Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 69: Princess of Vlatava


“Hello everyone! Welcome back to the 'Tonight Show!' I'm your host! Brad the Chad!” Brad said with a smirk as the audience laughed at his lame joke. Brad was in his later thirties, wearing a cheap tailored blue and gray suit. He stood at 5'11” with blue eyes, brown hair, and athletic figure.

“We have a very special guest with us tonight! Billionaire, philanthropist, genius, one of the most eligible bachelors in all of the world. Lex Luthor everyone!” Brad said with a forced smile, and started to clap as the audience joined him. Lex came out onto the stage to shake hands with Brad. Lex was 6'2” with green eyes, and a bald head. He wore a very expensive three piece gray pin striped suit. His eyes were almost predatory, but he held a smile on his face as he looked around the room and sat down at the insistence of Brad.

“So, Mr Luthor! We've been trying to get you on the show for months! But of course some one of your capabilities is of course terribly busy. We are so happy that you were able to spare some of your valuable time to come talk to us!” Brad said, as he tried to seem at ease in his seat as he spoke to someone that made more in a minute than he did all year.

“It's my pleasure, Mr Chad! But yes my family and I have been incredibly busy planning for the next Technology conference to happen in the fall of this year.” Lex replied with a smirk, and the audience let out a laugh at the follow up joke. Something about a billionaire telling the joke made it all the more funny.

“Yes the Tech conference! This one is said to be even more important than the ones before! The Alien, Agent Wraith of the UNWS is said to be attending! Along with the newest nation in the UN, Atlantis! Lex-Corp, along with Wayne Enterprises are the main supporters of the Tech Conference. Though there are over a dozen other companies that are contributing. Like America's favorite Big Belly Burger!” Brad said, a smile on his face as he patted his stomach at the mention of Big Belly Burgers.

“Yes, Lex-Corp, along with Wayne Enterprises is in the process of renovating several hotels, and local real estate to host the different nations in Metropolis! We hope all of the visiting nations, businesses, charities, and people enjoy their time at the conference. As we make an effort to change the world for the better!” Lex said with another amiable smile that made more than a few ladies blush.

“Mr Luthor! We have several questions here that were asked by our viewers! We were wondering if you would have time to answer a few of them?” Brad said as he pulled out several cards.

“Please, by all means!” Lex said, as he glanced around the room then back at Brad.

“Ahem! Dear Mr Luthor, is there someone special in your life? If not, are you looking?” Brad said the question in a horrible attempt as a woman's voice. Lex took out a handkerchief and cleaned his brow in a comical fashion of embarrassment.

“Unfortunately there isn't any one special in my life. I am married to my work. But, I of course wont say not to the idea of love. Hopefully there is someone out there who will take me, for me.” Lex said, and several ladies in the audience said they were available!

“Next we have a very important question. Mr Luthor! You have been called the Smartest man alive. What is your IQ?” Brad said as he flipped the card down across the desk.

“Approximately 225, though it goes up a little more every year!” Lex said, a little to quickly.

“Just like your age! Or.... Maybe not! I've heard that your 'Anti-Aging' pill was passed by the FDA. Is it true that it adds thirty or so years to your life as long as you take it regularly?” Brad said, he leaned forward with a little more attention than needed.

“Well it hasn't been thirty years yet! But the test results look promising. The Agent Wraith used my sister Lana, and my self as the first to experience for an extra ten years of youth. It was because of this experience that we will able to produce this medical treatment.” Lex said, with a smile that truly reached his eyes this time.

“I wasn't going to say anything, but now that you mention it. You do look younger, Mr Luthor.” Brad said, as he clicked a remote and brought up a before and after photo of Lex. Lex Luthor had always taken care of himself with the best things money could buy. But with a careful eye people could see a difference.

“So, the pill Lex-Corp has made slows aging. But the Alien known has Wraith can give back ten years? I think Agent Wraith just became one of the most wanted men alive!” Brad said with a smile and a laugh. Several women, and men in the crowd cheered.

“So, we have time for one more question. Its a doozy! Ahem! Mr Luthor, in a hypothetical situation. Who would be more of a threat to the world, Superman? Or Agent Wraith?” Brad said, the audience grew quiet. That was an odd question to ask.

“In this hypothetical situation, I can only give a hypothetical answer. In one hand we have the man of steel, the big blue boy scout, Metropolis very own hero, Superman!” Lex said with a smile that didn't reach his eyes. Most of the audience cheered for Superman.

“Then we have in the other hand. Agent Wraith who works for the United Nations World Security, the big talking lizard, the Angel of Life and Death, the forest ranger of Northern Africa, Wraith!” Lex continued, as some but not all of the audience cheered.

“Superman acts the part of the incorruptible symbol of truth, justice, and the dream for a better tomorrow. A 'Man' that helps every man, woman, child, and senior. He does all of this with out asking for anything in return. But, is also capable of mass destruction, vast power with no control or capable persecution.” Lex said, the last few sentences with a bit of bitterness.

“Then we have Agent Wraith, often referred to as the symbol of adaptation, evolution, and change! An alien who claims to have been born on our planet. An alien that helps every man, woman, child, and senior, as long as he is allowed to. But, Wraith hypothetically is doing all of this for a reason. To obtain citizenship on our fair planet Earth. Who is also capable of mass destruction, has vast power, and is partially capable of persecution.” Lex said, the last few words with a thoughtful expression.

“Let me conclude this hypothetical situation with another. Out of Superman, and Wraith, who is the 'Safest' Alien to have in our world?” Lex said, he looked around the room and most if not all of the audience, technical support for the show, and Brad the Chad had a look of deep contemplation....

“Well! That is all the time we have! Thank you for joining us, Mr Luthor! I'm Brad, goodnight America!” Brad said, his brows scrunched as he was still lost in thought.


Clang! The League of Shadows short blade bounced off of Lash's forearm with a resounding chime through the entire cabin. The Shadow bounced back several feet while their partner stepped in like a danced partner and brought their daggers to attempt to find a space in Lash's armor. Lash reached out with his hand, and used his Telekinesis to throw the other shadow through a train window. Have you ever seen a glob of playdough fit through a triangle shaped hole? The shadow did make it through the window, just not with their arms still attached.

The entire economy filled train car was filled with screams, and sobs as the civilians did their best to hide, and stay under cover as five... now four shadows tried to get past Lash. Lash had used his Transformation to take on his Lash/Saurian hybrid shape, his shadow and smoke wraith shroud billowed off of him making his body language hard to read.

“Agent K! The other five aren't with me, they should be coming to you!” Lash said loudly over his none existent communication. He had sent a telepathic message to Kara with in seconds of encountering the Shadows. But they didn't need to know that.

Lash let out a loud bellow and used Intimidating Shout, the shadows stiffened in response and Lash sprinted towards them with his claws extended. He raked his claws through two of the other four shadows tearing flesh, and bone apart like kindling. Fountains of blood blossomed and covered him and several civilians in blood. The civilians would need a lot of therapy once they lived through this.

The last two shadows pulled out compact sub-machine guns and pulled the trigger. Only to have the weapons not fire as Lash had magnetically locked the hammers with his Technomancy Domain passives. They tried to run but Lash pounced on one of them and the force of the impact broke his targets neck leaving a large impact crater in the floor of the train. The last shadow ran through the previous compartment and did a very un shadow like thing. They started to scream in terror!

Lash jumped to all fours and tore after the shadow, his claws left huge gashes in the ground behind him as he jumped through the air and pounced on top of the shadow. He opened his jaws and bit down, tearing out flesh, bone, and soul. Soul Bite activated, and he began to absorb the memories and experience of the shadow through Dream Eater. The target, the reason, names of the whole team.

I've got the rest trying to tear down the door to the last VIP train car, several are on the roof trying to get in. -Kara sent through the Temporary Pack Bond.

Coming to you now. -Lash replied as he moved to the space between the train cars and started to run along the roof tops.

Lash ground to a halt before he even made it across the first train car. Several electronic beeps went across his senses. They all seem to be saying in soft whispers. 'Hay I'm a bomb! Are you a bomb too? Yep! I'm a bomb! We will all be bombs together' Lash snarled and reached out with Connectivity, Energy Manipulation, Bending, and Alteration. Tendrils of near invisible energy reached threw the train cars to the explosives, turned them off and blocked any chance of receiving a signal. As much rush as he was in Lash took his time through each train car the shadows had been in to remove the danger of the bombs.


“Wow! You must have been expensive! Tell you what sweet thing, step aside and Daddy will play with you later!” Brick the meta-human said with a laugh as he faced off against Kara in the VIP room. How did it get like this? Kara asked herself.

***** 15 minutes earlier*******

Lash had surprised Kara when he asked her to get changed in the small private room of the VIP area that she shared with Lash. She was most definitely not going to change in front of Lash! Plus it had taken several minutes to put her suit on last time, and that was with Sara's help! Kara's entire face was red as a tomato, she stuttered and failed to say anything. Lash looked at her, and seem to realize what the issue was. He laughed and gave Kara a smile that she had come to both love and loath.

“Raise your hands up like a T. I'll just paint it on, it will take a bit longer but you won't have to get changed with me in the room with you.” Lash said with a smirk as he reached his hands out and started to create the suit on top of Kara's cloths.

Kara breathed a sigh of relief, but some small part of her was a little disappointed? NO! Kara shook her head to clear it. She was not thinking about that right now, she had to get her head on straight. She raised her arms up in the shape of a T and watched in fascination as Lash spread his hands out, tiny tendrils of green and blue energy extended from his whole body. Little by little the suit Kara had wore with Team Arrow was placed over her. From her feet to her head, then she realized the cloths she had been wearing were being removed and set aside in their private cabin. Kara blushed again at the idea that Lash was undressing her.

Once Kara was finished, Lash reached up to his head and like pulling a zipper he revealed the scaled hybrid shape of Agent Wraith that she had seen many times before on the news. His skin peeled away to reveal forest green metallic scales, clawed hands and feet. A short snout, four reptilian yellow and green eyes, and a blade like tail. Covered in hellish looking plate mail. Then to top it all off his shroud flowed off his body like an animated coat.

Lash pulled the privacy curtain aside, and Kara found the sweet family were asleep in their own cabin. Lash said he put them to sleep with something and they would be safer this way, but just in case we did buckle them up. Kara followed behind La...Wraith as they walked towards the last VIP car. Kara would have to get use to calling people by their super names, she needed to get use to that.

Kara felt like she had walked through a cold shower, as fuzzy feeling settled over her. Lash told her it would keep them hidden from the public eye, Kara couldn't believe no one saw them as they walked through the train cars. They eventually reached the last car and walked into the room. Kara saw at least two dozen trained bodyguards stand at the ready, while a few more guarded the last private box.

“Gentlemen hello, I am Agent Wraith with the United Nations World Security, this is my partner Agent K. Apologizes for the sudden introduction, but the train has come under attack. They are after your package.” Wraith said in his animal like voice. Kara felt the fuzzy feeling leave her and realized they had just appeared in front of everyone. Wraith had waved his hands out and for some reason all the bodyguards took the whole situation in calm collected stride. How did Wraith do that? Kara wondered.

An older man, with a gray suit and glasses came out and shook Wraith's hand. They brought us into a room where a small girl was partially awake, but looked like she was in pain waved at us both. The man from before was the Vice-Minister of the country Vlatava. This was Princess Perdita, she had a weak heart and was traveling to San Francisco for a heart transplant. They had moved by train because it seemed like the least likely way of travel for someone like them. A safe bet! There were many foreign powers, and corrupt people of their own nation that didn't want to see Princess Perdita survive to see her sixteenth birthday. She would be old enough to be named Queen at that age.

“Agent K will stay in the VIP car with you as extra security. I'm going to go meet our guests and see if I can't slow them down.

“Th...T...Thank you...F...For the help.” Perdita said between gasps for air. The assigned nurse put the breathing mask back on to the little girls face, and Kara's heart melted at the sight. She clenched her fist and followed Lash out of the cabin.

The bodyguards started to set up defensive positions and took out their weapons. Wraith reached out and touched Kara, she felt a rush of energy pour through her whole body. She could move faster, jumper higher, and hit harder. Then Wraith linked their minds together like they had done at Death Stroke's compound.

“Cat's Grace. I'm going to say hello to our guests. Be back in a bit!” Wraith said with a laugh as he clapped Kara on the shoulder.

“Be careful!” Kara said softly.

“Always!” Wraith said in reply and left the VIP car.

******Current Time********

Brick swung his massive fists and Kara jumped over his shoulder as if he was a jungle gym. She twisted her body up, over, and back down. Then she drove her foot into the back of Brick's leg forcing him to his knees. She made the shape of a knife with her hand and struck the side of his neck with all the force she could bring. WACK! An audible pop rang out in the VIP cabin, as an electrical blue spark shot out from Kara's gauntlet and Brick's neck.

“D...Damn....That ain't right...” Brick grumbled and fell over face first into the floor.

“Must I do everything myself!” A man with an arrogant tone in his voice said behind Kara.

Suddenly with out warning the whole room began to spin! Down was up, the walls became the floor! Kara dropped to her knees and gripped her head. She flopped and rolled across the room, as did the other bodyguards. People screamed in panic, and soon groaned in pain. A well dressed man stepped over Kara and turned his nose from her as if she was to dirty to even be looked at by him. Then a scream, the scream of a scared little girl went off as the man got closer to the last room.

“Noooooo! I won't let you!” Kara screamed, and for a brief moment Kara was off the ground and flying towards the man. She didn't know how, or why. But she flew across the train car and tackled the man.

“Gaaah! Unhand me peasant!” Vertigo screamed. Kara wrapped her arms around Vertigo's neck, and put him into a choke hold! The waves of Vertigo started up again, this time even more intense! But Kara refused to let go! Soon her vision grew narrow, than turned to darkness, then she was unconscious.


“Cough...Cough... This irritable peasant! How dare you lay your hands on me!” Vertigo said, poison practically dripping with every word as he slowly stood up.

“Awww... Did the Count ruin his nice cloths? We said to wait until we have cleared the room. Only yourself to blame.” Cheshire said with a laugh as she sauntered into the room.

The room was quiet except for the ragged breathing of Vertigo. The bodyguards, Kara, the medical staff, and Brick were down on the ground unconscious. Vertigo was straightening his cloths out, while Cheshire and the last three shadows moved into the room to secure it. The last shadow to enter the room took a bag from their back and started to post explosive charges around the floor, and ceiling. Another came to Cheshire and whispered into her ear.

“What do you mean we lost contact with the other team? Tch! We have company” Cheshire said with a growl.

“And here I thought the League of Shadows was the best in the world. So far I've bee...Gaaaaah!” Vertigo said with a sneer, then a scream as his whole body was lifted off the ground and pulled towards the door that leads to the other passenger cars.

“Vertigo!” Cheshire called out, but stepped back and lowered her center of gravity. She took out her collapsible Katana and stood at the ready. The other shadows doing the same.

“Un hand you M...No! No Please! NoooaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” Vertigo tried to say, then he started to scream. An audible crunch sounded out and Vertigo stopped making any more noise.

An animal growl sounded from the other car, as smoke and shadow flowed across the floor boards of the VIP car. It writhed, and slithered across the ground like a pile of snakes, stomp...stomp....stomp, always followed by the sound of claws scrapping across the floor. With every foot stomp the Shadows hardened their resolve. First they saw Vertigo come from the door way, he was frothing at the mouth, with his eyes rolled back into his head. A giant clawed hand held his head up like a beach ball and used him as a shield. Behind Vertigo who's feet were dragging across the floor stood Wraith, his four eyes peering out from the darkness of his hood.

“Cheshire... Heard a lot about you from your fellow shadows on the train.” Wraith said, his voice grating on the ears. Cheshire swallowed but answered in a calm voice.

“Agent Wraith, I've heard of you as well. I apologize we didn't know you had been assigned security to our target. Had we known we never would have come.” Cheshire said, speaking honestly. The League of Shadows had a no hands on policy when it came to Wraith. Beep-Beep-Boop! All of the explosives in the train car went from standby to off. The tech Shadow flinched as he looked back to the explosives then back to Wraith.

Wraith walked into the VIP train car fully at this point. His massive eight foot frame, and shroud swallowed one side and made the air grow tense. He tossed Vertigo aside as the Count of Vlatava collided into a wall and broke his nose, and maybe his jaw. He collapsed in a fleshy heap, but was still alive. Cheshire looked at Vertigo, then made an unexpected move she quickly put away her blade and stood up straight.

“I don't suppose you'll allow us to leave?” Cheshire asked, the other Shadows looked sideways at her.

“Yes... But I'm keeping them.” Wraith replied, while gesturing towards Vertigo, and Brick. Wraith stood to one side of the door and gestured with his clawed hand for them to leave.

“The others in my team?” Cheshire asked, still poised to attack or flee.

“What other team members? All I found were terrorists planting explosives on the train.” Wraith said, a growl deep in his chest.

“Ah! Yes of course, my mistake.” Cheshire said, she gave her team hand signals and they sheathed their weapons.

One by one the Shadows passed by Wraith who let them pass. Cheshire was last, but as she passed by Wraith leaned forward his snout inches from her face. To her credit Cheshire didn't jump away, though her entire body went rigid she didn't move. Wraith inhaled slow and deep, memorizing her scent.

“Perhaps we could get dinner first before we go any further.” Cheshire said with a bit of sarcasm.

“I'll look forward to it....Jade.” Wraith whispered softly in her ear. Cheshire heart froze at the sound of her name from Wraith's mouth.

Wraith turned his back to her and moved into the room to check on Kara. His tail, and the tipped blade passed by Jade and nearly cut open her arm. But Cheshire kept perfectly still at the realization that Wraith knew who she was. She closed her eyes and slowed her breathing, then returned to being the team captain of the Shadows. She turned on her heel, bowed at a ninety degree angle then ran off to join her team. Just as the train exited the mountain tunnel.

Lash glanced back at her as she left, and grinned in satisfaction. He spread his arms out and cast a area of effect spell cast. Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss. Though he did exclude Brick, and Vertigo. One by one the bodyguards started to wake up, but Kara was first. She looked up at him and through she wore a mask Lash could tell she was smiling. He offered her a hand up and she accepted. Kara went to check on Perdita as Lash created meta-human inhibitors, and hand cuffed Brick, and Vertigo. Though it wasn't much use on Vertigo. Lash had ripped out the bio-implant that Vertigo used to amplify his power. Now all Vertigo could do was cause a slight head ache. If he ever woke up again that is.

Lash heard the sound of the helicopter approaching and the last four shadows leaving. The training continued on to the next train station with out exploding. Brick soon woke up and started to scream in panic at the sight of Wraith in the train car with him. Lash made a simple gesture and took Brick's voice away temporarily with Silence. Kara came out of the VIP carriage and walked up to Lash, she leaned in and softly spoke.

“Princess Perdita is asking for you.” Kara said, Lash nodded and followed her into the VIP cabin.

Princess Perdita was a small child with long blond hair, green eyes, and a noble disposition. She had grown up fast in her home country when her parents had been taken from her. Thankfully she had several ministers and guardians around her that only wanted to see her happy and safe. But with all that said, Perdita had to grow up fast. She sat up in her bed, and had squared her shoulders. Thanks to Lash's spell work she was feeling better than she had in a long time. But her heart was still weak. Lash stood at a respectful distance, took a knee, and made a hand gesture over his heart in near perfect imitation to Vlatava's etiquette. Internet search engine to the rescue for culture and customs! Predita's eyes went wide, but her smile was full of youthful vigor and innocence.

“Please rise, Sir Wraith. I am in your debt, as well as your partner Agent K.” Perdita said in a soft but clear voice. Lash stood up, he towered over the Princess but she didn't seem to mind. Kara stood next to Lash, and kept quiet.

“I shall have to thank the UN for assigning you as extra security. It seemed we needed it, I knew that my cousin Count Vertigo wanted the throne. But I didn't think he would go to such lengths. Its unfortunate we do not have any proof of his actions.” Perdita said with a frown.

“Proof? But he's here? He attacked us! Isn't that enough?” Kara asked, clearly confused.

“No, Vertigo could play it off that he was kidnapped and brought here against his will. He could claim that he was here to protect Princess Perdita, and simply been taken by surprise. It's paper thin, and anyone with a pair of eyes, and ears would call it a bald face lie. But Vertigo has a lot of support in their country. Which is also why he is still alive, if I had killed him it would have caused a lot of problems at the UN, and in Vlatava.” Lash replied, his voice still animalistic, but softer in Perdita's presence.

“Agent Wraith is correct, Agent K. We would need Vertigo on record... What is it?” Perdita said, then asked her Vice-Minister. The Vice-Minister walked over with a holographic phone and showed a video file sent by an 'anonymous' sender. But the ghost mark of a Alice in Wonderland Cheshire cat face was on the file.

'We just want you to be clear, Count Vertigo. What are you asking us to do?' -said a woman's voice.

'Then I will be clear! I Count Vertigo, the rightful heir, and future ruler of Vlatava want my bitch of a cousin to die! I want to be there, and choke the life out of her myself! I will kill her! I want your help to do it! Is that clear enough!' -said a holographic video recording of Vertigo.

“Yes! I think that will be perfect!” Lash said with a smile, revealing a bit of fang.

“Vice-Minister Lazlo save that file and send it back to our homeland immediately. Also send a copy to our Agent Wraith here. May I trust that you will you send it to the right people Agent Wraith?” Perdita said with a smile.

“Yes, highness that can easily be done.” Lash replied with a bow.


“Damn it people! What is going on with you lately! You all cant rely on a big story to just fall into your lap every time! We need something big! Something political! Full of intrigue, drama, and something that will bring our readers back to the Daily Planet!” Perry the chief editor of Daily Planet yelled out his top journalist.

“Kent! Where are we with the missing person reports after the tidal wave incident? Did you find out why it keeps going up?” Perry yelled at Clark Kent who winced at his name being called.

“Yes chief! Several gangs, and cartels are using the missing persons to create a string of human trafficking. I have all...” Clark tried to finish before Perry cut him off.

“GREAT! Type it up, and have it on my desk in hour!...NOW Kent!” Perry yelled, and Kent excused himself to go write the report.

“Lois....Lois....LOIS!?” Perry shouted at Lois who was on her phone with a stupid grin on her face.

“Oh sorry Chief! I just got a big story that just fell into my lap.” Lois said with a smug grin, as she looked up at Perry.

“Well! Don't just sit there, tell us about it!” Perry shouted, saliva spraying across the table. A few people lifted their laptops to shield themselves.

“About Princess Perdita that last true heir of the country Vlatava was almost assassinated by her cousin Count Vertigo. While she was traveling to San Francisco for an emergency surgery for her weak heart. And who protected her? Agent Wraith, who is the one that sent a video file of Count Vertigo admitting to the assassination attempt?” Lois held up her holographic phone and played the video.

“Now that! That is what I am talking about! Look at Lane everyone! See how a story just fell into her lap! What about the rest of you! Where is your story!?” Perry shouted, and everyone in the room rolled their eyes.


The train came to a stop in San Francisco and was swarmed by emergency response teams. Police department, Fire department, FBI, and a small ARGUS team rushed towards the train and started to practically pull the train apart. Agent Wraith, and 'Agent K' escorted Princess Perdita and her group to the hospital under police escort. Brick, and Vertigo was handed off to ARGUS. Perdita was in the hospital awaiting her surgery when the Vice-Minister came into her room filled with tears. Someone had sabotaged the medical transport that was en route. The heart was gone. Agent K who was still in the room with Perdita asked if Wraith could see Perdita's medical file.

Lash stood in the VIP room with the Kara, Perdita, Lazlo the Vice-Minister, and several bodyguards as he looked through Perdita's medical file. She had a rare blood, and tissue disorder that made finding a viable donor nearly impossible. It seems that if the assassination attempt failed, the heart was meant to be destroyed. Lash didn't think that the Shadows would do that? Maybe they would? But more thank likely Vertigo anticipated failure and set up a back up plan.

“Wraith...What do you think?” Agent K/ Kara asked, her voice gentle as she held Perdita's hand. Kara was still in her combat suit and had made no move to remove it until Lash told her otherwise.

“Yes! Should be fine. Can you ask the hospital for an operating room. We can do it as soon as the room is ready.” Lash said.

“Wait! You can fix her!?” The Lazlo all but screamed.

“Yes, shouldn't be an issue.” Lash said, he ran Insight over Lazlo the man came off as friendly, and his disposition said he was happy and grateful. So that meant he was not an enemy. Lash had checked Perdita's entire staff for possible issues. Everyone loved her, and wanted her happy and safe. Good people!

“We read about your time at the Veterans Hospital in Metropolis. But we didn't read anything about organs. Or we would have asked for you specifically.” Perdita said with a smile.

“Well don't spread it around, I'm not suppose to fix everyone. Rules.” Lash said with a shrug.

“Agent K, a word.” Lash walked out of the room, and Kara soon followed.

“Are you OK with sticking around with her for a while?” Lash asked, he was pretty sure he knew the answer but wanted to ask.

“YES! … I mean, yes. I want to see this through.” Kara said, she squared her shoulders and looked at Lash through her visor.

“Alright, do you want to put on civilian clothes? I've got something that can alter your appearance if you want?” Lash offered, and Kara nodded several times.

Lash found an unused changing room and pulled Kara inside. He drew a privacy curtain that separated them both. He returned Kara's battle suit back to energy. Then made black heeled boots, dress suit pants, a white buttoned shirt, and a black suit jacket. Had to the look the part of UNWS agent. Then he handed her a simple Illusion Phantasm charm. A gold necklace, with a silver arrow head with tiny inscriptions.

Kara walked out wearing the agent uniform, but she now had green eyes, black hair, and a dark caramel skin tone. The shirt was snug and emphasized her breasts, as did the pants with her ass. She looked the part of a movie actor playing the part of a secret agent. She pulled on her suit jacket and went to a full length mirror to look at her self. She dropped the necklace under her shirt, stood to the side and checked her profile. Her overall body features didn't change, just eye color, hair color, and skin tone. But it made her look very different.

“You ready Agent K?” Lash asked behind her. Kara turned with a brilliant smile and nodded.

Lash made her a simple ID card, and badge. Along with several hundred dollars in fifties, twenties, and tens. They walked back towards Perdita's room, Lash continued to move around as Wraith with his lizard and shroud like appearance, Kara walking by his side. The head bodyguard at the door looked at Kara and back at Lash.

“Andrik! Forget me already? I know I look different out of uniform but really?” Kara said with a smile. Andrik the head bodyguard flinched and smiled.

“Agent K! Sorry, I didn't recognize you. Yes please head in, her highness was asking for you.” Andrik replied and opened the door for them.

“Agent K...Is that you?” Perdita asked, and Kara walked over with a smile.

“Wow, you are beautiful!” Perdia said loudly, the staff in the room agreed.

Over the next hour Lash went over the operation with Perdita, Lazlo, Andrik, and the Chief Surgeon in the hospital. The Doctor was worried about lawsuits, insurance scandals in case anything went wrong, he seemed a little over agitated to Lash. Though it was a legitimate worry, but Lash said if it was really an issue they could just go to a hotel and do it there. Lazlo did his best to assure the chief suergeon that all blame would be passed on to Agent Wraith if things went wrong. But also made it very clear that all 'credit' would go to Wraith if it went right. That made the Chief Surgeon pause. Kara shouted at the doctor for acting like a child for wanting credit for a job they didn't even do!

Eventually they made it into an operating room. Andrik, and Kara right outside the door. While several armed bodyguards were in the near by hall ways. Lash was alone in the room with two nurses that accompanied Perdita from Vlatava. They wore surgical gowns while Lash was just a giant ghost lizard. He cast Immaculate on the whole room, the nurses, Perdita, and himself.

“Alright Highness...” Lash started.

“Perdita... Just call me Perdita. You and Agent K saved my life, and now you are saving me again. Just call me Perdita please.” Perdita said, her whole body was shaking.

“Alright, Perdita. I want you to count down from twenty. As you count down you will start to feel tired, your eye lids will start to feel heavy. With every breath, and every number you'll start to feel relaxed, and sleepy. Can you do that for me?” Lash asked as he cast Compulsion. Perdita nodded, and started to count.

Lash direction pheromones from his Nature Domain passive and Perdita soon fell asleep. Lash created several holographic windows that showed Perdita's vitals, mostly for the nurses in the room for him. He created a holographic Phantasm of Perdita's body, muscles, organs, and bones that floated above her. Ghostly mechanical arms extended from his back, and hovered over Perdita. Then the hands reached through Perdita as if her skin was nothing but water. One of the nurses in the room gasped in surprise but made no other sound.

This was of course all for show! Lash cast his spells Bending, Nature's Supplement, Panacea, Alteration, Renew, Regrowth, Nature's Kiss, and Re:Implant. Lash restored not only her heart, but her entire body. Living her life with a bad heart had caused a lot of stress on Perdita. He placed several bio-mechanical implants across her whole body to help her recover faster. They would degrade over time. In a few months Perdita would be healthy, happy, and safe. Just like her country needed her to be. The ghostly mechanical hands pulled out of Perdita, and the holographic projection of her body structure faded from sight.

“Is something wrong?” The second nurse asked, concern in her voice.

“Not at all, I'm done. She's perfectly health. Her heart, and all damaged tissue have been fixed. Not only is she safe, she wont suffer like this ever again.” Lash replied, his animal voice gentle...Mostly.

“That's it!? That didn't even take thirty minutes!” The nurse all but screamed.

“You can call the doctors in to check on her.” Lash said with a laugh and moved to the side of the room.

Despite the Chief Surgeon reluctance for the operation. They went full swing for the post check up. They checked Perdita over in the operating room. Then took her to several other rooms for X-rays, and scans. Everyone went with her, Andrik, Kara, and Lash were never far behind. After twelve hours they brought Perdita back to her room. The results from the first brand of tests said that she was perfectly healthy! The rest of the tests wouldn't come back for days, or even weeks. But Lash understood it was the hospital attempting to cover their own ass, but hoping to get a bit of the credit as well. Something that Lazlo could only glare at the Chief Surgeon for.

Lash gave all the bodyguards a pick me up through Sooth, and Nature's Supplement. Along with the Vice-Minister, the nurses, and Kara. Kara stayed in the room, along with Lash though she was curled up on a chair next to the bed. Lash had created several holographic windows to display different sets of information. Again cosmetic for everyone else, so there wasn't just a giant lizard looming over the princess.

The door slowly opened and the Vice-Minister walked in with the Chief Surgeon who held Perdita's medical file. Lazlo smiled wide at Lash and nodded his head. The chief looked reluctant, his shoulders stooped, his face was pale, and his hands were shaking. Lash had cast Insight on him once before and it did come out 'Hostile' but he assumed it was because Lash was threatening the Chief's hospital. The chief walked towards Perdita, his whole body tense. But before he could touch her Lash wrapped his claws around his throat, and pulled him back and off the ground. The chief surgeon went wide eyed and tried to kick Lash in the chest to no avail.

“What are you doing!?” Lazlo all but hissed, the chief's body went stiff as board as Lash used Telekinesis. Then pulled the surgeons sleeve up to reveal a hidden needle that was full of clotting agent. If he had injected Perdita, a clot would form in her brain and kill her.

“I was hoping I was wrong. But you, like so many others in this hospital were paid off to ensure she died in this hospital.” Lash hissed, as he showed a the bank records of the surgeon, to Lazlo. It showed a massive deposit from an off shores bank account, that went through several shell companies then finally from Vertigo's accounts.

Andrik! It's Wraith, gather your men we are leaving! -Lash said through a telepathy. Lash bound the doctor in chains and tossed him aside. He woke Kara up, and carefully pulled Perdita's IV out. She didn't need it anyways. He didn't wake her, just flipped the brakes and pushed the whole bed from the room. A Saurus Warrior appeared from thin air and grabbed the chief surgeon's legs and started to drag him after its master, all the while the chief screamed through a gag.

You can leave a hospital pretty quickly when you are under armed guards. Lash contacted the Warden's to contact the UN, along with the evidence about the chief surgeon along with over a dozen other auxiliary staff all on the take from Vertigo. Why? Cause Lash didn't actually known anyone at the UN. They responded with in seconds of the message, and gave him the address to a really nice and pseudo-mundane five star hotel. Before the armed group even hit the street several SUV's and a very nice van with UNWS stamped on them all pulled up to retrieve them.

“K....What's going on?” Perdita partially woke up in the van to the hotel. Kara leaned over her and held her hand. She gave Perdita a reassuring smile.

“It's OK. We are just moving you to safer location.” Kara responded.

“Did it work?” Perdita asked.

“Yes! Wraith fixed you, you are going to be fine!” Kara replied. Perdita smiled, and fell asleep. Tears streamed out of her eyes, but not ones of sorrow but of happiness.

The hotel was not marked, if anyone were to look at the building they would assume it was a commercial building. Thirty floors of steel, concrete, and glass. But each window given minor enchantments for protection and privacy. Along with the some of the best technology money can buy! It was owned by Shield and Sword! Perdita and her people were shown to a very nice medical aid area. Highly trained medical staff who all looked incredibly good looking!

“Had I known the UN had such a place we would have gone them instead.” Vice-Minister Lazlo said in a soft whisper to Lash.

“That's cause they don't, not officially anyways.” Lash replied, a look of recognition appeared in Lazlo's eyes and made gesture of zipping his lips shut. Lazlo took the time to inform the entire group of the situation. They would all be silent about the location.

“Agent Wraith, Agent K, there is a video call for you in the other room.” A handsome man, with gorgeous features came to Lash's side. Lash peered through the glamour to see a Sylvan man with a really nice glamour on. Lash had to nudge Kara to keep her from drooling.

“Thank you.” Lash said, as he pulled Kara along. She stumbled, and caught herself. Her face turning red as the sylvan winked at her.

They walked into a side room with couches, chairs, tables, and a holographic display window. Lash pulled Kara along who was trying to keep her eyes off the sylvan that followed them into the room with them, but of course failing. Lash sat down, and all but dragged Kara down with him. He looked at the sylvan and gave him a helpless shrug. The man understood, then his 'sex appeal' to tune down a bit. Kara could at last take her eyes off of him.

“Are you good now?” Lash asked her. She shrunk her neck in and tried to find a pillow to hide her face.

“I'm sorry! I...He's just so good looking. By Roa what am I saying!” Kara all but shouted into her found pillow. Roa was the primary deity on Krypton, the sun god if Lash understood correctly. Other Worldly Lore sent him an experience prompt.

“Kara if you want to have sex with him later, I don't think he'll say no.” Lash said nonchalantly. Then swiftly moved out of the way as Kara threw a pillow at him!

“What did you say! What is wrong with you! He is still in the room!” Kara nearly screamed, then hid behind the couch out of eye sight of the sylvan.

“I most certainly will not say no.” The Sylvan said with a smile. Kara all but melted into her seat, trying to find a hole to hide in.

“Apologies Agent Wraith but we are about to establish the video.” The Sylvan replied, Lash cast Calm Emotions on Kara. She sat up straight, and looked around confused. The holographic feed activated and a old friend was on the other side. Juliana! Torloth's daughter, and the dragon female that carried Lash's first child.

“Agent Wraith! We are happy to see you using Shield and Sword assets, and are of course happy to shelter Princess Perdita. But the....'UN' is confused. Who is Agent K?” Juliana asked, all Lash could see was from her neck up. But he still smiled at Juliana who smiled back.

“Agent K's exact identity is for her to share if she chooses to. However, I can give you some basic information. The Alien known has Superman who is based in Metropolis? This is his cousin, I am showing her around to the Justice League based cities. I was also hoping to convince her to be of help with the 'special forces' of the UNWS.” Lash replied, Juliana's eyes went wide, along with the Sylvan male in the room with them. He even took a step back as he appraised Kara again.

“Ummm... Hello! I..I go by Kara. I would be more then happy to assist the UN if they are ever in need of help. Special forces or otherwise! Agent Wraith has been a great help to my cousin, and to me. I owe him a lot! I hope me helping with Princess Perdita won't put Agent Wraith into any kind of trouble?” Kara said in reply.

“Not at all Agent K! We will ensure any and all problems are easily resolved, and will of course keep the exact specifics of your origins out of the public record. This clears everything up with who 'Agent K' is. We have made the proper arrangements for the criminals in the hospitals. We have also taken steps to remove the assassination contract on Princess Perdita. Do you have anything to add?” Juliana asked both Lash, and Kara.

“Anything extra will be placed in my report. Agent K?” Lash said, as the report was nearly typed out via Connectivity, Parallel Minds, and Virtual Intelligence.

“Can...I mean if its possible. Can the UN help to ensure Perdita is safely returned to her home country?” Kara asked.

“I believe that can be arranged!” Juliana said, then shut the communication holographic off.

Under the guidance of the male Sylvan who brought them back to the medical ward area, he was a bit more respectful but still flirty towards Kara. Who tried to bury her face into Lash's shroud to hide her flushed face. Lash filled in Vice-Minister Lazlo, and head guard Andrik about the situation. They had planned on staying at the hospital in San Francisco for several days if not weeks because of the operation. But now they could return to Vlatava immediately! The male Sylvan stepped forward and assured them that the special forces of the UNWS would ensure they would return to their home with out further incident. Kara wanted to stay until Perdita woke up so she could say goodbye, so they stuck around until morning.


Juliana Shi'Word smoothed out her silk green skirt, and ocean blue silk blouse. She fixed her hair, and checked her makeup in a full length mirror. Her naked toed heels let others see she had pink nail polish on that she knew was eye catching. She held a file that was jam packed with information on Superman, and now Kara. She walked down a long hallway towards a conference room with doable oak doors. She could see spell script written into the door frame. Then with out prior notice or warning the doors opened. She walked in with smooth deliberate steps only to stumbled when her father called out!

“What are you wearing!? You are suppose to be in maternity cloths! What are those on your feet! You are suppose to be wearing the orthopedic shoes your mother bought for you! What about the baby!” Torloth shouted, and stood up at the head of the table. Juliana stared daggers at him.

“I'm not even showing yet! It will be years before I am! Father please! We have company!” Juliana shouted back, sparks of living flame escaped her mouth, and her fingers grew claws.

“Oh please don't stop on our account!” Several Fae, and a few Wardens replied with smiles and laughs.

“You see! They understand that you are with child! Come! Come take a seat!” Torloth ignored his daughters glare and brought a chair over. He had a huge grin plastered on his face. Juliana stalked past him, pulled out her own chair, and sat down. She all but slashed with her claws as Torloth tried to adjust the seat for her.

Torloth could not be happier that his youngest daughter was with child. He loved dotting on her and smothering her with love, affection, and just enjoyed embarrassing! Juliana had begged her mother to get him to stop, but she just bought her new cloths, and shoes! Everyone in the office walked around her like she was made of glass. It absolutely infuriated her! Torloth laughed himself to sleep more than once! He took a moment to imagine tomorrow and how to torture his beloved daughter. Then he coughed into his hand and went into business mode.

“So, it seems that Warden Lash, and Partner Saurian has befriended the Krytonian's cousin, Kara.” Torloth said to the Fae, and Warden Council. Juliana took a moment to glare at her father then place the file on the table. A arcane crystal scanned the whole file and produced an interactive imagery for the council to view.

“Not only that, he was attempting to see if she would be willing to help the 'Special Forces' of the UNWS. His words. However, whether this means we have a Kryptonian as helping hand, or maybe a future Warden? That remains to be seen.” Juliana added.

“This Justice League, isn't taking Lash away from his duties as a Warden is it?” A female Fae councilor asked.

“Yes and no. Though he has not been able to respond to several minor, and medium requests as a Warden. He has accomplished many large requests, and several beneficial activities that a Warden wouldn't normally be involved in because he was with the Justice League. He knew King Arthur Curry, and Queen Y'Mera through the Justice League. His restoration of The Green in northern Africa happened because of his mission with Atlantis.” A male Warden described.

“The Wayside Inn of Mystery was his doing! If he hadn't gone to check on Zatanna Zatara, Giovanni's daughter because of the League a nightmare from another dimension would have caused havoc in our reality. Also now, the Wayside Inn of Mystery is an excellent method of inter-dimensional travel, and can be used as a neutral ground for discussions and meetings.” A female Warden added.

“So it is taking him away, but the benefits out way the negatives. Very well. The Monarch of Vlatava has accepted our services to escort them home. This means we have been invited across a border that we haven't had access to in the old country. Will the old ones in the Slavic states attack Vlatava because of it?” A male Fae Councilor replied.

“No, we've been invited! Old ones obey old rules! We can establish a Warden HQ there once we take them back. The old ones can't stop us, or punish the mundanes for it. Does...Warden Lash know what he did?” The first male Warden asked.

“I don't believe so, I think he was just there to help.” Juliana said with a bit of a smile.

“Well help he did! Saved a monarchy, and allowed us to get our foot in the door. We'll make sure he is commended for his efforts. Even if it was blind luck! Or the designs of his Patron, and the Endless! Either one!” The female Fae Councilor added.

“You all understand that the old ones will have their eyes on Warden Lash now?” Torloth said, a bit of an edge in his voice. Juliana looked at her father, then back at the council.

“We do... We'll support him as much as we can. But I think he is made of sterner stuff then we give him credit for.” The male Warden replied.

“Good...” Juliana said, a death glare in her eyes as she ran her hand over her abdomen.


“Thank you for everything, Agent Wraith, Agent K. You saved my life three times now! A debt not easily repaid. But I will try as best as I can in the future.” Perdita said, she stood in front of Lash and Kara. Wearing a royal gown, white buttoned shoes, and her blond hair was brushed down her shoulders. She looked elegant, and regal. Not bad for a ten year old!

“How about you let the UNWS escort you back, and you call Agent K, and myself your friends. Not of Vlatava, but of you?” Lash said as he gave his clawed hand for a handshake.

Perdita smiled and shook Lash's hand, or mostly his index finger. While she gave Kara a hug who returned the embrace with a smile. Kara took a moment to pull her necklace off so Perdita could see what she really looked like. Andrik, and Lazlo went wide eyed but kept their mouths shut. Perdita smiled and hugged her again.

“We look like sisters you and I! Thank you!” Perdita said in response. This made Kara hug her tighter, tears brimming in her eyes. Perdita let go of Kara so she could replace her necklace, she turned to look at Lash almost expectingly.

Lash pulled back his shroud's hood and revealed his reptilian features. His skull crest gave the top of his head a diamond shaped like appearance with the top curving upwards, and the sides curving down. Several tribal tattoo marks for each of his Domains were inscribed along the scales. His four red eyes peered down at her, and his snout pulled back to reveal his razor sharp teeth. He flickered out a forked tongue, and Perdita grimaced but never lost her smile.

“I do have a human disguise, but I'll wait till we visit you in Vlatava to show you. Keep it a surprise.” Lash said to her.

“You promise you will come and visit!” Perdita asked with a wide smile.

“Yes! I'll bring a few surprises and gifts with me. I'm sure your country could use a few of them.” Lash replied, Perdita smiled and hugged him or rather his leg as he was taller than her by a large margin. Vice-Minster Lazlo's eyes went a little wide at the idea that the Alien Wraith may bring a few 'gifts' to Vlatava.

“K! You'll come to wont you!” Perdita asked.

“Of course! I may even come with out Wraith I'll miss you so much!” Kara replied, course once she can fly like her cousin it would be easy to visit.

Lash and Kara soon left the Shield and Sword safe house after they got Vlatava's diplomatic communication line, and Princess Perdita personal contact information. They left through the underground parking garage, Lash was back to his black urban soldier look, and Kara decided to keep her illusion charm on. She wore tennis shoes, jeans, a t-shirt, and her leather jacket. She wrapped her arms around Lash's arm and they went to explore the city.

“Will we really go visit her?” Kara asked.

“Yes, I figured after we visit all the of the League cities we could take a plane, or a tree to Vlatava. As long as nothing unexpected happens. But with my luck? Who knows!” Lash said with a shrug. Kara laughed and shook her head...

Lash and Kara caught a ride and looked at the sights of San Francisco, Kara remarked that a lot of the places were poorly constructed and a waste of resources! Lash laughed at her assumption and judgment of the tourist attractions. Especially the snake curved roads, or the giant roller coaster like street that so many high speed movie chases had happened on. As they walked through a city plaza Lash saw an odd sight, about hundred feet in the air a purple lightning danced, and burst apart at the seems. A portal opened and spit out something covered in a purple glow. Then six warrior reptiles came flying out of the portal, they wore metal armor, held metal pikes with blasters attached to them, and more surprising they had dragon like wings. Gordanians!

Lash looked over at the first purple projectile to see a woman with fiery red hair, red to orange skin, wearing torn purple cloths. She tried to stand up, but fell down to her knees. A neon green glow emanated from her hands. The Gordanians flew over to her and pointed her pikes at her. She shot a energy blast at them, and they shot back. The plaza was already full of civilians, but now they started to scream and run for cover as an alien shoot out started.

“Kara help the woman! I'll get my reptilian cousins!” Lash said, and did a fast track Fabrication and made Kara's combat suit gauntlets, and stuck them on for her. He also cast Cat's Grace on her and linked her up with Temporary Pack Bond.

“Got it!” Kara shouted.

Kara took off at incredibly speed, her feet seem to not even touch the ground. Lash smirked at the sight of Kara slowly adapting to her Kryptonian physiology as she absorbs more yellow sun radiation. Lash let out a challenging Intimidating Shout that rippled across the plaza as he used Transformation once again. The shout made the Gordanians freeze in place, and the alien woman looked confused at the sudden appearance of a wingless Gordanian?

Lash cast Cat's Grace on himself and bound across the plaza in a few short seconds. He shoulder charged one Gordianian had both felt and heard the satisfying crunch of bones, and organs rupturing as the body flew across the plaza into a concrete wall! Lash flipped around and his bladed tail sliced another Gordi in half from hip to shoulder. Then he reached out with his hands and used Telekinesis to rip all of the flesh from the spine of another Gordi. All of that happened in ten seconds! The last three Gordi's flipped out and roared in deviance and shot the energy bolts from their pikes!

The alien woman stared in shock, and a bit of awe at the Lash. Kara came running over and easily picked her up. The alien was surprised, but didn't fight Kara as she pulled her behind cover. Kara looked the woman over for a moment then shouted in english 'stay here!' To which the alien woman looked at her in confusion. Kara jumped out of cover and raced towards another Gordanian she reached him and threw all of her weight into her punch. The Gordi's skull caved in, and his body flipped head over heel and impacted into the plaza's floor! Two left!

The water melon wet crushing sound surprised the last two Gordi's they turned to point their pikes at Kara. Which was a mistake! They soon realized this when Lash cast Call Lighting and chained it between the both of them. Unlike other arcane magic, Lash's Lighting was the real thing, all ten billion watts of energy! The Gordi's didn't even have a chance to scream, their flesh cooked, the blood boiled, and they were dead with in less then a second.

Lash reached up to the portal in the sky and began to use Bending, this portal wasn't a rift. So it should be easier. He bent, and folded the portal closed with magical energy. Foot by foot, inch by inch the portal got smaller, and smaller. Then with an audible pop! The portal closed. Lash looked around the plaza and sent a Nature Domain pulse... No civilian casualties, two alien women. Kara, and the orange skinned woman with long fiery hair. Erik knew who this was, and was surprised to see her so soon.

Kara ran over to the alien woman and helped her up. The woman started to speak in her native language with a smile. She hugged Kara and looked at the remains of the Gordi's, then ran to hug Lash despite his reptilian appearance she seem to understand they were not the same! She smiled, laughed, and continued to speak in her native tongue. Then she looked at Lash, ran her fingers a long her lips. Then turned to Kara, with out warning she kissed Kara. Kara flailed, and her eyes went wide. She pushed the alien woman off of her and gasped.

“Apologies! My people can learn language through tactile contact, a kiss is best. I had thought to kiss you, but your snout would have made it difficult!” The woman said in Kryptonian.

“What the! Just! You could have waited, he can change his shape!” Kara shouted, and turned away with a red face. She mumbled under her breath, 'That was my first kiss!'

The woman turned to look at Lash in question. With the sound of bones snapping, and flesh tearing. He retook his tan skinned, blue eyes, bald but no tribal marks, soldier looking form. He looked at the woman who smiled at him. Then looked back at Kara who went to Lash's side, her face still blushing red.

“You should kiss him too! Cause you are not speaking the language english.” Kara said in Kryptonian.

“That won't work. I know to many languages for that ability to have any effect. My current name in this situation is Wraith. Until told otherwise please use this name when referring to me. This is K, same thing for now. Please forgive us, what is your name?” Lash said, as he bowed from his waist towards the woman who smiled at him in return.

“I am Princess Koriand'r of Tamaran, and I am in your debt Wraith, and K. Please! Let us be friends from now on! It would please me greatly!” Koriand'r said in Kryptonian

“I take it back, Wraith. You have pretty bad luck.” Kara said in english.

“Ya...Ya I do.” Lash replied as he looked around at the Plaza full of dead Gordanian bodies.

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