Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 7: You are what you EAT.

Lash felt a tingling sensation roll down in his spine as Erik joined them on the ground. -Welcome back! Both Lash, and Saurian called out. Lash was having lunch with Lizzy in a local cafe. She had wanted to speak to him about his extra activities of late. She didn't know about the Wardens or the life beneath the city. At least he hoped she didn't. But she had noticed that he was acting differently, as well as how he needed to maintain a proper respectable appearance. Or it would not only effect himself, but also her and her family. It was a messy way of her telling him she was worried about him. She was wearing skin tight blue jeans, a pair of snow boots as it was snowing outside now. A long sleeved white cashmere sweater, with a long winter coat draped over her chair. Her fiery red hair was done up into a bun. No glasses today, she was in a good mood. Her blue eyes were dazzling to look at. Despite this beauty sitting with him. Lash has had a feast for his eyes for the past few weeks. Every super-natural envoy, trainer, and society member had met was exceptionally beautiful. Almost as if that was a requirement. Lizzy was stunning! For a human.

“...Lash.....Lash!....LASH!” Lizzy was calling to him, he had been staring straight at her. But when Erik arrived, Saurian was chattering his head off and Lash got lost in two different conversations.

“Sorry, Lizzy. My train of though derailed when I remembered something. Can you repeat your last 3-5 sentences please?” Lash, tried to appease the fiery red head in front him.

Lizzy folded her arms under her chest with a humph! Emphasizing her breasts up just a little. Lizzy was a lot like Jessabell in that regard ample but not overly so that made him worry for her health like Li'Ana was. He only glanced at Lizzy's chest before he moved back to Lizzy only to flinch when she saw him checking her out. Her eyes were glaring at him, but he swore he saw a twitch of her lips...She was pleased. Lizzy had heard from the security desk in his building that several BEYOND beautiful women had been coming to his home in the last few weeks. The guard, Thompson or as Lash knew him as the Cheshire cat with the impressive smile had told her. Lash thinks he did it specifically did it because he new it would cause jealousy with Lizzy. Lash and Lizzy didn't have romantic feelings for each other. But no women he has ever met like's seeing stunning individuals visit a guy friend. Lash laughed with worry in his eyes. Especially since not one of those women had met him through the front door but through his balcony window. Thompson had also gotten a raise! Along with several of the other guards in the building. The whole building he lived in was bought by the Fae Courts.

“Lizzy, I told you I joined the Neighborhood Watch. The people I met were just interested in seeing a few of my pieces after they heard of me during the night festival a few weeks ago. You know this is true? Haven't they contacted the office and requested something new?” Lash thought he had made head way...Only to shrink his head in like a turtle. Lizzy was staring daggers at him. Why?

“I never said anything about those....Women visiting you!? I was talking about your behavior in front of the public! I actually think the neighborhood watch will help a lot with your image! Mister Lash!” It was one of those brief moments when a man actually read between the lines and got in trouble for it. Lizzy was mad about the women, but of course she would not admit it. She was angry at Lash for bringing it up! The very thing she wanted him to talk about, but did not want to talk about.

Lash could feel cold sweat roll down his back, as even Saurian was metaphorically curling up into a ball in fear. -Hush! Partner Lash. Huntress Lizzy is angry! Appease her with new delicious cake that has arrived, give her gift from pocket! Lash's eyes took on a glimmer of hope when a waiter brought in a piece of Lizzy's favorite cake. She was confused about the abrupt change, about to ask why this was brought out. Lash took out a small box with a ribbon on it.

“Happy Birthday, Lizzy!” Grinning like a fool before the lioness hoping this will at least forestall his execution. Lizzy was glaring at him, he swore lasers were boring into his skull as she did so. The waiter disappeared from the awkward moment with all due haste!

Lizzy with jagged fingers reached for the box. Making Lash flinch with the movement. Continuing to do her impression of Superman with laser focus she opened the box. Only to lose herself in what was inside. There was a beautiful ruby, emerald, and diamond piece of an old Celtic knot wrapped in gold, with silver chains for the necklace. The whirl of emotions coming across her face were hard describe, she squealed with glee! Making many of the Cafe patrons look over at our table. Wondering why my friend had gone from joyfully talking about something, then screaming at him, then now squealing in delight. Lizzy forgetting about anything else. Went to put on the piece, the easy to grip clasp made the whole affair simple. She took out a hand mirror and checker herself out. Then went to hug Lash! Pressing her self tight against him wiggling with excitement. Only to freeze, return to glaring at him. Sitting down with a cold exterior that was of course betrayed by the smile on her face that she didn't know she had.

“We the jury except this for a clear bribe, and well put off your execution...For now.” Lizzy grabbed her fork and began to eat her cake.

Lash turned into a deflated balloon, but at least he was alive. Yay! After bidding Lizzy goodbye Lash paid for a cab and went across the city to visit a Fae Court library and records house. He'd been here several times already with Skaleg, the building was several stories tall with an exterior much like an old catholic church but renovated. A large iron fence surrounded the building with cliché Gargoyle sentries along the walls. Only for Saurian to growl in his ear telling him that they were not fake but actually alive. Their presence alone scared off Mundanes interested in the buildings wealth with an otherworldly aura, they also made great soldiers, as Skaleg said. Entering the front door, Lash greeted the front desk clerk. A small little man that was apparently a type of gnome...Maybe a dwarf? Because the little guy always had a hip flask with him that never seem to run out of booze.

Inside the records house that...Like so many magic, swords, and fantasy books he had read. It was far larger on the inside then it was on the outside. Not only by several stories up, it had another twelve beneath the ground floor. Many different denizens of the Societies in Gotham were here. Lash's world view kept expanding everyday. Erik lost his shit! When he saw an Amazon from Themyscira. Looks like the Amazons were not as disconnected in The Dream Engine. But since Lash didn't actually know anything about Diana, Erik couldn't ask the Amazon about her. Lash was polite to everyone he met. Most ignored him, save a few a deputy Warden's that greeted him openly. Clearly stating who he was. This made anyone near by re think their approach.

Lash found what he was looking for, the Warden Oath ceremony, he was to go to a Neutral ground found in Gotham's city limits. Seelie with the Summer Court, the Unseelie with the Winter Court, and even the Under Fae of the benevolent, malevolent factions. The Blood-Kindred would be appearing as well as many Lycan-Sub breeds including but not only Wolves, Rats, Tigers, Leopards, and Snakes, with many more! Lash didn't realize there were so many sub-were breeds in the world. Even the 'Owl' Society one of Batman's many enemies would be sending an envoy. The neutral ground was found in one of Gotham's largest parks. Part of the Hedge Garden area was separated by a glamour. So part of the real park was hidden from view.

Congratulations User! You have obtained the skill, Otherworldly Lore: The history of the world is not as clean and cut as many humans think it is. Which is of course already saying something! You now have the ability to remember basic history of objects, places, and people. But! Continue to study there is always more to learn!

Lash stopped, then laughed at himself. This was one of the skills he learned he needed to do in the Black Room with Dawn. He didn't think he would get it so easy. Lash, was thankful to learn that the Oath was simple. There was no poetic complicated phrase, poetry he had to learn. He would simply kneel before the appointed envoy's they would all recognize him as a new Warden. Then the High Council, the ones above all else would speak to him...Privately. What happened during this time was between the Warden and the Council. Not even Skaleg would tell him the specifics. But...There was one piece of good news. Every Warden would receive a...Tribute? A blessing from the council that was unique to the Warden. Many recorded Warden's had similar tributes in appearance...But all of them were different. Erik read on the forum's that many of the Users got to Choose a power, gift, or even a magical Domain. I.E. One became an elementalist so they could control Earth, Fire, Water, Wind....-And Heart! Erik snickered to himself.

Lash also read on the history of the Warden's. To discover that most of the world did not have them. The Society's often policed themselves. As well as only major cities with longer the two or even three hundred years of history would have established rules in place. Most of the Denizens of the Super-natural Community were long lived so a few centuries was like a few years. The primary role was to maintain what could only be called the Masquerade between Mundane and Magical. Unlike the myth's and legends you would normally read about the world of magic. They had not been lost to the pages of history. The Society had been up to date with new technologies, and culture. All in an attempt to stay ahead of the learning curve so they could be safe. Despite there long lives, stronger then average physiques they had a blaring weakness. Numbers! Humans just had more. Even if you combined all the monster attacks, curses, spells, calamities brought on by magic. It would not even account for 20% of the overall deaths contributed by Human Society. To this day the greatest source of death to humans...Were in fact...Humans. The Societies learned a long time ago, that if they were discovered. Humanity would drive them to extinction.

Lash having his fill of history closed the books and went to put them away. It was evening now, must be close to midnight. Saurian was getting frustrated, Lash could feel his skin itching at the reptiles urging. Bidding the Gnome...Dwarf..Drunkard at the front desk goodnight. Saurian chirped in goodbye to the Gargoyles who did not move. But Saurian swore they said goodbye. Then Lash did something that he had actually been doing for a few nights now. He found a secluded alley and...

Congratulation User! You have learned the skill, Spatial Item Shifting; When you are in Human form and you shift the cloths you wear are pulled into the shift. Please note that unless your other shape has designed cloths you will still be naked. But, your human shape will retain the cloths you wear once you shift out.

Lash gritted his teeth, as his bones snapped and muscles tore. Groaning, and nearly biting his tongue off in pain. He felt the now 4' 6” tall Adolescent Saurian come out. The naked Saurian breathed in deep. Smelling the putrid polluted air of Gotham and loved every second of it! Lash wasn't sure if the Societies knew about Saurian, or maybe they did and that was just a bonus, he did learn that he was not a Were-Breed but was something else.

Saurian looked around the alley with renewed interest, going from trash cans to dumpsters, to climbing the nearby wall. He would use his claws and nimble dexterity to jump, latch, and scamper up the wall like some sort or demonic monkey...Or a giant lizard. Climbing to the roof he would then begin to slink from rooftop, power line, street lamp, watching, waiting...Hunting. Saurian knew the city even better then Lash did and was heading home but was intending to take his time getting there. It was cold out, fall was coming to an end and Winter was always horrible in Gotham! The sun would retreat from the sky quicker so the night would come and with it the scum of the Mundanes and Society would come out to play. Just like when...

“SOME ONE HELP!” Like so many movies, novels, and comic books those words brought a smile to Erik...Its time! Saurian growled in excitement as his scales rattled with energy. He leaped from lamp post to lamp post. The collected snow on them would fall to the ground. But by the time anyone would look up to see why, Saurian had moved on. Finding the trace of the noise, Saurian perched on the wall looking between an alley. There two men were assaulting a women. One man held the women in a choke hold, the other rifled through her purse. The women looked as if she had just left from work, wearing a casual business attire that you would find in any office. Then men wearing ruffian clothing fitting the cold weather. Why was this women in an alley? Saurian looked up and saw the building that she more then likely came from. Like an idiot she had chosen to take a 'Short-cut' Thinking it would be safe.

“Stupid bitch! Hold still! Or we'll cut you up before we are done!” The one holding the women shouted. Pressing a knife to her cheek, the women frozen in terror as tears rolled down her face. The other thug pulled out a few hundred dollars from the rather nice purse.

“Oh! Oh! Look at this! This bitch is actually pretty well off... Wayne Tech? Oh you one of those educated shits that went to school on Momy and Daddy's money and made something of yourself? Eh! Look where that got you!” The other thug said, as he read off on a building security I.D.

“Well! Why don't we take our time and make something out of her..She smells sweet and that skirt on her looks so uncomfortable!”

“pp...Please no!” The women begged...Then went perfectly still...Not because of the man with the knife. But because something was above other man. Leaning over from the fire escape of the building they were next to. “m...Monster!”

“Oh, Please bitch! We aren't monsters we a....eeeEEEHHH!” The man dropped the purse, because Saurian had reached down and picked him up. Despite his 4'6” height Saurian was actually pretty strong! His tail had wrapped around the fire escape for leverage, then with his hind legs for balance he leaned down and picked the thug up by his head. The women, and the other thug looked up in Horror, as the pale moon light showed off what could only be described as a giant lizard. Holding the other thug up in the air. The thug let go of the women and tripped as he fell backwards. Saurian's eyes locked onto the women's. A single thought ran through her mind...She was going to die....Then another thought...a Voice rang in her head. -Run away small human, Saurian will handle these cretins! She didn't know why but she felt she could trust this voice, and she did. She ran ahead picking up her I.D. Purse, and money than ran through the alley. -Next time! Don't take a short-cut!

The thug clutched in his claws wiggled about and screamed for help. Before Saurian threw him into the wall. Knocking him out....Maybe killing him, he didn't check. Then like a living shadow sprinted after the escaping man. Making little to no sound, as he tuck in his claws and like a coyote tip toed down the passage. The man had a huge head start but that made little difference as Saurian went from zero to fifteen mph in a few seconds. Then like sweet, sweet music to his ears the man screamed...

“SO...SOMEONE! ANYONE! HELP ME!” Not but a few hundred feet from the scream. A recently attempted mugged women stopped on the open street, under the light of lamp post heard that scream, and a smile of satisfaction spread across her face.

The thug made a turn down another passage, sprinting for all his legs were worth. His heart was jack-hammering in his chest. He was sweating despite the near ice freezing temperatures, he didn't understand why this was happening...What was that fucking thing! Was Jhon OK!? Was HE going to be OK?! Then...SLAM! A huge weight collided on top of him sending him tumbling down. What ever weight was on his back soon was gone as he was sent slipping across the asphalt. Part of his face was rubbed raw and bleeding. He tried to stand, but only to hear...Feel his left leg SNAP! Like a twig!

“AAAAAHHHHHH!” He had never experienced anything as painful as this. He been in fights before. Sometimes a lucky victim would knee him in his balls. B..But this was a whole new level! This was not how this was suppose to go! He was the one that dealt the pain, n..not this. Then something tore through his coat, ripped into his back, he felt his skin and muscles tear. Before he knew it he was pushed up against a wall. Looking down at the...thing! Oh god what is the fuck is that!

“Stay away from me you freak! Fucking monsters! SOMEONE HELP...EEEEHHH!” Saurian headed butted the thug. Thanks to his Saurian skull features the skull crest made an excellent shield that could both protect but also bash. Several of the thugs teeth flew out. Saurian stared at the thug waiting for his eyes to focus. Then just like before...-Yes, I am a monster! And this monster is HUNGRY! Saurian opened his mouth, leaned in and bit down. But no blood was spilled, or flesh torn. That's because Saurian bit down on something else...

Congratulations User! You have learned the skill, Soul Bite; Why deal with the blood, gore, and messy clean up of eating the flesh. Not to dissuade anyone your Saurian companion will be more then willing to eat flesh. But eating a soul is far more...Dark, and mysterious. The Soul Bite allows the User to tear a piece of the subjects soul apart as a source of food. You absorb its energy, experience, and essence. But, leaves the victim alive, as long as you don't eat it all. As the skill grows and evolves what you can learn from the soul may improve. You are after all, what you eat!

The thug's nervous system couldn't take the sudden 'Attack' and passed out. Saurian let the man drop to the floor, as he licked his fangs with his forked tongue. Then jerked his head around to see the flashing lights of the police washing the alley way in a cold glow. Saurian moved to a wall and climbed up. He didn't kill the thugs for several reasons. One; Erik knew the Justice League had a no kill human rule at least in the comics, wasn't sure if The Dream Engine would maintain that rule. Two; Any animal attack or killing in Gotham was investigated by Wardens and the Super-natural Society to determine if it was a Mundane or magical beast. Three; Eating two full grown males, or even one would have been to much. It would have made him slow, lethargic as his body digested all that. So he went for a Soul Bite. A quick, easy, meal.

“Ehhh, Yes...Then a heard a voice telling me to get out of there. So I ran to the street then called 911.” Peggy said to the office.

“You, heard a voice? Didn't see the who said it? Was the voice male, female? Do you think it was the owner of the...What did you call it..Giant lizard? That attacked?” The officer was a skeptic, he had already heard rumors of a giant bat like creature...Or some crazy guy in a suit running around Gotham. But now a Giant Lizard? Well at least this was more normal, the lizard had a owner. He'd just never heard of any lizard capable of what the witness described. In winter no less!

“Louise! Finish up! We found the two guys! One of them skulls took a good knock, the other has a broken leg! Call an ambulance!” Louise radioed in, as he gave the witness a police coat to help ward off the chill, as well as the adrenaline high. Then moved into the alley.

Peggy was shaking, not just from the cold but from the fear, and excitement. She swore she would follow the voices advice and never take a short-cut home again. It was so stupid! She knew how dangerous Gotham's nights were, especially alone! But....What was that thing, who was that voice. Why did it make her feel safe? Why despite its appearance did she feel the creature wouldn't hurt her. -This hunter is glad small human is safe. Should learn to defend one self, this hunter thinks. Goodbye little human! A renewed shiver went down Peggy's spine, as she looked around startled. Not understanding where that came from. Looking left, right, down the alley, even up to the roof. Nothing! It wasn't until she got home, and was in bed that she stopped to think...She didn't hear the voice, she felt it. Curling up in her bed, under the sheets her heart was pounding. Not with fear...But with excitement! Soon her eyes grew heavy and she fell asleep. Dreaming of yellow reptile eyes, and a voice that could be felt but not heard...

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