Turned out they didn't plan to swim to Sahara, they plan to swim to Amnesty Bay, more specifically to see Arthur's Father, Tom Curry. Mera had stashed her Atlantean ship there in secret when she tracked down Arthur a year ago. So it was a relatively short swim from Gotham Harbor up the East Coast. Lash in his hybrid shape was able to adapt quickly but he would never achieve the near mock speed of Arthur and Mera underwater, at least not anytime soon. But Lash did continue to clean the ocean as he swam through it he'd have to talk to Bruce or Fox when he got back. Gotham Harbor was disgusting, and the ocean wasn't much better. Lash came across some old Ace Chemical barrels that were spewing out waste, the barrels were several years old. So this was all before he handed them the solution. He took some time to clean the barrels up, Arthur seemed a little insistent to move but Mera talked him down. It was only a few extra minutes.

“I noticed that all the technology you granted the surface could be potentially help restore the ecosystem on Earth. Thank you for that.” Mera said to Lash as he finished his last barrel.

“It was a long term plan, it will be decades before we see any improvement. I'm hoping that if we can get Atlantis to join the UN we can make efforts to clean the oceans out. Since it wont be international borders anymore.” Lash spoke back in broken water speak. His Language Smith kept sending him prompts for experience gained but it would take more practice.

“Oh shit! I didn't even think about that. Ya! That would help a lot if we joined the United Nations. Am I going to have to do that?” Arthur said as he paled at the idea. Mera laughed at him and shook her head in a clear no.

“Perhaps Vulko, he is far more...Aware of his words then you are highness.” Lash said as he started to swim towards Amnesty Bay.

“Ah! I.... I still think we should find some one else to be king...” Arthur grumbled as he lazily swam next to Lash.

“I may be able to help you with that. Or at least give you the tools needed to rule. With your permission highness.” Lash said, his reptilian features on his face pulling back into a smile.

“Please! Stop calling me highness! Sure! What ever you think will help!” Arthur groaned.

“I'll work on that, highness.” Lash chuckled, as Mera joined him in his laughter.

The three of them swam up the coast for several hours. Little by little Lash got faster, but eventually he requested to swap out for Saurian. Arthur and Mera didn't mind then the giant carnosaur version of Saurian appeared, he used Adaptation and created fins along his arms, legs, and his back. He propelled himself through the water at greater speeds. He reached up to 60 mph hour under water or rather 53 knots in nautical speeds. Like a speed boat, but even then Arthur and Mera could out pace him if they wanted to. To them it was like a fast jog!

Along the way they encountered ocean life that trailed and followed in their wake. Even now Saurian continued to clean the ocean as he swam through it. A group of seals showed up and asked what they were doing before Saurian could reply Arthur did it for him. Beyond the fourth wall, Erik knew that Arthur could do it. But it was the first time seeing it in the 'flesh'. The seals not bothered by the giant reptile in the water swam around and caught a ride on Saurian like he was a public transport for a few miles. The water temperature got colder the further they went north. The group of seals departed and were replaced by a pod of whales many of which had scars and injuries from whale hunters. Saurian insisted on stopping for a few minutes, he removed a harpoon from a whale after he shaped the weapon smooth and pulled it out. Then he used Nature's Kiss and Panacea on the older ones returning ten years of youth to them. Neither Arthur or Mera said a thing about hurrying when the whales began to sing a song of thanks.

As they swam into the waters of Amnesty Bay Saurian compacted himself down to be a little over ten feet high and twenty feet long. He kept the fins on his arms, legs, tail, and down his back. They eventually arrived at Tom Curry's light house. Arthur and Mera jumped out of the water and landed on the sing fishing pier next to the light house. Saurian knew the pier couldn't take his weight so he cast Nature's Passage, Chameleon, and Invisibility on himself as he pulled out of the beach with the water crashing against the stones. Even Arthur and Mera lost track of him as he moved up the beach near them.

-I'm still here. Just don't want to attract attention. Saurian said to them in their minds.

“Christ that still freaks me out.” Arthur said as he walked towards his Fathers home.

It was late in the day but there was still a few hours left before sunset. Mera walked next to Arthur and began to pulled an braid her hair back, Arthur just flipped his hair about like a big wet dog and Mera rolled her eyes at him. Saurian trailed behind them, not even leaving tracks in the sand. The light house door opened and Tom Curry stepped out with a smile on his face. Tom Curry was an islander, with deep brown skin, brown eyes, a bald head, and several islander tattoos on his exposed arms. He had brown boots, with brown overalls, and a white undershirt on. With a fishermen cap on his head. With an infections smile on his face he opened his arms up and walked over to hug his son. Arthur smiled and walked up and swallowed his Father in his arms. After they squeezed each other for a bit, Tom let go and embraced Mera far more gentle even though Mera could easily crush him.

“You come by to say goodbye?” Tom's voice had a bit of accent in it that Saurian couldn't place.

“Ya Pops. We came to get Mera's ship. We have a trail on the trident, and a trail on mom.” Arthur's voice got serious at the tail end of the sentence. Tom's face got hard but their was a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

“Where's the big guy?” Tom looked around for a moment then noticed that Mera stood off to the side. More like Mera leaned on something that was invisible. Then two reptilian eyes flared with green light, as they peered back at Tom.

“Greetings to you, Thomas Curry. Forgive me for not revealing myself. I don't wish to draw attention to your home more than it already obtains.” Saurian's voice was a little hard on Tom's ears but he grinned all the same.

“Not to worry all the people near by know about Arthur being who he is. I don't think you'll be any more eye catching than my future daughter in law.” Tom said with a smile on his face. Mera grinned at him or more at the fact that Arthur coughed and actually blushed.

“What?...Oh don't tell me he still hasn't proposed to you!? Come on son!” Tom said as he gaped at Arthur.

“I....Wanted to wait for Mom...” Arthur said under his breath. Tom was startled but nodded his head in acknowledgment.

“Then you are aware of the white unmarked van a half a mile away that is video taping your home?” Saurian said out loud.

His Technomancy Domain had chirped at him like a bird would when he was being recorded. Mera stood up right and looked directly at Saurian, then started to look up towards the street. Sure enough there was a white van parked up the road. Arthur snarled and started to race towards the van, on land he could run as fast as any olympic athlete, Mera was right behind him. The people inside the van seem to realize they've been discovered and started their engines but before they got more then thirty feet the engine shut off with a flick of Saurian's claws. Arthur ripped the car door off its hinges and pulled several analytical types, and one security professional.

“Stop! We work for the government! Its a Federal offense to harm us!” The security professional screamed at Arthur as he was held up by the collar, his feet dangling under neath him. Roots, and foliage grew from the ground and restrained the tech support people so they couldn't run.

“Harm you!? How about I just throw you in the ocean and let the sharks have their fun! No one will ever find you!” Arthur growled at him.

“Why are you watching Mr Curry's home?” Mera said, her eyes glared at the man.

“That's classified lady, I am not obligated to tell you a single thing.” The man said to her.

“Agent Robert Megree, mid level agent for the CIA. Part of a task force for foreign powered individuals. Tom Curry, and Arthur Curry are citizens of America but Princess Mera is not. They are here to ascertain if Princess Mera is here to steal Arthur away.” Saurian said as he pulled back his Invisibility and pulled on his Wraith shroud. Agent Megree's eyes nearly popped out of his eye sockets when Saurian appeared not but a few feet away from them. Tom Curry whistled as he saw Saurian for the first time.

“Nope! I take it back! You are way more eye catching than Mera.” Tom said with a smile.

“Arthur please put him down. He's following orders he has no control over the situation.” Saurian said politely towards Arthur. Arthur growled but dropped Megree. Before the agent could stand up roots, and plants pulled him down and restrained him.

Saurian came to stand in front of Agent Megree and crouched down so he was at least as his eye level. Megree swallowed audible as the yellow green reptilian eyes peered at him from the shroud of smoke and shadow. Saurian's massive scaled and bladed tipped tail positioned behind him to make into a partial pivot point. He called up a projection with the use of his Technomancy Domain. It showed Agent Megree's private orders, and who was in charge of the surveillance operation.

“The good news is that they never intended for any violent altercation for you Mr Curry. They were simply concerned that Arthur may be talked into leaving America. Arthur saved the Secretary of Defenses niece a few months ago. Boating accident, Arthur saved the whole ship. So Arthur and you Mr Curry are safe and sound as long as Sec Def remains in office.” Saurian said to them, and showed the page to them all including the tech agents who didn't know any better.

“Agent Wraith, I don't suppose you can explain who she is?” Agent Megree worked up the courage to ask. Saurian looked back at him then looked at Mera.

“If everything goes to plan then the world will find out in a few weeks, or a few months.” Saurian said softly.

“I am Princess Y'Mera Xebella, Challa, Daughter of King Nerceus. I'm an Atlantean.” Mera said with pride as she squared her shoulders and stood up straighter. Megree looked at her like she was insane, he waited for the punch line then looked back at Saurian as if in explanation.

“I'm a giant reptile from outer space and Atlantis is weird to you?” Saurian said nonchalantly to the Agent. One of the tech agents wiggled and tried to speak. Saurian waved his claws that were exposed from his shroud and the roots pulled back to let him speak.

“Wait! So the Atlantean Myth is real? Like the Technological City of Ages that sunk to the bottom of the ocean? That Atlantis?” The tech had stars in his eyes, Mera laughed and nodded her head.

“So wait! Why is she here then?” Agent Megree asked. Saurian took a moment to access the Warden bureau to have to see if the local Warden's could keep an eye on Tom Curry. Technically Mr Curry was a pseudo-mundane and was protected under Warden Law.

“That's classified, we are under no obligation to say.” Saurian said, Arthur cracked up laughing after he said that. Megree's turned purple but kept his mouth shut. Then his phone went off, Saurian released the plant roots on the surveillance team.

“You'll want to get that.” Saurian said as he stood up to tower over the CIA team. Agent Megree answered his phone. Spoke for less then thirty seconds closed his phone and turned to his team.

“Pack it up, we are heading back to HQ” Megree told them. Just as a last troll moment Saurian cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss on the whole CIA team. They all fell back down into a puddle of orgasmic moans and gasps.

“Is that a perverse form of torture? Or foreplay? Agent Wraith?” Tom Curry asked with a bemused expression.

“That's me being troll. They are perfectly fine.” Saurian said with a chuckled as he walked back to the light house.

After a few minutes the CIA team stood up, though they may need to change their pants at a later time. They felt better than they had ever felt. They packed up into the van and Megree drove them back to HQ. Less then ten minutes later a magical arcane eye of the local Warden HQ appeared above the light house. The eye was invisible to the mundane eye but Saurian noticed it and waved. Saurian turned around and noticed that Arthur was laughing at the top of his lungs while Mera glared at him.

“I didn't think about it ok! Its a two person vehicle!” Mera shouted at Arthur, then her face flushed pink when Saurian walked over.

“Let me guess, the vehicle your brought doesn't fit three people?” Saurian said with a bit a mirth in his voice.

“Its ok! Can't you like shrink down to the size of like a house cat?” Arthur said with a grin.

“May I see the ship in question? Perhaps I can build something with a little more versatility” Saurian said with a grin.

Mera led him into the ocean a few miles out from the light house contained with in several dozen shipping containers that had been lost or forgotten about. Mera pulled open the door and Saurian saw the ship that had fish stylized appendages. Two fins on the side, one long dorsal fin, and a tail fin. It had neon orange lights that would glow and dim as the fins moved. The frame of the vehicle looked like a giant fish and when even shift and move. The frame had shifting metal plates to actually imitate the movement of a fish. Mera activated her wrist communication switch and the ship came to life and moved forward a bit. Saurian reached out and placed his hand on the machine, his Technomancy Domain came to life and scanned the whole ship, his Shaper title activated and he fully understood the material make up. He was surprised! Apparently Atlantis had figured out a way to shape coral.

Atlantean, Xebell, two person transport.

Rating: A+

Effect: Very Durable

Effect: Self regenerating metal, 1% durability every week.

Effect: Hard water energy core.

Comments: This is a luxury craft for Xebellian royalty. Its packed full of advanced technology, science, and just a bit of magical theory.

“Any sentimental attachment to the vehicle, Princess Mera.” Saurian asked, he turned to look at her. Mera swam up and ran her hands along his scaled face.

“Saurian, it is just Mera when we are alone, ok?” She smiled at him and kissed his cheek. “No, I don't have any attachment to the vehicle. I take it you want to pull it apart and use it in something?” Mera asked.

Mera and Saurian rode the vessel back to the light house and Saurian grew in size and pulled it up onto Mr Curry's yard. He did create a glamour around the area to prevent any mundanes from watching. Tom brought out a BBQ cooker and started to cook up some meat. Arthur grabbed a few beers, Mera stood next to Saurian and spoke to him a little bit about the ship. After an hour the ship was completely taken apart and in pieces along the yard.

“So what are you plans Mr Saurian?” Tom asked as he sipped on his beer and ate a hot dog.

“The Deserter Kingdom is somewhere in the Sahara desert. The ocean of sand is a huge place. We can't just swim to the coast and walk in, it would take months track the kingdom down. So I'm going to build a Submarine, Helicopter, Airplane, Recreation, Camper. SHARC for short.” Saurian replied as he activated his Transmutation Domain and began to use Fabrication.

“How long will that take?” Arthur asked, as his eyes got wider as materials were shaped from thin air.

“A few hours, I'll have it done by the time the sun rises again. Tell me Princess Mer..” Mera growled at him softly. Both Arthur and Tom scooted a few inches away from her. “Tell me... Mera, do you have a way to locate the Deserter Kingdom?” Saurian corrected himself.

“If we could drop by my home I could obtain a map beacon. But if I go home now I'll be arrested and set to the trench to be sacrificed. I'm not well liked at home right now.” Mera said, her voice became sad at the end. Arthur stood up and hugged his future wife. She leaned into him and whispered thank you.

“So we have to find it. I can't use Warden resources right now since this trip is mostly off the books. So we'll have to go looking for it. I may have an ability that helps but we'll have to be in the area to test it.” Saurian responded softly, or as soft as a giant reptile could reply.

“So it will be like a V-22 Osprey? Those helicopter planes they have at the Air Force base?” Tom changed the subject.

“That is right. But it can land in the water, and compact the propellers to work underwater. Because once we obtain the Trident and rescue your wife Mr Curry. We still have to travel to the different under water kingdoms and rally support. Just because Prince Arthur has the Trident doesn't mean everyone will just fall into line.” Saurian replied, he created a magical image of his idea.

The SHARC looked a lot like the RV he had built when he traveled across Saudi Arabia with Mikhail and Peyton. But this one had wings, and could go under water. Unlike the Osprey the propellers were actually jet engines, and there was four of them. Two large ones, and two small ones in the back. Staying true to Atlantean style he had created animal features like fins, and a tail structure. But it was clear it was a combination of surface and water designs. Then Saurian pulled the image apart and showed them the different lay outs, sections, and areas.

“This is bad ass Saurian! Fuck! Is that an entertainment area! Flat screen TV!? Sixty inch! Oh my god!” Arthur reached out and found out he could flip through the designs, it was interactive.

Saurian spent the next five hours building the skeleton structure of the SHARC. It was a bit larger than the modern Air Force Osprey but thanks to Compression Transformation Saurian was able to fit it all together. Around midnight the structure was done now all he had to do was work on the insides and out. Tom went to bed, as did Mera. Arthur stayed up and talked with Saurian about the SHARC, little designs and updates. The wings would fold in and become like the pectoral fins of a shark when underwater, the tail engines would slide back to make the tail fins. Saurian spent time reinforcing them so if they wanted to they could dive into the water from the air with out ripping the wings off. Of course the crash would still be hard, but the vessel wouldn't break apart!


“So, he's not an alien right?” Tom asked from the doorway of the guest bedroom. Mera sat in some old flannel PJ's of Arthur's and still looked amazing. She stood at the window watching Saurian work, with Arthur talking to him.

“No, at least I don't think so. He's....Complicated.” Mera said as she turned away to look at Tom. She smiled at her future father in law, he smiled back. He walked over to look out the window to see the plane continue to be built.

“Christ! He wasn't kidding that will be done by morning. He's doing in twelve hours that would take an entire team of people weeks of work. I saw the documentary of Gotham's reconstruction, they video taped him building a new bridge in one night! I thought they had sped it up with photo shop but now that I'm seeing it. Damn!” Tom said with astonishment. Mera laughed and went to the guest bed, she pulled the covers back and sat down. Tom coughed and walked towards the door.

“Alien or not. He's a good man! Risking his life to help us.” Tom said softly.

“Yes he is. He's risking a lot by helping us. Like I said, he's complicated.” Mera said softly and tucked her legs under the covers. “Good night....Dad.” Mera said that last part softly. Tom smiled and slowly closed the door.


“You have to do the giant maw of the shark for the front man! Teeth and all!” Arthur shouted with a smile. Arthur stood in front of the plane with his arms wide open gesturing wildly at it.

Saurian rolled his eyes and proceeded to adjust the cockpit area. The interior was done but Arthur insisted they continue with the giant megalodon shark idea. So he crafted gills on the side of the vessel that would spew out smoke or oil if they were in the air or in the water. Saurian always tried to work function into the aesthetics of anything he made. If it worked, and looked cool? Great! But it had to work first. The 'mouth' of the shark could close as extra reinforcement to protect the front cockpit area, giant teeth and all. Saurian had combined Nth metal and Orichalcum into the super structure of the vessel. So despite its massive size it only weighed about a thousand pounds. But was still just as strong.

Nth metal was a bit tricky, Saurian knew it had more capabilities but he realized he needed to experiment more with it. Currently his Nth metal was stronger then steel but lighter, and even had a little anti gravity to it. He had have to go talk to the Hawks about it, after he helped Arthur and Mera. Saurian made sure to use the Transmuter Title ability and generated his ten pounds worth after the twenty four hour period was up. Then he stream lined it into the SHARC. He also applied the Atlantean Coral metal component into it. Before he had to cast magic enchantments to get a self repair function. Now as long as their was power running through the structure it would repair it self, all be it slowly. Made him wonder what else Atlantis had.

“So why the scales? I mean it looks bad ass.” Arthur asked. Saurian had placed scales on the SHARC it gave it a reptilian appearance.

“Well the armored plates offer protection, but it's mostly because I have scales. Consider it an Artist water mark.” Saurian replied as he set the last piece into place.

Nth Metal, Orichalcum, Science and Magical Vehicle.

Rating: B+

Effect: Very Durable

Effect: 50% light weight.

Effect: 10% durability repair a day with magical energy, 2% durability repair with mundane power a week.

Effect: Hard water energy core, solar energy core, ambient magical energy core.

Effect: 20% resistance to negative magical energy.

Effect: 20% increase to positive magical energy.

Effect: 20% resistance to kinetic and energy damage.

Effect: Temperature control, and oxygen creation.

Effect: Nature Domain Spells; Nature's Passage, Chameleon, Essence Imbuement.

Effect: Technomancy Domain Spell; Connectivity.

Effect: Transmutation Domain Spell; Fabrication, Enlarge/Reduce.

Effect: Illusion Domain Spell; Invisibility, only when stationary.

Effect: Synthesis Domain Spell; Immaculate.

Comments: You've created a flying, underwater gunship in the shape of a giant shark!

Saurian smiled as his creation was complete. As it finished several of his skills obtained a flat experience bonus from the completion of the item in question.

Congratulations User! Artist has evolved into Minor Artist. Now you can find easier ways to incorporate an artistic design into your creations with out losing function or performance.

“Yaaaaa! And look at that! The sun is rising! Lizard of your word! My man!” Arthur clapped Saurian on the shoulder, or rather his lower back since he'd have to jump.

“Holy shit! That is a giant shark!” Tom walked from his house with a cup of coffee in his hands. He whistled and looked at the giant plane.

“Are the landing gear shaped into claws? I have to agree that looks cool.” Tom said as he sipped on his coffee. He snapped his head to look at Saurian because he heard the sound of bones popping out of place. Saurian compacted down to a 'normal' human size. He was tired and swapped out with Lash.

Lash continued to use his Transformation ability and kept the Wraith disguise on him. So now he was an eight foot tall, sixteen foot long reptile man with a shroud around his features. He let out a soft yawn, created a stood made out of fresh earth and sat down. He looked up to see Tom looking at him with worry. Arthur walked over and clapped Lash on the back with a smile.

“Dad, this is Lash he is the partner to the big guy you met. Two personalities share the same body. Take turns driving.” Arthur said to his Dad.

“Oh shit! Like a were-wolf?” Tom asked with wide eyes. Lash chuckled softly.

“Kinda, in the super-natural world I'm known as a were-breed. But instead of a wolf I turn into a giant reptile. What you see before you is a partial transformation. Think of it like a super hero suit.” Lash said as he extended his hand and smoothed it out to his default human shaped arm and hand. Tom walked over and shook his hand.

“Well nice to meet you Lash! I mean I like the big guy too! But you are a little easier to talk to.” Tom said with a smile. “Do you want some coffee?” Tom asked.

“No thank you. I can absorb the ambient radiation from the sun. Best cup of coffee in the world for me.” Lash took his hand back and switched back to Transformation.

Tom, Arthur, and Lash watched the sun rise for a bit. Tom looked more towards the fishing pier in front of his house. Lost in memory, Arthur came up behind and hugged his down from the side, understanding where is Dad was right now. Mera walked out still in her flannel PJ's and gawked at the shark plane.

“Wow! I can see Arthur's influence on the plane from here!” Mera said. Tom, Arthur, and Lash all laughed a bit at that.

They all had breakfast outside while Lash recharged he used Connectivity to check his Warden information page and continued to do his 'job'. He technically was still on vacation by Warden application. So his absence would be noticed but it wasn't against any rules. Though he was sure they would flip out if they knew the exact specifics of what he was doing. They assumed he was spending time with the Justice League getting them set up in the mundane world. Which was kinda true!

Mera and Arthur began to pack up a few things for the long trip. The SHARC had a small living space, simple beds, toilet, and shower. With a small sit down, kitchen, entertainment area. Lash even included the latest Wayne Tech gaming box for Arthur. It could log onto the internet and play games. Arthur grinned at the addition. There was also a tactical area, the SHARC had several gun ports, thanks to Mera's former Atlantean ship. Lash/Saurian had figured out how to create water plasma energy bursts. Standard issue for Atlanteans, highly advanced for the surface.

“So, find the Trident. Find your Mother. United the under water kingdoms. Don't die! Come back so I can see you all?” Tom said to Arthur. Arthur and Mera hugged Tom one last time. Lash shook Tom's hand and they boarded the SHARC from the rear hatch.

Lash walked towards the pilots seat, he pulled off his Wraith shroud, and returned to his default human shape. He strapped himself into the seat and told Arthur and Mera to do the same. Tom walked back to his front door and stood back as the engines turned on. Despite their massive size they as quiet as car engine when fully operational. But Tom could see the air suction of the engines they would anything apart that flew into them. The wings spread out, the rear hatch closed, and Lash continued to get experience prompts from his skill Operator. Since he built it he could fly it, but this was actually the first time he had actually flown anything.

“This is your pilot speaking! Please ensure you are strapped in, and your feet are planted because this is going to be a wild ride.” Lash said with a smile.

He pumped the throttle and pulled back on the stick the plane rumbled softly and lifted off the ground. The landing gear retracted and the SHARC tipped forward slightly. As they started to fly off the glamour around the light house fell and anyone near by one have seen a partially camouflaged giant shark plane taking off. Once they were high enough the engines rotated forward and Lash grinned as he pushed the throttle down. The engines screamed at last! Lash, Arthur, and Mera were slammed into their seats as the SHARC tore off into the sky.

“YYYYYYYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAA!” Arthur screamed at the top of his lungs a huge grins on his face. Lash pivoted the stick and took the plane into a casual spin in the air. Mera started to scream in both fear and excitement!

“This is better than any roller coaster I've ever been on!” Arthur yelled out.

Lash dipped the plane and nearly collided with the waters surface then pulled back and flew just a few feet above the water. The speed of the plane left a large swath of waves in its wake. Then he pulled back and went straight into the sky. The engines screamed but held steady as the plane went straight up higher and higher. The blue sky got thinner and thinner until even during the day they all saw stars. Lash adjusted the plane and tipped it forward. Mera gasped in shock! They were above the Earth now, they could see the stars, the moon, and the sun. The glass shimmered and prevented them from being blinded by the glare.

“GOD DAMN! ARE WE IN FUCKING SPACE!?” Arthur shouted and looked at Lash. Lash grinned and tipped the plane forward.

They hadn't left the gravitational field of the Earth, and were still in the upper Mesosphere. Since the plane could move underwater why not in the upper area's of the sky? The Engines screamed softly as the plane moved forward and Arthur shouted... He was weightless! Mera and Arthur's hair gently floated up, and they were not entirely in their seats anymore.

“Go ahead and unbuckle, enjoy the weightless experience for a few minutes. I'll tell you when to sit back down.” Lash said with a grin. He adjusted the angle of the plane and they started to fly towards the Sahara.

Arthur didn't need anymore encouragement and unstrapped himself. Mera for once in her life was a little afraid to move. Arthur helped her out of her chair and pulled her up. This was different than being in the water. After a bit Mera began to smile but then went wide eyed and covered her mouth. She looked at the Earth below, she could see the natural curve of the planet and the vast ocean and land. Arthur spun in the air and bumped his head on the roof. He laughed and snagged his future wife's hand, they began to dance in the air around them.

Because they were up so high they made really good time traveling across the North Atlantic Ocean. They avoided a lot of useless air traffic though Lash was sure several governments freaked out as their radars picked up a unidentifiable flying object. The signal would cut in and out as the radar had a hard time picking up the magical signature. Since it was science and magic that supported the SHARC the signals only picked it up half the time. Arthur and Mera noticed that they started to bounce around the plane instead of weightless, gravity was starting to take effect.

“Alright, strap back in you two.” Lash said softly.

Unlike on normal 'planes' The pilot seat in the SHARC sat directly in the middle with no co-pilot seat. Several passenger seats sat side by side behind the main seat. However, there was a track system that could pull and move a different seat into the pilot seat if need be. Clouds started to stream by and the plane started to shudder at the new turbulence. Lash activated the shark teeth as the jaw closed several monitors appeared in front of him to simulate the open cockpit area. Several key parts of the plane compacted and stabilized, he should have done this when they flew up. But his Operator skill told him to do it now. The wings and engines folded in, they would still allow them to fly while like this.

“We just hit the western coast of Africa. I'm going to fly into the general middle of the Sahara and land.” Lash said.

“Wait? We just flew across the Atlantic in under an hour?” Arthur said in astonishment. “Fuck! How fast is this thing!” Arthur shouted.

“Its not that its fast, its that since we went up the distance changed. The higher we are up the less we have to travel. Right?” Mera asked.

“Scientifically more complicated than that. But in layman terms, yes.” Lash replied.

The plane continued to rattle and shake but it wasn't so bad that ruin would the ride. Thanks to his Operator skill the plane moved much faster with the wings folded in. While he built the SHARC there were a lot of things Lash didn't understand, but in his head he just seemed to put things in place. He didn't realize the the wings should be folded up not only for underwater traveling but while they were traveling at high air speeds. The wings should only unfold while traveling at slower speeds, landing, and taking off. They zipped over Algeria, Lash intended to land in the middle of Algeria and Libya in the middle of the vast ocean of sands. The lower they got to Earth the more time it took, Lash notified Arthur and Mera they could get up and move around now. He didn't intend to do anything crazy like he did when he first took off.

It was pitch black over the Sahara desert, as it was dawn on the other side of the world when they first left. The stars were out as there was zero light pollution from a city in the vast ocean of sands. Lash opened the SHARC's jaws and closed the holographic projections. He called Arthur and Mera over with a smile. They came over to see the view port and looked confused, he created a Temporary Pack Bond with them. Then granted them his Magical Perception through the link.

“Holy shit!” Arthur said in astonishment. When Arthur was young he had seen what the deep ocean looked like with his Atlantean eyes. He had seen a bioluminescent world of beauty and wonder, now he saw the same thing.

“Wow...” Mera was right next to Arthur as she placed her hand on Lash's shoulder.

The vast ocean of sands had thousands of spirits dancing in the air. Giant creatures of long past swam through the air with ethereal beauty, and ghost like energy. Lash's Magical Perception granted him the sight of magic, death, heaven, hell, and even the divine. There was a lot of overlap in the desert. Africa was well known for his brutal history even till this day. Hundreds of thousands of spirits wondered across the sands. They even saw traces of a vast kingdom in the distance like a giant mirage. But when ever Lash turned the plane towards the kingdom it would fade from sight. Shit. It was always on their peripheral.

The holographic map beeped at them, they had arrived at their destination. Lash instructed them to strap in, as he extended the wings. They slowed down gradually and the engines rotated up and the SHARC became a helicopter for a bit. Lash found a solid and relatively flat space to land on, they should have sunk into the sand but thanks to Essence Imbuement they settled on the top of the sand like a giant lizard or snake. Lash set the SHARC on standby as the engines went into a quiet hum, the rear hatch slowly opened. Arthur and Mera followed Lash outside. They stepped out into the desert night, the stars and moon above. They shivered as it was twenty five degree's Fahrenheit in the ocean of sands. But with the 'sight' they saw a ghost camel caravan slowly walk by. Lash knew these were just echoes or fragments of living memory. His Grave Domain tapped on his perception.

“You are welcome to go back inside. I'm not sure how long this is going to take.” Lash said as he knelt down and created a spell ritual circle in the sands by manipulating the earth.

“What are you planning, Lash?” Arthur said as he continued to watch the sky. A giant pod of ghost whales swam through the air.

“I am going to commune with Nature, or rather 'The Green' It has a long memory. We'll see what they say.” Lash said as he cleared his mind and activated Meditation.

So Lash stayed like that for a few minutes, that turned into an hour, then several hours. Mera and Arthur returned to the SHARC and made some food in the kitchen area. They closed a simple curtain between the outside and the inside that helped a lot to keep noise and the cold out. Lash slowed his breathing, cleared his mind and reached into his Grave Domain. Unburden was cast but instead of instant rush of energy it was more like a ripple in a pond. A slow pulse of energy slowly pushed out from him. The longer he stayed in his ritual circle the more the ripples grew in size and number. When the Unburden spell reached the Caravan they didn't shout, scream, or beg. They all just stopped, turned and smiled. Then faded from sight. All the while he channeled his spell he used his skill Parallel Minds to reach into Nature Domain.

'Where is the Deserter Kingdom Capital of the Ancient Atlanteans.'

Congratulations User! You've been issued a quest from 'The Green!' Your Cosmic Patron as agreed to the quest.

Objective: Travel to five specific points in the Sahara and create an oasis. Please note the area you are in is one such place.

Objective: Use your spell 'Unburden' in each area to help cleanse the land of the echoes of death.

Reward: The exact location of the Desert Kingdom.

Reward: Two Dream Points.

Reward: Nature Domain Spell; Druid Grove.

Do you accept the Quest? Yes/No?


Lash opened his eyes as the sun began to rise. Unburden had done its job. The residual energy, fragments, and echoes were gone. Hundreds of magical spirits danced, played, and fed on the ambient energy that had been made in the aftermath. Lash stepped from this ritual circle and walked a few hundred feet from the SHARC. He instinctively knew that a few hundred feet below his feet was a underground river that traveled across the rock strata.

“Let's get to work.” Lash said with a smile as he activated his Nature Domain.


Arthur slowly opened his eyes and looked around the small sleeping cabin. Mera was asleep next to him, she had wrapped herself around him, and used his chest and shoulder as a pillow. Damn she was incredibly sexy! Arthur freaked out at first when he was told by Mera that Lash had received an Oracle that they were suppose to get married. But he loved the very idea of marrying this woman now! He leaned over and kissed the top of her head, and Mera groaned in her sleep and slapped his face as if to press the snooze button. Arthur laughed and wiggled out from the bed. Mera snuggled into the spot he left behind and curled up. She mumbled the word 'Coffee' and Arthur laughed. He pulled on his boots, pants, and went to the door. He opened up the door and heard Mera groan as the light pierced in, Arthur ducked behind the door before a pillow hit him.

“God I love that woman!” Arthur said with a grin. He went to the small kitchen area and started a pot of coffee.

Sun had been up for a few hours or at least that is what the clock said. Arthur went to the curtain that separated the living quarters from the cargo space. Did Lash stay outside all night? He stepped through and stopped at the sight. He slowly stepped back into the living area then went and took a shower. Obviously he was not awake yet. He stepped out of the shower and had a cup of coffee. He went back to the curtain and peeked out..... Nope! He must still be asleep! He closed the curtain, grabbed a glass of coffee and brought it in for Mera.

“Babe...” Arthur said. Mera groaned then stretched out in the bed. She was completely naked of course! Mera didn't understand the need to wear cloths in bed. Arthur didn't complain.

“Coffee?” Mera asked, Arthur handed her a cup of black coffee. That is how she liked it. She sat up and sipped it. She perked right up! In more then one way as her breasts bounced a bit.

“Babe...Is Lash capable of making a forest in a few hours?” Arthur asked, as he sat down on the bed with her.

“Hmmmm...What? I. Yes. I guess. I mean he is a Druid. But I can't imagine him being able to do it in the Desert. Well he could! But it would take time....Why?” Mera said as she stopped to take a drink.

“Oh! Ok... Cause...Its a jungle out there.” Arthur said with a confused expression.

“What?” Mera asked. She slowly stood up and stretched out. Arthur grinned and brought up his arms in defense as Mera swatted at him with a pillow.

Mera stepped out into the living area wearing a robe. She went straight to the shower and washed up first. Then after a few minutes she came out with long wet red hair that cascaded down her back. She tied her robe but left it loose. She liked to tease Arthur, and was still fairly attracted to Lash. She slipped on some shoes and followed Arthur outside.

Arthur and Mera stepped off the rear hatch and walked into a massive jungle. Grass under their feet, ferns, shrubberies, and tree's off to the side. Less then a hundred feet from the SHARC was a massive pool of water. Or actually a small lake! In the center of the lake was a giant black stone obelisk. Lash was attached to the surface of the obelisk and was carving spell inscriptions into the stone. Enchanting spells into it.

“Good morning! Welcome to the Jungle! We've got fun and games!” Lash called out!


“So! 'The Green' Will tell us the location of the Desert Kingdom if we travel to four more locations and create oasis? Is that right?” Mera asked, she sat on the white sandy beach on the oasis fresh water lake. She was back in her skin tight ocean green fish scale suit that showed off every curve she had.

“That is right! It should add a few more days to our travel. But we'll get a specific location. This is a lot better then just flying around hoping to find it.” Lash replied as he sat next to her on the beach.

“I'm not complaining! This is awesome!” Arthur said with a smile. He sat behind Mera as she used him as back rest. Arthur had his shirt off and revealed his extremely fit muscled chest and abs in the desert sun.

“Will the oasis even function if you leave?” Mera asked out of curiosity. Arthur payed attention to the answer as well. Lash pointed at the black stoned obelisk.

“I have dozens of spells inscribed on the stone. But to answer the question, a dome is extended over a the oasis anything can pass through it. But it has temperature control, along with moisture collection. That's why despite being in the Sahara its only about ninety eight degree's out here. Collects moisture, oasis has water. Plus once all the oasis are made. The Green will retake the sands.... I think.” Lash finished with his hands in the air in mock victory, though he shot himself in the metaphorical foot since he didn't actually know.

“Ok...Next question. Who is that?” Mera pointed at Dawn, Lash magical familiar as she flew around over the water.

“That's my familiar, Dawn. Didn't I introduce you at Themyscira?” Lash replied, he wasn't sure.

“Is she a...Dragon?” Mera asked softly. Lash nodded his head, yes. Mera rubber her face softly and laughed.

“Is that weird?” Arthur asked, confused about the significance of it.

“Lets just say you shouldn't tell the super-natural community that Lash as a dragon familiar.” Mera said as she kissed Arthur's cheek. He nodded in affirmative. “Thank you for trusting us, Lash.” Mera said.

Dawn flew over and wrapped around Lash's neck and returned to her necklace form. She had come out to help half way through the creation of the oasis. She had encouraged some nature spirits to come take up residence in the new jungle area. She also helped with the design and creation of the fauna. So much so that Lash obtained the power Telekinesis from her thanks to Observant Learner.

Congratulations User! You've obtained the Skill/Power, Telekinesis:The User can influence/manipulate/move/interact with objects and physical matter with their mind.

Note: Telekinesis is a root skill/power and will take a great deal of practice and experience to evolve.

Note: Several skills, powers, traits, abilities, and spells effect Telekinesis and vice versa.

Comments: Use the Force!

Mera, and Arthur went for a short swim through the lake. She missed the water. Lash started the pre flight check up. He activated the spell Immaculate and the entire SHARC cleaned itself. Arthur and Mera soon rejoined the plane, though they looked a little flushed, their hair was a mess, and Lash smelled sex in the air. He chuckled and didn't say anything as the rear hatch closed. His Operator skill continued to gain experience with every prompt he got better and better at handling the vessel. The SHARC rose into the air and tipped forward, the next location wasn't that far away.

Arthur activated an icon in the living quarter area. Immaculate was cast on Mera and himself. He smiled at the flash clean and took a seat in the entertainment area. Mera walked up behind Lash and settled next to him in the cockpit. Lash grinned at her and she smiled back a bit confused by his expression. Mera looked at Lash for a bit then looked at her self. She seem to realize why he was grinning but unlike most mundane people she wasn't embarrassed about it.

“Sex is nothing to be ashamed of.” Mera said in a sultry voice as she leaned in and gently bit his ear.

“Never said it was. Do you two plan to do that at every oasis? Should we make it a tradition?” Lash felt a shiver down his spine.

“Maybe we will!” Mera kissed his cheek then turned to join Arthur. She sashayed her hips as she moved.

So that is how they spent the next few days. They would land at the specific location that 'The Green' designated. Lash would spend six, twelve, or twenty four hours crafting an oasis, as well as using Unburden. Each time Mera and Arthur would....'consecrate' the area to break it in. On their fifth and final oasis, a pack of were-lizards, and were-snakes, showed up. They had felt the call of The Green pulling them here. Lash was half way through the creation of the oasis and helped them create a bit of a underground village they could establish. It took them an extra day to finish but no one complained. The oasis was made along with a subterranean town underground. Lash even made a satellite link up for them. Praise unto the internet! Praise be to the World Wide Web! The stone obelisk had Connectivity inscribed into it. They all did! WiFi hot spots! Lash assumed that the oasis would eventually have towns built around them. Either by mundanes or super-naturals. Maybe both! He gave the were-pack a map of the others he had made.

Congratulations User! You've finished your issued quest from The Green!

Objective: Create five oasis at the designated points. COMPLETE!

Objective: Use the Grave Domain Spell, Unburden. COMPLETE!

Reward: Obtain two DP. Obtain the Nature Domain Spell, Druid Grove.

Additional Effect: Five oasis will be pseudo Druid Groves.

Nature Domain Spell, Druid Grove: The User invokes the power of The Green to create, protect, and empower a specified place. The Grove can be as small as ten foot cube or as wide as a mile cubed. The larger it is the more magical energy is required.

Side Note: Technomancy, Synthesis recognized! Unlike other Druid Groves yours will be friendly towards tech-spirits, and synthetic-spirits of magic.

Comment: You are on the path to becoming an Arch-Druid! Or maybe something new!

For a brief moment in the oasis the spirits of nature become visible to the mundane eye. A burst of magical natural energy erupted from the ground and spread across the whole of the Sahara. For the first time in centuries! Grass began to grow across the sands! Lash had altered the very face of the planet with this quest. But effects be they positive or negative would not be known for many days to come.

They stayed one more day helping the were-pack settle into their new home. Lash 'borrowed' a satellite and viewed Northern Africa from orbit. The five pseudo Druid Groves were like tiny dabs of green paint on a yellow canvas. The Groves would not swallow the desert Lash knew this. The desert was its own piece of nature. It was a part of the world just like anything else. But he was sure The Green wouldn't have asked if there wasn't a good reason. Nature is neither good or evil, it just is.

The SHARC's engines came to life and they took off towards their original destination. Lash could see the trail in his Magical Perception they flew across the ocean of sands that held a current of magic as the Nature Domain began to reseed the area. In a few years the Sahara was going to look a lot different. Lash used Parallel Minds and Connectivity to contact the Wardens, and the Fae Courts. Telling them he received a mission from The Green. He told them about the pseudo Druid Groves and their locations. Along with the were pack that claimed one of them. They were pleasantly surprised to hear from him, and his mission. The Green was a very enigmatic influence on the super-natural world. But they said they would register the Groves and send teams out.

“Almost there.” Lash said to his....friends.

Only a few miles ahead of them was a picture perfect basin in the vast desert. The sand dunes themselves pushed back and created a perfect little spot for the SHARC to land, the dunes rose high to shield them from unfriendly eyes. Dozens of Nature spirits danced in the area. Lash slowed down and the engines rotated up as they slowly landed. Mera and Arthur put on some desert gear that they had obtained from Lash. He crafted only a little Orichalcum and Nth metal into them, just a little! Then they put on a re:breathing masks as well. Why?

“So, we are going to ride Saurian down through the sand?” Arthur asked as they opened the rear hatch.

“That's right. We can all breath underwater. But neither of you can breath sand, stone, and earth. We'll slip through the vast amounts of it and come to the front gate of the Deserter Capitol. The Green assures me that there is a massive cave system under our feet. The city is in ruins! But intact all the same.” Lash said as he walked out under the baking sun. The SHARC shut down, and became nearly invisible to the naked eye.

Lash called out his old friend and partner. His skin peeled as scales were revealed underneath. His armored entered his Spatial Item Shift and was replaced by Saurian's gear. His bones broke, muscles tore, and joints adjusted. Saurian used Size Alteration so he was twelve feet tall by twenty four feet long. His skull crest had grown a little bit more, he had the makings of a small horn on his snout, and spiked ridges along his eyes and jaw line. He knelt down and let Arthur and Mera climb onto his back. He cast Alteration, and Material Shaping to create handle bars on his back armor.

“Masks on!” Saurian said, the Temporary Pack Bond was still in place since the first time Lash had made it as they flew over the desert. Arthur and Mera gave him the all clear then he cast Earth Swim on himself and them.

Just like a vast ocean of sand that they had called his place for the past few days. Now it truly was an ocean, at least to Saurian. He moved through the ground as easy as water and dove straight towards the destination The Green guided him to. Saurian couldn't swim through everything, like the remains of bones, and some extraordinary resilient rock areas. Arthur and Mera held onto each other as they also held onto the Saurian. They couldn't see a damn thing down here. They felt the earth around them move like wet mud. They knew if they let go they would be trapped! Saurian used his new ability Telekinesis to keep them close to him. The ability was very new and took a great deal of energy to maintain but it was good practice!

Then after nearly ten minutes of swimming through the earth they popped out of the earthen wall! Saurian pulled himself from the carved wall to find a massive underground cavern. The ceiling must have gone up nearly half a mile, while massive pillars of carved rock extended from the floor to the top. Between the pillars was a vast ruined city made from stone, and far into the depths of the cave was a massive castle. Mera and Arthur stepped off from his back and pulled their masks off and stowed them on their belts for later. A broken bridge and a ruined gate impeded their progress. Saurian easily repaired the bridge and removed the ruined gate.

“This is BAD ASS!” Arthur's voice echoed through the giant cavern.

“We did it! We found the Desert Kingdom Capitol!” Mera shouted and hugged Arthur she went to hug Saurian but stopped when he asked a question.

“Do you hear water?” Saurian asked them. They all stopped and went back to the bridge they came across. Down into the vast chasm below they saw a river....The water was slowly rising to.

“Oh....It seems The Green is making the waters rise. Normally that wouldn't be bad for any of us. But the city is in such a state that it will be washed away. So looks like we are on a time limit.” Saurian said softly. Then he whipped around and snarled at something in the distance. His Grave Domain had activated.

Mera and Arthur flipped around and saw a ghostly apparition of a Desert Kingdom city guardsman walking towards them. He had translucent but was visible enough for them to see that he had lose fitted cloth, leather, and chain mail on. He had a scimitar at his waist, a shield on his back, a short spear in his hand, along with a horn. He narrowed his eyes at them and raised the horn to his lips. BBBBBEEEERRUUUUUUAAAAAA! The horn rang out across the cavern! Then the city came to life an not in a good way! Hundreds of guardsmen appeared from the realm of The Grey.

“INTRUDERS! OUR CITY IS UNDER ATTACK!” Shouted the ghostly guardsman.

“Well fuck!” Saurian shouted.

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