Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 64: Forge King Saharad

Saurian roared in defiance at the charging ghosts from The Grey. Dozens turned into hundreds as they surged toward the three of them in quick succession. Saurian channeled magic into his Illusion Domain and used Manifestation to create his Saurus Warriors. He laced their weapons with the Grave Domain because he knew The Grey was hard to handle. He clapped his hands together and cobbled together a make shift three point trident for Arthur.

Nth metal, Orichalcum, trident.

Rating: D+

Effect: Grave Domain: Essence of the Grave laced on the weapons edge.

Effect: Weapon Manipulation.

Comments: A crude and quickly built weapon to fight forces of The Grey. Shop smart, shop S-Mart!

“Arthur! Catch give me a moment to craft something for Mera!” Saurian called out as he tossed the trident to him.

“You got it big guy!” Arthur replied as he caught it and raced towards the front line as the Saurus Warriors slammed into the tide of ghosts. They were like a single boulder holding against the river but the ghosts swallowed them and saved time. Saurian crafted another crude piece of gear fro Mera in a few seconds he had.

Nth metal, Orichalcum, leather gloves.

Rating: D+

Effect: Nature Domain; moisture collection, and water creation.

Effect: Grave Domain: Essence of the Grave is laced into the water.

Effect: 5% energy regeneration.

Comments: A crude and quickly built leather gloves for a Tide Caller.

“Mera! Water creation gloves, laced with poison against the ghosts!” Saurian called and tossed the gloves to her.

Mera snatched the gloves from the air and put them on. She reached out into the air and began to pull moisture from the air around them. Normally the desert would have been a horrible place to attempt this. But with The Green filling the chasms beneath them? Mera created hundreds of water bolts and sent them towards the ghosts with cruel efficiency. The ghosts wailed in agony as they fell to pieces the ectoplasm that made up their flesh and bones falling apart like any mortal body would. Saurian let loose a roar of defiance and used Intimidating Shout the shock wave crashed against the ghost horde and for a brief moment they stood frozen in place. Arthur cheered and raised his trident as he slashed, cut, and stabbed through them in quick succession. The remaining Saurus Warriors raised claws, swords, spears, and shields in cheer before they turned into a grinder.

Saurian reached out and cast Unburden from the Grave Domain on all the remains of the ghosts. The ghostly remains evaporated into the air around them and returned to ambient magical energy. However, the uninjured ghosts retained their form. They would have to defeat them before it would work on them as well. Saurian raced to the front leaving two manifested Warriors to help guard Mera, not that she needed it. The giant carnosaur leaped over the battle line and crashed into the ghostly horde behind. The Essence of the Grave across his form Saurian ripped and tore the ghostly horde apart!

“LOOSE!” A ghostly voice shouted from the city beyond as hundreds of ghostly arrows, trebuchet shots were flung towards them.

“SHIELDS!” Saurian called out, his warriors with quick and practiced movement raised their shields that looked like giant turtle shells above them. Arthur took cover, as Mera hid behind her assigned body guards.

The ghost arrows, and trebuchet glowed blue with a spiritual fire attached to them. They did not react like normal ammunition as they passed through rock, building, and the ghost army. But they did react when they hit them. The attack hit the ground floor with tremendous force that cracked the city streets they stood upon. A few Saurus Warriors shattered in Illusion particles but over all it did little damage. Saurian whipped his bladed tail around and sliced the hordes of ghosts in half then tucked and rolled over the crowd.

“CHARGE!” Arthur shouted, the Saurus Warrior unit of fifty lizard folk pulled their shields down and sprinted towards the ghosts. Another hail of water bolts flew over them and impaled the ghosts right before Arthur reached.

Congratulations User! Illusion Domain, Manifestation has evolved into Minor Manifestation.

Effect: The spells power is stronger, and energy consumption is less.

Effect: You can now make twice as many Saurus Warriors (100).

Effect: You can now make one Saurus Veteran, for ten Saurus Warriors (10=1). Saurus Veterans have access to the passive effects of your Domains.

Saurian grinned and raised his clawed hand into the air and brought in down into a fist. Fifty Saurus Warriors hand a dark forest green glow once the glow subsided they looked better equipped with weapons and armor with a tribal feel. With bone armor, feathers, and black steel weapons. While behind them two Saurus Veterans stood guard next to Mera, and three more Veterans stood behind the line. Each one wielding a long bow, quiver of arrows, and a pair of Khopeshes on their hip. The Saurus Veterans shouted in a strange dialect that neither Arthur or Mera understood but Saurian did.

“WHAT IS OURS!?” Said a Veteran.

“VICTORY!” The Saurus unit shouted.

Saurian translated for his two companions. They both grinned at the life like Illusions Saurian had made. But Saurian was starting to think that maybe his Manifestation was becoming a little more then just an illusion. The Warriors, and Veterans had a gleam in their eye that wasn't their before. The passive effect of Saurians Domains didn't afford a lot of ability. But it could add a bit of extra flavor, as the Veterans charged their arrows shots with Grave Domain for damage, and Nature Domain for zero air resistance making each arrow shoot straight.

Saurian acted as the vanguard as he wedge himself into the attacking line. He would cast Unburden every few minutes to clean the floor. The Veterans were such good aims they even shot the trebuchet bullets in the air while Mera created a water shield for the arrows. The Ghost legion seem to learn the trick and dropped the siege warfare all the soldiers positioned for gorilla warfare in the city.

“Veterans take a team of ten, stay with in visual sight of each other and start to flush out the city as quickly but safely as possible.” Saurian called as the last remains of the initial attack were dealt with.

The Veterans saluted with a clawed fist over their hearts and pulled their assigned units with them. Saurian had established a Temporary pack bond with Mera, Arthur days ago, but now he included his Lizard folk army. Like a well oiled machine the units separated and moved into the city, many of them climbed the buildings with great ease as they had Saurians Gravity Stride. Arthur checked on Mera who smiled at him for worrying about her. Silly boy! Her expression seem to say, Mera had killed more ghosts then Arthur did.

“To the Castle?” Arthur said as he pointed his trident at the back of the city.

“To the Castle. Let me update your gear now that we have a second.” Saurian replied. He didn't do much to them just repaired and added a bit of durability to them.

“I'm impressed that you could make these so quickly, Saurian. May I request a another version of the gloves once we leave this place. Often times with the League I find myself away from my element but with these gloves I'll bring my element with me.” Mera said as she ran her fingers along her dark leather gloves, a shimmering Nature script inscribed on them.

“Sure.” Saurian replied as he finished up.

He turned to face the sounds of battle from the west of the city. He saw several units of Lizard Folk scampering to the location. He felt along his connection, no deaths though a few injuries. The manifested units would heal over time as long as he fed them magical energy. He assured his companions that they could move on. As the sounds of battle continued to rage on Saurian knew he needed to find a central location of the city and cast a mass cleansing. He was sure to find in inside the castle, either the throne room or the primary forge he wasn't sure. Sometimes the center of the city wasn't always so obvious...Maybe the canal system?

“That's not good.” Saurian said softly as he came to a gentle stop about a hundred yards before the castle wall. Despite its age it held together reasonable well.

“Well they already know we are here. So is there any reason to be subtle about this?” Arthur said with a grin as he saw that the giant gate was closed. Mera came to stand next to Saurian's right leg and reached out to touch his armor.

“We do have a battering ram with us.” Mera said with a teasing smile as she gently patted Saurian leg. Arthur chuckled and gestured towards Saurian in a symbolic. 'after you'.

Saurian adjusted his size, and made it so his arms and legs were about the same. He looked a little top heavy as his arms were different. He wanted to keep his bipedal nature if needed. He dug his claws into the ground as Arthur and Mera stood off to the side. Saurian leaned his head forward and felt his spine settle into place like a big horn sheep, or a Pachycephalosaurus. His skull crest was up like a shield.

Once Saurian was with in the eighty yard range ghost arrows, bolts, and ballista shots started to rain in his direction. Saurian went from zero to sixty mph in a few seconds and was gaining speed quickly. A majority of the shots from the wall failed to pin him but a few exceptional arches pegged his armor but did little to slow him down. The gate loomed in front of him, it was nearly ten yards across, and twenty yards high, with a wooden gated behind it. Saurian SLAMMED into the gate and ripped the iron apart breaking past the initial gate and barreled into the wooden gate. The entire gate broke apart from the middle sending huge timbers of rotted wood apart. Arthur and Mera cheered but they noticed something was wrong.

“Fuck! I'm stuck!” Saurian shouted!

As the iron gate had bent inward but didn't break entirely, so Saurian's rear head hung out the back his hind legs trying to shift and move. Arthur laughed so loudly that Saurian felt that the future king may be hyperventilating. Saurian continued to wiggle and moved through the hole in the gate, his legs kicked and moved about as his tail flailed. On the front end dozens of castle guards sprinted towards him. Unlike the city guardsmen the Castle guards were in chain, and plate male with swords, pikes, and shields. He even saw several ghosts in robes that carried staffs. Arcane energy danced around them. Mages, great!

“Don't worry Saurian! Arthur got the whole thing on camera to show the League later!” Mera's sweet voice called out, she clearly had been laughing as her voice was a little more breathless then usual. Saurian grumbled but didn't admonish them for their fun.

Right before the soldiers arrived Saurian shrunk his body down just a bit and was able to wiggle his way through the hole he had created. Thanks to his active Illusion army he couldn't use a majority of his spells. So he had to do this the old fashioned way. Saurian scrambled out of the hole and dove into the waiting soldiers. They braced their long pikes but he slid to a stop and let loose a breath of noxious venom that enveloped the group of soldiers. Just as if they had flesh and bone their bodies melted, and their screams were just as horrible to listen to as those that were alive. He quickly cast Unburden to release them from their pain, it seemed that the ghosts seem to passively regenerate while inside the castle grounds. That wasn't good!

Saurian was like a fox in a hen house as he jumped from soldier to soldier, biting, tearing, and tossing them around. His claws laced with the Essence of the Grave caused as much pain to the soldiers as if they were alive. Saurian felt bad about it, the ghosts were just doing their job. But it had to be done to release them from The Grey's influence. Arthur and Mera soon climbed through the hole he had left behind and joined the fray. Another inner gate opened up and knighted cavalry stormed out! They leveled their lances towards Saurian, with a majority of his magic consumed by his army he had little options available to him.

“Mera!” Saurian called!

“Got it!” Mera replied as she channeled her magic into the air, as she created hundreds of water bolts. Saurian sheltered her from the arrows that hailed down from the ramparts.

The cavalry roared in defiance as over a hundred water bolts were created then mere seconds before they stormed into them, Mera unleashed her attack. The water bolts raced forward not only hitting the riders but their ghostly mounts as well. Once the spell was unleashed Saurian shielded both Arthur and Mera from the force of ectoplasm flesh and armor that crashed into them. After a few seconds Saurian stood up, with several ghost lances sticking out of his armor, and flesh. He cast Unburden as the entire battle scene blew away like crushed leaves in the wind. Then a ghost arrow pinged off his skull crest.

“Lets finish up!” Saurian said to his two companions.

A few minutes later the ramparts were cleared out. The three of them moved into the central chamber and found dozens of Ghost Knights standing at attention, with a few Mages behind them. They pulled out their long swords and shields and rushed towards them. Arthur and Saurian raced forward. With the giant lizard leaping over them and attacking from behind while Arthur speared them down. Mera threw water arrow after arrow at the mages!

Arthur would snare the swords in his trident points and twisted the blade this would throw the knights slightly off balance. Thanks to the weapon manipulation on the trident Arthur could spin, extend, and propel the weapon around him by about a yard as he spun is trident like a drill through the knights. He created a blender that tore through the group with ghastly brutality.

Mera created water arrow, after arrow and flung it at the mages. She would slide and duck behind the pillars in the room. Creating the arrows from the air as she moved. Arcane bolts of magic would strike her position as the rock pillars blew apart. She compressed a single arrow several times to make it thicker and longer. She flung it out and directed to spear through several mages and nail them to the wall. They dangled there like a parody of Bram Stoker's Dracula.

Saurian used his Martial Arts as his whole body become his weapon. He was still ten feet tall, and twenty feet long. His size was actually a hindrance in the room at this point, bigger was not always better. He spun around to use his tail's bladed tip to slice through them. Catching a knight by surprise he gripped his entire head and crushed it and threw the knight in to the waiting and surprised arms of his companions. Then pointed his claws forward on his right hand and speared through the chest of another. Lifting the knight up he reached up with his left hand and pulled him apart from the center! Showering the area in ectoplasmic blood!

Once the battle was complete Saurian cast Unburden once more and cleansed the room. Mera's water spear lost its form with a flick of her finger now that it didn't hold the mages in place. Saurian cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Immaculate on his group. Due to the battle taking place none of them felt the sensual orgasmic sensation that normally happens. Circumstance!

The party of three ran into the occasional guard and knight but a majority of them had been in the main hall, or they seem to be moving towards a different location. As they climbed a set of stairs they came outside once again to find a ruined castle garden. The plants long dead, a giant fountain in ruins but oddly enough a bit of muddy water had started to flow from it. On the other side of the garden was the front gates to a massive door with a hammer and anvil on it. There in front of it was a few hundred knights and mages ready for battle. There at the front of the knights stood a armored behemoth with a giant war hammer and a crown. The 'King' pointed at them.

“For the good of the kingdom, for the good of the city, for the good of the people, you will go no further Monsters!” The King pronounced, the Knights jeered and raised their weapons high.

“King Saharad! Please wait!” Mera shouted in Atlantean from across the garden. The hammer wielding ghost was startled at the sound of his own name.

“How do you know my name, Monster! Why do you invade our home?” King Saharad asked. Saurian watched in fascination as corruption from The Grey reached out with threads of energy to try control the ghost king.

“I am Princess Y'Mera from the kingdom of Xebell. Please we are only here to help, and to release you from your imprisonment!” Mera shouted...

For a brief moment it looked like King Saharad believed her. Then the threads of The Grey strung him up like a puppet. The King shook as if something had stabbed him, his eyes glazed over with a haze, he raised his war hammer and gave the order to charge! Mera's shoulders drooped in depression, missing the chance to speak to an ancient king was a dream for any living Atlantean. Arthur prepared his trident, at the half way mark several Saurus Warriors, and Veterans appeared on the edges of the garden wall. They had climbed up the walls looking for enemies, though they were still out numbered five to one it was still better then nothing.

As the ghost tide clashed against their paltry forces they did not break nor give any ground. Saurian once again grew to his massive size having space to do so. He looked like a land dragon attempting to fight against the kings army. In many ways he was a monster the king feared as every knight and mage that fell they would never return to his side. They were released from their burdens. King Saharad yelled in dismay and charged at Saurian, with every ghost that was killed the king grew a bit bigger, spikes, and skull motifs became stylized. His giant war hammer let a ghostly wail out as he swung it around.

“DIE DEMON!” King Saharad screamed as he swung his hammer faster then Saurian expected.

SLAM! The giant War Hammer collided with Saurians side, his breast plate cracked from the force which was very surprising to Saurian. Like a golf ball Saurian was flung across the castle gardens and flew several yards before he crashed into the ground. Cracks appeared and pieces of the floor fell into the castles underbelly that was now filled with water. They were running out of time!

King Saharad stormed towards him but was forced to stop has dozens of water arrows slipped past the plates of armor he wore. Arthur screamed with a triumphant roar and stabbed his trident straight into the kings back, Arthur twisted and broke off his trident inside of the king he leaped off his back holding the broken trident handle and used it like a club. The king couldn't remove the trident piece and with every movement it tore more of his ectoplasmic body apart like a jagged fishermen hook! The warriors and veterans did their best to fight and kill the knights. They were incredibly coordinated and used pack tactics to take them apart piece by piece.

Saurian stood up and jumped at the king like a giant velociraptor, his claws on his hands and feet raked into armor and flesh alike on the king. He bit down on his massive helmet and tried his best to crush it, but the ghost armor was made of stronger stuff. The king dropped his hammer and pulled out a dagger. He grabbed Saurian and began to stab him repeatedly. Fuck! Saurian clawed, raked, and bit down. His tail wrapped around and snapped on of the kings legs like a twig. They fell together and rolled across the gardens.

Saurian's life dropped with every attack from the dagger, they rolled across the field until they hit the edge of the gardens and the king maneuvered himself so he was on top. His free hand on Saurians neck, he raised his dagger wielding hand into the sky in triumph. A crazed look on the kings face as his eyes were bright red. Water arrows screamed through the air in attempt to stop him, Arthur yelled and taunted him as he sprinted across the gardens.

“Now you die!” The King shouted!

“They always forget the tail!” Saurian said with a bloody grin.

From behind the king like a scorpion Saurians tail pieced through the kings back. If he ever saw the Xenomorph Queen again he would really have to thank her for the update. The attack was so sudden and unexpected that the king dropped his dagger and screamed in pain. Atlanteans may be slightly different but they are still a sub-species of human. Humans are use to fighting humans! Everyone forgets the extra appendages! Saurian reached up and tore his claws into the gaping hole and ripped the king apart from the middle. The king screamed in agony as bone, muscle, and sinew slowly ripped apart then a shower of ectoplasmic blood showered Saurian.

In the movies when the head of the snake dies the body goes with it. That didn't happen with the remaining ghost. As the king was defeated all of the city guardsmen, soldiers, knights, and mages took on a berserk look and fought with reckless abandonment! Saurian slowly stood up as he had over a dozen stab wounds that were not healing correctly. He cast Soul Heal, and Nature's Kiss on his wounds. The icy cold feeling he had on his 'insides' melted away, while his wounds closed all be it slowly. Fighting dead people is always hard. Arthur raced over and tried to help the giant dinosaur up.

“We have to get to the central forge chamber. I can do a mass cleanse while you two use the scroll canister.” Saurian blurted out.

Honestly they didn't know where the canister could be used. Well Mera and Arthur didn't, Saurian did. He had said several things out loud during the trips between oasis with Cosmic Awareness to save time in situations like this. He shrunk himself down to his ten by twenty shape and dragged himself along. Saurian recalled and remade his warriors and veterans so they were all here in the central gardens. They created a phalanx wall as the Veterans took up sniping positions and directed the warriors to tighten up their formations. Mera and Arthur took the stairs three at a time and raced in.

Inside of the chamber was a massive forge room filled with ghosts as they worked and cleaned the area. But unlike the raged filled ones, these ghosts had a content and simple look to them. The city and the castle outside looked to be in ruins, but the center forge was in perfect condition. A lead forge smith walked over with a smile on his face, he pointed at the scroll canister in Mera's hands and gestured for them to follow him.

“Go ahead, I am not sensing any malicious intent from them.” Saurian said softly.

Saurian dragged his tired body to the center forge area and began to draw a ritual circle with magic. The forge attendants didn't stop him, they just walked around the circle. He could hear Mera and Arthur gasp in surprise as a holographic image of King Atlan appeared and began to talk about the trident, the message in the bottle, and eyes of the true king, etc, etc. Just as Saurian finished his casting circle he saw the forge master in front of him.

“Are you here to release us?” The ghost said softly, the hint of a smile on his face.

“I am. Thank you for your hard work in keeping this place.” Saurian replied, his voice polite as can be for a giant monster.

“I am pleased that we accomplished the task that King Atlan gave us. Though....The future king is not what I had expected...” The ghost stared at Arthur who still wore his boots, leather, and had a wild look about him. 'We thought he'd be taller' one of the forge masters whispers in the back.

“He's rough around the edges. But with the right council, and opportunities he'll make a good king.” Saurian replied, then with a shout across the telepathic link one of his Veterans said the enemy was in the gardens and racing towards them.

“Its time....” Saurian said, the forge came to a gentle halt as all the smiths, and attendants came to stand around him.

Saurian clapped his hands above him and cast his least favorite spell, Judgment! Just as before a massive and incredibly powerful force slipped him on like a glove. For a brief moment something else was controlling his body. A giant, translucent finger rose from the ritual circle. A golden trident in hand, longer then normal legs and arms, with fins on the backs of each. Long flowing grey hair with a face that was carved by the gods. Golden, and green fish scale armor across his well muscled form. It looked oddly like king Atlan. The image smiled down at the forge room and nodded in thanks. Shit it was King Atlan! Then it raised his golden trident and swung it from left to right. The entire kingdom of the Deserter Kingdom was cleansed in a single moment. Then Saurian dropped to his knees as the spell ended, from start to end less then a second had past.

Congratulations User! You've completed a hidden quest.

Objective: Cleanse the Deserter Kingdom of the corrupting influence of The Grey.

Reward: Grave Domain Spell; Spiritual Guardian.

Reward: Grave Domain Spells; Unburden evolves into Minor Unburden. Judgment evolves into Minor Judgment.

Reward: Ancient forge master techniques, and smithing.

Grave Domain Spell Spiritual Guardian: A Guardian of the Grave will answer your call for aid. The Guardian is different each time depending on place, location, and favorability. So don't assume you'll get the same one each time.

Grave Domain Spell Minor Unburden: Power increase and reduce energy consumption. Lesser echoes, fragments, and beings may be removed with out damage.

Grave Domain Spell Minor Judgment: Power increase and reduce energy consumption. Judgment can now work in tandem with your attacks.

Comments: Fear the Reaper.

The ghostly apparitions within the forge smiled in thanks as they faded from sight. The tide of berzerking ghosts in the city all faded from sight as the magical ambient energy in the area rose sky high... Or in this case cave ceiling high. Arthur and Mera came to Saurian's side a glass bottle in hand. Saurian's eyes were closed as he digested the new information granted to him. A lot of interesting ways to craft and use orichalcum, as well as hammering spells into the crafts you wield instead of enchanting them after the fact.

“I'm happy that they didn't attack us. But why is this room so put together?” Arthur asked.

“Because the central forge room was almost like a church to them, so it was consecrated grounds. The corrupting influence of the energy outside could not penetrate here. The last echoes of the Deserter Kingdom took their last order from King Atlan seriously. Even in death they remained here to maintain and keep the forge room secure. So that one day you would arrive to claim your birth right, Arthur.” Saurian said softly after he digested the new information.

“Saurian, how are your injuries?” Mera asked softly as she came to stand next to him. With out waiting for a reply she conjured water and began to clean and cleanse his remaining wounds.

Water magic was not as fast acting as his Nature Domain. But it could still do a satisfactory job. His injuries continued to heal slowly, The Grey magic had poisoned him and it would take time to remove. After a few minutes the giant door opened up and a Saurus Veteran walked in to report that the city was clear, but the water had reached the gardens. This cavern would be under water in a few more hours. They looked around the forge for a bit to find anything interesting. The random generated number (RNG) must have been kind. Because they found about five hundred pounds of orichalcum ingots, and Cosmic Deity above MITHRIL! Saurian absorbed that ingot as fast as he could! After a few minutes of 'geeking' out Saurian did a quick picture and video with his Connectivity to document the entire forge. Mera said a lot of the ancient methods of the Deserter Kingdom were lost. He promised to give her a copy later.

By the time they left they had to swim back to their entry point. Once more Arthur and Mera held onto Saurian as he dismissed his lizard folk and swam through the earth back to the SHARC. They popped out of the sands to see that grass had started to grow in the area that they left their transportation. Saurian swapped out with Lash, unfortunately his injuries transferred over so Lash had several healing stab wounds.

“Where are we headed?” Lash asked. Mera walked over with the ancient map.

“Sicily, Italy. Arthur calls it. Is it close?” Mera asked.

“Very. Should only take a few hours.” Lash replied as he closed the rear hatch.

The SHARC lifted off and soon converted to an airplane and flew across the vastly different Sahara desert. There were still vast stretches of sand dunes, and rock. But there were also fresh water rivers that connected to the different pseudo-groves like a road system. It had only been a few hours yet Northern Africa looked a lot different. Lash took a moment to access his Warden page to see if any missed anything. He had a few hundred messages about the changes he made to Africa. Several messages came from the enigmatic druid circles across the globe. Many of the circles raged at the clearly catastrophic change to the landscape, how did he justify his actions. Then several major circles told him to ignore the smaller circles. They had spoken to The Green and understood what had happened. Lash updated his Warden information page, telling them about the invasion of The Grey, and the location it happened. He notified that he had cleansed the area but said they may want to head over to check. The major druid circle in Africa responded in a few seconds and said they would head over immediately. They took, The Grey seriously.

“Lash! Jump on the League message board! You got to see this!” Arthur called out. Lash sighed because he felt he knew what it was going to be.

On the Justice League message board was a comedic video of the giant dinosaur Saurian racing towards the giant iron gate. Plowing through it with all due haste as ghost arrow, bolt, and ballista shot either missed him or bounced off his armor. Then he bashed through and made a massive hole! But wait! What was wrong! Saurian was stuck! There were captions, arrows, and play by play like a stadium sports arena spokes person. There were over a dozen comments of LOL! ROFL! But there were of course people who asked the serious questions.

'Did you make it through safely?' -Superman.

'Yes. We found our next bread crumb and on our way' -Aquaman.

'Wraith did take some injuries during the fight but he is healing quickly.' -Aquawoman.

'Here is the full video' -Wraith.

Lash uploaded the entire event from when they first exited the cavern wall, all the way to them leaving again. He could pull a video straight from memory thanks to his Technomancy Domain. Thanks to his skill Parallel Minds Lash continued to pilot the plane as well has interact on the message board. It would be several hours before they reached their destination. Mera went to the little kitchen and started to cook a simple dinner. Despite being a princess, Mera knew how to cook. Though she wouldn't be winning any contests. Lash actually asked if he could get some protein to help him heal. This was one of the only times Arthur or Mera had seen Lash ask for food. Arthur jumped up to help cook the meal and promised Lash several big steaks to his name.

'Wraith, so you can just make those lizard people right? Are they like being teleported from a ship? Or....' -Kid Flash.

'They should be Illusions made from magical energy given False Life to act the part. Is that right, Wraith?' -Zatanna.

'Correct' -Wraith.

'Right.....Magic.... (@[email protected])' -Kid Flash

'I placed a engine core in their centers and manipulated it to make hard light to craft the life model decoys of the lizard folk.' -Wraith

'I knew it! Science wins again!' -Kid Flash.

[Private message] 'One of these days he'll figure it out.' -Zatanna.

As the sun began to set in Africa it would be close to morning on the other side of the world. More people signed off over time. Several more people asked questions about the video, and the ghosts. Flash, and Kid Flash tried to explain the situation away in science hoping Wraith would explain it. But he never did. Lash ate four 12 ounce steaks medium rare. Then recast Sooth, and Nature's Supplement. At last the wounds healed and the taint of The Grey was removed.

The SHARC had made it to the Mediterranean Sea, Lash noticed the additional water and air traffic. More then once he had to move the SHARC out of the way of other planes. Given they didn't show up on radar and were nearly invisible to the naked eye thanks to Chameleon. It was clear that the Mundanes had noticed the changes happening to Northern Africa, and the Sahara desert. He checked the Warden and Fae Council information, and nearly crashed the plane in surprise.


Pamela, or rather Poison Ivy watched in fascination and excitement as the CNN broad cast showed a new and revitalized picture of Norther Africa. There for all the eyes to see was a fast growing jungle from five direct points in the vast ocean of sands. She was at the Warden HQ taking a break from the application process. A very nice female sylvan druid was helping her fill out the paper work but she was just surprised by the changes on the television as Ivy was. A name came up on the news broad cast. 'Agent Wraith' of the United Nations World Security had established five specific oasis that were all attached by under water rivers. Now surface rivers all fresh water that connected them. For centuries people had fought and died over water. Now in a few short weeks the believe that the Sahara desert will soon be a vast jungle.

Though it was not all good news. Many countries were angry that Agent Wraith had ignored boarders and acted with out notifying them. Many traditionalist believed the desert was part of their heritage and didn't want it to be changed. But of course everyone who was speaking were all wealthy people that didn't want for anything. All the lower economy people in those countries couldn't be happier for the change. Now water, something that is taken for granted in other countries will be available to them in vast quantities. Ivy smiled wide, and leaned back into her chair.

“Hmmmm... Maybe I should do that. Go change an area into a jungle.” Ivy said with a bit of mischief in her eyes.

“Though I would love to see the world restored to such an environment. Not all deserts are bad, Miss Ivy. They are an important part of the ecosystem.” The sylvan druid reminded her.

“Maybe... Come on! I'm motivated to finish the application!” Ivy stood up and the Sylvan away.


“Uncle J'onn, have you thought to ask Wraith to help us restore Mars?” Me'ghan asked softly. She sat in his small apartment with him as they watched earths television CNN broadcast.

“I've considered it. Though I believe that this...Green. The living embodiment of Earths nature may be his power. It may not work on Mars. But perhaps he knows a way to slow or even repair the damage our people have caused to our mother planet.” J'onn said softly.

They both sat in their natural 'Green' martian forms. J'onn, and Me'ghan, though Me'ghan's form was a little different. J'onn paid it no mind. She was still young and growing. A lot like his two daughters had been, H'ronmeer embrace them in his arms. J'onn was sad for a moment at the thought of his dead children but blocked his thoughts from his niece. He didn't want to ruin her good mood. She was making friends with the other children in the Justice League. J'onn was happy that he could support his niece on Earth. She never really fit in on Mars he didn't understand why though.

J'onn turned back to the broad cast and watched in real time as the jungles continued to spread. They estimated that more then half of the Sahara would be jungle before the end of the week. Several leading scientist were contacted through the world wide web to comment. They had no idea how it was possible. But Wraith had brought a lot of things to Earth that they thought was impossible. Maybe Me'ghan was right. Maybe Wraith could help them restore Mars. He would pray to H'ronmeer tonight to seek guidance.


“So wait...How long is the jungle suppose to grow?” Arthur asked.

Lash had landed the SHARC on Sicily near their destination. He had deployed it and brought the Invisibility online so they were sightless. He also placed a simple miss direction glamour in the area just in case a mundane ran into them some how. Arthur was sitting on the coach with a pint of liquor in his hands, the glass was filled with a incredibly strong alchohal that Lash had had fabricated. Mera had half a glass and was tipsy as hell! She was snuggling into Arthur's embrace as she tried to focus on the conversation.

“I don't know. The Green will decide enough is enough. A lot like a wild fire in reverse the jungle will grow once it runs out of energy. Only this 'fire' people shouldn't want to put out. Unless the jungle hits a city and grows over it...Which could happen I guess. I hope it doesn't.” Lash replied as he sipped his drink. It was smooth going down, with a hint of honey on his tongue.

“What did Vulko say in his message?” Lash asked. A few hours ago Vulko had sent a message through Mera's communicator.

“Orm tried to arrest Vulko at the Temple of Poseidon. Which did not go over well with the priest, priestess, clerics, and paladins at the temple. Its neutral ground! Orm said Vulko was spreading civil unrest, Orm continued to argue that he was doing this for the betterment of the ocean. Then! Almost as if it was timed a divine glow swallowed the temple a ghostly image of King Atlan appeared and pointed his finger at Orm and declared to the entire area. 'Orm! You are not the one true king!'” Arthur said with a grin that spread from ear to ear.

“Well that should make your campaign a little easier!” Lash said in surprise.

“Orm left quickly from the temple, but shortly after made a public announcement that the Temple of Poseidon had been corrupted by outside forces and demanded a inquisition be placed on the temple. Unfortunately because he is a prince of Atlantis its with in his right to call for one.” Mera joined in and tried to not hiccup! Her flushed face was adorable, Lash commented on it and she hid in Arthur's arms clearly embarrassed!

“So, as Vulko explained. An inquisition force of Poseidon's God-Kin will arrive at the Temple to over see if there is any corruption or taint at the temple. They are bound by their God not to lie, subvert, or manipulate anything. It will take weeks or even months to complete. Because of this, Vulko is bound by law to stay at the Temple for questioning. So he wont be swimming ahead to inform the different kingdoms of our eventual arrival. But! If the God-Kin find no corruption? Then Orm is finished! Even if I don't get the Trident no one will accept Orm as King.” Arthur said, clearly pleased with the situation.

They talked for another hour about logistics, and the different Kingdoms locations. Even though Arthur didn't want to rule, he was invested to go find his mother. That would be enough for now, but little by little this journey was changing him for the better. Arthur pulled Mera towards their cabin and bid Lash goodnight. Lash stayed up and used Connectivity to comb through the web and the dark web. He was always so busy and he would often forget to check things that he should do. Things fall through the cracks. Missions, objectives that seemed important months ago seem so small now. Meta-Human trafficking was starting to pick up. Not only that but Meta-Animals had been found. A giant Tiger in Indonesia, that was bullet proof, and blended into the environment like a chameleon had been found. Despite many attempts to capture and or kill it every attempt had failed. Lash tagged the video and sent it to the Justice League message board.

He tapped his necklace and his mystic dragon familiar, Dawn. Became animated and flew around the SHARC. She found a few bits of food, and sipped the extremely strong liquor. Watching a drunk dragon fly into walls was adorable. Soon she gave up and came back to snuggle with Lash. He stroked her smooth scales as he continued to look through the net. His familiar chirped into his ear.

“User, a new version went through. Contained with in the store is a item shop! As always the shop is only filled with items that you have encountered in your time with in the Dream Engine.” The tiny dragon said softly.

“Oh? I guess that makes sense. Not everyone is going to be a crafter. I assume the item store sells super suits?” Lash asked.

“That is correct, User! Most items can be purchased then upgraded overtime through the store. There are also weapons, items, gadgets, and blueprints.” Dawn said, as she pawed his neck like a small kitten would.

“Blueprints? Like the Justice League Watchtower?” Lash asked, his interest piqued now.

“Yes! Though it takes several Dream Points to purchase. If you have an existing crafting experience which you do, the required DP is cheaper. There is also a Rift compass! Which guides the User to any near by Rift with in a hundred miles of their location.” Dawn said, she noticed his interest and nuzzled his cheek.

“Also take note that your VI Avatar has been voted for an award as a major support role in other worlds. Though your VI Avatar is hated by many of those that play villains. Your VI Avatar has slain six thousand four hundred and thirty two User villains.” Dawn said smugly. Lash choked on his own saliva and started to cough.

“I'm surprised they don't spend world points to remove me!” Lash replied after he stopped coughing.

“Many Users who play villains do remove you. However removing another VI Avatar takes a lot of world points. Many of the Users think of you as a personal challenge to defeat, conquer, and overcome.” Dawn replied.

“What about the other four hundred and ninety nine Users that are still on their first life. I haven't met any of them yet. I'm a little surprised.” Lash asked, honestly curious.

“Many of the other Users that are part of the 'first life' five hundred will not be seen until mid way through your current segment. Though I can not tell you who, or how many there are. Several are currently moving around in your generated world time line, now.” Dawn said.

Dawn continued to brief him on the version update. Little quality of life changes, ways to customize his user interface in case he wanted the traditional life, mana, energy, etc. He didn't, he liked the intuitive access the Dream Engine allowed him. Even though he couldn't see any of his energy he was subconsciously aware of it. Any prompts, notifications, or messages were like message alters that faded from sights as soon as he saw them. He was interested in buying a Rift Compass though, along with a blueprint for the 'Watchtower'.

The sun soon began to rise over Sicily, Lash started a pot of coffee for his 'room mates'. He spared a moment to repair the damage to Saurian's gear through the Spatial Item Shift. He used his Transmuter title and created ten pounds of Mithril and split it evenly through Saurian and his own gear. In a lot of ways Mithril and Nth metal were similar. He had learned the chemical make up due to his Shaper Title. But he realized that Nth metal was like Thanagar version of Orichalcum. Common metals that were shaped and changed due the effects of the extra-dimensional beings that once controlled the planet. Orichalcum was a divine metal that was blessed by divinity. So, what was Mithril?

Lash and Saurian's gear look straight out of a fantasy novel. Studded leather, plate male, with a touch of Daemonic influence from his heritage that he could never shake. The gear just seem to shift towards it, though he did see there was a bit of Xenomorph skeleton style to the gear as well. He used his Deserter Kingdom technique and placed his enchantments while he created it. He found that the enchantment was stronger, but took far longer to create. By the time he was finished Mera and Arthur had finished with breakfast and were ready to walk into town.

Mera had boots, loose pants, and an open cotton shirt over her Atlantean gear. Her pale skin, blue eyes, and brilliant red hair made her incredibly eye catching. Despite her baggy clothing she had a hour glass figure that made people just stop and stare at her. Mera had always been confident in her body and paid no mind to those that stared at her. Arthur kept his boots but swapped out to a loose khaki pants, and a tight white t-shirt that was snug and showed off every line of his muscles. He received a lot of attention from the women he passed. His wild lightly curled hair free on his shoulders. While Lash? Lash created a simple illusion and glamour to make him look like a twenty something average looking Italian male. Brown eyes, bald head, in tourist clothing, very average looking. Many would assume he was a porter hear to carry the luggage of these two super models.

The area they headed to was a mixture of village and town. Though more modern buildings were closed inland, the coast remained the traditional sense. Nothing wrong with it! It looked beautiful, and Lash knew that Italy took great pride and care in their cultural heritage. Many roads that were built during Ancient Greece glory days were still being used today! Lash knew the basic idea of where they needed to go but didn't say anything. He enjoyed watching Mera and Arthur interact with the locals. But he did notice a few super-naturals, who in turn also noticed him. A husband, wife, and small child walked over. They had light red skin, fiery eyes, and small horns that grew from their heads like horns. Devil-Kin, he hadn't seen some since the grandfather he met back at Gotham who gave him hot chocolate as thanks for fixing a street corner park.

“Warden Lash?” The husband asked. Lash looked at him in surprise.

“Yes?” Lash responded, a little on edge. The family smiled at him, and the little boy waved but quickly hid behind his mother when Lash waved back.

“The tribal marks gave you away. You are pretty famous! Converting the Sahara into a jungle.” The wife replied with a smile as she gently patted her son's head.

“Ah! I was afraid I had a bad reputation. Forgive me for my rude manners!” Lash replied and gave an official Warden etiquette bow to them. His respectful attitude earned him wider smiles from the family.

“Rumor has it that you are trying to bring peace to the oceans by uniting the Atlanteans.” The husband said. As he looked over at Arthur and Mera.

“I can neither confirm no deny any involvement I have with the civil war currently in play. As you know Wardens can not pick sides. But if it helps keep the peace between the super-naturals and the mundanes then I will act in every ones best interest.” Lash gave the standard public relation reply which only earned him a snicker from the wife.

“I'm sure! Don't worry! We never saw you! Good luck in your journey's Warden Lash!” The wife replied.

Before the family left Lash crafted a stone serpent with Essence Imbuement, and False Life. The snake came alive and snuggled into the waiting arms of the small boy who absolutely loved it! The snake had a tiny bit of Orichalcum in it! Just a bit! Apparently the mother was rather sensitive to magic because she seem to understand what the snake was made out of. She didn't say anything but her expression told a story, Lash held his finger to his lips. She kept quiet but clearly was shocked by the value of the gift. Lash rejoined his companions as they walked up to the theater of statues to the great leaders of their time.

“Everything alright?” Mera asked when he caught up.

“Yes, just a few super-naturals that wanted to talk.” Lash replied.

“It blew my mind when Mera told me about the super-natural world. I mean I've seen some things but, I thought the weirdest thing I'd ever seen was a talking lizard. Wow was I surprised!” Arthur said with a grin.

They reached the circle of statues, Lash stood off to the side and watched the scene play out. Arthur figured the bottle trick out quickly and showed Mera. He offered the bottle to Lash then stopped in mid motion. He seem to realize that Lash already knew the answer but was waiting for them to catch up. Arthur laughed and went through the different histories of the statues. On the small section of the town was a monument to the old leaders of Greece and Rome. There looking into the distance was Romulus the first king of Rome. The statues upper half was cracked and falling apart but his right hand was up as if he was meant to hold something up. The back of his skull was removed from years past which allowed people to look through his eyes. Arthur put the bottle in the kings hand and looked through it.

“Aha! Found it!” Arthur shouted, and showed Mera what he had seen. Lash came up and confirmed the destination.

There was a brief moment when Lash expected a laser or plasma blast. Black Manta? 'King' Orm commandos? Nothing. Since Mera had removed her tracking device over a year ago they had no way of knowing her location. Arthur and Mera bought some food and drink in town and they headed back to the SHARC. Next was the Trench, the Trenchers, and the portal to the Hidden Sea. When they got back to the SHARC Lash added a few more things to their transportation, specifically flood lights. He double checked the pressure depths, and the seals. The different compartments to each section, along with the wings, engines, etc. All in all it took a few more hours before they left, it was nearly sunset when they lifted off.

“So, what should we expect o great and mighty oracle?” Arthur said with a bit of mirth in his voice.

“Mera, what do you know about the Kingdom of the Trench, and the Trenchers?” Lash asked as he found a suitable spot in the water and started to covert the SHARC to underwater submarine. The shark 'jaws' closed around the cockpit, holographic projectors created a life like window into the oceans.

“The Trench is located in what you call the Mariana Trench, the vast stretch holds one of the largest kingdoms of savage creatures, beings, and nightmares found in the deep ocean. The Trenches were once just like us but after the Great Fall the magic that changed us to breath under water took to them differently. As the nightmares of the ocean dwell in that area the magic changed the Atlanteans into creatures of the depths. Now they are savage, primal beasts that have no culture of their own. But to feed, breed, and repeat.” Mera replied, Arthur looked at the bottle that gave them directions.

“You mean the Mariana Trench in the Pacific ocean? That is not where the bottle showed us to go.” Arthur replied.

“Correct! However we'll have to assume that each Trench has access to the portal.” Lash replied as the SHARC dove under water and began to speed its way to their destination.

“Portal? I think we talked about that before. Do you mean like a teleportation hub thing that Mera was talking to me about?” Arthur asked, clearly confused.

“Not the same thing, Arthur would you be so kind as to go to the weapons platform seat. Mera please join him in yours as well. We'll be drawing attention shortly.” Lash replied.

That was something that Lash hated about the movies, and comics they never gave a specific location to places in the DC Universe. The Mariana Trench was in the pacific ocean, the glass bottle did not tell them to go that far. So that meant there was another entrance here in the Mediterranean Sea? So why haven't the Trenches swarmed up and swallowed Sicily!? Or at least consumed any and all fish boats, and tourist sails. Lash had to assume that the Trenchers were under orders to guard this specific entrance. The Golden Trident did have the capacity to sway and control the Trenches. Perhaps it was the last order given by King Atlan, just like the ghosts in the forge.

The SHARC continued to dive through the waters towards their general destination. Little by little the ocean life in the area seem to grow small, distant, and soon were no where to be seen. The hard water power core started humming as the hydro cannons powered up. Arthur said a little prayer, or a message to his mother. He was coming and wouldn't stop till he found her. Tiny motes of life started to show up on the view screens. Imbued with Nature Domain they were better at spotting things then any modern radar.

“Trenchers straight ahead. Weapons free you two, you see a Trencher shoot it down and move to the next!” Lash activated his Parallel Minds and took the forward gun position. Arthur and Mera started to maneuver their weapon stations and started to fire plasma water shots.

The Trenchers stood at about seven feet tall, with black to grayish skin tone. Fins extended from their arms, legs, back, and head. Their mouths extended from side to side with a gaping maw of long sharp pointy teeth. The top of their skulls had a foggy see through skull cap that allowed them a sense of echo location. While claws on their hands and feet allowed them to properly tear, rend, and rip flesh from bone. A Love Craft creation if Lash had ever seen one.

Like a disturbed bee hive dozens of Trenches moved to intercept that soon grew to hundreds, then thousands. In little less than five minutes thousands of Trenchers moved to intercept the SHARC. Right before they hit the hull of the submarine Lash activated his flood lights! SCREEEEEE! The Trenches screamed, and Lash screamed out in pain! Just like the Atlanteans, the Trenches also had a telepathic language. But unlike Mera and Arthur, only Lash could hear them talk. Beast Speak activated and Lash heard the Trenches scream in agony, and call for help from their kin.

Lash didn't do any fancy flying moves like in a dog fight he did a straight shot for the crevice about a mile ahead of him. Arthur, Mera, and himself fired their weapons for all they were worth. Two rotating turrets on the side of the SHARC shot out balls of super heated plasma that exploded in giant masses of energy swallowed dozens of Trenchers. Cosmic Deity above there were a lot of them out there. Easily over a hundred thousand responded to the call! Lash pulled up then dove straight down into the trench.

“This is going to be rough!” Lash called out to his companions!

Despite the flood lights the swarm of Trenchers rammed into the SHARC. They threw themselves against this metal monstrosity, screamed in pain as the lights blinded and burned their skin. As if they were allergic to light itself. The hydro cannons continued to fire as fast as they could. One of the plasma cannons was ripped off, alarm bells rang as water flooded into the SHARC. Lash placed his hand on the terminal near him and cast the Renew spell. The leak was fixed but he would need time to remake the turret.

More weapons were peeled off, flood lights, and strips of armor. Lash found the bottom and pulled up and started to do a spin through a corridor of rock, crystals, and thousands of sleeping Trenchers. Fuck there was a lot of them! But he saw a flicker of lighting further ahead, almost there! He pushed the throttle forward and they sped straight for it. The engines started to creep towards the red line.

“Arthur! Mera! We are almost there! We'll see if the SHARC will live through the entry point!” Lash shouted.

“WAIT! You mean your not sure!” Arthur shouted.

“Nope! Not at all!” Lash replied with a laugh.

“I'm game if you two are!” Mera shouted.

“Aha! Fuck it! Lets go!” Arthur cheered.

The SHARC's engines burned underwater as fast as they could go. They left the Trenchers behind as they cleared the underwater crevice. A massive pillar of twisting clouds, water, lightning stared back at them. The lightning reached out as if it was alive and struck the SHARC. Lash watched as his power levels reached 400%! How about that! They dove straight into the twisting tower and alarms blared off everywhere inside. The twisted pulled them up, down, sideways! But despite the tremendous force there seemed to be a direction it was taking them.

'I see you! I feel you! Come....This way!' A voice gently called to Lash. His Nature Domain flared to life and Lash steered towards the voice.

“ALMOST THERE!” Lash shouted.

The SHARC was breaking apart around them! He was incredibly happy he decided to reinforce it before he started the journey. But even then the vessels was groaning in pain as it was coming apart at the seems. Lash activated his spell Renew and held it, the ship was fixing it self but it was a battle of attrition that he was losing!


Then with an audible POP! They exited the twisting portal and appeared in another space! The twisting portal behind them, but the current forced them forward with no room for argument. The SHARC stopped shaking and stabilized as it repaired itself to nearly full thanks to Lash's spell work. Lash adjusted the vessel and headed for the surface. Like any modern day submarine they erupted from the water. In front of them was a vast cavern! At the highest point of the cavern was a collection of massive crystals that gave off what appeared to be natural light. Below the crystal sky was a massive piece of land filled with jungles, beaches, coves, and....Stone buildings? Lash wanted to fly over the island only to realize one of his auxiliary engines was missing. He pressed the throttle gently forward towards the nearest beach.

More then once a giant Liopleurodon's swam past them. Ancient aquatic pseudo-dinosaurs. Scaled hide, long flippers, long snout like jaw. He knew Atlantis kept them as mounts that only high born used. Lash remembered that Orm used one as his mount. But these ones made Orm's mount look like a child's toy. Despite their carnivore nature they simply nudged the SHARC as if they were curious to what it was. The SHARC reached the beach, the landing gear extended and they half rolled and clawed their way onto the beach outside of the tide. The rear hatch came down and Lash walked out to inspect the damage.

“Wow! This place is amazing! Are those buildings, they look occupied!” Arthur said, he turned to Mera but froze because Mera was looking at a woman who had white fish scale armor, pale skin, and white hair.

The woman walked towards them on unsteady feet. She looked at the SHARC, then back at Mera...Then she saw Arthur. Tears filled her eyes as her hands covered her mouth. Arthur like a puppet on strings took shaky step forward. He walked past Mera towards the woman. They came face to face a few moments later. The woman was a bit older then Arthur, she softly touched his cheek and smiled.

“Arthur....” Queen Atlanna said.

“Hi Mom....” Arthur said with a smile.

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