
Over a dozen figures sat in a fully furnished room but dark room, with cherry wood furniture, red velvet seats, silk curtains that blocked the outside light. A large black oak table in the middle was large enough to accommodate everyone in the room. Most of the figures were men wearing expensive tailored made suits, while the few women wore the same expensive taste. With in the dark room a majority of the peoples faces could not be seen save for the glow of their social media devices. The men and women were on their phones, and laptops then one of them slammed their fist to the table.

“Damn it! Are you telling me that with the entire UN at our beck and call we have no idea where that freak is!?” An older man practically screamed, his saliva splattering across the table.

“More than likely he is in Gotham, but we have no idea where. We already know he can take on a human disguise. But if we are being honest, a majority of the UN doesn't want him found.” A woman with a cold, hard voice responded as she sat back in her seat.

“What do you mean the the UN doesn't want him found? We need him to answer for his crimes!” Another older man said.

“No, you want him to answer for revealing all your secrets. That is what you want him to answer for.” The previous woman spoke again.

“You are missing the point. Alien code named: Wraith. Has more power then you give him credit. Yes, America has the man of steel. But Superman has made it very clear he will not follow our orders. Wraith may be a wild card, but if we ask him to do something he will do it. Also, unlike the Superman, Wraith has actively given us advanced technology. So, tell me Senator. Who is worth more? You, or an Alien willing to help us?” Another woman spoke from across the table.

“What are you saying?” The original man spoke, his voice on edge.

“I'm saying...Tom. That the choice has already been made.” The woman spoke with a voice of smug satisfaction. As the doors of the private meeting opened.

“What!? How dare you enter this room with...What are you doing!? Get your hands off of me!” The second gentleman spoke, as agents of the UNWS came in and hand cuffed several of the men, and one woman.

“Kali! You bitch! What did you do!?” Chief of Staff, Tom Reynolds screamed at a woman with long sleek black hair, dark caramel skin, and red eyes.

“Just helping a friend. Goodbye Tom.” Lady Kali Aamod Blood-Kindred House Master said with a smile as she watched the room empty of the mundanes.

Now the room held three men, and two women. All of which had red glows to their eyes that were not there before while the mundanes were present. Kali crossed her legs and held out a hand, with a single breath a glass appeared and liquor was poured by a shadow that was not there before. The shadow merged into the ground once it was finished. Kali licked her lips and drank her bourbon with a smile.

“We'll do a press release tomorrow morning confirming that Agent Wraith had been set up by the accused. We'll have him re instated before the moon rises that following night.” Said one of the Blood-Kindred men. He spoke softly but clearly with his head bowed towards Kali.

“Several leaders of the UN still want to meet with Agent Wraith in the future to discuss possible technology advances. We already have several plans, designs, and trinkets for him to hand to the mundanes.” One of the women spoke, once more their head bowed towards Kali.

“Excellent... Ensure that you increase his overall rank. I don't want any more of this pathetic trash hindering... My friend from doing his job. Understood?” Kali said, her eyes took on a fierce glare. The others backs went ram rod straight.

“YES OF COURSE!” They all said together, then bowed their heads in reverence.


After Selina dropped the bomb about giving her away at her wedding. Lash of course agreed, they talked and ate for several more hours before they left for the evening. Lash drove home with Lizzy, and Isabella half asleep in the back. Unlike the other cars that the super-natural world had access Lash did not have a city traffic rune. So he had to drive, stop, drive, and work his way through Gotham traffic. He may have turned a few lights green with his Technomancy but mostly just drove home.

Gotham was coming along after the siege, and the tidal wave. But a lot of the city would never truly recover. The Narrows had been erased from the map, Arkham oddly survived the tidal wave since it was built from the ground up from the old days. That isn't to say a lot of people still drown in the old place. Lash learned that Aaron Cash was still alive, he was now the head guard of Arkham. Though Cash was well trained, he mostly got the promotion because everyone ahead of him died in the tidal wave. Lash would have to send him a congratulations gift later.

Croc's town was in piece, given that everyone in that town knew how to swim. A long with the were-crocodile pack. Lash really wanted to go visit and help update the town. But he felt that it would be a while before he would be able to go. He knew that Kara Zor-El had reached earth. Lash had the feeling that Clark was going to ask him for help.

Lash drove the rental into the underground garage in his home building. He half carried each of his ladies in each arm like a father would his children. It looked comical but with his strength he pulled it off. Lizzy, and Isabella both buried their faces into his neck and breathed him in, holding on to his shoulders to keep their balance. Lash used his spell domains to secure his rental, then the elevators to the upstairs floor where he lived. A tendril of smoke extended from him and opened his door as he walked in with his two companions. As he went to the guest bedroom he slowly set them both down, where Isabella gave a small cheer for his skills then wrapped her arms around her wife and went to sleep.

“Goodnight you two.” Lash said softly and closed the door to the guest bedroom.

Where did Lash get a guest bedroom? He made one! Lizzy, and Isabella had been sleeping in his room while he was gone. Though as a man he was tempted to share the giant bed with them both. Saurian wisely told him 'no'. It was clear that Lash could have that kind of relationship with them both. But something about it didn't feel right. Maybe one day it would be different. Lash took off his suit and pulled on some casual cotton pants and t-shirt. Then he did something he hadn't done in a while he went to his studio and practiced.

Lash used his Transmuter title effect for the day and did something he wasn't sure about. He made a ten pound purified, and refined Tiberium ingot. It glowed green, and gave off a pulse of energy that wasn't in the room when he first made it. Unlike the raw version, this ingot wouldn't grow, and destroy the planet. Lash stared at the ingot for several minutes wondering what he could use it for. His memories from his past life knew that the ingot could be used in a plethora of metals, he also knew it could be used as an energy source that burned clean. But it had another purpose that most didn't know, it could help encourage, and speed up psionic abilities and powers. He also found out that the ingot wouldn't fit in his Storage ability since it was not classified as 'currency'.

Congratulations User! You've completed a grand quest issued by your Cosmic Deity!

Objective: Help or Defeat Prince Orm.

Objective: Help or Defeat Prince Arthur Curry. [+]

Reward: Store coupon, and ten dream points!

Reminder: Gotham City Villains and Heroes.

Reminder: Find a suitable host for the spark of Loki.

“Thank you, My brightest star. May I please see the store catalog?” Lash asked softly, as his necklace became animated and the mystic dragon flew around around him before licking his cheek.

“Of course Master!” The mystic dragon chirped at him.

The walls of the room became transparent for a brief moment, as a start came from the heavens and formed into a book. Star dust trailed behind the book as it passed through the ceiling the walls became solid once more. Lash took the book from the air and nearly collapsed as the book weighed more than he thought. He saw Dawn the dragon giggle at him. He rolled his eyes at her antics and took the book over to his work desk.

“Alright, take me to my favorites I wanted to buy something last time.” Lash asked, the book flipped on its own and he found his request. He spent two DP and purchased the Spell Domain Trainer skill.

Congratulations User! You've earned the Achievement: 'I am your Master!'

Title: Class Trainer.

Active Effect: You gain 25% experience from those you teach as they use the skills, powers, and or spells you teach them. This effect lasts for twenty four hours after you have taught them. (Title Consolidation active)

Passive Effect: The people you teach have a 25% experience boost for twenty four hours. Has a forty eight hour cool down, per person.

“Alright let us see how many points I have. You would think I would check that before I start to.... Oh! I have forty eight points left! Wow!” Lash was astonished.

“Remember Master. The more you effect, and change the world. The more points you get. Helping Arthur become king, and getting Atlantis to join the UN changed the world greatly!” Dawn chirped at him as she flew over to the Tiberium ingot and proceeded to lick it a few times.

Lash flipped through the book and looked for store time. He found out that it would cost him five DP for each reduction of time for the store. But unlike before as it went from twenty four hours to twelve hours. It would now only be reduced by two hours. So twelve to ten if he spent five DP. However, he read the comments from other Users. You could spend enough points until the store was just always open to you. Lash did some quick math. So lash spent thirty DP and made the store available to him at all times!

Congratulations User! You've obtained the Achievement: '24/7'

Effect: Every twenty four hours in the real you obtain seven DP passively.

“That is pretty good! Should be helpful when I start working again, or if I ever die and need to restart my Dream. Wait, Dawn you can buy your Achievement effects with World Points, right? You said that before?” Lash asked, he was worried for a moment.

“Yes, Master! Any Achievement effect you've earned can be purchased with World Points if you ever restart your Dream. Though I would encourage you to continue to play this life as long as you can. You are still part of the original five hundred. Though the number is now three hundred and fifty five.” Dawn the dragon replied. She had curled up on top of the Tiberium ingot.

“You've also reached 60% conversion saturation, Master. Sorry no! I can't tell you what it means until you reach 100%.” Dawn said quickly before Lash could question it.

Lash grumbled and looked through the catalog, he still had eighteen points to spend. He remembered there was an item store now. While he flipped towards that he stumbled across something interesting! He looked it over and found out he could now use DP to upgrade his skills, abilities, traits, spells, etc! There had always been things that you could only get through the store, or story specific events! But now he could upgrade them?

“Dawn, it says here that I can spend DP on my already existing abilities, this is new yes?” Lash asked as he reached out to pet the dragon. Dawn wrapped around his hand like a snake and purred softly.

“Yes Master! However depending on what ability it is will determine how much DP is needed.” Dawn said as she began to playfully gnaw on his hand.

“Let us go to orbital habitats please!” Lash requested the book, it flipped towards the item store.

There Lash found dozens of satellites, space stations that you would see in modern times, to science fiction habitats with artificial gravity, green house, and one habitat so large it could support a city. Lash put a criteria into the search engine. He wanted something that could be upgraded over time, also placed his existing abilities into the search. This would help him save points, and it would also point him to abilities that would help him built one in case he didn't have them. After a few minutes of searching, Lash found a unique spell/racial trait that would come with his long lost Domain, Synthesis. He purchased the expensive racial trait for ten DP so he had eight left.

Congratulations User! You've obtained the Synthesis Domain Spell/Trait: Re:Implant.

Effects: Create, replace, or rebuild organic or machine parts with a synthetic piece.

Comment: What is the difference between a heart, and an engine? With this spell, not much!

Then something happened that Lash was not expecting. PAIN! He convulsed and collapsed on the floor of his art shop room. Dawn squeaked in surprise and flew over him in agitation as he tried to not scream. He felt his entire body was on fire, while tiny little insects crawled through his whole body, devouring his bones, muscles, even his brain! The store book burst into star light and faded from view. Dawn wanted to fly off to get Lizzy but Lash said no, in between groans and screams. He continued to convulse as he heard Saurian scream across the link they shared. Lash/ Saurian's mind, body, and soul were under the effect of this new spell/trait. Then they both blacked out....

Lash opened his eyes and looked around his workshop. The mystic dragon Dawn was asleep on his chest but stirred the moment he started to move. She flung herself at him and started to lick his face, he flinched but smiled and let her lick him for a bit longer before he slowly sat up and puller her off. She coiled around his neck like a scarf and continued to nuzzle him. Lash felt....Different? He looked at his hands, his arms, and felt his skin. It was the same, but also different as well.

“Dawn.... I understand that Re:Implant is a unique spell but I get the feeling there is more to it?” Lash asked, his voice was a bit rough. He needed some water. He slowly stood up and went to the mini fridge that was in the workshop that had some bottled water.

“Yes Master! Re:Implant can only be purchased if you have the Spell Domain Synthesis. Which is only obtained if you have the Nature, and Technomancy Domains. Or, you can acquire it from a specific story driven event primarily through the Alien origin which you wouldn't have obtained.” Dawn said softly as she settled down around his neck and returned to being his familiar necklace.

“So, what did it do to us?” Lash asked, as he reached across the link to Saurian. The giant lizard grumbled in his 'sleep' but confirmed that he was alive.

“Re:Implant allows you to create synthetic parts for organic, or mechanical things or beings. However, it is also a racial trait. Your entire body, mind, and soul! Thanks to your magic for the last one. They have all been optimized by the 'Mechanical Force/Spark' from the 'The Metal'.” Dawn the VI administrators disembodied voice answered this time. Her voice was soft, feminine, and sweet on Lash's ears. It made him shiver in all the best ways.

“The Metal? Wait, isn't that another form of The Green but for anything born of metal?” Lash asked, confusion clear in his voice.

“Yes! You are a perfect union between the two! You are now an agent of The Green, and The Metal!” Dawn said cheerfully in his ear.

“Wait, why am I not an agent for 'The Red'. I thought all were-breeds were part of The Red?” Lash asked, as he went back to his seat and drank his water.

“But User! Are you a were-breed?” Dawn replied, her voice carried a hint of mischief.

Lash stopped mid drink of his water. He thought for a moment and then took a few swallows of his water. The Red is a force which connects and pervades all animal life and micro-organisms in the universe. It is widely believed that were-breeds come from The Red. But Dawn was right, Saurian didn't come from The Red. He came from the Cosmic Deity, he was crafted and attached to Lash because of Erik. Lash wasn't a were-breed.

“Dawn my I see the catalog again, I still have eight points.” Lash said. The book slowly materialized in his lap as he finished his water. He converted the plastic bottle back into magical energy and absorbed it.

Now that Lash had been 'optimized' he found a lot of the blue prints were cheaper. Why? Because unlike before if he bought them they would show up as a physical copy, something he could hold. Now he could essentially hold the plans in his Implanted brain? He wasn't sure what the difference was, but he bought the plans for the basic but upgrade able habitat.

Basic space habitat.

Rating: G-

Effect: Upgrade possible to grade A+

Effect: Customization, with future attachments possible.

Effect: Growth/Evolution/Change.

Comment: This is the basic package for a space habitat. Its cheap, affordable, and has room to grow. Literally it grows with time thanks to your abilities.

The habitat wasn't much to look at, Lash created a Technomancy image in front of him. It looked like a standard mundane space station. Several capsules welded together with solar panels out like wings, and a few antenna out for listening and speaking. But the difference was that the entire thing was covered in enchantments, the metal used would grow like a plant over time, and it had a VI admin built into it. Now all Lash needed was a ride up into space. Time to call the boy scout!


Kara Zor-El sat in her room at the Kent farm, it was the middle of the night as she looked through the holographic display of the...Lap top? Is what Kal had called it. The laptop was from Wayne Tech, and the holographic projector was the best on the market. Best? This was like two sticks rubbing against each other back on Krypton. Kara's eyes got misty as she tried to not cry, not again. Because if she started she wouldn't stop.

She missed home, so, so much! Her parents, her friends, even her stupid school that was preparing her to become a justicar like her mother. She was happy that Kal was safe, but her parents gave her a job to protect her cousin when she arrived on Earth. Only to get lost in transit and now her mission is over! Now Kal was protecting her! Kara reached out and pressed an icon on the holographic feed, it translated the english words to Krypton. Kal had said one of his friends, another alien had created the user interface for her. His code name was something silly.... Wraith? But Kal seem to trust him, he was the one that said Kara was going to show up one day. Kara wanted to ask...Wraith a question.... About her home.

“Cock-a-doodle-doo!” A rooster on the farm called out.

Kara winced at the sound, she walked towards the bedroom window and checked outside past the blinds. The sun was starting to rise. Kara started to grumble, time to start a new day! She loved that Johnathan and Martha Kent welcomed her with open arms. But she really didn't like being on the farm. She wanted to explore this world called...Earth. Did the humans of this world lose their minds at some point, who calls their planet 'Dirt'? It made no sense to Kara.

Kara squinted her eyes as she saw two people walking down the long drive way towards the farm house. Two men, one was...her cousin Kal! The other she didn't recognize... But he was just as tall as her cousin, maybe even taller. Suddenly her whole room came to life! The lights turned on and music started to play, and the voice chosen for the 'smart house' chimed speaking perfect Kryptonian.

“Attention Kara Zor-El. My creator Agent Wraith will be arriving at the home in less than five minutes. I encourage you to wash up and be presentable!” The smart house called, and started the shower for Kara.

“Wait! The other man with Kal is Agent Wraith!?” Kara ran towards the bathroom to get cleaned up.


“Thanks for coming, Lash!” Clark said as he walked down the drive way towards his parents home. Clark wore a pair of boots, blue jeans, and a white buttoned shirt. His typical black rimmed glasses on his face, with his boy next door good looks.

“Of course! I always intended on visiting with her. It's hard to... lose everything you had. To her she went to sleep at Krypton, and woke up here. I can....Sympathize.” Lash said, the last of his words were quiet. Clark looked at him in concern but didn't ask.

Lash went with a goth soldier look. He had black boots, black urban camo combat cargo pants, black t-shirt, with urban camo jacket. He kept his tribal marks hidden, but his head was still bald. He was a little taller than Clark, but they were about the same size muscle mass wise. He had golden tanned skin, yellow green eyes, and a few scars here and there. Anyone who looked at him would assume he was either active duty, or a retired veteran. The front door of the farm opened up and a big white dog came out. He jumped the stairs and sprinted towards Clark all the while barking. Of course Lash could hear him talk.

“Friend! Friend! Hello Friend! Hello! Hello! Oh you smell nice! Oh hello other friend! Wow you smell great! Wanna play!” The dog said to Clark who leaned over and petted him. Then the dog looked at Lash and wagged his tail so fast he nearly lost his balance.

Lash created a brown leather ball from the energy around them with Fabrication, let the dog named Krypto smell it. Then he tossed it across the yard! Krypto ran off after it as fast as possible! Lash titled his head as he watched Krypto retrieve the ball and race back. He vaguely remembers that Superman had a dog named Krypto. It was suppose to have similar powers to the man of steel. But this dog clearly was normal....For now at least, Lash smiled at the dog and threw the ball again.

“Well come on in boys! We are just starting supper!” Martha called from the porch, joined by Johnathon. They stood side by side.

Martha, and Johnathon Kent looked healthy and strong. With their tanned skin, and farm grown muscles. They had been given ten extra years of youth thanks to Lash last time he saw them. Lash had also cured Johnathon of cancer as well but who's counting! Clark reached the porch and hugged his parents who patted him on the back. Lash threw the ball one last time for Krytpo and joined Clark on the porch. Johnathon shook Lash's hand, while Martha gave him a hug and a kiss on his cheek. When they walked into the house, the smart house voice chimed and greeted them both.

On the outside, the Kent farm looked like it always had. It looked like it needed some TLC badly. Chipped paint, rust, and vines that grew on the house. But on the inside it was like night and day. Clean walls, floors, and ceilings. The entire house had a compact setting that would take certain amenities and fold them into the walls and floor. Wanted a bigger kitchen table? It folds out! Want the living room cleaned out so you could have friends over, or maybe do a bit of dancing? Furniture is taken into the floor and walls and you have a open space!

“Kal welcome back!” A young woman's voice shouted.

Kara Zor-El was 5'7” with curly blond hair past her shoulders, deep blue eyes, with golden tan skin, soft pink lips, an hour glass figure that models would kill for. She wore skin tight blue jeans that hugged her figure nicely, and a white t-shirt that was a little short on her so you could see her abdomen and back. She hugged her cousin with clear joy on her face, she also greeted him in Kryptonian.

“Kara Zor-El, it is a pleasure to see you have arrived safely. Please call me Lash, and my partner's name is Saurian.” Lash said, in perfect Kryptonian.

Kara's eyes went wide when Lash spoke her native tongue, then she smiled at him and bounced over to him and hugged him as well. Lash was a little surprised but returned the hug, as he tried to ignore the pleasant feeling of having a beautiful woman press herself against him. Ahem! It must have shown because Clark had raised an eye brow at Lash. Lash coughed to clear the air and looked at the Kents who both had a bit of a smirk.

“I am here to help you learn english! Shall we start while breakfast is being made?” Lash said, his voice was a little higher than he had hoped.

“Sure!” Kara replied, she was oblivious to the whole atmosphere.

So it went! Lash had Kara sit down with her back to him. He placed his hands on her head gently and started to imprint the skill Language Smith via Skill Trainer. He took it slow, and did it right so not to cause her any harm. Clark stood next to them watching the exchange a bit of family protection, and curiosity mixed in. The Kents cooked a nice breakfast with the help of the smart house. Two robot arms came out of the wall and assisted with the tedious jobs.

Language Smith has been imprinted onto Kara Zor-El. Success!

Dawn's voice softly whispered into Lash's ear, but even if she hadn't spoken up he would have known. He took his hands away from her head, and Kara rubber her forehead with a groan. Clark knelt down next to her with concern written on his face. Kara spoke a few words in Kryptonian. She didn't feel like she knew english better. Clark looked up at Lash who just shrugged his shoulders with a smile on his face.

“So Lash, what was it like talking to all the merfolk under the water?” Johnathon asked, between bites of bacon, and eggs.

“The Atlanteans are very old, and technological advanced race here on earth. Technically they are just a sub-breed of humans. But they come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and unique body structures. They were careful not to bring any of the beast-kin to the UN for the signing. They understand that humans tend to look down on things that look different. As for specifically talking under water? They have a form of minor telepathy. It allows them talk normally while still conveying all the relevant information.” Lash replied, he gave a little more than he meant to. But there was a lot to talk about.

“What do you mean...They... Look different?” Kara said, she stumbled over the words and it took a minute to say it all. But everyone at the table looked at her with wide eyes. While Lash got several experience prompts from his Language Smith skill, because of his Class Trainer title.

“Like this!” Lash said, as he created a holographic image of one of the Brine Kingdom citizen. Kara sent a silent thank you with her eyes for jumping forward in the conversation. Her cheeks flushed at the attention she caught for talking in english.

“That is an Atlantean? It looks like a crab!” Martha said as she sat down after pouring orange juice for everyone.

“There are four Kingdoms in Atlantis social structure. Well there is more than that, but only four with an actual culture structure. Atlantis, Xebel, Fishermen, and Brine.” Lash replied, and created images for all four of them.

“There was the Deserter Kingdom, but they have died out over a thousand years ago. Then we have the Trenchers. They are....Complicated.” Lash finished, and produced images for them as well.

“They are not aliens?” Martha asked.

“Nope! They are all a sub-breed of human. Just a different evolution path, they have been underwater for a long time!” Lash replied.

They continued to talk for the next hour about Atlantis, and the United Nations. Especially about how they had a warrant out for Wraith's arrest. This surprised Kara! From the way Clark had talked about Lash she figured he was a respected officer of the law on Earth. Lash tried to use examples from his limited knowledge of Krypton and eventually Kara figured out that there was corruption in the UN, they wanted to get rid of Wraith because he made them look bad.

“Then they should be brought up on charges! You brought Atlantis to the UN to sign a peace treaty while they sat around and did nothing! If we were on Krypton you would be called a hero for your efforts!” Kara all but yelled.... in english. She then clapped her hands over her mouth with wide eyes.

“Wow! Honey look at you!” Martha said as she walked over and hugged Kara.

“I don't understand. She's been trying to learn english for over a week. But a few hours after you did what ever you did and she is practically speaking it perfectly.” Johnathon asked, bewildered.

“In simple terms I planted a program in her head to assist her in learning languages. An organic mind is very much like a living computer. You just need to know the right software, and hardware keys to access it.” Lash said...It was kinda true! Ding!

“Oh! Its done!” Lash collapsed the holographic images of Atlantis, and the UN images and articles. He created a new window with Kara Kent! Birth certificate, social security card, medical records, etc. Lash used Fabrication and made the first two and handed them to the Kents.

“There! Kara Kent, is now officially alive in the records of Earth. That is I assume she is keeping her identity a secret?” Lash asked.

“Yes, we already talked about that.” Clark said with a smile as he winked at Kara who smiled back.

“Alright! Time to hit the exosphere!” Lash said with a smile as he stood up and stretched.

“The exosphere? Are you leaving?” Kara asked, she had a crestfallen expression on her face.

“Only for about twenty four hours! Then I'll be returning, I was planning on taking you on a tour of this planet we call, Dirt!” Lash said with a smile. Kara perked right up when he said that.

“Really!?” Kara asked, and looked at Clark.

“Yes! Lash thinks it will do you good to see more of the world you will call home, and I agreed. So he is going to take you around to see the rest of the League, and a few other places. But before that he has to create a station in the exosphere. Shouldn't take long!” Clark replied and hugged his cousin.

Lash and Clark walked into the backyard. Clark did a spin like you would see in the old movies and then out of the blue and red he had the Superman uniform on. Lash rolled his eyes as his glamour dropped and he wore his Daemonic Warden gear. His skin tore apart, and flaked off like worn out paint to reveal dark forest green metallic scales. His skull crest grew and extend back and up, it had several small horns along his nose line, and spikes along the ridges. Just above, and slightly on the side of his face two new eyes grew. So now the joke 'four eyes' was literal. His long, deadly, blade tail grew from the base of his spine, his overall muscle mass doubled. Lash had used Transformation and grew to nearly eight feet tall, and sixteen feet long. He hunched over just a little as spikes grew down his spine. His armor adjusted to the new feature. Kara let out a gasp in surprise, she wasn't the only one.

“You look....Different.” Clark said, his eyes wide.

“Adaptation, a racial trait of my kind. We change over time to fit our environments.” Lash said in response. He turned to look back at the Kent's which now included Kara. He grinned and Kara squeaked and hid behind Johnathon Kent who laughed and whispered. 'I don't think I can stop him, Kara'.

So with out much to be said. Clark grabbed Lash and they flew up into the air. Lash cast a glamour to cover their exit and asked Clark to go slow. Well slower then the sound barrier that is. As they got higher and higher Lash started to get experience prompts from his racial trait; Self-Sustenance. Erik had read a lot of information about Superman, in different comics Superman had the trait Self-Sustenance in others he didn't. It seemed in this version Superman couldn't exist in space for long, though he could hold his breath for a long time. He did eventually need to breath. So Clark would be dropping Lash off in the exosphere and come back to pick him up later.

Congratulations User! Your racial trait, Self-Sustenance has evolved into Minor Self-Sustenance.

Effects: You can now be with out food, water, or air for longer periods of time with no side effects. Even the vacuum of space does not hinder you... Well for a while!

That was Lash was hoping for! He had obtained Self-Sustenance awhile ago. But never really had a chance to use it in its full capacity. After about an hour they reached the exosphere, this was where Earth would commonly place their space stations in the thermosphere, Lash knew this because he had to look it up! So he wanted the baby 'watch tower' in the exosphere. So it wouldn't be in the same orbit ring. Clark looked at Lash with worry, then the boy scout smiled when Lash gave him a thumbs up.

I'll do an IM on the message board when it's done, or if I need help. -Lash sent a message through telepathy. Clark nodded and returned to the earth, though he did look back several times to ensure Lash was ok. It was, cold! But either from his Winter Knight blessing or just his Adaptation trait that kept prompting experience at him. The cold wasn't that bad! Lash floated in his Transformation state above the big blue jewel that the Earth was. Wow it had a lot of water. Lash knew that of course, he had spent a lot of time in the water recently. Something else he noticed. There was a lot of junk up here!

Most satellites built by mundanes are never retrieved. They are told to burn up the rest of their fuel and burn up in the atmosphere on re entry. Or they are sent out into space to be used as long distance communications methods. Or, they were just left up here to rot. Which suited Lash's needs just fine. He reached out with his Telekinesis and pulled several old relics from their positions towards him. Time to work!

Lash used Manifestation and created all ten of his Saurus Veterans. They also had changed, they had a variety of scale color, tribal marks, and armor. But the most noticeable part that had changed was they had metallic scales, just like him. They all gently moved through space with a bit of Energy Manipulation. Then a sight that was worthy of any feast came into view. The yellow sun of the solar system! Lash's four eyes automatically adjusted and took in the sight with out risk of blindness. Natural Energy Absorption sent dozens of experience prompts to Lash. His Blessing from Bast helped that he could absorb energy from any star.

The Saurus Veterans brought the old relics to Lash and he used Recycle on them and broke them down to their base components. Then he started to use Fabrication to make the other pieces. One by one he pulled this, and that from nothing but the energy around him. Time flew by as they continued to work. One by one Lash created the different capsules and connected them in a long tube that went from end to end. Each capsule was about ten feet long, and ten feet around. Five capsules in he created a half bowl capsule for the sixth. The bowl or rather half circle extended out from the stem like a mushroom cap. The bowl had fifteen foot ceilings, and was fifteen feet all around. Then a orbital ring was built around the bowl, currently the ring was little more than cables, and wires. But in the future it would let people walk through them. Lash hoped! He continued to build five more capsules on top of the mushroom cap. On the capsule eleven he created a thirty, by thirty radius half bowl, also with a orbital ring.

The skeleton was set! Overall it looked like a baby mushroom had grown an even larger mushroom on top of it. Or maybe a large saucer on top of a smaller saucer? People could potentially live in the saucers, or at least sleep there. According to the blue prints that Lash altered just a bit. It would grow! He could buy an upgrade key from the store to help it along too! He wasn't sure, this was all very knew to him!

Lash and his team started to fit solar panels onto the Saucer/ Mushroom caps? While a few others started to engrave, and inscribe the spell script onto the station. Lash would have to empower it with his magic. They used a combination of Orichalcum, Mithril, and Nth metal together for the entire structure. Then they used Tiberium for the internal energy component which did very well! A Tiberium core was incredibly powerful.

Unfortunately Lash didn't have the Gravity and or Space Domain so he couldn't make gravity on the station. He pulled out the store catalog and checked through the book, he grinned at the fact that he could buy anything now as long as he had the points. Oddly enough he already had one DP. But Gravity, and Space both took ten DP to buy. Shit. There was a gravity module in the item shop but it cost twenty DP. It was a physical copy, it would appear and he could just plug it in when he got it. Choices, choices!

Thummmmmmmmmm! The entire station vibrated and came to life. The small orbital rings began to spin around their designated saucer. Dozens of different lights turned on one by one. Lash sailed through the void of space towards the door on the end of the capsule stem. The airlock was still open given they didn't have any air to breath currently, one entire capsule was used for the air lock. He moved past a few of his veterans as they continued to work on the inscriptions. Lash used his Domains and crafted the VI admin, and plugged it in. Following the instructions. It would be very, very basic. But just like the station it would grow over time. Though it would never become a true AI, the store was very specific.

Lash spent the next few hours helping with the inscriptions of the spells and enchantments. One by one they finished, most of them were designed to help the station grow over time. But a few others were for those living aboard the station. In all honesty this station was far more advanced than anything the mundanes could make. Even with out the magic to help it grow. Lash recalled all of his Veterans. They burst into illusion particles with out the magical energy to keep them. With a twist, and a lock the air lock closed and the VI turned on.

“Processing....Processing... Virtual interactive communication intelligence online. Hello my name is VICI. Greetings to you, Creator!” VICI or pronounce Vee See, responded with a youthful feminine voice.

Orichalcum, Mithril, Nth, and Tiberium orbital habitat.

Rating: G

Effect: Essence of Synthetic Domain.

Effect: Natural Energy Absorption.

Effect: Module attachment available.

Effect: Upgrade function key available.

See tool tip for more effects.

Comments: Congratulations! You've made a mushroom kingdom space station! I'm sure King Bowser can't get you here!

After a few minutes Lash could sense air was being filtered into the station. Lash took a deep breath for the first time in the past twenty two hours! He double checked the station with the help of VICI, and connected to the world wide web with Connectivity. After a bit fiddling he connected VICI to the Justice League message board. The message board was pre programmed into VICI via the item store. Lash was not the first one to buy the station, it had great reviews!

'Hello everyone from the exosphere above earth! The watch tower is done! Please say hello to our computer companion. VICI' -Wraith.

'Hello everyone, I am a Virtual interactive communication intelligence. You may call me VICI.' -VICI


'Yes! My creator known to you as Wraith finished me approximately three minutes, and twelve seconds ago.' -VICI.

'I don't have the teleportation set up yet, sorry everyone. Its on order though!' -Wraith.

'I'm coming up to see! Also my cousin keeps asking me when your coming back down.' -Superman.

'Here are the technical specs to the station. I went off the rails from the original blue prints. Because this one is capable of self repair, and growth.' -Wraith. Lash uploaded the data.

'Wait...You said it can self repair....and grow? Like... Its alive?' -Hawk Woman.

'It is made from a composite metal that is capable of self replication. Though we can feed it new material to speed up its growth.' -Wraith.

'That is fascinating! On Mars much of our technology has the ability to change shape as we do. We have vessels known has bio-ships. They are also capable of self repair and growth as long as they have enough energy! May I come up as well? I wish to see this station.' -Man Hunter.

'I am of course open to all of the League and those chosen for visits. I will await your arrival Man Hunter!' -VICI.

Lash closed the message board as his ride had arrived. Clark flew to the airlock and came in. Then flew through the stations 'stem' to the upper saucer. The door opened, and the man of steel had a stupid grin on his face as he looked around in wonder. Lash still held his Transformation as he floated in the center of the room. VICI's core was compressed into the center of the room and protected from interference.

“Less then twenty four hours! You made a station this big? This is amazing Lash!” Clark shouted as he flew around the saucer.

Lash gave a simple tour through the whole station. Thanks to Compression Transformation a lot of the station could hide, and pull out different area's with in the walls, ceilings, and floor. Beds, tables, tool benches, etc, etc. Though Lash wouldn't want to work with anything explosive for a while. They ended up leaving before J'onn showed up, he said on the message board he had to go see Superman's cousin but wanted to come by and visit J'onn, and M'gann on Earth. He replied and said he would be looking forward to the visit.

It was bright and early in Smallville, Kansas. The sun was still thinking on whether it should rise or not. But the noticeable blue glow came from the horizon. Down on the Kent farm on the front porch sat Krypto half asleep and leaning on Kara. Kara kept looking up at the sky expecting her cousin to fly down. She knew it hadn't been twenty four hours yet, but she was to excited to sleep.

“Been waiting long?” Lash asked, Kara jumped in surprise which made Krypto nearly fall off the porch in surprise. Lash caught the dog before he fell, but the dog looked around for a moment then went back to bed in Lash's arms.

“Gah! Y...Y...How long have you been there?” Kara said, her finger pointed at him in accusation. Lash smiled at her, and set Krypto down. He was back to wearing his urban soldier outfit.

“About five seconds. Clark couldn't stay he has work today. Go on inside and say goodbye to the Kent's we'll leave as soon as your ready.” Lash said as he sat down to pet Krypto.

“OK!” Kara said with a grin and ran back into the house. Beep! Beep!

“Yes, VICI may I help you?” Lash said softly.

“Apologizes creator. There is a....Human station with in my line of sight. They haven't noticed me yet. What would you like me to do?” VICI asked in his ear through Connectivity.

“There is a spell inscription for Chameleon, it will hide the station. Use your thrusters to get out of the way so you don't collide if that is an issue. For now, keep your existence a secret from the world. It won't always be that way, but you need time to grow.” Lash replied.

“Orders confirmed, thank you Creator! Have safe trip!” VICI replied, her voice soft in his ear.

“You too, VICI. Be safe!” Lash said as Kara came stomping out of the house. She had a backpack on with a change of cloths and nothing else.

“So! Where we going first?” Kara asked with a smile. She had tennis shoes on, blue jeans, a red t-shirt on that hugged really well, and a leather jacket that came down to her hip.

“Central City! Flash and Kid Flash live there. Lets go meet the Justice League.” Lash smiled at her and offered her his arm. Kara looked at him, then blushed and dipped her head down. She hugged his arm and kept her face turned away.


Dr Wells sat in a orthopedic chair for his back, and legs. He still needed a bit of rehab but he could walk around now with assistance. Cisco wanted to make him exoskeleton legs! But Wells declined with a grin and said if he wanted to make exoskeleton legs then do it for everyone not just him. Never one to take a hint, Cisco started up designs for the public right away! Dr Wells just laughed and went back to researching Barry's speed force. Well he had been, until a artificial intelligence named VICI began to talk to him through the sub-board on the Justice League. Wells did have access but rarely used the board. But he was very happy about it now! VICI had started to assist with running a meta-human search program that Cisco had made for Central City. But this program would span the globe. Her processing power was through the roof! Wells believed she was comparable to a quantum computer! She had pointed out over a dozen mistakes in Cisco's programming in little less then thirty seconds!

“I could make a fully interactive computer intelligence if I had alien technology too!” Cisco grumbled, as he typed away at his station at STAR labs.

“VICI, how were you made?” Caitlin asked, she was just as excited as Dr Wells.

“My Creator, you know him as Wraith. Pulled energy from the solar radiation of the yellow sun and created my processing core. An energy to matter recombination! The exact specifics are not currently a part of my memory banks. But I am sure my creator is more then capable of telling you about it!” VICI replied in a voice that spoke with pride. Like a child proud of their parent. Caitlin agreed with the sentiment.

“Wait! Wait! So he just pulled energy from the very air around him? And made your core?” Cisco said as he worked on his computer.

“Oh my goodness no, Cisco! There is no air space! He pulled it from the void!” VICI replied. Cisco slammed his face into his desk and groaned.

“I would say that is impossible! But we work with someone who can skip through time. So, I guess the world is changing!” Dr Wells said.

“So Barry skipped through time? Interesting.” Lash said in an amused voice behind them.


“WOAH!” Cisco screamed and jumped out of his seat. He pointed a finger at Lash, then pointed a finger at Kara who looked at Cisco in surprise and mild worry.

Francisco Ramon, or just Cisco! Was actually a meta-human that would one day be called Vibe. However, it seemed he hadn't learned he was one yet. He was 5'7” with long black hair to his shoulders, and brown eyes, with rich brown skin. Caitlin Snow stood up and smiled at Lash, though on the surface seem composed but she clearly was surprised! Caitlin was 5'4” with blond hair, and blue eyes, and was also a meta-human called Killer Frost. She also didn't know she had powers, yet. Dr Wells slowly stood up and walked over to Lash and held out his hand. Lash grinned at him and shook the offered hand. Wells had blue eyes, and brown hair, and was about 5'8” maybe taller once his spine evened out.

“Welcome back, Wraith.” Wells said.

“Good to be back, Dr Wells. Everyone, this is Kara. I'm taking her on a tour of the League cities, then we plan to tour some of the world as well. You all are first on our stop.” Lash said, and presented Kara to them.

“Hello!” Kara said, she had a clear accent that made Cisco's knees wobble.

“Hello! I'm Francisco Ramon! You can call me Cisco! If you ever need anything while in Central City I am your man!” Cisco tried to spin his charm, Kara nodded with a look of...Whaaa on her face. Caitlin pushed Cisco out of the way.

“Hi! I'm Caitlin Snow. Please, Cisco means well but he's just a little over excited.” Caitlin said.

“Hey! I'm right here!” Cisco said, distraught. Kara giggled a little and Cisco turned into a puddle on the floor.

“Dr Wells. The leading scientist in STAR labs. Welcome to Central City!” Wells replied and went back to sitting. Lash didn't offer to help but just watched him. As painful as it looked, Lash knew that Wells savored the feeling.

“So...If she is touring the League bases...Then she is....?” Cisco asked as he scooped himself up off the floor.

“You are all aware of the Man of Steel in Metropolis? Kara is his cousin, she is also from Krypton.” Lash said nonchalantly.

“WOAH!” Cisco once again yelled, and pointed a finger at them both. Kara jumped and hide behind Lash who just stood there like a shield.

“Cisco! You are scaring her! Bad impression!” Caitlin said, Cisco bowed his head and mumbled an apology.

“Fascinating!” Wells said. An arc of electricity ran a into the room, it was yellow and red. Followed shortly by another streak of lighting that was red, and yellow. Flash, and Kid Flash appeared in the lab and looked around.

“Wraith! Hay man!” Barry walked over and shook his hand, and looked at Kara.

“uhhhhh...Hay?” Barry said.

“Flash, Kid Flash. This is Kara. Her code name in the future will be Supergirl. She is Superman's cousin. I am showing her around to all the League occupied cities.” Lash repeated his words once more.

“WOAH!” Kid Flash shouted and pointed his finger at Kara. Who jumped and hide even further behind Lash.

“Wally! Not cool man! You are scaring her!” Cisco said in a stern voice. Wally mumbled an apology. Kara laughed at Cisco's antics. Both Wally, and Cisco melted into a puddle at the sound of Kara's voice.

“Well! Welcome to Central City!” Barry said with a smile.

Lash told them all to get into civilian attire he was going to buy them all brunch. They went to sit down Big Belly Burger! They had two different versions, a fast food place, or a restaurant style. A bit better service, and ambiance. Kara had never had a burger, shake, and fries before. Cisco cultured her on the art of dipping your fries in your shake. Kara's cheeks flushed at the delightful taste! Wally, and Cisco turned into another puddle at how cute she looked.

“How is Monika Celeritas? I didn't see a uniform for her.” Lash asked Barry who had several burgers in front of him. Wells answered for him though.

“She is good! She never finished high school so she is getting her GED. She is very smart! Another month and she'll have the credits she needs. Then she will take an 'internship' at STAR labs to get some college credits.” Wells replied with a smirk, as he enjoyed his shake.

“Ah!” Lash replied, then smirked as a pink, and purple lighting streak flashed by the big belly window. Monika came running in, she half tackled/hugged Lash.

“Hay you!” Monika yelled out! Lash chuckled and hugged her in return best he could from his sitting position.

“Monika! Miss, we have another larger order here!” Barry called for service. After a few minutes Monika had several cheese burgers in front of her like Barry.

Monika insisted on sitting as close to Lash as possible. Which ended up being next to Kara. There was a bit of tension between the two of them. Lash swore he saw sparks radiate between their glares. But they agreed on a truce by sharing cheese fries. But the truce was soon broken as Kara bragged that Lash was taking her on a tour of the world. Monika slumped in her seat and ate her burgers in silence.

“Anyways! After here you are going to Starling City? Whats after that?” Barry asked, trying to distract Monika but mentioning the different places Kara was going didn't help.

“San Francisco. There is place I want to build a League hub there.” Lash said, after he created a noise obstruction glamour around them so they could speak freely. Everyone felt the barrier go up and looked at Lash.

“You mean like...A secret base!? Dude that is so cool!” Cisco said with a nerd like squeal!

“Its for our younger members when we get enough of them. Something along the lines of Titan Tower, or Titan Cave....Most likely tower.” Lash said, and produced a simple design from his 'holographic' Wayne tech watch. The holographic watches were still pretty expensive but they were not so rare that people would freak out about it.

“Is it suppose to look like a giant T.” Wally asked, but when Lash showed the image Monika perked up. There was a glow in her eyes like she knew what it was but couldn't say anything. Fourth wall!

“To much on the nose?” Lash asked with a smirk.

They finished their meals, and team Flash took Lash and Kara around Central City to see the sights. Lash cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, Nature's Kiss, and Regrowth on Wells. With a spring in his step and a whole lot of questions. Wells started to walk normally, well a bounce in his step so mostly normal. They walked, talked, took the rail, and visited the river. Lash noticed several boats in the river collecting trash and cleaning the water out. Along the way Lash excused himself for a brief moment and faded from view.

He re appeared in front of un marked white van that screamed agency! He walked around to the passenger side door, unlocked it and pulled the door open to find two very surprised ARGUS agents staring at him. They stared at one another for a full minute before one of them spoke, but Lash held up his hand and silence them. He was looking through the web with Connectivity.

“Agent John, Agent Smith. Wow those are fake names! Why are you following us?” Lash asked.

“Are....Are you Agent Wraith?” Agent Smith asked. He was nearest to the drivers seat, he looked like the average agent who tried to stay in shape but got stuck behind a desk. Lash raised his right hand, and his skin peeled away to reveal forest green metallic scales, and claws.

“Aha! Agent Wraith! Hello! Sorry we were told to follow the meta-human team in case any one new an interesting showed up. If your here we'll leave now! Oh congratulations on being reinstated!” Agent Smith said with a smile. Lash returned his hand to 'normal' and thanked the agents.

Reinstated? Lash wasn't afraid that Waller would give him up, he was to important to her... At least for now! He looked through the web and he soon found the information. Wraith had been cleared and reinstated, not only that his rank went up! He could technically pass between any country signed by the UN with out asking first. Good, good. He checked his Warden information page and got a confirmation. Great!

Lash made a League phone for Kara so she could save everyone's contact info. It looked like a brand new Wayne Tech holographic wrist watch/phone. But it was way more sturdy, and advanced. Kara had a smile of pure bliss on her face, she said it was almost exactly like the ones back on Krypton. Her smile faltered for a bit, but she shook her self and returned to being happy.

“So where to next?” Kara asked.

“Starling City! Team Arrow, and hopefully club verdant! We'll have to see about getting you some clubbing attire!” Lash said with a grin! Kara mouthed the words clubbing attire.


“Slade is stepping up his game. After the tidal wave a lot of people lost their lives, their homes, their entire concept of what makes them...Them. He is using that to make the people afraid, and using it to make people hate, and attack the city they live in.” Oliver said, as his fist slammed into the punching bag. Diggle was holding the bag for him and nodding in agreement.

“The question is! Where is....Slade!?” Felicity said between pants of breath. She was across the room with a bo staff in hand, attempting to attack Sara. Sara had a smile on her face, as she easily dodged.

“Well, we could always ask the League to help us find him? I mean isn't that what the League is suppose to do?” Roy said as he strung another arrow and shot it at the target across the room.

“Everyone has their own problems. But with Wraith reinstated again as a UNWS he could provide help. Out of everyone in the League Wraith is the most flexible and able to help. As much as Gotham is his home, he tends to move around.” Sara said as she forced Felicity into an arm lock and flipped her over. Felicity landed on her back, the breath knocked out of her but as her eyes focused she let out a scream! Everyone in the room looked at her, but she smiled wide and pointed up at the stairs.

“Hi everyone! I would like to introduce you to Kara.” Lash said from the stairs. Kara stood behind him and looked around at Team Arrow.

Team Arrow welcomed Lash with open arms, and was more then happy to meet Kara. Felicity flipped when she learned that Kara was Superman's cousin. She even did the standard 'WOAH' Kara hid behind Lash and asked why everyone kept doing that? Felicity apologized and scampered off to hit the showers. Thanks to Lash's renovation they had working plumbing down here. So they sat in the central control room of Team Arrows 'Club House' the name that made Oliver grimace but Sara laughed at.

“So you came by to introduce Kara, but also to club?” Roy asked, a smile on his face.

“Yes, Kara already has an outfit she want's I was going to make it for her then let her hit the dance floor and enjoy the night life. She is technically underage so she wont be drinking. Besides thanks to her metabolism she could drink all of you under the table and still be sober!” Lash said with a smirk, as Kara held up her idea of what a Club Attire was. Sara leaned in and nodded.

“Good taste!” Sara said, and Kara grinned at her.

“I'm not much of a dancer when it comes to clubs. So while I'm here I can look through Starling City CCTV, and other forms of surveillance not normally found to look for Slade. If you like?” Lash commented, Kara looked at him and frowned.

“You aren't going to dance with me?” Kara said, her lower lip pouted a bit. Lash just stared at her.

“Did I not do it right? Monika said no man can resist the pouting lips?” Kara said, clearly trying to make her face adorable. Everyone cracked up laughing.

“No, no sweetie you are doing it right. Lash is just....He's a special case.” Sara said with a smirk.

“I will dance with you Kara, if that is what you want. Just not the whole night. You need to enjoy the rush, and sometimes the sludge of the club night life. The good and bad. I tend to.... Scare people where ever I stand.” Lash said in response. Kara begrudgingly agreed, but made Lash promise that he would dance.

“I can keep an eye on her, will you make something for me too?” Sara asked, Lash nodded.

“Great! The club will open in a few hours let me take a shower! You know my sizes!” Sara said with a hop and a skip. She was clearly excited, her attitude surprised everyone, including Oliver.

“I guess we could take a break tonight? Unless you find Slade half way through the night.” Oliver said as he turned around to look at Lash. Lash told Kara about the showers in the back and to follow Sara so she could help her get ready, Kara scampered after her.

“Alright! I'll let Thea know! She'll be excited to have you. Wait...Are you here as Wraith? Or just Lash?” Roy asked, it was important.

“Just Lash. So let Thea know that Wraith wont appear unless necessary.” Lash replied. Roy nodded and headed to the showers as well.

“I have to ask, do you mind if I invite my....ummm ex....Girl Friend to meet you? She keeps asking.” Diggle said.

“Lyla Michaels? Sure! Just let her understand that I am here for a specific reason that shouldn't be shared unless necessary.” Lash replied as he used Fabrication, and Alteration to create Kara, and Sara's cloths. Diggle went a little stiff when he heard Lash say his ex wife's name then excused himself too.

Oliver stood in the central hub of the club house as he watched Lash create new cloths. He didn't say anything, and neither did Lash. Lash held up leather pants, and a leather top, with strings for the back. He grinned, and made boots with heels, and a couple of hair accessories. He was nearly done with everything when Oliver finally spoke.

“Thank you.... For helping Sara.” Oliver said.

“So when are you two getting married?” Lash asked out of the blue. Oliver's eyes went wide, he chocked on his own saliva and started to cough. His face turned red as he tried to breath. Lash just laughed, and laughed!


Club Verdant down in the newly renovated Glades was always a place to be! Especially on the weekends! A line extended down almost two city blocks as more cars continued to show up. Thea Queen the owner of the club had even rented three large parking lots during the weekends. Along with a few SCPD cops just case of emergencies. At the front door was an effigy of a Wraith, with a sign board under neath. 'Starling Cities Angel, Wraith's number one choice for a club and a good time'. Ever since he had shown up and held a huge rave Club Verdant was always packed.

Diggle stepped out of his car and offered his hand to his ex-wife Lyla. They had parked in the VIP section parking lot. Diggle wore a tailored three piece suit, and Lyla wore high heels, knee length black glittering skirt and top. She wrapped her arm around Diggles as they walked towards the line. The bouncers recognized them and let them in with out a fuss. Though the giant line groaned and complained why they got in while they had to wait.

Verdant had expanded a bit to include a outdoor bar and sitting area. An awning covered the area to keep rain, and if by chance snow. The outside area had two area's one standard, and one VIP area. Both had their own door access to the main club. Thea Queen was at the bar outside talking to her boyfriend Roy who trying to convince her to stop working and come dance with him. She smiled at him and said it was cute that he kept trying!

Inside the club the music was fast, and full of bass music. Something so loud and deep you could feel it in your bones! The ground floor was jam packed full of people! The DJ was did a wonderful job spinning and remixing on the fly. There was something in the air tonight! Everyone could feel it, it was like a current of energy was in the air! Middle of the dance floor three stunning blonds danced around a circle of people.

Kara had her hair tied back in a tail, with diamond hair clips in to keep her bangs out of her face. She wore a leather top, with an exposed back with several leather threads across her back to keep her top in place. It was cut short at the bottom to show off her diamond in her navel. She wore long leather pants that hugged her curves amazingly. While she had three inch black heeled boots. She held her hands up into the air and moved her body to the beat in a seductive sway of her whole body.

Felicity Smoak had her blond hair down, but pushed back with sapphire hair clip! She wore a blue silk top that wrapped around her neck, and around her chest. She had a long blue skirt on, with a slit up to her left thigh, and naked toed heels. She didn't wear her glasses, but she did have some nice contacts in that changed the color of her eyes randomly! She danced Kara and jumped up and down as the music changed.

Sara wore a wrap around leather top, around her neck and and thinned out behind her back into straps. She had a short skirt that went to her knees, but two slits that went up to her hips on both sides. She had a spaghetti strap heels on that went up her calf. She wore thigh high fishnet stockings, and a garter belt with two 'decorative' blades on each side. Her hair was down, and loose. She swayed her hips back and forth and dropped to the floor and rose back up in a very suggestive move. She danced with men, women, any one that came along as long as they didn't get to clingy. But she only ever kissed Oliver when he came to dance with her.

Oliver Queen, wore a three piece tailored gray striped suit, with glossy black shoes, and a tulip in his lapel. A little old fashioned but Sara said he looked great and that was all that mattered to Oliver. He stood on the third floor watching the dance floor as he kept his eyes on the three blond beauties. While he glanced back at several holographic screens.

On the third floor sat Lash with a giant book in his hands as several holographic images floated around him. Though the images were cosmetic to show Oliver what he was looking at. Lash had yet to go down on the dance floor because he was looking for something. Yes! He had the store catalog book in his lap in front of Oliver. Oliver noticed the book but didn't question what it was. He turned and smiled as he saw Diggle and Lyla walking up the stairs towards them.

“Found it!” Lash said as he closed the book, it burst into particles and the glamour around him faded.

Congratulations User! You've learned the skill, Dance.... Dance has evolved into Minor Dance!

Effects: The art of Dancing is a form of art in it self. Allowing one to explore, and define the fluidity of movement through their body, and the bodies of others. Often you can express more emotion, and forms of trust through a dance between partners that you couldn't say with words.

Comment: You spent two DP just so you could dance well at a Club!? Wow!

Lash rolled his eyes at Dawn's comments and felt that it was DP well spent! He really liked that he could now shop when ever he had points! Lash wore black boots, black slacks, and a white T-shirt. He filled it out very well, more than once he caught several women and men checking him out as he moved through the club to talk to Kara when she wanted to take a break. He stood up to greet Diggle, and Lyla.

“Hello Miss Michael's! You look lovely!” Lash said, Lyla smiled at him in reply.

“Thank you Mr...” Lyla said, mischief in her eye.

“Lash... Mr Lash. Call me Lash.” Lash replied which surprised Lyla she hadn't expected him to give her his name.

“Dig says I can trust you, so I assume you can keep that name to yourself?” Lash asked, but knew the answer.

“Of course! Thank you for your confidence!” Lyla said with a smile as she turned to say thank you to Diggle with her eyes. Diggle grinned back.

“I would say we should get some drinks but I was told pregnant human woman can't drink!” Lash said nonchalantly but Diggle, Lyla, and Oliver both froze.

“W...W...What?” Diggle asked. Lash just blinked innocently, even though he had a grin on his face.

“I....I'm pregnant?” Lyla asked, she sat down and grabbed her abdomen with wide eyes.

“Yes! You have twins! A boy and a girl!” Lash replied, his Nature Domain told him of the lives growing inside of Lyla. Oliver smiled wide and clapped Diggle on the back. To him it was all but certain if Lash said it.

Lash reached out a hand and a green and blue glow scanned Lyla up and down. Then he produced an ultra sound window, and a duel holographic image. They were still just two under developed fetuses. But they were alive. Lyla was brought to tears, but a smile was all over her face. John hugged his ex-wife though maybe soon to be wife as he looked at the representation of his children.

“Congratulations!” Lash said again with a grin!

Lash reached out with his telepathic link and called on Thea, Roy, Felicity, Sara, and Kara. They had news to share in the VIP box, he hinted that Thea may need to plan a baby shower. Thea was in the VIP box in under a minute, she tore across the club like a shark who smelled blood. When she came in she looked at Diggle, Lyla, and Oliver staring at a image.

“OH MY GOD!” Thea screamed and hugged Diggle and Lyla together!

Sara, Felicity, Roy, and Kara walked in soon after. Congratulations, and cheering took place. Thea ordered some drinks up, and something fruity but none alcoholic for Lyla and they toasted to the new lives brought into the world. Though Kara was confused what a baby shower was? They explained it to her, and this was when Lyla learned who Kara was. Thankfully she didn't scream like so many other people did but she just laughed and went back to celebrating. Kara came to sit down on the couch in the VIP room. She smiled at the soon to be family, but her shoulders slumped. She leaned up against Lash and put her head on his shoulder.

“Miss home?” Lash asked.

“Yes....” Kara said softly.

“Don't worry. You'll see your mother and father in a few years when the City of Argo reaches the sol system.” Lash replied.

Kara popped up to her feet and stared wide eyed at Lash who had a golden light fading from his body. Sara stood frozen in the room because she had seen Lash become covered in the light. Everyone turned to look, not sure what just happened. Kara attempted to pull Lash to his feet, but was still just Earth normal currently so she accidentally fell into his lap, she didn't care!

“What do you mean I'll see my mother and father again when Argo reaches the sol system!” Kara shouted!

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