Dream Evolution

Chapter 303: About the title

Regarding Morisa's request, Wang Ling thought about it and agreed to this condition. .+?(.+bsp;\\s*

The secret technique, Yin-Yang Eye, is just a secret technique of the psychic master department, and its effect is also very simple: seeing spiritual bodies. The source of the fire and ice elements in Morisa's body was discovered entirely because the elemental spirits before death belonged to spiritual bodies, leaving some kind of special fluctuations.

No one would like their biggest secret to be known by others, just like Wang Ling, his dragon blood, except Tomoyo and Su, would not tell anyone at all.

Talking about the effect of Yin-Yang Eye can actually dispel Morisa's fear. This woman is obviously much more difficult to deal with than Wessac. Wang Ling doesn't want to provoke her, especially if her strength is not as good as her.

Morisa was very cautious, paid currency points, and signed a contract through the ball of light: both of them must clearly explain the relevant information that the other party needs. After notarization, she calmly told the information about the title one by one:

"Five Emperors and Eight Heavenly Kings are two systems of titles. One is the title obtained by winning the official competition of Dream Space; the other is the title awarded by the space after passing the certificate of the king and completing the test task."

"In the official competition of the space, the title after the final victory is the Five Emperors. The names of the five emperors are very simple. Four of them correspond to the four basic attributes of the dreamer. They are the Emperor of Strength, the Emperor of Mind, the Emperor of Body, and the Emperor of Wisdom. The last title is For the Dream Emperor."

"If you want to get the title of the Five Emperors, you must first qualify for the competition. This is very simple. Before the start of the competition, pay a part of the currency points, and then you can participate. Then in the official competition, defeat other opponents and get a certain The final victory of the system. What I care more about is the title of Dream Emperor, which should correspond to the specialties of the 2nd series or above.”

"And the title of the Eight Heavenly Kings is not fixed. If you kill the original Eight Heavenly Kings, you can get the certificate of the king. You can use this item to enter the special world. After completing the corresponding task, the space will be based on the ability you have. Grant the corresponding The title. If the test is not completed, the certificate of the king will be recovered by the space, and then on a powerful boss. It will be exploded by the dreamer."

Morisa gently turned a strand of blond hair with her fingers, and said lightly: "There are only eight certificates of kings in total. So the number of eight kings will not change. The hot topic in the advanced area is that a dreamer hits Killed the Evil King and passed the test mission to become the new King, that guy is now called the Poison King."

Wang Ling asked strangely: "Isn't it unwise to get these titles? For example, Emperor Li, the other party knows that he is a powerful person, and he will definitely make corresponding preparations when fighting. And the King of Poison, listening to the title is The person who uses poison. The dreamer who fights with him will definitely prepare a lot of antidote."

"Your question is wise."

In Morisa's words, there was some praise: "But who can be the emperor or the dreamer of the king, which is not the top power? Knowing a little information about the direction of strength. The impact is not big. The primary area has strengths and weaknesses. The difference between dreamers is in the intermediate area and the advanced area, and the gap between the strong and the weak is even greater. For example, I, everyone knows that I am a mage, but in the intermediate area, I am sure to beat me one-on-one. people?"

"And... the most important point, whether it is the title of emperor or the title of heavenly king, all have the title skills given by space, and the title skills are at least S-level. This level of skills can already offset a mere title. That's an intelligence disadvantage."

Wang Ling nodded thoughtfully, expressing his understanding: "Well...Thank you for your explanation. The five emperors are the Emperor Li, the Emperor Min, the Emperor Tai, the Emperor Zhi, and the Emperor Meng. Who are the Eight Heavenly Kings?"

"It's impossible for ordinary intermediate dreamers to know this. I have a source in the high-level area. Whether it is the coronation of the emperor's title or the conferment of the title of heavenly king, all dreamers in the high-level area can get the announcement of the space."

"The current Eight Heavenly Kings are: Mad Heavenly King, Beast Heavenly King, Flower Heavenly King, Illusory Heavenly King, Steel Heavenly King, Ghost Heavenly King, Insect Heavenly King, and Poison Heavenly King. These titles are only temporary. Maybe when we rise to the advanced area, some of them The title of Heavenly King has changed."

"The weak heavenly king is killed, and the stronger person gets the title, which is also in line with the survival of the fittest... I think it would be good to add a demon king among the eight heavenly kings in the future, oh hehe hehe..." Morisa covered her mouth, She couldn't help laughing, the wide brim of her hat trembled with the laughter.

Dio said carefully: "Captain, isn't your target Zhihuang?"

"Yeah... But compared to the Emperor Zhi, the title of the Demon King is also very tempting... What is it good to be..." Morisa seemed a little distressed.

Wang Ling was speechless for a few seconds, and then asked: "Has anyone achieved the titles of Emperor and Heavenly King at the same time? Isn't it a great advantage to have two titles of at least S-rank skills at the same time?"

Morisa raised her left hand and waved her fingers gently: "I don't know about this, it should be there, but I have never heard of anyone who can hold two titles at the same time."

Wang Ling also knew about the intelligence of the Five Emperors and Eight Heavenly Kings. He then asked another question: "How about the strength of the Beast King and the Beast King team?"

"Beast King? This guy is a veteran king. Before the seventh or eighth world, he once killed the Dragon King. He should not be the strongest and most dangerous among the eight kings, but he can stay in this position. After a long time, there must be some ability, after all, the title of Heavenly King, any strong person will want, if the strength is weak, it will be killed long ago."

"As for the Beastmaster team, it turns out that the Beastmaster is not the Heavenly King, but was established when he was nicknamed the Beastmaster. When he was promoted to the advanced area, he did not lead the team, but was promoted independently from the team, and the Beastmaster team remained in the intermediate area. He killed the Dragon King and became the Beast King, and the team began to gain fame."

Morisa doesn't seem to care much about the Beastmaster team: "A group of muscular barbarians are currently stronger than the Free Mage Group, but they are still procrastinating in the intermediate area, and they are also a group of unmotivated guys. It won't be long before the Free Mage Group. I can surpass them, hehehehe…”

"Okay, that's all the information I can provide, little brother, the secret of your eye should be told honestly, right? Even the free mage group, only me and the three vice-captains know this secret. Dior doesn't even know, and it's really strange to be told by you."

With the notarization of the space, Wang Ling couldn't hide or lie, so he replied: "It's just a small spell, called Yin-Yang Eye, and its function is to see the spirit body. Although your Fire Elemental Spirit and Ice Elemental Spirit are already dead, But it originally existed as a spiritual body, and it was emitting elemental fluctuations, so I saw it."

"Yin-yang eyes? Curious name." Morisa bowed slightly and looked at Wang Ling, "Can you show me the skill data?"

"Uh, it's not a skill, it's a spell without data."

"Spells without data?"

Morisa's expression seemed to be thinking, and then the badge contact function was activated. She actually released the contact sound so that Wang Ling could also hear the conversation:

"Amen, I'm Morisa, I want to ask you something."

"Give me 100 currency points to tell you." A very clear female voice.

"Didn't I just give you 100,000 last time? You are a money fan..." Morisa said helplessly, "Forget it, put it on the account first, I have a business, the Yin-Yang Eye spell will appear on her forehead when it is cast. With a vertical eye, the effect is to see a spiritual body, but there is no skill data, what do you think?"

After waiting for a few seconds, the crisp female voice sounded again: "First: this should be a kind of secret technique; second: this is a very precious mysterious side secret technique, which is very useful; third: there is no special energy support, It is impossible to perform a secret technique... In my opinion, this is a profession related to the spiritual body, a secret technique in the skill system."

"Seeing the spirit body... Who is it? Nah, he's even more powerful than me. With my current level of practice, I can only sense the spirit body."

"Come and see, you'll know, it's a very cute little brother, with a certain occupation of this kind of secret technique, I'm afraid it is very similar to your occupation." Morisa smiled.

"Man, I'm not interested. If it's not something important, don't bother me. I'm doing important practice. Also, remember to send the 100 currency points next time!"

The contact between the two ended here, and Wang Ling, who heard the conversation, turned pale.

"Oh heh heh heh heh..."

Morisa covered her mouth~www.readwn.com~ and let out a burst of high-pitched laughter, indicating that she was in a very happy mood: "What is this, I found a treasure, a dreamer with a career, but it is very rare And precious, tell me obediently, what occupation do you have?"

Seeing that Wang Ling was silent, Morisa said helplessly: "Okay, in order to show my sincerity, I will tell you precious information first... The most enviable part of our Free Mage Corps is that we have a total of 4 professionals. The job transfer task is very difficult to trigger, and it is even more difficult to complete the job transfer task. We can have 4 professionals, aren’t we very good?”

Raising her staff and pointing at her full chest, she continued: "I am a witch, my first vice-captain, Amen, is a witch by profession, and there are also two vice-captains, namely, a puppet master and a magician. Make. I am very clear about the types of skills mastered by the occupation system, and Amen is also very familiar with secret techniques. Yin-Yang Eye is definitely a secret technique unique to a certain occupation, am I right?"

Wang Ling couldn't help but smile bitterly, unexpectedly, the other party guessed that he had a profession after explaining "Yin-Yang Eyes". It's no wonder that the vice-captain called Amen's occupation is a witch, a witch and a psychic, and their occupation types should be very similar. (To be continued..)

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