a small experience gain in the skill for a short while.

Forced Skill Assimilation: Now takes 20% less energy from the target. But will continue to take double the experience before the target earns the Minor Evolution of the skill.

“What....gaaaa... what did you do?” Lash gently pulled Shondell to the side of the street. They had stepped off the strip but were not far from it. A bar and grill with the name, 'Lavet' was in front of them. He handed her ten grand which made her eyes go wide. She stared at him in shock.

“Get out of the life, Shondell. Take the money, go to school, be a different person.” Lash said as he released her from his Compulsion. Shondell regained her capacity to think freely. She stared at Lash like he was a monster, but looked at the money with conflict on her face.

“You... How....What are you?” Shondell asked.

“Go home... Leave the life.” Lash said to her one more time and walked towards the bar. Shondell looked at his back. Then stuff her hands into her pockets and hid the money. Tears welled up in her eyes.... Why couldn't she had met Lash sooner? She turned on her heels and went home.

The bar and grill was a nice little spot off the beaten path of the strip. A twist, and turn and you see a sign with the smell of BBQ in the air. A few people sat out front with beers in their hands and talked about life. The grill had two stories to it, from the looks of things looked like the owner lived above it while the first floor was the restaurant. Lash walked past the front area opened the door and saw a simple place with a long wooden bar, twelve tables, made with a cherry wood finish. A older man sat behind the bar watching a game on a flat screen TV above the bar. A sign at the front read 'please seat yourself' Lash just stood there however.

“Look for something, son?” The bartender looked away from the TV. He was 6' even with tan leather skin, salt and peppered brown hair, brown eyes. He wore a white t-shirt along with an apron. He filled the shirt out well enough, a lot of upper body strength.

“Looking for Kovin. He sent a pick pocket after me. I'd like to know why.” Lash said with a smile as he looked at the old man. The old man groaned as he brought his hands under the bar. He reached for the beretta that was stashed there.

“What happened to Dell?” The old man asked as he took the gun off its holster. The old man widened his stance and watched Lash with determination.

“I slipped her some money and sent her on her way. You can call her if you like, she said you two are pretty close.” Lash said honestly to the old man. He stayed at the entrance with his hands at his sides in full view of the old man.

The old man was named Enrique, he worked and owned 'Lavet'. However what he actually did was play the gate keeper for the underground market. That was literally under his building. Imagine a staffing agency for the street and criminal world. Go to Lavet's, go to the underground desk and get work. It was neutral territory in Vegas for the mundanes. Enrique was actually a former spy that worked for the CIA. He retired here and slipped a few crumbs here and there to government when he found something useful. So VCPD left Lavet alone. Now the name Lavet had a lot of meanings but the one in use was. 'One hand washes the other.'

“Dell! You alright?” Enrique asked over his phone. He kept an eye on Lash who hadn't moved from his spot at the front. Lash just watched him, his body unnaturally still that it made Enrique tighten his grip on his gun.

“No, no. I got you. He did what!? That...That's enough to clear your debt! Dell your free! No! Go home, we'll talk later.” Enrique hung up the phone and put his gun away. He stared at Lash with a different eye now.

“That's a lot of money to just hand out to a complete stranger...” Enrique said as he tried to read Lash's reaction.

“Is Kovin down stairs? Or is he some place else?” Lash replied, his entire body language was stoic and simple.

“He's down stairs, remember this place is neutral so don't start nothing.” Enrique said as he pointed at a wall that clicked and slid to the side.

“I understand.” Lash replied with a smile that wasn't a smile. He turned his body in one fluid motion that a human body shouldn't be able to do. Enrique flinched at the sight and cursed under his breath.

“Fuck....Your one of those things.” Enrique gritted his teeth and tried to stay as far away from Lash as he could. Lash had no idea who what meant, but it was worth investigating.

“I'm sorry Agent Enrique...One of what?” Lash asked as he stopped mid step to look at him. The way Lash twisted his body was not something a human spine could do.

“One of those animal spliced things the agency made. Part animal part human, just.... Please, I don't know what your orders are but not everyone down stairs is bad. They just have it hard ok?” Enrique was under the impression that Lash was there to kill someone.

Lash tilted his head to one side, again much further then a human should be able to do. He grinned at Enrique as his lips pulled back much further. Enrique shuddered at the sight but refused to turn away. Lash was both amused, and confused. He had simply done the whole animal act because he was bored. But it ended up leading to something. He created a Virtual Intelligence tech-spirit and had it dive into the dark web about government animal splicing on humans.

Lash adjusted back to the way a 'human' would walk and made his way to the sliding door. He walked down some stairs and came to a long concrete hallway that was about ten feet wide, and ten feet tall. Several arrows pointed the way. He came across a few intersections, but all the arrows led to steel door that was guarded by two professional thugs who wore tailored made suits with kevlar sewn into the lining. Combat knives, side arms, and sub-machine guns in hand. Off to the side was a keypad, Lash walked up and inputted a code that was gibberish as simply hacked the door. Beep! Red to green, the guards stepped aside and opened the door. Thump! Thump! Thump! The sound of club music played. Why was it always a club?

Lash stepped into a hallway that was brightly lit and came to a very large foray with lush red carpet on the ground that led to several different stair cases. Each stair case had a sign for jobs, turns ins, club, and hotel. Music blared from the direction of the club while dozens of people walked up and down the stairs. Dressed in tailored suits, uniforms that ranged from police officers, to dancers at a local club.

“You a first timer?” A man called out off the side.

Lash looked over to see a 5'11” man with pale skin, neatly trimmed black hair, athletic build, wearing a tailored made suit. He sat a furnished oak desk off to the side. He had been typing on the computer until he spoke out to Lash. Lash walked with a smile as he noticed one key feature. The man had red highlights in his eyes.

“Didn't expect to see a Blood-Kindred here.” Lash said softly. The Kindred sat up straight when Lash pointed him out.

“Woah! You are the first person to point me out. I'm newly converted, its only been a few years. What can I help you with. Gabriel is the name.” Gabriel said with a smile as he stood up and offered his hand.

Lash used his Sherogoth's Blessing and only saw a few minor things that any average human would have on the Kindred's soul. Lash reached out and shook Gabriel's hand. He activated his Grave Domain and read through him. He hadn't lied, he had started the conversion only a few years ago. He was still stronger than the average man but not by much. Lash did a quick search on Gabriel in the Warden database. He came from a mainstream house who was legit in their dealings. At least by super-natural standards.

“Lash is my name. I am looking for a man named Kovin. Who payed a pick pocket to swipe my ID. The thief is alive, it just made her a better offer. I'd like to know why someone wants to meet me. Especially since I made this face only a few hours ago.” Lash spoke honestly to him.

Gabriel's eye brows went up in surprise. He sat down at his computer and asked what Kovin looked like. Lash gave a brief description thanks to Shondell. Everyone who came into the House of Lies that Gabriel's master ran for the mundanes had to register on through the database. Kovin was a mundane gunrunner that supplied a lot of the local gangs, drug dealers, and had connections with a larger gunrunner family. Gabriel also brought up the job listing. There was a picture of Lash's glamoured appearance walking down the strip. The job was simple to obtain his ID as a US marshal, and paid well too.

“So it had been posted after you pulled down the false priest, only a few minutes after. The priest isn't in our data base so he isn't part of the scene here. So someone was watching the priest and noticed you. Dollars to dimes I bet they ran your face through recognition and didn't find you. So that made the job. Kovin is in the club in the VIP section. Here this will get you past the guards. Just please don't fight here. Neutral ground.” Gabriel said as he handed a VIP card to Lash.

“Why did you become a Kindred, Gabriel? Not judging, just curious.” Lash asked him as he pocketed the card. Gabriel leaned back in his seat as he thought about the question.

“Cancer... I've worked for the House of Lies since I was nine years old. House Knight took a shine to me and brought me under her wing. I didn't know the real scene of course just did my job and did it well. Then I dropped a job because I started coughing up blood. Melina the house Knight petitioned for me to be turned. House Master agreed, and here I am. Knowing what I know now, I may have done it differently. But I am happy to be a part of the House of Lies.” Gabriel said with a smile. Lash nodded, and put a single orichalcum coin on the desk.

“Thanks for the help, oh that is worth more than you think.” Lash said as Gabriel looked at the coin in confusion before he put it away. Lash performed a full etiquette bow that Gabriel tried to copy but failed. He was still learning the customs.

Lash took the stairs up to the club and came to a strange scene. It was a full classic opera house scene with the chairs all pulled out for a dance floor, a band playing on the stage. Lights and lasers went across the whole area as the floor was filled with people dancing, and having a good time. Along the edges were booths with a massive bar on one side. Then on the second floor were private boxes that were being served by well trained men and women in form fitting tuxedo outfits. Lash walked across the floor off to the side. About one of out ten of the staff were new born Kindred, the rest being mundane humans. While staff with authority were all Kindred just little older. A majority of the people that came to the club for work or fun were mundanes.

He slipped up to the second floor after a Kindred guard checked his VIP card. He came to a section of the club that had several booths reserved for a party. Even on a Sunday night girls wearing short and revealing dresses served and snuggled with men in suits. Guards stood on standby to ensure no one bothered their bosses. There in the center of the reserved area sat a thirty something man who wore casual dress shoes, gray slacks, with a red silk shirt, and gray suit jacket. He had his arms wrapped around two women. His black curly hair was cut short but long enough to run fingers through, with a square jaw, high cheek bones, and sharp nose. Plastic surgery was what came to Lash's mind.

“Reserved party, please move along.” A guard who looked incredibly bored said to Lash.

“Please tell the sir I am here about the job he posted. More specifically I'm the man he tried to steal from.” Lash smiled at the guard who blinked at him in surprise.

The guard motioned to one of his companions to take his place as he walked over to Kovin. Kovin smiled at him as he listened then his smiled disappeared as he looked over at Lash who waved at him. Kovin sat up straight but didn't shoo the women away from him. The women understanding something changed sat up as well and maintained enough distance so Kovin could move. Kovin gestured for Lash to join them. The guards stood aside, Lash walked over and took an offered seat.

“So, Mr Kovin. You are fully aware that I am not a US Marshal. Why did you feel it necessary to steal my ID?” Lash said as soon as he sat down. He leaned forward and put his elbows on his knees to watch Kovin's reaction. Kovin look irritated as he watched him.

“The man you pulled down works for one of my clients. You could say he is a recruiter. I wanted to know why a fake US Marshal is stepping into my clients business. If I got your ID I could see who made it. Follow the trail as it were. But you being here tells me a few things. So I'll be nice... Don't get into my clients business and we wont have a problem.” Kovin spoke with slavic accent as he glared at Lash.

“May I know your client? How can I stay away if I don't know who they are.” Lash said as he leaned back and showed his hands. His body language suggested he had accepted the idea. The tense atmosphere around Kovin loosened a bit.

“Humans First.....” Kovin said with a smile.

Both the women next to him looked at him in surprise. The 'HF' was a known terrorist organization that had attacked many science, medical, and businesses that had any interaction with the 'Aliens'. They were not afraid of collateral damage. But their training kicked in and they returned to their blissfully naive expressions. Kovin didn't notice as he watched how Lash's body language went from surrender to bubbling rage.

“Ohhhhh... Mr Kovin if you had said anyone else. Drug cartels, local mobsters, even a foreign country. I would have stopped. But Humans First is in my shit list, and now that you have freely admitted that the HF are you clients. I will use my considerable resources and connections to see you and your business burn.” Lash said with a smile. He stood up under the intense glare of Kovin. The guards around them pulled their guns out.

“Gentlemen! Did you forget about the rule of Neutrality in the House of Lies?” A feminine voice called out.

The voice belong to a woman who wore black dress shoes, black slacks, white buttoned up shirt, black suit jacket. She had sub-machine gun on her hip, and a long sword strapped to her back. She was 5'11” with short blond hair that was above her shoulders and pinned back. Lightly tanned skin, and strong hourglass figure that just oozed sex appeal. But most of all here eyes were completely red. Well under her glamour they were red, with the glamour of a full Blood-Kindred they were amber. She walked up to the reserved party with several other Blood-Kindred and Gabriel.

“Melina! This man is threatening my business. How can me and my men just let him go with out a warning?” Kovin said as he stood up in greeting to her.

“People threaten each other all the time in the House of Lies. But no one takes their weapons out because once you do that you intend to draw blood. And I know you wouldn't do that, Kovin. So we'll just assume your people were cleaning their weapons?” Melina said.

Melina made a simple hand gesture and her soldiers spread out to surround the reserved party. The party goers in and out of the reserved area all stood at attention, the atmosphere became tense. Kovin looked at Melina in surprise. His family had been a part of the House of Lies for decades, they had far more reach than most that came here. More then once Melina had offered to remove people from the club because he didn't like them. Kovin looked at Lash, a question clear on his face.

“I am a guest in this house. I understand the neutrality and will abide by it. Yes I did threaten Mr Kovin. He has openly admitted to doing business to the terrorist organization Humans First. So I threatened him and fully intend to destroy him. But it will be away from these sacred grounds.” Lash turned towards Melina and gave her a full Warden customary bow. The Warden etiquette was noticed by Melina who blinked at him in surprise.

“Kovin...Tell your people to stop cleaning their weapons. You may send the wrong message that you are above the rules here.” Melina said after a moment of staring at Lash. All the mundanes in the area looked at Lash in confusion because after he bowed all the guards in the area took a battle ready stance towards Kovin's group. Something that Kovin noticed with obvious surprise.

“You know what...I think we'll just leave.” Kovin said, he motioned for his guards to put their weapons away and was about to leave when.

“Now, now! Mr. Kovin we can't have you leave so quickly....You just got here.” Melina said loudly.

Korvin stopped, he looked at Melina with horror in his eyes. As dozens House guards appeared almost out of thin air. The women were excused since they worked at the House while Korvin's party goers were forced to sit and be quiet. Everyone on the second floor now payed attention to the scene. This would happen from time to time. People that had power go to their heads would cause problems in the club and have to be taught a lesson. But Korvin's family had a lot of pull here so when all the VIP's saw that he was being punished for messing with a complete stranger? Who the fuck was the stranger?

Gabriel came to Lash's side and gestured for him to follow. Lash did so, though he did smile and wave at Kovin who looked pale with fright. Who ever was punished by the House of Lies didn't meet a good end. Lash was escorted to the third floor that was for staff only much to the surprise of the VIP section because that didn't happen often. Lash walked past a line on the ground and the sound from the club magically went away. When they were both out of ear and eye shot Gabriel turned on his heel and pointed a finger at Lash.

“What the fuck!? Warden Lash! The man who caused the oversight! Why didn't you tell me who you were? Fuck! I've never seen Knight Melina look so terrified before!” Gabriel shouted at Lash.

“Gabriel...The House of Lies is a legal house. They have nothing to fear from me. I also didn't know who Kovin was or that he was feeding the HF. I'm happy I checked up on it though. I don't know what rumors or false hood stories you've heard about me. But I don't discriminate against the different super-natural's as long as they obey the laws that is all that matters.” Lash said with a smile and a shrug as he leaned up against a wall.

“Yaaaa....Most Kindred think of you as the grim reaper. Who harvest whole houses! Six dozen houses across the US have been dissolved in the past forty eight hours because the oversight!” Gabriel said to him, his entire body vibrating with anger.

“Let me guess Gabriel, you got the rose tinted glasses version of those Houses? Where all Blood-Kindred are complete angels. They do no wrong, the super-natural community relies on the Kindred to supply and operate with the mundanes. So that means the Blood-Kindred can break the laws with no repercussions?” Lash said as he rolled his eyes at him.

“Don't patronize me Lash! I know the Kindred are fucked up! I'm worried about my house! Do we need to grovel at your feet?” Gabriel said with a glare.

“Gabriel.... If I was half what you think I am. Then I wouldn't have given you an orichalcum coin as payment for your services.” Lash said with a smirk. Gabriel took the coin out and looked at it.

“What's Orichalcum?” Gabriel said as the wind was pulled from his sales.

“Orichalcum is a very precious, and rare material. I am assuming the coin is pure. Which means it could be worth any where from one to three hundred thousand dollars. Orichalcum is one of the best magical enchanted materials in the world.” Melina said as she came around the corner. She held up a hand to stop Gabriel from kneeling.

“Warden Lash. Please understand that the House of Lies had no idea that Kovin's family had dealings with the HF. We will of course cooperate fully with the investigation and hand over all records.” Melina said as she stood at attention in front of Lash. Lash stood up from the wall and smiled at her.

“Thank you. I've already sent a message to the Warden HQ. I have also put in a full recommendation to the House of Lies for the full support in the investigation. With out your help I never would have found this out. So we've found a HF supplier, House of Lies gets a recommendation. Everyone wins....Well except Kovin and his family.” Lash said to her. Melina visibly relaxed at the sound of Lash commentary.

“Also Gabriel is good people. You have a good eye Knight Melina. The House of Lies is a good place for young Kindred to grow up in. Keep up the good work. Now please excuse me I have other matters to attend to. To put it simply this was all just a side quest for me.” Lash said, and was surprised he could say the words 'Side Quest'. Melina accepted the compliment and smiled at Gabriel who blushed in embarrassment.

Lash left the House of Lies and returned down the same tunnel that led to the bar and grill, Lavet. Enrique jumped in fright when Lash walked out of the secret entrance. Lash put a hundred dollar bill in the tip jar and left the grill. He rejoined the crowd on the Vegas strip and made his way to the MCU in Las Vegas. The police station was a bit off the beaten path, but it had full road access and was incredibly busy. As he walked towards the station he cast Invisibility on himself. Then used Transformation, and Phantasm to create his Lizard Wraith form.

Lash appeared on the sidewalk that led to the main entrance. A seven foot tall creature with a writhing mass of shadow and smoke dancing around his monster form. Several people screamed in shock and surprise, many officers drew their weapons and pointed at Lash to get on the ground. He just stared at them for a bit before he pulled out his badge for the UNWS. But they didn't seem to care. So Lash just ignored them and walked into the station.

“GET ON THE GROUND NOW!” The officer shouted as he blocked the entrance into the major crimes precinct.

“My name is Agent Wraith, I am with the United Nations World Security. Also, I haven't broken any laws so why are you shouting at me?” Lash said to officers who had their guns pointed at him. He used Commanding Presence, and Compulsion to obtain an answer.

“Because....Your a monster! W.....We've been ordered by the City Mayor to place you under arrest if we see you!” The lead officer shouted through gritted teeth.

“You were ordered by the city mayor. To arrest someone who works for the United Nations? Do you have any idea how fucking stupid that sounds? Look, I am here to speak to the officer in charge of the MCU because I am here to build you something. You can either get out of my way, or try and stop me. But I must warn you, tanks have shot uranium shells at me and it didn't kill me. So you have nothing but water guns in my eyes.” Lash said as he walked towards the elevator.

Lash used Connectivity and jumped onto the 'secured' police database. Several officers attempted to open fire on him, but their guns soon became magnetically fused. A few officers attempted to tackle him but his shroud brushed them aside. He rode the elevator up to the top main office floor as he looked through the database. Sure enough the City Mayor had issued a open arrest warrant on 'Wraith' should he arrive in the city. He forwarded the information to the Warden's and ARGUS. When the elevator doors opened the entire office had taken cover and had their weapons pointed at him.

“Hello! I am looking for the Officer in charge! I understand its Sunday but I am here to build you something.....Anyone?” Lash said as he stepped from the elevator. Every single officer on the floor attempted to shoot him. All the weapons clicked and wouldn't fire.

“Wow...OK! Looks like we are going to be here for a while.” Lash said as his shroud extended and swallowed the whole floor.

Over the next four hours the MCU in Vegas attempted to arrest Lash. As police officers and on site Swat teams tried to shoot him. When that failed they tried to use close quarters combat, which of course also failed. Lash spoke to a more reasonable officer who had been restrained about why the Mayor put an agent of the UNWS on the arrest list. The prisoners didn't have any idea as to what was going on but they stayed the fuck out of the way. Lash turned one of the holding cells into a meta-human cell with power inhibitors.

Two hours in the Wardens/Shield and Sword had sprinted to City Hall and demanded to know why Agent Wraith had a warrant for his arrest. Turned out the City Mayor was a member of 'Humans First', who was also not in the city, or the state for that matter. At the top of the fourth hour ARGUS showed up in tactical gear to rappel down from military helicopters to re-secure the MCU. The police were surprised and horrified when ARGUS arrested them.

“So, let me understand this correctly. The city Mayor issued a Warrant for Agent Wraith's arrest simply because he's an Alien? Not one of you thought that was peculiar?” Daiane Shi'Word said this to the city council that came to the MCU.

Daiane Shi'Word was one of the Torloth's older daughters. Juliana was the youngest in his brood. Daiane was 5'9”, with straight short black hair that was above her shoulders and combed to one side. She had piercing green eyes, honey colored skin, with a voluptuous hour glass figure. Her breasts bounced and jiggled with every step, and exaggerated movement she made. She had a Brazilian accent because she was born and raised in with her mother until she came to work at Shield and Sword.

Daiane sat at the long and over used general conference desk with a pointed glare at the Captain of the MCU, chief of staff of the city, and the Nevada governor who was a holographic projection from his home. They all looked clearly conflicted as they realized they had fucked up. Because they all knew about the warrant and said nothing. Lash who still looked like Agent Wraith sat next to Daiane as he stayed quiet and just let her work. But he did notice that Daiane kept rubbing her leg up and down his tail.

“We had confirmed reports that Agent Wraith was attacking major cities police stations. He would show up, attack, and leave. So...The Mayor issued...” The Captain tried to answer.

“Where are those reports? Do you have a hard copy? Digital copy? Because my people have checked the entire database and can't find a single strip of data to confirm your statement!” An ARGUS officer in charge sat at the table as well. He was in full uniform and had placed his fully automatic rifle on the table, it was pointed at the Captain completely by 'accident'.

“ was given to us by the city mayor. Once we had seen it, the mayor took it ba...” The captain began to say when Lash interrupted him.

“You are lying. You never saw a report. You said and this is a quote. 'If that scaled bastard shows up in Vegas we'll shoot him full of holes and stick him on the road for the buzzards to eat.” Lash said to him and pushed a 'holographic' projection of the security camera that caught the whole thing onto the table.

“Soldiers! Arrest this shit for brains!” The ARGUS officer called out, his men came in and took the shit for brains away.

“Thank you Agent Wraith. Now, should we wait for Wraith to comb through the data base or do you two just want to confess here and now?” Daiane said with a smile.

Turned out that several eye witnesses of the HF had seen Wraith show up and install new meta-human holding cells in different cities. Well just two, but that was enough for them! So any HF loyal enthusiasts sent the word out. The Wardens and ARGUS found over a dozen different cities that had a warrant for Agent Wraith's arrest. Which made Lash audibly gasp at the incredible stupidity of it! They may as well have just held a sign up and 'say arrest me!'

“I agree... Why would the HF sacrifice so many people in key positions across the country. This was a stupid move. The HF is an terrorist organization that spans the globe. So there has to be another objective here.” The ARGUS officer in charge said to Lash.

“Well either one of the HF's leaders has seen the error of their ways and is attempting to dismantle the organization from the inside out. Or, the HF will try and spin this to show the stupid and uneducated masses that the 'Aliens' have taken over the go....oh crap.” Lash said but stopped at the end as he threw up a projection of a news broad cast.

A CNN broad cast was playing a video of a man with a distorted voice in a mask. The man spoke about how Aliens have taken over the US government as they unjustly arrest and condemn honest hard working civil servants for wanting to protect their citizens from the Alien menace. The man continued to spin bullshit as they showed clearly edited videos of Wraith 'attacking' the MCU in Vegas. They cut and paste scenes from Gotham into the video because when he showed up at Vegas none of the cops shot him or at least visibly and he didn't fight them. Clearly not what the HF had wanted, so the video editing was in place. After the man finished his monologue and spread his message of hate. The CNN host began to dissect the video and clearly pointed out the bad editing. Anyone with a brain would see what HF was trying to do. But the world was full of stupid and angry people.

“Should I even try and install the meta-human holding cells in the other cities I'm planning on visiting or should I just skip them?” Lash asked, he was clearly depressed as his shoulders sagged. Daiane looked like she wanted to console him but kept her distance.

“Directer Waller says yes. However, when you show up in a city please contact ARGUS and we'll contact the MCU for that city. Less surprise, and less chance of you walking into a trap that can be filmed.” The ARGUS officer declared. Daiane and Lash were the last ones in the room after the officer left. She cast a noise obstruction glamour then turned to look at Lash with a smile.

“Welcome to Vegas! I wish things had turned out better. I don't suppose I could convince you to stick around and have sex with me?” Daiane said, upfront and honest. Lash laughed out loud for a bit and shook his head.

“Tempting, but not today.” Lash said, also with honesty. Daiane looked disappointed but shrugged her shoulders and pegged him with a coquettish look.

“So...That means there is a chance some other day?” Daiane said as her eyes danced up and down Lash. Lash stood up and bowed from his waist to the dragon Daiane.

“Yes Lady Daiane of Shi'Word. Some other day will be fine.” Lash said to her, she smiled at him as he left the room.

It was Monday morning when he left the Vegas MCU. He still hadn't seen Zatanna which was one of his main objectives for visiting Vegas. This time he called for a transport from the Wardens that have him drive to the last known location of Zatanna. Yes, last known. Why is that? Zatanna lives in the fabled 'House of Mystery'. The house moves, randomly appearing all across the world where ever it wants. But it will go where its current owner wants it to go. Zatara has lived in it for decades, and Zatanna became its owner by blood and the fact that the house likes her.

Along the way Lash pulled his wraith disguise off and returned to his 'default' human shape. He watched the scenery pass by as he left the Vegas strip, went in to Vegas proper. Then drove past the neighborhoods into the vast desert that surrounded the city. The driver pulled off the main road and went down a dirt path. They stopped at a completely empty lot where a clean defined out line was. A house would fit there. But there was not a sight of it. Lash stepped out of the car and walked up to where the front porch would be.

“Thanks for the ride. I'm going to sit here till it comes back.” Lash said to the driver who nodded and left soon after.

Lash used his Nature Domain and created a simple seat made from dirt that allowed him to kneel in a meditation position. He used his long lost skill Meditation and began to clear his mind. He delved into each of his Domains and let his minds eye swim through them. The sun slowly rose into the sky, and it was noon before he knew it. The sun baked the dry sands around him and brought hot winds across his face. He felt that he gained a better understanding of each Domain he 'swam' through as time passed. Then the shadow of someone stood in front of him blocking out the sun. Lash opened his eyes to find a 5'11” Blue eyed, black hair, tuxedo wearing Zatara sanding before him, or maybe not.

“Giovanni... Where are you right now?” Lash asked softly as he stayed in his meditation position. Giovanni was transparent but not dead.

“Warden Lash, help my daughter. She is in trouble! Help her! Then help her find me! Please!” Giovanni's voice was distant as if he shouted from a great distance away.

“I would love to help, but I can't even find the house...Oh there it is!” Lash said to the ghost like Giovanni. Then as he finished his words the House of Mystery appeared.

The House of Mystery was a three story victorian house made from red cherry wood floor boards, white painted window shutters, purple velvet drapes, with clay tile roofs, several castle tower attachments, and a standing tower that was five stories tall. Several windows showed different depictions of what was going on inside the house. From a grand party, to a lonely old man who sat in a rocking chair, to a family sitting down to dinner.

Lash stood up and watched Giovanni point at the door and fade from sight. The door opened up on its own accord as Lash walked in. The main room was a vast room that clearly didn't fit inside the home as it stretched for a city block and was ten stories tall. The door shut behind him softly, then an older man appeared next to him. The man was 6'1” had clean black hair, blue eyes, and a healthy skin tone. He wore a neat tuxedo with a rose in his lapel. He bowed from his waist towards Lash who returned the gesture.

“Warden Lash, welcome. Giovanni said you would be coming. I'm afraid I can't tell you much. My name is Cain. I am the care taker and house hold servant to the House of Mystery. While Zatanna left to help in Gotham something... escaped from the collections of the House. When Zatanna returned she tried her best to contain the situation but was soon caught in the very same trap the 'being' was once in. This being is twisting the house, soon the House of Mystery will be under its control. In that event I will then begin to serve them instead of the Zatara family. May I ask that you free Zatara from the trap, defeat or re cage the being that escaped?” Cain asked.

“Sure...I'll assume you can not directly get involved in the ownership of the house? Can you at least point me in the right direction?” Lash asked, Cain smiled at him and pointed at the two grand wooden doors off to the side in the room. Lash used Insight on Cain just to make sure.

Name: Cain

Title: First son of Adam and Eve.

Origin: Mundane. Sub-Origin: Magical.

Rank: ???

Skills: ???

Domains: ???

Powers: ???

Disposition: Friendly

Comments: Yes, he is that Cain. He hopes that Warden Lash can save Zatanna, he much prefers working under the Zatara house hold then the ancient creature that had escaped.

Lash stopped and gawked at Cain for a bit. The man looked at him with a knowing smile because in a small way he really did know. Lash soon snapped out of it, checked his gear and cast the spells Sooth, Nature's Supplement, Chameleon, Nature's Passage, Connectivity didn't work inside the house at least for now. Then he cast Immaculate, Death Ward, Cat's Grace, he ran his fingers over Dawn his Familiar necklace who purred in his ear. He rolled his shoulders, reached for the door handle and pushed on it....Didn't budge.

“It's a pull...” Cain said softly behind him. Lash chuckled a bit and pulled on the door. A vast pitch black of nothing was on the other side. Then like a great wild beast the pitch black took a ragged breath and sucked Lash in.

“Remember! Save Zatanna, Put the thing back in its cage or defeat it! We don't have much time! Good luck Warden Lash!” Cain shouted at him as he fell into the darkness of the room. The door slammed shut after Cain finished speaking.

Lash felt a lot like Alice as she fell down the rabbit hole. Only instead of tree roots, clocks, and acid tripping colors he saw nothing but blackness. Then as he felt the wind rush past him he came to a crawling stop, the darkness oriented him to stand on his two feet and set him down. There he was standing on a stone path where a great chasm of nothing on either side of him. The path was made from two by two inch stone tiles made from a variety of colors. The path was five feet across and went on for what seemed to be miles. It twisted and turned but the path just kept on going as far as he could see. Lash knew he was in trouble when is skill Dungeon Delver started to gain experience.

“Alright, every journey starts with the first step.” Lash said to himself, and took his first step onto the path. This was followed by.

“GOOOOOOOOO BAAAAAAAACKKKKKKK! YOU ARE NOOOOOOT WELCOME HHHHHHEEEREEEE!” A voice straight out crypt keepers story time screamed at him.

“Ok! First off! I was invited by the current owners of the home. Just so we are clear, that isn't you. Secondly, what the fuck is wrong with you? Shouting at me to leave, and using magic to do it! Wow....You dumb!” Lash said with a grin as he sniffed the magic used to project the voice in the air. He walked straight up to the edge of the path activated Gravity Stride and walked down the ledge, straight down.

“NOOOOOOOOOOOO!” The sinister and creepy voice and turned frantic.

“Yes! That is right dumb ass! You used a spell to call out to me! Now I'm tracking you because of that spell. Just because you are old doesn't make you smart!” Lash laughed as he began to run straight down.


Also we have 200 readers for. The Dream Engine. Yay! This is also the 60th chapter. Hazah!

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