Arthur and his mother Atlanna hugged one another, then Arthur in a very Arthur fashion picked her up and spun her around. She let out a very unlady like squeak but laughed with joy as she smiled wide. Arthur set her down and let her go but kept her hand in his as he pulled her over to see Mera. Mera tried to bow from her waist but Atlanna had none of that and hugged her close. Queen Atlanna was about 5' 9” with platinum to white hair that was braided and tied back out of her face. Her hair fell past her shoulders to about the middle of her back. She had a form fitting white fish scale suit on a lot like Mera's. Despite being older she kept her hour glass figure, and her piercing blue eyes sparked with a bit of magical energy. When she looked past Mera's shoulder she saw Lash standing next to the SHARC.

“Who's that?” Atlanna asked softly. Arthur was startled then took his mother by the hand and brought her over to see Lash.

“Mom! This is Warden Lash, and his Partner Saurian. He's the Oracle that told us you were still alive!” Arthur said with a huge grin. Atlanna's eyes went wide in surprise then smiled brightly.

“Queen Atlanna, its a pleasure to see you in person. The vision I received did not do you you justice.” Lash said, and performed this Warden etiquette bow. His eyes flashed reptilian to reveal Saurian presence.

“So that is what she meant... Thank you Warden Lash for bringing my son to me. Along with my future daughter in law.” Atlanna said with a smile. Mera's cheeks blushed a bit suddenly shy to hear the Queen call her that.

“If you can spare a bit of time we can exchange stories while I repair our transportation.” Lash inquired, and Atlanna agreed.

They spent the next few hours talking about their 'adventure' while Lash repaired the SHARC. Atlanna was pleased to know that not only was Lash a Warden, Oracle, but also a Druid. A good friend to have for the future King of Atlantis. As the day stretched out Lash watched how the crystal sky slowly dimmed to simulate a night sky. The hundreds of thousands of tiny crystals above took on an ambient light, that looked like a night sky.

Lash finished with the repair job on the SHARC and game in through the rear hatch to see the three of them sitting on the small kitchen area. Atlanna had a glow about her, the years apart from her family had not been kind to her. But seeing her son had taken years of stress from her. Arthur was incredibly animated about the siege of the Desert Kingdom. Even showed the video of Saurian getting stuck in the gate. Atlanna couldn't help herself but laugh, she tried to apologize when she saw Lash but a fit of giggles passed through her hand. Lash didn't pay it any mind as he went through a pre-flight check and closed the rear hatch.

Because they were in the 'Center' of the Earth or damn close to it, the Moon's gravitational push and pull didn't reach here. So the rise and fall of the tide didn't happen. Lash had thought that the beach would have been swallowed at some point but it didn't happen! Lash came back over to the kitchen area just as Mera finished talking about the entry point through the portal. They all looked up when Lash joined them.

“Queen Atlanna. Care to give me directions to the temple?” Lash asked softly. Arthur and Mera looked up at him confused, but Atlanna simply smiled at him.

“I'll guide your way if you'll fly?” Atlanna said with a wink. She stood up and followed Lash to the pilot's seat.

Lash pulled the SHARC into the air and gently pushed the throttle forward. Atlanna leaned over Lash's shoulder a close? Lash noticed that Atlanna had inhaled his scent and bit her lip just a bit. OK! Lash, needed to get her back to Tom faster then expected! Atlanna leaned against him and ran her hand over his armor while she pointed towards a distant island.

“The entire hidden sea is an archipelago of islands. Ranging from tiny to huge land masses. The largest land mass is about 125 miles across. That is where the Temple to the Karathen is.” Atlanna said, as her free hand came to rest on Lash neck, her fingers played up an down his skin just out of sight of Arthur and Mera.

“Wait? Is the Karathen real?” Arthur said as he came up to look over the landscape. Atlanna took back her hand in a casual motion when she turned to look at her son.

“Yes... When King Atlan came to the Hidden Sea in his self exposed exile he created a Trial for the future king. He asked the Karathen to guard this 'Trial'. She agreed and has kept it safe from any would be seekers and false kings. Along with the last of King Atlan's royal guard.” Atlanna said in response.

“King Atlan's royal guard are still alive? After all this time?” Mera asked, as she walked up beside Arthur and hugged his arm. She looked at Atlanna and glanced at Lash. She smiled at her with a knowing look that Arthur seem to miss. Atlanna coughed a bit and moved a good foot away from Lash.

“It has to do with the ritual magic of the Trident. The royal guard are stuck in a state of ageless. They have been tasked to keep the Temple safe until the new king would come. Among them is Priestess Than'Keth. She was the one that told me to come to the beach today to meet you. She knew you were coming.” Atlanna said softly.

Lash piloted the SHARC across the Hidden Sea for a few hours. Several flocks of birds and pterodactyls flew over and followed them in formation. Then broke off after about an hour of flight. Lash activated the holographic windows so his companions could see everything around them. On every island with a bit of land to its name had a stone watch tower built on it. Though none of them were crewed at this time. Atlanna said when the King first came here they had constructed a viable home for people but when the 'Fall' happened nearly all of the citizens left. When she had been 'sacrificed' to the Trench so many years ago in the Pacific Ocean. Aha! So there was more then one way into the Hidden Sea. She heard a voice as she swam through the Trenchers territory. The voice brought her through the portal. It was the only reason she survived. Priestess Than'Keth was the voice.

There at last in the distance was a vast stretch of land directly under the center most crystal that hung in the cavern ceiling above. A stone city that looked like a mixture of Asian and Greek was found. Most of the city was in active except for a massive pyramid structure in the center. A city square was in front of the 'Temple' Atlanna said they could land there. Priestess Than'Keth said so, at the time Atlanna had no idea what she meant but understood now.

Lash flew over the square and slowly lowered his altitude as the SHARC lowered itself hundreds of people started to flock towards the center. All of them in the prime of their life, all of them wearing either casual cloths to full combat royal Atlantean gear. On a raised dais before the steps of the Temple stood tall woman with sea weed green hair, pale blue skin, orange eyes, and was clothed in several layers of fine Atlantean silk, and silver armor that protected the vital organs. Lash could see that the silk, and armor was enchanted. It was probably stronger then tank armor. Priestess Than'Keth looked like the rest of them. She was in the prime of her life, but her eyes said she had seen many days and nights.

“Any customs and courtesies we should know about?” Lash asked, as he stood up from his pilot seat and deactivated the holographic windows and shut down the SHARC.

“Just continue to be you, Warden Lash.” Atlanna said with a smile and winked at him.

The rear hatch came down and they saw hundreds of eyes train on them. Arthur came out expecting a bit of fan fare and only got glares from everyone. Tough crowd. Mera followed behind him along with Atlanna. The people recognized her, a few nodded but most kept their faces indifferent. Atlanna led Arthur, Mera, and Lash towards Priestess Than'Keth. The crowd of guardsmen may way for them. The Priestess had no moved from her dais and kept an eye on them as they approached.

“Queen Atlanna welcome back! Prince Arthur, Princess Mera! Welcome to the Hidden Sea and the Trial of Kings.” Priestess Than'Keth's voice was strong and collected. Someone who was use to speaking to the masses of people with their voice alone.

“Agent of Calamity, we were not expecting you. But you are...'Welcome' none the less.” Priestess Than'Keth said. Lash felt hundreds of eyes settle on him. He got the distinct impression that his Cosmic Deity was laughing at him. Lash performed his customary bow but kept his mouth shut.

“Agent of Calamity? Warden Lash is the only reason I'm even standing here! We never would have made it with out him!” Arthur spoke up, clearly angry at the way they were treating Lash.

“Arthur...” Lash said softly. Arthur looked back and saw Lash shake his head. He didn't need him to speak up for him. Arthur swallowed his argument but clearly didn't like it.

“I disagree, Prince Arthur. But that is that, and this is this. Will you be attempting the Trial of Kings now or later?” Priestess Than'Keth asked, her eyes lingered on Lash. She didn't hold any hatred or fear in her eyes just a lingering caution.

“We'll go now!” Arthur replied. Atlanna looked over at him and tried to speak when she was cut off by the Priestess.

“You miss understand, Prince Arthur. The Trial of Kings is only done by the heir apparent...Alone.” Than'Keth said.

“We'll need twenty four hours then!” Lash said, hundreds of eyes glared at him. But he squared his shoulders and looked at Arthur. Arthur nodded back and looked at the Priestess.

“What he said!” Arthur replied. Than'Keth narrowed her eyes as she looked at Arthur. She turned to look at Lash for a brief moment.

“Very well! Prepare yourself Prince Arthur! Either tomorrow, or another thousand years from now we'll wait for the one true King.” Priestess Than'Keth said in a mighty voice!

The people scattered and melted into the scenery as if they were fog in the morning light. Dozen or so well armed stood in a circle around the SHARC and made it clear that they were not allowed to leave. Well more to the point that Lash was not allowed to leave. Agent of Calamity? He heard Bast call him that when she possessed Selina back in Gotham. Now Priestess Than'Keth? His Cosmic Deity must be a real piece of work! Lash and company returned to the SHARC and closed the rear hatch.

“OK! What the fuck was that!?” Arthur asked loudly.

“I don't know! They were very kind and welcoming when I first arrived.” Atlanna said in apology but clearly she was confused.

“Maybe it is cause Lash is an outsider? What did they mean, 'Agent of Calamity'?” Mera said as she looked at Lash.

“My Cosmic Deity. They've been to Earth before a long time ago. They were not popular. Guilty by association.” Lash replied, though that was not the whole story. It was enough for them.

“Arthur come sit down! I was hoping to travel with you into the Trial. But if we can't go then we'll do this now.” Lash said as he walked over to chair. Arthur came over and settled down but looked up in question.

“What are we doing?” Arthur asked, there was no hesitation in his eyes. Lash had delivered! He found his mother. As far as Arthur was concerned Lash was a rock star to him.

“I can imprint skills, and abilities into you. Though it takes a great deal of my energy and yours to properly digest it. That is why I asked for twenty four hours. Mera, Queen Atlanna please come and the both of you take each of Arthur's hands. You'll act as anchor and conduit of energy.” Lash said as he placed his hands on either side of Arthur's head.

“Atlanna...Just Atlanna. You can save the customs and courtesies until we are in the royal court.” Atlanna said to Lash with a sweet smile. She took a seat and took a hold of Arthur's hand. He squeezed back and smiled at her.

“Is this like the pack bond you can create? I have to admit that I am fascinated that you can grant knowledge and abilities to others.” Mera said as she took a seat and took Arthurs other offered hand.

“Something like that... Arthur this is going to be a little weird.” Lash said then activated Skill/Power Trainer.

Skill Imprint activated.

Weapon Master, Martial Arts, Commanding Presence, Administration, Cooking, Computers, Rallying Call, Medicine, Danger Sense, Team Work, Science, Meditation, Stealth, Military Special Operations.

Racial Trait activation.

Homo-Magi: Sub-Breed.....Activated!

One by one the skills were placed inside of Arthur, the imprinting took hours to complete. Half through the imprinting Arthur started to scream! It was not the kind of scream that you would hear from some one calling for help. But a scream of challenge. His entire body flexed, and bucked with intensity as the imprinted knowledge was drilled into his mind, body, and soul. Lash hand never done so many at once. He cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, Nature's Kiss, and Regrowth. As his brain tore, ripped, and snapped at the new information being force fed into him. Then when he activated Arthur's hidden blood line, Homo-Magi. His latent magical power ignited! Mera, and Atlanna's bodies acted like a filter for the new magic in his body. It would pass through Atlanna into Arthur, then pass to Mera who would filter it and send it back into Arthur who would send it to Lash. That continued for another for several more hours.

Arthur had always been a pseudo-Mundane. He was half Atlantean had technically had magic in his blood to begin with. Had he been born in Atlantis he would have gone through this transformation naturally as he grew up. Now? Lash hand reached deep into him and pulled the rip cord and a damn that had been built came crashing down. Then with a crash of energy the imprinting, and activation was complete. Arthur collapsed into the chair and passed out. Mera and Atlanna were not much better but they stayed awake. Lash was exhausted as he fell backwards onto his ass, he flopped across the floor of the interior of the SHARC and stayed there for a while. Gasping for air like a fish out of water.

Lash sat up, and activated his skill Meditation to help clear his mind and restore his energy. Little by little he felt his energy levels slowly grow over time. He felt like it had only been a few minutes since he started before he felt some one shake him. He opened his eyes to see Arthur kneeling next to him. The clock that had been placed inside said nearly twelve hours had passed. Shit! Lash tried to move only to find out his legs had fallen asleep. Pins and needles! Pins and needles in his legs! Arthur pulled him and laughed as Lash nearly fell over again.

“Holy fuck! This is by far the worse hang over I've EVER felt! Did you put physics 101 in my head?” Arthur said with grimace.

“I did. Some of what I gave you will be helpful in the Trial. While others won't be useful until later.” Lash replied, Arthur pulled Lash along to the rear hatch it was nearly time for him to go inside. Lash cast Sooth, and Nature's Supplement onto Arthur who groaned in satisfaction.

“Are you ready, Prince Arthur?” Priestess Than'Keth stood at the dais once more. Mera, and Atlanna had been speaking to her before Arthur, and Lash stepped out. Than'Keth's eyes were softer when she looked at Lash.

“Yes! Let's get this done so we can head home!” Arthur said as he clapped Lash on the shoulder one last time. He walked to Atlanna and hugged her. Then he turned and kissed Mera, she wrapped her arms around his neck and enjoyed the kiss before she let him go.

Arthur walked up the temple steps with Priestess Than'Keth. Mera and Atlanna rejoined Lash next to the rear hatch. Lash sat down on the ramp and looked out over the city square. He understood in the movie that Arthur went alone because it was a test. But the temple, royal guard, and the Priestess was outside of his expectations. Mera sat down next to him and hugged his arm, then Atlanna came to his other side and did the same. Sandwiched between two beautiful women should be a delight for most men. But Lash? He was still very tired, so much so that his eyes slowly closed and he fell asleep....

“IN THE NAME OF KANE!” Lash shouted over the soldiers of Nod!

“KANE LIVES IN DEATH!” The soldiers of Nod shouted back at him. Lash held the knife blade to the traitor that hoped to rule of the children of Nod.

“IN THE NAME OF KANE!” Lash shouted once more. Then before the soldiers could reply the massive view screen behind him turned on and their savior! Their prophet! Their leader spoke!

“KANE LIVES! My children!” Kane! The leader of the children of Nod spoke! They had all thought him dead! But Lash knew the truth, he had never lost faith! He had never given up hope! Kane never does anything with our a purpose, he will lead them to the future!

Lash snapped his eyes open and jerked awake. He looked around to find himself back in the cabin of the SHARC. He fell back down against the mattress and slowed his breathing. Fuck! He remembered the Tiberium wars. He remembered how the crystal had destroyed Earth and brought the scrin to invade their world.

Congratulations User! Military Special Operations has evolved into Minor Military Special Operations.

Effect: You know a wide variety of tactics, strategies, training, tools, machines, and military operations.

Congratulations User! You've obtained the chemical formula for Tiberium!

Comment: The incredibly useful, and deadly mineral known has Tiberium is now yours to create. Maybe you can change it for the better?

Lash's eyes went wide with terror! No! No! No! He would never let that shit touch this Earth! It would mean its end! But something caught his eye. Change it for the better? He had to think about the alien mineral, in his previous life he had been a commander not a scientist. But he understood the fundamentals of the mineral. Maybe he could swap out some of its more hostile attributes a replace them with something else? It would be a great way to transform a barren moon into something livable. He'd have to experiment with it....Carefully.

Lash still wore his armor, he couldn't imagine how hard it would be to remove with out his permission. He had several enchantments to prevent just that from happening. It was mostly meant for when he was in the field and he wore a mask to keep his identity a secret. But thinking about it now it may just cause obstruction if he were to ever be injured. He'd have to adjust it later on. He opened his tiny cabin door and stepped out. He found a clock and saw that several hours had past. His energy levels were just above half. Seemed that imprinting so many skills also delayed his own energy reserves return.

He walked through the SHARC to the reach hatch to look for Mera, and Atlanna. Only to see a huge crowd of people cheering and celebrating with food and drink. Something good happen while he was asleep. He looked to the temple and smiled wide. Arthur stood on the dais with golden, and green fish scale armor with a golden trident in hand. Either he'd been asleep longer than he thought or the Trial of Kings wasn't as long as he had thought.

“Lash! You beautiful bastard! I got it!” Arthur said with a grin as he held up the Trident. The Trident was pure Orichalcum that was blessed by Poseidon himself. Dozens of enchantments had been etched into the weapon. Lash's Magical Perception was nearly blinded just by looking at it.

“Apparently I missed a lot while I took a nap?” Lash asked as he walked through the crowd that let him pass. None of them looked angry or hostile anymore towards him.

“You've been asleep for nearly forty eight hours, Lash. Given that I had never seen you sleep during the entire trip I think it just caught up with you.” Mera said with a smile as she came to give him a hug and a kiss on his cheek. Lash hugged her back, surprised by how long he had slept.

“So! Should we go visit your Dad before we start the campaign to unite the kingdoms?” Lash said as he looked up at Arthur who grinned back. Atlanna was startled for a moment then smiled wide, her eyes glazed over as she remembered her time with Thomas.

“Now that the Trident has been obtained the portal that leads to the Hidden Sea as once more become a two way passage. Though it is still full of danger. I believe you'll find it much easier to command with the Trident in hand.” Priestess Than'Keth replied. She had a broad smile on her face and a bottle of win in hand.

“What about you, and the royal guard?” Atlanna asked.

“We'll be leaving with his highness of course! It was King Atlan's wish. We'll help you establish the kingdom then we'll be free of our oath and be allowed to live out the remainder of our lives.” Than'Keth said.

“Alright! Select ten of the best and brightest guardsmen or guards women to join us on the SHARC. The rest of you will head to the Temple of Poseidon. You'll meet our royal Vizier there. Nuidis Vulko! Lash can you make a holographic image for them so they can know who to meet with? Priestess Than'Keth when can the royal guard be ready to leave?” Arthur took command and issued orders.

Lash could feel Commanding Presence in his voice, Lash grinned at Arthur. Mera looked shocked at Arthur's change but seem to understand why it had happened. She squeezed Lash's hand with her own. Than'Keth replied quickly and started to issue orders to the royal guard. Though they were in celebration they quickly moved with practice ease and motivation. Though this place had been their home for centuries it was clear they looked forward to leaving. Lash quickly made several Illusion image stones that showed a image of Vulko. Arthur recorded a message for them to give to him, along with an image of Queen Atlanna still alive and well.

Four hours later the SHARC was moving through the water and just a little over a thousand royal guardsmen and women swam behind. Arthur moved to the front of the column and used the Trident like a key, the twisting portal slowed to a gentle whirl pool and the entire column left the Hidden Sea. Right after the last Atlantean before the portal went back to its chaotic mess, a giant nightmarish titan, the Karathen swam through the waters of the Hidden Sea and left through the portal as well. She had completed her task and just like the royal guard she wanted to leave.

Congratulations User! Your Cosmic Deity is incredibly happy! You've helped release a nightmarish titan back into the world. The Karathen is pleased with you and has granted you its blessing.

Blessing: Titans new or old will have a neutral disposition towards you when you first meet them.

Blessing: You can now propel yourself through water just as fast as any Atlantean.

Lash's went wide! Oh shit that is right! The Karathen is free now! They never really went over what happened with her in the movie! Lash could imagine several ships disappearing in the ocean over the years from now on. Aha! Now he could swim just as fast as any average Atlantean. Though he was sure Mera and Arthur could out pace him with a bit of effort. It was still nice!

The SHARC popped out into the vast ocean in the same vast cavern they had originally jumped through in the first place. But unlike before there was not a single Trencher to be seen. Arthur held the trident to his face and concentrated for a bit. Then used the Temporary Pack Bond that was still in place.

The Trenchers at this entrance left to join their kin at the primary Trench in the Pacific. -Arthur sent across the link.

Lash pushed the throttle forward and sped through the giant cavern, Arthur snagged a handle on the SHARC and pulled himself towards a frog man hatch on the top side. The royal guard cheered and swam through the waters towards the open ocean. A lot had changed for them but a lot stayed the same. Lash had made several Illusion map stones for them. While ten elite guards sat inside the SHARC. Arthur opened the hatch and dropped in, they all stood up and saluted but he told them all to relax.

“I'm not going to get use to that!” Arthur said as he came up to the cock pit to stand next to Mera and Atlanna.

“The saluting? Or the look of respect in their eyes?” Lash asked with a smile as the left the cavern and slowly ascended towards the surface.

“Both? Shit! I don't know if I'm cut out for this! I mean the shit you fed me is helping but I feel like I've fell into a rabbit hole and I can even see the bottom.” Arthur grumbled and sat down. He tapped the Trident, it flared with golden light before turning into trails of energy that entered into Arthur.

“Is the Trident using you as a sheath?” Lash asked.

“Ya! Makes it easier to carry, and near impossible to steal. Its like the necklace you gave me, I just know how it works when I picked it up. It has like three dozen different spells inscribed on it. I'd let you look at it but the Trident seems to consider you a hostile foe.” Arthur replied.

“Why would it consider Lash to be an enemy?” Mera asked before they heard a cough in the back from one of the guards.

“Your highness if I may?” A guardsman asked. Arthur nodded. “The...'Warden' is a powerful spell caster capable of enchanting, and disenchanting. The Trident may consider the fact that the Warden can feasible destroy or injure it by disenchanting it. The Trident is in a way alive, it has its own 'ego'. So please keep its feelings in mind.” The guard bowed deeply and returned to his seat.

“Uh......” Arthur said with a perplexed expression.

“No worries then. I admit I wanted to inspect the different enchantments on it. But if it doesn't want me to then I wont.” Lash replied.

The SHARC broke the surface, the wings folded out and the engines roared to life. Chameleon activated and the SHARC flew up and roared to life as it turned into a jet! It sped back towards the East Coast of America. Towards Amnesty bay, towards Tom Curry. Lash looked over and saw that Atlanna looked a little nervous. It had been twenty years since she had seen Tom, she had gone back to Atlantis married King Orvax, had Prince Orm then was sacrificed to the Trench. She had done all of this in an effort to keep Arthur and Tom safe.


“My King, news from the God-Kin at the Temple of Poseidon. No trace of corruption of subterfuge was found. Vulko has been released from their custody but as since refused to leave the Temple grounds. He knows we are waiting for him.” An Atlantean Knight briefed Prince Orm.

“Thank you for the update, you may go.” Orm replied in a confident voice, not letting his true feelings out in the open of his people. A king should always look cool, composed, and confident in front of his subjects. His father had said to him.

Prince Orm, second born of the Atlantis throne stood in his council chambers seemingly alone. He had armor that gleamed with golds, silvers, and gems. A suit of armor that was more majestic than practical but suited his needs for his days in the palace. He was 6' even with blond near platinum hair, and deep ocean blue eyes. He had a strong athletic figure with broad shoulders from swimming. With out looking behind him he spoke to the shadows.

“Have you found them yet?” Orm said through gritted teeth.

A shadow off to the side became animated and peeled itself off the wall. It took the shape of a seductive, curvy woman. Though her facial features were hidden away her piercing lilac eyes hinted at a hidden beauty. But the cold indifference she carried in her eyes told a story of horror. She bowed her head in respect before she spoke. Her voice cold as ice, and dripping with venom.

“No...Prince Orm.” The woman said, noticing how Orm balled his hands into fists at the mention of his actual title.

“What about this Oracle that Vulko claims to be helping my mongrel brother? Do we know about them?” Orm said, as sparks of magical energy cascaded across his body.

“We have no confirm reports to his true identity. But it is believed that he is Warden Lash, The Endless Chosen.” The woman replied.

“Has he broken his oath? Wardens are not allowed to pick sides in conflicts such as these!” Orm turned around at last and pegged a glare at the woman. However, then woman was unmoved by the veiled threat.

“As I have said we have no confirmed reports. But, if it is Warden Lash he has been granted a pass by the Fae and Warden Council for one simple reason. It is clear to everyone in the water that you intend to wage war on the surface world. Whether you mean to or not, the super-natural world will be caught in the cross fire. If it is Warden Lash, then his actions could prove to save lives.” The woman replied in a slightly bored tone.

“So, if I had followed your advice. Practiced patience and kept my motives to myself this Oracle would have stayed out of the conflict?” Orm all but hissed at the woman.

“Yes!” The woman replied, though she wore a mask Orm could tell she was smiling under it.

“Then what would you suggest I do now!” Orm roared at her.

“Surrender. Prince Arthur has made it clear to any who ask that he doesn't want to rule. Even if he does become King he will need some one to help him rule. That can be you. Show him that you can be reasoned with, and bide your time until you have truly been accepted by the people.” The woman instructed as she began to reform into a shadow on the wall.

“But...I know you wont. So, with out declaring war... Strike first! Send a wave of water so great that every continent, coast, and island feels the wrath of Ocean Master, Orm!” The woman said with glee as she merged with the shadows once more.

Orm's frosty expression softened at the end of what the woman said. He smiled wide at the thought of the surface dwellers running in terror, and dying as a wall of water destroyed their homes. He reached out to nothing and with a crackle of arcane energy a silver trident appeared. He moved to his door and summoned his Tide Caller corp, those loyal to him. Let the carnage begin!


The SHARC arrived above Tom Curry's Light house just after the sun at set. Tom was standing by the door to his home with a smile on his face. He wasn't sure why they had come back, they had only been gone a little over a week. He hadn't heard any news about Atlantis joining the UN, or anything like that. But he knew his son, and his future daughter in law were safe. When the transport landed a wide dispersal glamour expanded to include the light house. Soldiers in Atlantean guard spilled out of the rear hatch and took up defensive positions around. Then Tom froze mid step as he walked towards them....

“Atlanna?” Tom said softly.

Atlanna stood there at the hatch with a smile on her face. She began to cry and ran towards Tom. He ran to meet her and they met half way. The caught one another, hugged, and kissed. Twenty years of waiting and through it all they still loved one another. Arthur and Mera came over a moment later the family hugged one another and laughed. Arthurs family was whole once more! Lash walked out of the SHARC after he had powered it down and deployed its Invisibility though the glamour would hide it from mundane eyes, the Illusion Domain would hide it from others as well.

“Twenty years you two have been apart. I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner to help you two find one another again. But if you will allow me I think I have a bit of time I can spare.” Lash said with a glint of mischief in his eye. He reached out and cast Nature's Kiss, Panacea and Return Youth on Tom and Atlanna.

As the magic settled over them both the winkles of the past decade faded away. A healthy glow returned to them both. Atlanna had always been beautiful but now was even more stunning. The magic had smoothed out her skin, returned the healthy gloss to her hair. Old injuries that never healed correctly were mended and tended to. Tom's face smoothed out just the same as Atlanna, a spark of youth returned to his eyes. Strength returned to his body, with his injuries fixed, and his body restored.

“Lash...Wh..What did you do?” Atlanna asked as she ran her hands over her face.

“Just as I said, I had a bit of time to spare. So I returned ten years of youth to both of you. Maybe you'll both have enough energy to give Arthur another little brother or sister?” Lash replied. Atlanna face flushed red, and Tom choked on his own saliva and started to cough!

“Aha! That would be fucking awesome!” Arthur shouted and clapped Lash on the back. He gave him a look of thanks and grinned back at his parents. Mera walked up and kissed Lash on the cheek before she came back to Arthur's side.

So that is how it happened. Or should have happened, it was then that Lash relearned that Atlantean Woman can be rather... Aggressive! Atlanna wasted no time and pulled Tom back into the house for some one on one action. Arthur coughed and tried his best to find something to do, Mera just laughed and joined him. Lash walked to the edge of the fishing pier and sat down enjoying the smell of the ocean, and the peaceful night.

After a few minutes he begrudgingly cast Connectivity and signed onto his Warden page. He assigned one of his Parallel Minds, and Virtual Intelligence to work through the hundreds of emails, messages, situation reports, etc. A few things stuck out... It was more or less clear that Lash had joined Arthur as the next ruling king of the oceans. But! Because of the impending ocean, and surface war that would involve both mundane and super-natural's he was given a pass. The Council had declared he had not broken his oath of neutrality. Li'Ana had sent him a message that said if he could get Atlantis to come to the UN they would recognize their claim to be a sovereign nation. But to call ahead first! Don't just show up at their door step. She knew him well. Great!

Just as he was about to sign onto the Justice League message board he felt a current of magic on the wind around him. The Nature Domain was beginning to hum with energy and that energy was only growing. Lash stood up and looked around, he saw that the royal guard looked agitated but even they didn't know why. Lash turned back to the ocean and saw a terrifying sight the water was being pulled towards the ocean... All of the water was being pulled in! Then he saw it, he saw a cargo vessel being pushed side ways towards the coast.

“ARTHUR! WE ARE IN TROUBLE!” Lash screamed out loud, as well with his telepathy. He raced back to the light house. Arthur came out of the SHARC with Mera and they both paled as they could see the massive wave was heading straight towards them.

Lash used his Connectivity and looked at satellite imagery, this wave wasn't just hitting here. Every continent, every coast, every island was getting a massive tidal wave. It was almost a mile high! He signed onto the Justice League message board, as well as the Warden Information page. Then showed the satellite feed, and video image of the wave coming towards him. Then he slammed in big bold letters.


The reaction from both the League, and the Warden Council was immediate. The Warden Council sent hundreds of messages across the globe! While the League jumped into action, over half the current League were based in coastal cities. Lash looked at Gotham and felt despair, they had just gotten over the Joker siege and now would be struck again!

Arthur called up the Trident and pointed it at the massive wave that was rushing towards them. A wave of magical energy spear head into the wave and a small, small portion of the wave split open. But as the wave continued the travel the split grew, and grew. Maybe 3% of Amnesty Bay would be spared, including the light house. The ground shook as the massive wave crashed into the land! A percussion of sound broke across the insignificant area that was spared, windows shattered, homes broke apart, but that was nothing compared to the damage the wave had done.


“Kal please! I can help!” Kara shouted at her cousin in krypton.

Clark had received the message alert and told his cousin who had just arrived on Earth only a few days ago that he had to leave. Smallville was inland and safe from the damage, but Metropolis would suffer incredible damage from the wave. Clark had stopped at the front door of his parents home. Jonathan, and Martha Kent his adoptive parents stood on the porch wanting to send him off. Clark turned back and hugged his cousin, she squeaked in surprise but hugged him back.

“You can help me by staying safe. Learn English, help on the farm, and adjust. I'll be back as soon as I can. Will you do that for me, please?” Clark looked down at Kara. She clearly wanted to argue but kept her mouth shut and simply nodded at him.

“Thank you...” Clark hugged her one last time, went to the porch and hugged his parents goodbye. Then flew into the sky and quickly broke the sound barrier towards Metropolis.


“Jesus Christ!” John Diggle said as he watched the massive wave of water collide with Starling City. They had received Wraith's message ten minutes ago, Felicity had hacked the local television broad cast and warned everyone of the incoming wave. But ten minutes was not enough time!

“Spartan! Move your ass!” Oliver shouted at him over his communication ear bud. Diggle jumped and ran towards his motorcycle. All of Team Arrow was mobilized and headed towards the coast to help with the relief efforts.

“Do you think Wraith will be able to come help?” Arsenal asked.

“This didn't just hit Starling City! This hit every where! Across the globe, including Gotham!” Black Canary said as she store off on her motorcycle.

“Fuck....” Arsenal said, he put his helmet on and took off as well.


Bruce sent out a red alert towards everyone he had a link to. The tidal wave would hit Gotham in less then five minutes. It was not enough time! How had they not seen this coming towards them? Bruce hit rewind on the satellite feed to see where the wave originated from. He leaned to see clearly, the wave didn't come from any one place! It just sprang to life a few miles from every coast! That was impossible! Tide Callers... Monica and Shevalla the two water sirens that worked for him and told him about their abilities when he found out Lash was helping Arthur claim the throne of Atlantis. But this...This was beyond his imagination.

He checked the GPS to all of his family and sighed in relief. Selina, Alfred, Richard, and Barbara were both at Wayne Manor helping with the wedding plans. They were safe, Bruce at Wayne tower pressed a keypad and activated a hidden elevator so he could get to the Fox's hidden armory. There was a lot of work ahead of him, and his family. Lash would focus on preventing further attacks instead of rushing back to Gotham. So Bruce would help keep their city safe, his city!


“Why are you stopping me from helping!” Arthur shouted at Lash.

“Arthur! Use your fucking head for a moment! What is stopping Orm from doing this again!? How long would it take to gather enough power to do it again? Hours? Weeks? Months? We need to get Orm to abdicate the throne. Only then will we be able to keep everyone safe from future attacks!” Lash shouted as he held Arthur from swimming out to help the civilians in trouble.

“Arthur! Lash is right! It will take the Tide Callers a week to fuel another spell of this magnitude, maybe less depending on how many are loyal to Orm. The best way we can help is to secure Atlantis!” Mera said, as she held Arthur back until he shouted in defeat and fell to his knees.

Lash stood there as he watched Arthur. Cold furry building inside of his chest. The Narrows had been decimated. Wayne Technologies had installed storm and water shielding, it had activated but it was not built for a mile high wave of water. But the Narrows was of course not the only place hit. The death toll was climbing every minute. Early estimates would be close to three million, and that was just in North America! He wanted to go home! He wanted to protect his city, but he knew it wouldn't help if he couldn't stop it from happening again. They had to stop Orm! Lash squeezed his hands into fists. He was going to kill him. He didn't care what any one said or did. Orm was going to die!

“Go, Arthur. I'll stay and help with the rescue efforts.” Atlanna said softly as she came to hug her son. Arthur hugged her and nodded in agreement.

Lash made a crude but effective necklace for Tom that allowed him to breath underwater, as well as give him basic Atlantean abilities. Strength, dark vision, durability, etc. That way he could help Atlanna with out being in the way. The royal guard, Arthur, Mera, and Lash piled into the SHARC. With in minutes they were in the air, and Lash pushed the throttle to the max. They were headed for the Temple of Poseidon. Where Arthur would announce to the oceans his right to rule. King Atlan's Trident in hand. Lash knew it was not going to be that easy, but was the best step in the right direction.

The Temple of Poseidon was a massive under water structure in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean. It was protected by a spell-shield dome a lot like the one Themyscira had. This had kept it hidden from mundane eyes for over a thousand years, and would continue to do so as long as Poseidon wished it so. The Old God Poseidon was the pseudo adoptive parent to all Atlantean people, and sub-species of Atlantis. Though there were thousand other sentient races that did not have him as a parent. They all did admit he had a legitimate claim to the oceans, and seas of the world.

Lash nearly burnt the engines out before he got to the Temples general location above the water. He landed in the ocean and converted the SHARC to the submarine, and submerged it. As the SHARC dove down there was a vast ocean of marine life, and a relativity empty ocean floor. Lash activated his Magical Perception thanks to the sub-skill of Divine sight he had obtained he not only saw the shield but also what was behind it.

The Temple was massive in size, and scope. Practically a underwater city in it self that could rival Atlantis. Or at least he assumed so, Lash had never seen Atlantis personally. He assumed it was far larger then Erik the Gamers perception of it. The Temple had Ancient Greek, Roman, and a bit of Aztec? Built into it. There in the center was a massive statue of the Old God himself, a godly image of perfect human specimen. Broad shoulders, narrow hips, strong legs, long hair, and a bushy beard. The statue must have been as tall as the empire state building. In his left hand he wielded a trident not unlike Arthur's Trident, in his right hand he held a book that was opened in the middle. Even the individual pages of the book had been carved, though Lash couldn't see the inside of the book he was sure it had actual words in it. A great billowing flame of divine energy was contained with in the statue. Which meant that if Poseidon wanted to, he could posses the statue and take it for a spin. No wonder it was so life like, it house part of the Old God himself.

As they navigated through the area they passed over a near invisible line, a boundary. They were on consecrated ground now. Safe with in the rules of divine laws of neutrality with in the Temple. Lash pushed the SHARC towards a waiting traffic que into the Temple City. He did not want to test the perimeter guard right now. The ships coming in and out of the central gate were an odd assortment of vessels with designed after animals, and other machine like craft. Mera pointed out a few vessels that were from Xebel, then a few from the fisherman kingdom. The latter looked more animal like, some of them were! A few giant sea turtles the size of semi trucks waited in que. They had magical collars on their necks that helped them breath the water. As long as turtles could hold their breath, it was just easier to grant them water breathing.

“Please state the nature of your visit?” A gate guard asked in a polite but bored tone as he approached the SHARC.

“Princess Y'Mera Xebella Challa, of the Kingdom Xebel, with escort. Diplomatic code; Y23-A762.” Mera spoke to into the communicator before anyone could say anything else. The guard ran through the numbers then motioned them forward.

“Welcome Princess! You may dock your vessel at the diplomatic pier.” The guard pointed towards the section of the city before he attached a holographic marker onto the SHARC.

“I didn't think your diplomatic passage would still work?” Arthur asked.

“Despite what my kingdom, and family may think of me. It will still work, of course now that I've used it the Temple Guard are required to send word that I used it. They can't make me leave but Xebel will be here shortly to find me.” Mera said with a grimace.

Lash pushed the SHARC into the docking pier. It settled next to majestic and luxury vessels with clear top of the line mechanics. The SHARC looked like a predator swimming into kill and eat them. A few of the aquatic life even seemed agitated and tried to swim away, mistaken the SHARC for a living creature. Lash put the SHARC into soft lock, it would look like it was powered down. But it would start up with little issue if need be. They went to a side hatch and activated a water barrier. Lash had to admit it was pretty cool to see the door open and the water didn't rush in. It just sat there, a door way of water.

The royal guard insisted on exiting first to keep a clear line of sight. Arthur didn't argue, thanks to the Special Operations that Lash imprinted in him he understood. Lash activated Transformation, though he could technically breath underwater just fine in his default 'human' shape. He was playing it safe. Mera stepped out, then Arthur, then Lash. Who locked the door after them. He made sure to have activation lock set for any of them in case they needed back in.

The team of thirteen swam through the temple grounds towards a specific location. Though a thousand years had passed the Temple City largely hadn't. When they came around a corner they saw a few dozen royal guard floating around a specific building. The guards recognized each other and greeted each other, after saluting Arthur and Mera of course. They gave Lash a simple nod in hello which he returned. Lash felt a tingle roll up his spine which prompted him to turn around and glare at a shadow across a wall. He sent a Telepathic message towards it.

Did you want something? -Lash asked the shadow.

After a minute of waiting the shadow peeled off the wall and turned into a woman with lilac eyes. She seemed amused at being found. She gently swam over and noted the royal guard had spread out to cover the area. She looked impressed at the coordination, but if Lash could speak telepathically it made sense. Then she froze when Arthur swam over holding a magnificent golden Trident....King Atlan's Trient!

“Y...You found it! YOU FOUND KING ATLAN'S TRIDENT!” The woman screamed in shock. Her voice would have carried through the Temple city streets if Lash hadn't caught the sound and block the area. The woman noticed no one reacted and had to admire Lash's quick thinking.

“Who are you?” Arthur pointed his trident at the woman.

“My name is Melina. King Arthur, I am part of the Atlantean royal guard. A shadow.” Melina took a knee and bowed her head. At the mention of the royal guard the 'Old Guard' looked at her with an appraising eye but kept their guard up. Arthur looked at Mera for help.

Shadows are the secret police for Atlantis. They do not actually hold any true loyalty the rulers but serve Atlantis as a whole. A few rotten prince and princesses in our history have fallen to their blades. -Mera replied across the Temporary Pack Bond they still shared.

“Are you here to judge me worthy? Or knife me in the back?” Arthur asked, as he took the situation in stride.

“I serve Atlantis, King Arthur. It is clear to see that you are the one True King. We Shadows had hoped that Orm could lead the oceans to better heights. But even he could not find, or wield the trident you carry in your hands. No, I am not here to harm you. But to help you!” Melina replied.

“Your lying...” Lash said with a growl, his scales rattled like a rattle snakes tail. Melina looked up in surprise and glared at him.

“You don't work for Atlantis... Because you don't have a heart beat. Your dead! My Grave Domain is screaming at me to reap you!” Lash snarled the last of his words.

A look of shock, confusion, then utter fear went through Melina's eyes all in a few seconds. She pushed off the ground and began to fade away into smoke and shadow. Despite the fact that she was running Lash made no attempt to pursue her. He was on neutral ground after all, but he would report a corrupted living dead to the Temple Guard. He was sure they would be interested to know how she got past their boundary.

“My King!” Shouted a familiar voice before any of them could talk about what just happened.

“Vulko!” Arthur said with a smile as he moved to hug his old mentor. Vulko knelt, and placed his hand over his heart before Arthur could hug him. Which Arthur had none of that and pulled the old man up.

“Queen Atlanna? Is she?” Vulko asked as he looked around.

“She's safe, she stayed to help the rescue efforts on the surface. Orm's attack was brutal.” Arthur replied. His answer confused Vulko as well as Than'Keth that followed close behind.

With in the secured and heavily guarded meet up point Arthur, and Mera explained what had happened. Lash created Technomancy images of the satellite feeds, video's, and damage reports that the world wide news was reporting. Vulko slammed his fist into the stone table that separated them nearly shattering it. Than'Keth looked at the images that Lash had created. She was still adapting to this new world. In her time the surface dwellers had believed the world was flat. Now they had machines in the sky that circled their world. This was all very astonishing to her.

“I thought Orm couldn't declare war on the surface with out at least four kingdoms backing him. Isn't that part of the law?” Arthur asked.

“This wasn't an attack! This was a warning. Technically he can't declare war just as you said. But the surface dwellers still believe Atlantis is a myth. Though everyone in the oceans and seas know the truth. As desperate as this move was on Orm's part, it will still help his cause. Many people of the water want this war to happen. They feel the surface should be brought to their knees because violence is all they seem to respond to.” Vulko said through gritted teeth.

“If Orm can abdicate the throne, or be killed. Preferably both! No offense. Then they can join the United Nations just as Themyscira has. Queen Hippolyta has already agreed to sponsor Atlantis. Once the people of Earth learn that the oceans are no longer a dumping ground for their trash, and that they will be subjected to punishment things will change.” Lash said as he closed the closed his images much to the disappointment of Than'Keth.

“Despite me being held here I have done as you instructed and spoke to each of the envoys from the four kingdoms. Though each one has their share of politics, the Brine, and Fishermen kingdoms will ally with Arthur as long as he guarantee's their right to rule, and that their citizens will have the same rights in every Kingdom that they themselves have in their own. Orm has always treated them as lesser-kin.” Vulko informed Arthur.

“Great! I will completely agree to that! It was the plan anyways! What about Xebel?” Arthur asked.

“Much of Xebel wants the war just as much as Atlantis does. I fear Orm has used your absence against you, Princess Mera. Many of the Xebel citizens believe that you have been kidnapped, or put under some kind of spell. That is why you have chosen Arthur over your own people.” Vulko admitted.

“WHAT!?” Mera shouted in shock.

“Can't see just go under one of those truth rune things that the Warden's use?” Arthur asked.

“No... Xebel's citizens wont believe the word of the surface. Even if it comes from the super-natural world. They'll demand I return to Xebel to be interviewed by their own court magicians. Upon which the Xepel court will imprison me with out rights or trial. Declaring to the people that I was under compulsion. They'll use me as tool for the war.” Mera said as she vibrated in fury.

“Unless.... You were to be cleared by a God-Kin of Poseidon! There are of course several still in attendance here at the Temple because of the inquisition under the request of Prince Orm?” Lash said with a grin, as his skill Other Worldly Lore activated.

Mera perked up at that, as did Vulko, and Than'Keth. Arthur just grinned at Lash, he turned to the royal guard and they were on their way to Temple Square! Several swam ahead to notify the temple of their request. As royalty Mera would of course get priority. Once they arrived at Temple square which was packed with worshipers, pilgrims, and the clergy. A man with blue hair, pale skin, and adorned in majestic temple garb stood waiting for them. The entire royal guard knelt as did Vulko, and Mera. Lash dragged Arthur down because the poor man had no idea what to do. Lash helped Arthur adjust his hands, and how to position....

“Enough! Please stand. King Arthur, I was told you were here. You as well Warden Lash, I need to speak to you before days end.” The Poseidon God-Kin said.

The God-Kin was composed, confident, had the just the right amount of humility and a bit of arrogance. But not so much that you would hate him for it. It was just in his mind that he was better then most people, that was simply because in a lot of ways he was. He was a God-Kin! Privilege and responsibility! A temple scribe recorded the results of Mera. The God-Kin Aberforth declared that Y'mera Xebella Challa, Princess of Xebel was of sound mind, body, and soul. She was not under any charm, spell, or geass. The scribe promised to send the record to Xebel before the sun rose the next day.

Arthur produced King Atlan's trident there in Temple square, and Aberforth used his divinity to declare that it was the One True King's Trident. Also that the trident had chosen Arthur as its wielder, and that Arthur would have to die before the Trident would choose another if at all. Word spread through Temple City about Arthur, as well as his legitimate claim to the throne of Atlantis as first born. Never mind that he was a half-breed. He wielded the trident of King Atlan!

Before the sun rose of Temple City through the watery depths of the ocean. A royal escort arrived from the Kingdom of Xebel at the front of it was a strong, broad shoulders man with short fiery red hair, a red beard that was just starting to turn grey. He swam through the waters with great haste and slowed to a stop before Arthur and Mera. Mera audible swallowed, but stood her ground. Arthur was by her side backing her up if need be.

“Father....” Mera said, she was proud that her voice didn't crack. King Nereus looked like he was caught between screaming in rage, and crying tears of joy. Joy won the battle he reached out and hugged his long lost daughter.

“Hello...Brother...” A voice dripping sarcasm called across the Temple Square. There standing behind the Xebel royal escort was Arthur's half brother, Prince Orm.

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