Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 8: Friends? Or Maybe Something Else

Saurian climbed the fire escape to his home with silence and stealth of a hunter. But still, looked everywhere. Partner-Erik told Saurian that the Man-Bat could have eyes from camera's to actual. So Saurian-Hunter was careful. Reaching the top floor Saurian froze in surprise a Gargoyle was not placed near the window. The creature did not move, but Saurian could feel it growl at him. -Be calm! Stone Friend. I am Hunter-Saurian. Living partner to Warden Lash. The Gargoyle waited, Saurian stood by the window then...Shifted. Normally done in the house, they made an exception. What use to take ten whole minutes was now down to five minutes. After the bones, muscles re-tore, and the shift happened. Then just like magic Lash, with his cloths on appeared. On his knee's breathing ragged breaths in-front of the Gargoyle, gritting his teeth Lash looked up.

“Hi there....Can I go into my home now?” A tense moment passed with out a single word...Until Saurian said they could. Limping up to the back window, typing a code into the keypad at the window it unlocked and Lash slipped into his home. “Keep up the good work, and thank you.” Lash said to the Gargoyle.

Gently closing the window he moved as the lights in his home turned on one by one as he typed a code into his alarm system. Ever since he spoke Li'Ana the Seelie court sent a group of 'Brownies' To his home. They didn't live here but they kept it clean, kept it well supplied with food, necessities, and even bought him cloths...Really nice ones too! He kept the nutritionist that Lizzy found him but even they didn't complain about the new stock of food found in the house. The nutritionist could cook food then bring it over. Or cook what ever was found in the house. Ever since the Brownies came. They had been using the food found in the house. Coming to his kitchen he made a simple protein shake intending to drink it and go to bed. Only to freeze, looking at the balcony he found two things. One; Was what looked like a Bird/Tree house? But would never assume birds lived there unless they were volunteering to be food for the Griaks that were now residing there. Two; Was Jessabell waving at him from the landing. She was wearing something more casual this time and very cute. She had Winter boots on her feet, fluffy purple sweat pants that hugged her curvaceous hips. Then what he could assume was a far to small t-shirt that was nearly bursting with out much her breasts barely fit, with a pink fluffy hoodie. That had cat-ears on it.

Grimacing with a smile, Lash drank some of his shake then moved to the door. Unlocking it and opening it, gesturing for Jessabell to enter. She smiled at Lash, that smile to this day still made his mind go blank. Glamour or not! The twinkle in Jessabell's eyes told him she had noticed his reaction and just just tickled for it.

“Why is there a Tree on my balcony?” Lash asked as he closed the door behind Jessabell and locked it. Jessabell laughed moving to the kitchen table, she took her boots off showing him her ankle purple socks.

“Li'Ana got you brownie spirits as a Gift! But! I know you liked the Griak's and they like you! So the Unseelie court made a house for them. Don't Worry they will keep their glamour to any 'Normal' people all they will see is a bird house, with several birds visiting. They also wont eat all your food. They have several of the little houses scattered through out Gotham. They are primarily used as messengers. Especially when you need a package sent, and quickly!” Jessabell took off her hoodie, sure enough she was wearing a far to small T-shirt that would ride up when ever she moved, as well as no bra as Lash could see that her body had re acted to the cold outside. He grumbled walking towards the kitchen adjusting 'himself' so he wouldn't be impolite as he began to make Honey Dew tea. Which turns out is a favorite of Jessabell.

Jessabell walked around the house like a pantheress, her movements practiced, powerful, and with ease of someone comfortable in their skin. She would look at a painting that was on the wall. Not one of Lash's. He could paint but he preferred other painters for his home decoration. Her hair was loose this time falling in waves down her back like a smooth black waterfall. Shimmering in the light of my home. Her smooth dark tanned skin kept peeking at me as her tiny shirt would ride up her back with every movement. Jessabell would make an exaggerated movement as she slowly pulled it back down from time to time. Each time emphasizing her perky breasts. Pulling out a seat for her, and placing the finished tea glass, and tea pot. Lash sat across from her, motioning for her to join him as he finished his shake. Jessabell danced across the floor taking her seat, play acting the part of a good, well behaved girl that's receiving milk and cookies before bed. No, the Unseelie court are not primarily nocturnal, they do tend to operate at night but they can work during day or night.

“So, not that I'm complaining, its nice to have an attractive female sylvan in my home. But....?” Lash left the question hang in the air. Jessabell, took a long pull from her glass setting it down, taking her pink tongue and running it across her lips, far more then necessary. He took a moment to refill her glass before waiting for her to speak.

“The Ceremony is tonight! I thought I would come and visit you to see if you have any questions or concerns about what will happen. I am not here under the authority of the Courts, or the Society as I am here as a....Friend. Showing concern for another friend.” Jessabell said, pausing on the 'friend'.

When I didn't admonish her, she ducked her head down to hide her smile. From the past two weeks I've discovered that a majority of the Sylvan's are tricksters, liars, manipulators, actors, and are born to play on the emotions of others. It's not that its in their nature, that's just the environment they grew up in. If you thought human politics were bad! The Fae were known to hold grudges for centuries, and all play the long game! However, most of the Fae, like humans because they were 'simple'. Lash couldn't tell if Jessabell was actually happy that he didn't say no. Or, if this was just a move she was using to make him one of her chess pieces... -Huntress Jessabell is tricky! But me thinks she is happy that you didn't say no! That made Lash feel a little better.

“Are the Beast Talkers in the Fae Courts going to hold a grudge against me? I've heard that many different factions use the Beast Talkers as political chip to call in favors.” Lash watched Jessabell carefully.

“Yes....They will be a problem? But, not openly! Did you know that I am actually a Beast Talker, Lash?” His surprised expression told her that he did not. She smiled at him, he didn't notice before but her teeth were gleaming white, and her Kay-nines were longer then a humans. “Personally, I'm actually very happy that you are one. I am sure you noticed that when I interviewed you. Yes, a few factions, and houses of the Courts, as well as Society factions will be upset. But, I would not worry about them holding a grudge over it. As you have heard we have long memories. But, everyone see's the advantage in having a Warden Beast Talker! No more will the factions have to scrape, grovel, begging for favors. We can just give you a call!” Jessabell smiled wider at Lash, and gave him a playful wink. Before having more of her tea.

“Why didn't the under Fae send me an envoy?” Lash was always confused by that. Jessabell's smile shrinked a bit, placing her glass down.

“The under Fae are a collection of Fae that have either chosen to not join either the Seelie, or Unseelie court, and are Creatures, beasts, monstrosities of magic that have obtained sentience. But, like the other Fae refuse to kneel or be a part of the 'civilized' Fae courts.” Jessabell said the civilized parts with sarcasm. For a brief moment Lash saw past her facade. He filed that under something to use in the future. “Many of the Under Fae are good people! I have a few that are friends. But many others are not good, they are horrible, rancid, terrifying creatures that believe humanity are nothing but a source of food, and entertainment.” Her voice turned bitter at that last part, her eyes taking a distant look. Looking through some bad memories.

“But aren't the Under Fae going to be at the ceremony?” Lash reminded Jessabell of this, since it was in the history book.

“Yes, Yes they will. In fact one of my friends is the envoy. I think you'll like her!” Jessabell's smiled at Lash, then seductively bit her lips softly. Not to tease him but rather looking forward to the moment when they do meet.

Lash stood up gesturing for Jessabell to follow him. The change was so abrupt that Jessabell blanked for a moment before standing. He went towards his art studio door, with Jessabell following...No scratch that, she was by his side wrapping her arms around his. Pressing her chest into his arm. He froze for a moment, as he felt her twin peeks pressing into his arm, he liked how it felt. But...-Careful Partner Lash! Focus, do not fall prey to Huntress milk sacs! Tis a trick! She is testing you! Lash was white knuckling but gave Jessabell a soft smile as he unlocked the door leading her in. Jessabell's ears perked up like a cat's as they moved into the dark room. The lights slowly turned on, there stood in the middle was a statue. A statue of her, but... The statue was made from black obsidian which is well known for being difficult to craft with since it chips. She..it was wearing armor, looking like a breastplate, studded leather down her arms, with leather pants, and knee high boots. Historical, not fantasy style, in her left hand was a kite round wooden shield, and in her right was a long spear. Her face was partially hidden away by half-mask/ half-helmet, tribal panther origin. Something that you might see an Aztec or Inca wear. The attention to detail, craft for the armor was incredible. If you didn't know any better you would assume the statue as an actual living person. Simply covered in a stone like paint. Ready to jump out and fight your enemies for you.

Lash slowly moved himself away from Jessabell, she was rooted to the floor looking at the statue. He was making a quick comparison but was happy with out it turned out. He could claim that they were nearly identical. Taking a smug satisfied smile on his face. He just stood there, watching her. Ten minutes went but neither of them moved, it was nearly 3 in the morning but it didn't matter. In a brief moment when Lash blinked. Jessabell was in front of him, even Saurian hissed in surprise! But, gone was the prideful Pantheress! Gone was the seductive, teasing succubus! Gone was the Unseelie court envoy moving in the grand game. There stood, Jessabell looking down at the ground as she wrung her hands out.

“...I....W...ho...How...” Many times Jessabell opened her mouth, like a gold fish. Just open, close, open, close. Lash smiled wide at this.

“So, how did I do?” Lash asked. Jessabell looked right into his eyes nearly brimming with tears. That caught him off guard, he thought she would be happy. Then!

“Its wonderful! Thank you so much!” She screamed!

Lash barely had time to prepare before he felt the wall behind him crack with the force of him being pushed against it. They were in the middle of a forty foot room! But, he was not under attack. Jessabell simply forgot about her strength, the strength in that tiny frame of hers. She was hugging him, and this time it was a full hug with no ulterior motives. He slowly wrapped his arms around her, careful of where to put his hands. Jessabell seem to notice his hesitation and laughed at him, before kissing him on the cheek! Then smiling brilliantly at him. She bounded back to the statue walking around it.

“How did you carve this! This is amazing!” She ran over to the tool table that if we were being honest was just for looks because he never used any of them. Well he never used them on anything he intended to sell or give. He still used them, because he knew people would wonder why they were not chipped or worn out. All hand tools, he made a point about that. Even went so far as to put it in his portfolio that he never used any modern day tools or tech, just his.....Hands.

“So, how much do I owe you! I assume you plan to give this to me? Oh wait! Should we take a picture? No... That may cause troubles” Jessabell was looking at him.

“First, you will not be paying with money! Yes, I am giving it to you. I took a picture for my own sake, but this will not be going up on the Shaw Art Industry web page.” Lash went through each question.

“Ohhhhh.... And how will I be paying you then?” Jessabell asked, as she slinked her way back to Lash's side. She moved her hair to one side, so Lash could see the long line from her earlobe down her neck, to her exposed neck line. She swayed her hips back and forth but before she could reach out and touch his belt. He stepped back and held his hand out to her.

“Promise you'll be my friend? Be it friends with benefits or just friends. That's what I want as payment.” Lash's entire body was rigid waiting for a response. -Wait, hold on! What's going on?! Erik asked. For the past several hours Lash and Erik had not been separate people but one unique individual. Saurian was essentially the only other voice in their head now. -Yes! Yes! Friends with Huntress! May lead to other things later! But an ally we must have before anything else! Saurian said in agreement. Back to the situation, Lash was still holding his hand out. He knew he had caught her off guard because she looked like a deer caught in the headlights. She finally seem to adjust, with a blank expression she asked.

“T..That's it? You want me to be your friend?” She had a smile tug on her lips as she moved in closer. “Maybe friends with benefits if the need arises? But, friends? You understand that I am willing to be here with you in your home for the next several hours? Hell, I'm willing to be at your call for the next several weeks with this kind of gift. Willing to try any position, action, and desire? Trust me, Lash I know how to please a man. But you ask me to be your friend? Why?” Now, Jessabell had wrapped her arms around Lash's waist. She was grinding her hips into him, pressing her breasts into his chest. He could feel his throbbing erection press into her. So much that she even began to move up and down a bit. But her eyes never left his.

“The Truth?” Lash asked. She nodded her head. “Because, yes you could blow my mind with something so far out of this world that it couldn't even be called sex or love making or even the dance of death. Yes, I could ask you to be a booty call for the next for-see-able future and you would say yes. But, I need a friend in the Fae Courts. Someone that I can trust, and rely on. Yes, of course I will also help you if you call for me. But I don't want to be your chess piece Jessabell. I want a mutual two way street between us. Something that we can both share, and benefit from. I'll be there for you, if you are for me?” She blinked at him, mulling over his words. Then leaned in up to his ear.

“And you want nothing else from me?” She said those words in almost a purr. Her hand had now slipped between his legs and was rubbing his cock through his pants.

“I wont say no to other.... things. Jessabell” Lash said those words barely in a whisper. Before he reached up and gripped her shoulders to push her away so he could look at her eyes. Jessabell was biting her lips watching him. Mulling over his words, and what would come next.

“Erik Lash, I Jessabell Ti'Long Von Ruk-Guard of House Ruk declare you my friend.” Then Jessabell ducked her head and turned away... Saying something under breath that Lash couldn't hear. Once she finished saying her words a..Shiver, and wave of energy linked Lash and Jessabell together.

Lash shivered for a moment, something had changed. He noticed Jessabell felt it too. She turned around to look at him, confusion clearly evident on her face. Ok, so that was new for both of us...

Congratulations User! Your Cosmic Patron has awarded you! Though you did not seduce and bed Jessabell envoy of the Unseelie Court. You did earn her friendship, and a piece of her heart. Something that no one has done in a very, very long time! You've been awarded the Minor Glamour Charm

Minor Glamour Charm: Allows the user to create a simple illusions, named the ability to change their skin tone, eye color, ha..Well if you had hair. This even effects technology such as security camera's. Will work in your Saurian Shape allowing you to be a partial chamelon.

Your Cosmic Patron would like to remind you that you can still bed Jessabell, and... or kill Li'Ana and that you will still receive a gift for both! Keep up the good work, and continue to entertain your Patron!

Lash looked confused and bewildered as did Jessabell as they seem to be both in their own worlds for a bit. -Yes! Yes! She has joined our Pack! Huntress-Jessabell will be a welcomed partner! Jessabell! Bounced back from Lash when Saurian spoke and couched low looking for something.

“What was that?! Who was that? Is there someone else in your house! Lash? Or is it an intruder?” Jessabell sprinted towards the Art Studio's door, then the bay windows obscured by a canvas for privacy. Oh CRAP! She heard Saurian!

-Ah! Huntress-Jessabell! Hello! This one is Saurian-Hunter partner to Lash-hunter! For a moment no one made a sound, no one moved. Then from behind one of the canvases, peeked Jessabell. She was staring at Lash.

“What...The...Fuck...Lash?” Lash smiled raising his hands up to appease her in surrender.

“Ah...ehehe....ahh...Y..You heard him I see.” Lash awkwardly scratched his bald head. Taking a moment to rub it...No, it was not for luck! Shut up! Jessabell glared at him. He flinched, and kept his eyes down. “Ummm...W..We should do this someplace else. Follow me please.”

Lash then led Jessabell to his bedroom, typing a code into a pad nearby, the window shutters closed, the doors to the flat locked. Once the beep sounded telling Lash they were secure he turned to look at Jessabell. She had her arms crossed, emphasizing her bra less t-shirt as they bounced. But now was not the time to enjoy the view. Especially with the acid glare he was receiving.

“Though I'm happy to finally see your bedroom, Lash. And if your excuse is reasonable maybe I'll see more of it! But right now! We will not be having fun sexy times!” Her voice had taken an edge to it. Something was different between us. Not just because she had declared us friends. Something more? Then...

Congratulations User! You have obtained the skill, Pack Bond: Because of your Saurian Heritage you are able to bond with those that have been declared both an allied hunter, as well as a friend. This connection allows you to get a feel for your pack. As well as establish a basic form of Telepathy. Additionally, while with in a certain distance of each other you able to increase the overall stats and attributes of you and your pack by 5%!

Congratulations User! You have obtained the skill, Telepathy: No, this is not mind reading, or emotions. What this is is you transmitting your words to others, they the same if they share the Pack Bond. Think of it as a short range radio. Without the need to charge the batteries. Short range, currently with in (One Square Mile) but can grow with time. Yes, Telepathy can be interfered or even blocked it is not perfect! Just really cool!

Lash held his head and groaned loudly, the action made Jessabell uncross her arms and look at him with concern. She took a hesitant step forward before Lash held up his hand.

“Hold on, this will be easier if I just show you!... Just don't run, and don't attack him.” Jessabell looked confused before Lash leaned over and began to shift. He had never shifted twice in a single day. What was it like? FUCKING PAINFULL! He felt he could never get use to his bones breaking, or muscles and tendons tearing apart. But this, this was horrible. Soon he fell to his knee's, but Jessabell actually took several steps back, he wasn't sure where but she had what looked like a silver dagger in hand. Not sure where she got that. Soon the scales grew, and the...Horns? Why are there Horns? Claws on his hands and feet, his skull crest elongated, and what looked like fins grew down his back, and tail. Saurian had grown with the advancement. He was now 5'5” hunched over, more then likely over 7' from nose to tail. Standing up, Saurian looked at Jessabell who was now deathly pale and was shivering.

“Worry not Huntress-Jessabell! Saurian-Hunter will do no harm to Pack, as long as Pack mean no harm to Saurian?” Saurian held his arms out in an attempt to calm her down. Despite her best judgment Jessabell felt safe, and felt she coul....

“Wait a minute! Are you using a Charm on me!? How the fuck is that possible! My resistance is way to high for that!?” She held up the Silver Dagger pointing it at Saurian. “Lash! What the fuck! Nothing in your file said you were a..Lycan? ..I mean that doesn't even look like a Were-Breed I know! I've Seen snakes! But that's different! Your body proportions are off! Saurian tilted his head, Lash had to admit it was like looking at Raptor from Jurrasic park, he also knew that Saurian was still growing!

“Saurian-Hunter is not Were-Breed Huntress-Jessabell! Saurian is Saurian! You declared yourself friend to Erik Lash. Lash and Saurian are one in the same! So WE are friends! We are Pack Mates! Bonded through our link! You can trust me because I feel I can trust you!” Saurian had stepped closer now. His head a few inches from Jessabell's face. The dagger in her hand was lifted to Saurian's neck, and was even cutting into him. Or was trying to since it didn't break the scales. This surprised Jessabell clearly.

“W..Why is the silver dagger not hurting you?! It's enchanted to cut through Were-Breeds like butter!?” Lash was both amused and worried. He had switched places and was now watching the exchange much like Saurian does when he is in control. He got the feeling that Jessabell had never heard of or encountered something like Saurian. Which made Erik wonder how rare was his background?

“Breath deep! Be Calm Huntress-Jessabell. Saurian-Hunter is not a Were-Breed. Saurian comes from the mind of a great being! A cosmic avatar not seen on this planet or any other!” -WHAT THE FUCK! Lash screamed!

“Lash!?” Jessabell looked around the room, looking for the source of the voice. -Wait, Jessabell can you hear me?! “Yes! I can hear you!...I Think! Where are you? Wait, I saw you change!” She looked at Saurian again. His reptilian eyes reflected the image of her face back. Still in front of her. He realized he was making her nervous so he stepped back a few feet. Then in a rare moment stood up completely straight, and crossed his arms across his narrow chest. This was meant to placate her, it did not work. He was towering above her now, the raptor like claws on his legs gently tapped into the floor. Careful not to chip the furnished wood. Saurian knew Lizzy would be upset if he did.

“Partner Lash is here, Jessabell.” Saurian Pointed to his chest, then to his mind. “We are one, same body, same mind, same soul. He is me, and I am him. He speaks to you through our Pack Bond, just as I did a few moments ago while we were in the room of stone shaping.” Saurian said all of this in a matter of fact tone as if it was the simplest thing in the world to understand. Only to be confused when Jessabella began to pace back and forth in the bed all the way to the master bathroom, then back to the bed. She looked at the silver dagger, then back at Saurian. Then back to the dagger. With a flick of her wrist the blade disappeared as if it never was, she went to Saurian and poked his chest.

“Can you Shift back to Lash, I need to speak to him.” She looked both fear full and incredibly angry. Saurian could feel that she felt betrayed and was concerned for her. But had to reply with a no.

“We can not, we have shifted to many times today. Saurian must sleep to regain energy, but partner Lash can speak through our bond Huntress-Jessabell.” Jessabell's eye twitched, clearly growing angrier then moved to sit on the bed with a growl. Crossing her legs and putting her hands in her lap she sat up straight, tipped her chin out looking at Saurian. Saurian moved forward and sat on the floor, letting his tail idly move about, the scales scrapping across the floor. Lash was hoping the Brownie spirits could buff that out.

-Alright, so what do you want to know? Lash said across the link. Jessabell narrowed her eyes understanding now that she was not actually listening to someone speak but hearing it in her mind.

“Why am I capable of hearing your thoughts? This didn't happen before, unless...Saurian is something new that's happened in the past.... twenty four hours!?” Jessabell rubber her head in thought. “That make's no sense! We've had you under constant watch in-case anyone tried to attack you. Not a single Super-natural entity as been able to attack you!” Saurian brought his tail up and encircled around Jessabell's waist. The contact made the connection stronger and for a brief moment she was calm before she flung herself away from the tail, now further on the bed. “OK! Just..Stop...H..How is that happening!”

-When you declared yourself a friend. Saurian created a link between the both of us. Something he calls a Pack Bond. This allows us to communicate through a basic form of telepathy, as well as grant us strength. As for the calm and trusting feeling, I honestly don't know. Lash's voice rolled across the link straight into Jessabell's mind. Saurian's reptile eyes peered at Jessabell with concern. Why was she so upset? This should be an occasion for joy!

“Are you a Were-Breed...Saurian?” Jessabell points a finger at him. Her mind working as fast as possible. The Warden Oath ceremony was in 15 hours! This put a huge wrench into the entire machine!

“No, Saurian is not. Jessabell. He is a creature beyond the scope of Earth.” Saurian began to move forward across the floor but froze in place when Jessabell shook her finger at him, asking him to stop.

“I've heard and seen Pack Magic before, Were-Breeds are stronger with their pack. Faster, stronger, they think better, its not just superior numbers its magical it literally gives them power. Having a Pack is near requirement for most Were-Breeds only the most exceptional and driven can be solo's. So, where is your pack? Saurian?” Jessabell was taking deep breaths now, her chest rising up and down.

“Until a few minutes ago, Saurian's only companion was Erik Lash. We are partners in this Great Hunt! This great Game! But now we are a pack. Saurian, Lash, and Jessabell.” Saurian stayed on the floor, but he was shifting his body weight so he could pounce if he needed too.

“Beyond the scope of Earth, you said that. T..Then you're and..Alien? I mean we've met aliens before. But they are all Mundanes, yes some of them have special abilities. But still Mundanes. None of the Aliens we've encountered can...Wait, wait no! We looked at Lash's blood he is full-blooded human! Even after his near death experience that didn't change!” Jessabell was biting her lip now, almost so hard that Lash worried she would make herself bleed.

“Partner-Lash did not lie to Jessabell. Partner-Lash was forbidden from speaking about it, and still is! He even under pain of death Partner-Lash would not, could not speak of it. Even Saurian-Hunter can not speak of our true Origins.” That got her attention. Looking up with renewed focus in her eyes.

“So, your under a Geas then?...No no! All of our tests proved that was impossible! People have tried to do that before. We figured out a way to...Gah this is so frustrating!” Jessabell pulled her fingers through her hair, then began to knock her hands into her head. The bed shifted with new found weight and she found herself wrapped in the oddly warm scaled embrace. Her entire body went rigid, but her intuition, her instincts, her feelings all of them. Things she had trained for years! Told her to relax that she could trust Saurian, and Lash. They hadn't lied, they just couldn't talk. As a Fae, as an envoy for the Unseelie court how many times as she lied? Manipulated? Acted a part to get the job done? NO! This was different! Shh....-I didn't know this would happen, Jessabell. Had I known I would have said something, would warned you. Jessabell froze...

“But...You would still have asked to be my friend? That didn't change...You would have asked even if you had told me?” There a tense moment...Lash for what ever reason, maybe the Pack Bond allowed him to gain some insight into her feelings. -Yes, I don't regret asking you. I am still happy that you accepted and will work to be a good friend to you.

“Yes, Yes! So will Saurian! Friend, Pack-Mate! Family now!” Saurian's head was next to Jessabell's now rubbing against it like a giant scaled cat. His arms, legs, and tail had wrapped around her. She...Felt safe. She felt...home. How long had it been since she felt like this? -Testing...1...2...3? Erik said....Waiting....Jessabell didn't respond! -Lash tell her about you're D.N.A. Even in human form if they test it you come out at 100% human! Saurian's eyes went wide when Erik gave his input then looked at Jessabell, she had her eyes closed and was leaning back against him.

“Huntress-Jessabell. You should know that if Lash's blood is tested while in human form he will read as 100% human.” Once, he had said that Jessabell's eyes snapped open and sat up.

“Wait?! So while you are in different forms even your D.N.A. Is different? Then you're not even a Were-Breed. Were-Breeds blood is jam packed full of a interesting and horrible things that modern science cant explain. Its clear and evident when its under a microscope. So, you are two separate entities sharing the same body? Tha....That still doesn't make any sense! Gah! Enough I'm just going to lay here, and you are going to keep being you!” Jessabell pointed at Saurian then. Curled up and in his embrace.

Saurian grinned, revealing his elongated razor sharp fangs. In a brief moment of movement which jostled Jessabell awake for a moment. He shifted on the bed. Now Jessabell was lying down on Lash's bed, with a giant Saurian monster coiled around her protectively. Her back flush against his chest. She shifted for a moment then settled down and fell asleep. So, that's how it went, the first night that Jessabell slept at the house, it was Saurian that kept her company instead of a slightly amused and frustrated Lash...

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