Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 61: Wayside Inn of Mystery!

It all seemed like a good idea at the time. So motivated to chase down the creature that escaped from its containment. To find Zatanna in the House of Mystery before the house changed ownership. Having a brief discussion with the first human murderer in their recorded history. That is right, human murderer. Super-Naturals had been on the Earth just as long if not longer then humans. If they came from the christian god, another world, or another dimension not even the oldest of the super-naturals knew. Lash had run down the surface of the cliff for the past hour but had the distinct impression that the cliff simply grew to accommodate him. Like a treadmill.

“Fuck it! Dawn pause the world and let me log out for a moment. I am sure this is all story so it won't continue with out me.” Lash said as the world slowed down then froze. He felt the distinct sensation of being pulled out of his own body, flew through the atmosphere, past the black box towards the stars above.

Erik opened his eyes in a pitch black room and looked around. He swapped out his dirty cloths, took a shower. When Erik stepped out of the shower he looked at himself in the mirror and saw a different person who looked back at him. He had lost nearly fifty pounds in five days, and gained muscle definition. He put on some now loose cloths and went to his kitchen to have a simple meal, he looked at his apartment window to see the sun setting. It was 5:00 pm on Tuesday, if he timed it right he could use the store in the Dream Engine when he came back. Erik had until this coming Sunday to play as much as he liked. Then he would be going back to work, it didn't mean he'd stop he'd just have to for time between. Maybe that would be a good thing. Let the soft progression skip through time a bit. Ding!

Erik gobbled down his meal, took another three daily vitamin pills and had several glasses of water. He went to his computer and logged on to his account for the Dream Engine forum. He filled out a questionnaire about his current health, mental stability, and reality. The system said he was perfectly healthy and ready to keep gaming. Oddly enough they didn't want him to fill out a report only to sign off on his engine being watched which he was fine with. Then he jumped onto the forums and scrolled through the different postings.


Rifts were essentially the dungeons or instanced area's of the Dream. They would be used in the single player version as testing but would be placed primarily in the multiplayer, and MMO version of the Dream. The situation was rather chaotic in itself. Thanks to the dozens if not hundreds of speedsters in the world thanks to the VI avatars running around be it good ones or bad ones they would break the barrier between the different worlds and jump realities. Because there were so many speedsters doing this the fabric of reality became frayed or torn. This would create 'Rifts' that open up into separate realities. These Rifts would be a dungeon of sorts, the Users would have to jump into the Rifts find a object or person and bring it back through the Rift to close it. The Rifts were treated like alternate time lines that were a closed bubble in time? Not actual separate realities like you see in the comics. So Erik assumed that when the Meta-humans started to develop more the Rifts would start to appear as well. Great just another thing to put on his plate.


Certain Beta testers had been selected to start using the multiplayer version of the game. This version you had to be selected by the Developers. Basically it was like this, every User had their own generated Dream World. When you reached a certain stage in your own single User Dream it would allow for alternate reality jumping. Once you reach that stage the idea of people coming from different realities is capable. Happened all the time in DC comics. So once your world developed Rifts, you could have invite other Users, or go to another Users generated Dream World. Their is even a chance of letting people sign off or on for 'Invasions' from another reality. Erik had to admit invading a alternate reality tickled him. He'd have to talk to Dawn when he logged in about it.

Erik spent some time to look through the different posts. He answered a few private messages about his VI avatar. That was something he hadn't known, when ever you get a new skill, spell, ability, etc in your Dream your VI avatar updates. This meant two things, if the User died early then their VI avatar of their deceased version in other peoples games will never grow. They still stay what ever rank they were and abilities. But if you continue to use the same generated character then that VI avatar continues to update. So Warden Lash Saurian were Assassin/Combat Medics in a lot of peoples worlds. In fact he had killed dozens of Users who went the villain path. So he received a lot of hate messages and people asking advice on how to deal with his Avatar. Erik didn't know if he should laugh or cry. So he just marked them as read. Answered a few messages with vague concepts of loyalty, honesty, and the fact that he would stay in-character. Lash never said he obtained a new skill or got experience out loud. Not like Dia Nyx, she did that all the time in Tartarus. Erik also made sure not to reveal his mundane identity. A lot of people asked what that was. He refused to answer, that would just ruin the fun.

Erik logged off the forum, turned off his computer and laid across his bed. He took a deep breath and let the Cube pull him back into his Dream. Erik opened his eyes to find a beautiful woman with fiery red hair laying down across a beach chair with a yellow sun floating above her. She had a string bikini on and it excited the eyes when she turned to look at him. Dawn rolled to her side and smiled, she pulled her sunglasses off to reveal a pair of dazzling green eyes. Erik walked across the black room took a knee and kissed Dawn. Much to her surprise as her eyes went wide, when Erik pushed his tongue into her mouth she moaned with pleasure as her eyes fluttered closed. She ran her fingers over his neck and pulled him in. Erik and Dawn kissed each other for a solid minute before Dawn pushed him away with a coy smile.

“Well nice to see you as well, User.” Dawn said as she sat up on the beach chair.

She waved her hand and another beach chair appeared pointing in the opposite direction so Erik could sit down and face her. He took the invitation and rested under the yellow sun in the grand universe around them. Dawn leaned back against the beach chair and put her sun glasses back on. Her breasts bounced with the movement and she smiled when Erik watched her.

“Its 8:00 pm so the store is open would you like to see the store catalog before you go down?” Dawn asked, as she grabbed a bottle of sun tan lotion and massaged the oil into her skin. Erik knew she was doing it simply for him and he didn't stop her.

“Yes please...” Erik said as he continued to watch Dawn apply sun tan lotion to her chest, abdomen, and legs. She exaggerated the movements and made it slow and showy. Once she finished the book materialized on Erik's lap.

“Before I look through this. I read the Version update about Rifts, as well as possible Invasions from alternate worlds?” Erik said with a smile as Dawn sat up and tied her hair back which made her chest bounce with movement. She continued to have a little smile on her face but never admonished him for staring at her.

“Yes, Rifts are part of every generated Dream. Unless the User specifically declines that option. Unlike other world changes Rifts are something that can be changed at any time with in the black room. You have not been selected for the multiplayer Beta test because you are among the five hundred Beta Testers who have continued to live with their first avatar.” Dawn settled back down against the chair, she reached out a hand for a drink that materialized. Erik waited for her to finish as she wrapped her tongue around the straw in an exaggerated manner.

“However, you can opt in to the 'Invasions' unlike the others the invasion will not be carried about by other Users. Just their VI avatar. Because of who you are we assumed that you would not openly attack another alternate reality. Maybe you can do that with your next avatar. Would you like to opt in for the Avatar VI alternate reality Invasions?” Dawn asked then took another pull from her drink.

“Yes please, I think it will be a great way to develop my generated Dream world.” Erik said with a smile because he knew what came next. Dawn didn't disappoint as she looked at him and said in a bedroom voice.

Congratulations User! You've obtained an Achievement: 'Future's End'. You can adapt to another dimension, alternate reality, and time-line 10% faster. When ever you visit, or when another visits you. You will be granted a small information brief on it.

Some confetti exploded in the air, along with a few stars in the ocean of blackness exploded into supernova's for fanfare. Erik smiled at the show but mostly kept his eyes on Dawn as she settled back down on the beach chair. She sipped her drink and went back to sunbathing. Erik continued to watch her for a bit longer then went to open the shopping catalog. He looked at his Dream Point total... He had a ten points! 10 DP! That is right he knew that would happen. It had been a long time via the Dream plus he had done a lot in the Dream. But ten points was a lot. He didn't have to spend them all though. He could save them.

“Dawn is there a way to buy a store coupon? Or maybe decrease the amount of time I need to wait between shopping trips?” Erik asked...The pages started to flip towards another section with a wave of Dawn's hands.

He could buy a store coupon for two DP. Or he could buy a twelve hour limit for five points, ah! He even found a DP credit card that allowed him to buy over his limit. It would just automatically pay out as he earned! He stayed away from the credit card for now but did buy the twelve hour limit. So it would be 8:00 am next time he could buy from the store. It would be eighty four days in the Dream before he could access the store again. Or he could log out and wait, but he had to work in the Dream to earn DP. Dilemma! Now he had five DP to spend.

“Dawn may I please see my Rank Status it's been a while.” Erik asked, Dawn raised her manicured hand and snapped her finger.

Name: Erik Lash, Partner Saurian. Wraith.

Title: God-Kin, (Title Consolidation Detected)

Origin: Magic. Sub-Origin: Alien

Rank: C

Skills: See tool tip.

Domains: See tool tip.

Racial Trait/Power: See tool tip.

Description: You are a powerhouse that doesn't know the limit of their abilities. How can you discover them? You have to keep pushing yourself. You still have a long way to go, and not a lot of time to do it in. The world is changing and as a hunter you must adapt with it or die.

Skills: Advance Weapon Master, Advance Martial Arts, Material Shaping, Shape Shift (Saurian), Minor Acting, Magical Perception, Beast Speak, Sensory Awareness (10 meters), Minor Other Worldly Lore, Spatial Item Shifting, Soul Bite, Dream Eater, Artist, Dungeon Delver, Advanced Enchanting, True Body (2%), Advanced Regeneration, Intermediate Damage Resistance, Calm Emotions, Intermediate Transformation, Intermediate Commanding Presence, Nullification, Intimidating Shout, Minor Skill Trainer, Intermediate Administration, Night Eye, Minor Magic Tracking, Advanced Crafting, Advanced Cooking, Intermediate Storage (10 pounds and below money, wallet, and keys), Intermediate Computers, Parkour, Sherogoth's Punishment, Rallying Call, Foresight, Basic Medicine, Size Alteration, Intermediate Natural Energy Absorption, Intermediate Pack Bond (25 miles/ 30%), Intermediate Telepathy (25 miles/ Language, and Location), Intermediate Danger Sense, Advanced Charming Presence, Minor Team Work, Basic Science, Cosmic Awareness (97% energy drain), Language Smith, Intermediate Energy Manipulation, Basic Super Human Stamina, Minor Criminal Underworld Lore, Insight, Observant Learner, Basic Sex, Intermediate Parallel Minds, Operator, Military Special Operations, Animal Riding, Meditation, Stealth, Minor True Damage (5%), Farming, Plant Control, Machine Control, Super Human Strength, Super Human Intellect.

Racial Trait: Basic Adaptation, Minor Gravity Control (20%), Glamour/ Fae Pure Blood, Awaken Trait, Daemonic Heritage: Knight.

Nature Domain: Minor Sooth, Minor Nature's Supplement, Daylight, Root of Information, Essence Imbuement, Burning, Decomposition, Minor Chameleon, Minor Nature's Passage, Entanglement, Restoration, Earth Swim, Minor Mud Marsh, Minor Nature's Kiss, Curse Break, Growth, Proximity Release, Soul Heal, Animal Eye, Minor Call Lighting, Tree Stride, Regrowth.

Technomancy Domain: Repair, Recycle, Minor Connectivity, Minor Alteration, Proximity Release, Minor Compression Transformation, Minor Virtual Intelligence (2 Tech-Spirits).

Synthesis Domain: Renew, Immaculate, Proximity Release.

Grave Domain: Lingering, Kiss of the Grave, Unburden, Judgment, Proximity Release, Soul Heal, Consecrate, Death Ward.

Transmutation Domain: Falling Glide, Minor Cat's Grace, Minor Fabrication, Panacea, Restore Youth, Reincarnation, Enlarge/Reduce.

Illusion Domain: Phantasm, False Life, Silence, Invisibility, Manifestation (Saurus Warrior), Disillusion, Compulsion.

Rebirth Domain: Soul Absorption.

Trickery Domain: Bending.

Erik frowned at Synthesis he had it for a long time but barely touched the unique Domain. The more he used it the more he would get from it. He'd have to think about it. He pushed his Rank Status away. Even after all this time he had only gone up a single grade value. Erik decided to spend one DP to bring his Rank value to C+, then spend two DP to break into B-. He expected a bit of fan fare and when he didn't he looked at Dawn who had a small smile on her face.

“You'll need to be in the Dream for it to take effect. It will also be gradual effect over a few weeks with in Dream time. You'll notice the difference don't worry. Be aware that doing this means you have out leveled the next month of Dream events. Just don't let it go to your head.” Dawn said after she took another sip of her drink.

“Most of my blood is rushing to another part of my anatomy right now.” Erik said as he watched Dawn. She laughed a little which caused her chest to bounce up and down.

Erik read through the book for a while longer. He typed into the search engine for recommended things to buy, then went to the unconventional section as well. He found two skills that were not recommended but several Users had purchased them and left notes in the book. Oh ya! That was new, people had left User remarks on skills, abilities, powers, spells, etc.

Skill/Power, Retrocognition: The ability to look at or learn past knowledge about a place, object, or being. Allowing the User to learn things that happened in the past like it was a movie to be watched, paused, sped forward, or rewound. The further you go back and the more detailed it is the more energy it takes. This skill/power needs to be activated, grows with use.

Comments: Those that do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it in the future. Though I don't think they meant this.

You've purchased a sub-section for an existing skill. Minor Skill Trainer has changed into Minor Skill/Power Trainer: Now you can train people in powers as well as print them into a person.

Sub-Effect: Watching people with powers allows you to learn about them. Please Note that doesn't mean you obtain them yourself, just means you understand how they work and can help them improve it as well.

So now Erik could learn about the past of people, places, and things. He also became a class trainer in a better sense of the word. Under the skill/power trainer was another sub-skill he could buy, spell domains. If he bought that next time he literally become a class trainer. As well as his VI Avatar. He placed it under his favorites for next time. So he would buy it as soon as the store came open again if he had DP to spend that is. Erik closed the store catalog and with out asking Dawn produced the Time Line Application.

“Thank you.” Erik replied, Dawn softly hummed at him.

Though he had paused the world before he logged out there was still a lot going on in the world that he didn't know about. He looked through the relevant information and found a few key points that he was surprised he could read about. John Constantine had been found by the Wardens, he was classified as an Occultist with possible magic in his blood. Which meant he was an unregistered super-natural being. Basically he was a lot like Lizzy in he had become a creature of magic. It should have killed him, but it didn't. He was an outlier to the super-natural community. Kara Zor-El's ship had successfully transitioned into the solar system, it would be another week before her ship came to Earth. About a month behind her was Fort Rozz the Alien prison ship. General Zod was little more then a year behind them. There were a lot of aliens and meta-aliens on the prison ship. Nuidis Vulko of Atlantis had discovered the scroll of King Atlan and was in the process of transferring it over to Mera, and Arthur. Last but not least, Human First the terrorist organization had obtained their first meta-human. Great.

Erik closed the application stood up as he did so the beach chair disappeared behind him. He took one last look at Dawn who gave him an idle wave and went back to resting. Erik leaned over her and kissed her softly on the cheek she raised a hand up and caressed his cheek affectionately. He stood up and walked towards the edge only to hear her voice before he left.

“You should visit Li'Ana before you go help Arthur. She misses you!” Dawn said. Erik paused for a moment and agreed with her. He then stepped off the edge and flew towards the Earth.

He never grew tired of this 'loading screen' as he flew into the upper atmosphere of Earth. He raced passed clouds, zipped over cities, flew towards the ground and dove through it like it was the surface of a giant pool. He soon found himself in the House of Mystery as he reconnected with his body that was attached to a cliffs edge. Lash opened his eyes as the world began to speed back up to regular time. Then a wealth of power bubbled up from the very depths of his being, it was his mind, body, and soul transitioning between C....to C+....to B-. He could feel that it would take time to complete. But even now he was stronger then he was before.

Lash activated Minor Magic Tracking and felt his senses expand far further than he had felt before. Then his Illusion Domain activated and he cast Disillusion he slammed his fist into the ground and the darkness in front of him shattered like a pane of glass. He could see the floor a few feet in front of him. He jumped off the cliff wall and deactivated Gravity Stride he oriented himself in the air like a cat would and landed on his feet.

The bottom of the chasm was a cold, dark, and moist stone floor with moss the covered here and there and the trickle of underground water going from direction to another. This was all contained with in the House of Mystery. He wasn't in some cave system in Nevada but inside a magical house. He went to his knees and inhaled. As he did this he used Transformation and turned into his were-lizard hybrid. Though he could fight in his default human form a lot of the power came from his Shape Shifting he'd have to wait a few hours before he could swap to Saurian. The big guy was still resting.

He skipped out on the Wraith disguise since he was doing a super-natural quest line. He looked a lot like a Saurus Warrior with his forest green scales, immature skull crest, shout snout, long muscular tail, raptor talons, and claws. All of which was contained with in his Warden/Daemonic armor. He had still continued to produce Nth metal every day soon he would have enough to fully customize both sets of gear. Maybe he would use Synthesis for it this time, a mixture of organic and technology would be nice to have. Bio-Mechanical armor maybe?

Lash caught the scent of the caster and raced through the clammy cavern system. He used Basic Adaptation and adjusted his body form to move on all fours. His joints shifted, as his bones moved into position he felt like a organic transformer, in a lot of ways he was. He began to speed up as he ran through the cavern system. Then from the darkness a thing jumped and tried to attach to his face, a segmented tail wrapped around his neck, then spider like legs tried to wrap his face. He sent an electrical charge through the thing as it screeched in pain and acidic blood sprayed across Lash's face? Intermediate Damage Resistance sent him a prompt but acid was not something new to him. The damage was more of an irritation than anything. Lash nailed the thing to the ground with a Fabrication spike.

“You have to be fucking kidding me! Is that a fucking facehugger!” Lash screamed at the Alien xenomorph who continued to try and run from him.

“Dawn! My Brightest Star! Why is there a Facehugger in this world?” Lash called out, frantic to figure this out.

“Hello User! As you know DC Comics have partnered with several different Comics over the decades. Dark Horse Comics where the Xemomorphs are created have been in DC spin offs many times. Because of this you will sometimes see creatures, places, objects that would not normally be found in DC in your world. However, they are exceptionally rare!” Dawn replied with an exceptionally enthusiastic reply.

“Great.... Like the world wasn't scary enough as it was. Thank you my Brightest Star!” Lash said as he looked at the facehugger continue to struggle.

“You are welcome, User! Good luck!” Dawn replied.

“Hay! I am going to pull this out. If you promise not to try that again I'll heal you. Deal?” Lash pointed at the xenomorph. He used his long lost skill Beast Speak the facehugger stop struggling as a wave of images and emotions passed through to him.

Lash pulled the spike out and dismissed it. The facehugged sprung to life but didn't run or try to attack him. True to his word Lash cast Nature's Kiss on the facehugger. The wound closed rapidly and all that was left was a visible scar that would soon fade to begin with. The xenomorph turned to look at him and sent images to him. Lash saw a mental image of it ridding on him but not impregnating him. Lash extended his hand and the facehugger scuttled up and settled on his shoulder like a giant spider.

“Alright, let us see if we can find your original home or maybe your Queen. I don't think you are suppose to be in The House of Mystery.” Lash said as he dropped to all fours again and went for a run.

Lash and the little facehugger became odd traveling companions for the next two hours. The little spider sent him images about the route it had taken. Sure enough it had slipped through a crack, or tear in reality. At least that was what Lash thought when he saw the image. Lash didn't want to destroy the little guy because he understood what it was like to be out of place, time, and life. He came around a corner and found the tear in reality. Three Drones, and one Warrior stood by the rift, when he came into sight they propelled themselves towards like a loosed arrow from its string. Lash could feel their confusion coming off in waves. They could come through the tear but not go back. Lash raised his hand up and sent images of friend, safety, and help. The Xenomorphs all stopped in their tracks and sent him an array of information.

The tear in reality had opened smack dab in their Queen's chambers. The tear had destroyed half the nest and anything in the initial formation had turned to dust. After about ten minutes of quick imagery communication the drones stood off to the side while the warrior was with in tail striking distance. Lash cast his Trickery Domain spell Bending and bent the tear to go the other way, after about an hour of work the tear snapped into place and it went from blow to suck! Lash along with all the xenomorphs were pulled back into the hatchery.

The drones, warrior, facehugger, and Lash flopped into the massive cave system with thousands of unhatched eggs and hundreds of full grown Xenomorphs who were all surprised to see something come out of the tear in reality. Lash quickly jumped to his feet and looked around at the impossible numbers. His little friend quickly jumped back to his shoulder and stayed content to just sit there. Because along the wall was a massive secreted resin that glued and stabilized a massive egg sac. Attached to his egg sac was the brood mother, the alien queen. A pulse of psychic energy went through the massive cave structure as the Queen moved its massive head to look at Lash.

“What are you?” The Queen called out to Lash. Damage Resistance sent a prompt to him that he just received a massive psychic attack. Lash gritted his teeth and willed himself not to fall to his knees.

“A predator much like yourself. I found your children on the other side of the hole. The hole is one way now and will not allow any more of your kin to go through it. With your permission I will leave and close the hole.” Lash said to the Queen. Though he didn't take a knee he did bow his head. The Queen seem to deliberate on the subject for a moment.

“What....Do you offer in return?” The Queen asked, another psychic wave attacked Lash. His Damage Resistance spiked again. If he fell here he would become another host, that may be what the Queen had in mind.

“You constantly strive for perfection, but the one issue you have is you need outside assistance to survive. What if I can give you a way to self propagate?” Lash replied. The Queen pulled its lips back to expose its fangs. But it gave Lash the impression that the Queen smiled at him.

“How?” The Queen asked, this time the psychic wave didn't hurt him. Lash sent an image to all the xenomorpsh to allow him to walk towards the Queen. Many of them screeched in protest but the Queen silenced them all and gestured him to come forward.

Lash stepped through the egg sac, many of them opened up at his intrusion but with a screech and an overpowering pheromone that filled the room all the facehuggers became docile. Like when someone blows cigarette smoke onto a spider that is contained in a glass. Lash came before the Queen, he held up his hands towards her. The Queen's mandibles dripped saliva to the ground as it pushed its head down. Its royal crest unfurled like a cobra's hood. Lash pressed his clawed hands onto the Queens head and used his racial trait.

Awaken Trait, Self Propagate: The Alien Queen now has the ability to pass on the genetic marker into the rest of its children to Propagate. When a facehugger is born it will follow its usual method of birthing. However, if the facehugger can not find a suitable host it will use its existing genetic material to cocoon and change into a Xenomorph.

Additional Effect: The Queen can choose to make a Xenomorph with no facehugger application as long as it understands the DNA structure.

Awaken Trait, Consumption Evolution: The Queen, and the Brood from now on can eat nearly anything and when they eat something useful they can adapt it to their unique physiology to make themselves better.

Lash finished the exchange of information and stood before the Queen as it digested what had just happened. Then the Queen reared its massive head and let out a screech of delight that the whole hive took part in. A massive psychic wave spread through the cavern system. After a few minutes the screech died down and the Queen leaned forward further than it had too and brushed against Lash like a giant cat would. It affectionately rubbed against him then sent him an image in request. Lash agreed and put his hand inside the Queen's mouth. She bit down ever so gently until a bit of his blood fell into her mouth. She swallowed it quickly and released his hand.

“You are my consort now. Return to your world with my thanks and love.” The Queen's voice was oddly seductive, it made Lash shiver in pleasure as he felt the psychic wave wash over him.

Congratulations User! You've obtain the Xenomorph Queen's Blessing!

Effect: Basic Adaptation has evolved into Intermediate Adaptation.

Effect: You've obtain the Racial Trait. Self-Sustenance: You can now survive in the harshest environments. Works in conjunction with Intermediate Natural Energy Absorption.

Lash smiled and bowed in thanks. He gently pulled off the facehugger that had been attached to him. The little thing was confused it seem to think that it would travel with Lash from now on. After a minute of explanation its whole body seem to droop in depression. As a last goodbye Lash used Awaken Trait and selected the Praetorian trait into the little thing. Lash noticed the Queen didn't have one. So he told the Queen about it, she assured him that it would find a host suitable for it. Lash put the facehugger on the Queen. He went back to the Rift and used Bending and went through the hole then spent the next hour slowly sealing the tear. Then with an audible POP! The tear in reality sealed itself.

Congratulations User! You've completed your first Rift! Though the method of your completion is far outside the expected norm. It was still recorded by the Developers, and was placed in the outstanding category in the Dream Engine. The Developers would like to know if they can record and show the video to future Users who encounter the Rifts for the first time.



Lash waited for a moment and didn't get a follow up. Well his Dream time was faster then most people. Maybe he would get a reward in a week Dream time. More then likely he'd get DP. Well that was a neat side quest! He took a moment to get his bearings caught the scent of the creature that was causing all the issues in the House and tore off down the cavern system.


Meanwhile in a galaxy far far away, on a cold and desolate planet called the Alien Xenomorph home world stood a Queen as it watched one of its very first and new eggs it had successfully birthed from the intervention of its one and only consort. Next to the Queen stood a Praetorian guard nearly half the size of the Queen herself, the Praetorian watched in fascination as it watched the egg gestate and wiggle. Something inside was growing, something was about to hatch. This egg did not contain a facehugger but a new born infant. The egg top blossomed as the egg yolk was popped and consumed by the creature with in. After a few minutes a thin and shaky figure crawled out of the egg and flopped across the ground. It breathed oxygen for several minutes as it coughed up the liquid contained in its lungs. Then it stood up, only a few feet tall the Xenomorph creature had a skull crest a lot like the Praetorian or Queen did but this one had the appearance of scales, it opened its mouth and the inner jaw sprung out. It screeched in greeting to its mother the Queen. The Queen screeched back in tender affection.

“Consort, our first child is born! The first of millions....” The Queen said.


Lash walked on his two feet through a hallway of giant doors and massive paintings. Each painting was next to a door as if the painting helped designate to the guests who or what was contained inside the doors. The scent of the creature or person that had sent the spell was in this hallway. He had spent the past few hours running through different terrains, structures, and multi layered stairways that you would find in M.C. Escher paintings.

“aistiraha! tahatum, mubaeathar lilriyh! laqad han waqatk!” The crypt keeper voice called out. Lash had heard that incantation over and over again. He was sure it was Arabic but it was full of magical power so his Language Smith didn't activate.
Lash came to stop in front of a massive oak door that had a painting of dozens of different cages with strange and unique creatures contained with in them. However this painting had an exception as there was a young woman in a seductive tuxedo stage show suit with a magical shield protecting her from a squid like creature. It looked like a Cthulhu wannabe...Maybe it was? Lash pushed and pulled against the door as he remembered Cain's words. However the door didn't budge either way. There was no key hole or handle. He ran his hand along the wood and used his Nature Domain. Then he accessed Tree Stride and the skill Plant Control the door pulled itself open and Lash jumped through the miniature gateway.

On the other side the magical door, the giant wooden door cracked open like a walnut and spit out a Were-Lizard. Lash stumbled for a bit at the sight of a massive prison? Or maybe an exotic exhibit as all the creatures in the cages didn't seem to care they were in a cage. From the different environments maybe they didn't even realize they were in a cage. There in the center of the grand exhibit was a giant blue bubble with magical symbols floating around it. In the very center Zatanna sat cross legged trying to keep her focus as the chanting continued over and over. But abruptly stopped as the massive head with tentacles turned towards Lash. With giant shaking steps that caused miniature Earthquakes a massive fifty foot tall elephant creature stepped from the shadows, the tentacles spread from his face as its hands and feet had bird like talons. Its body was concealed with in a massive black robe, its head had a two pairs of red insectoid eyes. Two of them focused on Lash, while the others kept on Zatanna. In the brief moment it hadn't attack Zatanna her spell shield had regained several inches.

“NOOOOOO! Look at you've done! Hours of labor wasted!” The tentacle elephant shouted.

“Saurian! I choose you!” Lash called out in a dramatic fashion that brought a confused tilt of the massive creature.

Lash used Shape Shift and called Saurian. Spatial Item Shift activated as Saurian came out to play. Then he cast Size Alteration, his new found Intermediate Adaptation, he also used his Transmutaiton Domain and cast Enlarge. Soon he grew to be twenty five tall and fifty feet long, but it seemed Saurian got a little more from the Queen then Lash did because his body had become more compact. His major scale regions had a bone like appearance, especially his tail as it now ended in a blade like stinger. But at his core he was still a giant Carnosaur wrapped in armor! Saurian let loose Rallying Call the shock wave sent an energy pulse into Zatanna as he created a Temporary Pack Bond with her.

-Saurian!? What? How are you here!? Zatanna sent a message via Telepathy.

-Explain what this creature is first!? Saurian replied across the link. He sprinted towards the giant, he dug his claws into the ground and propelled himself forward.

-No don't! He is immune to damage nothing I've done hurts him! Zatanna screamed! Then was gobsmacked as Saurian dug his claws into the arm of the giant creature.

“GAAAAAAAH! How are you able to hurt me!” The creature screamed in pain.

As Saurian read a prompt he did not expect. True Damage activated when he carved his claws into him, all 5.3% of it. But when you are largely immune to all sorts of damage any damage is a surprise! Saurian jumped from the creatures arm and attached himself to the creatures face. He ripped and tore through body, soul, and mind. The creature screamed in agony as it flailed its arms back and forth in shock. Zatanna pulled down her spell shield and cast 'noitativel'. She flew up into the air pushed her hands in front of her and cast 'Worra fo cigam'! Repeated magical shots flew towards the creature, but just as before they did nothing to him.

The creature soon understood the situation it was in and reached up to snag Saurian off its face. With Sensory Awareness in play Saurian jumped off from the creatures face and in a act of odd acrobatics he did a back flip mid air when he flipped around his new blade tail slashed from neck to the top of the creatures head. True Damage activated again and again and it went from 5.3% to 5.4%. It seemed that since the creature was widely immune to all forms of damage Saurian had found a punching bag!

Saurian landed on the ground and jumped back towards Zatanna. She flew down and promptly hid behind him but not so close that she would be in the way. Zatanna looked at the massive Carnosaur version of Saurian and gave him a big smile. Saurian noticed it and sent a confirmation of their telepathic link. He was happy to see her too, he was worried about her. There was a brief moment when Zatanna was a little shy at the attention. Then a scream from the creature in front pulled her attention back to reality.

“It is a Calathris! A giant insect creature from another dimension they are more or less extinct. The House of Mystery caught it and had placed it in its own dimension so it would not fade from the multiverse. But some how it had learned it was in a cage and escaped. As far as I know its immune to all forms of damage. Body, mind, and soul. But you seem to be able to hurt it!” Zatanna gave a quick run down of the creature. Saurian's Other Worldly Lore got a prompt as it recorded the new data.

“I WILL KILL YOU ALL! THIS WORLD WILL BE MY NEW GRAVE YARD!” The Calathris screamed as the wounds on its face began to heal at a visible rate.

“Ask the House of Mystery if I can kill this thing or not!” Saurian called out as he sprinted towards the Calathris. Zatanna closed her eyes and communed with the house.

“Yes! If it refuses to return to its place with in the exhibit then you have its permission to kill it!” Zatanna called out. It was then that Saurian realized that Zatanna couldn't understand it! The Calathris was a super-natural beast. Beast Speak worked on it.

“Calathris return to your cage or die!” Saurian shouted at him, but all Zatanna heard was a collection of clicks and hisses oddly resembling the voice of the giant. The Calathris wailed in agony and shouted back.

“Die! I would rather die then live in a lie!” The Calathris shouted and stomped his way towards Saurian.

Zatanna shouted from the rear. 'Pirt revo ruoy teef'! The Calathris stumbled and fell down to with a massive seismic slam! Despite its massive size the room only shook a bit, it must be the House at work trying to keep the damage at a minimal. Saurian jumped onto the creatures back and tore into its spine. His claws barely dug in but it was incredibly painful to the giant Calathris! It flailed its arms, and wailed like a child being stung by a bee for the first time. His True Damage sent a 5.5% read out.

Then the Calathris did a barrel roll and took Saurian with him. Saurian sprung back to life after Zatanna had screamed his name in shock and worry! He had felt his bones snap under the pressure but he got another prompt from True Body has it negated a portion of the damage. All 2.3% of it. That is when Saurian understood this thing could only be hurt by True Damage and it only caused True Damage in return.

The Calathris rolled again but this time Saurian jumped off in time. Zatanna flew over and said, 'Ruoy ydob lliw revocer'. Saurian felt his health regain, bones snapped back into place, and his flesh reconnected. Oh! Zatanna knew healing spells! Saurian was happy then realized the effort drained Zatanna of nearly everything she had. Ah! Drawbacks! His healing spells were limited but took next to nothing out of him. He quickly cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss. Zatanna sprung back to life and flashed a smile at Saurian. They went back to work as the Calathris attempted to stand up.

'Uoy lliw eb dnilb' Zatanna shouted out in her magical speech and the Calathris stumbled around as if it couldn't see. Saurian then did the gruesome task of death by one thousand cuts. He clawed through the creatures legs, knees, elbows. He chopped off the tentacles one by one with his new bladed tail. Inch by bloody inch! His True Damage went to 10% but didn't evolve. It must need more! The creature fell to the ground bleeding from its wounds, what limbs that had been removed turned to ash and faded from sight. Reminded Saurian of his own body when his limbs came off. Odd.

“We were never meant to live forever... Being in that cage was torture, I spent so many years searching for another. I am the last.... I know that now. Send me home....Send me to the Grave....” The Calathris whispered to Saurian.

Saurian reached into his Grave Domain and cast Judgment just like before something ancient and powerful slipped him on like a glove. Saurian's entire body was lifted off the ground by a few inches as his bones creaked in protest. He tried to contain his agony as he gritted his teeth. This time what appeared was not a normal Grim Reaper. But a creature of massive size in a hooded robe, with four pairs of red insectoid eyes. Tentacles reached out from its hood and wrapped around the Calathris. A single word was spoke in a language that had been dead for a millennia. 'Home' the Calathris let out one last shuddering breath.

“Thank......you......” It said and faded away into ash.

The ancient presence left Saurian's body and he dropped like a puppet who's strings had been cut. His body shrunk and returned to a twelve foot tall, and twenty four foot long scaled monster. The magical tattoo's on his body glowed, but especially his Grave Domain. He received a prompt that the Grave Domain received a lot of experience from that event.

“It's done.” Zatanna said. She raised her arms into the air and said the words.

'Ruo emoh si efas' The darkness that covered the House of Mystery faded, light returned to the dreary halls. Like a fairy god mother had waved her wand and white sparkles danced through the house. It cleaned up cobwebs, cracked floors, broken windows. The room began to spin like a top with Saurian and Zatanna in the middle. Round and round it went, Zatanna lowered her arms and came to stand beside Saurian. She reached out and placed her hand on his massive shoulder. Around Zatanna's neck was the orichalcum necklace he had given her after the Joker's carnival incident. It looked dim and lifeless or at least a portion of it did.

“You died...Didn't you?” Saurian asked. Zatanna looked at him in surprise, she reached up to caress the necklace.

“Yes, I did. But I got better! Thanks to this, you saved my life again!” Zatanna said with a soft smile. The room stopped revolving and they found themselves back in the main foyer which looked a lot more lively and warmer to guests. There standing in the middle of the room was Cain.

“Welcome back Miss Zatara! Warden Saurian! I was sorry to hear about the Calathris. The House had no idea it was living a tortured existence. It's in the process of talking to the other occupants.” Cain said in a soft grand fatherly tone.

“I didn't even realize we had an exhibit hall for endangered and extinct races in the multiverse. I am sure Dad knew about it. I...” Zatanna said, then hugged her self in worry at the last part. She squeaked in surprise with a long bladed tail wrapped around her and pulled her into Saurian's arms. The Temporary Pack Bond was still active, Zatanna felt a sense of safety being in the giant reptiles arms.

A golden light enveloped Saurian as he used Cosmic Awareness. The golden light swallowed the entire room in divine light. Cain's eyes went wide in astonishment which filled Saurian with pride. He doubted much surprised the immortal anymore. He turned his head towards Zatanna who was sheltered in his embrace but she looked up at him with expectant eyes. She had just mentioned her father and now Saurian had received an oracle from his God.

“What do you know about your Mother, Zatanna?” Saurian asked as his energy levels dropped by 96%. His entire body language screamed he was exhausted. Cain bounced into motion and scurried off towards the kitchen/alchemist lab.

“I...My mother died when I was child. Car accident.” Zatanna was surprised by the question.

“No...She didn't die. Your mother is a Homo-Magi and returned to the Homo-Magi home dimension. The specifics as to why she faked her death is not known. However she has come into trouble and needed help. She reached out to your Father, but now he himself is also in trouble. You must find dimensional coordinates for the Homo-Magi world and rescue both your father and mother. But! Before you jump into danger, make sure you contact the Justice League so we can help.” Saurian finished his 'Oracle'

Zatanna looked incredibly angry and happy at the same time. She stepped from the enclosure of Saurian's tail. Then paced back and forth in the front room, Cain soon returned with a giant bucket full of rich espresso coffee which Saurian accepted gratefully and began sip on it as he watched Zatanna pace back and forth. He was amused at the way her hips swayed with every step. Zatanna was nineteen? Twenty? Despite her being of age he wasn't attracted her. But he was sure Richard Grayson would be head over heels in love with the woman.

“Cain! Did you know that my mother was alive?” Zatanna stopped and asked.

“Your mother is alive!? That's wonderful!” Cain said with a smile. Which made Zatanna discouraged and started to pace. It only took a moment for Cain to understand why Zatanna acted in such a way. He chuckled and shook his head as he watched the poor girl pace.

“Did your Deity tell you where the home world was?” Zatanna asked as she continued to pace.

“No, it was something for you to discover. But when you find it you should ask the League for help. Do not go in half cocked thinking you can take on anything you meet.” Saurian said. He meant no offense but that last sentence stung Zatanna's pride a bit, she had done that very thing with the Calarthis and died too! She once again reached up and caressed the necklace around her neck and sent a thankful glance at Saurian who continued to drain his bucket of coffee.

Cain stood off to the side and watched his charge pace back and forth. He refilled Saurian's bucket of coffee twice before he said he didn't need anymore. Zatanna asked a few more questions about Saurian's tracking ability and agreed that when she discovered Homo-Magi coordinates she would ask the Justice League for help in getting her parents back. Cain then jumped in with information about the Homo-Magi.

They were a race of magical people that grew and evolved along side humanity until the industrial revolution came. When the industrial revolution came the super-natural societies put it to a vote if they should stay on Earth or move to another dimension. One with out humans. The vote won out and the super-natural societies and communities all decided to stay on Earth and adapt to the new world. But several different communities decided to leave while the majority stayed. Homo-Magi were one of the groups to leave. Sometimes individuals from the self-exiled races would come back to Earth to visit. From the sounds of it Sindella, Zatanna's mother was one such individual.

One thing Saurian could tell Zatanna that she had about two years to complete the objective. After that it would be to late. He didn't know what it was that specific time limit just that his Cosmic Awareness gave him that specific time. Zatanna seem to accept the answer more like since it came from his Deity instead of him specifically. Saurian wasn't about to burst her bubble. Saurian then spent a bit to tell Zatanna about meta-humans and the dark matter phenomenon. That will gradually grow over time. Before Saurian left the house Zatanna had the house mark him so if he ever needed a place to stay or needed to visit the house he could call it.

“Ever thought about making it into a Wayside super-natural inn of sorts?” Saurian asked Cain and Zatanna. Zatanna had a look of puzzlement but Cain seemed a little excited about the prospect.

“Good way to collect stories, and a bit of adventure! We'll discuss it with the House!” Cain said as he bounced back into the place he began talk to the House over the idea.

Zatanna laughed at Cain then turned to look back at Saurian. She tucked a bit of her raven black hair behind her ear. She wringer her hands out as she was filled with nervous energy. She stepped closer to the massive lizard warrior and motioned for him to come closer. Saurian leaned down so his face was eye level with Zatanna. She reached up and kisses his snout, a bit of blush on her cheeks.

“Thanks for coming to my rescue, Saurian. It's not often I get to play the damsel in distress.” Zatanna said as she let go of him. Saurian tilted his head to one side.

“You are welcome Zatanna. By the way you should look for a man named John Constantine. His personality is like a thorn bush but he is a good man, as well as a planes walker. He may be able to cut the search in half.” Saurian said to her, Zatanna perked up in delight and smiled at him.

“If you are ever in Vegas again you should drop by the MGM Grand. That is where I preform my magic shows. Here this is a VIP card for the show, reserved for family and friends.” Zatanna produced card from her sleeve. Saurian took it and stored it into his Storage Space.

Saurian stepped from the front porch just in time to see a magical sign grow from the house with bright colors that said 'Vacancy Available'. Several new additions grew and expanded from the new Wayside Inn of Mystery! With a sudden draft and flash of light Saurian was once again alone in the desert of Nevada just outside of Vegas. It was night, and the moon was high in the sky. Saurian looked up at the night sky and watched the moon slowly move across the sky.

Congratulations User! You've obtained a VIP package at the New Wayside Inn of Mystery! A presidential suit will always be available to you, you also have the ability to call on the Wayside Inn of Mystery. As long as you have access to a closed door you can open it and walk into the Wayside Inn!

Saurian pulled on his Wraith disguise, cast Nature's Passage, Chameleon, and Invisibility. He should have done it as soon as he stepped out, but he felt that the House wouldn't have placed him in the line of fire of a camera. But as he started to move through the country side he needed to be careful. He dropped to all fours and ran through the desert towards Vegas. Unless he could find a cactus plant of decent size then he could use Tree Stride.

Along the way he found a pack of were-coyote's out on a patrol. He was just as surprised to see them as they were. He pulled out his Warden badge and explained why he was out there. They had all seen the House of Mystery. He also informed them about the new Wayside Inn of Mystery and produced a business card for all of them. The card allowed them to hail the Inn. The Alpha of the pack used his and sure enough this massive, well furnished, luxury hotel just appeared! The were-coyote pack all shuffled into the House with nervous excitement and said thank you to Saurian as he continued his journey into Vegas.

Saurian's top speed was eighty mph, he ran cross country so he soon arrived at the rural edge of Vegas. He slowed down to a slow trot of thirty mph as he padded through the suburbs of Vegas. It was like two different worlds had been welded together. He could see the vast array of lights in the not so distant area of the city, then there he was moving through the after midnight streets.

Along the way he noticed something peculiar. A flash of purple and blueish light. It had started to flicker in and out in front of him for several minutes. As he grew closer the intervals increased but he also heard the sounds of gun shots. He had moved into a less than desirable part of the city at this point. Litter on the ground, graffiti, alcohol stains on the ground. Reminded him of Gotham! When he turned the corner he saw the flashing light was a person!

The light was blinding when ever it popped into existence in the after midnight back ground. The street lights in the area had long been broken and no one had come to repair them. Several cars were in a crisscross pattern in the street, several Thugs-R-Us were scattered around the area as they tried to shoot at the flashing light. The light blinked into existence, it was a 5'9” man with chocolate caramel skin, short black curly hair that went just above his eyes, he had a lean athletic build that any young lady would squeal for given that he looked seventeen or eighteen years old. He wore black tennis shoes, black cargo pants, a gray hoodie, and carried a metal base ball bat.

All the thugs had taint to their aura that Saurian could see thanks to Sherogoth's Blessing. But none of the taints were enough for him to kill them. So he used Gravity Stride and 'climbed' up a wall and watched the show. As he got comfortable he used Insight on the teleporter.

Name: ???/ VI Avatar

Title: Peekaboo Master.

Origin: Meta-Gene

Rank: E+

Skills: See tool tip.

Powers: Active; Teleportation, Passive; Equilibrium Orientation, Passive; Matter Reconverter. Passive; Line of Sight Targeting.

Domains: N/A

Disposition: Neutral (Doesn't know you exist)

Comments: You've found another VI Avatar! Maybe a future member of the Justice League?

Saurian's interest was peaked as he watched the Meta-Human bounce around with his metal bat as he took out the thugs one by one. He swung with his bat but never did any real damage, maybe a broken bone. But he always held back when ever he cracked them in the skull. This of course made it so that they kept getting back up to fire again. An easy knock was exceptionally rare, you would more often just kill someone instead.

The whole battle took nearly an hour, about half the 'gang' was down when reinforcements showed up in the form of police officers. But these VCPD began to shoot at the meta-human. The gang members called out to the police in thanks. Dirty cops. Saurian 'climbed' down from his perch and made his way towards the cops. He still had his Wraith disguise on, and he was invisible. He could tell that the meta-human was conflicted.

Should the meta-human attack the cops and get pegged as a criminal or just focus on the gangs and maybe get shot? Thankfully he got an answer real quick as one of the police officers fire arms was crushed, along with his hand. Then a twelve foot tall, twenty four foot long Lizard Wraith appeared behind the VCPD. The entire street went dead quiet for a brief moment the only sound was the officer who hand his hand crushed. He screamed for a good thirty seconds before an electrical current went through his body and silenced him.

“Please don't stop on my account. I'll deal with the dirty cops you deal with the gangs. Deal?” Saurian's animalistic voice made every one shudder in fear except for a bright eye young hero who smiled wide.

“Happy to Sir!” The youth called out and teleported next to a thug and swung his bat. The thug crumbled like a crushed soda can.

The thugs and the dirty cops all tried to run at that point. Saurian deactivated all of their cars, radios, and cell phones. He tasered the cops into submission and spent sometime on the CCTV and internal affairs files. He found what he needed to incriminate the cops in their dirty dealings. Saurian then took the rest of the time to continue to watch the meta-human. His Skill/Power Trainer sent him prompts that he was understanding the teleportation ability. He wouldn't obtain himself, but he could train the kid on it. Despite all the different and wonderful things Saurian was. He wasn't a meta-human and couldn't learn their powers. At least not yet, he did see a Power Duplication ability in the store, but the thing took one hundred DP to buy. That was currently way out side his price range, even if he bought the DP credit card it would take a while to build up that kind of credit.

At last the kid finished the left over gang members. Saurian went from thug, to thug, and hand cuffed them. He read them their rights even if they were unconscious. The kid pulled the car keys from them and opened up each trunk. He found drugs, guns, and most importantly money. The kid had a backpack that was on top of a roof and pulled the money into it. He stopped and looked at Saurian who looked back.

“I'll assume you need it for a good reason. So don't worry about me reprimanding you.” Saurian replied to his question. The kid laughed and continued to stuff the money into his backpack. He soon filled the first one teleported back up to the roof and got another one.

Police sirens soon sounded off just a few seconds after the kid filled up the last back pack. He looked alarmed at the sirens then looked at Saurian. Saurian pointed at the rooftop where the other bag of money was. Asked him to wait up there if he could but if he had to leave he understood. Though he had something to talk to him about. The kid flashed to the rooftop and hunkered down to hide. The cop cars soon arrived and several of the officers took out their side arms and pointed it at Saurian. They shouted the normal phrases like. 'Get down on the ground now!' or 'Surrender or we will fire upon you' then his all time favorite 'Move and die asshole!' This always confused him, how was he suppose to get down to surrender with out moving?

Saurian used Commanding Presence, and Compulsion. To tell the cops to shut up and help him load the prisoners and dirty cops into the police cars. Like toy soldiers they all bounced into line, locked in step and moved over to help him. Saurian could hear the kid gasp in surprise from the rooftop. Saurian pulled the ranking officer aside and explained the gangs, and the dirty cops. He then said he had already sent the incriminating evidence to the local precinct and the internal affairs the files they needed to put the cops away. Saurian did explain that a meta-human did help with the arrest but only gave vague description of what he or she looked like. Once he was done he removed the 'influence' from the ranking officer who shouted bloody murder at Saurian for controlling him.

“Oh I'm sorry! Would you have rather had me beat you all to a bloody pulp for pointing your pop guns at me? Why don't you take a class in risk assessment and reevaluate how to handle a giant Alien monster who could easily kill all your men! Especially since I am the one who called it in, the dispatcher did say Agent Wraith of the UNWS would be present you dumb shit! But oh no! You and your men show up and try arrest me? Grow a fucking brain cell you dumb shit!” Saurian went off on the officer in charge. The officer looked like he wanted to smash Saurian with a large hammer but kept his mouth shut.

“Now! Why don't you call for additional help with the assailants and try to not let the corrupt cops go because I wasn't lying when I said I already sent the incriminating evidence to IA. So no don't think you can just scurry them away.” Saurian growled at the last few words as he continued to read the taint on the officer's soul. The officer's face went purple with rage but continued to keep his mouth shut. He turned on his heel and walked off to request more units.

Saurian cast Invisibility on himself before he released the compelled officers. They all shouted out a storm of profanities and attempted to look for him. But Saurian had already climbed the building where the kid was. He cast an obstruction glamour around them both so they could talk in peace. He re appeared behind the kid who screamed in surprise!

“Holy fuck! I mean I know Superman has powers but you are on another level of shit! I mean...Ahem. Thank you sir for the help! May I know what you wanted to talk to me about?” The kid asked. Saurian could tell the kid wanted to go on another rant but held it in check.

“Whats the money for?” Saurian asked as he adjusted himself and crouched down. He used his tail as a sort of balance tool so he wouldn't fall over in front of the kid.

“Me! My mother said to take the money from the bad guys. Super Heroes don't get paid, so take from the bad and use it for the good.” The kid answered honestly, he didn't look embarrassed about it either like it was just a normal fact.

“What's your name? Title, code name, moniker is fine.” Saurian smiled at the kids responses.

“Fantasma!” The kid said with a smile and stood up straighter with his hands on his hips. Saurian tilted his head to one side. Saurian reached out and snagged the kid before he could react. He cast Fabrication, Renew, Alteration, and Compression Transformation.

Combat Suit. Nth, and Orichalcum metal composite, with Kevlar.

Rating: B-

Effect: Very Durable.

Effect: Reduce/Enlarge by five sizes plus or minus.

Effect: Illusion Domain: Concealing shadow and light.

Effect: 40% decrease in negative spell effects.

Effect: 40% increase to positive spell effects.

Effect: 40% resistance to kinetic, and energy damage.

Effect: 5% Durability restored every twelve hours.

Effect: 20% Decrease in energy consumption.

Effect: 20% Increase in energy restoration.

Effect: 10% Increase to all stats.

Comments: You've given a rookie a master level item. What a great way to keep him both alive, and to send him to an early grave!

Fantasma soon had kevlar hard leather outfit with combat boots, leather pants, leather coat, with a hood, and mask. Flexible metal plates went from his legs, chest, arms, hands, back, hood, and mask. It gave him a skeleton look, as tendrils of shadow curled from his 'bones'. Saurian stepped away and produced a Phantasm mirror so Fantasma could see himself. The kid flipped out at the cool new threads, then his Disposition flipped to friendly and Saurian made a Temporary Pack Bond with the kid. So he would get the 10% optimization.

“So, would you like to join the Justice League?” Saurian asked, he kept the mirror conjured so Fantasma could admire himself.

“The Justice League!? I didn't know it had been formed yet!” Fantasma said, the VI Avatar was showing. That was something a User would say, and it bled through to the Avatar.

“Oh fuck ya! I'd love to join! Oh wait. Do I have to leave Vegas? Its my home!” Fantasma said.

“No you don't. We'll just have to determine if you are an active, or reserve. Active means you are stationed in a area but can be called upon for larger threats. Reserve means you primarily work in an area and will only be called on to act if we are in dire need.” Saurian informed him. He then took Fantasma's phone and put an encrypted line into it. Password, voice, and optical scan protected, and got him into the Justice League chat channel.

Saurian sent a introduction note into the channel and a few people responded in less then a minute. Robin, and Batgirl specifically they were most likely patrolling or at home doing what ever they do. Saurian snagged the bags of money and a 'car' that he made from stuff lying around. He drove Fantasma home his apartment building. He even set up the salary payment method for the new member. It wasn't much, but something was better than nothing. Bruce had even updated the file to allow health insurance. Groovy.

Saurian dissembled the ready made car and went up to Fantasma's apartment. It was a small little one bedroom. But it was home, the land lord knew about Fantasma's extracurricular activities after the kid had saved his family from a gang abduction. So Fantasma was allowed to use the emergency fire escape to come and go. Saurian offered to find him a more sizable location but Fantasm was happy with what he had. So Saurian updated his computer with a advanced computer set up with an encrypted channel, police feed, and Justice League network. He made a concealed wall compartment for his new gear, and place to store his stuff. This way if this place was ever searched it would take a lot of effort to get into the safe.

“So, just to get this out of the way. If you take what I have given you and you turn into a villain I will track you down and kill you. Understand?” Saurian said very seriously to Fantasma. The kid didn't even balk at the idea.

“You? My mother would skin me alive if I even tried!” Fantasma said with a grimace. Saurian laughed at the idea. He soon bid goodbye to the newest recruit, Fantasma a meta-human with teleportation.

Saurian found a suitable tree in the neighborhood and used Tree Stride back to Gotham City. He was home again and it was nearly morning. He used Connectivity and sent a text message to Li'Ana. He said he was going to be leaving again soon but wanted to see her before he left. He understood it was late notice but wanted to try. He got a reply when he had just reached the underground parking garage, it was five in the morning.

'I can come over now if that is alright?' Li'Ana messaged him back.

'Sure, just got home as it is. See you soon.' Saurian replied and swapped back to Lash who turned into his default human form. Removed his Wraith disguise and made a simple appearance for any randoms he would encounter in the elevator to his door. Better safe then sorry as he reached his door and stepped inside. He cast Immaculate on himself because his security system informed him that someone was on his balcony. That was quick? He came around the corner and sure enough Li'Ana was on the balcony clearly vibrating with excitement.

“Dawn was right, she did miss me!”

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