Dream Evolution

Chapter 301: scare people


"Five emperors and eight heavenly kings, these people are of course in the high-end area, and they are the top powerhouses in the entire dream space."

"I haven't found much information, but I only know that the Beastmaster team is a team founded by the Beastmaster among the Eight Heavenly Kings. The Beastmaster is a title."

Su's face was very solemn: "Why do you have a title, and what does the title mean? After all, I am not familiar with the intermediate area, and I don't have much wealth on me, so I can support the cost of purchasing intelligence, so I suggest you go through some people to find out about the information on this.”

"I heard you say that you have dealt with the Free Mage Corps, and the jihadist organization has courted you."

"I heard that the Free Mage Corps is a very pure team. Only those with special intelligence and law control can join, and they will not arbitrarily collect people. The strength of the internal members is very strong. It is a first-class team in the intermediate area."

"Teams that are too single attribute will have great weaknesses, so the Free Mage Group can't be called a top team, and it is inferior to the Beastmaster team in terms of strength."

"As for the jihadist organization, it's a big Arab team, the home team is in the high-level area, and the detachment is in the middle-level area. The jihadist organization, the top team of the American department, the Skull and Bones, and the top team of the European department, the Crusaders, have a lot of hatred. I suggest you Don't be associated with jihadist groups, it's too dangerous to take part in the hatred of the big team with the size and strength of the blood team."

Wang Ling nodded: "I just have a little friendship with the old Hassan. I will find a way to return this friendship to him in the future. By the way, have you heard about the top teams in the Chinese department?"

"I don't know about this... But I think that since I have become a dreamer, it has nothing to do with nationality. I should still focus on the interests of myself and my friends... I once softened my heart and almost died because an enemy and I were one country. In his hands." Su hurriedly warned.

"I see."

After leaving Su's room. Feeling the need to learn about the information about the "Five Emperors and Eight Heavenly Kings", Wang Ling contacted Dior of the Free Mage Corps.

He used to pass the badge. I wrote down Dior's contact coordinates, the primary area can't be contacted, and it is different in the intermediate area, and Dior's coordinates have not disappeared, indicating that this guy is not dead.

Wang Ling sent a message in the past, and the message was sent back in a short time. Relying on the house coordinates provided by Dior, after obtaining permission, he transmitted it to Dior's exclusive room. bsp; "I'm amazed to get to the Intermediate section so quickly. Nice to meet you!"

Before 6 main missions. The first transaction between the two—Dior didn’t know it. Wang Ling had gone through a total of 7 main quests and was promoted to the intermediate zone. Otherwise, he would not be surprised, but would not believe it.

Dior's room. The rich emperor dressed up looks like a hotel, and there is a big golden cross hanging on the wall. Obviously, this guy is a tasteless layman, and it is estimated that he was a Western hanging silk before entering the dream space.

After asking Wang Ling to sit on the sofa, he exchanged 2 glasses of lemonade and put them on the table. Dior said, "Is there anything you can do here to see me? Do you want to sell life-enhancing mushrooms? But I regret to tell you that now this Items like this. The price drops a little bit, and it’s impossible to sell it for 60,000 more.”

Wang Ling shook his head with a smile and said: "I want to enter the world of the Mario series, but I haven't collected the relevant scene cards. If you free mages can get them, I will definitely buy them at a high price... Don't talk about this. I'll come. Looking for you to find some information."

"Tell me, I can provide ordinary information for free, but high-level information must be charged. This is the rule among dreamers."

Wang Ling thought for a few seconds. He did not directly inquire about the title, but said, "Let's not talk about the information first. I have a few pieces of equipment, and I want you to evaluate the price."

If you want to be looked up to by others, you must first become stronger yourself. The dream space is obviously based on strength. If you don’t have strength, you can’t be a bird. In front of Dior, isn't it when you pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, you have to pay for providing information? Look at my strength first!

The blood of the dragon and the profession of psychic are Wang Ling's biggest secrets, and of course it is impossible to show them. In addition, the equipment skills such as Pinkie's Heart, Survival Gloves, Vigorous Flame Fist, Shadowless Frozen Feet, Plum Blossom Thunder Sitting, Tornado Gale, etc. are related to the fighting style and cannot be revealed.

What Wang Ling was going to show was just three weapons.

When the meteorite musket was taken out and the data was turned on, Dior's face immediately became solemn - what is the mage most afraid of? At the same level of strength, there are popular defensive skills, magic shield, and spells with strong damage. They are not too afraid of melee combatants. What mages are most afraid of is gunners.

Magic controllers with special intelligence should take into account physical strength, and their strength and agility should not be too high. Generally speaking, the speed of mages will not be too fast.

Because there are not many gun weapons, not many people with shooting talent, and very few people go the gunman route, at least among all the people Wang Ling met in the primary area, only Su and Joanna went the gunman route. bsp; But a gunner, especially one with high agility, is too much of a threat to the mage! The range of bullets is longer than most spells. Even a pistol can easily shoot a bullet of 50 meters, and a mage shoots a fireball, let alone 50 meters, and it will probably go out automatically at a distance of 20 meters.

Su's strength is only first-class, and Ms. Wisdom's strength is super-first-class. The two fought in the world of the Green Corps, and it was Su who finally won.

If the melee combatants with the same level of strength as Su would have died under the spell attack of Lady Wisdom.

Seeing the iron musket he took out, in Dior's heart, he regarded Wang Ling as a dreamer who followed the gunman's route, otherwise he should not spend a lot of money to strengthen a rank musket to full rank.

"There are few guns and weapons. It's amazing that you can get a dark gold musket."

After carefully examining the data of the meteorite musket, Dior suddenly said: "It turns out that this is advanced by fusion! I am really lucky, it is not easy to achieve advanced fusion, it must be very compatible... Well, the attack of high-level weapons Power is an unavoidable defect. However, the fire rate of this musket is 1 time per second, and it has unlimited ammunition. The power of the skill meteorite is very strong."

Dior thought for a while: "Advanced dark gold weapons, the skills are not as rich as real dark gold weapons, and the price is not as good as real dark gold weapons. However, it is not easy to strengthen to full level. Especially the last level, you can only rely on strengthening Stones and lucky stones can only be strengthened after level 7. Once you fail, you will lose a lot..."

Wang Ling interrupted him and asked, "I know about strengthening stones. What are lucky stones?"

"Enhanced stones are relatively rare and expensive, so there is no risk of failure. Lucky stones increase the success rate. In the free market, as long as you pay attention to what you can buy, the price is cheaper. However, the chance of lucky stones increasing is not as high as possible. It will be more than 30%, even if the best lucky stone is added, the possibility of strengthening success is only 80%. There is a certain risk. "

Dior took a sip of lemonade. He continued: "I'll give you an estimate of 80,000 points for your weapon, which should be the same price in the market. If you are willing to sell it, our Free Mage Corps can buy it with 90,000 currency points."

"The market price is 80,000? I am on this weapon. Even the purchase with enhancement, the loss of failure to enhance, and the cost of purchasing enhancement stones are all 100,000 currency points!" Wang Ling was a little surprised. Iron Musket should sell for 100,000 points.

Dior smiled and said: "I said, this is not a real dark gold weapon, it's just a full-level fusion advanced, and the skills are not enough. As long as you get good materials. Good materials, and then throw a lot of currency points, you can rush it. Full-level dark gold weapons come out. Big teams, such as our free mages, have this strength."

"The Meteorite Flame is a high-level weapon. The biggest problem is that the attack is too low... If it weren't for the power of the Meteorite Bullet skill, it would be fine. Unlimited ammunition and the rate of fire once per second are good things to reduce the energy of bulletproof props. The golden musket is only worth 60,000 to 70,000 points."

After being silent for a few seconds, Dior said: "I will provide you with a piece of information for free, the real dark gold equipment. At full level fusion, if you add materials with extremely high compatibility, it is possible to increase the level. For example, from the level of dark gold equipment, improve For D-level dark gold equipment, the basic attack, defense, etc. will immediately increase significantly, and the strength of the skills will also increase."

Wang Ling thought about it, the D-level dark gold axe "head", at level 7, it only sold 90,000 currency points plus a survival glove, and the price of the meteorite gun of 80,000 is reasonable.

"This musket is still useful to me. I'll sell it later when I need money."

Putting away the iron musket, Wang Ling took out the ice and snow lock again: "Look at this."

Seeing the faint dark gold light on the chain, Dior raised his eyebrows and said: "You have quite a lot of dark gold weapons, and this one was made with currency points?"

After Wang Ling shared the data, this guy couldn't sit still: "Level 1, the real dark gold weapon, is still rated at D level!"

"What a powerful built-in skill! The power of ice and snow explodes. When facing a large number of enemies, this is a powerful field control skill. It is a good weapon! Well, the only disadvantage is the weapon type, bronze lock? It looks very similar There are probably not many people who can use the meteor hammer and can use it well.”

After thinking for a while, Dior said: "I will give you an estimate of 110,000-130,000. The copper lock type has lowered the price, but the dark gold weapon of the ice attribute will definitely increase the value. Since this is called the ice and snow lock, upgrade to lv4 , 7, or even at full level, it will be very tempting to have new ice skills."

"110,000-130,000 at level 1... It should cost a little more than 20,000 to strengthen to level 7, so the price of the ice and snow lock is higher than that of the dark gold axe." Wang Ling secretly estimated in his heart.

At this time, Dior couldn't help asking: "This weapon, according to the data, is level 1, and I didn't have time to strengthen it. Did you get it by killing the plot boss?"


Wang Ling is showing the attributes and skills of the weapon, and the description will not appear, so it is impossible to speculate the source of the weapon from the description.

"Awesome... It's probably a very strong wave of sss that can burst out dark gold weapons. You are so lucky, dark gold weapons are not so easy to obtain. Some teams managed to get a precious mission scene card, and a group of people entered. Among them, go to the world's ultimate boss to see if you can explode the dark gold equipment, but most of them may come back empty-handed."

"Hehe, maybe my luck is better."

Wang Ling smiled. The half-orc team had the Dark Golden Axe, the Ring of the Ring, and the Patronus of Ice and Snow.

A large team like the Free Mage Corps is naturally impossible without dark gold equipment, iron muskets and ice and snow locks, one grade, one D grade dark gold weapon, although it can shock Dio, it can't scare him.

So the third weapon came out: God Sparrow.


Dior was holding the glass in his hand, sipping the lemonade in it, and seeing the colorful light faintly attached to the multi-knotted whip, under the shock of his mood, he crushed the glass, and the fragments exploded everywhere. .

"Colorful dream equipment! Is there really such equipment? Even the head of the group has never seen it before. How can a junior dreamer like you have such equipment!"

At the end of the novice task, the light ball of the main brain extension will prompt you which type of equipment you have. So dreamers all know that there are colorful dream equipment, but whether it really exists, at least Dior can't be sure. Now that I see it with my own eyes, it is no wonder that I am so shocked.

Strictly speaking, the God Sparrow is of the same level as the Ice and Snow God Lock in terms of attributes, abilities or skills, but this is a dream equipment!

Although dark gold equipment is rare, it can still be advanced by relying on good materials to strengthen it to full level, adding fusion materials with high compatibility, and it is possible to hit dark gold equipment after all.

Dream equipment, Dior has never seen it in the free market in the primary and intermediate areas, and the free mages have never hit it~www.readwn.com~ Now I see it for the first time, and my eyes almost become goldfish eyes.

Wang Ling is relatively familiar with this kind of equipment. After all, he has the heart of Piqi, the goddess, and the wish of Linda's pseudo-dream equipment. He feels that the dream equipment should not be available. After all, Lu Bu, the most powerful general of the Three Kingdoms, also broke out the D-rank red halberd without both sides. Dong Zhuo was the villain's general boss, and only then did the dark gold ice and snow lock.

After becoming a psychic, he can clearly perceive the spiritual body, and in addition to speculating that fake goods like Linda's badge are not counted, Wang Ling estimates that the real dream equipment is probably originally a dark gold equipment, which has been infused with some kind of strong by the plot characters. Emotions can only be advanced.

I don't know the secret hidden by Pinkie Heart, but the secret of Shenque is definitely the unparalleled martial spirit of Diaochan!

Using the cleaning function of the light ball, after removing the blasted glass fragments, Dior said: "Can I invite my head to come and see this dream equipment?"

"no problem."

After a while, a person entered the exclusive room.

a woman.

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