Dream Evolution

Chapter 302: Morisa

"The leader of the Free Mage Corps is a woman?" Wang Ling was slightly taken aback. .+?(.+bsp;\\s*

From that enchanting body curve, it can be seen that this is a young woman.

In the dream space, there is no way to pay currency points to conceal the equipment on the body. Some dreamers who are more showy will wear the equipment obtained from the plot world on their bodies. The behavior similar to splay, coupled with the flashing light of the equipment, will satisfy the vanity of some people.

For example, the original Visak also wore a Viking leather armor with brass buttons in the space area. The large and heavy dark gold axe was not placed in the space bag, but had to be carried on the back, and usually dangled in the entertainment area. , the axe flickered with a faint golden light from time to time, attracting a look of envy, jealousy and hatred.

There is no doubt that this head of the Free Mage Corps is also a big showman in Chapter 1302, Morisa.

Coming from a certain plot world, the purple robe carefully woven with special silk threads perfectly outlines her round and full breasts, the intricate golden patterns inlaid on the robe, and the faint golden light that escapes when she walks, indicating that this is a piece of clothing. Dark gold armor.

And the staff in her hand is a small silver metal staff. At the top of the staff, there is an eye-shaped sapphire sapphire, flashing a very quiet blue light. This metal walking stick also has a faint dark golden light in the silver light that comes with the metal.

A dark gold staff!

As for the appearance of the captain, it is impossible to see clearly, because she wears a witch hat with a very low rim and a very wide rim, covering half of her face, only the exposed nose and chin can be seen. Extremely refined, the lips are a reddish color reminiscent of fresh strawberries.

What made Wang Ling's mouth twitch uncontrollably was that this one was the same color as the robe. The witch hat, which is also purple, is obviously also dark gold armor!

In addition, there is the badge worn in front of the full chest - densely packed with fine gems like stars. It is not a starlight, but a dim but charming dark golden light.

The only thing that can be seen is the 4 pieces of dark gold equipment. Wang Ling almost has the urge to remove them all. This outfit is worth at least 400,000 currency points! Is this what a first-class team in the mid-level area has?

However, intelligent dreamers, like mages and damage dealers in online games, will have some advantages in dealing with bosses. Powerful law controller, richer than other dreamers of the same rank. It is also understandable—the top law controller in the primary area, Ms. Wisdom. The gold hair accessories you have are truly dark gold equipment!

The leader of the Free Mage Corps controls a team of more than 20 people, each of whom is not weaker than a single wise lady. Much better than the Orcs in the primary area. Even if you can't get dark gold equipment, as a captain, you can gather a lot of currency points. You can rush through the fusion of materials after strengthening to full level. It is not surprising to have so many dark gold equipment.

Facing this woman, Wang Ling, who has the profession of a psychic and is very sensitive to spiritual bodies and energy, has an indescribable sense of peculiarity. He closed his eyes and felt it with consciousness, as if he saw the woman's body. Attaches to 2 strange creatures.

The two creatures are not spiritual bodies, or they are no longer spiritual bodies, but are attached to the woman's body with a peculiar elemental fluctuation.

A ball of fire, a ball of ice!

Wang Ling pointed to his forehead with a hand and drank "Open" in a low voice. There was a gap between the eyebrows, and a vertical eye with black and white pupils appeared.

"Secret technique. Yin and Yang eyes!"

Seeing the black and white strange vertical eyes, the woman took a step back in surprise, raised the staff in her hand, and immediately thought that this was an exclusive room, and she couldn't fight or hurt anyone, so she put her raised hand down again.

"I'm sorry, I sensed something in your body, so I couldn't help but check it out, please forgive me for taking the liberty." After closing his eyes, Wang Ling said apologetically.

"Can you feel it? It seems that you are not simple." The woman sat on the sofa, using her slender fingers to pull the ends of her long golden hair, and said with great interest, "Then, you just now What did you see?"

"A fire element elf, an ice element elf, I see it well, right?"

Wang Ling sighed slightly in his heart, he has the dragon soul of heaven and earth in his body, which is undoubtedly a great adventure. Unexpectedly, this woman also has something similar to the dragon soul of heaven and earth - but the dragon soul of heaven and earth is a spiritual body. Although it has no self-consciousness, it does not die, and the soul still exists.

These two elemental elves have actually died, and the corpses are left behind. Their corpses are the source of the extremely huge elements!

"Ha ha…"

The woman's voice is very charming, with a kind of grace that seems to be of a superior: "This is my biggest secret, I didn't expect it to be so simple, and you can see it... Yes, this is the fire from the world of the Legend of the Holy Sword. Elemental Spirit, Ice Elemental Spirit."

"My name is Morisa."

"Uh...you, hello..."

"Can you see the elemental spirit in my body, what method is used, can you tell me in detail? That eye is very strange." Morisa's voice was slow. of oppression.

She didn't ask Shen Que, obviously Wang Ling's performance made her more interested.

"This... Wait a minute and then talk about it."

Talking to Morisa was very oppressive, and Wang Ling felt that something had to be done.

This sense of oppression, the first is Morisa's body, from the clothes to the weapons, including the hair color is all golden, not even the face is fully exposed, only the nose, mouth and chin are exposed, the mysterious dress is matched with 4 dark Gold equipment, it is too fashionable.

The second is her calm temperament of a superior, not even the captain of the Orc team, Vessac. An otaku like Wang Ling can't help but feel restrained when speaking to her, and his hesitating aura is a bit short.

Thirdly, as a psychic, I can feel very clearly in her body that the two dead elemental spirits, the elemental fluctuations emitted by the corpses, will be affected involuntarily.

Wang Ling's shirt and jeans produced by Space are really unfashionable compared to Morisa. His strength and temperament are weaker than the other party's, and his spirit will be affected again... He feels that just facing this woman, he will be affected in all aspects. already lost...

In the eyes of Dior and Morisa, Wang Ling teleported out of the room - and was teleported back after a while. At this time, Morisa was holding a cup of coffee and sipping lightly. When she saw him, she immediately "puchi" "With a thud, he spit out the coffee and sprayed the face of Dior on the other side.

The current Wang Ling has a completely new look. The upper body is wearing a tight T-shirt with a small belly button and a big Pikachu printed on it. The lower body is wearing shorts that show the thighs and calves. pat pat pat" large sandals with a pair of long white rabbit ears on the head.

The fashion value is not as good as the other party, so I have to take the cute route and put on a cute dress.

Tilt his head, causing the rabbit ears on top of his head to sway, Wang Ling put his hands together, hugged his chest, made an innocent little Zhengtai expression, and said in a very sweet voice, "Eldest sister, it's nice to meet you. , ^_^ My name is Wang Ling~~~~~”

With this outfit, such expressions and actions, and an overly sweet tone, if it were a 13-year-old Su, I would probably turn it over, but it was 17-year-old Wang Ling who did all this...

Both Morisa and Dio couldn't help shuddering.

Morisa, who was obviously in a complicated mood, after being silent for a few seconds, she used a coquettish laughter of "Haha" to cover up her previous embarrassment. She took out a tissue and wiped the residual coffee from the corner of her mouth gracefully. The unfortunate Dior had to go to the bathroom to wash his face and wash off the coffee that was sprayed on his face.

Wang Ling was very proud, just with that spit of coffee, Morisa's fashion value created by mysterious and dark gold equipment has been wiped out!

There is no pressure at all now.

"Really conscious little brother, the equipment on your head, I saw purple light flashing, is it purple equipment? I didn't expect such a type of armor, it's really cute."

With a sweet smile on Wang Ling's face, he shared the data of the white rabbit ears. This hat is at the full level of lv10, which is obviously beyond the expectations of the two of them. Dior was surprised: "It's a full-level equipment again! lv4 , Level 7 passive skills are very useful... But full-level skills are really..."

"Become a big white rabbit? Hehehehe..." Morisa covered her mouth and couldn't help laughing, and then said, "Little brother, can you show me that colorful dream equipment?"

From her voice, body curves, the exposed half-section, and the tenderness of the skin on her hands, Wang Ling felt that Morisa's age should be between 20 and 25 years old. Such a royal sister called his little brother, and there was no psychological resistance, and then she took Shenque outside again and shared the data.

"Sure enough, it's a dream equipment... Attributes and skills, it's the level of dark gold equipment~www.readwn.com~ But the secrets it contains are really worrying..." Morisa's fingers lightly wrapped around a strand of hair, and paused for a while. He said, "Do you have any idea of ​​selling this weapon?"

"Oh, big sister, how much did you pay?" Wang Lingtian said sincerely.

"The team doesn't have much money recently. If you want to sell, I can help you contact the buyer. I don't dare to say more. The price of 200,000 currency points can still be sold." The price that Morisa said is undoubtedly Very tempting.

"When I get back to the room, I will bind my soul. I won't sell such precious equipment."

Wang Ling put away the sparrow, shook his head slightly, and made the rabbit's ears tremble: "I came here to ask for some information, about the Five Emperors and the Eight Heavenly Kings."

"You are a dreamer who has just been promoted to the intermediate zone, and you actually inquire about this?"

Morisa was a little surprised again, she thought for a while and said: "This information is very precious, but I happen to know some, so I can tell you... but you have to tell it honestly, what is going on with that eye? Even the secrets inside the body can be seen, big sister, I am very uneasy."

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