
Freedom, is that what this feeling was? Koriand'r looked at her hands and clenched them into fists. She hadn't felt the feeling of freedom in years. She looked up and saw the woman, and...man talking to the authorities of the world she had come to... Earth it was called. Koriand'r focused on the conversation taking place around her. Though her people could absorb language through touch, she did prefer a kiss because it was... Fun! But she could just as well as absorb a language by watching others speak.

Agent K...The woman looked at Koriand'r again to make sure she was alright. The woman looked peculiar with her dark skin, black hair, and green eyes. But her appearance seem to shimmer in place. Koriand'r was sure that this woman didn't really look like that. The man, the 'reptile' had power that oozed off of him. He was dangerous! Agent Wraith seemed to be a Law Keeper of high authority on this world called Earth. Koriand'r wasn't sure why, but she felt that she could trust him. Her intuition had saved her life more than once and she grew to trust it.

“Princess, a moment of your time?” Agent Wraith said, his voice was like an animal was learning to talk. But despite its animalistic sound no one had issues understanding him.

Koriand'r walked over with confidence in her steps, she squared her shoulders and tilted her chin up. Koriand'r was 6'4” with orange skin, bright red hair that flared with energy at the tips. Her eyes her glowing green energy that would intensify depending on her emotions. Her hair swept past her shoulders, but was jagged and uneven. Like it had been cut with a knife, or a sharp stone. Koriand'r's body was exceptionally beautiful by Earth standards. She had an hour glass figure, a firm athletic figure, with bouncing breasts, and perfect ass. She was straight of a science fiction novel for Alien royalty. It also didn't help that she wore but a simple rag around her chest, and hips. Every man, and nearly every woman on the scene looked at her while she walked over to Wraith, and the DEO agent in charge at the scene.

“Yes Agent Wraith?” Koriand'r said with a smile, and broken English with a accent. she looked at Wraith to see him bow from his waist slightly when she approached. Koriand'r was pleased to see that her rescuer had manners. But she'd had to talk to him about it later. She didn't want her...'friends' to treat her differently.

“This is Agent Smith of the DEO” Fake name -Wraith said both audibly and in her mind. The first time Wraith had spoke in her mind it sent a shiver of terror through her spine. Mind readers were dangerous! But her instincts told her to calm down, he wouldn't hurt her.

“Ma'am, Welcome to Earth! We are still in the process of accepting Alien's freely on our planet. But Agent Wraith has decided to take you under his wing. Personally I think you are dangerous. 'No offense'. But it's not my call! So word to the wise, anything you do will be looked back at Wraith both good and bad. Understood?” Agent Smith said in a level tone.

Smith was a 6 foot even human with short black hair, and brown eyes. He had on what this planet seem to think as field operations suit. Wraith had called it battle rattle? Helmet, battle vest with dozens of pockets, pants with pockets, and boots. He had a strange plastic weapon strung across his back. He looked at Koriand'r with suspicion but not hostility. Koriand'r didn't understand what Smith meant by 'under Wraith's wing' Wraith didn't have wings as far as Koriand'r could see?

He means that I vouched for you. Normally an illegal alien on the planet would go to a processing center, and possibly jail. So, I said I would keep an eye on you. You'll have to stick with me for a while. Apologies Princess, I should have asked for your permission. -Wraith said in her mind. This time a different shiver went down Koriand'r's spine, she smiled wide and nodded her head at Agent Smith.

“I understand! I will do my best not to betray Agent Wraith's trust in me.” Koriand'r said, her English got better with every sentence. Agent Smith nodded, and started to talk to Wraith again. He continued to glance at Koriand'r as they spoke. He tried to keep an indifferent attitude, but Koriand'r could tell that he was attracted to her.

It was nearly sunset by the time they were allowed to leave. Agent Wraith raised his clawed hands up and Koriand'r felt a fuzzy feeling fall over her whole body. Then the most peculiar thing happened. Everyone around them seem to just stop seeing them? When they moved, the people got out of the way with out realizing they had? Koriand'r smiled wide at the sight of it, she had met people with telepathic powers that would allow people to 'just not see them'. Koriand'r put another tick in 'Wraith is dangerous' category.

They came to a tall structure made from concrete, and glass. Koriand'r thought the building primitive by Tamara standards. But she had learned that Earth was a pre FTL world. On the cusp of discovering that Alien life was real. Koriand'r had heard stories of such worlds. It was both a vast opportunity for prosperity, and also the chance for horror and tragedy. Once they entered another phenomenon happened. Despite the 'fuzzy' feeling around them, the attendants, and guards all looked at them. Koriand'r could see that all of their appearances would shimmer. They hid who they were as well. Koriand'r could feel danger coming off of every person in the lobby. These were not 'humans' like the ones outside they had walked past.

Wraith took us up a primitive elevator, Koriand'r was use to a gravity lift. They walked down a long hallway furnished with fine wood, a red carpet, and dozens of doors. This was a 'hotel', a place for people not native to the city to stay as if they were home. They came to a door and walked in, Wraith held the door open for Agent K, and Koriand'r, then walked in behind them. The room was not a room, but a nice home inside the building. A large resting area, a kitchen, a walled off balcony with a small pool, and several bedrooms with bathes!

“Pick the one you want, we'll be staying here tonight. Princess...” Wraith started to say.

“Kory! My friends call me Kory, please I would feel honored if you did as well.” Kory said to Wraith. Agent K, and Wraith both nodded.

“Please pick a room and wash up, Kory. I understand this place must seem primitive to your home world so if you are confused about things ask for help. I'll be making dinner.” Wraith said to Kory, and Agent K.

Agent K showed Kory to a room, K whistled at the sight of a full bathroom with a giant tub that could easily fit three people. A massive bed, with giant bay windows that showed the city that Kory had crashed into. Like sparkling jewels shining in the sun. Not for the first time Kory missed her home world. Kory stripped out of her rags, but noticed K was blushing and trying to not look at her. She was cute when she was flustered.

“Here let me show you how turn the water on. Its pretty basic on Earth, not like home...” K said, she sighed a bit as she walked to the bathroom.

“Home? Are you not from Earth?” Kory asked, she followed after K into the bathroom. She bounced on the heels of her feet, enjoying the sensation of the cold tiles.

“No... I.... Hmmm. Let's save that for later. Here is hot water, and cold water. Towels, and a bath robe when your finished. I'm in the next room over so give a shout if you need anything.” K said to Kory. She continued to look anywhere but at Kory's naked body.

“Very well Agent K, than...” Kory began but was stopped.

“Kara.... My name is Kara. Since we are friends.” Kara said with a smile and left the room.

Kory smiled wide as she watched Kara flee the room as quick as she could. Another friend! Raised her arms into the air and jumped a little in excitement. Kory then slipped into the warm bath water and let out an audible sigh! She found several bottles along the side, each one smelled amazing! The tub soon filled with bubbles, and Kory scrubbed down with a brush. She scrubbed, and scrubbed as she felt the dirt, sweat, blood, and tears wash away. She was free! She had friends! She was safe!


Lash used Parallel Minds, Virtual Intelligence, and Connectivity to type out a report for the Warden information bureau. He also made a full report to the United Nations, something he had never done before! Of course the report to the UN was missing a lot of information. The Warden's wanted to know who Koriand'r was, what her abilities were, and if she had any super-natural tie ins. The Fae Council didn't have any record of Tamara. That wasn't a surprise, they only had records of different aliens that they encountered that visited Earth. Though the council could visit different dimensions, different planets was something that only a select few could achieve.

Lash also informed VICI about the portal, as well as the Gordanians. She had recorded the energy reading and would place it in her files for future events. The Green Lanterns on the message board said they would consult the Guardians of Oa about Koriand'r. But they would never send her back into slavery. The Guardians were many things, but slavery was never an OK thing to them. Lash also showed a short clip of Kara fist smashing a Gordi. A lot of people watched the video and praised her for it. A few of the Leaguers wanted their own glamour charm as well!

Lash made dinner while he worked thanks to Parallel Minds. The kitchen came fully stocked, they had come to the original super-natural hotel he had made reservations for when Kara and him first rode on the train from Starling. He could here two bath tubs being used, he just cast Immaculate on himself. While he also shifted to his default human form, tribal tattoo's and all. He wore black boots, black cargo pants, a black shirt, with a belt. He was a cross between athletic, and body building, but moved with the grace of a predator. Because of the amount of time spent in his hybrid shape he had yellow green reptilian eyes, and snake scales along the parts of his body that bone would be stretched. Like along his jaw line, collar bone, elbows, shins, spine, etc.

The sound of water dripping across the carpet pulled his focus and Lash saw a wet, and naked orange skinned Kory standing in the room with him staring at him with wide green eyes. Her wet hair was wrapped up in a towel, but the rest of her was exposed. Kory's visibly shivered at the sight of Lash. Then she did something that Lash didn't think Kory would do, she folded her arms under her chest, turned slightly away and blushed shyly. It was one of the most seductive, and sexy things Lash had seen in a long time. Kory was on par with the Sidhe he had seen at the Winter Palace, he could understand why Kory had been named one of the hottest DC superheroes.

“Everything alright Kory?” Lash and Saurian spoke, together. Saurian kept Lash from jumping across the room and ravaging Kory. Though his cock still strained against his pants, that was being hidden by the island in the kitchen.

“Ye...yes! I... I'm fine! Is this what you normally look like?” Kory said as she cleared her throat. Lash got a prompt from a long lost friend and enemy! Advanced Charming Presence had gained experience. Fuck!

“This is my default human shape. But the animal shape is just as much a part of me as this one is. Oh! Since we are away from public eyes my name is Lash, and this is my partner Saurian.” Lash replied, as he felt Saurian reach out and speak to Kory through a telepathic hello.

Kory shivered again, and her whole body flushed, her nipples grew hard, and Lash could smell her arousal. She bit her bottom lip as she watched Lash through her eyelashes. When she heard him speak their names, and the voice of Saurian she jumped a little. But a smile spread across her face. She bounced across the room and wrapped her arms around his neck. She pressed the entire line of her body against his. Her hips ground against his, and she was very aware that he was happy to have her against him.

“Lash what are you doing!” Kara shouted from the doorway!

Kara had removed her glamour charm and had returned to her previous form. Her blond hair was wrapped in a towel, while she wore a long white cotton bath robe that wrapped around her curves nicely. She had tied the robe, but it was just a bit loose so it showed a bit of cleavage when she moved. Kory jumped from Lash and bounced over to Kara and hugged her as well. Kara was clearly surprised and flailed her arms around in confusion.

“Wai..wait! What is going on!” Kara all but squealed!

“I am celebrating that I have two new friends! The first I hope of many on this new world I have come to! Thank you Kara, and Lash for trusting me with your names!” Kory said in glee, as she continued to wiggle against Kara. Kara's entire face was red as a tomato as she dragged Kory off back to the bedrooms.

Lash fixed his pants, and cleaned himself up a bit... Lash continued to cook while he heard Saurian chuckle in his mind. Lash could focus his hearing and listen in on the conversation if he wanted to. But Saurian metaphorically batted at him. No! No! Hunter-Lash, do not be deceived by naked flesh. Her body, mind, and soul are injured. Once she is healed you may explore her! Saurian said across their link. Lash of course understood that. Erik had explained what little information he had on Kory to them both. Though they couldn't break the fourth wall with out expending energy on Cosmic Awareness. That didn't stop them from understanding the situation better. Couldn't speak, but could still act.

Soon the sweet sound of giggles came from the bedrooms. Kara gave an audible gasp, and tiny shout from time to time. Soon the two lovely ladies came back out both wearing bath robes. Kory walked in sashaying her hips back and forth. She smiled at Lash, and gave him a long coquettish glance. Kara's face was red as a tomato, but she also smiled at Lash. But looked away the moment they made eye contact. They both sat at the kitchen table that had been set already by Lash. He began to serve dinner.

“Kara has informed me that you are taking her around the to visit the major cities of this world?” Kory asked between bites of food. She had excellent table manners, and spoke only when she put her utensils down.

“Partially, we are primarily visiting the cities with in the country we are currently in. On Earth we don't have a unified government. We have major, medium, and small countries. I plan to tour a portion of the world with Kara in order to help educate her on the different cultures. Which also includes you now.” Lash said, as he poured some white wine for both ladies.

“Along the way we are visiting different Lea....gue cities. To meet my future team mates.” Kara had said, she stumbled over the Justice League but got a nod from Lash to continue.

“League?” Kory asked, she looked between Kara, and Lash.

“Justice League, its a organization of champions, warriors, heroes, etc that serve for truth, justice, and the dream for a better tomorrow for all. They are not controlled by any one country, since leaders can often be placed in a difficult position, or be corrupt.” Lash said in return.

Kory, and Kara both seem to digest that information. They ate in silence for another minute. Kory let her hair down from her towel and tucked it behind her ears. The tips of her intense red hair glowed faintly. Kara played with her own hair as she watched Kory's. She seem to sigh at her 'normal' appearance. She then looked at Lash, a question on her mind but didn't want to ask. Lash smiled at her and nodded in 'yes'. She blushed and looked down at her plate, finding the mashed potatoes very interesting. She wasn't sure if she liked or hated that Lash seem to understand her so well.

“So you are member of this League.... Lash?” Kory asked, she slowed at his name. But a glimmer of excitement flashed in her eyes when she came to his name.

“Officially? No I am not. I work for the United Nations World Security. Unofficially, I am one of its founding members.” Lash replied with a smile as he watched Kory for a moment, she turned away with a smile.

“Why are you not officially with them?” Kory responded after a bit. Kara perked up, and with a gesture from Lash she spoke.

“Politics! The United Nations is far more comfortable with Wraith being on their side. Since the League is a free organization not controlled by anyone but themselves. This makes a lot of people nervous! But having their own super powerful alien settles a lot of peoples minds. Hope for a better tomorrow.” Kara said with a smile.

“Where is your home world, Lash?” Kory asked, as she sipped her wine. Her cheeks flushed as she drank but Lash knew she could have several bottles and be fine.

“I was born here on Earth. But Earth is largely Xenophobic. A majority of their laws pertain to humans, and only humans. So though I am actually a native, they think me an alien. I am currently doing a solider to citizenship program. I serve for ten years, then gain citizenship to the planet. I am the only 'Alien' on public record to do this. Sort of a step in the right direction, we hope!” Lash said. Though it was partially a lie! He wasn't allowed to tell either of them about the Wardens or the super-natural world...For now.

“So...I will not be welcome here?” Kory asked, she tried to look indifferent but Lash could see her body tense.

“Depends on who you talk to, and what you do while here. I won't lie to you, Kory. A lot of people will be upset that another Alien is on Earth. But, there will be a lot of people that wont care, and a lot of people that will be happy to have you. But, you are welcome around us.” Lash said, and finished with a smile. Kara hummed in agreement as she was drinking her wine at the time. Kory smiled wide at them both.

They continued to talk about the League, Lash's job at the UN. The cities they would visit, and little customs that Kory should know. Like...Skin exposure in public. Lash said he would make some clothes for both of them tomorrow. It was around midnight when Kara, and Kory went to bed. Lash cleaned up and went outside to the small pool that was on the balcony. There was enchanted glass walls that surrounded the balcony so to hide what happened on the inside, but let them see the outside.

The city of San Francisco was beautiful at night. The hotel they stayed at had a down hill view with no obstructions. So they could look all the way down towards the water of the bay. The moon was high in the sky in a waxing crescent, and the stars were partially blocked by light pollution. Still a nice sight. Lash stepped out onto the pool and with the use of his Nature Domain the water become solid to him. He sat down in the middle of the pool and began to practice his magic. A ritual circle of focus and defense grew into being.

Lash went through every Domain he had. Nature, Technomancy, Synthesis, Grave, Transmutation, Illusion, Rebirth, Trickery. When he got to Trickery his mark for the Divine spark of Loki hummed lightly. He hadn't forgotten about it! Loki's spark didn't seem to mind the wait either. Lash closed his eyes and reached into his Nature Domain. This was his first, and most powerful Domain. It was a vast space that had a never ending feel to it. Unlike Zatanna, or Constantine, Lash couldn't just read spells out of a book, practice it over and over. Then cast the spell! He had to find the spell in his Domain first. If he couldn't find it, then he couldn't use it. But that also meant that he couldn't over reach, he would receive a back lash from failing to cast a spell that wasn't his.

Within the Nature Domain Lash saw a pressure bend into the world. A hole appeared across the vast space of energy. This hole pulled all things into it, and it increased the overall weight of everything that entered this...Well of energy. Lash felt that Nature was trying to teach him something, something that he had wanted but hadn't considered. As he continued to watch this phenomenon with in his Domain the spell slowly formed in his mind. Lash groaned in utter shame as a new spell was learned.

Congratulations User! You've learned a Nature Domain Spell!

Gravitas: Control and manipulate the essence of gravity! You can now increase or decrease the overall gravity of an object, being, or thing by 10%.

Comment: Gravity is a natural phenomenon! Didn't think about that did you!

Lash's sight returned to the pool side view of the world around him. Dozens of nature spirits danced and played around him. Feeding off the ambient energy he gave off. He rolled his eyes at his own stupidity of it all. Of course gravity was included in the Nature Domain. Though he was sure the Gravity Domain in the store was far more specific, and allowed a vast array of techniques. All he really wanted gravity for was for the Watch Tower. Though he still wanted the Space Domain. That had a lot of application especially with long distance teleporation.

Lash took a moment to call down the store catalog book and marked the Space Domain for favorite buy out. It would even beep at him when he had enough points to buy it now that he had all access to the store. He had five DP currently, so he just needed five more. He found out that with Gravitas, and the Space Domain. The gravity module for the watch tower was only two DP to purchase. Very nice!

“Can't sleep?” Lash asked, he didn't need to turn around to see Kory standing in the doorway on the balcony. She had her robe on, but it was barely tied together. Kory jumped a little, surprised Lash had noticed her. She had used her skills in stealth to sneak up on him.

“I...Noticed that you weren't in your room?” Kory said as she walked over to the pool side. She walked around so she could face him. The spirits of nature flew around her, though she could not see them. The spirits of fire specifically loved her.

“I don't need to sleep unless I expend a great deal of energy. So, I use the time to practice.” Lash replied as he watched Kory. She sat down and dipped her toes into the warm water of the pool. She tucked the bath robe up and dipped the rest of her legs in. She idly kicked her feet underwater as she thought about his answer.

Lash took a moment to close the store book, it burst into starlight and faded from view. Kory watched it go, a child like fascination in her eyes. She looked back at Lash, and ducked her head down. Her red hair cascaded over her shoulders and partially blocked her face. But her glowing green eyes never left Lash's face. Lash continued to peer at her, neither broke eye contact for several minutes.

“Thank you...For trusting me. Kara says you are a good man. Good men are rare on this world. I'm happy it was you who found me and not one of them.” Kory said softly and finally looked away. 'Them' referred to the bad people, Lash nodded his head in understanding.

Kory smiled suddenly and slipped out of her bath robe, and into the water. Lash caught the delightful sight of her naked form before the water obscured his vision. Though there was still plenty to see as Kory began to swim around him. She seem to be inspecting on how he was able to stay on the waters surface. Eventually she swam on her back and idly drifted by him. Her chest rose and fell with each breath.

“Do you find me attractive, Lash?” Kory asked softly, as she glanced at him.

“Yes.” Lash replied honestly.

“Do you want to have sex with me?” Kory asked.

“Yes, though not tonight. I enjoy the company but I need to continue practicing.” Lash said back. Kory despite the fact that she had offered didn't look disappointed by his answer.

“On Tamara sex is considered something one does for fun. My offer to have sex with you will be open as long as we are friends, Lash.” Kory said with a smirk. After a few minutes she pulled herself out of the water and walked towards her robe. She made a bit of a show of it, enjoying how Lash continued to watch her.

“Good night my friend.” Kory said, as she grabbed her robe and walked back inside without putting it on.

“Good night, Kory.” Lash replied.

Lash activated his skill Meditation and began to look through his other Domains. He looked through his Technomancy Domain and found a digital version of a tree. When he approached the tree it created a passage much like Tree Stride. As he flew through the digital image and came out the other end he learned a new spell.

Congratulations User! You've learned a Technomancy Domain Spell.

Digital Stride: Convert your mind, body, and soul into lines of code and temporarily fly through the digital realm. The device port must be one you are familiar with.

Comment: The digital world is a lot like the astral world. Just with more junk!

Congratulations User! You've learned a Synthesis Domain Spell.

Source Code: You can see, read, and adjust the Code of the mind, body, and soul of a tool, thing, or individual. Requires close proximity. (Touch preferred) Currently only allowed tiny changes.

Comment: Careful you don't delete the code for reality!

The extra spell from Synthesis was a surprise. But it was tied to Nature and Technomancy. Lash wasn't sure why he just now learned it. But he understood how powerful it could become. For a brief moment he activated Source Code just to see what the world looked like, but his spell wouldn't activate. It seemed it was specific to touch. He looked down at his shirt and looked at its code. Lines of code covered it. He also noticed his energy level dropped by massive amounts in the few seconds he had it up. SPLASH! Lash fell into the pool, then swam to the surface with a massive head ache. Holy crap!

Lash slowly pulled himself from the pool and stared up at the fading night sky. A tint of blue started to bleed into the sky, the sun would soon rise. He had spent all night practicing, though he did take a delightful break half way through. Lash wasn't sure what to do with Kory. In the comics she and Dick were together, though they never stayed together for long. He also knew that Dick aka Robin had been there to help her when she first arrived, this had helped create their romantic relationship. But why had Kory arrived so soon? Was Lash behind on the timeline? Were the titans suppose to be already operational?

“Dawn...Did I mess up the timeline of the world?” Lash said softly into the morning light.

“The timeline is flexible in its ability to bend to the actions of you, User. Remember, when you first began you learned that the overall development of the world is far quicker then it would be in the stories. Though everyone ages the same, they mature far quicker! Things that would take decades in the stories, movies, and comics happen with years or even months.” Dawn's voice spoke softly into his ear. Her voice was soothing and helped ease the tension in Lash's head.

“So...Why did Kory show up so soon?” Lash asked.

“Her arrival was based on proximity of either the User or the original intended Dick Grayson. If the User had never visited San Fancisco then she would have appeared when Grayson showed up.” Dawn said, her voice carried a hint of teasing.

“So it was a dynamic story event that I caused with my proximity?” Lash said, as he face palmed.

“That is correct User! There are many events that will only happen if you are in the area!” Dawn said, her voice clearly delighted that he had learned something new.

“Thank you my brightest star! Come out with the familiar I'll make you some breakfast.” Lash said as he stood up. His necklace became animated, the mystic dragon flew from his neck and with a puff of smoke a little girl appeared next to him.

The little girl had raven black hair, white jade skin, red rosy lips, with clear blue eyes, with a reptilian slit in her pupils. She wore a red and white traditional shrine maiden garb, that looked adorable on her. She had white socks on, mid calf sandals on. Her raven black hair was tied back with two small braids that started from the front that continued down her back. She came up to about his knee. Lash looked down at her with a raised brow. Dawn his familiar clapped her tiny hands, and smiled in glee.

“You've grown in magical ability, Master! This allows me to take a humanoid shape! What do you think!” Dawn said in a tiny cute voice. Lash leaned over and picked her up by the waist and held her like a parent would a child.

“Adorable! Though I am sure Kara will wonder where you came from, it should be a fun conversation!” Lash said with a smile as he walked inside with his familiar.


A woman in her late forties walked a pristine white hallway. She wore business dress heels, with a skirt a navy blue skirt that went to her knees. A silk blue blouse, a half blue business suit jacket. She had blue eyes, and short brown hair kept up in a bun. On her ears were small gold earrings that almost looked out of place on her pure professional look. This was Lillian Luthor, mother to Lex and Lena Luthor. She was the director to Cadmus.

Lillian walked with practiced grace of a woman trained to walk in heels for long hours, she walked down the empty hallway but came to a stop at seemingly an empty spot. She stood still and looked straight forward as a green light appeared on the wall, it shot a beam out that scanned her from head to toe.

“Welcome, Director!” An automated voice spoke.

The wall shifted to one side and slid open to allow her to enter. She walked in and the wall slid closed and sealed itself. Once more the entire hall way was empty of any decorations or any sign there was ever a door. But the hall way was incredibly long, hinting that there were several rooms like this. Lillian walked through several more security check points. Every single check point had a camera, a guard, and a few automatic turrets that tracked her every movement. Her entire bio metrics, body language, facial expression, even the way she smelled was recorded to prevent anyone or anything from getting in.

She arrived at the final door, she placed her hand on a finger print scanner that also took a small sample of her blood. Why such extremes? They had learned that Agent Wraith can disguise himself with almost 100% accuracy. Who is to say he, or something else couldn't mimic her perfectly? The door opened up and inside Lillian walked towards two specific people. A smile tugged on her lips as she watched her two children arguing back and forth.

“I wont fucking ask Wraith for a blood sample! I don't fucking care what you say Lex!” Lena shouted at her brother! Lena looked amazing and full of life. Her hair was cut short just above her shoulders and was combed over to one side. She wore a designer woman's black business suit, with a deep crimson red silk shirt.

“I wouldn't ask for one if we could obtain one! Every single battle he is at it clearly shows that his blood went all over. But when we looked through the scene even with the best instruments money could buy we didn't find a single drop it! Lena if you ask for it I know he will give it to you!” Lex shouted back, like his sister he wore a designer black suit, white shirt, and sky blue tie. Lena had bought it for him for his B-day despite the clear clash with his suit he still wore it with pride.

“Children, do I need to separate you two?” Lillian said softly, she had approached them and was with in arms reach. They both jumped in surprise like they had been caught stealing cookies from the cookie jar.

“No Mother... We were just discussing strategy.” Lena said, as she looked anywhere but at her mother.

“Lex, Wraith is clearly being very careful to not allow his blood to be collected. If Lena asks for a sample it will be clear what it is intended for. We will burn a bridge of trust we have barely used.” Lillian commented. Lex stopped and thought about what she had said.

“Yes mother, you are of course correct. It seems I was caught up in my emotions. I'm sorry Lena.” Lex said, as he bowed his head towards his sister. If it what he said was true, or if he just didn't want to upset his mother neither women could tell.

“Come with me the both of you, Wraith has indirectly sent us a few gifts.” Lillian said with a smile and turned on her heel. Her children followed, catching up to her quickly.

The Luthor family came to an examination room that was full of the Gordanian remains. Bodies, armor, and weapons. Lex's eyes went bright and he went into full science mode, he practically pounced on the gear with a ravenous hunger! Both Lillian and Lena watched in mild amusement. The argument they had gone like a puff of smoke. They watched a horrible CCTV video of the attack. The portal, the Gordanians as Agent Wraith had called them. The orange Alien known as Princess Koriand'r, Wraith's partner Agent K who clearly was a meta-human as she caved in one of the skulls of the Aliens. Such ferocity was impossible for a normal human. Then...

“Wait! Back it up! Is there another angle!” Lex said with urgency. As they watched Wraith electrify the remaining Gordi's.

“How much energy did that create...?” Lena asked, mystified.

“Ten billion watts of energy. Wraith has the power of a lighting strike in the palm of his hands.” Lillian answered.

After the 'lighting strike' the CCTV blew out! They lost the video. They had several on site camera's for the forensics. They read the reports that Wraith had vouched for this Koriand'r. Almost as if he knew her? Or maybe the world she was from? It was becoming clear that Wraith was far more...knowledgeable about the universe then they had originally believed. Beep...Beep... Lillians phone went off. Which made the Luthor family freeze in place. Phone didn't work down here! Lillian took the phone from her pocket and saw unknown number.

“Hello?” Lillian said into the receiver... Lex, and Lena both heard hushed whispers across the line. Lillian laughed out loud and switched the phone to speaker. “Go ahead!”

“I figured you would get the bodies. How is everyone?” A familiar animalistic voice called out.

“Wraith! ….Hello!” Lena said with a little bit to enthusiasm. This was caught by both her brother and mother who looked at her. She looked away, her face flushed in embarrassment.

“Agent Wraith, a pleasant surprise. What do we owe for this privilege?” Lex replied with a cool indifferent voice.

“There is a Gordanian with stylized armor, or rather his upper half since I ripped his spine out. In the chest piece on the upper right quadrant you should be able to read an energy output.” Wraith said. Lillian walked over with the phone and found the specific body. Lex pulled out a sensor tool and started to scan. Sure enough it was there.

“What is it?” Lex asked.

“Faster than light travel...Good luck!” Wraith replied and ended the call.

The Luthor family froze in place. Then like a well oiled machine they sprung into action. After several hours of careful precision cutting they pulled out the Gordanian site to site beacon transport. It wouldn't allow them teleporation since it required the master key back on their world, but it opened the idea that it was possible. Lex treated the beacon that was no bigger then his fist like the holy grail. Until his mother tapped him on his shoulder to get his attention. Despite the situation Lex turned towards her.

“We'll table the discussion for Wraith's blood for now. Let us continue to make use of him, agreed?” Lillian said, though her facial expression was calm, it rebuked no argument from Lex.

“Yes mother, I wholly agree.” Lex said, and was allowed to return to his experiments.

Lillian took her daughter Lena to another part of Cadmus. Lena was clearly excited to work on FTL technology but kept pace with her mother. They came to a door with the letters 'Kr' on it, they walked in and found dozens of tubes the size of people filled with saline solution. Each tube contained what looked like several growing fetuses. But each one was half the size of a man. Several of the forms looked half grown, but failed to properly mature. Limbs smaller, or larger, mouths misshapen, eyes miss placed, the organs exposed. They came to a stop in front a particular tube. A young man, maybe in his late teens early twenties floated unconscious in the water.

“Do you think Agent Wraith would be willing to visit Cadmus labs?” Lillian asked her daughter who turned to her in surprise.

“What!? But... Right, since he called you that would mean he knows where we are.” Lena said as she turned back to the tube and rubbed her face.

“He helped create this place. We never would have succeed with the cloning process with out his help.” Lillian said as she continue to watch the young man in the water.

“I think Lex hates him for that... He is growing more and more frustrated with Superman. He believes that Superman is holding him back. I'm worried about him mother.” Lena said, she clenched her hands into fists.

“Competition is healthy, Lena. Lex will keep control just like he always has.” Lillian replied, but she made a mental note to keep an closer eye on Lex.

“I'll ask him, but I want your guarantee Cadmus wont try to capture him, or take anything from him while he visits.” Lena said, as she pegged a glare at her mother. Who only nodded in confirmation, that would have to be good enough.

“Do you think he could spend some of his ability on your dear old mother? You know I'm not getting any younger.” Lillian said with a smile. Lena smiled at her and shook her head.

“I can ask...” Lena replied.


Lash had made breakfast for everyone and placed it on the kitchen table. Stacks of pancakes, french toast, eggs, bacon, sausage, strawberries, whipped cream, butter, honey, jams. Hmmmm, breakfast food! Lash had a tall glass of orange juice in his hand as he watched his companions eat around the table.

Kory had her hair tied back up and our of her face but a few stray strands of her red hair framed her face. Her eyes had stars in them as she poured syrup over her stacks of pancakes and soon devoured them. Turns out Tamaraneans have nine stomachs. So they can really pack it in! Kory wore a bath robe around her that was partially untied and revealed her long legs, and part of her chest. She made no move to cover herself clearly comfortable with showing off in front of everyone.

Kara, still with out her glamour charm had wet blond hair from her morning shower. She had brushed it back but kept it loose as she spoke to Dawn. Her bath robe was tied close around her, but she did pull it apart enough for one of her shoulders to be revealed. A delight for the conservative Kara to do. She absently ate her eggs while Dawn spoke to her.

Dawn continued to wear her shrine maiden outfit, but had decided to pull her sleeves back so they wouldn't get ruined. Despite her appearance as a child she full mature and was incredibly intelligent something that had surprised Kara. Dawn had a thing for butter and jam on her biscuits since that was all she had so far. That and a tall glass of milk.

“So where are we going today, Lash?” Kory asked after she finished her third stack of pancakes. Her cheeks her puffed out like a chipmunk, syrup dripped from her mouth. Lash leaned over and cleaned her face for her. She mouthed a thank you.

“We'll be heading to Coast City.” Lash replied, Kara turned from Dawn and looked at Lash in confusion.

“I thought we were looking for a place to put that Titan tower we talked about in Central City?” Kara asked.

“I wanted an island in the bay so we could control who was capable of entering and exiting the compound. There are no islands available so we'll have to make one. Buying real estate in the open water is surprisingly difficult. I also want it filled with personnel so its not just an empty shell. So, in a rare occurrence we first need the people, but we build the place.” Lash finished what he said and stood up from the table to have a stretch. Several of his joints popped and he groaned in satisfaction.

“This titan tower? Will it be your home?” Kory asked, she stood up as well and emulated Lash by stretching her arms above her. Several soft pops rang out, and her robe nearly fell open. Lash could see the long line between her neck and waist.

“No, we are attempting to create forward operating bases in certain key locations.” Lash illustrated by creating a holographic map of America. “West Coast, Central, and East Coast. We may decide on creating another FOB at one of the three great lakes. But as I said the main issue we have is numbers. VICI how many registered members of the League do we have?” Lash finished up, but kept the holographic window displayed above the table.

“We have approximately thirty active members, fifteen reserve members, and one hundred and twelve that are in need of being interviewed and accepted.” VICI replied through the holographic window. Her voice was bright, and full of life.

“Oh my! Hello, who are you?” Kory asked.

“Hello I am VICI, Virtual interactive communication intelligence! I am a product of my creator Agent Wraith, or as you know him as Lash. I am currently assisting the Justice League in its activities.” VICI replied cheerfully. Kory's eyes went wide as she looked at the window then back to Lash.

“VICI can you give me an update on your status?” Lash asked, he may have lifted his chest up in a bit of pride. Though all he really did was follow the instructions.

“Yes Creator.... I've gained approximately three hundred and fifty pounds in mass. Expanded all sections by two centimeters, and am currently waiting for my next update from you Creator. My grade is G+.” VICI replied. Lash was surprised she had grown so quickly! So now he needed the gravity module, teleportation module, and upgrade for VICI's main core.

“May I join the Justice League?” Kory asked with a smile on her face.

“Kory, do you plan on staying on Earth? Of course it would be great to have you! But, don't you want to go back home?” Kara asked. Kory's expression went crestfallen at the mention of her home. Before she could respond.

“Yes, Kory you can join the League. In fact Kara you should join officially as well. I know you haven't mentioned it but you've already chosen to lead the life.” Lash said quickly to change the subject about Kory's home.

Something that both Kory, and Kara had noticed. Kory was thankful, why Kara was confused but let it go. Dawn continued to eat her biscuits, this time with butter, honey, and jam! A dangerous combination! VICI quickly updated Kara's profile her ID was 'Supergirl', and Kory joined as 'Starfire'. Lash spent several minutes creating a holographic wrist device that was durable, and capable of withstanding her energy projection. Essentially it wouldn't melt, though he had to remake it three times before he got the components right.

Kara began to show Kory how to operate the holographic comms. While Lash began to make clothes for his two companions, along with two updated Illusion glamour charms. Lash took his time with each piece of clothing, weaving Orichalcum thread into them. Torloth would lose his mind if he saw Lash do this on something so simple as under wear. Once he was finished with the clothing he offered them to his two companions. As always Kory pulled her robe off and started to dress then in there in front of Lash. Kara picked Kory up and put her over her shoulder and dragged her friend to the bedrooms.

“Kara likes you, you do know that right?” Dawn said as she walked over, her voice quiet as a mouse.

“I believe she is just thankful for what I've done for her. I'm sure she can find someone who is more suited to her sense of taste.” Lash replied as he began to craft the illusion charms.

“Or are you just afraid that Kal will crush your skull if you touch her?” Dawn asked with a smirk.

“Can't it be both?” Lash said with a bemused expression. Dawn laughed at him and turned back into her necklace form. She wrapped around his neck, but not before kissing his cheek.

“Thank you for breakfast! Keep getting stronger and I'll be able to take a more...adult form.” Dawn whispered in his ear. Lash paused mid inscription at the thought of an adult sexy female version of Dawn. Lash decided then and there to practice his Domains more.

Kory came out first! She had a white off shoulder milk maid cropped top on, a tight black skirt that went to her knee's but a slit that went to her waist. Her feet had white laced up four inch heels. Her dark red hair was naturally curly and swept past her shoulders, the ends of them glowing faintly. She walked towards Lash sashaying her hips as she did and she went right up to him and kissed him lightly on the lips.

“Thank you, they fit like a dream!” Kory said, her mouth inches from his own. She slowly slide down the length of his body then stood to the side.

Kara came next, she had a black designer ripped T-shirt on that was tight on her. The front of the shirt was cut in a triangle the pieces of fabric cut evenly to give the viewer a bit of a show since she didn't have a bra on. The shirt cut short just above her skinny designer ripped jeans that hugged her long legs perfectly. She had black heeled boots on, while no one could see them Lash knew that she had black laced panties on. Her shoulder length curly blond hair was tied back in a loose pony tail but plenty of her curls came around her face.

The two women were in direct contrast with each other. Kory of course showed off a fair bit of skin given that Tamaraneans did not have a taboo about showing skin. Especially since they absorbed their ultra violet light through skin exposure. While Kara as a Kryptonian could absorb yellow sun just from the area around her. Kara also grew up with more conservative environment on Krypton, and on the Kent farm. But, women especially attractive women enjoy being looked at. These clothes would do just that.

“Here are your new pieces. They will alter your skin, eye, and hair appearance. Until we can get you a 'planetary' visa Kory you'll have to wear this.” Lash said as he took out two silver chained necklaces, both with diamond arrow head appearances.

“I understand. From what Kara tells me someone of my skin color would call a lot of attention. At least for now.” Kory replied with a half smile as she put the necklace on.

“I've altered the design a bit, should make it easier to wear.” Lash told them and gave the instructions.

Each charm had a key word that was said by the wearer. Once said the necklace would 'melt' into the skin and become an intricate celtic knot design around their neck. Kara, and Kory's skin tone changed to golden tanned skin, while their eyes and hair color changed depending on their mood. It was a little eye catching, but when the change happened to their hair there was a 'holographic' image shimmer. Lash had seen this on the latest fashion. Clothing that changed color due to mood or a phone setting. Kara's eyes, and hair both lit up with a light sky blue along the edge, while it became dark blue at the core of the eye, and hair.

“Thank you Lash! This is amazing!” Kara jumped up to wrap her arms around Lash's neck, and kissed him on the cheek. She immediately jumped down and turned red. While her 'mood' coloring changed to pink/red.

“Will this melt if I use my abilities?” Kory asked, her hair and eye color a combination of pink, and purple.

“No, its matched your physiology. Even if your skin burns hot enough to melt metal. Both the charm and the holographic will be fine. Well unless you burn as hot as the sun, which I guess is a possibility. At that point I'll just make you another one, one more durable.” Lash replied.

Lash kept his clothes simple. Black combat boots, long black slacks, black buttoned up shirt, black suit jacket, hid his tribal marks, gave him a high and tight black hair cut, tanned skin, and yellow green eyes. Just for fun he put a radio wire in his ear. He looked like he was a body guard for two young heiresses.

Lash snagged Kara's backpack and carried it like a bag. They said goodbye to their hotel room and Lash promised Kory that the next place they stay at should have a private pool as well. Lash got a beep from his Connectivity on the JL message board. Kara, and Kory had posted their 'disguised selves' on the message board. More then a few younger males in the message board had developed nose bleeds from Kory's picture.

Lash took the ladies to a local park to find a tree. Kory, jumped in surprise as the tree opened its truck with its branches. But then leaned into Lash who snagged her waist, while Kara blushed. Kara's eyes and hair changing to dark blue, as did Kory's. Miles from the park in Coast City in a city park a sight and sound obstruction glamour was produced and a tree opened up. Lash walked out with the two ladies on either side of him. Technically they could walk through the portal themselves, but Lash wasn't about to tell them that.

Lash took a moment to inform the local Warden HQ he was in the area, to be polite. Lash found out from VICI that Katma Tui (John's wife, and Alien Green Lantern) was actually at the Watch Tower looking it over. She had been pulling asteroids towards VICI who promptly devoured the rocks for materials, and resources for her growth. John was currently patrolling star sector 2815 so our next door neighbor. So the only person they could visit was Jefferson Pierce aka Black Lightning. So they got some transportation and went to Garfield High, where Jefferson was currently being a Principle.

“So, this building is where young human children go to learn their education?” Kory asked, she was on Lash's left. She had her arms around his arm and pressed up against him.

“One of them, yes. Unlike on Krypton the humans tend to separate each education center separately due to age. Seems incredibly in efficient if you ask me.” Kara replied, she was on Lash's right. She also had her arms wrapped around his arm, and pressed up against him.

The trio had arrived at Garfield High at lunch time. So the entire parking lot, and school ground was filled to the brim with activity. Kory, and Kara attracted a lot of attention from the boys and girls. While Lash was more like a primitive form of decoration. Kara was young enough to technically attend high school, while Kory was over a hundred years old. Turns out Tamaranean's age slower then humans.

The school it self looked worn out. In desperate need of some TLC. But Lash did notice that all of the school uniforms were brand new, and school books were the most recent addition. So the money Lash had given Jefferson had been put to good use. Lash led them over to the grassy field and put caution to the wind. He created a sit down area made completely out of plants. There were a few shocked gasps, and screams. As tables, chairs, and a couch appeared. Lash sat down in the middle, while Kory, and Kara came to sit on either side of him.

“Is Principal Pierce available? I would like to talk to him about donating another million dollars to Garfield High.” Lash said in a loud voice. That got a lot of peoples attention! The donation had been made anonymously, now here was a man claiming to be the donor?

Ten minutes later Jefferson Pierce came running out of the school. He was 6'1”, with brown eyes, a shaved head, and a bit of a beard that looked good on him. He wore a cheap suit that fit for a teachers salary. He was in great shape, and his suit barely contained his muscled form. A fact that more than a few young women noticed. Jefferson came to a walk as he came closer to the improvised meeting area.

“Principal Pierce! Good to see you again. The school still looks a little worn down, do you need more money?” Lash said with a smirk. Jefferson came to a stop as he looked at Lash, then at the two beautiful ladies. Then something seem to snap into place, as his eyes went wide.

“Maybe this will help?” Lash said, as his shroud came to life. His used Transformation, skin turned to scales, a tail grew from his back, he grew several feet. He placed his arms along the back rest of the plant couch, while Kory, and Kara settled next to him. He looked like a monster king here to make a deal with a hero of the realm.

“Agent Wraith! Yes! Sorry I didn't recognize you in your... disguise! Please come in, we can show you around campus and tell you the changes we made!” Jefferson practically yelled! This was way above what he expected to accomplish today!


That was the day the faculty, and students discovered the identity of the donor for Garfield High. Not some rich man who wanted get a tax break, but the Alien Wraith! When asked about why he chose this place he said that Black Lightning was an acquaintance of his and Black Lightning talked about the school and how they needed help. Wraith had money, so he donated it. He gave it directly to Pierce because Lightning said he was a good man.

Jefferson was both incredibly happy, and pissed off that Wraith had told a bald face lie! None of that happened! Except the donation part! Jefferson answered the questions of Wraith's two women who he had recently learned were both aliens from another world visiting Earth. Wraith was trying to convince them to join the same ten year program he did. Jefferson wasn't sure if that was a lie to be told to the public or if it was true?

Jefferson led them around the school and visited each part and talked about what they would like to do, and what they can afford to do. He had spent the money on the teachers salaries, school uniforms, books, gym equipment, etc. But most of the school it self didn't get any of the money because there was to much to fix. The school board had even tried to take the money form Jefferson and put it into other schools. But a lawyer from Shield and Sword law firm showed up and practically beat the school board with hundred pound contracts.

The tour took until the end of the school day. Wraith went to the main courtyard of the school and drew a giant circle with dozens of little symbols, and some sort of language. Then he went to the middle and asked the school faculty some questions about the school. He asked his two companions to keep watch of him as he needed to focus. The women both took opposite sides of him and took the job seriously. One of them had neon green energy pulsate from her hands!

The 'ritual' circle started to glow, and the inner circles rotated as if they were on a dial. A ripple effect went from Wraith to outside the circle. Then like a flash flood a tiny army of mechanized 'machines' started to fix things in the school. Cracked concrete? Fixed! Leaking pipes? Fixed! With each ripple effect more and more of the school started to get fixed, but not only fixed. Improved! The courtyard gardens went into full bloom, the tree's grew several feet into the air. Additional buildings were built from the ground up! Jefferson almost swore they grew from the very ground!

Two hours was all it took! Garfield High School had gone from one of the worst school in the area to the nicest most high tech school in the state! Solar panels were on the roof and provided more then enough power, so the school could technically sell the rest to the power company. They had a new gym building that included an indoor pool, gymnastic floor, basketball court. The outside portion housed a football field, baseball, and track field all in closed. The infrastructure of the school had all been redone, and remade. Garfield looked like a private school that millionaires would send their children!

“Mr Pierce? Nice to see you again.” A man's voice said behind Jefferson. He turned around and saw the same lawyer from before. The man belonged a model magazine he was to good looking.

“Yes! Mr Lato, hello is something wrong?” Jefferson walked over and shook the lawyers hand. The school started to add some polish with paint designs, and statues.

“Not at all! Agent Wraith contacted us ahead of time to inform us he would be redesigning the school. I've come to ensure that the renovation is done properly, and with any ulterior issues from the school board!” Lato said, he smiled his to perfect smile at Jefferson. While several city officials showed up behind him to inspect the school.

“Aha! Looks like he is done! Shall we?” Lato said, as he moved past Jefferson to greet Wraith. The circle was gone from the ground, and Wraith was sitting on the ground breathing heavily.

I may have painted a target on you for this, Jefferson. Sorry. -Wraith's voice sounded off in his mind.

“Don't be... I'll take the bad with the good. Thank you!” Jefferson replied out loud as he came over to his....friend, Wraith.


The next day students of Garfield High School along with any parent that could attend came to the grand re-opening of their school. The city mayor even showed up for the ribbon cutting. Agent Wraith was unfortunately not around for comment. But Mr Lato from Shield and Sword could answer any and all question about the building. The school house could now hold five times its current size, and thanks to a sizable donation from Agent Wraith hiring more faculty was not an issue. Despite its clear economic increase Garfield would continue to be a public school for the city. Allowing everyone who wanted a public education to attend.

To the current faculty, and students the new school was like a dream come true. They felt like they had walked into a science fiction novel! Every single desk had a holographic interface for fuck sake! But with the increase in money came the desire to break in and steal. Of course Wraith also updated the security systems. The first person who tried to break in was surprised to see a automated turret pop out of the ground and shoot them with a taser! Local gangs came to and were beaten back by the security system, the full time guards, and Black Lighting that may or may not have a secret bunker built under the school. You know...For reasons....

“So where we headed to tomorrow, Lash?” Kara asked from the coach she sat on in their hotel room.

“El Paso, Texas. VICI has located some one who needs helps. Blue Beetle.” Lash replied.

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