It took a few minutes of discussing but with Sara's help Lash was able to fully explain that he was an Oracle, or rather a mouth piece to an extra dimensional being of vast power and knowledge. Being a mouth piece he didn't get to choose what, when, or where he said. However, with a quick call to Clark, Kara was able to confirm a single thing. Lash was the reason Clark knew Kara was on her way and was the reason Clark was able to catch her before she crashed into Earth. Kara shared with Clark that in a few years Argo city would pass through the sol system.

Like a puff of smoke! Kara's depression faded into the atmosphere and she gave everyone a big smile that was no longer guarded nor fake. Lash stood up and offered his hand to her and asked for a dance, which brought an even bigger smile to Kara. The entire group went down to the dance floor, the DJ recognizing Thea coming to dance put on some of Thea's favorite music mixes. Diggle and Lyla danced together, Roy was with Thea, Oliver had Sara. Lash snagged Felicity's hand, along with Kara's. They began to dance in a mixture of club bass, with a bit of salsa, and swing.

Felicity was on his left, while Kara was on his right. Lash raised his hands up and moved them into a spin then snagged their hands and pulled them in. They both propelled themselves across the dance floor into his massive chest. He then lifted them up and maneuvered them front to back with a hook of his arms. Such a move would cause a normal man to pop his shoulders out of place but to Lash it was an easy move to pull off. Kara, and Felicity circled Lash like a pair of sharks, and ran their fingers down his body like claws. They both jumped into the air and grabbed his massive shoulders and kicked their legs up into the air. He grabbed their waists and spun them in a circle. The entire dance looked rehearsed! As the majority of the club thought there was a show going on! They continued to perform what seemed to be a choreographed dance for a good ten minutes before they stopped in a pose as the song came to an abrupt end.

Felicity blinked and looked around clearly confused, and breathless with what she had just done. She looked at Kara and saw that she had the same look? Lash turned to them both and bowed from his waist towards them. All three of them were breathing fast, but despite their clearly confused minds both women gave a curtsy to the gentleman for the dance. The entire club roared, and cheered at the dance that they had just saw. Felicity's burned red with embarrassment, she nearly fled until Sara appeared behind her and gave her a reassuring smile. The three of them had swallowed every ones attention but now they just danced!

Lash stayed on the dance floor for another thirty minutes, and danced with Kara for most of the time. But he made sure to snag Felicity's attention, who's cheeks always flushed at the attention. Eventually Lash excused himself from the dance floor, and Kara allowed him to leave. Though she did kiss him on the cheek before he left. The gesture was a bit of a surprise but Lash understood it was a gesture of friendship. Several people commented on his performance, and more than a few super-naturals in the club saluted him as he went back to the VIP room.

Lash cast Immaculate on himself to clean up. He had been covered in sweat, and the sweet scent of perfume. It dulled his sense of smell so he removed it. He brought up Connectivity and his Virtual Intelligence tech spirits that had continued to work with his Parallel Minds active. Ding! He brought up a map and found Slade Wilson; Death Stroke. The reason why Team Arrow never found him is because he is based outside of Starling City by over fifty miles. VICI had sent a satellite image of Slade from orbit.

Slade Wilson was 6'4” with blue eyes, dirty blond hair, with gray along the edges. He was built like a truck, but had the mobility of a sword master. The compound he lived at had several miles to its name where he trained his own Shadows. Unlike the League of Shadows, these Shadows answered to Slade. As Lash was looking through the schematics of the compound that he was sure were not one hundred percent accurate Oliver came up to the VIP room. As soon as he stepped through Lash sent him a holographic window of the compound.

“You found him? Less than six hours on the job and you did what we couldn't for the past few months!” Oliver said, clearly impressed as he took the holographic window with him when he sat down.

“Where did you get the satellite imagery?” Oliver asked.

“From me Mr Queen!” VICI replied through Oliver's holographic watch.

“Right! New asset for the League! Thank you VICI, we'll be in your care in the future.” Oliver said with a smile and a face palm.

“Of course Mr Queen!” VICI replied, that continued to show Oliver the relevant information about the compound.

Lash glanced at Oliver as the man ran his hands over his face in a moment of weakness. No, not weakness... Trust. Oliver trusted Lash, so he could relax around him. Oliver was the leader of Team Arrow. So he had to maintain a certain distance from his people. Even a distance from Sara in some ways. Oliver didn't act this way with Lash. Interesting. Diggle and Lyla came up to the VIP room next and their jovial appearance melted as soon as Oliver showed the video file of Slade training a group of thirty men in hand to hand combat. Lyla for her part went straight into ARGUS business mode and started to ask questions. Oliver glanced at Diggle but before either of them could say anything, Lash began to fill her in.

Just because she is pregnant doesn't mean she is made out of glass. -Lash sent a telepathic message to Oliver, and Diggle. They both stiffened at having a voice in their heads for a moment, but both nodded all the same.

2 o'clock in the morning rolled around and last call for alcohol was made in the club. But by this time Team Arrow, along with Kara, and Lash were in the Arrow bunker/club house. Oliver continued to grumble at the 'club house' name. Lyla was on the phone with her ARGUS contacts trying to get a surveillance, and tactical team in place when asked where she got the information from. She simply said 'a giant talking lizard' gave it to her. On any other day, to any other branch they would have called Lyla bat shit insane. But with ARGUS, with Waller? Nope! Oliver, Roy, Sara, and Diggle were in the process of suiting up. Thea was helping close the bar down but would come back to watch the show in a minute.

“So....Can I come?” Kara asked, Lash looked at her then at Oliver who looked at Kara.

“We could use you as back up. Do you have a suit?” Oliver replied. Kara perked up then looked a little deflated until.

“I can make you one.” Lash said.

Kara jumped up and down a little in a very cute and adorable manner. But soon calmed down as she realized she was not showing her professional side. Though she was not even half way through her justicar training on Krypton when she had to leave. Providing support and tactical back up was a year one lesson that every young officer learned. Lash created a black leather, form fitting combat suit for Kara that came with a full tactical mask. Kara frowned at it until Lash said this wont be her actual super suit this is just for now. Kara asked for Sara's help to put it on. It had a lot of belts and buckles!

“How are we getting out there? Slade is going to see us coming from a mile away.” Roy aka Arsenal asked. He wore his red leather hunting gear, strapped from top to bottom in toys, gizmos, and gadgets. Oliver looked over at Lash who smiled back.

“Do you have an open lot? I need to make something!” Lash said.


Kara pulled on the form fitting leather pants that hugged her curves. She took a slow steady breath as she pushed her hair back behind her ears. Sara was on her knees helping Kara put on the combat boots that went up to mid calf. The combat suit Lash had made for her felt...Nice? It felt like a second skin that moved to accommodate her. More than once Kara blushed at the idea that Lash's hands had made this, and she was wearing it. No! Kara shook her head to clear her thoughts.

“Do you know if....” Kara let the question hang in the air as she looked at Sara.

“If Lash as a girlfriend?” Sara finished, Kara shrunk her neck in but nodded all the same.

“Yes, several if I heard correctly. But they also have several boyfriends. He's... Complicated. But he's one of the best friends a girl and a woman can have in my opinion.” Sara said as she helped Kara put on the top of the combat gear.

Sara didn't say anything more about Lash, and Kara didn't ask. They settled into a comfortable silence as Kara finished putting the gear on. When the last buckle, and zipper was in place the entire suit seem to 'shrink' and adjust to Kara. She felt a hum of power settle though out her whole body! She knew that this was not a simple suit made on a whim. Lash put thought into this, which only made Kara blush a little more. Thankfully Lash had made a full mask that went from head to her collar, and a half hood to hide her hair. She put it on and breathed a sigh of relief.

“You look good! Maybe Lash could make me one too?” Sara said as she eyed Kara up and down.

“Something tells me he prefers function over form?” Kara said, and Sara smiled at her then pulled down a full length mirror in the room. Kara jumped in surprise, the entire combat suit did cover her from head to toe. But it looked like a suit of armor that did a very good job in showing off her curves.

The entire combat suit had a full facial mask with red highlights, a single visor that could go up and down with the click of a button. Then a polymer cloth under the armor plates, down her spine that connected to the main chest piece. The armored plates formed a splint mail breast plate that fit perfectly, but allowed freedom of movement at the risk of blades slipping between the plates. But the polymer cloth acted like chain mail to prevent that very thing. The plates of armor went down her arms, and legs. With several smaller plates along the hands, and feet. The suit had three inch black heel boots for height, and traction. The heels could also retract into heel spikes and or blades. Her finger tips could extend into claws, and retract. She had two shoulder mounts for lights, and weapons, while her spine protection also housed a small energy generator.

“Yep! Definitely function over form!” Sara said with a smirk, and Kara shrunk her neck in and ran from the changing room hoping to flee the smirking Sara Lance aka Black Canary.


“WOW! You look good Kara!” Felicity practically shouted as Kara came out of the dressing room with Sara close behind. Kara had pushed back her visor so a portion of her face was revealed. She shrunk her shoulders further but whispered a thank you.

“Wait? Lash just put that together, and he spent less than ten minutes to make it?” Lyla said with a stunned expression.

“He may have made it quickly, but I think he had this armor design well thought out before he made it. There are a lot of gadgets tied into the armor.” Sara said as she joined everyone in the central computer hub.

“Where are the boys?” Sara asked, she noticed that Diggle, Roy, Oliver, and Lash were missing.

“Lash is building the transport in the empty lot behind the club. He said he put up an obstruction line of sight shield. So you can join them when you two were finished.” Felicity replied, as she sat down in her command chair and rolled her shoulders.

Lyla, Sara, and Kara walked to back and took the secondary entrance to the outside. There they saw a twin turbine helicopter wing transport with jet engines attached to the back. It had a two seat cock pit, and a carriage that could transport about a dozen people comfortably, maybe more if they packed them in there. The transport had light armor, and a urban combat color theme. Though the entire transport seem to fade in and out of sight. Active camouflage! Lyla snagged Sara's sleeve to steady herself.

“Do you see a helicopter jet plane too?” Lyla asked, hoping that she was not insane.

“Yes, Lyla I do.” Sara said with a laugh and helped Lyla back into the bunker.

Team Arrow filed into the transport, while Kara sat in the cock pit with Lash and watched him fly. The loading bay doors closed and the camouflage/chameleon cloaked the vessel. The helicopter turbines barely made a sound as they reached a certain altitude then Lash activated the shutters to close off the turbines and put the jet engines on. The transport roared off into the night, the jet engines were not silent what so ever!

“How does it fit?” Lash asked Kara as he looked through the read outs.

“G..Great! I...Uhhh... Thank you! It's nice!” Kara tried to respond but felt that G-force on her body.

“I don't suppose we can keep this thing?” Diggle aka Spartan asked Green Arrow.

“Wraith said no, unfortunately! At least for now. He's hoping once the League gets a firm foundation every city hub will have a transport just like this waiting for use.” Arrow responded with a smile.

“That will make it easier for us to get across the country with out having to get Flash to...Oh! Hay we slowed down!” Arsenal yelled, then talked normally at the end. They all heard the jet engines cut off and the helicopter turbines turn back on.

“Over Watch you online?” Arrow asked.

“Over Watch is here...Oh my god! You are all there already!?” Over watch aka Felicity shouted in their ears.

Kara came out of the cock pit and walked to the middle of the transport. She hooked her hands into the handles above to maintain her balance. Spartan, Arsenal, Black Canary, and Arrow unbuckled from their seats and came to stand in the middle as well. Several holographic windows appeared in front of them. They all checked their communication feeds.

“You are all going to be dropped off in different insertion points. We'll be separated by about fifty or so yards. Remember they don't know we are coming so try your best to keep it that way. Spartan you are on Alpha, Arsenal is on Beta, Green Arrow is on Charlie, Black Canary is on Delta. Wraith, and K will be on standby. If the alarms go off they will fly in to offer support.” Over Watch called in their ears.

“My code name is 'K'?” Kara asked, clearly disgruntled.

“This isn't your official debut, K. Its important to leave bit of anonymity.” Black Canary replied, K seem to accept it and kept her mouth shut.

Lash placed the transport into 'auto' pilot. As he used Connectivity, and Parallel Minds to keep it moving. The light inside the transport switched to a dull light green. Then Lash opened the rear hatch and walked up to Spartan who was looking for a rope to repel down on. Lash snagged his attention with a smile, a green and blue glow flowed from Lash's hand to cover Spartan with Falling Glide.

“Don't scream!” Lash said to Spartan who looked at him confused. Only to try not to scream as Lash threw him out of the transport. Everyone looked at Lash in shock, then back at Spartan as he slowly drifted to the ground.

“OK! Couldn't you have just told me what you were about to do?” Spartan said through gritted teeth as he safely landed.

“Where is the fun in that?” Lash replied, as he synced everyone up with Temporary Pack Bond. The entire group shivered as the connection was made. Kara looked around confused, since this was the first time it had happened.

The transport moved to the next insertion point, and Lash did the same thing to Arsenal, Green Arrow, and Black Canary. After he cast the spell on all of them they went of their own free will, though Lash did offer them the same treatment they declined. Fiddle sticks! The rear hatch closed and Kara came to sit with Lash in the cockpit as they circled the compound. Kara kept looking at Lash and back at the window. Thanks to the Temporary Pack Bond Kara was more in tune with Lash than she had thought possible. The Bond allowed everyone to have a better understanding and idea of who you were linked with. It was at that moment that Kara understood that Lash was far stronger than she believed.

“C...Couldn't you do this entire operation by yourself?” Kara asked, off radio.

“Yes. But its Arrows town. I'm just here to help. Plus its good training for you. Believe me, you'll see some action in a bit.” Lash replied.

“But.... Why? They are risking their lives to do something you could do with one hand tied behind your back?” Kara asked, clearly confused by the situation. Before Lash could respond gun fire went off over the radio.

“I've been found! I've got at least four gunmen headed in my direction!” Arsenal called out over the radio. Then with in thirty seconds search lights turned on, and alarms sounded across the whole compound.

Lash bumped his fist against Kara's arm and the green and blue glow covered her. She understood what it meant and went to the rear hatch in preparation. Lash moved the transport above Arsenal's location and put the transport into auto pilot. The rear hatch began to slowly open and Kara began to bounce on her heels with excitement and nervous tension. Her gauntlets hummed to life with electricity surging through them. Her visor went down and she jumped out of the transport to glide down from the air. Lash watched her leave and closed the door to head back to the cockpit.


Arsenal pulled his bow back, took aim, and shot a flash bang arrow in the span of a single second. The explosion rocked the gunmen in front of him as they flopped across the ground with ringing in their ears. Gun fire zipped across the ground and trees near by. An ATV rolled up and man with a light machine gun heaved the weapon into position. Arsenal's eyes went wide but before the bullets could fly, K crashed into the ATV and the rider. She punched him square in the chest, electricity went through his whole body and he flew almost ten feet colliding into a tree. He wouldn't be getting up any time soon. Bullets fired at K as she took cover then the sound of a vulcan auto cannon rang above the tree line! Tracer rounds showed the path of destruction as dozens of flares went off into the night sky.

Arsenal swallowed the bile that came into his mouth as he watched the bullets rip the gunmen into shreds. Team Arrow did their best not to take life where ever they could, but it was in this moment that Arsenal remembered that Wraith didn't have the same moral compass as they did. The auto cannon fire stopped suddenly and the transport still nearly invisible to the eye veered to the left as a RPG flew past its wing and exploded just behind it.

“I need to move, good luck!” Lash's voice came over the radio.

“Do you think he'll be OK?” Kara asked Arsenal, she seemed to forget the little conversation she just had with Lash.

“I'm sure he'll be fine!” Arsenal said with out a shred of doubt. He remembered seeing Wraith get hit with a uranium tank shot and walk it off.


Lash moved the transport around the compound and shot out flares into the air right above the compound to light it up, and to mark all the targets. Slade's shadows shot into the air in a vain attempt to shoot down a near invisible plane. A few got lucky with RPG's but the shrapnel barely did any real damage that was easily repaired. A satellite overlay went over the battlefield thanks to VICI and showed the IFF's of everyone for Lash, and Over Watch back at the bunker. Felicity earned her name as she began to coordinate with everyone on the ground. When ever any one was under heavy fire Lash would move into to support.

Spartan ran from tree to tree, rock to rock. Firing his pistol off in quick succession, aiming for limbs, joints, and none threatening body shots. More than once he came into close quarters and using a form of mixed martial arts and gun-kata. He used his pistol like a club, then used another shadow like a shield. He dove, ducked and rolled. During the whole process he reloaded his pistol with quick movements and moved to the next piece of cover. Flares shot over the compound revealing every shadow for Spartan's aim!

Black Canary being a trained assassin of the League of Shadows moved around her targets with ease. She wore a black leather outfit, with biker boots, a fake blond wig, and a black domino mask. She extended her metal bo staff and stabbed it straight into a shadows neck. A taser jolt through his whole body and he dropped like a rock. Canary blended back into the shadows before the next flare went off.

Green Arrow out of the entire Team Arrow was an expert marksman and thanks to Lash's optimization that only got better. Arrow had swapped his customary bow out with a stronger compound bow with more draw. He was hundreds of feet away inside a tree's branches. He took aim, shot, and jumped to another tree. One by one shadows dropped like flies. Sometimes a shadow would shoot an RPG near his location. He would wince not out of fear, but worry. The auto cannon above them would roar and the artillery team would be obliterated. Arrow understood that they went into this operation with out a full plan because he knew that Wraith would back up their play. It was nice to have a power house in their corner.

K and Arsenal worked very well together. Thanks to the Temporary Pack Bond they moved in sync as if they had been working together for years. K would move mere inches to her left or right and an arrow would fly past her. Arsenal would shoot an arrow into a tree and a sonic shout would knock several shadows off their feet. K would rush in and punch, kick, and shock them into submission. The duo would move on, each confrontation lasting only a few seconds.

“There is an ARGUS tactical team en route, ETA thirty minutes.” Lyla said over the coms.

Lash sent a pulse of Nature Domain through the area and found a hidden passage. He flew over its location and deployed two Saurus Veterans, and a dozen Saurus Warriors with Manifestation. They began to dig down into the tunnel so they could cut off the escape route. Then he kicked the transport to do another attack run. The vulcan auto cannon began to hum and soon six thousand rounds a minute poured out. Death from above! Guard towers, outer bunkers were turned into swiss cheese!

“All teams! The outer defenses have fallen! The door is open!” Lash said over the coms. He got confirmations from everyone as they moved in.

The inner complex was a little move civil and refined. With gardens, hedge mazes, and a ten foot brick wall that was easily passed by the team. Guard towers at each gate, and corner walls. Lash locked them into his targeting computer and key up his electromagnetic rifle for precision shots. The vulcan turret retracted a long single barrel switched places. Clear lines of blue light came from his location so he moved in erratic patterns. A hole the size of a quarter went through the guards, the walls, and the floors. Then Team Arrow plus K entered the inner compound. While Lash patrolled the perimeter.


Slade Wilson; Death Stroke screamed at the top of his lungs in pure rage as his entire compound was destroyed in a few minutes! He recognized Team Arrow, but had no idea who the woman was in black combat gear or the invisible gunship that flew around! He smashed his command table and nearly cracked his teeth as he clenched his jaw. He had wanted a SAM site installed but the League of Shadows forbade the use. Something about it not being discreet.


“S...Sir.... Our camera's are going down!” One of his aids said from his position in the command room. Death Stroke's men were terrified, not only of their master. But the team infiltrating their base. Team Arrow had never been this brutal!

“Execute plan Zeta-2351. Now!” Death Stroke said as he grabbed his one eyed helmet and put it on. His aids looked at him in disbelief but soon followed his commands. One by one the servers were being purged and destroyed. While self destruct mechanisms were se....

“Master! The self destruct code isn't being accepted by the computer. The servers are refusing to purge their infor...WE ARE BEING HACKED! We can't pin....BANG! BANG! BANG!” Before the aid could finish Death Stroke took out his Desert Eagle and shot each aid in the head. He then went to a particular wall in his office and tapped several stones in sequence. The wall slid to the side to reveal a passage. Then before he stepped in his instincts screamed at him to move!

“Shit!” Death Stroke screamed in surprise! Two arrows with electricity bouncing off of them zipped from the darkness and nailed themselves in the wall in the exact place Death Stroke had just recently stood. Death Stroke slammed the outer stone and the door slide closed.

“Fine! If that is the way you want to play it!” Death Stroke took a katana from his back, and readied his gun. Just as he reached the door to his office he heard several somethings bash against the secret door he had tried to leave through. The secret door wouldn't hold for long.


“Camera's have been slaved to our servers! Self destruct has been deactivated, and all files are being copied and sent to us. Death Stroke is moving through the inner rooms towards Arrow. Looks like the Shadows know they are doomed so they are attempting to flee, right into Wraith's open arms!” Over Watch said over the radio.

“Copy Over Watch, moving to assist Arrow!” Black Canary said over the coms.

“Spartan assisting Arsenal, and K with Shadows. Good luck!” Spartan said in response.

Lash listened in over the radio and continued to fly around in circles around the compound. Every once and a while a shadow would attempt to run out of the complex. A blue light in the shape of a straight line would pass directly through them. They would fall like a puppet who's strings had been cut. His Saurus Veterans and Warriors had broken through into Death Stroke's office and were securing the bottom floors.

One of the large bay windows shattered as Death Stroke, and Arrow came tumbling out. Quickly followed by Black Canary. Death Stroke kept both Canary and Arrow at bay with his swords, making sure Arrow couldn't get a shot off. A shadow came flying out of one of the other windows at a near by window in the mansion. K came flying out after him, tackled the shadow and snapped his knee at an angle that it shouldn't go. Then shocked him into unconsciousness with her gloves. K took up a flanking position around the fight with Death Stroke but largely stayed out of the fight.

“I must have done something right! I didn't realize you had this much pull! Kid!” Death Stroke yelled, and Lash heard it over the coms.

“Give up Slade! You can't win! The only reason you're alive is because we want you to be!” Arrow shouted at him.

“Aha! You can't take me Kid!” Death Stroke held up his sword and pointed it at Arrow. A blue line shot from the sky, and shot the sword in half! Death Stroke to his credit didn't even flinch he just dropped his sword and pulled out a pistol.

“Who's your friend kid?” Death Stroke pointed his pistol at K who lowered her center of gravity but otherwise didn't move.

An audible snarl rang out from the darkness of the one of the mansions doors. An armored 6'6” tall Saurus Veteran stepped out into the light, a compound metal long bow in hand with an arrow knocked, electricity danced along the tip. The metallic scales on its tail rattled like a snakes. Death Stroke spun his pistol around to point at the new threat, but his entire body went rigid.

“FUCK! You went and got help from the alien!? This was private matter between you and me Kid!” Death Stroke yelled at Arrow. Arsenal, and Spartan soon joined the stand off.

“Slade! Stand down! I wont ask again!” Arrow yelled at him. Another audible growl rang from another direction. Another Saurus Veteran appeared at Death Strokes other flank, this one also had an arrow knocked.

“ win...Kid!” Death Stroke pulled his mask off, then pointed his gun at his own head. BANG! A shot went off, and the pistol was yanked from Death Strokes hand by K, she had put her hand between the barrel and his head. In a moment of faster than a speeding bullet.

Arrow, and Canary rushed Death Stroke and tied him up with the help of a Saurus Veteran. While the other came to look at K's hand, several bones were broken but the suit had absorbed the kinetic energy preventing it from piercing through her hand. K held her hand and tried to keep herself from crying from the pain. The battle was done, and so was Death Stroke.


The ARGUS tactical unit arrived at the compound and found it eerily quiet. They rolled out of their armored vehicles and created a perimeter then slowly pushed in. They found remains of a battle, clearly Team Arrow had military support as they saw the different towers, and bunkers full of holes. The remains of human beings shredded as if they had been put through a blender. However, they did also find dozens of unconscious and injured shadow agents. A pool of darkness moved along the ground with the tactical team, and went straight into the inner complex. Then the darkness came back to the commanding officer and a young woman in tactical gear 'grew' from the pool of darkness.

“There is some one in the middle complex tied up. Around their neck is a sign, 'For ARGUS'” The young woman said, her voice clearly put her as a teenager. The commander told every one to move towards the center.

A larger than normal soldier turned his skin to metal and took the lead entering the inner complex with several soldiers behind him. As the team secured the area by the book procedures they found the evidence of a fight between humans, but also the clear mark of claws. A lot of hand to hand combat, and arrows were found at the scene. The commander made it to the inner complex and found Slade Wilson chained to a post, and unconscious. Sure enough a sign around his neck. 'For ARGUS'. He took out his phone and called the Director.


Team Arrow was back at the bunker, recently showered, and in civilian attire. They sat around the bunker at the briefing table with dazed, exhausted, but also content expressions. Kara was asleep in her chair, her hand had been healed by Lash as soon as she had returned to the transport. The transport was taken apart as soon as they reached the bunker. Rules. ARGUS would never allow Team Arrow to keep such a thing to themselves. Until such time that the Justice League has bunkers across the globe they will have to make due with other means.

Lyla's phone was vibrating every few seconds with messages, and phone calls. She chose to ignore them at this time as she sat next to Diggle. Thea sat next to Roy and just held his hand and leaned on his shoulder. Oliver and Sara sat next to each other but did not touch one another, while Felicity sat between Oliver and Diggle. There was a bit of tension in the air as a few glances were sent towards Lash. They understood why Lash did what he did. But in a lot of ways he was very brutal in his methods. This entire operation could have gone side ways really quick! But it didn't, thanks to Lash.

Oliver looked over at Lash, he opened and closed his mouth a few times until Lash mouthed the words. 'Go home and sleep.' Almost as if it had been said out loud everyone stood up and left. Lash gently carried Kara to her room in the barracks since they would be staying here till she woke up. Diggle, and Lyla left, along with Roy, and Thea. Oliver kissed Sara good night and saw Felicity to her car. Oliver would be heading home to his family manor.

Lash finished tucking Kara in who murmured a thank you and fell into a deep sleep. He walked out and closed the door to her room. He saw Sara waiting by her door, she kept her eyes down but clearly she was waiting. Lash walked over to her in concern. She smiled at him and shook her head, she was fine. She bit her lip lightly and walked up to Lash, she stood on her toes and kissed him on the cheek.

“Thank you for helping. We need some one like. To do the work the rest of us can't.” Sara said softly, then jumped a little when Lash hugged her. She settled quickly and wrapped her arms around him in return. She rubbed her cheeks over his chest and sighed in softly.

“I think Team Arrow is afraid of me now.” Lash said in a whisper.

“I'm not afraid of you...” Sara said, and Lash believed her.

Sara excused herself soon after and went to bed. Lash cast Immaculate on himself to clean up. He found a reasonably comfortable chair and started to comb through the Dark Web, the world wide Web, and went through his Warden messages. He used his Parallel Minds, and Virtual Intelligence Tech-Spirits at their full capacity to look through the everything he could.

Beep! Beep! Lash brought up a holographic screen from VICI she had finished the meta-human watch program that Cisco had made. But the program VICI had made was global. One by one glowing dots started to appear. Mutated plant life, wild life, weather phenomenon, and meta-humans. There was well over a thousand confirmed meta-human cases, several hundred in America alone. Lash vaguely remembered that most of the Users appeared during the meta-human era when the Justice League had been formed. So that meant that Lash would start to see more and more VI Avatars running around soon, if not already.

“VICI, please ensure every Justice League member is aware if there is a Dark Matter mutation in their area. Human or otherwise.” Lash said into the display.

“Of course creator....Should I notify Director Waller as well?” VICI replied, her feminine voice held a hint of curiosity.

“Wait a moment, lets discuss it with the League.” Lash replied and brought the instant message board. Lash created a 'thread' of conversation and posted the information, and the question to be answered.... It took several minutes but people started to talk.

'Holy Mary mother of God. There are a lot out there' -Fantasma.

'We should inform STAR labs about the plant, animal, and weather at the very least.' -Wells.

'I'll have to agree, STAR labs is a good medium' -Fox

'VICI create a voting window for the League, if we have a majority we'll send the relevant information to STAR labs.' -Wraith.

'Confirmed Creator, the Voting Window has been created.' -VICI.

Over the course of the next hour nearly every Justice League member voted for yes to send the information to STAR labs. While the information on meta-humans was still being debated. Flash commented about the deal they made with ARGUS, any meta-human who broke the major laws were sent to a prison 'reform' program. (Task force X) While those with minor infractions were given a choice to join up with ARGUS as a military Unit, or to join one of the Justice League teams. This was news to a few people.

'We need a training center, a place for them to learn to control their new abilities.' -Aquawoman.

'We have plenty of space under water! Atlantis has a better grip on what its like to have different people as your next door neighbors.' -Aquaman.

'Its a good idea, but if the public ever learned that Atlantis had a meta-human training camp/school they would assume it was for weapon testing.' -Zatanna.

'How about establishing the school on the moon? Technically no one nations owns it, but its shared among the people of Earth?' -Wraith.

Congratulations User! Your Cosmic Patron has issued you a grand quest!

Objective: Establish a Lunar Academy of higher Learning on the Earth's Moon.

Optional Objective: Find a way to terraform the moon into Earth normal conditions.

Rewards: Will be based on how the task is completed.

Comment: May the Legion stand united!

Lash raised a brow as he heard Dawn's voice tell him his new quest. He leaned back in his chair as he thought about the science behind such a move. As far as he knew there was no scientific way to pull it off. But thankfully he had access to Arcane Science. He'd have to talk to The Green about this. Ah! Which gave him a reason to track down Swamp Thing!

'Wraith... Mr Warden the wanker! I'm trying to decide if your pulling our chain or not!' -Constantine.

'Happy to see you joined the League, John. But yes I am serious about building it on the moon.' -Wraith.

'Its a good idea, but its a long term project. Let's put it to a vote? Everyone in favor in helping to establish a school on the earths moon?' -Green Lantern.

'I'll create another voting window!' -VICI replied.

That vote took less time to count, and everyone awake agreed to the idea. But GL was right it was a long term goal. They needed a stop gap now. The Watch Tower would need months or even years before it was big enough to support so many people. So it had to be something on Earth. The Green Lantern Corp wouldn't provide anything. Something about obstructing the natural evolution of a cultures growth.

They talked for hours, as time went by people signed off to sleep, or to work. People who had not been awake caught up with the discussion. But the problem with the immediate meta-humans was the biggest issue. The Justice League wasn't big enough to accommodate all the new people. Wonder Woman offered to take all the meta-human women to Themyscira. But what to do with all the men? Should they have VICI just send the information directly to the UN and let them handle the care, and training? Some countries would do it right, most would turn them all into weapons.

“Here...” Sara said to Lash as she handed him a cup of coffee.

Lash took the cup and carefully drank it. He rolled his shoulders as he watched Sara sit down next to him. She wore a pair of work out cloths, yoga pants, sports bra top, her hair was tied up, and she had flat bottom shoes on. She sipped on her coffee and watched Lash, watch her. Her face was indifferent, but Lash saw a twinkle in her eye that said she liked that he checked her out.

Lash was in his goth urban camo soldier outfit again, but his leather coat was tossed to the side. But unlike before his tribal marks were in full view, on his scalp, and his arms. The tribal tattoos of Technomancy which was like a circuit board glowed faintly. He had dozens of holographic windows up and they slowly circled around him. When ever a message was sent to a window it would appear in front and wait for his attention, the other windows slowly sliding off into obscurity.

“Did you get any sleep?” Sara asked after a few minutes.

“No, I rarely do these days. Unless I expend a great deal of energy.” Lash replied, Sara nodded as she filed that under important information for later.

“So when are you and Oliver getting married?” Lash said out of the blue. Sara choked on her coffee and nearly spit it all over Lash. She stood up and retreated so not to make a mess. Her face was flushed red but not because of the coffee.

“Woah! W...We are not...Just...Woah!” Sara said after a fit of coughing. Lash just laughed and continued to work. Sara glared at Lash and punched his shoulder, which proved to be a mistake as she tried to bite back a yell. Lash seem to be made out of stone.

Sara went over to the training area with floor mats and before she could retrieve any weapons. Lash cast Phantasm, False Life, Bending, Essence Imbuement, and assigned a Virtual Intelligence to a 5'11” man with full league of shadow gear. The Phantasm bowed from his waist to Sara then took up a fighting stance. Sara grinned, returned the bow than with little warning sprung into action. All the while Lash continued to work.


Felicity Smoak was exhausted as she walked into Team Arrows bunker. She had gotten about four hours of sleep, did some light exercises then got dressed to head over. She packed a set of work out cloths because she knew Sara would insist on training. Despite her clear lack of experience Felicity kinda enjoyed training with Sara. Ever since Wr...Lash had imprinted Martial Arts into Felicity she took to training like a fish in water. Her progress was slow, even though Sara constantly told her that she was making great progress.

When she went through the double security doors she heard the shouts, and sounds of fighting in the bunker. Felicity came half way down the stairs only to freeze in shock, over a dozen league of shadow assassins were fighting against Oliver, Roy, Diggle, Kara, and Thea!? But Felicity noticed that Team Arrow had smiles on their faces, and that Lash was sitting off to the side watching the fight.

“Felicity! Get your gear on! Time to train!” Lash called out!


About thirty minutes into the fight with Sara, Oliver showed up and almost shot the Phantasm attacking her. When he found out it was an illusion which Oliver took in stride he jumped into the fight and Lash made another Phantasm warrior for him to fight. Diggle, Roy, and Thea showed up soon after followed by the sleepy Kara. Lash eventually shut down all of his holographic interfaces so he could concentrate on the fight. He pulled Thea aside for a bit and used Skill Trainer to imprint Martial Arts on her. Then Felicity showed up!

Every Phantasm warrior synced to the skill level of the one they fought. So Thea, and Felicity essentially got a drunk, slow, dim witted warrior each. While the rest got fully trained martial warriors. The warriors never went for the kill, they would simply force them into submission then fade into smoke and appear outside the combat ring waiting for another challenge. This happened a lot! Out of everyone Kara got the most frustrated. Last night her Kryptonian DNA had stopped Slade Wilson from killing himself. But she still didn't have a handle on her powers that would grow, and grow with time. She was about 2.8 times stronger than an average person right now. The Phantasm Warrior used speed, and skill to keep out of her reach, and force her into arm locks. Using her over whelming strength against her.

“Time!” Lash called out and all the Phantasms popped into smoke and shadow and merged with Lash. They had all been training for hours, but Thea and Felicity only for about an hour. This was enough time for them.

“So....E...Every Warrior you make has the same skill set as you?” Diggle asked between gulps from a water bottle.

“Yes, but I can also adjust them to the skill level of those they fight.” Lash replied.

“Thanks for that!” Thea said as she plopped on the floor mat.

“I don't suppose you can leave one of those here so we can train with it?” Roy asked as he brought a water bottle over to Thea who thanked him profusely.

“I believe I can make a device that could generated a single warrior for training purpose. It would not be to the same degree of skill, and control of the ones I directly control. But it should be enough for training.” Lash replied as he begun to think of the item.

“W...Why did I keep losing?” Kara asked, clearly frustrated.

“Kara, you are clearly stronger than the rest of us. So the best way to defeat a stronger opponent is to use their strength against them.” Sara replied as she came over to her.

“So the warrior used skill, speed, and locks to remove your strength and throw you off balance.” Oliver followed up.

“Also you were not the only one losing! I don't know about the rest of you, but that thing kicked my ass more than once!” Felicity said. Everyone laughed, but had to agree. If this had been a real fight the illusion warriors would have killed them.

Lash raised his hands up into the air and cast his favorite spells. Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss. He cackled with laughter as the entire group including Kara succumbed into puddles of pleasure and a bit of moaning! Team Arrow proceeded to throw what ever they could at him as he fled the bunker for 'safety'.

About an hour later Kara came out with the rest of Team Arrow. They all had a healthy dose of 'I want to fucking kill you' glares at Lash who took with with a smile and a bow. Kara wore black boots, khaki pants, a blue tank top, and her leather coat from the Kent farm, along with a back pack. She hugged everyone and saved their phone numbers into her holographic. They were leaving today, Lash had bought train tickets to take them down to San Francisco. They could have flown, they could have taken the Warden Portals. But Lash wanted to show Kara one of the more primitive methods of travel that the mundanes took.

Out of everyone in Team Arrow, Sara was the only one who came up and gave Lash a goodbye hug. She continued to glare at him for his antics but couldn't stay mad at him forever. Lash hugged her back and laughed at the clear heated glares from the team. Sara hugged Kara one last time, then they were off. Lash contacted a civilian driver taxi service and they were taken to the train station. Kara made sure to stay as far away as possible from Lash, and kept her eyes out the window. Lash kept his mouth shut, but kept his grin the whole time.

When they arrived at the train station Kara looked around at the massive building and the exchange of people. Lash paid and tipped the driver with a few extra twenties that made the driver very happy. The driver wished them a happy trip and drove off. Lash offered his arm to Kara who begrudgingly accepted. The Starling City train station had recently been renovated after the glades earth quake. Thankfully the tidal wave did not make it this far inland. Thanks to the recent production of Wayne Tech holographic projections most of the train schedule could shown almost anywhere. Someone could hold their ticket in the air and ask for a time. A computer would scan the ticket and show the passenger the requested information.

“Did they have train stations on Krypton?” Lash asked, honestly curious.

“We did, but they were mostly for show. A way to relax and show off the different cities to people. Why take a train when you can take a transport and make it in 1/4th the time.” Kara replied, then squeaked in surprise at a stuffed animal vendor for travelers. She dragged Lash over and asked to have the giant lion cub.

Lash paid for the stuffed animal, and bought some later lunch for Kara. By the time they came to the first class seats on the train Kara was not as angry at Lash as she had been. She asked questions about how fast the train could go, was surprised to find out that it cost money to ride the train. Public transportation on Krypton had been free to its citizens. The train started up and their journey continued. It would be later evening, early morning the next day when they arrived in San Francisco. Lash thought ahead and arranged for transportation, reservation at a very nice super-natural hotel, also informed the Warden HQ in the area that he would be arriving and was on quasi-vacation.

A family of three sat in the seats next to them, and Kara spent the next few hours talking to the kids who ranged from seventeen to twelve. A young man who was the former fell head over heels for Kara, and a little girl. While the husband and wife spoke to Lash. Lash played the part of an adopted uncle for Kara and was taking her across the US for a tour of her new home. Kara had a very clear accent that the parents couldn't place but understood the situation.

Lash bought the whole family dinner, along with Kara and himself. Food was served, drinks were had, and enjoyable conversation was shared. It was nice to be 'normal' for a bit even if it was a lie. Lash showed the little girl a few magic 'tricks' and created a metal superman out of a spoon. Even included the spoons made in china on the foot of the model. The little girl lost her mind at the trick, even Kara was confused on how it happened.

As the sun set, the dinner plates were clean up. The train dimmed its lighting and people started to doze off. Kara leaned up against Lash's arm and set her head on his shoulder. A blanket wrapped around her. She slept lightly, but would partially wake up with every rock of the train as it went along the tracks. The entire train shook rather abruptly, and woke everyone up in the cabin. The parents of the family encouraged them all to go back to sleep. But Lash's Danger Sense had gone off. Something was going on.

“Kara....Wake up.” Lash said gently.

“Hmmmm....F...Five more minutes Dad...Please.” Kara mumbled in her sleep. Though she didn't say it loudly. Lash visibly flinched at the word 'Dad'. Then the entire train shook again, this time harder. Kara stirred in her sleep and rubbed her eyes.

“What's going on?” Kara asked with a yawn, she stretched out and let her blanket fall down. Lash stood up and pressed his palm on the train wall and sent his Technomancy through the it...

“The train is being attacked...” Lash said softly, but just loud enough for Kara to hear him. She bounced to her feet and looked around, poised to jump into action.


The train was moving quickly through the country side, it was pitch black except for the few lone street lights they passed on the country roads. Above the train a high speed helicopter flew, as it unloaded its passengers onto the train itself. A single person had jumped first and tied a line to the train to create a stable connection between the two. The rest of the team, all nine followed after. Once they were all hooked to the train via magnetic hand locks they unhooked the helicopters line and watched it back off into the night. It would be back to pick them up.

They shuffled in between two cars and moved into the cargo space, closing the door behind them. One of the team popped a few glow sticks and threw them around to create ambient light. All of them stayed in their tactical gear except one man. He took his off as if it was a rag unworthy of touching him. This man was 5'11”, with blue eyes, and near blond to platinum hair. He had a tailored suit on with coat tails, cuff links, and a cane with a jewel embedded on it. The entire suit must have cost a fortune.

“Vertigo! You should stay in disguise.” A woman's voice called.

“That is Count Vertigo, to you. Peasant!” The man said with stiff voice, as he turned his nose up at the tactical team around him.

“I think the Count as the right idea. We'll blow this train up in the end any ways? Who cares if we are seen?” A nearly eight foot tall man said. He reached up and tore his cloths off to reveal the meta-human 'Brick'. Red skin, white dread lock hair. His Superhuman Durability, and strength gave him the appearance of a giant wall

“Do as you please... But the rest of us will keep our identities a secret.” Said the first woman, as she replaced her tactical mask with a cheshire cat mask, and pulled out a collapsible katana.

“Find our target.” Cheshire said softly to her other seven companions that kept their gear on.

“The target is in the last car on the train, in first class. We have just entered the tunnel under the mountain. We have thirty minutes to pull this off then leave.” The League of Shadows Assassin said to Cheshire.

“Lets move!” Brick said with a laugh and began to rip the door apart to the next car....And the next.


“What do you mean the train is being attacked? Why is it being attacked? I thought this was a passenger train? Who is important enough to ride a public train?” Kara asked, these were all important questions.

Lash access the trains passengers log and went through them all one by one as quickly as possible. He received several experience prompts from the fast acting method of his search until he found a match. Two cars ahead in first class in the VIP section the entire car had been reserved. Several armed military trained body guards waited at attention, while several others cared for a small girl. This girl was Princess Perdita, that last true heir to the country Vlatava. She had a heart condition and was being moved in secretly to the San Francisco's hospital for an emergency transplant.

“Well that's not good.” Lash said as he turned to Kara.

“Well time to suit up!” Lash said as he pulled the privacy curtain over and started to remake Kara's gear. But a single question was on Kara's mind. Where was she going to change if Lash was in the room with her!?

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