Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 71: Murmur, and Nickel


Bobby Williams was having a strange day. It started out like any other day, he woke up, had breakfast, and went to work at his Uncle's scrap yard. He was attending Coast City community college to get his associate degree. He normally wouldn't bother, but his Uncle John said he could only work at the scrap yard if he went to school. It was an easy job, that allowed him to study while at work. But today he honestly wondered what he was doing with his life?

Bobby was 5' 9” and not that bad looking. A boy next door sort of look with his curly brown hair, blue eyes, and tanned skin. He kept in shape due his time in high school on the track team. He liked to run! He was use to the girls in his area turning their heads when he walked by. But this time he saw two beautiful women that defied all expectations. On a scale from one to ten they were both easily a twelve.

One woman was easily six feet tall with caramel skin, long curly hair that swept past her shoulders. Her hair and eye color would change color! He had read the fashion and tech magazine about how people were using holographic images to change appearances but this was over the top he thought! She was a total bombshell! She had a loose sheer black fabric skirt on that was faded enough to catch the sight of her long legs. She had a tight half black top on that barely covered her size able breasts that bounced with every step. On top of all that she smiled, winked, and spoke to everyone with a flirty ambition of a woman who knew what she wanted and enjoyed showing off.

Then there was her..Sister? She was 5'9” with tanned skin, and short curly hair to her shoulders that also changed color. Where her sister was outrageous she was more conservative. But it worked for her her, she had a killer body in her black heeled boots, knee length blue skirt, and billowing blue superman t-shirt that was big enough to allow one of her shoulders to be exposed. She was a bashful beauty that made people want to talk to her just to see her bat her eye lashes at them.

Then there was their companion. A giant fucking lizard! Bobby had seen images and videos of him on the internet. The Alien who was working for the United Nations. The 'man-thing' was easily eight feet tall! Plus the width of a door way if not larger. His cloak? Shroud curled off him like it was made of the morning fog that rolled from the hills in the morning. Bobby could see his dark green metallic scales, clawed hands, feet, and a long bladed tail. Bobby saw bits and pieces of plate armor under the shroud.

Why did all of this matter? Because Agent Wraith and the two beautiful ladies were here to speak to his uncle John! The thing was! His Uncle wasn't that surprised by them arriving! Bobby along with all the guys at the scrap yard were stuttering and drooling over the ladies and kept a wide berth around the alien Wraith. Uncle John had us all clear out the scrap yard so it was empty. Then with all of the other customers sitting in the front office watching in confusion as Agent Wraith dropped ten grand and give it to Uncle John. Ten grand! Just like that! John asked Wraith for a favor and Bobby was dragged along into the scrapyard to watch something that he would never forget!

It was like that old animation with the mouse, and the wizard hat. Wraith stretched his hands out and scrap metal just pulled itself out of the piles and flew towards the area he stood in front of. Then screws, sprockets, and gears materialized out of thin air! Bobby was going to school to be a mechanical engineer. He was always a bit of a gear head, it was why he worked at his Uncle's scrap yard. Uncle John had always encouraged him to just that. Something Bobby's parents never cared for. But this...This was unreal! Bobby watched in fascination as a machine! A twin helicopter and jet plane was built in front him! Something that should have taken days if not weeks to build in under ten minutes.

Then like two puzzle pieces snapped together. Bobby understood something! He looked down and in his left hand he saw a copper gear sprocket was rotating in his hand. He wasn't fiddling with it like a spinner. No, it was rotating in his hand, floating just above his skin by a few inches. Before Bobby could scream in surprise he felt a large hand clap him on his shoulder. He looked up and saw four yellow green reptilian eyes peer at him from the darkness of his shrouded hood.

“Machine Control. Its a unique gift.” The Alien Wraith's was like a crocodile trying to talk. But Bobby still understood him some how.

Bobby then felt like some one had force fed a training manual into his head by melting it down and pouring it into his ears. He dropped to his knees and nearly fell unconscious until his Uncle grabbed him before he his head hit the ground. Uncle John had a smile on his face, and thanked the Alien Wraith for the help. Did Uncle John know about his power?

Bobby looked up to watch Wraith and the two beautiful ladies walk into their transportation. The tall amazonian woman winked and blew Bobby a kiss as the rear hatched closed behind her. The propellers began to twirl and soon the whole plane took off into the air. A hundred feet into the air the whole plane changed colors and faded from sight. But Bobby could... Feel that it was still there?

“What the fuck Uncle John?” Bobby said, and grimaced when John smacked him upside the head.

“Watch your mouth, Bobby! Now let's go play with your new abilities!” John said with a smile as he reached his hand out and metal sprocket pulled itself out from the scrap heap and floated in front of John.


Name: Bobby Williams / VI Avatar.

Title: Gear Head, Grease Monkey

Origin: Meta-Gene.

Rank: G evolving into G+

Skills: Engineering, Crafting, [See tool tip for more]

Powers: Metal manipulation, Machine understanding, [See tool tip for more]

Domain: N/A

Racial Trait: N/A

Disposition: Friendly

Comment: Bobby Williams had always had a connection with machines. As a child he thought they seem to almost speak to him. He just seem to know when they were about to break, and how to fix them. But now... Now he knows it was something more.

Congratulations User! You've helped another VI Avatar in your world awaken their potential ahead of their pre determined schedule.

Lash had shifted back to his default human shape while he flew the duel heli-jet. This wasn't his old favorite SHARC but just another version of what he used with Team Arrow when they attacked the Death Stroke compound. Lash continued to get Machine Control experience as Bobby continued to play with his power. Lash was confused as to why he got experience when his power was based in magic, while Bobby's was a meta-gene. But he figured they had common ground somewhere. But he had to admit he enjoyed being a 'Class Trainer'

“So, when are you going to help teach me how to fly?” Kara asked, she came to lean over the pilot's seat. Kara's natural scent was sweet on Lash's nose as he breathed her in.

“We can increase our altitude and have you jump out with Kory. We'll make sure to video tape it for the League. Should be fun!” Lash said with a smile. Kara slapped his arm playfully and went to sit back down with Kory who was on her holographic looking up places to visit when they went to El Paso.

Bobby had been an interesting find. VICI reported that Bobby's father, and Uncle both showed signs of the Meta-Gene even before the Dark Matter eruption at Central City. Lash knew that the Meta-Gene had been a thing for centuries! The margin for existence was just smaller. With the increase in Dark Matter energy the chance to awaken was higher, it was also possible for existing Meta-Gene holders powers to increase in rank. Which was not always a good thing, especially for those that didn't know how to control their abilities.

Creating the Lunar Academy would be a great place to take people to learn the fundamentals in controlling their abilities. As well as giving them a chance at an education for the future. Not everyone with powers wanted to be a hero...Or a villain. Many just wanted to live a normal life. The question was how did they convince the world the the Academy was a school and not a prison? Lash had asked his Warden contacts about schools for the super-natural societies. There were dozens of schools spread out across the globe. But the best ones were hidden in pocket dimensions. There own little worlds!

When Lash dropped the idea for the Lunar Academy he was met with less then an enthusiastic reply from the Warden's. The moon was a no go area of operation for most. Why? Apparently there use to be a civilization on the Moon long ago. Their revenants were still there! If Lash wanted to build something on the moon, he would have to clean them out first. When he found this out his Cosmic Patron quest from the Lunar Academy had updated.

Congratulations User! You've discovered additional information about your Cosmic Patron's quest.

Establish a Lunar Academy on the Earth's Moon.

Additional Objective: Destroy, cleanse, and or kill the Revenant's of an ancient race.

Number of Enemies that remain: 10,000,000/ 10,000,000.

Lash's eye twitched while Saurian chuckled and rattle his metaphorical scales in excitement. Time for a new hunt to begin soon, yes? -Saurian's voice soothed across the link. Yes, time for a new hunt. But it would have to wait for a little while longer. For now Lash was still touring America with Kara, and Kory. They had heard about an explosion at Kord Omniversal Research and Development, Inc. (Kord Technologies) Theodore Stephen 'Ted' Kord the second incarnation of Blue Beetle owned the business. Ted Kord had been in the super hero business for a long time. He had worked under the first incarnation of Blue Beetle, Daniel Garret. Garret had actually worn the scarab thinking it was mystical in nature. But Ted had realized it was actually a piece of alien tech and had declined the scarab, or the scarab refused to work for him. The comic origin was different depending on which Earth-# you read. Instead, Ted used his own inventions to be the second blue beetle.

Thirty two hours ago an explosion took place at Kord Tech. The local police suspected foul play and were about to investigate when ARGUS showed up on the scene and dismissed the local PD. Lash may have gained access to ARGUS's data base and given VICI the key to the back door. You know, hypothetically of course! It had proven beneficial as VICI had told Lash that they were looking for a unique alien tech. A machine in the shape of a blue scarab. But...The scarab was no where to be found.

Foresight hadn't activated for Lash, nor had he used Cosmic Awareness. But that didn't stop Lash from physically driving himself there even if he couldn't physically tell anyone why he did it. The fourth wall engine as always was very impressive. Because of this he just had VICI use local satellites to scan, and look for power surges across El Paso. Jaime Reyes was suppose to be the third Blue Beetle. As far as Lash knew the original heroes and villains in the dream always stayed true. Unless it was a specific comic origin, or he directly intervened. Made Lash wonder who he had stopped from existing. Jason Todd Red Hood for example? Joker was dead in Lash's world. Unless there was another Joker out there, or maybe a VI Avatar with a joker fetish?

The flight from Coast City to El Paso wasn't to long on the duel heli-jet. Lash had wanted to take a Warden portal system. But Kara, and Kory were not cleared. The super-natural's were undecided if they could keep a secret or not. Lash didn't push it so he crafted transportation to get them there. He would make sure to find a local park and mark a tree, or maybe a cell-phone tower for his new Digital Stride spell he had obtained when he got into town.

While he flew across the country Lash used Connectivity and answered and replied to emails, messages, and a few phone calls. He contacted his pack mates through varies means of messaging, as well as the Wardens from Gotham. Despite his active travel routine Lash made sure to stay in some contact with his people. Though he could technically check on his Pack where ever he was on Earth. Though the skill buff of 30% wouldn't activate, that didn't stop Lash from using the bond to reach out and say hello. As long as they were all on the same plane of existence he could feel them, and they could feel him. Though he wasn't sure if it worked off planet. The connection had stayed while he was building VICI. So maybe?

Out of everyone he had on in his Pack, Peyton was the most nervous. Her Warden ceremony was coming up soon. Lash told her he would do his best to be there but if work came up he wasn't sure. She understood that, if a massive tidal wave crashed into the coast and he was trying to stop another one she would rather he concentrate on that then come to her ceremony. But she hope he would. It was set for the end of next month so Lash had time. Hopefully.

The heli-jet passed the state line and would arrive at El Paso in less then an hour. With Parallel Minds Lash read up on the information acquired by VICI through ARGUS. They had searched the whole building looking for evidence. Yes, it was foul play. The 'official' report was corporate espionage. But the explosion that wrecked the entire upper floors of the building were in Ted's primary lab. Ted's body had been found with a synthetic polymer blended suit of a blue beetle wrapped around him. ARGUS had known his identity so this wasn't any surprise. But the ground team continued to search for the Scarab. They found its contained, they found the records, and data base for all the attempts of Ted to get it to turn on. So Ted had wanted the scarab, but it hadn't worked for him?

“Ten minutes then we'll be landing.” Lash said to his two companions.

Kara, and Kory then took a moment to strip out of their cloths and dressed in the standard government agency look. Black heeled boots, black suit pants, white buttoned shirt, black suit jacket. Each set had been created by Lash had was of course enchanted, and enhanced. Kory's specifically would allow her to absorb ultra violet light through the fabric.

“So, we are allowed to ask questions. Yes?” Kory asked, as she finished with her shirt. Even wearing the government official gear Kory looked like a super model you'd see in a bond movie.

“We are considered trainee's under Agent Wraith. While we decide if we want to take the same citizenship method Wraith is. So questions pertaining to the job. Yes I think are just fine?” Kara said as she pulled her red hair back. Yes they both continued to wear their glamour charms. So eyes and hair continued to change based on their mood. Red = nervous.

Kory took a moment to wrap her arms around Kara and kissed her cheek. She left behind a red lipstick print on Kara's face. Kara squeaked and gently pushed Kory away as she cleaned up her face, her cheeks flushed red. Kory walked over to Lash who continued to pilot the heli-jet toward the Kord Tech parking lot. She leaned over and kissed his cheek.

“For luck!” Kory said with a smirk.

As Lash came over the parking lot and started to land, Kory's jovial personality melted away and she became a warrior trained by the Warlords of Okaara. The heli-jet land gear touched down on the pavement, just as the rear hatch started to lower Lash called on Saurian and used Transformation. Lash in the disguise of Wraith stepped from the rear hatch to the sight of hundreds of small arms, and automatic weapons pointed at his group.

“Gentlemen, and Ladies of ARGUS. We are here to help!” Lash said, his voice made a few people jump in surprise.

As they stepped off from the transport dozens of armored vehicles had surrounded the heli-jet that had materialized out of thin air. It had the UNWS stamp on the side of the transport but ARGUS had no idea they had come. When Agent Wraith stepped out of the transport followed by two bomb shell beauties the troops on the ground were confused. Agent Wraith was an enigmatic individual as far as most were concerned he didn't really had direct supervision. He was allowed to go, and do what ever he wanted. Many people would be afraid of someone with this kind of power, but Agent Wraith had never done anything so far to question why he was given this privilege.

A shadow moved across the pavement and stopped in front of Agent Wraith, the shadow expanded like it was a living thing. A petite gloved hand reached out and started to pull itself out of the shadow. Wraith reached down and helped the young woman out of the shadow, much to her surprise! The ARGUS agents knew who this was. Agent Murmur, 5'8” woman with short black hair that didn't reach her chin, silver eyes, and an athletic figure. Once she left the pool of darkness it evaporated like a puddle of water in the summer sun.

“Agent Wraith. I am Agent Murmur. We were not expecting you.” Her voice was like ice, but despite that she did not take her hand from the claws of Wraith.

“I know, but despite that we've come to help. I can already tell you the item in question is no longer in the building nor is it on the premise. Some one has it.” Lash said, his clawed hand continued to hold the hand of Agent Murmur who despite her icy appearance in her cool black combat uniform clearly didn't mind the giant lizard holding her hand.

Agent Murmur wore the typical ARGUS tactical combat gear. Black boots, urban warfare pants, then she wore a black long sleeved muscle t-shirt, with a kevlar vest over that. She had a lower half face combat mask with re breather attached. She wore plated hand gloves that were used for punching, along with an assortment of knives on her legs, forearms, vest, and a sub-machine gun strapped to her lower back. She had a nice figure that filled out the uniform very nicely.

Agent Murmur gently took back her hand, and brought her wrist to her mouth and spoke a few words into the radio there. She got a reply and nodded in return. She gestured for him to follow as the ARGUS ground unit lowered their weapons at last. Kory and Kara never flinched during the whole situation, either knowing that Wraith had it under control. Or that the weapons would do nothing to them.

Murmur ran her thumb over the spot that Wraith had held more then once. It was the first time some one had willingly touched her in years. Her powers had always spread black veins through people and sucked them dry of energy. It never killed anyone, but they would always feel drained and exhausted after words. Murmur didn't get an ounce of energy from Wraith, but felt elated she could touch him with out him suffering any effects. She'd have to report this to Waller.

The building's top floors were in ruins. They had to take the stairs which didn't bother any of them. Kory even sprung into the middle of the stair way and floated up covering the corners. Lash had told her that ARGUS was a friend, and an enemy. Just depended on the day, and what they wanted. So she was on full alert. Her hair, and eyes glowed green (Active) due to the glamour charm. The tip of her hair glowing faintly. Murmur glanced at Kory while they climbed the stairs.

They reached the top floor and saw the blast residue all over the floor. Over a dozen forensic technicians worked the scene taking picture, setting up lights, and taking samples. They still had no idea what caused the explosion. All of the chemicals in the lab were accounted for, those that were explosive wouldn't have caused this degree of damage. The technicians got out of the way of Agent Murmur, and kept their mouths shut when they saw Wraith. Kory stayed afloat as she followed behind gradually.

Inside the main lab was another ARGUS meta-human. He was six foot even with metal skin. He had black combat boots, black urban warfare pants, a black sleeveless muscle shirt, his hair which was a silver color was high and tight. He had a body builder look. He had a radio in his ear as he turned to see Murmur and the team walk in. He walked over towards Lash with a very aggressive stance stopped a few short feet, smiled wide and held out his hand.

“Agent Wraith! A pleasure sir! Please call me Agent Nickel. I hope my sister didn't give you too much trouble.” Nickel said, as he winked at Murmur who glared daggers at him. Lash reached out and shook Nickel's hand. They shared a nice firm grip.

“You must be Agent K, and Agent Andr? Nice to meet you!” Nickel said in a very friendly voice. Lash could read that Nickel was genuine and said as much across the Temporary Pack Bond he had made with Kory, and Kara. They both took turns shaking his hand. He commented what a nice grip Kara had!

“Don't mind Agent Murmur if she didn't shake your hand. She sucks the energy out of anyone she touches!” Nickel said with a smirk, and jumped away with a laugh as Murmur tried to slap him.

“Agent Wraith didn't have any problems touching her.” Kara said, she tilted her head to the side in confusion. Nickel stopped as he looked at Murmur, a question on his face. Murmur looked away bashfully.

“Oho! Look at you Murmur! Bashful and shy! Hay! I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!” Nickel shouted as he ran around the room away from Murmur who chased him with her hand outstretched like claws.

“Ahem!” An ARGUS agent in business suit attire cleared his throat. This man was 5'10” with a marine core hair cut, wide shoulders, and blue eyes. He rolled his eyes as he seem to be use to the antics of these two. Despite her attempts at being indifferent, Kory did laugh at them both.

“Agent Wraith, I am Agent Dutch. I keep an eye on these two while on the field. I was told you have information for us?” Dutch said as he glared at Nickel who smiled wide at him, and Murmur who mumbled an apology. Lash took a moment to cast Insight on Murmur, Nickel, and Dutch.

Name: Agent Murmur / VI Avatar.

Title: Soundless.

Origin: Meta-Gene.

Rank: D+

Skills: Stealth, Hand to Hand combat. [See tool tip for more]

Powers: Shadow Control, Matter Conversion. [See tool tip for more]

Domain: N/A

Racial Trait: N/A

Disposition: Friendly

Comment: Murmur thinks Wraith is an alien who pretends to be a monster. She has met a lot of monsters that pretend to be human. She is also a bit shy at the fact that she can touch him with out draining him.

Name: Agent Nickel / VI Avatar.

Title: Tin Man, Iron Man.

Origin: Meta-Gene.

Rank: D+

Skills: Hand to Hand combat, Martial Arts, Painting [See tool tip for more]

Power: Metal Polymer Skin, Superhuman Durability, [See tool tip for more]

Domain: N/A

Racial Trait: N/A

Disposition: Friendly

Comment: Nickel is excited to meet, and work with Wraith. He has heard amazing things about the Alien who was born on Earth. Though his interest may follow Wraith's two female companions a bit more.

Name: Agent Dutch

Title: Jar-Head.

Origin: Meta-Gene. (Dormant)

Rank: G+

Skills: Hand to Hand, Commanding Presence, Golf, [See tool tip for more]

Power: Blood Manipulation, Heart pulse sensory, [See tool tip for more, Currently Dormant]

Domain: N/A

Racial Trait: N/A

Disposition: Neutral.

Comment: Dutch isn't sure what to make of Wraith, or his little team of trainee's. He'll do his job, and take care of his Agents. His priority will always be his people first, the mission second. Everything else can fuck off!

“Can you please call your head technician in here with us?” Lash asked, he walked straight towards the middle of the lab as Dutch called for the lead tech. A woman in forensic gear came in with a holographic computer on her forearm.

“Yes, Agent Wraith what can I help you with?” She said in a business like voice.

“Do you have the determined time of the explosion?” Lash asked, the technician gave the estimated time of the incident.

Lash knelt down and pressed his palms into the ground. Using his 'glamour' he created a technology machine effect of dozen or so tiny projectors creating a scene. Then he used a skill that he bought awhile ago. Retrocognition since it was a skill/power that he had purchased via the shop it was of course a bit different than most. The room displayed Wraith and his team entering, then walking backwards out of the room. What Dutch, and Nickel were doing before they had come. Then the projection started to speed up. Minutes flew by and turned into hours. The technicians eyes grew wide in astonishment.

“Holy fuck! You can rewind the scene like a fucking video!? That is fucking awesome!” Nickel shouted loudly. Dutch was to focused on the scene to reprimand his agent for swearing. While Murmur was looking at Wraith instead of the scene playing backwards.

“Every time I think I have him figured out he does something new.” Kara whispered to Kory. She had walked over to her and leaned in. Kory nodded and whispered back in reply.

“I know! Isn't it fun!” Kory replied then went back to watching.

The estimated time for the explosion arrived and Lash slowed the scene down. His energy meter was nearing 50% capacity, this took a lot of effort to maintain. The explosion took place, a fiery blue flame enveloped the entire lab. That was interesting! He continued to rewind time until they saw a fight take place backwards. He sped through it and then set his ability to 'play'. Unfortunately the level of the power was to low. So it didn't come with sound.

No one seem to question the lack of sound as if it was obvious. They saw the scene of Ted Kord aka Blue Beetle in uniform shouting at two people who had come inside his lab. One of the men was a teenager with blue fire as his hair, he rolled a blue flame around on his knuckles like one would a coin. The other man was a Death Stroke look alike, but this one had both eyes. Slade's son, Grant Wilson the first Ravager. Ted continued to shout at Ravager who despite his mask was clearly livid about something. The kid with blue fire for hair then started to napalm the room with his blue fire. Ted fought back, and despite being out numbered held his own. Lash paused the 'scene' and walked in front of the blue fire kid.

“Who is this? Can you do a facial scan Miss...” Lash said as he turned his head to look at the Tech. She jumped into action and ran over to scan the boys face that was as if he was standing there in front of her.

“Morgan... Agent Morgan. This...This is incredible! How are you doing this?” Morgan asked.

“Afraid I can't say. At least not for another five years. Technology assimilation for pre FTL civilizations. Sorry.” Lash replied in a robotic voice, as if he was use to replying the answer far to many times. Morgan frowned at his answer but let it go as the computer beeped at her.

“Judas Kane, Orphan and ward of the state of New Mexico. Went missing a few years ago. Wanted for petty theft, assault, breaking and entering, grand theft auto, robbery, rape, murder. Dropped out of high school. No other records past that except for his psychological evaluation by the state, which is not pretty.” Agent Morgan said as she closed her holographic.

“Who is this?” Kara asked, she was in front of Grant/ Ravager. Who looked a lot like Death Stroke.

“Death Stroke aka Slade Wilson is in a ARGUS holding facility so we know its not him. I would say its one of his sons. Most likely Grant Wilson, takes after his father.” Agent Dutch came over to look at Ravager.

After another minute of discussion Lash continued the scene. A hidden compartment in the wall burst open when Judas shot his blue napalm at it. That is when the Scarab came crawling out of the container it had been stuck in. It flew across the room like a speeding bullet and attached itself to Judas. Ted and Ravager both looked surprised, then Ravager sprinted from the room and dove out of the window. Ted lost in the moment of seeing the Scarab choose a chose a host didn't realize the Scarab hadn't chosen Judas. He was consuming him! The Scarab seem to suck Judas dry, right before he died he ignited the last of his energy reserves and exploded. Then the blue napalm consumed the lab!

Once the flames died away they found what remained of Ted/ Blue Beetle. His suit was made from a polymer that copied the Scarab, though it used materials from Earth. When the intense heat flashed through the room the suit covered Ted automatically. But the intense heat was enough to cook Ted from the outside in. Just like that a hero died. After that Ravager came back up into the lab and looked around for a bit but he couldn't find what he was looking for he soon left. About an hour after wards the local PD swarmed the lab. The explosion had been contained to the upper floor. Ted had reinforced his lab so if anything happened it would endanger any ones life.

“Where is his body?” Lash asked as he closed the 'scene' his energy levels had reached 20%, he needed to recharge for a bit. Kara was the first to walk up to him and gave him a steady body to lean on. Kory flew over and checked on him. The glamour of tiny machines broke down or returned to his shroud' appearances were important.

“We have it in our mobile lab, we still cant get the suit off of him.” Morgan said as she had looked at Agent Dutch for permission.

“May I see him... I have a few questions I want to ask.” Lash said, his reptilian face pulled back into a smile that made the whole room shiver.

Ten minutes later a few people in the morgue turned green, and Agent Nickel threw up his breakfast. He left the lab repeating over and over again. 'That ain't right!' Agent Morgan, and Agent Dutch were frozen in place as they stared wide eyed at a very dead, and very talking Ted Kord. Kory stared at the dead body with wide eyes not at all sickened by the scene. She had seen much worse as a slave to The Citadel, she was amazed that Lash could talk to the dead. Kara was stuck between being amazed and horrified.

Lash had used his title ability from 'Grave Walker'(Ch. 28) to reanimate Ted. Though Ted was still dead all Lash had done was partially animate the mans mind to discuss his memories. Ted had no thoughts or feelings on the matter. He was dead! He answered in a monotone voice, and replied with a blank stare. Lash asked about the fight between Ravager and Judas. That was when he got a prompt from Dawn when he received the answer.

Congratulations User! The Injustice League has been formed! Unlike the Justice League, the Injustice League works primarily in the shadows, and bides their time for their grand reveal.

You are considered one of the Injustice League's primary targets. Congratulations!

The Injustice League was formed and actively recruiting members. They wanted the Scarab for themselves. They knew it was alien and that it needed a host. A fight broke out, and Judas was not chosen by the scarab. More like the scarab attacked Judas. Dead Ted had a moment of confusion on his face when he said he remember a synthetic voice telling him to run. But he was so stunned by the sight he didn't listen. Seemed like the Scarab had tried to help Ted. After that Lash asked several personal questions. Like how to be buried, any messages, etc, etc. Dutch had some follow up questions but he realized that Dead Ted would only answer Wraith. So they did a repeat and tell session. Eventually they let Dead Ted rest. He closed his eyes and went back to being...Dead.

“Don't even ask, I can't tell you.” Lash said to Agent Morgan as he left the room. He was exhausted and his body language told everyone that what ever he did took a lot out of him. Kory, and Kara followed after him and stayed close.

Agent Morgan exchanged a look with Agent Dutch. Murmur was still in the lab, she had her eyes glue to the corpse. Her eyes were wide and her mouth opened and closed several times. She only responded when she heard the door open and shut. She jumped into motion and raced after Wraith. Dutch wanted to stop her but chose not too. He knew what she was about to do. Murmur burst out of the lab to find Wraith sitting on the ground. His bladed tail coiled around him, and the living shroud writhed and curled around him protectively. She ran up and stopped mid run when Kory stood in front of her, green energy pulsating around her hands.

“Is there a time limit to the bodies you can speak to? Like...” Before she could continue.

“They have to be recently dead, Murmur. So if you wanted me to talk to some one weeks, months, or even years dead? Then no.” Lash replied, his reptilian voice a little rough around the edges.

“O...oh.....” Murmur said, her shoulders drooped. She had wanted to ask someone a question.

Murmur left with a defeated look on her face. Kory powered down and continued to stand guard around Lash as he bathed himself in the afternoon sun. It was hot here but none of them complained. It may have had something to do with the temperature control Lash had woven into Kory, and Kara's cloths. Lash activated his skill Meditation and started to recharge his energy.

Congratulations User! Meditation has evolved into Minor Meditation.

Effects: You have better mental, and emotional control. Increased energy regeneration. Increased focus and memory recall.

Lash took a moment to reach out with his senses to find Murmur crying, she was curled up next to Nickel. They were as close as possible with out touching one another. Nickel clearly wanted to hold his sister but couldn't touch her. Lash was conflicted, he had lied to her. As long the corpse was in reasonable condition he could use the title power. He could talk to a thousand year old mummy if he wanted to. But he felt it would be a slippery slope if he started to talk to the dead. It wasn't really them, the soul had long left them. It would just be the memories, like a computer reading off information.

“Apologies for the interruption, Creator. But I have an energy spike in the El Paso University. Several figures have been seen propelling energy at a figure clad in blue armor.” VICI chimed in his ear.

“Agent K! Agent Andr! We have a location, to the plane!” Lash shouted and jumped to all fours and sprinted back to the heli-jet. Kory, and Kara were startled but ran after Lash.

Lash linked to the ARGUS communication line and sent the same information that VICI did. The heli-jet was already priming up when Nickel and Murmur jumped aboard on Dutch's order. Murmur was back to being the cold indifferent agent, and Nickel's happy go lucky attitude was replaced by cold heart resolute expression. The heli-jet closed its rear hatch and they were in transit towards the university.

Lash put the heli-jet into auto pilot, or rather used Parallel Minds and Machine Control to pilot it. He drew a curtain up that covered half the troop area and gestured for Kara to step in. He raised his hands and began to 'paint' her armor on. He had created an updated version. Kara wore a synthetic polymer for a body suit that covered her from neck to toe. Though she had a dark blue polymer mask/hood on, the hood kept her hair up and out of the way, it covered her face but exposed her mouth. Like Batman! Then he added Kryptonian justicar body armor. Kara vital points were all covered in hot rod red armor with gold highlights, a full face helmet that would retract to reveal her face. Kal didn't wear a mask why should she? She turned her glamour off and revealed Kara Zor-El with the house symbol of El on her chest. 'S'

Koriand'r was next, she like Kara wore a full synthetic polymer suit from neck to toe. She like Kara turned off her glamour and revealed her orange skin, green eyes, and fiery red hair that glowed on the tips. A chest plate covered her breasts, another strip went across her crotch, plated gloves that went across her forearms, boots that went to her knees, and rigid plates down her spine. Then with a flick of a switch the polymer suit became transparent. Lash rolled his eyes but he had designed the suit to do that. To anyone looking it would seem like Kory was wearing a metal bikini into battle. But she was in fact clad in full armor. The armor would allow her full protection but she could practice the Tamaranean culture of 'skin is best'!

Lash pulled the curtain down and Nickel let out a wolf whistle at Kory, then he went completely mute when he saw Kara's 'S' symbol on her chest. In Nickel, and Murmur's eyes was a glint of knowledge. Lash had learned this was when a VI Avatar knew something but the 4th wall engine prevented them talking. Especially when Nickel opened and closed his mouth and became frustrated when no sound came out. Kory blew a kiss towards Nickel, an vibrant green energy danced through the air and lightly smacked his cheek. He fell over in a daze, and a shit eating grin on his face.

The heli-jet flew over the El Paso Texas University. The rear hatch opened up and down in the main ground was a one side battle taking place. Several men, and women clad in costumes, uniforms, or just plain civilian cloths were hurling energy blasts, fire, ice, electricity, at a some one wearing blue beetle armor. Lash looked at the people attacking the Blue Beetle and his Sherogoth's Blessing activated. He read their sins and found that most of them were just people. Except for one, this man stood behind the group wearing a black trench coat. The aura of blood, and horror surrounded him. Lash pointed a claw at the man then explained the situation to everyone. He established a Temporary Pack Bond with Nickel, and Murmur who jumped in surprise at the voice inside their heads.

Every single one of them are gray objectives. People doing bad things who could be taught to do good things! -Lash said across the link.

The one in the back with the black coat, he is an evil mother fucker who needs to die! The others may try to stop you. Do your best not to maim or kill the others but he is fair game. The one in blue armor is who we are here to get. Hopefully with out a fight. -Lash said once more across the link.

“How are we getting down!?” Nickel shouted over the roars of the engines. He didn't understand how to talk over the link yet. Wraith grinned at him and touched his shoulder, a green and blue energy covered Nickel, Murmur, and Kara.

“You are going to jump!” Wraith replied, Nickel looked at him in confusion then felt a tug and he was no longer on the plane.

“FUUUUUUUCK!” Nickel shouted in terror as he flung his arms in a vain attempt to flap his way to life!

“Well this is different!” Murmur shouted over the roar of the passing wind.

They were falling, but not falling fast. Kara glided past them a smile on her face. Though she couldn't fly, gliding for her was exceptionally easy. Kory flew with them, an energy trail following behind in the wake of her fiery hair. That was when Nickel realized that Wraith had some how slowed their decent. A parachute with out the chute! They landed on the ground as if they had jumped down from a ten foot drop. Kara smiled at Nickel and sprinted towards the fight. Wraith had stayed in the heli-jet and started to speak through the speakers.

“ATTENTION! This is the United Nations World Security! Please surrender and you will not be harmed!” An average male voice sounded over the speakers.

The fight stopped for a brief moment as the blue beetle, and the gang of attackers stopped and looked up at the helicopter that simply appeared out of thin air. The man in the black trench coat spit on the ground and pointed at the helicopter. A blood red beam of light shot from his hand and went straight for the cockpit. Then something unexpected happened, at least it was to the man. The beam hit the glass flared with a brilliant light then faded from sight.

“That's impossible! Nothing can survive my death ray!” The black trench coat man screamed! He raised both hands and prepared to fire again until a green star bolt slammed into his face from Kory!

Kory flew over and proceeded to hail green energy down on the man, along with the group. Kara soon appeared, she grabbed a woman by the arm and spun her around into an arm lock and pushed her into the ground. Two metal strips flew from her hands, and the woman was restrained by magnetic cuffs, then Kara finished her off by zapping her in the neck with electricity. That was when the battle started up again!

The gang started to shoot at Kory, and Kara. Murmur dove head first into a pool of darkness, and erupted from one of the gangs shadows. A swift kick to the back of their leg dropped them to their knees. She knife hand struck their neck and they went rigid and fell over. Nickel barreled through an onslaught of ice energy and tackled the man like a line backer.

One of the woman clapped her hands together and a sonic wave erupted from her. The wave hit everyone on the field including her team mates. Everyone screamed, but Kory, and Kara soon regained their momentum as the suit Lash had made for them created a partial field to cut off the wave. Then the woman realized it didn't work took a breath and screamed! Her scream was raw sound that destroyed the area. The man in the trench coat even paled at the sight of it. It was visible to the naked eye. But before it could hit anyone another sonic blast shot across the field from Blue Beetle. The sonic cannon that had morphed from his armor canceled out sound.

The two of them battled out across the field. No one could get close to them so they didn't try. Until a 6'6” Saurus Veteran materialized from green and blue energy. It had appeared right behind her, it reached out and zapped the back of her neck with electricity. Technomancy Domain Passive. She dropped like a puppet with out strings. Blue Beetle canceled the sonic attack when she fell down. The man in the black coat looked horrified at the sight of the giant lizard.

“RUN! WE CANT WIN!” The man shouted, he jumped to his feet only to fly back off of them as Kory threw punch straight into his face, reinforced with star energy. The star bolt went through his whole body and struck him unconscious.

Before the rest of them could try, plant roots erupted from the ground and held them in place. Saurus Veterans materialized and zapped the rest of them down. Kara had restrained three, Murmur two, Nickel two, while Kory had focused on the leader. Blue Beetles jet engines on his back burst on and he started to fly away... Or he tried as he suddenly stopped moving, he flailed and put more energy into his drives but he couldn't move. Wraith materialized from thin air having used Invisibility he held Blue Beetle in place with Telekinesis he tried using Machine Control but it seemed the Scarab prevented that from happening.

“Calm yourself young man, we need to talk!” Wraith shouted at Blue Beetle who turned around and saw that he was the reason he wasn't moving. Then Blue's left arm changed into a white noise cannon and fired it at Wraith.

“NO DONT! HE'S ONE OF THE GOOD GUYS!” Blue shouted in horror! He spoke to the scarab. The white noise blast shot true and went straight through Wraith's armor, through his scales, and out his back.

Lash blinked as his Telekinesis failed, he dropped to his knees and saw the giant base ball hole in his chest. He had gotten careless! He was so use to tanking anything that hit him he forgot that the Scarab is designed to find a work around and eliminate threats. The Reach had designed it for that exact reason. Under the right circumstances the Scarab could even fight magical beings.

Lash knelt on the ground with a hole in his chest. The world around him seem to slow down, his mind was churning with information, ideas, and possible solutions. He heard someone scream his name, or rather Wraith. A flash of blue and red flew past him, Kara had shot into the sky and bashed Blue Beetle into the ground with enough force to leave a crater and send a mini earthquake through the ground. Three Saurus Veterans jumped on Kara to keep her from killing Blue. Kory flew over and watched the lizards warriors that served Lash try to stop Kara. Then she flew over and checked on Blue Beetle who was coughing up blood. The Scarab tried to react to Kory but it fizzled, and sparks were sent out. Kara had cracked its shell, that was un heard of for Reach Scarabs.

“Supergirl! Stop!” Lash shouted, and coughed up blood. His blood as always turned to ash and evaporated when it left his body for longer then a few seconds. Kara stopped fighting the Veterans she looked at Lash and flew over to him. The Veterans ran to Blue and started to check him over.

The hole in Lash's chest was slowly closing, the blast had missed his spine by about an inch. Otherwise he would be having a really bad day. Maybe the Scarab had altered the trajectory of the shot at the last second. Kara was brought to tears as she could look right through Lash but he reached up and gently cleaned her tears away, his reptilian face forced a smile.

“I'll be alright.” He said softly. Kara reached out and hugged him tightly, which was excruciatingly painful and he screamed when she did it. She quickly let go, but he kept his hands on her arms to keep from fleeing.

“D...Don't leave. I may fall over if you do...” Lash said with a crooked smile. Kara laughed softly and rolled her eyes.

“OK!” Kara said, she cleaned her face and tried to go back to being indifferent. Tried being the word.

“Holy fuck! I saw the videos of you fighting in China but holy shit! There is a fucking hole in you!” Nickel said as he ran up with Murmur.

“Agent Dutch is two minutes out with an ARGUS team. We'll take the Meta-humans in along with the blue...” Murmur said before she was interrupted by Wraith.

“Blue Beetle is coming with us. Blue was Justice League, so is his protege.” Lash replied to Murmur. Murmur looked surprised at the information. Which was technically true! Ted had joined the Justice League a few months ago he was one of the reserve members. He was looking for a sidekick/ replacement. Jaime Reyes was just some random kid who was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

“But, its clear that this man accidentally fused with the scarab. He is not Ted's apprentice!” Murmur said in frustration.

“True, but he is also a free citizen. He is not government property. If he chooses to serve the world as a hero, a government agent, or to live his life as normal as possible that is for him to choose. Not ARGUS. We both know that Waller will not take no for an answer if she gets a hold of him.” Lash said as he slowly came to his feet. The hole was closed, new flesh, and scales were growing at a visible rate. Kara helped him to his feet and guided him over to Blue.

“What am I suppose to tell Director Waller!?” Murmur shouted at Wraith's back. Nickel chose to secure the meta-humans and stayed out of the discussion.

“Tell her I'll pay her back like I always do. Goodbye Agent Murmur it was nice working with you, I hope to see you and your brother at another day.” Lash said, the Saurus Veterans had dragged Blue to the heli-jet.

Kory supervised the transport but smiled at Lash who was moving on his own by the time he got to her. They jumped into the transport and the rear hatch started to close as ARGUS showed up. Dutch came running out and met Nickel first, then went to Murmur who all but shouted at him as she gave her report. She pointed at the heli-jet that camouflaged itself and took off into the later after noon sun. Dutch glared at their departure and rubbed his face in frustration. Waller was going to have his ass for this!

VICI had taken control of the heli-jet controls and already changed their route. Kory walked over and kissed Lash reptilian snout and hugged him. Kara joined the hug, and they had an intimate group hug aboard the transport. Lash was sitting at the time so they half knelt on the chairs, and stood next to him. For a brief moment Kory had thought she lost her friend. But she knew that if the lizard warriors hadn't of faded from sight it meant that he would live.

“So...Where are we going now?” Kory asked as she let go of him and stood up, she placed a hand on her hip and stuck out her chest. Kara sat down next to Lash and continued to hug him.

“New Orleans, Louisiana. Hawkman, and Hawkwoman live there. They may also know more about the scarab attached to Jaime Reyes back.” Lash said, his body was briefly covered in a golden light as Foresight activated. Kara, and Kory both looked at him in confusion.

“Who are you people!?” Jaime Reyes shouted from the other side of the transport. Three Saurus Veterans were stationed around him. All with wrist mounted weapons charged to fire a pulse of energy into him.

Blue Beetle aka Jaime Reyes wore a synthetic metal alloy that covered him from head to toe. A scarab, beetle style was set into the armor. The back armor that covered his spine had the look of a insects face with several red eyes, and mandibles sticking up. The legs of the scarab wrapped around Jaime's torso, legs, and arms. A stylish look of black and blue covered him in symmetric patterns, the scarab allowed Jaime to talk through his mouth plate, while his eyes were covered.

“Mr Reyes, I am Agent Wraith with the United Nations World Security. This is Supergirl, and Starfire with the Justice League. Ted Kord was with the League. Since you wear his armor we came to rescue you. To answer a question you may have. No, no one outside this room knows your identity. Your family and friends are safe.” Lash replied, he slowly stood up and winced at the movement. He walked over and offered his clawed hand towards him.

Jaime looked at the lizard soldiers with energy blasters pointed at him. He looked at the two beautiful if not deadly women standing in the transport, especially the blond one. She cracked the scarabs shell with a single punch. But Wraith...The talking lizard. The Scarab was screaming in his head to stay away from him! The Scarab was terrified of this man! He kept repeating the same line over and over.

'Agent of Calamity! Not compatible! Agent of Calamity! Not compatible!'

Despite the Scarabs screams Jaime reached up and shook Wraith's hand. The size difference made the hand shake comical but Jaime relaxed after they shook hands. Wraith pulled his shroud off and Jaime got a good look at the giant lizard along with the sizable hole in his chest plate. New dark green metallic scales had grown over the wound. It just looked like the hole in the armor came from something else. But Jaime understood it was the scarab who had shot him. The Scarab had freaked out when it saw Wraith at the University and tried to run, when it was clear that Wraith held him the Scarab attacked.

“Wait! What about my parents? I've been missing for like two days they are going to freak!” Jaime shouted. Wraith tilted his head to one side and let out a chuckle.

“Oh ya... Parents. Hmmm this is going to take some thought.” Wraith said, a smile stretched across his reptilian face.


“GOD DAMN IT WRAITH!” Waller screamed at the top of her lungs, she tossed everything off of her desk she reached up to yank the necklace he had given her but stopped mid pull. Her hands shook with rage but in the end she didn't pull it off. Even now she felt the effects of the necklace wash over her mind helping to clear her thoughts.

Waller had just finished hearing the report from Agent Dutch. They failed to capture the Alien Technology known only as 'The Scarab'. All because Wraith had swooped in and pulled him up first. Yes they had learned who was responsible, yes Waller was disturbed at the idea that Wraith could play back history of an area, as well as talk to dead bodies. Even if they were recently dead that was still a very unique talent to have. But the Scarab!? That was their chance to get a unique bio-mechanical armor for their soldiers! Even if they couldn't replicate the technology it would have been another weapon in Waller's arsenal!

Once again she felt the effects of the necklace. Her mind cleared, and her breathing slowed down. Though she really wanted to shoot Wraith in the face several times. She compromised and walked to the shooting range in the ARGUS compound. She spent the next hour shooting at different targets imaging each one to be Wraith's reptilian face! How was Wraith going to pay her back? An idea grew in her mind... Maybe Wraith knew how to create the armor of the Scarab? Waller took out her phone and made a call.

“Go through the UN and tell them to send a message to Agent Wraith. I want a sit down with him as soon as possible.” Waller finished the call with out hearing the reply. She loaded another clip and began to pulverize the targets, a smile tugging on her lips.


“Destination has been reached, sir! El Paso, Texas. Home to Blue Beetle!” A digitized voice rang out.

“Outstanding Skeets! Where is Blue now? We must see if we can do a dynamic duo team up! He'll make an excellent side kick for...GOLDSTAR!” The man said.

The man or Goldstar said with a smile. He had bright blond hair, blue eyes, and stood at 6'5” though his boots may have helped with that. He wore a shining gold and black uniform with a golden star on his chest. On his left hand was a golden ring with the letter L, and a golden star to the side of it. Flying around him was a golden orb with a red sensor strip across the middle of its face, two pectoral fins, and one dorsal fin.

“Processing!” The golden orb, or Skeets as Goldstar called it.

“Error! An abnormality has appeared on my records sir.” Skeets said in a sad tone.

“Oh! Well don't worry little buddy! We'll do this the old fashioned way! Blue is sure to stand out, just like me! Lets just fly around till we find him!” Goldstar said, his pearly white gleaming in the sun light. The ring on his left hand glowed, and Goldstar began to fly into the sky. Skeets close on his tail.

Goldstar flew around El Paso for several hours, he never found Blue Beetle but he did stop a bank robbery. The bullets bounced off of his uniform and he just laughed, and winked at the ladies. He turned intangible after they stopped firing on him. He didn't want civilians to get hurt after all! He swiftly dealt with the criminals and assisted the police. When the news stations showed up they swarmed him with questions, and flashes of photography when they asked for his name he got flustered and said the wrong name. But it was to late! The name was out in the air.

Booster Gold had saved the day!

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