Prince Orm stood at the other end of the Temple Square in his battle armor. The gear had indigo fish scale armor with silver armor highlights. The silver colored metal protected his joints, and his face, while the indigo fish scales protected everything else. The helmet he wore seemed almost animated, as it highlighted his utter disdain after speaking the word 'Brother' out loud across the square. His cape billowed behind him with a bit of flare for the dramatic as if to emphasize his status in the ocean. With Prince Orm was his honor guard in full body armor that ranged from crimson red future tech armor with shark like style. To several Tide Callers in decorative but spell oriented enchanted robes that looked like electric eels swam around them.

Lash reached out and snagged Arthur from impaling Orm where he was. Thankfully Mera swam over to stop Arthur as well and whispered assurance into his ear. They were still on consecrated grounds, neutral territory. Arthur's temporary royal guard formed a phalanx with Arthur in the middle, a good ole fashioned stare down took place with Aberforth in the middle along with the Temple Guard.

“Tell me, most honored Aberforth. Why is that Half-Breed allowed on these hollowed and sacred grounds?” Orm said, contempt clear in his voice.

“Any and all that wish to pay respects to our Father, the Old God Poseidon may come to Temple City. Prince Arthur, first born son of Queen Atlanna has just as much right to be here as you do. Prince Orm.” Aberforth said with a bit of a upturned nose at Orm. His long blue hair curled back and braided itself to keep it out of his face.

“So you are the asshole that stood by while your fucked up father banished our Mother to the Trench. Yep, you are just as small as I thought you would be.” Arthur said with a smirk. Compared to Arthur a lot of people were small. Orm's face grew ugly even with his helmet on everyone could tell he was pissed off.

“Our...Mother was sacrificed to the Trench for her crimes. In death she regained her honor... Such as it was.” Orm tried to keep his voice level. But failed when Arthur laughed out loud as he gently pushed Mera and Lash off of him.

“Our Mother didn't die. She waited at the hidden sea with Priestess Than'Keth, and the royal guard of King Atlan. That is where I got this!” Arthur said with a smug expression when he produced the golden Trident.

The reveal of the trident was met with the same skepticism that man would expect. The holy relic of the Atlantean people in the hands of the half-breed? But Arthur channeled the Trident and the pulse of energy spread from Temple Square to the entire city in a heart beat. Long forgotten runes etched into the Temple flared to life with ancient magical energy. Arthur tapped the Trident to the ground and created an odd sense of gravity as everyone in the area found themselves standing on the stone floor, not floating above it. The skeptics, along with Orm's face told it all.

“I can confirm that this is King Atlan's trident! My Father has told me as much. Doubting my word is doubting the word of the God Poseidon.” Aberforth said, his voice carried a hint of respect when he spoke of his patron.

“Of course I would never doubt our respected Ocean God's word. But what of it, so he has the Trident? That does not make him a king” Orm replied, his facial expression looked like he had chewed on something sour, as he seem to gloss over his mothers life.

“By our most ancient law that makes him a King! By birthright of your Mother, he is the first and true heir of Atlantis. He also didn't break the law by attacking the surface with a giant tidal wave!” Mera shouted at Orm, furry clear as day in her voice and expression. Arcane energy sparked to life around her as the water began to twist and churn. So much so that Arthur had to step in and calm her down.

“If others refuse to see reason, then fate will choose one to lead the masses. The surface declared war on us by poisoning our waters, and killing our children. If the other kingdoms refuse to act, then I will act for them!” Orm spoke with conviction in his voice. As he saw what he had done to be justified.

A majority of the Temple Square looked at Orm like he had lost his mind! This was the classic narcissistic, ego maniac, the ends justify the means lunatics that they had read about in history. Even some of Orm's guards looked at him in confusion and mild disgust. But before anyone could speak any further Arthur stuck 'his' trident out with a huge grin on his face. Lash had just shared a bit of lore and history to him through their Temporary Pack Bond link.

“Then dear brother. I challenge you to the rite of Kings. Then by bloodshed, do the Gods make known their will!” Arthur said with his trade mark grin. Before Orm could reply Lash spoke to Aberforth.

“Would the God-Kin Aberfoth please officiate the duel between Prince Arthur, and Prince Orm. To ensure the rite of kings be fair, and binding?” Lash said, humility and respect in his voice as best he could with his current reptilian form. Aberforth looked at Orm, waiting for him to accept the rite of Kings.

“So be it!” Orm said through gritted teeth.

Duels were something that were still practiced in Atlantean history and culture, a lot like Fae culture. Lash had fond memories of Lu'Atha, Jessabell's brother throwing him around like a rag doll at the Winter Court Ball. Because of this similar culture, Temple City had a dueling ring to settle disputes. The Temple guard came to rest side by side with each combatant to ensure no cheating, or foul play took place. Lash took a moment to tell one of the guards about Melina the corrupted living dead that met Arthur. Lash soon followed in the wake of his companions, the Temple guard let him pass into preparation room for Arthur.

“Why do I feel like that was to easy?” Mera said softly, she crossed her arms in a clear sign of worry.

“Because it was. Orm had to know that Arthur was at the temple, he had to know about the trident. Yet he came here any ways. The rite of kings did surprise him! But I believe he intended to make the challenge instead.” Vulko said, and confirmed Mera's worries.

“Does it matter who makes the challenge, its still a fight?” Arthur asked, confusion clear as day on his face.

“Politics! By stepping forward with the challenge you have taken the higher ground in the political battle field. Atlanteans have always been an aggressive sort, attack first then see how the enemy reacts. By issuing the challenge first, you have shown the people that you have a grasp on our culture. Orm wasn't counting on Lash informing you on our traditions. An oversight on his part that has cost him.” Than'Keth said in reply.

“Lash! Why didn't you put any of that in my head, like all the other stuff?” Arthur asked, honestly curious to the answer.

“I thought about it, but there would be no clear way to separate the knowledge. If I fed you the aspect of Lore. You would have absorbed everything I knew from every culture I've studied. Not just Atlantis.” Lash replied, with a side note. Arthur already had that skill, he just hadn't used it very well.

“But you taught me how to cook?” Arthur said with a smirk.

“Arthur, you poured a can of beer over a steak and called it sauce. Yes, I gave you a cooking skill.” Lash replied, his reptilian features pulled back into a smile. Mera came up from behind and wrapped her arms around Lash's neck.

“Yes! Thank you for teaching him how to cook!” Mera replied with a sweet smile towards her fiancee. Arthur chuckled and shrugged his shoulders in defeat.

They talked strategy, and tactics for the next few minutes. Orm was a talented fighter underwater, while Arthur may be an exceptional fighter on land. He was outmatched underwater! But, the combatants were allowed to use what ever methods they had on them, and with them. Arthur could do what he did outside. Force a sense of gravity on the water and bring Orm to the ground. Lash with Than'Keth's help also ran through a few rudimentary spells of defense, and offense. Orm was an accomplished spell caster, but the Poseidon Trident would give Arthur his edge.

At the top of the hour drums started to play, and cheers rang through the arena in Temple City. Temple guards swam and came to collect everyone. Arthur was led towards the arena's center for combat while everyone else was lead to their private box seats. Mera kissed Arthur goodbye and wished him luck. Lash had to cut the Temporary Pack Bond from Arthur. Only what he had on him could he take with him. Lash and Arthur fist bumped one another in goodbye.

Lash found his seat and admired the scene around him. The massive coliseum was a product of the old world before Atlantis had suck into the ocean. Built with technological, and magical architecture that had not been seen in the mundane world. The seating allowed for over hundred thousand people to sit comfortably, along with ten thousand more in private boxes. Magical projection windows appeared for anyone that wanted a play by play of what happened down the tiniest of hairs on each combatant. Different sections of the stadium had temperature control for the different species that needed a colder, or hotter environment. Lash felt bad that the packed stadium would watch a fight that may take less than five minutes to complete.

“PEOPLE OF THE OCEAN, AND SEAS OF THE WORLD!” Aberforth shouted from his position in the arena, as the entire stadium erupt into cheering and applause then slowly quieted down.

“Welcome! Today we have a fight of succession between two rulers of the oceans! On this side of the arena we have Prince Orm, second born of Queen Atlanna, and first son of the late King Orvax. Orm has been the ruling Prince of Atlantis since he was born! Cultured, educated, and well known to be a great warrior-mage of the Atlantean people.” Aberforth introduced the combatants, many high born in the stadium cheered for Orm as he entered the arena with his arms raised. Orm raised his royal trident in the air, as arcane electricity crackled to life around him.

“On this side of the arena we have Prince Arthur, first born of Queen Atlanna, and the surface dweller Thomas Curry! Arthur has been a beacon of hope, and belief for a better future for all of the oceans people. Though he does not know the ways of the ocean, he has a stead fast, and pure heart that makes him a true hero of the waters we call home! In his hand he wields the fabled King Atlan's Trident!” Aberforth called out once more as Arthur moved into the arena. Nearly all of the primal, and beast-kin of the waters cheered for Arthur, and many of the high born that had friends, and family of the beast-kin cheered as well. If one had to measure? Arthur clearly had more supporters, something that Orm now seem to realize.

“Today! Today these two brothers fight for the right of the throne of Atlantis! Then by bloodshed, do the Gods make known their will!” Aberforth shouted, and the stadium repeated the words. The water, the ground, the very stone of the colosseum vibrated with power of the audience. It was breath taking!

“The fight ends by death! Or by yield! The winner will be declared the true ruler of Atlantis. Do both combatants agree!?” Aberforth shouted, and pointed at both of them.

“I do!” Orm shouted, the high born cheered.

“I do!” Arthur shouted, the primal, and beast-kin cheered.

“So be it! Begin!” Aberforth said, after he swam to the edges of the arena.

Arthur and Orm sprinted through the water and clashed, trident against trident. The metallic clang resonated through out the entire arena. The sound of screeching metal brought many to cover their ears in a vain attempt to hold the noise back. A shock wave blasted them back from one another that was initiated by Orm. Arcane energy danced around him as he shot a purple lighting at Arthur, but Arthur deflected it like a child batting away an annoyance. Arthur moved with great speed back to Orm, and they clashed again. It was clear that Orm was the better fighter of Atlantean culture, but Arthur brought with him several different forms of martial arts that all seem to connect with one another. Lash was sure that if Arthur could see his experience tab it would be flashing with Weapon Master, and Martial Arts. Arthur's technique was such a shock that many gasped in surprise!

“That is because of you, isn't it?” Priestess Than'Keth sat next to Lash. Lash didn't take his eyes off the fight but nodded his head all the same.

“Prince Arthur just pulled a move off that even I can't do in the water! I never taught him that!” Vulko said mystified as he joined Than'Keth. Lash noticed they both sat together in a overly familiar position, which only made him smile. Did Vulko know that Than'Keth was older than him by a large margin?

Mera settled on Lash's left and wrapped her arms around his own. She had a clear smile on her red lips as she watched Arthur. Orm was clearly just as surprised as any one else by his brothers actions. Orm did a heavy swing of his trident and knocked Arthur back to by him time. He quickly called forth a whirlpool around his own trident that was growing by the second. But before the twisting water spell had time to fully grow Arthur dove straight down towards the arena floor and slammed his trident. A massive bubble exploded out from the point of impact, and sucked Orm into it. With a slam! Orm collapsed to all fours and spewed out the ocean water. Arthur had made a massive air bubble with the magic of the trident. Vulko quickly called up a magical window for a close up of the fight.

“What have you done!?” Orm screamed in shock!

“How can you hope to beat the surface if your afraid to fight on it!” Arthur said with a laugh, and ran towards his brother with hysterical laughter!

The air bubble grew to the size of the entire arena. Lash could see the strain the spell had on Arthur. But as long as Arthur didn't do any other types of spells he should be fine. Which seemed to be Arthur's plan after all. Orm was a very talented fighter, and mage with in the water. But Arthur was right, how did Orm hope to win a fight against the surface when he never understood it. The fight became one sided after that point. Orm put up a good fight, tried to call the water to his trident to cast a spell but it was almost like the entire bubble was an anti magic field.

Arthur repeatedly asked Orm to yield the throne! Despite everything that had happened he didn't want to kill his little brother. Mera settled her hands on to Lash's so he wouldn't tears his own hands apart in frustration. Lash wanted Orm dead! Normally Saurians cold, calculation would bring a sense of calm over Lash. But right now, Saurian wanted Orm to die just as much. But at long last Arthur struck with his trident and nailed Orm to the ground like an exotic insect on display. Orm screamed in pain and frustration but refused to yield, he would never allow a half-breed to rule in his stead. Arthur yelled in rage, then twisted his trident and tore Orm's chest apart like a gutted fish. A spray of blood danced around Arthur as Orm flopped about for a brief moment then died. Prince Orm, second born of Queen Atlanna, and half brother of Arthur was slain.

The massive air bubble collapsed gradually and Arthur was swallowed once more by the ocean. A majority of the crowed cheered! Arthur had won the duel, and claimed the right to rule over Atlantis! Aberforth swam towards Arthur and raised his arm up like a boxing champion. The people stood in the stadium, even the high born stood begrudgingly. As Aberforth declared Arthur the winner horns sounded off and the entire fight was sent across the oceans, and seas to validate the fight. Arthur raised his hand up and the crowd fell silent after a few moments.

“Though we were enemies in life. Let our fight end in death, please return Orm to Atlantis to be buried with full honors and respect of a Prince of Atlantis. This is my first order!” Arthur called out.

Prince Orm's personal guard swam to their fallen prince, gathered him up and prepared to take him home with full honors. Over a dozen temple guard were sent a long with them to ensure nothing happened to the body. Soon after Than'Keth and the rest of the royal guard took a deep breath and released a sigh. Lash turned to look at the Priestess and could tell that the spell of ageless was removed. No, she wouldn't rapidly age and die. But her life would just continue as it did before. In a brief moment of happiness Than'Keth planted one on Vulko! The old man flailed for a moment in surprise, then pulled Than'Keth up into his arms.

“Come on! Lets go see Arthur!” Mera said as she pulled on Lash who agreed and followed her quickly. Though the royal guard were now free from their oath, they continued to play the role of honor guard. Though now they did it because they were thankful and not out of duty.

A Temple guard led them to a wide open chamber where Arthur sat in a massive chair, his head cradled in his hands. His shoulders bounced up and down as he sobbed openly in the room. Mera quickly moved to his side and hugged him. Arthur for all of his rough edges still had a good heart, despite all the horrible things that Orm had done. Arthur never wanted to kill his own little brother. Lash swam to Arthur's other side and placed his hand on the shoulder of the new king of Atlantis. But there was no rest for the wicked, especially a kin slayer. A knock sounded from the door, the temple guard said visitors from the different kingdoms were here to see him.

“Two minutes, please” Lash said to the guard, the guard looked to Arthur for confirmation. Arthur nodded but didn't say a word.

“I can make it go away for a little while. This feeling, but it will come back twice as worse. Or can you handle the situation?” Lash asked.

“Yes! Please god yes! Just make this go away for now!” Arthur said with tears in his eyes.

Lash used his skill/power Calm Emotions on Arthur, focus target to make it last longer. Then he cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, Nature's Kiss, and Immaculate to help clean him up. The tribal marks on Lash's scaled features glowed for a brief moment. Roots, and leaves for the Nature Domain, a combination of circuit board and nature for Synthesis. Arthur's inner storm settled to near placid waters, his breathing grew steady, and his posture straightened.

“Wow.... That is... Wow.” Arthur said, he wanted to be surprised but the Calm Emotions robbed him of it.

Mera looked at Arthur with concern, she made a motion with her hands to her mind to his. Lash re established the Temporary Pack Bond. Mera and Arthur had a quick conversation in their minds with out Lash. Lash could have stepped in but didn't. Arthur hugged Mera, who hugged him back. The temple guard opened the door to check and saw that Arthur was ready. He opened the door and an envoy from the Brine Kingdom, Fisherman Kingdom, King Nereus of Xebel, and Vulko with Than'Keth, along with a envoy from Atlantis and his body guard moved into the main chamber. Aberforth came in with a temple scribe to write the meeting for public consumption later.

Aberforth, I've placed a calm emotions technique on 'King' Arthur. Can you confirm my actions so not to make others confused. -Lash spoke to the God-Kin through a one way telepathic link. Mera and Arthur heard his words however.

Abeforth jumped a little in surprise, looked at Lash with wide eyes. He soon smiled and swam over to Arthur and placed his hands on his head. He closed his eyes, and sent a pulse through the new king. He smiled and nodded his head.

“I confirm that King Arthur is of sound mind, and body. We may proceed with out worry.” Aberforth said to the room, and specifically to the temple scribe.

“My King, this is Tokar head envoy for Atlantis, and his personal guard Netia. They are hear to pass you word to Atlantis. They are both capable and trust worthy.” Vulko said, who had retaken his position has Vizier though not officially.

Lash had met Tokar, and Netia way back at the Winter Court Solstice Ball. Tokar was a tall, athletic, zero body fat Atlantean, with long black hair that was braided. He wore a full fish scale wet suit with golden armor plates that protected his vitals. He glanced at Lash but made no move to say hello as he looked back at Arthur. Tokar was clearly nervous and a little cute as he seem to want to shield Netia from Arthur's view. Netia was a very attractive woman with shark like attributes, she had gray to blue ish skin tone. Pure black eyes, and shark like teeth. She was a warrior with armor plates across her body, and a spear on her back. Odd, she had a trident last time.

“This is the Brine Kingdom Envoy, Mi'Lok. Bit of a blunt instrument and he knows it.” Vulko said with a smile and a bow at the envoy.

Mi'Lok took no offense to Vulko's words. He laughed instead and bowed towards Arthur. Mi'Lok was a eight foot tall crustacean crab-man, with ten segmented legs, two giant pincers, and two tiny hands. His natural armor was impressive, but he store wore chain mail armor to help protect his visible spaces between his natural armor. He had no physical weapon on him but his own body. Lash could tell that Mi'Lok wouldn't lose out in a fight.

“This is Fisherman Kingdom Envoy, Retaw. Scholar, scientist, and all around poet! Her tongue is as sharp as her wit. But she always puts the needs of her people first.” Vulko bowed to her.

Retaw had light blue skin, she had no legs but a long mermaid fish like end. She wore a combination of armor and clothing across her whole body. She had larger then normal human eyes that were bright pink in color, half a dozen head fins simulated hair as they expanded and contracted a lot like a cat or dog ears would. Her tail wagged back and forth in clear excitement, she had four arms! Two dominant arms at the top, and two lesser about half the size of the upper. She was a spell caster to boot... Or in this case, fin!

“This is King Nereus, father of Princess Y'Mera. A valiant warrior, and benevolent king to his people.” Vulko saluted Nereus who nodded in return.

“Yes! A king who lies about his daughters sanity in order to manipulate his people. Very benevolent!” Mi'Lok said, his voice was a combination of words, and mandibles clicking together. Lash's Language Smith prompted him some experience just listening to it. Nereus glared at Mi'Lok but didn't say a word.

“Many of you know Princess Y'Mera of Xebel, who has chosen King Arthur as her future husband. We hope they'll receive her father's and peoples blessing in this royal union. But the specifics of that can be spoken of at a later time. This is Priestess Than'Keth last living Oracle of King Atlan, to which God-Kin Aberforth has confirmed.” Vulko said to everyone in the assembly. They all nodded in acceptance about the marriage of Mera, and Arthur. Even King Nereus didn't have a reason to refuse. All of them were greatly surprised at the mention of Than'Keth's history and looked at Aberforth who nodded.

“At last, this is the Oracle I spoke of that acted as both guide, and friend to his highness. Lash, and his partner Saurian. With out his assistance, and the aid of his chosen deity we would have never discovered the trident, nor found former queen Atlanna.” Vulko said with a smile and bowed towards Lash. Lash smiled and bowed in return.

“You mean, Warden Lash?” Envoy Tokar said, his voice was a little bitter.

“We all know that the Warden, and Fae Council gave him a pass. Because Or....Prince Orm wanted war on the surface world. By assisting King Arthur he helped stop a war! That is something Wardens are meant to do.” Envoy Retaw said with a smile towards Tokar.

“Alright! First off as my vizier has told me. As King of Atlantis I will not be enforcing my will onto the other kingdoms. Each kingdom will retain their right to self-govern. Secondly, as long as the people of Atlantis are visiting other nations they must abide by the same laws, rules, and customs of the nation they visit. That will be said for any other citizen from any other kingdom who visits us. No more will we treat our neighbors as second class citizens. The exact specifics we can discuss at length at a different time but I trust those two decisions are agreeable?” Arthur said in a very even, and indifferent tone of voice. So much so that it was surprising to hear from everyone.

“The Brine Kingdom finds these preliminary terms to be acceptable, and will support your reign King Arthur.” Mi'Lok said, his voice carried joy and he made no attempts to hide it.

“The Fisherman Kingdom finds these terms agreeable, and will support your reign King Arthur.” Retaw said, her face was nearly expressionless save for a small tug on her lips for a smile.

“The Xebel Kingdom agrees, and will support your reign. As well as the union between our Princess Y'Mera and yourself, King Arthur.” Nereus said begrudgingly, but did smile a little when Mera whispered the words 'Thank you' to him.

“I can tell you that many of the high born in Atlantis will not agree to these terms, your highness. But I will do my best to ensure that it is done.” Tokar said, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. Netia had a full smile on her face.

“King Arthur, what is your policy for the surface?” Aberforth asked, though he looked at Lash when he asked.

“Its time we stopped hiding, I request that we make our presence known to the surface world. That we join their United Nations and be recognized as a sovereign group of nations. Just as Themyscira has, in fact the Queen of the Amazons has already agreed to sponsor us.” Arthur said, a majority of the room became startled.

“And if they don't recognize us?” Nereus asked.

“Then we'll make them!” Arthur said.


Lois Lane sat at her office chair typing away on an article attempting to write a piece about the devastating 'natural' or unnatural attack that shocked the world. Nearly a billion people had died world wide from the massive tide of water that appeared seemingly out of no where. The Justice League had sprung into action and had obtained great PR as a response team. The League had grown with more members all with amazing abilities, talents, and skills. But a single question had been asked while the League worked day and night to help. Where was Agent Wraith? Many had expected him to be in Gotham City helping with the rescue and relief aid but he had been oddly absent. The UN had failed to give any concrete comment, stating only that he was on mission. Mission for what?

Lois leaned back in her chair, and rolled her neck. She reached up and fiddled with the necklace that Wraith had given her. A pulse of energy went through her whole body and all her tense muscles relaxed. She shivered in pleasure, and was afraid to admit that she was a little addicted to the sensation it gave off. Beep! Beep! Her computer sent a email notice towards her. Lois opened her file and jumped to her feet.

“PERRY! I need a camera crew, and a helicopter! We need to get to the United Nations building right now!” Lois shouted at the top of her lungs. Nearly every one in the office paused to look at her as Perry walked out of his office.

“What? Why?” Perry asked.

“Agent Wraith just sent me an email! He finished negotiating with Atlantis for a cease fire! They are headed to the United Nations to be recognized as a nation!” Lois said, as she grabbed her jacket.

“Atlantis? The city that sunk? Its a fucking myth!” Perry replied.

“Ten years ago you would have said Aliens were nothing but tabloid material!” Lois shot back. Perry opened his mouth, then closed it.... He groaned and went to his office, as he did he shouted.

“Camera crew three get your ass to the roof with Lane!” Perry shouted to the office. The whole floor jumped into action.

Lois closed her computer after she sent the email to her phone so she could re read the information. Several people swarmed her with questions but as a profession she kept the majority to her self with a smug smile on her face. She did snag Jimmy Olsen as he was currently a photographer and had worked with Lois for a while.

“So a cease fire? I didn't realize we were at war.” Jimmy said to Lois as they rode the elevator up to the roof access.

“Neither did I. But that explains why Wraith wasn't participating in the rescue operations, he was doing his best to ensure it didn't happen again.” Lois replied.


'Hello everyone from the ocean! We are headed to the United Nations with an Atlantean fleet. If Superman, and Wonder Woman could meet us there it would be great! Of course everyone else is invited too! -Aquaman.

'Who was responsible for the tidal wave?' -Batman

'Prince Orm, my half-brother. He's been executed. I've been fully recognized as King of Atlantis.' -Aquaman.

'Is Wraith with you?' Wonder Woman.

'Yes! He is communicating with his contacts at the UN. This is going to be incredibly messy, but the sooner it happens the better.' -Aquaman.

'I'm heading over now!' -Superman.

'I'll be arriving with an Amazonian Guard' -Wonder Woman.

[Private message] 'Wraith....Are you ok?' -Cat Woman.

[Private message] 'Tired, but alive.' -Wraith.


“We are live in five!...four....three....” The camera man said and finished with his hands as he pointed at Lois Lane.

“Hello everyone, I am Lois Lane with the Daily Planet. We come to you live with a broad cast near the United Nations. We are above the water in hopes of capturing the envoy fleet of the Atlantean people. No, you didn't hear me wrong. Atlantis has sent a messenger to the United Nations in order to discuss the recognition of their nation... Wait a minute... There is something happening!” Lois said as the helicopter flew over the water.

The water near the United Nations churned, bubbled, and sent waves across the pier. A massive ship that looked like a combination of a hammer head shark at the front, and squid at the end rose from the water. As if on cue several fighter jets from the near by military base flew over head and an emergency broad cast went through to clear the immediate area unless you were part of the press. Though the press had to move to a respectable distance. The helicopter pilot began to move a safe distance away but the camera man focused on to the bow of the ship.

There on the deck a lot of people in full combat armor suits that you would see in a science fiction film. In the middle of the 'guards' stood a man with a wild mane of hair, a thick beard, and golden armor. He held a a trident in his hands. The man looked around and turned to look at a thing that looked like it was made out of smoke.

“We have un clear visual of Agent Wraith with the United Nations World Security on the bow of the ship that has risen up from the waters.” Lois said over her microphone as she looked down at the Atlantean ship.

A sonic boom sounded across the skies as a blur of red and blue flew onto the scene. Superman came into view above the ship and slowly landed. The soldiers in sci fi gear took aim but didn't fire. Superman landed on the bow of the ship and said a few things to the man in golden armor. However, Superman moved to the person made from smoke and hugged him. This lead many to believe that this person of smoke was Agent Wraith. Superman and he had a history together.

Then like a flock of birds dozens of pegasi showed up, they carried the Amazon Warrior woman. At the front of them was Wonder Woman in her warrior garb. She landed on the brow of the ship as her guards flew around in a circle. Two of the Justice League's heavy hitters had showed up to 'Welcome' the people of Atlantis. What could it all mean?


Lash wore his disguise of Agent Wraith and sat in a seat off to the side of the rushed United Nations conference. He was in the process of rubbing his head in annoyance as the politicians of the mundane world accused, cursed, and demanded why they should support a nation that attacked them unprovoked! Thankfully Arthur had Mera, and Vulko next to him as they showed images of the mundane world poisoning their water, dumping toxic waste, and killing their people. Despite what the public thought, a lot of governments actually knew about Atlantis. Vulko made a point to name every country that had slaughtered, destroyed, caught and dissected their kin to the camera's on live. Thanks to Lash's Technomancy Domain they were able to obtain on site camera's, photo's, and voice admission to actions. Several people sent acid glares at 'Wraith'. They all knew how Atlantis got that information.

In truth the War between the surface and the water had been waged for centuries. Just most of the public didn't know about it. Fuck! Lash didn't know most of it! He was appalled when he found the information, and asked the Warden council for advice. Now a question was being asked, was Atlantis justified in their actions? Prince Orm the man who ordered the attack was dead, killed by King Arthur's own hand. Arthur came to apologize, but made it very clear that Atlantis was not to be fucked with! The envoy from Themyscira supported Atlantis in joining the UN, as did several other countries.

“The people of the United Nations would like to call to the stand, Agent Wraith please.” An official called. Lash rolled his eyes, stood up and went to the podium. He passed Arthur who clearly wanted to kill a few people with how is eyes were filled with rage.

“Please state your name for the record.” The official called.

“Agent Wraith, United Nations World Security.” Lash replied, his reptilian voice making a few people jump like it always did.

“Agent Wraith, thank you for coming today. I have a few questions that I am sure that the public would like to know. First, I don't see any record for an order for you to go and visit the Atlanteans to speak of a cease fire. Are we to believe that you did this with out orders?” A security councilor asked.

“There are a great many things that every government does off the books. Would you like to see the videos of Atlantean people being dissected again? Of course my orders are not on record. Two years ago very few of you even knew I existed. Now, are you going to ask me a question that actually matters, or are you just going to continue to waste everyone's time because you want good press for a witch hunt!” Lash barked out at the security councilor. The man was in his fifties, had gray hair, and was purple with rage at being called out.

“You will show proper respect for this courts authority and answer our questions with full transparency!” The councilor shouted.

“Full transparency! Tell me councilor did you give full transparency when you lied to your wife about not having an affair with your wife's sister! Then asked the United Nations internal affairs to cover up any evidence of it happening? News flash! They missed a few things!” Lash shouted back down at him, and produced several images of him having sex with his wife's sister.

This continued for another hour as every up start politician, and councilor that wanted their fifteen minutes in the camera to be shut down as a lot of their dirty laundry was revealed. All of which they attempted to hide by using either their government or the United Nations security to hide it for them. Tax payers money at work! At last a very nervous and scared council man came to the stand, he didn't say a word as Lash inspected him.

“At last! Someone who isn't a horrible human being! Please ask your questions.” Lash said to the council man. Who looked incredibly relieved as he took deep breath. He collected his notes and looked towards Lash.

“Agent Wraith, I'm Agent Calico, yes like the cat. I'm with the NSA.” Agent Calico said, he paused for a bit but only Lash chuckled, but Calico took it as a win. Agent Calico was a 5'9” man with blue eyes, and brown hair cut short. Calico's suit, look, and posture just screamed government agent.

“Can you give us a brief description or reason why there is no mention of your mission?” Calico asked.

“Because there wasn't one. Some of you may recognize this man, King Arthur as Aquaman. Yes the Justice League team member. Arthur is the first born son of Queen Atlanna, and true heir to the throne. I offered my time, and experience to help Arthur gain control of his birthright in the hope we could prevent a full and public war. Why did I do this with out orders? Because I was trying to save lives. Many will argue that I have failed, in a rather spectacular fashion! But please understand this, the Tidal Wave that destroyed so much? That wasn't a one time event. They are more than capable of doing it again.” Lash replied, this time with more or less the truth. Agent Calico, and the rest of the UN officials shouted in surprise and a bit of fear.

“Agent Wraith, can you assure the people of the United Nations. That you did everything possible to prevent the attack with in your power?” Agent Calico asked.

“No... I can reasonably say I didn't.” Lash replied, his response surprised a lot of people.

“Can you elaborate?” Agent Calico asked.

“I could have obtained a bomb and sneaked into Atlantis and set it off! It would have killed the former Prince Orm, along with millions of innocent people. Of course that could have resulted in another massive attack. I could have sneaked into Atlantis and attempted to assassinate Prince Orm. I am fairly certain I would have succeeded though I wouldn't have lived long enough to escape. But, these are all 'what ifs' Agent Calico. Did I try to minimize the loss of life? Yes. Could I have done more? Yes. I did what I felt was right, with in my morality. That may not be enough for some people. But it is what it is.” Lash replied. Agent Calico looked conflicted, a lot of the politicians and councilors that had been destroyed by Lash looked at him like he was a big juicy steak.

Lash, if they kick you out of the UN. You are more then welcome on my royal board of advisors. -Arthur said across their link.

“Thank you Agent Wraith. You are excused to your seat, please stay if we have any further questions.” Agent Calico replied, he looked as if he had chewed on something nasty. Lash nodded and walked back to his chair and sat down.

Lash didn't need to check the internet to know that Agent Wraith's opinion pole was in the negative. All his good press that he obtained over his time in the public eye evaporated. The United Nations would look for some one to blame, and he looked like the winner. The public stance on Atlantis joining the United Nations was to be decided at a later time. The unofficial stance was that yes, they would be accepted. Though they had several nations willing to sponsor them, it was mostly out of fear that Atlantis would cause another tidal wave of mass destruction. When the emergency conference was closed for the day. Several security officers came to arrest Agent Wraith. Which of course didn't work because he simply cast invisibility and faded from sight.

There was a soft warrant for Agent Wraith's arrest. The record stated they wanted him for further questioning but anyone with an eye knew that was complete bullshit. They asked for Superman to help them track Wraith down. The boy scout gave them a glare and flew off, Wonder Woman wouldn't even let them talk to her. Twenty four hours later they made Wraiths arrest public, and asked that he turn himself in immediately. The Starling City Mayor in a surprising action made a counter argument. 'If you don't want Wraith, the citizens of Starling will take him with open arms!'

On the balcony of Lash's home a tree expanded, and its trunk pulled open to create a hole just large enough for someone to crawl out of. Lash flopped onto the stone tiles of his balcony garden with a sigh as the tree closed behind him. The gargoyles turned to look at him, then went back to their guardianship. Several Griaks came over and said hello to him. He talked back for a few minutes then to his surprise his balcony door opened.

“Welcome home Lash.” Lizzy said, as she walked out and looked down at him. Lizzy's red hair was tied back in a pony tail. She had a t-shirt on that was a little big for her so it exposed one of her shoulders. She had khaki pants on and no shoes. Her seductive figure was visibly seen even with her baggy top.

“Hi Lizzy” Lash said as he looked up at her. She offered him her hand and he accepted. He was pulled up to his feet and Lizzy hugged him. He wrapped his arms around her, and she nuzzled into his embrace.

“Missed you...” Lizzy said softly.

“Miss you too. Isabella here?” Lash looked towards his home.

“Yes! Come on!” Lizzy stepped out of his arms, and pulled him inside.

Isabella was inside the kitchen cooking. She ran over to Lash and hugged him as well. She wore red t-shirt that hugged her figure, and exposed her abdomen. She had a pair of skinny jeans on her legs, and her toe nails had been painted pink. Lash hugged her in return, and was soon joined by Lizzy. He hugged them both for a bit but had to let them go or what ever Isabella was cooking would burn. Lash took a seat at the dinning room table and noticed there were boxes all over the house.

“Your home flooded?” Lash asked.

“More like the tidal wave crashed into the whole building and washed everything down to the lobby. Thanks to the spell wards on the house a majority of our things didn't get tossed out. But we needed a place to stay. I knew you wouldn't mind so we came here.” Lizzy replied as she pulled up a seat next to Lash, leaned in and hugged him.

“Mom, Dad, siblings?” Lash asked, Lizzy understood he meant her family... Well their family.

“They are OK! No deaths or injuries, a lot of ruined furniture and appliances.” Lizzy replied.

“Isabella, your House?” Lash asked. Isabella looked out from the kitchen with a smile.

“No fatalities, any and all injuries healed with in a day at the most. Blood-Kindred vitality for you!” Isabella winked and went back to the kitchen.

Isabella soon served dinner and they ate in comfortable silence. Isabella, and Lizzy could tell that Lash was exhausted, or more to say just worn out. If he needed to he could be awake for another week, but he looked frayed around the edges. After dinner they left the dishes on the table, and curled up on a coach in the living room. Lash sat in the middle while Lizzy, and Isabella took either side of him. They wrapped their arms around him, and he turn did the same. Family, Home. Good stuff.


Amanda Waller watched from a viewing glass down into the training room, as ARGUS personal trained the criminal meta-humans, and future agents of ARGUS. Only some of them would have explosives planted in their necks, many of the meta-humans found the structure of the military to their liking. Flexible, and programmable super soldiers, Waller allowed herself to smile just a little.

Waller went back to her desk, and pulled up her chair. She had kept her self busy and maintained her physical training like any good agent should. Lead by example her instructor use to say, don't ever tell your people to do something you wont do. Though her instructor may something different now, since some of her people could throw fire from their bare hands. Waller smoothed her suit jacket out, and straightened her suit pants. Waller absently ran her ringers along the necklace around her neck, then berated herself for not stopping the habit. She had to admit the necklace was one of her prize possessions, she didn't have many of those. Rinnnnng....Rinnnnggg her phone chimed at her.

“What?” Waller spoke into her phone.

“Director, Washington is on the other line.” Her assistant said.

“Put them through.” Waller replied.

“Amanda! How are you?” The other line said, the voice echoed a bit. They were on speaker phone.

“Cut the shit, Tom. I'm working what do you want?” Waller replied in cold tone.

“Have you seen him?” 'Tom' asked, as everyone else in the room on the other line stayed quiet.

“Seen who, Tom?” Waller asked, but a smile tugged on her lips. Though Waller would never admit it.

“Wraith, Waller. Have you seen him? You are oblig...” Tom started but was cut off.

“I'm not obligated to do shit, Tom! I don't give a fuck if Wraith embarrassed the men that bribe you and send ten thousand dollar whores to your home. They got exactly what they deserved! On a personal note, Tom! I hope they string you up! Because God knows we need Wraith more than we need a pathetic piece of shit like you, and the corrupt, rotten men that are also in the room with you. Now....Do you have anything of actual relevance to my job? Or did you just call to waste my time?” Waller's cold voice went through the line. On the other line was ragged, and rage filled breathing.

“That is what I thought. Don't fucking call me again, Tom! Because any one worth a damn already knows that they plan to release Wraith of all charges.” Waller hung up the phone, then called her assistant.

“If chief of staff Tom calls again, tell him to fuck off.” Waller said into her line.

“Yes, Director.” Her assistant replied.

Waller leaned back in her chair, and fiddled with her necklace. A small smile spread across her face. After a few moments her eyes regained their focus, she tucked the necklace back under her shirt. She cleaned her expression back to cold indifference, and went back to work. She told her self once again to stop playing with the necklace Wraith gave her. She told her self to take it off, but in the end she never did. She knew Wraith would be fine! Even if the public hated him, he would always have a place in Black Ops, always!


“Are you sure we are allowed to just show up?” Lizzy asked for the third time, as they drove in a rental towards Wayne Manor.

“We aren't just showing up, Lizzy. I called ahead and spoke to Miss Kyle, Mr Wayne's fiancee. She needs my input on the wedding that they are planning.” Lash replied, with a smirk.

Lizzy had met the Queen of the Amazons Hippolyta. Met Wonder Woman, Princess Diana of Themyscira. She had met Isabella's House master Edwardro. She had fought, and trained with the Wardens of Gotham City. But through it all! She was still incredibly nervous to be going to Bruce Wayne's manor. Isabella kept giggling at her wife, and failed to hide it when ever Lizzy glared at her.

Lash pulled up to the front gate and entered the security code that they were given. The gate opened up, though a quick scan of their car had been made. Lizzy was still fidgeting, but was slowly calming down as Isabella hugged her and whispered into her ear. Then Lizzy started to blush and fidget for a different reason. They were both in the back seat as Lash drove in the front. They had rented a luxury Mercedes, with several magical bells and whistles from a super-natural branded rental business. Lash rolled up the drive way, parked, and turned off the car. Like a gentleman he helped his two female companions out of the car.

Lizzy wore a red silk top with sleeves, and a criss cross pattern of thread along her back. She had a red silk skirt that went to her ankles, and a slit up her left to her knee. The top and skirt were not together which allowed you to see a bit of tanned skin when ever Lizzy turned, or raised her arms. She wore a pair if naked toe high heels. Her long fiery curly hair was swept back to fall down her back while her bangs were pinned up out of her eyes but would frame her face.

Isabella a formal business jacket, suit pants, vest, but no shirt! The vest that hugged her figure, and emphasized her breasts. Which bounced with every step! Her hair brownish to black hair was tied back and pulled into a bun. She had a silver chain necklace wrapped around her neck that trailed down into her exposed cleavage. Her dark creamy skin highlighted the silver nicely. She wore a pair of nice leather dress shoes that finished the sexy business look.

Lash wore a three piece business suit very similar to Isabella's only he had a shirt on. It was black, on black, with a red tie. He did where smooth finished black leather boots. Since he was seeing friends he didn't cast an illusion or glamour on himself. So he was 6'4”, with a bald head, and tribal marks on his head were exposed. His eyes were yellow green, with a hint of reptilian pupils. Along his jaw line some would see the faint trace of scales. This was a common feature for Were-Breeds that spend to much time in their hybrid, and full forms.

“Lash!” A young mans voice called. The group of three turned to see Richard Grayson walking over. Grayson had designer buttoned blue shirt on, folded up sleeves to his elbows. A golden chain around his neck, with black pants, and black shoes.

“Mr. Grayson! Pleasure to see you again!” Lash called out, Richard looked like he was in pain when he heard Lash say his name.

“Just Richard, or Dick. You don't have to say that.” Dick asked. Lash grimaced at saying the name Dick over and over.

Lash introduced his Sister Lizzy, and Isabella to him. Dick had not met them yet. They were polite and friendly to each other. Dick was rather attractive for a young man, and Lizzy along with Isabella noticed. Dick noticed they noticed and grinned. He winked at the woman and led them towards the back gardens where Selina was talking to the wedding designer.

Selina was trying to properly illustrate to the wedding designer what she wanted. But it was clear that though they both spoke english, they were speaking different languages. Selina wore skin tight leather pants, a black t-shirt that was a little big for her, and no sleeves. Something she wore for comfort, and a bit of sex appeal! Her black hair was still cut short in a pixie fashion, but around her neck was the golden Goddess Bast necklace that Lash had made for her. Lash reached out and connected them through the Pack Bond. Selina shivered and quickly turned around mid sentence with the wedding designer and raced over to jump on and hug Lash.

“You came! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” Selina shouted in joy, and kicked her feet up and down as Lash held her up. Lash looked over at the wedding designer and was happy to see past their glamour.

The wedding designer was a female devil-kin with pink to red skin, a long leathery tail, and medium sized wings on her back. Technically speaking they were not large enough to fly in, unless she had a feather weight spell, or something like it. She had raven black hair, and pink eyes. She had a black silk blouse on, with black suit pants. She looked stressed, and a little frazzled from her clear confusion of Selina's wishes. The devil-kin smiled and waved at Lash who nodded in return.

“Lash! This is Feltia, my wedding designer. Do I need to explain the difference between a wedding planner and a designer?” Selina asked, Lash shook his head with a knowing look. “Wonderful! Thank you! It took me an hour to get Bruce to understand!” Selina shouted in glee!

“We can't come to some sort of understanding to what I want. I think we are about to kill each other!” Selina said, and Feltia agreed.

“Close your eyes, Selina and concentrate on what you want your wedding to look like.” Lash asked, he gently placed his hand on the top of Selina's head who may have lightly purred at the touch. But wiggled her nose and concentrated on the question.

Lash reached into his Illusion Domain, and cast Phantasm, combined with his Trickery Domain Bending. Which gave the illusion a bit of substance. Bending helped a lot of his spells more effectively, being able to bend reality was a useful trick. Selina's wedding was planned for two weeks after Halloween. Many would argue that Halloween is a great time for a wedding. But Batman would be incredibly busy on that day. Despite the two week difference, Selina went for fall harvest, with a bit of scary style shaped in.

Little by little the entire Wayne Manor gardens were transformed into a wide array of colors for the fall harvest. An explosion of yellow, orange, red, purple, and brown. Selina wanted an entire forest filled with red leaves, that also covered the ground in a single layer of leaves. Each section of the garden from where they would be married. To the Wedding Ceremony, to the reception, to the dance area, to the casual and conversation area. Each section had a different set of trees, and colors to go with it. She wanted carved statues of warriors in granite, marble, obsidian, gold, and silver. Each warrior hailed from a different culture. While a specific area of the gardens had a altar to the Goddess Bast, surrounded by temple guard statues. Once the Phantasm was in place Selina opened her eyes and looked around in child like wonder.

“That! This is what I want!” Selina shouted, and jumped into the air. Feltia looked around and hung her head.

“At least I understand why we didn't understand one another. There is no mundane way to design this wedding. I was to hung up on the idea that you wanted a normal human wedding. Apologies Miss Kyle. Yes...We can do this.” Feltia said, a smile tugging on her lips.

“How long can you hold the illusion, Warden Lash?” Feltia asked.

“As long as I stay in range, and don't need to do anything else. Several days at least.” Lash said honestly. Feltia must had thought he was joking because she laughed...Then realized he wasn't.

“Oh! Th...That's great! Lets get a recording stone, and camera's set up and we'll go through each area. Measure it, and get an exact depth and scope!” Feltia said, and called to her team mates who rushed over to help with the set up. Lizzy walked up and whispered into Lash's ear.

“I think she just realized that you could technically do the whole wedding yourself.” Lizzy said with a smirk.

“Maybe...” Lash said with a smile.

Selina, Feltia, Lizzy, Isabella, Dick, and Lash walked through the illusion. Feltia's team took measurements, and were astonished to realize that the illusion had substance! Of course if they pushed or pulled enough the illusion would fade and snap back into place. But it was incredibly life like! They went to each section and came up with a near perfect idea. Selina wanted the entire garden renovated! She wanted the tree's planted, and alive as best as possible! She wanted a magical wedding! By Bruce's massive checking account! She would have it! Lash offered to carve and create the statue warriors for Selina because she didn't want fakes she wanted actual statues. It would be good to work with his Material Shaping again.

Lizzy, and Isabella got along incredibly well with Selina. They started to gossip and giggle, several times they stared at Lash and exchanged secrets. Feltia stood near by and over heard a few things, more then once she looked at Lash with surprise and her face flushed with a purple color in her cheeks. Dick eventually grew bored and came to talk to Lash about his adventures. He figured since the wedding people were all super-naturals Lash could talk at least a little bit about his time as Wraith.

“So why is it called a sharc?” Dick asked.

“Submarine, helicopter, airplane, recreational, camper. SHARC. Though it does have a lot of weapons on it. I didn't know how to add gun-ship to it.” Lash replied.

“Hmmm, where is it now?” Dick asked.

“I took it apart, but saved the design. I don't exactly have a warehouse...or a giant cave to store all my machines.” Lash said with a smile, Dick coughed a bit in surprise then laughed at him.

“Miss Kyle!.....Miss Kyle where are you!?” A older mans voice called out. Selina turned around with a smile and shouted.

“Over here Alfred! About five hundred feet into the garden area. Look for the purple leaves!” Selina replied. After a few minutes the legendary Alfred Pennyworth appeared, despite the clearly magical garden he kept his face expressionless and professional.

“Mr Lash! Hello, thank you for accepting Miss Kyle's invitation. I see you've been a great help in the design of the wedding.” Alfred came to a stop about ten feet from the group, he bowed from his waist a near perfect forty five degree angle.

Lash stepped towards Alfred and was with in arms reach in a single blink. The movement surprised Dick, and Alfred greatly. He was just suddenly there in front of Alfred. Lash reached out with his right hand and gently pat Alfred on his shoulder. Lash cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, Nature's Kiss, Soul Heal, Panacea, and Restore Youth on him. The tribal marks on Lash's head glowed as the magic worked through Alfred. By the end of it Alfred looked ten years younger, well he technically was! Color had returned to his graying hair, wrinkles smoothed out, and he had renewed muscle tone in his body.

“M...s....Wha....What did you do?” Alfred asked.

“Just gave a little bit back. You deserve it, Alfred. Every thing you do for this family.” Lash replied.

“Warden Lash! I think we are finished you can bring the illusion down now!” Feltia shouted through the trees. With a thought, and a glow of his tribal mark for Illusion Domain the entire harvest forest for the wedding faded from sight.

“Alfred! Wow, you look amazing!” Selina called as she walked over.

“You are practically....Glowing.... Interesting.” Selina said, and turned to look at Lash with a critical eye. Lash just grinned back at her, as Alfred coughed and straightened his tie out.

“Master Wayne will be returning soon and requested the presence of Mr Lash, and guests for dinner.” Alfred asked.

“Of course they will stay for dinner!” Selina said, rebuking no argument from Lizzy, Isabella, and Lash.

Feltia and her people left for the day, and Alfred saw everyone inside the manor. Then began a duel of wit, and intrigue between Alfred and Lash. As they decided who would cook the dinner! Alfred was very talented and knew it. But Lash had other more creative means to cook a dinner. Eventually Selina came to the rescue and much to the frustration of Alfred he was pulled out of the kitchen and was 'ordered' by Selina to join the rest of them in the drawing room. Bruce may be the Lord of the Manor, but Selina was it's Lady. In many ways was the highest authority.

Bruce soon arrived at Wayne Manor and parked his very expensive car in the underground garage. Waiting for him at the door was Selina with a smile and a kiss. But Bruce noticed Alfred looked different, also a little annoyed? Normally Alfred would be in the kitchen preparing dinner so the confusion was clear on Bruce's face. Selina shushed Alfred and dragged Bruce towards the dinning room. Bruce was 6'2” and built of solid muscle, he had broad shoulders with a slim waist, and his tailored made suit always showed off his clear muscled form. When he entered the dinning room he saw Lizzy, and Isabella. The former clearly nervous as she tried to not show it and failed. Dick waved at Bruce, and that is when Bruce realized that Lash was missing. He looked at Alfred in question then he smelled dinner.

“Where is Lash?” Bruce asked, hesitation clear in his voice.

“Here!” Lash called from the hall way, and the dinning room doors opened.

“Oh my word!” Alfred said in shock!

As three Saurus Warriors pushed trolleys of prepared dishes into the room. Lash followed behind with his own trolley of food. One by one large plates of fine silver ware were placed on the main dinning room table of Wayne Manor. The vaulted ceilings had several crystal glass chandeliers, massive stained glass windows let the still dying light of sunset fill the room. The cherry wood finish on the walls gave a sense of warmth. Lash motioned for everyone to sit as the Saurus Warriors stood off to the side ready to be of service. With a overly dramatic flourish the plates were revealed.

“I didn't know what everyone wanted to. So I went with breakfast, lunch, and dinner. With a variety of cultures. Oh and of course desserts!” Lash said with a smile. Alfred had to admit that it was amazing.

“How did you cook all of this in less then two hours?” Dick asked.

“Oh I didn't! I just fabricated it. This is all made from magical energy!” Lash said. Alfred looked like he had been slapped.

“Th...T...That's cheating!” Alfred said in shock.

“I know, but its really easy to clean up! Zero dishes!” Lash said with a smile.

“Let's eat...” Bruce said with a sigh and sat down.

“Oh! Lash I wanted to ask you a question.” Selina looked over before she dug in, Lash looked at her.

“Will you give me away at the wedding?” Selina asked.

“What?....” Lash said, he froze in place.

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