Lash walked over to the balcony with exaggerated movements, long strides that took far longer to preform. His actions did go noticed by Li'Ana as she narrowed her eyes at him. He eventually reached the balcony door and unlocked it for the beautiful sylvan. Li'Ana was 5'9” with blond hair, light blue eyes, and exceptional breast size. However, Lash found out that she used a Transmutation ring to increase the size of her breasts. Because bigger was always better in Li'Ana's experience. But all it did for Lash was worry for her health. Li'Ana had a nice spring gray spring coat on that went to her thighs. She had white three inch dress pumps on, with a loose red skirt on that went to her mid calf. Then a silk red buttoned up shirt that was unbuttoned half way down to allow her bouncing breasts to move with every step. Her blond hair was a little longer, but was tied back in a pony tail while her bangs hand been curled to frame her face.

Li'Ana walked right in wrapped her hands around Lash and pressed her entire body against him like she attempted to glue herself onto him. She pulled his head down which he didn't resist and gave him a kiss. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his home, he shut the door behind them and had it locked. They kissed one another for a few minutes, then Li'Ana broke the kiss stepped back and slapped him. Unlike everyone else this slap actually stung! Lash was surprised and looked down at her hand. She hand a partial glove on with runes etched into it. It was a rune of pain.

“That was from me and Soluna!” Li'Ana said with a smirk and walked past him. She continued to sway her hips back and forth in a clear attempt of flirtation. Because she glanced at him more then once to see if he was watching her. Lash activated his security shutters then activated the Pack Bond with Li'Ana.

They both had a momentary pause as the boon took effect. Lash could tell that Li'Ana was happy that he made time for her. She understood that he had been busy, but was upset that he didn't make time sooner. But... Communication was a two way street, she hadn't reached out either. Li'Ana returned to her confident and proud self but she did take off her ring of Transmutation and her considerable bust went down two sizes, she let out an audible sigh of relief. She pulled off her coat and placed it on a chair in the dinning room. She spun on her heel and looked at him with expectation.

“I skipped out of my home because Soluna said you are an amazing cook! So, you cook and we'll work on the things you've been ignoring!” Li'Ana said with a smile, she walked over to the dinning room table and took a seat. She reached into her coat and pulled out the overly large book that she had used the first time they had met, along with the golden pen.

“Wait.... First off I've been needing to ask. How do you teleport here?” Lash asked as he moved towards the kitchen to start cooking. Li'Ana looked up at him and in confusion.

“Oh! That's right we never went over that! As a Liaison we have a teleportation mark on your home. Summer, Winter, Under, with Shield and Sword. It only works the assigned individual plus a guest we can bring.” Li'Ana said with a smirk, she opened the book and started to flip through the pages.

Lash nodded his head, he began to use his magic and kitchen to make breakfast for them while Li'Ana asked him question. Lash face palmed two minutes into the conversation because he had forgotten a valuable piece of his job.... He had to do it! He used Connectivity to access his Warden profile and found thousands of unanswered emails, forms, etc. That he had mostly ignored! So he used Intermediate Computers, Intermediate Parallel Minds, Minor Connectivity, Intermediate Administration, and Minor Virtual Intelligence to burn through the built up work. While Li'Ana asked him a lot of Public Relation questions that needed to be discussed. Why Li'Ana and not any others? Because Winter was Losing power and Summer was gaining strength. If it was fall? Jessabell would be here to talk to him.

“Do you plan to attend the Summer Solstice Ball?” Li'Ana asked when Lash came over to set the table.

“Yes, as long as nothing comes up. Specifics on that like a disaster that needs aid, alien invasion, alternate reality attacking, etc.” Lash said nonchalantly.

“That is an oddly specific response... But alright!” Li'Ana said and wrote into the very large book. The words were absorbed into the book and a reply came back. The book Lash had found out were communication lines between dimensions. So instant messaging to the Summer Fae Wilds.

“Justice League recruitment. The Fae Courts, and Super-Natural societies understand the need for it, but they hope they will obtain a list of those involved. Also if you recruit super-natural individuals that you first seek advisement from the Warden's first.” Li'Ana said to him, she smiled and he placed Morning Dew tea for her. Lash sent an updated list of the Justice League to Li'Ana's phone. Code names only.

Li'Ana got the list and wrote them into the book. She spent a few minutes reading the reply and sent messages back. While she waited for replies Li'Ana would massage her neck and roll her shoulders. Not having an extra ten or so pounds weighing her down felt nice. Lash walked over and placed some simple appetizers of morning rolls, jams, honey's. Li'Ana smiled at Lash when he looked at her then he tapped his head twice and smirked at her. That is when Li'Ana realized that the link was up and everything she had just thought had been sent to him. Damn it! Li'Ana's face flushed red, she crossed her arms under her chest and looked away with a pout.

The link only sent simple communications, however feelings could be read between pack members. It wasn't true mind reading but Lash had enough practice to get an idea of what Li'Ana was thinking about. She felt safe around Lash, and he was happy that she did. But it still felt odd that she could relax around him like she did. It was natural to her, and it surprised her how natural it was. Li'Ana continued to pout until Lash came up behind her, he leaned down and kissed her just below her left ear. This sent a shiver through her which made her flush for an entire different reason. She then flung her hands up and pushed him away with a glare.

“None of that! Or we'll never get our work done and you'll burn our food!” Li'Ana growled at him! Lash laughed and went back to the kitchen to continue cooking.

“Question! If I can get Arthur Curry the first born prince onto the throne of Atlantis. Will the Fae Courts support Atlantis joining the United Nations?” Lash asked suddenly as he flipped a pancake into the air. Li'Ana looked at him like he had grown a second head.

“Excuse me? Who is Arthur Curry?” Li'Ana asked, she had no idea who that was. Which surprised Lash a bit. He then spent a few minutes telling Li'Ana about the situation with Atlantis.

“You....Y...Lash... Why are you doing this?” Li'Ana looked like she wanted to blow up at him but paused for a moment because the Pack Bond let her understand that Lash was clearly trying to help.

“Warden's are meant to help stabilize the balance between the mundanes and the super-naturals right? However it has already been voted that super-naturals need eventually step out into the public eye, or at least in moderation? Atlantis can do that, they are a society of technology and magic in it self. Just like Themyscira! Also, Prince Orm has made his stance very clear. If he is proclaimed Ocean Master he will attack the surface! Be it mundanes or super-naturals he will attack everyone that is not tied to him. So, Arthur Curry want's peace. I am not choosing a faction, I am keeping to my Warden Oath's and helping to stabilize the situation.” Lash replied and placed a big stack of pancakes and waffles onto the table with fresh syrup, butter, whip cream, and fresh cut strawberries. Li'Ana looked at him then at the food. She pushed the book aside and began to enjoy the meal.

“Do.....Wow this is good....Do you need anything from the Courts to accomplish this?” Li'Ana asked as he poured syrup over her pancakes. Lash smiled at her for a bit before he went back to the kitchen to make eggs, bacon, and sausage.

“I don't believe so. Queen Hippolyta already discouraged pulling the Courts into the civil war more then just a single Warden getting involved. However, super-naturals are involved to begin with. There are a lot that live in the ocean's and will be effected by the war. That is where I am going after I finish up in Gotham this time. I'm helping Arthur and Princess Y'Mera locate the Trident of King Atlan.” Lash replied, Li'Ana coughed and nearly choked on her food. She quickly swallowed and asked with wide eyes.

“King Atlan's trident.... The trident that controls the ocean's. That Trident? You know where that is?” Li'Ana asked.

“My Patron does. You should understand that he wont just give it to us. We'll have to go through quest and trial to get it.” Lash replied as he placed milk, juice, and water down on the table. Li'Ana had some orange juice to help clear her pipes.

“So, your question about the UN is a hypothetical situation? With reasonable certainty I can say YES. The Fae Courts will agree to supporting Atlantis if they choose to join the UN. But! Orm must either not be on the throne or be choose to stop his war mongering ways.” Li'Ana replied then pulled a waffle towards her that was covered in whip cream.

Lash finished with the eggs, bacon, sausages, and came to join Li'Ana at the dinning room table. He didn't need to eat anymore thanks to Self-Sustenance. But he did enjoy the taste of food. Li'Ana was a petite Sylvan but she could put away a lot of food, more then Soluna could at least. Lash created some pies to go for dessert and refilled the glasses with morning dew tea. They didn't talk much during breakfast besides moans of delicious food, more then once Li'Ana moaned in satisfaction. She got whip cream on her face and didn't make any movement to clean up. Lash loved the sight of her like this, she was happy, relaxed, and safe.

“There are several mundane dignitaries that want to meet Agent Wraith. Specifically the US, China, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Japan, South Korea. Basically the countries you met during the Tech Summit. They can come to the states but would prefer you go to them.” Li'Ana said after she finished her second cup of tea.

“Do they know that Agent Wraith is just a Super-Natural Warden?” Lash asked, honestly curious.

“No. The Queen of England is a pseudo-mundane. But you wouldn't be meeting with her. Every nation I just said has their super-natural tie ins and offices but most leaders never meet them. A plausible deniability concept that was thought up by the special operations centuries ago. The Courts want you to go see them. Preferably by appointment, but they also understand that popping up may be safer. They are still tracking down Humans First trash.” Li'Ana said as she pulled the large book over to her again. Lash mutely agreed to the idea and began to search through his Nature Domain, though he didn't have Tree Stride back during the Tech Summit tour he still familiarized himself with a lot of tree's.

“Ah! Side-Subject. Dia Nyx. Turns out one of the woman in her little group pushed her into the portal. Jealousy was the motive, Dia is a very attractive young woman especially if you throw a bit of succubus into the mix. All the men in their little group always paid attention to Dia and never to any of the other women. Most of the women didn't care and had relationships outside of the team. Except for one that had an obsession for their team leader. So when the portal to Tartarus showed up she shoved Dia in and blamed it on the summoner.” Li'Ana painted a simple yet complex picture for Lash. Lash rolled his eyes at the idea of it.

“Has Dia been informed of the situation?” Lash asked, Li'Ana nodded.

“Yes, since she was 'adopted' by the Amazons they used their justice system. The culprit was sent to Tartarus herself. Into the waiting arms of Hades servants, oh! Hades retook Tartarus thanks to the fact that the Relic was no longer in possession of the Fallen One.” Li'Ana said with a smile that was mirrored by Lash.

Before they continued Lash flicked his own forehead and pulled out the Orichalcum necklace for Li'Ana. It was a braided cord necklace with a dagger sitting in the middle of a book for the center piece. Li'Ana was a scholar, politician. So dagger, and book seemed right to give to her.

Orichalcum dagger and book Talisman

Rating: B+

Effect: Very Durable

Effect: 1% of item durability restored everyday.

Effect: 10% decrease to negative spell effects.

Effect: 10% increase to positive spell effects.

Effect: Technomancy Domain Spell, Virtual Intelligence. One Tech-Spirit.

Effect: Grave Domain Spell, Death Ward. One charge, six months to recharge.

Effect: Grave Domain Spell, Kiss of the Grave. One charge, six months to recharge.

Comments: There is such a thing as a gift that is to much.

Li'Ana looked at the necklace with wide eyes, she reached and pulled it out of the box. The necklace coiled around her neck and clasped automatically. Lash did a little enchanting with Essence Imbuement to make it a little life like. Once it was firmly planted around her neck the enchanting details were auto transmitted into her mind, another detail he had added recently to his creations. Li'Ana's face froze in horror!

“Yo...Y..... Lash do you have any idea how fucking expensive this....Wait! Soluna had ne.... By the Queen how many of these did you make!?” Li'Ana screamed at him. Lash just sat in his chair as he watched and listened to her yell at him. It reminded him of Jessabell, only they were not naked in bed together.

“My pack-mates of course, few others. Li'Ana in case it is not abundantly clear. You are important to me. You understand that right?” Lash said with a pointed stare at her. Li'Ana flushed crimson from her neck, to her face, to her ears. But to her credit she didn't shrink or sly away from his eyes.

“I...I do. T...Thank you for the gift, Lash.” She said in barely a whisper. There was a tense awkward moment. Then Li'Ana reached for the book and started to write new information into it. She continued to be beat red but tried to focus at the task at hand. Lash just smiled at her and continued to answer questions she had.

They talked for another hour before she closed the massive book and put it away into her coat. As much as Lash wanted to peel her cloths off she couldn't stay! With spring comes more work for the Seelie Summer Court. They did make out for a few minutes on the balcony but Li'Ana pulled her self away with determination. She put her ring on and grew to fill out her top again, but rolled her eyes when Lash only looked at her with concern.

“I swear! The only man who doesn't like big!” She stepped to a particular stone on the balcony and faded from sight.

Before Lash stepped into his home he created a large clay pot, and planted a new tree. A big of Nature Domain magic with Growth and Plant Control and a sizable tree was born. Thanks to the glamour and illusion spells created around his balcony he didn't need to worry about mundanes watching him. He familiarized himself with the tree so he could use Tree Stride in the future. He informed the Gargoyles about the change, and the Griaks who all accepted the new information with ease. Lash opened the balcony door and invited the Griaks to eat what was left over. A few entertaining minutes later as a swarm of dozens of tiny devil like creatures devoured his kitchens contents they all flew back to their three tech-tree homes.

Lash looked at his Warden profile and shuddered when he saw that the paper work, emails, etc had only grown. It seemed that they noticed he started to work and pushed a mountain of paper work onto him. So he let his spells and skills continue to work. While he continued to get experience prompts from time to time. Lash went to his dinning room table and started to do some simple clean up, he knew Brownie spirits would clean up once he left but he felt compelled to do a few things. Lash sat down in his office and started to go through a to do list, or rather a quest list.

He still technically had the Gotham's heroes and villains quest line in place. But there were nearly a hundred different names, and those were just the ones he knew about. Then he had the quest with Atlantis. He also needed to find a suitable host for the divine spark of Loki. In little over a week or maybe less then that Kara Zor-El would be arriving. Then Fort Rozz would be along as well. Lash used a brief moment to use Cosmic Awareness to announce to the world that Fort Rozz was on the way, 96% of his energy was consumed in a moment. But now he could talk about it freely. He wanted to check up on Wolf West, Victor Fries, and King Croc. Last but not least he still had two more favors to perform for Persephone. He was missing a few things but that was the important bits.

With the help of Parallel Minds he was able to process more information. Mr West had successfully met with his daughter Zoe and remarried his x-wife. Of course to the outside world it was the first time. They lived in Richmond, Virginia on sizable strip of land. Victor and his wife Nora both still lived in Gotham, and worked at Wayne Tech. Nora was an accomplished doctor! Bruce had easily accepted them both and kept the identity of Victor off the books. So he was a free man, or...New man? Croc's town was in a reasonable position of power in the underground of Gotham. They had suffered little to no damage from the attack, and the Joker venom was cleaned by the Synthetic tree's Lash had made to purify the air. Then his phone beeped at him with a caller.

“Hello?” Lash asked.

“Lash! Can you come to Gotham Central Park? The forest in the area has gone fucking crazy! My Teacher is out of town currently and all the other Druids are...'Busy'” Timothy practically shouted at him.

“Yes! I'll be there in a few minutes!” Lash replied.

He ran from his home in hurry telling his security system to lock up. It chimed at him to be safe as he ran down through his home building to the underground entrance, once he was down there he used Intermediate Transformation and became his were-lizard hybrid and propelled himself to all fours. Lash sped through the underground passages until he came to another exit and pulled the hidden door aside to come into a underground parking lot a few blocks away from his building. He called up his Wraith shroud of smoke and shadow and used Nature's Passage, Chameleon, and Invisibility. He raced out into traffic and zipped down the street at full speed towards the park. If it was not one thing it was another. Lash vaguely remembers Dawn telling him that the longer he was in The Dream Engine the more events would spawn for him.

Gotham had just gotten over a full siege on the city and now another attack had happened. Lash sprinted down the street full tilt going from five mph to fifty in a few short seconds. He retracted his claws so that he wouldn't leave any noticeable damage though his traction did suffer a bit. After a few short minutes had passed he saw several hundred people running in the opposite direction he was moving to. Emergency response vehicles were driving as quickly as they could towards the park, along with a few armored personnel carriers. Then Lash came around the corner and saw the Central Park for Gotham City.

The tree's had erected a huge bramble vine wall that was several stories tall. Black branches, roots, and thorns shot out and tore up the concrete around the area. The tree's on the inside of the park had grown impossible tall for such a short amount of time, so high that they could rival the skyscrapers around them. The park had been converted into a minor refugee camp while the city was under construction so a lot of people had been 'living' there for the past few days. Lash jumped onto a APC and jumped to another to skip across the pact city street. Thankfully the plant's hadn't reached out to attack anyone. Lash came to a halt in front of what should have been the main gate and found Timothy there.

Timothy was the 6' even Irish man with curly red hair tied back into a tail, green eyes, with a powerful build that was a trained medical technician and druid in training for the Warden's. He was a good guy that wanted to help his community. He had full combat tactical gear on that was glamoured to say UNWS to the mundanes but Warden for the super-naturals. He stood next to the gate with a frown, the bramble vines wouldn't attack him, but they wouldn't open for him either. He jumped in surprise when Lash pulled his Invisibility off and stood up as 'Wraith' to the public eye.

“Agent Timothy. I assume we have hostages inside the park?” Lash said in his animalistic voice.

“That is correct, Agent L....Wraith. The estimated count is little over a thousand people. The plants seem to attack anyone that gets close unless they have a certain 'attribute' about them.” Timothy replied, he had almost said Lash's name but caught himself. The attribute in question was the Nature Domain. Lash looked him over and discovered that Timothy had obtained a Sub-Domain in Nature. He was half way there!

Sub-Domain's allowed for the passive influence of the Domain wash over you and let you use the basic level zero and maybe level one spells. This of course could change depending on the level of awareness, practice, etc. Several GCPD and Military personnel noticed the two of them at the gates and ran over only to have the walls reach out and try to claw at them.

“Sergeant get on the radio and tell everyone to avoid the walls. They react to any unwanted intrusion.” Timothy called out in a voice of authority, the rank he had on his vest was Captain. The army Sergeant reacted accordingly and got on the communication lines.

Lash reached out with his clawed hands and a green glow began to emanate from his entire body the bramble wall pulled back to reveal the entrance of the park. Lash gestured for Timothy to follow him inside but the walls refused to allow the others inside. Lash didn't push the plants any more than that. They both walked inside the park as the bramble wall closed behind them. Inside the park was like a different world, that continued to change and evolve. The tree's continued to grow not only up, but also out. Soon the tree's would cover the sky and turn the ground floor to twilight.

The grass was exceptionally long, the flowers had grown to full bloom and become far larger then they should naturally be possible. Lash and Timothy both felt the abundance of the Green in the air. But it was different from magic, it was....Different.

“Pamela!” Lash called out in voice that was a mixture of human and animal. His voice sent a shiver through the whole forest that was noticeable to Timothy.

“Who's Pamela?” Timothy asked. Lash sent the relative information to Timothy's phone. He pulled it out and read through the information as the two of them walked into the heart of the new forest.

Lash took point as Timothy looked through the files quickly. Pamela Lillian Isley the natural born Druid, and Guardian of the Green that Lash had pointed out over a year ago. But most would know her by the name, Poison Ivy. The Warden's and the Druids had lost track of Pamela for months and had no idea where she was. Lash knew in the comics that she came to Gotham, there were several reasons why. But prominently it was because Ace Chemicals was dumping toxic waste and she came to stop it. But that didn't happen this time, Ace Chemicals now had a mixture that could clean up chemical and toxic waste. Something that 'Agent Wraith' had given them during the Tech Summit Tour he had done. So why was she here now?

Timothy put his phone away when several civilians came around the bend. They looked unharmed but something was clearly wrong with them as their eyes had a eerie green glow to them. A dark green color spread through their veins as they shuffled their feet towards them. But neither of the Wardens felt hostility just a passive acknowledgment. The 'drones' stopped in front of them then after a few stressful seconds they bowed their heads, turned and walked further into the park. They stopped after a few steps to look back at them, waiting.

“I think we've been invited?” Timothy said softly. Lash agreed, so they began to follow the 'drones' into the park.

As they walked into the deeper portions of the park they came into a clearing. The tree's branches above them had blotted out the sky but there was still plenty of lights as several flowers had bloomed and created ambient glowing lights. They both saw Nature Domain spirits dancing through the flowers, grass, and trees. Hundreds of civilian 'drones' walked through the park with watering cans. Giant plants with transparent skin like bulbs held green fluid, several vines transferred that fluid to twisted plants like a plant based machine. The fluid was changed into a gas and pumped into the air. The plants and Nature spirits loved the gas. The drones who seemed lethargic became energized when the gas was breathed in.

“Fertilizer.” Timothy said as he breathed the gas in. Lash was sure there were a few other ingredients in it. But thanks to the Nature Domain they would both be widely immune.

“Feels like I just drank a pot of coffee!” Timothy said with a smile as the green glow faded from his eyes and green color in his veins faded just as quickly.

“Interesting....” A seductive feminine voice said from the branches above. Timothy was startled he looked towards the direction with caution.

“Miss Isley, may we talk?” Lash said in his near human but still a little reptilian voice.

“I've heard of you. Agent Wraith of the UNWS. I was curious if my pheromones would work on a Alien or not.” Said the voice.

A giant red petaled rose came down from the branches above. When the rose met the ground the petals opened up to reveal a bewitchingly beautiful woman, sitting on a plant like throne. She had rich curly red hair that was pulled to one side, light green eyes, olive green skin, with a hour glass figure. Her breasts were enthusiastically bouncy as they were only partially covered with green ivy leaves, she uncrossed and crossed her legs letting both men know that she only on a few leaves as panties. She was in a bikini made from plants.

Ivy looked amused as she watched Timothy's reaction to her, her plump green lips pulled back into a smile. Even her teeth had a green tint to them. Timothy swallowed audibly as he was struck by her beauty. She puckered her lips and blew him a kiss that had a bit of pheromones laced into it. Timothy fell to his knee's but his Sub-Domain in Nature slowly allowed him to recover. Ivy was even more amused by his gradual recovery. Then she turned her eyes towards Lash, the look of amusement faded and was replaced by intrigue and curiosity.

“Tell me, how do you know my name?” Ivy said to Lash.

Lash created an obstruction glamour around Timothy, Ivy, and himself. He wasn't sure how much the drones would remember. He then dismissed his Wraith shroud, then slowly reverted his Transformation back to his default human form. Ivy's eyes had a spark of mischief in them at the thought that Agent Wraith was showing her that many didn't know. But that spark soon faded as the face that grew was someone she knew. Then she brought a hand to her mouth in shock, she stood up and raced towards him. She knew who this was!

“Lash!” Ivy said with a squeal of glee!

“Hello Pamela! Good to see you again!” Lash said to her as he wrapped his arms around her small frame. Ivy kicked her legs up into the air and laughed in delight.

After a minute of joyful reunion Lash let go of her. But Ivy refused to let go of him! She kept her arms wrapped his arm and tried her best to glue herself onto his body. Lash didn't stop her but they needed to speak to her about the situation she had caused. She pulled him towards her throne and used Plant Control to create a table, a seat for Timothy, and a love seat for Lash and Ivy. A drone came over and poured some fragrant water dew drink that Timothy said was exceptional. Ivy stayed attached to Lash's arm, though it was covered in armor she didn't seem to care.

“So you are both Druids? If I had known that I wouldn't have tried to ditch the others that tried to recruit me back at Seattle.” Ivy confessed to them.

“Its fine, Druids are just like any group of people. Some are good, some are bad, some are indifferent. I'm happy that you made it to Gotham safely but the grand display of power was a little much.” Lash replied to her, Timothy nodded in agreement.

“I had planned to come here and ruin Ace Chemicals day. They had been well known for dumping waste into places. Until a Alien that is apparently not an Alien gave them the means to safely destroy waste. I wanted to speak to Wraith about a few things and knew that a display of power would bring you in. Don't worry no one is permanently hurt.” Ivy said with a smirk as she poked Lash's cheek a few times to emphasize her point. Ivy was far more enthusiastic, and confident then Pamela was. Gone was the bookish, mouse, girl next door. Now their was the seductive, intelligent, dryad of nature.

“If you are planning in staying in Gotham maybe you would be interested in joining the Wardens? Or the Druids? Or...” Timothy said in response.

He was a bit jealous of Lash at the current moment and Ivy noticed it. For the first time in over an hour Ivy let go of Lash. She pulled herself across the leaf table, pulled Timothy towards her with her hands and kissed him. Timothy flailed for a brief moment then returned the kiss. It was clear that Timothy enjoyed it, and Lash enjoyed the view of Ivy sprawled across the table. After a few minutes Ivy broke the kiss with him and slipped back towards Lash. She looked at Lash as if expecting him to be jealous but only found a smirk on his face. She grinned at him, pulled his arm close against her chest.

“What are you, Lash?” Ivy asked.

“I'm a Warden first then a Druid. Its hard work but rewarding. You of course have to be interviewed by the Courts to be finalized. But even if the Warden's don't take you, there are several branches of the super-natural societies that I think would love to have you.” Lash replied to her. Lash's hand settled down into Ivy's lap then began to dance up and down her skin. Which Ivy clearly enjoyed!

“You'll have to release the civilians. We have to maintain a peaceful coexistence between the mundanes and super-natural societies.” Timothy said.

As he jumped back into the conversation as the green glow faded from his eyes. Which he obtained from Ivy's kiss. Ivy was amused that her kiss didn't have a lasting effect on him. Before Lash could say another word she gave him a smothering kiss that ended up with her moaning in pleasure instead of him. She broke the kiss with him and discovered that Lash was completely immune to her pheromones. She bit her lips softly as she looked him up and down with seductive eyes.

“Yes... I'll tell them all to head to the entrance of the park.” Ivy said after a bit. The civilian drones stopped what they were doing and started to head towards the front entrance.

“As long as the forest hasn't cracked and or destroyed the Gotham utility pipes I believe we can leave them as is. Though I am sure they will have questions about that...Wont you!” Lash said with a yell as he looked over at several shadows that stepped from the forest. Ivy was startled! She had no idea they had broken through the bramble.

“Yes Warden Lash we do have a few questions. But if the situation is not violent I believe we can all keep our heads about us.” Said the lead shadow. They had Fae Court combat gear on, a cross between modern and old days. Tech-Knight gear.

Over the next hour all of the civilian drones were released. The effect of enslavement would last only a few hours with out re application. Though many of the people may find themselves yearning for Ivy's touch again. It was apparently addictive! Timothy commented that he really wanted to kiss Ivy again, and she was more than happy to let him have another taste. Though Lash did enjoy the kiss, he was still immune to her abilities. But this revelation did not make her unhappy, apparently most men and women she had any prolonged physical interaction with would eventually die from an overdose. The Shadows offered to escort Ivy back to Warden HQ when Lash offered to send them through a tree. Ivy begged him to show her how he did that at a later time. Timothy wanted to come along until Lash cast Sooth on the poor fellow. Timothy shook himself back to reality, though he did want to kiss Ivy it was no longer an addictive side effect. Just as Ivy stepped through the door way in the tree with the Fae Court Shadows Lash cast Insight on her.

Name: Pamela Lillian Isley aka Poison Ivy.

Title: Guardian of the Green.

Origin: Meta-Gene. Sub-Origin: Magical.

Rank: C-

Skills/Powers: See tool tip for more information.

Domains/Sub-Domain: Nature.

Disposition: Friendly.

Comments: Poison Ivy was a lost soul in the original comics that tried her best to create a new world with her abilities. Unfortunately this new world didn't have humans in it. This Ivy is different, before she gained her abilities she made a friend. That friend helped guide her to a new path. A lot of things are different, but a lot of things stay the same.

Congratulations, User! You've helped a Gotham Villain obtain a new fate in your Dream World.

Reward: Basic Science evolves into Intermediate Science.

Lash was happy with the reward, Science was a hard skill to evolve with so many working parts mixed into it. He used Transformation, and conjured his Wraith disguise. Timothy and himself walked out of the city park side by side as the plant life went from animated to calm and collected. The park still had dozens of tree's that were just as large and tall as the skyscrapers near by but maybe Gotham City could use it as a tourist attraction? The bramble wall was open at the main entrances of the park while the wall remained standing. They stepped out from the park to see a military and police line at a respectable distance from the park. Hundreds of civilians still under the thrall of Ivy or coming down from it in their custody.

“You in town for long or back on the road again?” Timothy asked Lash.

“On the road again. I appear to be a bad luck magnet. The longer I stay in one place the more things seem to happen.” Lash replied in his animalistic voice of Wraith. Timothy chuckled a bit and offered his hand to him. They shook hands and Timothy walked off towards his transportation while Lash walked towards his old neighborhood. The Narrows.


In a sky scraper that was nearly pitch black in color with a red W written into was an office. Inside of the office sat Bruce Wayne as he pulled up a giant holographic display of the latest news on the Gotham City park incident. It was the middle of the day which is why Batman had not appeared, he froze the news feed with a hand gesture. Pulled up some computer commands and enhanced the video, it showed Wraith walking into the park with another UNWS agent. The bramble closed behind them and after that they were gone for several hours. Then the civilians still trapped inside the park were released in a lethargic state. The plant life in the area settled a few minutes later with an hour passed Wraith and the agent stepped out.

Bruce had been introduced to the super-natural world. He knew much more today then he did two years ago. He assumed the other UNWS agent was a Warden like Lash was. Bruce pressed play on the display and the news footage continued. It had nothing but praise for the work of Agent Wraith's quick response time, as well has zero civilian casualties. Beep! Beep! Bruce went to his main computer, he entered his code to check on the Justice League message board.

'Hello everyone! Helping Aquaman, and Aquawoman with some ocean business. Not sure how long we'll be gone. I know I said we would meet up for food and drinks but then I realized we didn't have a focused meet up point. So tell me what you think about these plans.' Wraith sent the message through.

It had three different designs. One was a orbital satellite space station. Next was a lunar moon base placed inside one of the massive impact craters, another was a compromise of both. A orbital ring around the moon. The designs were simple drawings with out any real math behind them, but Bruce figured with Superman and Green Lanterns help they may be able to pull it off.

'Wait, can we afford something like that!? Holy shit Wraith how rich are you?' Fantasma asked. He was a new recruit that Lash had found in Vegas. Meta-Human with teleportation abilities.

'I can't believe I'm saying this but I think the Orbital Satellite would be the cheaper option. But if money and resources were not an issue I'd vote for the orbital ring around the moon.' The Flash responded.

'Wait! How would we get from the surface to the space station?' Shazam asked.

'Surface to Aerospace shuttles I think. Wow those will be expensive' Green Arrow replied.

'Oh that's easy! We'll just point to point teleportation. I already know how to do it.' Wraith messaged.

Bruce's eyes went wide with that message. He was not the only one that was shocked as the entire message board remained silent for a good ten minutes. Wayne Technologies had been playing with the idea ever since the energy to matter converter was obtained from the United Kingdom. But converting organic matter to energy, then reconverting that energy into organic matter with memories intact seemed an impossible dream.

'Ok! I like that you have a lot of confidence in my ability, Wraith. But I don't think my power goes that far!' Fantasma messaged.

'He's not talking about that. I've seen him do it with a tree. If Wraith says he can do it then he can.' Black Canary messaged.

'Why don't we choose the space station? Something that can be moved and positioned over the planet with the right design?' Superman messaged.

Then a vote page came up on the message board. Nearly everyone voted for the space station, though a few requested that they someday build something on the moon. As soon as it was voted for Bruce got an email from Wraith. He pulled it up on his holographic display and it was a massive design. This wasn't a NASA station with several little pods attached to each other. This was something that you would see in a Science Fiction movie. However, the designs were incomplete. Several portions were missing while others were filled out. Under all the different designs was a name. 'Watch Tower'. Bruce couldn't help but smile, if they had agreed on the orbital ring around the moon did Lash also have a design for that?


Lash finished uploading the schematics and designs to Bruce. He had recast Invisibility as he moved towards The Narrows. He was going to meet Arthur and Mera at the pier. He sent messages to the Wardens, along with his pack-mates. Lizzy dema....Cough! Cough! Requested that he send messages once a day so she could ensure he was alive and well. She seem to forget about the life stone in the Warden HQ? Or maybe she was just worried. The Justice League message board continued to light up about the space station. Lash messaged that he had already sent blue prints to Batman and any additional help or idea's should be sent his way.

Lash received a message from Arthur they were at the pier having a drink with the locals. Vulko had come along to speak to him about his mother. Lash said he would be there in under an hour. The Narrows was lively and full of movement, unlike the rest of Gotham they received very little damage. So this time the Narrows helped with refugee space and food. Because all the buildings were green and efficient they could support more people. Though a few people from the 'mainland' of Gotham were unhappy about the arrangement. But Lash assumed it was more likely they were upset about losing their homes more than anything.

Thanks to Lash's glamour he moved through the crowds with relative ease. Super-Natural creatures, citizens, and denizens noticed him. They would greet him with smiles and waves but no one stopped him thankfully. He cast a few Nature Domain spells on a few magical creatures here and there, it was a lot like candy or drug like euphoria as the sensation would roll through them. He was a few minutes from the pier when someone screamed out loud. Lash rolled his eyes at the inconvenience but turned towards the disturbance anyways. A woman was pointing out a hooligan that was running directly towards Lash with the woman's purse. But Lash noticed something odd, the hooligan was moving faster then normal. He even saw little flashes of electricity. A speedster?

The kid sprinted towards Lash's location believing the gap in the crowd was just another space to run through. Lash reached out with his transformed hand and plucked the kid off the ground. Or it was more like he snagged the kid by the neck and lifted them off the ground. The young woman yelped in surprise as she was lifted off the ground. Due to the physical interaction Lash's Wraith shroud appeared in front of everyone. The shroud had bits and pieces flake off like smoke, while the tail ends writhed across the ground. The shroud reached up and touched the young woman who flailed in panic. Lash cast Insight on the individual.

Name: N/A.... VI Avatar.

Title: Sugar Rush Addict

Origin: Meta-Gene.

Rank: F+

Skills/Powers: Active Effect; Speed Force. Passive Effects; Healing, Durability, Reflexes.

Domains: N/A

Disposition: Hostile (Terrified of you)

Comments: You have caught a speedster! Well a baby speedster! Maybe with the right mentor ship she could be a hero!

Lash pulled the purse from the speedster and walked back to the woman who lost in the first place. All foot traffic stopped to watch Lash walk the purse back the entire time he had the young woman by the neck. She wasn't choking by any means she was just terrified as she continued to flail and struggle in his grip. The woman who lost her purse took it back quickly and muttered a thank you. Lash turned on his heel and walked towards the pier while he used Connectivity to jump on to the message board.

'Flash! I have a Meta-Human Speedster in my possession. I am at the Narrows pier in Gotham City. I don't have a lot of time. Can either you or Kid come pick her up? She was pick pocketing people but she isn't a bad person just needs a home and some guidance.' Lash posted.

'Copy that! I'll be there in twenty minutes or less!' Flash responded.

Lash recast Invisibility on himself and the young woman. He continued to drag her towards the pier by the neck. A few people in the crowds around them pitied the young woman, but most just laughed at her bad luck for meeting Wraith. Lash ran her face and finger prints through the data base. Monika Celeritas, orphaned at ten years of age. Gotham City orphanage for girls, aged out when she hit eighteen. 5'6”, purple eyes, black hair, Native American heritage.

“Where are you taking me!” Monkia shouted at him.

“To the Pier to meet a few people. Then I am going to hand you off to a mentor.” Lash replied in his animalistic voice. Monika shivered at the sound of it, felt like a crocodile was trying to talk.

“I don't need a fucking mentor! Let me go!” Monika continued to kick and flail. Bits of purple and pink electricity danced around her body as she tried to wiggle out of his hand. But every time she seem to gain ground Lash would use Technomancy to drain the charge out of her.

“You can either accept a mentor, or I can call ARGUS and you can get a bomb implanted into your neck and become a soldier that has zero worth. You choose.” Lash said replied. Monika stopped struggling after he mentioned ARGUS.

“Can you at least let me walk on my own?” She asked. Lash lifted her up and set her down on her own two feet. He faced her forward but kept his hand on the back of her neck. His claws rested on her neck.

“This is not much better....” She complained but walked forward anyways.

So the pair walked towards the pier a monsters hand around the young woman's neck. She tried a few times to vibrate her body out of his grip but the electricity was always absorbed into him, he also ran his claws along her throat after the second attempt. She stopped after that. Lash assumed the User who made the Avatar must have tried more then once. Every new generated world would always have the User in a comfortable starting zone. Being born in an orphanage must have been a specific new game + action, that was spent with World Points.

“Mental Resistance...Whats that?” Monika said under her breath. Lash rolled his eyes, did every User speak about their skills out loud?

Monika watched with interest as the crowds of people seemed to just get out of their way on their own accord. People didn't even realize they were doing it, they just did it. She muttered softly, 'These are not the droids you are looking for' Lash's lips twitched a bit at the unexpected humor. They found Arthur and Mera on the pier with a small crowd around them. Arthur was dressed in his leather biker gang outfit and had a pint in his hand and was chugging it quickly in competition against another biker gang individual. Mera sat off to the side, she was entertaining several children by creating and manipulating water into animal shapes. The both of them were odd mix that was for sure.

“You two seem to be having fun.” Lash said as he pulled his Invisibility off. Everyone jumped in surprise including Arthur and his drinking buddy who splashed the beer all over themselves.

“Wraith! I...Who is that?” Mera said as she bounced to her feet and pointed at Monika.

“Meta-Human, Speedster.” Lash had created a simple mask for Monika before he revealed them. It was so quick that Monika jumped in surprise to have it on her face.

“She do something wrong?” Arthur asked as he cleaned his face off with a towel that he got from his competitor.

“Petty thief, stole a purse. Not a bad person just needs some direction and a place to sleep.” Lash replied, then a child ran up to him maybe ten years old. Lash looked down at the child.

“Are you really an alien?” The kid asked. Lash 'pulled' his hood back to reveal his reptilian face, eyes, and scaled features. Several people jumped back in surprise.

“I am not human, but I was born on Earth. So am I an Alien? Yes and no.” Lash replied, his voice softer then usual. The kid smiled at him.

“I think you look cool!” The kid said. “Can I look like you when I grow up?” The kid asked. His parents who were near grinned and rolled their eyes. But looked shock at what Lash said next.

“Yes, its called Gene-Splicing. The US government has already created several humans with animal like features. It's currently not open to the public but they are in the process of opening it up for medical purposes. So when you reach eighteen you should be able to volunteer or buy the procedure.” Lash replied to the kid. The kid's eyes went wide with enthusiasm.

“Are you serious!?” Arthur yelled at him. Lash produced a 'holographic' magical image of several government agents that were spliced already. Obviously their names were removed from the file. However the US CIA stamp was not removed. People took out their phones and took pictures.

“That is so cool! Could I get wings and fly around!?” The kid asked.

“It's possible.” Lash replied to the child. The kid ran off to talk to his parents begging to let him get wings for Christmas. The parents were terrified! Just as people wanted to swarm Lash with questions a red and yellow lighting trail rushed towards them. Then Flash seemed to pop into existence in front of everyone!

“Hay everybody! Oh my god! Is that a guy with wolf ears!?” Flash looked at one of the images.

“Everyone please excuse us we have things to talk about.” Lash pulled Flash, Arthur, Mera, and Monika to the edge of the pier. He closed the holographic projections though he was sure it would show up online in a few minutes if not now! He cast a area of effect glamour on them so they could talk freely. The public watched them fade from sight.

“Flash, meet Monika Celeritas. Monika this is The Flash, Aquaman, and Aquawoman. Now I...” Lash started when Monika practically vibrated with excitement.

“Can I join the Justice League!?” Monika shouted at them. Well that was easier then expected.

“Ummm... Sure! I think that is why Wraith asked me to come. He said you need a mentor?” Flash said with a laugh. Lash let go of her at that point she jumped up and down in excitement! The purple and pink electricity bounced off of her and Flash smiled wide at the clear sign of a speedster.

“Yes! Yes! Please I would love for you to be my mentor!” Monika shouted at him.

Over the next few minutes they talked logistics. Lash created a phone for her that had all the bells and whistles needed to access the Justice League message board. Along with a checking account, and health insurance information. Minimum wage twenty four hours a day, seven days a week came up to about five thousand dollars and change a month. Monika nearly lost her shit when she heard the number, she hadn't expected to get paid and was more then happy to accept the added bonus.

“Thank you...For, well not killing me for one. But... Thank you.” Monika said to Lash. She stood in front of him with Flash behind her. They were about to leave for Central City.

“You are most welcome, Miss Celeritas. I hope next we meet you'll be trained and ready to stop crime not cause it.” Lash said as he extended his clawed hand towards. She accepted it with a smile then zipped over to Flash. Flash took her hand and they ran off together, Monika piggy backing off of his speed. Arthur and Mera walked over. Arthur had a grin on his face, and Mera a sweet smile.

“Should we just make you the recruiter for the League? You pulled in Dia, Fantasma, and now Monika. All in less then six months. You just have an eye for talent my man!” Arthur clapped him on the back. Lash shrugged helplessly, Mera walked over and smoothed her hands down his scaled neck he enjoyed the sensation.

“You are very sweet, Wraith. Come Vulko must be going insane with boredom he is waiting at the edge of the pier in the water.” Mera leaned up on her toes and kissed his cheek. Then jumped into the water, Arthur laughed and jumped in after her. Lash turned to look at Gotham one last time. He wasn't sure when he would see the city again.

“Goodbye.” Lash said softly, and had sensation that the city would miss him.

Lash jumped into the water and pulled his Wraith disguise off. He didn't really need it right now but he did need to stay transformed. Thanks to his Lord of Water blessing from Sobek he could propel himself through the water at about half the speed of Arthur and Mera. But has he used Adaptation he slowly got faster. But he would need a great deal of effort to even meet them half way. Neither of them said anything and took it slow.

The water around Gotham was cold, murky, and full of trash. Though less trash of late since several tech companies were pulling trash towards them so they could use it in their new technologies that an 'Alien' gave them. The water was still filthy. Lash reached into his Nature Domain and Technomancy Domain to cast Decomposition, and Recycle. Soon Lash left a noticeable trail through the water where it was clean and pure.

“Damn! We just need a massive version of you and we could clean the whole ocean!” Arthur said through the water. His voice was oddly audible in the water, that is when Lash remembered that Atlanteans have a minor form of Telepathy. This allows them to talk underwater. His skill Other Worldly Lore activated.

“A majority of the technologies I gave during my tech summit was to use old trash, and waste and turn them into useful things. I had hoped it would help restore some balance to the Earth and its waters. But it will be many years before we see any positive reaction.” Lash said in return, as he practiced the partial telepathy.

After about an hour of swimming and several experience prompts about his two spells. They moved out of Gotham City bay and at the edge in the near pitch black waters stood a man in deep blue fish scale armor. He was about 5'11” with long black hair that was tied up in the back, deep blue ocean eyes, and a ice blue spear in hand. He smiled at the return of Arthur and Mera to which he gave a bow to them. Then he smiled at Lash, a few winkles around his eyes and mouth.

“Warden Lash. Greetings to you. I am Nuidis Vulko, Vizier of Atlantis. I wish we could meet under better circumstances but hopefully with your help we can obtained King Atlan's trident and rescue Queen Atlanna from the Trench.” Vulko said as he bowed to Lash. Lash returned the greeting with a full Warden etiquette bow and hand gesture.

“Vizier thank you for coming all this way. I am sure life has not been easy for some one so dedicated. I hope we can settle the civil war quickly with as few casualties as possible.” Lash replied, his words were a little hard to understand as he continued to practice. Even got a Language Smith experience prompt.

“Do we know where we are going?” Mera asked after a moment. Before Vulko could respond Lash did.

“The ocean of sands, Sahara. To the Deserter Kingdom.” Lash said to them. Vulko eyes were wide as the golden light from Foresight faded from Lash's figure. “The scroll canister is a key to a mechanism in the kingdom that will show us the next location. We need it.” Lash finished.

“Ah! So that is how it is! Yes, here keep it safe!” Vulko handed the canister to Mera. She took it and tied it to her belt for safe keeping. “Unfortunately I can not join you, I must return and do what I can to delay Orm from attacking the animal and primal villages of the oceans. He plans to force them into his army for the coming war with the surface.” Vulko said, his face grim.

“No... Prince Orm is well aware that you have betrayed him. It would be better for you to travel to the ocean kingdoms and see who would be willing to meet with Prince Arthur. Even when we obtain the Trident not so many people would be willing to switch loyalties.” Lash said, Foresight activated again. The golden light glowed in the ocean. Though Lash nearly fell unconscious as his energy reserves nearly tanked after doing it twice so close together. Arthur moved to support him.

“I … I see. Very well! I will first travel to the temple of Poseidon. Its neutral ground that not even Orm would try and attack. Less he anger the Old Gods themselves. I'll tell them about Prince Arthur first born of Queen Atlanna, and Princess Y'Mera of Xebel. How they search for the Trident of King Atlan with an Oracle that travels with them and guides their path!” Vulko said with a smile.

“Leave my specific name out of it please, at least for now. Many people would argue that a Warden picking 'sides' would be breaking their oath. I hope one day they'll understand I did it for the betterment of the world.” Lash asked.

“Of course! Gods be with you!” Vulko bowed from his waist turned around and swam off into the depths of the ocean.

“Alright, we need to find a tree! Cause I am not swimming all the way there!” Lash said to Arthur and Mera who looked at him in confusion.

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